TIIE 0MAI1A DAILY BEE: MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1907. . r OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Roeme Coattaned. 4 OR rooms, alt modern, for hmnbpop Ing; will rent furnished or unfurnished. Apply KZt Cap. At. 'Phone Har. m. (16-M9d2 14 BRAtmnXI.T furnished room. Mock from ear, one-half block north Hanscom Park, private family. 'Phone Harney MH. (15) M9 Kx FOR RENT For the summer, a nw, modern 6-room flat, furnished; new furni ture bath, laundry; one room rporved. SIS 8 39th Ava. Phone Harney 3R33. (1S) 10 Untarnished ftooaaa. TWO elegant unfurnlahod rooma, In 'gooA neighborhood, close to car; everything modem; suitable for man and wife. 2578 Harney. u6)-M91IUj TWO unfurnished roonm, bnck parlor and connecting room. 20u9 Spruce hi. , . (16) M257 15x Bnwaekeepfan Raima. FOR RRoTT-Three room modern -flat, Ril Douglas, ground floor; rent reasonable. Glob Letel and Investment Co., 1K2I Kar nam St ' (1S)-M3M EXCELLENT modern furnished rooma for tlirht housekeeping; 'phone In house. 3674 barney St. (16)-Ms9 THREB fine furnished room for house keeping, block from car line; piano, raa stove, bath. 8210 Cms St. (16) M80S FURNISHED or unfurnished Tooma for housekeeping. 218 No. 2Sd. 05)-848 13 . Hssuf aad Cottages. OMAHA Van A Storage Co, pack, move, tor H H. goods; storehouse 11-30-14 N. Uth. Office 160S Farnam, TeL Doug. Ir.69. (16)-Ui7 HOUSES J? " p1" of ,n c,"r (15)-1M BOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Rife. . (IS) 163 WE DO expert piano, moving at lowest rices. Tel. Douglas 138. Bchmellef A uellef Piano Co., 1311-1213 Fmmam. (1S)-1SI BEE as wnen shipping household goods to large cities west; we can save you money. EXPRESSMEN DELIVERY CO.. Sit N. 16th St Tel. Douglas 1136. (16la3 RENT US Worthlnrton Place, beau tiful 10-room bouse, modern, large yard. t(0 per month. Apply to Conrad Young, 1618 Dodge. (16 M3a UKJUiyUO o. p. Davla Co.. Bee Bldg. . (i6) ia FOR RENT Large atora room. Hth ' and Vinton 8 Is. C. M. Bachmann, 437 Pai ton block- (it) M ROOM, high-grade dwelling to lease one or two years; possession June 1. W. 1 8KLBT, . . 440 Board of Trade Bklg. i'hone Dong. . (1S)-MH THE UNION Outfitting company, 1815-17 Farnam Su, will furnish I rooms com plete for SuK.EO, terms 14 monthly, flea ua befoia buying. (Hi AiaaJeg WE MOVE PIANOS Maggard Van and Btoruge Co. Tel. Douglas 14& Offlca 17 U Webater Bt. (16) ltfo FOR RENT 7-room house modern, with furnace. 211 N. 2Sth Ave., 126. Apply at 607 N. Will Bt. (16j-Md64 I rooma, mod.. Sd floor apartment, N. & corner "Mil and Nicholas, IA. Store room. 1103 W. 1-h St.. 30. , , . . BHMiS, "Phone DougUa bau. Pax ton Block. . (16) M46I FOR RENT 4 rooma. city water. 1631 North Uth Bt.. 812. C. M. BACilMANN. 436 Pax ton Blk. . ; (16) or, FOR RENT A very desirable brick houso of 0 rooms, in good no!RTiborhood, at 411 ' North 12L Inquire ot H. U. Moor head. us IN. x. Litre xiiag. . , tioi juioa ui i ICOR RENT ft-room house. tZIO Iangdon 1618 N. S3RD ST. 1 :. t l-room : strltnir modern," brand new, 135. Keere . neat ciatate .o juu r. x. Lire Bldg. 05) MOT! WrtO T) IT VTT 10-room modern tYouaa And barn, 1523 Wirt St. 840. -room modern house, 414 N. 81st St., tss. 14-rooin modern bouss, t?03 N. ?oth St.. 826. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 New York Life Bldg. (15) M96014 LOOK this up; almoat new 7-room house, all modern except furnace. 1047 North IHh. Call up Webater UA. - . 06) M240 1O FOR RENT 8-room, all modern house, 825. 4337 Harney fit. Inquire 807 8. 17th Bt. CU M2S6 10X COTTAGE) 6-room and bath, on car line, I 6- 8-roora, all modern, paved street, fine shade, barn. 836. New modern, on Car line near Bemla Park, 838. O'Keefa Real Est at CO.. 1001 N. X. Life. TeL Doug. 8168. (15) M254 10 UO 8. 8fiTH Art. ( rooms modern. 603 B. 3Stl. 6 rooms modern. W. Farnam Smith Co.. liw r arnam Ht. (ui) M2B9 U FOR RENT 0-room house, with furniture for sale; cent rally located. Address E 640, ceo. UOj BiJia ui Balldlaaja. Wholesale District BUILDING ., For Rent The fooratory and basement brick build ing at 806 Farnam St. Apiir aA buatuose offlca of Tbs Bee. 06-M3M UR HARNET ST. floors and basement. fchtU) feet; suitable fori wholesale. Vlo Cague Aovaotwani ca iuj uodge Ht. (16 ill THB entire bunding now occupied by the Lauy riewa, tow xeec atones aaa pase pjieoL UoCague laveetroent Co.. 1501 uoag m. tit) mi FOR RBNT-Secand floor. 88x100. suitable for lodge rooma or manufacturing pur poses. Plca Cloth Wig C4X. 14ib aud LMMlgUkB. (15) HSU FOR RENT Larse floor and hmnl eul table for sample room, manuracturlug ur swnge. r aruam tL , QS M8T0 Oftaas. FOR RENT T-arge offloe room on lath np tHwite postoffloe: No. 1 Crounse Blk., .i par month. Apply to Conrad Young. FOR REN-O-Deak room In Be offloe, city u n. znn ul, Nout; utaha. Apply to manager. U6 184 DESK room o Bast floor, at 1818 Farnam. 1 A A ID FLOOR Wall, lighted, elegant - for ofnoe use. nil Farnam. (18) 411 . r - ' ... FOB REiNT Offloe apaoa, ground floor, Til V li..wn oi. 415) M338 lug OFFICES For Uent in The Bee Building Roosa 840, also nixlt, w Roooig Ut and xja. This la a fine suite of offloe. Hare la an opportanity to rent aiaoo In Well appointed oaiue building. Janitor service and electrte UghU free. Avttf Buslnisg Offlae ef Bea, iltoitta NEW STORK. NEW store, Uth and Farnam. - may be leased by attnwr aboea. millinery. Udlos fanunnta, nw4ry and piaaoa; also l.tu o4 on M floor. If dealrod, ounaected by ' private stairway. F. li, Waad. lit loug Ua. tiAs lu is OFFERED FOR RENT tar Ca a 1 1 a a) FOH RENT The beat, tnca'ed comer atora In Omaha. Farnsr. and lfith Sts.. Roart of Trsde Bldg. ee P. IL Phlibln, Schlita Hotel. 116 ) 17 uri'o store opening. ; Boot opportunity In city, splendid corner store. In new, modern block exclusive privilege; large local patronage; get a , leaae, bcfnr It la gom. j 8H1MFH CHASE CO.. 1009 Farnato. Orange Front, Douglas 87 1 16) M34 10 OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wlra fencing 6c per foot. M N. 17th St Tel. Red Mi - (1C 170 FiraMart, ANTIQUE inrdinlerea. candle sticks, ma hogany furniture; exchange for clothea 19ul S. 10th St. A. Klaer. . (is)-MXM Jeltx ID-HAND fumltura bought and aold; busi ness on the souara. Rosenberg Co., for merly with Chicago Furniture Co., 103 & Uth. D. 6W. (16)-MS18 JelS WE carry the highest grades of second hand furniture. Borne Items worth seeing. Prices right and also we can save you 40c on the dollar and It would pay Jrou to see us before you buy. Chicago Fr- ltura Co.. 1413 Dodge. Doug. 4787. (16) T3 J FOR BALD Carpets, chairs, rockers, bed room set, bookeas.? and writing oesn coni blnfd, fine large sideboard, library, parlor and extension tables, rarlor set, rugs, plcturps, clock, cook stove, curtains, etc. 2626 Parker St. OG)-M284 lis Plaaaa, Orajana, Moalral Inatrnasaata. PIANOS CUT IN HALF This week's list of bargains In used pianos. A hummer for values, dome eariy ana obtain first choice: 1 uprtclit. walnut case 50 1 uiirUrht. ebonv case 76 1 New England, mahogany cane...-. 100 1 Chlckerlng Bona, rosewoon ioo 1 siunnle. UDrlffht 13 1 Hallett A Dsvls, walnut case 1(4 1 Cabinet Grand 1M 1 burl walnut, Ivera & fona, gooa as new 1 f'A) Stcgnr, uaed In concert-only.. 2j0 1 171 7M Knabe grand, fine tone and action 3 1 Stelnway square, worth 1S0, only 1 Bradbury square, worth 1100, only 06 1 Cable A Bona square, worth 1125, only. '16 1 Meyer square, worth ITS, only 88 1 Hallrt & Davis, worth Sft), only 55 1 fthoningrr organ, high top 18 1 Woodbrldge organ, fine tone.. 28 I Chicago Cottage organ, walnut case... IS 95 to 110 casn ana .t to x per monm win bring one of the above bargains to your home. Call oi write at once. Tel. Doug W25. . SCIIMOLLER & MUELLEE PIANO CO., 1311-1J FARNAM ST. !) M33S ' ELEGANT NEW YORK Pampl piano. ' i' Brand New, latest style, only 8185. 810 canh and $5 monthly. MATTHEWS PIANO CO. Wholesale and Retail, 1513-15 Harney St. FOR SAIvEJ Cheap, new grand piano worth 8.. jno. l. wooiwortn, nuiz t. Mary s Ave. Phone Red 4300, after 8 p. m. (16) M3S8 15x t0 DISCOUNT on Knabe Upright stylo F, in perfect conuiuott, urea oniy inree months and taken In trade. MATTHBWB PIANO CO.. 1618-16 Harney Bu, Omaha, Neb. (i6)-n TO BUT a piano at bur fir sale la like finding from ioo to 30U. Kvery piano perfect. The Bennett Company. (16) 897 SECOND-HAND UPBIGHT v PLANO MATTHEWS -PIANO COv Wholesale and Retail, 1318-15 Harney St . ". - - ti) M31B 16 .Tygawrltaa and MawiagT Maeklaes. Show Us The man who la not looking for a chance to save dollars on h4s purchases. Oet one oi tnese Bargains mis ween: Remington Typewriter $18.00 Remington Typewriter.......... 15.00 Remington Typewriter 4. 25.00 Remington Typewriters op to... 76.00 Smith Premier Typewriter i 10.00 9ralth Premier Typewriter 80.00 Smith Premier Typewriters, 87S down to '. 26.00 Olivers 839, 45 and 50.00 BUckensderfers ....89 to 60.00 Doxens of other bargains. WE RENT ALL MAKES OF TYPaV WRITBRS ANYWHERE, 83 to ' 84 a month, and allow rent on purchase price. Central Typewriter Exchange 1697 Farnam. Phone Doug. 805. i) ao TYPEWRITER BALE Ail maohlnea taken In exenange . will be cloaed out at un heard of prices. Typewriter Exchange, en rmro pik. lit) aVrll Tyewrlere aad gewlag Machlaea. ONB Remlngtoe trpawTlter. No. a. In rood condition, for eaJe cheap. Call at Bea FOR SALE High-grade Id-hand type writer; good condition; a bargain at loo. Call room 60S Bea Bldg. (16)-71 Pool aad BIUIar4 Tablee. FOR BALE Nrw and secondhand billiard and pool tabloa. Wa lsad the world la cneap oar nxturea; eaay payments. Bruns wtck-Baika-CoUeodar, 407 8. UHh St. UD-MSS1 alleeellaaaoaa, OAS, ELECTRIC AMD COMBINATION FIXTURES . Special low prices during June to reduce stock; order now; goods delivered when reaoy. BURGESS & GRANDEN CO. Telephone DougUa C8L 818 8. Uth St. Ut M178. WB CARRY a complete line of all the loading periodicals published. Foreign Sublications a specialty. Birthday, wad ing and souvenir post cards. Bubsc.'lp tlons received for all periodicals pub lished. Mall order will receive prompt attention. BCHULZE BLATTERT, Newsdealers and Stutiouers, 111 H 15th Bt (16;--M824 Jy4 FOR BALK 80-syrup aoda fotntaJn, la good eunditlon: mahogany canopy top, onyx trimmed body. Call or addresa Schaefer'a Cut Price Drug Store. Uth and Douglas. Cunah. 0 irm Jel4 ''KIMBALL" UPRIGHT PIANO Second-hand, fair coodltlon. S Only 8VS. MATTHEWS PIANO CO. Wboleaals and Retail. 1513-18 Harney St x OS) M118 15 BIO SALE two-piece suits to order, 8-1 McCarthy-WUsoo Tailoring Co., 804 S. AUh St. Q8-Mf448 jetl FOR SALE First -class store fixtures, ehowcaws. etc Globe Land and Invest ment Cu, lan Farnam bt. Omaha. Neb. (Ii)-M4l8 FEW bargains la Sd-hand soda fountains; monthly paymenta. lertgbt, 1318 Farnnt. (liMTl FOR SALB-everal handaorne marble ntanteU, Including grates for coal; ull la flret class eaaduln. Will be sold at a very low price. Call or addreae W. U, . Bridges. engUieet Lea Bulluiiig. .. . .. . - ts Ss I M ore City Real Instate ssts OFFERED FOR SALE Mlecellaaeone Coatlaaed. ' SEND ua your mall orders for' drugs) freight pau on (10 iota Myera-Dtllon Drug Co., Omaha, (l&i 176 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint Bberman ft MCConncll Drug Co. (lO 176 HOME-MADE GRAPE WINE, 10 YEARS OLD, 61 IKK UALLON. CACKLE BROS.. OPPOSITE P. O. (1-41 Julylt KNOXWEED Kills Dandelions. Your druggist guaran tees it. (18) MOOS IS SHAVE yourself; easy method; self-honing raxor strop, razor, orumi. etc.; so outnt, to Introduce only. 81.76. Send today C. K. Supply Co., 416 N. Ud. Omaha (18) M987 AWNINOS; thxy're not expensive. Call uoug. km ana our representative win can. Omaha Tent and Awulng Co. (16823 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on 810 orders; catalogue free SHERMAN at M CONNELL DRUO CO., Omaha. Neu. 06) M416 I HALL'S safes, new. Id-hand. 1818 Farnam. 1 11) 174 HOMEOPATHIC medicines; wholesale and retail. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. - (16)-M 417 BIG CUT IN PRICE TO REDUCE STOCK rl Tribunes for 838. 80 Davton for 840. $50 Emblems fog $38. . ' i6 Colonial for 2. Second-hand onea for 88 and up. MUST REDUCE STOCK TO MAKE ROOM FOR MOTOR CYCLES LOUIS FLESCHER 1622 Capitol Ava (18) M648 Jyl PRICES on Chlckerlng, Ivera & Pond. Packard, Everett and all hlgn graaa pianos have been reduced from $100 to 8200. Easy payments. The Bennett Company. (!) Si ENCYCLOPAEDIA Brltannica, 81 vol umea, purchased 8 months ago: leaving city, must sell, or will trade for type writer or diamond. Mra. Roberta. 2015 Miami St (16) 041 l3x FINE antique Russian samavars for aale cneap. M. Mtn ui. (it ui FOR SALE 8 horsepower eleotrlo motor, cheap. The Sloan Grocery Co. (16)-03S 18 BOYNTQN FURNACE, very cheap. Na tional investment Co. Tel. Doug. 6691. (16) M338 16 ; "KNABE" UPRIGHT PIANO- Used only three monthg, ' . At a bargain.- MATTHEWS PIANO CO. Wholesale and Retail, 1518-15 Harney Bt C6) M31 16 NATIONAL Cash Register, nearly new, coat 82a. will aell cheap. 1824 Fhrnam. (io-im n PATENTS LARSON CCv Book: free. Bee Bldg. n-iao D. O. BARNELL, patent attorney and ma- cnino oeaigmer. raxton Blk. Tel. km 7111. (17 671 JelS PERSONAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Shlrta pressed, not Ironed. 8U S. Uth St leL Doug. 264, 08)-Ul OMAHA Stkmrnarera' InsUtutey Ramga Bldg. OSi-m 8EWINO machines rented, any make. T6e per week or 88 per month. Second-hand machines for sale, 85 and up. Nebraska Cyola Co., 16tb and ilarney. (18)-U4 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: cut rices. Send for free catalogue. Myers lllon Drug Co.. Omaha. (Ul lie MINERAL WATER BATHS. Turner Real and Watar Cure. Colfax, is. OV-M8S6 Jevx ( X iTMTnTT P treatment a nd bath. Mtna MAUWiljn, U8 N. 16th. id floor. 08J-U5 PLEATING BuroRdTvmfc ALL KINDS. Km broidery. Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink ingonly ba per yard. Send for price list and samples. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 10 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas ItX OW 188 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits eaat-off clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. We collect repair and aell, at lit N. Uth St., for cMt of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'Phono Doug. 4136 and wagon will call. (18) 611 FOR anything In the aewlng machine line go to P. E. Flodman Co., 1614 Capitol Ava. 18-718 JelS PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mra Dr. King, ISM M. 84th St TeL Dou;. 8;5 (1) A4 M ARSAfiP, Swedish movement Room (13)-M338 HAVE you seen the prices on high grade planoa during our Are saleT If not, do so today, for you can save from 8100 to $200 on any piano. Prompt action Is necessary. The Bennett Company. r - (1) 895 WANTED Concessions for Fourth of July celebration; wrltn at once giving terma, etc. 8. K. Beghtol, Gothenburg, Neb (18 tit li V REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. RUSSELL 4k M K1TRICK CO.. 438 Ramga 09)-6 W. H..TURRELL. 16 Patterson Blk. Doi:g. 113. Q)-Mi SEARS. 621 N. T. Ufa, Tel. Red Wl. " (1S)-68J PAYNE INV. CO., 1st flr, N. Y. I Doug. 17a. 'l)-8 ALFRED C. KENNEDY. n First Nst'l bank bldg. 'Phane Doug. 723. (It) 640 OEOROB 4k COMPANY, 1001 Farnam. Tel. Douglas TM v (19)-T13 R C. PETERS A CO.. Bee Bldg. (ls-718 L. W. BUNNELL, CO.. 833 N. Y Ltfa Douglas 614S. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. FOR 'SALE Two good business lots fat Cambridge. J. McKay, Oxford, Nob. (19) Mux) 17x 16 PER CENT. A brick block of three stores and 88 rooms on a leading business street; rented for 8J15 a month. Price 8l.uu0; half caah, balance four rears at 6 per rent THOMAS BRENNAN, Room L New York Lite Bldg. 41ii-8U advertised in The Dee every day in the month than in any other Omaha paper. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR f ALK (Continued. SOME BARGAINS Lot 50x186 on Central Boulevard near Farnam. elegant building site. Csn sell for next few dnys for Sl.OnO; real value 82,fX). Mtixt bo sold at once. Rome high nice building lots on and near car line In Council Bluffs, eight mlnutoK' rldo from 14th and Dnuftlas, at from 8W9 to 8360 each, payments 8J down and 85 per month; these rapidly Increase In value will build houses for purrhssers on suffi cient monthly payments. Buy one of these lots ana own your own nnme. 30 ACRES S mllea a. of Council Bluffs, fine, well laying upland, good buildings and lm prnvemonts; desirable farm and home, $4,01)0; on easy terms. List your property wtin us ir you want a quirk deal. We have more purchasers than we can supply. BENJAMIN REAL ESTATE CO. ' Phone Doug. 7332. 82M Neville Plk. (18) M2l 10 HANSCOM PARK BARGAINS 1806 S. 29th Ptreet (Georgia Ave.) 35,600.00. Large, elegant, thoroughly modern 8 room house, In perfect repair, east front; smnll barn; lot 60x150 ft. Can be bought this month for above price. Property Is easily worth $7,000. CONRAD YOUNG 1618 Dodgs St. Tel. Douglas 1571. (!) M381 nere is a Real Bargain Eleven rooms, renting for $31 per month, on car line, best residence part ot city, not far from Creighton university. If taken at once, $2,500. National Investment Co. Tel. Doug.' 66SL ' ' Douglas Blk. (19) M334 10 A SNAP. , 8-ROOM MODERN HOME. Plastered Attic. South Front Lot CtfxlCS Paved Street 3670 Poppleton Avo. rInqulre at 3600 Poppleton Ave. . 0)-M223 11 BEMIS PARK DISTRICT S-rooma, brand new, strictly modern, 84,000. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. . C . (1)-M377 BEMIS PARK Two beautifully situated lots1 40x127 fnot each, west front on boulevard, two blocka to car. on grade; corner, 88UO; Inside, 8700. Must be sold by owner at once. 8404 La fayette Ava. (19 M305 IS YOUR HOUSE FOR SALE, We don't want to list it If you want a fancy price, but we are at all times In a position to effect, speedy saloa of snaps. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor. N Y. Life Bldg. "If It'a a bargalB they have it." ... i n i tua-iBuuo u ... 716 SOUTH 28TH ST. Splendid 7-room bouse, modem axcept fur ace, paved street, near car line and ten minutes' walk from postofflce; how much Is It worth to you ? We want an offer. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N.' Y. Ufa Bldg. Tel. Dong. 1781. (19) Mbit U TWO new 6-room cottages, just completed, well built bath, gaa, city water, aeWer, cemented cellars, cemented walka, large rooms, close to car lines, east fronts. On 28th St., between Epauldlng and Ruggles Sts. Price, 82.400 each; terms reasonable. C. Battelle, lo4 N. 15th St. (19) M93T Jy6 IF YOU are thinking of building It will pay you to see the Western Home Build ers, roorrs 88 and t8. Neb. Nat Bank Bldg.. for prices and terras. fl) MS48 FOR SALE Five-acre tract of land la Ben eon, three blocks from ear, suitable for platting or for Improvement an oppor tunity for some one. Address, G 428. Bee. (19) -834 LOOK AT THIS - All modern, 6-room cottage, 8413 Lafayette Ave. Bemla Park. 'Phone Harney 34ti6. (19 M5 , REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST r n CHAB. S. WlLLlAUSON.Prea. (1)-1 FOR SALE House, rooms, modern ex cept furnace. 207 Cuming St Prioe. 32.800. Easy terms. , I JOHN F. FLACK. CltF Savings Bank. ltb and Dmiglaa ci a i ifi a8)-188 SIX ROOMS, modern, east front, lot 62x182 near All Saints' church, M.50, hslf canh. P. W. Blerbower, Bee Bldg. (19)-M730 10 LIST your proptrty wliu the Westers Home Builders, mis. 22-23 Nebraska Nail Bank Bldg. (1 714 Ahdtraots tUle? V&? service. 'Phone AUSlltitto foP prces. Guarantee Ab stract Co.. Patterson Blk. 'Phone Red 8947. (l)-79li JyS FOR SALE OR TRADE -room house and full lot In new cathedral district and near to car line; will trad for smaller bouse close In; a bargain. Inquire om-ner, 27H Farnam St . (IS) M290 16 83,600 for all modern 8-room house In Dundee, half block from car line; direct frqm owner. 'Phone Harney 2077. 1-M2M l&x TO HAVE that bill collected, to aeTT or buy property, call on or sddress Jacob son A Co., 936 N. Y. Life Bldg (19) M3S3 15x REAL ESTATE ' FARM AUD RANCH LAXD FOR SALE Kaasas. WANTFu-AxnU to represent ns In the sale of our Kaasas lands. Write for par ticulars. Globe Land and Investment Co., Oman. Nao. (201 M4M WE HAVE lands Improved and nntm , proved In central and eastern Kansas that we ran sell you from t-'O to M) per acre. These landa are No. 1. Will con sider good city property or msrchandlse. Write us for full information, with de acrlptlon of what you hate to offer. J. W. STINE A CO.. . Iu26 O fit, Llucaln. Neb. (20) 936 Jylg Sfebraalieu A GOOD farm, wall Improved, 30 mllea waat of Omaha, for ssle on essy terms, t pe cent Interest If taken tu next S day. Address Y 344. Bee. 20 A IMPROVED farma in ecstarn Nebraskai barpy and Douglas Counties. B J. Ovar ton. Or etna. Neb. (30) M87S FIRST CLASS Nebraska farma and ranrl.es for homes or Investment Bemte, Omaha. itoh- MWS WHEN yon wrtts to sdvertsera remember It takes but in extra stroke or two of the pa to mention the fact that you aaw aaa a a Tha le 5Sa)C9 REAL ESTATE FARM AND nC1l I.AKT1S FOR SAI.H (Continued.) Mlnaesota. IMPROVED farma, prairie and timber land In central Minnesota; crop fallurea , are unknown; will exchange land for other properties. For particulars write Frwd-Mohl, Adrian, Minn. (30) MST 12x REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Ce. (23-194 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Weed. l&M Doug. (3ZWS6 81.000,000 TO LOAN on business aad resi dence property in Omaha: lowest rates; no delsy. Thomas Brsnnao. Room I N . Y. Ufa. (32-lSS WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith 4k Co.. U20 Farnam St (33)-lS3 LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O'KEEFal R. al CO 10U N. Y. Ufa Bldg. 28-M796 1500 TO 850.000 TO LOAN at lowest rates; na delay. GARVIN BROS. 104 FARNAM. (i0 17 BUILDING loana on realdenca propertr; 6 per cent W. B. Melkle, Hamge Block, (33)-19S LOWE8T RATES Bemla, Pftxton Block. (73-196 WANTED City loaaa. R. C Peters A Co. (23-309 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thontaa, so First National Bank Bid V (33-lM LOW rales, private money. $500 and op CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. (23)- WANTED TO BORROW WANTED to borrow. Reliable party want 3760 for one year at 7 per cent. Good security. Addresa K 477, Bee. (34-M381 Ilk When you write to advertisers, remember It only takea a stroke or two of the pen to mention that you aaw the ad In The Bee. WANTED TO BUY CASH paid for 4d booas. Crane-Fey e Oe, 313 a 14th. 'Phono Douglas U3L (26-l WANTED First-class second-hand Ore and burglar proof &A(e with space for books approximately 19 Inches high, IS Inches wide and 16 to 18 inches deep. Address Y 60, care Bee, atatlng make of safe, price and full paruoulara. (16) M191 U WANTED To buy, second-hand fumltura. cook and heating etovea. carpeta, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes and ahoes, planoa, feathers, bed pillows, quilts and all kinds ot tools; or will buy the furniture of your house complete. Will buy antique or mahogany furniture. The high est prices paid. Call the right man. TeL Douglas 897L (35)2421 J33 HOISTING engine wanted, 13-horaepower. double switching drum, 3 spools. 4 der ricks. Call L. VenabJe. Omaha Oaa Co., 20th and Center. (25)-M82S WANTED An atlas of Omaha, Including Douglas county. Addresa 8 634. Bee. (25)-MG3 10s WANT to buy good business. What havo yon to offer f H 475. cars Bea. (35) M271 IS WANTED To buy a hard coal stove; give description. Address K, Omaha Bee, IS Scott Bt. Council Bluffa. (26)-M368 16x WANTED TO RENT WANTED By young lady, pleasant room and board m private family; best refer ences. Address N 614, Bea. 128) MJ0B, 11X w" ANTED Furnished house for summer: two In family; excellent care. Address, W 635, Bee. (26) SS2 10X , UNFURNISHED ROOMS. Three to five rooma. unbimlshed, for light housekeeping, close In; man and wife, no children; must be food location and reasonable. 'Phono Harney 946 . (26) M367 15z WHEN you write to advertisers, remember It takea but a few scratches of the pen to state that you aaw the ad. In The Bea. WANTED SITUATION WANTED Situation as housekeeper for a widower, by a widow lady. Address K HI. Bee. (27)-M763 lOx SWISS OIRL for children, or companion, or housekeeper: speaks French, German and English. Address Y 314, care Bee. (27) M867 15x COMPETENT German girl as child nurse. Address Y-213. care Bee. (27) MS93 16x POSITION ss nurse girl. Call Or address 1120 E. Washington Ave., Council Bluffs, la. (27)-M304 15x WHEN you write to advertisers, remember It tikes but a few strokes of the pea to state that you saw the "ad." In The Bee. LEGAL NOTICES TO BONDHOLDERS OF THE SHERIDAN COAL COMPANY The holders of bonds of tho Sheridan Coal company are hereby notified that the undersigned trustee, under trust deed of the Sheridan Coal company. dated June U, 1903, and recorded June 30, lfeO. In book 36 of mortgage records on page 438. In the office of the county clerk of the county of Sheridan and state of Wy oming, has received notice from the Sheri dan Coal company that it will, on or before June 30. Ii7, remit the undersigned S24.0i to take up and retire 94 bonds, aa provided in Siild trust deed. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has drawn and .se lected by lot the following twenty-four numbers of twenty-four of the bonds oat standlng secured by said trust deed 1. e., 197. 614, 65, t3, 376, 4n6, 37. 193, 89a, P. ?. 87, 59, 4T!, fcjft, 240, 2X. 842, 93, 1M, 613, fJ4. 231, 193, for payment from the sinking fund to be so paid to it by said the Sheridan Coal company under said trust deed, and upon such payment of suld $'.'4,(MJ to the under slfmed on or before June 86, 19u?, the un dersigned will st Its office at the corner Dearborn and Madison streets. In the city of Chicago, Illinois, cn the first day cf July, A. D. iWl. pay to the holders or reg istered owners of raid bonds numbered a aforesaid the principal and accumulated In terest thereon, upon the surrender and de livery thereof to the undersigned uncan celed and accompanied by all unpaid cou pons thereto belonging. Interest on each cf said bonds numbered as aforesaid will cease sfter seld first day of July, A. D. 1907. whether presented on ssld day or there after. UNION TRUaT COMPANY, True tee. By Rufus F. Chapin, Secretary. Mju 27 J3 10 GOVERNMENT NOTICES MEN WANTED FOR THB UNITED States navy. Self reepectlng young Americana are needed to make the United Status navy the best for its slae in the world. Tho la ay and trifling and weak need not apply. We want the gun pointers of steady nerves, who can make their ahots count, gun crewa that can fire the sixty ton gun times per minute or the eight ton gun ten or twelve times per minute; we want the maohtntsta, foreman, electrician blacktmitha. clerk, hospital . apprentices, cooks and bandsmen aeceaaary to keep our battle ahlpa and tnelr crewe of Sut ntea la the finest possible condition. The navy's chief object la to prevent war. but If we have war wa will oeed our beat men In the fleet to match the men at other na tions. We must have trained Americana of abilty ajid stout hearts behind tbe gun and al the throttle. Four to- five month at training stations. . Modern ahlpa aad methods of training. ' All recruits aow transferred to Norfolk, Va. Writ or apiJy te Nary Recruiting Btatlona. poanomeo building, Omaha, Lincoln. Hastings, floug alty and News Arcade, De Motoea. Jtdtt RAILWAY TIME CARD I'MIOX STATION AD MARCT. !! 3sitste. Leev. Overland IJmlted a 8.68 am Tr Chtna and Japan Feat Mall a I pm Colo. A Calif. Tlx ...a 8 0 pm California A Ore. Ex. ..a 4o pm I.os Anxeles Limited.... al? 55 pm CMorado Ppeetsl all M pm .Arrive a 9.40 pm a l-f pm a 380 am I HI pm a 9 18 pm a 59 am a 6:16 pm b 6:13 pin North Platte Local a 1-42 em Beatrice Local b 7:42 am (hlcmg. Rook Saland ravel c EAST. Chicago Limited a I 45 am Iowa Iocal a 7r0 am J Moines Passenger.. 4 en pm owa Loral all 40 am Chlraxo (lantern Ex.). a 4. 50 pm Chicago Flyer a . pm WERT. all 30 pm a 4 So pm all:) pm b 9 M pm a 1:26 pm a 8:86 km Rocky Mountain Lmtd..All:40 pm a 3 36 am Colo. Cal. Ex press.. .all .-40 rm a l td pm Ok!. A Texas Express, a 4 4" nm a 7 45 pm IJncoln Falrbury Pasa.a 8:45 amsK):16 am Wassak, St. Louis Xhrpreea a 3:80 pm a 8:80 am St Inila I -oca! (from Council Bluffs) a 3 30 am ,all:1S pm Ptanberry I-oral (from Council Bluffs) b 1:00 pmW0:lB am Mlsaoarl Part. K. C. A St. L. Kxp a 9 0 am a r55 am K. C A St L. Exp. .. all U pm a 6 86 pm Nebraaka Local a t pm all:4 am Chlraa-o, Mllwaakea dt St. Pawl. Chi. A Coin. Special... 7t am Sallf. A Oregon Exp... 6:02 pm verland Umlled 40:00 pm CMcaa-o Groat .Weajtera. St. Paul A Minneapolis.. 8:80 pm 11 46 pm 8.25 pm 8.37 am 7:10 am 110 pm 9 0 am 11 160 pm 8:30 pm St. Paul A Mlnneapolla.. T:4S am Chicago Utrlted Chicago Express Chicago Express S'40 pm 7:46 am 8:30 pm C'blrage A Tf artb wrstera. Chicago Daylight ...'... a 7.-OJ am St. Paul-M spoils Exp.. a 7:60 am Chicago Local all :80 am Sioux City Passenger.. .a 7:60 am Chicago Passenger a 4:30 pm Chlcsgo Special s K0 pm Bt. Paul-M'polls Lmtd .a 8 28 pm all:54 pm al0:00 pm I a i:is pm a 8:28 pm a 9:30 am a 9 SO am a T:40 am al3 36 pm a 8:23 am a 8:29 am a 3:20 am a 8 :36 pm a 7 .06 am a 9:81 am a10:36 am al0:36 am a I pm a 6:06 pm h 6:ffi pm Los Angeles Limited. ...a 9:80 pm uvrnina xmuea Fast Mall ..al0:00 pm ..a 8:60 pni Sioux city Local. Fast Mall Twin City Limited a 8 28 pm Overland Limited a 8:38 pm Norfnlk-Rnnesteel a 7:40 am Uncoln-Chadron b 7:40 am Deadwood-I.lncoln a 80 pm Casper-Bhoshonl a 3:00 pm Hastings-Superior b 8. -no pm mont-Alblon b 6:03 pm Los Angeles Limited... a :50 pin Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:20 am Minn. A St. Paul Exp. ..b 7:20 am Chicago Umlted a I -on nn. bl2:60 pra Kii.oo pm a 8:46 pm a 3:56 pm a 8:80 am Minn. A St Paul Lmtd.a 3:80 pm a 8:80 am BURLIMOTON STA 10th A MASON. Barltaarton. . ... 'Leave. Arrive. Denver California.. ..a 4:10 pm a 410 pm Northwest Special a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pm gack HUUj. a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pm Northwest Express a 9:30 pm a 6:46 am Nebraska points a 8:00 am a 6:10 pm Nebraska Express a 9:05 am a 6:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:46 pm alljfil pm Linooln Local a 9 06 am Lincoln Local a 8:00 pm Louisville & Plattsm'th.b 3:10 pm bl0:20 am Bellevue-Flattemouth ..a 3:10 pm a 7:46 am Plattamouth-Iowa b 8:10 am . Bellevue-Flattsmouth b 1:36 pm Denver Umlled all :65 pm a 6:45 am Chicago. Special a 7:00 am all 45 pm Chicago ,Expreaa a 4:30 pm a 3 66 pm Chicago Flyer a 3:30 pra a 8:30 am Iowa I'fcar. .i a 9:15 am a11:30am f- Loul," ,K,Pr!'"8 a 4 46 pm a11:30am Kansas City A St. Joe..alO:45 pm a 6:30 am Kansas City A St. Joe,.a 3:16 am a 6:10 pm Kansas City St Joe.. a 4:46 pm Webster STa, isth a Webster . Leave. Twin City Faeaengr...b 6:80 am Sioux City Passenger.. .a 3:00 pm Emerson Local b 6:45 pm Emerson Local o 8:46 am Missouri Pariac. Local via Weeping wjy..Lv ,:05 m Falls City Local.. a 3:60 pm Arrive. b 9:10 pm all :20 am b 9:10 am o 6:50 pm a 6:80 pm all:30 am a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, c Sunday only, a Dallr xoept Monday. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS-" PrenchLme Compojnlm Cinimit Truntattantiqut eianllc, Eltgant, Fast Leviathans Jfetm yor, -Paris 6 Jays LA PROVSliCK, new twin screw fiver, passes ?I ' ",,ff' ryninsaium, roof cafe Thla and the ffiSf, 6crew tu,r. h.veJ.lly new.p. srs. orcheaira, wireless system snd msnv other laoovation on board, both for safety a nd comfort 3a Frovaaca , Tuna 13 3.8 Lorraine June SO 3a Savele Inn U7 La Tonralne .Joly 4) La Provenoe July 11 Ia Bretag-ne July IS SlaTsi eaMie' aa--nr aiectpllse. Ceaapasr mtlbulni ualna, HaTra-Parla, 1 boars. ara eoarenlant eoaaaetleBS see suss ler all selota ea the Cwitlaast For statu, natrealloea aa4 fall Inforautlaa sail en, taltphona. or write te lbs fallowing asu; Harry . Meeraa, len ranua St.; J. B. Rersolaa, I Ml raraaat SL; Loo la Khm, oara ef lat Nu t Bank: W. O. Darlaaoa, 1B1I Paraais k.1 V, 8 Beck. 1U4 Psrsaai Sc. Oaba. Nee. CANADIAN PACIFJC TtIMPRKat" Lin of th Atlantio CUBXZO TO UTE1POOL, 1816 TKAJBf room says at ssa. Empressea sail July 12, 26; Aug. 9. 23; Sept. 6. 20. Firat Cabin 380 up; Second Cabin its up: Third Class $18.76. Write for particulars. 0. 33. eajamln, QVenl. Ag-ent, Tel. Harrison 171 232 So. Clark St., Chicago. Forwlscm Financial. LONDON, June 7. The supply of money Was rather more plentiful In the market to day and the demand wns quiet. Dtsootints hardened on account of fears of future gold exports. On the Stock exchange yes terday late Improvement was quietly maintained. There was another small fail ure, but It did not affect the market The tone, however was easier near the olose, owing to lack of support. Foreigners re ceived better attention' on the part of Paris. Japanese imperial Se of 1"4 closed st 102. Copper shares dropped early in the day in sympathy with the decline In the prioe of the metal and cloaed firmer. Amer icans ruled dull owing to the unfavorable character of the advices from New York. Prlcea were Irregular in the forenoon, the few transactions recorded barely moving quotations from parity. The receipt of the New York opening prices causud an upward movement, led by Union Pacific and the market cloaed Arm after the tran saction of a good amount of late business. larar snt Motsasn. NEW YORK. June 7 SUGAR Raw, ateady; fair refining, 3.84c; centrifugal, 96 test. 3.840. Molasses sugar, 3-G9c. Relined, steady; No. 6. 4.60c: No. 7. 4 65c; Na 8. 4.10c; No. 3, 4.45c; No. 10, 4 35c; No. 11, 4 80c; No. 18, 4.25c; No. 18, 4 20c; No. 14, 4.16c; confectioners' A, 4.80c; mould A. 6 16c; cut loaf, 8. 70c; crushed. 5.70c; pow dered, 6.10c; granulated, 6.00c; cubes. 8.36c. MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans opon kettle, good to rholce, 37 4 So. NEW ORLEANS. La., June 7. SUGAR Steady; open kettle, centrifugal. SH8c; renlrtfulsal whites, none; centrifugal yel low, 34j4e; seconda. 2V63c. MOLASajd Julet; syrup. 3a34o. 5UPDKffi GRAIN C0r,lPANY - ... . , , ; . , i , y Rooa 169 Dee Ealldbg. TeL Dosslss 2173 LIcmbsrs oi All Principal Grain Exchanges Your Business Solicited GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET rrice Elly Somewhat After Heavy CIom of PrtTimt Day. WILL BE LITTLE EXP0ET WHEAT tattette ( Ftvo 1 ears FteeieJIngt Ooaapsirrw w II Freeeit Cerndl tlone Seem to Waurraat Tkta Oalluok. CM a HA. June a, 1907. Trie market rallied some this morning, after the heaviness shown near the eln yeeterdey. Low percentage crop report) atlll pour to and experta say there will be very little wheat for export. Judging from etsttailrs taken for the previous five yeara. Europesn weather conditions are more favorable and cables came lower. Wheat opened a little soft tlile morning, sfter- the hesvlness shown at tho cloae yesterday. Considerable nervouanesa was felt aad It took very little to tuov the market either way. There was a rally on Kansas report and shorts are covering on advance. July wheat opened at 9"o, asked, and closed at 9vSc, asked. lorn opened firm and higher on good bnylng by cash Interests. Offerlnga were rathnr light and scattered. July corn opened at 49'c, asked, and closed at 49o, asked. Osts showed some decided strength, after yesterday s heaviness. There was hsvr aelling on stop orders at the opening, but good buying aoon dried all offerings and the market advanced. July oats opened at 46c, aaked, ind closed at 44e. asked. Primary wheat receipts were t?4,00 bush els and shipments 3M.0OO bushels, against receipts last yesr of 826.000 bushels and shipments of JW..0U0 bushels. Com receipts were l.SlO.OK) bushels and shipments Mi.CO bushels, against receipts isst year of auOOO buahcla and shipments of 444.01 0 mishels. Clearances were 9R.0O0 bu. of corn, Sa,or bu of oats and wheat and flour equal to 196.846 bu. Uverpool closed Vid lower on wheat and id lower on corn. Seaboard reported 96.000 bu. of wheat and 4.rt bu. of corn for export. Local range of options: Artlcles.1 Open. IHgh.l Low. Cloae. Yee y. Wheat-1 I July... 90'AA 90'4A 90"4.A Sept... 1A 91T4A 91ViA Corn July... 4"IA 49 A 4PHA Sept... 464 A 4KV(A 4KA Oats July... 4SHA 4H'AA Sept... 37A S74A S7A OHAj 154jA K 48A 44 A - 3.A 30A 1A 4tXA 4814A 45HA S7HA A-Asked. B Bid. Oaaaba Cash Frleee. WHEATVNo. 3 hard, 89Hj91o; No. I hard, S!Vfisrc; No. 4 hard. 7iJjH6c: No. 3 spring, kWTOlo. CORNNo. S, 48yi; No. 4, 47r47Hq; no frade. 48?r4rc: No., 3 yellow, 48V4&'4Hc; No. white. 4!9VjC OATS No. 8 mixed, 4fH'ffHSe: No. t White, 43Hfo-4c; No. 4 white. 434HS'o. RVK No. X 75c; No. J, 78,iO. - Cairiot Skaecfpta- Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago 26 833 111 Minneapolis v.226 Omaha 14 173 14 Duluth 47 OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Condition ot Trade and Quotations on Staple ant Fnney Prodnc. EOOS Per 'doe.. 14c. BUTTER Packing stock, 16c; choloe to fancy dairy. 18'uWpc; creamery, tlQ'ito, LIVE POULTRY Hens, 10c; roosters, I 67c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, luc; geeso. 60. FRUITS. CALIFORNIA CHERRIES Per bog of about 8 lbs., 2.25ul.60. PINEAPPLES Florida, 48 else. 83.75 per crate; 42 slxe, $2.76 per crate; 84 six. $3.76 per crate; 80 alxe, $4.00 per crate. Cuban pineapples 2fc less all around. STRAWBERRIES Missouri, 34-Qt casss, $Z.r3.00. TROPICAL FRUITS. - LEMONS Llmoniera, SCO else, 34-35; 301 sue, Vi.7f; other brands, 60c less. BANANAS Per medlum-eixed bunch, $2.O0i'2.25; Jumboes, 33.603.50. ORANGES Mediterranean Swaeta, 360, 176, 300, 214 and 250 sixes. 68.7604.00; 96, 128, 314 sixes, $3.00; California Navels, extra fancy, 176 200 316, 250 sixes, $4.50; fancy, 124 stae, $3.76; 150 size, 34-25; choloe, large slxea, per box. $2.76'J.OO. FIQ8 California, bulk, Vje; 6-crow a Turkish. 14c; 4-crown Turkish, llcj 3-crown Turkish. 9c. DATES Kada way, 60 ; Bayers, So; hal lowls, 6c; new stuffed walnut dates, S-lb, box, $1.00. BEEF CUTS. No 1 loin, 17ttc; No. 8 loin. 13c; No. t loin, 5V4c; No. 1 rib, Lie; No. 1 rib, 10c; No. 3 rib. 9V4c; No. 1 round. 14c; No. 2 round, 6c; No. 3 round So: No. 1 chuck, tUe; No. t chuck, 6c; No. 3 chuck. (e; No. I plate, $Vic; No. 3 plate, 8c; No. 8 plate. So. OLD VEGETABLES. POTATOES Table stock, per bu., 80c NAVY BEANS Per bu.. No. 1. 3X00,' No. 3, $l.t. NEW VEGETABLES. POTATOES Per bu., $1.85. ASPARAGUS 46 6oc per dos. bunchea. BEANS New wax and string, per ham per. $4.00. BEETS, TURNIPS and CARROTS Per dox. bunches, 46fe60c. PIEPLANT Per dos., 10c. CUCUMBERS-Per dox.. $1.00. TOMATOES-Texas, fancy, 30-lb. arete, $2.16. CABBAGE California, SHc CELERY Floi Ida, $1.25 per dos. ONIONS Texas silver v!b, per crate, about 46 lbs., 82.60; yellow Texas, per orate, (2.26; green onions, per dox., 30a. . LEAF LETTUCE Hot-house, par dos. heads, 35c PAHS LE Y Hot-house, per dos. bunchea, 40c. RADISHES Par dos. bunchea, homo grown, 20c. MISCELLANEOUS COFFEE-Roasted, No. S5, too per f t No. SO. 21c per lb.; No. 35. 13a pur lb.; No. 30, 14Ho per lb.; No. 21. ISftc per lb. CHEESE Block Swiss, 13c; Umberf 14c; Young Amerlcaa, 16o. NUTS Calif oruia walnut. V. 3, enft eh all. 12o ; No. ), soft shell, ttc: Bras i la. JsOlKc; pecans. 13o; filberts. llHc; pea-mi's,- rsw, TVi; roasted, 8 Hoi California al monds, 17c: cocoanuts. (5.00 per UO. HIDES AND TALLOW Qreon aalUd. No. 1. 9c: No. 3. 8c; bull hides. 0c: arean hide. No. t, 7c; No. 3, 6c; horse, $UJ t.ou; sheep pelts, 5vowJL26. Taltow, No. L 4Hc; No. 1. lc Wool, lu&lio. CANNE1 OOODS-C'orn, standard, west ern, soitauc; Maine, $1.16. Tomatoes, fancy, 3-pound cans, $1.45; standard- 3-pound cane, !1 20. Pineapples, grated. 1-pound, CStcJ 3u; sliced, ll.7Hf3.8i; fancy - IlawaAan. l'i be.. 81.76. Oallon applea 33.6Uv3.00. Cali fornia apricots, U-W. Pears. tl.7Sil,iS.. reaches. $1.7(2.40; L. C. peaches, $100J 60. Alaska salmon, red, (1.16; fancr Chinook, flat (3 10; fancy cockeye. Cat $1.96.- Sardines quarter OIL $3.26; thrae quarters mustard. 82 76 Sweet potatoes. (l.l'jfl.85. Sauer kraut, 90c. Pumpklna. na tfti.Za. Wax beans, 3-lb;. SOcJl.OO. Urn beans. 8-lb., 75c'o31 35. Soaked teas. S-lb Ooc; early June, 96c till 16; fancy, tl.2tai.4i. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunea are somewhat unsettled by freer orTertoga from aeoond hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of Immediate grades. Quo tations range from SHo to So for California fruit and from SHc to jc for Oregon. Peach. s are slightly- easier, with fancy yellows quoted at 124c. Raisins ars firm: loos Muscatels are quoted at SwSci Seeded raiHtns. 8fellc. F1S1I Pickerel, drsssed, Sc; pike, dressed, ltc; white fish, d re sand, winter caught, 13 15c; trout, lltjCloc; halibut 18o; salmon, 15c; catfish, 15c; herring, dressed. 8c; crannies, round, 6tt9cj craptdea, large fancy, loe; black bass. 26c; smolts. sweet and fine, 13c; ael, lHci blue fish. 15c; red snapper, 13c; roe shad, per pair, tOOfrio; frog legs, 340c; lobsters, green, per lb. 37c; lobster, boiled, per lb., 80c; macksrei, Spanish, per lb., 16c; mackerel, native. Wa 3c per lb.; fresh green turtle meat too in. CURED FISH Family white nah. per quarter bbL, 100 Iba . $4 00; Norway mack erel. No. I. 336.00: No. 3, $28.00: herring. In blila, 200 Iba. each; Norwav 4k. $1100 HAY Choice upland, per ton. 311. SO: me dium. rtO.SO: No. 1 bottom, $9.00: ff gradaa. 84.0u4r6.50. Rye ntrnw. $7- aeaawawesfsaea kSwJ