THE OMAHA DAILY DEE; MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1907. OFFERED FOR RENT HoeaekeeaS FOn MCNT-Three-room modern flat, K. Doutlta, ground floor; rnt reasonable. Glob Lani end Investment Co.. 1M3 Far nsm L (15) M253 TI1BEH fin furnished rooms for houae keeping;, block from car line; piano. r stove, bath (26 per month. . 8210 Case 8U (16 MM FOUR elegantly furnished front room, with piano, complete for housekeeping. 2018 Davenport- (16) M102 4x THREE furnished rooms for tight house keepers, modern. 2)1 No. ad. (16) Mi4 2x FOR RKNT-4 furnished momi for Hunt housekeeping: no children. 2R12 North Nineteenth Ave. (15) M562 4X FOR RENT I momi, faring; park, ele gant location, will furnlah for light house keeping If deal red. 1907 Plnkney. (15) MG70 naases and Cnttaiei, OMAHA Van Btorare Co. pack, mora, store H. H. goods; storehouse 11-20-24 N. lth. Office lu Farnam. Tel. Dour. 1569. (15)-lj7 HOUSES JB ot lh cI,f (1S)-1M HOUSES. Inaurance. RlngwaJt, Barker Blk. (15)-163 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prlcea Tel. Douglas 16J6. Schmoller A . Mueller Piano Co., 1211-1313 Farnam. t C16 la EE ua when shipping household goods tl large rltlea weet. we can aave you money. EXPRESSMEN DELIVERY CO., Sit N. Uth St. Tel. Doua-las 1196. 16 162 FOR RENT-815 Worthlngton Place, beau tiful 10-room house, modern, large yard. W per month. Apply to Conrad Young, 1618 Dodge. , (15)-M.V3 Ton RENT. June Uth, reeldence 21 Park ave., tTi a month. Inquire 411 N. Y. Life. (15) M714 8-ROOM all modern, second noor; 2424 Burt St. (1G)-M437 8x ITflTTSF.fl ln rarte of the city. The UUUOUO 0 Fi rjavla Co., Bee Bldg. (16) m FOR RENT Large (tore room, lth and Vinton Sta. C. M. Bachmann, 437 Pai ton block. (15) 360 FOR RENT New 6-room modem cottage, Bear two car llnoa. Inquire 23"8 N. 24th. (16) 256 80 ROOMS, modem. 2627 Charlei, $25; newly papered. Tel. Doug. 671. li. 11. Roblson. (16) 216 -ROOM, high-grade dwelling to leaae one or two yeara; possession June 1. W. L. BELBY, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 1510. (1S)-M3S8 THE UNION Outfitting company, 1315-17 Farnam St., will fumlh I roomi com- ete for $59.80, terma 24 monthly. Pee ua cfore buying. (15) M539Je21 FOUR ROOMS, half flat, front, third floor. 18th and Nicholas 8t , $10. UEMlS.'Pax ton Blk. 'Phone Doug. 686. (15) M7i4 WE MOVE PIANOS Maggard Van and Storage Co. Tel. Douglas 1498. Office 1712 Webster Bt.. (15) ISO FOR RENT 7-room house modern, with furnace. 211 N. 28th Ave., $26. Apply at U7 N. 19th Bt. ar.)-M66J FOR RENT Two 6-room cottages, 4110 Dodge, all modern, on Benson car line, 230. Sb26 Grand Ave., porcelain bath, patent closet, city water, price, 218.00. Apply 8869 California or to C. L. Vance, In office, Haydn Broa. (16) M871 3x -ROOM modem house, close In, $77.50 per month. O. F. Davia Co. , (16) M6S1 2x rooms, mod., 8d floor apartment. K. E, cor. 18th and Nicholas, 220. Store room. 1102 N. lth St., 230. BEMI3, Pnone Douglaa bii. Paxton Block. , (16) M46 FOR RNJT-r7room modern cottage, ex cept furnace, 2617 Beward Bt. Inqulro Henry Brown, 1424 N. 26th. Rent 227.60 per month. - (16) 236 J 6x . H3 00 7-ro-,m modem flat, opp. Btors Brew ery, corner 18th and Grace. Inquire 410 to. 10th BU . (16)-M316 t Al ALL MODERN, central, 7-room house, bathe, halls, basement. 220 N. 23d. (16) M101 FOR RENT 4 room, city water, 1621 North Uth St. 212. C M. BACHMANN. 4M Paxton Blk. (15)-287 112 8. JStta Ave., (-room, water, 216. IhiS Leavenworth, 6-room, modem, 226. -84J Emmet, -room, barn, 227.60. 1519 N. PA, new 8-room. modern, 236. 219 N. 42d, 8-room. bam, 236. O'KKBFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Ufa, Phone Doug. 2162,. (15) M644 8 FOR RENT An elegant, new, modern house, I rooms, 2 bath rooms, hard wood floors, mantel, eto. 2816 Farnam. Apply to owner. Black the Hatter. (lSV-M809 4 l-ROOM all modern. 4227 Harney Bt. In quire 307 8. 17th St. (16) 22 2x Buildings. Wholesale District BUILDING For Rent The four-story and basement trick build ing at 91 Farnam St. Apply at Business office Of The Bee. Ufi) M380 151 1 HARNEY BT. I floors and basement. 23x120 feet; suitable for wholesale. Vic Cague Investment Co.. 1606 Dodge Bt (16 (91 ID FLOOR, well lighted, elegant for uae. 1211 farnam. (16) l THE entire building now occupied by th Dally Newe. 44x80 feet, I stories and base ment. McCague Investment Co., 15o4 - Dodge Be (16) 491 FOR RENT Barn. 2212 N. 19th. (15) M359 FOR RENT-Secend floor. 13x100. suitable for lodge rooms or manufacturing pur- oses. Palace Clothing Co., 14th and louglaa (15) M635 TpK RENTa-Dekk room ln Bee office, city hall building. 417 N" 25th St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. (13) 134 DESK room on Orst floor, at 1212 Farnam. (15) 92 - Orfleea. 0FMRABLE office spaoe, reasonable. 114 Farnam. (16)-M387 t 3FFICES or studios for rent In Boyd a theater building. Tel. Douglaa 2 . Ufv M60J 4 OFFICES Foi Rent in The Bee Building Room 620. alee 84x22. tuom 6, aise ilWxu). koouis IX and 24. This la fine suite ot emura. nere is an opportunity to rent apai.e In a well appointed onu bulldinit. Janitor servloe and eleutrio llghta free. Apply Bualnese Ottloe of Bee. (1)M7 FOR RENT-I-arge oMloe room on ICtb t- foauc poatomce; No. 1. Crounse Blk. li per month. Apply vta Conrad Young, agent. Ulil Dodge. (lo M4U FOR RENT The beat located corner atore l:i Omalia. Ftrnaiu and lkh Bta.. Board of TraJe iUd. ae t, H. phUuin, kVMlu UuUA- tli 17 OFFERED FOR RENT Stores rmtlaicl NEW BTTKRn. New store with every modern convenience, opposite Public library, will be from 76 to 150 people In this building alone; central location; see tn early. , SHIMKR CHAPE CO., 1V Farnam. orange Front. Don 8W7. (15 M717 I OFFERED FOR SALE Feaciae. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing t per toot. 20i N. 17U SL Te4, Red 2)4 (IS) 170 Faraltare, ID-HAND furniture bought and sold; busi ness on the sou are. Rosenberg Co., for merly with Chicago Furniture Co., 103 a Uth. D. 6885. (16) MSU Jel ANTIQUE jardinieres, candle sticks, ma hogany furniture; exchange for clothes. 1901 S. 10th St. A. Kleer. (18) M814 Jel5x WE carry the highest grades of second hand furniture. Some items worth seeing. Prices right and also we can aave you 40c on the dollar and It would pay Vou to aee us before yon buy. Chicago Fur niture Co., 1413 Dodge. Doug. 4787. 0)-12 J2S FINE upright piano, 2125; bookcase, oak, (3 50; halltree. 23 50; Icebox, 25 00, and other furniture. Call at once, party leaving city. 416 N. 23d Bt. (16) M9M Jel FOR BALE Furniture and furnishing of 8 room rooming house, blor;k from poat omce; new building; electric lighted; steam heat; must sell, slokne; steady roomers. Address F 456, care Bee. (16) M408 8x FURNITURE two brick flats. 15 rooma each, connected; all modern; full of room ers; paying business; sell one or both. Ap ply 107 S. 17th St. (16) 704 4x FOR SALE A handsome ouk sideboard, very cheap. Call mornings. 2707 Jonea St. (16) 443 I rianoa, Organs, Maslcal Iaaramena SPECIAL BARGAINS IN IIIGII GRADE PIANOS 1 upright, walnut case.'. I 60 1 upright, ebony case 76 1 New England, rosewood case 100 1 J. A C. Fischer, burl walnut 200 1 Ivera ft Pond, upright, beat style 226 1 Btegor & Bona, used in concert 250 1 Checkering & Bona, upright 125 1 new scale Kimball, mahogany 150 1 New York sample, upright 175 1 2450 Emerson mahogany case, only.... 276 1 2500 Steger Cabinet Grand, only.'. 200 1 I7C0 Knabe. Baby Grand, only 854 We also offer a number of Stelnway, Em erson, Knabe and other aquare pianos at $25, 235 and up. Mason A Hamlin, Kimball, Eatey and other organs, $10, $15, $20 and up. Terms, 23 to 25 cash and'50c to $1 weekly payments. Tel. Doug. 1626. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. 1311 and 1313 Farnam Bt (16)-299 2200 DISCOUNT on Knabe Upright atyle F, In perfect condition, used only three months and taken In trade. MATTil KWS PLVNO CO., 1513-16 Harney St., Omaha, Neb. (16) 823 PIANO Square, 210; 60 cents weekly. Per fleld Piano Co., 1U1 Farnam St. (1 M164 FOR SALE Good Emerson upright piano, i a aaunnce, jkppiy sua namitton. , (161-171 FOR BALE 250.00 Hoape Co piano cer tificate for 110.00 Mrs. J. F. Wlllett. 2624 Caldwell ' St. (16) 398 6x A GOOD Voae A Sons upright piano. Ad dress in eta, tee omoe. (its) M548 4 Pool aid BtUlar Tables.. FDR SALE New and secondhand billiard and pool tablos. we lead the world In cheap bar flxturee; easy payments. Bruns-wIck-Balke-Collendar. 407 8. 10th St. (18) M831 Tyaiewrltere aad 8twlac Macbtaes. ONE Remington typewriter. No. . in good condition, tor aaie eoeap. can at wee Offloe. (18) 29x TYPEWRITERS Beat bargains In Omaha, 23.60 to $60; call and see our line, Omaha Typewriter Exchange, 641 Paxton Blk. (16) MIS Jel FOR SALE High-grade ld-hand type writer; good condition; a bargain at $50. Call room 603 Bee Bldg. (16) 871 Mlaccllaaeoas. GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Special low prlcea during June to reduce stock; order now; goods delivered when ready. BURGESS & GRANDEN CO. Telephone Douglas 881. 213 S. 16th St. (16) M178. t DOZEN Single Comb Black Leghorn fowls cheap; also two large oleanders, red and white, century plant, etc. 1916 Plnkney St. (16)-M529 8x Besley Letter Cabinet Made of walnut and having two Indexed filing cases; an ornamental and uarful of fice fixture, at a bargain. . See Wrliht. at The Bee bualneaa office. (HV-4J3 BIO BALE two-piece suite to order, $3. McCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co., 304 & Hth St. (1 M448 Je21 FOR SALE Flrat-claas store tlxturea. ahowcasea. etc Globe Land and Invest ment C. 1822 Farnam SL. Omaha. Neb. (18) M411 KNOXWEED Kills Dandelions. Your druggist guaran , , tt;es it. (16) M608 15 VkV bar tains In ld-hand aoda fountaina; monthly paynienta. Derlght, 1318 Farnm (18) 172 SEND ua ya'i.' mail orders for drugs; freight pa'.', on $10 lota Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. U4 17 6HERWIN WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed palaL Sherman MoConncll Drug Cu. U6V 176 HOME-MADE GRAPE WINE. It YEARS OLD, $1 PER GALLON. CACKLB I buok, opposite e. o. (lO-M Jalylt AWNINGS; they're not expensive. Call Doug, atvi and our representative will call. Omaha Tent and Awniug; Co. QiiiVi KINDIJNG FOR SALE at 21.00 per load. Inquire ot Mr. Jardlne at Ith aud Jones Btraeta (16) M523 BIG CUT IN PRICE TO REDUCE STOCK fO Tribunes for $38. id) Davton for 24a $Si Emhlema for -. tJ5 Colonlul for $3X Beccnd-hand ones for 28 and up. MUST REDUCE STOCK TO MAKE ROOM FOR MOTOR CYCLES LOUIS FLESCIIER 1821 Capitol Ave (16) M8a Jyl HALL'S safes, sew, 24-ha ad. HJ ram am. tla 174 FOR SAXX 10-ayrup soda fountain, la goad ccndtliou; mahogany, canopy (up, onyx trimmed body. Cull or addreee Suhaefer'e Cut Price Drue 3 lore, lfcth and Houlaa OuuUia. (MJ M, 'i Jel4 Wlialevcr you have to sell-you must L OFFERED FOR SALE Miscellaneous Coat laaed. SHAVE yourself; easy method; self-honing raxor airop, rasnr, nruan, etc.; aa outfit, to Introduce only 21.75. Bend today C. K. Supply Co., 416 N. 23d, Omaha (16) M987 DRUGS at cut prlcea; freight paid on $10 oraera; catalogue tree SHERMAN A M'CONNFTLL DRUG CO., umana, xeD. (16)-M418 HOMEOPATHIC medicines; wholesale and retail. Sherman & McConnell Ifug Co. (16) M 417 MILLET SEED A. W. Wagner. 801 N. lnth. (16) lV PATENTS LARSON CO. Booc Ires. Bee Bldg. (17) 189 D O. BARNELL, patent attorney and ma chine dealg-ner. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. (17) 671 Jeli PERSONAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Shirts pressed. not Ironed, zu s. utn Bt. let. uoug. . US) 181 OMAHA Btammarara- Institute. Ramgs isidg. (ia- SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; out trices. Send lor free catalogue. Myers illlon Drug Co., Omaha. (U-188 MINERAL WATER BATHS. Turnsr Rest and Water Cure. Colfax, la. U8)-M29S Je3x X4" A flMTPTTPtreatment and bath. Mma MAUiNilillemlth. 11 N. 1Mb. 2d floor. OS) 15 PLEATING SSrV"'' Dyeing and cleaning, sponging snd shrink. Ins only 6c per yard. Send for pries list and samples. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. 10 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglaa 1938 (15) 182 CAUTION STEIN WAY PIANOS. Bewsrs of bogus Instruments offered as genuine STEIN WA Y PIANOS. A fine stock of new and used STEINWAY pianos at very low prices may be found at the Schmoller A Mueller Piano Co., 1311 Farnam St., and they are the only authorised representa tives In Nebraska. C8) M662 THE SALVATION ARMY solicit! cast-off clothing; in fact, anything you do not Deed, we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for co,u of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4136 aud wagon will call. (18)-61l FOR anything In the sewing machine line go to P. E. Flodman A Co., 1614 Capitol Ave. (18) Tlx Jel2 A RETIRFD and experienced merchant, having access to atocka of gooda repre aenting millions, will purchase free of charge anything you want. Write for parttclars. Proxy Purchasing Co., 2820 Dodge, Omaha. 08) MS48 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, 1320 N. 24th St. Tel. Doug. 8559. (18)-854 MASSAGE Swedlah movement. Room 24, 618 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. (18)-M332 SEWING machines rented, any moke, 75e per week or $2 per month. Second-hand machines for sale, 26 and up, Nebraska Cycle Co., Uth and Harney. (18) 184 HEALTH INSTITUTE. ' Electro Swedish massage, oateolotry. 1816 Dodge. (1S)-M661 4x REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. RUSSELL A M'KITRICK CO., 432 Ram go. (1W ev W. H. TURRELL, 16 Patterson Blk. Doug. 1129. . (19)-fcfl SEARS. 621 N. Y. Ufa TeL Red 97. (ll)-582 BERKA A CO.. 938 N. T. L. TeL Doug.. 7497. (18) 420 PAYNE INV. CO., 1st Or. N. T. L. Doug. 1781. 09)-6i3 ALFRED C. KENNEDY. JOB First Nafl bank bldg. 'Phone Doug. 728. (18) 840 GEORGE 1801 Farnam. COMPANY, Tel. Douglas 768. (19)-713 R. C. PETERS A CO., Bee Bldg. (19713 L. W. BUNNELL A CO.. 8X2 N. Y. Life. Douglas 614a (19) 8i9 CITY PROPERTY FOR SALES. FOR SALE House. rooma modem ex cept furnace, 2807 Cuming St. Price. 22.800. Easy terms. JOHN F. FLACK. C1U Savings Bunk. 16th and Douglaa 19)-180 16 PER CENT INVESTMENT. Nlcs 6-room cottage, best part of city; part modern; cloae to car; fine condition; rent, 116.00; easy payments; 21,300. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO., Doug-.' 6691. Douglaa Blk. (19) M409 2 WEST FARNAM. 137 North 82d Avenue. Juat across street from Mrs. John Hor bach's and Judge Howard Kennedy's fine new residences. Has five bed rooms and bath on second floor; four rooma and large reception hall, wtth mantel and open atalrway, on first floor. Parlor, back parlor, dining room and reception hall all arranged so as to be thrown together if wanted. Oak floors and finish on first floor. Full basement, with laundry, store room, fruit room, furnace room and servants toilet. Hot water heating plant. Houaa haa been built Ave yeara, and was built by owner for a home. Owner has moved from city and must sell. Houae now vacant and can show at any time. - Price, 27.800. M'CAOUE INVESTMENT CO. Solo Agents. 09) M557 4 228,000 INVESTMENT. PAYING H PER CENT NET. Substantial, well constructed business block, close to buaineas center, never va cant, small cash payment, balance from rentals. 23,008 INVESTMENT. Substantial brick bualness comer; 8J6.000 cash, balance from rentals. 29.008 INVESTMENT. Substantial three-ctory brick; 21.600 caah, balance from rentals. The above are as desirable , properties as there are ln Omaha. Room 233 Neville block. (19)-Ju"718 $ BEMIS PARK. $2,200 A very desirable modern 8-reorn cottage; hot water heat; south front; a fine lawn and ahade trees. See owner. 2412 Lafayeete Ave. 'Phone Harney 8466. (It) 69 2 And you cannot advertise X widely for the same cost REAL ESTATE CITY PHOPKRTV FOR LR. (Continued. 1 FOR SALE New 7-room, modem cottage, fine location, V4 block from car $2,HX. 917 Pnppleton Ave. Inquire of ownt-r, 2423 Poppleton Ave. (19) M579 3x FOR SALE Two modem housese and large barn, one block north of Hattarom nark; raved street, east front, lot 75x150. East ern owner will sell at a banraln. THOMAS BKENNAN. v Room IN. Y. L. Bldg. ' ' CUV-641 FOR SALE Five-acre tract of land In Ben son, three blocks from car, suitable for ? letting or for improvement-; an oppor unlty for aorae one. Address, Q 423, Be. (19) 8S4X EAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST C C CHAS. 1. WILLIAMSON.Prae. lvJ (19)-190 LIST your property wliii ths Westers Home Builders, rms. 22-21 Nebraska Natl Bank Bldg. (19) 714 IF YOU are thinking of building It will pay you to aee the Western Home Build ers, roorrs 22 and 23. Neb. Nat. Bank Bldg., for prices and terma 09)-M648 REAL ESTATE FARM AND HA.tCIl LAMDS FOR SALR Caarfda. Canadian Lands For Sale. Eight sections first clasa winter wheat land, eight mliea from town with ttiree large coal mines, output about 2,000 tone per day, and 400 or 600 Inhabitants, Juat be ginning to aettle up. Land la black leans with yellow clay subsoil, nice smooth, level land, no rocka. Good terma to par ties who can handle chunk. Address, J. 11. Evers, Chinook, Mont. (20) 295 J6 Kaaeas. WANTED Agents to represent us In the sale ot our Kansas lands. Write for par tlculara Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha. Neb. (20) M420 WE HAVE lands Improved and unim proved ln central and eastern Kansas that we can sell you from $20 to $50 per acre. These lands are No. 1. Will con sider good city property or merchandise. Write us for full Information, with de scription of what you have to offer. , J. W. STINE A CO., 1026 O St., Lincoln, Neb. ' (20)-926 Jylx Mlanesotit. 1,000 LOTS free to the first 1,000 applicants In the People's colony in the gulf coast country of Texaa, the lund of oranges, bananas and flga. Lots 25x125 feet. Five, acre truck and poultry tracts cheap for cash or time payments. Address people's Colonization Company, Oldham, South Dakota. . (20) M328 4x Nebraska. IMPROVED farms In eastern Nebraska; Sarpy and Douglas countlea. B. J. Over ton. Gretna, Neb. (20) M878 We offer to real estate agents $1.25 per acre commission for the next 69 days. Write for land list. All lands we own and offer for sale are located in western Neb. We own 11,20 acres of the 'beat wheat, corn, oatand alfalfa land. Offer same for sale at a price from $8 to $15 per acre on food terms lo suit purchase!; if you ring customer to us you can wire us at our expense when you start, ao that we can meet you at the train ln Sidney. For further information and list write to Herman Springer A Co., tfldnev, Neb. ' (20)-M371 4x " fit A GOOD farm, well Improved, 20 miles west of Omaha, for aale on' easy terms, 6 per cent Interest, if taken in next ao days. Addreaa Y 244. Boe. ' (201 (SI Texas. , All aboard for our excursion on June 4 to our lands In the famous Panhandle of Texas. We have sold 10,000 acres of land ln the last three months and we want to sell 10.000 acres more ln the next three months. Are you with us? If you pur chase, buy direct from us. If you are In the land business bring ua some buyers and earn a commission. Our excursion leaves Minneapolis Tuesday evening, June 4, arriving In Kansas City Wednesday evening, June 5. over the Chicago Great Western road, leaving Kansas City on Wednesday evening over the Banta Fe and arriving at our office in Portales, New Mexico, Thursday afternoon. Free sleep ing accommodatlona on our car. Write or wire us for further information. Lib eral terms to aeenta. TEXAS A SOUTHWEST COLONIZATION COMPANY, Minneapolis Minn. (20)-M4162x Mlecellaaeons. 160 ACRES good Improved Nebraska farm, will take good city income property as part pay. , Peterson Broa, 623 Bee Bldg. (20) M454 8 REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN Payns Investment Co. (23)-194 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1520 Doug, i (23)-19i 41,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brcnnan. Room 1 N . Y. Life. (22) 193 WANTED City loans snd warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 1320 Farnam St U2)-193 LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O'KEEFB R. E. CO., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. ' (22)-M79 $500 TO $50,000 TO LOAN at lowest rates; no delay. GARVIN BROS.. lftX FARNAM. . . . . (22-197 BUILDING loans tn residence property; 8 per cent. W. B. Meikle, Kamge Block. . (22) LOWEST RATES Bemls. Paxton Block. (72)-lM WANTED City loans. R. C Peters A Co, (Z2)-20 LOANS on Improved elty property. W. H. Thomas. 6u& First National Bank Bldg. 22 ly REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE customers for the following properties: A 6 to 8-toom cottage, walking' distance. $3,0no to $(,0u0 residence. $4,000 to $5,uu residence. Flat bulldnlg, $7,000 to $10.OTO. FITZGERALD-DKRMODY CO.. U4 N. Y. Ufa Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. . .ip M422 2 WANTEDTO BUY CASH paid for -id books. Crane-Foye Co. 11 a lath Ck..n. r....i.. .,, WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture, cook and heallna; stoves, carprla, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes fend shoes, pianos, fealliera, bed plllowa. qulita and all kinds of tools; or will buy the furniture of your house compute. Wal buy antique or mahogany furniture. The luaii eat prlcea paid. Call the right man. TeL Douglaa 2971. . ()Mil J 23 WANTED TO BUY Some heavy brood mares. 827 N. 24U St.. South Omaha. Tel. Douglas 723. t25)-M8'J4 1 WANTED Galled small . aaddle horse or large pony, not too hlKh-priced; state price in answering. Addreaa E 445, Bee. (26) &0 ix WANTED SITUATION SITUATION wanted In business houae by young man who Is taking course In ad vertising; not particular about kind ot work If place has a chance for promotion; moderate salary to start. Look Box 43L bo City. Iowa. 47) Matt 3 advertise it. it in any other paper as as you can in The Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS (Continued.) WANTED roaltlon by young man as coachman or teamster. Can a-lve refer ences. Address W-467. care Bee. (27) M:84 4x YOUNG man wishes position at anything: wholesale house preferred; reliable ana ambitious. Address J. Todd. Miller's Hotel, So. Omaha. (27) MM) 8x WANTED Situation ss housekeeper for widower by strictly respectable niUVlle aped widow. Call Box 37, Portsmouth, lows. - (27) M558 8x EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER; good references. Address F, Omaha Bee, li Scott at., Council Bluffs, ia. (27) 332 WHEN you write to advtrt-iters remember It takes but tn extra stroke or two ot the pen to mention ths fact that you saw the ad In The Bee GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster, Cheyenne, Wyoming, Stay 21, 1W7. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received at this ofiloe until 11:30 a. m., mountain time, June 14, 1D07, at which time they will be opened In public, for furnish ing and Installing on public buildings st Fort D. A. Kuasell, Wyoming, door, tran som and window screens, as per schedule attached to specifications for same. (Ap proximately nine hundred (900) screena). Blank forms of propoaals and full Informa tion furnished on application at this office. The government reserves the right to ac cept or reiect any or U1 bids or parts of bids. Envelopes containing proposals should be Indorsed "Proposals for Door and Win dow Screens for Buildings at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming," and addressed V. K. HART, Quartermaster, f. 8. Army, In charge of construction, Cheyenne, Wyom ing. -Junel-3-2-4-12-11 PROPOSALS FOR PACK MULES-Chlef Quartermaster's Offloe, Omaha. Nebraska, May 22, 19t)7. Sealed proposals, ln triplicate, will be received at this office, until 1 o'clock p. m., central standard time, June 6, 1907, and then opened, In the presence of attending bidders, for two hundred (2i) pack mules for Q. M. Department, for de livery st Omaha, Nebraska, or other prom inent railroad points. The animals to con form to specifications for mules. United States reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Particulars and blanks for proposals will be furnished on application. Envelopes con taining proposals to be Indorsed "Proposals for Mules.'' and addressed to Major Thomas Cruse, Chief Quartermaster. M22-23-24-25-J3-4 CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, Omahar- Nebraska, June 1, 1907. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here until 10 o'clock a. m., central standard time, July 1, 1907, for the removal of the present heat Ing system In the commanding officers' quarters at Fort Omaha, Nebraska, and Installing therein a new steam heating aya tem, including all necessary alterations to the bulldlrw. Full Information furnished On application to this office, where plans and specifications may be seen. Envelopes containing proposala to be marked "Proposals for Steam Heating System at Fort Omaha, Nebraska," and addressed to MAJOR THOMAS CRUSE, Chief Quarter master, Omaha, Nebraska. Junel-8-4-8-28-3 PROPOSALS FOR STATIONERY. DEPOT Quartermaster's Office, Omaha, Nebraska, May 27, 1907. Sealed proposals ln duplicate will he received hero until 10 a. m., June 26, 1907, and then opened, for furnishing sta tionary. U. 8. reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or parts thereof. Copies of proposals furnished on application to Major THOMAS SWOBE. Quartermaster. M28-29Jel-3-24-25M LEGAL NOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS OF THE SHERIDAN COAL COMPANY The holdere of bonds of tho Sheridan Coal company are hereby notified that tho undersigned trustee, under trust deed of the Sheridan Coal company, dated June 11, 1903, and recorded June 4'. 19U3, In book 2a of mortgage recorda on page 438, In the office of the county clerk of the county of Sheridan and state of Wy oming, haa received notice from the Sheri dan Ct al company that It will, on or before June 30, 1907, remit the undersigned $--4,000 to take up and retire 24 bonds, as provided in said trust deed. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has drawn and se lected by lot the following twenty-four numbers of twenty-four of the botuls out standing secured by said trust deed 1. e., 19i, 614, Sort 13. 875, 465. 372, 193. 398, 28, 307. 87, 59, 479, 2bS, &0, 20S, 342, 93, 198, 613. 224, 221, 195, for payment from the sinking fund to be so paid to it by said the Sheridan Coal company under said trust deed, and upon stich payment of aald $L'4,000 to the under signed on or before June 30, 1907, the un dersigned will at Its office at the comer Dearborn and Med I Hon streets, in the city of Chlcugo, Illinois, on the first day of July, A. D. 19;7, pay to the holders or reg istered owners of said bonds numbered as aforesaid the principal and accumulated In terest thereon, upon the surrender and de livery thereof to the undersigned uncan celed and accompanied by all unpaid cou pons thereto beloiislng. Interest on each cf said bonds numbered as aforesaid will cease after said first day of July, A. D 1907, Whether presented on Bald day or there after. UNION TRUST COMPANY. Trua tee. By Rufus F. Chapln, Secretary. M20 27 J3 10 RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION TENTH AND IIARCT. I'aloa PaelBe. Leave. Overland Limited a 9:66 am The China and Japan Fast Mail ..a 4:18 pm C' lo. A Calif. Ex a 4:16 cm California & Ore. Ex. .a 4:28 pm Los Angeles Limited. ...al2:56 pm Fast Mull a 2:10 pm Colorado Special a 7:46 ain North Platte Local a 8:10 am Beatrice Local b 1:10 pm Arrlvs. a 6:18 pm a 6:10 pm a 9:20 am a 6:io pm a 1:86 pm a 6:00 pm a 7:44 am a 4:50 pm bll 45 pm Chicago, Rock Island A Pi aelfle. EAST. Chicago Limited a 8:15 am a 7:10 am Iowa Local 7:09 are a 4:30 pm Chicago Mall s 8:46 pm Iowa Local bltKlC pm b 9:56 pm Chicago (Eastern Ex.). .a 6:06 pm a 136 pro Chicago (Iowa Lmtd.L.a 6:36 pm al2:2S pm WEST. Rocky Mountain T.mtl..a 7:1 am 2-06 am Colo. A Cat Express. ..a l:6e pm a 4:60 pm Okl. A Texas Express. .a 4:40 pm al2:(A pm Lincoln, Falrbury and Bellevue a 8:60 pm alO 10 arr Des Moines Local ., a 4:16 pm Wabash. Bt, Louis ' Express a 6:20 pa a 8:20 am bt. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs a 9 56 am al0:20 pm Etanberry Lo (from Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pra bll:30an Cblcaao, Milwaukee at St. real. Chi. A Colo. Special. ...a 7:55 am a 7:30 am California A Ore. Exp. .a 6:46 pm a 3:10 pm Vv"",n? Limited a 8:3. pin a 9:30 am Dea Moines A Cedar Rapids Local b 6 45 am bll:00 pr Cbleaga A Northwester. Cedar Rapids Paaa a 7:06 am Twin City Express a 7.x am Chicago Daylight a v:0o am Chicago Locui .....all JO am Sioux City Local a 3:50 prn Carroll Local a 4:43 pm Bioux City Local Chicago Exprrea a :50 pm Faat Mall a 6:06 pm Sl0:0ll pm aii:U pm U 3 IS pru a 2 35 am a 9:50 am a 2:46 pra a :o m a t -Oil rm Fast Mall a 8:23 Mn a W em 7 ofc am iwin -'iy uraiira a s :2a pin Overlat.d Liniltad a 6:3a Din Norfoik-B.jni eel a 7.40 am Llr.coln-Chadron b 7 40 am Deadwood-Llniuln a 8:a pm ( aeper-Shoahool a k:0( pm Haatlngs-Suprlor ......b 8:14) pm Fremont-Albion b 6:2 pm Los Angeles Limited ..a 8:60 pra Illlaols Ceatral. Chicago Express a 8-00 am M:nn. A lit. Paul Exo...b 6:0U am a am al0:3& am aiO -ti a.Ti a 6:05 pm a 6:to pm b 5:06 pm bll0 pi3 all 34 pm a 2 46 pm a 6 15 pm a T:90 sin a 7:80 am t-lA Chicago Limited ... ....a 6 00 pm Minn. A St. Paul Lmtd .a 8:30 pm Cblcaso Ureal Wtittra. St. Paul m Minneapolis.. 8:30 pm fct. Paul A Minneapolis.. l.t, am 6:40 pm 7:46 sin 1.30 pm 11 .tr) pui 9 00 am 11 :50 pis 9:30 pm a 6 46 em 66p.a all. a) u t hlcago IJnilled , Chicago Eipiees ,, Chlcaro La prose .. MUMaarl fatita. K. C. A St. L, Exp a IM am K. C. A St. U Exp Ail:l pin aS'ubraska Lavcavl a IM iut 'RAILWAY TIME CARD"" ST1SI RI 8U rtLISGTO STATION IOTH A M4.SO Harllasrlea. Leave. Denver A California. ...a 410 pm Black Hills a 4 10 pm Northwest Special a 4 10 pm Northwest Ktrreae all:10 pm Nebraska Express ......a 9.10 am Nebraska LooM a 9:10 am Lincoln Lora Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:00 pm Lincoln Local Ft. Crook A Plattsm'th.b 2 M pm plattsmouth a 7.60 pra Denver Limited pellevue A Pao Juno, a 8 JO am Chicago Special a am Chicago Express a 2:48 p" Chicago Flyer a 8:06 pm Iowa Local a 9 16 am Bt. Louis Express a 4:45 pm Kansas Clty-St. Joe al 46 pm Kansas Clty-St. Joe a9:15 am Kansas Clty-SU Joe a 4:46 pn Arrive a I to pm a I: J0 pm a 8:30 pm a 7.11) am a 7 46 pm a 7:45 pm a ( am aU cl pm S 7:30 pm bio 36 am a 6:10 am a 7:10 snn a 1 60 pm a 7 26 pm a 2 66 pm a 7:25 pm slO M pm all ) am a 6 45 am a 6:10 pm WEBSTER TATIOS-lOlh A WEB1TEH Chleaaa, Oaaaha, It. Pa el. Mlaneapolls A lye ave, ,b 8:30 am .a 2:00 pm .b 6:46 pm .0 8:46 am Arrive, b 9:10 pm all am b 1:10 am 0 6:bW pm Twin City Psasenarer,. Plnux City Pasenger,. Emerson Local Emerson Local Mlssoarl Paclfle. Local via Weeping Watjr rails City Local .a 8:06 am a 6 30 pm a 1:60 pm all :60 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, except Baturday. o Sunday only, sxoept Monday. d Dally a Daily OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Paretic Line Compajni ciniralt , v Transaitanllqut Gl'ahtlo, Eltgtnt, Fast Ltvlathans JVU y farU 6 Days LA PROVENCK, new twin screw Aver, panes tel ele4tor, gymnsalum, roof cafe. This and the other Twin Screw ateamera have daily newspap ers, orchestel, wlreleaa avstem and many other innovations on board, both foraafety ami con. 'ore SsTois ',, ffoaa La Provence June 13 Ia Xorralao ...June So La Savole Jane BT Ze Tcnrelne .Jnly 4 La Provaaoe July 11 Naval officers' man-of-war eisctpllaa. Compaaj rlttui4 trains, HavTa-Parta, I Soars, ekara caavcnlant cenaactlona are sua lor all palate as tba Conllnaot. ror plana, rMrvatlone aa tall Inrnrnuttoa aall ea, talfipbona, or writ to the following aennta: Harry E. U aorta, 1(01 raraara St.; J. B. Rarnolda, l(oa rarnafh Bt. i Lou la Neoaa, car ot 1st Nat 'I Bank: W. O. IMTIdaoo, ltll Farnam St.; W. A Bock, IKi Paraara St., Omaha, Nab. CANADIAN PACIFIC "EMPRESS" Lin of the, Atlantic, Our express steamers, "Empress of Britain"' snd "Empress of Ireland" (14,5.0 tons) sail from Quebeo to. Liverpool In six days; two days on the majestlo St Lawrence and only four days at sea They possess svery known device to en sure safety, spend, comfort, and luxury. a n. Br.x JAMiir, . Art- an a. cnark street, UMoaco, Z1L OMAHA WHOLES At. IL MARKET. Condition of Trad and Qaetatloas u Staple aid Fancy Produce. EGQS-Per do.. 15o. BUTTER Packing stock, lfc; choice to fancy dairy, l!(U12tic; creamery, a 23c. uvii ruin ki-Mens, ivc; old roost era bWc; turkeys, 13c: ducks. 10c: vouns roosters, t7o; geese, 8o. FRUITS. CALIFORNIA CHERRIES Per box of about 8 lbs.. Li. 25. PINEAPPLES Florida, 48 sixe, 22.75 per crate; 42 slxe, $3.00 per crate; 36 else, $4.00 per crate; SO slse, $4.5) per crate. STRAWBERRIES Missouri, 24-qt. cases, $2J6(V3.0u. TROPICAL FKU'TB. LEMONS I.lmonlera, 3tn stzs, 28.26; 260 slse, $6.75; other brands, 50c less. BANANAS Per medium-slxed bunch, $:.OJli2.26; Jumboes, S2.6Oil3.60. ORANGES Mediterranean Sweets, 150 176, 200, 216 and 250 Sites, $3.60; 98. 196, 283 slues. $8.00; California Navels, extra fancy, 176, 200, 216, 250 alses, $4.50; fancy, 126 slxe, $3.75; 150 slse, $3.60; choice, large sites, per box, $2.76i&3.00. FIGS California, bulk. 8He: 6-orown Turkish, 14c; 4-crown Turkish. 11c; 3-orown Turkish, 9c. DATES Kadaway, Eo: eayere. 6c; hal lowls, fc; new stuffed walnut dstes, 9-1 b. box, $1.00. OLD VEGETABLES. POTATOES Table stoek, per bu., 80c $1.00; teed a'ock. P0c3i.00. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. No. 1, U.90; No. i. $1.80. . NEW .VEGETABLES. POTATOES 31.15 per tu. ASPARAGUS 4fy&c per dox. bunches. BEANS New wsx and string, per ham per, $1.00. BEETS, TURNIPS AND CARROTS-Psr doa. bunchss, 45fift0c. CABBAGE California, 3c. CELERY Florida, $1.23 per dox. P1K PLANT Per lb.. 6o. ONIONS Red or yellow, Colorado, per bu., $1.00; Texas silver skin, per crate, about 45 lba, $2A'6: yellow Texaa per crate, nbout 46 lba, 82.00. Green onions, psr dox. 20c. TOMATOES Florida, fancy, 10-lb crate. 13.CVyS25; choice. $Z&0ftZT5. . LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per dos. heads. 45c. CUCUMBERS-Per dox., $1.00. PARSLEY Hothouse, per dos. bunches, (v-. RADISHES Per dox. bunches, home Srown, 0c; extra large bunches, 40o per ox. BEEF CUTS. BEEF CUTS No. 1 ribs, 13c; No. t ribs, tc; No. 3 ribs, 8c; No. 1 loin, l.tVic; No. 2 loin, 1214c; No. 2 loin, llVjc; No. 1 chuck, 64crNo. 2 chuck, tc; No. 3 chuck, 6Sc; No. 1 round, 8o; No. 2 round. 8c: No. $ round, 7c; No. 1 plate, 3Vio; Nu. 2 plate. So: No. S plate, 3o. SUGAR Granulated cane, In sacks, $5 61; granulated beet, ln sacks, to. 41. COFFEE-Roasted, No. 2 fio per lb.: No. 20. 21e pr lb.; No. 35. 19c per lb.; No. 0. 14 Wo rerlb : No. 21. 12V4C uer lb. CHEKSIJ-Block Swtas. 19o; Umberger 14c; Young Americas, 170. NUTS California walnut. No 2. aoft shell. 12c; No. 1. soft shell, ie; braxlla l.i'triiUc; pecans. IXifKc; filberts. 12Hc; pea nuts, raw. 7V4c; roasted, SHc; California al monds, 17Hc; Cocoanuts, JjOu per KO. HIDES AND TALLOW Green altd. No. 1, 9c; No. S. 8e; bull hldea, 6c; gr-eti hides, No. 1, 7Uc; Na 2, thic- horse, $1.60-3 3.6o; sheep pelts, C0ctj$126 Tallow, No. I Hc; No 2. 3ec. Wool. UQJo. CANNED GOODS-Corn. standard, west ern, 6UA6UC, Maine, $1.15. Toinatoea. fancy, 3-pound cane, $1.45; standard, 8-pound cans, $1.20. Pineapples, grated, 2-pound, $J.30r ISO; sliced, $1.7t(t.2u; fancy llawallan, VA lba, $1.76. Gallou apples, $2.68.t'0. Cali fornia apricots, $2.00. Peara. $1.7".fi2 5i Peaches, $1.76434 40: L. C. peaches, $ 00 2 50. Alaska ealmon, red, $1.15; fancy Chinook, flat, $2 10; fancy sockeye, flut. $l.b6. Sardines quarter oil $3.25; three quarters mustard, $2.76. Sweet potatoes, Sl.10ai.26. Bauer kraut. $Oo. Pumpkins, Vo toil. 00. Wax beans, 2-lb., 80rajl.00. Lima beans, 2-lb., 75cji41 35. Soaked peas 3-!b.. 6tK-; early June, 9Jc31.15; fancy, $1 25.fll.45. CALIFORNIA DHIKD Kit ITS rTun.S are somewhat unsettled by freer offering from second hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of Immediate gradea. Quo tations range from 3Vc to so for California fruit and from 8Vc to 6c for Oregon. Peaches are allghdy eaaler. wltr, fanCv yellows quoted at 12Vso. Raialns are firm; loose Muscatels are quoted at fciaSc; seeded raisins, 9Uifiillc. FI8H Pickerel. dressed, c; pike, dressed 13c; white fish: dressed, winter caught, 13gl5c! trout. 12gi5c; halibut, 13c; salmon, 15c; catfish, 15c; herring, dreaaed. So; crappiea, round, 6o9c; crappiea, large, fancy, 15c; black bass, 26c; smclta, sweet and line. 13c; eel, lc; blue fish, 15c; red snapper, 12c; roe shad, per pair, 40'Sfi'ic; frog legs. 8o4Pc; lobetera green, per lb., S7c; lobster, boiled, per lb., 30c; mackerel, Bpanlah. per lb., 16c; markerel, native, 18 25c per lb.; fresh green turtle meat, 25c lb. !S irUlKK jMm COMPANY Room 160 Dee Building. TeL Donglas 2473 Members oi All Principal Grain Exchanges Your Business Solicited CHAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Biariih Ctewi Esmmert Tewn Iricri ant! Enjtri Ars Actios, BETTER TONE WITH LR6HT WEATHER Corn ar I Oats Are Still Backward, bat lliow Some Imaroventeat Over Their Former Condition, OMAHA, June 1, 1907. Tha re wss no particular feature at tht cpfi) g of the grain market this morning, Few,r reports of uatmage came In yester day than for some weeks and with warmer weather conditions are improving through out the wheat belt. While corn and oats are very buck ward, both are In much better cond'tlon than they were. Wheat opened steady with no particular feature. September option came out freely on selling by locale. The free movement was probably caused by the recent rains. Tile crowd was bearish and hammering down prloea, which responded quickly to all bujirvg. July option opened al 93o bid and closed at 924jC asked. Corn opened a shade higher on buying by commission houses, but eased oft later owing to the decline In wheat and selling by locals, Trade was light, July corn opened at 4So asked and closed at 49Vk4 asked. Oats opened Arm on buying by commie, slon houses, but weakened later owing to heavy sales. July oats opened at 46o bid and closed at 4tc asked. Primary wheat receipts were 6rs,000 bush ela and shipments 377,000 bushels, against receipts last year of 309,000 buahela and shipments of 230.000 buahela. Corn receipt! were 963,000 bushels and shipments 461.004. bushels, against receipts last year of 1.101,. 000 bushela and shipments ot 635,000 bushels. Clearances were 144.0O0 bu. of corn snd 2.000 bu. of oata and wheat and flour equal to 845.000 bu. The seaboard reported 144,000 bu. of corn for export. Liverpool closed H'4d higher on wheat and Vl higher on corn. Local range ot options: Articles. Open. HIgh. Low. Close.) Tesy. Wheat July.. Sept.., Coin July.., Sept.. Oats July.. Sept.., 93 B 93 B 92A KA 98 B 94 B 94 B 93HA 934A 94 B 4!A 49 A 494A 49HA tn 4SiU 48B 48B 4SVB 48 'B 46 B 40 B 45VA 4SA 48 B 37,B 37B 37UA 37VsA 37 V B A Asked. B Bid. Omaha Cash Prlcea. WHEAT No. 2 hard, SOHfiWic; No. I hsrd. HtVfitrttc; No. 4 hard, 76fl85ttc; No. 8 spring, K6Vii91c. COKN-No. 8, 4KHc; No. 4, 46Hff47c; No. 8 yellow, 48'irfS4Be; No. 3 white, 49Hc. OATS No. 2 mixed, 4!IHfi44e; No. 8 white, 44Vtf45c; No. 4 white, 43l44o. RYE-No. 2, 74c; No. 3, 72V4C. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oata, Chicago 53 9S9 311 Minneapolis '..818 ... ... Omaha 20 93 21 Duluth in St. Loots General Market. ST. LOUIS, June 1 WHEAT Lower; track No. 2 red cash. SHWoj No. 2 hard, 97c; July, 95c; September, 96-Hc. CORN Lower; track No. 2 caah, 63a5:H4c; July, frfV'c; Beptember, 6ic; No, t white, 64Wa55c. OATS Lower; track No. 2 cash, 47c; July, 46ic; September, S:c; No. 2 white, 49c. FLOUR Dull; red winter patenta. $460 4.90; extra fancy and straight, $3.90tt4.45; clear, $3.K&3.40. SEED TlmotlW, $3.004.00. CORNMEAL, $3.70. ' IiRAN fctrong; -sacked eat track, $1.10 4)1 11 HAY Steady: timothy, $16 50(52100: prairie, $10.00f( 13.00. IRON COTTON TIE9-41.1SI BAGGING-llVsC. H KM P Twine. lOn. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; lobblne;, tl6 20. Lard, lower; prime steam, $8.00. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra short, $9,601 clear ribs. $ 60; short clears, S9R7V4. Bacon, steady; boxed extra short. S10.87H; clear ribs, $10.87U; short clesrs. $10 76. POULTRY Quiet ; chickens, lH4y12o: springs, I3(3C6o; turkeys, 10c; , ducks. Sol geese, 6c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 2122a EGGS-Steady. lie. . ... Recelpta Shipments. Flour bbl w.ono 6.000 Wheatvbu is.ono Jt.oiio Com, "bu 143,ono 61.000 Oats, bu 77,000 43,000 Kanaas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. June l.-WHEAT-July, 91Hc; Beptember, 91l,o; December, 9310: cash. No. 2 hard, 9T.igftc; No. 8, 90S98C: No 2 red, 81.00iiri.O2; No. 8. 95r99e. CORN-July, 49Hc; September. 49o; De cember, tbc; caah. No. 2 mixed, 6lVc; No. 2 white. 61'g6144c; No. 8, 61SlVio. OATS-No. 2 white. 47o; No. 2 mixed. RYHU-Steady, 72750. HAY Steady; timothy, $18.60(917.00: prairie $11.00311.60. wn.uv, EGGS Steady; extra fancy. 16Ho, cur rent receipts, ennes Included; new cases, 13c; second-hand cases, 12Hc; southern, cases Included, 12o. BUTTER-Creamery, 22c; packing. 15 -0O. Recelpta Shipments. Whest. bu ....44,000 62.000 Corn, bu 66,000 89.009 Oats, bu g.OOO 9,000 ""s" i options ai tisnsas ity: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Wheat I I July" 9?H 9SI9U4fi'H 91H c. 9(& V SUTA 1 81 Vs'U i 14& ia J""y 491,40 hWsh BgPt 4S 49SI 4.!4rr!(,(84i Liverpool Grnln and Provisions. LIVERPOOL, June 1. WHEAT Spot, No. 2 western winter strong at 7s Id; No. 1 California firm at 7s Id. Futures steady; July, 7s 2d; Beptember, 7s Decem ber, nominal. CORN-Spot, Hess dried, steady at 4a lid; old northern Arm at 6a 2d. Futures firm: July. 4a llfed: Seotemher a iat.. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. June l.-WHEAT-Cash. No. 1 hard, $1.0i;t; No. 1 northern, $1.01: No. 2 northern, 96 stoc; No. 8 northern. 90'i97c. FIX)Ufl-Flrat patents, $5.1ftB5.25;' second patents,; first clears, $4 6633.74 second clears, $2.752.H6. BRAN In bulk. $17.25jl74Ja Mllwnnliee Grnln Ma 14. MILWAUKEE. Wis., June l.-WHEAT Lower; No. 1 northern, 1.0&frl.04; No. I northern. $1.0"(l.n2; Jtilv, 97S(a97o. RYE Steady ; No. 1. 87jTS7Hc BARLEY-Flrmer; No. 2. foVic; sample. 80B7"p. CORN-Steady; No. 8 cash, oiSSc: July. oZc bid.. rla Grain Market. PEORIA, 111 June l.-CORN Firm; No. 2 yellow and No. 3. 54c; No. 4, 53c; no grade. 49H1'""c. OATS Firm; No. 2 white. 4S4c; No. t while. 4-fMSc; No. 4 white. 4647c. WH18KY-S1.81. Phlladelnhln Prodnre Market. PHILADELPHIA. June L-EOGS Firm, good demand; western firsts, free cases, 17Mc, at mark. CHEESE Firm, good demand; New York full creams, UHftlSc. 7 rtnlnth Grain Market. DULUTH. Minn., June 1 WHEAT-No. t northern. $1.01; No. 2 northern, 80S3ji4x: July, 11 01: Beptember, $1.004. OATS On track. 44c: June Al.' Toledo Seed Market, TOLEDO, June 1. SEEDS Clover, cash, $9.26; October, $27H; December and March. A.J; timothy. $2 30; alalke, $3.00. 'I i . t 4.rawrrtmv-rwlaAM.