TLTE Otf AHA DAILY BEE. ' SATURDAY. JUXF, 1. 1007. II 7 f GRAUTASD' PRODUCE MARKET cr'nc h Tirm With FrioM Inoliid Toward the Up Grade. WUTHLR, REPORTS MORE FAVORABLE Bnsleslejaj . Hnnsea Abirk All the WkHi; an tha . Break tha Crewel U Inclined tn , fie) Bearish. ' '.- ' OMAHA, May SI, 1307. ju market opened ilrm witn governing Jicc-8. weather connltlona hava bran sum t mora tavorable for agricultural In Uteata during tha Isst week. Winter whwt has made aome Improvement generally ana more progress haa been reported man for some time.- Mains have been general. Ohio, Indiana and Illinois report great Improvement-ami wltn warmer woatner In Kanaaa and Nebraska conditions will buow much better, VV heat opened easier but' commission houses absorbed all wheat on the break. The crowd waa bearliih, but prlcea re sponded readily to buying and .commlsalon houses, hold large numbera of buying ordera. Julv option opened at 92c bid and Closed at BJc bid. Corn opened Ilrm and advancing awing to Arm rahlea and (rood buying by caah Inter rsta. Offerings were light. July opened at V Md and closed al 4c bid. Oat a opened firm with a sharp advance Owing to buying by ehorta. Commission houses were good buyer. Trading waa light, very little oajta being on aale. July option opened at fee bid and closed at 46c bid. ... Primary wht-at receipts wera 731.000 buah els and shipments 333,000 bushels, against receipts' last year of 816.000 bushels and ahlptnents of 274.000 bushels. Corn receipts were l.Otf.OOO bushels and shipments 6,0tt bushels, against receipts last year of 828,000 bushels and shipments of 478.000 bushels. Clearances weto 80,000 bushels of corn and 2.000 bushela of oats, and wheat and flour equal to bushels. Liverpool closed Hd higher on wheat and ed slghaY on corn. neahoaru reported 170.000 buahels of whaat nd 240.0HO bushels of corn for export. Araentlna wheat shipments wera 2,240.000 uahela. against 2,576,000 bushels last week and 3,904,000 bushels last year. Argentina, corn shipments wera 1.121,000 - bushels, against 1. 204,000 bushels last week and 6.138.ono bushels last year. ' Local range of options: dalrlea, 171Ve. Fgra. easy; at mark. cases Included. 14Hc: firsts. 14c; prime ftrste, liic. Cheese, essy, 13jj)46c. SRW YORK GE5ER4I, MARKET Qaet.tlesi it a Varlaas f tit Day Caaamnclttles. N70W TOTtX. May HI FliOVR Receipt a, 21.727 l.blB. : exports. l.ajH bbls : market Arm and higher but oulM; Minnesota patents $5.20775; Minnesota bakers, tS.704.25: win ter (.stents. 14 3MiY10; winter straights, 14.20f4 5; winter extras. 83.0fo4 60; winter low grades, 12 904ji 40. Bye flour, strong; fslr to good, Metro.?); choice to fancy, fa. 006.25. COHNMEAIj Firm; fine white and yel low. 11.30; coarse, 11.1701 U: kiln dried, B.IO C8.35. RTF Firm; No. 1 red western, OHC c. 1. t. Buffalo. V HKAT Receipts. mat) bu.: exports. 16.0-jrt bu. "pot market firm; No. 2 red, 31.01. elevator, and II 03" f. o. b.. afloat; No. northern. Duluth. $1 12S. f. o. b.; afloat; i nara winter, Sl.tli". I. u. mu.'mx.. A wesker opening In whest today lnflu-' enoed by rains through the west wss fol lowed by a strong advsnce on bullish Euro pean crop newa. During the afternoon tha market ruled active end Arm. followed by reactions nesr the close, which was Stro net higher. May, $1 054 1.054,; July, $l.04t 1.0V. closed. Sl.nrAf,; September, $1.04'4 1 06 8-16; closed, $1 f.a; December, J1.14 7-1W l.Wi; closed, 31.0SH- CORN-Recelpta, 34.400 bu.; exporta, 6.1 bu.; spot firm; No. t, 6"7o, elevator, and KVc, f. o. b., afloat. May corn advmnced 8c a bushel today on manipulation. Other months opened firm, but reacted, closing only Ui4c higher; September. 2ti2Mc; closed, 620. OATH H ocelots. 90.000 bu.: exporta. S.0TS bu.; spot firm; mixed nets, 86W12 lbs., Vx i intentions of th. nrMM.nt noiicv to M.c; natural white. awa lh . 62fl53c: Clip- j orporatlona. The attitude of p NEW YORR STOCKS AND BONDS Earl j Prion Art Hirhtr 0TriBC bj Bed Intemti. PERIOD Of TOTAL STAGNATION FOLLOWS Effect at rrestdeafa ladlaaaaalls Ad elreaa OTaraatlelataa Wedaea isr'i yers Bell, Canalaux I Reaetlea. NEW TORJC. May 1L-Tha cowing jnovement amongst tha bears In the stock market which aet In on Wedpeadsy pre vious to tha holiday waa resumed In tha esrly dealings today, but with the aa 1 1 sf ac tion of thla demand there waa almost total stagnation for a time and then reaction. The extension of the movement waa helped by special strength In a few stocks du to Individual measures. There waa also aome buying based on the contents of President Roosevelt's address at Indianapolis yesterday. The speech had been so accurately forecaated during Wed nesday that there waa little reason for i changing operatlona made at that time on the strength of It and which were on a considerable scale. Tha financial com munity waa Inclined to Infer from the tone, rather than from tha substance of the ad dress that reassurance waa Intended against soma of the assumptions that hava been current In the stock market aa to tha wards protest Inset rv a. Japanese Imperial a of IF closed at Hot Rli' Tlntos were essy on forced selling. Kaffirs were' strong on rumors that tha Chinese lsbor contracts In Bouth Africa wauld be renewed for ai months. PARIS, May Prlcea on the Bourse today weakened and tha tone at tha close waa unateajy. Russian Imperial 4s were not quoted. Russian bonds of 104 closed at 47. BBRUN, May II. -Prlcea on the Uourse at the opening were rather steady, but closed wesker on tha continued rise of the price of rraln. REPORT OF THE CLEARING HOtSK ' tar tha Week. NEW YORK, May SI. Rr ad street "a bank clearings report for the week ending May 10 shows an aggregate of t2.1f.3&,"0. aa against I2,7&4.44s.iiOO last week and I2,, inS.OOO in the corresponding week last year. Canadian clearings for the week total I7J, Al.OOO, as against jHfi.ljr7.0iO Isat week and e-tt.hfl-.'nni In the same week last year. The following la a list of the cities: CITIES. PM .V'S T94W im.. www. against aome of theaa aasumntlonk wss In-HAT-Stesdy; shipping, aolc; good to I trt.,. . ia nniirv cn,.?t.,1in1-38- 1 The course of the day'a eventa indicated lKJt-l-VUie'; BIST-, common in that ih iunnnul m.rk.t Influence In the rinun ... . ' r --- - aaareee nad been somewhat over eatimatea Af.lclea Opan. High. Low. Cloaa.l Tegy. - Wheat"! I May... t July... Bept,v. Corn . May,'.. Bept,.. Bept... Oats May.. July... Bept... 0 n S3 I 1 3 H 0HB 484B I 4EHN 4 B t74B 4!B 4VB 45;N 4tiiRj s7B SO B 81 B 0HA M B W B 2B S3 B 4 Bl MB 80HB HB 60V4B 4!4B 40B 49 B SB 4tM4B 464N 454N 4SHB Bl M B 46 B 87B 87B 7 No. No. A-Aakad. B Bid. N Nominal - Omaha Cask Prices. WHEAT No. 1 hard, 9U4imc: bard, giVMc; No. 4 hard. 76fo7c; spring, g7(p2c. CORN NO. . 4Al49c: No. 4. 47847Hc: No. t yellow, 44ac; No. S white, 4WtU494tC. OATS No. I mixed. 4.WlHc; No. I white, 44tW4Vr; NOs 4 white, 4fS43; No. I white, 44M4Hc; No. 4 white, 4S"844c. RYt Na. X 75c; No. I. 7SVc. Carlot Reeelpta. ' ,' , . Wbeat. Corn. Oata. Chicago ?0 608 177 Mlnneapolla ,M..390 Omaha 23 204 18 Dulutu 71 ... ' ... CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Featai'ea of the TradlngT aa Closing; .. Pxteea aa Board of Trade. , CHICAOO, May SI. Reports of Injury to the wheat crop In Europe hsd more Influ-' ance on the local market today than favor able report a from the weatern wheat fields, and good gains were recorded In the lead ing options. July lost HCo. July closed H o higher. September higher and December c ' higher. Commission houses active buyers. July corn closed hiVief, after an errstie course. Oats closed laTifc-her and provisions 7H1jl2o higher, rwiteet waa weak at the opening. Con- llnved wat weatlier throughout Kansas. Nebraska and the southwest In general brought out free otiertnga, tne enaeni-y o eell bln tncreasnd by the early Liverpool cables which showed moderate declines at that market. But oomraiasinn nouses were lively bidders .and thla demand soon be came fceneral. A private cablegram stated that the wneai crop ui (wuiimiii, rr.any and southern Russia was severely injured by drouth and that Russia waa an open buyer of wheat and. thla had much In-. fluence on ini) irena vi me iuvi 1 nci. The market Waa quite atrong after the first half hour, prlcea of all options advancing more than to. Weakness again developed late In the session. A statement by a St. Ixu1a trade journal that growing, wheat with thexceptlun of that In Texaa and Oklahoma Is generally In good condition started realising . sales, which gradually bammered down prices. A repcrt that tha green ug bad extended lta operatlona to Minnesota and South Dakota was a new feature of the situation. The market closed easv. July opened H'S'V lower, at 97'BOTc, advanced to 1.00 and closed at 9V'!jSc. September opened V9Ti lower, at WylWfce, aofd rp to 8101H and cloaed at I1.00SW 1.004. December opened a shade to HttSo lower, at U.004VdOtt, advanced to tl.02 and cloaed at IJ.OlVfc. Clearancea of wheat and flour were equal to 103,100 bu. Exporta for- tha week as shown by Bradstreet'a wera equal to 1,410,000 bu. Primary receipts were 731.000 bu., compared with S1S.0O0 bu. the same flsy a year -ago.' Mlnneapolla Duluth and Cbloago reported receipts of 490 cara, agatnat 340 last week and 124 a year ago. - Corn waa atrong the greater part of tha session, but eased off considerably late In tha day on profit taking aalea. There waa an active demand for July by cash Inter ests, hs buying being Inspired by the good demand for caah corn- by shippers and by light country acceptaneee. , The rparket closed - about steady. July opened Vt&Ho higher at 634te4a, advanced to 64Vc and rloaed at (3c. lcal recelpta were mm cars, 1JJ of contract grade. An advance' of over 9e In July waa tha feature of trading) In oats. Cash houses and ahorta were eaaer blddera for that de livery, but offer! aga were meager. Later In the aeaslon Sflllng became more general and prices 'eaSert oft considerably, but tha eloae wee. Arm: July opened Sotflx' higher, at 4g'c, advanced to E04c and cloaed at 4944c. Local receipts were 177 cara. Trading In provisions waa quiet, but tha market ahowed considerable strength, owing 'to the aharp advancea In coarse grain and the sudden falling off In recelpta of hogs. At the close July pork waa up lttye, at 18. 60; July lard. TWVluo higher , fiv&au, and July ribs 7Vo higher, s8 an. , . Estimated recelpta for tomorrow; Wheat. 4 cars; corn,- 976 cara; oata, 22S cara; hoga. tieaa. Leading futurea cloaed aa followa: 19ua crop 14aio: lfMi crop, 44y97c; Pacific coast. 190 crop, 8S'11c; 1906 crop. 8c. HIDES-Qulet; Central American, tme: Bogota. 24V4C. I.EATHKR Steady! acid, 3MJ"c. PROVISIONP-Beef, prra: family, 114 00 ffl4 50: mess. t9.SOig-lo.09: beef hnms, 2t.ors 26.00; packet, tl1.0(91,50; city extra India mess, ?2 flO323.0O. , Cut meats, steady: pickled bellies, loailSc; pickled bama, 12T 124c. Ird firm; western prime. 19 30 69.40; refined, firm; continent, tB.10; South American, tlO.60; compound. I.0f.2. Pork, steady; family, tio.oo; short clear, tl7.26jnB.7B; mesa, tl7.751 no. tallow Firm: city in per pag.). Bic; country (pkgs. free). (PvfMHe. RICFV-Steady; domestic fair to extra, 't 7c: Janan, nominal. BUTTER Steady; atreet price, extra creamery, 24Vr25c; official prlcea: Cream ery, common to extra, lftTc; renovated, common to extra, 1122c; western factory, common to firsts, IRyac: western Imitation cresmerv. firsts. nftL'lVrC CHEESE Steady; sate, full cream, large colored, best, IJHc: state, white, 12e. EOOS Barely steady: western firsts, l&i fele- official prloea, lflHo. POl'LTRY Live, steady; spring chickens, 33c; fowls, lo: turkeys 14cj dressed Irreg ular; western broilers, 83$3&o; turkeya. 10.9 14c; fowle, llClSc t. Lonla General Market. ST. LOUIS, May 11. WHEAT Higher; treck, No. I red cash. 9Mt1.00; No. 1 hard, J?1; July, 96c; September, t'hkc. CORN Higher: No. I track, caah, S3Vy S4c; July, 62V:; September, 62C- OATS-Hlgher; track. No. 1 caah, 47t4c; July, 1c; September, SSc; No. I white, 4Ht(49e. 4 Of.flO; extra fancy and etralght, t3 0v 4.45; clear, CORN MEAL 42. 70. B RAN Higher ; sacked, cast track. tl.OS ei in. HAT-Steady; timothy, tl 60421.00; prai rie, tio.ooign3.". . . IRON COTTON TIES 11.09. BAGOINO-llHo. .' HEMP TWINE 10c. . . PROVISIONS Pork. higher: Jobbing, flftfio. Lard, higher; prime steam, 18.70. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra short. f .62H; clear rlba, 39.62; short clears, tlO.OO. aeon, ateady; boxed extra shorts, I10.87H: clear ribs, S10.T6; short clears, tlO.SS. POULTRY Firm; chlckena, UHM2e; springs, 3S26c; turkeys, 10c; ducka, tc; geese, c. BI TTER Steady, 21C3c EOOS Sulet Uc. Receipts, Shipments. Flour, bbla 11,600 lt.Snft Wheat, bu 24.000 80,600 Corn, bu 23S.600 188.600 Oata, bu 61,600 118,600 . Kaasas Clr Grata as Pro-rlsloas. KANSAS CITY, May M.-WHEAT-rJuly and September. ac; uecemner, 944c; cash. No. 1 hsrd. 97Wc; No. I, 86g7c; No. 1 red, 9c1.0: No. 8. 96&9o. . CORN July, 49o; September. 494fcc; De cember. iSWc: cash. No. I mixed. 61W3&2C No. 8. 61Ho; No. 8 white, 61(g&!c; No. t. sfi510. OATS No. 3 white. 48r48c; No. 1 mixed. 4W. HAY-Steady; timothy, I16.604HT.01); pra. rie, lU.003ill.bA RYE Steady : 7470. BUTTER Creamery, so; packing, 15"A aoc. 'Keceipts. Shipments Wheat bu 103,000 08.000 Corn, bu 158.000 , 61. 0O0 Oata, bu.,.. w.uuu a.000 New York cotton quotatlona furnlabed by Logan Bryan, l Board 01 Trade build Ing: Mllwsskee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE, Wis.. May 81 WHTCAT- Hlgher: No. 1 northern, S.031.(; No. northern, tl.00Q4.08; July. HPHc RYR H la her: No. 1. Viwavo. ... BARLEY Steady; No. X. W,cj aample. XRN Steady; No. I caah, 64Q66c; July, 63TtC, Mlaaeaaolls Grata Market, . MINNEAPOLIS. May tl. No. 1 hard tl.0344iSl.C844: No. 1 northern. tl.O2H(ffl.0244; No. I northern, $1.00iP1.00T4; No. 8 northern, tec. FLOUR First patenta. xsiwoaaa; sec ond natenta. 86.0066.16: first clears. 13.669 t 7t; aecond cleara, I2.7MJ2 85. . BRAN in bum, fn.zmn Liverpool Grata aad Provlsloas. LIVERPOOL. May 81. WHEAT Spot, No. t red wetaern mlnter, atrong at 7s Id : No. 1 California, firm at 7a Id. Futurea. quiet; May, nominal; July, 7s 22Sd; Sep tember. 7S 4d. CORN Soot. Hess dried, steady at 4a lid: old northern, firm at 6s 2d. Futures, ateady; July, 4allVkd; September, 4a md. Pearla Grata Market. PEORIA. May 81. CORN-Hlgher: No. I yellow and No. I, 64c; No. 1 63c; no grade. 48rj&2c. OATS-Hlgher; No. white, 48S4V4c: No. WHISKY 81. 8L Articles ! Open. lUgh.j Low. I Close.) Wd y. Wheat July . Sept. ISM. Oata May July Sept. !Coin May July 1 , 8pt. af Pork-1- July Sept. 1 July Sept. !, July Sept. I ' I 997 1 00 7 ' !VaS9 1 01', 99 10OVW 101 1 OOH 56 66 5,n, 6-144064 644 U bt'Qi S4H MS 47 ' 494. 47i 4WUW, 49 H" 38 14 47 WW) M 47H le 0 14 76 It u 30 85 9 J7H 43V 50 UH 8 90 1 95 3 90 1 06 I 10 t (CVk 1 OlSsllOO- 63 68 3M It 60 M V7V4J 30 4b 8 80 06 64. 63 474 4 3M i r la be 80 t rsa FLOl'R Steady iter straignts.' UTbAIsi were aa followa: winter patenta, $4 On sorlna spring straights, AU No. A 8Sc0 No. 1 Cash quotations M FLOUR piK; win ' patents, I WHEAT No. J. 3H61.05; sum: No. I red. 9hVa Wo. CXlRN-No. 2, 64c; No. 3 yellow, 644i56o. Cait-o. a. vi', iMo. 1 wnug, sue; no. a white, soibw;. RYE No. 1. 8&C BARLEY Fair to cholca malting. ts9 8EED8N0. 1 flax, tl ; No. 1 northwest em. l . Timothy, prime, H7V Clover, contract gr"es. PRftVlclloNS Hlinrt ribs aides (loosel tk.Tf8Ri. Mesa pork, per bbl . tla.S7Vii9 a , J-eid. per i " ., tuiorl clear P .i, itMjxrdl. S9 oOi!8 2. jpitowlM were tne recelpta a. id shipments of Bour aim graia; Receipts. Shipments. Flour. DtMS.. Wheat, bu. Torn. bu.... Oais, hM five, hi ltarlay. bu. On tha Produce exchange today the buU taar market waa nun; craamcrkea, n'Sc !.( I 19.800 43.44 1AK1 K.711 11 IW) 1 0(0 I Open. I High.) Low. Close. July 1149 llflal HSS llfii Sept 1164 1175 115S 11 Dec. 1192 18U U7 1197 in tha professional transactlona which sought to anticipate It. A more aubstnn tlal basis for tha Improved feeling was the showing of net earnings of railroads for April which came to hand. Reading waa conspicuous example, with net earnlne-a for the month of nearly 82,000,000, compared wnn oniy w-i.j7 in April or last year, tna statement Including results for all com panlea in the system. The April statement for the Ontario oV Western and the quar terly atatement of the Lackawanna tended to ahow these tavorahle conditions to ba general for the coal roads. Reading waa advanced strongly In consequence, 'Tho better showings of net earnings for April are attributed partly to tha Improved operating condltlona. due to better weather ana 10. lessened obstruction to traffic and also to changes In rates which are begin ning to go Into efTect to the advantage of tha railroads. An upward -movement In American Smeltlna waa due to talk of an Intended Increase In the dividend rate at the con-ring meeting of the directors. . 1 no aemana ror special stocks did not serve to rnssk the entire Substance of buy- ins i omer points in tne 11st. As this fact began to emerge, the earlier touyere began to resell and a sagging movement aet In. The movement appeared largely profes sional In origin and ahowed ,no algn of urgency or of the' force" of a liquidating movement like that of the earlier part of. tha week. Foreign markete wera similarly Tree from pressure and reported an Im provement In speculative sentiment, but with no conspicuous demand for aecurlttaa yet manifest.- Forecasts, of ah .unfavorable bank statement helped the lata reactionary movement. Tha currency 'movement with tha Interior has been lare-elv In favor of New York on balance, but not aufnctentiy so to offset tha absorption of over 13,000,000 by tha subtreaaury, to whU'h wss added tha 8600,000 gold engaged for shipment to lM!fliomorrow- TornorroWe payment of on account of subscriptions to new subscription stock waa a reminder of a class of ohllaatlons which win rwv 11 1 gat regular Intervals to ba Drovlded for in h money market. Call mnnev imxhi 1 cent today... Crop newa waa mixed, weather conaitiona being conaldered favorable for our- own wheat eroo. but deoia.tiv promising for cotto.Forelgn exchange receded slightly and dlacounta -were lower in London and In Europe, but without pre cluding tha engagement of irold for Bonda were stoedv . ,t,ii ..i - - - iawh.,;,;00,,T!,lt, advanced 44 while the old 4a decline u. . call. . , T r": v""' Number of sales and range of quota tlona on tha New York Stock exchange: osiw. msa. Lmw. close. Dalatk Grata Market. DULUTH. Minn., May 31. WHEAT No northern. 81.024.; No. I northern, 8100; Msy, 8101; July, tl u; September, tLoe. OATa on track, 40c; May, ate. Toledo geed Market. TOLEDO. O..- May 81. SEKTDBClover. rash, 426; October, December and March, 88.10. Ximotny,, Aiisiae, x-uu. Phlladelpbla Prod aye a Market. PHIIJIDELPHIA, May a. EOOS Firm; Mirrn nrata (free cases. 17V4C at .mark. CHEESE Quiet; fair to good, UVfifilViO. Metal Market. NEW YORK. May 31. MET ALB Com paring with last Wednesday tne London tin market waa. 6s higher, at 190 for spot aad 16s higher at 1M 10a lor ruturee. locally tin was dull but higher, with spot Juoted at t41.OoQ43.00. Copper advanced In .ondon. with apot quoted at tlOl 6a, and uturee at 98 or 1 los and tl higher than last Wednesday respectively. Locally tna market wea unchanged and quotatlona are practically nominal. I-ake is quoted at 824.08 (4&.00; electrolytic at 33.00423. 75. and reel ing at 8210o971s. lad was unchanged at KG la the local market and at 1 In London. Spelter waa 2a Id higher at 24 Ua In London. I -orally It waa unchanged at S.40i,4.a- Iron waa higher la tha English market, with standard quoted at da ad. and Cleveland warrants at (la 9d. Locally tae market waa unchanged. No. foundry northern Is quoted at t- SOffZATa: Nat I foundry northern at li"aJt; Nev 1 toaa dry southern at rMOt2.6o; Ma I fovodrT southern at t A.0OM 2.O0. ST. IXiUI. May 31 M ETA I S Lead, ateady. 86.91; speller, higher, ts-tb. CosTee Market. NEW YORK, May Sl.-frrrwa Market for coffee futurea opened quiet and un changed, but steadied during tha aeaslon on a scattering demand, most of which waa credited to the dull Interests. Offer ings were light and tha market steady, net unchanged to 6 points lower. Sales. 117&4 laga. Including July at &: September, ttoc; December,' 6 SSo; January, bSoc; March. Spot Coftea quiet; No. f, 4c; Sanlue No. 4. 7Ui njld OOflM, . quiet; Cordova. 9alV- Aatms Biprex MulMKtM Qopp ... Aet. C. F... i...., Am. 0. A r. BM..-..X..., Aa.' Cettea Oil Cettea Oil era American Eiprus A a. H. 4 L fti Aaarloaa Ie 1 Aa. X4nn4 Oil Am. Llnesed Oil iM Asienrao Locenotiva ... Am.- Locomotive ef4...... Am. 8. a R Am. g. A R. pit.. Am. tusar Rtanlng am. Tobaece era ctta Aaacoaaa Mining Co.... AtoMMa Atrhlaoe pM Atlantlo Cout Una Baltimore A Ohio....... l. OMe prd.r Braoklra Rasld Tr Canadian HmrlBo Central of N Jeraoir.. Chnapaako A Ohio ChloMO Ot. W Chicago A N. W C, 14. Bt. p r-htcaio f: A T Chlcaa-o T.- T. pW C, C C. A St. L. Ooloraeo P. A I Colorado A 8 ,, Colo. A So. let pl...... Colo. A 80. M pM Conaolldatod Oaa Cora Products Cora Products ptd..... Delaware A Hudaoa.,.., Del., L. A W Dcnrsr A R. O CAR. 0.: pfd...V....:, MmllUnr acturtttes :.. Brie Krla lrt pfd Krto M pfd General Electric llllnola Central International Paper Int. Paper pri Int. Puma" Int. Pump pfd. Iowa Central lewa Central pfd Kansas City So K. O. Bo. pfd Lralarllla A N Mexican Central Mlna. A Bt. L, i..l.- M., It. P. A t. 8 M. . M.. It. P. A I. g. M. Mlaaourl Pad 8s at.. K.. A T at , K. A T. pf..... Nallonel Lead N. R. R. of M. pfd...'. New York Central N T.. O. A W Norfolk A W Korfolk A W. pfd North Aaeiieaa ....... Pec I Bo Melt Pennsylvania People's Oai P.. G., C. A Bt. L Pleceed, Bteel C4r Preeeed Bteel Car pfd.. Pallmaa Paiaoe Car Reading Beading let pfd Rea4UI d pfd Repanito Bfeel ......... Republic Bteel pfd Rock Island Co Rock telend Ce. pfd... Bt. L A 8. P. 14 pfd. Bt. Leala B. W Bt. LB. W. pfd Bout kern Peel Ac So. Peciso pfd Bo. Railway Bo. Rellwer pfd Teanesaee C. A I Teaes A Pacific T., Bt. U. A W T.. 84. I. A W. pfd... Vnloa Pacllc ITaloa Paelae std....... V. S.,, t B. Reeltr .. P. B. Rubber. D. B. Rubber pfd V. 8. Stent V. B. Bteel pfd ,., Va.-Cre. Chemical ... a ra. Ckem. pfd... Wehesh Wtbeeh pfd 1 Wd'e-Pere lilrm . Weotlsfhouee gleetrte ' Weetera Uatea Wheeling A L Wleeoneln Central 700 . 47 400 I.IOS , A7a. t7 100 l.loo fit. it 45 V M 34 T0T4 1 1,400 48 . JOO 100 'V.eio 7,in ...80 400 8.100 ' AtoV 4, 400 teo 1,100 00 tw 4.400 1 400 1.100 11 104 10a 1101b, 114 600 too .1.... tOO; 'aiuo 0 400 100 ' 840 M BTV, 14414 in . 45 1 HI iv ta 04 n 414 11914 1444 44H It 144 1J7 13 . 47 . M M 4 . 444 "ii" , 174 144 "4 124 V4 14 4' 'tiit lit 14314 . t . . v 11 S4 46 84 lit lit It 1,100 h 1,100 SCO . 1,000 "44 SM4 . 401, lit 1H , l44 4'4 S4 11 H pfd. 70 8714 ttwj BOO Bono 100 14 400 l.10 I24 41 404 . iii4 4 71 11 II . 10V 71H 41'ki iiS I4 100 M4 1114 toe n 'too '' M.Sna 8.00 ltOUj in. 400 tot to 'iitoo 84 a 80 81 "ii" 14.800 1040 00 4IS M.40 I. TOO . 3,t 10a. '"BO ! "ioo 111 14 64 M4 1I644 44 S ' iV 8;i N lit'' 7H 47 1 4 8414 0 sit '4 44 80- 14 aon 1H W 4t lot 114t( 104 lfO " , . 67 s$ 46 4Vi 44 ,o4 VI 4'4 144 V IM 15 43 - . IT4 4H4 U7, mi 450 tm 3 144 144(4 It 71 71 s 44 4 Ulvt i4 4 73 tut 41', it 41 10944 M'4 llSUj se 144 100 15 Tl 2 SOU IfA es an to 1 ,5'H ISO H 87 4 111 44 tfti New Tork Chicago 1 Boston Philadelphia I (It. Louis Pittsburg? Ran Franclaco Baltimore Kansas City I Cincinnati . j New Otleens Minneapolis Cleveland . - Detroit Louisville 1"S Angeles OMAHA Milwaukee Seattle St.- Paul Providence Buffalo '. 4.., Indianapolis Denver -. Fort Worth P.lchmond Albany Washington Bait Lake City Portland, Ore Columbus, O ft. Joseph ... Memphis Savannah Atlanta Spokane, Wish Toledo, O Tscoma - Nashville Rochester Hartford ...,. Peoria Dee Motnea Norfolk New Haven Grand Raplda Dayton Portland, Me Bloui City . Bprlngfleld, Mass...-. Kvansvllle Illrmlngham Byracuse Augusta, Ua Mobile v.., Worcester - Knojtvllle Wilmington, Del...... Charleston, 8. C Chattanooga .......... Jacksonville, Fla Wichita 'Wllkesbarre ......... Davenport Little Rock Wheeling. W. V4.. Fall River Kalamacoo, Mich,,.. Topoka .' . Springfield, Helena Fort Wayne. Ind New-Bedford Lexington Youngstown Erie, Pa Macon Akron Rockford, 111 Cedar Rapids, la Chester, Pa., Blnghamton Fargo, N. D . Lowell i Canton, O Bloomlngton, 111 South Bend. Ind..,.. Qulncy, 111..: Springfield, O.; Sioux Falla, a V.... Mansfield, O Decatur Fremont. Neb......,, Jacksonville, 111 Lincoln, Neb (Oakland, Cal Houston .., OaJveaton S5 344 iota: 104 374 learlngt. Inc. Deo. ,3Rl,OT3.0nOj 14.1 l2.034,nci)l 17.7 10t,Tin,O" ia.870,t 10.0 4B.SW.0rw 4.2( 4d.747,(KXH 12. 84,1A3.0I 22.fl t2,l,a I 2S.It.0lX 13.1 21.lfW.00 6.8 16.H34.nn 18.4 16.283.Ono 83. 2' 13.ii2,0TO 61....... 10.79.0W 8...... .811,0i0 1 .1 .i4f4.0in 17.8, 884,000' I .8 t,(K.iV 8.81 7.9i6,f 19 ; t.ant.OiiO 14 7,0'.'3,0m 10. !.... 6.3m.(0 10 81...... .1M,ono 26. 4 6,Srt.fl"0 23.4...l.. 18.6; fj,h:.lfi 66.1 ...... 4.96.fX) .81 4.SS2.0XI 30.8 8,7.S.0nr T5.g 4,2M.0iin 1.8 6.2H3.0fO 8 2 . i918.0f 8.8 8,ia.fX 19.8 3.870,000 7.3 4.762.000 t.&; tmono 4.0160TO 39.6 18S1.00 4 2,804,000 288 3.7S8.0OO 4.3 2.840,000 7....... 2.080,Oi 8.1 8,242.0110 8.2 3.079,0110 l. 1,M7, l.f,om .5 '1.841.0001 t 1.640,000 .1 . 1,67.000 . 15.3 l,67R.ntlO 43.8...... t.HO.ono 11.6 1,878.000 16.31 1.177.000 4 1.362.0001 27.0 , 1.7S.0001 12.9 1,240.000. .1 ...... l. 8O7.0OO)...; 1,076,000 2, 977,000 .57.0 l,252,O0O 10.7 1,218.000 40.1 978,ono 28.1 B67.O0OI 8.3 1,1!M,0I 29.6...... , BH4.0OO 11.1 ..w... I 919,000 63.7 ..... gXS.dX) 18.3 721,000 4.7 ...... . 638.000 18.5 TLOIO 11.8 " 770,00 40.6 614.(110 1A.9 408.0110 40.4 608,000 8.5 fmOOO B.4 ...... . 631,000 17.7 , 638,000 86.3 AKG.OOO 26.9 434.000 6.2 626,000 881,000 21.0 444.901) 440,000 18.1 473.000 J 337.000 10.4 327.000 . 3,000 ; .3 837,000 38-3. ...k. . 2X3.000 14.6..... 283,000 17.0 " 200,000 18.9...... 195,000 86..S 160,000 8.2...... IKS.010 51.5 ...... 074.000 83.199.000 M.7 12.240.0001 .7) OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cttl f ill IlniB Ctranr, Actiye. rit It Trad HOGS CPEN HIGHER, CLOSING LOWER Bheeg. aad li aaba Coatlaae la Very Light Receipt, While tha Deaaaad Is Gend aad (ho Trade Active aad Mross. HOVTH OMAHA, Msy 31. 1BT7. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. umctai Monday v Oftlclal Tuesday Official Wednesday .... Oftlclal Thursday Official Friday Five daya thla week.. Same daya laat week.. Same daya I weeks sgo. .a." pame days 8 weeks sgo,.l.3;) Same daya 4 weeks aao..Ji.7X2 Same daya last year 1R.A66 Tha following 4aba shows tha receipts of cattle, hogs and aheep at South Omaha, for tha year to date, compared with last year: , 1907. l!Mi. Inc. Dec. Cattle 474.312 4' 914 88.08s Hoga 1, 062.47 1,137.773 Sheep 768.881 719,940 49.001 Oood to choice corh-fod steers Onod to fair corn-fed ateera Common to fair steers Uood to choice fed cows Fair to snnri enwa and half era Good to choice stockers snd feeders 4.40nr-.i Fair to good stockers and feeders.. 8 9C4.40 Common to fair stockers 3 p3.90 Mulls, stage, etc 8.264.74 Veal calvea 4.uOtf60 The following table shows the average price of hoga at South Omaha for tha laat aeveral daya, with comparisons; , 3.U60 4,1 , 3.151 10.441 8.f7 . 8.678 11.642 1.724 , 1.494 8 44 l.b- 8 , 2.178 7,031 l,bt .12.447 41.847 18.117 .CAOSj ).i4 l.43i bl. 676 l.6-'4 3.95$ '27.M 47.3' 2o.D"4 66.746 14.237 76,808 15.76 1 10 b.'ai,75 4.2bVi.tO lilU4N 3. 60IQH. 2 j Jo o t44 .347 14 !?1 41 30 ao 140 M 4 40 8 M'4 l1 4 of, 4 ( r4 4 "74 4 474j 4 7S 4 OT e 4 74 at H? ... 8 II 77 4 l 77 C47 40 4 IS M 177 ... 4 14 no lie ... 4 n 43 rio ... 4 IS 7J 4 ... 4 IS 7S ... 4 i74 74 r ... 4 174 30 1.1 40 4 l 31 141 ... I 28 SH KKP Recelpis of aheep continue ex tremely light, only four cars reported In this morning, of that number two cava were weatern ewee.. sold ypsterdav for de llx'ary today at 86.00, There wss also a deck and a half of ewes sold on l!i market at the Fmnp pi-Ice. A car of light weight wooled lamhs sold at s .40. All theso prices looked fully steady or I ?r H.; N.. Ilaiberger. No. 30. ?1c ler lb ; No. 1".. 19 M. l.v per ll. : N.i. 2',. 13-' pe, lb. CHBI'.SK Hlo k Kwln, lA'i 14r- Voiine .A M:-r lc;la. lie. Nl fri-(.'allien la walnuts. No I rt Shell, l-'c; No 1. "'t a'leil, 1W, Itrstlle, 14alc; peenna. 13ij?-'c". Mlert. Il'ic pet rsw, iac; roasted, 'i fahfoinla al monds, 17Hr: cocoi.nuie. ti per 1o. 1UIK3 AM' TAl.l.iV.-4l.-w.i altfd. No. I, 9,c; No 2, 6C; bull hides, c; jtren Miles. No. 1, 7'ec; Ni 2. 6',C' horse, 81.6twl 8 tai; sheep pells, c4K-ii tl .'-" Ti llow, No. 1. 4.,c; No. '.'. JW. Wo.U. Ilflf:.'. CANSKI" GOODS Corn, st.itidard, wat ern. Bitiaic: M.tlne, $1.16. 'i'omatoca. fi4n'. 11. cane. 31.45: stanil.ird, .--1ii. cuns. 81. V. 1'lncafi.lcs. grl-l. ?-H , standnrtl. 11.1. ii..l 41 7.Vif2.Sfi: faniV llv Ilia. 81.7b. dalloii iH'P'es. 8J 693 (Hi. Call- d. '32 ,i llan, 1 , strong and the market as a wnoie migiu 1 ; - - -,,,. 2 no. 81.li2. be summed up aa a good strong, active r;HChrl l 7ili2 40; U C. peaches, market. . ' 1 60 Alaska salmon, red, 3115. fancy Viuotatlons on shorn stock: Good to t? fl t 10; fHnrv ao.keye, flat, choice lambs. 8T.30fl8.PO; fslf to good lambs ii sardines Quarter oil 8.1.2S; thiee- m 0013', common an.l cull init. rif n...rtr, niu,tard. U 76. 8weet notntoee, 9kv. vooa 10 cnoice nam yrarnna, .-, .s 8 76: good to choice heavy ycarllnita, 86. 8.50; fair to good yesrllngs .45K.i7ia.:'.i; go.Ml to choice wethers, 36.104iii.40; fair to good wethers. 86 6686.10; good to choice ewes. bn.&S fi.00; fair to good "-v 34755. v. culls, bucks and stsgs, 3.1 2.VJX4 26. , Representative aaiea: No. . -131 western; ewes, feeders.. 13 western ewes ,6 western ewes 224 western ewes 632 weatern ewes 141 western lambe wooled. Av. 87 9-' . 98 S3 113 -61 rv,.. .salmon. 15r; ratflah. , ViC P" fmaen, 6c; perch f c; crarp'es. round, t 6 & 6 00 Oil 6 00 40 15... 18... 17... 18... 19... 20... 21... 24... 23... 24.,. 36.. 26.. 27.. 28.. 29.. 30.. 31.. 24 18, 24 ? 2ZH! 34 iN 6 301 b 161 29! 6 : e 201 4 61 4 21 4 63 b 28! 4 b2 6 20 4 47 b 241 4 461 6 271 7 U 2d 4 41 26 7 07 8 Wl b JOi I 191 T 02 34' 86 IM 84! 6 36 e 27 82 1 11 7 07 I 131 a T4H Date. j lfJ07. !19O.l05. 11804. 19O8.l02. 1901. May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May Iay UVil 13; b 28! 4 27 b 6 b 69 b 72 b 74 s ( 72 b 08 b 64 044. b 99 28, b 17 Sl b 161 271 b 19 b 17 26 35 4 34 4 39 4 47 4 49 191 1 08 b 62 S 904 35 .921 I b 884.I 291 1 131 I 6 0lal 8 89 b 171 4 631 6 61 I 084,1 82 b 131 4 60, b 67 61 T 061 041 6 831 94 b 77 6 37 6 72 7 02 1 8 70) T 101 i 62 1 1U D 7 12 5 69 b 80 b 63 Chicago mvk btock mahkjct Cattle Strong lloaa Five Cents Higher Rhees) Hlarber. CHICAGO, May SI. CATTLE Receipts, 2,000 head; market atrong; common to prime ateera. 34.&0riA5t; cows. 25ii(S.O0; heifers, MOOfSfvZS; hulls, $3.5ti4.0; calves, ti.Trft 6.76; stockers and feeders, t3.06:&6.10. HOOfc-Rece1pts, W.O110 head; market 6c hlsher; medium to choice heavy, 6.:l636; butcher weights, e4 8ft'J 35; mixed, 34 27V01 a-Sh; packing, t)5.TCd4l.Sr; pigs, 3S.60ffA.60. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 6.000 head; market JOTinbc higher: sheep. 83 rVf 6.7b; lamba, 84.0OtiUO; yearlings, KOOtl'J.OO. 'Sunday RANGE OF PRICES Cattle. 33.756.19 1 76Ur26 2.60(h1.60 1.806.25 3.6o4f.60 Hoga. 9.0tV(j.20 b.76H.35 r.jr 46 6.0U4IO.10 stock Omaha , Chicago Kansas City .... St. Iula Bloux City The official number of rare of brought In today by each road waa: Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. H'r s. C, M. & St. P. Ry..,. 1 Wabash 3 ., .. Missouri Pacific Ry.. 18 1- .. Union Pacific System 20 20 . .. .. C. A N, W. Ry. (E).. 4 4 2 C. A N. W. Ry. (W).. 27 85 .. .. C., St. P.i M. O. Ry 11 1 C, B. & Q. (E) 1,1 .. C, B. & Q. (W) 34 26 3 C. R. I. A P. Ry. (P) 1 2 .. C, R. I. A P. Ry. (W) .. 3 Illinois Central t .. .. Chic. Great Weatern. 1 2 .. .. Total recelpta 108 102 b The disposition of the day'a recelpta waa aa followa, each buyer purchasing tha num ber ot head Indicated: Cattle Hoga. Bheep. CANADA. Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Ottawa Vancouver, u. c. Halifax Quebeo Hamilton - St John. N. B.... London, Ont. Victoria, B. O Calgary I Edmonton .......... 2 27,841,0001 4.1 20.788,000 18. 41...... 9,911,000 6.2 2,43,0ai 28.0...... 3.941.000 36.0 1,4,000 28.4 1.6M.O0O 2.1 1,,000 7.4 1.112.000 80.3 1,019.000 3.6 ' 959,0001 6S.2 l,223,0Oi) 34.6 763,000 Omaha Packing Co.... Swift and Company... Cudahy Packing Co... Armour A Co Cudahy, from K. C... cwlft. from coutry Hill A Son F. P. Lewis J. II. Bulla.."........ Mlka Haggerty Sol. Degan J. B. Root A Co... B. A 8 T. B. Inghram Other buyers. ut 219 9-23 478 446 'ii 16 1 1 34 3 2 "i 87 942 1.6K3 1,028 2,941 . 633 "iii 816 290 131 Not Included In totala because containing other Items than clearing. Not inoludea in voibib racsmo vu.nn- aon are incomplete. MER- Wew York Money Market. KTv? TORK. May : 81.-PRIME CANTILK PAPER-H per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Eaey, with actual business In bsnkers' bills at 34 8670 4 667b for demand-and at 34 .JS6fir4 (1360 or Ixty day Bins; postea ratew, e.n enu 14.87H;-commercial bills.'! BILV KK Bar, eln uum.i., BONDS Government, Irregular; railroad, "money On call ateady, per cant: ruling rale, 2H per cent; closing bid, H4 per cent; offered1 at 2 per cant. Time loans, ateady; alxty days, 3H0344 per cent ninety days, 3MH per cent; six months, 44 per cent. Closing quotatlona on onda tor ay wera aa roiiewa: U. B. ret. la, reg1M4 Jepas 4a, 14 senea do ceupon 10414 aa fa cut tj. B. rel. 3e. rei... 101 , do 4m ctfe to eoueon 102 to Id aeries U. B. old 4a, rag.. rf L A N. unl. 4e.. Total 3,266 6,874 1,H9 CATTLE For a Friday there waa a very 1 rair run or tatiie, iw cars oeing reporua In. The advance in prlcea during the last two daya waa responsible, apparently, for the size of the receipts, aa the rain yes terday would naturally hava discouraged free shipments. Packers evidently wanted the cattle and wera out very early In (he morning. The market opened active and the great big bulk of all the oattle changed handa before 10 o'clock In- the morning. The trade aa a whole might be summed up aa a good, atrong and active market. Good beef cattle sold aa high aa 36 10. the highest of the month so far and aa nigh aa anything haa sold this year. There were only a few scattering cows and helfera In the yarda and they aold at good, atrong prlcea to outalde buyers. The deadlock between packera and commlaslon men sun continues ana tne country is strongly advised to keep all kinds of cows and helfera at home. There were no atockera or feedere of anv consequence In eight. Tha feeling on tha market waa Arm. Representative aalea: BKJSF BTEna few York Live Stork Market. NEW YORK, May Sl.-RKEVES-Re-celpta, 8.171 head; ateera, steady to strong: bulls, strong to 16c higher; medium and fat cowa, elOc higher; bologna cowa, ateady: ateera, 84.608.40; heifers. 35.20; bulls. M.Of) f4.90; cowa, 32.10(34.80. Liverpool and Ion don cablee quoted live cattle firm at liISc per lb., dressed weight; sheep higher st 16(gloc, dressed weight; refrlgerstor bof steady at 8a9Vc per lb. Exports, 4,000 quar ters Of beef; tomorrow, 9n0 heed of cattle and 4.100 quarters of beef. CALVES Recelpta, 1,635 heed; market easier; veala 26c lower, all sold. Veals, 3.6 u ; choice, I. 36; culls. 35.CO'3'.25; bulls, lo.fio. L'ressea calves, weak; cltv dresswl veals, 10(13c per lb. j country dressed, 8 12c. MtX4 Receipts, 6.52S hesd; market ateady. Stete and Pennsylvania hoga quoted at 3A7MW85. 8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6.118 heed; sheep steady: lambs dull but stesdv; soring lambs steadv and In good demnnd. Sheep ea-ea, 14.6006 26; choice wethers, 36.85! lamba, 37.o0(j6.60; spring lambs. 3W.00. Kaasas Cltv Live grork Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo May 81.-CATTI.E-Reeelpts, 3,100 head, Including 50 head southerns; market steady: choice export and dressed beef ateera. 85.76(36.15: fslr to good, 3500476.70; western fed steers. 6.00; stockers and feeders, 33.O)lM.80: south ern eteers, 34.0fWS.6O: southern cows, 8290 4.00: nstlve cows, 33.nof7l.nrt; native helf era. 89.60u6.26; bulls, 336"&4.tiS; calves, $5.00 6.60. HOG4J Receipts. 10,700 head; market strong to 6c higher; top. 36.324; bulk of seiea, n.onflw.i; neavy, n.irg.; pacKers, higher- A 36(17HS.30; lights, pigs. 3&.S5 EM; oo5 mlddll uVVT AXrr. r An t -m middling. 7.01 head; market strong; lambs. 87.2M7O.0O; ewes and yearling, to 6fx?M 75; Texas clipped yearlings, 36.bOfi7.25; Texas clipped sheep. 36.3&JO; stockers and feeders, 83.SOft6.26. St.. Lonla Lira Stock Market. ST. LOT'IS. Mo., May 81 CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.000 head, including l.OoO head Tex ans; native shipping and export steers, 85.6fvj6.2r.; ri leased beef and butcher steef , 34,S5?i6.25; steers under 1,000 pounds, bl.OOfr 4.80; stockers snd feedeis, 33 flOtfS.Oft: cows and holfera, $2 754J5.60; canncrs, 31.90fli2.50; bulls, 32.864.76; calves. 85,uOj12.tiO; Texas and Indian steers, 32.606.50; cows and heif ers. 31. 9004.40. HOGE-Recelpts, - 6.000 head; market higher; pigs and lights. 35.754.35; packers 3T.sVt30;jb4itchera and beat heavy, 36.2049 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.300 head; market strong: native muttons. 34.25 414J.26: lamba, 35.CU&8.75; culls and bucks. tl 1011 in Saner kraut. "C. rumpklns. S'tj till 00. Wax bertns. 2-ll . Stv&li.on. Lima ! beans, 2-lb . 75cpjl S.V Soaked pens, 2 lb., . (nr; early June. 6c(fT4l 16; fsncv, Jl JT.ffl b. FiSlH rii kerel. dressed, 9c; pike, dressed, 12c: white fish, dressed. Winter i caught. 13fH5c: trout. 124715c: halibut. IV; 1 ..1 i... ratfteh. 15c: herrlner. dreeeed scaled and dreseed. nples, rounu, uw; crsppicw, inrge. fsncy 16c; black basa, ac: smelts, swerr and fine. Uc; eel, lHc; blue fish, 18c: red snapper, 12c; roe shad, per psir. 4fjT.0cj frog 1ea. 3(ff40c; lobsters, green, per lb., 87c- lobster, boiled, per lb.. 30c; mackerel. Spanish, per lb., lc: mackerel, native, lJ i25e per lb.; fresh green turtle meet. 26c lb, CURED FISH-Famlly white fish, per ouavter bbl., 1"0 lbs., $4 00; Norway mack erel No. 1. 135.00; No. 2. 32SOO; herring, in bbls'., 2V Iba each. Norwayk. $11.00. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRriT8-Prune4 are somewhat unsettled by freer offerings from second hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of Irrmedlate grades Quo tations range from smjUc- for California fruit and from 8'V96o for Oreaon. Peaches are sllghllv easier, with fsney yellows quoted at ICHc; fsncy Mulr. ISHc. Raisins are firm; loose Muscatels art quoted at 3d c: seeded raisins. 94mie HAY Choice upland, per ton, 31000; me. dlum. 39.00; No. 1 bottom. $3.00; off gradea. $4ni6.60. Rye atrsw. 47. BRAN Per trn. bi 00. Wool Market. ROPTON. Mass, May. 81. ,WOOI Tba Commercial Hulletln of YVistoii, basing lta report on statistics gathered for the gov ernment, will say tomorrow of the wool market: The feature of the week Is tho heavy movement In quarter-blood fleece. Important holdings of Missouri wool a have been cleaned up at 30c. There has leen a fair movement In new Arizona, fall Texiia and fine scoured domestic woola. Fine Australian sells steadily nt full prices, and there has been more activity In cross, brede. In other respwts the market Is still verv quiet, and some firms, having little to sell, rtnd the conditions very dull. The ; market Is very steady nnd tho feeling ralier more confident that the present . level of values will ho maintained. The comparatively high prlcea being paid In 'Oregon, Idaho and other sections have caused the abandonment of the hope of cheaper wool. It Is believed that con sumers have about made up their mlnda that thev will have to tinv Inst yenr'a f rices. The shipments of wool from Bos on to Mav 2. inclu-dve. according to the same authority, are 111.919 pounds, sgalnst 99.1W.MO pounds at the same time lnat year. The receipts to May Z. Inclusive, are 104,900.674 pounds. Against tOf.,rt2X.877 pounds for the same period of last year. ST. IOTIS. MO., Mnv 31.-WOOL-Steadv; medium grales, combing and cloth ing. 34ti27c; light fine, HMHc; heavy fine. 15OT7c; tub washed, 80i37c. St. Joseph Lira Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., May 31. CATTLE Receipts, 1.1S2 head; market steady; na tives, $1.Sofi 26; cows and heifers, $2.60j? 5.65; stockers and feeders, $3.6t'u4.50. HOGS Receipts, 4.16 head: market btTIOr higher; top, $6.86; bulk of sales, 86.20iO.30. SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts, l.3 head; market weak; clipped lambs, $7.2Mf 7.75; ewes, $5.2&&.0O. Stork In Bight Receipts of live stock on the five principal fvestern markete yeatctday: ' Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. ' South Omaha 3.179 7,191 l.o9 1 Kansas City 2.100 10. 700 7uo Bt. Joseph.. 1.132. . 4.1J U63 Bt. Louis 2."M 6. ") 1.201 I Chicago 2.000 13.000 6,000 4l to coupon V. B. a. 4, r 4o ceupon .. Am. Tobacco . o 4a Atrnteoa gea. 0o adj. Atleatlc C. L, Bel. A Oalo 4a.... do 3144 , Bra. H. T. 4. 4a..., Central of Os. ts da let las , da M Ine Mo 34 Ine Ctiee. A Okie 4Hs. Chlcegs A A. 31. C. B. A Q s. . C . H. I. A P. 44. do col, .10044 Men. c. a. 4a... ...134 Mei. Tentral 4s. ...134 do let Ine ... 1l4 Mlna. A Bt. L. 4 ...l'S M.. K. A T. 4a... ... 47 do n ... I0WN. 34. of M. 1 ... s N. T. O. g. IVe. ., ... 44 N. J. C. 4. 60 ... 4 No. Pertac 4a....;.. ...8 do 4 .144 N. A W. e. 4s . 4M4 0. 8. 1.. rfdi 4s... , 74 Pena. coae. 8Hs. ... . 43 Reeding sea. 4.... .101 Bt L A I. M c. 4e . 44i 4t. L 4 I. f l . 41 St. Id. 8. W. e. 4e. . 4414 Seaboard A. U 4e 44 Bo. Pact Be CCO. A 8. L f 4e..l0X do 1st 4e etra. Colo. Ind. la ear. A. I1 In. Rellwer 6e. Colo. Mid. 4a.... Colo. A Bo. 4a... Cba 4e I. A . 0 4e,.. nietlllera' Bee b Erie 4. I. ee do aa. 4a.... Japan le Texaa A F. Is... . 4T. Bt. L A W. .104 t'ntoo Pselfie es.. . 4 V. B. Bteel Id to . I4( Wehaeh 1 . tH Weetere Md. 4s. . . 404 W. A L. B. 4e. 3 Wie. central Bid. Offered. Eg-lnterest. .. as .. 3344 .. 4314 .. ! ..100 ..101 .. 77 .. .. 34 .. 4444 .. 4 S 4s 44 .. 32 ..114 ..101 .. 7144 .. 14 S3 ..111 41 40 .. TH4 .. 71 ...en ... 404, ...Wit, ...114 a.. 74 1 ...11Uj ... 34 ...10714 ... 71 ... 30 ... 34 No. 10.... 17.... 14... 31.... 14.... 10 ... 1.... 41.... 21.... 23 ... I.... $1... 24. ... It.... 11.... IT... 10.... 31.... 17.... 34.... .... .... IS.... 31.... It.... 31.... At. 444 1224 ltd .1001 403 1047 310 443 1006 474 r.. 1140 .1074 10V3 Iff ,4 .' 1031 ..,,,...1040 1044 lest 103 1104 1143 1U4 UtJ , Krtl MSI 1103 Pr. 4 74 4 30 4 40 4 30 4 40 6 10 I 10 6 It t 30 6 40 34 I Si I 34 4 46 I 3!) 6 40 6 40 6 44 I 44 t 44 I 44 6 to I to 6 44 I 64 i it No. It... 3... 14... 37... 34... I. ... 33... 10... S3... It... 13... II. .. 44... II... lit.. 14... it... 37... 31... 10... II... I... St... 7... It... Av. ....1307 ....lilt ....1311 ....lt0 ....UM ....Hit ....1304 ....1197 ....1144 ....1143 ....1107 ....ll4 ....1S41 ,...1J ....1107 ....lilt ... 1J44 ....U2t ....1341 ....1113 ,...1IM ...,1M0 ....1334 ....1467 1447 Pr. 6 tt ( tt i 44 4 4S I ti 4 40 8 44 8 44 4 48 i 4t I 7 I 70 6 Ti 6 Tt I 7t b 74 I 10 I 44 I 40 4 15 t 44 4 00 I 0 I 00 I 19 400 It ' S3 iis" - 'io Ceetral sfd... Northern Ferine ftentrel Leather Central Leather pfd Bleee-Bherfteia Bteel Oreo Nortttera pfd Int. Metropolttaa .... 1st. Met. Pfft. etel tsyea for ike aey. . klK : Jao . 14.T0B 70 toa 14- 61 4 617.300 sbaree. in S3 II 1 13 u 74 14 34 ITS W lteu II 0 Boatoa Stoeks aad Bonds. ROSTON. May 31 Call loana. 2iS-4 par cent; time loana, 3116 par rent. Official closing on stocks ana bonda: ntaoa 40J. 4a. ' rorelga rtaaaelat. ' ' trONOOW" May .' Money waa In good deauaod 4n the market today and tha ratea wera firm., discounts wera easier, in an ticipation of tha early release bv the Bank ft England' of tha ioldvupen which tha pdlan government -holda options, grad ing on the Stock exchange afarkened. Tha reeent selling caused prlcea t4V droo In many directions, but the tone remained food, owtng to the absence of serious rouble at the. settlement. Tha dealings In Americana were restricted greatly during the forenoon, pending the receipt of the Near Tork opening quotatlona. but tho market ruled steady. The apeecb of Pres ident Roosevelt at Indianapolis yeeterdav created a favorable Impression. New Tork sent a Arm opening In the afternoon, ac companied by buying nrdera and prlcea hardened And cloaed firm. Forettgrirra wera Attn do 4a M. Central 4s. Atchlsoa do pfd rm A Albeay Boston A Melne. .. Bnetoa gleretod . riK-bburs pfd ... Meilcaa Central ... N. T , H A M ... t'nlon PaclOc Am Pneu. Tate.... Aster. 4uer do sfd T. A T , Woolen f4 a Elec. Ills... Elecirt pfd ........... Meea Oeo - t nlted Pvlt toned B. M do pfd V. 8. aieel, do pfd .....,.... Adventure A I louee Amalseataled .. .v ,, At Unite Asked aaked. " . 14 .111 . ST . 7 . 14 . 144 ,.1M .. It . 4 ,. 18 ,. 41 cowa. ..1001 .Arto ..11M ..ItiO .. T8 ,.18d .. 174 110 134 , 140 4 n i it 4 so 4 30 4 50 4 40 4 S4 4 44 4 40 4 71 I Tt I T4 I 71 1 1024 S 71 I. I in&t 8 71 1...... 1 ,..10. t Tl . 4 1 1034 3 15 I 1 ll'X I Ii 8 , S ' 4 00 1 1 1340 4 10 HEIFERS. 1... 400 I Tl 1 14.... 413 4 14 1 4 616 4 tt 1 1 704 4 40 I CAL ES. 1 340 4 7t 1 1 140 8 64 8 1 10 6 74 . I 1 110 I 71 STOCK ER8 AND FEEDERS. 1 140 I Tl 1 171 4 H 1 864 4 44 11 744 4 40 HOOS The market opened 510c higher thla morning, tha bulk or tha early sales being at $6 063.I6, aa against bokVi.ob yesterday. Tha lop today waa Be 2a, where aa the best price yesterday waa 86.15. After part of the hoga had changed hands buyers seemed to cams to the con elusion that they wera paying more money Than waa netsaary ana witv suaavniy lowered their bids, t nuago at the same time coming slow and closing lower helped Weaken the market so that a considerable proportion of the early advance waa lost.) ttepreseriiaiive Totals 9.411 40,917 9,571 OMAHA WBOLB8UB MARKET. Condition of Trad and Quotations u Btaple nnd Fancy Prodnee. EGGS Per doa.. 16c. BUTTER Packing stock, 15016C1 cholca to fancy dairy, 18ifK0c; creamery, 21923c. LIVE ruuLiHi-neni, 110; 01 u roost ers, 6c; turkeys, 12c; oucks. wc; young roosters, tdfic; geese, 6c. CALIFORNIA CH ERiVlES Per bog f about 8 lbs.. 82.26. PINEAPPLES Florida. 42 aire, 13.26 per crate; 36 alae, $4.25 par crate; 30 alxe, $4.60 per crnte. B l rt A BE.nrwr.OT jtraanaas, rqueri cases, 33-00. TKUriuAU r nut id. LEMONS Llmonlera. 800 arse. 86.26: 860 Blza, 86 78: other brands, 50c less. BANANAo per meaium-sisea puncn, $2.C0tJ2.26; Jumboea, I1W83.W, ORANGES Medlteri anean Sweata, 1&0 176, 200, 216 and 260 eisa. $3.60; 96, 126, 23 sixes. $3.00: California Navels, extra fancy. 176, 300, 310, gov aiaea, 44 ?u; lancy, lit eize. V Cotton Market. LIVRRPOOIa May 31 ?OTTON-In spot a moderate business was dure: prices U American middling rair. ng, 7.Std; mldilliug, j i; 06d; good ordinary, 64AI: ordinary. 6.02d. The sales of the day wer 8.000 bnles. of which l.ino bales were for speculstlon and export nnd Included 8,300 bales Amerlcitn. . NEW ORLEANS, 1-a., May 31-TOTTON Spot closed firm: anles, 660 bales; low ordinary, 7c, nominal: ordinary, hHc, nom inal: good ordinary, 9 13-16c: low middling, 11 1-I6c: middling. 12e; good middling, 13c; mlildllng- fair. H3c, nominal; fair, 15c. nominal; receipts, 8,148 balea; stock, 117. 3G bnles. BT. IXll'IR. Mo., May 31. COTTON Higher; middling, 12'c; sales, 2,72 bales; receipts, 100 bales; shlpmentr, 526 balea; Stock, 30,164 bales. NEW YORK. May 31. The cotton mar ket was active and exciting during tha day's session, with sales estimated at 1,000, 000 bales, which reprenents the biggest dav's sales for months past.' AdvaniMB Were made in prlcea ana at tne nest October aold 50 points above the closlhg of Wednesday, a gain of about $2.60 a bale. The close was off from the best, but steady at a net advance og 28 to 34 points. nils and Hosln. NEW YORK, May 31. OILS Cottonseed, firm; prime crude, f. o. b. mills, nominal; yellow. 6O0, nominal. ' Petroleu'ii, firm; re fined New York, tX.W; bulk, $4.i0. Turpen tlnu, easy at 6L",'i4ic. ROdIN Quiet; strained, common to good, 14.65. OIL CITY, Pa., May 31. Credit balances, 8)1.78. Runs, 8u2.i67 bbls.; average, 148.9J1 bbls. Shipments, 327,640 bbls.; average, 16, 650 bbls. SAVANNAH. Ga., May 31. TURPEN TINE Firm at 6&c. ROBIN-Steady. Quote: A, R, C, $4.15; D. $4.46; E, $4.65; F, $4.a6; G, $1.90; II, $6.10; I, $6.40: K, $5.flo; M, $6.85; N, $6.60; W. O., $5.10; W. W., $6.00. Snarar nnd Molasses. NEW YORK. May 31,-SUOAR-Raw, steady: fair refining,- 3.40c; centrifugal, 96 test, 3.90c; molaaaea sugRr, 3.16c. Refined, quiet; crushed, 5.70c; powdered, 5.10c; gran, ulated, 6.0Uc. NEW ORLEANS. May 31. SUGAR Steady; open kettle centrifugal, aVfu;-"; centrlfugsi whites, ' none; centrifugal, yel lows. 3VMo; seconds, 2,Ji'lc. MOLAKSE8 Quiet ; new syrup. 30S34c. Whisky Market. PEORIA. May 31. WHISKY-Steady at $1.31. ST. LOUIS, May 31.-WHISKY-Steady At 11.35. CHICAGO, May 81. WHISK T Steady At 11.31. London I'loalngT Storks. LONDON, May 31. Closing quotatlona on aa atocka were Consols, money .. do account Aneronrla, July .. Atrhisnn do pfd rUltlmore A Ohio j Cenadlan Parllln lie, W ww r, . m ,, v. , -u -. . . , .. M.L- ... at 'i cbo'c Ur "3"-p,r 'rh.rTsrot.v Am. As). do Rdieo Men. 1314 Blnanara . 44 Cel. A Hecla... . Tl Oenteanlal . ...1.. , M Copper Hanso .... . 41 Delr Weet ri rrenklln .Ill Orenbr .114 lele Rorele .124 Meee. Mining .... . It MtraisM .144 Mohesk .113 Mont. C. A C... . I Old Dominloe .... .114 Osceola .131 Perrot .114 Qulurr .., . 84 f henaon . pfr Temermci, .304 Tnnltr . 14 I'nlted Copper ... . 47 I'. B. Mlnlnf .44 V. 8. Oil .107 Vuh ., . il VlPtnrl4 . 37 wiaoaa . 41 Wolverine . 97 North Botte . I Butte Iwelllloe . . 41 KeTada , 44 1. A Arliona . . 11 44 Art tone Cora Ex-dlvidend. ETx-dlvtdend and Bid. So. 43... 1 . 41.. 14.. 44.. tl.. St.. 4tV. t7.. 44.. 17.. 4A . 17.'. ... 47ta ...It ... 14 ...111 ... 11 ...114 ... 31 ... 47 ... 4e ... ... tl ... J ... T ...U2 ... II ::: R5 ...HI II I I 14. 17.. 42.. 44.. 40.. ).. ee.. 44. . 44 . Traaaory tatament WASHINGTON. May 8t-Today a atate ment of the treasury balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive of tha $150.X0 gold reserve, shows; Avalable cash balanoe, 1X4.8&444; gold coin and bullion, .$, 7Ui gold certlflcatca, rt3.10t,S(i 44 44 71 71 Tt 47. 44. A l' ,.yii . m . . . no ..tit ..w .ill . ; ,.tM ..f4 ..tT .117 . " ..tut ..St4 ...tot . SM .11 ... ,.344 .146 .. MT ...174 ..324 ..til 343 i: t w 43.. ti.. It.. 40.. 41.. 44.. It . II . 41 .144 . Jv4 . 3t4 . 3t4 . 341 ..344 ..171 .341 .iM SOt 43....... .3-9 84.. it 471 84 84 ft. I 00 I o I 00 I M 04 4 40 I 40 I 1 at 00 I M 4 f 8 M I ot 4 4b I I I 06 I M I 06 I 04 I 04 -I 04 I 01 I 44 4 at 4 Ot 4 04 I 94 6 m e 04 I 04 I 04 I 04 I 44 8 04 I 04 I 04 I 44 t 04 J 41 I 01 8 r 4 4; 4 les: No. 77.. 7.. M.. 9.. 41.. 4.. 71.. 41 . 44.. 14.. 41. . 41.. II.. 40.. 12.. 31.. 44.. It. . 41 . 71.. 1 . 13.. to.. Tl.. 1. , It .., 47... 11..., 14... at..., 41 .. Tl... Tl .. 74 .. 10... 77... 74... 40... TT... 4:. .. 41... II .. At. . .331 ..tut ..IM ..367 .371 ..441 .lit . ir ..mi ,.ti .370 ..50 . .ir .123 ..344 . .l-4 ,.3M .141 ..343 . ) .181 ,.j:i 4 ...133 ..144 . (11 .340 .,.m ,.1:0 ..HI . a ...3:4 ..114 .. Ul ..141 ...210 ,..!'t ...f4 . . . J fit .. tto ...lit .,314 30 144 4 47 4 t7 I 01 I 97 I 01 4 14 4 10 14 I IS 4 10 I 14 I II I 10 4 10 4 10 I 10 I 14 I 1C 4 14 I 14 4 10 4 14 I I 10 I 14 I 14 I 14 4 14 4 10 I 14 6 14 4 la I 14 4 13 4 12 8 11 I 12 I It 4 13 I 12 I 14 4 II I It 4 tb bt hr,v. I2 7bftt00. FIGS California, bulk, bc: b-crown Turkish, 14c; 4-crown Turkish, 11c; B-crown Turkish. Ba. DATES Kadaway, 60; aayers. 6c; hal lo Is. fc; naw atuffed walnut oatea, 8-Ib, box. bl.OO. oLt VEGETABLES. POTATOES Table stoea, per bu., BOc 81.00; seed 4tork. 9uc6$i.00. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. No. L $1.90; No. fc i' NEW VEGETABLES. . POTATOE8-I1.30 per bu. ASPAHAGUB-75cfc$1.0O per doa. bunoheA BEANS New wax and ailing, psr bam per, $4 00. BEETS, TURNIPS AND CARROT Pet dot. bunches. 4&jf0c. CABBAGE California. $Ao. CELERY Florida, (135 per . dog. vPIE PLANT Par lb., be. ONIONS Rad or yellow. Colorado, pat BEEF Cl'TS. BEEF CUTS No. 1 rlba. 13c; No. t riba, 9c; No. 3 rlba, c; No. 1 loin, 13c; No. 2 loin, 12c; No. 3 loin. llc; No. 1 chuck, 6c; No. 2 chuck, b,c; No. 3 chuck, 6c; No. 1 round, ic; no. 1 ruunu, ec, no. round, 7c; No. 1 plate. 3c; Nu. 3 plate, 3c; No. 3 plate. 8c bu, $100; Texas sliver akltw per crate, about 44 lbs., yellow Texaa, per crate, about 4b Iba, $2.00. Graao ontuna, par do. 30c. TOMATOES rioran. rancy, iu-id crata. $3 (ti3.ti; choice. $iboS2.75. LEAF Ltul I ur r'omuuse. per 00s. brads. 47ie. CUCl'MHKHB-Ftr doa., .P0. PARSLEY Hothouse, per dot. buschaa. " RADI8MES- Per doi. bunches, 36c; extra large bunchoa. 46c pec doa. COr r Koaaiea, ino. on, itc per id. Bt. P. follows: 14 N. T. Central 1141k 44 Norfolk A W Hi 11 do pfd fcl llOmerlo A W Ji 4? Ponnerlvanla 43 97 Rend Mlnee I 11:1 Reedins t' Ohio... M Southern Railway ... 1 10 do pfd ... & 110 Southern Perlflo II j Union factae 131 i do pfd tl 73 V. B. duel 34 tt do pfd 101 87 Wabesh IS 44 do pfd tt 140 Spenlsh 4a 44 114 Qrand Trunk BPs) 11 SILVER Bar, quiet. SO 15-16d par ouooa, MONEY-3Vti3 par ant. '1 he rate of 1ls. nunt In the open market for short bills Is 8118 per cent; for ttirea montlis' bills, 31(5 per cent. C, M. A p Heere . i I). A H O ido pfd Erie do let pfd.... , do 34 pfd I initiate Central 1 1 1 ,11. . u 41 . K. A B. . . . New York MlnlnaT Stocks. NEW YORK, May Sl.-CTostng quotatlonB on mining stocks were: .no . m . 41 . 24 . 70 .141) .141 . 4 Utile Chief ,. Onterio Outiir Potoel Be 4 ego Blerra Nevada H me 1 1 H open . Blende rd Adams Con. Alice Bree, brunewlck Con. .. Cometork Tunnel Con. cel. A Vs.. Hora Bllver Iron Silver Leadrllle Con. ... Evaporated Applea and Dried Frnlta. NEW YORK, May 81. EVAPORATED APPLES Market is steady, with fancy nuoted at 8&Mc; choice. ,r7)4jc; prima, 6&c; poor to fair. 66c. , T , IM ......lh4 10 41 13 44 344 Trrnaory Pnrchases Bllver. WASHINGTON, May 81 The Treaetiry department todav purcliaaed UA.OOO nuncea of silver for delivery at Philadelphia At 47.6? centa per fine ounce. Brink riearltaa. OMAHA, Msy 81-Bank clearinge for today were $2,068. 275. 14 and for the corre sponding data last year $1,8X6,761.09. t . tsalasVtl rrr? IS UPDIKE GRAIN COMPANY Room 100 Hee Building. Tel. Douglas 2473 Members of All Principal Grain Exchanoes Your Business Solicited eyus-i-y (4 it it I 4 7 1 njeesilieejMaxteiipeeV 41A El Trrrrrmrrrrrrn