m I I T.I SWltT4 T"fc '12 T7TTC ONfAITA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, MAY 31. 1007. ? -I d j P ii T P a. t tr cx Jn w .1 Kl Kl & Kl Y S AN5-ODD LOTS Mm, From $100,000 Purchase WILL BE SOLD AT BARGAINS THAT WILL MAKE THIS SALE THE TALK OF OMAHA 'SILKS. 600 yards of silk remnants, 3 to 15 yards, consisting of foulard, China silks, Surrahs, taffctahnes, etc. good range of colors main Bilk aisle rear as long as they last worth up to 50c yard at, yard Black taffetas, for dreaiei, petticoats and lining at, yard . . 39c Manufacturer' cllk sam ples, H to 1 '4 yards, many match up, yard 5c-10c-25c New spring silks, black and colors, e n o u n match for suits, petti coats, waists, etc. worth 75c at, yard. 35c Remnants of WASH LACES Tnree big bargain squares French German and English Vals. and torchons in de sirable widths "fl-L at, yard I2CO2COC EMBROIDERIES- Fine edgings, insertings and ribbon galloons widths are up to 17 inches a spe . cially fine lot at 5c-7ic-15c coats S1 KID GLOVES AT 39c One large bargain square will be filled with thousands of pairs of all makes of women's two-clasp kid gloves, in all makes white, black and colors- some are shcrhtlv mussed tiiey are worth as high as $1 a pair Friday at, j pair DRESS GOODS REMNANTS The immense sales of the past week leave us with thousands of remnants which we are going to close out at once pan amas, suitings, mohairs, voiles, serges 'fO A ft values up to $1 yard, at dC'JLJL"lVl, Jf I'M fra Silk finished black and colored Sicilians, many colors, worth 60c yard, OQy, at, yard UJK Wash fabrics, In good lengths, none ever sold under 29c yard and . many are higher priced an bargain square at, yard 12ic Unmade skirt patterns, novelty barred and checked suitings, pret ty Pektn stripes, etc., on bargain 4 ftf square at l.Jfil each " REMNANT DAY IN BASEMENT GOODS Very fine quality sheer India Linon remnants, f A at, yard lU Mill remnants of genuine Lonsdale Cambric, yard wide, yard IUC Very fine longclotn, nainsook and soft fin ished muBllns, at 7H Finest zephyr Dress Ginghams, checks, stripes and corded effects, at...l2H Full dress lengths print ed lawns, regular 10c quality at, yard, 3 He Short mill remnants of dress voiles, poplins and solsettes, many match up, worlh up to 25c yd., at 2 Silk spot batistes, beau tiful patterns for dresses and waists, yard, at 100 Scotch chambray ging hams, soft finished cloths at, yard, QHt REMNANTS OF LINENS Balance of the 50c mercerized ta ble damask, mill rem nants, yard 15c Drummer's large sample pieces of fine table linen, make nice tray cloth napkins, etc., J" each DC Quilt corners cut from Marseilles bed spreads for wash cloths, children's bibs, etc., each lc Honey comb Towels, 6 cent values, at, each 3ic Large size Crochet IVd Spreads, worth up to $1.25, at 59c 10-yd. pieces best quality lied Cross Cotton Diaper, $1 value, at bolt 65(? ADVANCE NOTICE! Next Saturday The Biggest Sale RIBBONS KVKB HELD IN OMAHA SEE THE GREAT DISPLAY IN DQl'GLAS ST. WINDOW The Village Blacksmith The Famous 943,000 Painting on free exhibition on our. Third Floor NEW STORE ONLY TWO MORE DAYS TO SEE THIS GREAT MASTERPIECE BRANDEIS-Boston Store " OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Friday: Fair and Warmer. " j And j--1 U UXi A--UJ. JJ And j I ScCOnd XJ J I NOTE-Berger Sales are strictly I J) SeC0!d I ; , Lm confined to women's and children's IT I jjj flOOrtl ready-to-wear garments. J tj ! ffl F IH1 F P' fTTffilff W I SniANPlflPTJ U Li ir m ua lIMdllUI "Suits m i Friday is Remnant Day THE RELIABLE TRK 1 J Watch for the Great Sale of Under- L Muslins f Saturday Hundreds of This Season's Most Stylish Suits, Oive-HaJf Price aivd Less. : SKIR.TS Berger's Price. Our Price. $5.00 Women's Panama Walking Skirts, $2.48 $7.50 Women's Chiffon Panama Skirts. $3.05 $10.00 Women's Chiffon, Panama Skirts, $4.05 $12.50 and $15 Women's Taffeta Silkr Skirts, go for 87.48 Berger's Price. Our Price $5.00 Co verb Coats will go for $2.05 $7.50 Covert and English Cheviot Coats.. $3.05 $10.00 Taffeta Silk and Pongee Coats. . .$5.05 $16 Taffeta Silk and Pon gee Coats, for . .$7.05 Berger's Price Our Price. $50.00 Women's Man-Tailored Suits for $23.75 $40.00 Women's Man-Tailored Suits for $18.75 $35.00 Women's Man-Tailored Suits for $16.75 $25.00 Women's Man-Tailored Suits for $13.75 $20.00 Women's Man-Tailored Suits for $8.75 Berger's Price SILK SUITS $39.50 Tailored Silk Suits and Princess Dresses for $25.00 Tailored Silk Suits and Princess Dresses for. . PETTICOATS Berger's Price. Our Price. $6.60 Taffeta Silk Petticoats. .$3.05 $2.60 Heatherbloom Pettlcoats.$1.30 MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS AND DRESSES Berger's Price Our Price. $4.00 Children's Coats for... $1.05 $10 Misses' and Junior Suits. .$6.05 $1 Children's Dresses for 48 WAISTS Berger's Price Our Price. $1.60 Lawn Waists for 59 $2.60 Lingerie Waists for 05 $3.00 Linen Waists for $1.60 $5.00 Lace and Net Waists for.$2.48 $10 Lace and Filet Net Walst8.$4.05 Our Price. .$19.75 .$13.45 Wait f.r the Big Sale of Linoleum Monday Never Better Bargains Than Now Remnants and Odd Lots at a fraction of their retail value Friday. Big Silk Sale Friday TREMENDOUS HARGAINS EVERY HOUR IN Of II GREAT DOMESTti ROOM AND MAIN SILK DEPARTMENT. From 8 Till 9 a. in. In the Domestic Room 6.000 Silk Samples, to ards In a piece; qualities up to $1.60 yard; on sale at, choice, each From 9 Till 10 a. m. Over 1.000 yardH of Plain and Fancy Silks, all sorts of colors; limit of one pattern to a customer, choice, per yard '15 From 10 a. m. Till 6 p. ra. Chiffon. Poplins, plain Messalines, Black Burahs, Loulcenes, etc., in all colors and splendid assortment of fancies, at, yd.29 HOUR- SALES IN MAIN AISLE, SILK DEPARTMENT From 8 Till 9 a. m. $1.00 Black Taf fetas. 27-ln. wide 59 From 9 Till 10 a. m. $1.60 Fancy Rajahs, at, yard 50 From 10 Till 11 a. m. 271n. Change able and Color Taffetas 49 From U a. m. Till 12 m. $1.00 Chif fon Voiles, 4 61n. wide, in colors, at, yard r5c From 12 m. Till 1 p. m. 69c LlRht Check Silks at 29 From 1 Till 2 p. m. 27-in. Pongees, plain or fancy 30J From 2 Till 3 p. m. $1.00 Loulslen Checks, 27-ln. wide 65 From 3 Till 4 p. m. fetas, 86ln. wide . $1.25 Black Taf- 70 From 4 Till 6 p. m. $1.39 Black Peau de Sole, 361n. wide, at 89? From 6 Till 6 p. m. 69c Black Dress Taffetas, 19-ln. wide, at, yd. . . -35 Go whereever else you please, when you please, you'll never find the equal of these Friday bargains. Portieres Silk Kimoivas These handsome Bilk Klmonas were consigned to S. Fredrick Berger & Co., and arrived In Omaha too late. We bought them at great loss, to "the consignor. $3.95 Short Silk Klmonas. $2.30 $2.60 Short Swiss Klmonas. I.39 $5.95 Short Silk Klmonas. $3)5 $7.50 Long Silk Klmonas. $4.48 $10 Long Silk Klmonas. .$595 $15 Long Silk Klmonas. .$875 I SILKS Thn well known Bonnet black taffeta, beautiful rich black, Friday 20,000 yards Taffeta Silks, In every color best qual ities one tremendous lot, worth up to 85c on OC sale, yard Jt Elegant fancy Wash Silks for waists or children's dresses Hunt grounds with polka dots, either black, red or blue. Frl- 23C DRESS 66c Novelties for 16c. This lot consists of remnants of wool dress s"ods offered at 6O0 everywhere, 18 -t rT Inches wide, yard..-' Several thousand yards of the choicest collection of fine Novelty Dress Goods In many beautiful color ings; plaids, stripes and check effects, worth 2" up to 76c yard, now "" $1.60. 1.26 and 11.00 Hutt ings, prettiest collection efer brought to Omaha, every style at $1. O Ci $1.25. 11.60 Friday JV 44-inch Black Voile Chif fon, worth $1.16, Alf per yard "Js 62-Inch Black Chiffon Pana ma, worth $1.00, A(e per yard 43-lnch Silk Crepe de Paris, worth $1.25. at 4$o per yard M.Os 40-Inch Black Phantom Check Batiste. Ai worth $1. yard Drapery Section third Floor Figured and Dotted Swisses, selling at 17c and 20c yard. Friday, 124 per yard Figured Cretonnes In all colors, selling at 16o "I Pw. yard. Friday XtV Figured Madras, new mate rials for summer drap eries, all shades to har monise with all kinds of furnishings, worth 1 f 60c yard, at .UJ Every lacs curtain mark ed down from 20 to SO per cent less than real value. W). Handkerchiefs Ladles' Hemstitched re vere Handker- At chiefs, each xv Ladles' pure Hn-QIAf en, 15c value. O Ladles' pure linen. " K uc value for. . Men's pure Un- QU(t en, 16c value.. OJ BEAUTIFY YOIK T, T T.J... ' i ' . i '1 i. v ' 11 1 111 n 1 LAWN WITH OUR IRON AND WUtB FENCE. Trellises and Arbors for vines, flower gnarda, chairs, stees, vases, tree guards, hitching posts, window guards, barn fixture and chicken fence. CHAMPION FENCE COMPANY. lT-ei outa 16th Iteaet. Tel. XtoufUa IBM, ad f o Oatalogna. f Underwear Ladles' low neck, sleeve less vests, ( 1-Sc Kn value, tor Ladles' low neck, sleeve less vesta. 16c 1At value, for wv Ladies' laee trimmed union suits. !5oOer valu. for St3j lennett's Big Grocery For the sole and humane purpose of easing our harrassed delivery system Saturdays, we beg of you to leave orders with us as soon after this ad reaches your home as possible. These items, only a part of our week end specials, are good for Friday and Saturday, especially for Friday. Please Leave Your Order Early Please Do! Pride of Bennett's Flour, sack. .fl.M H And Fifty Green Trading- Stamps .. Benett's Best Coffee, I lbs l-00 And 100 Green Trading Stamps Twenty-two pounds Granulated gurar $1.00 And Twenty Green Trading Stamps Bennett's Capitol Coffee, lb. pkg SSe And Thirty Green Trading Stamps Fresh roasted Santos Coffee, lb lBo And Ten Green Trading Stamps Flower and Vegetable Seeds, pkg Is Ten pounds Navy Beans SBo Teas. B. F. Japan, Oolong, Gunpowder, English Breakfast, lb 6o And 100 Green Trading Stamps. Uneeda Biscuit. 4 pkgs lso And Ten Green Trading Stamps Diamond Tegetables, worth up to 26c can, Friday and Saturday lo Three Star Salmon, can "uo And Twenty Green Trading Stamps . Peanut Butter, medium Jar ; 0 And Ten Green Trading stamps Bayles' Turn Yum Pickles, bottle oo And Twenty Green Trading stamps Pickles, assorted, $ bottles for aao And 10 Green Trading . Stamps. Worcester Table Salt, sack for 10o And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Llpton's Tea, Ceylon No. 1. pound tin oo And 60 Green Trading Stamps. Tt too Oream and Strawberries Jell-O Ice Cream Powder, t packages too And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Xaadqnartera for Batter Large quantities Fresh Couotry Butter arriving dally direct from the farm, lb., up from ...ITo New York Full Cream Cheese, lb too And 10 Green Trading Stamps,. Neufchatel Cheese, ea., 4o Hand Cheese, each, SH Virginia Swiss Cheese, lb. for 5o And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Royal Luncheon Cheese, Jar Mo And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Baking Powderi lb. can S4o And 80 Green Trading Stamps. Corn, can 4o Peas, can Bo Potted Meat. can....4o Plum Pudding, can Bo Safety Matches, dcien boxes So J. Helm Cider or Malt H Vinegar, quart bottle, 9Bc And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Jell-O, assortid, S packages for 860 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Blood of Grape Jurce, pint bottle Bo And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Blood of Grape Juice, quart bottle ftOo And 40 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Extracts, bottle 18o And 80 Green Trading Stamps. Japan Rice, worth 10c pound, at So Sour Pickles, quart '. 10o And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Chow Chow pickles, quart 18o And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Sweet Pickles, quart 80c And 10 Green Trading Stajnpa. Domestics il 20.000 yards of the best American Prlntj, lenxths from 6 to 16 yards, O,, per yard Arfv Best Apron Gingham, At ail oolors, yard New Gingham Prints, fine styles pink, blue, Ai etc. worth 10c yd.. 15c Sllkollnes, hundreds p of patterns, yard.... $-inch Percalrs. 16c Kf and 12V4C grades, for" B-4 Best Bleached Sheeting, at Mrv Linen and White Goods 60 dot. Cream Turkish Towels, site 21x52(sotled regular 20c quality. Bar gain Friday, 2ViC each ' 45c and 60c hemstitched Dresser Scarfs, size 12x ' 46 and 12x64, to close out, at X2 Vic each 25 pieces S4-ln. linen finish Suitings for Wash dreeees and skirts, regular 16o quality, Qq e rti at. ........... Towel Bala Hemmed huck, large slie, Bleached Turk ish, extra heavy, bargain Friday, each Ropp Portieres, Madras Port lores, Leather Portieres, Festoon Drapes. 1 $7.50 Irish Point Lace Curtains.4.98 $5.60 Irish Point Lace Curtatns.3.98 $3.98 Irish Point Lace Curtains.2.49 $1.98 Irish Point Lace Curtalns.l ,49 $1.25 Lace Curtains, at, pair.. 89 75c Lace Curtains, at, pair. .. .51) 59c Lace Curtains, at, pair. . . -39 39c Lace Curtains at, each. . . .124 Slightly soiled LaCs Curtains, worth $1.25 pair, at, each, Friday. .. .25 Colored Madras, 36-in. wide, at, yard 15 50-in. Roman Striped Tapestry, at, yard 39 Ruffled Swiss, worth $1, at, pair. 75 Rufflod Swiss, worth 75c, at....50t Ruffled Swiss, worth 39c pair, at. each 12s Rope Portieres, worth $7.50, at$3.9 Rope Portieres, worth $5, at. $2. OS Rope Portieres, worth 2.98, at 1,98 Rope 'Portieres, worth $1.49, at, ach 98d Couch Covers, worth $1.75, at, each, Friday, only S1.25. CUrtain Swiss, worth 15c yard, Friday only, at 10f Remnants for Sofa Pillows, at..J0 Friday Is Remnant Day in Domestic Room FORENOON Wash Goods, Prints. Ginghams and other goods, worth up to 14c a yard, in short lengths, sev eral pleres to match, at 1 From the bolt, Simpson and Ameri can, best Prints, worth 7Hc a yard, at 4fr American, Garner's and Simpson s Prints, pieces from 3 to 12 yards, all fine, new spring styles, at, yard.2V4 All' kinds of Wash Goods, Batiste, Dimities, Organdies, etc., all perfect goods; some in pieces and some in remnants; also about 5,000 yards of extra fine Dress Ginghams, in lengths ; from 3 to 15 yards, the entire bunch . on sale, at, yard C Remnants of 15c Percales, 36 Inches wide, dark and light colors, a', yard 5 Extra long remnants of Muslin, Sheet ing, White Goods and Fancies, that sell from 8Hc to 15c a yard, all at, yard 5 Extra heavy Bleached Muslin, from the holt, only two cases, as long as It lasts, at, yard 5 Extra heavy Unbleached Muslin, regu lar 8c goods; not over 10 yards to a customer, at. yard 4S4 Remnants of Table Oil Cloth, best quality at 8tt Remnants of Table Linen, worth 69o a yard, at 25 Remnants of Table Linen, worth 69c a jard, at 39 Remnants of Table Linen, worth $1 and $1.25 a yard, at 59r 100 Pattern Table Cloths, 2, and 3 yards long, all in one lot, at, each 49 WOOL DRESS OOD3 We have about 5,000 yards of the fin est Spring Dress Goods that were ever sold In Omaha, in remnant! from 2V to 8 yards; these goods sold from 50c to $3.50 a yard; will be placed In five lots, 19c, 25c, 39c, 49c and . . 59 From the bolt, 60 pieces of new Spring DreFs Goods; regular $1.00, $1.29 Mil $1.50 goods, at, yard 3ff Positively no dealers or peddlers soldi at these remnant sales. 1 7V4o Carpets Third rioor Owing to the late season we still have a big selection and good variety of Boom Blio Bags. Each one will be marked with a Green Tag. indicating a cut price. Tuts cut will go deep into the regular value, as we must re duce our stock. Besides rugs, we have 150 Boom Bis rieoes of Lino leums, worth up to 8jc, your choice, a sq. OQ, yard, at JV 2 Millinery Specials TRIMMED HATS All kinds and colors, worth regular' to $4.00, to close in Friday's sale, at, choice CHILDREN'S LEGHORN HATS Regular 39c values, continental shapes, choice 98c .5c Special Sale of Knit Goods IN Ol'R GREAT DOMESTIC ROOM Ladles' Gauze Vests, worth to 19c, at 6c, 7 He and 10 Ladies' Lisle Vests, worth to 39c, on sale Friday at -15 Ladies' Knit Pants, lace trimmed, worth to 60c, at 15c, 19c and . .25 Ladies' Union Suits, worth to 98c, low neck and sleeveless, 25c, 39c . 49 Men's, Ladles' and Children's Hose, all Hires, black, tans and fancies, values to 2 5c, special at, pair 10 Men's Heavy Rockford Hose, regular 10c values, at, pair 5 Men's and Boys' Suspenders, worth. 25c pair, on sale at JO Negligee Shirts, all sizes, for men and boys, regular 60c value, on sale Fri day "t 25 Grocery Department FRUITS AND VEGETADL'S "Big Supply Daily of Fresh Goods New Potatoes, peck for 30c DENNETT'S CANDIES French Burnt Pea- -f Qj, nuts, pound Chocolate Bon Bona, OST, pound box And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Wash Goods Threw uiit.ii treeu ';adiug aiupe Elegant New Cotton .....iifi. .Utiny tnuy colorlnRS tot aklrt ui dresses, north Qt 25c. now ;. 2c Silk Mulls, beauti ful styles any - Of color, now -- v' Ladlus' fast black tit-am-les huso, llo " "I values for J-AV Ladles' Imported split foot hose, 86C O !"T value for Children's fast black ribbed hose, 17c values for AW Infant's raehmere hone, silk heel and " Ki toe, 25c value. . u.nA and moke you own HAKNESS r odd Hne. nd strap No stitching or i.w Great money savers, bend for Rottr' m COMPANV. 1115 Farnam St.. OMAHA. AGENTS WiNTED C -PATENTS tnt PROTECT rfiTjf tiff WnH.erte '" Business Boosters Try tb Waat OahisniM of T ) New Soda Parlors North Balcony Our popular combination lunchonettes please every body. Every glaes used Is sterilized and polished. Days' Dlouses SUes 4 to II years. In white, tan. blue, black, stripes checks and plaids of percale, cheviot, Baleen, madraa, etc.. good val ues at 76c our price A Lite Mem. bmhlp to the Tabard Inn Library, 59c Hundreds of new copyright books; ex changeable at any time for 5c. F.ntt-r your membership now Men's We purchased a small sample line of men's neckwear, some very select and neat patterns values up to 5c Hargaln Friday, each 5Uc 59c $2.00 89c m MEN'S HATS New Tale Tele scope and 'Var sity Hats for dressy young men, In pearl, graystone, nu tria, braver and black, val ues up to 3 00, Bargain Frlduy CLOVES Ladles' 2-ciasp Lisle Gloves 35c value for 25c Ladles' 16 button Lisle Gloves, $1.25 value, for 1 1 l I ! in p4 ii IIAYDKNa' FOR OROPKRIKS. FRESH VKUKTABLE8. FRUITS. BUTTER and CHEESE. 12 Bars Ylenl Laundry Soap L'5c Malta Vila Breakfast Food, per pkg..7S: E(jg-o-8i'e Breakfast Food, per pRg...."1 Eg-o-8ee Corn Flakes, per pkg 7Sc The Best Soda Crackers, per pound 6e The Hest crisp Ginger Simps, per lb 6e BromanKelon, Jellycon or Jello, per pkg.7Hc Tlie Hest White or Yellow Cornmeal, per sack lic Fancy Alaska Salmon, per can 10c Oil or Mustard Sardines, per can 1-lb. package best Cold Water Starch.. 4u 1-lb. pk(t. Hest Corn Starch 4Vjc J-lb. cans Solid Packed Tomatoes 5c GHllon cans Peaches, Plums, Pears or Grapes Soc Gallon cans Apples or Pumpkins 26c Fancy I'al. Prunes, per pound 4c Fancy Cleaned Currants, per lb 9c Fancy Evaporated Apples, per pound 9c Fancy 3-Crown Muscatel Raisins, per lb 9c Fancy Heeded Raisins, per pound 7c BUTTER AND CHEESE PRICES FOR FRIDAY Fancy Dairy Butter, per pound Hi The Finest Creamery made, per pound.. 25a Funcy Full Cream Cheese, white or yellow. ,i.uii joo Fancy Domestic Swiss Cheese, per lb...i!0o Sap SflKK Cheese, each jitt Neufchatel Cheese, each Sj Edam Cheese, each fl,,j Fancy Llmburger or Brick Cheese. lb..lo FRESH VEGETA m.K" PRICES. AND FRl'IT i Fancy Creamery Butter, per pound ....21c than Jobbers' cost. Fresh Spinach, per peck "8 6 hunches Fresh Radishes 5o 5 bundles Fresh Onions 5o 2 bunches Fresh Parsley 6o Fresh Wax or String Beans, per lb 5o I.arice Cucumbers, each 5j 5 bunches Fresh Fie Plant 6a Fresh Peas, per quart 5a Fancy, lulcy Lemons, per dnen It Fancy Florida Pineapples, each 7Ha Fancy, large. Sweet Jlltrhland Oranges, that retail for 8ftc dozen; our price, per doi.85o If ynu need anything in the Harness line, see Haydens' first. The most complete and - up-to-nate line in tnu city, at prices at leas We're Still Selling Jap-a Lac at Cut Prices BY HAYDENS' EIESI rti 'A i KIP'S FORMAL OPENING Saturday, June 1st, 1907 We invite the smoking puhllo to call ami Inspect our beautiful JSW ITOBI, where nothing but the ImbI goods obtdlnable. 0. D. Kiplinger & Son. 30S So. 16th St. Every Saturday Especially Tomorrow We shall sell ntce, fresh Saturday Candy (Mggett's) for a,. Iteinember. this Is a 60c assortment of' Chocolates, Nuts and Fruits, iold Hat Ur du y only ami in One Store Only in every city In the United Stutes. Look out for Imitations, fur the market Is full of them but there's only one Llggstt's Sat urday Candy which is the genulnn ana delicious kind, the klr.d that's mid In every city Saturday only, fresh, lie. Sherman' & McConnell Drug Go Corner Sixteenth and Oodge St:., Gmihi . tClteS Dellcleu. I stand the tett of all pur tooi law, 1 t 4jr '4