n ( A OFFERED FOR RENT Housekeeping- noomsContlaocd. ROOMS, 1130 North 17th St. 15 442 THREE large housekeeping rooms, nrar csr line HQ Hamilton. OS) M 4 21 THKEK furnished ronrnf for light house keeping. te5 8. 20th St. (IE) MW Ci FOR RENT-Three-room, modern flat. 11 Douglas, ground floor; rent reasonable. Globe Land and Investment Co., 122 Fnr namBC lo) 170 Honaea ana ottages. OMAHA Van at Storage. Co. pack, move, lore H. H. good; storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Ofllce 16u Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1569. (ii)-i;i CENTRA Li 4-room corner flat, 230 North 23d BU (16)-M203 a 1811 Lake fit, t-room modern flat, 16io. I'M N. .30th Bt., 9-room house, modern, can be occupied by two families, 12.00, 703 H. th Bt., 8-room house, $J5.00. ROBINSON & WOLF, Douglas til. 423 Paxton Block. CltnM 23 FOR RENT 2 new brick houses, 7 rooms, with furnace, strictly modern, hardwood finish. I'arlt Ave. and Jackson. Tel. Harney 1610. (li)-M 146-22 121 PARK AVE., one of the beat homes near the Hanscom park district, t rooms, thoroughly modern; large yard, will lease on reasonable terma to good party. UKORUt at CO., 1601 Tarnain St. 16 M391 20 (-ROOMS for tent at 1519 North 18th St. 116) M143 21x FOR RENT Seven-room cottage, all on . one floor, strictly first-class; tine porce lain bath, nickel plumbing, varnished floors; on car line; can rent only to family without children. Wm. K. Pot ter, 101 Brown Block. (16) M995 f-ROOM house, modern, except heat, S&OO. Adults only. 2617 Caldwell. (lo) M 150 HOUSES ,n Part of th clty- Th HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk. (16-173 WB3 DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas I'j.'fi. ' Schmoller Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Far nam. (1E1-174 FOR RENT Modern cottage, 6 rooms; rood location, $J5.00. The O. F. Davis Company, 6u8 Bee Bldg. (15) M977 22 Houses ,n " part cr- r- IHJUOXLiOc peters A Co.. Bee Bldg. (16) 172 FLAT, full modern, six rooms beside bath snd private hall; newly done up; gas range, etc.; entire building being put In perfect order; best flats In north part of city; wlklng distance; reference required. Call, Investigate this; $tf. BEM18. Paxton Block. (15) MM CENTRAL, 4-room corner flat, 120 fcr. 28d. (IE) M202 New Brick Houses CLOSE IN We are Just completing some T-room houses at 2Sth and Dewey Ave., joining All Saints' church on the west; hot water heat, hardwood finish. , splendid laund rooms and everything the very best; eapo clally light and airy. Considering the neat ness, the labor-saving conveniences, the saving of fuel In the hot water heaters and the Saving of car fare because of the close In location, these are very econom ical as well as elegant houses to live In. Pent. $46 and (47.60. Three of these are taken. Apply at ones If Interested. ; Harrison & Morton na n. t. ut. Tel. D. 814.' (16) 124 24 BEST 8-ROOM HOME i . 1616 Military Ave., built for a home by a ' man who knows what a heme should have to make It complete. This Is POSITIVELY AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY, aa It was never Intended for rent. Act quickly If in terested. Possession July 1st. 'Phone Webster 2182. 05) M149 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded, cheap freight rates. Moving and storage. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel Doug las 394. (16) Muttt FOR RENT Large store room, Wth and Vinton Sts. C. M. Bachmann, 437 Paxton block. (15) AiO -ROOM, high-grade dwelling to leas ons or two years; possessslon June 1. W. L. 8KLBY, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 1610. (16) M3B8 THE UNION Outfitting company, 1315-17 Farnam St.. will furnish 3 rooms com plete for 366.60, terms 34 monthly. See us before buying. (16) M539Je22 A FINELY furnished, strictly modern 6 room cottage for rent, 662 8. 27th bt Tel. Webster 7U4. 06) Mt83 4-ROOM house, modern except furnace 32X60. 330 8. 21st. TeL Harney 3706. 06)- WE3 MOVE- PIANOS-Maggard Van and Storage Co. Tei Douglas 1496. Offlce,1713 Webster St. (IS) 177 FOR RENT T-room house, modern, with f nrnace. 211 N. 28th Ave., 326. Apply at 67 N. lth St. , (16)-M662 FOR RENT -room, all modern house, 22a, Caff Harney St. Inquire 3u7 a 17th Bt. (16)-671 2SA0 RUOOLEB ST., brand new 6-room cot tage, all modernt-420. J. W. HASP CO.. Douglas 1663. 436 Paxton Blk. (16)-16 161 N. 33D ST. t-room strictly modern, brand new, 336. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. (16) M97 FOR RENT 4-room house, modern, good repairs, 113. 'Phone Douglas 623. (16) 413 130.00 An 8-room strictly modem house, 4237 Burdette St, Is the number; recently been overhauled and shingled; key Is at the ofllce of ft. C. Peters A Co., 230 S. 17th (Bee Bldg.) ai) MaS7 23 NINE-ROOM hottne with barn, modern. Ill 8. 16th 6L Tel. Douglas 783. - 16-m EIGHT-ROOM, new all modern house, beautiful lot, one block from car. In Dun dee. Will lease for one year at 330 BIRKETT ft TEHBENS, 423 Bee Bldg. TeL Doug. 4754. 06) 120 19 Balldlaga. THE entire building formerly occupied bv the Dally News. 44x30 feet, 3 stories snd basement. MuCague Investment tj. li Pudge St. (U)-17 lilt HARNKT BT 3 floors and basement. 33xl2tt feet; suitable for wholesale. Mc Cague Investment Co., 1UM Dodge 6t. tlS)-173 FOR RENT Hotel, to rooms, brick bulH Ing; will sell furniture; always full; good town. C. A. Voorhees. Edgar, Neh. (1S)-M74 24 Wholesale District BUILDING ' For Rent The four-story ajid basement brick bulld 'ds st r,6 Farnam 8L ApP'y t Business office, of The Bee. (tt)-M3M FOR RENT Second floor, 33x104, suitable for taiga rooms or aianufactuiing pur poses. 1' a lace Clothing Co., 14th and Dauglas. (lie-Mt FOR RENT-Large floor snd basement suitable for eampla room, manufacturing e atofaga. 11L&-1I Fareaia ux. (J,)-M7 OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.! FOR RENT-Larre cflfee room on 11th, on- foKlte rostofflce; No. 1 Crounse Blk., I? per month. Arp'y to Conrsi Touns;. rngpnl. 161 Iode. 15 M41S FOR RENT-Desk room In Pee office, city ha'l building. 417 N. 2:.th Et South umana. Appry to manager. (15) 134 OFFICES For Rent in The Bee Buildin? Room &4'i, size HVixlS. Rooms fciS and 2:. This Is a fine suite of oflicfs. Here is an opportunity to rent space In a well i pointed office hulldln. Janitor service and electric lights frf-e. Apply Business Office of Bee. (15) M727 DESK room on first floor at 1212 Farnam. (15)-42 !D FLOOR, well lighted; elegant for office use.. 1Z12 Farnam. (15) 081 glares. FOR RENT The' best located corner store In Omaha, Farnam and 16th Sts., Board of Trade Bldg. See P. H. Phllbln, Schllts ' Hotel. (16)-181 STORE ROOM, linj N. 18th St, 330. BEM1S Phone Douglas R.SJ. ' ' Paxton Blk, 16 444 MODERN STORE. In new block opposite public library; cen tral; car passes door; reasonable lease to good party. . - 6H1MER ft CHASE CO., 1(09 Farnam Orange Front. Douglas 3867. m (16) M8i2 Zi 4,800 square feet well lighted floor space, elevator service. Farnam St.. near 13th. Fred C. Shields. Room 310 Ramge Hlk. fnone Douglas 489. (15) Mad OFFERED FOR SALE fencing. ANCHOR snd Iron fencing; wire fencing 6o per foot. 206 N. 17th St. Tel. R-d 814. (16) lsi Farnttore. WE carry the highest grades of second hand furniture. Some Items worth seeing. Prices right and also we can vuyou 40c on the dollar and It would pay you to see us before pou buy. Chicago Fur niture Co., 1413 Dodge. Doug. 4787. (16) 412 J2S FOR BALE Oak dining table and good gas stove, range; very reasonahle. .Tdl Dodire Sr. (lti M980 20 FOR BALE 1 piano, 1 good oak sideboard, 1 dresser, 1 child's bed. 1326 So. 71st St. (16)-160 3ix Pool and Billiard Tables. FOR SALE New and secondhand' billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures- easy payments. Bruns-wlck-Balke-Collendar, 407, 3. 10th Bt. 06)-183 Plaaoa, Organs, Mnatcal lnstraments. Matthews' Bargain List of Pianos Recently taken In exchange toward new 'Weber." "Mehlin" or "Henry ft 8. O. Llndeman" pianos. If you want a new fiano of fine quality it will pay you to nspect our stock before purchasing. "Van Meter" upright piano, 7 octaves, ebony case, used about 16 years, J43.00. 32&O.0O "W. W. Kimball" upright piano, .j.. seven, octaves, medium size,, rosewood case, used about 13 years. t&OO. 3300.00 "Sterling" upright piano, 7tt oc tsves, dark wood, used about 10 years, tuo.oo. 3326.00 "Kimball" upright plana, full sice, used about 13 years, 3126.00. 3360.00 "Jewett" upright piano, oak cass, parlor slxe, used 7 years, 3142.00. 3300.00 "Thurston upright piano, mahogany finished, full size, used I years, up-to-date style, $166.00. $360 Emerson upright, medium size, walnut case, used t years, MM. 3360.00 "Foster ft Co." upright piano, style "33" walnut caae, used 7 months, ele gant tone and action, 372100. Easy terms arranged to suit Expert owest prices for reliable work. Pianoe Service that satisfies or no pay. Thene Douglas 7311. Matthews Piano Company Piano Manufacturers and Dealers. 1613-16 Harney St H. H. RHODES. Mar CW-M334 30 Clearance Sale OF STANDARD UPRIGHT PIANOS. Every one a perfect Instrument; some little used. Kimball, ebony case, 3100.00. Chlckerlng, rosewood case, 1135.00. One almost new walnut upright, 3148.00. Ons 3760 Knabs Parlor Grand, good as new. $350.00. One $700 Hallet ft Cumston Parlor Grand only $126.00. Many other uprights, $50.00, $75.00, $90.00 and up. . v 8quare pianos and orgns, $30 00 and up. $60c to $1.00 weekly paymenta Schmoller & Mueller 1313 Farnam 8t. Tel. Doug. 165. (16)-M8S3 FOR SALE All pianos unsold In Ben nett's stnre the fire have been rtmoved to 403 8. ISth St.. where everyone will be sold regardless of price. Come und get one at your own price, tit) MS79 Typewriters aad Sewta alachlnaa. TYPsTWRITER BALE All machines taken In exchange will be closed out at unheard prices. Typewriter Exchange, 641 Paxton Block. (16)-M?1 FOR SAL High-grade Id-hand type writer; good condition; a bargain at to0. Call room 63 Bee Bldg. . (16 671 ONE Rommglon typewriter, No. (, In good condition, for sale cheap. Call at Ree Ofllce. UiiH4jyx Ml.re llaneoas. WE CARRY a complete line of all the leading periodical published. Foreign publications a specialty. Birthday, wed ding and souvenir post cards. Subscrip tions rcelved for all periodicals pub lished. Mail orders will lecelve prompt attention. . 8CHULSSK ft BI.ATTERT. Newsdealers and Stationers, 111 8. 15th St. (14)-M4 Jy4 PI'RN'ITI'RE of ,lv.M.m . - ' -. . w a . . m B""U I upright puno; must be sold st once; 1 irui my. an i-'ii i ailiornla' Bt. Call evenings after 1 p. m. (lood goods. (1) M190 31 I A rOMltETE moving suture .and stere optlcon outfit for sale very cheap. Spe cially fine for traveling purposes, every thing resdy to start out. Apply after I o'clock Howard tit., I0U6, $d floor M ( Oleson. (lc)-ailS3 x ' HALLS 8 safes, new. Id-band. lSli Farmira, w it TOE OMAHA "Sell your 4 OFFERED FOR SALE Miscellaneous Coat laaed. FINE upright piano, $11500; Singer sewing machine, 36 CT: large brusnels nig. $15. i; lnwn mower, $l.o, etc. Party leaving for Texas. No dealers need apply. 415 N. 1 St tlGi M141 35 FOR SALE A bargain If taken at once; steam threshing outfit complete; good as new. Address J. H. Todd, Dexter, la. OB) M971 23 OAS STOVE, good rendition. 637 S. 2th Ave. Phone Red 7230. (16) M998 24x ALMOST new refrigerator, white enamel lining; 8-ft. extension tabla; set dining chairs; elegant brass bed. 'Phone rnug. 6&S2. (161-M979 20x FOR SALE Several handsome marble mantels, including grates for coal: all In flrst-clnss condition; will be sold at a very tew price. call or address W. H Bridges, engineer Bee Bldg. C16)-353 2?.x FOR SALE Fu-st-rlnss store flxtunws. showcases, etc. Globe Land and Invent- mem to., isci f arnam St., Oisaha. Neb. J (161-189 BI(H SALE two-piece stilts to order. $23. McCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co., 304 B. lh St. (16)-M446 Je21 FEW bargain In Id-hand soda fountains. mommy payments, uengni, isix Farnam. (16)190 KATIONAL cash register, gold plated, total adder, nearly new, $o0. 308 N. 16th. (16)-3 20x FOR SALE Cheap, furniture In rooming house and dray line. Address me. Joe ll DuLany, 322 No. F St., Fremont. O)-Mfi09 31g GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES, Special low prices during June to reduce . siock; order now; good delivered when ready. BURGESS & GRANDEN CO., Telephone Douglas 681. 313 S. 15th St. (liU-V7 SEND us your msll orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (16)d01 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co. (16)-192 HOME-MADE ORAPE WINE, 10 YEARS OLD, $1 PER GALLON. CACKLEY BROS., OPPOSITE P. O. 1")S41 Jyl EDISON phonograph, large size, with re peater attachment; also solid oak 6 drawer record cabinet, with 70 records, $40; cost new I months ago $86. 308 N. 16th. n)-24 30x AWNINGS They're not expensive. Call Doug. 883 and our representative will call. Omaha Tent and Awning Co. (16) 193 FOR SALE, cheap, one Roberts portable three-deck oven. Bahr'a Restaurant, David City, Neb. (16)-M09 22x DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $1$ orders; catalogue free. SHERMAN ft M CONNELL DRUG CO., Omaha. Neb. (16)-M416 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and retail. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co. (16)-M417 BIG CUT IN PRICE TO REDUCE STOCK ! $50 Tribunes for $38. "' t Dayton lor 310. , $60 Emblems for $38. ' -!a Colonial for $30. Second-hand ones for $8 and up. MUST REDUCE STOCK TO MAKE ROOM FOR MOTOR CYCLES. LOUIS FLESCILER, 1623 Capitol Ave. U)-M4 3f LEAVING city; Universal Encyclopedia. it vois., new. win sen or iraae. zoia Miami 06) 35 20x WHEN you write to advert'sera remember It takes but an extra stroke or two of ths pen to mention the faot that you saw the ad In The Be PATENTS LARSON ft CO. Book free. Bee Bldg. (17)-la D. O. BARNELL, patent attorney and ma chine designer, Paxton Blk. Tel. pd 7117. 1111 01a jyix PERSONAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Shirts pressed, not ironed. 211 8. lltli bU Tel. Doug. 26L 0$)-196 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute. Ramge Bldg. 08) 196 6EWING machines, rented, any make, 76c per week or $2 per month. Second-hand machines for sale, $6 and up. Nebraska Cycle Co., 16th and Harney. (18) 302 WANTED Concessions for Fourth of July celebration; write at once, giving terms, etc. 8. K. Beghtol, Gothenburg, Neb. Ui M972 24x SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; out rices. Send for free catalogue. Myers lllon Drug Co., Omaha. (IS) 197 WANTED Will furnish free attractions of all kinds, for fairs and picnics on short notice.- Prof. Wlnlerringer, Hartlngton, Neb. (18) Mli'9 x RESPONSIBLE party wanted to share car household goods to Denver, about July 6. Address C 667, Bee. (IS) M195 ix WANTED A correspondent, to be a gen tleman; 40; good looker w.ith a home; I am alone; good 'looker; good .ouue keeper. Address Rocky, Okla., box 33. (110-MW7 23x MAl'JNTF.Tin treatment and. bath. Mme. AUiLll Smith. 118 N.iith. 2d Moor. (IS) 193 PLEATINCl BuuonVuch?ng. 1 l 1 k 1 1 I i v Embrolderv. Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and siirlnk-ing-only 5c per yard Send for price list and samples. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., ' 10 Douglas Block. Tel. DourIss 1936. (16 1H9 TUB SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to th worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4136 and wagon will call. (lt) iu PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, ISiO N. Utu tiL ,Tel. Doug. THE ELITE " BathTex- X Ills IuUIXXj . wt UJy olM,ralor. rooin 200. Barker Blk., 16th and Farnam Sts. UM-ik7 23x WILL anyone knowing ths whereabouts of P. J. McOirern kindly send his ad dreas to 313 W. Cucliarraa St., Colorado Springs? (18) MH4 23x MASSAGE Swedish movement. Room j US) MIS IF YOU wish to study a business or pro fession, notify The McCartney Institute, E. F. McCartney, Sec, 18u2 Farnam Bt. (15) 619 BENNETT'S piano department has been removed to 401 S. lith rit , where ail fire pianos are being sold for a fraction of their real value. 11$) M87J If you have anything to trade advertise It In the For Exchange columns of Th B Want Ad pages DAILY BEE; THURSDAY, farm or business" M.. t is us." I n . REAL ESTATE REAL. ESTATE DIALERS. RUSSELL ft M KITR1CK CO., 432 Rams (19) 203 W. H. TURRJELL, 16 Patterson Blk. Doug. 1129. (10) 204 SEARS, 621 N. Y. Life. Tel. Red $7. (19- PAYNE INV. CO., 1st fir. N. T. L. Doug. 1781. (19)-306 ALFRED C. KENNEDY, F Tlrst Nat'l bank bldg. 'Phone Doug. 723. 09) 207 GEORGB ft COMPANY. 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 756 (19) ats R. C. PETERS ft CO.. Bee Did. (19) 309 U W. BUNNELL ft CO.. 822 N. Y. Life. Douglas 6149. (19) 859 CtTY PROPERTY FOlt SALE. IF YOU are thlnlNjig of building it will pay you to See the Western Horns Build ers, rooms 22 and 23, Neb. Nat. Bank Bldg., for prices and terms. (19) 310 FOR SALE House, 8 rooms, modern ex cept furnace, ?07 Cuming St. Price, $2,9iiO. Easv terms. JOHN F. FLACK, City Savings Bank, 16th and Douglas. (19)-211 PATRICK PLACE A new subdivision at ths northwest corner of S4th snd Lake streets. Prices from $300 up on easy payments. Ohio and 2Sth streets run ning through the subdivision wll be graded and city water put In without expense to purchaser. This subdivision was placed on the market last week and over one-third of the lots are now sold. The prices are very reasonable, and the" lots are safe for Investment and good for 1 home building. A repre sentative from our office. will be on the ground every aft ernoon and evening this GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. (IS) Ml 52 22 DODGE STREET ACRES j For profitable Investment or suburban home building, we offer the following West Dodge street acre tracts: I6.750.0O for IS acres with rove, house, barn, etc., with about mile Dodga . street frontage. $17,000 for 22 acres with fine 1 grove, set good buildings and about 700 'feet Dodge street frontage. j . $27,ool toj, 184 acres with about i& Ufe large trees, 'two sets' Mitldlnga. about H . mlle;Dg'de street frontage. $12,000 for 80 acres, all high and commanding fins view of ' surrounding country. $14,000 for' 40 acres with buildings, One grove, etc., joining Elmwood park, front ing Leavenworth St., which street Is now being paved to east side of park. George ft Co., 1601 Farnam street, (IS) M163 23 V. FARNAM INVESTMENT Fins corner lot, room for brick flats on vacant portion, with two modern cottages; . rental yearly $600. Owner has placed with us for quick sale for $6.000. See us about It. O'KEEFE RQAL ESTATE CO.. 1001 N. Y. Lifs. Tel. Doug. 2162. (19)-W3 19 FOR RENT 10-roora modern house, 36i j one. ei. leiepnone owner lor keys. Webster 186a, 09)-967 LOOK THIS UP. T-room house - almost new, modern, ex cept turnace, at 3047 North 19th. Tel. Webster 1396. (19)-M 142-21X THE KERR ABSTRACT CO.'S AB- btkacts UK TITLE are the safest. You are protected by a $10,000 bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a aw suit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1614 Harney. Tel. Douglas 6487. (19) ON THE BOULEVARD Lot 60x136, 2T.0 feet of Dodge. Can sell this lot for $990.00 on any terms suitable to purchaser. This Is an elegant location for a building site. Don't delay In look ing at this lot. One and One-Half Acres Ftour blocks from Council Bluffs car line. 4-room house, electric lights and well. House In good condition. This Is a bargain at $1.3oO.C0, $400.00 down, bal. monthly payments. Come In and let us show you this. BENJAMIN REAL ESTATE COMPANY, Phone Doug. 7332. 326-41 Neville Block. (19) M189 21x TEMPLETON AVE. HOME Choice 7-room house, mod ern except furnace, large lot, shade trees, permanent walks. This is a bargain at the price asked tor It. Terms arrsnged 10 suit. 2444 Templeton Ave $J,6T0 R. H. LANDERYOU, Board of Trade. Tel. Doug. 1161. (19-M188 21 FOR 8 ALE Six-room modern house, fine location, yard fenced, small fruit. 19 0 N. S4th St. Tel. Webster U97. (19)-M1S6 St TWO new 5-room cottages. Just completed, well built, bath, gas. city water, sewer cemented cellars, cemented walks, large rooms, close to car lines, east fronts, on 28th St., between Bpauldlng and P.ugg.es 61. Price. $J.4u0 each; terms reasonable. C Battelle, lu4 N. lith St. (lt M931 Jyt BEMIS PARK DISTRICT I rooms, brand new, strictly modern, $4,004. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., i(M N. Y. Lifs Bldg (1-M9n JUNE 20, 1007. City people want to move to th country, country people to move to the city. Dee want tds reach both Citv and cnnnf rv nannla s . Zrii f iinir - ' REAL ESTATE City property for sale. .(Continued.) Saturday Sale of Lots Curtis & Stone s ' Addition 30th St., Across from Miller Park Prices $250 to $350 Each Lots on. 30th St. a Trifle Higher Terms: $10 Cash and $10 a Month All lots covered with blue grass sod. Ths land slopes gently to the east, overlooking Miller Park, on Florence car line, 6-cent fare to all parts of the city. This Is one of the most beautiful spots between Omaha and Florence. Building limit, no houses allowed costing less than $1,200. Contract for city water already let, guaranteed to be laid Inside of 90 days. Macadam road right by the addition. This property Is choice and the advance In value will be rapid. Bs sure to come out Saturday and buy your lot. All lots staked and numbered. Salesman on the ground all day. HASTINGS & HKYDEX, 1704 Farnam St., Bea Bldg. (ls)-172 19 WORTHY OF CONSIDER ATION. $20,000 Large frontage on Sixteenth street; Inside Burt, with full lot In rear. $16,000 Full lotr corner; opposite new Northwestern terminals. $15,000 Desirable trackage, on paved t . street; all special paid. $ 4,000 A very desirable small piece In heart of wholesale dis trict. Would give good re turns If improved. $ 1,600 A compact block of 20 lotj In Florence, three blocks from car line. $ 2,000 Corner Dodge and $6th St, 82 feet frontage. $ 200 per acre for five acres and op ward of the best situated land near South Omaha. f 200 per acre; beautiful tracts, only one mile north of Country club. HENRY F. WTMAN, 1003 New York Life Bldg. (19)-MS1I 10 FRUIT AND TRUCK FARM Will sell mv 20 acre fruit and track- farm near Florence 18 acres In fruit trees about ( years old. 2 acres Dasture. balance In Grapes. Berries and s-arden truck of ail kinds, tood buildings Estimated value of crop this year $2,500. Price $6,000. Im provements worm more man price asked. Address o-ra care or Bee.. (19) 114-13 t-ROOM house for $2,200, with big barn and tool room; good rruit. Located on street car line. Fine high location, good view Good for home or speculation, a bargain JEFF. W. BEDFORD tt SONS, 1306 dimming. (19)-M 154 HANSCOM PARK 10-room modern house on 3!th near Leav- enwortn, lot 60x133, fruit and shade rIA 41 Tr c ICD. I 4VSJ 40. I PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Fl. N. Y. L. Bldg. Phone Doug. 178L "If it's a bargain, they have it." (1J)-113 20 FOR QUICK SALES LIST YOUR PROpT EHTY WITH JACOBSON & CO . 3R N. Y. LIFE BLDG. (19) M857 I2x LIST your property with ths Western Home Builders, nns. 22-S Nebraska NatL Bank Bldg. (19) 714 15 PER CENT. A brick block of three stores and 3 rooms on a leading business street; rented for $J1 a montn. Price $Jti,00o; half cash, balance four years at 6 uer cent. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Bldg. U9)-M The Most Desirable location in Walnut Hill; roomy, conven ient house; hardwood floors downstairs: mantel, grate and gas; modern plumbing; lot 100x150 feet; beautiful trees; fine lawn; shrubs, flowers snd garden; all kinds berries', apple a J cherry tree a Owner going west; easy terms If desired. Come and see. Charles K. Emory, 4018 La fayette Ave. 119) M4&4 OWNER MUST SI'.LL By July 1 and we offer his beautiful home on Burt St. at a- very reasonable figure. First floor plan: Reception hall, parlor, l ack parlor. , dining room and kitchen. Second floor plan: Four bed rooms and bath: good brtrk cellar and new j furnace; lot Is 6ixlj9; permanent walks; has beautiful shade trees and fruit; also ; good t arn and carriage room. Anyone wanting a desirable homs should 1 see this st once. Hustini & Ileydca, 1704 Farnam BU Bee Bldg. (19-i:i 19 ONLY $1,975) For 22 feet two blocks west of postnffloo. this Week. HICKS. 4$t Board of Trade Bldg. Office 'phone Douglas 1149 Home 'phous Harney 136b. (!) M99I 20 REAL ESTATE CITT PHOI'K.HTV FOR SALE. Continued.) HOME BARGAINS Where can you got equal values on such easy terms? FINE room modern dwell ing, good aa new, full lot, beautiful shade trees, perma nent walks, a real home bar gain, at W.30O. H.-O cash, bal ance In rental payments. Hest location, only 11 blocks Horn High sihool. tOOD M-rnom modern dwell ing or boarding and rooming spartment. neat, lMh and D,svenorth. $.&0, small asU payments, balance In rental sums. WHAT 6-room cottage, part ly modern, near Ath and 1 lercs sts., $l,uu. Terms to suit. CHOICE $-room modern resi dence, best condition and lo cation; full lot. south front, shade, fences, etc.. near 2th and Franklin, $2.2Tk). Smnll amount down, balance to suit purchaser. ATTRACTIVE new modern cottage of 6 rooms; full lot, fine location, beautiful view, near 3th and Grand ave. 61X-RtXM house, good re Pair, near 2ith and Hees, $1.:.V). 1WO I snd 12-room dwell ings, partly modern, close In and well situated, near 14th and Faul, $6.M0; rent for $5t per mo. Offered on very easy terms. GOOD 4-room cottage, best repair, city water, full corner lot, south front, near Military jve. and Burdette. Only $l.2TA m" hal' am s rent. NEAT $-room cottage, newly remodeled, city water, full cor ner lot. east front, Z5th and f,5ra.,u'1' l m O'O ce."l. bal. $1S i per mo. GOOD 7-room house, full lot, near nth and Westerfteld ave., hnrgaln for some one at $1,100, your own terms of pay ment. TWO good 6 and 7-room cot tages, city water, corner lot, barns, permanent walks, well located for homs or Investment or both. IJVe In one snd rent the other, snd the property will pay for Itself. Price $1,280. Owner asks for an offer on your own terms of payment Bee us today and submit of- fan. wAi!i Kaeon:,bdl;5rpo'1- RUSSELL & M'KITUICK CO., 432-S4 Ramg Bldg. 15th and Harney. U) 17 i S!rC!vVcr,e ",ct or lana " Ben. I?.i.LhIe9 b,.ock "n car. suitable for r...?.i , or ,or Improvement; an oppor tunlty for some one. Address. G 4a, (19)-334x FOR SALE A BARGAIN A NONRESIDENT CLIENT DIRECTS MB TO SELL, HIS FINE 11-ROOM DWELLING. ALL MODERN. AT 702 N 0TH 8T. CALL AND 8KB ME AT ONCE. L D. HOMES, 7tt N. T. LIFE BLDG. (19)-92 a -.?3,1240.n ?" Street, jBt north of Fort. Others lots held at $660 and up. F. C. BEST, 821 N. Y. L. (19)-185 20 Abstracts Sf tltle;, 1ulclt ervlce. 'Phone IT.. . i T.or Pr'- Guarantee Ab stract Co., Patterson Blk. Thone Red 2947. (19) 798 JyJ LOOK AT THIS All modern, t-room eottsge, 3412 Lafayette Ave. Bemis Park. 'Phoni Marney 8466 (19)-45 BEST new ft-room bouse, modern with or without furnace for $2,450; forced to sell quickly.: TeL after p. m. Webster ' (19)-M9fa BEMIS PARK. Two beautifully situated lots. 40x127 feat faeh, west front on boulevard, two blocks o car, oh grade; corner. $00; inside, $700. Must be sold by ownsc at o,ic. 3404 I layette Ave. (19)-M306 BEMIS PARK DISTRICT I rooms, brand new, strictly modern $4,000. uxvo.cia ncAu CHIATE CO.. 1001 N. T. Life. UD-M808 22 FOR SALE 6-room cottage, owner leaving r . - ' ' "r" al sacrifice, iog North nh South Omaha, Tel. J7L (19)-M 148 TWO GOOD BARGAINS 924 N. nth Ave 9-.tnr t- I ... modern, Including furnace; renting for tis per month; nonresident owner anxious to sell. This property la located near Crelgh ton collegand St. John's church. Don't fsll to let us show It to you. Price, $2,600 , l3E2?k,I,a 1H-St0ry 7-room house. lot fiOrl'yt iniith,,.! f , 1 , . . vim, one shade and shrubbery. This is sn Ideal home. Pries only $2,400; two blocks from car. Ws have five beautiful south front lots, with sewer, water and gas In street, all ready for building, one block from car for $600 each. These are bargains. See PAYNE. BOSTWICK tt CO.. 6th Floor, N. T. Life Bldir. (19)-173 20 33 FEET Only two blocks west of postofflce; can offer this week for $2,950. - HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., 431 Bd. Trade Bldg. Tel. 1169 Douglas. (19) M119 21 DEAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. Pres. CO . (i9)-ai3 REAL ESTATE FARM AND UAftCM LA.NU FOR BALE Kssau. WANTED Aients to represent us In ths sale of our Kansas lands. Write for par ticulars. Globe Land and Investment Co.. Omaha, Neb. 120) 214 ' WE HAVE lands, Improved and unlm. f roved. In central and eastern Kansas hat we can sell you from $;0 to $io per acre. These lands are No. 1. Will con sider good elty property or merchandise. rite us for full Information, with de scription of what you have to offer. J. W. BTINfc. a CO.. 102 O St., Lincoln, Neb. -2 Jylg Minnesota. BIG public ssls Minnesota state landa, June 19 to July 2; 16 per cent cash, balance forty years, 4 per cent. Information free. Urile Murtgys Land office, Wadena, Minn. (20)-MS tlx Nebraska. X GOOD farm, well Improved. 20 miles west of Omaha, fur sale on easy tern. a f per cent Interest. If taken 10 next 30 dev. Address Y-244. Be. (W) 21 HAVE you $W? Do you wsnt a fruit farm '- ,n,ii vvrue nouie 5. nog 11, Arlington, Neb. (20) Ml 40 25 E. AND 8. W. 81-17-57. banner County. 480 acre lavel land, black soil, underlaid with a clay subsoil; 14 3 per acre: $3.00 per acre down, balance In nine annual payments. O KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO., 1091 N. T. Ufa Bldg.. Omaha. (201-4M1 a IMPROVED farms In eastern Nebraska Sarpy and Douglas counties. B. J. Over, ton. Or ins, Nab. (20) tli F1RST-CIASS Nobraska farms and ranches ivr Buraas or lavestmeat. stemis, Otiiaha. (Si9-M7l 11 REAL ESTATE FARM RAMI It LAND FOR ALU Nebraska Con tinned. .SO ACRES $1,900. In Klmbsll eotinty adjolntn town of pin, Neh.. on 1'. P. Ry.; fine level trsct, rich bliuk loam, clay subsoil. BIRKETT Si TEBBENS, 43 Pee Bldg. Thone Poug 47J4. (iOi-m 1! Sonth Dakols, MAKE MONEY Buy a farm In Reartle countv, B. IX Another big crop I daily raloln'g " slues, A fortune is yours If you buy now. 1, 1 ior map. p. B. McMONIES. Huron. 8. l. (201 Ml 51 Jyl Miscellaneous FOR 8ALE-A PNAT; S?0 seres of fine fsrm land, rive (5) miles from city of HV'm; (tently rolling and all tlllnble; good water at 10 feet; we have an option on this for a short time only; will sell at ten ($10 dollars per acre; Investigate this. Address Krb at Westerman, F Ijs Vegas, N- M f)-MSl X REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN-Pajne Investment Co. t)-7 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1B20 Dotig. t22)-218 $1,000,000 TO UUN on business snd resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, N. Y. Life. (21) -310 WANTED City loans and warrants-W, Farnam Smith A Co., UirO Farnam St, (22)-228 LOANS on improved Omahs rronertr, O'Keefe It E. CO., jool N. Y. Life Bid. (22)-221 LOWE8T RATES Bemls, rsxton Work." (t!2)-324 $600 TO $50,fno TO LOAN at lowest rates; no delay. GARVIN DUOS., 1604 FARNA?vi (J2) 222 BT'ILDING loans on residence property; S per cent. W. B. Melkle, Rsmge Block. (12) -223 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters A Co." c:a)-2?6 LOANS on Improved city property. W. IT. Thomas, 506 First National Bank Bldg. (221 2? WANTED TO BUY A LADY In rooming house wishes a small loan; security and Interest. Address J 6W Bee. (X) M978 tOx CASH paid for old bonks. Crane-Foya Co., $13 8. 14th. 'Fhons Douglas 13?1. (25)-$27 ROUND dining table; must be bargain for cash. Address H. K. Hlllon, 2421 Cuming St. (26-627 20x FOR CASH, second hand hand elevator, rapacity 1,000 lbs. Apply J. J. Davsy, 1010 New York Life Bldg. Tel. Red !7:A. ; (251-M1K6 2x WANTED To buy, second-hsnd furniture, rook snd heating stoves, csrpeta, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes and shoes, nlsnos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts and all kinds of tools; or will buy the furniture of your house complete. Will buy antique or mahogany furniture. Tho highest prices paid. Call the right man. Tel. Douglas 3971. (26) M621 J22 WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent a furnished cottage or flat; references exchanged. Address Room K Her Grand hotel. (.201 31 24 X WANTED To rent, medium sized room In modern house, by family of three (chlla I years), board In house. Private family desired. Address P 672, care of Bee. (2fi)-W0 20x WANTED SITUATION WANTED Position by an attractive young lady with a good education. F600, cars Bee. (27) M902 20x GRADUATE optician, with experience as Jewelry salesman: desires position; havs trial cass. Address W 671. care Bee. (27) M969 20X SITUATION wanted by Scandinavian with some experience, place to work In general store In good country town. Address J. Tormlng, Decorah, la. (27) Mii02 20x YOUNG lady cashier of 5 years exper ience desires position In hotel or cafe. Address E 623, care Lee. (271-533 lDx BAND or orchestra work wanted even ings by young mail. Good soio, alto or baritone. Address S 670 care Bee. (27) M9S3 20x MAN, wife and two children (12 and ) want ROOMS WITH BOARD vicinity JHth and Locust St. Address L. R. Vorce, 2004 Blnney Bt. "Phone Web. 1080 res.; Web. 406 office. (26) M686 tlx WANTED Position as londscaper, to take care of yards, lawns and flowers, by gen tleman who can give beat of references. Address 4521 MHIlary Ave. (27) 175 25 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Fannie Clarke and husband to Frank J. Blelck, lots 24. and 26, block 14, Rose Hill t U50 Charles A. Austin and wife to Dundee Realty company, lots 1 and I, block 75; lots 6 and 6, block 76, Dundee Place 1,000 Union Pacific Railroad company to C. E. Wllklns. lots 7, 8. 9 and 10. block 23. Waterloo 125 William A. Case and wife to Esther A. Zabrtskle, lots 4 and 5, block 4. Bemls nark and other lots t Nancy M. Smith and husband to Emm a. Jnt, lots 3, 4, V), tl and 23, block 75, and lots 1 snd 2, block 76, Dundee Place 24 Cyrel Collins and wife to Peter Plo ntifur, lots 4, 6 and 8, block 27. first add. to Corrigan Place 1,900 Anna R. Fairchild to Carrie D. Scott, n38 ft. lot 6. and s2 ft. lot 4, block C Alamo Plaxa 1, 269 Ozclta Wlngfleld to John T. McDon ald, lot 37. block 14, Orchard Hill... 225 J. H. Anderson and wife to the O. F. Davis Co.. lot 10, block 471, Grsndvlew ' 100 Same to same, lot 19, block I, Lake view 100 William H. Crow to same, lot , block fc Hitchcock add 1 Charles F.. Williamson, trustee to Eugene Lewis and wife, lots 4, 6 and 6, block "I" Lake, James park . "1d 750 Hastings A Heyden to Lvda B. Mar- ' tin. lot 21. block 2. Hastings A Hey den's second add 550 Edwsrd Olsln to IJIllsn C. Ellis, lot 12 and s4 ft. lot 10. block 11, Park er's add I.500 Provident Ltf and Trust company of Philadelphia to Samuel Oreenherg. n lot 10. and s6 ft. lot . Griffin A Isaacs f.000 Edwin F. Ballev et at. to Frank V. Oshorn, lot B, block t, Isabel add.... 860 Total ..14.92J GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR Q M. SUPPLIES Deut CiuarUjrniastwT'e Office, Omaha N this ska. June 13. 19u7. Sealed prnpoaals In duplicate will h received here until 10 a m., July 13, 19"7. and then opened, for furnishing lye, mops snd sapollo. U S reserves the right to relect anv or all hM or parts thereof. Copies of proposals fur nished on application ts Ma.lor Thomas bwops, quartermaster. J14-14-17-18 Jyll-li OCEAN STEAMSHIPS BUMMcm rouna ot iakb mtckioabt "82tSS, MANITOU for passenger service exclusively makes three trips weekly to CkufrlevoU, Harbor Springs, Bay View, retoskey and stack In as Island, connection with all aHeamh:p' Lines for Lake Superior, Eastern and Cana dian points. Inquire about our ek-nd trips specially arranged for Business and Professional Men. LC1V18 CsUCASO AS FOLLOWS! Mon. 11:80 a. ni. Wed. I p. m Frl. g :30 m. aa, MAsTITOV ITS4HSKI? COMfAsfy trrti a SLk. ! cad a. waUr Sin. an