Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1907, WANT AD SECTION, Page 7, Image 39

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Btari.h Crowd Esrsmeri Eswn frioes and
Eo)ri Art Actits,
Com mm Oats Are St 111 Dackwirl,
t bew torn lapnfl
Over Their Former
OMAHA, June t 1WT.
Thf a was no particular feature at the
P'n a" of the grain market this morning.
ewir reports of (km(e came In yeetef
.oay than for some week and with warmer
lweather conditions are Improving through
out the wheat belt. While corn and oal
'are very backward, both are In much
better cond'tlon than they were.
W heat opened steady with no particular
feature. September option came out freely
on tailing by local. The free movement
was probably causi-d by the recent rains.
The crowd was bearish and hammering
down prices, which responded quickly to
all buying. July option opened at 93c bid
and closed at 92c asked.
Corn opened a shade higher on buying
by commission houses, but eased oft later
owing to the decline In wheat and tailing
by locals. Trade waa light. July corn
opened at iltQ asked and closed at 4i14c
Oats opened firm on buying by commis
sion houses, but weakened later owing to
heavy sales. July oats opened at 46c bid
and cloaed at i!c asked.
1'rlmaiy wheat receipts were 603,000 bush
els and shipments 37,,0W bushels, against
receipts last year of UtO.OOO bushels and
Shipments of ZX.mti bushels. Corn receipts
were J,o0O bushels ind shipments 461. oeo
bushels, against receipts last year of 1.101,
tM bushels and shipments of 65,000 bushels.
, L'e"rn''0 wra lit.otU bu. of corn and
I.ouo bu of oats and wheat and flour equal
to SS3.000 bu.
The seaboard reported 144,0u0 bu. of corn
for export.
Liverpool closed HrVd higher on wheat
and Hd higher on corn.
Local range ot options:
ArUcles. Oj-en. Hlgh. Low. Close.) Tesy.
M B 93 B 2VA 8?A 93 B
M B W B 93A 933.A M B
4WA 4OTiA 49'4A 49HA 49B
48U 48WB IS'feB 48HB 481B
44 B 4 B 4H4A 4A 4fl B
87B S7B 87V4A 87V4A I7VB
A Asked. B Bid.
Omaha Cash Prices.
. WHEAT No. 2 hard, S9'y?iw4o; M0. I
Hard, 8tKjMc; No. 4 hard, 75S&l,o : tNo. I
prlng, fciifiSle.
COKN-No. 3. 4S4c: No. 4. 46T4Wo; No.
yellow. 4SHH84c; No. t white, 4Wic.
siSJk-?,0, Ji',,1- 43HN4o: no. I white.
Mi5c: No. 4 white, 4314 tfWMc
RtB-No. 2. 74c; No. 3. 72oT
Carlo! Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
&S 9H 211
3) J
30 93 ZS
Chicago ....
Omaha ....
Duluth ....
Features of the Tradlogr and Closlag
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. June LVWheat prices on the
local exchange declined nearly 2o per
bushel because of selling brought out by
5 respective warmer weather for the United
tates and Canada. At the close July
showed a net loss of 1V4-31HC September
was down K&nMiO. July corn waa off Vo.
Cats were Ho lower and provisions 10i&12c
to 80o lower.
Weather conditions In Amerli were the
dominating Influence with wheat traders
today, the situation In Europe being tempo
rarily relegated to the background. The
weather bureau reported general rains In
Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Iowa and Illi
nois, with higher temperature In Minne
sota, the Dakotas and (he Canadian north
west, A general bulletin Issued from Wash
ington also predicted that beginning neit
week, the country In general would ex
perience much warmer weather. Theso
were the Influences that Inspired the selling
rosyement. Although commission hnn.u
e fairly active buyers early In the day
....... ...... V.'UIW wa IT.
w ...........v. irnci iurinii orders
vera in thu h K- 1 ".v"
..... .,..,,u v, loaunig commis-
ton hnnapa tl un at -n w .
soiiened the dollar mark. ThmnihAni k-
(day pit traders and email hnlrlfra ham.
F ,, r , "' prices sieaauy ae-
r.cllned.The market closed weak with prices
only a trifle above the lowest point of
higher, at 99Vt&S9Hc aold off to V7o and
Cloned at 7o. September opened a shade
lower to a shade higher, at $l.WHS,gi .004.
aold at $1.01 and then decllnod to 99c!
Final quotations were at Wo. Clearances
of wheat anil flour were equal to 363.000 bu.
Primary receipts were G23.O00 bu.. compared
with 809,000 bu. the corresponding day a
year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago
reported receipts of 487 cars, against 411
cars last week and 212 cars a year ago.
The corn market was weakened to a
alight extent by the break ln wheat prloes.
Trading, however, was very quiet. Country
offerings overnight were reported as being
n.. literal, but thev were still consider
ably below the normal for the season of
tue yr. Cash corn was again In active
deinuin uy eustern shirkers and this tended
in steady the market for options. The olose
Z2?ay';j,uI opened V-V higher, at U
"old off to 63Ho and closed at 08H0
Local rtoeipta were W9 cars, with 6T0 of
ocntrset grade.
Kealirlng sales by leading longs caused
weakness in the oata market. The Im
proved weather conditions and the alumn
In wheat were the main reaaona for the
tolling pressure. Because of a continued
light movement the July delivery displayed
some firmnena early In the day, but Anally
fielded to the general bearlshness. July
opened higher, at iiic, sold oft
M 4sl.o and closed at 49c, Local receipts
tra 211 cars. "
Provisions were affected by the weakness
Of grain and ruled weak the ernlre session
Local packers were the principal sellers
whllu the buying waa scattered. At the
' close July pork waa down 30c at 216.20
Ird was oft 1(KSM2H0 at 19.17. Ribs were
. 12H0 lower, at $8.77(.
Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat
26 cars; corn. 741 cars; pats, 107 cars; hogs,
- 42, Qui) head.
Leading futures cloaed as follows:
ArUcIea.1 Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. fYsry.
July Sept.
July Bept.
July Sept.
SOVt 90S, 971,
louV'i 1 01 Si
lol Vts 1 02 1 Oufe
e4Ai4 (4U 13
tuoW 54U 63S
U1 61 60
49H3'4 4P'4 4814
WT 4V4 i
41 'is tl 41
16 45 16 45 16 1TV
U bO lti tki 16 40
25 I rt4 9 17
474 47Vb t
8 87H 8 87'i 8 77H
I 02tJ 9 O-'Vi 8 VZ'i
loo 101
16 60
16 67H
45 '
8 90
9 06
," Si
16 20
16 40
9 1TM
8 771
8 92
' -No, 1
Cnsh quotations were as follows:
FLOUR-Burely steady; winter patents.
U41O.-a4.2O; straights. 33.8(.3.S&; spring pat-
tuts. tist.M; straights. 3.5oij4.45; bakers'.
WHMI-No, 2 spring, 31.00gl.01; No. 3.
(95ri$l WH: No. 3 red, 9io.
CtRN-No. 2, otc; No. 2 yellow, 54S64Uc.
OATS-No 2. 40c; No. I white, 49cTno?3
White. 4'u4!iHc.
RYE No. 2. 86c.
BARLEY Oood feeding, 68g9cj fair to
(. Timothy, prime, 34.75. Clover, contract
rniiniu.n-onnn nns sides (loose)
38 6?479 7i. Mess pork, per bbl., 31.1P4
.. 6.2.S. Ird. per 100 ,., iy.10. Short clear
4il lea (buxtfd), t9.00(Q9 25.
I Fi'llowlinr were the receipts and shipments
of flour and grain:
. , Recer.. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 84.4-0 211 X)
Wheat, bit 7.(vo
Corn, bu Ftfl.tYV) ? no
Oats, bi , '.. Knii i'!"0
Rve. bu n (Mio i'(v
Barley, bu SR.S-W 59.CO0
On the Produce exchange today the buLi
ter market waa firm; creameries. 18frS3W;
dairies. l7SilLc Eitss. steady; at mark,
ca-a Included. 14Vici tlrsts, I4c: prime firsts
Jic. Chese, easy, l3fl4Sc
I iTfrnnnl storks ( Provlalums.
I LIVKRPOOI June 4 -The following are
yhe stocks of breadstutrs and provisions In
IveriMKji: Flour, 38 ono sacks; wheat, centala; corn. UA.009 centals; bacon,
10 f0 boxea: hams.- 410 boxes: shoulders.
8.700 boses; butter, 4.500 cwts.; cheese, 6.aa
Voxes; lard. 4.vO tierces of prima wsstern
Ilium and 180 tons of other kinds.
Following are the stocks of wheat and
la tuira ana on quays, (rail may and
canal depots not Included): Wheat, lOtt.ene
centals; corn. aWw0 cental.
4aetattoaa af tie Dsy Tarloas
NEW TORK. June 1.-FLOITR Rerrrt,
21.711 bhls.; ixports t.909 bbls.; market
w as dull; Minnesota patents, 2R jr 7b;
win tar straights, M 2HI4.W; Mlnneanta
bakers, 13 7uuH.25; winter extra, 14.003.60;
winter patents,; winter low
giades. C M. Kye flour, firm; fslr to
good, M tf-UH W; choice to faney, ti.Om4i.a5.
CORNMEAU-rirm; fine whits and yel
low, 11.10; coarsa, 1.17L19; kUa dried, $3.15
t(U JB.
KYE eteady; No. I western, ISHo, a L
f. Buffalo.
WHEAT Reoetpts, 88,400 bit! exports.
1,644 bu. Spot market easy; No. 3 red,
$1.01, elevator, and 31.09, f. o. b., afloat;
No. 1 northern, Duluth, IL12, f. o. b., afloat;
No. 1 hard winter, 31. 07. f. o. b., afloat.
Under heavy selling for local and outslds
account Impelled by better weather news
from western states wheat developed con
siderable weakness today and clost-d W9
0 lower. July, $1.04rviiL06'rt; closed. $1.0u.
heptember, tl.049'1.0; closed. 31.'4j. De
cember, $106HiJ'l.WH; closed. $1.0b,.
CORN Receipts, 32,260 bu. ; exports, 31.
494 bu. Spot firm; No. 2 nomlnel. elevator,
and 63Mc, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 white, 34jc;
No. 2 yellow, 63V4o, f. o. b., afloat. Options
market was without transactions, closing
net unchanged aa follows: July, 2e; Sep
tember, 62c.
OATB Receipts, US.ROO bu. Ppot market
firm; mixed oats, Knli lbs., 604(604c; nat
ural white. 3(Vu lbs., 52J63c; clipped white,
3J'40 lbs., 62"u7c.
HAT rtteady: shipping, 90i3Jc; good to
Choice. 31.20tfl.25.
FIOPB Quiet; state, common to choice,
1906 crop. 14tcT16c; IS1 crop, H7c; Faotflo
coast. I crop, 8llc; 1906 crop, 6(gc.
HIDE8 Easy; Central America, 23"C
I. K A THRU Steady; acid, HW28C.
PROVISIONS Beef, firm; family, 31400
fl14.60; mess, 39 500.00; beef hams, 33t.0iii
WOO; parket. HI.Omjjrie.BO; city extra India
mess. 323.ooifffl.00. Cut meats, steady;
pickled bellies, 10-igiSc; pickled hams, 2
12'4r. Lard, steady; western prime, 39.25
69 35; refined, steady; continent, 3970: South
American, 310.60; compound, 9.00h'9.2i.
Pork, quiet; family, 319.00; short clear,
317 20firl8.76; mess, 317.7rK3il8.60.
TALLOW Steady; city (32 per pkg.), JHo;
country (pkgs. free), 6AiSHo.
RlCfX-Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 3,i
7c: Japan, nominal.
BUTTER Steady; street price, extra
creamery, 2444)3&o; official prloes: Cream
ery, common to extra, 19T24c; renovated,
common to extra, lf22c; western factory,
common to firsts, 18'; western imitation
creamery, firsts, HiJ'ilMfO.
CHEESE Steady; state, full cream, small
white, best, 12'4ftlZHo.
EGOS Western firsts, lBiSWtc; official
price. hWliiVsc; seconds, 1651 Mto.
POITLTRV Live, firm; spring chickens,
33c; fowls, 16c; turkeys, 14c; dressed, steady
at unchanged prices.
t. liOals General Market.
ST. LOUIS, June 1. WHEAT Lower;
track No. 3 red cash, 98mg99c; No. 2 hard,
97c; July, 95c; September, 96c.
CORN Lower: treck No. 2 cash, 6S4J63H0;
July, b2Ut'l.c; September, fric; No. 2
white. 64W(i256c.
OATS Lower; track No. 2 caah, 47c; July,
4c; September, 87kc; No. 2 white, 49c.
jLOUR Dull; red winter patents. 34.60
4.90; extra fancy and straight, 33.903-i.46;
clear, 33.003.4O.
BEED-Timothy, 33.004.00.
CORNME1AL, 32.70.
BRAN -Strong; sacked east track, 21.10
HAT-flteadv; timothy, $13 6O21.00t
prairie, 310.00fil3.00.
HEMP Twine, loo.
PROVISIONS Pork, lower; lobbing, 116 20.
Lard, lower: prime steam, 38.60. Dry salt
meats, steady; boxed extra short. 39.50;
clear ribs, 39.50; short clears, 39 87. Bacon,
steady; boxed extra abort, 310.37H; clear
ribs. 310.87H; short clears, 310 75.
POULTRY Quiet; chickens, lH4yg12c;
springs, 28526c; turkeys, 10c; ducks, to;
geese, 5e.
BUTTER Steady; creamery, 8123o.
KUOS Steady, ISo.
Receipts. Shipment.
Flour, bbls lO.ftiO 6,000
Wheat, bu H,0"0 21,000
Com, bu 143.010 61,000
Oata, , bu , 77,000 43,000
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
91Ho; September, 91Tc; December, 33140;
cash. No. 2 hard, B6tf9c; No. 3, 90$98o; No.
2 red, 31.0CK&1.02; No. 3, 96n99c.
CORN July, 49c: Septemler, 49c; De
cember, 4c?4c: cash. No. 2 mixed, 61 He; No.
2 white, 61ta6Hic; No. 8,. 614filUo.
OATS No. 2 white, 4714c; No. I mixed.
RYE Steady, 72TBe,
HAY Rteadyt timothy, $16.509 17.00;
prairie, 11.0011.60.
EGOS Steady; extra fancy, 16Hc, cur
rent receipts, cases Included; new cases,
18c; second-hund cases, 12 hie; southern,
cases included, 12o.
BUTT Kit crea.uery, 22c; packing, 15H
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 44.000 53,000
Corn, bu 65.000 39,003
Oats, bu 8,000 3,000
Range of options at Kansas City:
Articles. OpenJ Hlrh. Low. Close.
Wheat I I
July t'!mi'3 91H
8Pt 92H&tf 92I91H
Corn I I
July 4fH 4SI494eH'414
Bept 4H 49 4348Tii
Liverpool Grain and Provisions.
LIVERPOOL, v June 1. WHEAT 8 pot.
No. 2 western winter strong at 7a Id; No.
1 California firm at 7s Id.' Futures steady;
July, 7s 2Hd; September, 7a 4d; Decem
ber, nominal.
CORN Spot. Hess dried, steady at 4s
lid; old northern Arm at 5s 2d. Futures
firm; July, 4s 11 Hd; September, 4a 107a,d.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
No. 1 hard. 310244: No 1 northern, 31.014;
No. 3 northern, 99Ha98ljo; No. 8 northern,
FLOUR First patents. 36.16.25; second
patents. 35.0txfl6: first cleare, 31654)2.75;
aceond clears. 32.7Mr2.5.
BRAN In bulk, 3iT.26,17.60.
Mllnaakte Grain Market.
Lower; No.. 1 northern. $1.0801.04: No. 1
northern. 31OOS1.02; July, 974a7io.
RYE Stead v; No. 1. 8787VVc.
BARLEY Firmer; No. 3. 7V4c; sample,
COBN-Steady; No. S cash. 54368c; July,
63c bid.
-l Grata Mark.
PEORIA. Ill June 1 CORN Firm; No.
8 yellow and No. 8, 54c; No. 4, 53o: no grade.
4SWfV.c. :
OATS Firm; No. I white. 48So; No. $
White. 47!ff48o: No. 4 white, 46i847o.
Phllndelnhln Prodneo Market.
good demand; western firsts, free cases.
17 He, at mark.
CirEESE Firm, good demand; New Tor
full creams, 1381 3c.
Dnlnth Grain Market.
DTTLUTH. Minn., June 1 WHEAT No. 1
northern, 31.01; No. 2 northern, 80fl904oi
July, $1.01: September, 31.00H-
OAT-On track, 44c; June, 44c,
Tnlrde ieed Market. .
TOLEDO, June 1.4TEEDS Clover, cash.
3!1'; October, 3t27H; December and March.
U-&; timothy, 32.30; alsike, 38.00.
gna-ar and Molasses.
NEW YORK, June 1. 8UOAR-Raw,
steady: fair refining, 3.40c; centrifugal. 96
teat, 3.90c. Molasses sugar, 315c. Refined,
quiet; No. (, 4.60c; No. 7. 4 600; No. 8, 4.60c)
No. 9. 4.4Ac; No. 10. 4.35c; No. 11, 4.30c; No.
12. 4.2Tc; No. 13, 4.20c; No. 14. 4 15c; confec
tioners' A. 4.40c: mould A. R.15c: eut loaf.
I 5.70c; crushed, 6.70c; powdered, 4.10c; granu
lated. 6.0nc; cubes, 6 26c.
aiuuiM i-rs pteany; ivew urieana open
kettle, good to choice, 87p8o.
Steady; open kettle centrifugal, 314j3,e
centrifugal yellow. Sc; seconds, 2ij
IOLAS3Er-Qulet; new syrup. tDQMo.
nils aad Reals.
NEW TORK, June 1 OILS-Cottonseed.
Arm: crude, f. o. b.. mills, nominal: vellnar
' . Petroleum, steady: refined. New York.
; H U); Philadelphia and Haltimore, 4.16; In
KOeiN Quiet; strained, common to good,
BJAVANNAH, June 1. OILS-Turpentine.
Arm; 6ic.
rtOPlN-JHrm: sales. 3.613 casks A. B, C,
34.uca4.15; D. 34 3f. 4s; L 34 4tN 80; p.
4.fc4.70; a, 34 ?x.4 83: Tl, 4 a6 OO: I
36.046.80: K. 35 6tt5 60: M 16.704.7?; N. ks.H
Cfl u); VV, O., 86 l4o.60; W. W., 35-854j.10.
Whisky Market.
PEORIA, June 1.-WH19KY Steady, at
bT. LOUIS, June L-WTflSKT etsadyi at
t lUCAUO, Juue L-WHISKT Steady, at
larrioc Kovimeot of FrtotM Thick. Startod
Friday CoDtinaes.
peoalater Inclined to Think that
Goad Effect en Values at First
Expected Will Hot Ma.
NEW TORK. June 1. Friers, of stocks
continued today the sagging movement
which set In yesterday. The movement
seemed due, as much as anything, to the
conviction that no substantial demand for
securities had resulted from the better sen
timent said to be produced by President
Roosevelt's Decoration day speech. In
feet, the tone of comment of some of the
Influential financial reviews Induced some
revision of opinion in stock market clrclea
aa to the efleot of the expected from the
address. Some of the early sellltyr also
was In anticipation of the unfavorable
character of the bank statement. The
large loan expansion shown by the banks
waa the chief factor In causing the reduc
tion of the surplus Hem. Preparation for
the month-end requirements and the added
obligation of payment of a 15 per cent
Installment of subscriptions for new SU
i'aul stock were the Influences responsible
for the loan expansion. The gain of nearly
31.000,000 In the cash Item was In compari
son with an unexpected decrease. Dis
counts In London declined with the turn
of the month, but foreign exchange here
held steady and the question of further
gold exports next week Is left open. The
SuosUon of a wlthdrswal of government
eposlts from the banks during June to
provide for the July 1st redemption of
about 340,000.000 4 per cent bonds was also
undecided by any announcement from the
Treasury department. Some of the doubt
ful speculative tone waa due to the con
tents of the mercantile reviews, pointing
out a slow distribution of spring and sum
mer goods and of more conservative opera
tions for the fall and winter. Additions to
lions for the fall and winter. Additions
the improved showing of nef earnings
April were made In reports by the irn
laclflc and the Louisville & Naahvl
... , . . . . u w iionii urn,
mere waa aome rnvertmv h, -v, ..... -
the appearance of the bank statement, but
L e.i rw,1iUlng rllle were feeble and not
wen held.
Total sales of bonds par value, 3476.000
tin."ofir.Krx,,'t'et an1 ran ot Quota
tions on the New York Stock exchange:
. Bales. Wrh. low. t'lesa.
Amalnmatad lopaar j,ioo MH M
1 o i MW 2 3
am. o. A F. pre. goo mu tit 971?
Am. Cotton Oil joo ta 29 joij
Am. Cottoa Oil pfd JJ
am. H. a- 1 pfd ,01,
Llnaaed OIL , . ,. U
Am. Llourd Oil pfd ,.. ji
Am. UMomotlTS 100 IT M
Am. Looomotlra pfd lOi
Am. Iu,.r H.ann( 'm
Am. Tobacco pfd ctf , ,ia
Assoonda Mlalog Co. 1.000 t7 ii" S3
Auhioa pfd
Atlaatlo Coast Lin 100 ajai , aj .
Ba iimora Ohio 1.400 H U
43X UhlO pfd $)
"n P'l Tr 4.40 Bi, 4H 4M4
Canadian Paolfl. , 4009 mk wivZ 14lJ
Chaaapaaka a Ohio I". ,4
Cnlaaso Ot. W..f too 1 iv fat
cWw,0,,N BW -4W J ,4,5
cbiA'aV:::::::::::: lp0 mw m t
Cnloago T. A T. pfd "" t
0 . C. C. 8L L 200 44 H 4 U
Colorado T ft I tK) ,
Colorado A 80 400 12U ilu asu
cam, a 80. 1st pfd..1 77. 7. 7. 777 u
Colo. A So. Id pfd , J00 4144 4!i 4)w
Cooaolldatad Oa. 00 i,7J j,.11
Corn Products 100 i it u
Cora Products pfd 100 ft Tt Tlu
rH!WLrAfcWHUUU0 00 1M I" 5
''.'".'...::: "as '
. ... . y.w lui tiTk WSk U
Erla 1st pfd
rla 4d pfd
Oanaral Ci act rla ...
Illlnoli Caatral ....
International paper
Int. Papar pfd
Int. Pump
Int. Pump pfd
WK ' Zl X 91.
- 404 M 66 66
14 INK 11 1M
100 71(4 TIM n
as KIM W
100 U14
wwt -anirai
lows Central pfd
Kansas CUjr go
K. C. so. ptd
Lonlinu. A N
Mexican Central
Minn. A SL L
at , at. P. A 4. t. M.....
at., 4c P. A 1. g. M. pfd.
Mlaaourl PaclAe
at.. K A T
M.. K. A T. pid
National Lead
N. H. R. of M. pfd
Now York Central
N. T. O. A W
Norfolk A Wettera
Norfolk A W. pf
North. American
Pactna Mall
People's Gas
P., C, C. A St. L
Pressed Steal Car
Preaead 8. a pfd
Psllmas Palaoe Car
Reading ..,
Beading 1st pfd
Reading Id pfd
,"-v av wv mw
104 40(4 l4
100 110U 110U. till
0 1H 1H 11
..... ..... 4BU
t 45
400 1 ll4a III
1.100 71 71 72H
LI 0O I1H 1144 V-i
100 II M 4iw
1W 4u, 68 II vj
1400 ioi'i 10444 lol
x 7IS4
"moo iiiu iu2
100 11)4 8444
48.400 K0)t 144
Republic Steal au
Republic Steal pfd 44'
Rock Ialand Cs 1,000 14 1H4 ju
Rock leland Co. pfd 1 41 41 41
t. U A 8. f. 14 pfd W) n 40 104
8. Louis B W ., Wa?
at. u g. w. ptd it
southern Pacific 4.100 76 '4 TS4 76
lo. FaclUc pfd 400 111 111 110
80. Railway 4on 1114 11 11 u
80. Rallwar fd 400 7 M 67
Tennessee C. A 1 1 Iff
Texat A Pacific it-
T., St. L A W too 17 17 wu
T.. Si. LAW. pfd O0 4V14 4V4 fjZ
On loo PsctBc 11.400 US 11114 181 (J
Union PaolDe pfd , 17
U. 8. Uzprees IS
V. 8. Reeltr 44
U. g. Rubber 800 H 44 M .
V. 8. Rubber pfd
C. 8. Steal 10.100 S IS t
U. a. Steal pfd 1,100 47 49 17
Va.-Caro. Chemical .. K
Va.-Caro. Cham, ptd jot
Wbih uvj
Wabaeh pfd 100 . 11 32 tJ
Welle-Farao Bxpraaa tM
Weetlnshouae Blecuts HI
Writers Union 100 71 11 Tl
Wheeling A L. B 10
Wtaoonals Central tu
Wla Central pld f m
Northern Pacln 1.400 111 111 ul
Caatral leather u
Central Lialher pfd Ii
Sloaa-Shetleld Steel uu.
Oraat Northern ptd 1,404 115 U 14 i
IDl. HNTjpflllll l 17 u
Int. Met. ptd 109 60 44 40
Total Mies tor the day, 124,400 shares.
Rw fork Momey Market.
NEW YORJC June 1. MONET On call,
nominal. Time loans dull and easy for
short dates; sixty daya, S'xJ-V per cent;
ninety daya, 84y4 per cent; six months.
IMit. per cent.
per cent
actual bualness In bankers' bills at rla
4.800 tor demand and at 34.Wrd'4 K3t6 for
sixty-day bills;, posted ratea. 84 84V and
34.k7H; eommerolal bills, H .83H,ij?H.834,.
SILVER Bar, 7So; Mexican dollars.
BONDS Oovsrnment and railroad,
Closing quotstlons on bonds tofy were
as fol'ows:
U. S. rat. Is, rag....l Japas Is, Id serlas..
do eouiHin 104 do 4e etfe 13
V. 8. rat. 44. re(... 1t do 44i etfe 12
do ooupoa lot do td oertee 11
V. S. old 4a. res.. mU I K. ual. 4a 140
do ooupoa t0ueents. a, 4e......ltl
D. 8. a. 4a. rag lW Mex. Central 4a 71
do coupon do 1st Inc 11
Am. Tobacco 4s 71 Mlnn. A at. L. 4a.. 14
do Is 10M, M . K. A T. 4a
Atrhlecm ss. 4s 47 4, fa S
do adj. 4s. 40 N. R. R. et M. s. 4s. II
Aflent c f. U 44 46 N. T. C. I ls. 11
Bal. A Oble 4s 44 N. J. C. s. le IN
do ! U No. Puis 4 101
Rrk. R. T. e. 4s 11 da 4a 7i
Central ot Oa. M..144 'N. A W. e. 4s 16
do let lae 16 O I. L. rtds. 4s 18
Ms 44 loc T4 Peon con. It 43
do Id Inc 44 keadtns sa. 4s 17 A Ohio 4HI...101 St L. A I M. a. It . 114
Chlcass A A. Ie... 3t. L. A 8. P. fx 4a
C, B. A Q. a. e... M St. U S. W. . 4a... 7A
C, R. I. A P. 4.... 17 Bboard A L. 4... 71
"4c col. la. 14 go. Pacifto 4e 44
occ A 8. L g. 4e. .100 do in 4s etfa
Colo. lad. 4a. aer. A. 61 Sn Rallwar 6a 107
Cola, Mid. 4a II Teans A P. U....11I
Cole. A So. 4s. .J... 46 T.. St. L. A W. 4a.. 7
Cuba 6a 101 "Voton Paclgr 4a 101
D. A R. G. is 6 11. s. Steal Id 4a.... K
liletlilere' lec. 4a ... II Weheah la i n
He p. L 4a. 13 Weeum Md. 4a T4
do sea. 4 40 W A L, . e 4
Jaeen 4e 4 . Wla. Central 4a 15
Bid. Offered. "B-lntsreat.
Ferelers) Flaanclnl:
LONDON, June 1. The dividend dis
tributions more than offset the various
calls for money In the market today and
supplies were easy to obtain. Trading on
the Stock exchange waa quiet and unin
teresting. Another small failure ac
centuated the dullness. Prices were In
clined to ease, with the exception of con
sols, which were a fraction higher. For
eigners scarcely moved. Japanese im
perial 8s of 1104 closed at lu. Ameri
cans opened Arm, but gradually full
away In anticipation of a poor New Tork
bsnlt statement and cloaed weak. Copper
shsres were steadily supported.
BERLIN. June 1. The tone cm the
Bourse today was Irregular.
PARIS, June 1. Prices on the Bourse
today were weak and the tone waa un
settled. Russian Imperial 4s were not
quoted. Russian bonds of 1308 closed at
Host en Stocks aad Beads.
BOSTON, June 1. Call loans, 2tff4 pet
cent; time loans, itil per cent. Official
closing on stocks and bonds:
Atchlaoa ad. 4s... 44 plnfham 11
do 4s 17 (lei. A Itecla. 110
Met. Caatral 4a 7 Centennial 1
Atrhlaon Tripper Henna 74
do pfd 13 fulr Weat 11
Boston A Albanr....He Pranklls 14
Powon A Melna 11 tele Horele 16
Bneton Elevated 134 Maaa. Mining 1
yilchMirs P'd 144 Michigan 1!
Mriican Central . . . 10 Moheak II
N. Y., N H. A H... 111 Mont. C. A C 1
t'nloa Pacific 131 'a Old Dominion 41
Am. Pnoa. Tuba.... I Oarenla 1M
Amer. Sugar Ito parrot 14
do pfd 1MH ulncr Ill
Am. T. A T 116 Shannon 17
Am. Wnolen 14 Tamarack Ill
do pfd 4"Trlnitr 10
grilses Elec. I1IS....JM t'nlted Copper 67
Mass. Rlectrlo 11 t. 8. Mining 60
do pM 67 V. S. OH t
Maaa. Oaa S4 Utah
United Pratt 101 Victoria T
United S. M 61 Winona 7
do pfd J7 WolTerlna 161
V S. Steal 12 North Butte 13
do pfd Butte Coalition 14
Adronture 1 Nerada 16
Allonei 46 Cel. A ArlloDS 166
A ma lint mated HArlona Com. 11
Atltntlc 11
Bid. Asked.
Losdon CloslasT Stocks.
LONDON, June 1. dosing quotations on
stocks were as follows:
Cona. money 14 I II M., K. A T 13
do account 14 II II N. Y Ontrsl Ill
Anaconda 11 Norfllk A W 74
Atchison i 40 Norfolk A W. pfd.... 14
do pfd 17 Ontario A W 13
Baltimore A Ohio.... Pnnf Wanta Il
Canadian Purine 171 Rand Mines I
Cheaapcake A Ohio... 16 Reading 11
Chicago Ot. W 1( Southern Rallwar 1
C, M. A St. P 1t! do pfd I
De Been 16 Tjnlon Pacl&o 1SI
Denver A R. 0 16 do ptd II
do pfd 71 11. B. Steel .3
Erie 11 do pfd 1M
do 1st pfd 67 Wabaeh 11
do 14 ptd 14 do pfd 11 '
Illinois Central ...s.. 140 Grand Trunk 21
LoullTllle A N 114
SILVER Bar, firm, 81 1-164 per ounce.
MONJ3V ft&att Pr cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 8 s-ietftS per cent; for
three months' bills, tt-Wu3 per cent.
Sew York Mlnlna Stocks.
NEW YORK, June 1. Closing quotations
on mining stocks were:
Adams Con 10 Little Chlet t
Alice 400 Ontario 124
Breeca 10 Ophlr 140
Brunewlck Con 40 Potoel I
Ccmatock Tunnel .... 34 Savage 44
Con. Cal. A Va 44 Sierra Nevada II
Horn Rllver ...... 140 Small Hopes 44
Iron Silver 140 standard 134
Laadrllla Cos 6
Clear In Hujse Bank Statement.
NEW TORK, June 1. The statement of
Clearing house banks for the week (five
days) shows that the banks hold $12,782,450
more than the legal reserve requirements.
This is a decrease of 32.906,325 as compared
with last week. The statement:
Loans 31.139.931,100 813,641,6
Deposits 1,128, 1K4.80O 16,554,100
Circulation 40.628,900 430, 7u0
Legal tenders ?2.98,100 348.700
Bpeole 221.92,Oi0 738.400
Reserve 204,831,100 $S2.1O0
Reserve required 282,048,660 8.fcA8,626
Surplus 12,782,450 2,,.V6
Ex U. a deposits .... 20,685,760 2,920,300
Bask Clearings.
OHAHA. June 1. Bank clearings for to
day were 81.894,017.65 and for the correspond
ing data last year 81. 870,670. 24,
1907. 1908.
Monday 31,89,776.38 31,801.308.65
Tuesday 1,609.359.69 1,606.481.96
Wednesday 1,613.622.62 i 1,866.674.43
Friday 3.0o8.276.14 ' 1.6.761.09
Saturday 1.84.0176 1.870.670.24
Total 38,974.651.28 38.919,898.36
Increase over the corresponding week last
year 366,064.83.
Coaelllloa mt Trade aad taetatloae en
Staale aad Faaey 3rodaee.
EGGS Per dos.. 15o.
BUTTER Packing stock. 18c: choice
to fancy dairy, '.X'a-Oc: creamery, h&Uo.
LIVE POULTRY Hens, 104c; old roost
ers, 6c; turkeys, 12c; ducks. 10c; young
roosters, 81970; geese. Sn.
about 8 lba..v32.S.
PINEAPPLES Florida. 48 also, 33.75 per
crate; 42 else, 33.00 per crate; 86 slse, 34.00
per crate; 80 slse, 34.50 per crate.
BTRAWBEKRIES Missouri. 24 -at. caaeg,
LEMONS Llmonlera, 800 sire, $8.26; 360
size, 36 76; other brands, 60o less.
BANANAS Per medlum-sised bunch.
12.(4X0-2.25; Jumboes, I2.5u3.60.
ORANGES Mediterranean Sweets. 160
176, 200, 216 and 260 slses. 33.C0; 96, 126. 288
slses, 33.00; California Navels, extra fancy,
176. 200, 216, 250 sixes, 34.60; fancy, 126 slse,
33.75; 160 size, 33.60; choice, large sizes, per
box, 32.7641 3.00. .
FIGS California, bulk. VAc; 6-crown
Turkish, 14c; 4-crown Turkish, lie; 3-crown
Turkish, 8c.
DATES-Kadaway, 6c; sayers. bo; hal
lo Is, rc; new stuffed walnut dates, s-lb.
box. 31.00.
POTATOES Table stcn-k, per bu., S0c9
31.00; seed i:ock. SOcttll.OO.
NAVY BEANS Per bu., No. 1, 31.80; No.
i, 3180.
POTATOES 31.15 per bu.
ASPARAGUS 46&4lc per dox. bunches.
BEANS New wax and string, per ham
per, 84.00.
doz. bunches, 454itiOc.
CABBAGE California, 3c.
CELERY Florida. $1.26 per dos.
PIE PI.ANT-Per lb., 6c.
ONIONS Red or yellow. Colorado, per
bu., 3100; Texas silver skin, per crate,
about 46 lba, 32.l'6; yellow Texas, per crats,
obout 46 lbs., $2.00. Green onions, per dos.
30o. '
TOMATOES Florida, fsney. 10-lb crate,
33.003.26; choice, $a.&0J2.7i.
LEAF LETTUCIS-Hotbuuse, per dos.
hrnds. 4fe.
CUCUMBERS-Psr dos.. 31.00.
PARSLEY Hothouss, per dog, blincbsa,
RADISHES Per dos. bunches, home
grown, 20c; extra large bunches, 40o per
BEEF CUTSNo. I ribs, 13o; No. I ribs,
8c; No. $ ribs, 8o; No. 1 loin. UHo; No. I
ioln, 12c; No. 3 loin, lltyc; No. 1 chuck,
lc; No. 3 chuck, 6A4c; No. 8 chuck, 6;
No. 1 round, 8c; No. $ round, 8c: No. 8
round. 7c; No. 1 plate, Sc; No. 3 plate,
8c: No. 8 plate, 3c
SUGAR Granulated cane. In sacks, $5.51;
granulated beet. In aacks,
COFFEE Roasted, No. 8n. Mu per lb.!
No. 80, 21e per lb.; No. 26. 13 per To.! No.
20. 14Ho per lb. 1 No. C, lZftc p,r lb.
CHEESE Block Swiss. lo; llmberger,
14c: Young Amerloas, 17o.
NUTS California walnuts. No t. soft
shell. 12c; No. 1, soft shell, 16c; brazils.
1Vi41Sc: pecans. 13 -Oc; filberts. Uc; pea
nuta, raw. 7o; roasted, 8Vc; California al
monds, 174c; cocoanuts, to 00 per HO.
Hints AND VALLOW- Green ialtd.
No. 1. 9c; No. 2, 8c; bull hides, 6c; green
hides, No. 1. ?4c; No. 1 c: horse, $1.60(4
IU; shsep pelts, 60cil.26 Tallow, No. I
4vic; No. 2. SU-c. Wool. lf.32o.
CANNED GOODS Corn, standard, west
ern, Vi)c; MMne, $1.16. Tomatoes, fancy,
3-pound cans, $1 46; standard, 1-pound cans,
$1.20. Pineapples, grated, t-pound. $3.2ufl
itu; sllcsd, ll.7ltV2.35; fancy Hawaiian, 1
lbs., $1.76. Gallou apples. $2 fa3P0. Cali
fornia apricots. $2 00. Pears. $1.75fl2 5c.
Peaches. 11 7iU 40; L. C. peaches, $5 (KHif
2.60. Alaska salmon, red, $116; fancy
Chinook, flat. $2.10; fancy aot-keye, flat
$1.16. eardlnes quarter toll. $3.26: Uie
quarters mustard, it U. Sweet pututoes.
81 1U&1.26 Bauer kraut, 90a. Pumpkins, 8to
iitl.OO. Wax beans, 2-lb.. Wk-ejl.BC, Lima
fxtans, 2-lb., 75ca1.36. Soaked peas 2 ib.
toe; early June, 95cul .15; fancy, 41 2oal.4i '
are somewhat unsettled by freer ofTerlnja
from second band's, who seem desirous o(
moving supplies of Immediate grades. Quo
tatlona range from SVt to 8c fur California
fruit and from tto to 6c for Oregon, peaches
are slightly easier, wltn fancy yellows
quoted at 12ic. Ralalna ars firm; loos
Muscatels are quoted at 8T9c; seeded
raisins. SUfillc.
FISH Pickerel, dressed, 9c; pike,
dressed, 12c; white fish, dressod, winter
caught, !Vfl16c; trout,. 12'0fl5c; halibut, 1;
sabnon, 16c; catfish, 15c; herring, dressed,
8c; crappies, round, tkaw; crappies, large,
fancy, 15c; black bass, 26c: smelts, sweet
and Ana. 13c; eel. 1: bluo flah, 16c; red
snapper, 12c; roe shad, per pair, sUvjJfic;
frog legs, 8uff40c; lobsters, green, per lb,,
87c: lobster, boiled, per lb.. Sue; mackerel,
Pnanish. per lb., 16c; mackerel, native,
per lb.; fresh green turtle meat 26c lb.
CURED FI8H-Fainlly white, fish, per
quarter bbl., 1(0 lbs . 34 00; Norway mack
erel, No. 1. $36.00: No. 3. 328.0ti; herring. In
bbls.. 200 lbs. each: Norway 4k, 811 00.
HAT Choice upland, per ton. 811.60: me
dium. ro.50? No. 1 hnttn, 38.00: off srradea
$4.0wtt5.6a. Rye strew. $7.
Zeevta Tsrtj to Tltij Otsta Higher far
tha Weak.
Sheea aaa Lambs Active All the Week
4 Tweety-Flve te Forty
Ceats Higher Thaa Oae
W eek Ago.
SOUTH OMAIIA. June 1, 1307.
Receipts vere: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 2.030 8.29S 4.1"8
t'mcint Tuentlar 3.111 10.441 3.2n
Official Wednesday .,,. 678 11.648 3.754
Official Thursday l.v 8.4:t4- 1.59
Offlclsl Friday 3,;7t T ,CU 1.6"9
Official Saturday 1.000 ,"T sou
this week 18.447 49547 18.717
Last week , 21.133 67.S28 no. 2x5
Two weeks ago 32 PJ0 69.742 20.13
Three weeks ago 19.41 43,820 2K.849
Four weeks ago 22,768 P4,2 26,2'S
Same week last year. .. .18,722 77.1S2 14.65
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date, compared with Inst
year: 19117. i!H6. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 475,312 407.118 68,194
Hoga LWSU67 LlM.KU 85 671
Sheep 76S.6M 72i.4rt2 47.119
Good to choice corn-fed steers 83. To! 10
Good to fair corn-fed steers 6.'o(i.75
Common to fair steers 4.2tif6-30
Good to choice fed oows 4 5u40
Fair to good cows and heifers 8 5oy4.2i
Good to choice stockers and feeders 4
Fair to good stockers and feeders.. S.9ti4.40
Common to fair stockers 3.tt3 !tO
BulW, stags, eto 8.2Si4.T5
Veal calvea 4.0U(tt5.75
. The following table shows the average
price of hogs at South Omaha for the last
several days, with comparisons:
Date. I 1307. 1906.19O5.19'4. 1903. 11902. 1801.
May 22 ... I
6 18l 6 231
5 2"!
6 191 7 02
6 191 7 OS.
5 64
6 62
5 67
6 62
5 0
6 03
May 23...
May 24...
May 25...
May 2D...
Mav 27...
6 11 Ms 6 19
8 28
4 27
6 99
5 ftou
8 22,
8 32
6 27
6 17
4 35
7 06
6 04
6 93i 6 96!
6 77! 7'
6 7"! 7 02
5 IS
6 ll
5 17
4 81
4 3!
4 47
May 28...;
251 14 491
May 29.
i 98l 6 29
5 121
6 171 4 53'
6 701 7 101 5 62
May 80.
8 0m, 6 391
8 f 6 3L'
6 0974l 6 29
Mi 7 101 5 c9
May 31.
6 131 4 Mil
a 69
June 1.
6 09i 4 63 J 93
6 70
Cattle. Hogs.
Omaha $5.90 $6006.20
Chicago 1.75??7.25 6 fhi 4?Vi
Bt. Louis 19t 'a.23 6 DMitJ 40
Bloux City 8 6"it'j.85 6 0o(6.10
Kansas City 3.2.'a.50 .75i-33
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road waa:
cattle, nogs. Biieep. 11 r s.
C M. ft Bt. P.' 8 ..
Mo. P. Ry 1
U. P. system 10 17
C. ft N. W. (east) 2 1..
C. ft N. W. (west).... .. 40
C, St. P., M. & O.. .. 4
C, B. ft Q. (east) 8 .. 1
C, B. & Q. (west).... 7 21 .. 1
C, R. I ft P. (east).. .. I
C, R. I. ft P. (west).. 15 1 1
Illinois Central 1 S ..
Chicago GL I Western. I 1 ..
Total receipts .... 35 37 4 t
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated:
cattle. Ho, oneep.
umana .racking to, 1...
Swift and Company ....
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour ft Co
Armour & Co., country.
Klngan ft Co
Other buyers
Totals 491 7,033 497
CATTLE There was little to be said
about the cattle market today, as there
were very few In the yards, as Is usually
the cass on a Saturday. For the week
there has been a very heavy railing on 01
receipts, amounting to almost one-half, as
Compared with the previous week. Mod
erate receipts nave also neen a ieaiure 01
most other market points.
Light receipts of beef steers coming at
the same time with the scarcity of cows
has produced a decided shortage m the
supply of available beef cattle. The re
sult Is that the market this week expe
rienced a decided advanoa. Prices soared
upward so rapidly that It was a difficult
matter to keep track of It. Not only did
the cattle aell higher, but the market waa
the most active experienced In a long time.
Buyers, Instead of going out Into the yards
at 9 or 10 o'clock In the morning, as here
tofore, have been going out very early,
with the result that the yards some days
have been cleared before 10 o'clock. The
best cattle have sold as high as 36.10, the
highest of any time since January, when
the same price was paid. At the close
of the week Deeer steers are saieiy lotoouc
higher than a week ago.
The deadlock between commission men
and packers as regards the terms of sales
for cow stuff hae been In fcrce all the
week. Following the advice of commission
men the country has kept their cow stuff at
home, so that there has not been enough
cows In the yards any day this week to
make a market. It has been necessary
to sell the few loads received to outside
buyers, as packers have refused to buy
anything except subject to post-mortem in
spection, a condition that commission men
will not agree to.
Stockers and feeders have been In very
light supply all the week, packers, owing
to their Inability to secure cow stuff, hav
ing been taking all the light and warmed
up steers which, under different circum
stances, would have gone as feeders, pity
ing prices higher than feedera were will
ing to pay. Such cattle as have gone as
feeders have generally sold 10&Uc higher.
Representative sales:
Ms. Av. Pr. No. Av. r.
48..., UU I 40 17 ia0 6 14
II 1114 45.40 t0 1161 I 40
HOGS Hogs opened a shade higher this
morning, and while the trade was not par
ticularly active, quite a sprinkling changed
hands In a short time. However, as the
more urgent orders were filled the trade
came to a standstill. Buyers lowered their
hands, announcing flatly that they would
not pay any more than steady prices. The
result was the market closed with the ad
vance lost and with the trade alow. Tha
bulk of all the hogs sold at $6.05& 15.
The receipts of hogs this week have
shown a very heavy falling off, as com
pared with last week and a year ago. The
present week opened with a sharp decline,
hogs on Monday selling at the low point of
the year. Commencing with Tuesday prices
took a turn for the better and showed
more or less advance every day under the
Influence of the light reoelpts and the good
demand. At the close of the week the
market Is 10c higher than at the close of
laat week, or right at 20c higher than on
Monday of the present week.
Repreaentatlve sales:
Ha. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. gh. Pr.
41 ltt 400 I 00 M til 44 8 II
41 14 40 I 0T 76... .....Ill IN 111
II Isl .. I Ot II l:o) 40 4 10
41 M7 40 I 01 70 f.l 40 I 10
4ft .. $ 06 II 155 40 I 10
79 Ill 10 I 04 W 241 140 I 10
70 40 120 I OS 13 2f.l 14 I 10
II 11 HO I 04 IK 147 10 4 19
14 14 40 6 04 70 141 40 I 10
4 KM 114 I 06 71 114 .. I 10
241 .. I OS 74 11 .. I 10
77 ?l I 06 II 170 SCO I 14
IJ 14 40. 1 01 14 434 liO 114
M 41 .. I 07 M. 2T.1 40 I 10
41 tt 40 I OlSt 17 2(1 40 I 10
IS Ml 100 lO" M 141 .. 110
71 2l 10 4 07V4 4 tJl 40 lira
H 10 g) 101 14 117 .. 112
61 171 .. I 07 10 IW .. 4 IH,
It tS4 400 I 47 71 fc'4 144 I 1?
1 11 110 107 75 Ml .. 112
Tl 131 40 1 07 70 Ul 120 till,
1 tW 40 I 47 04 r-4 40 I lt
16 II 160 I 07 H 281 10 4 II
rr . &7u 7i 2.t :. u 115
TO .Iff 104 01 TO 2S7 .. Ill
7 axt 10 I 07 II IN 40 I 16
T4 list 180 I 07 Tl til .. I It
14 M 44 I 10 Tl 114 .. 4 16
H4 .. a 10 .4: mi .. 4 11
II 141 .. I 14 TJ 2:1 10 I 11
41 Mi 110 6 10 II Ill 14 I 15
79 IH 40 I w 11 tri 110 I II
71 !(. 120 I 10 15 224 M III
Tl Ml 1M I II til I 16
64 tV 140 I 10 II 2U7 M I 174
11 141 .. I 10 II fc4 110 I 10 .
! 140 .. I 11 II til .. S tO
BHEEP Receipts of sheep this morning
conxlsted of four single decks of western
shorn lambs. Three of tlieso were bought
by Armour yesterday for delivery today,
the price being 36.00, the higlietst price paid
for shorn lambs so far this year.
There Is not very much to be said re
garding the sheep and lamb trade this
week excepting that . receipts have been
very light, si. owing a larne falling off,
aa compared with a week ago, but about
on a rar with a year ago. Under the In
fluence of decreased receipts and the very
good demand pricea have steadily Armed
up, so that at the close of the week the
market la fully 26c higher and In soma
rases lambs are possibly 4ftc higher than
one week ago. This means that both sheep
and lamba are now selling at the highest
point of the year to date.
Prospects for the coming week Indicate
extremely light receipts, no one being
aware of anything of consequence being
left in tributary territory. A few acattei-
Ing rare from day to day ta about all
that can be expected. Aa there are txi
grass sheep of consequence In sight, ever
one Is anticipating continued high prices
tor what little fed stock Is available.
Quotations on shorn stock: Oood to
choice lambs, 37.5o.00; fair to good Ismbs,
86 nuirl.oO; common to cull Itmhe, 85 50J
6 00; good to choice yearlings, light, .
75; good to choice yearlings, heavy, 8tv2& f
8 60; fair to good yearlings, 35 .'ttti. 25 ; good
to choice wethers, 36 2tVn 40; fair to good
wethers. 86fk'.ij.20; good to choice ewes,
36.7ku00; fair to good ewes. $4.750.74;
culls, bucks and stage, 33.2.VJ4.2R.
No. At. Pr.
14 western lambs, culls S 8 50
137 western Ismbs 7 7 40
348 western lambs 76 8 00
Cattle, Hons, Sheep and Lsmbi Are
CHICAGO, June l.CATTI.K Receipts,
800 head. Market steady; natives. $4 60t
Sft rm 11 lUnt SO- l.olf. ra U I.MM:
ralvrs,; good to prime steers, $6.20
4,(4)30; poor to medium, $4.60.ti4V6O; stockers'
and feeders. $3.0Vu6.16. 1
HOGS Receipts. 9,000 head. Market
steady; light. tti.ZOtu.t:1: mixed. 81 ifrtirt 4t;
heavy, $6.Sjui6.8S; rough, 85 toy 6.10; pigs,
$5.otj(fi.S6; good to choice heavy, not quoted;
bulk of sales. 36.26'!i6 SR.
SHEEP AND LA MBS Receipts, 4.000
head. Market steady; natives, $4.a5ff6 S5;
western, $4 256.40; yearlings. !fi irt,7.O0;
lambs, 362u4i.O0; westerns, $6.2uui.0.
St. I.onls Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., June 1. CATTLE
Receipts, 600 head. Including 400 head
Texans; market strong; native shipping
and export steers, 36.606.26; dressed
beef and butcher steers, $4. 8046 80;
tU 4 tlAn II A l iK" A 7t
stockers Hnd feeders, $8.00 fj 6.00; cows
and heifer, $2.76 (h 5.60: ranners, $2.00.;?
2.70; bulls, $2.664.76; calves. 5.00ftf
12.00; Texas and Indian steers, $2.6tf
6.60; cows and heifers. $1,8044.40. -
Hi HIS Receipts. 8,500 head: market
Steady; pigs and lights, I5.95o6.40; pack
era. $tf.oow 8.3 7 14 ; butchers and best
heavy, 38.204j6.40.
SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts. 800
bead; market strong; native muttons.
34.006.40; lambs, 34 76W8.88; culls and
bucks, $4.656.25; stockers, $3.00(44.75.
Hew York Live Stork Market. -
NEW TORK. June l.-BKEVES-Re-ceipts,
1,208 head; feeling steadv; dressed
beef quiet but steady at Wjlt'ic; choice
9MrC. Exports were 910 cattle and 4,100
quarter" of beef.
CALVES Reoelpts. 106 head; nominally
steady; dressed calves weak; cltv dressed
veals, 6f'i3c; country dressed, S(.ii2c.
SHE1JP AND LAMH8 Receipts, 3,780
head; steady but slow; spring lambs wanted
and firm; two cars sheep ami lnnibs un
sold: prime lambs I8 60; spring lamba, luc;
no rejtorted sales of sheep.
HOGS Receipts. 2.6S1 head; nothing doing
in live hogs, feeling stesdy.
it. Joseph Live Stork Market.
Receipts, 1,161 head; market steady to
weak; natives, 34.60i36.26; cows and
rr'er"' P-60B.65; stockers and feeders,
Hi Hi 3 Receipts, 7,867 head; market
weak to 6c lower; top, $6.80; bulk of
sales, $6.17Hf6.25.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,040
bead; market strong; clipped lambs,
,7-267Ili. ye"-rlings. $6.75W7.25; weth
ers, $6.26(36.76; ewos, 35.266.00.
Slonx City Live Stork Market.
SIOUX CITT, la., June 1 Special.)
CATTLE Receipts, 1,000 head; market
steady: cows, slow; beves, $4.76$r.75; cows,
bulls and mixed. $3.604.75; stockers and
feeders, $4.01X66.60; calves and yearlings,
HOGS Receipts, 6,300 head: 'market 60
higher, selling at W.O0&.10; bulk of sales,
Stork la Bight.
Receipts of live stock at the six principal
western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Sheep.
South Omaha
Sioux City ..
Kansas City .
St. Joseph ..
St. Louts
Chicago ......
Totals .....
4,901 39,567 11,340
Coffee Market.
NEW TORK. June 1 Market for futures
openeTT steady at unchanged prices, which
waa about as due .on the foreign markets.
Trading was very quiet at first, but be
came more active in the late session and
pricea advanced slightly on demand credited
to leading bulls. The cloae was steady,
net unchanged to 6 points higher. Bales,
20.760 bags, Including June, 6.46c; July, 6 364?
4.40c; December, 6.30c; March, 6.40c; May,
5.40c. Spot coffee, quiet; No. 7 Rio, 60;
No. 4 Santos, 7c. MUd coffee, dull; Cor
dova, P&Uc.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits.
APPLES Market unchanged; fancy, 8&8V40;
choice, 7J7Vic; prime, 64(8140; poor to fair,
firm; spot California, STi'tJTtHc; Oregon,
S'ntilOc. Apricots, unchanged; choice, 17H
18o; extra choice, lSViil9c; fancy, 19ie.
Peaches, steady; choice, lltfillc; extra
choice, 127l2V4e; fancy, IttySHc, extra
fancy, 13'.j15c. Raisins, firm; loose Musca
tela, 84t&10c; seeded raisins, Lon
don layers, $1.5tJful.(.
Cottoa Murket.
ST. LOUIS. June l.-COTTON-Steady ;
middling. 12Hc. Sales. 92 bales; receipts. 17
bales; shipments, 633 bales; stock, 29,631
Bpot cotton closed steadv. Sales, 1,025 bales;
low ordinary, 7Ho, nominal; ordinary, 8Vto,
nominal; good ordinary, 913-16c; low mid
dling, 11 1-loc; middling. 12Vrc; good mid
dling, 12o; middling fair, 14c. nominal;
fair. ISo, nominal. Receipts, 4S3 bales; stock,
82,297 bales.
. Metal Market.
was no quotable ohange In the metal mar
kets end business was unusually quiet In
the absence of cables. Tin was quoted at
!42.fV(f. 18.00. Copper continued more or less
nominal, with Lake quoted at 324.0Ci?26 .00;
electrolytic, l23.O0)23 76; casting, $22.00 6 22.60.
Lead was quiet at $6.00. Spelter, $6.40tjj4.45.
Iron was qu.'et and unchanged.
ST. LOUIS. June l.-M ETAL8 Lead,
quiet at $5.92tt- Spelter, quiet at $6.35.
Treasury Statement. .
WASHINGTON, June-l.-Today's state
ment of the treasury balances In the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the $160,000,0(0 gold
reserve, shows: Available cash balance,
$67,629,665; gold coin and bullion, $l&2.2V6,7o4;
gold certificates, $J,C14,46U
Gold Premium (laotatloes.
IyONDON, June 1. Bullion amounting to
3,buo was taken Into the Bank of England
on balance today. Gold premiums are
quoted as follows: Madrid, 10.96; Lisbon,
Movements of Speele.
NEW TORK, June L Total Imports of
specie at New Tork for the week ending
todav were 323,026 silver and 340,64 gold.
Total exports of specie for the week were
$l,0r.9,462 silver and $2,813,838 gold.
Make your wants knuwn through The Bee
Want Ad columns.
are being made in Ely, Nevada, the great
est copper camp on earth with a billion
dollars' worth of ore In sight and more
amier worm or ore in sigm ana more
developing- evnry day. Now Is the time to
Invest in Kly stocks. If you are looking -
for a safe Investment at around floor nrlee
f.romlsiiig- large profits within a reasonable ',
line, write us for Information, mans and
pnntos or f.iv, Its properties, mills, (inelters,
tc. It Is money In your pocket to keep
posted. Write us today.
678 8011th 28th 8t, Omaha, Nat.
Room 100 Ree DuildJnj. Tel. Douglas 2473
Members of All Principal Grain Exchanges
Your Business Solicited
ewaassana.einiaiease ? jhi fcjjv Juee.Meyeeya.awMon A.eveuei
Oae Case Where a Poor Memory
Proved Very Fortunate for
Of Randolph's duel with Clay all the
world has heard, but It Is not generally
known that the fiery Virginian once sent
a challenge to Daniel WMmter, and that
the "Expounder of the Constitution" chose
the path of peaceand safety.
Early In the year of grace 1S24 a com
mittee of congress was Appointed to in
vestigate certain charges of official mis
conduct brought by an ex-senator from
Illinois, one Edwards against the secre
tary of the treasury, the Hon. William H.
On the committee there were, among
others, Randolph and Webster.
Before the committee had fairly got down
to business Randolph sailed for England,
and during his absence a majority of the
committee brought In a report exoner
ating Crawford.
In one of the preliminary discussions
Ot the committee Webster was alleged to
have said some things about Randolph
that were anything but complimentary to
his manly character, and when the high
strung Virginian got back to Washington
In the spring of 1S25 it was plnln that
there would soon be "something doing."
If there was ever a human thorough
bred It waa John Randolph of Roanoke.
Of hla "honor" he had the highest pos
sible esteem, end for that honor he was
always prepared to fight at the drop ot
te hat.
A few days after his return home he
sent Colonel Thomas II. Benton to Web
ster with the following letter:
"Saturday. Feb. 20. 1ST.. Sir: I learn
from unquestionable authority that dur
ing my late absence from the United
States you have Indulged yourself In llber
ties with my name (aspersing my ve
raclty) which no gentleman enn take wha
does not hold himself personally responsi
ble! for such Insult.
"My friend. Colonel Ponton fthe bearci
of this note), will arrange with you th
terms of the meeting to which you ars
hereby Invited.
"I nm, sir, your obedient servant,
Benton, who was somewhat of a fighter
himself, was not slow in taking the note
to the "expounder," end In a few days he
was able to report to his friend as follows:
"Mr. Webster authorlxes Mr. Benton to
say to Mr. Randolph that he has no recol
lection of having said anything which cart
possibly be . considered as affecting Mr.
Randolph's veracity, beyond what ho said
In the house of representatives. If he
has tised other expressions they must have
been at or about the same time and of
multiplied !n totals by the billions handled,
the same Import. He does not now recol
lect them, and disclaims all of a different
import. As to what Mr. Webster said In
the house of representatives, ho meant
only to state that Mr. Randolph was under
an entire mistake or misapprehension as '
to the facts he meant to aay nothing;
more, and neither Intended to moke nor
did make any Imputation on the personal
veracity of Mr. Randolph."
Of course that settled it, and there was
It Is fortunate that Webster's memory,
or lack of memory, camo so opportunely
to his rescue, for Raldolph was a crack
shot, snd had the duel come off the great
New Englander would probably have fallen
long before his fame waa rips. New Tork
Wool Market.
BT. LOUIS, June LWOOI. Steady; me
dium grades, combing and clothing, 24Cf27c
light fine, ZKiraVio; heavy fine, 15ua7c; tub
washed, 30& 37c.
1140 Jeff. Jccmol.,
600 Grandma, 17c.
1000 OH.. Hecla, lo.
8100 Voir. rati. 4lo.
tO Alaika Cop., 1160. ,
1000 Ota. Hub, 14c.
fwO Empire Tun., ISo.
m Otd. Fortune, le.
1000 Monarch M. A 8.,
1000 Verde Grande, Mi .
1400 Otd. Princeton, tc.
110 I'nl. Wireleai, 6.
tfiW Two Quvane. lOSta.
lr.00 Wellington. Pkr.
ion Bf. Red Fox.
1000 Golden Crown Sliver
Pick, 17c. t
tin" ether Rlr , lo.
8000 Ollpln Amer., 4c.
2000 Sandstorm Ex. to,
100 Bldwell Elec, 29c
1000 Gfd. Tamarko, Sc.
700 Amer. Mex., 15a.
21 O. A. Coffee. 4T.
tM Plume, B. H., lea,
1000 Ofd. Bulldog, So.
1W llonitac Tun., 36c
IS'tO Suneel rip., 8c.
100 Acme Zinc, 12.10.
tit) Ofd. Kathrrlne. lie
tOOO Manifleld M. A S. Ue
H0 Boulder Kins. Ic.
jnoo Sonora Chlet, 33c.
iHO Wellington Auoo.
logo Locaven, Ic.
100 Anchor O. A O., Itie
1000 Ooldrn Rod, 4c.
10 Dlckeon-Oottlker, IL
1000 Golden Oata, In.
too Bandat'm-Ken. Si., te
tono King Sol. T. A D.
ton Ot. Weat., Hand.
tO00 Chi ana Coneol.
li Murrbts Pret.
KH0 E. Snowetcnn.
100 SI Favor.
1500 Ofd. Doub. Be.
10.4) Cal. N. V. OIL
104 Amaton, Hand.
10 Trlbulllon Pret.
1000 Indiana Mia.
lout Black PearL
IIS ISalle Bt, Chicago, XTL
of Petor Whitney's
Cobalt Letter
an absolutely up-to-date statistical
Map of the Native Silver District
Handy Oulde for Cobalt Investors.
Write for same today. Edition
, Limited.
W. Farnam Smith & Go.
Stocks, Bonds.
Investment Securities.
We offer, subject to sale, 50 shares
Union Stock Tarda at 101.
1320 Farnam St., Tel. Douglas 1046
i 1
J '-'-'-' -
And' successful operator on the CblcJtsre
Board of Trade who Is able to xet the
very best information, desires to meet or
correspond with one or two parties wlta
view of handling; fundi on joint account.
Great opportunities now to make money.
Best of reft-rences aa to ability and ln-tea-rlty.
Address, Confidential, 4a7 Traders
tcftrlty. Address. Confidential, 407 Traders
Unlldlng. Chicago.