V THE OMAIIA DAILY DEEj TUESDAY, MAY 1907. I ! 1 i CRAW AND PRODUCE MARKET Ipenioe ii Initio and Ibsrs ii General Eiih to Enj. SEVERE LEATHER OFFSETS ALL ELSE Hirta of Saaw and Told In lha Wfit an4 HoMhere.t Hold rrlcaa of All Grain Firm OMAHA. May .?7, 1907- There waa a Vfrr exciting opening and the market showed strong, with a general rustle to buy by all classes. Severe weather condition offset all other Influence. Re port of anow and severe cold weather from the went and northwest held price firm. Wheat opened lilarri. notwithstanding low rabies, the eold weather holding agatnat all other Influence. Export business waa (rood, price being hUher thart they have been for iom time, there being more ImisI nrss than exporter cared to tell about. l'rl-ea weakened aome later owing to weak cable. July option opened at eWc bid and doeed t 94e bid. Corn opened strong and held Arm In ym pathy with wheat, the cold weather being very Injurious to growing crop. July opened and closed Sue Md. Oat opened active and strong- with gen eral buying by commission house. Price held good owing to nnseaaonable weather and firm wheat. Jtilv oat opened at 42Ho bid and closed at 46ic bid. Primary wheat receipts were 675,000 bush els and shipment lHl.onO bushels, against receipts last year of 4441.000 bushel and shipment of S7H.000 bushels. Corn receipt were 1,027,000 bushels and shipment of 4i,non bushel, against receipts last year of LOW. 000 bushels and shipment of 4i0.00u bushels. Clearance -wars 209.S36 bushel of corn and 12.MS bushel of oats, and wheat and flour equal 'to 46,051 buahela. Liverpool closed Ho to 4d lower on wheat and H1 to Hd lower on corn. Tba world'a shipment for the week were J1.1S4.0O0 bushels, against 11,112.4100 bushels laat year. Corn shipment ware 1,786,000 bushel, against I.ROI.OOO bushel last year. The world' visible supply of wheat shows a decrease of 196.000 bushels: corn, decrease, l,4"6,0ro bushels and oats, In crease. 142.0iO bushels. ' Local rang of options: ' Articles, Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.8atdy, Wheat May. July. Spt. Corn May. July... flnpt... Oats May... July... eepi... WB IKUtB MHB 83HR (mR M B HB 4 B B44Bl M B MWB 96 B 94 'U BOHAI 0B SOA 6e,B KHA 60 R 6H,B 60 B 60 B 60 B Vfiik A 4! A 4D'4A 4914A 60 B tok 4SSB 4W4A '45HB 4514A 4SR 4f.V4H 4frSB 4B 4HA SUVA 8HA S8A SftA A Asked. B Bid. Omaha Cash Price. WHBAT-No. a hard, KVfTMHc; No. hard, 87fr98c; No. t hard, 8087c; No. 8 spring;, 80 tf4o. CORN No. 8, 4SW49C! No. 4, 747Hc; No. I yellow, 4&Q49c; No. 8 white, t&Wii 50Hc OATS No. 8 mixed. 43WM34ci No. 8 white. 44',c; No. 4 white, 43V.44c. RTE No. , 7So; No. a, .73c. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Com. Oats. Chicago SI 241 166 Minneapolis O ... ... Omaha 13- 67 - IS Duluth 61. I.J A 'ft , CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS LA Features of tbe Tradlaa; and CloaLaaj tBF a' " Prices oa Board of Triad. V CHICAGO, May 27. Severe frosts In the west .and southwest sent prices up to a new Jilgh-record mark for the crop here today, ' the July delivery touching $1.031 Septem ber, li.044 and December, $1.0W4. The ad vance, 'however, was not retained, heavy realising sale causing a sharp reaction. At the elost July showed a net gain of W$ 4u. aver Saturday's close. September was uu WAa and December Ji&So. July corn closed HO higher and July oats 'all4c higher, Provision closed 6c higher to 120 iwtr. i TLl onenlna In whaat waa wildly excited. filth traava showing a rang in price from . m.'U nao w wwkc wiiunuj r lUiuri'f. The new high marks were eetab A llHl.e at the opening. Tba dominating jractoT .was the unseasonably oold weather ( -that prevtlls over the greater part of the 1 wheatvgrowu'-g territory . of thl oountry MjciClllIng froata were reported In Kanaaa and VV Nebraska and light frosts In Iowa, Missouri and II If not. Commission house deluged the market with buying orders when trad ing began, and thla demand waa materially augmented. by heavy purchase by shorts. The sharp advance tempted Uboral profit- staking and ander thl price gradually worked downward. Seller were encouraged bv the mure favorable news regarding Euro- V ptan crop conditions. The prolonged drouth ft I n Rnunianla and parts of Russia waa ra- W ' ported broken, and all European market r showed the effect of this news In lower price. This waa loat sight of In the open ing flurry here, but .after that was over the Kwropaan crop news was gtrao mora attention. Trading deoreased In volume, but the market remained nervous all day. . I Ate in the session continued profit -taking wenkaned the market and the close was easy, July opened WttZVtc higher at tLOHj? 103. advanced to fL0&4 and declined to I1.0UH- Th close waa at SUfl.. Brp tember opened a shade to V0Ho higher at tLOafrl 04W sold within that range and closed' at ILuSH. December opened l'aWHc to' 4i!i higher at fi.XmCUtk, sold off to . tl CttV and closed at U.JM. Clearance of wheat and flour were equal to 4t&,10n hu. The amount on paasage decreased 1,74.000 bu. The "visible supply decreased UK.0UO bu Primary receipts were ff7i,0no bu., compared ' with 440,000 bu. the aame day a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 421 can, against GS last week and. Swi a year ago. Corn waa strong early becanae of the cold ' Weather In the weat. Continued excellent up ring demand also figured in the early buUlshnesa. Th market later lost nearly all of the advance on heavy liquidation. A decline of hud at liverpool waa also a bear- .lah Influenoe. The close waa easy. July opened HV"6 higher at 6Hc sold to Wo and ducllned to bc, where It closed. Ixx al receipts were 841 cars, lL of contract grade. The oats market waa also bulllshly af . tected by the cold weather, opening quota tions showing sharp advances. Active sell ing of September by a leading long late caused -reaotlou In all option. Small re ceipt were an early bullish inflnanra. July opened Wc to lViig-le higher at 4Hi 49c, sold off to 4c and closed at 4tC Local Velpt' were 156 cars. Provlalona were dull and weak most of the ftrHslon, a 10c decline tn hogs, due to Uheral receipts, being the chief factor. A fair Investment for lard snd r'hs later caused some reaction la those product At the close July pork waa off liSc at lti 4-H. July lard was up 6c at 07. July ribs were a shade higher at aA.A0. Estimated receipts for tomorrorw Wheat, 14 ears;' earn, 474 cars; oats, 806 cars; hogs, aosi head. . "Trt leading futures ranged as follows: ea. Open. High. I tow. ClosaJ Bury. I 'Wheat I I Sept loawTl W Corn- 1 i My 165 CH! H . July 64 IK 6V I My" i4&4l 4 " July Iviq-ax . Hept. i3SJSI 1st aVt V r lire ! W52Vi 4 X fOMlOlH; 1 08 10) la ,64! 6K J 01 V, ocs'x 00" J 01'4 1 OJ 1 OJHff 1 IK! US 6Ri - 6J.MHQ l47H'?l, 8H H 16 Kn, 16 40 1 4SH H M - I U U 6iV4 16 66 111 70 i 10 8 TV, OT14 26 t U) EiW 16 IM 8 76 8 80 8 1 1 8 tiu 8 m 1 mi R00 Ko. I. Cash quotation were ss follows: I'lpVJl'rb Firm; winter patent. 4.3U; winter strimdila, 63 75f3j, spring pal- cuia. n.ri.w, (rui: siraignts, 1 4a. WHKAT K 8 spring, lwri.; n0. spririg. !s"fil-G6; No. 8 red. wuj'$uo.i-. COftJf-No. X, 65.i; No. 8 yellow. 66 OATfaV-No. s. 4He;- No. 8 white,. tec: No. 8 White, V.MC- KITEV-No. t, &ia BA RLEI-Fair to choice malting! 7M7So BKfajei No. I flax. 812- No. I north-e-eeUirn, 81 t7. Prime timothy, 84.(5. Clover oontract graile. $14 3 PROVISION' fcuort rlba, aides (loosol 88 Si'SCS.76. Mesa pnrk, pr blj, lt) 160. . lrd. per h lb., 8 T Short tlear Sides (bnredh, t.lyaJ7Vt. Fullewing were il.e rwoalpts and shln nutata of flour and grain: jteoeipt. snipnienta Klnur. bi. N9lieMt hu . inn ... .... 6' u a i7.m 14 711 life, Cats, bl. UU 1000 Rye. but 2.ni lono barley, bu H400 2.804 On the Produce exchange, today the but ter market waa atea.ly; creamrles, 1S0C3c; dairies. WiTZlc. gs. stna.ly; at mark, esses Included, 14V; first He; prime tlrta, l&c. Chseae, steady, U14Hc. NEW .YORK OSSERAL MARKET Qaotatlea of the Day oa Varlooa Commodities. NRW TORK. May IT. FIOT.'R Receipts, .I4'j bbls.; exports. 18.4TO bhls ; market firmly held, but quiet. Minnesota bnkera, 8.1 .','fiA ; winter patents. KXr.6'S.0O; winter straights, 840u&'4.4o; winter extras, 8 4tf; winter low grades. t iifl.30. Rye flour, firm: fair to anod. IIMtn: choice la fancy, 64 fi6.00. ivn.mivAi.-rirm; fine white and yel Jow1.30; coarse, 81.17X18; kiln dried, fa.10 It YE Firmer; No. 8 western. 84c, c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT-Recelpts, 126,in0 bu.; exports, ldO.tVi bu.; spot market firm; No. 2 red, ll.04k, elevator, and 8l.tXVs. f- b- afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, $1 14H. f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, 8l.l0t, f. o. b. afloat. A whirl of excitement attended and opening Jump of lHc a bushel In wheat today, Influenced by killing frosts In Kan sas, but It Soon died out. After a period of dullness at noon the market suddenly turned weak on reports of rain In Kansas, but rallied again, closing lower to o higher. May, 81 (CVil o? 8-10c, closed at 81.0M,; July, ll.06H.til S, closed at 21.07; Beptember, 81.0Sgfl.(M, closed at 81 07V; De cember, ll.OVfrl.OSi'i, closed at 21.08. CORN Receipts, 18.276 bu. ; exports, 6.2a bu.; spot market steady; No. 2, 64c, ele vator, and -Lo. f 0 D "float; No. 8 white, 64c, and No. J yellow, 62Hc, f. o. b. afloat. The option market waa ouiet. but steadier. closing partly ac net higher; May, 64CK44C, closed nt B4'o; July, closed at 62o; Septem ber, closed at fcJc. OATS-Kecelpts, 148,600 bu.; exports. 12,944 bu.: spot market strong; mixed oats. 26 to 32 lbs., 60c; natural white, 80 to 83 lbs., 61ftf2c; clipped White, 86 to 40 lbs., 61SO WHO HAT Steady; good to choice, 81.20fn.26. HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice, 1906 crop, 14816c; 19t crop, 4W36c; Pacific coast, lfsfl crop, 8mic; 1906 crop, 6gSc. HIDE8-juiet; Central American, 28Vc; Bogota. 24Vtc. LEATHER 3ulet; acid, JSiZgc. PROVISIONB-Beef, steady; family, $14 00 14 80; mess, $9.6S10.00; beef hams, $24.0 26.00; packet. $11.0uei6.50; city extra India mess, 222.0Uai23.0O. Cut meats, steady: pickled bellies, lU413c; pickled hams, Yifii Viia. Lard, steady; western prime, 89.10 Uiv; xeuneu, steady; continent, x.. Boutn American, $10.60; compound, $8.379 12w. Pork, barely steady; family, $10.00; short clear, r7.2f-ul8.76; mess. $17.Tf3'ia.00. TALLOW Steady; city ($2 pef pkg.), ic; country (pkgs. free), SHifc. RICi-teady; domestic fair to extra, $H nc; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Firm; street price, extra creamery, 84260; official prices: Cream ery, common to extra, 195':4c; renovated, common to extra, lij22c; western factory, common to firsts, 18ti21c; western imitation creamery, flrste, 21&21V4C. CHEESE Easy; new state, full cream, colored, small, best, 12Hc; same, white, Uc; same, large, colored, beat 12'3'124c: state, white, llVSIlic; state, large and small, fair to good, 101jll4c. EOG8 Steady; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected, white, 19c; choice, 18feUW,c; brown and mixed and extra, 18c; firsts to extra firsts, 174fl7Hc; western firsts, lV'17c; official price, 6iaWhc; seconds, lfiHfilflc; southern, 164fl6c. POULTRY Dressed firm; western broil ers, S3S'35c; turkeys, 10&14c; fowls, lli&16c. j St. I.oaU General Market. ST. LOUIS, May 27. WHEAT Higher; track No. 2 red cash, 21.0001.01; No. hard. 9S4c99c; July, 97Hc; September, 99c CORN Higher; track No. I cash, 84H 84c; July, 32Hc; September, 62c; No. 2 White, 66-ofKr,V,o. OATS-Hlgfier; track. 46H'Sc; July, 44c; September, 8&Hc; No. 2 white, 7Vii FLOUR Steady i red winter patents, $4.60 (4.90; extra fancy and straight, 83.OS4.46; clear. $3.(X"'u8.40. SEED Timothy, steady; 23.00(84.00. CORNMEAlr-FInn; $3.70. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, $1.0M 1.10. . , HAT Strong; timothy, 816.6021.00; prai rie. ro.(fi8.oo. IRON COTTON TIES 21.08. BAOOINO HHC HEMP TWINE 10c. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, $16.40. Lard, higher; prime steam, $8.66 8.H0. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra short, $9.60; clear ribs, $9.60; short clear, $9.87H- Baoon, steady: boxed extra short, ll05HL c!er ",b" 810.87H; short clear. $10.78. POULTRY Firm; chickens, ll12c; springs, 22226c; turkeys, lOo; ducks, 9o; geese. 5ot BUTTER 8teady; creamery, 21 13280. COOS Weak, 18c Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 18,000 6,000 Wheat, bu 10,000 n,0O0 Corn, bu 183,000 64.000 Oats, bu, 88,000 67,000 Kansas City Grata aad Provision. KANSAS CITY, May 27. WH E AT July, 94V40; September, 97io; December, (tSo: cash. No. 2 hard, JTO'Jbo; No. 3, 9J3 96o ; No. 3 red, 98041.00: No. 3, fee. CORN September, 49o; July. 490; De cember, 4c: cash, No. 2 mixed, 614c; No. 8, eiqf.lHc: No. 8 white. 62He; No. 8. 62c. OAl-S-No. 3 white. 48V4c; No, 1 mixed, 47o. RYE Steady; 72ifi75c. HAY Steady; choice timothy, 16.00S!17.00: Choice prairie, $10.6011.00. BUTTER-Creamery, 22c; packing, lBVjc. EGOS 13c '. . . Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu I6,ono 40.000 Corn, bu 176.000 70,000 Oats, bu 18,000 , ,Q0O Range of prices at Kansas City as re ported by Logan & Bryan, No. 2 Board of Trade building: 1 NEW YORE STOCKS AND BONDS Vain?! Cell Off Eereril Feint tn Urceit Liquidation. LITTLE DEMAND FOB SECURITIES Large Blocks of Stock Are Fed Into the Market at Steadily Decllatag Prices, bat There Is No Excltemeat. NEW YORK, May 27.-The combination of ureni liquidation and an almost utter prostration of demand for secuiltle ac counted for the melting away of prices In the stock market today. A striking feature of the day's movement wa the lack of ex citement In the trailing and the abeeiice of feverlshnes In the fluctuation. The ex tent of the decline gave rise to uneasim-ss and apprehension' that damage would re sult, but the mood of the speculation was r? r -ne o lule' looking on to observe iim.i 01 any merged perturbation mani fested In usual The liquidation came from time to time In recurring waves and Mocks of stocks In nudum amounts were red Into the mar ket at steadily declining prices until the ''"'"K oraer were cleared up for a time, when feeble rallies would ensue on short covering by the room bears, who took pro (Us at Intervals. It was said of the mar ket that the demand from the bears to cover shorts constituted about the only buying there waa. But the fall in prices waa not panicky or disorderly and the vol ume of business recorded on the decline Is witness to the execution of buvlnlc orders to meet the selling which was effected. There was no sign of any attempt to aun Port prices, however, and the market was left apparently to drift on the tide of cir cumstances and to find a level at which new forces would develop to set In motion some absorptive power. Here and there special causes might be discerned to account for the most severe declines, but these oper ated mors to aggravate the general tend nI thBn to generate any new Influence. The persistent downward tendency of prices In Itself helps to paralyze the de mand owing to the general doubt how far It may proceed and the desire of buyers to await the most advantageous opportunity It la suspected that the same spirit helps to aggravate th stringency in the capital market as distinguished from the Imme diate rates for money. Future capital is sues promise Indefinite extension and the increased Inducements offered to capital in successive issues whets the appetite to wait for future advantages. Meantime obliga tions already Incurred to subscribe for re cent issues must be met and liquidation of older Issues on a falling market seems to be the only resource. There were recur rent reports also today of necessities grow ing out of the dissolution of a large Stock exchange firm and the attempted transfer of accounts of Its clients, which were forc ing settlements in the open market. The recurrence of cold weather In the wheat belt awakened renewed uneasiness over the final outcome of the year crops. Reports of railroad trafTla officials "reported some extension of the sanio spirit to the general business situation, with a resulting lighter freight movement. The Influences from abroad were unfa vorable. A failure of some Importance was reported In the London stock market and drop In oopper In London was hurtful. The Insistent demand of Paris for gold was successful In securing much of the London supply, but at the highest prices of the metal for the year Discounts also rose In London, but sterling exchange fell at Parts and held steady here. The result was the Inauguration of gold exports from New York by an engagement of $suo,uOO for ship ment to Morocco, with more In prospect for Thursday's steamers. The local money market was unaffected by this development. Short-time sales receding, but loans for the longer periods being In keen demand. The announced Intention of the New York au thorities to proceed for the collection of. franchise taxes made the public utilities' stocks especially weak. These, the smelt ing and copper stocks the Pacifies. Read ing, some of the southern group and sim ilar speculative favorites, are down from 8 to over 6 points on the day. Much wider declines were shown by some of the dor mant stocks. The closing tone was Irregu lar and uncertain, although not at the low est. Bond were weak. Total sales, par value, Jl.&iS.Ou). United States 2a, coupon, advanced H per cent on call. , Ths following are the sales and quota tions on the New York Stock exchange: ala UI.K T 1' u mwwum mMyrwwm ............. St" 2W Amalgamated CSppar... ...... TT.J00 8SV. Am. C. a K Am. C. A r. pfd Am. Cotton OU Am. Cotton oil pta Am. Eipraes .... Asa. H. U pfa Am. 1c eMurltlM. AID. UTUMd oil Am. Umm4 Oil prd.... Am. Locomotive Am. Locomotir ptd.... Am. I. R Am. 8 A R. prd Am. iunr Roftntns Am. Tobueo ptd ctfa... .O0 too 85 St 2H6 a-.H M It O0 ' 4.J00 It r8 "ii" boVt 2.. k9 t) II M 6H 100 10IV4 V! El.EOO 116 V, 11114 112 tuo loo 10414 im l.SOt) 1!1'4 181 12114 1.100 M 1.0D 87 H ) (3V, tluO 65 4. X SI4S iiiiio 21.700 170 . 4.00 I. Iff) 10 t.ono imi i4Si n ai.ouo ize ui Articles. Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. Wheat 1 July 96i7W 914 94 94U Sept WiQ; 7V4 94H 94if?. Corn July 6004 60S, 4960 4(u Sept. Kfttfoi 60S I 49 4,i Liverpool Grata and Provision. LIVERPOOL, May 87.-WHEAT-Spot. firm; No. 3 red western winter, 6s lid: No. 1 California, 6s Id; futures, steady; July. 7s 2d; September, 7s 4d. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new, 4a Hrtfcd; American mixed, old, 6 2d: fu tures, quiet; July, 4s lHd; Beptember, 4s 10id. HOPS At London (Paclfio coaat), quiet, 2 lus8"3 6s. Visible Snpply of Grain. NEW YORK, May W.-Th visible supply of grain Saturday, May 25. as compiled by the New York Produce exchange, was as follows: Wheat, 60.797,000 bu 1 decrease, 196.000 bu. Corn, 6,23,0i bu.; decrease, 1.4O6.U00 bu. Oats, 11.040.000 bu.; Increase. 648.000 bu. Rye, 7U6,U bu. ; decrease, 819.000 bu. Barley, 1,U67,U) bu.; decrease, 25S,0 bu. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, May 87. BUTTER Firm and in good demand; extra western creamery, official price, 24c; street price, 26c. " EGGS Firm and In food demand; west em firsts, free case. 170 at mark. CHEESE Steady and In fair demand; New York full creams, choice to fane new, UfcijKUo. 7 MUwsakM fir mi m Ma-I,.i MILWAUKEE. May 27. WHEAT Mar ket higher; No. 1 northern. 8l.0fcri.ua4 R A RT-FY T wwaf Ki-a . ,aMKl. 79? ' July, 6Jc. asked. Peoria Orala Market." PEORIA. Ma . CORN-Firm- V. 1 yellow, fKr54c; No. 8, 63c; No. 1 61c; no grade. 4X'a50o. OATS btrona: No. 1 white iaujnrr r 3 white. if4hV; No. 4 white. 46iaSWo. 1 r, uimiiava. WHISK Y-oa the basis of $1.31 for fin ished goods. ' Minneapolis nrala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, May rT-ELOl'R First ra'ents, 6o.16.g6.26; seoond patents, $6.0a 15: tirl clear. $3.7fw.o5; second clear. BRAN In bulk, $17.254117.60 WHEAT-fnh, No. 1 hard. $1.C6V4: No 1 northaro, $l.iH; No. 2 northern, -c-j i.00. Daloth Grata Market. DUU'Tlf, May 87 WH EAT No. 1 northern. $1,081; No. 2 northern, $10SH; May. 81IBH; July. $l t3t; September, $1 0BT1 OATS on track and May, 44c Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, May I7.-8BEDS Clover, cash. $35; Octolr, fKeTU; IVcember. $S.(C March, $8.07,. Timothy. $A3L. Alslke, $6.00. Wool Market. ST. LOUTS. Mo.. May 27.-WOOL-Bteady; medium gradta. rumblm and clothing.' Ii4ti"7c; light line. TllijiiVsc. hy I fine. U-tiiCi tub wahed, 8370 j ,8i0 2,000 1.(100 41 40 l,f) ll 111 4'0 6 1 100 71 71 7,100 17H4 lfttH 166 1JV IMI 4.rf) 460 400 i 14 a i.oo imt i i IX. em II . M t.itj, MH ' M'4 63", (00 31 15 14ft 1.101) i3u in ism 1,40 U 1344 ltik l.OOO 1O0 loo It IS 1,000 700 11 11 11 1 !3 82 ..... 75 II - 23 I 67 S f"" it lie it it 47 100 3 au 91 100 liSM, 125 tj in .100 . 734 714 7214 J.sio 1? xii4 8,600 eo4 67 V 64i 1. 1W) lit 00 it Ansoond MlDlnf Co... Aicniaoa ,, Atchison prd AtKotlo Coaat Lin Baltlmor A Ohio Bal. A Ohio ptd Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian pacine Central of Nw JorMy..,. Cheaapaoks A Ohio Chicago ot. W , Chicago U. W C, M. A St. P Chicago T. A T Chicago T. A T. ptd ! C C, C. A St. L Colorado F. A I Colorado A So..., Colo, a go. lrt prd Colo, a Bo. Id ptd Conaolldattd Qaa. ox-dlv., Corn Producta. rtg... Corn ProduoU ptd Delaware tc Hudaon Del., L. A W , Itanrar A Rio Orand D. A R. O. ptd PtatlllenV ttecurltlas Erla Krlo lat ptd Erla 14 r'a Oanaral Electrle ; Illinois Central Intarnattonal Paper ....... Int. Papar pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump ptd..., Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kanaas City fio K. Ci So. prd R&ullvtlie A !..,., Mexican Central Minn. A SI. Loula M , St. P. A S. S. M M . St. P. A S. g. ii. ptd Mlaaourl Pacific M., K. A T M . K. A T. pfd National Load N. R. R. ot M Jifd New York Central N. T.. O. A W Norfolk A W North America ...,..,... Pacific Mall , Pennarlvaula People's Oaa P.. C. C. A St. L Preaaed Steel Car Prenaed I. O. pfd Pullman Palace Car Reading Reading lat pfd Reading Id pM Republlo Steel Republls Steel pfd Rock laland CD Rock laland Co. ' pfd Bt. U ft I. f . H ptd St. Louis W t. L. S. W. pfd to. Pari no Bo. Pacltle pfd So. Rallwar So. Rallwar P'4 Teaneeeee C. A I Teia A Pacific T , It L 4 w T . Bt. U A W. pfd t'nlon Pact fio Vnioa Paolflo pfd It. 8. Bipree V. S Rialtr L'. 8. Rubber U. 8 Rubber pfd V. 8. Steel V. 8. Sleel pfd V a. -Cere. Chemical Va -Caro. Chem. ptd Wabaah Wibeah pfd- Vella-Kargo gxpreaa Weallnghouaa tleclrtc .... Weetera t'nlon Wheeling A U Wlaoonal Central Wu. (leutral ltd Northern Pacine Central Leather Central Leather pfd.. 81oea-SherIeld 8tl Ureet Northern pfd Int. Metropolitan hit- Met. pfd Total ealea for the dJ, 1.116. It aharea. 67 H 03 M W '" 164 67 V, K S3 3 . 16 4HU 1R6 170 83 available In the market here, white Par! advices weakened foreigner. Americans failed to benefit by the good New Tork bank statement. They went below rarity during the forenoon, the announcement of the failure of Hubert Hrunton A 0. a aiatlng It, Later Now Tork opening quota, tlun came weak, the selling became lib eral and the market closed flat at the low est quotation of the day. The early selling today was due to the receipt of private cable from New Tork predicting lower price In that city. Japaneae Imperial 4s of I'm; closed at 1017- rt K.KLIN, May 27. Trading on the Bourse today was stagnant and prices were frac tionally lower. Cattle Hogs , Sheep New Tork Money Market. NEW TORK. May XI. MONKT-On call, easy at mu per cent; ruling rate, i4 per cent; closing bid, Si rer cent; offered, at 1 per cent. Time loan. en"ler; 80 days, 8Vi. per cent; W) days, 8 per cent; montlie, 4!ifi per cent. TIUME MKltCANTILB PAPER 6H per Cent. STERUNtt EXCHANGE Steady, with actual bulne In banker' bills at $4 8S7tv;$ 4.M175 for demand and at 84 fOl.ifi A for fif-dav bllln; noe'ed rates, $4.8t-'d4.87H: commercial bills, HAI. SILVER Bar, 7M,o: Mexican dollars. 6?c. JUNI3 Lrovcrnment, firm; railroad, weak. Cloning quotations on bonds tot"y were as foPows: V. B. Tfl. U, reft....li4X Japan a do coupon 1"4 Japan e. ti aerie. .. V. 8. ref. la. reg....li do 4a ctfa S3 dn coupon 101 do 4Wa ctfa 92 V. 8. old 4i, (.... lliu. do IM Serin ! do coupon 10114 !. A N. nt. 4l IW u. 8. n. 4a. reg in Man. e. g. 4a... do coupon 12S M'i Central 41 Am. Tobacco 4a 7141 edo let Ino.. do 6a 10.". "Minn. A Bt. L. 4a . o At'hlaon gen. 4a 17 M . K. A T. 4.,.... W do adj. 4a 1 Mo ta M Atlantic C. L. :. N. R. R. of M. 4a M Hal. A Ohio 4a !H N. T. C. g. I4 3a do 8Ha n N. J. C. (. 6a. 124 Brk. R. T. e. 4a o No. Paclfio ta. lorn, Central of Oa. 6e..03t do la 7IH do lt Inc MN. A W. e. 4a M do Id Ino 7 O. 8. L. rtg 4a 41 do M Inc 67 Penn ootie me 3 fhf. A Ohio Im 101 4 Reedlna aen. 4a 17 "Chicago ft A. JUa.. 7 St. L. A I. M. c. 6 ., o. or v- n. en ft. u. B F. rg. aa ff i w ,, w ta n t t a. D Am e. . T . . n I May Id do col 6a 114 Seaboard A. I., ea .. 71 U, CCC. A 8. L. g 4a..l0J So. Pacific 4. J- Colo. Ind. 6a. acr. A.. 68 do lat 4a ctfa 4014 May 14. Colo. Mid 4a 67 So. Rallwar 6a ln Colo, ft 80. 4a 94 Tnaa A P. la 116V, Cuba 6a lOIVi T., St. L. A W. 4a 7i II. A R. O. 4a 4S fnlon Pacific 4e ..101 rilntlllera' Sec. 6a.... o tr. g. Bteel Id ( tsv, Krle p. I. 4a.. K Wabaah la 10HV, do gen. 4a h Weatern Md. 4a.... 76 "Hook. vl. 4 ...104ViWla. Central 4a 14 Bid. Offered. Pv4 ... II OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET taeral Cattle Trade 61 aw ind from EUrt to Finiih. HOWS CINTINUE ON THE DOWN GRADE Moderate Ran of Sheep aad Lambs, with Demand Good aed Prloes rally Steady ea Ail Kinds ( Killers. 6.647 6.ef78 6.140 4.042 8,636 8.4 4.714 7.X0. $.304 SOUTH OMAJIA. May 17. 1W7. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Bheen, Official Monday 2.034 6.076 4.1iJ tianie days laat week., $.007 Same day 2 weeks ago.. 6.6!) Same day 8 weeka ago.. 4. SI Bame day 4 weeka ago., 4.41 Same daV last vear aff?4 ine lonowing table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at Houih Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 1B07. lti. Ine. Dec. HS.m Stt.462 76,446 L0N9.t2 l,0.M)a 64.887 75v.70 7U8.226 61,746 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. Oood to eholoe corn-fed steer $5.8006 79 Oood to fair cern-fed steers t.&ui 'lb Common to fair steers 4.0iKo4 80 Oood to choice fed cows 4 2&j4.80 Kalr to good cow and heifers 86tdf4.25 Oood to choice stookers and feeders 4 ZrN.76 Fair to good stockers and feeders.. 8 x54 25 Common to fair stockers 8.0O-UJ.80 Bulls, stags, etc 8 254.76 Val calve 4.003 50 Th following table shews ths average price of hogs at South rrmaha for the last several days, with comparleonet 010,000,000 Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co. First and Refunding Mortgage 4 Per Cent Gold Bonds. Dated April 1, 1904. Due. April 1, 1934. Interest Payable Seml-Annually April 1st and October 1st In New York. Trlnclpal and Interest Payable In U. S. Gold Coin. Redeemable at the option of the Company at 10" and accrued Interest on or prior to April 1st, 1911, on sixty days previous notice. Coupon Bonds of $1,000 each, with prlvlleo of registration. Registered Uonds may be re-exchanped for Coupon Bonds. CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK AND DAVID R. FRANCIS, TRUSTEES. Date. 1807. 18O8.l06.18O4.18O8.imS. 1901. Met, II rtoatnn Stock and Road. BOSTON, May 21 Call loans, per cent; time loans, 614 per cent. Official closing on stocks and bonds: Ati-hleon ad). 4a M Bingham 14 do 4a cat. Hecla IA0 Kn. Central 4a 77 t'enUnnlal 24 At hlnon US Topper Range 7t"4 do. pfd M14 Copper Rang 7V Boatop St Albany K2U It.lf Wert 144 Uoaton & Maine 163 Kranklln Ii4 Uoaton Klevated ....1.1S Uranb)r 1W Kltihburg ptd 12 Iale Rorale 14 Meilian Central 19 Maaa. Mining S N. Y., N. 11. A U...1W Michigan tf Union PaolOo ...13l4 Mohawk i Am. Pneu. Tube Mont. C. A C t'i Ainer. Sugar Ill Old Dominion 4i do pld lit uaceola 115 Am. T. A T 12014 Parrot t Am. Woolen !4 quince ll.S do ptd uH Shannon 174 Edlaon Elec. Illu JOS Tamarack 10 Maaa. Electrio 1714 Triultjr JUi do ptd 67' t'nlted Copper i7 Mac. Uu M V. 8. Mining to t'nlted Knilt 107 V. 8. Oil 10 United 8 H (9 I tan i) do pfd , 1 Vlotorla 7 V. 8. Steel IP, Winona I do pld M1 Wolverine lhi Adventure 2Vk North Butte 82 4 Allouea 4) Butte Coalition 44 Amalgamated &5U Nevada lSVfc Atlantic 11 Cel. Arlioua Ui Asked. May It. May 80... May 81... May 22... May a.. May 24... May 26.., May 86.., May 27... 36 I (. 6 80L 4 08 6 421 8014I I 811 ft 7 87 S 24 8 18'V S SH 84HI 6 224 8 24 04 6 W S 16 I 201 6 2H 6 Ml 6 80 6 28 88 6,86 6 6 2JI 6 191 I 2 6 221 6 IT I 82 6 1 6 871 6 U I 6 17 t 84 8 80I 4 61 4 63 4 62 6 201 4 47 4 4 4 41 4 tr. 4 86 4 84 4 so: 4 47 34! 6 86 6 32 I 87 6 26 7 08 7 13 1 11 7 07 7 18 7 48 7 11 7 07 6 ll 7 0: 4 191 7 08 7 06 6 04 IN IM I 77 6 87 6 68 :a I 68 5 78 6 74 13 6 64 6 62 6 67 6 62 e 6 60 Sunday. RANQH OF PRICES. London Closing; Stocks. LONDON, May 21. Closing Quotations on stocks were as follows: Consols, money .. 64 7-14 N. Y. Central. do account M ' Norfolk W.. Anaconda ti do pfd Auhiaon fc Ontario A W do pfd Pennavlvanla Baltimore Ohio.... 9 Rand Mine Canadian Pacific 17HV Heading Chfeapeake & Ohio... J414 Southern Rallwar Chicago Ot. W iota do pfd C, M. & Bt. P 10 Southern PaclSo .. He Been ziht Union Paocflo li. It K. O U io pfd d pfd 71 C. 8. Steel .. 21 do pfd .. 53 e Webaeh .., ... It do pfd .,141 - gpanlsh 4 r ..U4H Grand Trunk ...... .. 2W . 8ILVKR Bar, firm, 81d per ounce.. MONEV-Vi per cent. ' The rate of discount In the 'orjen market for short bills Is 3 9-16(i3H per cent; for three months, bills, 8 9-16uSH per cent. New York Mining; Stock. NEW YORK. May 87.-Closlng auotatlons on mining stocks were: Adam Con 10 Little Chief ., Alice 800 Ontario Breece 20 Ophlr Brunswick Con. ..... S9 Potoat Comitock Tunnel .... 16 Savaga Con. ( al. & va 7 Slrrra Nevada Horn silver 160 small HoDna . Iron Sliver 1141) Ulandanl Leadvllle Con IVk Offered. Erie do lit pfd do id pfd llllnoia Central Loulavllle & N. at., K. oa T.... ...11SS, ... li ... M ... svt ... 4144 ... i ... i ... n ...ir,H ... n ... 11 ...100 ... 13 ... S4 Cattle 82.606.75 i4Ofi.00 1.80rj6.76 1 WKj.26. 8.6u6.o0 Omaha , Kannas City Chicago ..... Pt. Loul .... Sioux City . The official number of cars of stock brought lu today by each road was: cattle, nogs. Bneep. urn. nogs. 85.8fK(.00 6.26i6.12 6.7(K(rt.20 6.70r.30 6.9uu6.H CM Bt. P. Ry.. union acme system.. .26 C. oY N. W., east 8 C. A N. W , west 21 C, Bt. ., M. 6t 0 4 C, B. Q., west 26 C, R. I. & P., east.. . C, R. I. & P., west.... 1 Illinois Central 8 Chicago Oreat West... . 4 17 a 24 8 18 1 1 t 1 est 10 Total receipts 86 74 18 The disposition of the dsv's recelnts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber ot head indicated: Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co... 8wlft and Company ., Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour & Co Swift, from country ,. Lobman & Co'. W. I. Stephen Hill & Son .. F. P. Ijewls L. Wolf J. H. Bulla , Mike Haggerty J. B. Root & Co.,..., S. & S T. B. Inghram Sullivan Bros Other buyers Total 116 9T.8 4iS 148 72 63 22 60 IS ...81 62 8 13 911 1,43 1.109 1.661 4"2 1 07 1.87 7f. 341 ... 4 ...IM ...140 ... u ... u ... 64 ... W ...lai 174 il 124 6 16 tl tfi4 6K 414 lli'i IF. Treaaary Statement. WASHINGTON. May f7. Today's state ment of the treasury balancen In the rn- erai fund, exclusive of th 8160,000,000 gold reserve, hows: Available cash balance, 854. 610,6:; gold coin and bullion, $94,lO6,0t4; gold certificate, 845,8X7,400. Bank Clearings. OMAHA, May 27. Bank clearings for to day, $l,9e&,77f.38 and for the corresponding dale last year 81,801.308.66. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, May 27,-COTTON-8not, quiet; middling uplands, 12.35oi middling gulf, U.tiOc; sales, 1,000 bales. New York cotton quotations furnished by Logan & Bryan, 2 Board ot Trade building: I Open. I High. I Low. Close. July... 80.11 I 80.1115 80.11 80.1103 SIit 80.1112 8i. 1122 30.1108 ao.nclj Dec 0.n46 80.Uu3 60.1137 80.1138 1 62 H tl led 14 Hi 71 6 . 17 4" l'14 Kiy . Ui" 93 II . 1.VU0 74 734 full Si' 4 Wi loe !2V 224 . 41.40O 111', US', HSK . Lino 00 h M4 2V in 47 65 . I.KO to 104 804 as vo iei4 ii4 iu .H0 1.114 M4 e 76 7S 134 284 (34 834 l4 14 4i 41 Is 4 194 ID II 6ft M) 11 74 60 II0 l.J0 10 no H) 14 M4 1 48 K4 1 14 80 1 li0 11 "4 lut. .en 14 17 11 J ce IS 100 R4 26 i' 24 214 6") 6! 61I 141. tuO 13e4 132 100 4u0 KX M.0 11.700 100 2'a) 104 l.l'l IS 14 U e4 324 7 144 100 141 x II 0 10 "4 15 4 81 r4 1 11 81 iii" i lu li IT S7 ll.l'O 1?14 120 11 tl 0l u it 0 64 61 l.. l.t l-l 1 4"! It 4 111 l.J'O 43 M4 e 1:14 116 26 17 4 1334 1 1 14 1; ti 4 i 4 U 1C1 1 tl lJ 141 "4 II . l4 l'i ti 4 Foreign Financial. LONDON. May 87. The rates for money In the market today had a harilenlnn tend ency and the demand was tncrtuil niviner i to settlement and month end requirements, j SAVANNAH, Msy 27 OIL Turpentine IrtsCQunts were dearer In viiiutny w in Arm at tine. ST, IXDUIS, May 27. COTTON Steady ; middling. 124c; aales. 7 bales; reoeipt. 119 bale; shipments, 400 bales; stock, 8J.110 bales. OALVfTON, Tex.. May 27. COTTON Steady, 124c NBW OltLEANS. May 27.-COTTON Spot market closed steady; sales, 1.6H1 bales; low ordinary, 7 6-loc, nominal; ordi nary, 8 6-16c, nominal; good ordinary, 8 6-10c; low middling, 10 13-lec; middling, l-"e; good middling, lllc; middling fair, 14c, nominal; fair, HSc. nominal; receipts, 1,710 bales; stock, 114,67 bales. UV'tRPlJOL, May 27. COTTON Spot, dull; prices 8 points higher; American fair middling, 8.21d; good middling, 7.7d; mid dling, 7.13d; low middling, ti.iikl; good or dinary. 6.13d; ordinary, 6.76d. The aalea of the day wre 6,ou0 bales, of which 811U wer fur speculation and export, and included 4. JO American. Receipts sin.ee last report, 16,Oi.O bales, Including 8,300 American. Metal Market. NEW YORK, May 87. METALS There was a very sharp decline In the London market for tin, wKh spot closing at 1x0, or 3 10s below last quotations, while fu tures were 2 6s lower at 184 ISs. locally the market was weak,, with sik.1 quoted at 84.1.0iu42.a0. ' Copper also had a very sharp ' break In the London market, with spot 1 6s lower at 100, . and futures showing the same loss at H8. Locally the market was dull and nominally lower, with Lake quoted at 324.00arJ6.00; electrolytic at 8J3.2o424.u0. and casting at 1-2 .2Mf.J2.75. Lead was unchanged at 86.00 606 In the local market, but was lower at 19 17s 6d In London. Bpelter was 2s 64 lower at X 7s 6d in London and at 314 6.46 locally. Iron was lower in the Bngllah. market. The local market waa unchanged; No. 1 foundry northern waa quoted at J5.60 w.-o.io; mo. z rounciry northern at 326 00 grze.zs; rno. 1 Toundry eouthern t 24 60; No. 8 foundry southern 6 26.00. ST. LOUIS, May 27. METALS Lead. 35.t)2; (pelter, steady, S4.80. Oils and Rosin. NEW YORK. May z7.-OIL3-Cottoneed. trong; prime crude, f. o. b., mill, nominal; yellow, 6"c, nominal. Petroleum, teady; refined New York. t.K; bulk, 34.70. Turpen tine. Heady at 634i3c. RJl.N ilrrn; strained, common to good, OIL CITY, Msy 27.-OIL-Credlt balances, 8I.1 S; run. 2,451 bbl.; average. 151. 440 bbl.; lilpment. bbla. ; average, 181,. 171 10 1.823 6.415 4,102" CA'II'LE Receipts of cattle were the lightest for a Monday that they have been since February 11. The arrivals consisted principally of fat ateers, with very little she stuff and very few feeders. The market on beef steers was In rather peculiar condition, and as such not overly satisfactory. The light receipts would natu rally tend toward a stronger market. But, on the other hand, with excessively heavy receipts at Chicago, packers were not dis posed to admit of any advance on account of light receipts at this point. Still thy ploked up a few loads at prices that looked steady to strong, while, on the other i.n.id, there were salesmen who thought that they were not bid even steady prices. In other words, the market was slow and uneven sales ranging anywhere from eaater to a little stronger, making the average market not very much different in respect to priest from the close of laat week. There were only seven or eight loads of c.o and heifers Included In today's re ceipts. Packers stood by their announce ment last week and were refusing to buy any she stuff except subject to government Inspection. Sellers refused to trade on this bssls, with the result that there was a deadlock In the cow market so far as com- j mission men and packers toere concerned. On the other hand, there were a few outside buyers representing country packing houses who were looking for cow stuff. Specula tors were also operating to a limited extent by buying cow stuff straight on Its merits I and reselling to ine pacxers on packers terms, that is, subject to post mortem in spection. Everyone was acting cautiously and conservatively owing to the uncertainty of the situation, with the result that the trade was extremely dull and prices gen erallr'lower, Just how much lower It would be difficult to say. lTntll the dispute Is set tled It would he well for the country to hold back everything In the way of she stock. There were no stockers or feeders of sny consequence In the yards, but what few there were commanded about steady prices. Representative eales: BEET BIEKKB, Av. Pr. .No. . ... Ml 4 76 14 ... 141 4 40 il ... 731 4 10 II ... Ill IU M ... Ill) 4 19 18. ... mi 4 Ml M ...lf27 4 10 14 ... Ml 4 SS M ...114 4 U M ... MS 4H il ...li0 4 10 H ... M) 4 10 40 ... ai 4 K S" .... ...1011 4 10 21 ... i 4 10 J7 .,. H t W V ...1071 I 00 M . . 100 1 .;. M 8 no 10 ...1071 6 19 11 ...t(H.1 t 10 ' 8...., ...1171 I M 1 . . cow a ... 11 171 4 ... r 1 is 1 ... m its 1 ....into 110 1 ...mil U 8 ...1040 4 00 HEIFT1R3. ... T40 t M I ...340 I on It ... 17ft t 60 I ... tv 4 00 1 ... 616 4 00 BTJTXI. ...1410 1 n 3 ...1140 M 1 1 1170 t U 1 f 7ea 4 w 0 I The bonds are a direct obligation of The Chicago. Rock Islnnrl & Tsclflo Railway Company, which was formed In the jenr 18 SO, from which time It b,as uninterruptedly paid dividends on Its capital stock, and since 1899 at not loss than 5 per cent per annum. The First and Refunding- Mori gnu 4 ohl llond re srH-tit-Ptl by a first lien (either directly or through pledgo of the entire Issue of First Mort gage Donds) on terminal properties In St. Paul, Minneapolis and St. Louis, new equipment and shops at Moline. 111., and on railway line attjrivKatlng 1.148 miles, inriiidlnic the line from St. LouN l Kansna City, and ar also secured by a lien (subject to existing mortgage, on all the lines of the Railway Company aKKroKMtliig 5.0R0 miles, exclusive ot leased lines and trackage. The total amount of Bonds Is limited under the mortgage to J163.000.000, Ti n nTn nnhPre h8Ve ben l8BUed 66'851-000 Honds, including the above The proceeds of the sale of the above fl0,O(K).00O bonds will bo applied by the company to pay $7,500,000 Notes maturing July 1 next, and the bal ance for betterments and Improvements. The total net receipt for the year ended June 30, 1006. of the Chi. cago, Rock Island & I'aclflc Railway Company, as officially reported, WT, 1517,180,630 and the taxes, Interest on bonds, rentals and Improvement on leased lines $10,400,805 leaving a surplus of , $0,7HA 831 For the ten months ended April 80, 1007, The Chicago, liter Island A raclfic Railway Company report the following earnings, as compared wlU the same period during the year 1000: 1007 1000 Increase 7,717.22 7,203.34 011.88" .$4,7ft,414 $13,133,730 $0,623,703 1 33,243,313 2,28,0H7 8,070,026 Average Miles Operated Gross Earnings Operating Expenses Net $10,314,131 $13,807.0312 '2fllT 070 ..JVe."n1.tl'T Mond for puh,' SMl'wIption at 87 nd accrued In terest, at which price they yield a net Income of about 4 'per annum. THE SrilSCIUITIOX WILL IlK OPEN!:!! AT THK OFFICES OF T1IH UNDERSIGNED AT 10:00 A. M. ON MAV 31, 1007, AND WILL RE CLOSED AT 8.00 I. M. OR EARLIER. ON THE SAME DAV, THE RIGHT HEINO RESERVED TO REJECT ANY APPLICATION, AND TO AWARD A SMALLER AMOUNT THAN APPLIED I OR. SL'RSCRIPTIONS WILL ALSO HE RECEIVED: in ROSTON by Messrs. N. . Harris & CO., in CHICAGO by the Harris Trust & Savings Rank, in PHILADELPHIA by Messrs. Henry & West. Junf8yrd,ei907r Bnd8 alIUed ,s t0 made ,n New York fund" 9- ov Vorir TBnd 'l118'8811 are already listed on the Stock Exchanges of New md J?u ?1l ATterdrVn' Frankfort, and Berlin, and application will be made to list the above Bonds on the aame Exchanges " NJlWkfiutt IO,tal lnve8mt,nt u" Trustees and Savings Ranks in inJZJ State and are accepted by the Secretary of the Treasury at Wash 'ngton. as soenrity against deposit, of Custom Receipts In National Ranks r0wP,e".Kf th.8 OTte&e 8ecilr"1K the above Bonds and copies of a ,ottr la Island A8 p Tfl t n B-- Wlnche. Es1" President of The Ch cago RocS talaeS ft our V CmPany' MtM l underBl. i bfS New York, May 27, 1907. , SPEYER i CO. . ' ' 245-26 Pine Street1 E UPDIKE GRAIN COMPANY r. Room 100 Bee Building. Tel. Donglas 2473 Members of AH Principal Grain Exchanges Your Business Solicited 17... 1... M... II... 44... M... C4... U... II so... 7... No. I It II H II II ft St II ti tl...'.. II II 8S M B. .... II 41 t I I t 1 I , 14 I 1. ...... . 11 1:::::: At. Pr. ....lftIB I 10 ....1111 I to 101 l in 107! t In ... ..!?! I tn ....in b m .....1240 I IS ....1149 ( M ...1247 15 ....115 I M ...1141 I IS ....1231 116 ....1411 i 41) ...1191 8 4 ....IWt I 40 ....IMS 46 ....H!7 B 46 1!'S 6 46 ....1174 6 60 ....14J I M ....120 B 60 ...,1081 B M ,....Vi 4 00 ....im x ....1170 4 IS .... IM) 4 Jf, ....1001 4 44 . no 4 n . 7o 4 a . 7TI 4 e .lleO 4 tO 1 1770 11 1 1 1M0 4 ..im 4 m ..into i ..110 4 K ..1740 4 40 ..1.160 4 4B CAT. VIES. ..., IN BH0 1 14 I TB . BTOCKRR8 AKT) rKEDBHU. 1 440 I on i 617 4 I n I 10 4 617 4 16 41 174 IS t 166 4 9 64 I Tl II 471 4 10 I 410 I M Ill 4 4 . , 474 4 00 1 174 4 60 II M ICO I 0 4 M II Ml 4 04 t 1S40 4 W 6 4 4 16 M IM 4 76 4 170 4 IB ..8M ... B 74 130 M ,s .Mt 40 4 90 . 74 tit no 16 ..!4I 10 B 90 K4 821 80 6 (16 . 240 10 B 14 N 17 40 6 M f ' 241 It U ..! ... t M 7 2 ... B 16 40 J th) 81 4o ... . M ..J64 DIM i, ... e w ,.l4 M I to U tit ... I 16 IS ! M ' K M no 60 t M . 7 22 ... a, m?JiPEKPTne tr!Lde ,n aheeP "d lamb rnight be summed up a a ijoo.l, .teajy actv market. The rwelpti ware faff considering the latene. of ths saiJon, but everything- In lght changed hand verv lom w.uf ?h.d WO' '""'bs s'lrTi? jo i..bij with the general run of ahnrn otm"." Goo, welhers sow 1.S kit. I. Ji'w1!" a very "'"factory mar. iT.k. vle,wed from a spller' standpoint Light receipt are anticipated for tha r malnder of th wer-lc. r wu".iiVna on horn tock: si ir.r ' t to good lamb -' 5,? fto Vn,.,,c llKht yearling, k f iS; good to choice heavy yparllncis Ik 53 io yearllnl.wii'iooll i.iuaa.wj: cuiie. burka and tBga, $3.HVa4.a nrymenuuve salt: No. 8 western wether ... . SW western wether "' 61 western lamb, culls... an) western wethers lta western lambs .... ' ' 05 western lambs "" 460 western lambs .... m western lambs, wooled!. T.i western lambs, wooled Av. . lift . Ill . hi . VJ . 64 . 67 : B . 6 Pr. 6 SO 6 ao 6 10 30 7 35 7 35 7 60 8 60 I 60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK IHAHKICT Cattla. and Hogs Steady to Lower Sheep Stronar to Hlaher. .S?1.rCVrl0lwMa'r 7 BATTLE Receipts bout 25( head; market steady to l" lower. Medium to good steers, 14 5o So Kof'50' COW' VB-"0: calve.! atia,? V'l1"1 "bi!ut 6U Oj0 he""s market lff h. ANDu .L-AMBS-Recelpts .bout I head- market lrong to 1-V hlVhar sraWrite for MyFreeBookrs S Entitled Grain Speculation uot a Fine Art Bead njjr bonk .nd raefl lean, for roure.tth. aetural. eens.hl. ., ot deallnsla V&eVtT corn oa and prorUlona. It will teU ,nr th. t hluas" Board .t I re.le. H'nle total, tor thl, S ,l,rli, oa eif' Bent proiuDtlr-FKltK-I Vm, th, poMa. to IOBOB Ur Uok. 11 will iDlOTMl ,Zu7 E. W. WAGNER. H Boar. f Trade Bid., CUugm ai ao.uu j HOG61 Hoa o!l 10c lower, or yery clo to lOo lower today. The trad rrss very slow and dull throughout the aea-lon. It was 10 o'cloik-before anything of conse quence was dona and considerably later than that before anything like a clearance waa effected. Hoga sold largply at t6 6 to, with a top at M.00. It will he remem bered that on Saturday the bulk of the hogs brought ?.. with a top at $11". The market closed at the low point, that The extreme close waa still worse, the I market winding up flat with sis or seven loao unvoia on wnicn ouyen were Dialing ionise lower and not trying to buy them. Representative sale: t. Louis Lira Stork Market. lETy'1?- ,MBy "-ATTLK-Recelrts I.6t head, including l.OfO Texans; market rfrni5vn,iIV hl-Ping and exp'rt Weers 4.W(i64o, steers under 1 ono lbs., tr,r?H7fl:- FftaV?Sft,i.ann"" K-fi76: bulls, I.4i4 7fi; caK'f Ho..io: Texus and mi tVfn"' i6l-n: a"d heifer., HOGS Receipts. i ftfrt 1 a . , . is -v T ,",u R.7!S'.i.S0: packer. S7trfn,.20; butcher and lrst heavy. p.y, yearling. 6.36(&7.10; western fed sheep, lift. hi; Blocker and feeders, U.bfiib 'Ji. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSKfH, May 27-?A,r-rLB3Reoelpt9. 2,46 head; market steady; natives, 4Lili t.w; cows and heifers, l2.Xi6.UU; stockers and feeders, 13.26(-1. 76. HOGd KocKil.le. f.7Jt head: marlr-r tujm 10c lower; top, tu.UVii bulk of sales, VM1 U.vo. SHEEP AND IAMPS Receipt 293 head: market steady; wuolnd lambs, $a.?0; clipped Ik l nbs, tl.ityi1. M); clipped yearlings, tb.lbty 6.60; clipped wethuis, trj.tVOfuti.uU; cllrpa ewca, ti.iMut.ib. . .. Sloax City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia., May CT.-Spedal Tele gram.; CATTLE Receipts. 1,000 head. Market strong; stockers 10c higher;1 beeves, B4.6vn(,.. cow, bull and mixed; t3.6uj 4.73; stockers and feeders, $4.0-4. au; calvtal and yearllnga, U.6au4 60. HOtibi Receipt. t,U head. Market tVJ 10c lower, selling at H.WuQ.w, bulk of salsa. u.So.V,. : Stock la Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western market yesterday: cattle, llog. Sheep. South Omaha Bloux City ... Kansas City . St. Joseph ... fit. Louis Chicago Totala Z.'KM .... l.Orl) .... s.OijO .... 2.24D 2,f ....26.000 6.075 2.600 12,im) 6.728 4.IXI 60,0 JO 4.104J 6,0"0 1.6ol I.OuO ..IW.7S0 79,308 H.KrJ t'offe Market "" '- NEW YORK, May 27. COFFFB Mar ket fiir roffra future opened steady at unohanged prices to a decline of 10 points, which was considered rather better than due on the weak European cables and continued full receipts. Offerings .wera light at the decline and the market was sieady during th. ftilddle session on scat- th money market. On the stock f-irlmii the business transacted oonslted clilidy In tha arrangement of the carry-over. The ton was somewhat unsettled, owing to the failure of Hubert Brunuin & Co., Johb rs hi copper shares and chiefly Interested in Rio Tlnto, though Americana were also si'gniiy involved. t.-0imls drooped on Talis K"II--lrm; quotations: A. B, C. 14 SO; I. 14 lt; K. $4 .Wfl4.76; F. 4.4 S6; O. )4 0 H. S uO; I. $6 26; K, fif; M. 6 bu; N. $6.70 5.76; V Q. 6.t; W W, i.u ICIuIb Butter Market. KLOIN. I1L, May IT. BITT RRf Firm securlnc the bulk t-f the IJ.uw.om, In gold tvw p0u ' Ka. At. So, Pr. ett Ml ) 6 1T 17 iii so 4 so II I-I ten I 16 M Ml H III ' .,..,... 40 B H 44 14 ... 6 hi 41 117 ... ' t li I 140 6 II fee 1W lb 4.' A.J.I isu I m ... 6i;v 4 tu ... (lit, to Il 110 B 10 11 e4 lew 4 ku '4 Xil ... 6 Si H.......'.eM'. IN 46 Ml l I H No. A. ib. Fr. 4 IM ... B 10 74 I A 40 B V 44 in t"o i r.4 71 UI e B 61 t 40 I 12 't 7 14 M B ti 71 Ill ... B JV 14 2M 49 74 IM 40 B 14 71 K4 40 I T4. ...... .-. ... B rz 4 IM .... tt 74 !1 in B l?v, 71 tf l 40 B rt ta ... w 4 tat ... B u tered buying, attributed to leading tra.le Interests. The clrse wss ouiet aind nut SHEEP AND LAMr.8 Receipts 1 MO unchanged to 10 points lower. Sales Wera hd; market tron , iistve mutton' ti 'i'i,v ' P l",r,'l ft 1S.0 base. Including May at 600; lamb $t.60:'S .,; c. ill ni bucko B4.UO ! 5 fi,JO; Jun,- 6 c; J'"'r- '': September, 166 00; stockers, ItfuVfl 4.60. j 5j0c; I u-cember. 6.1.5i6.2fK-; March, IVm. Kaasaa City l ive Slnrk Market. KANSAS C1TT. May 27. C A TTLK Re ceipts. 6.0o0 head. Including l,0w southerns" markK strong to loc t.igh-r; choice export and dressed beef steers, ti Gorgf. fair to arood. I4H111S60; Western fed steers 10( 5 0. stm krrs and feeders. 13 OOfrd fro;' south, ern steers, 3 .i.'t s; anutliurn cows. ,':r i;75;ntive t-TI.u-44"; native heifers VUit.DO; bulls, ld.6oij-l.Bit; calves, i.i-mt HOOS-Receipts. 12.fio head; market 6V l'te lower: top. V, lb; bulk of SHlee. ',t .1: heavy, f. 'rT.-nt; tj; packers, t'l p: V" Hhta. fi.07W' 15; pigs. $r..7 ui-. t& KHEKP AND LAMHS-Ketripts. head; aVnarket trort: l.unl, ..71,b , ewe and yearlings, A.5ta6.6u; we.tvra fed Spot Coffe quiet; R(, Jsio. 7, bc; Santos .. 1, iyju; niuu conee auil; Cordova lri l'-'Uc. w Suuar and Molaa.es. NEW VOKK. May r?.-KniAR-Market for raw steady; fulr rcflnlng. 3 40c; cen. trlfugul. !; test, tunc; niolanses sugar, I K-.-; refined, quit; No. . 4'joc; -No. 7, 4 56c; No 8. 4.60c; No. 9. 4.46c; No. 10.4 38c! No. II. 4.3c; No. 12, 4liV; No. U, 4 LMc; N.t. 14. 4 16c; confectioners' A. 4 Hoc; mould A, 83Sc: cut loaf. 6.7oc; crusted. 6.7"c; txiw. dered 6 1'ic; grsnulated, 6CK-; ru,es. . VKW ORLEANS I.a May 27.-8UC.AIt Pleady; open kettle. , rsntrtf ugitl, 8Vi :7c; ceiitrlfugdl v-liltes. nr.ne: centrifugal yellows, f.nlV; ax-conds. 'u3c MoLASUi Qulul; ucw syrup, aa34faa.