12 TIIE OMAJIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1007. 0 B 0 p. R5 U i 0 Look at Rugs' Slrtet Windows is oi daily offer of just such big money saving chances as ihese that makes Brandeis known throughout the west as the great bargain center. 8 JEWELRY SALE ENTIRE STOCK OF A N. Y. JODDER On Sale in Basement A very fine lot of lockets hat pins cuff buttons chains earrings, lockets jet beads lockets with chains scarf pins Swastika brooches enameled brooches ivory scarf pins etc. worth 35c; 50c and 75c at each lauicieu 5c oiuxai mi r9 Coming and Going (t There la a conatftnt proceaalon of all W U th dally neodfula paealng conatantly'j J-! through our handa; they come atralght U jj from the farmore, the rannera, the p manufacturer! and Importere, and OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Wednesday: Fair. ( people who want the beet. In the freah- U j j3 eat and dalntleet style, and know that $ j " they can get It here without paying ii n an extra price. $ 1 U 8 il I Meat Department For theae hot days patronlie our n j n Dellcateaaen Department, from where ?5 i H we can aerve you with the finest line U I B uj of cooked meat and aaueagea. n i H Cold Roatt Beef, per lb &V ft 3 Beef Tongue In Vinegar, per lb ....fcJcfS I B Cooked Corn Beef. Mr lb 15c X Cold Boiled Ham, per lb 40c Cold Chicken, per lb 4uc Toi Shrl nation. irether with every variety of aalada m ' t lollowa: tobeter Salad, Chicken, K M Imp. Aeperague, Maoedolne, Combl- A '. Li liana lan, Rusalan Rellah. Allovor Cmbroiderios If' 5 m Wine and Liquor Dpet. y ' 0 S0o Bottle of Wine FRE7E. ('.) n With each purchase of tl.OO or more, a we will give gratia, a bottle of high I.) H grade California wine. N Old Fashioned Maryland Rye (full ft quarts) ....81.00 tjS Fer gallon 83.00 S !edar Brook Bourbon (formerly Mo- A These are fine Nainsook. Swiss and Ba tista Allover' Embroideries in elegant Japanese effects also blind and shadow designs, open eyelet, etc season s newest designs positively worth up to $1.50 yard A Great Sale of Brier') full quarts $1.25 55 Per gallon 800 O 8 ifroartney & Co. rS5ScS Privere exchange connects all Depta. X 17th and Douglas SU. g? Tel. onfflaa MT y ED SPREADS A manufacturers' entire stock of slightly imperfect Mar seilles and croohet Bed Spreads, bought at a tremendous re duction in price. In this great lot are included: Scalloped Edge Marseilles and Satin Spreads, worth as high as $5.00, for, each Scalloped Edge Satin and Crochet Spreads, worth $3.00, for, each '. Plain and Scalloped Edge Crochet Spreads, worth up to $2.00, for, each Also an immense lot of hemmed and fringed Marseilles and Satin Spreads that are very fine quality and absolutely sound and perfect; worth regularly up to $5.00 and $6.00, for, each Eemembor that these spreads are phenomenal bargains and will be on sale Wednesday in basement Linen Dept. 1.50 ...98c 1 69c 1 Una anI F i $198 I Next Monday it the Sale , OMAHA SJe ia Next Moaday We have just received notice of the shipment of an entire Carload of RAigs This is the entire stock on hand that -we bought outright from a leading manufacturer of Yonkers, New York Positively it is the biggest stock as well as the biggest bargains ever of fered ia a. rug sale in America New and high grade room size rugs will go at amazing sacrifices Watch for later announcement of this big tale. Next Monday j Brandeis New Store 3d Floor. i OUR OXFORDS ARE COOLER Cooler to the feet, the mind and the purse. The new atylea are ready and there never was a better time to choose. . You may be able to pull through the summer without a hat or a pair of trousers, but Oxfords you must have. Patent colt or kid, vlcl, gun metal calf or tan leathers. Conservative prices $3.50, $4.00 to $5. FRY SHOE CO. Til IIOS1I 16th and Douglas Streets. fflRAlUKHb Your office furniture and your office siaxionery snouid be your first care it's your introduction to your customers Ha'll nevor know, that you ml red 30 to SO r oent, Uy buyln It of ua All the atyla and quality of tha beat thara la In furnl tur Th reason you aava ao much la becaua you buy It of ua at wholeaal. Evf rythlcg Needed lor the Cilice OMAHA PRINTING CO.. raraam ami 10th Sta Omaha Talephona Douslaa lt. MaU OT4n 1111 ad. Band tat i.in. rt- r BAILEY MACH niTlWTlCTO 1 Wmo FLOOR PAXTON BLOCai J Corner 16Ui and Fanuun Strtx-U. Beat equipped Dental office la the middle west Highest grade Dentistry at Reasonable Prlcm DELICIOUS ICE CEE4M I Tou will never muMWiiuA 1'Khtful PAKfttL II dufrB uti r? barrels and 4, hI delicious Ice Cream can be made until tie of Pare Jersey Ice Cream. It Is made from only the purest and sweetest cream and pure fr-ult and vegetable flavors. Packed In little barrels three flavors In each straw berry, choco late and vanilla. Quart slse, sufficient for six or eight persons 40 Pint size, sufficient for three or four persons 20 ' TAKE ONE nOME IN YOUB POCKET. Balduff IBIS FARXAM Du Mil M limm atiM M rMl if Id (luia I B.t.a.B.UCt,WMMiTt04.D.C. tttab. 1H61 I Have You Ordered Your Min eral Vater for the Summer We buy all onr Mineral Waters dlreot from the Springe and can aaaure you of the genulneneea of every caaa. 10 Gullona Waukeaha Water, faucet can, 14. SO, rebate for can IJ.00. 1 caae, 11 H-rnllon Mountain Valley Water, 15,00. rebate for caae 11.00. Myer'a Koot Beer, carbonated, lOo per qU, )1.20 per doxn. 1 caae. U Vi-fa!lon Plain White Bock f 5.00. rebate on caae and bottlea 6O0. J Caae. 10 auarta. White Rock ft to 1 Case. 100 ptnta. White Rock 110 60 1 Ce. 100 apllu, White Ruck $.t0 j case v qia. Appoyinarie water IV. 00 caae, luu pea. Apoiiinarla Water.. lit 40 .ee luu apiiia, Appoiunana water 110 50 I 1 Caae. 60 auarta. Manltou Water.. tl. 00 1 Case. tO qta. Ginger Champagne. . .ft. to I l Vaae, u qia. wntte Rock Utngerale 1 Caae 100 pta. White Rock Utngrrale 1 Cajte, 0 Qta. Sulpho Saline Water.. 17 50 1 Caae. tO ata. Rrgent Water ...... J7.&0 MYERS DILLOJI DRUG CO. Xkragglrks a4 KXaecal WaUi Seal era. AtthoMarblo Fountain Try . onr Fine Ijunchponottwi, daintily mado daintily served daintily priced. SATISFACTION CERTAIN QUANTITY, QUALITY and PRICE ARE RIGHT. North Dalcony. Our Watch Hospital We're splendidly rqnlpprd for watch repairing. Rrlng your sick watch to mi If It's curabln, we'll cure It. Prices right. Main Floor. 0) .iilJJiJlLJJl. Linens and Lingerie BEAUTIFUL LINGERIE DRKS8E.S Made of fine sheer lawn and batiste, dain tily trimmed in Val. lace and medal lions; Wednesday, $4" 95 THREE-BUTTON CUTAWAY nad PRINCE CHAP LINEN SUITS Made of all pure Irish Linen, handsomely tall- ff 7 yf.fi ored Wednesday Special . . . $ I erO WrAlSTS at 48c BEAUTIFUL LAWN WAISTS Handsome ly trimmed in Val. lace and embroidery; regular $1.60 values, M Q Wednesday fOC SILK DRESSES ,.. PRINCESS AND TWO-PIECE . STYLES Made of fino chiffon taffeta ; our regular $19.50 4 S nr value; Wednesday XUlo CBOCKERY 600 pairs of Japanese Sugars and Creamers, 10 different shapes and decorations; $1.00 values; Wednes day as long as supply lasts; half former price, 2 i at;, a pafr, s5UC 400 Plates, la pie or deeBert sizes, pretty decoration; Just to Introduce this pat tern; six to a customer f f each . lUC RICH 8CUT GLASS ir Jlr.'4S Table-handled Bon Bons, aes.rootea Nut Dishes, See bur Vases, etc Our "4 $5.00 Table JUGS, BOWLS, DECANTERS, SUGARS and CREAMERS, VASES all at, choice ' ' $5.00 Peonies Peonies Wednesday morn ing, several thou sand Fresh Cut. Large Assorted Colors, Sweet - Scented PEONIES as long as supply lasts, dozen 5c TWO FOR Fine Showing of New Toys On Second Floor Kodaks Ideal weather for pic ture taking. We've all the accessories " that modern kodakery can offer. Kodaks and Cameras of all. sizes. . Expert Advice Prices Right Developing and fin ishing expeditiously and satisfactorily done. Take no chances on your . pastime being spoiled by poor devel oping or finishing. Bring ' your prints. Main Floor. J BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY SPECIALS OFFERS EVERY DAY ON THE MOST RELIABLE GOODS Bennett's Capitol Coffee, pound-pkg. . . . 88o And Twenty Oreen Trading Sumps Pure Pepper, Va-lb. can . . 10c And Five Green Trading Stamps. Basket Fired Japan Tea, lb. 38cf;Jyt And Thirty Green Trad. Stamps. Egg-o-See, 4 pkgs..... 26c Graham Crackers, pkg ...10c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Diamond S Chill Sauce, bottle 25c And Twenty Green Trad. Stamps. Worcester Table Salt 2 sacks. lOcC And Ten Green Trading Stamps. . Red Snapper Sauce, bottle 25c And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Dunbar's Shrimps, large can ....20c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Extract, bottle 1 8c And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Alvord's Corn Relish, jar 25c And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Marshall's Kippered Herring, can 20c And Ten Green Trading 8tamps. Three Star Salmon, large can,. 20c And Twenty Oroen TrHng Stamps. Pears, in syrup, large can 15o And Twenty Oreen Trading Btampa. Grape-Nuts, pkg 10c Patna Rice,' pound 10c And Twenty Qrewn Trading Sta'fips. FiFiiiMre FeriiteFe Manufacturer's Sale of DAVENPORTS, COUCHES, PARLOR SUITES, ROCKERS, DINING CHAIRS, KITCHEN CABINETS, OAK PORCH Furniture. Extras for Four Days Beginning Wednesday , 1.19 49c a . Mr? ft -Cr At Factory Prices MAGAZINE RACK (like cut), in weathered and Golden oak Taborette in same finish, for 1 Third Floor. A Bevy of Special Bargains Try THR RILJAKLal TR First Boys' Suits That Satisfy SPECIALLY PRICED FOR QVICK CLEARANCE. , Not because they're not right; there never was a bet ter line of new styles, materials and patterns shown In the city. So great Is our stock and so varied the line that we have determined on a radical reduction of stock be fore July lBt. Consequently these unmatched bargains. Prices In Wednesday's Sale; Children's Knee Pants Suits, worth to $5.00 Almost unlimited variety of style, color and pattern, Sailor Blouse, Russian Blouse, Eton,, single and double breasted Norfolks, the new Knickerbockers, plain double-breasted, etc., all perfectly reliable quality; worth to 15.00; sholce Wednesday ....$1.05 nd 82.05 Children's Wash Suits An assortment of styles and , qualities, seldom equaled, never surpassed at our spe cial prices Wednesday ;355 up to 82.50 218.00 and $18.00 Men's Suits A final clearance of spring weight garments this week at. $7.50 810 Your Two-piece Outing Suit should be satisfying to be ; cool. You'll find satisfaction In a Hart, Behalf ner ft Marx hand tailored suits. Let ns show you. Magnificent Waist Bargains Wednesday ELEGANT WAISTS LESS THAN MAUFACTTRERS' COST. Our New York resident buyer, wtth his finger ever on the pulse of the mar ket, wan in a position to secure three manufacturers' stocks of Women's Waists at one-third to one-half actual value, and we will place the entire pur chase on sale Wednesday at equally low prices. Marquise Waists Secured from Hols man ft Co., New York, the makers of this famous brand. Savoy Waists Known the world over as a model of style, beauty; secured from S. Kaplln, New York. The Tuxedo Waists Probably the best known of the ready-to-wear Waists from Kloeok Bros., the great New . York manufacturers. . All Newest Summer Styles, all priced far below actual retail value. Bee them Wednesday. $1.00 Waista In pretty lawns and ginghams, choice ........... ,30 $1.50 Waista Prettily trimmed, with fine tacks, laces and embroideries; choice, Wednesday ..693 $2.00 and $2.60 Waists In Lingeries, Lawns. Batistes, Mulls, most beau ' tiful new designs; choice, Wednes- day 05 $5.00 and $6.00 Waists In moat charming new designs, trimmed with fine laces, embroideries and tucks; . never before equaled values, at, choice, Wednesday 82.05 It's only a question of choice In this great stock. Values unsurpassed . Extra Specials for Wednesday 9:30 a. m. 25 dozen Towels, regular 16c and 10c grades, only 4 to cus tomer, at, each 7H Forenoon OnJy 6a Toweling. .2 H? 10c Toweling 154 16c Batiste .....101 19c Organdies 104 25c 811k and Cotton 10 IStto Batistes,, odd lots 2 7 Ho Lawns 2 Afternoon 2:80 p. m. 1 case, ab,t 2.600 yards of bleached Muslin, regu lar IO9 grade; only 10 yards to cus tomer, at o Apron Check Standard Prints ..J... -2 H a 69c Unbleached Sheets ....... .39 $1.00 Extra Unbleached Sheet. ;74 $1.00 Bleached Irish Linen ....584 Several other bargains put on hourly. Pineappl es Pineapples Our third car ' Is the finest of all. Bright in color, rich flavored, sweet and Juicy. There are none finer for canning. Buy now, as you wi not have another opportunity at these prices. This will be our last solid car for this season. Wednesday we will them, each 4NJ-7-8ttt Per dozen . . . . 45H55-75H04 No limit, all you want while the car lasts. We buy direct and have no com mission house or brokers' profits to pay. . Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Prices for Wednesday. Freah Spinach, pr peck U.4o 5 bunches Prcah Turnips 60 5 bunches Freah Radlahra 6 head a Freah Leaf Lettuca . ...Bo Freah Peaa. per quart to Freah Wax Beana, per pound . ,v....THo Freah Appiea, per pound '. jj 5 bunchea Freah Pie Plant ...80 Fancy Large IWd Lettuce, each ....... .SUo Large, Ripe Tomatoea, per pound 60 i bunchea Freah Aaparagua fa Caulinowera. for Fine Jereey Lemons, per dosen i&a W HMDENS' BEST 1 , 111 IkltTH SILVER FOK THE BRIDE After all have been admired, yet no other gift la ao much appreciated, both tor Its artlntle merit ana Intrlneic value aa the ''gift of allver." We would like to auggeat to the perplexed buyer, one of our cbeata of allver and there la nothing more appropriate for tha wedding gift. No other atore ehowe auch an Immune variety of allver an new dealgna pur chaaed thla epiing. - CHE8T8 OF BILVKR FROM . 160.00 TO 1600.00. C. D. Drown Co I (Suoceaaors to Brown and Borahelm) lih and Farnam etreei. Beaton's Rubber Goods Department Lady Attendants in Charge . Bvary Bay Frloaa. 1-qt. Monarch Water Bottle. 4 90 8-qt, Bnaton'a Ouaranteed Bottle 860 1- qt. bealon'a Guaranteed Bottle. .. .f 1.00 4-qt. Beaton's Ouaranteed Bottle. .. .Si. 14 Tver Royal, red cloth Inaertud Water Bottle. 860. fl.OO and. SLlS Davol'a or Van Woud Faoe Baga.....SOo Beaton'a Guaranteed Fountain felfrlDgea. 860. tl.OO and S1.1S Beaton'a Rapid Flow Fountain Syringe. 81 2- qt. TrrliiD Fountain Syringe with globo aprar or vaginal pipe 1 & .qt. Tyrlan Combination Water Bottle and Fountain Syringes, t tubea SaJla Beaton's Combination Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe .S.L.44 D EATON DRUG CO. nmiim aot fajibtam . - Agnta ftr tha famoua DeMar female doucha, moat oonvenleot for travellag. The Twentieth Century Tanner Beat Farm Fape-Sabaerlbe Wow. Wo Call for Your Work We have established a messen ger service whereby we call for snd deliver all shoe repair work without extra charge. 'Phone us when you have some repair work to be done. Oet our prices. We use the Ooodyear stitcher, the very machine your shoes were made on. Sttvndtvrd Shoe Repair Co. 1804 Farnam. 'Phone 7867. lae VaoaogTapbes : Do You want to soli "a houso? 1W us photograph It for yoa. You caa ahow a eustomer better than you can tell him. I aa the picture in your cflloo or adverllaementa. 6ur commercial work la high elaia ilka our porta rlta. Oraalte ' Block. sis-air so. ista st. L zifj:rM I G. A. Lindquist aTlBOXal TaXLOK, B3S Fastoa Blh u uoa i toinea. ana no whim : foi to call and give him your order. fricea ana quality are right. rwrotuaia) luimgs, just Ills US tooth,