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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1907)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1907. RAIX AKD PRODUCE MARKET raer, with Opening Ehkda Higher Owinf to Unsettled Weather. RECEIPTS SHOW. UP MODERATE SfcllB, DtMil Is Ooo Harasteaa AlTlm An tr4;r, Hk Better Dcmaai th What. jf OMAHA. juns 14 1907. f T7ie market today was firmer, with th Opening ultade higher owing to unsettled weather fhpdltlons ana forecast for the arne, wit . moderate receipts and good shipping demand. . I. . . . . . k A , n.A rmnver And With 'Wler demand. Some damage report ar ms' wheat turning yellow and not looking so well, particularly from I.eknta. Wheat cipened firm and higher owing to stronger table and unsettled weather con ditions and forecasts. Commission houa demand la strong and buying heavy. Mar ket responds easily to thla buying and holds well. July opened at Mo Baked and closed at H)c asked. Com opened firmer and advanced srightly. Price oakling weM In sympathy with wheat and heavr demand. July corn opened at 4tWc asked and cloeed at 494,4. asked. ' Cat opeMid a ahada higher, holding firm on buying by local bulla, and report of jrreenbug damages In Illinois. Commission house held large numbers of buying order t open In, And owing to unsettled Weather, eats advanced (With wheat and oar. str opened at 42o aaked and cloeed at ilo aaked. ' Primary wheat receipt a were 437,000 bush els and shipments 144 bushels, against receipts tart year of 23.000 buahela and htpmenta of 2.0n0 bushels. Com receipts were l.UCyVtn buahela aad ahlpmenta bushels, . against receipts last year of TM.onn buahsls and . shipments of 630.000 bushels. . Clearance were 1M.00O bushels of com nd 23.(11 buah1s of oats and wheat and flour equal to 63.000 bushels. I.lrerptt.4 closed id to VI lowar on wheat nd td tower on com.' Seaboard reports 40.000 bushels of wheat and W.x) bushels of com for exports. Local range of options: . ' i Article. 1 Open! H1gh. Low. Close. Tcsy. Wheat , July...! Sept... Com i July..' Sept.... Oats VA 904A 4VA 47VA 60 A 91 A 4W4A 4TVA. X 41 A July.. J TUtA 86S4A Bept. . A asked. B btd. Ossaba Cask PMeea. WHEAT No. 3 hard. SrS7e: No. I hard. Vic; No. 4 hard, 7&8T9c; No. I spring, 83&l37o. j CORI-K, 1 47Uc; No. 4. 4ftfl-7o; no rwtTt;4,Ty,I,ow' OAT8 No.vl mixed, l14J4lHcj No, t white. 42H3Ve; No. 4 whits, 41S42o. RT El No. X 79c; No. t Wo. OarlcK Raelsts. , -.. Wheat Com. Oats. Chicago 23 680 16 Minneapolis 305 Omaha 10 00 IS XJulutb.,ft..1Q. 73 . CHICAGO GRAIW A Mil FROVIifOtS reatvrrs of laa Tradlaar and Closlaa; frloaa ana Board ( Trad. ' CHICAGO," 7un 12 Welling Of wheat on A larga scale by several sironilnent longs caused a break of mors than So per bushel today. In the price of all deliveries In the local market. At the close the Bept ember option showed a net loss af 2ftSTc. Corp. was off 3ia. Oats wers down KQ-fto. Provisions were 15c. to tTUo lower. 4 Tha market was somewhat unsettled at th opening, with prices Tariglng from) ic below to Vta above ths closing quotations of yesterday, Pit , traders wsr .moderate ruera Doeauss of lower cables and favor- ('e weamer in mis country ana u&niai the gTowlnsr crop. Shorts war aood , L ill Vers howamr. flllrtnar the Ant hnn, mwA this held th market firm. , About tha noon hour the market brck sharrly on active wt-iiiiis; u, jTTTnn iiwih noiqan, who were) fllspnaad tw- close 'out -their Unas and tak profit. During th remainder of tha ses sion ths sentiment continued extremely twarlah. Tie selling of long wheat prompt ed much selling for abort accounts. Th market closed with tha bear raid apparently tinclteckad and with prtoea at tha lowest point of th day. September opened o Tower to He higher at a to Mo, advanced to- tHC and then declined to BT14C, - Ttie closa was at irHCWto- July ranged be tween vOHo and Mo and closed at ths bot tom. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 6K8.M0 bushels. Primary receipts wsr 437,0(10 bushels, against 323.000 bushels for ths same tlma last year. Minneapolis. Puhith and Chtcaro reported receipt or ft 4 ears, acalnst last, weak and 13 a year ago. Small local receipts and an eoeellcit de mand from shippers t or cash grain held th corn market firm early In th day, but later th weakness of wheat caused some recessions' In prices.- Ths- market closed easy. September esened unchanged to Ho lower at 6So t-63wo, sold , up to 63fco and then declined to 6214c Th closa was at erVfrMc. July sold between 6JTo and 6JHe closed at MVSWkv Local receipts ware 34 ears, with lis) of -contract grad. Oats were firm early in th day on buy ing by shorts, but later tha. market eased off In sympathy with Wheat Weather con ditions in this coantry war again bear ish Influertea September opened a shade lower to higher rat KHc to 8c, eold up to tto and then declined to Sf.o. ' TT.e closa was at Va. Jury' sold between 4lVo nd 43Hc and elossd at 43a, Local rsoalpts ,wr 121 ears. - . Provisions wr waak all day because 'of Tieavy sales by local packers. Liberal re ceipts of llv-e bogs was the main source of weakness. At th closa ' 8ptnber pork was oft 37H at $ Lard was down 30 4&Ho at liTZVa- Ribs were 1 So lower at $ , ' KsUmatad receipts fdr tomorrow:-Wheat, 23 cars; corn. 630 car; oats, loi cars, hugs, f7 .. . Tb leadj.ig futures rsriged aa follows? Articles Opao. Hlgh.j Low. Clos.rrst'y. Wheat Jury Do. Corn July " Sept. 4eo.- Oats July frpt May PorK July Sept. rrd- July . Sept. Ribs July -etept. - I M "Vi SOV.I u 1 tew w wt r.'i .emlfcrvff'a'sjisjMvt f.' M'Vi63: 63v 1 601, .51IC61V4 '.atlSXM WH-l"!! '. al I4HN3VJ 4 43 ! tT iSK'Svii' ... , IS IS 11 85 I tt m 18 TO 1 00 U 16 ' 77V4 I 36 8 624 77 It 02W 15 76 I J5 7TVt I 66 I 8 6S t TO 87.3 72 67mJ t 40 I 1 60 721 $66 S6IHI 4 Cah Quotations were as follows: ' nls. tS-" Jv); winter straights, $3 7155 95 ti t:"tw spring siraisata. tj.u-i4..; bakera. St M T. fetl Or.; -No. $ rd, Cfctno. v irv , rso. r yellow, Bjpto. OATBrNa. 3. 41Vc; No. I while. iiH-eSe; 1o. t white, ,Vp44c ' ' HARI.KT-FaU to choice malting. TagTSc, KEDtt -r N. .1 . northwtrn, fl.31. Tuuotliy. prim, $175. Clover, contract grsiVs. $IB 36. PHOVIBIONW Short rib 'sides flooe $afvr5. Pork, taeea per bbl.. SISw'faltTO Lard Pr I'M lbs M7. Short clear sides tboxrd), tt.76ii4.vo. Folloa Ing a . re rha receipts and shlpmenu of flour and gTaln: Jtecetnts. Shipments. ... 87.40 30SO0 ... 57.1W . . 77,4.1 .. Llol tri . Ht.1 ... kisso LOW 1 1W)0 lour. bbls L'hut. hil . Nrn. bu . 111 ...,,. ive. bu Barley, bu U3U) k i.7.. 'fin the PrAn ta . L . . ' . - -- . ' - " - iuuf uit pui ter markvl Was lower; creameries, l)fn 'Ac dairies, llfeSlc, Ettga steady; at mark! tmes Included. 14rl4C; firsts, IScj prim tirstav 14C. Cheese, strady; UijlUte, ' ' ' fvarts Grata .Market. VFCrRIA' Jua 13 CORN Lower' No. 8 Wlow aad No. 8, S.e. No. 4 &jWo no grade. 6uc. : : UATaW rnrnii No. f whit. So. 8 ahlu., 4i 444 : No. 4 while, .imuu. . V.Ulba.ay-jll. w-. " . Taleda aead Market, ? ". 'H! V.0-v',u SSED-CViver.' cs.h, $5 : Ch-i thr. $s.o,; lw-iKtr and Wn-k, $ ; lik. $S.0u, tlinoihy. tivJi.. Llnrpwl 4.reta . teloa.' riVFRpOOl.' 'fan 11-lVHKAT .t 4 Asa. I rod aui4o- .uwr, s: K 1 J A 90 A t9A pi A 91 A SO A HA 4HA 4M.A f47A 47A Ca A ft A A 41A XA SS4A SHiA California. 7s Id . Futures, . steady J.. July", 6sll'rt; fjt ember, Tilled. ,. CKKN-f jx.l. flrni. Mess dried,' Hd; old northern, be 3d. futures, quiet; July, 4s Iliad; September, 4s in.,. WtW VtK JRKRAL MARKET (iaotatioaa of the- nay oa Varlaa Casnsaodltle. NEW YORK, June 12 -FLOURH-celpts. 17.f.? bbls.; x. porta. 4.10O bbl.; pisrkft dull and lower for top patent; Minnesota patents, AtV.iO; winter sir&lshts. Hint. to; Mlnhesota bakers, 6X75 winter exlraa, l3.Oua.60; winter pat enis, t4.Soveou; winter low grades, Ux'i I . Rre Hour, steady; fair to good. It.TstilOO; choice to fancy, IS.10tJ6.). C'ORNM EAL Steady; fine white and yellow, 1180: coarse, $1.17 1.19, kiln dried, 3.1Sfil.25. RYE: lull; No. I western, nominal, c. 1. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 1M.VO0 bu,: export, F7,ir? bu.; spot market weak; No. 8 red 96V, elevator; No. t red. 9V, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 northern, Duluth 96He, f. o. b., sfloat; No. I hard winter, 11.00, t. o. b., afloat, (rptlona opened easier under unsat isfactory oabies, foreign selling and favor able crop news, rallied on export sales of Manitoba wheat; broke sharply to a new low record and cloeed weak, Hijlfce net lower:' Heptembef. tl.02Vi; closed. fac December, SL004'bl.(4V; closed, ll.Wl1. CORN Receipts, f2.S75 bu.; exports, 142, fcS bu. 'spot eawj-, No. t, (Bo, elevator; 62o, f. (K b., afloat: No. 2 white, 64c; No. t yellow. S2o, f. d. to., afloat. Options market opened lower And ruled generally weak, under crop news: closed easy, 4o net loweri July, lfcHc; closed. 61Mc; September, HQlo; cloeed, 81 c; December, closed 6oHc. OATS Rcelpts. 40,600 bu.; exports, 21. 244 bu.;' spot market easy; mixed, Vti.i )ls.. 4o: natural whites. 9"QtWc lba. 48Vwii 6oc; Ttlpred, lsVu lbs., 44H5c. HAT Firm; shipping, lu&fc&c; good to Choice, $1.31.26. HOPS vulet; state, common to cholca, 10, 14Til6c; 1P05, 4'4 45c; Pacific coast, 10, 8fillc; 1906, tfllc. HIDES Steady; Central America, 23o; Boa;ota, l!Hc LKATHER-Quiet; acid. 2Be2o. ' PROVISIONS-Beef, steady: family, $14. 00(S 14.60; mess, 9. 60 10.00; beef hams, S24.0092.00; packet, II 1 00 11.50; city, extra India mesa. S22.00Q 2J.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, $11.00 a 14.09: pickled hams. lia-lIHc Iarl steady; western prime, $8.6ig.e0: refined, barely steady; continent,' $9 90; South Amer ica, tlO.K; compound, $.0ui.2S. Pork barely sieaay; ramiiy, i.oo; short clear, $17.263 18.25; mess. $17.75UilS.50. TALLOW Steady; city ($2 per pkg.), 9c, country (pkga. free), 6tei0. RTCE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, $47r; Jaran, nominal, EOQSFlrmer: state. Pennsvlvanta and nearby fancy selected white, lWj'20c; choice. loriiinv; nrsrs to extra nrsts, iwa7c; western finest. 15fcl6ic; ofTJclal price, lM4c; econds, UW.glac -UULTKY-Uva Irrea-ular: anrlns- rhlcV. ens. 21c! fowla, ltci turkeys, lie. Dniisaed easier western broilers, 2&28c; turkeys, li t!4c: fowlsi lZifflSc. bui ibH-jrrpjular; western factory, common to .firsts, 17EnHc; western Imita tion creamery firsts, KUllo. CHEESB-Easy; new state full cream colored and white, small and lsrge best, 1140. - St. 'Lonls Oraeral Mat-ket. ST. LOUIS, June , 13. "WHEAT Lower; track. No. 3 red cash, 4g5o; No. 2 hard, 2'c- July, 89c; September, 3040. CORN Lower; track No. 8 cash, &2Wc; July, 61Hc; September, 6l1c; No. 1 white, 631JMJ4C. OATS Lower; track No. I -cash, 44c; July, 42c; September, S&c; No. 2 white, 48if47c. FLOL'R Dull: red winter patents, $4 .40 4.70;. extra fancy and straight,; clear, $lTf?S.a0. 8BEI Timothy, steady at $3,004-1.00. CORNME1AL Weak at $2.70. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, $1.10 L12. HAT Steady; Umothy, $J 80630.60; prai rie, tiootxais.oo. IRON COTTON TIES $1.09. BAOOINO 11 Ho- , , HEMP TWINE 10. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing, $10.40. Lard, lower: prima steam, $!La. Dry salt meats, lower; boxed " extra shorts, .13H; clear ribs, I9J2H: short clears, tS.00. Bacon, lower; boxer extra shorts, $10.00; clear ribs, $10.00; short clears, $9.874. POULTRY Quiet; chickens, 10c; aprlngs, lcf turkeys, 10c; ducks, Be; geese. 60. BUTTER Weak: creamery, 2023e, BOOSSteady, lie Receipts. Shipment. Flour, bbls. ...-..,, g.ono ,oit) Wheat, bu. 20.000 29.0IX) Corn,, bu. ,M....-j-.,...,...lM.onO , H.Ono Oata,,,bu, T..rIlf ,.,106,000 Kanasta Ctty Orala and Ptwvtaloas. - " KANSAS CITT, Juns U. WHEATJuly, 844c; September, o; December, ' 8744c; cash No. 3 hard, n(aV6c; No. 1 b4-333c; No. 8 red, 84ti96c; No. 1. r34c, CORN July, 48Hc; September, 4Rc; De cember, 4&o: cash, - No. 3 mixed, 4S'40-. No. 3. 48VkO; No. 3 whit. 4c: No. , 4o. OAT8-N0. . white. 46c; No. i mixed, 44o. ' EOOS Extra fancy, 16o; current receipts, eases Included, new esses, llVfeo; second hand cases, 11c; southern cases Included, Steady to 25o lower; eholo tim othy, 417 .004, 17.60; choice vralrle, $11.50igni.76. RYE Stady at 74T7c. BUTTER Creamery, 23o; packing. ISo, - Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu. . to.Oil Com, bu, 40,000 ; 67.00 Oata, bu. ... ,.,8.000 , 11,000 Kansas City cash prices: I Open. I High. I Low. Clos. Wbeat I I , I July 8JH .. 88, 841 M4A Bept , S8S'i lt WtfiiiBk Com I I July .. I '4H 4Tt4B$4KVi . 4M ' Sept. 48, jg 4c B bid. MlaaeasslU Grata Marlnrt. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., June 12. WHEAT September,- 4Hc: No. 1 hard, SUttflSScj No. 1 northern, 97Vi c; No. 2 northern, 36ir)K)1c; No. $ northern, 93ff64e. FLOUR First patents, $5.ui&6.: second patents, S4 9ii;5 Wi; first clears,; second clears. $3.7692-6. ., UHAN-.ln bulk, $1.WS1.25.' . Mllwaakee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis., June It WHEAT. Steady; No. 1 northern, $1 UJ.fTl.04; No. 8 northern tl.00fj1.02,- July. 9t-V5. 1 RBflteadv; No. 1, 87Vo. BARLEY Steady ; No. 2. 7777c; sample, tglc. - . CORN Lower; No. 8, cash, 684&Mfec; July, iac. ..... r Philadelphia Prodaca Market. PHILADELPHIA," June 13.- BUTTER. Steady, fair demand; extra western cream ery, ofllclBl prioe, 2lc; street price, 24VrC. WltlS Steady ; fair demand; western firsts, cases full; 17c at mark. ' - CHEFSE Quiet, but steady; New York full creams, choice new, Wc; New York full creams fair to good, UVtfiiltc, iDalath Grain Market. , DULUTH. June 1 3. WH EAT. On track, No. 3 northern, MV: July, ri-ac; September, Hc; IVcember, rtc. OATS On tr&cX 42c; June, 43o. Cottsa Market. New York cotton quotations, furnished by Logsn V Bryan, 3 Board of Trad build ing: Open. Hlirh. Low. Close. July 12 01 ij n n so 11 n September 11 70 11 73 11 63 11 67 December 11U If 87 11 64 11 68 NEW ORLEAN8, Jun 13. COTTON. Spot market quiet, sales t0 bales; low ordinary, Te, nominal; ordinary, 843 nomi nal: frond ordinary. In 8-16c; low middling, 11 7-ltic; mldilllng. 12c: good middling. 13c; middling fair, Hc nominal; fair, liSc. nominal. Receipts, 1,367 bale; stock. SU.1T70 balea 6T. lOl'IS. Mo,; June 12,-COTTON.-Bnot market qult. middling. ne; sales, 1"5 bales; receipts, 84 bales; shipments, ijS bales: stock, 2o,(t:5 bales. LIRl-CKU Juna 12. COTTON Spot in Increased demand: ork-es for rolnts hlcher American middling fair, -.3Ad; middling, IT!bd; low middling, 4d: xood ordinary. 3id; oniluary, 6.84d. The sale of the day wer 6,(M bal.. of which SVw wer for spec ulation and export and included a,xx) Amer ican. Receipt 4.M balna. itu AmerWan. Futures opened steady and closed quiet and steady. . , Uvaaoratea Apple mm4 Dried Fralt; NEW YORK, Jun 11 EVAPORATED APPLES Market steady on spot; futures sileThtly aaaler; fancy, t&vc; eholaa. 74 7Vc; prim. 4,e; ixir to fair, 6Wic. LRIED FhllTtt-Prunes. lee actW rrlce firm: California, 4l'JVic: Oregon SV, fclOo. Apricot.' unrhansed; holc.' lwJ Um axtia -cik-, llu-jw; fancy. 3t;'c Peachea, firm; choice, K-olJc: fancy, 12L tllSc; extra fancy, iSi'lSe. Raisins, un changed; -eded raisins, 7ejlMc; London Wars, t-.6tvjl.li6. . - . WhUky Markea. ... - CHTCAOO, June IS. WHISKY Market teaivy on bais af 8LS1 f.r liin wln-ta i t JRIA, Jun. K'-WH IS tCY Market st.iy on bssis of $131 for sp1rrts. tXr.L4rw. 4uiv at-NVUjlvlt-ket suadjr at il SEW YORE STOCKS ASDBOSDS General Drift of Jliirket i Sutow and Cbangi Are Constant READIKQ GROUP IS. WHAXEE Actios Daa t Ftllag of Petltloa to Dlolv Merger Close la Jrreg- ' lar, vrith Mixed Nat Change. NEW YORK. June 13. Th constant changes In the course of prices today seemed to represent nothing more than ths shifting sentiment of the room traders, who had th day's transactions to them selves. There were some Individual points of strength and some of weakns, and these had a varying sympathetic effect on th list as a whole. The general drift, however, wss very narrow and operations outslds a half dosen stocks were very scanty. There were lengthy periods. In fact, when tha market wua practically stagnant. Less Was heard of yesterday's Japanese war rumor owing to the declina tion of competent authorities to giv it countenance. The passing of this Influence woma open the way naturally to soma re covery from the depression yesterday which was caused by th fear of It. An opposing" Influence was th weakness of Reading. This was traceable to the filing of the gov ernment's suit to compel th dissolution of th combination among the snthraclt roads. The effect of this factor was prac tically restricted to Reading In ths group of coalers. A supplementary Influence, en th stock was a decline In confidence by heretofore professional buyers that the div idend wa to be Increased at the meeting next week. In some Isolated Instances there was evidence of liquidation, and al though this was light, the effect on prices was marked owing to the prostration of th demand. Rock Island preferred was said to be affected by this cause, and Amer ican Locomotive was another sufferer. With th subsidence of the Japanese war scars the bears were Inclined to fall back on Inferential deductions from th diffi culties of a great firm of building con tractors announced yesterday, A minor failure announced this morning affecting building operations gave point to the ex pressed anxiety over a possible condition of overextension which might bring similar embarrassments from difficulty of obtain ing working capital In other fields. Specific rumors of such conditions extended Into the dry goods field and set on foot exhsust Ive Inquiries on the subject, which served to discredit the rumors entirely. The sup position that there might be a resumption of gold exports was not fulfilled today, al though conditions In the foreign exchange market were slightly mors favorable to the operation than they were on Monday. Discounts wers rather easy at Paris, howsver, as they wer also at Berlin, and the money market here was appreciably firmer, the rate for call money advanced slightly and funds wer scare In the time loan division of the money market. The statement of subtreasury operations for the day Indicated a small gain of. cash by the banks, but the government Institution has withdrawn from the banks since the last bank statement $4,011, OoO. which Includes payment for the gold exported on Satur day. The surplus reserve of the banks on Saturday stood at less than $7.O0O.OuO. The approach of the July settlements cenr ters attention on the large half-yearly re quirements, which will be Increased ' not only by the sale of $28,000,000 of New York City bonds to be offered before the end of tha month, but by a payment of $11,625."! of an Installment of subscriptions to the new Northern Pacific stock which falls due July 1. News from the wheat crop was considered encouraging and helped to sus tain th grangers. A decline In the London price of copper was a factor In the market. The . Indecisive tone was unchanged throughout, as shown by tha small mixed net changes. Bonds Were Irrogular. Japanese 4H and 4s declined a fraction further. Total ssles of bonds, par value, $989,000. United States bonds were unchanged os call. Number of sales and range of quota tions on ths New York Stock exchange: Bales. A ilams Xipenes Amal. Copper t 3S.S00 Amer. Car snd rouodry. . . . S.1S0 Ao pta 100 Amer. C0U00 Oil ' .... 4o pfd Amsr. Bipress .,. Iran. Hide Leather gti km, to 00 Amer. Llissi Oil 4 pfd ..1 KK in. Looomotlve t.400 4e pf4 Amer. Smelting Ref...,. U. 500 4 pti , .... Amsr. Sufmr Rsflntns Asms. Tohreo pfd ctfa.... AMHn4l MI Dlnf Co t.0 Auhlaoa 4,100 AO pfd Atlantic Cout Lin Balllmors Oblo 1,100 do pfd Rrooklra Rapid Tranilt I 7"0 Canadla Patl8 f&uO Cantral of New Jersey rtiaaspasa Ohio 490 Chios Orsat Waster Chicago A Nonhweatani... I.SnO C. 14. A St. rau4 4.400 Chicago Term. A Trans do pfd C. a. C. A St lent Colorado Past aod Iron.... 1.100 Colorado 41 Sosthera M do 1st p(4 4o id prd .... Consolidated Oas .......... So Cora Produota 10ft do pfd Delaware A Hudson 30 Dal., Lack. WMrn Ixnrer A Rio Orande S00 do pfd PlatUlsrs secarttlsa lot) Brla t.rJO High. Low. Close. 5 u s4 ' 41 s s TV! 17 v, ni .... ' .... SI I. SS t.. .... 300 til, s- 404 34 . t4 ISt. ' B7H S6H Wit IM llTSi 1144 .... .... 105 .... .... 1 ! fx . IS Vi SlVb ' 17 H 8S .... "t 4Vt K ' IS 144 MS SI 170V4 K714 1" 170 IS 84 HI lOvi 141 141H H1V4 137U lt4 ! S 15 ' 5 3014 H 1344 Zi II .... .... ST ' 44 ' 11 11T 1U 14 144 11 71 1SS . 164 4 441 14 V 14 TO SIS tl iv, K l- 56V, 14 15 M 13SV4 U5V4 ltfVi 1H 12 ..... ..- SI do let pfd ..... do Id pfd Oaoaral Electric Inter. Paper ..... do .pfd Inter. Pump .... do pfd lows Central ... do pfd yw ii 14 K. C. Southern do pfd r S64 51 S Loulavllia A NaahTllls..... eu 111 11114 111 Meiloaa Central ltiO fc So i: Minn. A gt. Uula 43 M.. St. P. A aaull 8ta St. l' do pfd 1M Mlasourl PaelSc 400 T5V4 T4H T5 M , K. A Texas I,u U tin 12 '4 do pfd 13 Katlooal Lead .' 41 New York Central 400 1IS 111 111 N. T., Ontario A W S4 14 Norfolk A W raters, pfd ... 1" 71 71 T3 Nark Amerlcsa ISO SH IS 6 PactSc Mall 1 H M1 SI PeuaaylTsnla tS Sn ltn ll 10 feopls Oaa 1.000 Y M .1 Pitta.. C. C. A St. Louis s Preaaed Steel Car . H ' do pfd 100 SkVe S Pullman Pslao Car 1W Raadlag SI.4X) 104 101 l.'S do lat pfd SO . do Id pfd So Bepvhllc Stael Stt 15 II SS do pfd Si Rork lelaad Co S.H0 S"H $4 Sr. do pfd 11' 41 41 St. L A San Pres. Sd pfd. u 12 lis, at Louts Southwastora S4 do ptd 4M4 Southern Pscln S.ll 71 TS 7 So pfd " US 111 111 Soattwra Railway 7 V4 IS IS do ptd 1M 0 44 SO Coal A Iron .... 140 Teaaa A Pact So K T.. St. Leuls Wastaro... 100 .17 17 17 do 4fd l' 414 41 laios ParlSe 104. SO) 114 113 1M do pfd SB f. S. Bipreaa 5 V. . Realtr SS V. A. Rubtt S S4 S M do pfd S C. 8 SlMl. SI -41 1 SI. SO S3 St 13 do pfd 4.1MB Sa 11 17 Vlrglnla-CaroUoa Chemical. IS i pit - Wahaah ""i " w do pfd SOS 13 W W.lle-Karao Cipreas 170 Weatlngh.nia Kleotrl 14? Wasters Ualoa l0 80 ' 1 SO Wheeling A IS Brt .... 11 Wlecoaala.Cw.Usl 1 do pld S4 Nortlwrs rVriSa , 1.X) 11S 1H 174 Central Lsalbar pfd lloas-Shefneld Oreat Northers pfd H'M-in 1! 117 Inlerboruh Matropolltaa.. 100 IT IT . 11 do ptd 44 44 41 Total sale Sor tha day. 404. UK) sharea New YarSx Mlalaar tcx-k. NEW TORK. Jun 13 Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Adams Cos M Little Chief T Alice Oatarlo IM Breex At Ophkr 17 Bruaewtck Co SS Polos) le Coaaatork Tuanel 16 aasa 44 lei. Cal aa Vs.... t Stem Nevada v It Horn Silew ,...1M Small Hupa eu Ira SI leer iTtS fclaDdard ....1st Laadeill Cos S ..- Fortaa Plaaaclal. LONDON. Juns It Money In tha market today was la good demand snd supply, ttts oounts wer quiet Althouie tti dealings oa tha aVtock xrriaixg wr restricted th recent flrnince was well maintained in the ca of most British eourltlt-a The feature was a sharp rts In undHrground rails on prospects of Increased fares. Foreigners were steady oa Paris selling; Jnc.e re mained heavy on tb c.w.troversv aith the 1 riled Btntee 4.1 Iwi uivi at 1W A-usikaus start, J weak on reeterrlar'a decline In New York. but Die time changed at about noon and rn-oa advanced firmly under the lead of nlon Pacific and Canadian Pacific. In the afternoon tha New York market became weak, quotations ceased and th market Clone.! dull. PARIS, June 11 Prices on' th Bourse today opened weak, but recovered on better Berlin advices. Russian !mier!al 4s closed at 73 00 and Russian bonds of 19"4 at 446.0O. New Yarkt Moaey Market. NEW YORK. June 13. MONEY On Call, Steady, t't2. per cent; ruling rata, 31; closing bid. 3; offered at 2. Time loans stronger snd more active; sixty-day bills, 3Va4 per rent; ninety days, 4 percent; six months, ta'y per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-SGH per cent. KTER1.INO EXCHANOEPteady, with actual business In bankers' bill at It.ST'tf 4.R76 for demsnd and at $4.S37iT4 S.T75 for sixty-day bills; posted rate. $4.MVi and $4.1; commercial bills, $4(1. SILVER Bar, 66T,c; Mexican dollars, 6ivc. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Ir regular. Closing quotations on bonds tofmy wsr as fol'ows: i . V. A rf ta. rf....l Japaa sa f do coupon 1M do M aerl tit O. 8. (a. nf I f do 414a, etfs do coupon 1"! do Id smas U. I. old 4a. rac ion 0 4 ajJ Ao coupon .i"iL N UM. 4a mi V. B. naw 4a, r....l?tt !. CaMril 4.... (0 do coupon US' 1o lat Inc , Am. Tob. 4s Tl Mlnn. A St. L. 4s. 4 do a 1HH . K. Ar T Indt.... 4 Atrhlaon gn. 4s 4N. R. of M. c. 4a. M do ad). 4a soHlt. Y. C. awn. SUjS... Atlantic C. L. 4s.... KN J. C. gas. Sa lisu. Bal. A Ohio 4a... M No PaclAe 4 lAu do tM rt Mo Is To Bra..' R T n. it... 1 14 N. W. c. 4s S4 Cent, of 0. la it); Ore. g. L. rfg. 4.... C4 do lt Inc Pens. rr. Ia tt do M Ine TO Ruadtrtf gen. 4a M do Id Inc M !. L. a t. H c. K 110a ( Chea. Ohio Ha...imHst, L. A- S. F. fg. 4a Tu I rhlcago A A. ISt.... l lt. L. g W. c. 4a. Tl c, u. a q. n. 4a.. tl sahoard A U 4s.... Tt C, R. I. A r. eol. Sa 414go. Pad 0o 4a T OT!. A St. L. go. 4 tt.14 do 1st 4a. ctr. pou. Colo. Ind. 5a. aer. A.. H Snuthars Hy 6a. . . .. .lUiI "lo. Mid. 4a : U Tn. A P. lata Ill Colo. A' So. 4s WHT., St. L A W. 4a. 71 uha la 10irnln Parillc 4a lrtiu Mrt. Sers. (a Ii , V. B. iteel M Sa n Erla prior lien 4s... 4H Wanairti lata un do gen. 4 tl w patera Vd. 4a H Hork. Valley 4H. . .1(H Wla Central 4s U Bid. -Offered. Boatoa atocks and Bonds. BOSTON. June It Call loans, 46 per cent; time loans, rVdfy per cent Official closing on slocks ana bonds: "AtrhtaoB adi. 4s... W Bingham .'. 15 do 4a 17 Cal. Hacla TBS tci Contral 4a 77 Centennial ii Atohlnon M Copper Range 77 4 Pfd Miralr Waat 14 Bnaton A Albany. ..IIS rraJixlla U Boatoa ft Maine lf Oranbr 1 Boatoa Elerated 131 Isle Rorale UU rttchtmrg pfd lift Maas. Mining 4 Hex. Central S0n Michigan ll4 N. T., N. H. A H..1H9 Mohawk 64 I nlon Pacific m Mont. Coal A 0 IH Am. Pneu. Tube Old Domlnloa 414 Am. sugar 1H Onr-eola jjn do pfd 11114 Parrot It Am. Tel. A Tel 1,"4 Qalncr v m Am. Woolen 144 Shannon 17U, do pfd (H Tamarack 101 Edlaon Klec. Ill ins Trinity 14 Slaia. Electrle It lalted Copper S4V, do pfd 57 r. S. Mining 41 Maaa. Oas 59 V. 8. Oil lit fnifed milt ins ftah t'njted gho Mach.... TU; victoria , d pfd 17.4 Winona t C. B. Steal 3WlTrlna ur do pfd v North Butt 14 Adrentur IV, Butts Coalition 14 Alluuei , 44 Nrrada , II Amalgamated 14 Cal. A Arliona 113 Atlantlo 11 Aril. Commercial ,..310 Bid. "Asked. London Closing; stocks. LONDON, June 12 Closing quotations on stocks were' as follows: Conaola. money 1314 M., K. A T S54 do acrount S4 N. T. Central 111.4 Anaconda 114 Norfolk A W TlVk Atchlann II do pfd .-.u II do pfd KHOnt. Ar Weatarll IT B. A O PennertTanla gl 14 Canadian PaclSo ....171 Rand Mines S14 Cnea. A Ohio II Beading M Chicago O. W 11 aouthen, n,, jn C . M. A it. P 11014 da pfd tl , DoBeers S4 Bo. ParISc T74 It. A K. O t .Vnloji PaclSo 117V, do pfd ............. TH do xfd II Erla '. tlV. 8. steal ; 14 do let pfd SI do pfd 100 do 14 pfd 7v,Wahali 1IV4 Grand Trunk....', ts d afd SS tlllnota Central. .140 (palla 4s M. L. A Maak. ......11S ... !, SILVER BaK'nteady; 30lS-id per ounce. MONET 314 per cent. ; Tue rate of discount on, "tb open market for short bills Is $ S-M'jNl per cent; for three months' plllv Jxcent. Trrssary StaVement. . ' " WASHINQTON, June tii Today's state ment In the treasury balances In th gen eral fund excluslvel of the $15v,tiVO,0UO gold reserve shows: Available cash balance. S-60,-tM2,&36; gold coin and bullion. $6fi,2U,497; gold certificates, $6M.3y8.430. - " Bank, ricarlnxa. . OMAHA, June 13 Bank clearings for to day were $2,02.823.37. and for the corres ponding date last year 11.622.967.10. ' Wool Market. BOSTON. June 12.-VOOL Tht ao tlvlty In quarter-blood fleece continues to be the feature of the Ideal wool market although there Is also a good demand f r line wools. The supply of fine fleeces, washed and unwashed. Is wholly Inade quate to fulfill the demand, and there ar rears no Immediate prospects of a change. The market is somewhat stronger in til better class of stock, in fact manufactur ers are looking to a fine Wool season. Local dealers hav great oenfldence in th new clip and are operating with freedom and paying good prices.. Competition for the new clip continues to the profit of the growers. Oregon and Idaho are pavtlouinr sections. Heavy transactions are reported from both states snd local Arms are buy ing liberally. Advices from Australia are to the effect that the new clip will not show any Increase over that of last year. The leading domestic quotations lanae aa i follows: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX nnd ; above. 33684c; X. 11 wt2c; No. 1. 3SO 33c; No. 2, 173o; fine unwashed. 35 I 26c; unmerchantable, $728c; half-blood I unwashed. H ii 33c, three-eights blood uit ! washed, 32C33c; quarter-blood unwashed, i30ra31c; medium clothing, 2S2o: half- blood, 27K2So; delaine washed, 337c; ! delaine unwashed, 232vc. Michigan fine unwashed, Hiii iic; delaine unwashed. 27 2ic. Texas (scoured basis) tine 13 months. 70'& 72c; fine ( to 6 months. 65 0 68c; tine fall clean, 67&68c. Kentucky, Indiana, Missouri, combing, blood, 31 38c; combing, blood, SO'tfSlc. Cali fornia tscoured basis) . northern cbolae, 6. 4 68c. northern good, f)J7c; mid.1l county, 66ii(4c; southern, 2$o; fail free, 67 4i6$c; fall defective, 40 1? lis. Oregon, tscoured basis) eastern No 1 staple. T0 672c; eastern No. 1, clothing' 6S70c; valley No. 1. 0S!c. Territory staple (scoured basis), fine, 70'&72c- fins medium. 68fe70c; mediam, S6Sc, Ter ritory ordinary scoured basis, fine, 68 ? 0c; fine medium, 6;. ol7c; medium, S3 i S4c. Colorado and New Mexico spring scoured X. 66 70c; No. 1, 63j66c. Geor gia, greasy. 28428Vko; pulled wools, scoured baels. 6.33c; extra SSQTJc; a supers, i&tioTc; by supers, 43ij47c. T. Lot IS. Mo., Jon 12. WOOL Steady; medium grades combing and clothing. 24627c; light fln, 2ia21Wc: heavy tin. lii17c; tub aashad, $Ug$ic. ' Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jun lt-The London tin market was lower, with spot closing st Ui6s. and futures lower at lh06s Lo cally the market was unchanged. Copper wa lower In the Kngltsh mrket, with spot closing at s f.s. a declln of 1 while futures wer ISs 6d lower at M 6 Locally ths market wa dull and nominal. Klectrolytlc, r3.ftJia.2&: easting, $21 759 HZa. Lead was unchanged at $5.7566.86 In the local market, but advanced 2 6d to 20 7sed In Iondon. Hpelter was un changed st 24 7s4d In London and at $4.40 660 locally. Iron Was lower in th Eng lish market, with Standard foundry quoted at 67s ad and Cleveland warrants at 6"s 9d Locally tha market was unchanged' No i northern Is quoted at $: tVo 26 26 No' $ foundry northern. $2MKft -Ni. 35 ; No. 1 foun dry southern, $.0ib 36.60; No. $ foundry southern. IX 0f.flCti.00. 8T. LOL1S. Mo.. Jun It M F3TAL6 Lead, quiet. $5 67,. Speller, firm, $0 37 Isgsr aad Malauaea. NEW YORK, Jun lt-BrQAR-Raw quiet; fair refining, 3.31c; centrifugal, fej fectioners' A. Sr: mould A. Xr: nit i,.u e i.e. inuiassea sugar, a uec. Ketlned quiet; No. 6, 4ti0c: No. 7. 4 5oc; No. 6 4 6' No. 3. 4.46c: No. 10, 4.35c; No. 1L 4c; No' 12. 4 2Cc; No. IS. 4 20c: No. 14. 4ir.c- r-,.'. 6.7"c; crushed, 6 70c; powderttd. 610c; gran ulated, 6t"c; cuts, 6.26c. MOLA6SKS Steady; New Orleans open kettle good to cho'ce, 37fMV. NEW ORLEANS, La.. J.ine 1$ -SSt'OAR Steady: centrifugal yellows, 3:aii4.c; sec ords. 24iSiC. MOLAEH LIS Quiet. New syrup, I034o. Oil aad Haarta. OIL CITY, Pa.. June l-OIL8-Credlt balanceci. $1.7ru rjns. Iu7.0n -bbls ; average, 127.111 bbls ; shipments, 157,146 bbls ; avtr- Stto. 1A1.4H0 bbls. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Jun tt OILS Tur pentine, firm. 6767o; a lea 821 bbls. rs eel pta 1.-47 l,tl; sl.ljnents. til bbls. ROelN-Flrni: A. II, C. $4;u4 1J. 1. $4 30 H4S6; K. S4 'A. 4 t"; V, $4 7?.; O $4 T. H Hf;'I. UM 4i: K. 3.J6j U. 5.; N, ii W, W U. it.vv; W W. S.b4. .. 0UaDA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Trade Slow, but Prices, aa a Rale, Steady. HOGS TEH TO FITTEO L0WEE keep ss4 LaasVs 8lav ta Lewtr To day aad kVally Tweaty-Flv to Fifty Teals Laeer Than Last Week. SOTJTH OMAHA, Jun U. 1WT. Receipts were; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday , $,74 6.7.7$ l.WJ Official Tuesday 4.S 14.331 t.HA OfHcial Wednesday 6.SU0 I6.60O 10t Threa day this week. .. .13.053 XH ( 620 Same days last week....Sr.t77 81.T0 1,J Sam day 3 weeks ago.. 8.774 r.&t 10.C3S Sam days 3 weeks ago. .16.473 i-OTS IS U Sam day 4 weeks ago.'. 18.144 31.111 13.731 Sam days last year 13,04$ 42.521 4.69 Th following tsbl shows th receipts of cattle, hogs snd sheep at South Omaha for th year to date, compared wita last year: 1?7. 1S08 Inc. Dee, Cattle 613.677 4.t3.3S6 86.391 Hogs 1.1W..3.K 1.2o0.3 8S.1H6 BUeep 791,6.18 73a. 2S 63.248 RANOEi OF PRICES. Cattle, Hoi. Omaha U. 55.78 $5.&a10 Chicago I.TVtITO 6"qS2-'H Kansas City 17&ti7 00 6 9f17H 6t. Louts l.oO'rjs.W 6 Tvu 20 Sioux City $.7Hi 26 6.-ti6 CATTLE) QUOTATIONS. Good to choloe corn-fed steers $5.80'S,4.36 Oood to fair corn-fed steers .2tr6.W Common to fair steers 45tu6.26 Oood to choice cows 4.2.U6.P0 Fair to good cows and heifers.... .6tra4.25 Oood to choice stork ers and feeders 4.&"tt.l0 Pair to good stockers and feeder.. 4.00-4 SO Common to fair stockcrs tOKiit.OO Bulls, stags, eto t26-((4.76 Veal calves tOyraATe Ths following tabi shew th avarag prio of hogs at South Omaha for ths last sveral days, with comparisons. Data 1K7. U30a.13u6.Ut04..lO2.lS01. May 80. May 31. 01 171 6 Sal 6 11 2 OS S 31 6 lo. 4 68! 4 &0 6 81 7 Hl 6 e 6 6 i ; ( 70 6 71 6 70 6 71 ( 76 t 78 . a 6 83 6 1 J 83 W 04', IM 6 61 I KH 01. 7 Ul Jun 1. 4 63 4 4i! 4 4 Jun 7 07 7 13 Jun !?I3 6 W, $ 75 Jun 466 f 18 Jun 34 I 31 7 20 Jun Jun 4 30 81 r; 4371 6 3D 36 I a 4 641 178 7 16 I 26 ( 30 4 S 4 6M 7 18 a 7 n 7 a 7 36 Jun .07V, 04t, ( Jun t 17 4 70 6 36 Jun 10.. 6 301 4 701 01 June 11. June 13. a ( 18 4 7v t 031 00 7 83 Sunday. The official number of cars of brought In today by each road was; stock irr's. 's : 'i "x oattla Hogs. Bbeep. C, M. A St. P.. 4 w abash Missouri Pacific 38 Union Paclflo System. 46 68 IS 74 13 88 v. dk In. w., east. u. dx. ti. w,, wst 40 U 13 C, St. P., M. A O. C, B. A Q., east c, a. dt y., west.:.. 38 C, R. I. P., east.. .. C. R. I. A P., west.. 63 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Of. Western, t Total receipts ....288 133 12 The disposition of th day's receipts was as follows, esch buyer purchasing ths num ber of hesd indicated: Cattle. Hors. Sheen umini racKing wT tht Swift and Company ..... 420 Cudahy Packing Co 873 Armour A Co 653 Cudahy, from K. C 270 Armour, from K. C 63 Vansant A Co Do Hill A Son 46 F. P. Lewis $ Huston A Co :. 97 L. V. Huss , $ United Dressed Beef Co. 19 Sam Wertheimey ,.-.. 6 Mike Hsggcrty 82' Sol Degan ..."..4... 18 J. B. Root A Co.... 16 T. B. Inghram 19 Sullivan Bros 6 Lehmer Bros , 4 Other buvers ...... 827 8.S08 4,126 4.3b2 71W 1,067 Total ...A 420 11730 3,064 CATTLE Receipts of cattle looked quite liberal on paper this morning, but as a matter of fact th actual number on sal was fsr from that, Otty-nv cars of through Bluff being Included In the receipts. There was no great change In the market on beef steers, so far as prices wer con cerned. Th demand, however, did not ap pear to be as urgent a yesterday and tha trade as a whole was slow snd dull. It was one of those Indifferent kind of mar kets when prices seem about steady and still, when there .ta not enough snap to th trade to make It appear good and steady. Among the cattle hers today were some rljsht good beef steers which sold at $S.(X? Shippers were picking up a few of the better grides of heifers and paying fully stesdy prices for such ss suited their pur posea On ths other hand the cow market was very slow and In many cases holders found It a difficult matter to find a buyer. That was especially true If the quality was not overly good. It Is very evident thst with th packers out of the market, com paratively few cows and heifers can be dlspoaed of to any advantage. Ther wa tiothlng new In stockers or feeders, th trad being naturally limited at this season of ths year, as well as by ths light receipt a Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Ke. 14.... II.... 14.... 4.... 11.... 1.. 14 ... 44.... XS... SI. ... 40.... II.... IS.... 17.... IS.... SS.... IS.... St.... s... v. r. Mo. . Ft. ...1160 S TS ...IS) t 76 ....UN S TS ,...n;o s ts ...INT I TS ....1)71 I 76 ...1S4I I M ...11"4 i SO ....137 S SS ...1341 6 SS ...1441 ( 10 ...1131 S SS ...1414 8 00 ...ItSO 100 ...13,4 00 ...1117 I OS ...1311 10 ...1324 I 10 ...1436 8 Sf ...IMS I IS ...1431 I IS ... 140 4 48 ...IM 4 10 ...1070 4 10 ...lono 4 15 ...1IS 4 SS ...1420 4 CK ...1U10 4 14 ... S74 4 48 . S04 4 so ... TOO 4 SS ... US S a ...lel I 11 ... TV S SO ... Mi 6 85 ...1071 4S ... US I 41 ... S0 S 46 I 44 ... MS S W ...1071 I 10 ...111S S 60 ...ion s ss ,...1161 S 10 ...1227 I 40 ...nn s is ...1171 (M ...iwi S IS II II It 40 1 II IS to it. 17 S , Si tl , 14 Si 88 S $16 S T ....ill $10 IT COWS ) ...1110 t 40 ... 110 1 Pi ... M0 I 81 ... 131 I IS ...1071 I IS ...111 I to ...ISO I 60 ... 131 I TS ...1141 4 SO HEIFERS. 48 S 75 6 , SU S TS II ..IOT81 4 84 .. 4 SO .. M4 4 M ..7(4) I 00 .. S38 6 10 ..Mr 4 ss ..1440 4 70 ..! 4 Tl . .SutO 4 4S .1400 4 at ..IM 4 0 S 08 1 IS A.... . 110 4 Si S . Ho 4 40 .100 4 SO 1 tl BTJLLeV ...1014 S 10 ...1330 I ...161 4 1 .. 13 4 18 ...14M I SO ...1340 I eO 1. ...1010 4 SO 1. CALVES. ISO I SO 1 180 8 SS 140 I Tl 11 1(4 i to S S TS I IM I SO SO S Tl 1 14S I 74 1 8 80 1 110 I 78 0 8 SO 1 is) 1 J .. ... 14S 4 SO STOCK ERS A7TD FEEDERS 48 I IS f e,T 1 u SS0 I 71 JO if,T 4 SO ll!! , 8S7 S To M 4M 4 SO . 6 IS 4 IS .474 III S 177 4 TS I fc ,1 a lr. .. 87$ 4 SO 8 i 4 80 STAOS. 1SS5 4 8 11 1414 I II HOGS Hog opened 10c lower and on th first round made by buyers quite a number of load sold that way. Before very many sellers had an opportunity to take advan tage of th bid the market weakened still further, becoming 10ujl5o lower. The trade wa extremely slow at th decline, it be ing lo o'clock before a single load had changed hands, and It was well along toward midday before th market was really under way and befor enough had been dun to really establish prices. Ths market as a whole was as slow and unsat isfactory as yesterday's market was active and satisfactory. The decline was brought about by a lower provision market, by large receipts and lower markets at all selling polnta Representative sales: Na. Ae. Sa. Pr. u iso s ss 86 .Vt ... t at 40. 31 ... I 14 40 IM ... 18 44 a ... I 17, rr tu so s r: 1 141 ii 1 nw 4..... l:. 8al S TO 161 it In 14 It 1.. 80 i t Sat) I M 11 rs S S n ...... tt ... I x SI l lit IN ' 44 KJ 8u I an ' h Sat 88 6 64 Ko. U... se... 81... 71... 78... 17... 11... 71... ...ta ...8.1 ... P ... 14 ... I ...Ul ...tti ..84 ....III ...17 ...II ... r-i ... S-l 6k. v. Sv S 81 1J I 4 4u S 84 44 I M IS IN ... I M . ... IH ... SIT 40 S 1tt 4 S H -4 ... tl SO 6 M m in . . 8 08 US 4 00 aae 8 e8 11.. 71.. 84 hi U..U..,.M ,....171 Sno I ft 4tf I no ... I 4 4 014 ...II 14 !! ... I t ... 4 fas ....117 SO S 10 SI Mi ... I 13 8HEKP- There wer only about seven rars on sale this morning nd the trad was slovr to lower. It Is not an easy mat- ter to compare today s mitrket with yes tofday, alien prices were somewhat un even owing to the shsrp break. Operators on the market wre calling It anywhere from weak to (Kline lower, tme thing can be said safely, and thut Is that the market Is now 2t.-y4".c lotscr than last week, with lambs ss much ss 600 lower and the me dium kinds of html showing eten more docllns than that. A noted yesterday the break In th sheep market ha occasioned no surprise, as It was a foregnne conclusion thst prices wer hound to slump sooner or lster as the supply of grass sheep became more plentiful at other markrt points. In ad dition to grass sheep from th southwest there sre a good many Kentucky, Tennes see snd Virginia lambs going to eastern market, which naturally cuts off the de mand from that source for western mut ton.. Fortunately the fed sheep an) lambs In this territory were pretty much all dis posed of before the break began. Quotation nn shorn stock; Oood to cholc lambs. $ Of); fair to good lamb, $7.f"tT7.S0; common or cull lambs, $5.&oiJi 00; rood to choice spring lambs, $&.00o.mO: fair o good spring lambs. $n.i)tiii.u0; cull spring lambs, $4 Jo'u.j.oo; good to cholc yearllnRS, light, $S (Vwr? no; good to choice yearlings, hesvy, $6.4:tl.t; good to choice wethers, $fi 40a S6. fair to good wethers. KOtKtrs.SO; good to choice eyes. $'"SB f'0; 'a,r to go.vl ewes, eo.2Urti.e0: culls, bucks and slsgs, $3 00 No. 1" western ewes, culls....,..., 67 western wes 8 western bucks , 36 western ewes, culls 14 western ewes 43 western ewes 114 western ewe Av. Pr. 79 1 0" hS 4 60 118 4 7 91 6 00 90 t 79 93 6 874 89 6 23 1 western wes snd wethers.... 94 36 23 western lambs 11 8 19 western lambs 63 ( 01 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MAHK.ET Cattle "teady Hoars Tea Cents Lowe Sheep Weak. CHICAOO, June 13.-CATTLK.-Recelpts about 18.("1; market stesdy but slow; com mon to prime steers. W.TViiH.M; cows $3 2TJ 6.00; heifers. $&,0Oi6 .60: bulla $3.ljt.i; CSlVea. S3 OftiT SO: liirk.ri n.1 ri.1r $S.Prt6.15. nous Receipts about 30.000 head; market 10c lower; choice to prime heavy, $rt lavi 6.16; medium to good heavy, $6.u6((itUO; butcher weights, $6.1ij.15; good to prim mixed, $ti.u7V. light mixed, $6 12Vtl.15; packing, $6.5ijol6; bulk of sales, $.(Vu 15, SHEEP AND LAM 119 Receipts about 20. O11O; market weak to 25c lower: sheep, $6.50 475; yearlings, $o.75U'7.8o; lambs, I6.5oiuB.0U. New York Live Stock Inrket. NEW YORK. . June 12. BFEVES Re ceipts, 3,353. Stoers slow snd IWI60 lower; bulls and medium fat cows, lo&s&c lower; thin cows steady; steers sold at $48o.?7vl Cer 100 pounds; one car extra same at $6.50; ulls, $3.5ii4j60tl; choice western cows, $4 15 St6.50. Kxports today, 912 cattle and 6,659 quarters of beef. CALVR9 Receipts, 4..r.56 head. Market extremely dull and lower; veals were off 60c and buttermilk 50c to $1.00 lower; com mon to prime veals, $6.UVKi6.60 per 100 tmunds; a few early sales of choice lots at $8.0ja.2; buttermluke, $4.OO4.00: culls, $4.00 fi6.0D; city dressed veals lower at 6yjj;"2c per poundt; country dressed, llo. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7.6S4 head. Sheep 25c lower: yearlings 5fV&-75c lower: lambs dull, 2Vfl50c lower; sheep sold at $3.xye.15; lambs, $7.60ig8.o2H. HOGS Receipts, 7,72(1 head. Market 10o lower; state and Pennsylvania hogs, W.fjirti 6.66 per 100 pounds. Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. June 12. CATTLE. Re ceipts. s.500, Including 8.8(10 southerns. Market stesdy to 10c lower. .Top, $6.40; choice exports and dressed beef steer, $586i.40; fair to good. $5fe6.80; western fed steers, $.6ff.lo; stockers and feeders, $3.50 4M.86; southern steers. $3.xi(6n; southern cows. $2.26&a.76; native cows. $2.25f.4.; na tive heifers, $4fg6.46; bulls, $3.406.00 calves. $4.5tlSjf7.2fj. HOOS Receipts 33,000 heedr market loffl 15c lower. Ton. W ilt,; bulk of sales. fi.(K 6.10; heavy, fc.titfl.U; packers, $5.96$j1.10; light, $(Vii6.12V; pigs, $5.!Mi.00. SHEKP AND LAM I Receipts S.onO; market 26c lower. Larobs. $7.50(ha.75; ews and yearlings, $5.7D66.50; western fed year tings, $625417.00;. western fed sheen, $5.60 6.&0; stockers and feeders, $3.5tfi5.25. St. Loo Is Ltv Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.,.June lA-CATTLE-Re-CMpts, 6,000 head. Including 2,960 Texan. Market weak; native shipping snd export steers, $5.0"M.60; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.6044.90: steers under J,0u0 lbs., $4.4('o4.65; Blockers and feeders. $3.urfi6.0Jij cows and heifers. $2.756.60; csnners. $2.0fia 2.60; bulls. $3.So6.0u; colves, $4.0Ot2t.OO; Texas and Indian steers, $2.7o&6.75; cows and heif ers, $18064.00. HCXiS Receipts. 12.000- held. Market lftc lower; pigs and lights. $T..70fr6.l6; packer. $5.756.10; butchers and best heavy, $8,000 6.30. SHEEP AND LAM RS Receipt s, 6.000 head. Market low.r: native muttons. $5.0TKJ 7.50; lambs. ( i ": culls and bucks, $4.60 4)6.00; stockers, 3S.7M14 80. St. Jnsepk Live Stock Market. RT JOrlF.PH Mn l1fITTtlr I Receipts, l.ttitt lieaij. Market active; na I Uvea $4.y'utj.i0. cows and heifers. Il.254i6.ii: stockers and feeders $3 6)(g4 76. HOQS Receipts, li,V3u head. Market 107? 15c lower; top. $ti.l0 bulk, $5.955'j.05. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 581 head. Market for spring lambs Xc lower; clipped lambs. $7.6ors8.0O; yearlings, $6.85(3fi.40. Ian a City Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. June If.-(Speclal)-CATTLE Receipts, I,2f) head; market steady: stockers, weak; beeves, $5.0ufiti.26; cows, bulls snd mixed, $3.75iK.C0; stockers snd feeders, $4.(Xtft60; calve, and year lings, $3.7fy64.50. HOGS Receipts, 9 m rad; market 10c lower; selling at $5.tV&695; bulk of sales, $6.876.90. ' Stock la Slgkt. Receipts of live stock at ths six prin cipal eastern markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 6.3'0 15,5uO 2,(jr Sioux City 6.O1O 12.CO0 6.0 v Kansas City 8.5O0 22.0fX) 6.00 trt. Joseph l.OHd 12.730 581 St. Louis $. 12.000 S.00) Clilcago U.OuO .(HV Sti.UiO Total .42 W0 104,230 37,561 OMAHA WliOLEIALM MARKETS. Cuaditloa of Trad aad Qaotatlaas aa Staple and Fancy Proa ace. EGGS Per dot., 14c. BUTTER Pecking slock. 16c; choloa to fancy dairy, lbyS.c; creamery, 31i3c. LiVB POULTity Hen. 10c; roosters, t tile; turkeys, 12c; duck. lOo; geese, 4c FRUITS. CALIFORNIA CHERJUES-Per box Of about i lbs , black. $1X; white, $2.00. . PINEAPPLE Florida. 48 alio. 12.76 per crate, 42 six. $3.00 per crate; 36 site, $to0 per crate; 30 site, S3 50 per crate. Cuban pineapples 36c less ail around. BTRA WBEKK1KH Missouri, 34-qt. cases, $2. 75fl 3.00. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS Umonlera. M sit, $6.00; $60 site, $6 60' other brands. 60c leas. BANANAS per inediutii-aixed bunch, $2.0yt'i 25: Jumboes. $2 60fc3 60. ORANGES Mediterranean Sweets, 150 site. $4.00: 176. 2i3), 216 and 250 sites, $4 25 ; 96. 126 and 2Mi sites, Li.5o; California Navel, extra fancy. 176, 2o0, 216 and 250 sixes. $4.76; fancy, U6 site. $4 OO; 150 site, 14.60; gt. Michaels. 176. 2o0. 216 and g'i sltea. $t.7t: 150 site, $4.60; I'M site, $4 Valencias. ho. 96 and 112 sites. $4:5.: 126, 150, 176 and 2) sixes. $4.76: 214 size, $2.60. FIGti California, bulk. 6H0; 4-crown Turkish, 14c; 4-crown Turkish. Uc; t-crown Turkish. 9c DATES Kada way 6c; sayers, 6c; hal Kwls, ao; new luffed walnut date. 9-1 b. box. $1.00. " BEEF C VT8 No. 1 rib, 14c; No. 3 rib. 11c: No. 3 rlh. 10c; No. 1 loin. 17c; No. loin. lci No. '3. loin. llic; No. 1 chuck. 7c; No. 8 chuck, lc; No. 3 chuck. c; Na 1 round, sv.': W NI ... I T Tl.. 4 I. ... t n m.. 71 .3 ... I IH : ... 41 fT St 4 M. . if 40 I 47.. .. tl ... I t Si.. I! UPDIKE GRAIN,. COMPANY" Room 100 Hee CuUdlnj. Tel. Doughs 2173 " Members of All Principal Grain Exchanges Your Business Solicited A it . I I . . tt t t '1 I l No. I round, 8.r; No. $ n-nnd. 8c; No 1 plata. $Vrc; No. 2 plan-, 3r: No. 8 plate, 80. OlA) VEtlETAlU.ES. POTATOrVS-Per Ml.. Kie. NAVY UKANS -Ptr.bu., No. t $1.00; Na, t $1.1V . . . . . NEW VEOBTABLKS. POTATO FS Per bu.. $1.20. ASPAUAOt H-tH- per dol. bunches. BEANS New wax and string, per ham- r"kbT8. TURNIPS and CARROTS Par dot bunches. 4.ifVc. PIEPLANT-Per dos 10c. Cl't 'l'MUKKS-Per do , $106. ToMATUl.-Texaa . fancy, 30-IW or to, $1 ?S. ONIONSCnlifornla, -per crate, about 45 lbs.. $lSrt; yellow Texas, per crate, $.6; green onions, per dot , Tor. CABBAGE Virginia, Sc. CELERY -Florida. $125 per dog. LEAF LETTUCE"-Hs-hotise. per do, heads. S5c PARSLEY Mot-house, per dot. bunches. 40c. RADISHES Per do. bunches, horn grown, 3Pc MISCELLANEOUS COFFEE-Roasted., No. 36. 3o per Ib,j No. SO, 21c per lb : No. 35. 18c vr 1b.j No, 30, 1V Pr lb : Ne. 31. 13Vc per lb. CHKhE-lllock Swiss, l$o; llaiberg. 14c: Young Amerlcsa, lo. NUTS California walnuts. Vtt. f. soft shell. 12c; No. 1. soft shell, 18n; tvraslla, lsml&c. pecana 19hj'-1o; filbert. 124c; pea nuts, raw, 7c. roasted, 5 Wo; California ai ntonds, 17Hci cocor.nula SW per 109. HIDES AND TALLOW-Qre4m salted. No. 1. 9c; No. 3, 8c; bull hides, to; green hldea No. 1, 7c; No. L 6c: horse, SlJoi $50; sheep pelts, SflcTTfl-te' Tallow. No, L (V: No. 2. SWc. Wool. 163o. CANNED UtSODS Corn, standard, waste em, SotjtiBo. Toinattes, fancy, t-pnund rnns, $1 45; standard, J-pound can. $126. I'lnenpples, grated. 3-pound, SiiJ 2 So; sliced, $1.7Mil3f.; fancy Hawaiian. 114 ,111a., li ra. uuvn sppi., h ra t-suromi apricots. $2.00. Pears. $1 75n 60. l eaches, I $1.76 1); U C. poaches, $2 0tlii60. AlnskS 'Salmon, rel. $1.2": fancy Chinook. Aat, $3.10; fancy socKeye. nai, i.ita. eartllnea, quarter oil. $326; three-quarters mustard. $2.7o. Sweet potatoes. $1.1071 39. Saner krant, SOc. initntlns. socitl 00. Lima beans, 3-lb., Too till .26. Soaked pas, Vlb.. 60c; fancy. $i.26J L46. 1 CALIFORNIA DRIED FHUITS-Prune are aomewhat unsettled by freer fTerlnga) from second hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of Immedlats gradea Quo. tntlons raiiKe from 6 to 9c for California fruit nnd from 6Vrtc for Oregon. Peaches are slightly easier, with fancy yellows quoted at 13c. Raisin are Arm; three crown loose Muscatels are quoted at 9c; four-crown, lor; seeded raisins. 9V4't?llc. FISH Pickerel. dressed, 10c; pike, dressed, 15c; white fish, dressed, winter caught, 13ijl5c; fresh, 14c; trout, 12r,f1 5c halibut, llo; salmon, 16c; catfish. 17o; her ring, dressed. 8c; crapplea round. SiiVci crapples, large, fancy, 15c; black bass. c: smelts, sweet snd fine, 13c; eel, 18c; blue flsrt, 16c; red snapper, 12c; roe sha.l, per pal, 4(ifi0c; frog logs. rif4Ur; lobsters, green, per lb.. 27c: lobster, boiled, per lb. Jtici hisckerel. Ppanlsh, per lb.. 16c; mackerel, native, lfii(16c per lb.; fresh green turtl meat, 26c per lb.; dreaaod buffalo, 8c; bull heads. 12c: whit perch, 7c; white baaa, lio, HAY Choice upland, per ton. $11.60; me dium, 310.60; No. 1 bottom, $9.00; oft grade. $4.0O4i.60. Rya gtraw, $7. Coffee Market. . NEW TORK. June 13. CO FFTIE Th market for coffee future opened steady at unchanged prices, which was about In keeping with the foreign markets. Reports published In a local paper claiming that valorisation was a failure and that pur chase would be discontinued were dis credited by local traders and had no effect on the local market, which ruled quiet and clusod unchanged to 6 points lower under absence of Important demand. Sales were reported of 9.5.10 bags, Including Jun at 6.60c; July, 6.46c; September. 6.30ci Decem ber, 6.35c; March, 6.40c. Spot coffee quiet) Rio No. 7, 64c; Santo No. 4, 7V0. Mild coffee dull; Cordova, bQlViya- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Eklwln Thrush and wife to Anna M6 Ouckln, south 146 feet lot 1, block 1, Pleasant Hill $ L709 Elisabeth M. Shahnn-to the John A, , Crelghton Real Estate A Trust Co., lot 7, block 1 CrelRhton Height.... f John J. Ryan to Edward A. Bodeberg, ' 1 H ne4 block 7. second add. to Cor- -riK8n Place . $9 Frances A. Ferrel and husband to J. W. Rasp and W. H. Stohlmann, lot ' 8, Miller Purk Place 609 Balthaa Jet ter and wlfs to Jettar Brewing Co., partw 9-14-18...,,. I Iloburt O. Fink, county treasurer, to Continental Trust C, lot 16 and 9 lot 16, Ree Place; lot 6, block I, Bhull's second add..... Same to Bessie E. Slmonson, lot , 1 block 18. Orchard Hill M Same to John D. Newmann, p and w4 lots 1 to 8, block. 37, Wilcox sec ond add ra eee Continental Trust Co. to Anna Lar sen. lot 14, block S. Baker Place.... 1 Charles W. Hull and wife to Flor ence W. Hall, part lots 23 and $4. . block 3. Park Place t Oottllebe Wolf to John Wolf, execu tor, wvt su block 13, second add. ta ' ' -Corrlgan Plac Hi Alma C. Bolln to Carrie L. Behm, lot i block 10, Omaha View 1 Louis E. Adams and wife tb Walenty Konicexka, lot 4, block 1, LniPont Place 6tt The Byron iReed Co. to Anna Eck- man, I acres In n4 ' nwl4 -1 8-14-13 1,000 Oak C. Redlck to George M. Redlck. lot If, block 2, Clark Redlck's add... 625 William H. and Rosins Fleagle to C. E. Kinlay, lot 9, block 6, Maxwell A Freeman's add 1.109 Hastings & Heyden to J. F. Houchln and wife, lot 9. blo. k , Collier Plac 6ut Frank H. Garvin and wife to Joseph Hurts, lot 11 block 3, Redlck Park add L2M August Radsuwelt to Balthas Jotter. w2-3 sublot 3. tax lot L 8-14-18 N 3,009 William Newton and wife to Hasklns Bros. A Co., lot 3, block 448, Grand view '. t Mattle W. Sage and husband to Chas. II. Pickens, lot 17, block 4, KUby I 'lacs 1.609 Arthur B. Woodford and wife to Ora .. Van Bandt. Jrt lot 11, Millard A Caldwell add. 86 Total ; .$1 3,791 ence MAP OF riiLt. ROSEBUD 18x22, In colors Showing location of the bonsnsa pro ducer of Nevada's richest mineral camp. Our Dally Mining Market Letters, fre on request. Ws LOAN 66 In rash on ttj soiling piic of approved listed mining securities, sod PUR CHASE such stocks on margin or buyer 30, 60 or 90 day contract. Full Information on request. IRVING K. FARRINSTCIi & CO. Established 1900. Members N. Y. Prc-duc Exchang. ST-43 Wall Street, 3f ' Toi , Write fcr My Fres Becke Grain Spec L'lalicn Kot-a Fine Art-. Boa say book sad eosslr leora br resatfaa aatural, aaualble aare ot daallu la kee.l, eurn. oau and roviaioua. It elil toll aaroa how to oiraie oouanatlvelf 4 aaiaar a thv Chlreso U.H.M of Tra.lo. syrWe tmimm f .r thla Authority oa SaooeeaAJ fraUu. rteut (.rosiptly yKkR I af the awtass to lu oa air lu. It wU lotauoat iwu. t W. WACNER, H (ear sf Trass Bis,, Clans if) , 4