Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1907, WANT AD SECTION, Page 2, Image 34

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RiMkMpri ! Domrtllci-Coal'ri
GIRL for general housework. 8315 Rurt St.
) 4M tx
GOOD girl for second work end to assist
with children. Mr. J. A. Sunderland, 10
B. 29th St.
(7 4M I
GIRL for general housework. 4150 Daven
port St Telephone Harney 2MJ.
(7)-MM6 4
GIRL for general homework, small fam
ily, food wage. 211 8. 81st Av.
(7) M633 tx
WANTED Ladles and arhool glrla for art
painting; on sofa pllllows', experience un
necessary; work taken home; call fore
noons. 2311 8. 13th. (7) M688.8X
W A NT ED flood girl for general house
wot k; good wagea. 1024 Park Ave.
(7) MOM 4
i i i -
M lace I la aeon.
t BOOKKEEPERS, wholesale, V to ' t7Bj
aasilatant bookkeeper. 440. We always
have places for experienced stenograph
ers, rashlera and salesladies. Call or
write for complete Hat of vacancies.
781-722 N. T. Ufa Bldg.
(7)-648 1
WE have the following poult Ion a that muat
be filled Monday:
1 etenographer (muat be expert), $05.
t stenographers. 140.
1 bookkeeper. $T0.
t assistant bookkeepera.
Phone Douglas 334. Suite 404 Bee Bldg.
(7) 2 a
WANTED Couple of bright lad I eg for dem
onetratlng tailored goods; expenses ad
vanced. Call at 2114 Spencer St.
(7) M293
M' DO WELL Dressmaking School. 123 Fir.
(7) M816 Jela
To manage correspondence achool plan;
good pay In prollts; evening or all day;
experience not necessary. W. E. Law
rence, Jefferaon -and Tenth, Philadelphia,.
(7) 627 2x
LADY aewera to make up shlelda at home;
419 per 100; can make two an hour; work
aent prepaid to reliable women; Bend
reply envelope for full Information to
I'nlveraal Remedy Co., Deak B. Walnut
St., Philadelphia, Pa. (7) 494 2x
LADIES to make sanitary belta; material
all cut ready to aew;- $15 per 100. Par
ticulara atamped envelope. Sanitary Co.,
Dept. 44, Chicago. (7) 496 2x
100 WAYS for women to earn money at
home. Complete plana 10c. 44 pagea only
10c. Illustrated catalogue free. Yerca
Supply Co., Lebanon , O. (7) 474 Ix
Avcnte, golieltors aad laleemea.
SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those who
have had experience gelling views, por
traits or books; pleaaant work and big
money. Call a Room 401, Bee, Bldg.
. m-m
AGENTS wanted with rigs to sell our
medlclnee, extracts, etc., to farmers.
Royal Manufacturing Co., 417 E. 18th St.,
Kansas City, Mo. (9) M436 J21x
WANTED Wen for real estate business In
Nebraska; salary; expenaea advanced, and
splendid opportunity for right kind of
men. Apply IIS Neville Blk., 16th and
Harney, Omaha. 9) M760 J el
WANTED Man to hire and manage a orew
of solicitors; prefer one who haa had ex
perience In staling to farmers; permanent
position; good income. Address O 347,
Bee office, ft S10
SALESMEN WANTED to sell our three-
filece-Dutch earthenware cooking vessels
o consumer.
The greatest money making proposition
ever offered to canvassers.
One party Is now ordering these goods In
carload lota.
Why? Simply becauae they are
new, quick seller and himself a hustler.
If you mean business, send ua 26 centa to
cover postage on complete canvass'ng
outfit with which to bein work.
vllle. O. 9-M4ia lx
WANTED At once. Photographic View
operators who are famll'.ar with specu
lation and house-to-house kidnap work;
flood salary and season's work to hust
ers who are practical. Write at once,
slating age. experience and salary ex
pected. Twin City Photo Co., 221 Id Ave.,
Minneapolis, Minn. () MK24 Jel
Vv ANTED District managers; we want
men who can produce reasonable quan
tity desirable business; exclusive terri
tory; liberal contract; prompt settlement
Claims best health-accident proposition
on the market; $100,000 capital. Write Fed
eral Casually Company, Detroit, Mich.
() Ux
MAN wanted In each oounty to sell wire
fish traps on halvea; price $2. Joe Llles
4 Son, Dawson, Nab. (9) M264 4x
WANTED Two experienced traveling
salesmen for territory In surrounding
states; position permanent; good Income;
must furnish good references. Address O
407. Bee office. v9) 670
WANTED Young man to travel In sur
rounding states for, large Omaha firm;
knowledge of our business not necessary,
but must be sober, industrious and fur
nish good references. Address O 397, Bee
cflice. tet
WANTED Traveling salesman capable ot
earning from $M to $o0 a week; eaay Una
to handle, but muat devote your whole
time to It. Address 8 414, Be office.
. (9)-6SI
AGENTS wanted to drive through the
country; beat selling proposition ever of
ferred; big value for your customer, big
profit for you. Write today for particu
lar and territory. K. R. McCleUan. 40$
Be Bldg.. Omaha, Nab. (8) 84
WANTED Experienced salesman rubber
boots, shoes and clothing, western Iowa.
Give experience aud references. La Crowe
Rubber MUls, La Crosee Wis.
(0-M4U a
WANTED 10 young men of neat 'appear
ance for photo salesmen; a good up-to-uate
proposition; expenses advanced from
start. Call Saturday to Tueaday. Swiss
Tinting Co.. St. James Hotel.
(8)-M42 Ix
WANTED Experienced, Industrious. Intel
ligent, handy young man for salesman
and general all-round work; referencea
required. Addreas H-4C4, care Bee.
d) 444 ax
DEALERS In general merchandise with.
lug asslstano competent man holding
voclal stock reduction sales, address Q
457, He. , (27) MoSo 4x
IV ANTED Advertising novelty salesman,
must be sober, reliable and Industrious;
salary and commission; give reference.
Addreas B 601, care Bee. (9) 616 2x
EXCLUSIVE territory to district manag
ers; liberal contract to write our wag
earners' combination health and aocklent
certificate. Addreas World Accident As
sociation, tut W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha
(9)-tU4 tx '
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
1 with staple line; high commissions, with
$100 monthly advance, permanent position
to right man. Jees H. Smith Co., Detroit
Mloh. () 484 2x
beautiful, established, holiday line: retail
and jobbing trade. Address Y 31. t-ara Bee.
(8)-4Bl fcx
SALESMEN visiting dry roc1s and grocery
trade for the best side line la the country;
sells wherever shown; -M pr cni commis
sion. Address P. a Box 1541, St. Louie.
Mo- ()-6&) lx
AGENTS WANTED-Legltlmate substitute
for slot machines; patented; stills on sight
for $1; i-artlculer, Olsl.a Co., Andernon.
Ind. (9) 40 tx
AOEJiTaV-We make the newest thing out
lu hand power (Improved) tool grinders;
beat 'em all: big money; big demand.
Writ quick. 3 Starr ait. Co., Milwau
kee. WU. (9) 46x
AGENTS Something unique, attractive,
useful, self-generatlrig gas burners fitting
keroeen lamps, brilliant gas light; liberal
Inducement; description Tree. Eastern
Gaslight Co., tsu Broadway, New York
() 4M tx
TWO capable salesmen to cover Nebraaka
ar,d Iowa territory with atap4e line that
lls to all classes of merchants; $K
monthly advanced and high commission;
permanent position to right man. Address
J. W. Barnea, Bale Mr, Houser bldg.,
St. Louis, tot, t 447 3a
Ageate sad galeenies Tatla-e4.
SPECIAL work; rellahle man; ontslde
towns; rood pay. Address 936 New York
Life Bldg. (9)-M4 Ix
A HI" STUNG young man as advertising
and demonstrating solicitor; house scllclt
ln to start; atore or road work later.
Mfgr., 1214 Chamber of Commerce. Detroit,
Mich. (9) 4 2x
BALESMAN $110 per week commission to
good man selling assortments of staple no
tion to the trade; our advertising sell
the goods. Standard Notion Co., Detroit,
Mich. 0 s0 2x
salesmanship, secure you position as trav
eling salesman with responsible firm. Ad
dree The Uradstreet System, Rochester,
N. Y. t O) 492 tx
SALESMEN can easily make 110 a day
selling our gold window letters, novelty
sign and changeable signs; catalogue
free. Sullivan Co.,''
401 W. Van Buren
St., Chicago, 111.
() 631 2x
Co., publisher. New York, want two or
three active, educated men to represent
them In Nebraska, South Dakota and
western Iowa; those who after a little
Instruction can present a first-class pro
position to our selected customers are
wanted. Call on or address W. K. Fow
ler, western manager, Lincoln, Neb.
Both 'phone. (9) 641 t
WA NTEI-Men In amall town to do ad
vertising and sell goods; permanent em
ployment; rood pay. Waters, 222-24 B.
Clark St., Chicago. (9) 47 2x
WANTED Reliable men of good standing
with personality strong enough to .loll
trade; attractive Inducement with Intro
ductory order; position permanent. C. V.
M. Co., 2131 Wabash Ave., Chicago.
9)-498 ax
SOAP agent making $M weekly selling
our wonderful $1.50 soap and toilet article
combinations with valuable premiums for
35c. Crew manager wanted. Buy direct
of manufacturer. Profitable vacation
work for students; experience unneces
sary. Davis Soap Works, $1 Union Park
Ct., Chicago. (9) 4T9 2x
AGENTS WANTED-Fly and mosquito sa.
son soon here; every screen door need
one. Just out. Bunsen Novelty Co.,
Galesvllle, Wis. (9) 474 2x
WANTED District agent for largest sick
and accident insurance company In mid
dle west; big commission or commission
and salary to producers. American Be
nevolent Association, St. Louis, Mo.
SALESMEN Standard line, selling to reg
ular trade, factorlea, large printing offices,
railroads, etc. Advanced Chemical Co.,
Milwaukee, Wis. (
$25 PER WEEK and traveling expenses paid
salesmen to sell goods to grocery dealers;
experience unnecessary. Purity Co., Chi
cago. (9)
SOMETHING NEW-Oiy 'Rider'" acci
dent policy, covering all accident of
travel and otherwise and all occupation;
Issued to both men and women, giving
$J,000 death and $14 weekly benefits, cost
ing but $5 per annum. Over $326,000 al
ready paid in benefits. Agents wanted;
extra large commissions and exclusive
territory given. Address National Acci
dent Society, 320 Broadway, New York.
(9)-449 2x
$30 TO $100 week for good aalesmen, accord
ing to ability, whether work only In own
town or travel; fine line, well known to
dealers; easy orders; liberal cash advance.
State age, experience, present and past
line. No attention unless this informa
tion given- correspondence confidential.
Weiss, 100 Randolph St., Chicago, 111.
(9)-477 ax
WANTED Name, "permanent address of
aalesmen selling or who have successfully
sold Jewelry, perfumery or other assorted
goods. Have proposition paying Ave time
more cash weekly; liberal cash advance;
line ready soon. Give experience, age,
present and past lines; correspondence
confidential. No attention unless above
Information given. Slebert, 109 Randolph
St., Chicago. (9)-78 2x
SALESMEN Local or traveling, to ell
fire-proof safes to business men and
farmers; experience unnecessary; quick
sales, big profit. Alpine Safe Co.. Cln
clnnatl, O. (9)-478 tx
IN SIX week become a successful travel
ing salesman; salaried positions guaran
teed; graduate with responsible firms;
tuition payable from salary. Bradatreet
Commercial School, Buffalo, N. Y.
(9) 496 2x
A COMMISSION big enough to produce
heart failure for traveling men with
golden tonguea and eatabltshed route.
Address Side Line, Box 66$, Cincinnati, O.
9)-6ttl tx
WANTED Salesmen to sell Red Cross
brand vlnegara, ciders and Junl; salary
and expenses. Red Cross Vinegar Co.,
St. Louis. Mo. (9) 600 tx
SALESMEN who contemplate making
change write us for particulars; one
salesman earned $521, two others $3u0 each
first three weeks in May. McAllister
Coman Co., 366 Dearborn St., Chics go.
(9)-05 2x
WANTED Bright man to travel thl ter
ritory; experience not necessary; ex-
Senses advanced and fair salary to start.
IcBrady 4k Co.. Chicago.
(9) 606 lx
alesman to call on physician outside
city, a very exceptional opportunity I
offered for Immediate work; stats age
and experience. Lock Box 121, Philadel
phia, Pa. (9)-t10 Ix
WANTED Active, hustling townlt sales
men to handle beet suburban proposition
In central west Texaa. Good commis
sions. Special Inducement to state and
traveling agents. Address Ssndefer &
Jenkins, Lyra, Texas. () 624 2x
GOOD solicitor to take charge of city of
fice and handle men; $16 to $13 per week:
reference. J. S. Dickman, Jr., General
Delivery, Omaha. (9) 423 I
SALESMAN for Nebraaka; experienced
traveling man preferred; line staple for
genural trade; position permanent; $30
weekly with commission. Sawysr, Les
lie A C, Detroit, Mich. ()-4S3 2x
$75 TO $200 weekly easily made fitting eye
glasses. Write for free eye book $."
Tells how. National Optical College, St.
Louis. Mo. (9) 613 2x
WANTED Traveling aalesmen under 40.
who contemplate making a change. Now
handling staple line or specialties. Ter
ritory your vicinity. Calling on the drug
trade and country general stores. Es
tsbltshed house; good line; excellent op
portunity. Will have special represen
tative your city shortly to complete ar
rangement and give instruction. Btate
age. experience, line handled. Replies
confidential. Box 666, Chicago.
(9)-611 tx
AOENTS, canvassers, making less than $20
weekly to Investigate our Japanese Ecu!
novelties, Waist and skirt patterns, tabla
decorations; outsell all others; territory
recommended. Jap. Imp. Co., 148 Stat
St.. Chicago. (9)-618 tx
WANTED Traveling salesmen, experienced
In tsklng orders cn ths road from th
consumer or holding sale with merchant
in the maller town. Our proposition
holds out excellent opportunities for men
of experience and capacity. In applying
give references, previous experience, ter
ritory covered and bualness done. Men
without practical experience In tailoring
need not apply. Addrrsa Kahn Bros., Inc.,
Tailors, Louisville, Ky., Department R L
A MANUFACTURER'S permanent busi
ness offer; $f to $160 per week, sure, . op
erating direct sales parlor for the best
specialty dress shoe known for men and
women: outsells all others: everv person
a possible customer; no risk; answer now.
Kushton Komfort Shoe Co., Lincoln St..
Boston, Mass. (
soon be held In every state. Full Informa
tion and questions recently used by the
commission free. Columbian Corrcanond
enoe College, Washington, D. C. ($)
$100 TO $0 monthly easily made writing
our new Health and Aeclden Policies. W
want an agent In every town; experience
unnecessary. Great Western Aooident,
Ies Moines, la. (il
ENGINEERS, draftsmen, surveyors, "eta
Positions can be secured through tho
Want Column of Engineering News.
Writ for particular. Want Dept., 234
Broadway, New York. ()
WANTED Boy for railroad office, edu
cation two years high school. Address
T. b. Southard, A, P. A. U. P. R. R.,
Omaha, N'eh, (U MiUl Jala
Clerical aad Ofllee,
BIG BALE two-piece salt to order, $21
McCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co., 304 S.
1U St. () M446jeSl
BOOKKEEPER, wholesale, $6
K tension Merk, $75.
Stock clerk, $sO.
Stenographer, wholesale, $WX
Stenographer, B. K., $7S,
Stenographer, retail, $o0, $00.
Salesman, some experience, wholesale, X. G.
Specialty, $74.
Call or write for complete 11st of vacancies.
721-721 N. Y. Life Bldg.
' () M41 1
WANTED at once. Experienced steno
grapher for out of town position, $66.
Transportation furnished.
'Phone Douglas 334. Suit 404 Bee Bldg.
(9J-465 t
WANTED Clerks In railroad office, men
and boy. Address F. B. Southard,
A. P. A., U. P. R. R., Omaha, Neb.
0)-M46 Ix
STENOGRAPHERS Send 25c for $
month' test subscription to The Short
hand Writer; price $2 a year; edited by
expert court reporters. Addresss Short
hand Writer, 79 Clark SU, Chicago. -
(9) 607 2x
Factory and Trad. '
Get out of the wet
Job won't be so easy to get next year.
We can use 600 machinists..
Highest wages, steady employment guar
anteed. Transportation advanced to machinist
Having first-class referencea
We positively make no charge
In any way, manner or form.
For securing Job for machinist.
Address with referencea.
The National Metal Trades Axsoclatlon.
Cincinnati O. (19)-M975 JeSx
MEN and boys wanted to learn plumb'ng
or bricklaying trade; pays $6 to U day;
great demand for graduates; position
guaranteed; I montbs completes prac
tical Instruction; no book used. Free
catalogue. Coyne Plumbing A Bricklay
ing School, St. Louis. Mo. (9) M374
BLACKSMITH and all around handy-man
for ranch, $40 and board. Apply to E V.
Morgan, Herman, Neb. (9) M690
POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F.
V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. L.. Omaha. (9)-133
BOARD OF TRADE barber shop, lCoJ Far
nam, best service, ten cbalrs. no long
waiting; shaving. 10c; halrcutting, 26c.
WANTED Two Jewelers; also diamond
mounter and setter. E. Merit Jewelry
Manufacturing Co., HI N. 6th St., St.
Louis, Mo, (9)-M497 Je6x
WANTED Young men to learn telegraphy
for railway position. Bkelton's scl ool. box
1606, Sallna, Kan. ()-M2e9 4x
PHYSICIANS wanted; fine appearing men
and women physician for hospital and
typewriting; good salary; send photo.
Dr. C. 201 N. 12th St., St. Louis, Mo.
(9) M2ftt 4x
WANTED 1,000 customer for Jsrvls' 1877
brandy. Call at any saloon. (9) M469
WANTEDFlrt class carpenter. 1614 Em
met St. (19)-M510J1
FIRST-CLASS ornamental Iron worker, on
who understands all branches; first-class
carriage wood worker, one who can go
right ahead with new work; steady posi
tion to right parties. J. P. Fowler Co..
Salt Lake City. Utah. (9)-M!M
TAILORS wanted, one coat, one pant and
vert maker; steady work and good prices.
N. B. Nelson, Alliance, Neb.
()-M349 tx
WANTED At once, cook. $36 per month,
board and room: second cook, $20 per
month, board and room. Bon Ton Bakery
and Restaurant, Box 1G3, Red Cloud, Neb.
(9) MS46 llx
BARBER, good man, steady. Ed Blcken
beusert Junction City, Kan.
(9)-M323 6x
WANTED Good, competent cbeesemaker.
Address 464, car Bee. (9) 488 1
EIGHT rivet heaters wanted, 20th and
Canter Sta., Monday .morning. Apply to
Omaha Gas Works. (9) M405 7
WANTED Men to learn barber trade at
once; wonderful demand for barbers; top
wages now, few weeks completes; tools
given; can nearly earn expense before
completing. Send for particular. Moler
Barber College, 111 Farnam St.
(9) M413 6x
WANTED One flrat-clas machlnlat Cud
ahy Packing Co., South Omaha. Apply
timekeeper' office. (V M676 6
WANTED Reliable man for office work In
optical bualness. beginning September 1;
experience not essential, but must learn
to fit glasses scientifically, which can be
done before September, without Interfer
ing with present employment, by studying
during spare time. Splendid opportunity
for good man. Address, with reference,
Box 612B, Guthrie Center, la. (9) M5M Sx
WANTED Men everywhere (good pay) to
dlatrtbute circular, adv. matter, tack
signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na.
tlonal Distributing Bureau. 100 Oakland
Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. (ft) 471 tx
WANTED Ice cream maker. Apply at
once to candy dept. J. L. Brandels &
Bon. (9)-636 I
MEN learn plumbing. Western Plumbing
Trad School, 1509 Tremont, Denver, Colo.
Write for catalogue. (9)
WANTED A rtlst ; Al good man for the
trade. Address 1107 Frederick Ave., St.
Jossph, Mo. (9) 661 $X
WANTED Printer for straight matter,
Ither lady or gentleman: must come
at once. Morton Printing Company, Ne
braska City, Neb. (9) M686 Ix
I bookkeeper, wholesale, loO to ITS; I ex
tension clerks, wholesale, $40 to. $71;
stenographers, all lines, let, $10, $76. $86;
draftsman, railroad, $100; architectural,
$100: about 10 miscellaneous clerical posi
tions, $60 ta 10. If capable of filling a
high grade position we can place you at
721-722 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(9)-47 a
WE have the following position that muat
be filled Monday:
1 experienced stenographer, $55.
1 bookkeeper, $66.
1 experienced railroad bill clerk, $60.
$ salesmen (specialties),
3 Stenographers, $40.
Phone Douglas KM. . Suit 404 Bee Bldg.
(9 4ttl t
to 3. for firemen and brakeman on lead
ing railroads; experience unnecessary.
Firemen earn $100 00 par month, becom
engineers, earn $2u0.00; brakeman earn
$76.00, become conductors, earn $160.00.
Call or write at onoe for particular. Na
tional Railway Training Aas'n, 420 X.
Paxton Block, Omaha. Nb.
(U-MKtt Js4
WANTED School teacher and students to
travel during vacation months; work
pletsant and profitable. Address H 207,
Be office. (V U&4
WANTED Energetic young man with little
money to manage branch office, Sioux
Fall territory; excellent opening for the
right man wanting permanent, paying
busineaa Address (04 Observatory Build
ing, Dee Moines, Iowa. (9 M764 Jelx
to S year old, mechanics 21 to Si year a
Suitable pay and rating; for qualified men
and good opportunity for advancement to
all deserving men. Special course of
training. 4 to I months, for neariy all re
cruita Only earnest young men of good
character and capacity, citlaen of the U.
B, need apply. Liberal retired pay after
$0 years' service (recently increased by
law). Navy Recruiting Office, P. O build
ing. Omaha. () 471 J10
DETECTIVES W grant good men; old
eat secret service m Untied States; no
experience needed; we give full Instruc
tions: write today. American Detective
Association. Indianapolis, Ind.
IT) 61 XX
ENERGETIC young enan. over Si year
eld. capabl of earning high salary bond
required. Address In ewa handwriting.
with atajnp and references, at 19, ear
WANTED 3 ssen at .Johnston Bros, at
Claywerka, la., wages $1 per day, ateady
work year round; tonus to rent to mar
ried saea, (t)MI7t JeUx
Mlscellaaeoae Coat lasted.
STRIKE fltryker. Men Shoe. $12 South
liith. Board of Trad Bldg.
() M9M
WANTED Man to run milk receiving ta
tton, must understand about boilers, sepa
rator, etc. Alamlto Dairy Co., mil Far
nam. (9) 397 1
WANTED 16 team to do excavating at
Paxton 4k Gallagher building Monday
morning. Capital City Brick and Pipe Co.
(9-r-4O0 2x
WANTED An energetic man with email
family to do general work on a cattle
- feeding ranch in Polk county, Nebraska.
The wife must be capable and able to
board an extra man or two. Good house
furnished and steady work at good wages.
References required. Address Kent A
Burke, Genoa, Neb. (10) M432 10
MAN for work around a barn. Apply 603
8. 40th. 'Phone Harney 2807.
(9) M570 4
WANTED Men for real estate business In
Nebraska; salary; expenses advanced, and
splendid opportunity for right kind of
men. Arply 316 Neville Blk., 16th and
Harney, Omaha. (9) M&52
WANTED Elderly man as night watch
man for yard. Apply 801 Farnam St.
(9) M630 4
MAKE $3 to $6 per flay with our auccesaful
business plan; particulars free. Progres
sive Bureau, 62 Dearborn, Chicago.
() 604 tx
WANTED Good man In each county to
represent and advertise hardware depart
ment, put out samples, etc.; salary. $21
weekly; expense money advanced. Dept.
A16, The Columbia House, Chicago.
(9) 60S 2x
WANTED Experienced Janitor. Majestic
Apartment. Reference required. Call
at tl02 Sherman Ave. (9) M684 3x
Horses aad Vehicles.
ONE TEAM MARES, weighing t.800 pounds,
$100; team matched bay horses, weighing
2,900 pounds, '$276; team heavy mares, $i.'6;
one bay horse, weighing 1,250 pounds, 9v;
one more, weighing 1,360 pounds, $:; one
bay mare, weighing 1,100 pounds, $66; one
dun horse, $20; one gray marc. $35, Thor
ough trial before buying and written guar
antee with every horse as represented.
Cash or payments. Omaha Horse and
Supply Co., rear 414 N. 16th St. 'Phone
Douglas 6081. li M.06
HAY. $ per ton. Wagner, SOI N. 16th.
UU M414
RUNABOUTS, carriages and harness at
?xeatly reduced prices. Johnson & Dan
orth Co., a. w. cor. 10th and Jones sts.
LARGE and small horses for sale. Also
wagons. Rosenblatt. 122 Nicholas.
THREE extra good young, sound, 1.200
pound single wagon horses; also several
driver. Rear 414 N. 16th. (1D-M706
TWO good, toppy driving horses: also sin
gle and double harness, runabouts, tep
buttles n! surries. for one or two horse,
good as new. Harney Street Stable.
(11) M6H
WE are not selling out at cost, but we are
selling driving wagons, buggies, surrtea
and stanhopes c Ties per than any other
firm west of Chicago. Holmee-Adkln
Co., 714 8. 10th St., Omaha. (1D-473
RUNABOUT, price, $50; worth new. $126.
Llnlnger Implement Co. (11) M204 J18
ONE hand-made top milk wagon; one plat
form wagon. lH-lnch running gear, re
built. Jemon, 2318 No. 24th 61. (11) 231 J
FOR pony buggies, runabouts, traps, carts
and harness see Johnson-Danforth Co.,
B. W. cor. 10th and Jones St.
at) 301
FOR BALE 1 span of bay mares, weight,
t. $00 lbs.; 1 driving horse, weight, 1,060
lbs.; cheap horse, $50. Inquire coal
office, N. E. corner 20th fsi. Lake. Tel.
Webster 1651. (11) MS84 Jel
HORSES Roadsters, general purpose and
work horses, bought, sold and exchanged
on commission. Myers, 1114-13 Douglas.
TeL Douglas 1032. (11) -M 763 J2
HARNESS, Baddies, Trunk, traveling
bags; some gooa bargains. Alfred Cor
nish 4V Co., mo Farnam St.
ONE good bay horse, city broke, $90; one
brown driving mare, $76; one cheap horse,
$36; on roan mare, $46. 2316 N. 16th Axe.
FOR SALE One bay gelding, T year old,
good single driver, weight 1,100 pounds;
one bay pony, 7 years old, gentle for
children. Call at Mace' barn, 16th and
Caas. 'Phone Doug. $62. (11) M574 4
BAY carriage team, city broke, single,
double or saddle, 7 year old. will sell
on or both. See 1119 N. lth St.
(1D-M573 4x
SHETLAND pony, buggy and harness;
safe for children. 43d and Center.
(1D-M669 3
FOR SALE Snan of mall horse, matched,
city broke, 4 yeara old. N. D. Acker, 213
Exchange Bldg., South Omaha.
(Il-4n0 a
TWO extra well broken single driving
horses, one young, sound delivery wagon
horse. Apply after Sunday, 2006 Maple
St. Tel. Douglas 6069. . (11) M9CW 8x
Poaltrr and Barsra.
KHODE ISLAND1 RED egg. Martin, tW
Indiana Av. TL Harney 1801.
DUSTON'S White Wyandotte, pur brd,
eggs $1.60 for 16, $6 'or 100. Forest Lawn
Wyandotte Yards, Florence, Neb. Tels
uhone Florence 108? (ID M303 June6
CHOICE 8. C. Orpingtons, all $ varletiea.
Reduced bargain prices. Boomgaarn'
Orpington yard. Humboldt, Neb.
(1D-M006 Jllx
ROSE COMB Rhode Island Reds; best
eastern stock, a good color; eggs, $175 per
16. Mrs. James H. Halplne, 4602 Center
Bt Tel. Harney 8628. GD-U616 Jll
WHY send east for Single Comb White
Leghorns? Kegs from thoroughbreds,
$1.60 per 15. Lundstrom, 86th and Cald.
well. (11) MS3T Jelx
From my prise winning Barred Plymouth
Rocks, $2.00 per 16. F. C. Ahlquist. 2763
Meredith Ave., Omaha, Neb. 'Phone
Red 6470. (11)-M96 Jl
GOV'T book free. Model Squab Co.,
Omaha. OD M40T Jyl
FINE single-comb White leghorns; eggs,
LI per 16, after June 1. Pullets for sale.
,undstrom, 26th and' Caldwell.
(1D-M572 Ix
THEY'RE going fast. What Eggs for
hatching from prize winning White Ply
mouth Rocks. If you want something
good write me. R. G. White, 3M3 Parker
St., Omaha. (U)-MtU4 $
Caws, Blrda, Dogs and Pets. ,
FRESH cows for sale: Jersey bull for ser
vice. 49th and Hamilton. (ID 418 J9x
WANTED A thousand head of good steers
to pasture; good feed, plenty of water
and good care. Ranches Hnd farms for
sale or rent. Sherman's ranch, Hosmer,
S. D. (1D-M343 6x
FOR SALE Handsome pedigreed Scotch
collie, male, 11 months old; beautiful dog
for children. Parties leaving city. Ad
dress 826 Pine St. 'phone Douglas J10.
(1D-6S1 a
L08T Sliver pocket fruit knlfei word
"Tom" inscribed on side: a keepsake.
Return to 41 Woolworth Ave. or 'phone
Douglas 6067. (12) 5il 1
LOST Diamond stud. Tiffany mounted,
trifle over one karat. Inquire Louie Bol
sen for reward, care of A. B. Hubermann,
Uih and Doug-las. (12) Mi7 4x
LOUT OR STOLEN Horse and top buggy,
bay mare 900 lbs., pink ey on left aide,
star In forehead, right hind leg white. S.
Hertsoll, tid and E St , Bo. Omaha. Re
ward. (12) 403 3
LOST Between 37th Ave. and 27th. on
Cuming, gold link bracelet. Liberal re
ward If returned to 3714 Burt BU 'Phone
Harney lauu. (12 440 3x
FOUND Saturday, May 16, on fmertnaa
Ave., a silk umbrella. Owner send de
scription with address or telephone num
ber to I'-toi, Be U3-Ca9 la
IjORT -Ladles' open face gold watch.
Finder will leave same at Hee office for
reward. (12 $s& 3
LOST Last week, small black llanrd purse.
Return to Box OfTtee, Boyd Thester.
BEST nerve bracer for men. "Grey' Nerve
Fqod Pills," $1 box, pom paid. Sherman A
McConneil Drug Co., Omaha
ANY poor girl In reed of a friend call
, or write to the matron of the Salvation
Army Home for 'Women at 824 N. S It I
St. Omaha. Neb. (12) M100
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav
enport St.; special attention paid to cor.
finement cases; all treatment supervised
by college processor. 'Phon Doug. 1167.
Calls anawertd day or night. (is, 129
MRS. OARDELS, private confinement
home: babies cared for. 3724 N. 2.Mth St.
Tel. Red 2210. US) MAG J6x
DR. PRIES, specialist, dlsesses of women,
30 years' practice In confinements. OfTle,
14 N. ltbj residence, 2431 Charles, Omaha.
RUPTURE CURED No knife, no reten
tion from business. QUICK OURE RUP
TURE CO., over 8. W. Cor. Hth and
Dougla. Omaha. (13) MI23 Jyl
DR. HUTCHINSON, peciallst of women
and children. Office, 2206 Cuming. 'Phone
Douglas 8fi7.
CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt
loans. Foley Loan Co., 1004 Farnam St.
() U-l 13
FURNITURE, llv tock. salary loan.
Duff Green Loan Cc, room $. Barker Blk.
EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom.
modatlng; all business confidential. 1301
Douglas. (14) 150
aijin.x 10 loan our special low $
rates are still In effect. See us before I
going elsewhere to .borrow money. Our $
terms are easy and our business I $
strictly confidential. We loan on I
household goods, pianos, warehou; $
receipts, horses, wagons, salaries, etc. $
I KfjUlAHLa IHMiri' UU., f
I 308 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Doug. 1411. $
I (14) M1S4 $
That Is what ws are. If you can use any
amount from $10 to fao and want It
VATE, let us handle your bualness. W
rive as REASONABLE RATE as any,
tetter contracts than some and we offer
BATE In town when paying before due.
No red tape. Courteous treatment. OUR
119 Board of Trade Bldg.
Will make a special rate on collateral
loan, mortgage on personal property
and notes, without security. Term to
Suit. 'Phoo Douglas 2904.
(14) 714 II
end others, without security; easy pay
ments, fflces in 3 prlncipil cities. To$
man, room 714, New York Ufs Bldg.
loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses,
to.. In any amount; lea than half
rate; perfect privacy; Immediate atten
tion: any terma wanted; payment sus
pended when sick o- out of work. 214
Karbach Blk. 109 S. 16th St. (14) 148
Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg.,
advance private money on chattel or sal
ary; easy to get; no red Kipe. You get
money same day asked for at email oost
Open evenings till 7. (14) 147
PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or
alary loan. 428 Paxton Block- 'Phon
Dougla 746. (14) 146
Boarding; and Rooms.
OPPORTUNITY offered one or two desir
able young mn to assume share In a
furnished Itome. Excellent location; In
expensive and highly desirable system
for parties; not a boarding house, but a
home. Address A 603, Bee.
06) M316 2x
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe.
DEWEY Europeaa Hotel. 13th and Farnarn!
(15) 164
ONE south room, with board. 'Phon
Harney 2430. . C6) M96I June3x
FURNISHED outside rooms" board; rea
onabl. Lang hotel. 13th and Jackson.
(15)-793 Oil
ROOM and board. 114 No. 23d.
(15)-330 Jea
GOOD table board, $2.50 per week; also t
furnished rooms for light housekeeping;
1 furnished room for sleeping. 2202 Hux-
(15)-M966 Jel
VERY desirable front rooms, with board.
La S. 26th Ave. Tel.- Douglas Sfc.2. T
(15)-M318 4x
THE PLEASANTON, 2324 Harney; beat
home table meal, $6 per week; dinner $2
per week. (15) -352 a
AN IDEAL boarding house for summer;
cool, pleasant room, newly furnished;
large veranda: best .home table; strictly
modern; private. Te.. ed 7i4.
(15) 853 $
FURNISHED rooms and board; first-class
accommodation. 718 S. ;9th St.
(151-355 tx
ROOM and board for two; private family;
2747 Cuming. (15) M370 6x
FOR RENT Large outh room and alcove;
board can be had near. 4102 Lalayette
Ave. Tel. Harney 1729. (16) 439 8
DESIRABLE room with first class board;
reasonable rates; close In. 620 S. Uth St.
05) 445 7x
BOARD and room, private family; for two
gentlemen; slecepfng and sitting room
modern. 2424 Seward Bt. 'Phone Maple
JT730. (15) M468 8x
MOST convenient and pleasant location; de
sirable rooms. Call before locating. The
Pratt. 2":-212 So. 25th St. private ex
Change Douglas 8138. (15) M5S3
Faralshed Rooms.
NICE front room. 203$ Harnsy St.
TWO I lcely furnished room, modern; teln
phone. b44 S. 24th Av.. 116)-817 Jt
TWO excellent modern furnished room
for light housekeeping and one for aleep
lng purposes. 'Phon in house. 1674 Mar
nsy Bt. (16) M348
ONE furnished front room. 2215 Cali
fornia. Talephon Dougla 4479.
(16) M8$$ Jel
NICELY, newly fnrnishsd rooms; waliT
Ing distance. 120 N. ttd St. (16) 914
FINELY furnished room, sultshle for two
gentlemen. $702 Farnam. (U) M899 lx
NICELY furnished large front room for
on or two gentlemen. 438 8. 14th St.
06) 248 I
NICE ROOMS Good place for young men
or man and wife; also other room. 213
N. 19th.
, (lfi)-! Jylx
DESIRABLE front room on first floor of
modern house, large and vary cool; pri
vate laumy. Appiy alter p. m., 663 a
2btn Bt,
(16) 92;
-921 Jyl
$9 NEATLY furnished room In private
family; atrlctly modern, electric light,
first class location, walking distance; to
' gentlemen or ladles employed. 649 So.
Jfcth Ave. (14) MSlt 6x
844 CAPITOL AVE., clean, nloely fur
nished room, suitabls for two; new fur
niture; large closet; modern; also sin
gle rvom; reasonable, 114) III lx
Faralshed Reoras Coat laaed.
EXCELLENT furnished rooms with all
modern conveniences; cloe In: near P. O.
The Boston. 107 8. St. (16)-M4ii3x
FOR RENT Furnished rooms for gentle
men only; modern brick house; close In;
excellent bosrd If wanted; good home;
low rates. 'Phone Harney L974.
(16)-M404 I
NICELY furnished rooms for on or two;
private family, walking distance. 2411
Chicago. (16-M346 1
LARGE outheast room, half block fronj
Hnnscom Park, one block from rar. TeL
Harney 1348. (16)-Mi20 Jel
GENTLEMEN desiring first-class room,
Close in. Dunning ana lurnuure new ana
up to date, plenty of hot water at all
times, call at 4' 8. 24th Ave. (24th Ave.
and Harnev). Rooms equipped with
porcelain lavatories, with hot and cold
water $10 up. (16)-MS"8 ,
A SOUTH front room, house modern, for
gentlemen. S208 Douglas St. (16) 235 J3
PLEASANT nestly furnished room; large
lawn; references. 828 Park Ave.
(16-M 368 4x
FOR RENT One large southeast room,
electrlo light and all conveniences. 217
B. 26th Bt. Tel. Douglas 3S37.
LARGE front room, well furnished, private
... famllyi for one or two gentlemen. 15
N. t3d. O6)-M780 IX
Or U 1? n V n mnm nrtvat ferntlv. eMwntl
floor: one block from car; $1 60 per week.
1214 North 36th St. (15)-M758 Jel
NICELY furnished rooms, 410 So. 24h ot.
(15)-M?4 Jel
WITH private family, living In Hanscom
park district, furnished rooms, with or
without board. 1626 S. 28th Jt. '
(15)-M941 tx
TWO furnished rooms for rent for house
keeping, 24th and Cuming, over drug store
()-W0 tx
CLEAN, modern rooms, reasonable, toil
and 201$ Harney 'Phone Maple-4&66. '
(16) M1U0 Sx
FURNISHED roorrs for two ladles; light
housekeeping if desired. 3213 S. 24th.
(15) 392 8x
FOR RENT Nice, large, front room, fur
nished. M28 Bristol St. (16) 444 7x
627 PARK AVE. Large, pleasant, south
room, for two; choice location, beautiful
lawn: everything refined and modern, at
reasonable price; breakfasts.
(16) -442 3x
NICELY furnished front nwm In nw mod
ern home, private family. 29th, near
Leavenworth, 'Phone Harney 715.
(9)-MS31 Jl
I VERY desirable furnished room. 610 N.
23d St. (16)-2&3 3x
THREE or four pleasant rooms; modern;
gas range; adult a only; references re
quired; no other roomers. 27M Woolworth
Ave. (15)-M27 4x
FRONT room; very desirable. 8105 Leav
enworth St. (15) 891 6x
FURNISHED room, one block north of
Hanscom park; lady preferred; refer1
encea required. 'Phone Harney 2?61.
O6)-301 1
NEAT and clean; price reasonable. 1818
Dodge St. (15) M410 7x
THREE modern, furnished rooms, con
venient to car. 2618 Caldwell.
(15)-M871 8x
LARGE furnished front room In modern
brick house: private family; walking dls-
. tance. 2411 Chicago. 05) M578 4x
6 ALL modern room for rent, til So. 12th
(15)-464 lx
! NEATLY furnished rooms, i blocks from
Harney and Farnam car; 10 block from
postofflce; private family. 2603 Dodge,
'Phone Harney 2223. (16-M694 8x
NICE ROOMS flood place for young men
or man ana wile; also other rooms. Z18
N. 19th.
(16) M698 8x
NEWLY furnished modern room, suitable
for two"; gentlemen preferred. 1708
Davenport. (16) 687 2x
Alcove room suitable for two gentlemen;
trlctly modern?vj28 Bo. 26th St.
(16) M668 8x
NICELT furnished front room In new mod
ern home, private family. 29th, near
Leavenworth. 'Phono Harney 715.
(16) M867 t
NICELY furnished front room suitable for
one or two gentlemen, reasonable. 646 8.
24th Ave. (15) M543 8
SOUTHEAST room, beautifully furnished;
Frlvate family; block from car, half block
rom Hanscom park. 'Phone Harney 48.
(16) M600 4
FURNISHED , room, one block north of
Hanscom park; lady preferred: refer
ence required. 'Phone Harney Z3f1.
(16) M578 4
Vnfnrntahed Rosea.
N. P. DODGD & CO.. 1714 Farnam..
8 room, parlor, kitchen and bed room,
L rooms, $30.00.
room, $36.00.
ght, gas, water furnished, heat In win
ter, 2ou3 Burt St.
1 and 1H Wlthnell block, 15th and Harney
Sts., bath, $30.00.
Wlthnell block, 16th and Harney Sts., 4
rooms, modern, $35.00,
Wlthnell block. 16th and Harney St., S
room, modern, $20.00. (15) 643 t
FOUR basement room. $6.00. 2206 N. 20th.
(15)-M979 JeSx
FIRST floor, 4 room with range; all mod
ern to family; possession Monday; close
in; near P O. Apply at The Boston 107
8. 17th St.
(15)-M435 $x
THREE nice room upstairs to family
without children, $10. 3030 Evans, near
Dodge cars. Ash 12691, Council Bluffs.
(16)-M437 7
THREE! unfurnished room. 2715 Ohio St.
(16) M640 8
UNFURNISHED room for light hou
keeping. 2603 Dodge. (15) 636 $x
Apartment and Flata.
FOR RENT Flat of t room, furnished,
or will sell furniture, piano, sewing ma
chine, books, etc., and rent flat. Telephone
Douglas 723. 627 N. 24th St., South Omaha.
16) M897 1
-R APARTMENT In one of the best apart
ment houses in Omaha $48.
HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St.
(16)-6D1 a
Faralshed. Hoaaes and Flata.
SEVEN ROOMS, all modern and completely
furnished, elegant location. $65. 4 rooms,
city watsr, completely furnished. JS19 N.
S5th St., $m. BEM1S, Paxton Blk 'Phon
Dougla 686, (15)-M704
MODERN sight-room furnished house for
rent during summer; nice shade and
lawn; good location; two blocks from
car; references. 'Phone Harney ?fN0. i
(15) M 3 JO 2x
FOR RENT June 15 to Sept. 1. nine-room
furnished house. 2032 Wirt street.
(15)-MJ20 1
I ROOMS, furnished house, for the sum
mer. Apply 1&4 Blnnoy, A. W. Rilf.
(15) Mill V
In West Farnam district, 7 rooms, nicely
furnished, In new up-to-date house; will
lease or three month.
(16)-8UI 1
B EVEN-ROOM house, furnished or unfur
nished, with bath. 4034 Seward. "Inquire
above addreas. (15) M4o7 4x
JUNE 16 to September 1, strictly modern
4-room house furnished, $40 per month;
reference required. 'Phone Harnev 1413.
(16) 467 $
FOR, RENT For the summer. 8-room mod
ern, almost new. nicely furnished house,
near Hanscom Park. Address N 6'tl. rare
Bee. (16)-fil7 2
FURNISHED eight-room modern bouse
after middle of June, in Bemla park dis
trict. 3411 Lafayette Avs. (15)-68 tx
FOR RENT 10-room furnished house. 202$
Wirt St., June 16 to Sept. 1, $40 per month.
'Phone Webster 3tuC (16) 7ue I
FOR RENT Cheap for the summer, small
furnished flat, suitable for couple or two
Udiee; references. Addreas E 6u4 Re.
06-m xx
Ilnesekeeptna- Room.
cr nruTTk.u.,nn mMl.rn flat. 11
' . . .... fl ..... k , MaaitnihlA
ijiuwu 111 ana Investment Co., IfuJ Fsr
nam St.
THREE fine furnished rooms for house
keeping, block from csr line; piano, gal
Stove, bath $2o per month. 8210 Cass Ht.
(16) MS02
THREE light housekeeping rooms, fur
nlshed 1404 Jonea 'Phone Doug.
tl.'i) 31
PARTLY furnished basement rooms foi
housekeeping: clean. newly papered)
good light; water and gas -furnlshod
reasonable. 2404 Capitol Ave.
(16) 887 lx
1 ninnA nnmnlrt f or b otiseKeeni n .
IW18 Davenport, (16) M102 4x
I NICELY furnished front rooms, com-
rlote for light housekeeping. 2011
davenport. (15) 81? Jlx
I pleasnnt rooms and bath, modern, sultablt
for light housekeeping. 29:4 N. 26th.
(15)-M945 tx
THREE desirable rooms for light house
keeping with usn of bath room. Apply 8.
Eastman, 4008 Hamilton St.
06)-M:91 1
THREE furnished rooms for light house-kei-pers,
modern. 216 No. 22d.
(15) M6P4 8x
FOR RENT 4 furnished room for light
housekeeping; no children. 2012 North
Nineteenth Ave. (15) M562 4X
FOR RENT 3 rooms, facing park, elo
gnt location, will furnish for light house
keeping If desired. 1!07 Ptnkney.
(lu) M070
Houses and Cottage.
OMAHA Van Storage Co. pack, move,
store H. H. goods; storehouse 11-30-34 N.
19th. Office 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. If59
HOUSES In Part" of th c"r R
al.UUO.EiO c j-eter 4k Co.. Bee Bldg.
(16) 168
HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk.
Vli) 143
WE DO expert piano moving at lowest
rices. Tel. Douglas lfil'5. Schmoller A
iueller Piano Co., 1311-1318 Farnam.
SEE us when shipping household goods t
large cities west, we can sav you money.
14th Bt. Tel. Dougla 1195. (15) 163
FOR RENT 815 Worthlnjrton Place, beaiT
tlful 10-room house, modern, large yard.
$rt per month. Apply to Conrad Young,
1618 Dodge. (16) MWi
4-ROOM cottage. 2210 Burt, Inquire 2208.
05)-M37 3
FOR RENT Eight-room house, 614 N. 22d
St.; all modern; with barn; rent reason
able. Apply at 607 N. 19th Bt
2708 AMES AVE.. 6 room, til.
2710 Ames Ave., 6 rooms, $15.
Modern except furnace.
1614 Harney St. 'Phone Doug-. 6487,
(16) 300 I
821 Park Ave., new brick
house, oak finish and floors,
electric and gas light, splen
did plumbing, laundry In base
ment, good yard; nothing;
PAYNE, BOSTWICK CO., 801 n. T. Life,
(16)-447 a
N. P. DODGE & CO.. 1714 FARNAM BT.
ZM6 Cuming St., 6 rooms, modern
3527 Charles St., 8 rooms, modern $35.
2210 Seward St., 9 rooms, modern $.10.
707 Georgia Ave., 4 rooms, modern $32.E0l
1509 So. 28th St., 6 rooms, modern 121.
21)64 Dodge St., 8 rooms, modern $10.
1H4 So. 27th St., 8 rooms, modern $26.
1.119 So. S2d St., 9 rooms, modern $30.
210 So. 27th St., 8 rooms, modern; hot water
heat; new brick $00. ,
4338 Charles St., 9 rooms, modern $20.
1326 So. 80th Ave., 10 rooms, all modern $55.
. (16)-4M1 a
Park Ave. and Pacific St., 9 rooms, strictly
modern, two-stcry brick dwelling, $46.
New 6-room cottage, water, sewer, eto.,
19th and Vinton Sts, $15.
New 6-room cottage, modern except fur
nace, 23d and Grace Sts., $20.
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Rental.
N. Y. Life Bldg.
a5)-619 I
(-ROOM all modern, second floor; 2424
Burt St (16)-J1437 tx
2436 Franklin, 7-r., mod. ex. heat; yard,
cor., shade trees; so. front, paved st
6310 N. 2th, 7-r; east front lot 115.00,
TURRELL & CO.. II Patterson.
()6)-M429 1
HOUSES ,D n rt" of th CY- The
(16) -141
FOR RENT Large store room, lth and
Vinton Sta. C. M. Bachmann, 437 Pait
ton block. (16) 36
FOR RENT New 6-room modern cottage,
near two car lines. Inquire 2308 N. 24th,
(16) 256 30
I ROOMS, modern, 1627 Charles, $26; newly
papered. Tel. Doug;. 673. B. H. Roblson.
; (i6)-ai
l-ROOM, high-grade dwelling to leass ons
or two years: possession June L
440 Board of Trad Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 1510.
THE UNION Outnttlnaj company, 1816-17
Farnam St., will furnish 3 rooms com
plete for $59.60, terms $4 monthly. See us
before buying. (15) MS3SJe22
FOUR ROOMS, half flat, front, third floor,
18th and Nicholas Str , $10. BEMIS, Pax
ton Blk. 'Phono Doug. 666. (16) M7u
WE MOVE PIANOS Maggard Van and
Storage Co. Tel. Dougla 1496. Office 1711
Webster Bt. (16) 16)
110 South 26th Ave., 8 rooms, modern; On
location. W. Farnam Smith A Co.
(1S)-M7 2
FOR RENT 7-room house modern, with
furnacu. 211 N. 38th. Ave., $26. Apply at
607 N. 19th St. (15)-M663
FOR RENT Two 6-room cottages, 4110
Dodge, all modern, on Benson car line,
$30. .
Bo-j Grand Ave., porcelain bath, patent
closet, city water, price, $18.00.
Apply UH9 California or to C. L. Vance,
In office, Hayilon Bros. (15) M871 8x
9-ROOM modern house, close In, $27.80 por
im.nth. o. F. Davis Co. (15) M681 SX
FOR RENT 4-room cottage, garden and
chicken privilege, 1914 Bancroft St.
(15)-613 3
968 N. Hth Ave., 20 rooms, $60.
29t4 Harney. 9 rooms, modern. fc7 60
1S40 B. 27th, $ rooms, modern, $26.
Z'S Charles. 8 rooms, good repair $21.
607 S. 34th, 6-room cottage, $15.
GARVIN BROS., 1004 Farnam Bt.
(15)4(8 t
I rooms, mod., 3d floor apartment, N. E.
tUI. lOlll Bllll .1111,19, JU.
6tore room, 1103 V. 1fh St., $20.
Phone DougUs 6:4. Paxton Block.
(li) M4&8
FOR RENT 7-room modern cottage ex
cept furnace. 2617 Seward St Inquire
Henry Brown, 1C4 N. 26th. Rent $27.50
per month. (15)-234 J 6x
$18.00 7-room modern flat, opp. Ftor Brew
ery, corner Wth and Grace. Inquire 410
So. Kth Bt (16)-M3H1 I
Al ALL MODERN, central. oomhou.
baths, halls; basement. 220 N. 23d.
I NEW brick houaes. 7 rooms, strictly mod-
j-iii. av. una j it ex son Bt. TeL
FOR RENT-A very desirable brick house
of 9 rooms, In good noiaLborhood, at 411
H','r!f H'1 ,in1ulr ot H. G. Muorhead.
412 NY. Life Bldg. (15) 44s 3
$-HOOM. all modem house, now vacant $26
Hanscom Tark. Key at 4o South 10th St.
(16)-M360 $
FOR RENT 4 rooms, city water liJB
North lath St.. $1A ' WB
C. U. BACUMANN. 4M rax ton Blk