12 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1907. i 3 i;1 J: I ; i 3 1 x 31 1 hQ)1A M 15) HQS- 1LM fer&N SXtfa BARGAIN FRIDAY We Announce Dig Extra Specials ID A MM m m TTI H It is Branrleis' ability to give day after day real bargains in the best class of goods that has won this 6toro's fame and caused it to grow to its present immense proportions. YOU MAY JUDGE THE QUALITY OF OUR BARGAINS BY THE SIZE OF OUR STORE Just as this store has outstripped every other store west of Chicago in growth, fame and size, so has Brandeis' enter prise been always able to bring to Omaha patrons better goods at bigger bargains than any other western house. Every year of our growth proves this. BIGGEST BARGAINS OF THE SEASON IN TOE NEW BASEMENT Just received 5,000 yards "White Goods checked, striped and lace effects, for waists, dresses and chil- f fy. dren's wear 19c would be the price regu- ll fl yf larly sold from the bolt, Friday, at, per yd. . . . "" Factory lengths 25o in black, white and colors, per yard . . , Full standard dress prints In de sirable black and white r 1 checks, at, per yard .... JgG All good dress styles, regular 19c dress sateens, brown, gray, red. green and tan, at, per yard silk mulls, ....64c 6ic 10c I2ic Stylishly printed batiste, yard fifteen cent grade and dark styles, at, i per yard OjC every -light Regular 12 He per cale, dark styles for house dresses will go at, per yard 5c Checked apron ging ham, fast colors al most as fine as Amos keag, at, per yard , 3ic Fancy printed wash challles, some pretty 7f Persian patterns, long factory lengths, . per yard -Forenoon Only- Just received direct from the mill, short lengths genuine Amoskeag apron checked gingham,' mostly blue checks, easily matched. In the fore noon only, at, each piece 2c Allcrnoon Only- Beginning at 1:30 we will sell 40 Inches wide white lawns, linen finished suiting like In dian Head medium weight white .twills for boys' suits and waists values up to 19o in the afternoon only, yard J2 it You will find regular 25c grade jf sheer India llnons, long factory lengths, at, yard Soft finish mercerized lingerie batiste for hot weather, new lot, per yard Linen Remnants of Basement Twilled cotton toweling, at, per yard , 2c Remnants 25-lnch cotton j diaper, 10c value, yard .... DC Good quality table padding, f r in long remnants, yard . .13C Drummers' sample pieces all linen table damask, will make f napkins, tray cloths, etc. ea. DC Quilt corners cut from Marseilles bed spreads, good for wash f cloths, children's bibs, etc.lC Mill seconds of hiick towels. ' These are mostly half tow- f ela, each Q Heavy unbleached Turkish f towels, each JC Hemstitched dollies, worth f 6c, each ( ON THE MAIN FLOOR EMBROIDERIES AND. INSERHNGS IN REMNANTS AND ODD LOTS New lots in desirable widths-all the patterns are new and made on excellent grade of nainsook and cambric worth regularly up to 25c a yard, nil i m at 772c-I0c-15c FINE .VAL. AND TORCHON LACES-Many very pretty match sets in this lot, a variety of widths and scores of the daintiest newest patterns of wash laces m and insertings, at? yard Z 2COC REMNANTS OF SILK AND MOHAIR BRAIDS Blacks and fancy colors-ll kinds of trimming braids and bir- e,v-. yi Biyjes we ever snowed at bargain p sale, worth up to 15c yard, at, yard C DRESS GOODS Wool goods remnants Danish cloth, fancy washable goods, white corded, check and stripe pattern batistes, 2 to 15 yards, regular 39c and 50o materials 4 m f m, bargain square, south entrance, yard... Xu 2"ll 2C 750 unmade skirt patterns, small and medium checks, broken plaids, Pekln stripes, etc. worth M.60, gg) One bargain square fine dress goods rem nants, mostly from 6 to 10-yd. lengths from our regular stock at much leu than cost of materials for quick selling Friday. Basement 60o silk finished Sici lians, yard . . . -290 60c check and stripe BuiUngs, yd.', 22 K 60c 42-ln. Melrose suitings, yard... 29 69c white mohair, 40 in. wide, yard, 39 REMNANTS OF SUMMER SILKS Our New York buyer just expressed ua a big lot of plain and fancy silks bought at 50o on the dollar taffetas, Louis enes, check and stripe silks, pretty foul- 171 QQ ards, on 2 bargain squares Friday, yd ! 2"aJC Dross silks, ' fancy checks, t-tone Pekln stripes, spot proof foul ards, perspiration . proof black summer Bilks, white Jap Bilks, St1IS'..t?...49c-69c Travelers' samples of Bilks over 300 patterns, suitable for fancy work, fancy pillows, trimmings, ets., worth up to $1 yard, accord- hto.r....5c.l0c.l9c m m a, mm llr saw m m m as .ass a a nt-AI aAIUK.UA! UIU SALE Or Women's Wash Jacket Suits at fl. 98 IRANDEIS- BOSTON STORE tM auiuauM mjmtuA m iff, nt riini nmiiiiii Style book for July Jnst out now helps and hint for the home dressmaker FREE FOR THE TAKING OMAHA WEATHER FX) RECAST Friday: Fair and warmer. 0) EMM IL. VJ BARGAIN FRIDAY The Hnmmti Quarterly of the IjaOIor' Home Journal pattern Contains coupon good for lOc it trn, up 'till Sept. 1st 15c At Marble Fountain All sodas and sundaes served in sterilized polished glasses. It's almost t66 late to offer another word about graduation, but you may still be in need of something suitable for use at these interesting ceremonies or for gift making. A few minutes on our first and second floors with "graduation" as your guiding principle ' may be well and profitably spent. At Marble Fountain Combination Lunch eonettes 11:30 to 2 o'clock, 25c. Delicious (Q)ily Tw 1 re lay me BEWffi Friday and Saturday Every Berger Garment Musi Be Sold PRICES CUT IMP UD Tailored Made Suits $20 Tailored Taffeta Eton Suits for. .... 4$7.50 $25 Chiffon Taffeta Suits for ... $12.75 $20 Chiffon Panama Suits for $7.95 $35 Chiffon Panama Suits for ..... .'. . . .$14.50 m 2,000 Skirts Must be Hold B r -f f-" 2 1 ritlay and Saturday aH lathis season's best styles, made of fine plain Panama and Fancy Skirt ings. $5.95. Women's Panama and Fancy Mixture Skirts $2.48 $10 and $7.50 Women's Fine Panama Skirts, all styles of pleats, for . ; . ; $3.05 $2.50 Linen Duck Skirts for 05 Waists Thousands of Dainty Lawn and Lingerie Waists at Less Than Halt Price. $1.50 Fine Lawn "Waists, lace and embroidery trimmed, at 59c $2.50 Lingerie Waists of dainty Q lace, hundreds of styles, at C $3.00 Fine Lingerie Waists of Persian lawn . and dainty lace and medalions, ' f Kimonas 75c Lawn Short Kimonas, fancy CI figures, plain colored borders, for C $5.00 Silk Short Kimonas, plain or fancy silk, plain colored borders, for ;$10 Silk Kimonas, full width, Japanese ' patterns, plain silk borders, A Ck ; for .....fr.ya 2.95 Hosiery Lot of Children's "Linen Knee," No-Mend Hose, '25o value, bargain Fri day, pair 15 Ladies' Imported fast black hose, with split foot, 8 Be value, pair', or .....25 H'd'k'S Ladles' Cross Bar Cam bric, 8 He vaii,'5 Ladles' pure linen, very sheer, 25c value .'l5t Ladles' Pure Linen ini tial 12 He value 8M Undorwe'r Ladles' sleeveless Vests, tape neck, 8 Vic value, .-5 Ladles' sleeveless Vests, tape arm and neck, 16c value 10 Ladies' sleeveless Union Suits, lace trimmed, 35c value 25 Gloves Ladies 16-button Lisle Gloves, brown and tan, 35c value 15c Ladies' 16-button Lisle Gloves, $1.25 value, for 89c Girdles 60c Tape and Boned-Girdles Just the thing for warm weather Friday, 2nd floor, each- 25c Linens and White Goods Specials for Bargain Friday Every One a Genuine Bargain. 20c Turkish "fowels, extra size and heavy, at 12V4 45c and 60c Dresser Scarfs, all linen, hemstitched, size, 12x54 '. 1 12145 at ..10 12V4c Linen Finish, suitable for wash suits and dresses, yard at.QH Blrdseye Diaper, 18-ln., Red Star pure anti-septic put up in packages of 10 yards Friday, a piece 50 Wash Cloths, hemmed, regular 6c size and Quality, each '..".'. . Men's Furnishings Friday we place on special sale a lot of Men's Neckwear, in Four-in-Hands, Bat Wings, Springs, Graduates, Tecks, etc., etc. odds and ends left over from our1 early spring sell ing, and we have marked them remarkably low it will be a saving to the bargain seeker. We have divided them in two lots ' Values up to 75c, at 25 c and 59c MEN'S FINE 8 II HITS In Madras, Percale, blue and tan Chambray, etc. made up with collar at tached or detached; some cut coat style; values up to $1.00, Bargain Friday STRAW HATS Every style whlca the dressy men will wear this season. youU find here, and at a substantial saving. Main Floor Northwest. FIXE SPLIT STRAWS, MILAN'S, MACKIXAWS. JAVAS, PALMS AND SH1NUKEE U RAIDS In straight or rolling brims, large, medium and small shapes, J.OO down to '. ...50 MEN'S STRAW HATS Soft or stiff brims large, small or medium shapes; worth 75c; special for Frlda ' 50 Watch Repairing Prompt attentloa Expert work Right prices Kodaks and Photo Supplies Superb lines Expert advice, Right prices Developing and Finishing Benneii'g Big Grocery TKIOAT A WD SATUBDAT 1, 1ST OF SPECIALS FUllB X.EAVH YODB OBOB SASX.Y. Bennett's Capitol Flour, sack s i.apnoi Kiour, sack $1 so And One Hundred Ureen Trading Stamps. 5o f3TII PI Bennett's Capitol Flour, sack And Forty Green Trading Stamps. Granulated Sug-ar 22 pounds for J'.IIOO Bennett's Finest Coffee pound " 80 And Forty Green Trading Stumps. Bennett's Bent Coffee, 3 pounds 1100 And One Hundred Green Trading- Htamn.' Bennett's Golden Coffee, pound 26cfjr?i Aoa i niriy ureen I raamg stamps. Bennett's Special Coffee, pound 15c And Five Green Trading Stamps. TEAS B. F. Japan, Oolong, Gunpowder, En glish tireaJcfttst, pound 68c And One Hundred Green Trading Stamps. Teaa. ail kinds, pound 480 And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Tea Slftlngs, pund i5c Ana Men ureen -j rading stamps. Tea Green Trading Stamps With Xach Can Bennett's Capi tol flplosa. Diamond 8 Succotash, usual price 16c; special, an Uneeda Biscuit, 4 pkgs And Ten Green Trading Stamps. "Beat Ws Have" Corn, 4 cans And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. H. J. Helns Vinegar, qt. -bottle Bennett's Capitol Extract, bottle And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Diamond S Preserves, large jar And Twenty Ureen Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capftol Haklng I'owder, G-lb. can And One Hundred Green Trading Stamps. Diamond S Salmon, pound can And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Pickles, assorted, S bottles And Ten Green Trading Stomps. New York Full Cream Cheese, pound 20c And Tun Green Trading Stumps. Hand Cheese 24c Neufchatel Cheese. ...4c bls Cheese, pound gj0 And Twenty (ireen Trudlng Stamps. HCASQV1BTE1I FOIs BUTTER Thousands of pounds fresh Country Butter received direct from the fsrm TWO POUNDS, good quality 4'J(J And Ten Green Tradng Stamps. Cooking Butter, pound i;c One Thousund pounds Japan It Ice, worth 10c lb., for.... 6c Uatuvla Macaroni, pound-package UHo And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Worcetiter Table Suit, sack 6c . And Five Green Trading Stamps. Snlder's Huked Keans, ran 16c And Ten Green Trading Stumps. Jell-O Ice Cream Powder, 2 pkgs 20c And Ten Green Trudlng Stamps. Sunny Sldu Tomato Soup, can 10c And Five dre.'u Trudlng Stamps. Pears, In syrup, large can 16c Aixl Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Flower and V-vl4hle seeds, p ii'klg UV.S S KIT'S CAN DIKS Ilasement, Chocolate Bon H rii, assorted, pound box And Tea Green Trading Stumps. Raspberry Drop, pound, c; 2 fur ...10c ...16o . ..600 ...26o ...18o ...28o ..$1.00 ...22o ...25o pi 1 irSis.iJ lo .2So .16c Intensely Interesting Friday Bargains Big Suit Sale Saturday IF y lvS THE RELIABLB STRB Big Skin Sale ) Saturday and Monday Friday Is Remnant Day IX Ol It GREAT DOMESTIC ROOM. lO.flOO yards of Glnfthams, Hatlstes, Organdies, Prints, Vhlte Goods, percales, etc., in mill ends goods that sold up to 15c a yard; great mauy pieces j matcn, at a yard 8 He Dress Glnghms 2t 7 He Apron Checks 3V4 7H Calicoes, dark and light.. 3H 7 Ho Challles 2 15c Bleached Cambrcs, long pcs.4H 12 He Lawns, 40-ln 5 lBc White Organdies 5 35c Linings, all colors 5 36-la. Percales, 15c grado 5 59c Unbleached Sheets 30 ' pieces i) !V 7T6 95c W'amsutta Sheets, 81x90. Standard Bleached Sheets, 72x90. 33 15c Dotted SwiBS, white 7) 12c German Blue Calico 7tt0i 2,000 yards of Irish Linen, In table 1 cloth lengths, sold at 59c, 75c, f 1.00; will go at 25c, 39c and 40 Remnants of Table Oil Cloth . . . . 8 H 1 case Mill Ends of Towels, worth up to 15c each, at 50 Six Remarkable Silk Bargains lt ench all kinds Silk Rom n ant a on sale, each. Thousands of Silk Remnants, in lengths from 1-6 to 3-8 yards, Including plain and fancy Silks, in almost unlimited assortment, secured from the Century Silk Mills, N. Y., at a great bargain: on eale Friday from 8 till 9 a. m.. at. cue II Just the thing for fancy work. Come early Friday. 10 Thousands of yards of plain and fancy Silks, Including plain Chinas, polka dot and figured JapB, 24-in. black Twill Messallnes, plain and fancy Suiting Silks and a great lot of 36-ln. Silk Remnants, on sale In Domestic room Friday at, yard 35 27-In. Pongees, 20-ln. Twill Messa llnes, French Twills, in the new leather browns; 27-in. natural Jap Habutai; 22-In. Fancy Foulards; its worth to 75c yard; on sale Friday, at, yard 20? S1.25 C. J. Ronnett Black Taffeta. 27. In. wide, in forenoon only; limit one pattern to a customer, at, yd. Handsome Silks, in stripes, chock and, novelties, for waists, Jumper suits and gowns; 68 pieces to select from; on sale Friday, at, per yard, 49o and G9 36-in. Black Dress Taffeta. 89c Look where you will you can't find thla Friday value in black taffeta dupli cated; $1.25 value 89$ 1 Great Waist Sale Friday A tremendous stock of Women's Waists, la all newest styles, linens, lawns, lingerie, ba tiste and Japs. On sale Friday in four great lots AT LESS THAN HALF REGULAR Prices. Table 1 Waists worth to f 1.00; remarkable bargains Friday, at, choice 39 Table 2 Pretty lawn and madras Waists, tucked and lace trimmed, worth to $1.75; choice, Friday 69 Table 3 Waists In lawns, lingerie and ba tistes, laced and trimmed in pretty laces and Insertions; $2.00 and $2.50 values, at. 080 Table 4 Contains $4.00 and $5.00 Waists, In Jap silks, nets, linens and lawns, in two lots; Friday, most delightful bargains, at $2.60 and $1.50 Special Friday Furnishing Bargains Not a disappointment here. Just the best lot of furnishing bargains ever shown In Omaha at the price. Clear ances of odd lots from our Jobbing de partment and special mill purchases greatly below regular price. 60c Corset Covers and Drawers Lace and embroidery trimmed, or hem stitched and tucked, choice . . .250 Muslin Skirts, worth to $2.00, deep lace or embroidery flounce; made ex tra full, choice 980 Ladles' Gauze Vests, worth regularly to 2&c, at 6c. 10c and 12V&0 Ladles' Gowns, daintily trimmed, gen erously proportioned; made of fine painsook and cambric; worth $2.00, at 60c, 76c and 980 Men's, Ladles' and Children's Hose. Worth to 25c, in plain and fancy coVA ors, at 5c, 10c and 12 .j i 11 D ilea r j nuvaiuiu luua, i vu y j ity. at, pair !l X" Men's Shirts, worth 60c; about 300 dosen samples in this lot, in madras, percales and chambrays (Slightly soiled), choice 190 Drapery Department Specials Two special purchases and hundreds of odd pairs of Lace Curtains will be closed' Saturday at a fraction of their regular retail value. If you've curtains to buy, buy now in Friday's sale at HaydenB. Barnett and Lace Curtains, sold regu larly at $4.00 and $4.60 pair, in Friday's sale, pair $1.98 $3.50 Cable Net Curtains, in two-tone effects, Friday, at, pair. .. .$1.98 $3.00 Cable Net Curtains. In white only, Friday, at. pair $1.98 Barnett Curtains, in white, 64-ln. wido, Friday, pair .-$1.98 $7.60 Irish Point Curtains at. .$4.98 Wash Machine Sale New American Rotary Wrheel Wash Machine, worth $6.75; one day only (see it) $3.99 Lawn Mowers, up from -$2.50 Garbage Cans, 1H bu., 2 bu. and 3 bu.. $1.25. $1.50 and $2.50 Worth $3 to $4. Screen Door sale, odd siies, each. 750 Good new Screen Doors, any size, only 890 Rubber Hose, per foot, 6c, 7 He, 10c ..; 11H0 Poultry Wire, per foot H0 Fly Screen 10 1 $5.00 Irish Point Curtains at. $2.98 $2.60 Irish Point Curtains at.3i.49 Couch Covers, worth $5.00; CO-ln. wide, choice $2.98 Couch Covers, worth $2.98 at.$l,)S Rope Portieres, in plain and mixed colors, for full size doors, special, $3.00, $2.60 and $1.98 Rope Portieres, for single doors. 980 Dotted Curtain Swiss, special Friday, at, yard 50 25c Grenadine, 30-ln. wide.... 180 $1.25 Lace Curtains, pair 750 75c Lace Curtains, pair 500 60c Lace Curtains, pair 250 REMNANTS OP 1 Wool Dress Goods Traveling men's samples of wool dress goods. In Imported and domestic goods; worth up to $3.00 per yard; several pieces to match, at, each piece 100 Remnants of 59c Wool Fancies, at, a yard 150 Remnants of 75c, $1, $1.25 and up to $3.00 yard, will go la 3 lots, 25c, Sc and 490 Grocery Department Hardens, the most rcliabla Grocery Deyt Ln OmaJia. rrsshsst Goods, Highest Qual ity and Lowest Prices. Jello, Jellycon, Bromangelon or D-Zerta, .per pkg The best Crisp Ginger Snaps, per lb.... Tic Pretiels. per pound ......6" The best Soda Crackers, per pound ....6c Toasted Corn Flukes, per pkg 6c IMllsbury's Vltos, per pkg 10c Macaroni, per pkg 8C The best White or Yellow Cornmeu), per sack .-...10c 011 or Mustard Sardines, per box....3tc Fancy Red Alaska Salmon, per ran..,. 1 On 2-lb. cans Solid Packed Tomatoes ....Bo 2-lb. cans Golden Pumpkin. Hominy, Siiuuah, Sau.-r Kraut, Huked Deans or Apples IHo 12 l.ars best Family laundry Soap...2fe I .urge bottles Pure Tomato Catsup. . 8 Vio The best Tea Slftlngs. per pound .... II Vo Fancy Hasket Fired or Sun Lirled Japan Teu, per pound iio Fancy Gunpowder, Oolong, Ceylon or KliMi HrraUfakt Tea, pur pound. .,. .Ma Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, per lb.,.. 16a Before Baying Tour Batter or Chsest See Kaydens' First. Fnnry Dairy Butter, per lb.. 1(4 C'hqlee Creamery Uullor, per lb. ,; . . .Kio Funry Creamery liutter, per lb 350 Fancy New York Cheddar Cheese, lb. ISO Fancy Wisconsin Cream Cheese, lb.. J Jo Neufchatel Cheese, each So bap Hatfo Cheese, each 74 Fresh vegetables and mat Prtoes. Always get Huydens' prices first. 6 heads FreHh Leaf Lettuce , ,,..6o 8 hunches Fresh Kudlshes ,,, ,.8a Fresh Spinach, per peck ...4a S perks for 10j b bunches Fresh Onions t bunches Fresh Pie Fresh Asparagus, per Large Cucumbers, each Larue. Julry Lemons, per doien 16a rrenn i-eas, per quart 7Ho Fancy, Ilipe Tomatoes, per jp 7 Si a inlons ,,,..,,,..,,60 j Plant Co 7 r bunch ,.lu i ch, 3c and 60 try. HAY DENS' BBS! June Days re wedding days. You ha v an Invitation. We hav he gout)- Let' get toKtrher au that you ran huv th ' ""''"a - " si'M'i. - ts j is, n at naiiujnia jlll'j a Will, a. ...-.. 1 . . . .. .1 O.I .1 . riici mm u v tnasn tiiiu lima. DJtllU ii 19 W U11I1" utca with ui. Louk fur th nunie. S. W. LINDAV, Jeweler 16U Douglas Street. f j r Weak aad nervous mo OtJU IOTwho find their power to Noruac work and youthful vlgoi Dl Va tone as a result of over work or mental exertion shoud taks GRAY'S NKKV'K FOOD PUJJ. 1 hey will make you rut and sleep and be a man again. 91 Gi 3 hones S4.&0 by MaU. BxcaMAjr a Mocowari:x.x, sbdo oo. Corner 16th aad Dodge Its. owl aoo COMJPAKY, Cor. Itta au auBi; ousaa, hb. 100 (assortsd) BVoyal Baoklss and Ioop 13.60 per hex. I e up your stiupa. N aiittliliiK No Riveting. Hig tnoney sav fiK. Agents wanted iimong Fstmers. 1'UIi ItOYAli IllCKLK CX)Ml'AJ(f, Uli Fur nam BU. OMAHA 1 I i VJ 4