Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1907, Page 6, Image 7

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Tut Omaha Daily Be.
fcnterrd at Omaha poatofnoa second
cmiil matter.
1 siiy iiee '.without ur.dn), one year. .HOC
Dully Hm snd t-jnday one year
t'j:iny Iter, oris year 2 sO
tyvturosy Hen, ore fa- 1.(0
!tfIJV:il(l HT CAHItlCR.
Dally Pee Inchidin Sunday), per week..lSe
1 ally Je (without Humla. r ck...lOo
Evening R- per week. Co
Kv"tirnt He (with Funds)', por week. ...loo
Adili'-im nil complaints of Irregularities III
delivery to C'Hr ' 'Ir-nlnt'on Deixrtmsnt.
Onishi-T B-e (luiUting.
Hou:h ijnum- city Hall Hutlrt.f.
inndi fliurr-13 3cott Sti'et.
"iiU'npi- !(:( 1'Mty Riillillnir.
Kov York rj II. hup I Ifo Insurance Bids.
-'.ml.:tiltt''r. -oTl 'c'ourtrpnth Street.
f i-.m'iu'ii. atlon i-elutlng to news and -d'-luil
il matter should be addreaaed. Omaha
Pee. Depurtinent
Ketiilt hy rlr.ift, tpres or .ostal order,
payable to Tne lice Publishing Company,
i nly r-rrnt stumps received In payment of
Mii'.l accounts. Personal rh.'ks, except on
:) in 1 . i or eastern exehnnuie rot Bcop'.ed.
atatlmfnt or cikctlation.
Ktite if Nebraska, Douglas County,
Charles .'. Hrsewiiter. genral marHCT
( The l:-e Publishing Company. beln-:
duly sworn, ssv that the actual nnmlw
of roll nt;d rritnplete copies of The Dally.
Morning. Evening and Sunday Bee printed
il'iflnc the month of April. W7, waa as
follows :
X '.. 33,870
2 34 030
I 34,110
. 34.380
T 31,400
17 35.099
g 33,090
f J4.840
SO 85,010
tl 33,350
H 35.090
13 33.300
SI4, 35.430
it..... 39,470
2 J b.i,340
JT 38,830
II 34,000
2 38,810
10 a 30,680
10 34,t00
I ... .
Total 1,033 410
Less unsold and returned poplee. ,84
Net total 1,038,640
Dully average 34,384
General Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before me this SOth (lav of April, 1W7.
(Seal) m. . Hl'NOATE,
Notary Public.
Subscribers lenTlns; the rlty tern. '
pornrlly should hare The) Bf
mailed to them. Addraa will be
rhanjged as often as requested.
If present Indications ni.iy be ac
cepted as reliable, the demounts may
have the dollar gas plank Jn their next
A tribe has been found In Africa
whose main object in life Is getting
drunk. Probably descendants of sail
ors on shore leave. -
"Is. the democrat a turtle?" asks
the Ohio State Journal. We should
say not,' remembering the turtle's
fondness for water. ''
The country would be In a terrible
condition If the .farmers were worry
ing as much about the crops as the
grain speculators are., - r . -,-. "
, S IV
"Fie Is a villainous lnvention,, says
a writer - In a ...woman's 1 magaslne.
That's what ,tha frleads of the de
defeated candidate always say.
"The weBt Is ablaze for Cannon."
said Senator Hopkins of Illinois, and
tve Weather bureau recorded a frost
all over the (train belt that night.
Mr. Roosevelt may not be the presi
dential candidate of his party next
year, but it seems to be pretty well
tettled that he will be the convention.
If the Yeiser law should finally be
invoked In behalf of the dog,, what
would It determine: The efficacy of
the referendum, or the popularity of
Tlge may eventually be compelled
to wear a nuzzle when he appears In
public In Omaha, but if he does It will
not he because Dr. Miller was asleep
t the switch.
The New York Herald says there
re 198,000 yovsng widows in that city.
The theatrical companies must be re
turning to New York earlier than
UBual this year.
The State Board of Health finds
ItSvlt In a deadlock on . appointees,
which leaves a presumption fahr r.hat
the lucky man has not yet been turned
In the balloting.
: Mr. Corey says he has not selected
his final home, but that it will be in
tome cooj place. The majority opin
ion teems to, be that his final home
will be In a very hot place.
"The tariff divides the manufac
turers,' any the New York Times.
That will surprise people who have
& ml a lcng-cherUhed Impression that
'U mtiMtfhrtcrcis divided the tariff.
Undo Jcj Cannon refuses to admit
.hat he h n candidate for the presi
lency, but i, disposed to hint that if
the peor-le do not elect him next year
'.hey will never have another chance.
Governor Little of Arkansas pro
poses to reiKn because his Ul-health
prevents Mm from giving proper at-.-vicMou
to the duties of his office. Such
jonuidcTiitlon of duty Is as unusual as
"t is commendable.
. T'ie democratic city council has
nado great pretense of friendship for
.he working mau. but when a proposl
ion to put this friendship In tangible
form was presented for action It died
Secausu no one would speak for It
The Omaha Water board has u
itfcer opportunity now. it may ful
minate at least one proclamation in
response to th water company's an
nouncement hat tt will no longer sup
ply water free of chri for CufchAg
ha. U-ei
A tilAflJ'.SO.V i.V AVttlDAMt:.
II is doubtful If even that "Phila
delphia lawyer." whose proverbial
ability "for unraveling tangled prob
lems has become h. classic, could pro
duce a logical and harmonious ca-.te
from the arguments tiiat are being
offered by railroad managers in op
posing the enforcement of legislation
enacted by the different states looking
to tne regulation of railway passenger
and freight rates. The unbiased lay
man Is forced to conclude either that
the railway managers have gof their
wires crossed or that railway rales,
like General Hancock's tariff, it a local
Issue. When the Nebraska legislature
was considering the 2-cent faro bill
the railway representatives made the
most of opposition to it on the ground
that much of the state is sparsely set
tled and the proposed rate would not
be compensatory. The argument was
used with home effectiveness and, It
Is understood", is now held In abeyance
until a trial of the new rates has been
made. If the rate does not prove
compensatory the case will be taken
Into thrt tonrta for the purpose of test
ing tho validity of the 2-ceut rate law.
The argument used by the railroads
In Nebraska has been reversed In
Pennsylvania, where the Reading com
pany has Just announced an Increase
In passenger rates on the ground that
the business offered under the reduced
rate Is causing too heavy a tax on the
company's transportation facilities,
and that some action la necessary to
effect a better adjustment between the
company's revenues and the disburse
ments for train accommodations. The
order Increasing the price of tickets to
commuters affects a good many thou
sand people in the Philadelphia sec
tion, who work in the city and live in
suburbs. In his formal announce
ment President Baer of the Reading
admits that the low rates, which were
put Into effect to meet the competition
of the trolley lines, have helped Im
mensely to build up suburban commu
nities and this upbuilding has added
enormously to the railroad revenues,
but that this liberal policy must now
be reversed, apparently on the theory
that even a railroad may have too
much of a good thing. Baer's state
ment Is strong testimony In support
of the claim of the reduced fare advo
cates that reduction In rates always
begets more traffic and adds profit to
railroad operation.
Another complication Is added to
the situation by a report from Chicago
to the effect that thousands of railroad
men In the west are to be thrown out
of work In a few weeks because of the
inability of railway managers to se
cure funda for the prosecution of
needed extensions and Improvements.
This Is charged,' by the railway man
agers, to the result of "hostile legis
lation" by the' states, which has
"frightened investors away from rail
way securities." This has produced
an anomalous state of affairs. At a
time when ! the 'country Is prospering
as never before,- when tb only .obsta
cle to further advancement Is the lack
of adequate ' railway facilities, when
the railway managers are anxious to
carry out comprehensive plans for the
Improvement of the transportation
systems, the money markets are ap
parently closed against them. ' The
country has the business to offer at
rates which are admitted to be profit
able and enough business Is In sight
to keep the railroads busy for several
years. Reports of April earnings show
liberal increases In every Important
railroad In the country, and all condi
tions ase apparently ripe for a con
tinuation of prosperous business in the
transportation line for years to come.
This would be sufficient showing to
command unlimited capital for invest
ment In any business and the failure
of Investors to respond to such induce
ment offered In railway securities
mast be traced to the railway man
ager and not to the public, which
stands ready with Its contribution of
patronage sufficient to Insure profit
able return on railway investments.-
The hostile sentiment, or the sus
picion, which causes the withholding
of money from investment In railway
securities Is due solely to the expos
ures that have been made of the man
ner In which railway Investments have
been manipulated In the past, to the
enrichment of the manipulators and
at the expenteof the stockholders and
patrons. Mr. Harrlman, Mr. Fish and
other prominent railway magnates
have admitted the err.or of past poli
cies In railway management and have
promised reforms. When the reforms
ae Inaugurated, tlnild capital will
cheerfully sok Investment in railway
securities and save railway managers
the necessity of making new and con
flicting explanations as they are now
doing to meet conditions In different
localities. .
Announcement coine from Washing
ton that the Department ot Ju:ilce is
preparing to make a. general move
ment against the Standard Oil com
pany, under the provisions of the now
railway , rate law which makes pipe
lines common carriers. The Standard
has already had more than Its share
of litigation, both in slate, and federal
courts, In the warfare that has been
waged In the last few years looking
to the extermination of the trust pest.
Texas has been at battle with the Oil
trust for several years. Kansas has
protected all the markets of the state
from the exactions of the Standard
Oil company. Ohio and Pennsylvania
courta have made Important decisions
against the trust. Missouri' ouster
proceedings have been sustained in the
preliminary proceedings. The com
pany ha beeu found KuUty in the fed
eral court in Chicago ou 1.4 00 counts
and in.ulo aui'.rt to tlnt that may
.-Eiregate t ,UUO.OuO uud couvlc-
I tlon for various offenses of rebating
; and other forms of UUciiminatlon have
been secured in the courta of Indiana
and Michigan. Various method: have elected Senator Stephenson unanl-
been used to compel the trust to ob- mously adopted a resolution memor
I serve fair relations with dealers and . iaiiznK congress to remove the tariff
consumers in tne cirrerent stAtes. nut
the new proceedings promises to be
more general In scope and is designed
to finally end the monopoly of the
concern and stop Jts disregard and
violations of the law,.
Officials of tho Department of Jus-
tlce have long felt that the Standard s pistols, Winchesters. broadswords,
monopoly of the pipe line Industry j bowle knives or bare fists. There's al
was Its most vulnerable point of at- ways something doing in Colorado
tack, but action has been deferred be
cause of the question ot the sufficiency
of the Sherman anti-trust law to meet
the requirements of the contemplated
I roaecution. The railway rate bill's
provision defining the pipe line as a
common carrier mnkes the Way clear
for the proposed action. The report
of Herbert Knox Smith, commissioner
of corporations, shows that -while the
Standard produces but one-sixth of
the crude petroleum of the nation, its
ownership or control of 98 per cent
of the pipe lines In the oil fields gives
It an absolute monopoly of the trans
portation of petroleum, equivalent, to
actual ownership of practically every
oil well fn the country. The blow at
the Standard's pipe line control prom
ises to be the final and most effective
method of breaking the power of this
ruthless monopoly.
A peculiar, and in some ways re
markable, condition of affairs Is pre
sented by the attitude ot the Kansas
Railway commission. That body after
solemn' deliberation has determined
that if the Nebraska statute is upheld
It will make an order establishing the
2-cent passenger fare In Kansas. The
astounding feature of this is that Kan
sas has hesitated at all, waiting to see
the probable effect of reform legisla
tion In another state before adopting
In the past Kansas has been In the
van, or a little bit ahead of the van,
In the matter of experimental legisla
tion. Nebraska has suffered much In
reputation by reason of some efforts
made to Institute needed changes In
practice In the state, but has never as
sumed such radical attitude as ha
characterized Kansas. It must, there
fore, appeal to the casual observer as
in some degree humorous that Kansas
should now bex willing and content to
follow Nebraska's lead along the path
which appears so safe.
One of two things must be true:
Either Kansas has determined to fol
low the advice of William Allen White,
and "raise less hell and more corn,"
or the hold of the Santa Fe on the
official machinery of the Sunflower
state Is still sufficiently firm to be po
The city council has prudently de
termined to postpone for another
week definite action on Mayor Jim's
bunco ordinance tor dollar gas. .The
contract existing between the gas com
pany of the city of Omaha is slowly
being recognized by the democrats as
ot some force and effect. Dollar gas
under proper conditions Is a consum"
mation devoutly to be wished, but dol
lar gas at the expense of a repudiated
contract Is not likely to be obtained,
nor would It be creditable to the city
In any degree If It were.
The hollowness of the democratic
promise and the sham of its perfor
mance Is rapidly becoming apparent
to all men. The responsibility of plat
form pledges Is being borne home to
them, and the difficulty In the way of
redemption Is now. very plain.
The unseasonable weather has had
a most regrettable Influence on the ed
itor ot our amiable popocratlc contem
porary. He Area a double-shotted
dose at the graduate under the head
of "Vinegar,"" and winds up his parade
of pessimistic platitudes with the an
nouncement: "That is our rede to
the graduate." Much consolation for
the unfortunate graduate will be found.
In the reflection that the editor ot our
amiable popocratlc contemporary Is
about as reliable when gloomy at he
Is when gleeful; and the sweet girl
gradute and her handsome, manly boy
companion can go Into the world with
the fresh enthusiasm of undaunted
youth and find that there Is still much
Joy in this vale .of tears and that
smiles abound as plentifully as frowng,
and while few of us ever achieve all
that we set out to accomplish, we gen
erally attain such measure of success
as leads us to a reasonable content
and lends auch zest to existence as
makes It enjoyable. A little vinegar
is essential to the salad of life, but the
vlandset before us are riot exclusively
Pr. Hazletine, secretary of the Illi
nois Homeopathic Medical association,
I authority for the assertion that
most of the deformed noses are due to
overdevelopment oi tne Drain, tie
says the 'human brain has reached!
such a high state of development that
the cranium is forced downward and
the structure ot the. nose forced out of
shape. It'- a safe wager that Dr.
Ilazlctlno has one of those dromedary
Drug bill for the asylum at Hast
ing aro causing oine discussion at
tho state house now.- It was drug
bill that resulted in the rempval
of the superintendent from this
asylum under Governor Boyd. His
tory may not repeat Itself, but the
precedent Is one that should be heeded.
The esteemed Philadelphia Record
declares tljat "tho great Lumber trust
will huve In Stephenson of Wisconsin
1 another vote in the I'nitcd States sen-.
I ate fur tho malutenao:e ot duties that
niake It next to Impossible for a man
j 0f moderate means to build or repair
h3 dwelling. " The leclslature that
j on iDlbCr, and there Is nothing In the
rePnrd to Indicate the senator's lack
of fullest, sympathy with the action.
ieneral Sherman Bell has chal
lenged Adjutant General Bulkely
Wells of Colorado to fight a duel with
when Bell slips his muzzle.
"I would rather that the people
wished me president In their hearts
than that I be made president," says
Speaker Cannon. Colonel Bryan can
tell Mr.'Cannon the difference between
wishes in the heart and votes In the
ballot box.
In Cfnss by Themselves.
St. Louis Republic.
Ancient stanrinnls of honor may yet pre
vail among thieves, but If we form Judg
ment from the San Francisco peachmenta
they have no forre among graftera.
Prosper! I ve Joy.
WnshlnRton Herald.
Now that Mr. Roosevelt has been pre
sented with a base ball pffss good for life,
Is It right to ask hltn to servo another
term? Is he not entitled to an opportunity
to enjoy himself?
More ered Than llnrt.
Minneapolis Journal
Tears ego the northwest was amused by
the RiiMHinh thistle danger. From the
acare talk one might have thought that the
cropn would be crowded out permanently.
But tha thistle did no great harm. It Is
the same way with the wheat aphis or the
brown-tall moth. TheV have their day as
"big scares" and then drop back Into the
llBt of minor nulsancea that keeps tha
farmer from rusting out.
Colonel Henry M'ntteraon's Trlbnte to
Her Memory.
Toulsvllle Courier-Journal.
If ever a star fell from heaven Into the
arms of ninn If ever a flower grew Into a
woman that star and that flower was Ida
8axton McKlnley. There was an aroma,
of sweetness and grace In the very name.
Her husband never addressed her, never
referred to her, except bb "Ida. By an
Interposition littl short of divine th full
knowledge of the supreme tragedy which
descended Into a life yet In its noon, Waa
spared her; the angeladrew a veil as of
teara between her and Its full realisation.
God had given It to Ida Baxton to be
fitly mated. v There were many beauties
and virtues In the character of William
McKlnley; hla career was abundantly ful
filled, and the crown of glory he wore with
such consuming modesty waa studded with
jewels both rich and radiant; the soldier.
the civilian, the man of affairs and the
party leader; but the rarest of all that
shone In that priceless diadem was his
devotion simple, constant, unerring to
-Ida "
It seems strange, a most mysterious.
Inexplicable decree of Trovldence that or
dained the death by the assassin's hand
of three such men as Lincoln, Garfield and
McKlnley, each bo unoffending, so filled
with the love of human kind, bo gracious
and generous.
Of the three, McKlnley waa least ag
gressive. Lincoln lived In deadly times,
and Garfleld'a very Intellectuality raised up
both enemies and enmities. Qurfleld, lova
ble as he was, had a rough side to him.
and Lincoln, big of heart and of brain,
was outwardly, even as a gnarled oak.
McKlnley lived a .primitive Christian man.
He emulated St. Paul In the desire to bo
all things to all men. It gave him pleasure
to give pleasure; It caused him pain to In
flict pain. No man ever grew a fast as he
in the executive office, both in mental
stature and in breadth.
Ha came to power during moving times.
Immense responsibilities dlescended upon
him. War, which he had religiously op
posed, and for which the country was Ill
prepared, was suddenly thrust upon him.
The White Houae became an armed camp.
1 nere was nui. an nour 01 me aay or nignt
which the president could call hla own.
But. night or day, there came never a
moment when that aweet voice might not
summon hltn to the side of the wife whose
peculiar affliction had Imposed upon hrm
the care .of a nurse for a child none other
nurse than he. It was the knowledge of
this in those who person Vly knew and
loved them which gave to Inc awful final
ity at Buffalo an added and Inexpressible
poignancy of grief.
The people of the south especially will
ever hold the memory of William McKlnley
deep in the heart of their hearts. He It
was to whom It waa given to complete the
aublime Intention of Lincoln with respect
to the disunited sections of the union. He
was quick to see the meaning and the op
portunity of the Spanish war. The last,
eternal treaty of peace between the north
and the south waa written by tha pen
that signed the commission as generals
In the army of the t'nlted States of Joseph
Wheeler and Fitzhugh Lee and John Breck
inridge Caatleniun, and never did states
man and patriot perform an act greater In
reach and more benign In effect than did
William McKlnley when he restored thbso
confederate soldiers to the service of a
once more united country, literally turn
ing gray nto blue, and giving to .genera
tions of southern men yet unborn the sign
manual, along with tha deathless assur
ance, of complete moral emancipation.
Let the winged spirit take its way to
the Immortal spirit waiting for Its mate.
Much shortened la the distance to heaven
from earth between these two. Around
the seraphs stand In robes of light. Tho i
gates are (lung open wide. But, be sure
single voice will alone be hoard, just
only the one word, "Ida."
Take two quarts ot boiling water and I
add ix small nanuful of iVlKgio-SUck j
Wonder-t ax auU halt a cake ot soap cut
up, and boil until wax ami soap are dm- !
solvetl. Add halt of this mixture to the i
hot suds In the sash tub and keep half I
for the boiler. Ir you boll yuur clothes f
first, put all of the mixture into the boil- !
er and boil your clothes for twenty to
thirty minutes, stirring them well to atmd 1
the Wonder-Wax through them. j
Always wet the clothes in cold water i
and wring out before putting lno wan- '
tub or boiler. Rinse clothes well twice or
three times after boiling or washin. then '
blue with WigKle-Stbik Blue, making ilia
water a very tight shade of bluo, and your ;
clothes will hi? like l.anV.s of snow
Vee Wtg.fc-le-Rti'-k Ulad-TVax for ffd-Irons-and
you will save nearly all the1
labor and half the tltuo In Ironing.
To usera t Wlvgle-Stlrk goods. uve I
your coupon. Write ua for full Informa
tion. . I
j 83 E. i:Ac fatiect.
Chicago, III. ;
torrent brents tilesned from the
Army and &ar Register.
The War Department has received noth
ing of an ofllclal nature concerning the
placing under arrest of three or four ofll
cers of the Eighth cavalry. It I known,
however, that the arrest was ordered by
Major Charles O. Ayrcs, at Fort Robinson,
Neb., and is a result of trouble which oc
curred when the command waa In the Phil
ippines, ot course, nothing of a definite
nature can be known here toncernlng thl
Interesting state of afTaira in the regiment
until ofllclal Information Is received, but
It Is very well known In the War Depart
ment that the situation has displeased the
president and the secretary of war. both
of whom are known to have expressed
their opinion concerning certain conditions
with some feeling, of which each gentleman
is entirely capable. It is probable that tha
Incident will be made the subject of a
pedal Inquiry.
Everything has been adjusted In the War
Department so that all the families of the
officers, lino and staff, may be accoiiiiiu
dated on the army transport Thomas,
which sails from San Francisco for tho
Philippines on June 6. It was recently dis
covered that all the accommodations on the
transport had been assigned and that there
was little or no room fur the families of
some eleven army surgeons who Were un
expectedly ordered to duty as a relief of
medical ufllcers In the Philippines. Tho
situation was relieved by transferring to
tho passenger list of the transport Crook
members of the coiycrysslonnl party who
were booked to sail on the Thomas as far
as Honolulu. There will, accordingly, he
no difficulty In obtaining accommodations
on the Tliomns for all the military pas
senger's. Including the members of the
families of the staff officers and the ofll
eers of the two troops of the Tenth cavalry
and the entire Twenty-sixth Infantry which
goes to the Philippines on that vessel. Tho
transport Crook will leave San Francisco
Juno 15 with the congressional party des
tined for an ofllclal visit to the lfawallan
The contract prices for army animals
have Increased materially this year, as
compared with the previous contracts.
Cavalry horses have Increased In cost from
$142 to $176. and artillery horses show alout
the same percentage of Increase, costing
$220. Mules cost about the same as last
year, when the prices were regarded as
exceptionally high about $190. Added to
this condition Is the Increase In the cost
of forage, with every prospect, according
to the reports of the western climate and
the prophecies of the farmers, that this
year's supply will be limited and expen
sive. This situation has its Inevitable ef
fect upon the available appropriations for
army animals and their sustenance, and
those In charge of that feature are ex
pressing some doubt whether the funds at
the disposal of the army quartermasters
for this purpose will meet all the demands
upon It.
The quartermaster general of the army
has sent nut Instructions for estimates
from tha various departments in order to
determine the total cost of furnlshlnfr of
ficers' quarters with heavy furniture, as
authorised by the latest army appropria
tion act. All but three of the departments
have Bubmltted the estimates, and It. la too
early to form any Idea of the amount of
money which will be required to carry
out this acceptable provision. It Is known,
of course, that It will be Impossible to
equip all the quarters with the entire outfit
of heavf furniture contemplated for ulti
mate, installation, but aa aoon aa It is de
termined Just how much money can be
spared for expenditure .in . tills direction
during the next fiscal year the quarter
master general will purchase that por
tion of the complete outfit for all the quar
ters. It has been decided that It Is better
to equip the quarters by degrees year by
year and have an equality In the flttlng
out, rather than fully equip some of the
quarters and have a partial Installation or
no equipment at all at other places. Under
the arrangement, It la likely that some of
the minor posts will be omitted from this
year's provision. '
Instructions have been sent to the army
paymasters in their disbursements to en
listed men of the retired list of the army
ao that the latter on the payment on June
1 may receive the additional allowance of
$8.25 authorized under the law of March
3. To these enlisted men will now be paid.
In addition to the amount for April and
May, the $6.04 or the fractional payment
which was made for the twenty-nlno days
In March after the enactment of the law
and which amount waa deducted from tire
payment of May 1, pending the decision of
the comptroller that the .law applied to
those who were retired prior to the date
of the act. In this connection, It Is of in
terest to know that the War department
will make no change In computing length
of aervlce towards retirement bo far as
double time Is concerned. The decision
of the acting Judge advocate general of
the army In this respect has already been
noted In these columns. Of course, under
the terms of the law, service In the army,
navy and marine corps may hereafter be
counted In reckoning the period for retire
ment. The nine candidates from the enlisted
force of the army who passed the examina
tion for appointment as second lieutenant
of artillery will probably receive their com
missions early In July, but not until there
have been commissioned the lieutenants of
infantry and cavalry who are being ex
amined with a View to transfer ' to the
grade of first lieutenant of artillery. Even
this delay In the appointment of the army
candidates will give them an advuntniee
over tholr associates who took tho exami
nation at the same time at Fort Leaven
worth and who were some weeks ago ap
pointed second lieutenants of Infantry and
cavalry. Aa soon as the qualified can
didates have been appointed second lieu
tenants of artillery they will be eligible
to promotion to the next higher grade, one
of them g'olng Into the field artillery. It
has not yet been decided whether they will
be sent to the artillery school at fort Mon
roe, but It Is expected that all of them are
employing the time since their examina
tion at Fort Leavenworth In preparing for
examination for promotion, which will he
held shortly after their appointment to the
grade of second lieutenant.
A Hefna-c from Trouble.
Baltimore American.
It now turns out that tho president wrote
his article on the Irish Sagas during the
agitation over the rail way. rata legislation
as a meana of forgetting the accuiatir.n
of 8enator Tillman and Senator Ra.'ley i
that he had made a deal with thorn to
get the democratic support for the bill.
Aa the controversy and the work on the
article ended at the same time, there Is
ground for the assumption that some of
the famous leprachnuni or tha pioka
about which the president waa v.-rltlni
exercised tlu'ir skill to exTrrljie some of
the trouble.
Why ot n Wntifr rtrirlsg House
Pittsburg Drnatc',i.
The welcome new that tl-.o drouth In
Nebrsska Is -.ken by rslns ruirir-ts thn
thought that If a weather cearH7 tinus-
could be established western Pennsylvania
moViKI gladly hue spared Nebru'ks ,t con
aluutabl uuumul vt rain sou. Moeks ao.
Mado from grape Cream of Tar"
tar absolutely free from alum,
Strongest, purest, most economical
and healthful of leavening agents
Carefully fSuard your food from alum.
n:itM i, xoTkh.
A soclnllst speaker invaded Wnll street
and. as nobody there took anything uway
from him, he muM be 'deemed to have
beeen fairly successful.
Former Adjutant General Bell of Colorado
has had a disagreement with Adjutant
General Bulkeley Wells, and he says the
latter Is a "plnhead kindergarten cadet."
8. S. McClure has a new partner In his
publishing business. Harold Roberts, who
Is prominent in the American Tobacco com
pany, having acquired a considerable in
terest In the magazine.
Ernest Thompson Seton has started
northeasterly from Edmonton for a
mlle canoe trip In Canada, with tho barren
lands beyond Great Stone lake ns bis
destination. Ho has a companion and the
trip will take six months.
Among the textile kings of New Eng
land is Walter H. Langshaw of New Bed
ford, Mass. He rose rapidly from the hum
ble position of barefooted bobbin boy to
a man who now controls the most success
ful cotton mill In the world.
The hundredth anniversary of Garibaldi's
birth next July wllj. be celebrated by tha
dedication aa a permanent monument of
the house In Clifton, Staten Island, occu
pied by the Italian liberal In the early 60s
a celebration organized by the Italian so
cieties in America,
Daniel Frederick Shrlner of Dayton, O.,
has a record unequaled by any other man
In the country. During his seventy-one
year he has established thlrty-slx news
papers, thirty-two of which still survive.
And Mr. Shrlner Is himself still In the
business, at present In Dayton, where he
runs fair-sized printing establishment.
Henry Galbralth Ward, who has Just
been appointed to be United States circuit
Judge In. New York City by the president,
graduated at the University of Pennsyl
vania In 1870., and was admitted to tho
bar In Philadelphia three years later. Mr.
Ward was vice president of the Philadel
phia Law academy In 1874 and was elected
president the following year.
President Woodrow Wilson of Princeton
university deplores the promiscuous giving
of honorary degrees, though he recognizes
that of late years the great educational In
stitutions have been more judicious in this
regard. He tells of being at a dinner on
one occasion when a peculiarly uncouth
person was a fellow guest On Inquiry ho
found that the man had three university
degrees, and hla Informant ndded: "The
third of these degrees was given him be
cause he had two, the second because he
had one, and tha first because he had
intly worn
a long ago
were unsurpassed for
service and
re are
stock of King Qual
ity Oxfords
I k
. that
meet every requirement of Style, Fit, Finish, Comfort
and Durability. Always give perfect satisfaction.
If dealer does not carry "Kla QUALITY", tend for Priced Catalog
ARNOLD SHOE GO,, No, b iglon, Mass,.
ianof or
Nothing Would
Of all the gifts deniaed to make her
new home beautiful and complete,
what could be more appreciated, what
could make her-happier than a hand
some piano. It will bo a companion
.with her always, o companion ever
ready to respond to each emotion and
to caress her eoul with the Fccret sooth
ing touch that understands us ouly
music can understand.
It will till with happiness and ro
mance many an hour ot the new en
vironment which othcrwlfe would have
been empty and lonrly.
A piarfb is as essential to the brhle
Bs the love. anrj tendernms of the husband.
1513 Douslas Street, - . Omah. Nob.
Writ for Free Catalogues whit price
i -li jV2)rL& Ey
"I Wonder," said the man with the bul
bous nose, "why it is that the woman with
tin- pie crust face nlayn wants to wear a
Penh colored waist."-ChicuKo Tribune.
"Did I understand you to sny that nil
rum-selling has been stopped In yout
town ?"
"Not at all. I merely said it was strictly
prohibited." Catholic Standard und Times.
"I'll bet I could write a rural drama."
"! t's have your plot."
"W ell. In the Hist act, the (tirl leaves the
farm, in the second, all bunds eat a meal
In full view of the audience, and in act
three comes the reconciliation. It's a
cinch." Washington Herald.
Rich Aunt You only visit mo when you
want money."
Sjs ndt hrl: : Well, I couldn't come much
oftener, could 1? Harper's Weekly.
"What is your objection to Our pure food
system?" asked the professor.
"It offends my grammatical sense," an
swered the literary person. "It annoys me
to find that I have been subsisting all these
years on misnomers." Washington Star.
"Do you suppose this medicine will be
good for me?
"It ougnt to be doubly effective In your
"How so?"
"It is labeled, 'Good for man and beast.' "
liouston Post.
Eugene Field.
Out yonder In the moonlight, wherein God's
' acre lies.
Go angels walking to and fro, singing
their lullabys.
Their radiant wings are folded and thelr
eyes are bended low.
Ab they sing among tho beds whereon tha
flowers delight to grow
"Bleep. O sleen!
The Shepherd loveth his sheep.
Fast speedeth the night away;
Soon Cometh the glorious day;
Sleep, weary ones, while ye may-
Bleep. O sleep:
The flowers within God's acre see that falj
and wondrous slKht,
And hear the angels singing to the sleepers
through the night,
And lo! throughout the hours of day those
gentle flowers prolong
The music of the angels In that tender
slumber song
"Sleep. O slepp!
The Shepherd loveth his sheep;
He that guardeth his flock the best
Hath folded them to his loving breast
So sleep ye now and take your rest
Sleep, O sleep!"
From angels and from flower the yeara
have lenrned that soothing song.
And with its heavenly music speed the days
and nights along.
So through all time, when flight the Shep
herd's vigils glorify,
God's acre slumbereth in the grace of that
sweet lullaby
"Sleep, O sleep!
The Shepherd loveth his sheep.
Fast speedeth the night away;
Soon cometh the glorloua day;
Sleep, weary one, while ve may
Sleep, O sleep!"
by our leading citi-
demonstrated that
showing a full
the Juiie'
PieaSe Her More
In the fullnoEs and generosity of
your love toward the wife-to-be don't
bo reckless bv buvin a
crimliiattly.. There is ono store the
A' HOBPE COMPANY where people
always ret tho best for their money,
where an advising frle:l Is not ne es
rary to help In tbe-ut kction of a pimo,
where commiEslcn are not allowed
and where the prices are u I ways the
lowest and In plain figures to one and
all alike.
We save jo.i JT.O to f l r.O t,n a pfano.
You n ay sck-ct aad w will set aoitlo
and deliver at any Imur you name.
Coaio In end talk it over.