The Omaha" Sunday Bee PART VI. etbwcrfre Pr WANT AD SECTION PACES 1 T THE OMAHA DEC Best & West VOL. XXXVI no. 50. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 2, 1907. SINGLE, COPY FIVE CENTS. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued, t BUSINESS DIRECTORY iContlnueti. j Want - ads Advertlsemeats for the waat-ad eelamas will W taken atll 13 as. far the evealac edltlea aad aatll a. sa. tor tkt morales sad day e-dltloas. Cash aiaat rar all orders tar vraat-eds aad aa as" vertlsesseat will ae rrfrH for less thaa lO teats for tar flrat lanrlloi. Hiln apply to either The Dally ar Sandar Bee. ' Always reset six words to a He. C'oeibleatloas of laltlala or abet eeaat aa oar word. CAIH RATE FOR REGILAR CLASSIFICATIONS Oa laarrtlaa. per liar. lO reals. Twa r Mar c-oaseeetlve laaerfloas, arr liar, A rrata. Fch laarrtloa made aa odd dara. in rrata arr liar. t JVO arr liar arr aeeath. SPECIAL CLASSinCATIoa If year advertisement la laarrtrd aadrr aay oar a tar classifications aim belew. It will ar charged at the fallowing ratrat Oao taarrtlaa, 4 rrata prr llari three ta sis cen.eretlve Insertions, 3 rrata prr liar rara laarrtloal sevra ar norr , raatrfalltc laarrtloaa, 2 rrata prr liar rach laarrtloal So rrata prr llaa prr rnoath. BARTER AKD F.XCHASGE. .BISI1ES1 CHAXCES. HELP WAITED-FEMALE. HELP WASTEDMALE. Except Agents, aollrMaro aad Salesmen), , OFKERED FOR SALEt Cow a, Birds, Dora and Pate. Hones aad Vehicle. Paallry aad Earn. Faraltarr. PI anna. Orraaa aad Maalral la- etrwmewts. Typrwrltrra aad ewfa Marhlaro. OFFERED FOR RE JIT I Faralaard Rooaia. tafaralakd Rooaaa. Hoasrkerplng Rooaia. Boardlax aad Rooaaa. WASTED TO BIT. WATTED TO REHT. 8ITI ATTOS9 WASTED. CASH RATES FOR HOT1CK8. Dralh aad Faarral Xottcra, Carda at Thaaki aad Ud( notices, T rrata arr liar for aar edition, maralng ar evening 3 rrata a liar for each at. Itlaaal rdltloa. Saaday. 10 rrata a tlnr. ad takra for Icae tkaa SO rata. Want-ads for Tkr Bra aaay Ire Irft at aay of tk following drag atorra are all bra ark offices af To. a Bee aad Tar ad will or laarrted Jaat aa promptly aad ea tkr aaaar ratra aa at the aaala office la Tke Bra Balldlaa;, Seventeenth aad Faraaaa atrrrtai Albach. W. C. exh and Farnam. Beranck, . A., 1408 8. 10th St. , Becht'a Pharmacy, 730 8. 16th St. Benson's Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bemis Park Pharmacy, SJd and Cuming. ' Blake's Pharmacy. 2SK Sherman Aye. Caughlin, C. R.i 6th and Pierce Sta. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, K13 Military Ave. Conte, J. B.. 31st Ave. and Fsrnam. Crlaaey Pharmacy. i4lll and Lake. Cermak. Emll. 12- 8. 13th 8t. Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. m V.hler. K. H.. eavenworth. Foster A Arnold!, K13 N. th 6L Freytag. John J.. 1814 N. I4th St. Florrnr Druar Co.. Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, Sh and Lake. Green'a Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and Pacific Ureenourh. G. A., 106 S. 10th St. Greenough. U. A., loth and Hickory. Hayden, Wm. C. 2SO0 Farnam St. Hanacom Park Phar.. lfVH 8. 2Sth Ave. ' Hoist. John. 24 North 16th St. V ' Huff. A. L., arJA Leavenworth St. King. H. 8., Z3 Farnam Bt. "Kountte Place Pharmacy. 3304 N. 84th. Patrick Drug Co.. lfc'4 N. 14th Bt. Ithrop. Clias. E.. 1J24 N. !4th St. Peyton, L. E., J4th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Atnea Ava. Hchaefei"s Cut Price Drug Store, 14th ana CRIcsgo. Bchaefrr. August. 31 N. lth 8L Schmidt. J. H.. 24th and Cuming Sta. Ftortii Pharmacy. 16th and Martha Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy. Kh and Grace Sta. Wlrth. O. H: 40th and Hamilton Sta. BIRTHS AXD DEATHS. Blrtha-Elick Greenberg, V9' North Thir teenth street, boy: W. Eck, 111 Grace treet. girl: Mike Maronek. l2St South Fif teenth street, girl; Ctiarlea Klnsacek. 1441 William street, boy; E. J. Dee, ISIS Cap itol avenue. glrL Deatha Maxine June Roar. J514 Lafayette avenue: ae:eu i years; John E. Kleoach, kJU Franklin, aged IS years; Joseph Fraxl, SC Joaeph'a hoapitai, aged IT yeara. MARRIAGE U CENSES. The following marriage licenses bar been Issued; Name and Residence. Age. Andrew Breaaman. Belle-rne, Neb tl Mollie Robblna. Bellevue, Neb. a Thomas P. Carroll, Omaha. ...... Irene lvey, Omaha Frank Morgan, Omaha Grace Bethlike. Norfolk. Neb Joeeph W Wachtler, Omaha. Fern C. Kennedy. Omaha Harry F. Chapman, Omaha Clara Lcona Patter eon, Omaha,.. M U a u ::::::3i 34 ' 16 LOOCB HOTICB. A. 4. H. Matthew Camming, national president of the A. O. H. In America, will deliver an address on Hibemlanlsm In the Creighton Institute, Eighteenth and Douglas, on Sat urday evening, June I. it I p. a. Every body Invited. Admission free. A. O. H. Daaarlaa Coaaty Attratlaal Dlvtslona 1. t and I will meet In Arlington on Monday evening, June I, at . o'clock. All members of the order in this county ex pec tort to attend. Ladles' auxiliary in vited. By order of state board. , CXJUNTY PRESIDE'NT: Atteatiaa. A. O. V. W. ratten lodge No. 171 will hold Its regular taml-annual election Monday night. June I. o Us hall In A O. U .W . temple. U'i-112 H. 14th sc Proposed change In sick benefit laws to be voted on a this meeting. All members requested to be in attendance . w. T.GvORGE MUELLER. M. W. J. O. M LEAN, Receiver. ANNOUNCEMENTS BUMMER SCHool , of the OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. 1Mb and Farnam Sta., Opens Monday morning. June 17 Public school children admitted. Special classes In Business. Shorthand. Telegraphy. Nor mal aad Civil Service. Send for special circulars. VISITING CARDS FREE. Send aix names and aridresies of parties wanting a business education and wo will eetid you six elegantly written carda. CATALOG I'E FREE. KOHRBOUGH BRC8. Omaha, Neb U-M47 16 THE CITY GARBAGE CO . onV th and Leavenworth Sta. Tel. Dooglaa U7. tk 104. WHEN you write to adverdsera. remember It takes but a few scratches of tha pea to stale that you saw the ad. la Tha Bee. SIGN PAINTLNO 8. it. Cole. LM Douglas. (D 106 lAWN mowers sharpened by special ma chine, called for and delivered. A Jensoa 4 avo, Ka. Jsio. Tel. Douglas m. Oj-ZSZ Jet THE SUMMER SCHOOL OF BOYLES COLLEGE OPENS TOMORROW Busmes chaneea are numerous In tha fall. New additions to the office staff are then mad?. The pupil who will enter Boyles College now and work through the summer at Stenography. Bookkeeping or Telegraphy, will be capable of filling a po sition In the business world this fall Just when the most positions will be beckoning to him. Nothing can be gained by Idling the whole summer away. Amid the pleas ant environment of Boyles College, college work is more a pleasure than work. Tou become fascinated with the courses as they progress, leading you on Into new fields of knowledge, arming you with a new ability each day and adding to your capacity each hour. Resolve now that yon will enter Boyles College for the Summer Term that you will waste no time In fitting yourself for the battle of success that you will grasp the usual Idle summer hours to add tha finishing touch to your education neces sary to make your success In business as sured. Write or call for tha new 19O7-0S cata logue today. It won't pay you to delay. BOYLES COLLEGE H. B. BOTLES. PRES., BOTX.Ee) COLLEGE BLJX3., OMAHA. 0- NEW CLASSES TOMORROW in the BUSINESS, SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, TELEG RAPHY DEPARTMENTS of the OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE (19 th and Farnam) If you wish to enlarge yonr aalary or get a good position, you can do ao by attending the Omaha Commercial College, where fine facilities In the way of equipments, thorough courses, and competent instructors may be found. The college will continue in session all summer. There will ' be abundant positions this fall. Why not get ready to take toe of tfamt, . Regular Sumer School - Opens June 17. Write, call, or tele phone Douglas 1289 for full particu lars. It will be open to those who wish to prepare for mercantilellfe also public school children of the Sixth, Seventh and Eighth grades. Catalogue and circulars free. ' ROHRBOUGH BROS 19th- and Farnam. cd- AUTOMOBILES 1906 BU1CK. two-cylinder. 23 IL P. tour ing car, overbaulled and painted fctuO OO 1 CA-DILkAC, 10 IL P. touring car, fine ahape fc2i.Cn) l&A KAMBI.F.R. IS H. P., almost new. several extras Included. $.jO.(M 16 KNOX touring car. air cooled VXO.00 1 OLX, with top, 20 IL P $Ti0.i M RKO. 1 H. P used rery little. t?W.0O La FRANKXJN. with top. four-cylinder, detachable tonneau 1M FOKD. two-cylinder, detachable ton neau, 14 H. P $i0 00 Uu6 STEVKN8-DURTEA. two-cylinder, and looVa like new, with top MbO.00 RAMRLEA K., detachable tonneau. Just repainted and overhauled t3b0.00 WrlU for full description. H. E. JTREDRICKBON. WD and Cap. At. Ot-3 WRITE for list of bargains In second-hand automobiles. Fredrkkaon. lz Cap. Ave. , (2)-i JelT BEND for our list of second-hand automo biles. DERJGHT, 18U Farnam. U 10 FOR SALE A Cameron Runabout auto mobile; a bargain. Globe Land and In vestment Co., U22 Farnam SL. O-ICT FOR SALE OR TRADE Four-cylinder touring car. good aa new. C. E. Wllkina, Dewey hotel. (2) M ACTOMOBILC FOR aAUD-Lees agent's discount, two SS.0OO cars at 34.0M). We bought too many. This Is an extraor dinary opportunity to buy the finest American car at dealer's price. For par ticulars address Automobile, Room 1,300, (7 Wabash Ave., Chicago. EL (TV-631 x GENTLEMAN moving to Mexico, wilt ex change French automobile seating aeven, completely equipped, for real eatate of 3T,.'0 equity. Room u3. Metropolitan Bldg., New York Clty (2 K tx BARTER AND EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE Nice lot. well located, for 6 or t-room house; will pay cash dif ference P. O. Box 23, Omaha. (3 M363 2x WE HAVE some good city Income prop erty to trade for cheap land or merchan dise. NOLAN D A GRAHAM. 'Phone Red lUu. K14 Harney St. (3)-Mti7 J3 FOR SALE OR TRADE 35.000 news paper plant In Indiana. Box At. Milan. Ind. (3) M274 tx SOME good Omaha property to trade far land or merchandise. 110 8. 17th si. (3 MVI Jl GOOD income property, clear, for vacant lots: wslking distance. Peterson Hr"s , 623 Bee Bldg. 0)-Y TO EXCHANGE. T.0CS acres good Canada land for kood in come property, lib per acre. Describe your property or no reply. A -rare op portunity. Bos 371, Spencer. la. (3)-M42taJ!0x I HAVE one Edison and one Paths moving picture machine and s.0uu or s.utrt feet of Paasion Play and high grade comic film for aale or trade (worth tl.i'o Will trade for good automobile. J. E. Hopkins. Grand Iaiaad. Neb. fit M372 Is 11S ACRES 6 miles from Schell CUy, Ver non county Mo.; Hi acres under cultiva tion: good building. Pnoe, $o0 per acre; Incumbrance fc!.0u Will exchange for senrral merchandise. Globe Land and InveaMnent Co-, l&a Farnam St., Omaha. (Jf uw EXCHANGES If yoa have city property, Blocks of gjoda. farm land or property of any kind to exchange, write for our com. fiet list. We have profterttes and Isnds n all parts of the count rv to exchanfa Our list ta free. Send for it at once. Globe Land and Investment Co.. l'l Far bam St., Omaha, Neb, Zj L EXCHANGE $60,000 Improved brick property, renting for 6,30 per year; only five tenants. Buildings cost a great deal more than tbis. Ground 13Z ft. square; worth 120,000. TaVe $20,000 In a good farm; $20,000 rash, balance mortgage 5. This la an excellpnt Investment. D. V. 8HOLES CO., 110 Board of Trade. Tel. Douglas 4 9. (J) 04 2x FOR EXCHANGE Ptano and simplex player. What have you? Addrees H-3TJ, Bee. (3)-10S WANTED Will exchange new piano for good driving horse A. Hospe. (3)-2KH WANTED to exchange, good assorted gen eral stock merchandise for farm. Box 61, Frankfort, Ind. ( M3n Ix I Ml'ST sell my Implement stock at once; Invoice about I4.CKO; all new stock; only one In town of about W0 people; good farming country as good a there Is In the-etate; town has two railroads. 1 will sell right and give possession at once. Write me at once If j-ou want a 'good . deal. The town Isn't far from Hastings. F. H. Kllver, owner, Hastings. Neh. (30 -M 413 5 FDR PALE OR EXCHANGE Rome choice farms in Douglas. Washlnsrton and Sarpy counties: also several sections of firt clasa western Nebraska land. Improved and vacant city property for sale. M MENEM Y & R1KER, Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug. fll. BLACKSMITH shop, tools and stock, about tl.Ot. for land or city property. Peterson Bros.. &3 Bee Bldg. 3 M4 WANTED to trade complete threahlng machine outfit for cheap land or city property. Peterson Bros. 3 M454 S H.AJ'E TOU ANYTHING TO TRADE. If so list it with us. We can trade any thing. KELLY INVESTMENT CO., Neville Block... Omaha. (31-MStt t WANTED To exchange, a good modem house In the best residence portion of South Omaha far a good Improved Minne sota farm. Address E. B. Btarrett, Shel don, la. (3 540 2 FOR EXCHANGE. Some good, elear. Improved Omaha prop erty, always rented. Want good Nebraska corn land. 8. Hawver. 1K14 Emmet St., Omaha. 'Phone Doug. CM. (3 703 3 BUSINESS CHANCES LUMBERING IN OREGON Most profit able Industry on American continent Wealthiest corporations and individuals Investing there. Men of smaller means fast getting rich there. Group of practical experienced western men have organised a company and are pur chasing well established lumbering busi ness In Oregon, with mill of eighty thousand feet capacity and large amount of valuable atandlng timber. Cost of production low. Profits very large. Demand enormous. Portion of capital stock for aale constituting a safe, sensi ble and most profitable Investment. In either large or small amounts. Satisfac tory banking references. Write today for particulars. Asa: ror Timber Taut. Tne : Portland. Ore. 4-M7S5 Jx FOR SALE General merchandise store, lo cated In one of the most promising val leys of Arizona and a healthier climate cannot be found. Inventory of stock Jan uary 1, 19C7, Ill.OtO; average dally sales, 1125. For full particulars address J. H. Wingfleld ' A Sons. Camp Verde, Arizona. - Reffrence. Bank of Arizona. Prescott, Arts. Baahford Burn later Co., Prescott, Aril. . (4)-MT63 Jlx PATENTS NEW BOOK FREE THIS book tells all about patents and how to obtain them. Explains the cost of a f atent and our methods of business. D ustratea 110 Mechanical movements and contains portraits of all famous Ameri cans Inventors. Book mailed free to anv address. O'Meara A Brock, Pat- Att'ys. ls F St.. Washington, D. C (4 Bis: Money For agents In selling our T-xas Panhandle lamis. we are now retailing su.uuo acres very choice farm land tracts to suit pur chaser: easy terms; fortunes are being made by live agents. Address Monarch Land and Loan Co., Amorillo, Tex a a. (4)-g 2k FOR SALE New. clean stock of general merchandise, with building, warehouse and fixtures, in good town on main line V. P. R. R., Lincoln county, Nebraska. Adaress T-14. care Bee. (4 M771 J el TOU are Invited to call and see the new working model of the endless belt street car advertising sign rack; worth seeing. Omaba Mobile Car Sign Co.. 3C U. 8. Nat l Bank Bldg., 12th and Farnam. (4)-M2S3 4 NOTICE Only a few more days to buy Bertha Consolidated at IS cents. June 10. 1907, the V price will be advanced to a cents. ABBOTT & BEVARD 304 Neville Bldg. (4- LF YOU have anything that you want to sell or trade, no matter what It is or where It ta. list It with GANGESTAD, k Bee Bldg., Omaha. 14) eat 3 FOR SALE A well-established aad profitable general merchandise buainess In a thrifty western Nebraska town. Will lease buildings to purchaser at low rental for term of years; owner old and wishes to retire. This la a splendid opportunity. ERNEST SWEET, 403 N. Y. LIFE BLDG... OMAHA. (4-63 3 MANAGER WANTED An Ohio corpora tion manufacturing household necessity desires Nebraska manager; demonstration In leading department stores: office fur nished, three years' contract; salary 32.100 and commissions; good opening for man of character and ability. Addrees Man ager, 617 boowfiake BUlg.. Toledo, O. - FOR BALE Our fine general merchandise business, at a bargain for caah; strictly fine stock; Invoice about 31.0u0; annual caah sales t4000. Will sell all or part on time If profierly secured. Sheedy A Reed, Maukato. Kaa. (4) A CHANCE- TO MAKE A FORTUNE out of the Greatest Fuel Saver and heater Invented. For sale or exchange. Address J. A. McDanlel. Letts. Iowa. "MINERS' SCRAP BOOK" free to you six moot lis if you write as that you like square deal mining. The C. E. Mitchell Co., Spokane, Wash. (4) ' 37U WILL buy one of the beet meat mar. I kets In the city; wen equipped with sau I aaae machinery. Including electric motor: doing a bmsmeas of 32,0u0 a month. Ad dress O 464. Bee. (O MtaS 4x WANTED Amafl grocery business making money ui Omaha. Addrees K. 40. Bee. 4-61 tx FOR SALE A line reetsurant and cn f eti''"ry In a good tow n; alas a at 'en did tivery bsra wltk sole ring, tiler A Johnson. Harvard, Nsb. ,(4) l tg SALEoMEN-HIga class for new account. . Ing a stems for merchants, banks end profeaatoeeJs; sells en thirty days' trial; proposltkm Irresistible: good oomm le sion . the epportuarty of a lifetime. Ad dress Systems Manager M. B- Company, Li Plymouth Place, CTtUcago. WE INCORPORATE STOCK COMPANIES . CHOICE LOCAL STOCK, MANUFAc 1'L RiNli INVESTMENTS. TILE MERCANTILE INCOR PORATING COMPANY. 45-42S N. T. L. Bldg. "Phone Doug. ST.1 141 MS17 JelS DRUG stores for sale everywhere. W. V. Kniest, 707 K. V. L, . Omaha. 44-lU WANT TO BL"Y Furniture of a modern tl per day hotel; population not l.'M than l.0; experienced people. Address T i2. Bee. (4)-M43 x TO BUY or sell any business or real estato quick write or see llildrslh tz Uwniaii, 10 Bee Bldg. (4;-Mis0 WANTEO Young man with $390 cash to manage branch ofhoe of Incorporated real eftaie conipuny; exceptional opportunity. Address k. si. care Omaha Bee (4)-M711 TO BUT or sell any business or rewl es tate, call on or writ K. U. UanResMd. 43 Bee Bldg. . (U a FOR SALE: Small stock of drugs In go.J location. For particulars adrtre.s Charley Stewart. Napier. Mo. (4) M372 Je.lx FOR SALE Best mineral springs proposi tion In Lake county. Elliott Springs )o0 acres land. For lull partkularc address C. C Hopkins, Lakeporl, Cal. (4-M97 Je3x TOWNSEND REALTY CO.. Modale, la. Sell and exchange farms. cUy property, merchandise and chattels. Trv them . (4-Si977 JeZTx WANTED A partner with small capital, for real estate business in a thriving town and prosperous community. Write. A. W. Sutherland A Co. North BRttlcford. Saskatchewan. Canada. (4) M971 Je3 ESTABLISHED abstract liusinss In Omaha, a most up-to-d:te office and doing large tusi!ies; will take city or farm proiorty as part purchase price. - Address A 46S, Bee. (4i 335 JSx WANT a- seconfl-hant! nutomobile; have some land to trade. Address Y 113, Bee. (4j (97 NOTICE Bear In mind the stock sale of Bertha Consolidated at la cents expires June 10. Buy before the advance. ABBOTT & BE YARD 304 Neville Bldg. TO A RELIABLE man. a interest In a well developed gold mine; small payment down, balance to be received out o,f Hi Interest sold. This la a chance of a life time. Everything is on ground for work ing purposes; owner sick. Address Box 734. Omaha. HiZx HAVE cash buyer" for -fJeslrcble rooming house. C. J. Canan, 701 N. Y. L. Bldg., Omaha. 4 2 FIRST-CLASS general merchandise store to trade for land or city property. Hlldreth at Lowman, 610 Bee. (4) 613 I IT TOU are contemplating going Into some kind of business and don't know where to find it. call on GANGESTAD. 4(i Bee Bldg. He can locate you. (4 (30 FOR SALE The best rooming house In the city. 1704 Capitol Ave. (4) M530 8X FOR 8 ALE A business that can be bought for 111,000, that haa an annual income of 3.0i; object of selling Is to retire and live in California; an old established busi ness of 21 years; a rare chance for Invest ment. For particulars write to George Bowman.. Boa 4(2, Fullerton. Neb. (4 MS37 15X FOR SALE -00-room brick hotel, modern and new; steam heat, hot and cold water; In county seat of &.0M In III. oil field: good reason for selling. H. C. Coen. Olney. 111. (4) MS45 8x STEAM LAUNDRY. 1&.000 In cash will buy steam laundry plant complete and an established business In a good railroad town of 6.000 population; the only steam laundry In the city; tha net earnings of the laundry average over 3500 per month. For particulars address Y I. care Bee. (4-MW4 8 FOR BALE Fully equipped cement block factory, doing good bjalness; fine loca tion. Address quick. Box 14&, Coxad. Neb, (4) M&42 6x FOR SALE Saloon; Watson House bar, Nebraska City, Neb.; best location In city. Address S. J. Thomas, Nebraska City, Neb. t4 25 2x $3,000 TO J10.000 YEARLY easily made In the real estate business; no capital re quired; we will teach you the business by mail, appoint yoa special represen tative of leading real estate company, list with you readily salable properties, co-opt-rate with and assist you to a permanent success; a thorough commer cial law course free to each represen tative Write for 82-page book free. It will be sure to Interest you. The Cross Co.. 144 Reaper Blk., Chicago. (4) 470 Ix COME south and prosper. We sell estab lished businesses in New Orleans. Any line, saloons, restaurants, factories, etc Louisiana Business Co.. New Orleans. 4 4S2 2z NOTICE All orders for Bertha Consolidated Gold Mining Co. stock must be received at our oOice not later than 12 noon, June 10, 1&7. ABBOTT & BEVARD 304 Neville Bids. (4- ROOMING bouses for sale from i to 30 rooms. Prices from Iw to LLf.v. Some of them are good. See GANG cj TAD. 4ui Bee Bldg. (4 1V I PARTY controlling large funds will loan well rated merchants snd manufacturers on four months notes, legal Interest and reasonable commission, highest refer ences. P. O. box ail. Philadelphia. Pa. (4 U 2a IT IS up to you. Have you money In a ssving bank drawing you 3 or 4 per cent? What a the use? 1 can pay you 3 or 4 times this rale. Interest payable monthly. Investment secured and guaranteed. "It Is up to you," sent free. Yours for a ' Square Deal," W. H. Myers. O 1226 As sociation Bldg., Chicago, 411. (4) 6o 2x STOCK or bond offering of mining; electric. Industrial or railway company wanted for sale on commission basis. Address with full particulars. Clientele. P. O. box Aa, New York. (4) 676 2x COBALT market letter free All the lat est news from this famous camp. In vestors guide Write for It. E. M. Car roll A Co., is) Wall 8u, New York. (4 Ix WANTED PARTNER. Correspondence school mail plan from your home. Experience not necesaery, follow lny Instructions, big money. E. E. Lawrence, Station O, Philadelphia, Pa. (4 623 ix PATENTS By book telht sU about patents; how to get them and whst the cost will be. Reliable methods: competent service assured Inventors? Book free upon re quest. Joseph M. Bowyer, 1110 F St., Washington, D. C. . (4 614 2x TO IN'ESTORS. Ws have a number of shares of stock of the National Roche Filtering company, purchased for re-aale, and desire to cor respond with reliable Investment brokers or Individual trvestors direct. Conserva tive business and financial men are buying this stock for permanent Investment and Its speculative value at present prices of fers opportunity for large profit. Par ticular on apl!cs(Un. Liberal commis sions to brokers, fidelity Security Co.. Box No. si. Buffalo, N. Y. (4 61 rx CAPITAL furnished for promoting and de. veloping good mines or manufacturing en terprise. W. A. KERR. N. Y. Life Bldg, Omaha. - - (4 e&l Ix WANTED Party to buy a restaurant In a beautiful town; nicely fixed up, first claaa, cheap. Want to change occupation. Rob ert Rj aa. Ttkaauaii, Neb. t4 MAS Zi BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) FOR BALE Aeco mt af death of owner, the Wymore Arbor State newspaper printing Plant; well equlpie1, published twenty five years, good field, offered at half price. J. Murphy, administrator, Wy more. Neb. (4 Ma Jex If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or. ex charge, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. Omaha, Neb. (4-W0 Jll ROBERT C. DRUPEDOW A CO.. STOCK BROKERS. 80S New York Lite Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (4)-Ul FOR SALR First class blacksmith and wapon work business, with tools; t4 to 35 received lor shoeing and (4 to $S for set ting tires. Address Y 13. Bee. (4 111 BUYERS FURNISHED IN 4S HOUR8 Investment Dept. Western Ref. & Bond Ass n. Inc., Suite 711-73 Jf. Y. Life Bldg.. (41-684 MUPIC teachers' local locations bought. sold. Perfield Piano Co.. 1SU Fernam. ' Omaha. (4)-Ml WANTED, to sell, either whole or half interest In first-class flour and feed mill water power. Address Fall River Roller Mills. Marysvllle. Idaho. 4-M4J7 J2x FOR SALE Rooming house. See Hlldreth A Lowmsn, 610 Bee Bldg. 4 M581 WANTED To trade for stock of goods; have a good tana. Address T . Mfc (4) UH tZ,il BUYS cigar, confectionery and store building, cornej- location, best bargain In cltv. Sickness reason for selllns. Royil Real Estate Co., Pioneer-Press Bldg., St. Paul. Minn. (4-M7Mlx HIITRETH IIWMAN can 11 your business quick. e have Duyers watting for you with money. 510 Bee Bldg., Omaha. (41 MSJ6 BUSINESS CHANCE Invest 31 per week lor weea or 3 rniii u imi i-irar absolute safety guaranteed by all banks. Storeheat Mfg. Co., Los Ana-ele. Cal. ( M642 Jl'lx WANTED A party to buy out s first-class stock of furniture in tne oesi town on Ihe Elkhorn valley; best of reasons for selling. Wisner Furniture Co.. Wisner, Neb. (4-MS50 FOR SALE Two-chair barber shop, in town of 3,c. notnern Ltan; electric lights and city water. Address H. B. McCabe, Pleasant Grove, Utah. (4i-M49 Jex TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS. CALL ON W1I.UAM3, All MCtAliLlS BUILDING, 15TH AND DODGE STS NOTICE You cannot make money faster than buy ing Bertha Consolidated at 15 cents, as your stock will be worth Za cents June 10, lfu7. ABBOTT & BEVARD 204 Neville Bldg. 4- FURNITURE of a 24-room rooming house for sale at a bargain. This is a good one. Bee GANGES! f AD about it. Room ul Bee Bldg. (4)-& I LET me sell patent. Booklet mailed free; IS years' experience; patent sales ex clusively. Cail or write. WlUlara E. Hoyt. Patent Sales Specialist. M Dun Building. N. Y. (4) NEWSPAPER and plsnt In largest lumber, ing town In' Washington. H.(j. Other in terests requires owners attention. 3S60 down, balance on time. Ben Sherwood, Everett, W ash. (4) 466 2x BLACKSMITHS notice! For sale. A kU of tools and a good stock In a live town with splendid trade. Address lock bos 2S. New Market, is. (4) Km I WANTED A reliable Jeweler to buy hal Interest In a good eastern Nebraska drug and Jewelry store. Other half owned by a reliable pharmaclet. A fine chance tor right man. Address Y 15, care of Bee. ( 468 2x RODMAN A CO.. SJD BT. AND 6TH AVE. CAMBRIDGE BUILDING. NEW YORK, WILL FINANCE MERITORIOUS PROP OSITIONS WHEKE LARGE CAPITAL IS REQUIRED IN THE UNITED STATES OR CANADA; MONEY LOANED ON SECURITIES; MINING, ELECTRIC AND STEAM RAILROADS; MAM FACT I " R I N G PLANTS; COR RESPONDENCE INVITED. (4) &M 2X WE OFFER Subject to Prior Sale Am. Lumber (N. Mex.). 33.16; Anaconda Sonora Cop. Co., 32.75. Arcalvado. 10c; Baxter Royalty, 8c; Boston Jereme, 27c; Brant Independent Mining, 8c; Chic. Bras. Die. Co., 335; Chic A N. Y. Air Line. 3j; Chiena Cons., 7c; East Snowstorm, 16c; Ely Northern, 31. U; Ely 'Resurrection, 31; Empire (Wisner), 2oc; Furnace Creek, South Ext., ouc; Guanajuato Cons.. 32 SO; Ideal M. A D. Arlx ), bid; Jerome Mines Dev. (Arlx ). K; Merg. H. Basket, 4c; Mission Mining. 16c; Mansfield M. A 8., 11c; North Verde ((Jerome Arts.), 12Sc; Octave (Axis.), bargain;' Opp. Cons. Min ing, 3oc; Penn Wyoming, Sue; Q. S. Gold M AS. 7V: Pittsburg Jerome (Arts.t, 14c; Sonora M A M . will buy; Spokane A Inland Empire K. R. Com., 370; Spokane A Inland Empire R. R., pfd., 386; Sheloa G. A S. (6 assesa pald. 25c; United Wire, leas, pfd., 35; Verde GranJe, Uc; Victoria Chief Cop. M. A 8. Co.. 11.&; United Rico (Colo.) 6&c; Wellington Mines Co., 12fec; Yaqui Copper, 40c We deal In Development Co. of America stock and Bo-Mls. Tombstone and Poland Stock and Bond. Make bids CATI-rN A POWELL CO.. 15 Wall St.. New York. (4-621 2x YOUNG, energetic partner wanted by ex perienced lawyer with established busi ness. Address Y 23, oars Bee. . . . (4- MM llx FOR BALK Grocery and general store in Omaha, making over 330U monthly; In vestigate. Address J 45s, Bee. 4-6&s tx MAN of good address with 33.000 to Invest with services In manufacturing business. Address L 41, Bee. (4J-663 2x PARTY with 31.600 cash to take active In terest In management exceedingly a ro cit able, desirable business enterprise In In diana. Address M e2. care bee. - (4 664 2x FOR SALE Dry goods stock, invoices 318.000:: will sell lor iio.svu casn;; nun act at once. Address Y 67, care Omaha Bee. 44) Mit x NOTJCE Remember the Berths Consolidated. 16 cent stock sals expires June lu. U07. After that date the price will be advanced to 36 cents. ABBOTT & BEVARD 304 Neville Bldg. - FOR BALE Quick lunch, cigar and pool room business, in Omaha; good I'icatlon, cheap rent. Owner leaving city. For par ticulars see GANGEtfTAD, u3 Bee Bldg. ()-r4 3 PATENT bBCTJKEC- OR FEE RE TURNED Illustrated guide book and list of Inventions wacted. free to any ad dress. Patents secured by as sdvertlsed iree in n onu rrotitu: samps copy tree. Evans, Wllkena A Co., U F si. v asnmgton. i. t (t BANKRUPT SALE. At Eddyvllle, Neb., June 7, la7, at 14 a, m, I will offer for sale sat puslio auction te ths highest bidder for cash the stork of - general merchandise, appraised at 86,746, also store building and dwelling of James McMahon. bankrupt. frUock caa be ex amined at any time. Sherman A. Robtn son, trustee In bankruptcy, Oconto, Neb. (4)-M376 6 -BUSINESS OPENINGS" In good, live town, ta Saaketchewan. Caa. si a. Write A. W. Sutherland A Co North Bstileford. Bask. i4 MJ74 Jr3 ' BARBER shop fixtures for sale, two-chair and bathtub outfit 8140 tekea tne bunch. V. A. obea, .W alette, jaUoa. tO-MC4 6x NEW business block, with postoffloe. ' gen eral stre, living rooms and line hail, rente 7i per month, on two fine corner lots; also 1 acres tine land Joining town; has fifty-six lots plutied worth I'.tW each; price, if.fcio. Write T. F. McCreedy. lns coll. N. D. (4-M75 x DOCTOR wanted at once. Good location. Addrees Erick lrug store, Kri k. Ckl. (4 M3K3 2(x TOU can never proat ry businrss chances unless you have some mony: small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a savings account "vtth J. L. Uran- 'dels A Sons, Bankers, 16th and Dougias 6ta Asset over 1,(UV (l CUIRV0YANTS MME. BUDDHA, THE LEADING PALMIST and CLAIRVOYANT OF OMAHA Parlors 113 So. ISth St. Upstairs Engagements by Phone Douglas 45M. In Spring. Summer and W inter Have Your Hand Read by MME. BUDDHA, THE SPECIALIST IN PALM ISTRY & OCCULT SCIENCES The lines In your hand are constantly changing by reason that we are In a state of "changes." so to speak. The hand reveals the changes snd by submitting your hands to MME. BUDDHA, she will thoroughly explsln all the Im portant changes. If any. and how to avoid or take advantage of any opportunities that may be In sight. If friends be true or false. If danger threatens. If good or 111 awaits you, and HOW TO MEET IT I MADAME BUDDHA ranks foremost In her profession and gives abundance of satisfaction where others fail. AU your questions answered by not ask ing a single question to aid her. When you will be successful, when you will make s change and when you shall change to your advantage and Drollt. Tells wnen you win marry and whom you may for benefit to both. All Business Confidential ; and privacy strictly assured. Parlors 113 So. 16ih St.. upstairs. SEE SIGN ON WALK (6I-&S5 i PO'WERFUL CLAIRVOYANT PRGF. LEVEAUX The Man with the Psychic Power . 202 North 18th-St. . . (THE ELMS.) When doubtful, discontented, unhapry, con sult Prof. Leveaux immediately, leveaux advises on businees. love, affection, mar riage, divorce; In fact, everything. Le veaux reunites the separated, causes speedy marriages, restores lost affection, removes evil influence, texches you how to faclnate or control anyone you desire. He calls you by your full name. No heart so ssd that he cannot bring happi ness and sunshine to it. Tells when and whom you marry, posi tively mentioning your sweetheart a lull name or forfeit 8500. He tells you every, thing, good or bad. You hear the truth and nothing buwthe truru. Everything confidential. Maid In attendance. Hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.. Sundays included. No 'phone calls answered and positively no readings by mall. PROF. LEVEAUX At "The Elms," 202 N. 18th St. MADAME BUDDHA The Leading Palmist of Omaha. Revelations of past and future described. Parlors 113 8. 14th St.. Opp. Boston 8tore. tit) 12S EDUCATIONAL FIR8T SUMMER TERM. JUNJE 8. BOYLES COLLEGE BOOKKEEPING. 6HORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. TELEGRAPHY. ENG LISH. ELOCUTION. Catalogue free. H. B. BOYLES. Pres., Omaha. Neb MI70 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Atleraeya. T. 35. BRADY. Probata Att'y, 60S Bee Bldg, (6) Wilt Jetf Civil Estlattn. M EATHRON A JAMUvBON. M N. T. U (6)-U8 L. a. FUCKS, surveying. 438 Board of Trade. (P-MjU4 Jt Chlres-edlst. . C erle DAVID COLE CREAM ERT CO.. soccesor to Beatrice Creamery Co Omaha. tAJiU Carpet Cleaalag. BEND year carpets to N A. Cbrtstensoa A Son, tSO. N. M.h m. 'Phene Web. lft. (6) 113 SANITARY Cleaning Co, 113 Farnam. () 114 CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Works Mak. lag over snd relaying carpets. Also rug saving- lsUi ace Lea v. Tel. Doug. tuu. U-lls JOHNSON cleans csrpeta. washes windows, floors polished. Tel. Douglas 23M UHi J3 TeBttste. BAILEY A MACH. 84 0. Paxton. D. loxj. a-4Uii tVaatraetera. P. J. CTtETDON A RONS, general eon tractors. Office and factory, oth and Dodge. 'Phooes. Mar. Uau and Red lsut AUOU8T KBOFFT. building contractor 1116 N. Mth 8t Pkoae Ida, South Omaha! DreaasBakrlaaT. IN FAMILIESMlas Sturdy. Tal. Harney t ami Electrelysla. MIS3 ALLENDEB." 43 N. T. Life Bldg (6M-4 J - Kavsra viaB. . KOTERA A CO., 1M Jackson. Doug. 007. (w iu rierists. BESS 0WOBODA. 1416 Farnam. (6)-lJ8 U HENDERSON, l&lf Fare. TsL D. 1X i. U. BATH, IBt Harasr. Tsi, Doug. 8(kv 4i Ui Hotels. THE SchHtt. European, 16th snd llnrn.y, (61-MJ70 llalrdreealae-. HAIRDRESSINO. 2Sc and IV: shampoo, ; dry. Tic; egg. 75c: Marcel waving, 75o; Marcel touch, isv; massage. fr'e. Scalp treatment special rates per tronth. F. M. Schadell. 15J2 Dougies. . lb M5' JC3 FURS cleaned, stored and r"-;"rd. O. B. Shukert, 813-316 & 14th, practical furrier. ti) T7i Jig laeeraoraters. MER. Incorporating Co. 4 N. I. L (6)-13 Jewelers aad Watchaaakera. N P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing, t A I Paxton Blk. Tel. D. iXJ. (S)-li4 MRS. ANNA PUMMILL, confinement nurse, experienced; rates reasonable. Ap ply 1610t Farnam. , (5 MWS 3x Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS, 418 N. T. L. Tel t. 14, PD-ia Dr. Bowser, over 1W0 Far. Tel. Doug. tTTO. 6) MJtft) Je20 . Photos raphers. C. B. TRUESELL, 116 South 16th Bt. - fl) 7 French A artistic photographs. 210 8. 14th St. (5 .' Prlatlusr. JENNINGS Printing C Tel. Douglas 8m' (S)-U THE ACORN PRESS, Printers of Quality. UiM Harney. Tck Doug. m. (5 M747 J el 4 BEFORE placing your 1808 calender order, don't fall to see our elegant Imported Una. Lngstad A Jurre, printers, 13 A Cap. ava. (51-117 600 BUSINESS cards.. 81; 10.000 printed en velopes, go'jd stock, for 10; other work at same rates. Get estimates and see. our samples of work. Call at room 33, U. S. Nat l Bank Bldg., or 'phone Doug, las 4603. S)-M46 Jel7 HIGH GRADE Imitation .typewritten let- "n aua 100 printing; no vt too large or smsll. Anchor Puhlishing Co., 1SI3 Far nam St. Tel. Douglas binZ. (5)-Mi:4 Jyl PlBBBbll T. F. BALFE, plumbing, rss snd electrls fixtures. 1097 Howard. Tel. Doug. 743. (B M705 Jull LYNC1I BROS Repair work. our specialty. u n. utn Bt. Tel. Douglas lf7. (6) 306 Je2S Safes, Shatters, Eto. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors nl - ssfes. Q. Andrsen, Prop.. 103 8. 10th 8. (t-r.i School Faraltara. OMAHA School Supply Co., 1S21 ITowsrd. (6 Mill JeU Shoe Repairing. 6TANDARD Shoe Repair Co.. 1804 Farnam. We do the work right; phone Douglas 7W7 and we will call for your work. Ws sell polish, laces afta shoe specialties. ( MJ JelT RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO. J first-class work. 1&IH Cspltol Avs. 'Phone Red KH. (() 244 terra Itsragt. OTOVFSSTORED-Hus-hs. Stove Rep. DAU,lj'5 Works. Tel. Douglas 77M. la) VTal Wall Paper Cleaalag. WORK guaranteed. Call Douglas 4S3fc Ott M407 DON'T fail to call me at Douglas 374. ( M403 HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. EXPERIENCED lady bookkeeper for wholesale house. Address B &Z, care (7 Ml Ix 3 BOOKKEEPERS. 3. tfio, wholesale. Stenographer, billinr. 8.V). ' I cashiers, 335. And numerous others. VtlailvKN KKK. A- BOND ASS N. INC. TO-7.2 N. Y. Life Bldg. (7) Mf t EXPERT stenographer wanted at onos (splendid future), tVA. KEYSTONE SURETY A REF. ACT. I (Incorporated.) "Phone Douglas 3o& Suite 404 Bee Bldg. (7) 463 i WANTED Young lady stenographer; must write good hand end be accurate In fig tires. Address F 6u7. Bee. (7) 7u0 2 Factory aad Trades, WANTED Girls to work In candy factory. Ths Vcegels A Dinning Co., ( Jones SC 7-MJ3l GIRLS WANTED Burgess Bhlrt Company. 8(04 Farnam St. ;- WANTED Machine girls. Ctty Strata, Laundry. 2U 8. 11 Ih SL (7 Ut WANTED Experienced operators to sew overalls and shlru; high wages; power machines; clesn, light factory: eight-hour day. Underhlll Mfg. Ca., Den. ver. (7) M343 4X WANTED Laundry help of all kinds; goo3 wages and steady work. Model S:ea Laundry. 7-3fcis: WANTED A cutter and spreader. King- ' . -u.u ,IV rilKBMID. () 4UI WANTED Girls to learn dressmaking and sewing girls. 646 Ram go Bldg. CD-6 ix Hesaekeerlns aad Dasseatls. WANTED Girl for general housework. I&tt . av. ei. iiarney itde. (7) WANTED In July, good cook, two la family, permanent place snd good wins. Wi Bo. 34th. Tel. Harney 113a. - (7) MS4 GERMAN housekeeper. 830 per mo ; house girla 37 week. Carutdlau Office, lith and O0- 7-M7J WANTED A cook. Mrs. A. U Reed. Ttt Benson 178. ' f7 473 WANTED A cook. 3612 Farnam. (7 C4 STRONG girl or middle-aged woman; for general housework on farm; good home' ressonable waves to coinpetent person. Mrs John Atlerinalt, Springhelii. Minn R. F. D. No. A (7 -Mit 4x GIRL for general housework. 4U7 Dsven. port SL CT)iU WANTED A competent girl for general housewoik. M" 8-; lr week; two la family, apply S17 south J7tU ritrcet l-32 Jlx GOOD woman to combine light chamher work and cleaning; good wages. The Omaha General Hospita. (T-JiJJS l WOMAN lo -So scrubbing at the Oieehe General Hospilai; good wagos. (7js-MJT7 1 WANTED Gii I to a. st In housework Come and ae. Mrs. Watson, 1 N. .vjd hi! (7)-Mu7 WANTED Girl for general housework- no wssnliig; lo per week. Call at T.i 8 31st - IT) 441 WANTED Nurse Jlrl; references required. LAe Geurgla Ave. l'sl AiaxiMry nuu U 413 8a