. 1 f r V OFFERED FOR RENT KICKLT frsrirtsbed frwrr cmi to t"W rind era bom, private fa-nllv. 2"" h. near li MCI n TOT desirable furnished twi w X. cm t. (lie-2U lx JlEt or four pleasant room: notoi ner.ge; aduits only; triwmwi re tjulred; do other raomert. J""' Wo-'worth TOVT rom; wrf desirable rv Lee. emrorUi Bt. (1S 1 x fTRNSHED mom. one Work north of xisnsoora park; ladv pr(rrd. re for -eaoee required. 'Phone Horner XTia (lS 401 1 JUT ana clean; price reeonWe. Iodge at. Ci M0 7 Isfaurwtehed FOUR Usrmeot rooms. Gi-M7 JeSx FIRST floor. 4 rooma with range; all mod. era te family; possession Monday; ckw ta; r-er p X ApiT at The Bo?oo 107 &. 17th St. UK-4f4K x THRFE nloe rooma upstairs to family without children, tf". 8C EVana near Dodge oars Aah Council Bluffs CSV-M4J7 7 Apwrtsseats aad Flats. FOR RETT Flat of I rooma. furnished, r will sell furniture, piano, sewing ma chine, books, etc, aed rent flat. Telephone Dooglse TA. SB N. MUl St.. South Omaha. ,U Ml7 1 Pwralstted euad Plate. BEVFN ROOMA an modern an oomp'ete'y f m narlied. elerant location. Sti. 4 rooma 1ty water, corrpletely furnished. 1M N. f th St, ic BEMJS, Paxton Bik 'Phone Douglas Mfc. G5 M704 JIOPERX wig t -room furnlbed houaa fir rent during wmrnw; nice shade and law; pnj location; two blocks from car; refaraooea. 'f'hana Uarner TTtn RCTT-J'jm 3 to Sept. l. r.ln-room rurnlahed houaa. 3021 Wirt atreet. S ROOKa. fomiahad houaa, for tba ium JLtfHT Jilnney. A. W. Raf. Ft-RNIKHED Hcn;B In Wort Famara dlrtrVt. 7 rooma. nicely furakubed, in new up-o-data bouae; wlil laaae for threa moot ha. UOOHGK. CO, lJt TXRSAM FT. Ca-gg 1 Hwuckeawtac Bnai rO RENT Ttrea room mooera fiat, 2M oalaa, troiuid floor; rait rwuonabia, Cloba LAatf ad loveatiscnt Co.. 3 Far Baa St. C-Mi4 THREE Una fumUhed rooma for hrnv keepinx, block from car Una: Diana, tu ara, bath 4 per month. ISO Cu st thkiuje iMruaakeeplnt: rooma. fur- aua rfoaaa. -fbooa lJoug it rARTLT furniBbod baaement rooma for COTieejieevmx; clean. newly papered; wt ana (aa rnrnlabea reasonable. 2404 Capitol Are. tlt SI7 lx FOnt elegantly fumlahed front rooma, with plana, complete for houaekeiptns. . Kit Davenport. (16 M10J 4x t KICELT fnrslahed front rooma, com Piata for Lsht bouaekeepinc. roll I vex port. m-K2 Jlx I Bleaaant rooma and bath, modern, suitable tor ugin PoaocaoapiDX. .N. Rth. (liHUMS Xx TTTREE deairable rooma for lljht bouaa. kaerlnaT with uaa of bath room. Apply 8. odu, UC UamUton St. a) uaa i OMAHA Van Btoraxa Co. pack, mere. tore H. a. roods; atorehouae 11-BVM N. IBlh. OSoa UU Farsam. TeL tous. 1SU. cu la u C Patera Co, Be Bid Ot-UI HOUSES. Rintrwrnlt. Barker Blk. WE DO expert plane morlca at low eat prloaa. TeL Douglas !Jft. SchmoUer ak Mueller Plan Co, uu-uu Faraam. Oa-ia BEE tie wbea ahlpplng household roods te lares ettlea weat, we can save you money. KXPREcSMEN DKLTX'SKI CO.. HI .H. lath Bt. Tai. Ixmjriaa US6. Oi iJ FOR RENT CS Wortbiarton Place, baan tiful lo-room beoaa. modera, larre yard. M per month. Aply to Conrad Tounx, Ull JOodra. tlt MJal 4-ROOM oottac-a. CM BorL Inquire Era. 0J MX a FOR RENT-Elfht-room bouse, R4 N. zM St.; all modern: with barn: rest reason able. Apply at 7 K. 1Kb Bt. NEARLT READY. Veer brick bouse Just west of AH Saints' church at JRth and Dewey Ave, Hot water heat, hardwood finish; hardwood, waxed floors and everythlns; t he very best. WU1 deoorete to suit teiutst. Wvrkiate tr.ere any week day will show roi In side. They are the roost tip-to-date bouses on the market to rent, we make leasee to beg-ta June L Kasy walklnr dwtanoe and the very choicest location" Better look at them and aee us at onoe two leased this week. HARRISON A MORTON. KJ X. I. Life. Tel. Lou. HL 1L MS40I H4 AMES AVE, rooms. Cl. 7kl) Ames Ave.. 4 rooms. Li. Modera except furnace. KEJUk ABSTRACT CO.. sOd Harney St. 'Phone Dong. HO. OSr- a (-ROOM aU modera, seoocd Boor; V34 Burt St. C M4X7 kx ttat rranklln, 7-r, mod. ex. heat: yard- for. . ahsos ex oo. so. front, pavad et. E N th, T-r; east front lot. tZLm. TCERSLL CO, If Patterson. Cir-ktai HOUSES J" cf. Te UUUOLO a. r. Davis Co, Bee Bldg, (lir-Ul FOR REVT Large stars room, loth a ad Vlatsa Bta. C M. bsohnsaaa. 427 Pax. FOR RENT New t-room modera cottage, aex? tws car Uasa. Inquire ZJt N. iih. (lihesk) ROOMS, mooer-n. ad Charles. Ct: newty papered. Xat. iwttg. KX. H. H. Rotasou. Ca-a-i ROOM, birb-grade dwelling te w two xws. possession Jane 1. W. L. BIlLBT. 44f Boar of Trade Bkig- 'Pbeoe Doag lUa. THE UNION Ovttlng eompany. Uii-n Faruxm Su. wui furntah a rooms com plete for MaO, terms 4 monthly. See us before buytag- Oi MSIaJe3 FOUR ROOMS, half flat, front, h-rd floor. lih and NKboLas Sta, 11 0. BEM1A. Pax lorn B,k- 'Pbosts Duwg. its. tla M7iB WE MOTX PIANOS - MAggsrg Va and rtorage Co. TeL liwaglas la Office 17 J rooms mod., td floor aiarnaent. M. K. ear. Isth and Nebulas IS. Store roctu, 1KB V. 1-n Bt, tak BKM1S. "Pboos Douglas Paxtoa Block. ; Ofc M4s FOR RENT J-room sasdera eottaxe. ex cept fui-nsoe. V17 Seward Si. Innmn Hanry Browa, 14J4 N. aub. Rent Ct-M OS-J4 J sx ti OSr-room medera flat. opp. Btorx Brew ery, corner lam and tiraoe. Inquire cs So. lh St. CI-VUH Al ALL WODilKN. central. T-ruoia kiniae baitia, asila, basement. tM N. CI rit.-Miai I NEW brick ho-oeea, t rooms MtMy mod em. Park Ave. and Jacisoai bt. TeL Hsxmey nVia. Uae-aca 1 JV'KAR Urd and Harney, new room house, ail modern. Harowood r ia very oe airable J. U. Dtuooat e sua V-4 N ( i lAle sei. (s.-wb-a 1 - : iij-t w.n.-m.x i.vaii. Dr,; DAILUUAl, JUMi 1, JiJ7. CFFERED FOR RENT m sad rwiMH C S-PfWiM. all fwve-n b'vo., wi rarant, tX. Hanscom Park, Key at So'tth St ile M0 t rX'R RENT-4 r-mn. North Wth PU. tiX city water. ira C V. BACHMJLNX 43S Farton Blk Balldlaaa. tTI TTARKICT rr.- Utotb and VaraT.t. Wal3 feat; aialtabia for vbo'a). Ue Caa InTaatnoent Cx. Ito,, St. FOR RENTV-Deak roo-n In Bea orTlee, city JU bnildtn-. ;7 N Sth Bu, Bojth Omaba. Apply to manager. CZ1M THE ntira bund'er bow oocn pled by tba I. -ally Newa. im feet, I atone and bare- morn. McctfiM larwjtmant lo&gm Be Co.. 1M4 (ite-4M FOR P-KNT Becwnd floor, rxlOO, auttabla for lodfa rooma or manractur1n pjr roaea. Palaca Clothln Co.. 14th and Ioulaa. (lih-iSS3 FOR RXT Barn. XTJ N. 1Kb. Wholesale District BUILDING For Rent The four-atory and baaemvet briek budrt. big at Kl Fa mam St. Apply at Suslnoaa offlca of The Boa FOR RENT BTOKSa AKD OFFICES IV RAMOE BUnjDIJfO. APPLT TO W. R HOMAS. Jtl7 F ARK AM BT. TEL. IOUGLAS wH, DEPIRA.BLB offloa apace, reasonable. fl4 amam. (lif MffT i OFFICES For Bent in The Bee Buildiner Room 130. aiae Px3. Room frsf. sis a uvtxl. xtooma t ana ISti. This Is a fine suite of offices. Here is an opportunity to rent apace In a well anrnln.'Ml nffino tmiMit.. Janitor service and eieenrte liphta free! Apply Bustnesa Offioe of Bee. (liiMT FOR RENT Larare office room on 16th op posite postofiioe. No. L Crounae Elk, ii per month. Apply to Conrad Towns;, arant. lill Dodge. (15 M4U t FOR RETTT The beet located corner store la Omaha. Farna-iai and With Pts.. Beard of Treus Blag, bee P. H. Philbin, 6chhU U lt.7 OFFERED FOR SALE Pearler. ANCHOR and Iron fenclr.r; wire fencing fcc per foot. a N. UtA Su Tel. Red U4. Oit 11 Farsltsre. ID-HAND furniture bought and sold: bust bees ox the aouara. Rosenberg Co.. for merly wiu nscago umiture Co., 1(0 8. ANTIQUE Jardlnierea. candle sticks, ma hogany farslturs; exchange fur clothes. 14 a 10th St. A. Klasr. Oa VJE14 JelL WE! carry the hlgbeat grades of second hand furniture. Some ttema worth seeing. Prices right and also we can save you yc ew the dollar and It would pay yoa to see ns before yoa buy. Chicago Fur tUtura Co, 1U Dods-a. Doug. 47KT. (lr-6U J3 FINE upright piano, H25; bookcase, oak. tt-ev; balltxee, tiM; Icebox. i.t. and other furniture Call at onoe. party leaving city, tl N. 34 St U-MSto4 Jei FOR BALE Furniture and furnUhing of - room rooming nouse, tiio'jt irom pist offloe; new building: ele'-trle llgfited; steam heat; must sell slokness: steady roomers. Address F 46. care Bee. U M4CC lx Pxasioa, OrSTmas, Mlra IsatroaaeBta SPECIAL BAEGALNS IX HIGH GRADE PIANOS 1 upright, walnut case H 1 nprlght, sbocy ease . ... 7$ 1 New England, rosewood case. 104 1 J. A C. Fischer, burl walnut UK I leer ax Pond, upright best style. 2S 1 Btsger A Bona, need la concert 250 1 Chaoksrinc s Bona, upright . li; 1 new scale Kimbxu, mahogany 158 1 New York sempls. upright 171 1 let tftnersoa mahogany esse. only.... 27 1 IS Bteger Cabinet Grand, only aoo 1 7 Knabe, Baby Grand, only tat We also offer a number of Stelnway. Em erson. Knabe and other square pianos at IS, and up. Mason A Hamlin. Kimball. Lelev and other organs. (Kl lis. I2h and un. Terms. II to K cash and auc. to 11 weekly payments. Tel. Doug. Id. SCHMOLLEB & MUELLER PIANO CO. UU and 1:11 Farnam SL FOR EX CHANG E Plane and simplex Player. What hare uT Address H. 17 tiAr-MkiUU H DISCOUNT en Knabe Cprlght sty is W. ta perfect condition. only three moctx-s and taken In trads. MATTUEWI PIANO m 1R-U Uarney Bt, Omaha. Neb. u-ta PIANO-Square. PO; X cents weekly. neta nuo es, ltll ranuus SL 0O-M344 FOR 8A1E Oood Fmerson aprigbt plane, at a aaortnos. Apply Mi Hamilton. U-171 FOR SALB-aMiM) Hosne Co piano cer tificate for tlCi.O0 Mrs. J. F. Wiliett. 4 CaudweB St, !- x tol sad BtUtarS TaMea. FOR SALE New ard secocdhand bfl'lard and pool tables. We lead the wcrid la cheap bar ftxturee; easy payments. Bmns-wtck-baike-Colisnd r. mJt S. lwib St. (la-Ma Typeairilews mm lewlag Ms eh I see. ONE Rem host aa rypewrtter. No. 4. ta rood condition, tor aaie chess. Call at Bee Otnos, Ofl-Ox TTPE WRIT EPS Best bargains te Omasa. B Ml ao tub; call and see our line, Onaha typewriter 1 1-lis age. M Paxtoa Blk. OA MA Jea FOR SALE High-grade writer; good condition: a Caul roots Ktj Lee Blag. U-hasd type bargaia at fcat (Ui-a7l SMITH-PREMIER typewriter, good writing mt mjm , earn, vmi raiioB nwra (! 44 1 Mleeella GAS, ELECTRIC COXTBLVATTON" FIXTURES Special low prices during May and June te reduce stock; order ar; guoos delivered wbea ready. BURGESS & GRAXDEX CO. Telephone Douglas akO. SU S. lith Bt CmmUm. HOMEOPATHIC medicines; a holesale and retail. Sherman A McCoiinea Driut Co. U-M 417 MILLET SKffr-A V W. Wagnex, M N. luta. 4l4r-4.a TTTP rr t tr t rv ittt tt-t- . , -mv i. ...... .. -. : !f ' "'' T""' 1 1 Want to Buy a Dog? SEVERAL Itr AHTMn SEE OFFERED FOR SALE MlaerlUarvii ( oallaaval. Besley Letter Cabinet Ita4 of walnut and harlnc two Indexel filmy caaea: aa ornamental and tweful of. fc flxtura, at a barratn. Baa Wiifbt. at ih trm DanneH orr. oa. Oil !H BI3 two-piece aalta to order. .l MrCarthy-Wliaoa Tailtrlnir Co.. 04 & -" u M4a imn run PALE Fjitflnai koto Lxtnrea. uvum hc oioue umna ana lareat ment Co, um Faraam 8U, Omaha, Nea, UO Mil oontbi (armeata. iJerlcbt. X: Far n ml BEND bi yon- mall freight pali on (It Lrug Co.. Oanalia. ordera for &-vi toia. Myera-L'!'.! n SHKRWIN WILLIAMS CO.. beat mix J paJEL aaai-maa MoConncll Drug Cu. HOME-MADE ORAPE WINK, TEARS 1'U.i, u t K UALLON. CACKLE I Biua., UffualTS s. O. ao-a Juiyii AWNINGS; they're not expensive. Call jjoux. and our representative sill caJL uoum lent and Awnlnr Co. Ca 1J HALL'S safes, new. d-band. UU Farnasx (14 174 KINDLING FOR 6 ALE at II 04 per load. Inquire of Mr. Jardme at rth aud Jcaoa atreeta. lf Mt22 FOR SALE ID-syrup aoc.a fotiBtaln. la gooi cndition:- rrisboc-acy canopy top, onyx trimmed body. Call or address Bchaefer'e tot frit urug store, lath and PousTlaa. wout '.It-.' M71B Jel4 BHAVE yourself : eary method: ee1f-hon!nx naor strop, taxor. fr-iar.. eic. ; .t outfit. xn in:roaucs only, snd today C. K. Supply Co.. 4U K. 23d. Omaha t16-M9l7 FOR SALE Two email refrlreratora. Ala mato Sanitary Diary Co.. 1HI Farr.am St. (16V-JW 1 DRUGS at cut prlcea; freight paid on ! I'roeri; cataiorue tree SHERMAN A MCONNELL DRUG CO Otnaba, Neb. OS 4I414 FOR PALE Earn. Tel. Harney 1148. 1401 California St ilt) ali lx PATENTS LARSON A Bee Bldg. 17 i D. O. BARX1XL, patent attorney and ma chine designer. Fax loo Bik. Tel. Red 7117. fl7. cn Jell PERSONAL CTTT BTEAJe LA UNURT Shirts pressed. Sot Ironed. Ill S. lith Bt- Tel. Doug. 24. tl 1U OMAHA Etammarers' Institute. Ramge ETRINGES. rubber goods, by mail; cut prlcea. Send lor free catalogue. Myera JJillon Drug Co, Omasa. (! las MINERAL WATER BATHS. Turner Best and Water Cure, CoUax. Ia. OW M33S Jerx Vf 1 fl VTrTTPtrelm"Bt end bath. Hat tla m PLEATING iiB, Dyeing and cleknlrg, sponging and ahriak. in only fcc per yard. Send for price list and samples GOLDMAN PLEA TING CO- U Dougla Block. Tel. Dougias 1834 CA UTION 8TEINWA T PIANOS. Eeware of bosue Instrument offered as genuine STEIN WAT PIANOS. A fine stock ax new and used STEINWAT piseoe at very low prices may be found at the Schmoller A Mueller Piano Co., 12.1 Farnam St, and they are the only authorised rpteeenta tlves In Nebraska. Cit Maal THE SALVATION ARMT solicits cast-oS clotlunx: in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St, for ccirft of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 413 and wagoa will ealL tit 411 FOR anything In the sewing machine line go to P. K. Flodman A Co, 1S14 Capitol Are, OSl-T! Jell A RETIRED and experienced merchant, having ecct-KS to stocks of goods repre eecting milbons. will purchase free of . charge anything you Wint- Write for particlera. Proxy Purchasing Co . inJtt Dodge. Omaha, CB) Mt4S PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King. 1 N. 2ith St. TeL Doug. fW i4 MASSAGE Swedish movement. Room 14, al Broadway, Council BluSs, la. (li M2 SEWING machines rented, any make Tie per week or (2 oer month. Second-hand machines for sale. and up. Nebraska Cycle Co, ltk and Ha -y. CA 1M THE ELITE, newly established massage and bath parlors; expert lady operator solicits select patronage. 1244 Farnsm St, second floor (ji, jiu j v REAL ESTATE HEAL KSTATB DIttEII. RUSSELL A M'KJTcUCK CO, 4R Ramge. or m TURRF1.I, 14 lauorsoo BJk. Doug SEARS, ta N. T. Ufa TeL Red V7. BERKA A CO, US K. T. L TeL Docg. 7437. Oil tk) PATNE IX V. CO, Ut fix. X. T. L. Doug. ID-Ski ALFRED C KENNEDY. V rinl M.t 1 bank Lldg. 'Phone Doug. 72L tlf-et GEORGIC A COMPANY, m Farnam. lei Douglas 751 ti-Tll R. C. FETTERS A CO, Bee Eldg. Til L. W. BUNNELL A CO, aa N Y Ufa uuugaa aiu. (U- CITT PROPERTY FOB SALE. fX.fe IN VE3TM ENT. PATING IP, PER CENT NET. Substantial .! constructed business block close to business center, never va cant, small oaab payment, balance from rentals. 13.000 INYnSTkf ENT. Substantial brick business comer; cash; balanoe from rentals . INVEaTMENT. Substantial three-story brtck; SIMS casn, balance from rentals. The above are aa desirable properties as there are ta Omaha Roots SZ Neville Block. ciat-Moc 1 WILL BE SOLD CHEAP An t-r house, city water la yaas. cistern, pennasent walks around kouse, so. fruat. sar car hue. Can be purc hased at a bargain etephoiie us atxvut mis 1 1 KRLLL A CO, 14 patu-raon. (. Mta 1 Ali. MODERN bouae. I h-ng roorua Uuadry; aia.. varan! lot. axJ4f. deetraUe lottwsi intjue lul H wian-ftfe Ave ADVERTISED IN THE retire? ninno wa -.vsrh, uinuo, uuuo REAL ESTATE CTTT FROPKKTT FOR tALIw (Continued.! LOT SALE Continues Every Day This Week IN COLLIER PLACE and aMONA.OUTH PARK At SGtb and Ames Avenue. Both addition! on A mew Are. car Una. Prices range $200 to 1500 each. Lots oa SOtb St, and corners a trUJs higher. Terms $10 Cash and $10 a Alonth WATER. FEWER AND PERMANENT WALKS IN FRONT OF X EARLY ALL LOTS. Salesman on the ground from t to $ p. m. every day. Office open Monday eveningi until 9. Hastings & Heyden 1704 Farnam St, Be Bldg. (l 247 IS PER CENT INVESTMENT. Nice 6-room cottage, tnt part of city; part mooern; close to car; fine condition; rent, r.S W; easy payments; LM. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO, Doug. Douglas Blk. (II M40 1 OHIO Owner going to leare and wishes to Bell erst If possible. There is an fc-r. house, cay water, gas and bath; plenty of fruit. The owner will nhow property. The trios will 1 right if the projierty suits. TURRELL at CO, 14 Pattr.m Clij Mt 1 13 INVESTMENT 16,600 Ruys the thre bouses at 60S and mi ortn ifin St.. with house in rear renting for K7v per annum. W. B. MEIKLE. SOS RAMGE BLDG. 0-M347 S DOWN TOWN LNYESTMENT We are authorised to sell a 4-apaxtment flat In first-class repair and renting for (Z.490. lor USX. This property is only seven years old, cost over IX.OOu, and will pay II per cent net. F-.fc cash will handle this, as there Is a mortgage for as.009 that can be assumed. This property Is excep tionally well located and the apartments are never vacant. J. II. DUMOXT & SON - N. T. Life Bldg. cs)- a WOOLWORTH AVE. Just east of S6th St, South front 2 feet with alley In rear. Price tLlatt I alao own some lots on If th 6t, Just north of Wool worth Ave. Price 1MB per 50-foot lot. George Forgan 404 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Douglas 1474. FINEST IN OMAHA an Park Ave, new brick house, oak finish and floors, electric and gas light, splen did plumbing, laundry In base ment, good yard; nothing ehoddy. PATNE, BOSTW1CK A CO, H N. T. Ufa. 0t-4 U 10 Business Investment P-.artft buys the two two-story brick store building, with flats above, at 1010 and 112 North lath St. This proj-iertv rents for (l.Uht per annum and has trackage on ids alley, giving it great additional value. W. B. MEIKLE, V BAMGE BLDG. 09-M2M I THE KERR A-BSTRACT STRACTS OF TITLES are CO.S IB- till safest. You are protected by a lit, bond against ioas by erruts Tou dos t buy a law suit wnea you buy a Kerr" abstract. 114 Harney. TeL Douglas at7. Ult D EAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST rT CHAS. V WlLLaAMbON.Prat V-W tl U 'EAST front acre on Miller park and car line; new rousare; irull ana irj.il.; the choicest acre Lome now offered id Qmeha. Price. SS.i': easy lerma If Omaha has a future tils will rapidly Increase In value. B L. SLepard. 43o North tg St. (! Mj44 lx FOR BALE-2B lots in Marah s addition, between iih and 27th Sta. and Leaven worth and Mason Sta: hfteca minutes' walk from city LalL The O F I -avis Cu, V Bee Bldg. 1 M1 1 FOR BALE Ftve-scre tract of land te Ben son, three blocks from car. suitable fur ptatttng or for Improvement; aa oppor tunity for some on a Addreaa. G 41, Bee. ill 4x CORN INER lot. 2Ma and Frarklln Bis, par i, srser. gaa. lilt!, 177a. W. T. GRAHAM. sua see tux. os in n I WALK to business; U-for4 lot, rth snd tspitof avenue; San,, good neighborhood, ten minutes' wals to pOMtonVe. T4 Kei - Illr-lllS lx LIST ycur optrry wu the Westers "u4 rasa. u--s J. auras a a'l t-Hr 4 DEE UNDER THE m. w,--.. AiiiJ r't 1 a t I I t REAL ESTATE CITT PBOPKRTT FOR SALaC. (Continued.) Finest Corner Sherman Ave, IMX-Burs the south eajrt corner of Fhet. man Ave and Corby St, having dm ln feet, with an Income of ITtij per annum. This la one of the best oor od Sherman Avenue. W. B. MEIIO.E, U RAMGE BLDG. 0 M344 I FOR SALE House, a rooms, modern ex cept furnace. IWT Cuming St. Prtoa, ttSvi. Eacy terms. ' JOHN F. FLACK. Cits- Savings Bank, lets and Dovglaa Ci US FOR SALE Two modera bouses and large bam. one block north of Hanscotn park; paved street, eaat front, lot Ti.xlsu. Last era owner will sail at a barsain. THOMAS BKENNAN, Room 1 N. X. I- Bids. ay Ml IF TOU are thlnkmr of building Jt wffl nay yoa to see the Western Home Build ers, rootra Si and Si. Neb. Nat. Bank Bidg, tt prtcee and tenna. . fl-MMI REAL ESTATE FARM AXD Hl.NCB LA Ik US FOR SALR CllfsrsLa. FOR SALB-Callfomla real estate, both city snd country property; vlnevard, or chard and aifal.a landa a specialty. Ad- nreas w. li. Smith at Co . 1142 I St, Fresno. Cai tau MS Jlx Caaaia, Canadian Lands For Sale. Eight sections first class winter wheat land. eigr.1 mues trom town with three large coal minea. output about 2.00V tons per day. and 4U0 or bJ Inhabits nta. lust be ginning to settle up. Land Is black loam with eliow clay subs !., nice a moots, level land, no rocks Good te is to par ties mho cu handia chunk. Address. J. H. Evers, Chinook. Mont. (.'Jit a Jl AN OPPORTUNITY FOR PROFIT AND fLtiASLltii Invest in Saskatchewan wheat lint.i Wheat yield last season 26 bushels to Ui acre. Increase in land values Certain aa sunrise. Pig proats assured to farmer or Investor 4i acres on bank of Fishing lake, Saskatchewan. Gentlv unriul&ttna- nriiri. Magnificent wheat farm and splendid fish ing, shooting snd sailing. The Grand Trunk Pacific. Canaoa s new transcontinental rail way, now lielng constructed, will run riht past mis property fiz.bO per acre; 13 ceh balance in three annual narmenta MTvr PEARSON CO, Ltd, E Northern p.ank tiiae.. w innipeg, Mao. (20 Colsrsdo. BETTER THAN A NATIONAL BANK. AN IRRIGATED FARM at from MS to tTB, ' according to ire p rove men ta in the Arkansas Valler. ARKANSAS VALLEY. COLORADO, and FAMOUS ROCKY FORD DISTRICT, Carrying an abundance of free water rights Our lands are located at Bradbury, adjoin ing Ordaay. Olney and Sugar City. All kinds of fruit except tropical, flourish here. SUGAR BEETS. CANTALOUPES. CORN. ALFALFA. After hiring all help and paying an ex venses we can prove to your ea'.lsf action that this land will pay better U an i per cent, or can rent every acre from H to 115 spot cash. We are compelled to advance the price of this land IJ0 to 130 per acre on June 14. Why not make the advance of (30 per acre by buying now? Join our excursion on June 4. Address. CONNOR A HEALEY, Neville Block. Omaha, Neh. C-a ti WANTED Agents to represent os la the sale el oar Kansas lan da. Write for par ticuiajs. Globe Land and Investment Co, Omaha. Nan. (J M42I WE HAVE lands Improved and untm- f roved in central and eastern Kansas hat we can sell yoc trots t- to per acre. These lands are No. L Will con sider good city property or merchandise w rite us tor full information, with di acription of what you have to offer J. W. STINE A CO, lOM O St, Lincoln, Neb. OOt-mM J Tlx Mlaaima, LOOS LOTS free to tbe first applicants In tbe people's colony In the gulf coaat country of Texas, the land of oranges, bananas and figs. Lots xtxXS feet, t lve acre truck and poultry tracts cheap for cash or time payments Address People's Colonisation Company, Oldt am South Dakota. (Jt'j-MX 4x Bebraaara. IMPROVED farms ta eastern Kebraska; barpy and Douglas counties. B J. Over tan, Gretna. Kea. (Ju US7I We offer to real estate agents fl.B per sere commission for the next tu days Writs fur land list. All lands we own and offer for sale are located is western Neb. We own 11.24 acres of the best wheat com. oats atid alfalfa land. Offer same for sale at a price from I to IA per acre oa Cood terms to suit purchaser; If you ni.g customer te us you cas wire us at our expense when you start, so Oat we can meet you at the train in Sidney. For further Information and list write to Hermaa Springer A Co, Sidney. Neh. aXl 4x A OOOD farm, wen tm proved. SI miles west cf Omaha, for sale oa easy terms, a pee cent Interest, if takes to Mlt au day a juiareas s , tee. Texas. AU aboard for our excursion on June 4 to our lands In the famous Panhandle of Trias. We have sold lu.lwO acres cf land la the last three muhths and we want to sell lu. seres more In the next three months Are you with us? If you pur. ct-ese. buy direct from us. If you are ia the land business Irlr.g us some buyers ar.d an a eummUsiua. O-r excursus Wsves Minneapoi's Toeedsy evei-ikg. June 4. smviug m fcaneea Citv Weanesday evenitig. June 1, over tbe Chicago Great Western road, leaving Kar.aaa City oa Wedneadsy evening over the Santa and arriving at oar office In Portsles. New Mexico. Thurs-Jsy aiiersxHn. Free slop ing aooummodations on our car. W rite er wire us fur further Informatkoa. Lib eral terms f arerits Tf.XAB A SOUTH W F.ST COLONIZATION .pulia Mlnn. k-MLiix REAL ESTATE FABM AXH KtUH POM (IK (Conunued J u Mil EXCT-RSIONS Tuesday. June 4. to South Dak'tta. Colorado, western Kanoa and Texsa; lint tt.an iTie fare if on go 10 see our land, free fare if you buv of u. aid you are likely to bur if you go with u. for we have the land barf atn Con tinental Realty Co, H U. B. Nat 1 Bsjik Biilg, .tiaha. 14 Prowrvell bi k. Lln- w'ih, ana aio in niner cti.-o. f'tia tree copy of 'Whei NexlT 'U full of bargatrs. do-Mi. a REAL ESTATE LOANS MOXXT TO LOAM Payne Investment Co. PRIVATE MONET F. D. Waad. IL Dsng. tLMl.oaa TO LOAN oa business and resi dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brconas, Koom 1 N T. LUa iXhiM WANTED City loana and warrants W. Farnam Smith A Co, Us) Farnam SL oi-ua LOAN! on Improved Or. ah a pro pertr. O KE.ETB SL CO, la N. X. Life B eg. OO-MTIu W TO atO TO LOAN at towwst ratee; ne delay. UARVLN BROS. IBut FARNAM, cn-u; BUILDING loans on rva ioenr-e r pertr; per oenL W. B. Melkia. Ramge Block. ca 14 LOWEST RATES Hernia. Paxton Block. t W WANT Crty loess. R. C. Peters It Ca -ao LOANS on impro ved city property W. H. Themaa, aoa First National Bank Bldg. . . in REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE customers for the following properties: 'i"OTn cottare. walking distance. ft residence. , 1 " e.i.'v r infnce Flat bulldnlg. 7.0(i0 to tiO.VM. FITZGKRALr-DERMiPT CO X N. T. Lile Bidg, Omaha, Neb. O-MC I WANTED TO BUY CASH paid for v.ld booka Crane-Foys Ce. ail B. 14Lb, Phone Douglas S-aH WANTED Te buy. second-hand furniture, pook and heatlh stoves, carpets, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes anl Bhoea. pianos, fee there, bed plllowa, quilts and all kinds of tools; or wiU buy the rurniture of your boose complete. Will buy antique or manogacr furniture. Tbe high est prteesraid. Call the right man. TeL Douglas tSTL (Z5jM Ja WANTED TO BUT-So me heavy brood mares. 4T7 N. 14th St, South Omaha. TeL Douglas 73. iS) MK6 1 WANTED Galted small saddle horse or large pony, not too hlr-h-pr-teed; state price in answering. Address E 44&, Bee. (- lx WANTED to buy. hirh-xrade swart or perambulator. Phone Harney ittb. .ia-M4a tx WANTED SITUATION EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER: good references. Address F. Omaha Bee ii Boott Bt, Council Bluffs, is. C7-ia POSITION WANTED A young German printer wanu a position on a German Paper; experience about four and a half fears; Bo bad habits. Address T 17. care 27 M43S Jlx TOUNO college man wishes position as col lector; Is a hustler and can furnish high est references and bond If required. Ad foss B 44a. care Bee. 7-4l tx WHEN yon write to adrerrsere remember It takes but n extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Bee WANTED Position by all round clerk- 10 years experience in general store; a worker; reasonable wages; best refer ences. Address T 12, Bee, 27) M40S ix REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Charles K Wnilama and wife to Adam w. or nan. tou 1 and 2. block Walnut Hill Bernard Luckey to Thomas " yi. Luckey. lot l. block Brown rvx. aouui en-nana John Power, stierlff. toEdwani 1.5W) Keator, lot a. block L Potter A Cobb' Second add . Koutl. rwn. 1-. Caroline L Poprleton et al to Erk 75 Gust Wailen, lot n. block a. Sulphur 6ru-igs Ellxalth Kountxe Reel Estate Co! GO to Mae L. Rice, lot 6, Mock 2J Kountxe Place . The Provident Life A Trust Co." to Fndpet Martin. vl s tax lot Si In W. A and O. C. Redlck. executors.' o Edward H. Howland and Edsard P. Boyer. north 2d0 feet east 124 feet and north 159 feet west 124 feet block t. Oak Chatham Add ,f7j Eda'ard Noian to Sam Novak. lot a. piocb is, improvement Association Nelson B. iiarah and wife' to Heien L7G0 . .an .ur, cxeruinx, jot 17. Wright Place LUX) Charles Muff snd wife to Edward tiat-ernoa its and wife, nH lot I block 42a. Grandview 76 A. D. Ann is to The Portamouth Trust A Guarantee Co, lots 14. li. 14, 17 and ia, wna-r.i nart Ttie Portsmouth Trust A Ouarant'ee Co. to Nelson B. Harsh et al, lot 17, Wright Place Bfe soior-.oii i x irerione ana w-.fe to Jesse E. Jenkins, lots L 1 4 and t, Fire stone's sub Charles Turner to Jacob E Hoiitx V north as leet lot and south au feet lot 17. block 1. 6ummlt Place Byron R. Hutir.ri and wife te Ben Roeherg. lot IS. blcick 7. Hitchcock s First George Warren Smith to Charles El Fields, lot U, Smith's sub Thomas H. Avres and wife to Conrll Denial Realty Co, lot IB, block L Shrtver Place Joeie Porter to A. A. Patsman, lot L block B. Carthage Oecar A. Boott and wife to Harriet Jl. Wiloox. lot U. block . Kountxe Place Continental Trust Co. to Frederick Head. V lot a. biocK 4 Lyman Place Same to James May. lot lit block L Hoppe's Bonanaa , Adelaide Dewey to Franlcs B Miles! east li fe-t lots 2 and t. block U, Hansrom Plaoe Eltsabeth fnnstle end husband to bettle Stark, north 10 feet lot fc. Uk t, Kirk wood Add William Gernandt and wife to Jacob Gerrop. a S Vol 1.4, block 15. lin- provemerit Association Add Martin N nylon et al to Samuel P.lckes north 8 feet lot 17. block C," eub! Horbach's First Add. William D Kesyoo and wife to Eleanor M. Hamilton, lots 2 and X. bkk IB. Popplrton park William R- McFarland and wife "to John E George, lota 7 and k. block 11. I igTt A Lyman s Add Albert L. Meager and wife to Elixa C. STiith. If 12, Ki atin s Add Louis Rentfrow to Isador Pneds.an. ce lot 4. block 4. B V. Smith's Add. John Ppples and wife to Wiibelm W abaaea tv H 1 snd north II feet V4 1. Kauf-rian A Jettera sub R-'rrt O Fink, county treasurer, to Continental Trust Ce, H lot 1- blwrk "B." Shinr.'s Add and other lota.... Same ta Sbjne. liorih iZ feet east, int 7i. Hart magi's Add Same to William R McFarland. lor'i T and I. bl.K k U. fiwight A Lyn.sn s Add Bums te CVnei,tal Trust Co, lots 7 II. and 14. lock a. Baker Piace and other lota . Same to P P. Doturlxs. lot B block 4. Brigg's Place 1.&CW 100 43 I Lo 1 l.fti 1500 LSU 1.M0 LfrJO 1 ItOB 1 7ue C.i Total .4l 77 TWFiiTIETH CENTURY FARMER aveel raxsa Paper Bab ribs Bear. 19 GOVERNWENT NOTICES OFTTCK CP THE CONSTRUCTING Wuat-terrraner, f hej rnne, Wyoming. My . 1!T. Sealed propoMiia, in trlpltoeie. wiil ' recelTT-d at thta ofbee until U a. m, mount. i time June ). JSkC. at which time t-er eill be oj-nel in puMra, for furnish. v anS Instalhrg on public build Tire at F ort D. A. Kufx41. TVy.ming. door, iran sm ard win low screens, as per srtiejuie "'''"I to pecia-atkn for aarre. (Ap-P-i. 'n.a'ely nine hundred ('! s-reer,i. Flank foiTnp nf projxMwls and full tnrirrtia t"n ftirnislied on application at t his office. The pn-ertimmt nwrrn ihe right to ac fj' "J"t any i.r eUl biis or pans of 1 ids. nnve) i a c-onta'niag p-opoeal ahmild be Indore-d ITopoea.a f,.r Ior and Win C w ri''reera for itiiiiitim. r-,., n a I Ruell. Wyoming." and v ' v for i 4 i "nl' yuane-mavter. v. S. Arfit, in (. . viwiruniQa, reyenne. wy Inc. Junel-a-a-4-U-U . DEPARTMENT OF THE INTF-RloR. I mted f'.ate reclamation er-ie. The oate of .t-mns propoaels undf r the foTlow. 7. evert isement has been pirponed until 4 o clork p m . June It. 1'T. Wuhmrmv !... April . ic. rValJ pn.p.ala will ST .r2v'a th cfflce of the United Stat-w K lan.atlon service. Belle Fourrh. l 1. until 4 o'clock p m . Mav r. lC (now June 1ft. ic. for the conslructioa South Canal, eection 1- and structur-a. sectior.s 1-8. Involving spproxlrnatcly 47ft ont cubic ysrda of ranal excavation. 7.v varde of com rete and 1 ,2i linear feel of tuime ULT"".11"11 lln Fourche proect. South l.akota. Plana srwlficstions and propoaaj I blanks may be obtained from t,e l nlted Ptates Reclamstlon Pervloe WaaS birton D. C . Crawford. Neb., or Belle rourche. 8. 1. James Rudoli h Gsrfiei,. VerPXt Ak sx . : jiau CKLn OJ.'ARTERM ASTERS OFFICE, Omaha. .Nehraka, June L lUfC. Sealed proposals, in irlplicste. suhct to the usual conditions, will he reoHved bere nntll M i VZr A m'' rn'ral wandard time. July H.i fi'r tlJ rrmt'v1 ' the present heat- e .j.ira a in trie commanding officers" r . . " 1 'in twnaha . . 11 ? '"viTin a nea- steam heating svs tyu ' ''""ry alterations ' to the building. Full information furnlahed Kl un 10 ornoe, where plsns and specifications mav be seen. Rnvelopes containing proposals to be marked m,erR r?" master, Omaha, Nebraska. . Janel-a-4-6-3l-- PROPOSALS FOR FTATIONERT. PEPOT Vuarurmasler s Ofnce. Omaha. Nebraska, lk.r ,z- l""- Seeled proposals in rtunlirate K iJfSSTZ'1 h,r J"5,U 10 - m - m. Ir7. and then opened, for furnishing pi. I'T.nH .J? r"rT' nrht to reject any or all bids, or parts thereof. Cortes of UVl?1 furT'teJ on application to Major THOMAS SWOEE. (Juart-rmnster Mah-Jel-lnTM RAILWAY TIME CARD rVIOS STATIOn 'TEaTTB AKD MABCT. rales PaelSe. , . . . Lee vs. Arrtvs Overland Limited a aa a 1:11 ora The Ch'na and Japan Ma" alTlptn a-lr- Colf A Calif. Ex... a Ml rm a I JO am California A Ore Ei.xI Snt, al lOpra Los Anreles Limited all B6 am a I 15 pm cf Mc'lll V lxn alKiepm Colorado Special a 7:45 am a T 44 am North Platte Local a l ie era e 4 M pis Pea trice Local bljflpm bll.45 pm Cbtoxgo. Betk lalssd PwlBe. EAST. Chicago Limited a lit asa arisen Iowa Local a 7 aaa a Is pm Chicago Mafl a 4 15 pm '"Ta L""1 ....W2 pm b B ill pm Chlceg-o '.Eastern Ex.).. a s w a I S pm Chicago tlowa Lmtd ..a 4 Jl pm all J pm Rocky Mountain Lmtd. .a 7:S am a IHB aa A CaL Erpreas...a l as pa a 4 Ml pm CkL A Texas Express..a 4.4V pm 4024B pa Lincoln. Palrbury and Des Wolaea Local a 1:11 pa Wabash. St. Louis Express a l:M pa ia)M Bt. Louis Local (from Council Bloffa ilflin alo.H pa Cranberry Local (trom CoancU BluSs) b S.t pa bllM aa a-icsge. Mileraaatew 4k Bt. Psal. Chi. 4k Colo. Special... .a 7 fii am a T JO aa California A Ore. Exp.. a t:4t pm a 1.10 pni Overland Limited ...... ai a Js pm a B JO aa Des Moines A Cedar Rapids Local b I C am bll.oa pa Csleaia aV lartkweatara. Cedar Rapids Pass a 7 aa a lt pa J,'" City Express a am al:w pm Chicago Daylight a : am all-.lioa ChicaaTO Local ...aul jto am a 1.4a pa ... l:Sd pm a B Slam .. 4:B pm a t-M am a 146 pm pm a 7:30 am a fast nn. Sioux City Local .... Carroll Local . Sioux City Local Chicago Express ..... Fast Mall Fast Mali Twm C'ly Limited... Overland Lnrltsd ... Norfo:k-Bonee.eel ... Lincoln-Chsdron ..... Iead wood-Lincoln .... tasper-Shoahonl HasUngs-6uperior .... Fremont-Albion Los Angeles Limit ed missis CratraL Chicago Express Mian. A St. Paul Exp. a f 3 pm a lino am -.4 1:21 pm a 7.-4C aa ..a 1 pm a B.Sl am ..a 7.40 am alG-.at aa .. I to m aid a as ..a S:Oe pm a 1:06 pm ..a k:(K pm a E. pm ..bB-epm b IKS pa ..b 4:"1 pm bl2:6A pr ..a I.S4 pa alias pa ..al-OBaa a S. 41 pa ,.bl:Wiam a I li pm . .nr. ... " ceicaro Limited Minn. A St. Paul Lmtd. .a I JO pm a 7 JO aa - w yni s ( jh am intense treai etesiera, SL Paul A M:nneapolia.. BJ0 pm Et. Paul A Minneapolis.. 7.4 am Chicago Limited I:4v pm Chicago Express I:4a aa Chicago Express ......... tJm pm Mlssr4 t'aeiae. T:aa 11 iiO pni B oo am 11:H pa I JO pa K. C A 6L L. Lxp a I 0 am a I 41 am K C at St. L Exp all :U pm a IJB pm Nobrasks, Local -a t:u9 pm all .40 sua art BLISGTOB BTATIOX IOTH A Ma BOX tterlfnartes. . . Dsava. Arrree Denver A California. ...a 4.10 pm a IM pa Black ILuls a 4.1 pm a l pa Northwest Special -a 4:10 pm a 1J pa Northwest Express .....all .10 pin a 7 t am Nebrnaxa Express a 1:10 am a 7:46 pa Nebraska Looel a t J am a 7:4 pia Lincoln Looa. a ixm aa Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:00 pa al2:14 pa Llncoin Local a 7:10 cm Ft. Crook A PlaUsa'th.b I k pa bid am Platumouth J JO pa al .lOaa Denver Limited a 7 10 am PeUevus A Pae June, a l:M am a 1 is pra Chicago Special a . 21 am a T:SS pa Chicago Exiress a :4i p a 2 i pa Chicago riTT a 4:06 pm a 7:26 pa lost Local a B.U am alOU pm St Leuis Express a 4:4a pm all JO aa Kansas Clty-St. Joe all 41 pm a :4S aa Kanaas Clty-Bt. Joe. ...1:14 am adlua Kanaas City 81. Joe s 4 41 pa ..JHZ WEBSTER STATIO-lSih A WEBSTER Cbtrsgs, St. Fa el, ItlBsem pells Osaka. Leave. Arrive. Twta City Passenger. ..b 6 Ji am b :10 pra Sioux City Paeetiger.-.a t-m pro all : aa Emerma Local ...b I 44 pa b B ht aa Emerson Local 1:41 aa c t JO pa Mlasonrl Par I a a. Local via Weeplnf Watr a f -fS am a CSS pa Falls City Local a I:a0 pen aUJOaa OCEAN STEAMSHIPS ORIENT CLARK'S TENTH AN NUAL CRU1SK. Feh. a. I. 7 dsya, by specially chartered S ft. Arabic." liwe) tons. SO TOURS TO El RoFE, KoUNO THE WORLD raUUiK O. CLAJLK. Tunes Bldg, IT. T. UPD1KES ON WORLD'S WHEAT Csbbo4 See Aay Slgse of Material Improvement ta Oetleek for Crop. Tbe Updike Gain company Issued a cir cular letter Friday stating that the outlook for the world a sheet crop has not be materially bettered by the recent rains in Kara and Nebraska. The letter follows: To Our Friends: We aee nothing in the sit.iatioB te clange our views on ti e what nrrltet. The foreign situation Is ss bad a ever. A prt.rT.lnent elevator concern la Mimieept'lis Sent out 4,0us iiHiuirtee and the r.fit aa a statement that the acreage sill be arTt from 11 to U per cent In the a; ling w Ueai country. The Cenad.an north at nop naa put la try iai. Irojta (vitm,e i-rvity g.neraJ'y over Europe. Some i liable ruthorl'iej m.te their short age will be liiMHAMK, t .rbela Such people as Anuour and Lartleit. Fraxivr A Car rmstoa Seem to te viry frieri.1:y to Wheat an I sialu they look fr murl, hiirher prices. We write this letter ao you may known tht th rains In Kansas awl Nebraska l.avs not thatg-d our oj.n.K.n. If I La Ne braska pOT'le mm Just iu.id their wheat and ask aoo o money tut U, la oug i-- 1 Uxa will get Ui om-