THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 2, 1007. REAL ESTATE CITY PRIIPF.BTT FOR SALE. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE rrrr phopkrty row ai.k. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITT I'HOPFRTT rOH I A I.R (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITT PHOPF.RTT FOR SALTS iContuiued.) REAL ESTATE CITY rnol'KRTT FOR SAI.R. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKRTY FOR SALE. (Continued.) ' . REAL ESTATE city rnoi-ERTY ron (Continued.) g A 1.10. GEORGE & M FAJINAM ST. DUNDEE f,WV 4e Callforr! fit., brand new -room nil modern hnuie, hot wstpr heat Plc finish, cement sidewalk, largtlot, 76x1.16 fret, nothing finer being; offered in iHimlw. Or owner will sell lfiOxl.! frt, with house, for IT.ono. $4,;no for 4M1 Davenport Bt.. T targe rooms, reception hall, furnace heat, quarter awed hard . pine flnlah throughout, combination it an and electric fixtures, full ce mented haxnnient, tine lawn, permanent sidewalks, corner lot 60x1.15 feet. 14 AM for 4i:3 Carttnl Av., t room, all modem, hot water heat, partly oak fln lah, fine comer lot, 100x110 feet, good barn on premise. NORTH SIDE HOMES $J..100 For $710 "Bristol Bt., for well built J-story 8-room all modern house, handy to two car llnea, house In flrat-clasa condition, porcelain bath, new American fur nace, storm window and acreena, gnnd barn, cement walks, paved atreet, full aouth front lot, 60x130 feet. Special price for qui.-1 sal on account of owner leaving ;My. $4.000 For 2448 Manderaon St., 8 roo'ms. all modern, located on fine corner lot, 5"x 1P0 feet, front! aouth on paved atreet, Ann lawn, large ahade trees, large barn on premlsei; an Ideal home. Owner rnuit sell account, leaving city. . . . . BEMIS PA UK $4,600 For SH2 Lincoln Boulevard, well constructed 8-room all modern home, hav- fng splendid location on Boulevard, fronting aouth; built only four or five years; andy to two car llnea, oak finish downstairs, furnace heat, lot Is exceptionally arge, being 68x190 feet, large ahade trees and fine lawn. House la Juat painted and In excellent repair; terms reasonable to responsible party, HOMES IN VARIOUS PARTS OP OMAHA , $B,000 2548 Chicago Bt., rooms, all modern, oak finish first floor, south front on asphalt paved street, corner lot. Terms, H cash, balance at ( per cent. $4,660 For 1908 Corby Bt., new all modern home, having 7 good rooms, large recep tion hall, hard pine finish throughout, faces south on asphalt paved street, lot 60x125 feet, cement sidewalk, large shade trees, flae lawn, hot water heating plant. $4,600 For 136 N. Slst Ave., 7 rooms, all modern, splendid location, asphalt paved treet. lot 60x11 feet. $3,900 For M0 Sherman Ave., 7 rooms, all modern, oak finish, lot 60x125 feet, east front, paved street. $.1,800 For 2W9 Pratt Bt., ( large rooms, and reception hall, new house In 1906, newly decorated downstairs, good lawn and fine shade trees, combination gaa and electric flxturea, furnace heat, full cemented basement, lot 46x124 feet. This house Is well built throughout, on quiet street close' to car line. Owner leaving city on ac count of business reason for selling. $3,100 For 8613 Sherman Ave., brand new house, never occupied, modern except furnace, lot 47x132 feet. $3,nnftFor Woolworth Ave., 8 rooms, all modern, paved street. $3.fiooFor 2.315 N. 28th St., 8 rooms, modern except furnace, good lot. $2.4oft For 891R N. 23d St., 6 rooms, modern except furnace, lot 60x184 feet. $2,600 For 2i5 Bristol Bt., 7-room house, ail modern, paved street, lot 44x132 feet. $2,200 For 2721-23 Sprague Bt, t rooms each, first-class repair, city water and gaa, rent $-4 per month. $2.00 For 423 Izard Bt., well built 9-room house, good furnace, large shade trees., plenty of fruit and gropes. $2.200 For 2712 Burt Bt., close In cottage, having 6 rooms, modern except furnace, cemented basement, good barn, south front lot, near boulevard. $1,4001645 8. 2fSth Bt., 4 rooms, good lot, city water and gas. . ' CLOSE IN LOCATIONS FOR BRICK FLATS $3,000 For 68x66 feet,. south west corner 2Tth and Chicago Sts. $2,fioo For Wx4 feet, west front on 22d St., between California and Webster Sts. $2.600 For 60x132 Jet, north front on California, between 23d and 26th Sts. $2.5)0 For 23x132 teet, north front on Webster St., old barn on premises, known as 1718 Webster. . VACANT LOTS Twenty-three lots In block 5, Bchlesstnger's Add., only $1,600 cash. $& each for two choice corner lots south of Country club, each lot 45x130 feet. , INVESTMENTS A well constructed 3-story brick store and flat building, on 16th Bt near retail business district. This property Is always rented and Is a good! safe in?tlr Property insldo and out is In excellent repair and Is now rentjfor trL7o nt T,! Verv reasonable terms can be made for the nnr.h... ,Yn ror Per ver- looking for a good, safe Investment in the nn,w-ior iour mouern press DricK nouses. West Famam dlntrtnt .. bSslneKss14drt.eaCh tW haV'ng W t00(D' "Ch: wlUuiffigTSS: $11.00O-For 1462-1464-14C6 S. 17th St., and 1710-1713 Hickory St lire. 1 . -t 132H feet; property consists of a double frame flat, lavTng 10 ro,fm. In eL h..? ' qu"edCXC,Pt Un,lCe thrM CUaSe,,: SrOM year,y ViT only ptrt?rFOr M10"12 Bt" tW ,r,m8 Btore wltn -U -bove; gross rental. $720 , Ju"a- d)- J. W. R0BBLNS BARGAINS IN HOUSES $1,260 6-room house and half acre; north west. $2,650 6-room house, modern ' except fur nace, on Poppleton Ave., only ono block from new 24th St. car line. $2,800 W-room modern house, barn and full east front lot on 27th bt., south of Woolworth Ave. , $4,200 8-room modern house vand barn, and full corner lot on 22d Grant. - VACANT LOTS $3,60065 feet on 26th Ave., south of Dodge; a splendid location for brick fiats. $3,00060 feet on 84th, between Farnam and Dodge, very choice. ' $1,600 4uxl4l feet on 36th between Farnam and Dodge. $1.600-t0 feet on California, east of 80th. $1,500 East front on 37th near Farnam. $ 8U 40x126 on 42d, south of Dodge. . I 60060x140 on Hamilton, west .of SCth, Bemis Park district $ 800 Large corner near Hanscbm Park, only two blocks from proposed ex tension of Sid St car line. . BEB ME FOR OTHER BARGAINS. F1R1S INSUKANCK AND RENTALS. JOHN W. ROBBIN8, 1802 FARNAM ST. . 1 ' ' (19)- SEEN HERE 80x140 foot lot cornering on two streets and Boulevard near Kountxe Place. Is worth more than $1.6u0. Of course It Is. but that Is what we can sell It for this week. Large corner lot s. and e. front, nlco terrace payed street, brick walk, alt paid ISIf b!cfc to Dodge car line; only $515. Think of It. and ou easy terms, tob. nln xS?r' ,ot "' 49111 an1 Spaulding, for &l.3!,oot tnnt, nice te-race, X blk to N. 80th car lu now $i'ti6. $10 cash and $6 each jiiontlv, tradeheae" builne- Jot 'or ! or , J. W. RASP CO. Douglas , ISO. 435 raxton Blk. 0- South Side' Near 10th and Bancroft Eta,, beautiful lot MxlJO feet lay Ing Just right fine shade trees, (-room house; this must be sold and reasonable offer will buy rt Near 11th and Center, east front, 66xU8 feet -roem house and brick store $3,600. Near 18th and WillUm Sts., ast front lot 76x188, with 4 room house $1,800. Ten Iota In Benson, . only . 4 blocks south of Pete Gra ven place cheap at $1,600. - BERKA & CO. Phone Douglas 7487. , . Ma jv. t. xate. 09) Mortgage Loans .. If you are tired of paying a high rate of Interest In monthly payments 00 real estate loans, it will be to your Interest to v consult ma relative to my plan of permitting borrowers to re - due the Indebtedness against their homes. I can gtve you mora convenient 'terms and lower rates, Including commis sion, than you are paying on the monthly payment plan. W. H. THOMAS 603 First National Bank Bldg. 08)- Close in Bargain Vraom cottage. In good repair, city water and sewer, near Ult and 8 war, $1$H: tA cash, balance same as rent. Silas Robbins, Frenzer Block FOR BALK Large frame building, hereto fore usoj by First (Urlstlan church. lth and Kaioam Bla. fliibmlt bids en ur be fore June W to WUlam A. IxttorO. &tt Hirst Mat t Baal Bldg. City. COMPANY FHONB DOUQLAS 751 nOMES down business district don't faU 1 ou are to call Real Estate Bargains a, A flne brick business block on a leading street Always well rented at $216 a month. Can be sold for $16,000; half cash, balance long terms at 6 per cent Interest This is a , .'. ood Investment $1,800 will buy a 7-roorn house and lot at 1614 N. 27th Bt .. $3,2000 will take house and lot 4 at 2C22 Manderson Bt, South front; easy terms. 12,000 will buy lot 40x132 feet on Webster Bt,' near 21st St Fine place for a Hat J2.000 will buy two lots on Peorgla Ave. and Hickory Sts. Paved streets. Permanent walks. Modern house and lot on Georgia Ave., near Woolworth for $3,600; east front Money to loan at lowest rates .on Omaha real estate. THOMAS "BRENNAN Room 1. New York Life Bldg. f none Douglas 1264. OS)- Stceet Car Shons Have hunn In...... . . . - ,,r "v iutn ana uorcas Sts. W e have 40-foot loU on Dorcas and 8th on arm Am tnm $500 EasyTerms. e.!". l0t Dear Sherman apartments COTTAGE And two lots, fine shade, fruit, sightly, 434 and Jackson, $2,100, Patterson 'Phone Red Z947. 1S21 Farnam. US) 6u 3 NEW COTTAGE 5 ROOMS $2,150 EASY TERMS PAVED STREET J,.111 ?n5 -" Ave. wa have a verv fin little house of 6 rooms, on ' arge east! front ot and paved street. H block tnm car close to school, in good locality- U nfr? crpt neat- nn" Wment ce! of ?I.lrS attlo: r,,oe "rrangimeJt ' r??m.'n, J h permanent walks will be wnl. ,JL5"2..y! ut .n Vo"r rent Office open evenings until o'clock. Hastings & Hey den 1704 FARNAM BT. 09) $1.90023d.tnear Pratt, 6 roons. lot 67x128; $or, En,,,, wth 8 roomBl modem except furnace. $J.10fr-P1nknev. near 27th. rooms, hot water heat, new, fine. $2.000-0n Binmet Bt.. near J4th, I rooms. gaa, water, tWoot front. H,80D-On $2d. near Manderson, t rooms, part modern cottage. Bargain. W- rooms, modern, near Bpauldlr.g, on 24th, all niixlf rn. new, fruit, fine. 'Phone Douglas bCJS, or Douglas J7!. O. M. Underhill & Co. Office $33) N. 2th St l-ttl I BUY AND BUIL0ON THE LOVLIEST SPOT ADJOINING OMAHA Keystone Park "The Land of Fulfilled Promise" For 20 years Omaha has been growing out to meet this tract the most beautiful spot in tho County. Today Keystone Park is at the city's edge. In a few years it is bound'to be Omaha's fav orite suburb. What Has Keystone Park to Offer You? A certain investment and an ideal homo spot. 550 acres one mile west of the Benson car line. ing at $175 to $.'575 an acre. Your own judgment will tell you what they are worth to you. Look Over Keystone Park at Our Expense We will take you out any day in automobiles. . Call us up and we will call for you. Payne Investment Co. 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg., Tel. Douglas 1781 FOR SALE Hanscom Park District ' Vacant lot having an east frontage of 75 feet on . 32nd Avenue, facing the park, by a depth of 243 feet. Sightly and slightly above grade, making an ideal building site. A snap at $4,500 Alfred C. Kennedy 209 First National Bank Bldg. Telephone, Douglas 722 (19)- W. hi. Gates Room 617 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Doug. 1294. 5 EIGHT-ROOM MODERN 1 HOUSES IN KOUNTZE PLACE One on Binney Street. One on "Wirt Street. One on Spencer Street. One on Emmet , Street. One on Pinknoy Street. Best values in the city. ' ' 09)- SNAPS 4- room cottage, near 21at and Manderson, lot 6iml24; easy terms. Price, $1,360. 5- room cottage, 3 lots, in Ilcnson. Owner left city; can sell $110 cash, balance monthly, $1,D00. 12-room house, lot 43xlSO, Harnev car line, aouth of Bemis park. lrlce, $2,250 8-room house, large lot, X2xlau, west of Crelghton college. .Price, $2,9oo, but give me an offer this week. New, modern except furnace, 7-room home, east front, lot flOxllO. Owner left city, writes to sell. Price, $a.X), but will give special price if sold this week. Bee it, then see me. 622 N. S2d. F. C. BEST,, 821 N. Y. L , UM-610 2 MODERN COTTAGE -room oottago near $4th and Parker, thoroughly well built; large lot. Price, C'G. CARLBERG 811 N. T. Life Eldg. (19)- FARNAM RESI DENCE BRAND NEW CHEAP $4,000 $-room houae near 42d and Farnam, finished In oak, oak mantel, strictly modern, hand somely papered, combination fixtures, walks In, trees and sodded yard. Can Arrange Terms to Suit Pur chaser. C. P. TRAVER 'P1IONB RED 4721. 1824 FARNAM BT, U)-Ms 2 ITS CERTAINLY LOVELY AND ONLY $3.1U0. A beautiful, nearly new home, strictly modern and up-to-date, - with six large rooms, buth room and lurge reception hall; one of the bwt furnace In the city; terraced lawn; conveniently located on the boulevard; excellent view. This must be seen to be appreciated. Look through It and see us. 4uu Florence boulevard. L. W. Bl'NNELL & CO., 'Phone Douglas 614D. '-2 H. Y. Life. Bole Agents, (19)-69S 1 12 INVESTMENT . Three two-story brick dwellings, strictly modern, good shape, on two car lines, Park Ave. and Pacific St.; rent for i:i6 and repairs. Owner leaving city, reason for sellins. W. O. 8HRIVHR. Raal Estate, Insurance. Rentals, New York Ule Bldg. Tracts of 21i to 20 acres are sell D. V. Sholes Co. 1 10 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Douglas 49. (19) Bargains for Quick Sale. $l,S0O Buys the six-room house and barn at 3K8 N. 28th St.. lot 40x120. $3,000 Buys the 8-room, fullv modern house at 2RG9 Poppleton, renting for $490 per annum. $G,000 Buys two 10-room fully modern dwellings at 1SO4-06 Georgia Ave. These houses are particularly well adapted fpr a tlrst-class boarding house, as the houses can be thrown together. $6,000-Buys a lnrge, fully modern house and 100x124 feet on the N. E. corner of 19th and Binney Sts. This house cost $8,000, $2,200 Buys the 6-room cottage at 4115 No. 19th 8t.. being only 8ft blocka from the postoffice and rents for $270 per annum. $2,000 Buys the 8-room, two-story frame dwelling at 417 No. 19th St., renting for $240 per annum. This property Is only 3s blocks from the postolllce. $3,500 Buys the two-story frame, fully mod ern dwellings at 231(1-2318 Bpencer St., renting for $432 per annum. These houses alone cost the original owner $5,000. $2,600 Buys the very attractive property at 261B No. 19th St., consisting of a lot tioxl40 feet, with five large trees and a 7-room semi-modern cottage. $3,600 Buys the 8-room, fullyr.odern, frame dwelling at 1544 No. 16th St This property has a 60-foot lot, affording ample room for another house, and is oniy a lew diocks ncrth or Cum ing, renting for $380 per annum. $2,00O-Buys 60x105 feet on the northwest m zHin ana pencer, suitable for bualneas property. This Is the cheapest corner to bo found on 24th St. south of Manderson.- $4,000 Buys the 8-room, fully modern house At lOTJT lift... rrtui- l ' . r. . m. mil nous cosi some thing over $6,000. $5,000-buys the 9-rocm. fully modern house' at 2116 Wirt.' The house alona cost l; original owner something over l $7,600. $7.600 Buys the lot 76x132 feet on the south east corner of 17th and California, competent to take care of a terrace of eight houses, or quite suitable today for a business block. $10,000 Buys 80x132 feet on the southwest corner of 19th and Cass, Improved with S semi-modern cottages, bring ing In a total rental of JJ0O per annum. ' . W. B. MEIKLE 205 Ramge Bldg. 09) 493 2 MODERN. HOME ' 1 rooms. In good repair; also a new good furnace; near 22d and Locust St. Prloe, C. G. CARLBERG 811 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19)- THE HOME OF - W. V. MORSE One of the most pleasantly situated me,n mah. Wth large sunny rooms and-all modem conveniences except elec tric lights. Four mantels and grates; steam heat; two porcelain baths; full base ment with stationary laundry tubs; large barn which can be converted at small ex punge Into an Income producer; corner lot with large trees and shrubs; paved streets and permanent walks. This property Is only 1.60U feet from postofflce, 2V4 mintites by car to business center; close to high school; Just the place to live while educat ing children. Only reason for selling, house too large for owner's present family. Purchaser can. If desired, buy furniture tun innn un uieuiB.1 e nossession. time nd low Inlerent on large part of purchase trine. IV1I.I. T7! tlT,I 1 An , a A m, i.,, . . i. ' -- - - . --''' rK - V I. 1 r 1 1 r., i ten yeurs the ground alone will be worth more thau present price. J. H. Dumont & Son 906-6 N. Y. Life Bfay. 09) 983 No. 25th Ave. Two five-room cottages, will rent for $30 per mouth; corner lot. Price 2,600. 416 So. 28th St. 8-room all modern bouse, corner lot. Price f 4,000. Submit offer. ROBINSON & WOLF, 423 Paxton Blk. (19J-6s9 2 Beautiful "West Farnam Home Modern In every respects. Intruding two servants rooms, servants' batli. etc. Finished In quarter-sawed .oak. with oak Doors llrst story, polished floors through out; large living room and hall combined; a feature dear to every woman's heart. East front lot, pavement, perma nent walks and private drive way. This Is a very desirable home, almost new. In the choicest resldenoe district of Oiuaha. ). If. DUMONT at BON.' SUA.- IX. I. MIS ttlUg. C9- BEAUTIFUL BEMIS PAllK RESIDENCE An opportunity Is bffered t the party desiring a choice ' home In the property at Sfi09 Hawthoren Ave. Ownor leav ing the city and offers to sell his beautiful home at cost. Lot Is 82x176, lays fine, In the highest point of Bwnis Park; cement driveways and walks, paved streets. House has been built less than two years, Is modern and up-to-date In all Its ap pointments, has eight large rooms, halls and closets; splendid bath, equipped with shower; also toilet room on first floor; large attlo; house newly painted. Downstairs Is finished In oak, walla decorated, natural finish upstairs., combination fixtures. The yard Is very pretty, having fruit and ahade trees, shrubbery, etc., Includ ing fifteen natural forest elm trees. If you are looking for a choice home do not fall to sea this property. Owner lives on the premises and will gladly show property. R. II. LANDERYOU Board of Trade Bldg. Telephone Douglas 2161. C9)-686 t HERE'S A DANDY 7 rooms, all modern, furnace, nlrkled plumbing, etc. East front lot on 20th boule vard near Kountze Place. $3,3nO. One-third cash, balance three years at 6 per cent Interest. Option to pay small payments every six monins, C. G. CARLBERG 811 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19)- W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. South 17th Bt., on lot 46xS2. good 3-room cottage In good repair, newly plastered and new roof; price, $000. Near 16th and Frederick Sts., good 6 Inroom cottage, lot 33x120; $1,160. Fowler Ave., between 22d and 24th. good 6-room cottage, all modern except furnace, all In excellent repair, always well rented. In good neighborhood and a bargain at $1,800. North 27th near Parker St., 7 rooms, city water, gas, cistern and sewer. This house could not be built for less than $1,800. but eastern owner must have money. Price, If sold this week. $1,400. North 25th Ave., S-room cottage, city water, sewer, toilet, gas, bricked up ce ment floor cellar, permanent walks. Every thing In excellent condition. This la a nice home in a neighborhood of new cottages and can be bought for $300 cash, balance, easy monthly payments; price, $1,600. 7 rooms all modern In Bemls Park, one block from car, south- front lot 45x120, full size basement, 4 rooms on first floor and three on second; this Is a bargain at $4,000. Store building on North 24th St south of Lake, on lot . 46x135, pavement paid, large store room on first floor and good living rooms on second; new plumbing, new roof; price this week (2,800. VACANT ! Corner of 22d and Fowler Ave.. 72x183. water, gas, sewer, permanent walks all paid for. Nothing nicer in north end far good residence; price, $1,000. East front on 24th near Burdette. 42x120, paved street, permanent walks all paid for. eastern owne must sell at once, asks $S00, but wants offer. 76x150 near S4th and California. $750. West front on 25th Ave., near Spencer, just this one left, $400. South front on Spencer St., $500. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Tel. Douglas 1064. 1320 Famam St 03) 3048 California Street. 8 room modern house. Full lot on paved street. Permanent side walks. House in good repair. Price, $2,650. 3042 California Street. Four- room cottage. Lot 35 by 155, on paved street. Price, $950. Three lots, fronting North on Webster Street West of 30th, 35 by 155 each. Price, $350 each. 1710 Farnam. Reed Bros. (19) 5-ROOM COTAGES Nearly new, all mod. a front, near Dodge car line, only $1,&0; very easy terms. A nice one, all mod. near 24th and Ames Ave., cheap at $l,fco(; terms to suit. Another near mm and Ames Ave, not modem, but cheap at tl.ooy; $iuu cash. 6 and 4-room cottages, nearly new, city water, sewer and gas In each, large lot. In easy walking dis tance and only $3,250. J. W. RASP CO. Douglas 1053. 435 Paxton Blk. 0- SUBURBAN BARGAIN Large house, barn, chicken yards, abun dance of bearing, fruit. Husband died re cently, widow can't handle the fruit and poultry alone and must sell. Will take a small home In Omaha as part payment. J. H DUMONT BON, . ftft-t H. J. UU .Bids, N. P. DODGE & CO. $3,300 7-room new house on 5th near Cum ing. Lot 6U130. $2,300 $-room Mouse, good repair.' renting for $J4 per month. 25th Ave. near Cuming, walking distance. This la a nice property and a good Invest ment. $2,000 6 rooms, 23d near Manderson. Iot 0x120. Nice shade and lots of fruit. Nice house. , $0006 rooms, partly modern. I jots of fruit and shade. 22d near Laird. Ixt 50x1 2a House cost that much to build. $3,S50 6 rooms, all modem, on 27th St., south of Dewey Ave. Lot 52x120. Close In snap. Best bargain In that locality. Lot alone oheap at $2,030.' IMPROVED ACRES 10-room house and 5 acres of elegant land, all covered with fruit and good barns and outbuildings. Owner Just died and must be sold to close estate. 7-room house and bam and one-half In fruit. Three blocks to car, all fenced and 5 acres of rich garden and fruit land. Half cash, balance terms. , Five rooms and four acres, barn, one acre In asparagus, balance In bearing fruit. Lies nice and owner sick and left town. N. P; DODGE & CO. BEE BUILDING. A Big Slice of Pork for a Shiling 8 rooms, all modern, located n Kountte Place. Price, $2,700. C. G. CARLBERG 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19)- WOOLWORTH AVE. Just east of 3Cth St., South front 62 feet with alley In rear, Price $1,160. I also own some lots on 36th St, Just north of Woolworth Ave. Pries $800 per 50-foot lot. George Forgan 8 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Douglas 1474. (18)-M93 1 BARGAINS. 8. W. 14th and Dodge, 44x66 ft-, 8-story and basement brick $23,600. 6 brick stores. $1,618 rental $12,500. brick flats, $840 rental $7,750. Near high school, $40 rental $7,000. 8 stores nd flats, $&) rental $6,fO0. 8. E. Cor. 12th and Mason, 132x132 $6,000. Near P. O., 7-room house $4,500. 8416 Cuming, 62x140 ft.-$3,700, 1914 Grace, 66x6 fb-43.800. 2516 Rees, $2K8 rental $2,406. 216 N. 13th SC 8046 ft. $2,400. , 2564 Cuming, 6 rooms $2,0fK). 2731 DaventMjrt, 7 rooms $2,000. 87th and Marcy, 70x112 $1,800. 83x142, south front, close In $1,350, 60x127, east front. 3118 Frankltn-$.VX. 10 acres, southwest. Improved $3,800. JOHN FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. (19) 668 S Collier Place and Monmouth Park At 30th and Ames Avenue Sale of Lots Will Continue All This Week. SAME TERMS, $10 CASH and $10 a MONTH Choice building lots on car line, most lots have city water, 6ewer and new permanent cement sidewalks. No better lots for the money than these; only 20 minutes' ride down town. 35 LOTS SOLD ON THE OPENING DAY All who look at these lots buy. Come out soon in order to get your pick. Prices Range from $200 to $500 Each Corners and lots on 30th Street a trifle higher. This addition, like all additions sold by us, will be improved at once 3 new houses started last week. ' These lots will advance the same as lots have in Bluff View and Sulphupr Springs additions. Office open Monday evenings until 9 p. m. Hastings & Heyden 1704 Farnam St. Bee Building. 13 INVESTMENT $8.600 Buys the three houses at 60 and . 611 North Uth Bt., with house In rear renting for $170 per annum. W. B. MEIKLE, 206 RAMQE ELDO. (1)-M347 I ' Offers Wanted For Two lots on corner of 26th Ave., and Sprague St. Pull lot on 86th Ave., near Leavenworth. South front on Marcy St., near 83d St. Northwest corner 40th and Jackson sts. East front; high and sightly. Belongs to a widow, who wants to convert It Into Income-bearing property. Two lots on 8Ath St., near Dewey Ave. Cheap. Private Garage, costing $350 to build. Owners are anxious to sell and will oonslder fair offer. J. It DUMONT BON, 06- N. T. Life Bldg. (!)- FOR BALE 26 lots In Marsh's addition, bet wee a ioth and t7th Sts. and Leaven worth and Mason Bla.: fifteen minutes walk from oily hall TUe O. T. Davis to- M Sea Bldg, Uh-Um I Have had ti.ree offers on thla, but dont Intend giving It away. ACRES $1.2fo-5 acres, north of Krug Park. H500 10 acres near above. Small payment down, balance monthly. CHEAP VACANT LOTS $G75 Buys a lot 66H feel front by 125 feet deep, near Cuming and 3&th. Room for two houses. $360 50x120 N. front on Eraklna. east of 46th, water, sewer, gas In street, clar title and abstract furnished. $460-xuo feet Next to corner of 41et an4 California Sts. One block of new car line and close to new cathedral. $20050 ft. front lot at 81st and Maple 8ta permanent walk and sewer, watsr ana gas In street. $50050 x 160 ft., east front, on 88th Are near Jones St. Lies good. Cheap $660 47-ft. front, on 16th St., next to southwest comer 16th and Martha Sts. Cost that for paving and curb ing. Clear title and all specials paid. $400 Northeast corner 86th and Decatur Sts., 60x127 ft. The above are all the cheapest vacant lots In Omaha, and will soon be sold. Coma qulok. 1714 FARNAM ST. (19) FOR SALE- Five room, modern cottage, hard wood floors, mantels, fur nace, gas, convenient to car line and church. No. 2319 North 45th Street. $2,100 New, modern, seven room house, and good cottage, two barns, ground 100x124, alto gether or will divide. Nos. 1721 and 1723 Van Camp Ave. $4,000 tin i n rr i Aiirea uivenneay 209 . First National Bank Bldg. Telephone, Douglas 722. (19)- $28,000 INVESTMENT. PAYINO 12 PER CENT NET. Substantial, well constructed business block close to business center, never va cant, small cash payment, balanos from rentals. $3,000 INVESTMENT. t Substantial brick business corner; $5,000 cash; balance from rentals. $9,000 INVESTMENT. Substantial three-story brick; $2,500 cash, balance from rentals. The above are as desirable properties as there are In Omaha.. Room 233 Neville Block. (19)-M428 1 $3,500 Seven-room, strictly modern house and large reception hall, up-to-date plumbing, fine lot, near 80th and Marcy; Owner leaving city, " you want a nice home In fine location, SEE 1.8 Monday. IIutchinson-Bollard Co., 1G23 Farnam Street (l)-4t MUST BE SOLD Seven-room modern house, built by owner for a home, good furnace, porcelain bath and permanent sidewalks; also barn, fruit and shade trees; lot large enough for another house; only half a block from car; price last month was $S,iio. if sold this month $3,0CO takua It; half cash, bal ance long time. Inquire vn premises, wll Corby St. !;- $ WALK to business; 88-foot lot. I7tn and Capitol avenue; $600; good neighborhood ten rilnuua' walk to -poalofare. Tel. Kei " 0 Mi IM