Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Jump Onto Fitzgerald for Four Bant
in That Inning.
Omaha Then Oofi to Froat Paebla
Tie the pt C la the Ninth,
hat Coal Nat Stand
the Paea.
H'KHIA Colo., una l.-Omaha took
today game In the eleventh Inning by a
suore tt I to L boor:
Puehlo 1 10000001 OM 4
Omaha, 0 1 is 0 00 000 4-7 12 1
Batterlea: Pueblo, Flugerald, Drill and
Smith; Omaha, Bandera, Kagan and Oond
Ing. DENVER, June li. Denver Main pun
ished Clcotta's delivery todar. winning cn
free hitting;. Umpire Conahan, who wu
hit with Uiraa foul tlpa yesterday waa too
sore to trust hia life on the diamond. s
two player did the umpiring. Olmatead,
went In a (rain for Denver, being effoctlve
with men on bases. His support waa bet
ter than that given Clootte.
H pr. a
2 3 0
1 I 1
St 0
1 I 0
o i
0 0 5
10 27 n
0 1
0 0 1
S 0 1
i) 2 0
12 0
1 0
t t t
0 3 3
o n fi
0 0
1 24 13
Murphy, ef.
Casaad'y, If.
Wheeler, 8b.
White, lb.
-.4 1 2 a 0 0
4 0 1 I 1 0
Mr Hale, rf.
McDonough, o. 4
Rohannnn, 2b. ....... 4
Moore, as. 8
Olm stead, p. .......... 1
Totals .......... SS
An r
Ketchem, cf. ......... 4
Pox, 2b. ............... t
Holmes, Sb.
FV-nlon, rf. .
Davidson, If.
Thomas, lb.
Oagnler, as.
Zlnriin, c. ...
'Iro'tn p , t
..33 1
Batted for Clctrtte In ninth.
Denver 0 1 ) 0 0 II I M
Lincoln 0 0100000 0 1
Two-bae ' hit! Moore. Three-base hit:
White. Hmre run: Cassady. Stolen beses:
Mcltale, Iavldsnn. Bacrlllees: Olmatead,
Oagnler. FlriH nn halls: By Olmstead, 8.
Ptrutk out: By OlmHtead, 2; by Clcotte, 1.
Ieft on - hnsea: Denver, 4; Lincoln, 8.
Double !n,ye: Olmstead to Bohannon to
White, Clcotte to Ongnler to Th"mn
Tlmo: 1:2S. Umpires: Dickinson and Bteen.
BlonX go to Sleep.
PIOUX CITY, la., June l.-loux City
toat the sncond gam of the Des Moines
Sf rles today by going to sloop In the sev
enth Inning. The final score was 9 to I.
The champions stole seven base In the
seventh, being able to make a base, whether
It was second or third, every time they got
a chance. Corbett was hit hard, the cham
pions getting hits at opportune times.
ab. n. ir. po. a. e
rampboll, ir 8.0 1 1 0
D Bheehan. 8b 4 0 0 1 8
Nohllt, cf 4
Weed, 2b 8
Williams lb 4
Hupp, rf 3
Ornnvllle, ss 4
Spies, c 8
Corbett, p 8
Totals 81
8 27 14
AB. B, II. PO. A.
Pchlpke, Sb 6
Hogrlevor, rf, 8
Dexter, lb t
Corkhlll, If 6
Andreas. 2b 8
'- McLaughlin, of 4
'i Oochnaur, as 4 .
Yeager, c , S
Bporer, p.,, 3
Total S3
8 11 27 16
Sioux City 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 02
Des Moines 0 0-2 0 0 1 6 0 08
Earned runs: Dea Moines, 4. Two-base
nits: Corbett. Sporer. Double plays: Qoch
huur to Andrea to Dexter (2). Left on
bases: Sioux City, 8; Des Moines, 4. Stolen
Ws: Andreas (2), McLaughlin (2),
, Schlpke, Hogrtover, Doxter, Oochnaur,
Sporer.- Sacrifice hits: Dexter, D. Sheehan,
, VYecd, Spies. First base on balls: Oft Cor
.bett, 6; off Sporar, S. Struck ont: By Cor
ett, 6; by Sporer, 3. Wild pitch Corbett.
Best Natural
Mineral Water
A prompt
ram ad y for
bilious,,. a,
ad toi&acU '
troabiag. ,
Ll I 1 1 I at,
aUrcBOB Vauroa ooauAjn,
or sToatk irta Bt,
Amerioan and Europesn Plan
Finest Hotel on tha Creat Lakes
tn the edge of town, this ideal Hotel,
spacious, elegant, modern, overlook
Unit M:cbitran Beach
liMiisniim on two sides, whit
shaded parks complete
the beautiful surroundings. Tha
city is but 10 minutes rid from tb
nearby station. Many families
make this their permanent home.
There is always cool breete la
warmest weather. 450 large outsid
rooms, 250 private baths, 1000 feet
el bread veraads. Thetabletsslway
tha beat. Toorltsand tratnleotguesia
fiod it a delightful place to stop en route
aod rest. AJdress for handsomely
Illustrated Booklet, giving full particu
lars, Manager, t'b'vaao Beach H itel,
Hal ftlvd. and Lake boor, Chicago,
Am You Going to St. Louts?
Tu Hotel Hamilton Is a delightful
place In the Bast Realdent Section
and away from the nviaa and amok;
yet within raay accaaa. Transient
Rata: 1 40 U 04 day. i-u ro
pe n Plaa. Special Katea by tha
acek. Watt for Booklet. Address W.
r. WILLIAMSON. Manager.
Bile will be received Until June &. 17,
by the Merchants' National bank for tha
wrecking and removal .of the twe-stoy
brick building known as Noa. 218 and til
South 13th street, Omaha. For specinca
tlona eply to J. E. Dletrlck, lit Paatun
HaskelL Attendance)
Steading ( tha Tmsbm.
Played. Wen. IxxrL
Ds afolne ,
' t
Lincoln ,.i
Denver ...
BWmx City
Oaines today: Omaha
I An
coin at Denver, Dea Moines at Sioux City
Distiller riay Krrorleaa Ball aad
hat Ont Millers.
LOUISVILLE. Ky., June H.-L. Durham
pitched great hell to.lay, and had no
(rouble In shutting out the vlaltora In the
last game of the series. Ford was batted
at opportune times (julnlun s batting and
fielding waa the feature. Scoret
LoiiBvnxB. MiNNKApnua!
AB.H.O.A.E. IB H O A .
movan, it.... 1110
Stealer, ef... I 0 I 0
Hra shear, lb I 1 4 4
Cooler, if.... 4 1 I 4
Julllven, Ik. I I I
Huatiee, o ... 14 4 1
Cjninian, as.. 4 114
Woodruff, 111 4 t I
L. Durh&m, p I 4 0 1
4 0Vsl. If
1 I
4 I
OOrabam, lb.,
4 Mnrtea, ef.
0 JnPreeman, rt I
4 OrwminiTfr, lb 4
4 J freeman, lb 4
4 Orler, as 4
0 Shannon, o. . . I
Cfertt, e I
Totals II T 2T II 0 Tcl.
loulerllle 0 0 0 t
Minneapolis o 0U0 in it i
0 0 0 0 00
TWO-base hits: John Frppmnn nrohmr
Stolen bases: Btovall, Cooley. Parrlflca
hits: Rtovall, Stanley, Durham, Orahtim.
Biases on bails: Off Durham, 4; off Ford,
4. lilt by pitched ball: Durham. Doubl
plays: Qulnfan, Brashear and Quinlan, (2) ;
tier, Uraham and Jerry Freeman. Lett
on bases: Louisville, 6; Minneapolis, 7.
Time: 1:40. Umpire: Kerin.
alata Win and Tie.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., June 19 8t. Paul
won the Drst game from the locals In the
ninth. The seoond time was called at the
end of the seventh Inning to allow the In
dianapolis team to catch a train, the score
at that time being a tie, 1 to L Score, first
Oalsr, lb.
I 1 AO. BO. A. B
i c.wil'ama. lb 4
: Frisk, If i
I DonlaaTT, rf,
! Nordvka, lb.. 4
' Koablar, at... 4
I Laut'rbora, as 4
l Auftdaa, ,,,. 1
tnith, p I
0 4
1 I
4 11
1 I
I eo.wivtma, art
0 ICcmlur. If... I
Carr, lb..
OHInM, rf.. lb...
C &!, at,..
4 Hfwir, o..
OHopka, lb..
I Brian, p..
4 Totals....
iushlln, o.. I
iTlas, p 1
Tlamsrar. lb 1
.14 I 17 11 t
....17 10 17 11
batted for Smith
In ninth and
pitensa last hair or inning.
Tlemeyer baited for C. willlama in ninth
and played third base last half of ninth
Indianapolis .1 0 8 0 0 0 0 1 0-5
St. Paul J) 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 4-4.
Two-base hit: O. Williams. Three-base
hit: Dunleavy. Hits: Off Smith, 8 In In
nings. Sucrlflce hits:- Htmes. C. Williams,
Howley. Stolen baaes: Selgle, O. Williams.
Hit by pitcher: Dunleavy. Left on bases:
Indianapolis, 8; Bt. Paul, . Struck out: By
Smith, by Brlggs, 6; by Crlss, 1. Time:
2:00. Umpire: Kane.
Score, second game:
PA ft,.
Osier, lb. .
4 111
OOWII'ams, sat
C Wtrama, lb I
Frisk. If I
Dunleavy, rf. I
Kerdyks, lb.. I
Koehler, ef.. 1
Iut'rbora, as I
I-aunhlln, .. I
Karris, p.. I
1 I 1
0 I 1
4 I I
4 4 4
1 1 I
Cmiltsr. If.,
OOarr. lb...
4 Hlmss, rt.
4Knig. lb..
03lla, If..
4Howly, e.
IHorka, lb.
Oaumsra, p.,
Totals It 4 II U 1 Totala II I II 11 1
St. Paul 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1
Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 0 1 01
Three-base hit: Frisk. Sacrifice hits:
Summers, Lauterborn, C. Williams. Stolen
bases: C. Williams, Krug, Selgle. Double
play: Koehler to Laughlln. Left on bases:
Indianapolis, 7; St. Paul, 5. Hit by pitcher:
Frisk. Struck out: By Summers, 3; by
Ferris, 2. Time: 1:86. Umpire: Kane.
Brewers Defeat Champion.
COLUMBUS, Ohio, June 19. Milwaukee
got today's game and an even break on
the series by outpointing the champions at
every turn. Upp's outfleldlng was tha best
Individual feature. Score:
Robinson, ss. I ft I I OJuds. rf 4 110 0
Oram, rt I 4 I 4 OKrlsl, lb I 1 1 1 1
Connsrs, lb.. 1 1 1
BotII la, a.... 4
MoCorra'k, tb I
M'Ckoanar, it I
Clark, lb 4
Doughsrty, cf I
Ooodwln, p... 4
1 T
I 1 4
48ervatlus, cf. 4 1 4 0 1
OKl&m, lb.... 4 110 0 t
4Pohl, e it ill)
Of pp. if 4 0 4 4 0
1 I
8 10
4 1 .4
Ocieyar, p.
Totals 14 10 It I 4 Totals..'... .14 10 17 I I
Columbu 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 08
Milwaukee 0 1 1 0 6 0 2 0 0-10
Stolen bases: Fohl, Clark. Sacrifice hits:
McChcsney, Clark. Bases on balls: Off
Oeyer, 6; off Goodwin, 8. Two-base hits:
Judge, Servatlua, Fool, Dougherty. Three
base hit: Klhm. Struck out: By Oeyer, 2;
by Ooodwln, 8. Time: 1:48. Umpire: Sulli
van. ,
Jacksonville Keep Up Ita Winning
V Gull. '
MAR8HALLTOWN.' , la.,' June 19. (Spe
cial.) Following are the result In the Iowa
At Qulncy
Qulncy 1 8 10 10 0
0 -6 1
0 0-0 11
Ottumwa .....0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Batteries: Rause, 'Walsh
and Stroud;
Tin. E.
Sedgewick and weigard. -
At Marshalltown
Marshalltown.2. 0 S I 1 0 1
Burlington ....1 0 0 0 0 0 2
OMl'i 1
0 0-8 8 8
Batteries: Blapnlcka and Forney; Hanson
and BrtiHgeman.
At Waterloo-
R. H. E.
00100 2 6 1
0 0 0 0-0 0-0 3 3
and Llsette; Justice
Waterloo 1 0 0
Keokuk 0 0 0
Batteries: Bridge
And Kyun.
At Jacksonville
Jacksonville.. .0 0 0
R. H. E.
0 5 0 0 0 5- 7 0
0 0 0 0 0 0-0 6
nd Bell; Scott and
Oskalooaa 0 0 0
Batteries: Patrick
tanging of tha Teams.
Time: 1.50. Umpire:
Jacksonville U 21 13
Waterloo ... 87 23 15
Oakalooaa 85 20 15
I Burlington ; 88 21 17
I Marshalltown' 84 17 17
Cjuimy 89 . 18 21
(ttUmwa 39 16 23
' Keokuk SS 12 25
.315 !
Km Manaater for Fremont.
FREMONT. Neb..- Juno IB. ,SMi1al.)
Jack Shea has taken charge of the Fre
ment base ball team and will act aa man
ager and captain the balance of the sea
son. His firat official act made him solid
with the fans. It waa the discharge of
Be ban, who baa been playing around
second base and accumulating a lot of
dlHtresslng errors. Seeley has proved the
right man In the right place In the Held
and unless the Western league gobbles
him up, will put the team back where it
Pllger Played (soot Game.
P1LOF.R. Neb., June 19 (Special.) In
the game at Plalnvlew Saturday, Swarts of
Pllger pitched one of the. greatest games
ever pitched along the Klkhorn valley.
Wliile the Pllger team lost out. 2 to 0, it
was on account of two errors. Swarts al
lowed but one single during the game
Following Is . a summary of the game
Struck out: by Duhaway. IS; by 6wartz
1Y Hits: Off Dunaway, 4; off Swarts L
Two base hlta: Pllger, 1.
Errora: Plainvlew, 8; Pllger, S.
. Teddy Greene Reinstated.
CINCINNATI. O.. June 19-The appli
cation for reinstatement of Player Teddy
Greene, who broke hia contract with tha
Marshalltown, la., club, and for that rea
soa had bean declared Ineligible, was to
day granted by the National commission
n condition of his payment of a fin of
to-. . ,
International Coif.
HOY LAKE, England. June 19. In the
second day a play of the qualifying eom
petition of that International golf champion
ship Hutchlnaon of New York made the
first round In eighty-threa atrokas.
J. B. IiWls leads with a seire of 71
fob; toilet and bath
Delicate enough for the softest
skin, and yet efficacious in removing
any, stain. Keeps the skin in perfect
condition. In the bath gives all th
desirable after-effects o? a Turkish
bath. It should be oa every wash
Wild Pitch in First Inning Give
Borton Three Bam.
This with Single Qfrea Vlaltora Two
. Mare Kaaa la the Seventh
Chicago's nita Are Badly
CHICAGO, June 19. Pfelster lost his own
game today In the first Inning. The visitors
added two more on a single and Needham'
home run hit.
Tha local S hits were badly
- rAri iu uiio inning. Diure;
Brtdwrll, as. I
Tenner, lb... I 4
llraln. lb 4 4. 4
Osiasle. rf....4
Bhorkanl, If.. I
OStnlnfaldt. lb 4
OChanro, lb... 4
4 I
I t
1 K
rfeaumont, cf. 4
' 1
Hatea. rl 4
4 1
0 Randall, rf.
CHnfman, at.
(aTrets, lb....
0 Kilns.
sFTalatar, p..
0 I
Howard, It.., 4
KitchKr, lb.. 4
Needhara, a.. 4
rishany, p.. I
I 4
t t
1 1
.11 IRII 4Kaboe
Totals....'). II I 17 14 I
Batted for Pfelster In ninth.
Batted for Bheckard In ninth.
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0-4
. Doeton 8 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 06
I Twn-baae hits: Ever t. Three-base hit:
I Flaherty. Home run: Needham. Double
plays: Bheckard, Kllng, Hofman and
Stelnfeldt; Stelnfotdt and CSiance. Left on
baaes: Chicago S, Boeton B. Bases on balls:
Off Pfelster 1, off Flaherty 4. Baaes on
errors: Itcston 2, Hit bv pitched ball: Bv
Pfelster, Flaherty. Struck out: by Pfelster
4, by Flaherty 1. Time: 1:55. Umpires:
Carpenter and Johnstone.
Bt. I.onls Defeats Brooklyn.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., June 19. St. Lout
turned the table on Brooklyn today, win
ning by 12 to 4. Hanley was knocked out
In the fifth Inning and Bcanlon, who waa
substituted, proved aa easy. Score:
Brrna, Sb.... 14 1 OH'imml, lb.. I 114 1
Bsnnttt, lb.. 4
Hollr. as ... 4
Murray. If.... I
Hostattar, lb I
O-Hara. rf.... I
Bomb, ef.... I
Noonaa, a ... 4
MoUlrna, p.. 0
Kansr, p.... 4
ocsser. lb ... 4
0 Lumley, rt.. 4
4 Batch, If 4
4 Jordsn, lb. . .. 4
OMalonay, of.. 4
lLawla, a.... 4
4 Rlttsr, c I
OHnnlsy, p.... I
I It
I 1
0 11
0 0
Qgcanlon, p... I
. R.
c.... i
iTnaia 94 is ir ll l
ToUls It 11 14 It 0
St. Louis 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 0 12
Brooklyn 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 04
Two-base hits: Noonan, Hostetter, Burch,
Henley, Hummel. Three-base hits: Byrne,
Murray, Noonan, Maloney, Lumley. Home
run: Karger. Hits: Off McOlynn 7 In 2'4
Innings, off Karger 4 In AH Innings, off Hen
ley 7 in 4V4 Innings, off Scan Ion 8 In 11
Innings. Stolen base: Hostetter, Lewis.
Double play: Casey to Hummel to Jor
dan. Left on bases: St. Louis , Brook
lyn , Bases on balls: off fccanion 8, off
Henley 1. Hit by pitcher: By Bcanlon 1.
Wild pitch: Bcanlon 1. Time: 1:66. Um
pire: ODay.
Red Win In Ninth.
CINCINNATI. O.. June 19. Cincinnati
won out In the ninth Inning today hv
scoring two runs on Davis' single, and
doubles by Gansel and McLean. Previous
to this their only tally had been made on '
HuRglns' home run on the first ball pitched I
McLean" wild throw was responsfblo for '
mm oi ine jvew x orK s two runs. Score:
. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.E.
nuMins. lb.. 4 I a a 0 Shannon. If.. 4 0 4 0 4
0 I
1 t
urnwna, rf... 4
1 Dsvlln, lb... 4
Osermour, cf.. 4
uHnwarman, e. 4
18tran, lb... I
VDahlan. aa.... I
0 Oorcoran, 2b. I
I 4
1 1
0 1
1 10
1 10
I 1
1 1
0 1
Mitchell, rf..
IistIs, cf
1 10
1 I
Gansel, lb...,
MrLan, e..,
Mnarrar, lb..
Odwell, If..,.
Kmlth, p
Weimar, p...
0 Malhewsoa,
I Totals 11
'io 11 1
Totals 11 11111 I
Batted for Smith In eighth.
One out when winning run mads.
Cincinnati l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3
New York 0 0 0 0 0 1 1.0 0 t
Two-base hitsi Ganzel, McLean, Hoggms.
Three-base hit: Browne. Home run: Hug
gins. 'Sacrifice hits: Gansel, Strang, Cor
coran. Stolen base: Lobert. Left on bases:
Cincinnati, 6: New York, 8. Double plavs:
Muggins to Ganzel; Bowerman to Dahlen.
Struck out: By Smith. 1: hv Mathewson.
J. Bases on balls: Off Smith. 1; cfr
Weliner, 1; off Mathewson, 1. Hits: Off
ouiiiu, o in eigni innings; ort welmer, 1 In
wuo uhiiuk. nil dv nitcneti rnii! Hm th
weimer. l. wild pitch
Umpire i Klem and Rlgler.
Quaker Defeat Pirates.
PITTSBURG. Pa., June 19. For the third
tlma In succession the Philadelphia today
defeated the Pittsburg. The home team
made eight hit In aa many Innings and
never got two In any one Inning. Score:
AB.H.O.A.B. An h o a in
inomaa, 01.. a 1 9 V OAnderson, rf. 4 8 I
Knebe, lb.,.. 4 4 4 1 OLsaeh, ef 4 ft I
Tltua, rt I 114 OHallman, If. I 1 I
Masee, if.... 4 0 10 uWacner, as.. 1 1 I
Olaaaon. lb... 4 0 I ft 1 Abat'chlo, lb I 0 4
Courtney, lb. 4 4 1 1 Nealon, lb... 4 I I
Dnolln, ss... I 14 3 OSheehan, lb.. I 4 4
Pooln, c I 1 I 1 OOlbsoD, e 4 3 6
nttlnier, p.. I 14 1 4 Willis, p I ft ft
10 0
4 4 4
0 4
1 0
Touts. ,
..11 (37 10 lPbtlilpp.
Batted for Willi in eighth.
. .11 I 17 10 0
Pittsburg 0 n J 0 0 0 0 0 0 l
Philadelphia 0 01010000-2
Two-base hits: Gibson, Pittlnger. Sacri
fice, hits: Leach, Gibson. Stolen base: Ma
gee. Double play: Knabe, Doolln and Olea
son. Hits: Off Willis 6 In 8 Innings, off
Phllllppe 0 In 1 Inning. Base on balls: ' Off
Willis, 2; off Pittlnger, 8. Hit by pitched
bail: By Willis, Thomas. Struck out: By
Willis, i; by Pittlnger, 8. Passed balls:
Gibson, Doolln. Wild pitch: Pittlnger.
Left on bases: Pittsburg ll. Philadelphia 6.
Time: 2 hours. Umpire: Emalle.
Standing of the Teams.
- 82
, 60
, 47
, 68
.3 "j
Chicago ....
New York...
Pittsburg ...
Cincinnati ...
Brooklyn . -St.
Game today: Boston at Chlcaa-o itronir
te,ai Ftw.LouJ'V-N?'w York l Cincinnati.
Philadelphia at Pittsburg.
ana Barklry Are II lark
. With tM Each,
CHICAGO. June 19. Three hundred
... i
anu :
Former wlnnera of tha a-rand lm,l..
handicap were much In evidence. F K f
Rogers of Bucklln,
Mo., and R. R
of Lincoln,
ieu.. were on nanri imr
not In exceptional form. G. M. Howard
of Shnrbrooks. Ont., the sole "fon-limer"
to appear, made 87. Harry C. Marshall of
Newton. 111., who I but 13 years of age.
broke SO targets.
The preliminary handicap for amateurs
only, at handicaps allotted In the Grand
American, will' be held tomorrow. En.
with Y. ,., number X'ZSJS
be"orelhn V6r COm"ete1 ,n event j
inea rioaea roaay ror tne yrand American
r-roehy. (VFallnn, 111 . 97;' W, HnrT. East
St. Louis, 97; Tom Marshall. Kettleshurg,
111.. S7; H. E. Poston. Vemphta Tenn.. 97:
I II. Ruhl, Alton. HI . 87: George Mas
well. Hastings. Neb.. 97; N. B. Dayton,
nnewnsta, reQ., 91.
Other scores' were: Neal Aprar,
Tftuls- 94; J. K. Made. F-annen. Kaa
Ed O'Brien, Ijiwrenee, Kaa, 96; Charles
O. Spencer. St. I,ouls. tf,: M . Mnryott.
Fort Coln Colo.. 96: W. O To-naep.
Omaha. 98; P. M Fan rote, Dallas. Teg., 95.
Over T'hre Haa4re4 Entries Made la
Preliminary Shoot.
CHICAGO, Jun 19. Two event will b
decided today In the grand American handl
cap shooting toumamnt. Ther were over
SO entrlea for the preliminary handicap.
Which was eallod thla morning, and rm h
OuuUaatant wUl try at 100 targeia, the handl.
cap allowed In the big event Thursday gov-
luriy-uve marasmen looa nan in th. r,r,.n- i
lng day' hoot of the Grand Am,..n Hartford
handicap tournament today at the grounds j Fn.m? J"tti?'
Of the Ch caro Gun Olnh I. 1 -iP-,1- i I t!u ( Ik-
Dallas. Te.. and Lee Barkley of Chlcairx : "r"10 V,, V,' 'V18- ,0 evnnd. Maa
wer, nigh for the profe-sionaU. with To- ta'-al'" 'VPrrStCn' ? V "" Tm,
tals of 99. while W. H. Heer of Concordia, I c,08! .emu1 " Harris. King
vo7k. .tro, w.i&An -
! Third race, 'five furlongs: Wlldstar (109.
rhr-t0d' ft" Wt,"ii:iV'"sho,g;rn. "a'bon Domo. C
L. J. Wad. Dallas. Tig.. 99: I-e Barklev. ! "1 wLtJ" 1'?' F1Wr
Sro",?- u;edVn00' "nn.
Ravenna. O.. 98; W." O. Btanna?d Chlc.go ' VlL , VlldTl.2? Is' ' iil.Ttv"
9: J. R. Tavlor. Newark. O.. T: w w ; " " ) third, i Time 1.46H- luTtsglv.
ernlng all the shooters In the preliminary.
The other event j fur the state champion
ship, team of Ave nien from each stats
contesting at 100 targets for each man.
Kach man will shoot under the same handl
cap in this contest as on Thursday.
The crucial entrlo for the Grand Ameri
can, aa anounced todsy by Secretary
Hi inner, ehow that H marksmen are eli
gible for the big event on Thursday. This
Is by far the largpet entry ever received
for any target event In this or any other
Inability to Hit
' Ita Defeat.
PHILADELPHIA, Ta., June 19.-P.
trolt inability to hit Dygert caused their
defeat by the home club today. Score I
Hansel, if.,
t I
vjnnea. If..
1 4
I Nichols, ib
(x ruanlla, lb.
4iMwas, ef....
OCobN rf
I Hnsmaji, lb.
OSibanfar, lb..
0'ljeary. ii..
4ftrhraidt, o. ..
0 I
1 0
4 4
I 4
1 I
! !
4 I
FfylioM, rl,
j i "
1 14
(Huruia. ef.,
B'-hretk, c,
I'rpaa, as. . . ,
bit'rt, p..,
OMullin, p....
flevtrt. p.
..44 10 17 1J 1'Kllllan ..
Batted for Blevers InTittnth!'
Detroit o ft n o a
II I 14 11 4
0 1 0 0-4
Philadelphia 0 3 0 0 2
0 0 0 4
TWO-baSH hlta: nirfi-tno- Rr.tirAelr am.r-
oase nu: nartael. lllia: Off MU 11 n. o In
iivo Hilling"; on sievors," i in three innings.
oases: Kosaman. O Ixary. Nichols.
Cross. Left on bases: Dotrolt, 8; Phlladel
pnia. 8. liases on balls: Off Mullln, 1:
Blevers, 1; off Dygcrt, 2. First base on
errors: Detroit, 2; Philadelphia, 2. Struck
out! jy Allium, 1; by Dygert, 4. Timet
z:ia. umpires: Kvans and Stafford.
Chtcnsro Defeats Iloaton.
jLHJBiuiN, June 19 Chicago had no
trouble in defeating Boeton today, 8 to 2,
the locals playing poorly in the field. After
Jacobson had passed two men Harris was
sent in to relieve him. and aside from the
first Inning pitched good ball, errors being
responsioie tor Chicago s last four runs.
Harm, rf 4 110
CD Rulllran. oil I 1 I
0 Parent, ss. ... 4 1 I I
1 on s It on, ill 1 I I
(i Barret, If ... 4 1 1 I
OKnlaht, 8b... 4 4 I 1
0 t'ntiaub, lb.. 4 110
OF'rrls, lb.... 4 4 1 4
OArmbrust'r. 010 4 4
Jonta, cf 4
tsball. lb. ... I
Dnnoluia. lb,, 4
Pavls. as I
rwihrtf, If I
Ron, lb 4
W Sullivan, o4
Walsb, p 4
1 I
17 1
I 11 0
I 0 11
1 4 1
8 4 1
0 4 1
0 1 1
0 JaroKsan, p.. 0 4 4 6
-Harris. D I 1 0 1
.35 HIT U 1
Totals II I 17 14
Chicago 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0-8
Boston 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0-2
Two-base hit: Isbell, Davis. Three-base
hit: Isbell. Hits: Off Harris, 12 in eight
and two-th1rds innings. Sacrifice hit:
Davis. Double play: Barrett to Armbrus-
ier. ieu on Dagos: Boston, t; Chicago, 4.
Bases on balls: Jacobson, 2: Harris. 1:
Walsh, 8. Struck out: By Harris. 4; by
waisn, 4. passed ban: w. ejuinvan. 'iline:
1:87. Umpires: Connolly and Hurst,
St. I.onls Bhatta Oat New York.
NEW YORK, Jun 19. Outplayed at every
stage of the gamo today by St. Louis, New
York suffered a .decisive defeat by the
score of 9 to 0. Score;
Stone, It 4 0 10 OKaelar, rf.... 4 0 10 0
Jonas, lb
0 Elharfsld, as. 4
OChaM, lb.... 4
1 Laporte, lb.. 4
6 Mortarliy. lb I
OConror, if ... 4
(I Hoffman, ef.. I
Pickering, rf,
Wallaco, aa.,
Howall, tf..,
Hanaal, lb.,
Baelow,' 0..,,
Flutter, lb...,
Pet. P
I 1
0 I
I 0
1 I
4 0
1 1
4Rliky. C....4
0 Hb(. p 1
0 10
0 0
0 0
"- Kltsoo.
p.... I
Totals...... WJ 14 17 II 1
. Totals 88 I 17 11 I
St. Louis 0 OOS 3 0 1 2 0-9
Now York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Two-base hits: Wallace, Morlarlty. Three
base hit: Pickering. Hits: Off Hogg, 4 In
four Innings. Sacrifice hits: Stone, Picker
ing, Howell. Stolen bases: Conroy, 2;
Hartsell, Elberneld, Pfelty. Left on bases:
New York, 8; St. Louis, 1. Bases on balls:
Off Hogg, 2; off Kltson, 2. First base on
errors: St. Loulst 1; New York, 1. Struck
out: By Hogg, 8; by Pelty, 8; by Kitson, 2.
Time: 1:62. Umpire: O'Loughlln.
Senators hnt Ont Napoleons.
Washington; d. c. June 19waah-
Ington defeated Cleveland In a pitchers'
battle today, . to 4k The only run of the
gamo resulted ftpm. Bradley's bad throw
to first. Score; , ,
AB.rfcOiAlB, - AB.H.6.A.B
Canler, rf t
0 10 0 Flick, rf 4
0 10 OBav. cf i
I (
4 4
1 4
Jonas, cf 4
Drlehantjr, lb I
Anderson, If. 4
Hlrkman, lb. I
Altlser, aa... I
Perrlna, tb..
Warner, C....I
Bmlth, p...... I
4 in OTurner, as... 4
110 OLaJole... lb... I
111 OHlnchman. If 4
14 11 Btovall, lb... I
Oil OBradler, lb.. I
4 4 1 0 Wakefield, e. I
14 1 OBernhard. p..
0 1
1 1
I It
0 4
0 1
Totals. 4 11 4 1 Totsls 80 ona 16
Two men out when winning run made.
Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Two-base hit: Altlzer. Three-base hit:
Btovall. Sacrifice hits: Ganley, Perrlne,
Lajole, Bradley. Stolen battes: Jones, Bay,
ciiuvaii. iwuuie piays: r-ernne and Hlnch
mant nick and Wakefield; Bradley, La
jole and Btovall. Left on buses: Washing
ton, 4; Cleveland, 6. Baaes on balls: Off
Diiiiiii, i; on uernnara, t. Struck out1 By
Smith. 4; by Bernhard. 4. Time: 1:30.
Lmplre: Sheridan.
Standing- of tka Team.
Played. Won. Lost,
Chicago Kl M i'b ' c.r
Cleveland 63 32 21 .an
petrolt 47 28 19 ,69f,
Philadelphia 61 28 23 .6ti
New York 48 23 26 479
St. Louis 64 22 83 .407
Waahlngton 46 17 a) .870
Boston B2 18 8 4 34
Games today: Chicago at Boston,' St
Li,.u".t ew. Tork- Detroit at Philadel
phia, Cleveland at Washington.
Little Woods, lot to !, Win Fifth
Rare at (iravrsead.
NEW YORK, June 19.-The surprise o
tho racing at Qraveaend today was the
victory of Little Woods, at loo to 1, in the
aS." .r?t''' Ku"ne Woods, a politician, had
L2nnA i nV? on the KilMUK. winning
,.,v... -t o i-iajr, iria owner, aia not bet
nun. ijiiio wooas nas been
nere since the seaaon
Otietied. but never
had shown
anything to warrant a nlav
and he
has on several nccnRi.,na .,-,
Quoted as hiirh aa liVi to 1. v.i evert hnp...
' started. Dr. Iej had an advantage of Ave
lengths at the head of the stretch, but
Muagrove on Little Woods found an open
ing on the rail, and coming through under
a drive, cauyht Dr. Lee and won by a
length and a half. Rosomount. the favor
ite, tlnlahcd far back. Zambesi, favorite,
mudo all the pace In the Brookdale handi
cap and won easily. Summary:
First race, five and one-half furlongs:
Gene Ruxsell (122, J. Martin, 8 to 1) won,
Smoker (126, Mountain, 4 to 1) second. Har
court (110. Shilllnsr. 4 to li third Tim.
wwra marguerite, oweet Ta:e.
A ru. Tl,.nA nier.... i . . i ., . i. . t--
Boy, also ran.
selling, mile and a sixteenth:
uuga, 8 to 1) won, Colonel
Martin, s to 1) won, Ulion Belle (. Mua-
grove, at to 1) second. Great Dane (109.
TMula C-IIVveW Icol.l... M lmnnrl. U ... V,
Taylor, Golden Buckle, Aglaia, Glorious
Betsy, Queen Helene, Imitator, Pasqui
nade, Night Mist, Lady Souffle, also run.
Fourth race, Brookdale handicap, mile
and a furlong: Zamheal (107, Miller, 8 to
6) won. Blandy (114. Mountain, 6 to 1) sec
ond. Fo'intain Blue (Kfl. Onley, 8 to 1)
third. Time, 1:53. Go Between, Buttling,
t"v Main, i ea-rsrrotiie. aiao ran,
& ti
Dr. Lee ob1 Niit'ter! Tto ) scond.l)sri?or
They act
-for the
f v 1 M M v A 3 V JfV i1 JA )n
Ten sT'
Ingn, Smiling Tom, Trio, Adellnetta, Cam
paigner, umnrena, aiao ran.
tw-venth race, selling, about six furlongsi
Moyea (103, Shilling, 19 to I) won, Heine
nil. Bandy, 8 to 1 second. Cutter (los,
Koerner. 4 to u third. Time, l;luS. Don
Fonso. Cracksman. Progreas, iHipole Gold.
Little Blue. Green Seal. NlKfter Alike.
Fnsllade, Communlpaw Daisy l rost, Oen
eral Haley, Toy Boy, Workman, Lady Kar
ma, alo ran,
CINCINNATI. U. June 19. Result at
First raca. four and one-half furlongs;
Joe Moser (110, Lee, I to 1) won, Gracloiii
Dame (107. Powers, 6 to 1) second, Ptnna
man (110. Morlarlty, 4 to 11 third Time.
:66. Urando, Addax, Simon Well, Hueh
Farrell. BrakesDeare. Leo Goldchaus. High
Binder, Major Mack, Albert Fans, Pre
sent. Darllnar Dan also ran.
I Second race, six furlongs: Bosserlan 000,
! Pickens. 9 to 2) won, Hstiehty (107, Martin,
even) second. Careless noT. Cherry, 26 to v
third. Time, 1:14H. Wedrewood, Braden.
Caroline W., Harold D., Frank Bill also
Third race, on mile: Marseille (18.
Powers, 8 to 1) won. Waterlake (1o7, Lee,
7 to 1) second, Oohlspray (V7, Delnby, 20 to
1) third. Time, 1:43m,. Gambler, Red This
tie. Quick Rich, Jehane, Hhawana, Precious
Stone, Monochard, Clyde E. Casperdlne,
Plller W. K. Slade also ran.
Fourth race, Kentucky steeplechase han
dicap, It, 000 added. Club llotiae course:
He'eotable (119, Yourell, 7 to 2) won, John
Dillon (147. MoCture 9 to lot second. Class
lender (H3, Oarnett, 15 to 1) third. Time.
!:2bH. Plerpont Lrath, Potash, Graoeland
Fifth race, six furlongs: Old Honesty (JOJ,
Austin, 7 to 2) won. Prince Ahmed 004. Ott,
7 to 2) second, Frontenae (1"9, Lee, 8 to 6)
third. Time, 1:14. Wins; Ting, The Clans
man, Stenger also ran.
Sixth race, mile and sixteenth: Quagga
(, Bllno. 4 to 1) won, Ourdl (. Butler, 8
to 1) second, Dendlgo (114. Le, 6 to V
third. Time, Athena, Devout, Penlp
Iork. Icache, Grace Currier, flultv,
Ioc1le. Henry O., Dullirnch, Obcron, Pro
teus also ran.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jun lt-Resubj at
Flrat race, four furlongs- Saucy M. (110,
Rlttlg. 9 to 1) won. Vanna (110, Callahan,
25 to 1) second, Giueksturn (105, Mentrr, 20
to 1) third. Time, :4SH. Forest Rose, Rar
ltan. Karen I na, Charlotte B., Mrs. Neu
gent, St. Doreen, Lady Adelaide and Last
Go also ran.
Second race, one mile and three-sixteenths:
Do Orammont (107, Klrschbnum, I
7 to 1) second, Red EJra (VI7, L, Wilson, f
to 1) third. Time, noi. Box Flder. ICtnna.
Mistress of Rolls. Reality, Budget, The
oniy way, Kay carlo and Tarrlgan also
Third race, seven furlongs: Elmdale (110.
Borel. 9 to 2 won. Altanero (110. Rettle. 12
to 6) second. Iidy Kitty (105, Archibald.
to 1 third. Time, 1:35. Dave Weber, George
rvnnorn, Hon vivant, ruancy w., Bnnlado,
Tetanus, Doc Craig, Lassen also ran.
Fourth race, futurity course. Barbarity
randlcap: Sugar Maid (Til Borel, 17 to Iff)
won, ciotia ugni (ill, L. Wilson, 11 to 5)
second, St. Francis (100. Mentrv. 7 to 1)
third. Time, - Collector Jessup,
Combury, Mlsty's Pride also ran.
nrvh race, one mile and a sixteenth!
Llllle B. (99. Mentry. 4 to 10 won. Fdith
James 007, Borel, 10 to I) second, Salable
00. McRae, 12 to 1) third. Time. 1:45.
Christina, The Captain, Swagger and Ava
lon also ran.
Sixth race, six and a half furlnns-a-
Meads flos, .Wright, IS to 1) won. Revolt
(liaj, ittentry, 7 to 11 second, optician On8.
Klrschbnum. even) third. Time. 1:194,. Mil.
ahora, Woolma, Treasure Seeker, Maiapan
ana inine iume aiao ran.
Dnke of Devonshire's Illllsprit Losra
to Take Royal ITnnt Cap.
ASCOT, England, June 19. King Edward
and Queen Alexandra again attended the
race meeting here today, riding from
Windsor In a motor car. The weather was
The result or tha race ror the Royal Hunt
cup was a surprise. This 1 ror a piece of
plate valued at 800 sovereign, with 1.600
sovereigns in specie added to the sweep
stakes of 20 sovereigns each, for 8-year-olds
and upward, seven furlong and 168
The duke of Devonshire's Hlllsm-lt had
been expected to win, but Instead M. B.
1 1 Ul r i u j v.,,,, iiuurii vj iirwilk, ins
Australian Jockey, cams in first, three
lengths separating the seoond and third
horses. Andover and Malua. There were
twenty starters. Ially took the lead he.
fore the race was half run and won easily.
Tha betting was 100 to 6 against Lally, to
against Anaover ana zi to I against
Malua. In the race for the visitors' handi
cap or sro sovereign ror 8-year-olds and
upward, a mile and a half, Banana, was
first, matiow second ana Beckhampton
pride tnirci. Ten norses started.
No traoe has been found of the gold cup
stolen yesterday while on exhibition here.
A woman who was present remember see
lng a man with a long overcoat who had
been hovering near the nlace where tha
prise were displayed suddenly dash out of
the grandstand. Jump Into a motor car
and drive rapidly away.
Reaver City Goes Down Lino.
BEAVER CITY, Neb., June 19. (Special
Telegram.) Beaver City won Ita fourth
straight game thl season on the home
grounds, the game being played with In
dlanola. The score waa II to 2. By In
nings: Peaver City 0 071(000 11
Indlanola 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01
Batteries: Beaver City, Garry and War
ner: Indlanola, Simmons and Hayden.
Rreanahan Will Recover,
CINCINNATI, June i9. Roger 6. Brea
nahan, catcher of the New York National
league base ball club, who was hit by a
pitched ball In yesterday's gam with Cin
cinnati, was today reported in a favorable
condition at Seton hospital, where he was
taken. It had been feared that a blood
clot might form, but this danger seemed
to have passed today and his early return
to the game waa regarded as assured.
Madison Made Ono Ran.
PLATTE CENTER, Neb., June 19. (Spe
:ial.) Platte Center defeated Madison on
the home grounds In a game which was
'nterestlng until the eighth Inning, when
Helling went to pieces. Score:
Madison 0 0001 00001
Platte Center 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 7 x 11
Batteries: Belling and Cleveland, Dolan
rind Luslenskt. Umpire, Dooley.
Sporting Gossip.
Old Rub Waddelt ha again had to take
his bumps.
Muggsy couldn't put Bresnahan out of
tne game near as completely aa Coakley
Osborno la sent In every day to bat for
some on in the ninth by the Phillies. . He
made a hit Tuesday and assisted in win
ning the game In the ninth Inning.
It look a If Stone only needed the
warm weather. In three game he ha
made nine hlta, four out of four time up
Tuesday, and atlll the game went against
his team.
man on a train who made a remark about
Gesaler' female traveling companion that
didn't please Gesaler and, Inatead of land
ing on the man's face, his fist went through
a car window. His hand was severely cut
and several ligaments torn. The Injury
will keep him out of tha game for some
Gessler, center fielder for Columbus,
whom Chance let go. has been badly In
jured, fined and suapended for breaking
club rulea. He made a vicious pasa at a
Managers and Dlarera the counlrv nvar
do not hold the same opinions regarding
the reasons for the success of the White
Sox as they did before tha world a aarlaa
oi games laat tall. In the old days Com-
my s men were the "Lucky Sox" and the
"II Ideas Wonders." Today it Is pretty
universally agreed that the champions win
tneir games ana Keeo in the lead bv al.
ways playing ball. But the fans who have
never sen (Join my s men play at horn
still cling to the delusion that the Sox
noia tne leadership by sheer good fortune,
What Comiskey, back there In his little
coop, doesn't think of Jones does. And
wnai jones overlook Davis figures out.
And If George misses anything, ther Is
mil oia paia-neaded Igbell to. help him.
And. then, think of the reserve forces
iKinohue and Sullivan and lucky Rohel Oh,
the team that can beat that aasrrefrartr,n
oi Drains naa a waixaway ror tha nennant
Cleveland Preaa. And at that. Cleveland
ia giving tha Box an awful hsu for th.
like Exercise.
When the blood It Pure And healthy the skin will b soft, smooth and (i
from eruptions, but when the blood becomes infected with some unhealt!
humor the effect is shown by rashes, eruptions, boils and pimples, or otb
disfijrurinr; and annoying skin disease. The skin is provided with count)
pores and glands which act as a drainage system to rid the body of Irupuritl
through the perspiration that is constantly passing through these little tuht
There are other glands that pour out on the skin an oily substance to keep
oft and pliable. When the blood becomes filled with humors and acids th
are thrown off through the pores and glands, burning and irriUUng tha sk
and drying up the natural oils so that w havej not only Acne, Eczema, Si
Rheum, etc., but such dry, scaly Bkin affections as Tetter, Psoriasis, and kindr
trouble. The treatment of 6kin troubles with aalves, washes, lotions, etc.,
not along the right line. True, such treatment relieves some of the itchll
and discomfort and aids in keeping the 6kin clear, but it does not reach the rj
cause of the trouble, which are humors in the blood, and it can therefort ha
00 real curative effect on these skin affections. S. S. S., a gentle acting ai
perfect blood purifier, is the best and quickest treatment It goea down la
the blood and removes the humors, fiery acids and poisons from tha circulatJo
cools the overheated blood, and by sending a fresh stream of nourishing tlo
to the skin permanently cures skin diseases of every character. S. 8. 8. is tnai
entirely of health producing roots, herbs and barks, and is an absolutely erf
remedy for young or old. S. S. S. cures Eczema, Acne, Salt Rheum, fet
Psoriasis, and all other disagreeable and unsightly eruptions of the ski
Special book on Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired furnished ft
to all who write THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, Qj
If you are vitiated with disease, you
should not procrastinate and Jeopardise
your future health and happiness by neg
lect. Call upon us at once for a thorough
searching and scientific examination free
of charge so that we may be enabled to
Place at your command every avalabl
mean within our power to restore you to
health within the briefest possible period
and at the lowest oost.
Ws treat man only and ear promptly,
safely aad thoroughly, and at tha lowest
cost, BBOHOXmS, oatarkh, nxbv-
votjs Bzarxrrr, blood poibob, bkzb
EASES and all Special Disease and their
Call and Do Examined Frc or Write
Office Hour 8 A. M. to 8 r. M. Sundarg 10 to 1 Only
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Pernianentljr Established In Omaha, Nebraska.
ing Chicago at 9:00 a. m. Carries
1 -.1. A 1 ' a mi e
1 A a a a
leaving umana ana Dreaiaast
Snpper is served in the diner,
7:00 a. m.
ing Chicago 9 :30 p. m. for connection with night trains on princi
pal lines for the east. All meals served in diners. '
YOU WILL LIKE the Burlington's dining car service. What
you order is of the best and you pay only for what you order.
Tickets, berths, information, etc.,
Did Not Go Fishing
on account of the rain. The man who bought the old Pope backed out
and placed his order for a 1908 Stoddard Dayton. He was a wise roan.
You will also be wine If you get your order In early for new modal.
They are going fast
We still have the old Pope for sale.' Are selling the little Fords
"The Farmers' Delight" every day. Two or three bargains in second
band automobiles.
Doright Automobile Co.
IMS Farnam Street
ums.ijauina..,s in mum
Start your factory right.
Electric power saves the cost
of engines, boilers and shafting
and is cheaper than steam. In
vestigate. Omaha Electric Light and Power Co.
TeL Dong! 1002. , V. M. O. A. Bid
Trusses and
We sell
Suspcnsorl and all
Klnda of
Rubbsr Goods
Trusses, fl.00 to $0.00
Suavaoriea 23c
with r without leg straps.
Writ for Rubber Ooods Catologu.
v - if. A' -tN -5'' : v A
Pnnpnlf Crrifi THE reliable
Sptclillsti of fht
leaves Omaha at 6:30 p. m.. arriv
all classes of hiarh srrade. electric-
V V VL 0 ICUUVUS 1 1 I 1 1 i I a 1 CI V 13 Hll I) lit.
. "
entering Chicago.
2 leaves Omaha at 4:30 p. in.
and the arrival at Chicago is early
leaves Omaha at 7:00 a. m.. arriv
Tel. Douglas 3580. 1502 Farnam Street.
Truss and
to f.1.60 each