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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1907)
12 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEEi THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1907. n M I! n i E f I I i i t i . 1 V "T """ ? n r?wwTri''M' y ' . .. ,.. ..., m. rerjr Drpf. offers summer goods at spe ca bargains. IVach our windows for great bargain events. OMAHA WE ATI! KB FOHF.CAST--Thursday: Fair. Thursday will be a li Special Barpli lay Graduation Ceremonies Will be observed by Omaha's educational institutions Fri day, 14th. The better half of this advertisement is written with those interesting graduation ceremonies in view. E very loor, aisle and counter in Brandeis great store will be filled with extra special bargains for Thursday. Taka ddraatag of these re markable sales on high class summer merchandise. It meais a big saving. 1 X I I II mm a i m m m ! Sale of Parasols H I tSfie The Grand Finale W 5fP Nw York Manufacturer's. Samples ' All ere the daintiest of new parasols in 1907 styles plain white all linen hemstitched parasols, em broidered insertions and rich open work medallions also fine all silk parasols in white, tan, brown and pongees with plain and fancy borders, many with graduated dots on Dresden edges these parasols were bought at about 45c on the dollar They are positively worth up to $4.00 each. Included in mis saie is a great lot ot silk umbrellas for sun or rain all in three big lots vorth up to $4.00 each. Included S8c-1--1- Women's Long SILK GLOVES New arrivals of the finest grade , all silk gloves in elbow lengths, blacks, whites and colors three very special bargains at 125.JS0.198 SHIRT WAISTS We Offer For Thursday the Best Shirt Waists Ever Sold in Omaha at 95c The daintiest effects from our great pur chase short and long sleeves, pretty sheer white fabrics, lace trimmed, Marie Antoinettes and other style i m favorites; a hundred new mod- els to choose from Thursdav. Summery Waist, in white or new figured mater ials, plain pleats, embroidered effects or Q lace trimmed: rnnnv all now atvlAa ot flflf. The Season's Daintiest Net and Jap Silk, Waists . This is a specially pretty lot of the new mid-summer waists, many with the O yvyuim.oiumumciou iruuur vuej wouia oe f f.ou waists eisewnere- J? J 3 your choice at Net and Lingerie Dresses These dresses are specially suit able for; graduation or for wed-dings-r-very pretty summery styles;' worth up to V t) pa $25.00, at ...... IL.Dl) WHITE WASH SKIRTS These are very special bargains made of linona, India head mus lins, denims and colored ducks strapped and QQ 2 n flowered effects- OG-1- i New Jumper Suits Also new summer shirt waist suits of dotted Swisses, floe lawns, linens and colored cham- brays at Exr Specials in Our Economy Basement Cloak Dent. 75c Wash Strip Wash Press Skirts, Women' Tailored Suite, in checked Panamas, etc., pony and "ton styles, worth up to $12.60... $5 Children's Crave- nette Coats, all sizes and colors, worth $6.00 1 QQ at JLstU worth . m A $100- V e - a 4 w ed Petticoats . J9c at, each Midsummer Millinery STUNNING ALL BLACK HATS DRESSY WHITE HATS The new hats for summer are the the broad graceful shapes, a direct de parture from the styles of spring. Fashion demands the hat this summer to be in keeping with style dictates. Black Hats are Summer Favorites These stunning effects are hrtlstlcally trimmed with ostrich ni Mm on wltti ribbons and summer correct garni ture, we chow the newest w. 1 nd summer correct garni- ALL WHITE HATS These hats are thoroughly summery not the passe spring shapes, but the new ultra stylish effects, at BOOKS For Graduation Gifts Nothing so appropriate for this purpose as a book. Every taste can be suited, and every purse too T down 1 C -prices are 4J to CATHOLIC PRAYER BOOKS And Religious Articles for First Communion and Confirmation. White prayer books, German and English, at 68e 75c, 96c and up. . Pearl rosaries at 19c, 25c, 48c and 75c. , . Fine gold plated rosaries for gifts, at $1.48 and $1.98. Thursday is Chocolate Day ta-g?, n jnjs During our opening week Sweetland J gRANDEIS is brilliant in its finest clothes palms and ferns line the mirrored corridor. A musical program is rendered every day. Try a now summer drink from our beautiful soda fountain. . We will have these popular Venetian Chocolates, the kind with the hard chocolate coating those delicious, soft, mellow centers; a large assortment of flavors; and in addition we will have a number of other specials, including chocolate honey nougat ard chooolate .greuoble walnuts, chocolate shelled almonds, and chocolate cream cher ries, something new and very delicious, in Brandeis East Arcade. Tho 40c Kind of Chocolates at 20c a Pound ADVANCE NOTICE th Greatest Sale of Drummers Sample - LINENS Ever Attempted by l House in Omaha. Entire line of drummers' and house samples at an Immense sacrifice, from a great importing house. Hand . Made Cluny, Renaissance, Princess and Honlton Lace Pieces, Ital ian Filet and Jap Drawn Work Table Covers. Scarfs. Center Pieces, plate and Tumbler Dollies. ON SALE NEXT MONDAY at Less Than ys Regular Vajue, bee the Window Display. WALL PAPER New dept.. 3rd f Inur. new building. . Better, brighter than any wall paper dept. In Oman. Plenty of light, plenty of fresh sir. plenty of room. A treat even to visit our new dpt. Hut ralnsT LMok these over: Luxurious affects In 2 tones low as 16c. Heavy leathers lor re ception halls, etc.. I .Si-. Yapestrtea that sug-geat BaKtlad, aa low as luo. Varnlfhed tllos frr Kit chens and bath rooms, only 16e. . . Heavy emnosed and varnished sUta. ihe lao kind, only Ij o.' Other papers, new and nobby, from 10c to IVjC B).s Idas those bargains we have over i nw patterns ' la cheap unit medium grade papers, bought expressly for this sale. Remember we. are the Only ones that carry th 'Wall paper that plus- lri floor, new bld. 12!c TOURS- i)n DAY 12 MUSICAL BARGAINS Under the Tropical Moon. Moonbeams and Dreams of You. The Same Old Starry Klag. if the World Only Knew (new). Awakening of the Birds (reverie), Dixie Queen (late two-step). Klnjt Bee (classic inarch). Pretty Pansles (new). Colorado (new cowboy song). Laura (very latest). Scotch Lassie WalU (classic). Madallne (popular). Note: . Such prices offered on Thursdays. 12ic as these only 12ic II BRANDEIS-0aston Store Odds and' ends' mostly small sizes, ladles' spring coats, coverts, silks and mixtures, . worth up to Sf $4.00. at.... W . V. "'IP '"psjirw, Thursday. Friday and Saturday Every Derger Garment Must Be Sold by Saturday Night. Never Were Such Bargains Ottered in Omaha. SUITS f20 WOMEN'S SUITS for $23 WOMEK'S SUITS for ............... .7.95 9.50 $35 WOMEN'S SUITS' for ., $2fl WOMEN'S SILK SUITS, for SKIRTS Sever Defore Were So Many Skirts Offered at So Small a Price. All Must Be Sold in Three Days. $5.95 Women's Panama and Fancy Mix ture Skirts for $2.48 $10 Women's Fine Chiffon Panama Skirts, all styles of pleata, for $3.05 $15 Women's Handsome Taffeta Silk, trimmed in stripes and folds, for.$8.f)5 $5.00 Pure Irish Linen Skirts for.$2!48 $2.60 Llnehe Duck Skirts for 05e WAISTS Thousands 'of Waists at Lesa Than Half Price. . $1.60 Fine Lawn Waists, lace and em broidery trimmed at 50 $2.6.0 and $2 Lingerie Waists of dainty lace; hundreds to select from, eachQS $8.00 Fine Lingerie Waists of fine Per sian Lawn and dainty lace and medal lions, for .-..$1.48 FURS FUR SCARPS and MUFFS at jess than one-third, their val ue. Sable ''and Isa bella Fox, black lynx, Hudson Bay, Mink, etc., all must go at onortiiird reg nlaV prices ' Silk Petticoats t00 Silk Petticoats. . made of R. & H. , Simmons', best ' grade silk, black and all colors; sold everywhere at $7.60; out price S4.95 WASH GOODS Commandos; Thursday . Moraine 76c Prlntefl Voiles, beauti ful French fabrics, 43 ln. wide, all colors, ele nant flornl deRlgna, ex clusive styles, yard atS6o 15 pieces of the choicest $1.60, $1.26 and 11.00 fabrics, embroidered ef fects, English eyelet, im ported Bwlsses, etc., ex quisite fabrics, all col ors, Thursday, yd... 39c 8S pieces of the beautiful wash fabrics that we of fered at 66c and 6o, silk mixtures, sher fab rics; positively the hand somest fabrics of this seajion; every piece In cluded In sale, yd....89o Those swell, large dots In all colors pink, tan. brown or blue beautiful plaids: we offered at 69c, silk Persian Mull, the newest fabrics In gray, and pink combinations yard 32o 40c Embroidered Fancy Swisses, the fabric that will make up beautifully for summer wash dresses white grou ids, with overcheck of rreon, pink, blk., lavender, light blue, eta, on sale, yard. . .81c 86c and SO real Irish Dim ities, not the imitation you're offered in Omaha for the same price; strlotly last colors, yard 15c 36c Silk Organdies or Mulls leirant floral 1e1crn. of all colors, Thursfay, yarq 140 250 New Eutttnara. in nlain colors, every Khado pink, blue, tan, grey, black, green, etc., yd. .So rosltlrsly the Greatest Wash Ooods Bale la v Omalis. Gloies Ladies' 10button Silk Gloves, pair $2.25-31.98 $1.75 31.50 Ladles' U-buttoa Kid Olores, pair $3.75 "d $3.50 Dandkerch'is Ladles' pure linen embroidered, $1.60, $1. 75c, '60c .. 25, Ladies' Armenian, hand ' made, $2, $1.60, $1.25. $1.00 and ... 5() Ladles' Princess Lace at $2.60, $2. $1.60 and ....... S1.2S Ladles' real Duchess, $10. $9, $7, $6, $5 and ........ ..$4 Hosiery Ladles' plain white lisle and cotton, pr. 50c, 35c and.25 Ladles' allover lace and lace boot lisle, $1, 75c, 50c.i25 Ladles' embroidered lisle at $1, 76c and 50 Ladles' plain and lace boot silk, $2.76, $2.25. $ Underwear Ladles' fine lisle Vests at $1.60. $1. 75c. 60c... 25 Ladles' fine silk Vesta at $5, $4, $2 $1.00 Ladles' lisle Union suits at $3, $2, $1.60. ,$1...50 Ladles' lisle pants, wide knee, lace trimmed, 76c, 60c, 35c and . .-25 Women's Neckwear Stiff laundered Embroidered Collars, worth 25c each; at 10$ Chiffon Veiling, all new spring colorings, worth 5c yard 10 Box Ruchlng, 6 assorted styles to box, worth 250' 15 Embroidered Remnants Odds and Ends of this spring's patterns, at HALF REGULAR PRICE. RIBBONS Odds and ends of 5 and 6-lnch Roman stripe and fancy plaid Ribbon, regular price 69c yard, at 12 Black satin face Velvet Ribbon, lnl-lnch and lK-lnch widths, worth up to 16c yd., at. . . .34 FANS Hand painted Lace and Spangled trimmed. Pearl . and Fancy carved bone handles, prices $8.75, down to $1.00 Notions AH slse Pearl Buttons, 3 dosen tor 6e India Bunch Tape, six assorted widths to bunch, bunches for ,, 5c Black Tubler Shoe Lacers, in three assorted lengths, dos 8c Dress Shields, light weight, wash able, JMos. 2, I and 4; worth 16a pair, at J a Black Darping , Cotton, doseu speolsi for' 160 Black Spool Silk, dosen spools for it.,.. Ifto Shell Hair Pins, in crimped and plain, dosen bo Safety .Pins, assorted sizes, 2 dor. for - 80 Patent Hooks and Eyes, 2 cards for 4.., o CHINA New Candle Electric Lamp, can be attached to any candle stick; on sale in china section, each. 2. 50 Electric Desk . Light, made of the best brass, pretty metal shade, worth $7.60,- on sale, complete for $3.08 Edwin M. Knowles' Dlnnerweare, pretty blue decoration, good shape, fine, light ware. In. open stock of a $13.60 set for.. $10 200 only'"White ' Meat ' Platters, measure, 20-ln. long and 14 H wide Urge platters for roast; regular $1.26 value, for.. 49 Bennett's Big Grocery MADQTAJSTEKB TOM riSTZIT TAX.VBI XV rBESH BOASTED corrxxs. Santos Coffee, roasted, lb 18c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Bf"k,eVlredJaPan Te- 8c And Thirty Green Trading Stamp. Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, lb can , , Ho And Thirty Oreen Trading Stamps. 8?YE?A,V,.DP.ZEN CA8 OENESEK vcAna, worth 11 40 can. to Blood of Orape Juice, pint bottle J5o And Twenty Oreen . Trading Stampa. Blood of Grape Juice, quart bottle 60c And Forty Oreen Trsdlnr Stamns. OKASTVI.ATED BUOAal mm. mm Lfnublt iirtfn Tru.lm. Stamp. Best We Have Corn, 1 cans 1 60 And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Pears, in syrup, large can 16c And Twenty Ureen Trading Stamps. Sunny Side Tomato Soup, large can for ioc And Five Oreen, Trading Stamps. Worcester Table Salt, sack 6c And Five. Oreen Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Extracts, bottle. 18c And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Bayle's Boneless Herring. Jar....l0o And Five Green Trading btamps. Peanut Butter, medium jar 20 And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Shredded Codfish. I pkgs. S5c And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. TO CLQbB OUT Old Potatoes, peck t' t6c Just received, large quantity FRFSH J-OUNTKsr iil-TTEK. direct froS the farm, pound ja And Ten Green Trading Stamps with every two pounds. WOMEN'S TAILOR MADE. Sl'ITS AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE. 14.50 12.75 f Thursday's Bargain Bulletin Many Other Splendid Every Item Means a Marked Saving pili THE KgLIABLK BTW Bargains Thursday Magnificenf Garment Bargains Thursday Elegant Tailor Suits, ovor 100 garments to se lect from; nearly all samples and scarcely any two alike. Come in fine Melrose Cloths, Ault man. Voiles and other popular materials. In most charming new designs; made to sell up to $C0.00; choice, Thursday $25.00 M3.00 TAILOR SlITS, CHOICE, $17.51A beautiful assortment of . high class Suits, in Eton, Pony and Cutaway styles; handsomely tailored, in all nobbiest new designs, choice of 160 superb suits, Thursday StIT Kft $20.00 TAILOR SUITS, CHOICE, S.OO Over . n 1. . . . a . . . . ivv iiHuuBuiue suits in mis lot, maae 01 Pana mas, all wool, Scotch mixtures, etc., in very newest designs, magnificent bargain at our sale price Thursday s on DAINTY WASH SUITS AND DRESSES An as sortment that will delight the most critical customer; every Imaginable style, material and color; most attractive prices, at $25.00, $20.00, $18.00, $12.60. $10.00. 17.50 n fin 7.BO WASH SUITS AT IW.Ofl At a Thursday special ,we are orrerlng 200 chamlng wash Suits, in linens, lawns and madras, all new 8tyles; including the popular jumper suits; regular $7.60 values, at, choice J83 95 flO and 912 SILK COATS, $5.95100 otjnsn ssiiK coats, in pony and eton styles; special Thursday at . WOMEN'S WALKING SKIRTS, worth to iiu, cnoice, 15 A splendid as sortment of high class Walking Skirts special bargains at nn $1.50 Waista at 6c One big table of . aJBiB, m linens, lawns and lingeries; values to $1.60; choice Thursday Rt go From 9 a. m. Tin 19 $4.00 Jap Waifita at $1.50 A great lot Ul ie JP oiik waists, tucked end embroidered; regular $4.00 values at 91.50 Children's Gingham Dresaes . $2 and $2.50 values, on sale Thursday at 80 Women's Percale Wrappers Regular $1.60 values, Thursday .'S)-f $2.00 Moire Hcatherbloom Underskirts On sale Thursday at ...... .98 From 8 Till 9 a. m. Children's 60o Gingham Dresses, choice ...... lQt From 9 Till 10 a. m. Women's Lawn Yr Kimonos at 10 From 10 Till 12 m. $3.00 Wash Suits Biec,al $1.50 Special Sale of Undermuslins Skirts, worth to $6.00, trimmed with deep flounce of lace and Insertion ot wide embroidery; all sample gar ments, in 3 lots at $1.60, $1.98 and go ro Skirts, worth to $2.00. slightly soUed; remarkable bargains at 60c, 76c and OS Ladies' Gowns, daintily trimmed and worth regularly to 12.00: choice. flSc and pvk From 9 Till 10 a. m. Ladles Covers, worth to 60c; limit 2 lomer, at From 10 Till 11 a worth regularly Corset to cus- 15 . m. Muslin Gowns, $1.60, choice. .49 From 2:30 Till 3:30 We will sell La dles' Lisle Vests, in plain and fancy colors, up to 60c values, for this one nour, cnoice , 1 tgk ItffJI "UUlp lUWffl IOC Two Thursday Millinery Specials AN IMMENSE SHOWING OF BEAUTIFUL TRIMMED HATS, All hand made, of beautiful materrials. In sailor shapes, hair braids, etc., all heav ily trimmed In Flowers and Silk Ribbons, TWO SPECIAL LOTS FROM THE GREAT MINNEAPOLIS PURCHASE. Lot 1 Hata worth to $4.50, C1 Cl choice , .JUtD V Lot 2 Hats worth to $.00; ' J choice ...PfcDl ALL HATS MARKED IN PLAIN FIG URES HERE. Exra Specials for Thursday At 9 a. ra. We will place on sale one case or Fine Dotted Swiss, the 16c grade; all colors; no white and only 12 yards to customer, at, yd.... 5 Forenoon Only 15c White Dotted Swiss, yard . . , 7 12 He Dress Ginghams 5 7c Lawns 3V4 7 c Standard Prints 34 15c Batistes, all colors U 15c Dotted Swiss Muslin Print. 7 At 2 p. m. One case of extra heavy muslin, the for Afternoon Only 6V60 Muslin 8 V6c Bleached Muslin 15c Towels, all kinds .... 11.00 Bed SDreada $1.00 Wool Dress Goods 0c Wool Dress Goods... No dealers sold here. Unbleached 8 He grade 4 Unbleached 4H 5 7V4 59 32 W 18 Grocery Department HAYDENS FOR GROCERIES, MEATS, FRESH VEGETABLES, FRUITS, etc. ine greatest money saving store In the west for people who study economy. TMXUK VBOCTABIB FBXOES1 MB 12 bars Best Famllr Tjtiindrv Hnn. . . .ttln The best White or Yellow Cornnieal, per sack 100 Bromangelon, Jelycon or Jello, pkg.7Uo Oil or Mustard Sardines, per can .,,.iUo Pure Fruit Jelly, per glass Jo Large bottles Pure Tomato Catsup ,.lUc 2-1 b. cans Fancv Swept Knur rv.rn in Gallon cans Fancy Apples t5o Gallon cans Pumpkin ..J60 Gallon cans Peaches, Plume or Pears.. 36c The best Soda Crackers, per pound.... c The best Crisp. Ginger Snaps, per lb. .5o Toasted Corn Flakes, per pkg 6c Plllsbury's Vltos, per pkg 10c The beet Tea Siftlngs, per lb lSWe jw.hv ruuu w run iriea japan Tea. per nound Fancy Ooldon Santos Coffee, per lb 'l6o vast 10B1 now The balance of our second car In rn nn sale Wednesday, each 4o, 4c. 7Ue. lUe 10c Per dozen, 45c-6c-76c-80c-f 1.10. VBOCTABIB PJUOBB Txtu&SSAT. I pecks fresh spinach for lOo Per single peclt ir, t bunches fresh radishes 6a bunches fresh leaf lettuce 60 6 bunches fresh onions a 4 bunches fresh pie plant to f bunches fresh turnips 6a New cabbage, per lb 8 0 Fresh ripe tomatoes, per lb ........ I l-3o Large Juicy lemons, per dozen 15o Fresh roasted peanuts, per quart .....6 124 size fancy Highland oranges, dos. 2f Large cucumbers, each to we have everything you want in vegHtable and fruit Una, at prices discount all competitors from 60 to fer cent. Before buying eluewhere layden'S prices first. th thai g W HA YDENS'- EIRsr Move your factory to Omaha. Cheap power will give you an advantage over your competi tors. Investigate. s , Omaha Electric Light and Power Co. . , Tel. Dooglaa 02. y, m. cidg JAPANESE MATTING CASES and e.i... M, .. i,,, , .,. , one Hundred Special CASES. In a light handsom 24-ln. slie, with binding and corners steel. An attractive snd servicabla case, Just the thing to take on your vacation trip. A regular $3.00 value. Special while they last at. . . We carry a complete stock of Tmnks, Traveling Bags. Bait Cases Sample Cases. Repair work a specialty. - OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 1209 Farnam Street. .2.40 If Y our Bov d 5! 'L0 .1.'.""'1!. "'V We have a good .n ." " oa lined Watch t u 00 to $16.00. 6pnU a few rolniitus Ui uunt. our store. Look tor 4 W f t it :i S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler Ail ifeualaa HUM, t v.-.-, h II' ITWHCP-tH'SS.JW