0 THE OfAnA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 2, 1007. ( i X K 1 v - M i I I 1 REAL ESTATE citt rnorcnTT ron saltc (Continued.! O'Keefe Real Estate Co. INT Northeast corner Sh and Lmttd worth Bts., fin for flata Southwest corner 24th and Poppleton, SU BVRBAN IU'SINL-t4 CORN Kit THREE BRAND NEW strictly modern fe ( room !iou on Harney St. car Une. In ft Bemls Park district. Can be purchased at a price that will earn food Interest. ' SUBURBAN. Tot a COUNTRY HOME, dairy purposes or garden land SO m r-i on West Lrtrm worth St., three quarter of a mile west of ELMAVOOD TARK. hich and sightly, no waste land, ncrer failing STRING. Can be bought so that It will make you mon e y. VACANT. tOMM feet on rrnam near 3!M. All specials raid. The best piece of ground la Omaha on which to build ftg. J VST THINK OF IT. only 150 per front foot. "WEST FAR NAM district, fine furl lot. tuno. , MO fet east front on d, north of Dodire. the best bargain 1n Omaha, at 33.750. In western part of Omaha, FINE VIEW" full lot, tun. Eastern owner will take KM for rood lot In DUNDEE. Very fine full hlgrh lot hi Dundee, half block to car, tVO. IMPROVED. room, strictly mo.V-n, )-nt water brat. table, on lews Ave., near the Mercer home, 15.00. M O'Keefe Real 'Phone Douglas S3. FULL ACRE with 187 ft. east frontage, on 17th St. and lti5 south frontage on Mason, good 4-room house and plnty of shrubbery, etc. This property is a map at I2.U00. BEMIS 'Phone Doug. EJS. Paxton Blk. (18-e72 2 HOW MUCH WILL YOU GIVE? AlOO feet cast front on 32nd VAvenuc, facing Ilanscom Park, by a depth of 242 feet, lligh, sightly, street perpetually kept paved without expense to the property owner; house and barn. Submit offers to Alfred C. Kennedy 200 First National Bank Bldg. Telephone, Douglas 722, . (19) ..$2.00 Per W-ek J can sell the following cheap lota. IS down, balance :.0(t pereek. Good title; abstract furnished, tvery lot a bargain: ' IN BENSON I12S.00 IN DUNDEE 600.00 17TH, NEAR M ANDERSON S5O.0O 40TH AND BROWNE 12k00 TU AND L SO. OMAHA... 17J.00 4TTH AND ERSKINE 100.00 ftTH AJD CUMING I2S.0 . I&TH AND CALIFORNIA (10.00 4tTU AND DODGE 600.K0 TH AND CHICAGO 000. 00 W. L. SELBY 440 Board of Trade Bldj. mourn iougiaa 1 a 1 u. (1) JUNE BARGAINS 4WH Esklne Ft., corner lot. aoath ant front, a-lth beautiful thi lr. truit. anrulibtiy, soud Uiru, cuiut .;.a. cioe terrace, 7 ruoina, with o;l hiusn, double pariors and boJroom on first floor' a I !-n.lid buy lor U.euu. 4-i7 Harnt-y St.. -room house, all modern, with crint-nt valks. ni ft. lul. cur r'arnuju oar. houa vacaut. ran Rive immediate poa- ( sraniun. a nv, ao, i". r. Good lnvestinent located at the mitk. we.t corner of 1 and Harailion 8ta, two braltJ new, strictly modern oottagrs. with (as and electric llsht, combination nxturrs. ti cellars, hnist.ed floors, one house deco rated Hb beautilul ptttrrna These oot Utges would rein fur JS i-r munlli eacii; tiouud )xjM. room to build another ouse. This is a rare oprortututy. Don't (ail to ae them. Prlca. .i.v , RLILI1N.J I.JTS. 30 ft. frontaae on Douglas St., between l":d and 44th, all naded an ready for 'ouildm. ft. terraoe. aouth fronia. rom to build five houses. Jk.eeer. mater and sas In stit-et, a'f oioca trom Farnam-Dundee car. Prloe. I.ftu. Three east n..nt lots in the 'Walnut Hill Sletr.ct. splendid plaoe to build houses, frtcea ?X0 up. I'AYXfi BOSTWICK & CO. Sixth Floor N. T. Ufa Bid. ti tm i A SACRIFICE. S.4H Paya T-iooui new nimdeni house, a J fine home, south front, lot suxlio I feet; owner nta to leave jty The li.H.se can not be built for the price aakrni. If you are aaj.tlna; a good house in north rt of city for less tlurn you can build It. take advan tage of this otxrunlty U. FENAKit. U H. T. L4f Hid, Tei Hed IE 7. REAL ESTATE citt morriiTT ron ialb (Continued.) I room a, strV-tly modern. south front, shrubbery, on W. Mason St., 14. MO. t rooms, all modern, stable, two lota. In north part of city. ta.000. V rooma. all modern, stable, near convent on SSth Bt.. B.ViO. t rooma. NEW HOUSE, two lot, on 4Jd near Derenpost, 3S.nno. 7-room bouae on Charles St.. naif block from Military Ave., large lit. IX2TA 6-room lH-stnry house on lPth St. boule vard, BIO BARGAIN, at I1.7W. -room cottar on Mb Ave., near Famam, 0,000 S-room bouae and large lot on Mandcrson St ilkio. -room NKW strictly modern house, oa Harney Si. car line. 34.IWI. FARMS. 1G0 acres fn Howard county. Write for numbers and make us an offer. 1S6 acres 1H miles west of Fort Calhoun. Price Ifi5 per acre. K-acre farm adjoining city of Grand Is land. 156 per acre. WESTERN LAND. Section In Kimball county. ri miles to railroad. 16 50 per acre, 190 acres, black soil. SO feet to water, $6.2S per acre. T acres sx, miles from main line of the Union Pacific, all lerel. black tp s-ll under. ! lutri VltVl 1 w a,,4L."l ft T!t TI" ft V, ft Tft OAIN at I&.2T. per acre. lO.DOO acr-s smooth black land, close to railroad at Pine Bluffs, Wyo. Price I6.2S per acre. Estate Co. lOffl New Tork Life Bids., Omaha. OS). WALKING DISTANCE New 7-room, modern, square house near 26th and Csas Sta., overlooking Cemral boulevard. Price, CKKk Make offer. Will Klve terma. C. G. CARLBERG, IUN.I. LIFE BLDQ. (19)- LOT SALE Continues Every Day This Week IN COLLIER PLACE and MONMOUTH PARK At 30th and Ame Avenue. Both additions on Ame Ave. car line. Prices range $200 to $500 each. Lota on J Oth St., and corners a trle higher. Terms $10 Cash and $10 a Month WATER. SEWER AND PERMANENT WALKS IN FRONT OF NEARLY ALL HJTS. Salesman on the ground from I to $ D. m. evr dv. Office open Monday evenings until- 9. Hastings & Heyden 1704 Farnam St. Bee Bldg. (if) 147 $3,000 For I story, all mod. frame house, with full east front lot rifcht in the Farnam dltariol) located near bib. Ave. and Daven port Bt. Can make any reasonable terms to right party. BEMIS Pbone Dour SO. Parton Blk. 200 ACRE FARM WELL IMPROVED On Paved Road (Center St.) Six Miles from City Uall FOR $21,000 A GREAT BARGAIN REED BROSL, 1710 Farnam. NICE COTTAGE HOME . s-room cottage, water, sewer, closet, brick cellar, furnace room; corner, S4il3 ft; paved street, brick sidewalks; one block from car line, on Parker St. If sold soon liSi will buy It. W. Q. SH RIVER, ; tiell Estate. Loan. Insuranoe, Rentals. N. Y. Life Bldg. oy-a i Finest Corner Sherman Ave. S 06 Buys the southeast corner of Phn. man Ava and Corby St.. having rx 1 feet. wUb aa Income of (714 per annum. This is one of the beat oor m bf.rrroin Avenue. VT. B. MEIKLE, X RAUGE BLDG (1)-M3t4 REAL ESTATE PRorF.RTV FOR, BALE. (Continued.) Payne Investment Co. Keystone Park 11,650 Coiy S-rm. cottage, modern- exce-pt furnace, No. 414S Erksklpe St. 12.200 S524 Seward, 7 rail., mod. ex. fur., corner lot, 60x130, fmlt and shade treen. A very desirable home and cheap. 13.000 8-rm. all modern house. In best of condition and renting for $336 yearly, sear 28th and Hamilton. $18.000 Elaborate 12-rm. residence In Bemls Parjt. Splendidly located. Investment Brick store building ana two frame houses, located oa pared street and car line. Rent $1,44 0 per annum Price $12,000, part cash. Vacant $400 47x165. east at 38th and Pacific front. $500 50x140, near 43d and Seward. $700 near 3 5th and "Wirt, 50x125. $4.000 East front lot on 89th Just south of Joslyn's. Payne Investment Co. lat Floor N. Y. L. Bldg., TeL Doug. 1781. BUY A HOME "WHILE THE SUN SHINES. JUNE BARGAINS IN HOMES 2444 Temrrlrton Are., choice bome -J rooms, modern except furnace, lot 53x120, permanent walk, good a new, so. front, CC0. J4H Spencer street. 6 rooms, mpdern except furnace, larg lot, close to car snap tt&Q. Grande Are. home of T rooma all modern, new and up to date. If you want a bargain let us show you this. Lot 60x 123, so. front 42.250. WALNUT HILL HOME, f rooms, large lot, fruit and shade trees, a very nice place, owner leaving the city and of fers on ysur owa terms 4100. The number la 4548 Seward street. Bee It. KM Manderson street. rooms, large barn and chicken ' house, lot 60xl0, close to car and school. Can be bought on easy terms. Price. 81.700. NEW COTTAGE, fust com pleted. 6 nice rooms, up-to-date In every respect, bath, gas, electric light, cement walks, lot 40x126. south front, cellar full slxe of house, cemented, Ruggles street. See It to day, key next door east 42.300. Terms arranged to suit your pocket book, R. H. LANDERYOU, Tel. Doug. OSL 442 Board of Trade. l-687 2 Some More Samples C Of 7-room, strictly modern, I-story house in Bemls park district, H block from street car: rented S2S per month. H.250 Corner lot. Mum. on -r line and paved street, (-room house practically new; rented UO per month. tt.660 rooms, practically new, all mod ern. 1 block from car, corner lot, 6!xo7. close In, paved street and permanent walks. H0.006 Comfortable home with 2 lota, abundance of shade and shrubberv, paved street, on car line, fine neighborhood. I7.KK s rooms and reception hall, all mod ern, hardm-ood downntaira. full lot, pared street. Farnam St. district. tK.500 Comfortable noire, practically new, with servants' rooms, sen ante' bath and everything up-to-dte; I full lots, on paved street. Farnam St. District. PoasnsMmi May 1, likte. possibly sooner. An exception ally good home and a bargain. Owner will pay liberal rent while bu'ldina- larg-r home. It will pay you to wan for possession. .b"0 1 exceptionslly good homes In Kountae Place, 10 rooms each, all modern arxl on paved streets. fl&.SOO Large modern home near corner of Kd and Lodge Sta Must be seen to be arrreclated. Il2.WO Larce. comfortable hnuu mnA fun I lot on Iodife St.. opposite the high arnool. Vii will uinaiuri mmHIIQie OITfr. . S10.UOO Large, modern house and barn on 'ftavMl street. In- rnt4 f a r.B seesion on reasonable notion. If you don't a what you want, aak for it, Ws have rfTany others. J. II. DUMONT & SON 0u- N. T. Life Bldg. ! ' $2,9)0.00 Modern 7-room, hot-water heated house very desirable located on car and pared atreet; paving paid. Will glre terma. BENSON & CARMICIIAEL 642 Paxton Block. ' (l BIRKETT & TEBBENS 43Bee Bldg. 'ThoneDoug. 4754. 4 HOME BARGAINS. JB Miami St.. (-ror.m cottase strictly modern, lot S0X1J6; permanent walks, shade and fruit trees, cloae to car. Look t this . " - ' iwimp iur something ! good and $ leap. Prloe. gi.Oiie. w . -- vm imunf v lose in. AU modern, permanent walks and pared street. Let ua show you tbla Price H.iM. ACRE BARGAINS 4 acres doe to Ttenson. one for fruit and garden trurk. Owner needs the money and scys he will sell for tl.loO. 11 acres m miles from vrenc car Kne 1 acre of grapes, about 250 bearing fruit trees; Vi acre straw U-rrlea. acre black-berrw-a. H, sores alfalfa; balanVe la small grain; -rcKm house, barn, granary and other aulldinca prloe, K.1UU. (ltj MP REAL ESTATE citt phopkrtt for iui tContlnued.1 DUNDEE niTl)PK ctmim?H'-e exactly two and V 1 1 i-M.A , rlf miWl) m.rM of ,(.lh gu I)ITVI)FP. ' Ln Incorporated rlllaga, i'u.iiiiUh,vI1( Jt own rovernmf.nu and Is not In the city f omalia. DIIVDKK.'S ',lt '' Is fth St.. whlrh 1)1 TV I )Vy hss a population of about DIIVI )KF, u reached by the West Far- eight-minute serv ice. niTYDFFVS diatame by street car less than twenty minutes. DUNDEE!" I,atl"d v"', e,wt- fViyuAuu ljodge sirt-et running slong the south side of tne village. Illi'l)r' l'-M cny water, being fur- that provides water for Omaha and 6outb Lm-iaha. DIJXDF.K! n" bln' furnished by iuiiiniiit)l, eume company that pro vides gas for Omaha and South Omaha. HIIVDV1'" electric Unlit, being fur- that provides electrict light for Omaha and Bouth Omaha. We offer for the first time a few lots be tween (Oth and l'.y Sta., and Dodge and Cuming Sta.. ln Dundee, The lots, blocks and streets hsre all been put to uniform and established grade. Cement sidewalks, city water and trees will be put ln front of every lot by the present owner. If these Improvements are not already In. These lots are all near the car Una, and to reach them, take any Dundee car going west on Farnam. go to the end of line, walk one Mock west, and you will then be near the center of ths property we are offering for sale. Prices on most of the lots tuSO each. Terms one-fourth cash, balance ln monthly or Quarterly payments to suit purchaser, at per cent Interest. Firs par cent dis count for all cash. Dl'NDEE is generally regarded as Omaha's best residence suburb, and an op portunity is now offered of securing a good lot. with fine view, with all Improve ments above named paid for. and the price low and terms reasonable. If you want to build, we can assist ln securing a loan on favorable terms. Special discount to the first ten purchaaera isho build houses, . Call at our office and see plats. GEORGE & COMPANY , AGENTS. 1001 Farnam St. . 09) Beautiful Residence Lots 42,5nO 60x300. fronting on two streets. Hanscom park and car Una. 42,(1 (xlS4. east front, 10th and Ban croft, will divide. 1KK N. W. cor. 35th and Charles. ITSO- South front on Seward, near 33d. 7b 8. E. cor. Jlet and Charles, 10i'Xl27. N. W. cor. &th and Blondo, t)Xll- loud 7S ft. frontage on North 24th, near HI mens ugh Ave. $m South from on Cedar, near 4th, Full lot on Fort St., near 27th. gJ60 South front on Frances, near 2d. Lota south and sdjolning Miller park, 10u to tJM each, io down and Ji per month. - BEMIS Thone Doug. 6SS. PaxtooBlk. (l;-77 2 BARGAIN Ths first of the new houses at 33d and Harney is now complete. The building in spector says: "That's the best bunch of houses we ever is sued permits for." They cer tainly are well built from footings to chimney top. Com ment oa the location ln un necessary. This first house has I rooms, hot water beat, mantel, hard wood floors and finish up stairs and down, tiled bath, first class plumbing, handsome lighting fixtures, refrigerator room, well equipped pantry. A thoroughly complete and up-to-date residence that will speak for Itself to the careful buyer. Price for Immediate sale, SG.0O0. cash. ERNEST SWEET C3 N. T. Life Bldg. ()-K 2 WEST FARNAM. 137 North 22d Avenue, Just across street from Mrs. John Hor bach's and Judge Howard Kennedy's fine new residences. Has fire bed rooms snd bath on second floor; four rooms and large reception hall, with mantel and open stairway, on first floor. Parlor, back parlor, dining room and reception hall all arranged ao as to be thrown together If wanted. Oak floors and finish on first floor. Full basement, with laundry, store room, fruit room, furnace room and servants toilet. Hot water heating plant. House has been built five years, and was built by owner for a home. Owner has moved from city and must sell. House now vacant and can show at any time. Price, 27.no- M CAGUE INVESTMENT CO. Sole Agents. 0)-MKT 4 $6,000 BRICK FLAT INVESTMENT Located at ICS-KJO Wool worth .Ave.; only been built a little over a year; has i rooms and bath on each floor, nicely pa pered, south front, on paved street ce ment walks in front and all around the house, separate heating on each floor; lot 40xlii(i ft., three blocks east of Hanscom . Park. blocks from new South Omaha ear line. Always rented for GU a year. u cannot find a safer and better in vestment. Don't bother the tenants. Call at our office for further 'nformatlon. Office open evenings until o'clock. Hastings & Heyden 174 FARNAM ST. (IS) BA It GAINS IV HOUSES. !?" . iKth, 5-r. St. Louis flat, only ?7.M. 1442 8. 17th. 4-r modern plumbing, will I ape:. 31k. 317s Farnam, l-r.. strictly modern, choice location, close in, 37.e0. lib Iode. -r.. all modem, flrst-claas nnd clnne in. til. tit 8. 2th, 10-r.. all modern. 340. tun N. 2:'ii. 7-r.. Ftnctlv all modern, flrst- clasa, clise to high school, 140 31( N. 2t,tu. 7-r.. ail modern. 337.60. 310 S. SI et. 6-r.. all modern except fur nace, f PATNE, BOSTWICK 4V CO, 6ll N. Ufe Bldg tl) 702 2 DUNDEE. t7E0, on water main, on grade, trees, cement walk, street rraded. exclusive neighborhood. W. L. 6ELBT. 440 Board of Trade Bldg. 1 LOTS for sale oa either aide of 12th St one block south of Bancroft Bt: price li to tittieasy terma C. G. HOMERS. IO 4 Farnam. Phone Harney OS CS6 2 FOR BALE A beautiful new 4-room resi dence, strictly modern, oak finish, in the best part of the West Parnam dint riot. See owneia, 134 No. 40th St. (li tai 2x REAL ESTATE citt Mori Ri r ron (Continued.) SIX-ROOM TWO-STORY HOUSE, $2,200 This boue has a new up-to-date rath room. gg fixtures. Is well ar raned. front hallway, thrw rooms, doan and three upstalrg, stairway to floored attic, all In good order; lot Is S(xl!2; nell and cistern In yard; peath and rherry trees; a very nice home and a bargain; on North 2 6th St. near Spencer. New five-room cottae on Miami, near boulevard, lot 40xJIJ. $2,500. Six-room new story and a half house Just north of Bemls park, something good, for $2,700. Six-room modern cottape. w ith a lot 60x127. on Franklin street something nice, with shade and fruit, for $3,000. Seven-room mod era house at 2415 North 22d St., for $3,500; rents for $30. Elftht-room new modern nice home, on Maple St., near bonlersrd, has a barn, south front lot 40x122, renting at $25 $4,500. Nine-room modern house In Bemls park, on Lafayette Are., south front lpt, a nice home, for $3,800. W. II. GATES 617 N. T. Life. 'Phone Doug. 12 94. 09- 30th and Leavenworth lH-story frame cottage of 7 rooms, mod. except heat, located on paved street and car line, lot 40x14a. This is an elegant 1" a tlon and should bo a quick sal at UJM, S1.0u0 cash. BEMIS 'Phone Doug. Mi. Paxton Blk. (18-T4 I $1,500 buys a neat S-room cottage, within walk ing distance; lot UxlfU. C. G. CARLBERG, U N. T. LIFE BLDG. (19- Investrnent With Trackage Improvements now raring C per cent on tS.ftO. Trackage unoccupied fully worth tJ.oni. This f dose in and can all be bought for only 13,7uu; greatest bargain ever of fered. J. W. RASP CO. Douglas VXA. 4Z5 Paxton KIk. (19J- COTTAGE for sale, S rooma besides pan try, closets, cemented cellar and floored attic; almost new; lot SOxlS; two blocks from Shermsn Ave. car line. Price, 11.6011. Terms reasonable. Ruy direct from owner. Apply 2006 Maple St. Tel. Douglas 6U59. ' (19) 607 2x 10 Business Investment 38.600 buys the two two-storv brick store building, with flats above, at 1010 and 11J North 16th St. This property rents for Xl.Ofig per annum and has trackage on the alley, giving It great additional value. B. MEIKLE, 205 RAMGE BLDG. U1-M336 I BEMIS PARK. 33.300 A very desirable modern (-room cottage; hot water heat; south front; a fine lawn and shade trees. See owner, 3412 Lafayette Ave. 'Phone Harney 34(&. (19) f9 A BARGAIN IN INSIDE PROPERTY -room house and small bam, lot 32Hxl44; easy walking distance. Adjoins railroad terminals. Just the place to invest a small sum with tlie certainty that it will always pay interest and some day sell for a large advance. J. H. DUMONT A SON. - N." T. Life Bldg. (18) $G,000, BEMIS PARK Strictly modern S-room house, oak finish, efegant bath room, built by contractor for a home, built entirely by day labor. This will bear the closest inspection. Call at 23lu Hamilton St. 0 4o6 2x UNION STOCK YARDS STOCK Eo shares. Price on application. REAL ESTATE TITLE-IKL'ST CO.. CHAb. K. WILLIAMSON, Pres., Ground Pioor U. ti. Nat 1 Blag., IjOj Far nam su am 63 it TWO fine new 5-room cottagea, gas, bath, city water, sewer, permanent waiks, ce mented cellars, large rooms, east fronta, 2Sth Bt., between Spaulchng and Ruggles bLS , W.-"0 each. CHaS. BATTELLE. 104 N. 15th. (1 640 1 LOOKING FOR A GENUINE BARGAIN? If so. here it is: Lot ti, block 'b. and lot 1, block 74, South Omaha, situated on cor ners Jlh and L Sia. and th and L tits. r"lve houses on each lot- Income about tioj month. Price for all. tlj,:m caan. need tne money, henoe the sacrihee. lays Yllt per cent on the investment. Appiy Gtrard Brandenburg, Los Angeles, CaL UN WANTED A nice 10 or li-room house, strictly modern and up-to-date, with nice yard, barn, etc. Must be nicely located. No objection to Ix lng well out. L. W. BVNNELL CO., 'Phone Douglas sl4. t-2 N. T. Life. (ltt-W I INVESTMENT In city; pays 14 per cent, is renting cheap? Come m and let us tell ni about it. Hildrelh & Lowmsn, 1A Bea. (! till I LIBT your house, land, lota or bus'ness with Hildreth & Lowman, S10 Hee." Ut 612 1 FOR SALE New 7-room, modern cottage, fine location, H block from car 4-..j. 2417 Populeton Ave. Inquire of owner, 2423 Popplelun Ave. U9 Ma? ix FOR SALE-4-room house, full lot. east front, shade and fruit, I0 cash, talance terma Price, U.luO. Inquire J S lK.li. South Omaha. (1 456 2x FINE lot near the field club. M0. no agents. Address C (04, Bee office. (18) 5T 2 WILL EE SOLD CHEAP An l-r. house, city aaier in vard. cistern, permanent walks around house, so. front, near car line. Can be purchased at a bargain. Telephone us about this. TL'RRELL 4x CO.. 16 Pstt.rson. C) M4H 1 ALL MODERN house. I living rooms, laundry; also vacant lot. 50xl4f; desirable location. Inquire Woolaorth Ave. (1S Mill ix FOR BALE Two modern fcouseae and large bam, one block north of Hanscom park, paved street, east front, lot Tfcilaa, Lst rn owner will sell at a barxaia. THOMAS BKENNAN, Room IN. V. L bldg. U-41 E 4ST front acre on Miller park lnd car line, new collage; fruit snd sharte; the cko!eet acre home now offeied In tmsha. Prl e. !3.&im; easy terms. If Omaha has a future tins will rapidly lncrei.se in value. R. L Shepard. 630 North n St. 0r-MJ64 lx FOR BALE Five-acre tract of land ln Ben son. tfaiee blocks from car. suitable for platting or for improvements an oppor tunity for soma ona Address. G t'.Z. Bex tl I3lx 2J OHIO Owner going to lea re and wiahea to sell first if possible. Tnere is an i-r. houw, city water, gas and bath; plenty of fruit. The owner m ill show property. The pries will be right if the property suits. TL'RRELL 4k CO., 11 Patterson U-M420 t REAL ESTATE CITT PHOPKMI FOR 4 1.16. (Continued ) THE KERR APHTRACT 1 CO.S AB STRACTS OF TITLES are the safest. Ton sre protected by a Un. bond aeslnM :o by errors. Tou don't buy a law suil when ou bur a Kerr"' abstract. 1M Harney. Tel. Douglas &4S7. (Ill) REAL ESTATE T1T1 E-TKUST C n CHAB. L. WILLlAUSON.Prvs. V- tU)-l4 L1PT your property w;,',i the Westers Home Kullaera rtna Nebraska Natl, Bank Bldg. !! H4 IF TOtT are thinking of building It will pay you le see the Western H"me Build ers, roorr 22 and 23. Neb. Nat. Bank Bldg.. r prices and terma. REAL ESTATE FARM AD H4NCH LAMK FOR SAI.K Ck4a, Canadian Lands For Sale. Eight sections first class winder wheat Isad. eight mlle from town with three larg coal mines, output shout 3,000 tons per dsy, snd 4(0 or wtt Inhabitants. )jt be ginning to settle up. Land Is buck loara with yellow clay subsoil, nice smooth, level land, no rock a Good terms to par. ties wbo c&n handle chunk. Addresa, 1. H. Evers. Chinook, Mont. yJjy2X Jl AN OPPORTUN1TT FOR PROFIT AND PLEASURE. Invest ln Saskatchewan wheat lands! Wheat yield last season 26 bushels to the acre. Increase In land values certain as sunrise. Big profits assured to farmer or Investor. acres on bank of Fishing lake, Saskatchewan. Gently undulating prairie. Magnificent wheat farm and splendid fish ing, shooting and sailing. The Grand Trunk Pacific, Canada s new transcontinental rail way, now being constructed, will run light pat this property 112 &0 per sere; 13 cash, balance In three annual pavmenta. W M. PEARSON CO.. Ltd, 3i6E Northern Bank Bldg.. Winnipeg. Man. ( Callforala. FOR SALE California real etate. both city and country property; vineyard, or chard snd sifalfa lands a specialty. Ad dress W. H. Smith at Co.. 1142 I St, Fresno, Cal. (20 MOi Jlx Kansas. WANTED Agents to represent ns ln the sale of our Kansas lands. Write for par ticulara Globe Land and Investment Co, Omaha, Neb. (2u M420 WE HAVE lands Improved and unim proved ln central and eastern Kansas that we can sell yo: from IrO to SnO per acre. These lands are No. 1. Will con sider good city property or merchandise. Write us for full Information, with de scription of what you have to offer. J. W. 8 TINE A CO.. 1026 O SU, Lincoln, Neb. (201936 Jylx Hlsaesela. 1,000 LOTS free to the first 1.000 applicants In the People's colony In the gulf coast country of Texas, the land of oranges, bananas and figa. Lots 25x125 feet. Five acre truck and poultry tracts cheap for cash or time payments. Address People's Colonisation Company, Oldham South Dakota. (30)-M32S 4x Mexlce. MEXICAN' TIMBER LAND. TWO hundK.-d snd sixteen tl ousand acres. Dunrango; six hundred mllli n feet pine, besides other timber; mineral riehts In cluded; 75 cents per acre. gold. Chas. B. Mullaly, San Antonio, Tex. (20) 526 2x Nebraska. IMPROVED farms In aastsrn Nebraska; Ssrpy and Douglas countiea B. J. Over ton. Gretna. Neb. (SO) Mm We offer to real estate agents fl.26 per acre commission for tne next 60 days. Write for land list. All lands- we own and offer for ssle are located in western Neb. We own 11.240 acres of the best wheat, corn, oats and alfalfa land. Offer same for sale at a price from 18 to IIS per acre on good terms to suit purchaser; If you bring customer to us you can wire us at our expense when you start, ao that we can meet you at the train in Sidnev. For further Information and list write to Herman Springer tk Co., Sldner, Neb. CO) M371 4x A GOOD farm, well improved, 30 miles west of Omsha, for ssle on easy terms, t pe cent Interest. If taken ln next 30 day. Address T 244. Bee. 20V 4K FOR BALE Six lots on 39th St., near Q St. ITiO cash. 15 per month. Three cottages near Sfith and Q Sts. Four lots on Q St., brtweea 361 h and 30th Sts. P. C. CALDW'ELL. ( a i ONLY IIS to Cn per acre for good Ne braska farma. Bemls. Omaha. (20i 67S I Texas. All aboard for our excursion on June I to our lands in the famous Panhandle of Texas. We have sold W.OOii acres of land ln the last three months and we want to sell lO.Oi'O acres more ln the next three months. Are you with us? If you pur chase, buy direct from us. If you are ln the land buHineaa bring us some buyers and earn a commission. Our excursion leaves Minneapolis Tuesday evening, June 4. arriving ln Kansas City Wednesday evening. June a. over the Chicago Great Western road, leaving Kansas City on Wednesday evening oer the Santa Fe and arriving at our office In Portslea. New Mexico. Thursday afternoon. Free sleep ing accommodations on our car. Writs or wire us for further information. Lib eral terms 1 spent. TEXAS A SOUTHWEST COLONIZATION COMPANY. Minneapolis, Minn. (20)-M41S2x TEXAS EXCURSION Our next excursion to the Texas Gulf coast wll leare Omaha June 4. Fare, Brownsville and return, C2.50. We ave private car and take care of our custom ers right. Land that raises two crops per year can still be bought for 125 per acre, but will sell for double that by fall. Better get ln on the ground floor by buying now. Call on or write us, and we will tell you more about it. Texas Land & Immiprration Co. 644 Bea Bldg. (20) Wyomlaa. The Bitx Horn Basin WYOMING Irrigated farms, deeded, at 135 per acre. Perpetual water. Never falling crops. Abundant production. Fine homes. Easy payment. Get these while you can and sea them pay for tnen,tivj three times over. Our excursion over Burlington route June 4 and IS 130 round trip. Go now. Stewart-Leavenworth Co. IIS N. T. Ufe Bldg. 'Phone Douglas S350. Omaha, Neb. (2u 68S t Mlseellaara. EXCURSIONS Tuesday. June 4. to South Dakota, Colorado, western Kansas and Texas; leas than one fare if you go to See our lands; free fare If you buy of us, and you are likely to buy If vou go with us, for we hsve the land bargains. Con tinental Realty Co.. I. 8. Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha; bi Brownell blo.k. Ua ooln, and also In other cities. Send for free cony of "Where Next?" 12 pages full of bargains. fSP) M43 I 100 ACRES good improved Nebraaka farm, will take good city Income propertv aa Prt pny. Peterson Bros., 23 Bee Bldg. ( M4i4 I REAL ESTATE LOANS MONET TO LOAN-Payns Investment Co. 0C UH PRTVATB MONETF. D. Wead. lus Doog, a-4s REAL ESTATE LOANS (Continued.) tl.ono.oos TO I1AN oa business and reel, dene property in Omsha; km rstes; no delay. Xboraaa Brenoaa, Room INI. Lifa OJ it MONEY TO LOAN OFT OUR RAT15 AND TERMS B FORE ARRANiilXO KVU A LOAJ4 ON OMAJ1A REAL EST A 1 E. UARV1N RHUS.. I'M FARNAM, C221-43 I WANTED City loans and warranta W, rarnam Smith Co, um Farnam Bt ta-m LOANS en Improved Ow.aha property. O KBEFB R. . CO 1003 N. T. Life Bide. (23-M7k W TO l,0O TO LOAN at lowest rates; n delay. GARVIN BROaV. 14U4 FARNAM. 2I-uW BUILDING loans an residence propertr: I par cent. W. B. Malkls, Ramg Block, (22-lM LOWEST RATES Bam la, paxton Block, 03) UN WANTED City loaaa. R. a Peters C, CB)- LOANS on Improved city preperty W. H. Tbomsa, Uh First National Bank Bldg Ct-1M LOW rates Private fnoner, gyiC and an CHAS. K. WILLIAMSON CO. csji. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE customers for the following? properties: . JU.",.'oom P"". walking dlstaaoa W.000 to 14.000 residence I4.MO to ST..OU0 residence Hat bulldnig. IT.uOo to tlO.OMk FITZGKRALD-DliRMODT OOu 13 N. T. Ufe Bldg, Omaha, NaU . (S)-M4ai A N l-RC)OM modern home, east of 21, Bt., between Leavenworth and Websler. In good location; can pay ail cash. A4 dress M ii. Lee. (23) 441 1 WE hare buyers for houses and Inrest ments. If you will sell at a bargain, list youiproperty with us. Garvin Uroa, laui rarnnm. (2i 637 WANTED TO BUY CASH paid for td booka. Crane-Fwye Cal IK 8. 14Ul Phone LKiuglaa UZL (S-3M "0 sale, no commission. Send list. C. X. Canan. 701 N. X. L. Bldg., Omaha. (2A-61 I WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture, cook and beating stoves, carpets, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, qullta and all kinds of tools; or will buy the furniture of your house complete. Wnl buy antique or mahogany furniture. The high, est prices paid. CaU the right man. TeL Douglas 387L (Jt)UiOX JX2 WANTED TO BUT-lomt heary brood mares. 827 N. 24th Bt,. South Omsha . TeL Douglas 723. t2S MsM 1 W ANTED Gait ed smaM saddle horaa or large pony; not too high-priced; stata price ln answering. Address K 446. Beew (25) ISO ta WANTED to buy. hlghi-rrsds gocart N C4 perambulator. 'Phone Harney 17:. 2&s-M421 2x FOR quick results list your property with C. J. Canan, 701 N. T. L. Bldg. Omsha (25)-6B0 I WANTED To 'juy. a bUTTO. W. C. Tsg Kirt,lU2 Jackson. (25) 697 2x WANTEDTO RENT WANTED Furnished apartment. I or I rooma. Stale price, location and when possession can be giren. Reference if desired. Address S 466, care of Bee. (26) 4b2 tX WANTED SITUATION EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER: good references. Address F. Omaba Baa, ll Bcott 6U. Council Bluffa. ia. (27) 223 POSITION WANTED A young German printer wanU a position on a German paper; experience about four and a half years; no bad habits. Address T 17, csra Bea. (27) M 438 J2x YOUNG college man wishes position as col. lector; Is a hustler and can furnish high est references and bond If required. Ad dress B 443. cars Bea. (27 04S 2z WHEN you writs to sdverfsers remember It takes but n extra strike or two of ins pen to mention the fact that you i WANTED Position by all round clerk; 10 years' experience in general store; a worker; reasonable wages; best refer ences. Address T 12. Bee. (27) M40 2x WANTED Position by young man as coachman or teamster. Can gtre refer, enoea. Address W-487. care Be. (27) M584 4x TOUKO lady stenographer, t years ex perience, very rspid and accurate both on typewriter and shorthand, wante posi tion. Address Y U. care Omaha Bee. (27-S2 2g CORPORATIONS wishing to do business ln Oklahoma can have their business st tended to and "resident representation" for 310 a year. Brokers' Agency, Guthrie, Of- (27) TOV'NO man wiahea position at anything wholesale house preferred; reliable an4 ambitious. Address J. Todd. Millers Hotel, So. Omaha. (27) M&su tx WANTED Situation as housekeeper fop widower by strictly respectable mtddla sged widow. Call Box 37, Portsmouth, Iowa. (27-M5f 8x SITLATION wanted In business house by young man wbo is taking course in ad vertising; not particular about kind of work If place has a chance for promotion J moderate salary to start. Lock Box 42J. Sac City. Iowa. (27) M&M tx WANTED Position aa real estate sales man. Address D 60S. Bee. tp V Sx GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONBTRUCTINO Quartermaster. Cheyenne, Wyoming. May 31, 1907. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, wlU be received at this office until 11:30 a. nu, mountsln time, Juns 14, 107, at which tlma they will be opened ln public, for furnish ing and installing on public buildings at Fort D. A. Russell. Wyoming, door, tran som and window screens, as per schedule attached to specifications tor same. (Ap- Eroxiroately nine hundred (9001 screens), lank forms of proposals and full Informa tion furnished on application at this office. The government reserves the right to ac cept or reject any or e-.ll bids or parts of bids. Envelopes containing proposals should be Indorsed "Proposals for Door and Win dow Screens fur Buildings at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming." and addrasaed V. K. HART. Quartermaster. V. 8. Army, la charge of construction, Cheyenne Wyora- Junel-3-3-4-li-lS LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PART nershlp. The firm of A. Cokoris A Co., In the bakery busineaa at 17U0 Dodge street ln Omaha and 23 o street, Bouth Omaha, was dissolved May 31. lff. John &ee re tired. The other members of th firm arts to pay all debts. JOHN ZEES. J2dU E Want a Servant B Waat AM Vt St "fww ou vUkif I gssail coat 3 I IT