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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1907)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TVEDKESDAY, MAY 20. 1907. It CHAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Hut; Eieak in fricH.lCw.Br ChUfir te Cbl and Wtithcl. SCPS IMPROVE iXCEPT IH KANSAS Barley, bu 41.800 On tr Produce nrhlrr today the bet ter P-arket was tr- r ; creameries, li'2r; e'Vrl. t. 1 7 -?T . Fr steady: at mark, rs included. 141-c, firsts 14c; prime (Inll, IV. I heese, quiet; lAv'!!:. Ko Rains Fall Tlaere 4 Sonte Fields Art rlesvertea to Be Bars In-., bat lings Art (a. f OMAHA. May 2. 1M7. f There was a heat, y break in th market rhii iiy to weaker tables and ltu- ! "1 wealner condition rop ..). impiu.ed in all sections except Kan ens, where r.o rair has lain n. Tne (bids there ars burning in some places. Trie hugs itave disappeared and li.etv s-em to be uo i uirt;nt lor the d.sapt eai ance. V. t.tat open.d severs, nations lower and tnere was genera! s iilr.g by commission ! houses tit lur ninm until reeling crdcr a . m ... u witt V . - i . . . .. - ww... , pim. J J A l u:nS on the tire, the crotaa teemed close, final W and waa lighting oil advances. May rinsed v hblen c-sin i easier and aacnuier le ports closed at tl i t fatoiab' in all set tlors ji.) options ! closed at I i le-neu iti vie aakei ajiti ciostu at iz',yc Com opened weaker owing " to general I selling and In sympatny with the wcakntri ? 111 wheat- The pit ruwd waa bearim and I telling, more favorable, weather conditions I t ausmg additional wi-aknesa. July option f "Opened at boc asked and cloned at 4.c asked .. linn opened soft on selling by brokers and conir.wcsion houses, borne good buying at the breaks h l-d o hold prices tome. . J, ,ly option opened at. 42,k.c arked and closed ' at CS- asked. T Primary wheat receipts were 4!i ana hen. els and ahipmenla a.04 bushels, against r-celpt last year of 277.fa.i0 bualieis and shipments of K'.uOO bushels. Corn receipts Were 764,0( bushel and shipments 42.aJO bushels, against receipts lsst year of 1,071. if'i bushels and shipments of W.OO bus..e:s. Cleaianea wtit bushels of corn and i.r.H bushels of oats and wheat and flour equal to t'J.Mni bushels Bradstreel s estimates on wrorld'a visible supply of wheat: This week, decrease. 6 i".i bushels; last week, decrease, f-V'iO bjshels. and last year, decrease, 3 0T3.0OJ bushels; total corn decrease 2.2M.W) busi.els and total decrease of oata. loi.Oiu busnels. Seaboard reported 200.00 busliels of wheat and 40,o buphels of corn for export. Uverpool riost'd tn'ald lower on wheat and unchanged to vrt lower on corn. Local range of options: ( rtlclea. Open.! High. I Low. Close. Tea. Wheat May.., Julv... Eept... Corn Mar.... Julv... BepC. Oats . Mar... July... Sept... 9S M M 5 494A 4"S,A 4KA SA 6"HA S" A 49VAj 4.Wa 4fA.A: SSHAI I Si4A' f-'SAj 93'A boha! 4!) Ai 4STAl 44 A ' 4f.SA! 37HAI PftHAi S'.'4.' 83SAJ 4 A 4VAI 4:.Ha' 4"SA M B 16 B B0HA B 4A 45SB 38SA after support became effective waa largely from the uncovered short interest, une of the plainest indications of thla was the close proportion of gains today to losses of veKif-nlav. StrckB which had been most easier, cloclng fesc net lower May closed ! acutely depressed yesterday reouunded with most apparent Tigor loaaj. snoincr a'Boui cant sign of the character of the buying was tue manner in which it subsided i ai the recovery level, where the profit to. the hears was correspondingly diminished. ; It died out entirely at the last, when triie final relapse In prices came, So far as there was news to account ''for the im provement in tone, the decline in the wheat market and the doubt raised over ths continuance of the. gold export move ment were responsible. Keports from the wheat belt of rising temperature were of the greatest sentimental effect In Wall street because of the emerging of the sun from tbe r-ln-soaked clouds which hung over the financial district yesterday. The fact seems not fairly negligible in view of the grave weight attached to the weather conditions In the discussion of yesterday's gloomy stock market. A-Anked. , B Bid. Osiaks f ash Prices. WlfHAT-No. 2 hard. 91fic; No. 1 hard, . P.'(j; No. 4 hard, $i.4c; No. 1 spring. T'oOlSc. , CORN-No. i. 4S1i48Hc; No. 4, 4f,447c: No. I yellow. ",fiiV; No. S white. 4SVul!c ; OATS No. mixed. 43i4c; No. I white, . iVaX-r. No. 4 white. LHotc. R V B 72c ; No. I. 72c. Carlot "?1 Chicago Jlinnes polls maha Dulith Chicago ' Relpts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. 51 ,i S10 233 11 80 II 1S7 ORAI ASD PROVISIONS K.V (IRK IlKtEH tL MRKET Qaolatlons of tbe nay ea Tarlaaa Com mftd 1 1 les. NTvW YORK. Mar & FlVrt'TV-Recelpts. 10. r bbls. ; exports, 1.4W this ; market dull but steady; Mirnesota haVrrs. W i"64 i", winter patents. H 3.Vif5.nO; win'er stra.K'ts. H.Vi4.: winter eTtrss, :.'''' 1 4'-: intr low sraie". C 9 '13.20 Ke fiour. firm: fair to good, I4.Soy4.eO; choice to 1 ancr, 14 mit.iO. CORNMEALe-Firm; fine whtte and ve' low. ll.J-p; coarse, tl-17fl 1S: kiln dried. . fen J. RYF- Firm; No. 2 western, Mc, c. t. f . nnio WHEAT-Receipts, 2M 4") bu. ; exports, 1M'I2 bit. Bit msrket weaK: No. 2 r, 11. "44. elevator; No I red lit, f. o. b.. afloat: No. 1 northern luluth. SI 12. f. o. I)., afloat; No. 1 hHrd winter. 11 Ti. f. o. b, afloat. Rising temperatures and rains In Kansas explained a break of over f per bushel in wheat lolsy. There was I eavy unloading, and esjieclally 'n tjie fcl'.crnoYm. when stop orders were reached. and. while slight rallies f.,owed near the prices were zizc net lower, at l.(4; Julv. F..04.1.(H, (6. 8cptetnler. l.f4 U-lnni'V 11 ui; December. I1."dLCv,. tlosed at 11.08. LORN Receipts. 7.S26 bu.; exports, 7j. 'vt bu. Spot market steady; No. 2, ; elevator, and 62W-, f. o. b.. afloat; No. t white. Mc: No. 2 yellow, T. o. o.. afloat. .'ption market was quiet and at 64c: July. 1V. closed at "itc; beptem tier closed at S'ie. OATS Receipt. l'".i" bu.: exports. 1.8W bu. Spot market steady; mixed oats, W ! 22 pounds. 6uc; natjral white, to 13 pounds. &lnrLfrc; clipped whits, 26 to .40 pounds, toteWrfl. HAt-Bt?, good to choice, t1.24Q1.2B. HOPS juiet : etai oommon to ohoice, liX crop. 144i 16c; 1 crop, 4V'56c; Pacific cfxst Ui cr ip. s?Uc; li crop. 6c. HIDEi-Stely ; Central American, 23Hc; Bocota. 24ic. ' LKATHKK-Quiet; acid. 2rg28e. PROVISIONS Reef, steady; family, 114"" W4 60; mess. Is &"(7lV"i: beef hams, I2t (a ; packet. tll.o'916.50; city extra India mess. f-'2 nra'X.O: Cut meats, steady ; pickled bellies. M13c; pickled hams. 12 UV- Lard, steady; western prime. If 10 hf J; refined, steady: continent. 19 54 South American.; compo ind. is.ifTiiw Pork, steady: famllv. tio.00; short clear, tl7.2S1s.75; mess. 17.7riiiU.i. TAL1X1W Steady; city IJ per pkg ), Sc; country Ipkgs. free), 6i'u'TiC. RICl-teady; domestic, fair to extra. IH 67c; Japan, nominal. Bl'TT fcR Firm; street price, extra creamery. 24V&CSC; official prices: Cream ery, common to extra, l?6.'4c; renovated, common to extra, Iwfi'-c; western factory, common to firsts, IMjJo; western Imitation cresmery, firsts. 23(B2HtC. CHKESE Steady; new state, full cream, colored, small, best, KHc; same, white, U'c; same, large, colored, best 1212S,c; state, white, lllk'Slic; state, large and small, fair to good, lofcllc. EGGS Steady; stale. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected, white, 19c; choice, lsiilSc; brown and mixed and extra, ISc; firsts to extra firsts. I?4fl74c; western firsts, l'-4'al7c; official price. ltS16V4c; seconds. l&Vin6c; southern, ljrglGc. foe UK I Alive, steady; spring cniCK- ens. Sac; fowls. 16c; turkeys. 14c Dressed, western broilers, 34(u'i5c; turkeys, 1014c; fowls, 11&15C ' St. Louis tieneral Market. ST. LOL'IS. Mav 2S. WHEAT Lower; Hack, No.' 2 red. cash. Cff9c; No. I hard, 97; July, 9C1,(iH; September, 97c. CORN Lower; trsck. No. 2 cash. 6a&4c; July. (lc; September. 52c; No. 2 white, 54 hfi OATS Lower: track. No. 1 cash, 4&3-46V: Julv, 43Tc; September, ITfjc; Na 2 white, 47Unfi4.V. F1X1'R Steady : red winter patents, 4.0 64.90; extra fancy and straight, 3.jG4.4i; clear. U.C3.H. 8KF.r-Tlmothy. steady: 13.0034.00. CORNMEAL Steady; 2.70. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track. 11.050 1.10. HAT St rong. timothy, C.50S21.00; prai rie, iio.ootfij.go. IRON COTTON TIE8-4L09. BAOOINOe-llc. HEMP TWINE 10c. ' PROVISIONS Pork. lower; Jobbing, tia M X mtA NtMiiv: nrlme steam. X&.EA& 1 60. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra I short. JH 50: clear rlba. x.60;. short clear. t.S!- liacon. firm; boxed extra short, I10.37; clear rlba. H0T7H: short clear. 17S Recelpta. Shipments. Flour, bbls 6.000 - 10.000 Wheat, lj .CO 23.000 Com. bu 137.000 98. Oata. bu 66.000 7,0ut) POULTRY Firm; chlckena, H(ijiac; springs. 22ifa0c; turkeys. 10c; ducks, 9c; geese, 6c. BUTTER Steady; creameries, 21 Q 22c KUGeJ Weak. 12c. SEW TURK STOCKS AND BONDS rrly Phtxi Ira Ltwtr 01 Cost iaed Btl 1 bj ebon. SUPPORT COMES AND MARKET ADVANCES Rise Brlaas Aaataer elll Mve nieat aad l.sw Records Are Made for Seteral litsrs Clasa Is Weak. l.'At.ft KK; s-'.ll coin snl bMllion, 195 MS. i. gold certificates. 4!.A9.sKi. t Itrk Money Market. NfiW YORK. May 28. MONEY (.it call, easv at lia per cent; ruling rate, i per cent; closing bid. lit per cent: offered at I per cent; time osn. easy on short dates; sixty days. 3 per cent: ninety days. I per rent: six montha, 4S'w' per cent; prime men sntlle paper. 5 ier rent STERLING KXCH ANGB Firm, with nr. tual business In backers' bills at 4 Vif 4SM f,.r demand snd st tt 4 v4s for sixty-day bins- post.-. rates. 14 MVi4.y7H; Mexicsn dollars. essy. were NEW YORK. May 2. -The support, which at no time was apparent In yesier- ' day s slock market, was offered today i with th change In the complexion of the j peculation as a consequeme. It was a, matter, of course, thst sfter to precipi tate a fall in prices as has oocumed, there should be an extensive uncovered short I li.iennt in ti.e met. as ths protessional 1 operators in the board room Invariably I continue short sales up to the limits oi a decline. They continued their aale in the ear;y part of today session ana neipea to force the level of prices In many aiock to below the lowest prices touched yes- re ret 4a, re V rrt !.. do mupr.n . V. is. S Coupon . V. B. OIH 4s cosron f C a 4. r.. S coupon t m Tolscco 4 . . 4c Afhtten sen 4t . in JJ 41 .. . Atltntle r L. 4s I lH ohtn 4.... I ! IS" rk. R T e 4t Csntfsl of Os. is I "do 1 Inc - . I rs 7J terdsy and to bring additions to the list of 4 mc stocks selling lower than during the panic i " In .March. The demand which developed I ,-Mc.r? A 1 comm. rrlal bills. 14 S.1 F1LVER Par. 5-'-c. 1' iNPS Oovernment and railroad. Closing ouotatlons on bonds Ux ay ss fol'nws: 1 Jurm . . . .l'tl ;ipm s. 14 tenet . 1"1 1 a ctf .lt So 4Wt ctfs ."i 4c IA tenet lO'H LAS snl 41 1! Mtn e ( 4t lis Mm rentrml 4s . 7SH 1o It! toe l(.i MItin A St L 4t . M . K A T 4t t . ft is . S R R of H. e. 4 M . N T C f Jit H n s t c a. st U4 . II No Pt-I1c 4 l''H .1H to T'.H . r X A w e 4t s . n r s U rfif 4t.... t . 0 Pciin conv. SW tot Retains Sn 4 H . !!. L. A I. M. c. S 11"H . C t U A S F. fg 4t . (fu, st L. S W c 4r . r ScthotM A. L. 4t. . loi So rtcinc 4t I. do W ll f ... OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Fo Great Cbtcn ia Citt'e of Inj te- i:ript:0o. HOGS CONTINUE ABCUT STEADY aeea and lamki I ad Free tellers High as as i Active Demand it Prlrea Fnlly at Any Time. SOUTH OMAHA. Miy V. 1W. Receipts were: Offl. ial Monday Ofhrlsl Tuesday Cattle. Hogs Sheep. 2, 61 I 117 l'i.0 4.1' I.1HS 41 4t . r . b. a C . R. I. A do eoi r.t err. A St L. s- 4s. . C olo n1 ht. ter. A. olo. M'4. 4 Colo A to. 4S C'ibs ts D. A R O 4t pllllrs- Sec i F'it p. I. a do sen. 4t HTtl-f Vtl St Bid. "Offered. Inc. 75,735 4S574 Dec. rr so Rtitvty t. V Tetti A P It 1" T.. St L A W. 4s T, W t nios PtclBr U 'H f 9. Steel td M N 6 W nbsiOi It I1 to Wetttrs Md. 4t ... 75 K4 Wit. rentrtl 4t k.14, Boston "locks and Bonds, BOSTON, May 2S Call loans. Ztyft per cept: time loans, hfiit per cent. Official closing on stock ana bonds: Two day this wweek.. I.lf7 l.VS 7.X04 Ssme davs lsst week 10.421 .?2i 114 fame dava 2 weeks ago.. IS. Ml l!.744 11.4'U Same davs I weeks ago.. 9.1.V 24.720 15.314 Same clays I weeks age. .11. Ml IV. "I 13 U Same day last year... .10.1W 24.19; s.Ktt The following table show the receipt cf cattle, hogs and snejp at Houth Oiusha for the rear 10 date, compared with last year: 1907 ,'Cattla 4-T.V2 3S0.327 ' Hogs l.v36.21S l.';.7K TV I onecp i,K .14.SM . T, j CATTLE QUOTATIONS. T'W Good to choice corn-fed teers r. Good to fair rtrn-le.l clears ,. Common to fair steers Good to choice fed Cows r air 10 kooii cow s ana neners. Good to choice stockrs and fee ler 4 ;jt.7t Fair p good s'.ockeis and feeJers.. 2Kp4a Common to fair aluckers I'O'iS.V) Bulls, stsgs, etc ; I2Vfi4.:l Veal calves 4 i& Th follow ltig tsi.e sbs-v tlis ovsrsgs prico of hog at South trmaha for tha last several days, Willi comparisons: 5"! :t m II S :i t4 fi rt KI I7 J I"7 r it .IV . ; 4t JM tii !U ( , ?1 t.M 1.(1 lf'i 40 ;i 4. ft ; -. 71 . 7 . - n 2 . . n . M I M . 71 If I :: If 41 !l" I a-H f. :, I I I I I S' I tfl I " I M I w I M o t w t I t IX I ! I -t t Ct i trv, I 1 5 :- 1 '. I nt I 4 SHEEP Only sixteen csrs of reiH.rted In. and while that been considered ss a llg'it run the sea.o!r It was very fair al the pr'-scnt ' time. There was a go1 demand and , everything In eg'it was sold snl wcighe!' ! lin si mn enrlv hour tn the morninir Tile ' .)i it I I?: 141 :.'4 :it : '4 J 1 ! r 1 17 j 0 1 1 i' ,.irs 1 t. 1 i a s I s S Si i 1 I i 5 V, t M I. ? I i I vi f T, 'S t .0 4 4 ' - 4 W t 4 4 1 sheep a ere ipull hsv earlier the niaiket ass il ill an 1 a vi Fla tter was uin hang- in the u- .il mm ki t. bu; ... .Vs In l. i!.l 'ii. Iron wh F.iMTlish ri irket. w it '1 stt n easrr St I at i S'fi'- 5 I 1 I : 'ki to .'r In fia .lnril fonn-lrr f;m:e. at tv. ITeallv tl' 1 h net d. w t fi ouoted nt f.' em. !.." ' 'a.. -$ No hi !. ?r iH'is. st.ady. I" !.i sti I'leM lnt-d w arrsnts st matV' f wn ouiet ai.-1 tin- No 1 foun t! northern, T. No. 'i foundry, north . N" 1 foundry, southern, 2 foundry, southern, JJ (I) Mav K clter. S - M"T ' StesJv. V' V. Lead. t Alios Market. VF.W YORK. Mav 2V -'OTTON--.H. closed tesdv, 1" points IoWit; nihidlliig up lands. UiV. middling gulf. 1-5"', sales, l o bales. New York cotton euotat! Igan St I'ryan. lijard li g: ns furnished by of Trude build- Open. in Julv.. 8. pt.. ! . tO! o not fill"! High Ixiw. Close. 11. f. fillll I"f4 r 111 ! 0 l' 0 0.114 ! 0 11U. 0 111 1 IVFRFtH"U Mav rv i"OTTON-Ppot market dull, t ri. es f. t otnts lower; AiWTi. an prices paid were fullv steady, if tut strv g. nit.i.inng i.r. a i"". "" snd the trade as a whole niig ,t be dscrlb-d i mi.l.lling. ,-i. low mi.ioiiris. o e... as a good, strong snd sctlve mark-t. Ti ere , ordinary. A: ordinary. I.ivd The sa.ea were shorn lambs here good enough to of the .lay w. re 4 bales, of w liich aj bring :., the high price paid so with I were for speculation and ""P"" "nd,.'"I severs! ears of e-e si tfi mi A clea t-uD i 1 u1e.l 1 i" American Receipts. 1S.WO Atrhifon tJJ. 4l... do 4 M t'entrsl 4t... Atchison do Id Hostoa A Albany. Boston A V.lnt . lotton Klortted Fttchbsrs pti .. V.lrn f'n'ral The weight of the selling to take profit s T . K. H. A buying wheat, bureau Wheat. t'nlon Pacific Am. Pncs Tubs. Airir. Stigar .... do sfd Am. T. A T Am Wnoolen ... do pfd Featnrea ti tke Trading; and ClnslaaT Prleew Board of Trade. CHICAGO. May 28 The sunshine, sea . aonable temperature and much needed rain In the west softened the wheat market to 4 day. price melting away to the extent of lN6'-4,c under the Influence of the more .favorable weather condition. The market -waa weak all day and at the close the July option showed a loss of 24324; September. ' ct and December. IV- Coarse grain similarly affected, July corn declln- " lr Wlt.ll k. m n1 Julv null Umvlalnna liltisi UBCliaffMAYA t Invw - ' - .. . ce lines oi irom.SrS to JTc marked the '.ial transactions in wheat ODtlona and 1e weakness Indicated by these decline "Tvaded the market all day. For the first time in two week weather condition fa vored the bear absolutely and tney were A i.lek to take advantage of this fact, their . '!Tc rings, although not heavy, swamping a i market almost bare of demand. According t to the weather bureau additional rains had ' isiien in Nebruka and Kansas and the 1 1 prediction waa for more ahowers tonlgljt, 1 1 to os followed by warmer weather. Higher r. northwest Tha fnreisn e u w . a 1 f . vorable to aellera, the Liverpool market being off a penny, while all other Euro- '4 l'"n markets showed considerable declines. -:oiHrts of severe liamacn bv the reeent i frosta In Kansas failed to materialize, and J th market was left without substantial J support, not ever Bradstreet's report of " the world visible supply, which showed 4 an estimated decrease of 6.2oi.(i bu., com- pard with a decrease 'of O73.0iu bu. a ? year ago. resulting in any demand from bull sources, ljate In the day a moderate , demand to eCver shorts developed and the ' r murki.t el...Ml falrlv etcu.l,. t.,1.. ? Suc to l'.iM2c lower at y.v to fi'onvt soM ond-hand cases. off to She and closed st Sc. September I eluded, 12c, , vpeneo iitc to 1 ;ac lower at il.COVt to il 01. .. . , declined to 9!"4c and closed at i3c. De- "heat. i cenioer opened ie to ISc lower at 11 011 p , ' B tn II.OIV. sold off to II. 'JO and closed st i Oata, II fx. Clearances of wheat and flour were I " j: equal to 2i3.0u0 bu. Primary receipts were I Range of price it Kansas City as re , 4-'5,uiO bu., compared with 277.0(a) bu. the i ported by Logan at Ryan. No. I Board of r aame day a year ago. Minneapolis. Du ;. luth and Chicago reported receipts of 421 a tar, (.gainst 4M last week and 218 a year f4 "SO. r Allooet Amtlstmstsd Atltntle Bid. "Asked. In wheat yesterday in face of the un favorable weather conditions was eloquent of the extent of the purely speculative which ha put up. the price of The weekly bulletin of the weather Issued today was not reassuring. however, continued to decline. The , r.. ri-U "iii movement of the price of wheat served to Mat Kieetrtt: ... soothe Wall street apprehension on some J do r'd of the crop scare reports. These continued tss Ott In full tide today from the domestic crop j J."!1 f ""' regions. Foreign crop news was better, 1 rlJ ?- " especially that from Russia, with evident j f g gteii effect on the world's grain market. The , a pm ..!!"!!! feature In the International exchange sltua- , Adrcnturs tlon today was a recovery of on centime In the rate of sterling exchange at Pans. This leaves It doubtful whether more gold will be engaged here tomorrow for export to France, or makes It certain that any engagement will be smaller than esti mated yesterday. Thla change In condi tions relieved the market from some of the depression caused by yesterday es timates that the week's outgo might reach I4.CO0.000 or even IS.Ouj.OCO. Discount continued to advance In Lon don and were firm In Paris, and foreign exchange held firm here. The local money market was unaffected and for abort-time loans was slightly easier. For tlma loan for the larger period, however, the offer ings are exceedingly small. London' and Berlin stock market were depressed still, although some recovery occurred at Paris. The price of Braxil consols fell back to the year's low record at M14, which Is also the lowest price touched tn over half century. There was much discussion of Loui.nn. a m . .. Bingham ... K ril. A Hecla ... 7S fntcnnlal ... S". S Copper R.inst .... ... H Pair West .. fje FVantlln .. I3 (JrtnbT ...13 Tale ...lit Mia mains .... .. in y.ct-iran H 1 yohawt . . 1MH Mont. C. A C... ... a oid Dominion ... ...'-HOsceels ...IN Parrot ...117 Qulncr ... f4 Shannon ... '7V, Tamarack ...t Trlnltf ... 1H I'nlicd Copper .. ... M V. 8 Mining ... "t V. . Oil ...liT I tth . .. S Vlctorlt ... J7H Wlnont ... l Wolrerlnt ... t7t North Puttt ... 14 Ruttt Coslttloa . ... 4 NtTtdt ... Hi Csl. A Art tor a.. .. li . .. rt .. Tat, .. li, .. It .. 15 .. .. 1?t .. sis .. .. 471, ..15 .. ..114 .. lTVi ..105 W, .. a .. 4 . .. M .. 7 TH .. a:i4 .. a .. 11 C ytil 7a . 4 t i .v 25 . 4 0"'i4 y . 4 25j4 K I S SJ1U I I 24 ! S $i i 15 I H' 1 11 5 H I i6Ta s London Closing Stocks. LONDON. May 3 Closing quotations on Kaasna City Grain and Provisions. KANSA8 CITT, May 28. WHEAT July, 91 He; September, 92 V:; December, tlc Cash: No. I bard, 96eCc; No. 1. J4;7c; No. 2 red, 9SC(ifl: No. I. 94tft7c. CORN July, 4rc; September, 45.c: De cember, ic. Cash: No. 2 mixed, 5igj2c; No. S. 5l&lic; No. 2 white, 62qt26c; No. S, Rlito. OATS No. 1 white. 4Hc; No. 2 mixed. 4tu47P. RYE Pteady; No. 2. ri3TSe. HAY Firm; timothy. i6oU17 00; prairie. Ill (.JJ1150. Bl TTER-Creamery. I2c; packing stock. EGGS Steady; extra fancy, 154tc; cur rent receipts, new case Included, lie; sec- lZ'ttc; southern, cases in- Increased receipts, favorable weather and the slump In wheat caused weakness In com. Local and outside longs were the leading sellers, the bulk of the offerings being talcen by commission houses. Trading at a whole was light The market closed easy. July opened -tiiaC lower at f31i':tSe, sold at tJV and declined to 6-'Ttirivtc. clos ing at 6SV:631.,r. Local receipts WeYe 4u cars, with 2i2 of contract grade. Oat were weak In common with other grain markets. Profit taking by prominent holders was the feature of trading. July open-d Vijc lower at 47,ti4Ac. sold be tween 47WI4CSC and closed at the lowest oolnt. iT'i'. Ixacal receipts were r.'.O cars. Provisions showed firmness early on the decrease bu. bu... bu.... Trade building; "Receipt. .... SO.OUO .... t'.ono .... 7.000 Shipments. 4,000 1.XJ ,ao the expected tenor of President Roosevelt's forthcoming uecoratlon day speech at In dianapolis, and some of the buying of stocks was accompanied by professed con fidence that the speech would Improve the conditions of financial sentiment. The buy ing was not energetic at any time and H steadily subsided, so that the bear had no difficulty In forcing price back in the last fifteen minute of trading, some stocks falling then to the lowest of the day. The closing was distinctly weak. ' Bonds were easy. Total sales par value, 1,116,000. ' Tnlted- States 2s. registered. - de clined -i per' cent' on call.. Number of sales And range of quota tions on the New York Stock exchange: salts. Blsa. Law. Close. Articles. I Open.) High. I Low. Close. Wheat July.... Sept.... Co-i.-July.... Sept.... .'oHt. 4 4W 3yieiHt 9i 9V'4"j4 4BV48S4S 49J Visible Sapply ( Grain. NEW YORK. May 2 Special cable and telegraphic communications received by Bradstreel show th following chsnges In available supplies, a compared with pre vious accounts: Wheal. United States, east of Rockies, decreased 1.4'..i0 bu.; Canada, decreased 2.TA". flOo bu. Torsi T'nlted Atates and Can. receipts of bogs, but the wsak- ! ada. decreased 4.2Ma.(Ou bu. Afloat for and tiess of runrse raln niarki-ts had a depressing influence later In the day and the market closed easy P0 head. Ths leading futures ranged as follows: Adams ITapitss Arasianja&ied Copper ... as. C. A f Ana. CAT. p(4 Am. CoUoa Oil..... Am. Cotton oil -pfd Am. Bzprta Am. H. A L j(4 AmsrU-ss les , Am. Uatsed Oil Am. Unteed oil pfd.... Am LoeomotlTs Am. Locomotive pfd Am. 8. A B Am. 8. A R. ptd Am. Sugar Rtflntng .... Am. Tohsceo pfd ctft... Atsconda 14 In lug Co Attcitoa Atchison pfd Atlantic Cusst Dns Haiti in ort A Ohio....... Pal A Ohio pfd Droofclm Kepld Tr I'tntdltn PatlSa CsstrtJ of New Jersey.. Crtsupeakt A Ohio Chicago OX. W Chicago A N. W C. U. A St. V Chloaso T. A T , Chicago T. A T. pfd ... C . C C. A St. L. Coiorsdo r. A I Colorado A 80 -TCslo. A So. 1st pfd Colo So. id pfd Consolidated OAs Corn Products tors Products pfd iMatarar A Hudson... ltL, L A W Dsrtr A K. O. D A R O pfd Distillers' Securities .. Rrls Knt 1st pfd Ens Id pfd Otwsrtl E.cotrte Illlnott Csetrsl Intsroatlona! Pspsr ... Int. Pastr pfd Int. Himp Int. Pump pfd Iowa Central . . . .- lows Csstrsl pfd Ksua C..J Bs K. C. eo. pfd Lillian I la A N Mtalcss Contrsl Minn A St. L M.. St. P A S S M.. M . 84. PASSU stistourt Pact fie at . K A T SO 0 . I.M0 100 w W4 100 10 10 " 'iil, 'iei, tij" iii" iii" to ieij l'tv uit, ix iv i ' 171, u Ml. 100 M tt 0 M II ' 4S (.too tl st ioo 4 i,ooo ia 144k "i 100 'tis Ltu is SO 147t, lit 10 12.44 Ul "i!iai '! 'rH Lo U tlW, " " 4ii iii I.100 nc, ntw l.) 15', Ut, ro tj Ti l.tu idTli Ml 'i'.ioo 'iits id" 'i'ioi ii" 'ik o '' to on w iu 111 latn '"isi 'iii 'in, " loo tii, iivi "' ii" 'iivi tivo iios iie" 40 um i follows .. 4, N. T. Central lljv, 14 ft 14 Norfolk A W 7& .. U4 do pfd H .. 9 Ontario A W t24 . . M PtnnaTlvanta 41 . . i Rand Ml ott & . Reading C .. H'i Southern Railway ... 1744 ..10 do pfd b ..11 sourhtra Pacific T7S .. l nlon Pacific i.intt .. 14H do pfd St .. 71 V. 8. ftotl i: .. If'tj do pfd K" .. H Wabsah U m do pfd n ..111 Spantah 4a 44 ..llf-tQrand Trunk ' la.. K. A T tlH SILVFIb Bar. steady, tmd per ounce. , MONEY 1433 V per cent. The rate of discount In the open msrket for short bills Is J per cent; for three months' bills, l per cent. Kew Tork Mlnlntr Stocks. NEXV TORK. May 2S. Closing quotations on mining stocks were storks were ss Consols, monty So account Anaconda Atchison do pfd , Bait (mora A Ofcit.. Canadian Pidflc .. Chasapoak A Ohio Chicago Ot W C. M A St. P... ts becra D. A R. O do pfd Erie 4s 1st pfd do id pfd Illlnott Central ... Date. I 1907. luG. 104 . 114. ;1W2.'i 1901. May 15 .. May 16 Mav 17.. .1 d u t i.'. May 14... t 2C, 6 asl May 19... I ilX, May 2V...I e 2?H; I May 21 ... I (24 26, May 22... 1 ( US ( ii May 23...; ( l'.1, ( 19 May 24. .. C 04", 6 22 May ...) (S3 ; I 12' May 2S...I ' 27- May 27. ..I 5 fV I May 26... 15 92V ( 2.V IS, i 20 4 611 4 ii; 7 07, 6 61 i , 1 Hi J 1 lii J .J 5 2tJ 4 52 ( 27 I 5 74 4 471 ( 321 7 421 " 4 44' 6 27, 7 11 1 6 Tl 4 411 ( 25, 7 07, 6i , 4 lU 4 27 6 19. 4 25: j 4 34 C 04 4 39 5 93 4 47 J 77 4 49, 5 72 t 20 V4 5 3". ( 28, 5 17. 0 16 5 19 5 17, 02 1 7 ( W ( 97 7 02, c M 5 5 (7 5 62 of the sOitO head fed bv A." H. Antliony was marketed today, ewes and wellier bringing I 10 and lambs 17.26. Tho sheep and lamb msrket continues tt occupy a very strong position and s dler need not be afraid to send In anything In the wsy of desirable kiilers. Quotations on shorn Hock: Good to choice lambs. t7t?'fi7 5n; fair to g.od la"!1'. IriVifTto; common and cull Limbs. lM"t ov good to choice light yearling. 15 4'i 4 Tt. g.Kjd to choice heevv vearilnst, f 5fr 650. fair to good yearlings f. a.!-t:S; g-w1 to choice wethers. M it if .10: fair to gooi wether. tf.(o(i4 ti; good to cho'ce ewes, p. 65 ii'.no: fair to good ee. 'js c.,; culls, bucks and stags. 43 2M74 25. Representative sales: No. 54 western lanbs L' western W ethers J4 ewes culls 90 western eses 20i western ewes 19 western ewes 22S western ewe wethers... 171 western lambs Wi western lambs M western lambs western l-nibs n spring lambs hales. Including !'.' American NKW OKLKANS. May 2n -0TTON-Spots closed easy; sales, l.leO bales, low ordinary. 7 5-1'V-: ordinary. 5-V-. nominal;, ..rdinarv. HSc; low middling. 10 U-l''-c; mi ddl 1 nt. l.Se': uood ihlddltng. I.e. middling fair. 14c. nominal, fitir. HSc. nominal, re ce fts. 1.74 bales: st.M k. IK.' 22 bales. ST Ltl IS. Mav 2" O 'TT N Steady 1 niid.iling. 12.e; receipts. 1 bsles; ship ments. 1.043 I abs; stock, II. 303 b:iles. IH iveatArn l.n.l,. 5 m " t 1 tlirien Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle;6 ... 1.75(4 50 ... 2 i(ii 'tl ... l.Sii6 25 I.60I&S.60 Ifogs 5.K2V!'.fl 6 75 Oi.o0 - ,e Ss in ood steers. tl 50;i f-f; cows. I3.2i.5rt nft; c I fA I heifers. H.foliS .60 : bulls. ll .V'ftliai: calves. 1 lk t?."Ml-7u; stoekers and feeders.'(ift hf.. sioi.a HOt.SRecelpts. lS.OfO head; market strong to V1 higher; medium to choice heavy. tT.75(jt 5"; butcher weights. t", 6.25; mixed. K.10i?;.20; pwcklng, 6.7M.10; pics. 15 .Vi4 25. HHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 11. tit) head; market steadv to 5c higher; she-n. .1 P'i6.av; iambs. t4.uo'itS.0; yearlings, to-OOCT 7.00. Omaha Chicago Kansas City ... St. Louis Sioux City The official number of cars of broueht in today bv each road was: Cttie. nogs sneep. n r s. 5.50 & 75 .90 LIVE STOCK A v. Price. ,.75 4 Oil 7 5'. . 66 4 .''I .9: 5 5' 94 6 0 . . . T( 6 00 1"? "i .71 7 25 .7 7 40 , 7". 7 71 7 .61 50 b T 00 MAHKHT Cattle, Sheep and Ilotta stotdy to Fire Cents lllcher. CHICAGO. May ? CATTLE Receipts. f.rn hesd: maiket higher; medium to Oils and Rosin. NEW YORK. May 2.-01I.S-CottonaeeL firm; prime crude, f. o b. mills, nominal; v. How. ivk-. nominal, rt-troleum, steady; re ilned. New York. M; bulk. 11.70. TurjM-n-tine. Meady at UiiiMe KOS1N Firm; ntiumed, common to good. 14 9. 1. SAVANNAH. St. a'l-a'. Rt'SIN i'lrm. II ; 1. II 7c; K ;. .;: K. t ii. M OIL CITY. Mav Oll-e-Credlt balance. $1 ,th. Uuns. 2t..-.;9 bbls. average 141. Sal bbl.; hlpincnts, li2,o;i bbls, average 163.130, May 2f. OIlv Turpentine, Quote : , it vi. n ti.t. N. A. Tl. C. 14 25: D. , ll ?o; H. 15 1. $;, "., W. G., ti.i LEGAL NOTICE at US H k t il a M lot usu 14 91 w w 4 170 tl rt, lit I i ts tt 41 14 11 11 111 4 6 43 JOV. u Tu li . tt ll-, 'k Adams Cos. Alice Brunswick Ooa. Comanytes, Tsnstl Cos. Csl. A Vs. Horn Silver Iron Silver Ltadtills Oca. .. 10 ....f0 .1.. fl .... 40 5 .... Tl 14S .... .... V Llttls Chltf ... Ontario Ophir Potott St rags (iters Nevada (mail Hopes .. Standard .... T gJ 1M 11 a tt u no C. M. A St. P I 4 Wabash lit.. Missouri Pacific 2 S Union Pacific 25 38 8 C. at N. W., easf I 2 C. N. W., west.... 42 43 C. St. P., M. ().... 15 8 C. B. A Q . east 1 4 C, B. A Q., west 45 S4 C R I. A P.. east.. 16 11 Illinois Central 1 Chicago G. W I Total receipt 145 149 16 1 The disposition of the day receipt wa as follow, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated Cattle. .... S ....1,031 Omaha Packing Co. Swift. A Company.. Cudahv Packing Co Armour A Co b-4 Lobman A Co ITS W. I. Stephen 31 Hill A Son ' F. P. Lewis 17 Hamilton A Rothschild .. 18 J. H. Bulla 4 Mike Haggarty 22 O. McConnaughey I T. B. Inghram 8 Sullivan Bro. 2 Sinclair Packing Co 60 Other buyer ' 267 Hogs. Sheen. 1.427 I.2vj 1.131 1,107 730 1.052 240 278 pfd. lu Kurope, decreased 2 OUO.vOO bu. Total I h , K T. pfd Atntrwan anu r.ureptsn supotirs. uetrvtatu aitmiesal Leo ..... At the cloee July I .K;''..ia lai. N. R. of II. pfd pork waa donn 12V at tin.". July lard Corn. United States and Canada, do-, hsw Tort CentrU. was unchanged at I? C7.5,. apd. ribs were ic j creased 2 ?!4.ta bu. iElT'iAV."" lower at U ?&. ' 1 Oats. Ucted Stales and Canada, decreased J'1. Emlmalfd rtsrefpts for Mmcrrow: Wheat. Iti' t bu. J " " ! -. . i. 1 i'Oe l. u.l(n it'rrtaaai snd Incraaaaa re- -- vu.r, l.'l 11. iji 'e. IV. . K, . I.IJKK. ' . . -. . . ... . - . 1 uinni in weem rnin.n . i . .... . . iwrrcaara. ianiiuna, m . i uta. a-niiaoaa, 7j3.'.0 bu.: Clucago 1 private elevators). 4:5, I 0 bu.; Irtland, Me,. SX.W bu.; Port nuron, i..' du. : Open. 1 High.) Low. Close. lYes'y I Articles Whsat I uiy 1 a 1 (, 94 itepx- .1 OlK-ij 1 oiJ put,! 1 Deo. jl r:i- 1 01T X ot Ciro 1(1 liar JM-iinr J Mti' sjsi J liy '5. v -i'i (sii uats I J I m.A a " 4iv, ii ' ... " Jnlw iS.i.i'. ..1 'Ul)' I 1 pcj.'t. 1 as at I lA.-tV- I I . J'Jr 1 tv-i lit 9 Increases. Lincoln and vicinity, S8.000 btt.; RcsJicg P.. C, C. 8t V...-fc. Prsterd SumI Ot ...1 Pratad ( C. pvd PullDi--PlVTsr l.V too in im Lj r To no n. o U -1.1 10 t:a Tl tl. 1 (S tt 14 ' ST tt ' 1 1 irA M '. IMS Tit, t"i 42 'H iott, ti Tl 4 U SSVx'l 01a tlevelund. 7,iaai bu.; Kingston. Ont., 7s,-1 J4ing 1st '.. ,o,. 1 Ciu bu. I s,s Wrn 1 V.l 1 00J 1 03 I "I 16 50 . Is (0 I It 27V,' . 4SX,' 47 471,; SSVi'jS' 1 I" 1 V 1 42V I 42Vs' I I fdAl I 07 22S, 22' 54 f-!4 4V.S "S 4S l 4;i, 16 U 7H " ;4ni7ia 1 tir.Va I9i" ItV (M I It No. 1 Cash quotation were a follow: r LAl 'K Steady; winter patent. 14 Otaff 4 to; winter straights. 75gJ S6. spring pat eota, t4f(6 40; spring strsiglita. L aj4 46. WHEAT N'o. t siwing, 1.0;; No. t, (Oca t'; No. 1 red, p'atinc t'tK.S-y 2. n4c; No. I yellow, lt 9 OAT8 N'o. t. 4TV,c; No. I white. vo4gUc No t white. 4AtSc RTH-No. 1 tec, I Altl.KY Fair to choice malting, Tvt3?4c'o-No. 1 flax, tl 17; No. 1 north, western, IT M Tlmothr. prhoe. H.75. Clover contra, grs.le, !( 2&. t"RCVlglON elhort rib.' sides (bxe ' W w Vu Ales pork. 1 per bbl., 1.1 2.J 16 Xtv iJird. per 1. Ibg s 00. Short clear ides (hr.xedl. ti.Ovti? Ml following were Die receipts and Ship, inenls of flour and grain: Receiota. fihinmenia r mux, i.oitl V'htst. bu Corn, bu ' Osta, tea hys, bit 2o.Til M.t'i .......t4.u( ...A.t taO - twA 41g 1.JS Cm fcl W.7 Mllwaakee Grain Mnrket. MILWAl'KEE. May 2S WHEAT Lower; No. 1 northern, tl.ocirri 04; No. 2 northern. Jl.iiil 02; July, 9bic. asked. 'RVK-l rwer; No. 1. BoH-olCc. PA RLET Dull; No. t 78c; sample. 14 fiTTe. CORN Lower; No. t cash. 52 54c; July, UV-. bid. Minneapolis Grain Mnrket. MINNEAPOLIS. May 2t.-WHEAT-No. 1 hard. ll.i'C,: No. 1 northern. II 0'. V No I northern. iHstt94sc; No. I northern. t4tjy7o. FLtH'R-First patents, t$, lty ; second patents. t-Vumjo 15 : frat clears, second clears. I2 7y..2 k5. BRAN In bulk. 11:117.60. Llrrrpssl Gi L1VFRPOOU flrni; No. 3 red "alifornla. 7s 1.1 rain and Provlslona. May 2. WHEAT Spot, western winter. 7s; No. 1 futures, quiet; Msy. turn llisl: July. . 2d: September. 7s ISd- C'ORN Spot. firm. Hess dried. 4s lld: old northern, ts 2d; futures, quiat; July, 4S lid; .September. 4s UrV- Pklladelpkla Frndnee Market. PHILADELPHIA. May a.-EGCS-rirm, good demand, western firsts, free esses. 17V?, at mark. CHEESE Laster; New Tork. full creams, choke to fancy, new, l-vVil2c; fair to good, US asrlt Grain Market. PEORIA. May 2--CORN-Easy ; No. I yellow, (.'?7-5J'tc ; No. 1 Mc; No. 4. tic; no grade. OATS Steady; No. i white. 46Vr47c: No t white, 4u4Hc; No. 4 white, ifjti'nc Dalntk Grain Market. DULl'TH. May t8.-WHEAT-N. 1 north ern. 1101V: No. t northern. afc; May. (-Ul; July. 11.014: aVsptember. IllCV OAT& On Uack aad May. 44c Rspubilc atstl naubilc etti pfd Raxk Iias4 4-' Rock lalai.d Cu. pfd St. L A S r M ptd.. St. bouts W- at. Uoa s W pfd Sostharn Psclgr So. Pacific pfd a Ktiiwsr So. Rtilear pfd Traiiaw 0. A 1 Test A PlclSf . T . St. L A W T . II L 4 W. pfd t'nlon Pacific t'slos Patisc pfd I'. S Cxprvts V. A , I'. B gubbsr I'. S Rubber pfd t'. t Site) V 8 Stttl fd Va -Car Cfctaslrsl Vt -Cr. Chem. pfd ... W'h S'lluit pfd Wl.i-Prg Eiprtss ... W iratlagb jua Alanine .. W.-stera Hal W heeling A L E Cttural Wat ( antra.! ptd Ksrtbcrs PsriSc Ctatr.l Lsathar . Central t.esthsr pfd ( osi-f hemold Steal .... Grot! Nrhrs pld lot netrosoiiuaa 1st. Met. pid Toctl sales for the Atr. tM.TO akaras. UMS r4a 'M4 ) t so -' " 'p .'gjvA "' 'iw 1" t: ,4; a i tl so tea) 1 It ii so Tti iivi ISO llvH,l'4 L7'a 11k 17", toe it, u " io 'id, ii UI.SlO lttk 111 1, to 'idw 't" 1 7 jo lo" H 41 I2S IS lXt" - KS TOO itw "i, l u lid Wt , . lt, lit, (a rk ! " ioi iti ' iai at a-'S so I'S) 10 . is i-e 14 ui, 10 14 af, . (ii ir tva) r', 4.0 l !, '( tii, . it U4.U M lit 11 41, lusi, T U lit u SS l''H o 11 Tl "v. 10 741, 11 uiS t; tt 4 141 T4 1 14 Ulta Hi k"t u 1:4 ) u l.andts Mnrket DenresaeaJ. LONDON. May 2S- For the second Urns In the present ear consols toclsy tou-hed S41,. th lowest point since 1M. Subse quently tl.ey recovered t,. The general tone cf the market remained deptrued. Treasary Statement. WASHINGTON. Mav tt.-T.vlty stst ment of the treasury balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive ef the tlSaM'AMlvO gold ratarvt, stows; Avaiiab cU balaLcs, Bank Clearings, OMAHA, May JS.-Bank clearings for to day were 11.509.159.59 and for th corre sponding date last year 1 1,506, 481. (. Coffee Market. NEW TORK. May 28 -COFPTJKMarket for coffee futures opened steady at un changed prices, which wss about In keep ing with featureless foreign cables. It was said that a new loan had been ar ranged by Braxil under ths valorisation law. but this had no effect on th mar ket, which continued quiet during tile ses sion, closing qulit. net unchanged. Ssles were reported of 8.5O0 bags, Including May at o.StUif. 00c : July. 6.-: Decern her. 6.2oc. Spot coffee quiet; No. 7 Rio, 6c; Santos No. 4, TVyc; mild coffee dull; Cordova, IKg 12Vc HEAL ESTATE TRASSFEBJ. William T. Robinson and wife to Wil liam A. JESoecat, lots It and 20, Vinton i'lace ,..t 700 Harvey j. urove and wile to John 1 lag 11 Dee, lots 1. I slid , bloca 4; m feci lot t, block 4, Grove aud.... John Uerg ana wile to Ultabe in M. Treiieriy. lot 9, block h, Albrights An uex, oViuili Omaha W. J. Laymon to aume. nV lot 15, biota 2, itngedorn's acid August Feluvr to George 8. Horner, lot 44 and es lot 4t, Clark Place Anne Felder lo George h. Horner, same George Sautter and wlfs et al. 10 Frederlcka L. Seltxer, part subiot 1. taxiot 12. ei-li-ij John W. McDonald, snerlff, to Kater ina Vrana, nij luet lot a, block. 200, Otna.ia - Mclioiu . Fairlield and husband to Morris Murpny, lot k, block , Sul phur Springs add Ci.arlc-s ii. Laker to Samuel W. Sud daby and wife, lot i. block 1, Boggs A lull s add Payne Investment company to Israel 14, lot J, blucg X Rrtggs' I'lace John 11 Levy and wife to Hastings A liey.ien, lots 1. I and 6. blocs . and other lots in Collior Place Francis J. Collier el al. to same, lots hi, 11 and 11, block I; lots a, and 16, block 4. Collier Place Same to same, lots 1. 2, I and 4. block 6 Collier Place, and other lots . Heltie E Collier lo same, loLS 16, 17 and lo, block k, aud block 1, Collier Place r Mary C. Denlse et aL to John H. L.'vy, 'lots L I and 6, block t. Collier t-iace, and other lots aume u Francis J. Collier, lots 1, 2 and 3, block 2, Monmoutli Park, and oilier lots Isatiel Campbell and husband to the Byron Keed company, eto feet lot 27, block 1, Campbell s add Josephine H. Weidenfeiler lo Harry C. Hartry, lot 24. block 2, Hastings m Heyden s Vd add Harry Reuben and wlfs to Jennie Dia mond, lot 6. block li. O.'iiuha Joseph W. Peters 10 Edward F. An drews, glVl fuet nla feci lot 1 And 2. Howe aud . Jam. s A. Ivurhans and wife to same, saa feet n7u feet lots 1 and i Howe add Charles gteiger et al. to Aaron G. W'emctein. lot to, block . Kountie d add John Lwbaiik et al. to G. II. Payne, trustee, lot 2i. block 1. Avonuaie Park Abraham L. Reed et al. to William Wagner, lot &. block 4. Reed fxn add Harry J. Wlggin to Patrick McElli- gott and wife, part lots 1 and 4. block (, Improvement Association add 1 Porter Pickett to rranris 11 Rodg- ers. lot lo, block 7. Dupont Ilace ... 200 A'. M. Brown to same, runie 1 George W. !4 dlock and w ife to Guy .M. Matson and wife, lot t block s, Omana Helens l.;0u J'rank House ard wife to W-lgl.tman 1- Stalnaker, lot I, Wallace a 1st sabiiv 2Kb Mm F. Bourke to Benjamin A. Himon. wt, feet lot . block , Harbach s 2d add 1 Saint to Louis Harris eA, feet lot I. bl.K k . Horbach s Id s.ld 1 Lara Larson and wife to Horace K. Hutchinson, lot 1 block 5, Baker Piace 1.3B.t Frwin R Vahlcamp to the Missouri River laamber conirar.y. eJ"J fet 1 , inches lots I aud 5. bl.x k 16, Boyd s srtd J.lVi Csrl Johnin and wife to Ouatav A. Bandsll. sil feet kits 28 snd 2. Sun ny side add Total.; Totals J.243 10,445 1190 CATTLE There was a liberal run of cattle this morning, receipts being decidedly larger than on Monday. The market as a whole was In fairly satisfactory condi tion, barring only the trade on cow stuff. There was a very fair demand for beef steers and the market, while not especially active, was In a good, healthy condition. The greater part of the offerings sold In fair season in the morning and at prices fully steady, with now snd then sellers quoting it a little strong tn spots. Packers were especially good buyers of light steers, which they are evidently using to some extent, at least. In place of cow and heifers. There wa no change tn the situation a regards the sale of cows and heifer. The deadlock between packer and commission men was still on, sellers refusing to let the stuff go subject to Inspection and pack ers declining to take It any other way. Fortunately there were only about eight loads of cow and heifers In the yards and sellers were dependent upon outside buyers to take these. The result was an uneven market. It being practically a cslch-as-catch-can market. Some sales looked high and some looked low. Just as the seller Were able to find a buver. The offering of stackers and feeders were very light, while there was a fair demand, so that everything changed hands at good, firm prices. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Kansas City live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, May IS. CATTLE Re ceipts. 9.2' head. Including r) southerns; nwket strong; light steers. 10c higher: cows anu heifers, strong: choice export and dressed beef steers. t5JjcO; fair to goed. I4.75iij ro; western fed steers. 14 24i5.ri5; stoekers and feeders. 13 ?rM.; southern steers, t3.3r.4i5 f; southern rows. !2 2.V?i3 75; native cows. 12 7:4 68; native heifers. !3.0: if 5.25: bulls. t3.roj 1.73; calves, 13 TT.fctS .10. HOGS Receipts. lS head: market opened weak, closed strong; top. & 15; bulk of sales. (6fa-ifaj i:j: heavy. t5.5W.0S; pack ers. (S orry i;v lights. t6 074 15; heavy, tB.Sf .(. SHFEP AND f.AMBS-Rece!pts. 7.m) head: rrarket stror g to Kc higher: lambs. t6.D"fie.f0; ewes and yearlings, to..V'iVS0; western fed vearllngw, l6.2Mr7.tfi: western fed Sheep. li.2T4iC.00; stoekers. St. I -on I Lire Stork Mnrket. ST. LOT-IS. Mo.. May 2S CATTLE Re ceipts. 4.0fa1 head. Including 2.0ia hend Tex sns; market strong: native shipping and export steers. ID .K'Ai'Z 25: dr?ssed beef and butcher steers. M waiio 15: steers under l.f'n pounds, t4.0oir4.fti; stoekers ind feeders. t3.5otiS 2n; cow s and heifers. 12 VSS 5o; can ners. tt.C04j4.7S: bulla. 2 6Vu.4.75; calves. 14 VjjU.Co; Texas and Indian steer, tioi &J.50: cow nd heifer. I1.9fj4.4ft. HOGS Receipt. 11.0)0 head: market strong: pigs and lights. tS.75;6 20; packers, 15 7536 10: butchers snd best heavy, H.l.SQ C2S. SHEEP AND LAMnS-Receipts. l.lVa) head: market steadv: native muttons. H75 &.': lambs. 4 5cjfo; culls and bucks. ti.00Bo.00; stoekers, t4"'a4.50. St. Joseph Lite Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., May 2S CATTLF -Receipts. 2.512 head: market steady to strong, natives, liquid); cows and heif- ! ers. tT225ti5.00; stoekers and feeders. 13-254? 4.75. HOGS Receipts, (lg head: mnrket teadv; top, P'.OS; bulk of sales, t la 1 '..i 5. 8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.4SI head: market loff?flr higher: clipped lambs, I7.'ff7.70; vearllngs. 6Sivq7.ou; wethers, t6.Gv&.50;. ewes, to.3--(a.60. N. At. Pr. No. At. Pr. - T Ml I M II I'M Laou ri nM , u , u,, , 11 ) 4 40 r 110 I 14 4J V& 4 45 1S41 i f 10O 1 441 4 Tt II 1144 i II 1 11" 4 71 2u l'i t tl cm t lt4 4 U 4 llu 4 M 21 loss 4 45 . ltd I to . I til I SO 11 lilt I to 14 tt 4 tt 17 1111 ( KI 7I 4 W 17 lM I M 1 !7 li tt U,d (14 M Ml 4 14 11 1101 I t0 17 HI IK 11 luM t It 1 T 7M 4 HO (1 111! I II U 10V7 4 M lfi 1170 I H K 1141 1 tt 1114 i U , oe It lot! I (1 1C 1144 I 41 l' 4 00 tl 1H4 I 44 tO IW I tt 117 I 44 12 1144 I 10 16 IB1 I 40 l.OU) t ll'd I 14 1 1171 i 41 1U2I I 14 ro Ul! I 41 14. rV! C in 11 Had t a L260 14 1060 4 10 ti ini I a I it 1114 I IS 11. .14 4 41 I f l.t 4 IS 44 1S-4 ( M I ts lot (II M i:n i M 'B ..1111 lie 1114 4 Ml 11M I M M lit I 44 1 17 IK 4 1411 it lut It 1117 I 10 it lfc.1 4 tt li i(vi t ? 67 i;.J6 I 1 It. 114S I M II I47i ( Ti 10 11 1: I te COWS inn t M 111 I lor 4 f 1 110 1 00 4 (SS 4 00 1 to I 40 t 1214 I 00 4 tl I 46 T 11' 4 00 1" ( til I on I lltd 4 10 t 749 I 1 I pni 1 1 1 i7 1 ti ' 1 rt 4 11 2 t 1040 I to 1 nil 4 tt 2 11 to It 1 1170 I 15 1 lli I I II") 4 is i;oo I n 1 n it) 4 llVt I 1 4 41 I lint 4 1 1 ao , HEIFERA 4 m in 1 ic 4 tt U SSI t hi t Ul 41! ( 174 I SO 10 T1S I S 1150 ( pot 4 00 I im 4 Tt BL.L. I a,li 140 1 in 4 it 1 4 10 1 ITuO 4 40 I T7S 1 11!0 I 41 trt 1 1100 I 24 1 1 to.. 4 44 1 144") 4 21 T 14:1 4 4S 1 1U 4 IS iit.i CALVES. .0OU 1 144 4 So t : 14S ISO 1 l a) I 0 1 "1 I SO 1 1W t tt 1 10 i V) t.tbS 1 IT 4 ii 4 It 4 75 BTOCKERS AND FEEDEKS 4 Tr I 70 I Ill 4 4ft 1 4 I I 4 0 11 lad 4 tt 42) 4 t4 . I 4 14 ttl 4 IS It' U! In ,a, 4 rt 4 4 sal I 0 s.;w I 170 4 IS I W it) t 171 4 It Sloax City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. May 3 (Special.) CATTLE Receipts, l.taa) head; market bv higher; stoekers strong; beeves. (4 oOaft.oO; cows, bulls and mixed. & ttatil 7t; stoekers and feeders, 14. 005 4 50; calves and yearlings, 13 rV-4 50. HOGS Receipts. A.ttm head; market steady, selling al I5.90f'd 05; bulk of sales. ti. 92VU6.95. Stork In Sight NOTICE Tt) CONTRACTORS BIDS W11X le received until 4 o'clock P m. on Mnif Hoc ina to Ii7 si the oflice of the un- aeisigned In Lincoln. Nebraska, room lol of the Admlnlstrallon building. State uni versity giouiiil. lor the construction of a : lKller house nd stack, a stock Judging ' building, an for completing the construc tion of the Woman's building, all for th University of Nebraska on Us farm near ; Lincoln, according to plans and speelflca I tions on tile In tne ottlce of the superln ' tendent of construction, room 21 in tald 1 Administration building. Bidders must con ; suit the superintendent before preparing and tiling bids. uin all matters which may j appear to them uncertain In either plans or specifications, and must also examine I carelully this notice and the forma of 1 contract and bond on file with the superin tendent: they must also personally inspect the building site selected. Bids must con ' form strictly to the plans and specifica tions and the requirements of this notice. Bidders must le prepared to furnish com mercial atlngs or satmfactory references upon their financial standing. If the same te required by the university authorities. Separate bids must bo tiled for each bulld Inr and each bid must N accompanied ' by ( certified check on some Lincoln bank, ! parable to the University of Nebraska urt ' conditionally, for the sum of mi six hun- dred dollars. The check of the sno 1 eessful bidder. In case of an Bward. will 1 be held as a guaranty for furnishing to the superintendent of construction sched ules of materials with quantities and , prices, signing the building contract In form as proposed and furnishing security company bond in a sum equal to one-third . of the contract price of each building, t Both the security company bond offered I and the form of the bond must be satis . factory to the Board of Regents or Itg ' building committee. In case the successful bidder fails within two weeks from the date of the award to file said schedules, fails to furnish and file bonds as required on to enter Into contract at the amount of his bid. the check dejiosited by him will be forfeited to the university aa liqui dated damages wlthrfut further proceed ings or notice. The check of the bidder whose bid is second best. Jn the Judgment of the Board of Regents or Its building committee will also be held pending the negotiations for the closing of a contract with the first best bidder or. until It la determined whether the second best bid will be taken up or reblddlng called for. All bids must lear the residence or busi ness address of the bidder, must be sig ed. sealed up, addressed to the undersigned, and be plainly marked cn the outside with the bidder s name and the words "holler bouse." "stock-Judging building." or "completion of Woman's building," a the case may be. The bids will be opened and Inspected as soon after the date above set for filing the same as the Board of Regents or Its building committee can be conveniently assembled. The right s re served to reject any or all bids. Address bids tn the undersigned at room loi. Ad ministration building. State Univers'ty, 1 ineoin Nebraska. Station A., J 8. Dales, secretary. M29 Jeom western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. South Omaha 1.147 10.3.a (,1SH Sioux City l.OXt 4.MO Kansas City 9.2" lS.CnO 7.H0 St Joseph 2.512 9.1S8 1.491 81. Louis 40-ai ll.fad l.tVO Chicago i.lM 15.0 0 ll.oaj Totals 22. li 6o,28 24.990 Wool Market. BOSTON. May WOOL Market con tinues quiet and what few ssles are mads are usually confined to small lots. Austra lian still continue In good demand, and there have been several good sales. The demand In domestics seems conrine.1 to medium unwsshed and fine scoured wools. There is s little new Anions wool In th market. Prices are generally steady. The leading domestic quotations range as fol lows: Missouri combing. H-blood. iiffJJJc; combing, quarter-blood. 'i3lc. Texas, on acoured basis, fine It months. 7273c; fine ( to 8 months. (Mi'T'.e; fine fall clean, it'if (Ac: California, scoured basis, northern choice. (TtitiSc; northern good. 6r37c; mid dle county, 0.4jj6c: southern, 6-J3c; fall free, 87tioe; fall defective. 4"if4fc. Oregon, scoured basis, western. No. 1 staple. 70-O.72C; eastern No. 1 clothing, 64 70c; valley. No. 1, 6.i2c; territory stsple. scoured basis, fine. 7au-T2c; fine medium. sH7'jc; medium, (.xo 6nc: territory ordinary, scoured bass, fine, 6S;70c; fine medium. K7e: medium, Aug 64C. Colorado and New Mexico spline, scoured bas.s. li70c; No. 1. tvtajc. Pulled wools, scoured bat's, extra. SVjjTIe; fine A, 6?"!"?2c; A supers. 5!'o7c; B supers. 45H7c. ST. LOUIS, May 2s. WooL-Kteady; medium grades, combing and clothing. 14 J 27c; light fine rr.lViC; heavy fine, Italic, tub washed. 10037c. GOVERNMENT NOTICES QFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER toaster, Ft. Mnckenxle, Wyo., May 27. 19"7. Sealed proposal in triplicate will be received at this office until 10 a. m. (moun tain time) June 15, liaiT. fur furnishing and putting In place door and window soreonil In bulldiriKS at this post. All Information may be obtained at this office. United States reserves the right to accept or re ject any or all bids or any part thereof. Proposals should be enclosed In sealed en velopes marked "Proposals for screens, addressed Capt. William D. Davis, Quarter, master, U. S. A M27-2V29-3U-J1S-14 FORT MEADE. 8. D. APRIL S. 19t)7. Sealed j roKouils In triplicate, for the con struction of in'tcadam roads and cement walks will be received here nut II 2 p. m., June 1, li'7. Infoi matlon furnlahed upon application. Plans and specifications may be seen at quarterinaMcr offices. Omaha and Denver and at this office. U 8. re serves right to or reject any or till proposuU or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be muik.'d "Proposals for roads ttnd walks. Fort Meade. 8. D ," ad.'.re-sed to Lieut. D. ItL Bldlle, Constructing Quartermaster. Mayl-2 1-4 -2S-2I HOGS Buyer stsrted out this morning witn the evident intention or buying their hogs at no more than steady prices. In 1 fact some of the first bids were, if sny- llling. lower man yesterray. 1 ne t null I began with prices about steadv, with some of th heavy bogs selling st bsrejy steady : price. As th trade warmed up a lltllu ' the market showed more strength snd soma hogs, especially th higher weights, sold quite a little stronger than yesterday. In other words, the hogs sold in) where from barely steedy to a little higher, according to the kind of bogs and the time at which they were sold. A will be noted from the sale, bogs today sold verv largely at 15 9) 1 . . - -. , 1 . . . 11. . . . . ... a. it. I ua ai, nii g'e.Mi ariiiii u w the same ss yesterday. There were, bow ever, more hos st the top price today. Kepreeentstiv tales Metal Market. NEW YORK. May la METALS The London lin market was unchanged to al 15s lower. Willi spot showing the loss snd closing at AloT b. while futures were, un changed st 1M 15. Locally the market was weak, with spot quoted at HI 5 "a 41.. To. There was a further sharp break in the London market for cor-rr. with st clos ing 4.1 15 lower at 5s and futjrea 2 I.' lower at 95 5a. Locally the market la dull and more or less nom' Some of the large prudurer claim that no change has taken place In the price. Irut oiler dealers are naming lower prices. I-ake may be quoted at ii4.i'26 ''. electrolytic at 1-3 23 7 and casting at :v C,422 ."-1. l-ai waa unchanged st 11 17s 6d In London. Locally CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S office. Fort Des Moines. Ia.. May 1. .kit. Sealed proposals In triplicate will be re ceived hre until 11 a. m.. standard lime Friday. May 31. l. for furnishing and In stalling certain machinery In the bake houee at Fort Lies Molues. Ia. Information fur nished on application. United State re serves th right to aeoept or reject any or atl propistla. or (arts thereof. Envelope, Containing proposals should be endorsed, "Proposals for Bake House Machinery, and addressed W. E- Cole, quartermaster major. " M. 1-2-1-4 2S-2. PROPOSAI FOR STATIONERY. DEPOT Quartermaster s iiflice, Omaha. Nebraska, May 27. I'.tC Seale r roposala in duplicate will I received hire unttl 10 a. m., June 26. litMT. and then openod, for furnishing sta tionery. U. 8. reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or ..arts tlicre..f. Copies of proposals furnished on application to Major THOMAS SWOBE. Quat t rn. aster. a!js 2SJel-3-24-2EM SEALED PKOPOSALS WILL BE R re ceived st office cf treaijrer Battle Moun tain Sanitarium. N. H. D. V. 8.. H"t Springs, Fouth Dakota, until 12 o'clock nv June 6. 1i7. and then opened, for fu Mull ing and delivery of suhhitience supplies. In accordance with It str.e tl ns and cpeolfl. i tions. cople of whi. h. with blank pro posals, with otber lnfrrmatlon. may be had ui.n application to W. A, Tucker, treas urer. M17-23-29. a . 11 . s St. . Ki . 4 . 44 . 44.. At 10 , .!" 13 :a 1:4 rt tit f-h kv S 171, I a;:., i ' ' I as 4 ts 4 at I at t So Tt . II. . At. .. H .. :.t ...147 . ;.s .. tM .. ru .. 704 ...IU h Pr it t n 1 : 4 si 1 4u 1 r , ... 41!S 44 III, ... 4., . t : a IN ill "fTTTTtwTrTJT?TawaTT firrWiTt i ttir Taint firaiiiTiitTtir a.i'stiisii attlaaT. In alirt it.-ir leaataittlttasx IH! UPDIKE GRAIN COMPANY Room 100 Hee Bulldlnj. Tel Douglas 2473 Members of All Principal Grain Exchanges Your Business Solicited