Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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(Wc Have Just Received Our First
Consignment of Our
Which Will G on Sale
Thee Beautiful New Rugs Are Shown in Oar
On 16th Street and Douglas Street Sides of Our New
Stoje Devoted Exclusively to the Display of
These Rugs on Special Sale
See the Douglas Street Windows.
Watch for Further Particulars.
f - tnut 'yLJ - -..Jri; fit! T,
Other little Brown Man is Given Hit
Registered Package Sent by Soath
Omaha Bank and Lost from
' Traia Falls Into Strange
Deputy United States Marshal Moore has
returned- from Big; Springs, near where he
succeeded In arresting; the two Japanese
track walkers who were charged with ap
propriating; the contents of a registered
mall package of 1500 that they found on the
railway tracks among other contents of a
mall pouch that had fallen from a mall
cur and was badly ground up by the wheels
of the same or a following train. K. Ka-
whara. one of the Japs, was held In 12,000 J
ball and locked up In the North Platte Jail,
while the other Jap, M. Takana, was dis
charged, no evidence being found against
Mm that would warrant his being held.
The package of money was sent from
the South 'Omaha National bank to the
Bank of Llewellyn, February 17. and the
pouch was lost from the train the fol
lowing day. The two Japanese track walk-
rs found the' fragments of the destroyed
mall pouch, including, the $600, or rather
I486 of It. Three $5 bills had been cut In
two uifdsp-ho- wheels and: the Jape-sue
reeded in finding only a half ef each of
them.' '.
Enter Three Trauma.
Monlay night, June 10. three tramps
named Allison, Linen and Drake, broke Into
the Japanese bunk house at Big Springs.
The Japs discovered them while In the act
ef the burglary and took after them and
With the assistance of the section - boss,
eventually captured them and turned them
over to the state authorities. Upon being (
searched the three tramps were found to
have In their possession the three frag
ments of the IS bills stolen from the bunk
house. t
In the meanwhile Poetofflee Inspector M.
M.8teelo had been searching for the lost
money and succeeded In recovering most of
the mall and also found the other three
fragments of the 15 bills,- which he had
ent to Washington for further Investiga
tion. Steele 'learning that pieces of three
S bills had been recovered from the men
who robbed the bunk house concluded that
they were mates to the ptoces he had found,
on the railway track In February
Ground for Investigation.
This at .once furnished ground for an In
vestigation of the Japanese track walkers,
from whose effects the burglars had stolen
the pieces of the bills. The Jape were
confronted with the charge of finding the
money package, but denied It at first, say
ing the bills had been torn In two while
betnff taken- from an envelope and that they
had received the money from friends In
Hawaii.' ,
8. "O. Insuye, of Cheyenne, a Japanese
Interpreter, was called Into the case and
Kawhara admitted having found the money
package and that Takana knew nothing
about H. The latter was discharged and
Kawhara held by United States Commis
sioner R-'A.. Day, at Oskoah, Nob., before
whom tho examination was held. A search
ef Kaw haras trunk was made-and the re
mainder of the money, about 1160, was re
covered. The three tramps who robbed the bunk
ouse wore tried at a special term of the .
peuel county court at Ch.ppell before Judge ,
Crimea, who gave , two of them Hf teen .
months In the penitentiary and the other
-lV.,-.,n mnnlh.
Declare Off Bis; Telephone Deal.
ROCHKSTKR, N. 'T., June 19 KH ward
V. I'filir" end n. A. Fmist of St. Iu1s ar
rived here today from New York for a con
ference with the option committee of the
Unltpd Statea Telephone company. The St.
Louis tiu'ii notlned the committee that their
deal for taking an option on the Independ
ent property at a sale price of l&.OOu.OuO must
1 JlBC'o D
Look for the word "RYE in red on IxOmL
Dlsttlloryt Ditrlbutr
CrdlsWIa E12ct Urea. Ca C- hi
De declared off. They said other offers
would be made. The St. Liouls men. It la
nnnnrtrnnn r- ni.n.ituiin ... i. i. t . ,
- .... icBnviiiiiB Willi IVW 1UTK
nnanciers 10 tajte over the properties.
Vlnsonhaler Says This Precluded Him
Demanding and Fixing Mar
rinse Fees.
That the dignity of hi office as county
judge precluded him from demanding; and
collecting the fees fixed by law for ' the
papers and other services of the county
Court was the statement made by Judge D.
M. Vlnsonhaler on the witness stand In
the case In which the county Is seeking to
collect from ex-County Judges Baxter and
Vlnsonhaler certain fees, Including- marriage
fees, pocketed by them while In offlce.
"When a case came up for a decision I
could hardly say to the parties that unless
they paid the fees I would not give them a
decision," declared Vlnsonhaler. "I was
placed there to dispatch the business as
rapidly as possible."
"And therefore you considered you bad a
tight to neglect the fees fixed by law to be
P14 to the county?" asked Attorney Howell.
Attorneys for Baxter and Vlnsonhaler
held that the fees were not fixed by law.
Another point on which the two Judges are
seeking to escape liability la the fact that
since the beginning of Judge Leslie's term
of office certain of these back fees have
been collected and paid to and reoelved by
the oountjy.
Judge Vlnsonhaler admitted that in his
capacity as Justice of the peace he de
manded fees In advance.
anah la Way Man Sara He Supported
Ills Wife Who Left
Lawrence B. Johnson applied to the dis
trict court Wednesday for a divorce from
Emma C. Johnson on the grounds of deser
tion. They were married In Galveston,
Tex., February 28, 1899. He alleges that
though he supported her In "a very sub
stantial and Christianlike manner,' she
Informed him on May IS, 1906, that she
would no longer live with him. She has
kept her word since that time.
Elisabeth J. Neely asked a divorce from
Robert 8. Neely, to whom she was mar
ried September 13, 18&7. She alleges ex
treme oruelty. On one occasion she de
clares her husband seised her by the
throat and shook and nearly strangled
her. Often, aha says, he declared that
when be "went" she would go too, refer
ring to death for both of them. Bhe also
charges him with a disagreeable habit of
Sharpening a long, gleaming- knife sug
gestively In her presence. Bhe asks the
restoration of her maiden name, Elizabeth
J. Cook. -
" . i
Thursday Will Find Some Heavry Tax
payer Before the County
, ' Board.
Thursday will be a busy day with the
County Board of Equalisation. Hayden
i Brothers, the Boston store and Bennett's
will have representatives before the board
to show why their assessments should be
lowered. It la likely that Benator Millard
will be present to answer the complaint Of
D. C. Patterson against him to the effect
that his assessment on personal property
Is too low., Wednesday morning Edgar A.
Scott appeared for Clay, Robinson A Co,
of South Omaha, who object to thslr as-
cessment of 125.000. Mr. Rentt iin,!.. that
wnUo the 00mpany do, a Iarr Du.lneii m
. n.h .11 .,
and money, are Mnt to CMcAg0 and ke
there mm neede(J terminating a
nr ThM..nM '
wants to escape the assessment.
New School for Cornell.
ITHACA'. N. Y., June t A new school
of education or teachers' college In con
nection with Cornell college was founded
by the board of trustees today. Finances
were set aside for the new school to pre
pare teachers and Dean A. Rosshlll of the
teachers' college of the University of Mis
souri was appointed director.
Tabulated Li it Hai Jmt Been Re
ceived from the Printers.
Hsaekaiaa If ear Alliance Threatened
and Appeals to Governor for
Protection Lays It to the
Blar Cattlemen.
LINCOLN, Neb., June . 19. (Special.)
State Auditor Bearle has received from the
printers copies of the appropriations made
by the late legislature and for what pur
poses the appropriations were made. The
total of all appropriations amounted to
I4.367.267JU, as against 83.621,601.06 In 1908
and 13,740,290.70 in 1908. Following Is the
detailed statement of the appropriations
made by the recent legislature:
Legislative expenses, thirtieth
session I 100,00000
Adjutant general 61,41.00
Attorney general &j.6"0.00
Auditor &,2hmp0
Insurance department ., 10.1S0.00
Commissioner of labor 8,20.00
Commissioner of publlo lands and
buildings 81.2S0.00
District court S30,000.00
Food, drug and dairy commlslon ia,6MO.dO
Qeme and fish commission iH.MO
Governor 28.2.SO.0O
Secretary of state fl,6t0.00
State superintendent
Supreme court s.3rt.0O
Library 10.750.00
State railway commission 60,00000
State veterinarian 7.8SO.OO
Treasurer 22,620.00
State banking board 37,100.00
tttate board of equalization and
assessment 4,700.00
State board of irrigation 15,580.00
Board of public lands and bulld-
. '"PS 88,000.00
Board of educational landa and
funds 7,000.00
State board o charities and cor
rections 4.000.00
State board of health 10,000.00
State Historical 'society 15,000.00
State printing board 28.0u0.00
Nebraska library commission.... 6,0u0.u0
Asylum for Incurable Insane at
Hastings 390.9SO.00
Hospital for Insane at Lincoln... 198.20i.oo
Hospital for Insane at Norfolk.. 2i9,000.00
Home for Friendless 4O.8W.00
Hospital for Crippled and De
formed Children 46,000.00
Institute for Blind at Nebraska
, City 60,800.00
Institute for Deaf and Dumb,
Omaha 83,676.00
Institute for Feeble-Minded Youth
at Beatrice 112.10000
Industrial School for Girls 88,560.00
State Industrial School for Boys. 133.200.00
Nebraska Industrial Home 36,720.00
Soldiers' and Bailors' Home at
Grand -Island 163,100,00
Soldiers' and Bailors' Home at
Mllford . 74,706.00
State penitentiary 117,9X0.00
State Normal school, Kearney... 99,700.00
State .Normal school, Peru 143.920.00
Pima university I,083,2S8.49
State Poultry imnrlotlnn
State hoard of horticulture
State board of agriculture
State Dairymen's association....
Board of purchase and supplies..
Four hundred copies Annotated
Relief of Thurston county
State entomologist
Legal advertising
Geological surveys of Nehrnilm
8. 9U0.OO
for publishing reports of 2,500.00
jrnuui nig tnu iranscriDing ab
stracts Investigation, disease of plants..
Fugitives from Justice,- officers'
fees, etc
Revenue books and hlanka
Junior Normal schools
Expense Of board. Pern an,
Kearney . imm
jKic.nuii oi monument, jonn M.
Construction and equipment flre-
proor Diuiaing, mate Historical
Investigation and extermination
of insect pests and plant dla-
Sanitary eattle barn, state fair
grounas . 20,000.00
Emergency Hospital Crippled and
i-jiuriiieu inunren
For aid of school rilatrlcta
For miscellaneous iliAriru,'v
Claims. House Rr,ll Kn su him
For miscellaneous claims. House
Roll No. 638 28,420.79
For normal training In hls-h
schools 60.000.00
Total appropriations 14,867.267 31
Anderson Aska Protection.
A man named Anderson has annealed tn
Governor Sheldon for protection against
an unidentified enemy who, through a let
ter, threatened his lift. Anderson said he
lives east of Alliance on a ranch and be
cause he had taken up government land
and erected a fenoe and settled It Illegally,
he had made some enemies nut k
Some time ago. he said, a number of eat.
tie were poisoned and so far no one knows
who did the work. Recently he was In
formed some of his neighbors had It tn
for him because they thought he furnished
wi" au,iiiiin..m wnn iniormawon. As a
ollmax he has received a letter, pinned to
his Windmill, telling him to get out of the
country or be killed. Ho will have a con
i?rence wun ine governor again In the
morning. Anderson said he had never
given the government authorities any In
formation or tn any way molested the cat-
tie men.
State Wllllnar to Take Bonds.
Members of the Board of County Com
missioners of Douglas oounty called on the
Board of Educational Lands and Funds to
see how to frame up a proposition for the
board to purchase 11.000,000 bonds, to ba
voted on by Douglas county this fall, for
the uprpose of erecting a court house. The
I state board gave the commissioners much
encouargemeni sna in all likelihood will
be able to take the entire Issue. The com
missioners were enthusiastic over the prop.
osHlon and the state board Is anxious to
get Just such Investments.
Many Call on Governor.
Governor Sheldon has returned from his
trip to the coast with the Omaha Boosters
and this afternoon he took up life where
he left off June L His office was crowded
with visitors all day, some seeking offlce
and others Just to pay their respects and
to express their pleasure at the receptions
tendered the governor on the trip. No
appointments were made today but there Is
likely to be something doing In this line
before long.
Mast Return from Kanias.
Solomon Boyer, Viola Devere and Vivian
Devere, under arrest In Kansas, will be
brought back to Red Willow county on
a requisition issued by Acting Governor
Hopewell this morning. The three are
oharged with having badly beaten Penelope
Thompson, and then taking from her 1210
In cash, a check for 176; a silk dress worth
126; with having broken up an eleotrlo
piano worth SSuO; a piano player valued
at IS00 and with having damaged her
house, 8109. All .these things the three
are oharged with having done June IS
Think ComaeUston Too Lenient.
Parties coming to Lincoln have brought
the Information that out In the state the
belief Is growing that the state railway
oommlsslon Is too lenlsnt with the railroads
and It Is about time to try some of the
penalty clauses In the commission law.
The records show that no pass list had
been filed for May by the big raall roads,
though the law provides the list of pa sons
should be filed by the tenth of each month.
Senator Aldrtoh, who was one of the
authors of the commission law, was bare
yesterday and expressed his approval of
the action of the attorney general tn get
ting In the game head of the railroad
for an tnjunotlon to prevent the railroads
from tampering with the two cent rate
bill and the Aldrloh freight rate bill. "The
railroads are getting someof their own
medicine, " said Senator Aldrloh, "Here
tofore they have always Jumped Into the
courts and aevured Injunction to swereat
the operation ef the laws and now that the
state la using the same weapon against
thorn, ef course they claim It Is unheard
of. 1 think the railroad commission bill
gives the commission, all tbe power neces
sary to regulate the railroads In this state
and I believe the commission Is gotng to
give the people a great amount of relief. "
Pre purl a a; for State Fair.
Preparations for the Doming state fair to
be held the first week In September are
being rushed and the grounds will look
considerably different from last year. Sev
eral thousand loads of dirt are being
moved to the west side of the grounds,
and the contract for the removal of the
thirteen swine barns to this new location
has been let. The present fish bull.llng will
be moved so as to open up Morton avenue
to the court between the swine, barns. A
new sewer has ben constructed from tha
live stock pavilion to Cut-Off lake, a dis
tance of 1 237 feet. The waterworks Is
being extended west along Morton avenue
to the swine barns, and around the west
end of the race track to the new speed
barn and all the old speed sheds are be
ing moved across to the north side of the
track and made over Into regular speed
bams. The new cattle barn, to hold 638
head of battle, will be erected at the west
end of the taoe track, and all the Improve
ments will have a tendency to enlorge the
grounds so as to avoid the congestion so
noticeable last year. Besides, the 120,000
appropriated by the recent legislature for
the new cattle barn, the board of agri
culture Is expending 126,000 o fits funds for
Largest Attendance In History of
State Association.
HASTINGS, Neb., June 19. (Special Tele
gram.) The fortieth annual convention of
the Nebraska State Sunday School asso
ciation opened here today with the larg
est attendance of any gathering in the
history of the organisation. Over 700 dele
gates and visitors were here this after
noon, and tt Is expected that with those
who come tonight and tomorrow there will
be fully 1,000 hers. The Webster county
delegation was this morning given the an
nual boquet for having the largest repre
sentation. The delegation numbers .forty
four persons. ,
Mrs. Little of Lincoln, Mrs. McCargef of
Crete, Mrs. Borf of Red Cloud, Mrs. Dowe
of Ord, Mrs. Whitney of Colesfleld, Mrs.
Warner of Syracuse, Mrs. Kanouse of Mln
den, Mrs. Barnes of Newark. N. J., Mrs.
Adsms of Lincoln, and Mrs. Wallace of
Omaha, lead In the dlsousslon of various
topics at today's sessions. The conven
tion will last three days. University Place
has asked for the convention next year.
One Graduate at Milwaukee and Two
at Yale.
MILWAUKEE, Wis., ' June 19. (Special
Telegram.) Ona Reed of Hastings, Neb.,
received the degree of bachelor of letters
at Milwaukee Downer college today.
NEW HAVEN, Conn., June 19. (Special
Telegram.) Two Nebroskans will re
ceive the bachelor of science degree from
Sheffield Scientific school of Yale June
26. They are Denlse Barkalow of Omaha
and Floyd Klndley Hamilton of Ogalalla.
Attendance so Large . Overflow Meet
ing's Are Neoesanry.
HASTINGS, Mbb,, June 19. (Special Tele
gram.) The state Sunday school convention
has been cast In duplicate and tonight pro
ceedings were conducted simultaneously and
alike tn tho largest two . churches. The
speakers went from one meeting to the
other, giving the same,, addresses at both
places. This doublings up., was necessary
because of the unprecedented attendance,
which now number over 1,000.
Commencement at Weeping Water.
WEBPINO WATER, Neb., June 19.
(Special.) The commencement - concert, a
part of the program of the week's exer
cises of Weeping Water Academy, was
given last evening. Miss Anna Comstock,
Instructor, had charge of the successful
presentation of the cantata, "The Rose
Maiden." Mrs. Lillian Helmus and Mr.
George 8. Johnston, soprano and tenor, of
Lincoln, were the strong parts. The bal
ance, Including a large chorus, was local
The commencement program was held
this afternoon, the class being composed
of five girls and five boys. Tonight Con
gressman E. M. Pollard gave an address
on the subject of the "Panama Canal."
The trustees' dinner will occur Thursday,
and Is expected to be the most eventful
ever held, for the reason that for years
the academy has been In debt, and, recently
an attempt has been made to raise about
83,000 to wipe it out. It Is expected to
announce at this banquet the clearing up
of this amount. , It Is expected that Gov
ernor Sheldon and'wlfo will bo present on
this occasion. The alumni meeting and
banquet will be held Thursday evening.
Druaartata at Seward.
SEWARD, Neb., June 19. (Special.)
The twenty-sixth annual convention of the
Nebraska State Pharmaceutical association
Is now In session here at the Seward Fair
grounds park. Tho druggists with families
are combining an outing with the busi
ness session. Tuesday night the Seward
band gave a complimentary concert In the
tent pavilion. The address of welcome was
delivered by Yale Holland, mayor pro tern.
The state pharmaceutical examining board
is In session and thirty-two young men
took their examination yesterday. About
100 druggists are here. The visiting women
gave a reception this afternoon to all of
the women's clubs of this city.
Mrs. James Dtee of Borne.
NORTH PLATTE, Neb., June 19. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. Alfred James, who was burned
at the fire which destroyed her home, died
yesterday as - the result of the severe In
juries received. It develops that the fire
Instead of being caused bythe explosion of
a gasoline stove was caused by the pour
ing of coal oil on a slightly burning fire.
which caused the same to explode and alsoJ
the oil In the can. Mrs. James did not
know that there was a fire In the stove,
but supposed that It was out.
. City Refunding Its Debt.
BEATRICE, Neb., June 19. (Special Tel
egram.) The city council tonight arranged
to purchase some of an old Issue of city
bonds at 93 and they will be refunded.
The present purchase amounts to $8,000.
Howard County Boy Shot.
ST. PAUL. Neb.. June l.-(Speclal.)
Probably a fatal accident occurred 8unday
at the farm of Hans N. Laurltaen In
Cleveland precinct. Louis Laurltaen, to-
Strong Alen Athletes
"There. . Rciion"
gather with another young man, were
amusing themselves by shooting at birds
with a rifle. While handling the gun be
tween them Tt was accidentally discharged,
the ball entering the forehead of Lout and
coming out In front of the right temple.
The young man has some remote chanoe
of recovery.
Toungt Man Attempts Suicide.
BEATRICE. Neb., June 14. (Specter Tel
egramsWalter McConnell, aged H. after
a quarrel with his father went out to the
barn and attempted to take his life by
hanging. The father followed him out and
cut the young man down. Physicians were
summoned and It Is hoped to save his life.
Nebraska n at Yale.
NEW HAVEN, Conn.. June 19. (Special
Telegram.) Among the students who will
receive the doctor of medicine degree from
Tale medical school, June 28, Is Clyde Au
gustus Roeder of Grand Island, Neb. lie
Is one of two westers students graduating
this year.
New of Nebraska.
BROKEN BOW-The Junior Normal
school commenced here yesterday, the day
being spent In registration and arranging
the periods for recitations. There Is an at
tendance of about one hundred, which sur-
? rises County Superintendent Plnckney, who
elt sure there would be at least two hun
dred enrolled and he Is unable to account
for the discrepancy. The tlrst real work of
the school was accomplished today with
Chas. Fordyce. dean of the NebraKka 'Wes-
leyan university, In chargv, assisted by Su
perintendent J. M. Mclndon, Broken How;
bupernltendent H. Howe, Ord: Superintend
ent R. A. Van Orsdel. Ohlowa: Prof. J. fk
W. Lewis, Grand Island college; Miss Utae
Aooolt. urand Island High school; Miss
Alice Burley, lVatrlce; Mrs. At A. rhllllps.
wayne, ana uounty superintendent 1L M.
Plnckney. Broken Bow.
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock a publlo
reception was given Senator Burkett at the
iomple theater, after which the senator de
livered a lecture.
BHOKKN HOW A company of twenty
Custer county cltltens left Broken Bow
Tuesday morning for Mexico to see the
country and 1nsiect a gold mine In which
F. M. Currlo of this city and B. F. Young
or t Aiiaway are part owners. The party
occupied a combination, Pullman sleeping
ounei car in wnicn tney win ootn eat ana
sleep during the trip, which will consume
about twenty davs.
CAMBRIDGE Invitations have been Is
sued by Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Hlgglns of
this city announcing the marriage of their
daughter, Clnra Viola, to Mr. T. C. Cain
of McCook, Neb, The ceremony will take
place Wednesday, June 20. 1907, at the
t irn Methodist Episcopal church of Cam'
CAMBRIDGE Preparation are now well
unaer way tor making the Cambridge unau
tauqua assembly. This, tho first Chautati
qua assembly to be held here, will occupy
ten days, from July 27 to August 6. 1907.
FREMONT Frank Pantnwskl Sr. wss ar
rested last nlKht by the sheriff in response
to a telephone, from one of his neighbors
on the charge of beating his wife and spent
the night In Jail. He was given thirty days
In the county Jail and compelled to give his
wlfo his last month's wages due this week.
FR EMONT Win field f. Uehler. aged 19,
la having a hard time In getting married.
His Intended bride has reached the proper
age. Wlnfleld got a license all right, his
father having given his consent In writ
ing. Mrs. Vehler, his mother, then put In
an appearance and claimed that she was
entitled to his custody by virtue of a de
cree of divorce a few yenrs ago. She
wanted the boy to wait a few years until
he had a little money accumulated and Inti
mated that there would be troublo In the
ceremony was performed. Matters remained
In this condition for a week. Finally Mrs.
I'ehler notified the county Judge that the
boy would probably get married anyhow
and she would withdraw her objections and
give them her blessing.
GREELEY Yesterday the Greeley State
bank moved Into Its new tlO.0ji0 building
erected for that purpose. The building has
been completed for several weeks, but the
move was delayed awaiting the Installation
of a burglar alarm. 1
NEBRASKA CITY-The May term of dig;
trlct court has been adjourned by Judge
Paul Jessen until July 1, when the Dunbar
saloon license case will be heard. This Is
the case that has been fought so hard by
the Antl-saloon league and out of which
two liberal suits have grown. The Antl
salnnn league threatens to carry the case
to the supreme court.
NEBRASKA CITY-John N. Lechnor and
Miss Mary Brandt were united In marriage
yosterday at St. Benedict Catholic church,
In the presence of a large number of
friends and relatives.
NEBRASKA CITY-Thls evening, at the
home of the bride's parents In this etty,
Andrew Hetsner and Miss Ella Gibson
were united In marriage.
ST. PAITI Two showers of rain fell here
Monrtsy afternoon and evening amounting
to .66 Inch, but north and west of here the
rainfall was much heavier.
OSCEOLA Tho town, board has placed
billiard and pool playing under the ban
after July 1.
COLT TM BUS The Adams Express com
pany has been sued In the court of Judge
Ratterman for the value of a grip that
was shipped from New York to Columbus
and was not received here. The contents
of the grip was worth $r,s. It was shipped
by the late B. C. Smith. Judge J. O.
Reeder brings the suit as executor of Mn
Smith's estate.
COLUMRl'S-Mrs. Leopold Jalggl, with
her daughter Gertrude, have started for a
visit of three months to the old home In
Switzerland. They will sail from New
York on the 2Sth of this month.
COLUMBUS Most of the cases of small-
fiox discovered by the county physician are
n the countrv awav from hro Tt,. i.
home here to be quarantined Is the home
of Henry Bean In tho south part of the
COLUMBUS-Will H. King, who has
ocen me roreman or tne folumhus Journal
and lately of the Columbus Tribune, Is now
local editor of the Tribune.
COLUMBUS The funeral of Mn w T.
Cook was held on Sunday afternoon at' the
i onuretfauonni enurct). Rev. L. R. De
Wolf, the Methodist pastor, officiated. The
family had resided in Columbus for more
than thirty years. Mrs. Cook suffered
from cancer of the throat for the past
two years.
NEHRA8KA CITY Wlnfleld D. McCart
and Miss Dalla Augusttne were married
last evening at the home of the bride In
Palmyra precinct. In the presence of a
lara'e numher of friends and relatives
NKBRASKA CITY The Danish Brother
hood will hold their annual picnic In a
grove near this city on the 2oth Inst.
Omoha and Lincoln hove promised to come
on special trains, so a large crowd cap. be
NEBRASKA CITY The new hank of Rt.
Fan was opened for business Monday
mornlnc. with a large numher of flepnsl-;?rs-
Th bank Is capitalized at tinttto
H. H. Hanks Is president and Bert Smith
cashier. The brink has a number of
wealthy stockholders.
"IWH IT ATTF-Clnrence C. McOee
and Miss Elitnheth O'Connor were married
yesterday morning at 7:30 o'clock at the
t sthnllc church.
NORTH PLATTE-Candldntes for roiinty
officers are now making themselves known
James B. Robblns and L. Carpenter have
both announced themselves ns candidates
Tor county treasurer. Mr. Rohblns Is the
present county assessor, while Carpenter
served two terms as sheriff and was de
feated In nomination for a third term.
Other candidates are iOso belnr talked of
foK this office. Henry Ceker of Sutherland
announces hlms-lf ns eandldste for county
assessor. I. L. Mlltonherirr is a candidate
for second t.Tm as sheriff.
NORTH PLATTF J. E. Evans, register
of the United States land offlce at this
city, left last nlwht for Denver, to be pres.
ent at the meetinps of the publlo land con
vention as a delegate.
i.N.ORT" PLATTE The North Platte
Slate Junior Normal opened yesterday
with an attendance of ninety, which was
Increased to M0 today. Dr. J. A. Beattle.
farmer president of the Nebraska Ftate
Normal school at Peru. Is acting as prest.
dent, with 8uerlntendent Trotter of Lin
coln county as treasurer and registrar
ha other Instructors are: C. M Larr of
Wahoo P. M. Whitehead of Gothenburg,
Neb.. Prlnelnal Wilson of Trout and Prin
cipal E. 8. Cowan of Ogalalla. A majority
of the students have attended former ses
sions of the Junior normal sad are taking
work for first grade certificates, and there
Is also enrolled quite a class aiming for
State life certificates.
BEATRICE Word was received here
yesterd.iv snnounqlng the marHace of Mra
Nellie Peters, a former resident of this
cltv, to Servennt Louis Ash ford of (he
Thirtieth United States Infantry, stationed
at Fort Crook, which occurred at Omaha
last Saturday.
BEATRICE The funeral services for the
late Mrs. Elvira Schroder, who passed
swr.y at Omaha Monday, were held here
today at 10 o'clock from the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Josenh TebMetts. Interment
was In Evergreen Home cemetery.
BEATRICE Work has been suspended
on the oil well southeast of the city for th
present. The drillers have reached a depth
of over l.onn feet.
BEATRICE A glee club of twenty-frve
members was organised at the Mary
Young Men's Christian Association last
night. The clob will be under the direction
Of Pref Albert White of Lincoln.
BliAIRICB-D. fipaldlux f Omaha,
1 y
I It's a
If you haven't picked out from nmong our scores of
bargains in our Piano Fire Sale greatest of all great Piano
sales ever conducted in Omaha
You Dave Still A Magnificent Opportunity
Our matchless stock of '
The World's Best Pianos at tv
Fraction of Their True Worth
We must get rid of each and every piano to cleanse our
business from the "firo taint." The insurance companies
have paid up on every instrument what more we et mat
ters little provided we clean up before new stock arrives.
A Few File Damaged Many Illgh Grade Pianos
Piano3 for , Wholly
Next to Nothing. .Unharmed, Out or In.
$100 00 to $200 00 Less Than
Their Regular Selling Price
15TH ST.. RAMGE BLOCK. Opposite Orpheura Theatre.
state health Inspector, visited Beatrice yes
terdav and diagnosed the two cases re
ported to the authorities Monday ns small
pox. The disease is In a mild form.
BEATRICE Thomns McConnell, who
tried to commit suicide Tuesday evening
by hanging himself In the barn at his home
In Glenover, became a raving maniac after
being restored to consciousness. He at
tacked his aged father, knocking him down
and afterward ejecting him from the house.
He was lodged in the ciiy jmi iur ku-
keeping. To drink Is attributed the young
man's downfall.
BEATRICE The case of Hngerman
against the estate of Enos Powell is on
trial In the district court. Hagerman is a
son-in-law of the late Mr. Powell and Is
suing the estate for nearly tl.OOO for board,
washing and the care of the deceased.
The case hss been In the courts for years
and Is being bitterly contested.
Dleewaslon of Proposed Compromise
with the Union Pacific
''Absence of J. P. Breen renders Impos
sible a decision as to the compromise pro
posed In the tax suit of the city against
the Union Pacific Railroad company which
was up for consideration between the legal
department of the city and tho railroad
tax officials Wednesday afternoon.
The conference was brief. The company
offered to pay taxes on real estate on an
assessment of five times 168,000, the amount
returned by the assessor for 1908 and on
$300,000 -In place of 1188,000, the amount re
turned, by the assessors for the same
year. j
As far as the real estate tax Is con
cerned both parties agree that the .ques
tion has been determined by the courts and
Is not at Issue, so the discussion centered
about the personal tax and the penalty to
----- J fS
will be luxuriously fed if
and profits by the mine of
the hetterment ett trAa irt
cooks give the benefit of much
ss an aid Incooking and baking. It Is a revelation of the
magic power 01 mis famous
t P""1 n" peculiarly
i m svaauaru 01 quality
vet tne genuine Kingsford's Oswego Corn Starch.
iui utw uny
grocers, in pound packages, 10 cents,
although one of a score or
more applicants who came
in response to
A Want Ad in
The Bee
Employers who want competent
offlce help will frnd this the
easiest way to 811 vacancies.
An latelllgeoi stenographer,
or clerk, who wants a posi
tion watches tho Want Asa.
Telrphene MUs, ,
nave You or cp
Dave You Not o
for You
be Imposed for delinquent taxes. Under
the law delinquent city taxes bear penalty
at the rate of 1 percent a month, which
In the case of the amount at Issue tn the
suit, would be about 86 percent, the taxes
being now overdue about three years. Tho
railroad desires to pay penalty of 7 percent
a year.
It was suggested that If the real estate
assessment had been Judicially determined
at five times the amount of the original
assessment the personnl property assess
ment should be Increased at the same
rate, which would make an assessment In
excess of 1900,000; but on the other hand It
was asserted the personal property had
been assessed at what the assessor believed
to be Its full cash value, while the real
estate was assessed at about tO percent
of Its full cash value.
The matter was allowed to rest until the
return of Mr. Breen. , ,
Product Sold to Ilonaeholdere Mast
Pnea Master of City Health
Inspectors from the office of the Board
of Health are making an Inspection of all
Ice being offered for sale In the city, A
few complaints have been received at the
office, but generally tho loe Is considered
good. The last water Inspection showed
tho water wholesome.
There are several Ice companies In the
city, and It Ip alleged some .of the Ice be
ing sold Is only fit for refrigeration pur
poses, while the -ater part Is fit for any
use. The health olTlce expects to have
some difficulty In so marking the loe that
purchasers may know the quality they are
wvs, eauva tut lUUUklil
the cook gets our book of
information it contains for
.,..,! 1 n J . . .11 1
u.u,. u 11 1 wu wcu-kuuwu
special study into the value of
product, whose wholesome-
delicate propertieahave mads
xor over iiaii a century.
years at Ulwteo.
SON. Oiwfot I T '