Want - ads JaAwwjrtfsonieats fos the want-ad IRoAoann will ha takaa until M an. tor pvonlngr edtttoa aad until p. uovfh morning; and Bandar editions. Caah. airt terompur all order for "ruat-ads aad ao advertisement will u gteeepted for less thaa lO eeats for thm first Insertion, Rate apply to either Th Dallr Sunday na. Always roanl nix words to a. Use. Combinations of laltlala or number fiouut aa oao word. CASH HATES FOR WANT-ADS. REniXAR rtASSiriCATIOSI - Ont Insertion, per line, JO eeata. tw ar more consecutive tnaertlona. per line, 6 eenta. Each Insertion made on odd daya, lO eenta per line. 1-W per line per month IFECUL CLASSIFICATIONS II your advertisement la Inserted ander any one of the classifications given below. It will bo charged at the following rates i One Insertion, A eenta per llnet three to alx consecutive Insertions, 8 eenta per line each Insertion aevea or more consecutive Insertions, 3 eenta ner lino each Insertion! BO eenta per line per month. BARTER AMD EXCHANGE. BUSINESS CHANCES. HELP WASTED-FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Except Agents. Solicitors aad Salesmen. OFFERED FOR SALEl Com, Birds, Poxi aad Pets. Horsea and Vehicles. Poultry, and Eggs. Fnraltnre. Pianos, Organs and Masleal la- atrnments. Typewriters and Sewing? Machines. OFFERED FOR RENTl Furnished Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms. Housekeeping: Rooms. Boarding; and Rooms. WANTED TO BUY. WANTED TO RENT. SITUATIONS WANTED. CASIT RATES FOR NOTICES. Death and Funeral Notices, Cards of Thanks and Lodge Notices, T cents per line for one edition, morning or evening! S cents a lino for each ad ditional edition. Sunday, lO cents a line. No ri taken for leea than HO cents. Want-ads for The Beo may he left at any of the following drug stores- one Is "your corner druggist" they are all branch offices of The Beo and y oax ad will be Inserted Jnat as promptly and on the same rates as at the main office In The Bee Building, seventeenth and Farnam atreetai Albach, W. C, tOth and Farnam. Bei anck. 8. A., 102 8. 10th Bt. Beuht's Pharmacy, 720 S. 16th St. Benson's Pharmacy. Benson. Neb. Bnmls Park Pharmacy, 83d and Cuming. Blake s Pharmacy, Zilti Bherman Ave. Caua-hlln. C. K.. 6th and Pierce Bts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Are. Conte, J. u., sist Ave. and f arnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cermak, Emil, 12i-6 B. ISth Bt. Eastman I'harmacy, VMS Hamilton. Ehler,, F. H., 22 Leavenworth. Foster & Arnoldl. 813 N. 2Tlh Bt. Freytag, John J., 1914 N. 24th Bt. Florence Irug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy. 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park, Ave. and acine. Greenough, O. A., 106 8. 10th Bt. Greenoitgh, G. A., 10th and Hickory, Hayden, Wm. C., 2920 Farnam Bt. Hanecom Park. Phar.. 1501 8. 29th Ave. Hoist, John, 624 North 16th Bt. -Huff. A. L., 2924 Leavenworth Bt. Klnr. H. 8.. 2238 Farnam Bt. i Kountae Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th. t'acricK urug Co., 16Z4 M. S4th Bt. -Lathrop, Chas. K.. 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton. L. K. 34th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Schaefer-g Cut Prlca Drug Store, 16th and 'lua V.J. sWlII DIlll Ailing ATH. I ChlaSKO. Bchaefer, August, 2631 N. lth Bt. . Sohmldtj J. H., 24th and Cuming Bts. Ptorm Pharmacy. 16th and Martha fits i Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. U'.l. T.V. M . . .iu riwrmst-j, win una urace nis. Wlrth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton Bts. 1 MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been issued: Name and Residence. Louis Leoy, Minneapolis, Minn , Juliet Morris, Omaha t John Bradford, South Omaha , Mrs. Julia Parker, South Omaha.. James Sterba. South Omaha , Frances Bmeykal, South Omaha... Age. .... 83 82 25 Anath P. Barnes, Plattsmouth. Neb 67 Ejniirm jv. iiarKus, I'lausmoutn, Neb 42 James McKIln Complon, Galveston Tex. T Maud Evelyn McKesson. Los SSSlsI 2 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Twanlv. hfth street, alrl: Josenh Barta. nm Bm.ih Thirteenth street, elrl: Charlos duuiq l niruom avenue, Doy; unarlea Peter rn. 8317 Dewey avenue, alrl: Ini. imii nonn 'iweniv-nri n mt r..t o4.i. r-- i. Fogarty, 2607 Blnney. street, boy; WlnHeld Whlllenhain, 1011 South Eleventh street, bey; Robert Roberts. 1207 South Twenty- Eeventh street, girl: John J. Dlnan, 8006 lurt street, girl; Fred Boland, 403 Bancroft street, boy; H. G. Fralsslnet, 2911 Ames avenue, boy. Deaths Grant E. Barnes. t70s Kim.. treet. aged 41; Esla Armstron. 309 North I Eleventh street- aged 26: Walter w irn.t.. Pasadena, Cal., aged 24; CUftord" Kellstrom. 4621 Farnam street, aged 8; Charles Henry Payne, 1516 North Forty-first avenue, aged . ANNOUNCEMENTS SUMMER SCHOOL of the OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEOB, 19th and Farnam Bts.. Opens Monday morning, June 17. Publlo school children admitted. Bmuiil rl,uu pTiwfse Wl ucuiars. VISITING CARDS FREE. flend six nam., .n .m,-.. . .... Wantu.c a business eduoatln, rA .T-m lend you six elegantly written cards. CATALOGUE FREE. ROHRBOUGU BilOti., Omaha. Neb. UD MIH7 U BUMMER THRM BOYLES COLLEGE NOW OPEN . 8TtTDENT8 ADMITTED ANT DAY St OO KK KEPI Nil. HH( IHT1I A N.T, a Kir, Vka-aiW KITING. TELEGRAPH y. emu. LI AH. ELOCUTION. Catalogue free. H. B. BOXLfco." Prea I OmaUa, Nab. 1U7 THE CITY GARBAGE) CO., offlo 4th and umvuiwutui 01a. 1 ei. uouglaa lw7. (lir-404. SIGN PAINTING-. U. Cols, 1303 Douglas. LAWN mowers sharpened by special ma chine, called for and delivered. A. Jenson , at Bon, IttU No. MU. TsL Douglas 404. , Ul 3& J3 AUTOMOBILES u6 BUICit two-cylluder. 23 H. P. tour ing car, uverhaulled and painted.... ojO.0 UKn CADLLAC, 10 li. P. touring car. tine sliape fci.00 nai, i-i. jr., almost ne several extras Included l.tu I 1 KNOX touring car. air ooolea.:...M)00 ? iv. with top, io.u. p...........3mo.S )s R EU, 1 H. jV., umm) vary llttlo.'.fTWKuo riuiniun, wiui top, four-cylinder, 19U6 n ana looks. like new,-wltn top. tdUimO AjanLjut iv aeiacnauie toaneau, lust repainted and overhauled.. $d500 W rile for full dest;rlptlon. H. H. FRalDKICXoONVutii and Cap. Ave. U)- KRITB for list of bares ins in vi . "VaiaU- paioutouiea, rredricksun. JKDL two-cyUnder. detaohabla tonZ n. irifi ..ft1"!"" F' -k TVvslDURYiVV. fM7 by SroanS! AUTOMOBILES (continued.) SEND for our lint of second-hand automo- piies. jjmm.,111, ism ( irntm. 2) Ink FOR SALE A Cameren Runabout auto mobile; a bargain. Globe Land and In vestment Co., 1KJ Farnam Ht. 2) 107 FOR SALE OR TRADE Four-cylinder ' uiimh i.r, inoq aa new. u. ii. WtlKlns, BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR BALK OR TRADE Enno ne paper plant In Indiana. Box 618. Milan, ind- (8)M274 4x SOME (rooj Omaha property to trad for i una or meronanaise. 110 B. 17th St. I (8 M3i7 39 GOOD income property, clear, for vaoan lots: walking distance. Peterson Bms., imo ceo JBiaa. (3) 108 i TO p--rrn A van I 7,000 acres (food Canada land for rood In come property, 315 per acre. Describe your property or no reply. A rare op- yunumiy. itox eii. Bpencrr, J a. (3)-M4?8 JlOx 120 ACRES 6 miles from Bohell City, Ver- mn county, jno. ; BU acres under cultlva tlon; rood building. Price. InO per acre Incumbrance $2,000. Will exchange for feneral merchandise. Globe Land and investment (Jo, lid Farnam EL, Omaha, (8) 10 EXCHANGES If jrovt hare city property. rn.oKK.rn or Kooam. i arm lana or nroDertv oi any kind to exchanges, write for our com. plete list. We have properties and lands in s-u pans or tne country to exchange, vur nst is tree. Bend tor It at once, oioDe Land and Investment Co., 1822 Far nam St., Omaha. Neb. (3 U0 FOR EXCHANGE Piano and- simple niayer. wnat nave youT Address H-878, oee. () 1UH I WANTED-Will exchange new piano for good driving horse. A, Hospe. (3)-l i WANTED to txchinn. nod assorted s-en erai stock merchandise lor farm. Box 61. rranKion, ina. (S) -yiazL bx BLACKSMITH shop, tools and stock. snout ii.euo, for land or city property. x-eierson Bros., ba lies Bldg. (3) M4t g WANTED to trade complete threshing macmne outnt ror cheap land or city property, .reierson tsros. ()-M4M s HAVE TOTJ ANYTHTMfl TO TTJAtTHV It bo list it with us. We can trade any ming. KELLY INVESTMENT CO 230 Neville Block., Omaha.- (3) M656 I I FOR EXCHANGE Plana and slmnlev piayer. wnat nave youT Address H, 9io 5. (d) Mipo Hx BUSINESS CHANCES LUMBERING IN OREGON-Iost profit- a Die industry on American rnntln.nl Wealthiest corporations and Individuals Investing there. .Alen of smaller means last getting rich there. Group of practical experienced western men have organised a company and are pur chasing well established lumbering busi ness In Oregon, with mill of eighty niuuiina iei capacity ana large amount of valuable standing timber. Cost of production low. Profits very large. Demand enormous. Portion of capital stock for sale constituting a safe, sensi ble and most profitable Investment, In either large or small amounts. Satisfac tory banking references. Write today for particulars. Ask for Timber Talk. The gunset Lumber Co., 20 McKay Bldg., Portland, Ore. 4)-M765 J Six FOR SALE General merchandise store, lo- catea in one or tne most promising val leys of Arizona and a healthier climate cannot be found. Inventory of stock Jan uary 1, 1907, $11,000; average dally sales, 125. For full particulars address J. H. Wlngfleld ft Bona, Camp Verde, Arizona. Reference. Bank of Arizona, Preseott, Ariz. Bashford Burnister Co., Preseott. Axis. (4) M763 Jlx FOR SALE New, clean stock of general mercnanaise, wiin ouiiaing, warehouse and fixtures. In good town on main line U. P. R. R.. Lincoln count v. NhrAw Address T-14. care Bes. (4) M771 Jel 1 V.,.," 'J?.! , V .S11 ftna ? I?a .nBW i twining niuuri ui ina rnaiQHi ueit sxreet car advertising sign rack; worth seeing. Omaha Mobile Car Sign Co., 88 U. 3. ixai I canx juiag., lztn ana Farnam. (4) M283 4 8700 WILL buy one of the best meat mar- Keta in tne city; well equipped with sau sage machinery, including electric motor; doing a business of 11000 a month. Ad. dress O 464, Bee. (4) MS66 4x WE INCORPORATE STOCK COMPANIES CHOICE LOCAL STOCK, MANUFACTURING INVESTMENTS. THE MERCANTILE LNCOR- . XfT A rpTvrrt rrm vrtr 42S-t N. Y. L. Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 652. nnt .tT?" VY. tl! 53?U"W&?' TO BUT or sell any business or real estate quicK write or see Ulldreth & I.owman, (10 Bee Bldg. (4j Mis manage branch office of incoruo rated real estate company; exceptional opportunity. Address K 7. care Omaha Bee. (4-M717 TO BUT or sell any business or real ee- iaie, can on or write n. u. Uangestad, 08 Bee Bldg. (4-Y TOWNSEND REALTY CO, Modale. Ia, oeu ana exenange tarms, city property, merchandise and chattels. Try them. (4 M977 Je27x ESTABLISHED abstract business In ismana, a most up-to-date office and doing large business; will take city or farm property as part purchase prlue. Address A W, Bee. (41-335 J6x WANT a second-hand automobile! have ouie una to iraae. AfiOrua X 243, Ben, lt UI7 FOR; BALE The best rooming house In tne tuy, nut v.apitol Ave. (4 MoJO 8x NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO.-Buva sells or exchanges everytninar. land nit property, merchandise and automobiles. 68 Douglas block. ( M764 July3 te?tiSS?K N"V.' ilfW .. ."."I - iA.rrZZ tlZZ cn" IV sicxness I '.n, ""'.k1- "' " ' FOR BALE Lease and furniture finest equipped noiei in N. w in., 't; 4,000 population; only 83 and 32.60 "7 in cny; Dusiness to full capao- y y.mvumi, uu pnoaiion. tt. inaiiiBr. i-tunr naDiaa. ia.. (41 M iia i PAINT and wall paper store for sale; doing k ., iraae; invoice " np: sooa town of 6,0 a auuiw tu, oauua, t;oio. (4)-M744 Jy3x F")R SALEA business that can be bought for Ill.tXU. that h.l an nni.u I In.. . uujwci 01 seuing is to retire and live In California; an old established busi ness of 21 years; a rare chance for invest ment. For particulars write to Georaa (4 M537 lBx FOR BALE ao-room brick hotel, modern ana new; steam heat hot and cold water: In county seat of t.OOO in 111. oil field; aood reason for selling. H. C. CDen, Olney" fll. (4 M545 tx STEAM T.A I'KTIRT 88,000 In cash will buy steam laundry plant .uiiiiiirii nfiu ma rRiHoiiinpn Dusiness in a good railroad town of 5.0v) population; the only steam laundry In the city: the net earnlnes of the lanndrv i ... 3i0 per month. For particulars address , care ee. (4e-MS44 t wi a 4 1 e- nv.u- . " - fartor in JnnUKPPtd c'mnt block rJSf's ",nrMk.fl.n Address quick. Box 146, Coiad. Neb. (V MMZ 6x WANTED To trade for stock of goods; have a good farm. Addreas Y sua i, t4 4IH) ' HILDRETH ft LOWMAN can aell your J?nr,.nU llx0"ir. U Be. H,rt,J Omaha. (4 Mw4 H.b.lu I nr-isfve-oa rti a v.m. . . 1 v, uw Aiigru-i, t-Hl. ( M642 Jlox 0 THE OMAHA' f7" ' ' ' aJMaEaMWMnraiET7,7rB-.-nai I .! WffMT.TrgT i 11 gUi-ilBSav ' ' No Money in Vacant Rooms Rent thom Advertise in The Deo 3 lines (uwo'r.) 7 times only, 45 cents BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) WANTED A party to buy out a first-class stock of furniture In the best town on the Elkhorn valley; best of reasons for seuing. wisner Furnlturs Co., Wlsner, iseD. (4 MifeO FOR BALK Dry goods stock, invoices sis.vuu;; wiu sen ror I10.60U cash:: idum act at once. Address Y 67, care Omaha tfj Mb tx TO GET TV rm oirp rtv ih'otmioo VAUj Ufi W1UJAM8, 411 MeCAGL'B &uAjjiijr, isin ai u UKijyii bib. (4.1433 YOtJNG, energetic partner wanted by ex iienonwra mwyer wiin estaDllsnea Dus. nesa AO areas x Z3, care Bee. (4 MC64 1X uk baie-Two-ohalr barber shop, In 10 wn ei ,uw, nortnern utahj electrlo lights and city water. Address H. B. Mtv.m, r-ieasant urove, Utah. (4 M4S Jex BANKRUPT BAT.K. At EddWlIla. Keh Jnna 7 10jl7 mt IA i. win oner tor sale at publlo auotlon to the highest bidder for cash the stock of general merchandise, appraised at $6,745 also store building and dwelling of James juuvianon, oanarupt. Mora can be ex amlned at any time. Sherman A. Rnhin. son, trustee in bankruptcy, Oconto, Neb, (4) M37 BARBER shop fixtures for sale, two-chair no DamiuD oumi iw takes the bunch- fa a. ..uirea, rvaaena, Minn. (4) M324 Ex If you have a farm. home, business or iiuikiii7 insi you want to sell or ex Chan re. write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., -ruiajia, le. 4)-C60 J12 ROBERT C. DRUBBDOW As CO.. STOCK BROKERS, 80 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (4)-Ul run BAXJD First class blacksmith and wagon work business, with tools; 34 to 86 rmuivea ior snneing ana it to ss tor Set' ting tires. Address Y 13, Bee. (4) 112 BUYERS FURNISHED IN 48 HOURS investment Dept. Western Ref. & Bond ass n. inc., puite lU-iSi N. X. Lire Bldg.. (4) 684 MU8IC teachers' local locations bought. yum. x-eriieia rwno t., 16U trarnam. NEW business block, with postoffloe. gen siur", nvinn rooms ana nne nan. rents lift per month, on two fine corner lots; aiso lw acres fine land Joining town; has fifty-six lots platted worth 3100 each; price, ti.ow. write x. jr. Mcureeny, urls coll. N. D. (4) M373 6x JX3CTOR wanted at once. Good location. Aaarees tunc Drug store, Erlck, Okl. (4) M383 24x SALOON for sale. 718 N. 16th 8t., Omaha, jnbo. (4) ?25 9x FOR SALE Rooming house. See Hildreth ec juowman, 610 Bee Bldg. (4 M581 CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. The Leadlna- Palmist "of Omaha. Revelations of past and future described. r-ariora us b. wtn St., up p. Boston store. tl6)--128 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attoraeya. T. B. BRADY. ProbatS Att'y, BOB Bee Bldg. W vaasis Jala Civil Engineers. MEATHRON JAMIESON. M N. T. U (B) US L. O. HICKS, surveying. 423 Board of . Trade. (6-Mai4 J8 Chirooodlat. DR. ROY, R. 1 1SX Farnam Bt Doug. 64(7. IW 484 Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., suocesor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. 16 UT ' Carpet Cleaning. BEND your carpets to N A. Chrtstenson A WM, -.. MWUW T ,U, XtKS. (5)-U3 SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. W Ui JOHNSON cleans carpets, washes windows (5 M!4 Je28 Dentists. BAILEY MACH. 84 fl. Pax ton. D. iota. ; (6-19 Coatractora. S. CREEDON A BON8. tractors. Offlce and factory, 45th and -' -.w ana itea 1850. W WBJS AUGUST KROFFT, building contractor - - Buuiu uiung. Dressmaking. IN FAMIXIES-Mlsg Sturdy. Tel. Harney " - 1QI KMM Electrolysis. MI3 ALLENDER, 423 N. T. Life Bldg. wan 02t ia Kngravlns- EOTERA tt CO., UuS Jackson. Doug. 8007. (& U 1 Florists. HESS A 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (O-U0 L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farn. Tel. D. 1261 (6) 121 J. H. BATH, 1821 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. Betels. THE Bchlita. European, l(th and Harney (S M370 Halrdreaslnsj. HAIRDRESSINO, 28o. and 85o; shampoo. 60c; dry, 76c; egg. 75c; Marcel waving, liio: Marcel touch, 60c; massage, 600. Bcalp treatment special rates per month. F. M. Pur a. runs cleaned, stored and r.:;tred. a. Bhukert, U3-81a 8. 16th, practical furrier. (5)-73 JU Incorporators. MER. Incorporating Co 42t K. Y. L. . a 123 Jewelers and Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing. 3 ft 8 Pax ton Blk. TeL D. 436T (W 124 Dr. Bowser, over UOO Far. Tel. Doug. 370. (6) aUaO e2i Photocragkera. B. TRUSS ELL, 11 South 18th Bt. . ) 87 French ft artlstlo photographa 810 B. 14th St. (6 -ALU IMamhlasT nnd BaattagT. T. P. BAXFE, plumbing, gas and else trie iuiiiurso. mi jriowara. Tel. Lloug. ja. (o)-m, Juii LYNCH BROS Repair work our specialty. us r. isui 01. -lei. uougias I fll. U-iX Js2i DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS., U N. Y. L. Tel. D. WK, (5)-12l Printing. JENNINGS Printing Co, TeL Douglas SW1. . 5)-l Tfl pORN PRESS, Printers of Quality. U18 Harney. Tel. Doug. 991. (5 M747 Jel4 BEFORE placing your U08 calendar order, don t fall to see our elegant Imported line. Lyngstad & Jorve, printers, 16 it Cap. avs, (5 127 00 BUSINESS cards, $1; 10,000 printed en velopes, good stock, for 310; other work at same rates. Get estimates and see fur samples of work. Call at room 2X i ni4'1 Bn Bldg., or Jphone Doug- (& Melo J till HIGH GRAnn iii.h- .,nri,,.n i. . nnu joo printing; no .ion too large or mall. Anchor Publishing Co., 1822 Far- ...... oi, 1BI jjougias 6l)tiZ. (5) M124 Jyl Shoe Repairing. STANDARD Khna n,n.i, rv ism tp-m o no me worn right; phone Douglas 7&S7 i,i w ,wl" ca" tor yur work. We sell i.-ii, laces ana snos specialties. (5) M2S6 Jel7 RAPID 8HOE REPAIR CO.! first-class wvra. man uapltol Ave. 'Phone Red 9t4. (5) Z44 Safes, Shatters, Eto. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a tpe , ure escapes, snutters, doors f nd safes. Q. Andreen. Prop., 103 8. 10th 8. ( XT8 School Furniture. OMAHA School 8upply Co., 1821 Howard. (& MS17 J oli " aV OA. L'U U 111 B IUH, B) M75J WaU Paper Cleaning;. WORK guaranteed. Call Douglas STC9. 0r M40I DON'T fail to call mo at Douglas 87t. S MtUS HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Sajesladles. WANTED Two lady solicitors; must be tic(iuBBeHsing ana able to secure results. O 608, care Bee. ' (7) M713 6x Clerical and Office. COMPETENT stenographer to work half u uniy ior aoout six months, steadv thereafter; state experience and salary expected. Address L 612, care Bee. (7)-M775 8 ' Factory aad Trades. GIRLB WANTED-Burgess Shirt Company, WANTED - Machine girls. City Steam 7-130 xxiunary, 211 B. utn Bt. WANTED Experienced operators to sew "'" no snirts; mgn wages PPY?T machines; clean, light factory eight-hour day. Underhlll Mfg. Co.. Den ver- 7)-M2ti3 4X Housekeeping and Domestic. waniitu-oiri tor general-housework. 1533 - tin. ,nrn7 tl 436 vniiLu-in juiy, good cook, two In vw ww. vim. A mm UCjr U.0 (7) M384 GERMAN housekeeper. 820 per mo.; house a hid i . -anaaiau umce, loth and "- (7) M7i3 WANTED A cook. Mrs. A. L. Reed. TeL con sun us. (7-473 WANTED A cook. 86U Farnam. (T-66 STRONG girl or middle-aged woman; for Fcucim iiuusewora on iarm; good home reasonable Jr"AJS.hn Altermatt, Springfield. Minn. H. i-u. a. (7 AU69 6X WANTED A competent girl for -general uuiunnui, watia o per ween; two in laumr, ppiy an onuin sun Biroet (7) 229 J3x WANTED Girl to assist In hni.,.n,i, come ana see, Mrs. Watson, 601 B. 33d 8L (7) M735 4x WANTED Wash woman. 2232 Farnam St. (( M736 6 WANTED Girl for general housework; no wasuuisi eo per wee, call at 815 8. 81st " (71441 7 WANTED JJurse girl; references required. jjuo uiuitH Ave. iei. narney zauo. (7) 449 Sg GIRL for general housework. 8318 Burt Bt (71402 X GOOD girl for second work and to assist with children. Mrs. J. A. Sunderland, 104) D. 43LI1 Bi. (7) 439 S UIRL for general housework. 4160 Daven port bi. leiepuone Harney ZM2. (7)-M846 4 GIRL for general housework, small fam ily, gooa wages, zis b. 81st Ave. (7) M533 8x WANTED Ladles and school girls for art painung on Boia puiinws; experience un necessary; work taken home; call fore noons, wit b. I3tn. (7) M683 8x WANTED Oood girl for general house- wora; gooa t wages. 1024 Park Ave. (7) MS06 4 WE MITBT fill the following positions a 1 l'-i 11. : Two billing machine operators, 840. One stenographer, , expert, 366. Two bookkeepers, 3T0. One stenographer, 835. KEYSTONE SURETY A REF. AGENCY, (Incorporated) 'Phone Douglas 336. , Suite 404 Bee Bldg. KUf-Airri 4 M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1423 r.r. (7) MillS Jel5 HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors aad Salesmen. SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those whs have had experience selling views, por traits or books; pleasant work and big money. Call a Room tu3, beo Bldg. AGENTS wanted with rigs to sell our medicines, extracts, etc., to farmers Royal Manufacturing Co., 417 E. lsth St ' Kansas City, Mo. (9 M136 J21x WANTED Men for real estate business In Nebraska; salary; expenses advanced, and plemllil opportunity for right kind of men. Apply 1 Seville Blk.. loth and Uarney, Omaha. U M7W Jei WANTED Man to hire snd manage a crew of aoliiilurg; prefer one who has had ex perience in selling to farmers; permanent position: good income. Address u W. Bee oltice. 8310 MAN wanted In each county to sell wire nan irnin on naives; price iz. Jre Liles ft Bon, Dawson, Neb. (8 M2ot tx WANTED Two experienced traveling- salesmen for territory In surrounding states; position permanent; good Income; must furnish good reference. Address Q 4u7, Bea office i8 70 WANTED Traveling salesman capable of earning irom Ml 10 Ml weeg; easy Una to handle, hut must devote your whole Umo to 1L Address S 411, Beo office. - JUNE 4, 1907 HELP WANTED MALE Agents aad Salesmen Continued. WANTED District managers; we want men who can produce rejnorahle quan tity desirable business; exclusive terri tory; liberal contract; prompt settlement Claims beet health-accident proposition on the market; lloo.Ouo capital. Write Fed eral Casualty Company, Detroit, Mich. (9)-M3(i 13X WANTED Young man to travel In sur rounding states for large Omaha firm; knowledge of our business not necessary. dui must be sober. Industrious and fur nish good reforenoes. Address O IW7, Bee office. AGENTS wanted to drive through the uir,j mil seiung proposition ever of ferred; big value for your customer, big profit for you. Write today for particu lars and territory. B. li MoClellsn, 601 "'"a., urnua, Kiaa, ( DEALERS In general merchandise wish. mg assistance) competaat man holding special stock, toduoUon gales, address U ' (K7 MU6 4x SOMETHING new, our "Rider's" accident policy, covering all accident of travel and otherwise and all occupations. Issued to both men and women, giving M.0u0 death and 314 weekly benefits; costing but 35 per annum. Over 3326,000 already paid In A8enis wantea. txtra large commissions and exclusive territory e'.ci. Auuress oaiionai Accmont bo clety, 320 Broadway, New York. (9) M742 4x AGENTS wanted to handle 7-seated, 60 H. P. Automobile; 1908 sample ready In August; liberal terms to pushers. Pull man M. V. Co., &J3 Fisher Bldg., Chicago. W M749 4x IN BIX WEEKS become a successful traveling salesman; salaried positions guaranteed; graduates with responsible firm; tuition payable from salary. Brad street Commercial School, Buffalo. N. Y. (9) M750 4x ANY one out of work can make big money selling our household specialties. C. F Adams Co., 1619 Howard. (9)-M751 X Wanted Three salesmen- for our new county, township and railroad surveys of Nebraska. The surveys are a splendid compilation of facts, figures and drawings and of wonderful value. Counties and towns are fully Indexed, and populations of each are given; railroads plainly shown and distances between all stations also shown; congressional districts out lined, numbered and population given. Other features too numerous to mention. A splendid opportunity - for energetic men. Rand, McNally & Company, Chi cago, 111. () M762 5 Clerical and Office. BIG SALE two-piece suits to order, 323. McCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co., 304 8. 16th St. (S)-M445 Je2I WANTED Clerks in railroad office, men and boys. Address F. B. Southard, A. P. A.. U. P. R. R., Omaha, Neb. (9) 214&9 8x MALE STENOGRAPHER, with some ex perience In lumber business. 375 to 310U WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS'N, INC., 1-1-1 1M. I. uie llUg. (9) M770 4 WANTED Competent assistant book- Keeper, young man with about two years experience In wholesale implement bust nees preferred. Address J 610, care Bee. (9)-M755 10 WANTED Solicitors to sell small farms In Texas on monthly payment plan; good L'ummiBsion 10 active men. Address Post office Box 92, San Antonio. Tex. (9)-M778 6x Factory and Trade, . Get out of the wet. , Jobs won't be so easy to get next year. We can use 600 machinists. Highest wages, steady employment guar, anteed. Transportation advanced to machinists Having first-class references. We positively make no charge In any way, manner or form, For securisg Jobs for machinists. Addreas with references. The National Metal Trades Association, Cincinnati, O. (19) M975 Je8x MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing or bricklaying trade; pays 85 to 88 day; great demand for gnuduates; position fuaranteed; 3 months completes prac Ical Instruction; no hooks used. Free catalogue. Coyne Plumbing ft Bricklay ing School, St. Louis. Mo. (9) M37( POSITIONS for drug men everywhere F. V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. L.. Omaha. (9)-133 BOARD OF TRADE barber shop. 1001 Far nsm, best service, ten chairs, no long waitings shaving. 10c; halrcutUug. 26c. (9-:3 WANTED Two Jewelers; also diamond mounter and setter. E. Maiiits Jewelry Manufacturing Co., 217 N. 6th St., St. Louis, Mo. (9) M497 JeSx WANTED Young men to learn telegraphy for railway positions. Skelton's school, box 1606, Sallna, Kan. - (9) M29 4x PHYSICIANS wanted; fine appearing men and women physicians for hospital and typewriting; goad salary; send photo. Dr. C, 201 N. 12th St.. St. Louis, Mo. (91-M264 4x WANTED 1,000 customers for Jarvls' 1877 brandy. Call at any saloon. (9) M469 WANTED Good stalrbulldor and 8 flrst- ciass caDinet makers; permanent posi tions; work, mostly western pine and fir good wages. Washington Mill Co., Spokane, Wash. (9) M747 lOx FIRST-CLASS ornamental Iron worker, one who unuersianos an urancnes; first-class carriage wood worker, one who can go right ahead with new work; steady posi tion to right parties. J. P. Fowler Co.. Bait Lake City. Utah. (9)-M948 WANTED At onoe. cook. 836 car mnnth iwaiu iiu luiim, rl-uuuq COOK, IU per n. . . , k. V . r. n w .. "1 m . . . u.,niM auu rvuin. rnn i on uaKery a it tV & , ai,i'url Tlr.v 1.1 J ...t I ' 1 . , t) M346 llx BARBER, good man, steady. Ed Blcken- neuser, juncuon city, Kan. (S) M323 6x isi'irir rivet neaters wanted, 20th and fenter Bts., Monday morning. Apply to UJiiana ja,m , t jt jlm. (VJ 7 WANTED Men to learn barber trade at once; wonueriui aemana lor barbers; top wages .now, few weeks completes; tools given; can nearly earn expenses before completing. Bend for particulars. Moler urutr ,uuege, ms rarnam Bt. (9)-M113 6x WANTED One first-class machinist. Cud- any racmng m, Bouin Omaha. Api timekeeper's office. (9) M576 i Miscellaneous. STENOGRAPHER, railroad. 175; steno- grapuer, wnoiesale, Y6 to W; bookkeeper, wholesale, 360 to 876; extension clerk, and many others. WESTERN REF. ft BOND ASS'N, INC. t . t .1 . j,iio X1UK (9) M769 4 WANTED SOUND YOTTNO MEN. aRs 13 10 so, ror nremen ana brakemen on lead ing railroads; experience unnecessary. Firemen earn $100.U per month, become engineers, earn 10.00; brakemen enrn 87f.00, become conductors.' earn 1150 09. Call or write at once for particulars. Na tional Railway Training Assn. Jt X. Paxtob Block. Omaha. Neb. t9 MJCt Jel ENERGETIC young man. over 3f rears old. capable of earning high salary; bond required. Address in own hand writing, with stamp and references. H fcn. cars fee- (; U. 8. NAVY ENLISTS YOUNG MEN IT to 26 years old. mechanic in tn V. vara Suitable pay and retina (or ouMllflnd man and good opportunity for advancement to ait observing men. bpeclal courses of tralnlnc. 4 to t months, for nearlv all rm. crulta Only earnest young men of good character and capacity, cltTsene of the U. B.. need apply. Liberal retired nav aftar years' sorvics (reoentJy Increased by law). Navy RecrulUug Offlos. P. O. build- lux. OtsaiuK 111-471 J 10 -t HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous Coat laued. WANTED fSohool teachers and studenta to travel during vacation months: work Cletsant and profitable. Addres H Ml, ee ofTlce. (9 Mi4 WANTED 30 men at Johnston Bros, at Clay work a la., wages 12 per day, steady work year round; houses to rent to mar rled men. , (M-Mg7 Jeltn STRIKE Btryker. Men s Bhoes. 313 South loth. Board of Trade Bldg. (9) M9S8 Vt ANTED An energetic man with small family to do general work on a cuttle feeding ranfHi in Polk countv. Nebraska. The wife must he capable and able to board an txtra man or two. Oood house furnished and steady work at good wng(a References reinilred. Address Kent Burke, Genoa. Neb. (10) M4Xi 10 MAN for work around a barn. Apply 6.12 8. 40tn. 'Phone Harney 2W7. (91-M570 4 WANTED Elderly man an night watch man for yard. Apply 801 Farnam Bt. (9 M5.10 4 WANTED Three good first-class com merclal sign writers. Steady work Good ry- Address The Curran Co., Denver, oio. ta 1 Mi 10 7 WANTED At once, experienced cash girl see timekeeper, third floor. The Bennett company. (0) M767 4 WANTED Men for real estate business In Nebraska: salarv: expenses advanced, an splendid opportunity for right kind of men. Apply 316 .Neville Blk., I6tn ana narney, umana. (9) Mm HELP WANTED .MALE AND FEMALE AGENTS Ladles and aentlemen: a house hold necessity; no trash; once used will aiways De used. Address Interstate filer cantile Co., Mollne, 111. (10) M743 lOx HEAD WAITER or waitress, at Diamond care, 5 per month. Seward, Neb. . (10) M779 10X LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. RUNABOUT, price, 160; worth new, 812b. uiiuuger implement CO. UD M204 J la ONE hand-made top milk wagon; one plat. form W a irtlll lU-lnph running van. built, Jenson, 2318 No. 24th BU (11 331 J3 ONE TEAM MARES, weighing 1,800 pounds, uim matcaea Day norses, weighing 2,900 pounds, tZib; team heavy mares, 3; one bay horse, weighing 1,260 pounds, 390; one more, weighing l.KhO pounds, $S; one bay mare, weighing 1,100 pounds, 3i6; one uuii nurse, .d; one gray mare, 35. Thor ough trial before buvina and written ausr. entee with every horse aa represented. Cash, or payments. Omaha Horse and buppiy Co., rear 414 N. 16th Bt. 'Phone uougias etKl. (U) M706 SADDLE pony, two cheap mares. Myers, iiis ivugias Bt. Tel. Douglas 103Z. (11W31 x RUNABOUTS, carriages and harness at featly reduced prices. Johnson tt Dan- iuiau -o., s. w. cor. unn and Jones sts. (U-1 THREE extra good young, sound, 1,200- iunu sinKie wagon norses; also several uuvere. near ut . 16th. (U M7U TWO good, toppy driving horses: also sin gie and double harness, runabouts, top uuHgica ana surnes, tor one or two horses. uvu as new. Harney utreet Stables. UD-M637 WE are not selling out at cost, but we are Beiiina anving wagons, buggies, sunrles and stanhopes cheaper than any other .11 111 went 01 nicago. jrloimes-AaKlni Co.. 714 S. 10th 6t., Omaha. (U)-73 FOR pony buggies, runabouts, traps, carts 5nL.harnes 8ea Johnson-Danforth Co., a W. cor. 10th and Jones Sts. (16)-)1 TWO runabouts, one top buggy, one fam ily carriage, cneap. Myers, 1114 Douglas. , Tel. Doug. 1033. (U)-732 9x HARNESS, Saddles, Trunks, traveling , bags; soma gooa bargains. Alfred Cor nish ft Co., 1210 Farnam St, (11) M637 ONE good bay horse, city broke. 890; one brown driving mare, 376; one cheap horse, $3&; one roan mare, $45. 2815 N. 16th Ave. (1D-M707 FOR BALE One bay gelding, 7 years old, good single driver, weight 1,100 pounds; one bay pony, 7 years old, gentle for children. Call at Mace's barn, 16th and Cass. 'Phone Doug. 862. (11) M574 4 BAY carriage 1 team, city broke, single, double or saddle, 7 years old. Will sell one or both. See 1119 N. 19th St. (1D-M673 4x TWO extra well broken single driving horses, one young, sound delivery wagon horse. Apply after Sunday, 2006 Maple Bt. Tel. Douglas 6069. (11) M808 8x HORSES bought and sold; livery and boarding a siec1alty. Myers' Douglas St. Stables' Fred Myers, proprietor, 1114 iJougias Bl. Tel. U. 1U3Z. (11) 730 Jy2 Poultry and Eggs. RHODE ISLAND RED eggs. Martin, 2803 inuiana Ave. in. naraey isus, OD-601 DUSTON'S White Wyandottes. pure bred. eggs 8160 for 16, 86 for 100. Forest Lawn Wyandotte laras, Florence, Neb. Tele phone Florence 10SS (ID M302 June! CHOICE S. C. Orpingtons, all 6 varieties. Reduced bargain prices. Boomgaarn's urpington yaras. uumixiiat, xveD. (1D-M606 Jllx ROSE COMB Rhode Island Reds: beat eastern stock, a good color; eggs, 1.76 per 15. Mrs. James H. Halplne, 4602 Center Bt. Tel. tiarney ita. (11) M618 Jll GOV'T Oman book free- Model Squab Co., UD mtji jyt FINE single-oomb White Leghorns; eggs, 31 per 16, after June 1. Pullets for sulo. ounastrom, min ana uaiaweii. (1D-M572 8x THEY'RE going fast. What? Eggs for hatching from prtxe winning- While Plv. - mouth Rocks. If you want something good write me. R. G. White, 8332 Parker Bt., umana. (11) M614 t POULTRY QUEEN of Iowa, who hatched 2,330 chicks in one day, manufactures in cubators, brooders, incubator alarms, and nas puousnea a oook on now to hatch, brood, feed and prevent chicks dytnar In the shell. Price, $1.00. Send stamp for iree remeay ior roup ana Dowel trouble In little chicks. Mrs. D. C. Johnson, Maxwell, Ia. No. 11. (11) M746 lox Cows, Birds, Dogs and Pots. WANTED A thousand head of good steers to pasture; good feed, plenty of water and good care. Ranches and farms for sale or rent. Sherman's ranch. Mourner, B. D. (1D-M343 6x FRESH cows for sale; Jersey bull for ser vice. 49th and Hamilton. (ID 418 J9x LOST AND FOUND LOST Diamond stud. Tiffany mounted, trifle over one karat. Inquire Louie Boi sen for reward, care of A. B. Hubermann, 13th and Douglas. (12) M667 4x LOST Last week, small black lizard purse. Return to Vox uince, noyu l neater. (12 M-3 4 MEDICAL BEST nervs bracer for men. "Gray's Nervs Food Pills," (1 box. postpaid, bhermun ft UcConnull Drug Co., Oinuha rii)-i3t ANY poor girl in need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home tor Women at 8k?4 N. 24to Bt. Omaha, Neb. (12) M10O FREE medical and surgical treatment at ireigmon jusaicai college, lttn and Dav enport 6ta; special attontion paid to con. flnement cases: all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1147. Calls answered day or nlshL U3 129 DR. PRIES, specialist, disease of women! to years practice in conflnernents. Office, 114 N. Uth; residence, 3431 Charles, Omaha. RUPTURE CUREDNo- kielfe, no reten tion from business. QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO., over S. W. Cor. lth and Douglas, Omaha. (Li) AltX Jyl MEDICAL (Continued.) MRS, OARDEIJI, private eonrtnemon riortie: Denies Tel. Red 2210. nnme; Denies carea ior. . rm ex. tlM) JMis jus MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. LOAN HEADQUARTERS That Is what we are. If you can use an) amount from $10 to t"0 and want It OUICK. CONFIDENTIAL and PRI. V ATE, let us handle your business. Wi five as REASONABLE RATU aa any etter contracts then some snd we oni you the LARGEST GUARANTEED Hy. BATE in town when paying before due, No red tape. Courteous treatment. OUR REFERENCE 18 15 YEARS ESTAB. LISHED. REIJ ABLE AS ANY BANK. OMAHA MOKTGAGE LOAN COMPANY lit Board of Trade Bldg. (14-M2Ct i4itimntfttutmmwtwntniiu MUNtl TO 1AJAN UUT special low rates are still In effect See us before f olng elsewhere to borrow money. Our rms are easy and our bustnesa It strictly confidential. Wo loan on household goods, pianos, warehouse receipts, horses, wagons, salaries, eto. I 308 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Doug. 14a I (14) M54 tmttttmtmmmtmmmramtmtmtmtti UNION LOAN COMPANY, PEIVATE BANKERS, ig SMALL LOANS AT LOW RATES. Will make a special rate on collateral loans, mortgages on personal property and notes, without security. Terms ta suit. 'Phone Douglas 2904. (14) 714 II MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB. and others, without security; easy pay menta. Offices in 63 principal cities. Toh man, room 714, Now York 1-lfs Bldg. ' (Ul-144 DR. PRIBBENOW'S MONBTT loaned on furniture, aalary, pianos, horses, ta. In any amount: less than hail rates; perfect privacy; Immediate atten tion; any terms wanted; payment sue. Sended when sick or out of work. 214 :arbach Blk. 2u9 8. 16th St. (It) 148 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg, advances private money on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no rod tape. You get money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. (14) 14T CHATTEL, salary and storage rec-lpa loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St. (14)-143 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans, Duo ureen Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk. (14) 149 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, aooonv moaanng; ail Dusiness confidential. - 1301 Douglas. (14) 169 FOR A SQUARE DEAL OO TO THH PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loans. (2 Paxton Block. 'Phong Douglas 745. (14) 14C OFFERED FOP RENT Boarding aad Hoenu, VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms: cftfe, DEWEY Europeao.Hotel. 18th and Farnam, tU IM ROOM and board. 614 No. 23d. (IE) 830 Jet VERY desirable front rooms, with board. Ave. iei. uouglas S9S3. (15) M318 4x FURNISHED rooms and board: first-class auiuiuuuaiiuns. US B. UIU1 Bt. . (16) 356 tx ROOM and board for two; prlvats family t fllmln. .... . ....... FOR RENT Large south room and alcovel vwwiu vnu lw 1 1 near, tin; jaraystto Ave. Tel. Harney 1729. (15) 439 I DESIRABLE rooms with first class board;1 cnouimum laion, ciusn in. M B. ltn Bt. , . . q5)-446 7x j BOARD and room, private family; for two ' ntriin.-iiicn, sieenping ana sitting room modern. 2424 Seward Bt. 'Phone Mania 6780. (16)-M468 8x MOST convenient and pleasant location; de- iwjiiih. au ueiore,' locating. The Pratt, 202-212 eo. 25th Bt. Private ex change Douglas 8138. (16)-Jrf:5St WITH private family, living In Hanscom para aisinci, turnisned rooms, with or without board. 1526 8. 26 th 8t. (15)-M760 lOx Furnished Rooms. NICE front room. 2038 Harney St. (lfi)-M200 TWO excellent modern furnished rooms ior ngni nousexeeping ana one for sleep ing purposes. 'Phone in house. V,n n,.r. npy St. (15) M368 NICELY, newly furnished rooms; welk ins uisiunce. iiu i. 2 a a Bt. (16) 914 NICELY furnished large front room for one or two gentlemen. 436 8. 24th 8t , (16)-24tt NICE ROOMS Good place for young men or man and wife; also other rooms. 311 N. 19th. (16)-9.3 Jylx DESIRABLE front room on first floor of modern house, large and very cool; pri vate family. Apply after 8 p. m., 663 8. 28th St. (15)-921 Jyl J9 NEATLY furnished room in prlvats family; strictly modern, electric light, first class location, walking distance; to gentlemen or ladles employed. 549 So. Jtith Ave, (15) M313 6x NEWLY furnished rooms for gentlemen, with or wlthdut board. 218 No. 23d. (15)-M712 FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 8522 No. 28th St. (1 MTU 5 GENTLEMEN desiring first-class room, close in. building and furniture new and up to date, plenty of hot water at all times, call at 4u5 8. 24th Ave. (24th Ave. and Harney). Rooms equipped with porcelain lavatories, with hot and Cold water 810 up. t (15) Msut A SOUTH front room, house modern, for gentlemen. 2208 Douglas St. (16) 236 J2 PLEASANT neatly furnished room; largo lawn; references. 828 Park Ave. (15) M 253 4x FOR RENT One large southeast room, electrlo light and all conveniences. tit S. 26th St. TeL Douglas 3837. (15)-00 FURNISHED rooms for two ladles; light nouseaeepuia- 11 aesirea. tut a. iin. (15-492 tx FOR RENT Nice, large, front room, fur- nisnea. mas Bristol Bt. (16) 444 7x 627 PARK AVE. Large, pleasant, south room, for two; choice location, beautiful lawn; everything refined and modern, at reasonable price; breakfasts. (16) 441 tx I VERY desirable furnished rooms. 0 N. Z3d BU (16) 263 3x THREE or four pleassnt rooms; modern; gas range; adults only; references re quired; no other roomers. 8701 Woolworth Ave. (15)-M27t 4x FRONT room; very desirable. 3108 Leav enworth BU (15) 391 tx NEAT -and clean; price reasonable. lSlt Dodge St. (15)-M410 Tx THREE modern, furnished rooms, con venient to oar. 261s Caldwell. (15) M671 8x LARGE furnished front room in modem brick house; private family; walking dis tance. 2411 Chicago. (16) M678 4 ' NEATLY furnished rooms, t blocks front Harney and Farnam car; 10 blocks from postofflce; private family. 2608 Dodge. 'Phone Harney 2ZX (15)-M4 8x NICE ROOMS Good place for young men or man and wife; also- other rooms. 218 N. 19th. (16)-M69S 8g Alcove room suitable for two gentlemen; strictly moderi.'va So. ttth Bt. (1S)-M68 8x NICELY furnished front room In new mod ern home, private family, tilth, near Leavenworth. 'Phono Harney 715. oiy-uta