THE. OMAHA KfNDAY BEE: JTXE 2, 1007. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA r COUNCIL OfBr. IS rtt MIXnm MCKTIOR- Davis, drugs. toekert sells carpet. Ed Ro-ers- Ton Fut ber. en gm rings at Leffert'a Schmidt' elegant new photos. Tor Rent-Modern hosis. 73 h Arm aorh : pastured. Finney, "phone ZiTTL Iw1a Cutler, funeral director, "phon ST. 2"0tr1ng Undertaking company. Taf. US. rVTEHSEN SCHOENINO SELL RUGS Lrsders in steel rods fo- ItSO. Petersen Sclioenmg. Charles Manor arrived noma Uat craning from a trip to Oklahoma Refrigerators that save Ice at D. W. Keller a. ua South Mam twt Pictures ami art novelties fnr rraduation "glfta Alexander a. S31 Broadway. DIAMOND A3 AN INVESTMENT. TALK T) LKFFERT ABOUT IT. Oood wnee.t srrow. U0. J. Zoller Mer. C., 1iO-io1i)4-'.oi; Broadway. Phone J. l-innln today the public library will be closed all day Sundays until tna middle of September. O. fcl Kerr and Ti D. Coiburw. both of Omaha, Were mml yesterdsy In thta city by Kev. Henry DeLong. Wanted An experienced retell ahue sales man. K ready position guaranteed ta rig lit men . hareent, 4U Hroadwar. before you bity, .ir wall paper i H picture framing. Council Bluffs Paine , fit and Glass Co.. iierrtam bloc. ! The Woman's auxiliary of St. PatfTs Epis- j copal church will meet Friday afternoon . at me residence of Mrs. M. F. Rolirer. j - - x a i r iris i laj.i i-a na ' Aisu UA(L3. I KUdE.N Yr.V.U Co.. Ar ilj-S. T. M Rist of Blsyton. Minn., la conducting a aerie of evangelistic meetings at tne Intun nuksloD, on broadway and Twelrtu street, torn, late Friday nhrht. to Mr. and Mr. 1- C. Wolfe, .? Madison svenue, a ann. born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Williams. I franklin avenue, a daughter. I Rev. O. W. Snyder, pastor of St. John's I English Luthersn church, la expected home I 1 uesday from an extended eastern trip nuula in the Interest of his church, i Lynn Baird, aun . of County Recorder I ' L'aud, wi.o waa injured by falling down ' !n elevator shaft Tnursday In waa , jmrpurted yesterday to be doing nicely. I OKTICB SPACE FOR RENT-Only half; iu'H from -elroauway. opposite ."senrssa lelephone building. Heat, and light fur r.lshed, Omaha Be office, IS Scott street. State Senator O. O. Saundera went to Marshalltown yesterday to deliver the ad- , at the memorial exercises there to day for the Modern Woodmen of America. A large dedication of the CouncH, Bluffs council. Knights of Columbus, went to ' Neola last night, where today they sssist In initiating a class of fifty-three candi dates. The Board of County "Supervisors will meet Monday for Um June session. At thla session they will act as a board of equalisation and review the work of the assessors An members of Hasel cam. Modern Woodmen of America, are requested to meet at their hall at 7 e clock, this even Ing to attend the services at the First Preitbyterlan church. The Beard e( Education will meet Mon day night to elect teachers and Janitors snd nx salaries. The board will hereafter hold Its regular suasions on the first Tuee 1 day Instead of the third Tuesday In each month. Camp No 7151. Modern Woodmen of America, win attend the vesper sen-Ices this afternoon at thta First Congregational church, and Hasel camp will attend the evening services at the First Presbyterian church. - ' Mrs. Fanny Hubbard. 17US Avenue A, waa adjudged Insane yesterday by the commis sioners on. Insanity and waa ordered com mitted to the State asylum at Clartndu. Mrs: Hubbard has .been at St. Bernard s hospital for several days. Tlfl funeral of J. V. Jenkins, found dead In Friday evenUieT. win be held this aftrrnoon -t t o clock from the rcjulcnce a 'IM South Twenty-third street ana ouriai '11 be in Falrvtew cemetery. An autopsy Irformed by Coroner Treynor yesterday towed that Jenkins death waa due to a ktty heart. tOeorse O. Pembleton. agent for the Can- J.t-n Bridge company, and Miss Lillian gewta, both of Omaha, were married Krl ' day night In the parlors of the Grand hotel by Rev. Marcua P. McClurc. pastor of the First Presbyterian hurch. The ceremony was witnessed, by a few friends and after s weddins; supper Mr. and Mra. Pembleton left for a trip through Minnesota. neorge W. Llpe left yesterday for Clin ton to attend the state grand lodge of alaaona. which w-.ll be hld in that city this .week. t. R. Stuart, W. S. Baird and S. T. Culver will also attend as representatives . .'rom the Council Bluils lodges and H. V. Bnttey, clerk of the district court; John Fletcher and C. H. R-ed will attend as , representatives of" the Avora lodge. Stephen Lewis, colored, was taken to the tonnlf ICdmundson Memorial hospital yes terday by the police. He was suffering from a severe fracture of the bone under the lert eye caused, so he claimed, by an accidental blow from a hammer In the hands of his wife. Lewis, who Is a saloon porter, lives at 1111 Avenue C. The police are Investigating, as they have reason to suspect that Lews was Injured In a fracas at his boras. i S. If. Williamson, bicycles, sawing ma sal nea, Edison phonographs, records. Re pairing machines and bicycles a specialty. XT' South Main SU Council Bluffs, I. 'Pboaoa; Bell. Red 1157; Independent, 707 Bad. iCst tig repair your Spectacles. Prompt - accurate service. Dr. W. W. MagarelL manufacturing optician. Both 'Phones. 19 Ftart St. One Agent Wanted in Each Small Town TO SELL OI K 1CK CREAM Wt cusraatM our Ic Cream to b qual to Ice Cream maDiifac tur4 by other manufacturerm. If you vlgli the best Ice Cream at real low prices, write (or particu lar. N. P. JORGENSEN 504 8. Main. Phoas SSI Council Bluffs, u. City Scavenger I haul dead animal a. nephaaiL arbags. aass, manure and all rub lsK: ciaaa vaults and casaooolm. ah i irora a one is guaranteed. is -eai prvmyvir iisoaaa iav jXud- Phone 1I2 T Bell Red itTI . H. SUKRLOCK Maurer's 66 THE GIFT SHOP THJ5 CLOM5iU DAI", WKUStsoAr, JUXE 6 The final day ot oar option sale end. Jung- 6Ul All parties tatereated or who hava srokea for article oa sale may call for same on that day. THE tlx AL PRICE Wa also wish to tartta your Inspection, of our large and exclusive line of Sterling Silver For Uraduatton and Wedding presets; Manicure. Toilet and Table; Sheffield Plate. BLUFFS II. TeL 4S. WEEK iUR THE GRADUATES Pisaiddt (hslton of Simpsjn Col en Irthst Igcc'mrft Ermi. CLASS DAY PROGRAM COMES TUESDAY Isterestlagr tTwajrasa sf Kserelees Has Bees Prepared fer That sad Ike Other Evests sif the Csss-BBS-wcesBeat Week- Commencement week for the senior class of the high school will begin today, when In the afternoon in the Auditorium Rev. Charles E. Sheltnn. president of Simpson college, Ind.anola. la., will deliver tha bac calaureate sermon to the gradoatss. Rev. J. A. McKonile. pastor of tha 'First Chris tian church, will assist In the exercises, the progrsm of which is as follows: Hymn Nlcaea p. SI). Hcrlpture Reading and Prayeg Rev. J. A. McKenxie. Antheni Senior" double quartet. A '1lrss President Charles E. Srielton. Hyrrn We March, Ws March (p. XsC). B'-nedictlon. TIio services will begin at I p. m. and the members af the senior class, faculty and Board of Education will meet In the room of Superintendent Clifford fifteen min utes before the commencement. On Tuesday evening- at t o'clock In tha Auditorium win be held tne ruiss day pro gram, which will be as follows: M'.islc Berths Wheeler Address Frank Henniger, Class Prstont Class History Ellen tbson Class P'b Esther Hansen I Clnss Prophecy Paul WaJsworth Music Double Quartet V Ml Cutler Tulare Linker. Myron Van Brunt, Hasel Ccxke. Harry K'srner, ler- trude"Red. Frank Henniger. Eather Han- sep. Cremation Ceremony Iniro-luctlon Vera Spetman oration Amanda Buckman T-it Books Helen Oiines. John Howe. Irma Smith. Harry Kearney. Dora Spetman. Howard Brown. Esther Thomas. Clifford Hardin. Vocal Solo Lucile Jarvls Presentation of Otft Glenn Mills Acceptance of Gift Roy Seeger. Adam Richmond, Elmer Nor gaard. James Fond. Juniors; Will Cutler, Albert Meneray, Sumner Lacsy, Charles Arnold, seniors. Class Song I. Class brssaslUa Fxereleea. Wednesday evening th Junior reception to the senior class win be held at tha Dodge Light Ouarda' armory. ' Thursday evening; the graduation exer cises will be held st 8 o'clock In the high school auditorium. Tha program: Processional. Invocation. Rev. H. W. Starr. Music. Address, Dr. Nathaniel Butler. University of Chicago. Presentation of diplomas. President Em met Tiniey. Board of Education, Class song, the class. Benediction. Rsv. Oratit B. Wilder. Friday evening the reception by the Alumni association to tha graduates will be held at the armory, when ihe following program will be followed by dancing: R-epllon from to J: JO. Music orchestra. Address to class of 1907, Emmet Tlnley. class of W. Response. Frank Hennlnger. class of '"7. Vocal solo. Charles W. Tulle ys. class of 7. Address. "PrcAlumnl Existence," Super intendent Clifford. Vocal solo. Miss Cm re Barr. class of 99. Address. "Alumni as Cltlsens of the Worid." Hon. Walter L Smith, class of '7. The following Is a list of the graduating class and what they plan on doing after leaving tha high school: Clara Ladd. undecided. Vera Langstrom. college. Tulare Lin key, undecided Albert Meneray, work. Dorothea Murphy, eollege 08. Jessamine Reynolds, tench school. Ouss Sauer. college. Grace 8well. stenographer. Msrlana Sims, college. Irrra Smith, undecided. Vera Spetman. undecided. Esther Thomas, college. Jet Thrush, stenographer. Bertha Wheeler, colleire. Ethel Winter, study telegraphy. Myron Van Brunt, college. Charles Arnold, work. Emn-.a Bock, college. Alice Brooks, college. , Ruby Busse. college 'OS. Clara Childs. stenographer. Jsy Cleaver, college. Marie Cornelius, college. Will Cutler, college. Arthur Englund, work. -Bessie Gret-n, undecided, t-sther Hansen, college. Dorothea Hinrichs, study music. L nolle Jarvls. collage. Eva Jones, teach school. Hsrry Kerney, college. Clifford Hardin, college. Sumner Lacy, college. Nellie Lewis, at home. , Harriett Lowry. stenographer, j Vere Morgan, work. Gertrude Reed, college, Minnie Rupp. college. Erneet Senior, stenographer. Fred Sheely, college. Orsce Smith, college. Dorothea Spetman. teach, Clara St amy, teacher. Jennie Thrush, stenographer. Irene Ward, college. I Eva Wliita. teacher. , Oien Milia. college. Hasel Arnd, study art. Mamte Barton, stenographer. Howard Brown, work. Amanda Buckman. undecided. Viva Cady. boarding schooL Mary Cnrlstensn. teacher. Hasel Cook, stagx Essie Cox. teach -whool. Ellen Dobaon, undecided. Helen Gaines, undecided. El!fbeth Hsmb'irg. teach srhoot Frank Hennlngvr. college. Jhn Hows, college. Fjeda Johnson, stenographer. Jennie Jones, teach school. Mary Rayden. college. Paul Wads worth, college. If you got one of Hater's care of lumber, that one would settle It with the other fellow. C. Hafer Lumber Co. Go to Kline for your upholstering and furniture repairing. IS South Main. "Phones, Ind. Tl Black; Bell. m. I Is-Rur Kre eiasseo. Do you hava trouble with your eye glasses stsylng on or prnchlng your boss and making sore places If so you should try ths "So Easy" ays glasses. These mountings are mads on a new principle 99 OP THE WEST. and hold without any unnecessary pressure, are both com fort able snd Beat In appear ance. They maintain a beauty of expres sion that lends a charm to the face. They are easy to adjust snd are easy on the nose. We have them In all sisee and can Ot every aose comfortably with them. Con sult our optician at once, he can make the wearing of glasses a pleasure, Leffsrt, Careful Opticians, Broadway. PlGE9TIOa FOH QHADI ATIOI At the LTert Here The perplexing question of what to give Is easily solved here. These prices are lure to please: FDR THB TOCNO UADT. Pretty collar pins. SCc to Hsu. Fancy hat ptna. 7c to $2. Beautlrul brooches, SLM to O0. Gold lockets, S3 to CI Gold crosses, C 10 to 17.50. Gold neck chains, t3 to W Beautiful bracelets. $3 to 13 Novel belt buckles, tl 75 to (. Gold beads. fXbO to rl Seal rings. 13 to llj. Inamond rings, 110 50 to 1100. Chatslain watches. $. to Hi. Fine gold watches, tiZ.M to (TiO. FOR THE TOl"NXJ MAN. Artistic scarf pins, tl to 115. Gold shirt studs. 7fc to S3. Gold vest buttons. 50c to S3. Gold cuff buttons. tl.H) to tio. Attractive fobs. (3.60 to (lu. Watch chains. $1.75 to SX Seal rings, Va to C5. . Set rings, fUiO to flu. Diamond rings. S2S to flOn. Tie clasps, tl to H. Gold watches. t!0 50 to 160. Watch charms, t& to Cat Leftsrts, Reliable Jeweler and Optician, 101 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Special friers. On carpets, ruga, linoleum, oilcloth and matting, window shades and lace curtains IX W. Keller. 103 South Main. Lawn mowers and refrigerators st Peter sen and Schoenlng. Pregfram fer Teachers' lastltste. The program for the Pottawattamie County Normal Institute, to be held In this city June 10 to 15, Inclusive, was announced yesterdsy morning by County Superintend ent Jackson. The Institute will be held In the high school building. The following Is the list of Instructors: History Prof. William Craig Wilcox, pro fessor of history In the State I niversity of Iowa at Iowa City. Education Dr. W. O. Allen, professor of education In Tabor college at labor. Geography Superintendent W. N." Clif ford, superintendent of the Council Bluffs schools. English Miss Ida Fesenbeck. critic teacher of grammar grades In the Iowa State Normal school at Cedar ("alls. Primary Mtho.!s Miss Stella Louis Wood of the International Kindergarten association of Mlnneepolia Penmsnshlp H. C. rioHngsworth, former superintendent of schools at Alois. Music Miss Grace Barr. supervisor of music In the Council Bluffs schools. Lecturer Dr. O. O. Smith, pastor of the First Congregational church of Council Bluffs. Conductor E. R. Jackson, superintendent of schools of Pottawattamie county. The morning hours are divided Into four periods, the first three being given to the Instructors snd the fourth to the morning lectures, which will be given In the audi torium by Prof. Wilcox ea follows: . . Monday "The Practical Value of a Knowledge of History." Tuesday "The Influence of Geography of History." Wednesday "The Relation of Biography to History." Thurrday "The Sources of History." Friday 'The Study of History." Saturday 'The Teaching of History." In the afternoons two lectures will be given each day. Prof. Wilcox will give a series on "Six Critical Points In American History." The afternoon lectures will be as follows: Monday "The Story and Its Place." Mlas Wood; 'The Crisis In the Struggle for Race Supremacy." Prof. Wilcox. Tueedsy "Lessons from the Old Mas ters," Dr. Allen; "The Crisis In the Strug gle for Independence." Prof. Wilcox. Wednesday "The Bad Boy i.nd His Pa." Dr. Smith: "The Crisis In the Struggle for l"nlon." Prof. Wilcox. Thursday -A Study Hour." Mm Wood: "The Crisis la the New Government," Prof Wilcox. I Friday "An Ideal tor Teachers." Dr. Al ien; me crisis in the struggle for the Maintenance of National Independence." Prof. Wilcox. Saturday "The Crlala In the Inevitable Conflict. The Rise snd the Fall of the Slave Power." Prof. Wilcox. OSSec Space for Rest. Only half block yfrora Broadway, oppo site Nebraska Telephone building. Heat and light furnished. Omaha Bee office, IS Scott at root. Graduation gifts at O. Mautha'a. 32S West Broadway. Hot Days Cssslwc. tet us tsks your order now for your screen doors, adjustable window screens, gasoline snd 'oil stoves, rubber hose, lawn mower, hose repairs, etc J. Zollsr Mer. Co., 10O-101-104-10S Broadway. Phone tM. Jones Claims Pay. The following notice was served upon City Clerk W. F. Sapp yesterday morning by Saunders at Stuart, counsel for R. W. Jones, whom the Fire and Police commis sioners by a vots of 1 to t ousted out of the position of chief of the fire department Trtday night: To the City of Council Bluffs. la. fonald Macrae, lr., mayor hereof, and the city eouncU of the city of Council Bluffs, la: Tou and each of you are herebv notified that I claim to be ths iswful chief of the fire department of the city of Council Bluffs. Ia.. and that I am rsadv and willing at all times to discharge my duties as such, and you are further notified that an Illegal and unconstitutional body having no ex. lstence in law but styling themselves as a Board of Fire and Pnlloe ooinmUelonnrs are Interfering and attempting to prevent me from acting as chief of the fire depart ment of ths city of Council Bluffs, la Toj are further notified that I shall claim my pay aa chief of the fire dapartment ef said olty, and that I demand that you recognise me as chief of said firs depart ment. R. W. JONES. Hated this 1st dr of June. !r7. Ths notice will come before the dry council at Its meeting tomorrow night, but no action beyond ordering It placed on file wffl. It ia expected, be taken. None of the commissioners was willing to discuss ths matter yesterdsy or to give any Information as. to when a successor to Jones would be named. Unless it can be shown that they hers no legal right to do so both Commissioners Bargeat and Zur muehlea announce that they will vote for Charles M. Nicholson for chief of the fire department. If under etvll service rules Nicholson cannot be appointed to the posi tion it ta likely that Frank Hitchcock, one of the old-tune members of the department and at present acting ehlef, will be made chief. The quo warranto proceedings instituted en behalf of Jones attacking the constitu tionality of the aot creating tha Fire and Police commission cannot corns up untu ths August Una of the dtstrlrt court. Petersen a Schoealng sell siattlng. i Per the Grsisala Give your young friends one of eur at tractive framed pictures or a piece of eur new art pottery In honor ef their gradua tion. Aieaauder-s Art Store, til Broad way. Our complete uae of aU the best grade e violins, bows, strings and everything I eise am the assail taatruateats gU great satisfaction to our increasing number of patrons. BourUijs Piano House. JJfc Broad way, where the organ stands upon the building. Saaday Servleea. First Christian Church, Rev. J. A Mc Kensle. rastor Bible school, K s m. . preaching 11 a. m.. "Opporl unity;'" com munion 13 noon. Music under ti e dlrec tksa ef the choir. Endeavor at 7 p. m Evening services will he given by the children. Program: Song S hool Prayer Rev J . A. McKnsie Recitation. Adelald Rosenberg Song Four Girls Recitation Gladys Chtvne Recitation Helen Romberg olo Ruth Pari j Kxerclsea EMsht Olrls Reoltatiow. Pearl McKentle 9oli Msrlun ns Recitation Rnono Whittig Duet Rulh Williams and Phoebe Spencrr Song Clasa ot Girls "nilectlon for foreign mission Benediction Bible school t p. m. at Thirty-fifth and Broadway. Children day exercises S p. m. First Congregational Church. Dr. Otter bein O. Smtth. Pastor Mommg service st 10:30, vespers at 5; no 7:30 service; Sundsy school at noon, mid-week services Wednes day evening at S. Ladles' Aid meets, with Mrs. John Lutx. Tit Perrln avenue. Tues day arternoon at 130. Morning subject. "How May I See God." At S o'clock vesp ers Council Bluffs camp No. 7161. Modern Woodmen of America, will worship with us In (lielr annual memorial service. Prof. Prower Symons and choir will give a spe cial musical program at this service and Dr. Smith will speak on the them. "The Ideal and the Actual." All Modern Wood men of the city are Invited to this service. Hrrmrfwav Methodist Church. Rer. James O'May. Pastor Class meeting at a. m.: preaching at 10:SO a. m. and 8 p. m. : morn ing sermon subject. "Supernatural Aid for Extraordinary Events:" evening sermon subject. "The Msn Who is Down." Sun day school at noon and Epworth league meeting at 7 p. m. At the evening service the music will be In charge of an orchestra of ten pieces. ' First Church of Christ. Scientists, will hold services In the sudltorium of the nhiir Hhrarv st 11 a. m.. when the les son-sermon will be "God the Only Cause and Creator." 8unday school will be at t is . m end the reaular mid-week testi mony meeting Wednesday evening st S o'clock. ci Trjn'a Starfish Lutheran church, , services st 10.46 a. m. will be conducted hy c rMi ,r Omaha. Sunday school will be at 30 a m., and young people's meet ing at 7:15 p. m. There will be no evening service. i in,.t Treshvter1an Church, Kev. Marcus P McClure. Minister 10:30. morning wor ship, theme. "Magnifiers of the Christ ;" 12 h. wihie school: 4 o. m.. Intermediate Christian Endeavor, Grace Smith, leader; -nn.ecratlon service, loins x -o- .Jli.iv Ulu Hazel Wiley, leader; S o m annual memorial services of the ', A ma.lna Th T? O V 11 1 Modern vrooamen ui -- Neighbors of America will unite In this ervtce. . o. o-r r.nlseorAl church. Rev. H. TV. Starr, rector. First Sunday after Trinity. Holy communion at S a. m.. holy com munion and sermon at 10: a. m.. sunaay i i . Boon, evening prayer and sermon at I o'clock. Morning srmon subject, "The First Temptation and Fall;" evening men subject. "Ths Parable of Dives and Lazarus." Commencing thla evening, n uriM.r nxtur of the Second Presby terian church, will deliver a series of three sermons addressed to the laboring pe . of tha city on the aubject. The Inequali ties which Exist Among Men as Seen In the Light ot Economics, Taught by Jesus Christ." Summer shoes are now In stock snd sell ing rapidly at our usual low prices. Don't fall to see them: it will be money saved if you buy them here. Duncan Shoe Co. Before getting your upholstering, mat tress making, repairing and reflnlshlng done, get the prices of the Morgan Uphol stering company. 331 Broadway, next to Alexander's art store. Telephones for quick orders. Bell, S33; Independent, 370 red. PAST WEEK t BUFFS SOCIKTY Mrs. Harry G. !- Gives a Lara-el y Headed Card Party. Mrs A. S. Bestty hss'gme to Linden, O.. tor a short vtslt with friends. Mrs. Grace Alford of Chicago Is the guest of Mrs. George Damon, 114 Turley avenue. M'aa Mabel Calland has returned from Be atrice. Neb., where she haa been visiting her parents Miss Dorothy Josselyn of Baltimore Is the truest of her aunt, Mrs. C. O. Fitch. 701 Third street. Mr. and Mra. Edgar Hafer of Medford, Ore, are visiting relatives in this city for a short time. John B, Morton, registry clsrk st the postofflce. is spending (his vacation with his parents ta Duniap. Misa Barbara Carmlchael of Harlan. la ta the guest st the borne of Miss Marion Macrae on Park avenue. Mra C. V. Kennedy will leave this even ing for Minneapolis. Minn., where she will spend the summer. The Klulter Klub will be entertained Thursday afternoon at the home of Miss Helen Ulxby. IM East Broadway. The afternoon "toff, club will be enter tained Thursday aftetnoon at the home of Mrs. K. V. Innes, 217 Bluff street Mrs. D. I. Peters and son, Richard, of West Liberty are the guests In this city of Mrs. Peters' sister. Mrs. L. L. Postoa. The members of the Economical Card club will be entertained Friday afternoon at the homa of Mra. Spare, on Fourth avenue. Miss Francis Fairman of South First Letreet has returned from Los Angeles, wnere sue naa -oeen spenuing ina winter with her sister. Mrs. Everett Starr, who has been the guest of Miss Florence Denny for the lojt week, left for her home In Portland. Urn., Tuesday evening. Miss Stella Gilbert has returned to her home In this city sfter an eight months' visit with her sister, Mrs. W. T. Baker, of Helena, Mont. Mrs. W. A. Osborne, who has been the fue l of her daughlur. Mrs. H. C. BUi. il Lincoln -avenue, left Monday tor her boms In Buchanan, Mich Rev. Father Hillary, asslstart to Rer. Fsiner Harmon of SU Peter s church. Is visiting his mother st Anns, Austria, where he will remain for about three monlha Mrs. M. Golden of Des Moines. Ia . whs has been the guest of relatives, and friends in this city during the lout week, has returned to her home In Des Moines. Misa Nell Benton of Fourth svenue. has as her guest Miss Druellla Rutherford of Denver. Misa Rutherford will spend the summer visiting friends In this city and Omaha. St. Paul's guild was entertained Monday afternoon at the homa of Mrs. C. M Athertoo, 111 Willow avenue. After the meeting, a dainty luncheon was served by the hostess. 8t. Ans guild was entertained Wedm-e-day evening by Mra H. A. Quln at hrr home. t Oakland avenue. Aftr t..e meet ing a social hour was enjoyed, light re freshmants being served. Mra Norvil Btgler of Solon, Ia., who baa been visiting at tha home of her sla ter. Mrs. W. J. McCune of this city, has departed for her home, where arts waa en route from Sugar City, Ida. Mrs. R. N Whittlesey of El -Reno. Okl . returned to her hums Saturday after a fivs weeks' visit with Mrs W B F Fisher of this city Little Helen Fisher eooosnpanled Mra. Whittlesey. The Women s Aid society of the Conrrs- f a Hanoi church entertained at a k-noinstoa riday eften.ooc in tne church purlora The afternoon was spent, there being s large astendance present. Mra IX F Gates, who has been spending tha last weak in Chicago visaing l,r daughter. Mias Nina Gaiua. has returned J home, accomr-s riled bv her rtsoeter, who 1:1 remain there Tor a snort visit. Mi-s. Mr1" STiepard of Imlufh. Mine., arrived in tMs city Wednesday from fcaille and Portland, end will visit at tle h"i' or Mrs '. I. 1-Vlt. on l-"t fierce street, heforw returning to her home. Mr and Mrs. J. L. Mihle of Oakland svenue hsvs had as their guests during the last week Miss !MM.!e Wheeler "f Grlswold, la.; Mr. snd Mrs Jre Wearlo ef Hastings M Mrs. M. M. Head and R. C. Il.nd of Jcff-rson. la Mr. RussHI N: hols, w ho Is atc- Hng school at ths Colorado university at uoul. der, Colo.. enL.Hta to siMid I. Is S-'mnv-r I with ftieeds at Hou!tor. hT his brother. I Wiley, will join him later. He will. how. I ever, rvtum to this dry. for a short visit . Win his parents before entering upon his I studies next fall. Mrs. Kva T Murray, 131 South Pevnth street, entertained at a most enjoyable (.arn nanv rin ran, . . rt ... (. t , ernin wsa spent at slx-handcd em lire, there being four tables used. Mrs. Waller T Smith was awarded the first rrtze and Mrs. P. M. Egan Ihe "cut for all." AftT the game light refreshments were served. Mrs. Louts C. Empkle entertained the members of the juen Esther Guild Sat urday aftrrnoon at kenslngton at her home. 1 'iiS South Sixth street. The house was I prettily decorated thntughout with flowers and ferns. A full attendance of the mem bers ef the guild wss present and also a number of guests. During the afternoon dainty refreshments were served. Mr. snd Mrs. O. R. Anderson celebrated their twenty-sixth wedding anniversary Thursday evening at their home. 11S North Ninth street, hy the entertainment of a number of their friends. The evening was merrily spent at games and music, many pretty gifts being given to the host and host ees in honor if the occasion. A dainty luncheon was served during the evening. M!se Opal Goodman has returned from Missouri Valley, where she hss been the guest at a house party at the home of j Mrs. W. H. Sarsler. which wss g'ven to I announce the engagement of Mrs. 8ens ler s daughter to Mr. Walter F. MeClolla I or Cherosee. Ia. At dinner, covers were j laid for twenty-five guests. twelve of whom were members of the house party, mostly from Omaha and this city. Mra. H. A. vjulnn entertained st a prettily appointed dinner Monday even ing st her home. 320 Onkland svenue. In honor of Mrs. Bort of Wichita, Kan. The table was prettily decorated with can delabra and roses. Covers were laid for Mrs. Bort. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Price. Ilss Lillian Price, Mr. and Mrs. A S. Haxel ton. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. -Wilcox. Mr and Mrs. C. E. Felt and Mr. and Mrs. IL A. ; Qulnn 1 It. and Mrs. L. L. post on srere tendered it farewell surprise party Tuesday even ing by a number of friends before their removal from Harrison street to the Day at Hess building. The evening was mer rily spent In games and music, a dainty luncheon being served at the close of the evening. Tha guests were: Miss Msude Rancke. Miss Ella Rancke. Miss Kelso, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frasler, Mrs. Brads ley and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frohardt. The Tuesday History club was enter tained Tuesily afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. J. Schnnrr. 41s Oakland avenue. This Is the last meeting of the club this season, and l. . t-rnoon was spent In the election of officers for the ensuing i term. Mrs S. a. snvw was elected I president; Mrs. C. G. Saunders, vice pres. j Ident: Mrs. L. A. Gray, secretary, an-1 Mrs. Waiter Joseph, treasurer. After the election of officers a social hour was en- Joyed, refreshments being served during its course. I Mrs. O. H. Prown entertained the mem bers cf the C. M. L. club Wednesday after 1 noon at her home. ;3.' Tenth avenue. The ! afternoon was spent at six-handed euchre. ! l:n-: .. being icr un'oies ust-i. The flrst ; prise wss aa-arded to Mrs. Thomas Ma , loney and the "cut-for-all" pr1z was , awarded to Mrs. Cornelius. After the game a dainty luncheon was served, i The member of the club will be" entertained j in three w-.-ks by Mrs. Ed Coaiey, at I their aummef cottage at Lake Manawa. I Invitations have been received in this I city for the nutrriafe of Nathan P. Dodge, j Jt . of On-.tina to Miss Laura Whitney of wrooKiine, .-.laae. iiiss Whitney Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Whit ney. The wedding will take place in the First Parish church of Brnokllne June 11, and will be followed by a wedding break fast at the home of the bride's parents at 12:31 o clock In the afternoon. Mr. Dodge is the son of Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Dodge of this city. He was also a member of the Nebraska state legislature, occupying a seat tu the house of representative. One of the pleasant social events of the last week was ti.e Lanuuet given Friday evenng at the high school by the Philo math, ans snd the Delta Taua to tne mem bers ef the school board, faculty of tne high school, together with a few friends among the alumni. There were IS guests present, who were sealed at one long table, decorated in gold and black. A three course luncheon wee served. The room was lighted with red shaded candles The place cards were in the form of pennants in gold snd black, the room being ef fectively decorated with pennants Mr. Howard Prown. president of ths Phil omalheans. was toastmaster of the even ing. Toasts were- responded to bv Mr. Ir win Snyder. Mr. la w-la Coolr f;. i - I Pagenstecher. Mr. Robert Bender Mr I John Howe. Miss Alice Brook. Miss Ger trude Hooker. Miss Mariana Sims and Mr J a I II B r IB1C1. One of the-most enjoyable events of the week was the card party given by Mr Harry G. Long at his home, 1!4 High street. Saturday evening. The rooms we-e prettily decorated wltli Kin. ..i k.. ! bridal wreatn. sir.llax and cut flowers, a" i coy corner punch waa served throughout the evening. Each guest received as a I souvenir a banner of blue and buff. The , evening was spent at cards, Mrs. Edwin ( H. Roihert being awarded the wo n s , first prize, while Mr W. Pound rei. ,-ed .toe m.-n s prlie. Miss Gertrude Auten i rteth and Mr. Charles Gregory Were swarded the second prizes, while Mrs J W. Sewell and Mr. Frank Johnson wers I swarded the consolation prises. At a late i hour, a four-course luncheon was served Those present from this city were- Mr and Mrs. Clay Drake. Mr. and Mrs ASaitri , Eichom. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gregery. ( Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Rothert. Mr. and I Mrs. J. W. Barrett. Mr. and Mrs. Z. B Thompson, Mr and Mrs. Frank Holloway I Mr- end Mrs. L. W. Pound. Mrs j' Dsugherty, Mrs. Huhhard. Miss Gertrude Autenrieth. Miss Bestrice Holloway. Mi-s Lillian Rowbotham. Miss Helen Hubbard ; Miss Delia Foster, MIssElnors Darnell! i Mr. William Msrks, Mr. 'Arthur Wagner ! ?.rr--.?alph Ly- Mr. Frank Johnson! , Sir. Thomas Ellis. The guests from Omaha were: Mr. and Mrs. Jasper W. Sowell i Mr. and Mrs Dean W. Smock. Mr and Mra. C. E. Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Hlakenshlp. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Grover. i Miss Nora V." Johnson, Miss Georgia Whip- "' J-'?-.M'nr.1 E' ol,u" Mis Marrlon Fruch. Mlas Nettle Hch.nK vi- o Stewart, Mr. Arthur Gross. Mr. Merrill E Stover, Mr. Weldon Stover, Mr Lewis aWhaub and Mr. William Schaub. New patterns in ruga Storhert Carpet company. Buy the Jewel gas or gasoline store. They are the safest. Petersen Schoanlng. Real Estate Tra asters. These transfers were renorted m Th. n June 1 by the Pottawattamie Count h stract company of CouncU Bluffs: ttasmus rrost and w1f to William Lambert. nl feet of lot JL Avoca Land and Loan company's subdtv of Csrrle K Blade to George and I Charles . ii,-. w ui iois a, ana I. block 2. Avora, w. d 1 1 W C. Davis and wife to Charles T Davis. wS w, S-7&-41. w. d i Piano Manufacturing company to Wil liam C. ijine. block i. Urvant or Clarke add., and lot 3, block 1 Thompsons sdd.. w. d i William C. Lane and wife to inter national Harvester company, same, w' d 1 Fivs transfers, total ..U2U Fin watches. 2JS West Broadway. 0. Mauthe. See the Eclipse bK bearing. elf-hrpen-Ing lawn mower at Peteraen A Bchoenlng. Marrlis Licenses. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to th following: Name and Residence. il( O. E Kerr, Omaha Tes D. Colburn. Omaha '..'."."..!'.'. B F. M. Garrant. Omaha fl May Halev. Omaha is John F- Crawford. Chicago It Mabel C. Anderson, Neola. Ia J"!! 23 Nels Larson. Crescent. Ia Si Martha Peterson. Crescent. Is " 'M i i - Carpets, rug, window shades and lace curtalna D. W. Keller, 103 South Main. ENGAGE TOUR CARRIAGES FROM THE GRAND LIVERY FOR THE COM MENCEMENT EXERCISES. BOTH PHONES 27J. J. W. A ELMER E. Ml.S". NICK. PROPRIETORS. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. V; Night, L SM. ejiaJi 1 " eTi FASHION says Low Shoes. Everybody Is wearing them. And truly shoe styles were never so ptetty as this season You will agree with this if you but take one glance at our splendid assortment of "Queen Quality" Ties, Pump and Button Oxfords. , Really elegant footwear yet due to their great popularity; the largest sales in the world always at tha 'moderate prices of $3.50 and $3.00 per pair. Come in tomorrow and see the new models we hare just received, HAYDEN BROS. i - EXAMINATION OF LAW CLASS Forty-Two Graduates of Stats TJniTiia'tj Ask admission to ths Far. SIXTY MORE TO G3 THROUGH MILL RlSe Coateat of the Satleaal Gward Is to Be Held oa the Government Ravage la Warrea Coanty, Senth sif Dee Molwes. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, June 1. Spclal.) At torney General Dyers and tha law examin ing commission, representing the supreme court, will go to Iowa City on Thursday 'of the coming week to conduct the examina tion of a class of forty-two graduates of the law department of the State uni versity seeking admission to the bsr. The following week they will conduct sn exam ination in the state capitol, where upwards of sixty will undergo an examination. It was the Intention to have the examination here the coming week, but it had to be post poned because of the conflict of dates at the State university. The classes In the law school of the state are constantly In creasing snd a lsrge number are taking" the examination each year. A great many of the student com from outside the state. Stste RlSe Cewtest. The- state rifle contest In the National Guard will be held at the government range In Warren county, south of Des Moines. For a time it was planned to hold the shoot elsewhere In the state because of a threat at Injunction. It appears thst a farmer renting ground near the range ob jected to the ahootlng and he threatened to put a top to It. The range belong to th United States and i a part of Fort De Moines. Recently th government ha leased th ground which waa occupied by the objecting farmer nd army officers now control It. The cavalry work will all be done there and the state will hve it con tet there. A the government ha pur chased a new rifle range north of the city In conjunction with the state, the old range will be abandoned after this year. Sentence for Slarder. In district court here today Ed Lewi was given a lxteen-year sentence for the killing of Louis t'pworsj in a fight- The Jury decided it was second degree murder, though .the dfene lnalted that Lewi acted in defense. The am court en tenced" M O'Connell to fourteen month In prison for forgery. Holds Fast ta Faads. Acting on the opinion gK"n by County Attorney DeOrtff this morning. Treasurer Burxacott of the East Des Moines school will not turn over to th Wert Des Moines board 1.000 now on hand as school fund. Mr. Rursacott sal advised that he might be held responsible foe the fund by hi bondholder 1n ca the court hould ub seouently decide that the consolidation was tilegsl. Mystery ef Girl's Death. The body of Miss Christina Opel was brought to Des Moines today from Phila delphia. She was SS years old and she left her home here and went to Philadelphia Ix month sgo to work. A few day ago her parents received word that aha had died riddenty and the coroner" Jury de cided that h died from asphyxiation, but the family have been unable aa yet to ae cure any further Information as to the manner of her death. A brother of the girl will go east to investigate. Iswa tewi Votes. ATLANTIC J me Reynolds. So yer ot I re end a resident of thi place for the la.t ten years, died at the heme of hi ; granddaughter hsre of old age, after a j decline or some years. IOWA FALLS The convention of post master of the fourth class ofTiee in th counties of Hrd:n. Grunay, Butler. Ftnk. lln. Hamilton and Wright courtlee will be held In the elty June 11. OAKLAND The Oakland public schools rlrsed today, graduating a ciass of i.'ine tetn, the largest in th hietnry of th town. Th class !y exerc ses were held last evening. The closing exercises occurred this evening, when an addrta A. A. CLARK ' I flfl!l MflllFY flFl MTTU Mil LUJiiJ i.IUflCi Uii housh:io rimnust And any Chattel Security at one-half th aoal rates. ' Twenty year of arceaaful feuaineaa. , Corner Slain and liroadway. Over American Eioreee. eoaoectlun with Clark Mortgage Co. ta 100 me tlT. " ". mrfrv w was given by George C. Fort of Fort Dodge. ATLANTIC Postmaster William h re ceived word from Washington that th business of the office haa Increased suf ficient to allow him an Increase of tlir) per year in salary. He will now get liX in plsoe of Si'.ani per year. SIDNEY This section received a dri Sllng rain yesterday and the day before. It was the first rain of the season over a large portion of the county. Corn. Is very backward and there Is much replanting. ATLANTIC Considering the late spring crops In tin. section are in good shape. Small grain Is doing nicely, but little corn will have to be replanted and the recent rains have brought out the pastures and meadows In good shape. ATLANTIC George Martin, eon of Wil liam Msrtln. who recently came home from . tn.n, . . r I Ik. 1 1 1 .4 C . .'V I has left for Panama, where he ha received ! a position In the supply department of the Isthmian Canal commission. IOWA FALLS Three prominent cltlsens of I lows have Just paid 32 each for illegal fishing In the Iowa river. The parties nabbed by Deputy Game Warden Blee of Waterloo were P. A. Thompson, Dr. A. E. Morey and Lester Oberton. IOWA C1TT Ths construction of ths new university power dam has necessitated the removal of the municipal bath houss to some other point oa the Iowa river. The dam raised the depth of ths wster st the location of the old bath house to fifteen feeaf H Is expected that the new location elected will be somewhere below the new dam. SIDNEY Mrs. Hanley, an aged woman, fell yesterday afternoon and broke her left leg above the knee. She laid In the ' rain about two hours before being die 'covered. Her home le near Nebraska City, but the was visiting at the home of her daughter. Mra Pobert Martin of. Ander son when the accident occuired. SIDNEY The commencement exercises of the Sidney High school were held last evening in tne .Memoaiet r-piscopal church. There were ten graduates, three boys and seven girls. All delivered orations Ths baccalaureate sermon was preached by Rev. Enoch Hill, pastor of tha Methodist Episcopal church. Prof. Charles S. Cobb, who has been superintendent of the Sldnev schools for the last three years, will go to Logan next year. GRISWOLD Cal Moore. Chris Miller and Charles Oonners assaulted Loren Solstrom and Christina Tribld while they were com ing home from a neighbors. The three boys had been drinking and seriously beat their victims with empty beer bottles. Moore snd Conners sre under Sl.BOO bond on the charge of assault with Intent to commit murder, while Miller, who I not IS year of age, will probably be sent to -the reform school under the Juvenile court law. ATLANTIC Commencement exercises of the Atlantic High school this week were the most elaborate ever given here. Seven teen girl ami live boy war given di plomas. The week has been filled with social events, in which Mlas Bwmnson. a harpist from Omaha, haa assisted. Prof. E. E. Sparks of tbe I'nlverslty of Illinois delivered the commencement oration, which waa followed by the alumni banquet and reception, with a program of music and toast a WIOTA O. 8. Moore has received a check for SH.Vh), the largest verdict for damage ever given In Caa county against a railroad company. Moor waa seriously Injured some year ago by falling from a handcar wlill employed by th company at Wlota. Ths ease ws In the supreme court twlca before the linal Judgment i was affirmed. Ths costs, that are aiao paid by the Ruck Island road, amounted to ilmoit another $l.lrV The first trial resulted In a directed verdict for the company. LOGAN After July 4 there will be a bounty of 10 cents on pocket gophers In Harrison county, which wlU be paid upna written proof under oath that tha gopher were killed in the county and accompanied hy the front feet and claw of th gopher. Registrars will be appointed in various part of the county whose compensation will be !0 per cent of the bounty. The bounties will be paid out of the general fund. The salary of th Hsrrlson county attorney will be Increased after July 4 ta tl.ltoV Ice cream freezer, up from tl 40, guar anteed; gasoline stoves. 600; oven, u from tl.IO; screen doors, up from HlOj screen wire, per square foot, t cent; four. teen-lnh high wheel Iswn mower, tsltf grass catcher. SS cents; fence of all kinds, to. J. Zoller Merc. Co., 100-103-104 Broad" way. Three 'ptume. ring Jit). Lac curtains Storkert Carpet Co. Let me how you my line ef go-carts. IX W. Keller, iul South Main street. For Rent Five room cotrsga. SOS North Sixth street. Inquire T2S Weshlngtoa ave nue. Ree office removed to It Scott street, s poH Nebraska Telephone building. Matting and linoleum. Slacken Carpet company. a co. 1