Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1907, Image 10
niE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JUNE 13. 1007. Want - ads Advertisements for the wt-4 Ml will be takes antll 13 aa. for events edition and antll 0 aa. or the mora lac and Bandar edltloea. C'aak a a at neeemoany all orders (or want-ode aad aa advertisement will no aceeeted far lea thaa lO eeata for the drat laeertlon. Rates apply to either Tko Dally or oodey Bee. Alwara coant alx worda to llao. Combinations of Inltlala or aambcra coant aa one word. CASH HATES FOR WANT-AD. RECILAR CLASSIFICATIONS. Owe Insertion, per llao, lO rents. Two r nan eenaeentlve laeerttooa, per liar, 6 rents. Rak Insertion) aaada oa odd days, lO rent pr llao. 1JM per llao per month. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATIONS It T advertisement ia Inse-rted nnder aar ao of tko elaaelfleattoaa rltta below, ft will bo charged at tko followla ratest Oao Insertion. 4 ecata per llaol three to six eonsecotlve Insertions, 8 ecata per lino ooeb laaertloa r mora consecutive Insertions, a cents per llao each laeertlon BO cent a per lino per atoatk. BAIITKR AND KICMAHOB, Bl 8INE CHANCER. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Except Aseats. tolleltora aad Saleamea. OFFERED FOR SALEl Cowa, Blrda. Doa-s aad Pet. Horaea aad Veklelea. Poaltry aad Ess a. Faraltare. Plaaoa, Orftai and Maaleal In- stramenta. Trpewrltera aad Sewlac Machines. OFFERED FOR RENT l Famished Rooaia. Unfnrnlshed Rooma. Honaekeepf na Rooma. Roardlnn- aad Rooma. WANTED TO BUT. WANTED TO RENT. SITUATIONS WANTED. CASH RATE FOR NOTICES. Death and, Fanerat Notloea, Carda of riianka and Lodare Hotlcea, T eeata per line for one edition, moraine or eventual 8 eeata a llao for eaeb ad ditional edition. Sunday, 10 eenta a line. No ad takoa for leaa thaa 80 eeata. Want-ada for The Bee mar ke left t any of the following- drag atorea one la "ronr corner droa;n;lat" they are all branch oflleea of The Bee and yoor ad will be Inserted last aa promptly aad oa the aome ratea aa at the mala office la The Bee Butldle, Seventeenth aad Fanraam atreetai Albach. W. C. 40th and Farnam, Hot nek, 8. A., 1402 8. 10th St. Becht's Pharmacy, 720 8. 16th St. Benson's Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bemla Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy, 2816 Sherman Ave. Caughlin, C. R., 6th and Pierce Bta. Clifton 1UU Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Conte, J. B., Slat Ave. and Farnam. Criaeey Pharmacy, 24th and Lak. Cermsk. Emll, 124-6 8. 13th St. Eastman Pharmacy, 4040 Hamil Khler, F. H., 2803 Leavenworth. Foater A Arnoldl. 813 N. 2Gth S;. Freytag, John J., 1914 N. 24th Bt. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. Ureen'a Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and FaclAo. Oreenough, O. A., 106 8. 10th St. Oreenough, U. A., 10th and Hickory. , Hayden, Wm. C., ?S20 Farnam St. Hanacom Park Phar., 1501 8. 29th Ave. Hoist, John, 624 North lth St. Huff, A. L., 24 Leavenworth St. King. H. 8., 2238 Farnam Bt. Kountie Place Pharmacy. 3304 N. 14th, Patrick DrUhvjTo., 1624 N. 24th St. iAthrop. ChesE., 1324 N. 24th Bt. Peyton. L. K., 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Amea Ave. Brhaefefa Cut Price Drug Store. 16th and Chicago. Schaefer, August, 2631 N. 16th St. Schmidt, J. H.. 24th and Cuming Bta. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Bta. Wlrth, O. 11.. 40th and Hamilton Sta. DEATH AND FtiNERAL NOTICES CORBY J. O., June 11, 1907, aged 67 yean, at his late residence. Soot Blnney atreet. ' Funeral from residence Thursday, June IS. at 1 o'clock p. m. Interment private. Prospect Hill cemetery. ' WOtTRIOAN-C;harles, at Bt Joaeph's hoa- Pltal, June 11. Funeral notice later. f MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licensee have been laaued: Name and Residence. John Peterson, Council Bluffs. Ia.. Oale Peteraon, Council Bluffs, la.. Herman T. Hokanaon, Omaha Carrie A. Johnson, Omaha Xlennlng F. Mathlasen, Omaha.... Elisabeth F. Wlckham, Weaton. Ia Robert O. Ihnen, South Omaha... liiiima J." Pettey, South Omaha... ChrUt Nelsen, Washington, Mo.., Allle Waterbury, Omaha Jacob W. E. K. Davis, Omaha... Kinmellne Elton, Omaha , John Gray, Omaha Julia Clair. Omaha ' Joaeph C. 8hadduck, Omaha fielma E. E. Clyne. Omaha John Theodors Eklund, Omaha Kalherlne P. Dlstelhorat, Omaha... Arthur C. Hansen, Omaha rilidvgarde Jackson, Omaha.....!... Age. 36 24 81 82 , 23 ....... 26 22 19 34 24 .over 21 .over 21 . 23 22 . 52 19 81 l 23 20 Burn am Day, Omaha a mmwi nnin, umtna 21 W. August Krafft, Omaha 42 Margaret M. Hudleaton. South Omaha. .-..Sg BIRTHS AND DEATHS. f Births-Charles L. Plummer, 1141 North eventeenth street, glr; J. E. Faux, county ospltal boy; Ttiomaa Cowder, 4u3 Bancroft treet. Toy; Robert Broden, M Bancroft Street, girl; Arthur J. Heatley, 609 William . Street, "boy; Richard Paul. i&4 Temp etJS avenue, boy; Herman Walker, Twenty-fifth " and Oram streets, boy. . ri?.,.h,!T:8t''ph'n "rta. 2440 Bouth Twentieth avenue, aged 61; John Chroma, tounty hospital, aged 63; Mrs. Jenslna Ja olwen. Bt. Joseph s hospital, aged 23; Alex ander IL Anderson. Immanuel hoapltaL Xged 80; Jama O'Neill, county hoapltaL ed 44; J. O. Corby. 2004 Blnney atreet ged 67; Anton Kaspar, Ninth atreet and lapltol avenue, aged 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS BUMMER TERM BOYLES COLLEGE NOW OPEN STUDENTS ADMin iiJ AUt DAT BOOKKKEPINU. 8HOHTHAND AND TTPIfi WRITING, TELEGRAPH!, jj; LioH. KLOcUTXuN Read Boyloa Ad Next Sundav. Cataloirue free. IL B. BO i LEA Prea Omaha. Neb. SUMMER SCHOOL. or the - OMAHA COMMERC1A1, COLLEGE, 19th and Farnam Sis., Opens Monday morning, June 17 Publlo achool children admllied. special classes In Business, Shorthand, Telegraphy, Nor pial and ClvU Service. Send for apeclal slrculara. VI81TINO CARDS FREE. ' Bend aix names and addresses of parties wanting a bualnaaa education and we Will Baud you alx elegantly written earda. CATALOGUE FREE. ROHRBOUUU bliUii., Omaha. Neb. U M1H7 IS EVANGF-LIST JOHEPU SMITH at Seward Si. Methodlat church Tuesday, Wednes day, Thuraday; afternoons at 1 W and evenings at 1 .80.. (DU.UI Ux SHE C1TT GARBAGE CO., orBoe 4th and Leevenwertu Sta. Tel. Duuglaa 17. (V 104. 81UN PAIN'IINU 8. U. Cola, 1M Douglaa. lUiui ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) IF TOU wish to study anything from coaching In one branch to a complete course In collea-e work, notify The Mc Cartney Institute, Ev F. McCartney, Bv, li2 Farnam St. l 620 AUTOMOBILES 1908 BU1CK, two-cylinder. 22 H. P. tour ing car, overhauled and painted. ...ttiuO.OO 1906 CAJjILAC, 10 H. P. touring car, fine "hape SM6.0O lfX RAMBLER, IS H . P., almost new, several extras Included .t.0t 16 KNOX touring car, air cooled "00 IS OLDS, with top, 20 H. P 1700.00 19"6 RKO. 16 H. P., used very little.. 870 Oo lnf FRANKLIN, with top, four-cylinder, detachable tonneau 3476.00 1906 FORD,' two-cylinder, detachable ton neau, 14 H. P 810 00 1906 STEVEN8-DURTEA, two-cylinder, and looks like new, with top 3050.00 RAMBLER VC, detachable tonneau. Just repainted and overhauled 3060.09 Write for full description. H. B. FRETDRICKSON, 16th and Cap. Ave. (2j W3 SEND for our list of second-hand autome bilea. DERJGHT, 1818 Varnem. (2) 106 FOR BALK A Cameron Runabout auto mobile; a bargain. Globe Land and In vestment Co., 1822 Farnam St. C2 107 FOR SALE OR TRADE Four-cylinder touring car, good aa new. C. E. wllklna, Dewey hotel. (3) 307 BARTER AND EXCHANGE 120 ACRK8 8 mllea from Bchell City, Ver non county, Mo.; 80 acres under cultiva tion; good building. Price, 1.0 per acre; Incumbrance 82.0UO Will exchange for feneral merchandise. Globe Land and nveatment Co., 1823 Farnam Bt., Omaha. (3) 109 EXCHANGES If vou have dty property, stocks of goods, farm land or property of any kind to exchango, write for our com. plete list. We have properties and landa In all parts of the country to exchange. Our list la free. Send for It at once. Globe Land and Investment Co., 1822 Far nam St., Omaha. Neb. (3) 110 FOR EXCHANGE Piano and simplex Player. What have you? Addreaa H-37&, Bee. (3) 108 FOR EXCHANGE Vacant lota and cash for 6-room house. J. II. Far rot te, Paxton Blk. (3) M277 15 HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO TRADE. If ao list It with us. We can trade any thing. KELLY INVESTMENT CO., 2J0 Neville Block, Omaha. (8) M27J 16 FOR SALE or exchange, t-seated top surry and harness. J. H. Parrotte, 634 Paxton B)k. (3) M276 16 WANTED A tailor to exchange one or two flrst-claae suits for dental work. N 480 care Bee. (3) M312 15 EXCHANGE. 7,000 stock of general mclse doing a good business; will stand cloae Inspection; owner wants small farm of about same value, 820,000 stock of men'a and children's cloth ing; all new and up to date; located here In Omaha; owner wants a good farm of about same value. , 84.000 atock and building located at Fairfax, 8. D., for good land of aame value. 312,000 stock gent's furnishings; all good, up-to-date; will discount for cash or ex change tor land' or Income property. W. 8. FRANK. 821 Neville Blk., Omaha. (3) 463 13 GOOD atctk of gen. mdse. In an Iowa town of 2.600. Will trade for clear cheap land. Globe Land and Invest. Co., 1822 Farnam. (3M83 WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE? We can trade your business or property . no matter what It la or where U la lo cated. List whatever you have with ua; quick deals assured. NOLAND & GRAHAM, 1614 Harney Bt., Omaha. , (3) M499 18x WANTED to aell a fine buslnesa lot, a special, and good bargain If taken aoon; will take a big young team 6t horaea In trade, balance caah or time to ault cus tomer. Call and see me any time, 2473 So. 20th Bt., Omaha, Neb. (3) M461 18- EXCHANGE for Iowa, Missouri or east ern Nebraska farm, 53 acres, level garden aoll, 10 acres oranfcea; Improvement water , right; 313,000. L. B. Laurldsen, K3. Ana helm, Cal., owner. (3) M526 lfix BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Well established drug store in Des Moines; good prescription busi ness; invoice about SVeOO. Address Lock Box No. 96, East DeaMolnea, Ia. . , (4)-M217 Kx HOTEL business and furniture for aale; beat house, thrifty county seat town. D. R. Hughes. Clay, Center, Neb. (4) M216 16x FOR SALE Up-to-date barber -shop, in best location In city. Wants to go west and will sacrifice; t?n0. I W. BUNNELL A CO., 822 N. Y. Life. (4) M26 15 A PHYSICIAN, who la dealroua of cleaning up a fortune In a good, clean, honorable, . legitimate busineaa enterprise, la offered an opportunity by 'an established Der matologlcal Institute desiring to establish a branch In Omaha. A physician Is pre ferred, but a man with good' general business experience would be considered. Addreaa P 4&2, care Bee. (4) M352 14x FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A flrst-clasa ateam laundry, paying 16 per cent on In vestment; located In a fcood eastern Kan sas town of 2,200 population, for a farm or city property. Address Olander & Rapp, Osage City, Kan. CD M186 16x WE INCORPORATE ' STOCK COMPANIES CHOICE LOCAL STOCK, MANUFACTURING INVESTMENTS. niE MERCANTILE INCOR PORATING COMPANY, 426-424 N. Y. Life Bids. 'Phone Doug. 863. (4.r M817 Je2s AN Al atock of gen. mdse. located in a good Iowa town; will Invoice Is.umj; for aale or trade for land. Globe Land and lov. Co., 1X22 Farnam. (4) MaaO U TO BUY or aell any buaineaa or real es tate, call on or write E. a. Uangeetad. 4ue Bee Bldg. l4D-rll7 Do You Wish to Make a Change? If you have a farm, home, buaineaa or property that you want to aell or ex change, write ua. GLOBii LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb. 1-hME43 JylJ TO BUY or aell any buslnesa or real estate quick write or aee Hlldreth & Lowman, 610 Bee Bldg. (4 M&bO TOWNBEND REALTY CO., Modale. Ia. Bell and exchange farms, city property, merchandise and chattels. Try them. ' (4 M977 Je7x FOR SALE Old established hardware bus iness In a small Nebraska town. Radley, Ayr. Neb. 14 M410 17x NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO.-Buya, Bella or exchangea everything, land, city roperty, merchandise and automobiles. I Douglaa block. 4) Mttf JulyS FOR BALE Blacksmith shop, with gaso line engine; is Brat-olaaa ahop. For fur ther partlculara Inquire of Allen Bates. Marlon, Kan. (4J MJ15 Ux SPLENDID buaineaa for aale or trade, con aisting of farm implements, with general repair ahop In connection; fine opportunity tor two men; eastern Nebraska; owner disabled. Addreaa Y 83, care Bee. (4) M406 Six FOR SAL Ev The beat paying business In N. E. Nebraska, atovk of grooeiiea, queenaware and notlona; will be Bold cheap. Answer quick. Addreaa Y ILL 4 M873 ENERGETIC partner wanted in live, pay ing real estate buaineaa. Address T 63, care bee. , 4 M Jy2x FOR 8ALK A new atock of general mer chandise; good location for clothing buai neaa; a auap for a bustler. Aderers Y U, eare Bee. ( ldj73 lx No trouble I he Dec----1 here s x large assortment and I classificatipa arranged alphabetically. I BUSINESS CHANCES tContlnued.) DRUG atorea for sale everywhere. F. V. Knieat. 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. (4) 116 WANT a second hand automobile; have aome land to trade. Addreaa T 243, Ben. (4) 118 FOR SALE A clean atock of Implements and building; Invoicing about 32,000; building, $1,400; a anap. (4) M467 14 GOOD real estate buslneaa in Omaha for aale; furniture and lists, about 33r0. Ad dress 8 661, Bee. (4) M902 13 WANTED A partner who has aome abll ity aa a promoter; must have a few hundred dollars to invest. I have a good thing and Borne cash, but cannot swing thla alone. Pleaae do not answer unless you can put your time against mine and Invest dollar for dollar. For Interview addreaa P 650. care Bee. (4)-M919 13 TWO grocery stocks and fixtures; best reasona for Belling. L. W. BUNNELL CO., 823 N. Y. Life. (4)-M270 IB BUSINESS chance: "Miners' Scrap Book." free to you alx months. If you write ua that you like Square Deal Mining. The C. E. Mitchell Co., Spokane, Wash. (4) M913 Jyx FOR BALE The beet bakery and confec tionery business In Yankton; largest soda fountain In the city; Ice cream and' small trrocery stock In connection. Address Box 206, Yankton, 8. D. (4) MJ87 23 PAINT and wall paper store for sale; doing good contract and retail trade; Invoice about 31.600; a snap; good town of 6,000. Address Box 643, Baltda, Colo. (4 M744 JySx WANTED To trade for stock of goods; Have a good farm. Address Y-245, B-e. (4) 11T FOR SALE A business that can be bought for 311,000 that has an annual Income of 825,000; object of selling la to retire and live In California; an old established busi ness of 21 years; a rare chance for Invest ment. For particulars write to George Bowman, Box 403, Fullerton, Neb. (4) M537 lf.X For quick aale resulta list your property with C. J. Canan, 701 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha. (4) M828 Jy4 HILDRETH ft LOWMAN can sell your business quick. We have buyers waiting for you with money. 510 Bee Bldg., Omaha. (4) M636 FOR SALK Good dairy business, money maker; very poor health, must sell at once; choicest and best route In city, cheap for cash. Mrs. M. J. Arens, Box 401, Canon City, Colo. (4) M550 18x FURNITURE and rooming house contain ing 16 rooms, always full, In best location In city. For particulars, 'phone Douglas 836 or Inquire Kenny Real Estate and In vestment Co. (4) M632 14 BUSINESS CHANCES Homes, lands, etc, bought. Bold or traded quickly. Pardee A Braum, the hustlers, i3u Neville Blk. (4) M&44 Jyl3 FOR SALE1 An established manufacturing business having a large trade and a pat ent monopoly. Address D 662, care of Bee. (4) M637 16x FOR SALE Fixtures and location of a good paying, old established Jewelry and loptical buslnesa, at a bargain. Healthiest city In Colorado. C. L. Van Wert. Colo rado Springs. Colo. - (4) M540 20x WANTED A party to buy out a first class stock of furniture in the best town on the Elkhorn valley; beat of reasons for selling. Wlsner, Furniture Co., Win ner, Neb. (4) 119 TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS, CALL ON WILLIAMS, 411 M'CAQUE BUILDING. TH AND. DODGE STS. - : (4-638 YOUNG, energetic partner wanted by ex perienced lawyer with established busl nesa. Addreaa Y 23, care Bee. (4)-M664 16x FOR SALE Hardware stock: clean profit able hardware business; cash, no trade; established 1893; population 7,000. J. V; Hyder, York, Neb. (4) M1S3 16X ROBERT C. DRU8EDOW it CO., J STOCK BROKERS. 809 New York Lire Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (4) 111 FOR BALE First class blacksmith and wagon work business, with tools; 34 to fi received (or shoeing and 34 to S3 for set ting tires. Address Y 129, Bee. (4-112 BUYERS FURNISHED IN 48 HOURS- investment i-epi.- western Her. & Bond Ass'n Inc., Suite 721-723 N. Y. Life Bldg. 14)-114 DOCTOR wanted, at once. Good location. Addreaa t-ricx urug store, trick, Okl. ' (4)-383 24x FOR BALE Rooming house. See Hlldreth 4k Lowman, 610 Bee Bldg. (4) M681 FOR SALE Patent right of SPOKE TENANT MACHINE, or would sell state rights; price according to population of each state; would even entertain a part ner with 36,000; wagon shops and car repairing shops buy on sight. P. O. Box 860. BeJlwood, Neb. (4) 889 12x WHEN you write to advertisers, remember it takes but a few acratchea of the pen to stale that you saw the ad. in The Beet FOR BALE One of the best hotels In northwestern Ohio; furnished throughout: building In first-class condition; a good trade; 88.000; will consider other real estate In exchange. F. M. G. Slhert, Weston, O. (4) M409 17x WANTED A good man with from 8400 to ,iu io represent a gooo manufacturing concern In this city and throughout the state. Inquire of W. H. Gardner. Mid land Hotel. (4) M2C1 16x FOR BALE Rooming house, 14 rooms; Buou pmv-c, .oso ni. Auureas o 43 Hee (4)-370 16x A BARGAIN A complete moving picture ana eiereopucun ouini, apeclal ror trav eling purpoae, almost new; over 1.400 feet of fllma; a 130 Wlera new calcium gas making outfit and a Victor gramophone with brand new records; all complete for 3226, Just half of coat. Call at 1724 Doug las St., between 10 and 12 or 4 to 8 v- (4) 398 12x RESTAURANT for sale, 609 N. 16th St. Inquire of F. H. Dorsey. (4) 391 12 SALOON for sale. 713 North 16th. 4-437 17x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys. T. B. BRADY. Probate Att'y, 609 Bee Bldg. (3) Msl6 Je 16 ChtroDOdlst. DR. ROY, R. 3. 1606 Farnam SL Doug. 6197. (b 121 Contractor. AUGUST KROFFT. building contractor. 1116 N. 24th St. 'Phone loo. South Omaha. (5 tf76 Carpet Cleaatagi. BEND your carpets to N. A. Chrlatenaon 4k Son. 2221 N. 80th St. 'Phone Web. lt. (6) 123 SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. (6MM JOHNSON cleana carpets, washes windows. Boors polished. Tel. Douglas iW 16 Ma04 Je28 Civil BnaTtaeora. L- O. HICKS, surveying, 428 Bosrd of Trade. C6) Milt J M EATHRON at JAMIE8CN. 808 N. Y. U t6) 180 Cremnmertee. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO.. suAoeaaor to Beatrice Creamery Co.. Omaha. ' 4i lM to find what BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) DroaoaaaklBaT. J IN FAMILIES Miaa Sturdy. Tel. Harney Dentists. BAILEY A MACH, 3d fir. Paxton. D. 1085. , . Eleetrolyels. M1S3 ALLENDER, 422 N. T. Life Bldg. (5) M628 J22 Ena-ravlnaT. KOTERA CO., 1608 Jackson. Doug. 7. 5 12 rioa-tats. HESS Sk 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. (8)-180 U HENDERSON, 1618 Farn. Tel. D. 12B8. 16 131 3. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 8000. 132 Pars. FTTRS cleaned, stored and repaired. O. B. enujteri, us-316 S. 16tn, practical rurrier. (5)-4T73 13 Hairdreaalaai. HA1RDRESSINO, 26c and 86c; shampoo, wic; ary, 76c; egg, 76c; Marcel waving, 76c; Marcel touch, 60c; massage, 60c Scalp treatment apeclal ratea per month. F. M. Charf-ll ,COq T 'i , ... ...... u Hotels. THE SCHLITZ, European, 16th & Harney. (6)-133 Jewelers aad Watrhmnkera. M. t CTTT T TVn l l. j , repairing, 2-8 Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 4:7. w i Incorporators. MER. Incorporating Co., 426 N. Y. L. (6) 134 Masto aad Laaaraaa?ea. PAN CAMBIANO, instructor In Spans f 'nd ltalln languagea. Tel. Douglaa w nut jytx Oateopathy. JOHNSON INjj., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1961 (5) 130 Dr. Bowser, over 1500 Far. Tel. Doug. 637a ' (5) M380 J20 Prlatlna-. JENNINGS Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa KB0. (5) 138 BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order, don t fall to see our elegant Imported line. Lyngstad & Jorve, prlntera, 16 & Cap. Ave. (5) 139 600 BUSINESS tarda, $1; 10,000 printed en- ...yi,, block, ior tiv; otner work at same rates,.. Get estimates and see ruro,mn!?"of' worK- c" t room 83. U. 8. Natl. Bank Bldg., or 'phone Dong- (S)-M946 J17 THE ACORN" PRESS, Printers of Quality. . .. . .(5)-M747 Jel4 HIGH GRADE Imitation typewritten let- icra nna jod printing; no Job too large or small. ,Ancho. Publishing Co., 1828 Far cam 8L Tel Dtuglaa 6663. (6)-M424 J7l . ..' . . . Pajtet'uarraphera. . C. B. TRUSSEtB. US' Bouth 16th Bt J J j (6)-13T French & artistic photogrraphs. 210 8. 14th St. ,. (6)-M9i9 PlnmblnaT and Ileatlnar. T. F. BALFE. plumbing, g-as and eleotrlo fixtures. 1607 Iloward. Tel. Doug. 743. () M 705 JullO J.i1 BROS. Repair work our specialty. 118 N. loth St. Douglas 1477. - (5)-305 Je28 hoe Repairing;. - ' STANDARD Shoe" Repair Co., 1804 Farnam. We do the work right; 'phone Douglaa 7647 and we will call for your work. We aell polish, laces ana ahoe specialties. (6)-M286Jel7 RAPID 8HOE REPAIR CO., tlrat-claaa wurn.. wis)) -;apitoi Ave. none Red WH (5)-a44 afea. Shatters, alto. OMAHA Safe and 'Iron Worke makes a pe- fclnl,J , mfl m;yn, aiiuiiera, uoora ana safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 103 S. 10th Bt. (5)-140 School Pnrnltnr. OMAHA School Supply Co., 1821 Howard. V moil tfdtf tove Btoraaje, RTOVESSTORED Hughea, Stove Rop. . 1-iO Worka. Tel. Doug 7165. () 141 Tailoring!. MORRIS Chicago Practical Tailor for ladiea' and gent'a new work; repairing, cleaning and dying. Called for and de livered. 709 8. 27th St Tel. Red 6U16. (5, Wall Paper Cleaning. WORK guaranteed. Call Douglas 6539. (51142 DON'T fall to call on me at Douglaa 87. (6) 143 CLAIRVOYANTS MADAMA BUDDHA. The Leading Palmist of Omaha Revelations of past and future described. Parlors 113 8. 16lh St., Opp. Boston Store. , o)-ia HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory anal Traaes. GIRLS WANTED Burgess Bhlrt Com pany, 2024 Farnam tit. (7) 147 WANTED HAND IRONER8, AT ONCE. KIMBALL LAUNIARY, l JACKSON 8T. (7-M87t WANTED Machine girls. Laundry. 211 8. 11th St, lty Stei (7) 141 Hoaaekeplas; dad Uoaaestle. WANTED Girl for general housework. 1633 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 1436. (7J 435 WANTED In July, good cook; two in family; permanent place and good wages. 1U2 8. 3Uh. Tel. Harney 113s. (7) Mj4 WANTED Good girl for aecond work. Mrs. J. A. Bundarland. 8. 'Jluh Ht (7)-4H0 HOUSEKEEPER for farm bachelor; no objection to chlMren. Canadian office, 16th and TJodge. (7) 149 COOK wanted: small first class hotel; 840. Phoenix. Sanborn, la. (7) MU07 14x WANTED Cook. 4 In family, no chil dren; Mrs. M. M. Hamlin, tel. Webster 1869. (7) M421 18 WANTED Second maid; good references required. Apply Mrs. Arthur C. Binlth, 13u Park Ave. 7 47 WANTED A Irood, p'aln'oook. Mrs. E. A. Cudahy, 87th and Dewey Ave. (7-M388 13 WANTED-At ence, experienced girl for second work; must have reference. Mrs. J. E. Baum, 854 Harney fax D M468 14 you varil inl HELP WANTED FEMALE lloaaekeepere aad Domes! lea Cont'd A COMPETENT girl for general house work; email family. 4801 Davenport. Tel. Harney 2113. (7) M276 15 WANTED A girl to do housework, two In family. 1142 S. 31st Bt. 7)-S92 16x WANTED-Oood girl for general house work; three in family; no washing. 113 N. 40th St. (7)-M4S? lSx OIRL for general housework. SS15 Burt St. (7 401 16x WANTED Girl for general housework. 108 So. 28th Bt. (7) M418 18 WANTED Cook. Telephone Webster 1286. , (7) M414 17X WANTED Girl for general housework. 8011 Maaon; phone H-2904. (7) M435 IT WANTED Girl for general housework. Inquire mornings. 1513 Grace St. Tel. Webater 899. (7) 440 17 PLUMBERS' laborera wanted. Morris Bros., 2918 Farnam Bt. (8) 608 14 MkteeUaneoaa. M'DOWELL Dressmaking School. 1828 Far. (7-M81S Jli GIRLS WANTED to work by the week at King-Graham Mfg. Co., 11th nd Jack son, Bemls Bag Bldg., second lioor. (7) 894 WANTED Ladles and girls to work steady or part time at home stamping transfers; 81.50 to 32 dosen. Room 508 Paxton Blk. (7) 438 16x WANTED Dancing glrla. Apply Mr. Cor by, Room 8, Krug Theatre Bldg. (7)-623 14 WANTEI Any young lady who can write iiciiii, iit-uv iihiio, can mnae gooa wages during spare time; we want one lady In each town and city. For particulars, ad- uirna x . j. uox ui, jHimieapoiis, Minn. CD 532 13x HELP WANTED MALE Aa-cnta, Solicitors aad Salesmen. AGENTS wanted to drive through the country; oeat selling proposition ever of fered; big value for your customer, big profit for you. Write today for particu lars and territory. E. R. McClellan. 603 oee iag., umn, Neb. () 834 WANTED Man to hire and manage a crew vi solicitors; prerer one wno has had ex- ijci mito in selling to iarmers; permanent position; good Income. Addreaa O 847, Bee office. (9) 810 WANTED District managera. We want men who can produce reaaonable quan tity desirable business ; exclusive terri tory; liberal contract; prompt settlement claims; best health-accident proposition on the market; 3100,000 capital. Write casualty jo., jJetrolt, Mich. (9) M369 13x AGENTS wanted with rigs to aell our meaicines, extracts, etc., to farmers. Royal Manufacturing Co., 417 E. 18th St., Kansas City, Mo. (9) M435 J21x WANTED Reliable man In outside town; Buuu pay. Aaaress tut) im. x. 11 re Bldg. (9)-397 16x SOLICITORS wanted; perrer those who mvo imu epenenc selling views, por traits or books; pleasant work and big; money. Call at Room 603, Bee Bldg. (9) 838 AGENTS to sell Stock Powders to farmers. Aauress runners nog ana Cattle Pow der Co., 1117 Farnam St. (9) 441 13 BY WHOLESALE HOUSE, man to drive and sen goods from wagon; permanent place for right party; good wages. Call 1308 Leavenworth St. (9) M489 14x AGENTS wanted to handle 7-seated. 60-h. v Buiuiiii.utic, sample, ready in Au gust; liberal terms to pushers. Pullman IS. V. Co., 603 Fisher Bldg., Chlcas-o. (9)-634 13X Boys. WANTED Office boy. Apply 1R12 Farnam oi. Jiiaiimo Danuary iiairy t:o. (9)-M556 15 Clerical and Ofllce. BIG SALE two-piece suits to order, 323. mcwioi-nnuii ignoring CO., 304 8. 16th St. (9)-M445 Je21 WANTED Young man, quick and accurate wnn ngurea, ior pront clerk; one with experience In our business preferred McCord-Brady Co., 13th and Leavenworth Bt. (9)-396 13 Factory aad Trade, y" POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. v. nmesi, v im. i. u., Omaha. (8) 160 WANTED 1,000 customers for Jarvls' iri Dranay. call at any saloon. (9) M458 WANTED Barber at once; first-class; no wwKr, n per weea; steaay job; write or wire. W. H. Francis, Ashton, S. D. (9)-M908 16x MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing or uiKKiuruiK traaes; pays to as day; position secured after three months' In' Btructlon. Coyne Suhool, St. ' Louis, My. F;-ee catalogue. (9) M376 WANTED 4 mouldera, 3 core makers; umuii wijMi open snop; wir. sign con tract for one year. Ens A Orr, 1739 Blake SL, Denver, Colo. (9) M917 FIRST-CLASS ornamental Iron worker one wno understands all branches; first class carriage wood worker, one wh can go right ahead with new work; steady position to right parties. J. P. Fowler Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. (9 M946 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; 318 to fi weemy paia graduates; tew weekk completes; can earn expenses, tools and board from start; free clinic, constant practice, careful inatructlona, lectures, etc.: busy season. Call or write, Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam SL (9) M964 lSx WANTED Carriage painter, good atriper; . , jinny, airoury, reD. (9 M185 15Z GET OUT OF THE WET. Jobs won't be so easy to get next year We can use 6u0 machinists. Highest wages; steady employment guar anteed. Transportation advanced to machlnlata Having first class references. We positively make no charge In any way, manner, shape or form For securing Jobs for machinists. Address with references: The National Metal Tradea Association, Cincinnati, Ohio. (9) M221 30x WANTED Good Job prlntera; ateady work; nine hours; open shop: scale 318 and up. Apply Meyer-Rotler Ptg. Co., 114 Michi gan St., Milwaukee. - (9 M413 17x WANTED machinists, must he first, class men on general Jobbing work, steady work and good wages; good location. Address The Malone Iron Works Co., Durango, Colo. 9 MS27 19 Miscellaneous W have the following positions for im mediate consideration: Two bookkeepers, wholesale and retail, 875. City salesman, 876. Stenographer, 876. Assistant bookkeeper, 850 Call or write at once. WESTERN REF. & BOND AB3 N., INC?.. 721-3 N. Y. Life Bldg (9) M648 13 WANTED School teachers and students to travel during vacation months; work pleasant and profitable. Address H 207, Bee ofllce. (9 M548 WANTED Energetic young man with lit tle money to manage branoh office In east ern Nebraska. Excellent opening for right man wanting permanent, paying buslnesa. Addreaa 5oi Observatory Bldg, Dea Muluaa, Ia, . o Haul Jrla HELP WANTED MALE Factory and Trades Coat InaeaV V. 8. NAVY ENIJST8 YOUNG MEN 17 to a years old. mechanics 81 to 36 years. Bultahlo pay and rating for q'.iallned men and good opportunity for advancement to all deserving men.- Becial courses of trsinlng 4 to 6 months, for nearly all re cruits. Only earnest young men of good character and capacity, citisers of the V. 8. need apply. Libera) retired pay nfter 30 years' service (recent I r Increased by '' ' rtecrumng unlet, P. O. ouiia '. vmana. (9) tn Jltf STRIKE Btryker. Men s Bhoes. 313 South vki3. uvnru hi iraua mag. lV WAKTFtWlO Clayworka, la., wages 82 per day, steady worn year round; nouses to rent to roar neo men. (9) MH79 Jeltix WANTED Men for real estate business In Nebraska; salary; expenses advanced, and splendid opportunity for right kind of men. Apply 815 Neville Blk.. 16th and narney, umana, (3) MM WANTED SOUND YOUNG MEN. aged 18 to K, lor nremen and brakemen on lead ing railroads: exnerience unnecessary. Firemen earn 1100 00 per month, become engineers, earn. 3200.00; brakeman earn I.5.W, become conductors, earn iiwuw. tau or write at once for nartlculars. f.a tlonal Railway Training Ass'n., 620 X, t-axton BiocK. Omaha. Neb. (- Jya WANTED Man with some experience in traveling capable of earning high aalary: bond required. - Addreaa. with atamp and references, 8 617 care Bee. () 847 ANYONE out of work can make big money selling our household specialties!. C. F. Aaams co., 1619 Howard. (9) M761 JyOX IF YOU wish to atudy a business or pro fession, notify The McCartney Institute, (9)-621 MEN WANTED FOR THE UNITED States navy. Self respecting young Americana are needed to make the United Btatee navy the best for its slse in the world. The laxy and trifling and weak need not apply. We want the gun pointers of steady nerves, who can make their shots count, gun crews that can fire the sixty ton gun three times per minute or the eight ton gun ten or twelve tlmea per minute; we want the machinists, foremen, electri cians, blacksmiths, clerks, hospital appren tices, cooks, bandsmen necessary to keep our battle ships and their crews of 800 men in the finest possible condition. The navy'a chief object la to prevent war, but If we nave war we win neea our heat men in the fleet to match the men of other t. tione. We must have trained Americana of abllty and stout hearts, behind the gun and at the throttle. Four to five montha at training aiationa. Modem ships and methods .of training. All recruits now transferred to Norfolk. Va. Write or to Navy Recruiting Stations, poetofflce uuuiiiMK. umann, Lincoln. Hastings, Bloux tiiy nnu i-ewa Arcaue, iea Aloinea. 9)-400 80 WANTED Team driver; good pay; steady J" aii ub. t.u,( mill A MICK. 1 (9) 467 12 CLERK General store: experience Ger- man prererrea; must be a worker. Look uox no. ids, tspaiaing, Meh. (9) M468 15 BUTCHER, cnuntrv ahotv era. man for farm; married man, care for iawn; ataDieman, bu, free house rent; farm hands, dairy hands, teamster; top magna. Canadian umce, 10 JLMKlge. (9) 610 16x DRUG clerk, with one or two years' ex perience and an appetite for work; pay win u in iru(onion to aroreaaid appe. tlte. Address H. A. Bolt, Wilcox, Neb. (9) M&41 tt tit vnn n,l.h ........ . .v. - - ' " w Biu.i, mi f 1 111 iin irom tvni.-niuK in one orancn to a complete course In college work, notify The Mc- , J! ttC ","L"ul'i MCLannry, Bee., low I m tmiii (V) IS LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. RUNABOUT, prlOe, 850; worth new, 1125. Llnlnaer Imnlement Co n 1 1 u 9oi ns RUNABOUTS, carriages and harness at frrvAtv ,"e ,1 n Tl. Inhmnn A. 1 forth Co., 8. W. cor. 10th and Jones Sts. THREE extra good young, sound," 1,200- pouna single wagon norses; also several anvera. I tear tit is. lbin. (U) MM ONE roan single wagon horse weighing l.iou io., iud, uiie uiaca aingie Wagon horae, 1,100 lbs., 390; one sorrel alngle wagon nurse, x.iuu lua., jv; one Day aln gle wagon horse, 846; one black alngle wagon horse, 1,200 lbs., 885; team work horaea weighing 3.2) lba 31S6; one work horse, 1.350 lbs., 3126; one work horse, 1,260 lbs., 895; also several good city broke drivers. Cash or time; written guarantee with every norse. umani Horse and Sup ply Co., rear 414 N. 16th. 'phone D. 6KL (11) M306 TWO good, toppy driving horses; also sin gle and double Harness, runabouts, top buggies and surrles, for one or two horses, good as new,. Harney Street Stable. (11) 164 FIRST-class family horse, bay, 7 yearn old, city broke; also rubber tired road wairon. nearly new. Dr. Gasson. Co. Bluffs, Ia. (11) M42'J 17 FOR pony buggies, runabouts, traps, carts ana harness see jonnson-uanrorth Co. 8. W. corner luth and Jones Sts. (lD-aoi HARNESS, Baddies, Trunks, traveling oags some goou uargaina. Aiirea (Jor nish & Co., ino Farnam Bt, (1D-M63T ONE good bay horae, city broke, 390; one Drown oriving mare, .o; one cneap horae, 336; one roan mars. 845. 2816 N. 16th Ave. (U M707 HORSES bought and sold; livery and boarding a specialty. Myers' Douglaa dl Diauiea. r rea my era, proprietor, 1114 Douglaa St. Tel. D. 1033. (11) 730 Jy3 1 LIGHT work horae, 1 buggy, 1 surry cheap. 3407 Decatur Bt. (11) 369 16x FOR BALE Extra fine style surrey or Duajay nurse, city uroae; can De seen at 83d and Center Bts., evenings. (ll)-93 COMBINATION Raddle and driving horse tor wm. uy tiruae, Kina ana gentle. Just the thing for ladies and children. Apply 111 Bouth 24th Bt, fll)-846 WE are not selling out at cost, but ws are eeiiing anving wagons, bugglea, surrles and stanhopes cheaper than any other firm weat of Chicago. Holmes-A1 kins Co., 714 8. 10th St., Omaha. (11) 678 FOR BALE Seven head of fine ponUs ana aonxeys to be sold In a buncn; can be seen at Kruf park; price reason tin rats it Pooltrr aad Esse. WHEAT, 31.66 hundred. Wagner. 801 N. 1th. (1U M768 RHODE ISLAND RED eggs. Martin, 2803 inuiana Ave. 11. rtarney isw. (H-15 GOV'T book free. Model Squab Co., ismaiia. tin moi jyi THOROUGHBRED Single Comb White aeaaon, 31.00 per 15. Lundstrom, 3Ath and Caldwell. (11) M204 Ux Cows, B I r d," Data aad Pets. FRE8H cows for sale; Jersey bull for ser- vice. ttn ana Hamilton. (ID 41s jtx LOST AND FOUND IX8T Gold watch, hunting case. Elgin worka, leather fob. University Nebraska , aeal charm, also gold class pin, '04; re- waru. Aouress I u. uee. (12) M vie LOST Tuesday, a gold cross and chain, tnm.vhfcra l.Am'Aan 119 U - a. lfith and Chicago 6ts. nnder will be re warded If returned to apartment No. 31, Wrtvht Vtlor'k .iiilhwaai ........... 1 C, k. . ..I MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve f ood fins," (i dox, postpaid. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13) 158 MRS. OA HI) ELS. private confinement home; babiea cared tut. 87J4 N 8Mb St. Tel Web. ii C,mS2t Jyte MEDICAL (Continued.) ANY poor girl In need of a friend rrt'l or write to the matron of the RalvatiJn Army Home for Women at 3x?4 N 4';ii 6t.. Omaha. Neb. (12) MlOu RUPTURE CURED-No knife, no reten tion from buaineaa yl'ICK CURE Ri p. TURK CO.. over 8. W. Cor. nth and iKHiglas, Omaha. (13 M426 Jyl DR. PRIK8. specialist, diseases of women. 80 years' practice In confinements. Office. 514 N. lth; residence, 8421 Charles. Omaha, (13) 167 FREE medical and vurglcal treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; apeclal attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised ny conege proressors. t'lione LKiug. 1167. lens answered aay or nignt. (13 I; A- MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS, IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING . To Investigate our plan of doing bustneaal We shall be glad to explain Just what " loan of any amount from 310 to 3200 will.' cost you for any length of time. Our ratea are the loweat. Our rebate tht largest. Call and Bee Ua and you will be satisfied that' our record of 18 yean of square dealing must be right. WE AltE THE LOAN k HEADQUARTERS Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 118 Board ot Trade Building. ' (14) M8TT WgttmiMtttmmenTjmttmt MONEY TO LOAN-Our special low ratee are still In effect. See us before f olng elsewhere to borrow money. Our ernis are easy and our business . is strictly confidential. We loan on household goods, pianos, warehouse receipts, horses, wagons, salaries, etc RELIABLE CREDIT CO., T T iiiu niK. enone uoug. 1411 3 mtinw3i3W3mmwtiwmmwwi 041-168 The Union Loan Co. have Increased their capital and during the month of June will make a special rate on collateral loans. Dereonal t.rm.ilw nnn. cagea and individual notes without security. Terms to ault your convenience. -Phon uougius ut or call at 810 Bee Bldg - (14) M475 15 MONET LOANED SALARIED PEOPLHV. m r A Alh.M ilk.,,, . .i, .. . w " " ' ' 1 i i l 1 1 u n i nn u 1 1 1 7 , ensy pay- ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol- ' man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. (14)-161 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bids. advances private money on chattels or sal ary; sasy to .yet; no red tape.. You rot - namjva V( Bv IVI1 LUBli Open evenings till 7. ... (14) 10 CHATTEL, salary and storage recelnt loans. Foley Loan Co.. 1504 Farnam Bt. (14) 182 nn DmnnilMOnria , , loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses. in amy amount ; less man hall rates, perfect privacy; Immediate attention; any terms wanted; payment suspended when S10.0.1"0"1 01 work- 214 Karbach Blk.. art 8. 16th Bt. nil-lat FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. n uiui to,, room v Barker Blk. 14 ln EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom- uuniiiiSi an Dusiness confidential. 1301 1 (14) 164 A eQUARE DEAL OO TO THE ..vDmA vrtiuji'i' uu. ror chattel or salary loans. 623 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Douglas 746. . . (14)16e TO LEND Salary loans by private party: Verv low rata. . J ' , : 7- vnnim neiore Dor- 5 ? e',,,,wr're; confldentlM. Address Box 7D6. Omaha. Neb. (14)-M474 15 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; and Rooms, VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. ' (16) 167 DEWEY EuroDean HoteL lath ni ir.n.m . 1CV (Mil DESIRABLE front rooma, with board. 121 .si, iuugiaa (16)-Mi08 I3x MOST convenient and pleasant location: de- ii ueture locating. The Pratt, 202-212 So. 26th Bt, Private ex change Douglas 3138. (16 M5&3 BOARD and room In modern apartment. ...... foiiui, aunanie ior married couple; relerences. Address P 6.13, care ' (15) Ma&2 14x FOR refined arentlcmjin: viwut . i.u.ain 7 ( uiuuoi,,, ua . vi otvin, pnone, parlors, wv i piano, porch, and good associations, at ! 1D03 Capitol, cor. lirth. nsi xu iv. Furnished 1 Rooma. NICE newly fumlahed rooms; wanting dls. NICE ROOMS Good place for young men or nimn iuui wiie;.aiso otner rooms. 213 if- 18th. - (16) m JyU GENTLEMEN desiring first-class room. ciose in, Duuaing and furniture new and up to date, plenty of hot water at all times, call at 4u6 8. 24th Ave. (24th Avo. and Harney.) Rooms equipped with porcelain lavatories, with hot and cold water 810 up. (16 Msu3 FOR RENT One large southeast room. eiectric ngnt ana ail conveniences. 317 8. 26th Bt. Tel. Douglas 3S37. . (15) 600 828 PARK AVE. One or two rooms; gen tleman ana wire, or lames; private fam ily; large lawn. 'Phone Harney 20!6. (16 M211 lux MODERN alcove room, suitable for two won, iiue locality. 12a Boutn xtn Ht. 1R1 U9 fa 1 1. NICE ROOMS Good p'lace for young men vi aim wite; aiso otner rooms. 21 N. 18th, , (16)-M)66 16X FRONT room; pries reasonable. 8106 Leav- enwurtn. , (101 Mi rOX BUITESh newly . papered aad furnished. uouoie rooms, witn gae ngiua ana atovea. 5u7 8. 13th. Tel. Douglas 6614. (181-733 26 NICELY furnished front rooma, strictly modern, private family, 26th, near Leav enworth. 'Phone Harney 1201. (15)-845 18 Ft'RNISHED room, one block north of iianscom pant; lady preferred; references required. Phone Harney 230L (U 043 13 FT'RNISHED room in private family for .curtii.n, sini-iiy monern nome; SOOd reffmnoM rnnl.1 . rt , . .Iu ......... v.. nuu, rmm y viv, care Bee.. .1 - iilij is NICELY furnished front parlor, ground V. . U '"" 00'- No. th Ht.. Co. Bluffs. Ia. (15-M4aO 17x FIo?lNJ8HEI) room ,or gentleman, 816 N. ot- (15) Mbo3 16 FOR RENT-Nowly furnished room. In prl- Address B-t'M, care Bee. (15) M40 17x " - .mi, !,,. uiiickb irum noatiiiiit FURNISHED room with board for two aniiieiucu. ttuv INO. Jtn Bt. y ( 16) M464 18 FC)R RENT One large, peasant room, Si" i5 i r un'urnialiud; private family. ... ,in m, 1 10) BUS USX THREE elegant furnished rooms for light iiuuseaeepiiia. ma n, a 0t i6)-M588 lx LARGE front parlor, also back parlor, both nicnjr lurnisnea, moaern and in nne lo cation. Blngle or enaulte. 2318 Douglaa. t (15) MU8 19x NICE large front room In modern flat. 224 no. am Bt. (16) Mi 18x Fnrnlafced lloaaca. PtlH KENT durtnsr th. nmm S-rnom moaern nouee, newly f urnlslied : referentea rcquireo. Aaureas J-bzl, care Bee. (15)-443 IS TWO furnished houses for the summer, IX. Hastings at Heydeo, 1104 Farnam 8L (16)-0 U Vmt nrnlshed noonta. TWO elegant unfurnished Toonis, ra food rytlilng nelghborhoed. cloae to car; everytl 5.h moaern: auilaMe tut and wire. k,la Haruey. i4tf Ala4U X 11 i (I ! w ?!