Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1907, Image 1

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    The Omaha ' Daily Bee
single eorr three cents.
ss .
- XTit
Bbb at wair text e.r-tA 12
C2:Ury ul C:tU OSriAla,
'citr.rt, TO, An -
Fit. A.ricaii il't4 fl Earpit.
md School Itraei.
frv ferret-tea Boer Save Tkew
let tweee-ee with Germs a Sta
tion as 4 So liMrt of
ffWATDW. Prevtnca of Kwwtui Ct'na
Jtay S.-A ilntoTi haa proken PJt at
WaTiKkonc. la ta Vr'.- Cunrtct of tba
Cita Oib prefect. AD tte riVJ and mili
tary offlriala at "WaarUoi tav ln -aaaalr
ated arsd their j-amra tor!4.
Tl Vocal re-i-olctJoniPiA arbo -wrrt )olred
f native of tbe rvr.rhtorli. prpvlnr.
xmoentrtd Tor theHr attaJt cm the t
da'.a artthout beij n-HitA by the pojB
kr. Tie military cotr.rriar.dera bai- rourtere-d
1be atatin roarda arid aurted far tbe
am. of tb outbreak.
Step. ar beirif taken by tb. local pobec i
Tb. Cniaeae banker. ha orraaiaod a
tani launch patrol of th. ooaat ta pre
reait rratVral attark on tvj part of xna
rauder from tli aeaward
FERSJX. May rr Ac-oardtn; to la
petabae reoeirod her from Bhanrhal and
Hone S-Onc. aat:v. rioter bar. deetroywi
th. Grman n-.iaeloa exatloa at Llea Chow.
Bear PaAhoi. The tmKinartee eerApnd.
Tb. German runbuat Uua. reir.loroed by
twenty marine from the rohboat Talnrtau.
ba left Honf Konf far Pafchcrf and It 1
expected that a Brltlah gTinboat wi3 alao
b. Beat to that pert.
Frv AToeruao mlaaionarlea were klld
in Cbow, October X, JlWt. an.1 a hos
pital and other mlaekinary property were
lrtroyed. Indemnity for tb. loa of life
and property waa paid by the Chine -or-arnmetit
eajly la uary of tba preat-at
Acoorfllnf to advloe recerred by tb. Oer-
man Cab), compa r from Sfcanehai. a- ,
turbanoc bar alao Iwkea out at Pakhol j
4 and tb. aituaUoa there, a at Hen Cbow j
la Apparently aertoiia 4
CANTON. Chll. a. May C Admiral LA.
with tbe Kwaertah and Meeloo, aa board
of which are Aexacbmeata of troop. 1. pro
cwedlac ta tb aoen. of th. rlaUic la tb.
I'piiS dlaxrV!-.
tw(1n ml Aaaei taaa
KEW iut. Kay n.-rwwr mlnBlorrta
of the PraabytariaB Board of FweKco M
lMt. ar. aow etatwied at JMm Chew.
fird4Ar ta atlabatnent mad at lb
rW.tcea f tbe board ta tbia ciir tAday.
ar. Bw Jaba . Canals, who lately
re'.urtied to Laea Cbow after a fcrieuc
k ftTir'i"; tbe Bev. Bis. F. Edwards and
wnr. and Miss K&da PatXersoa TVer
sve beea la tba rrossiria Held so Ion that
their usaao addreaees ara - not acneeslhle
at tbe office of tb board te this city.
Stare tba outbreak of IKK tba Preaby
trr.aa enlaslons at U Cbow have beea
re-established, bat are not coanected la
any way with tas Germaa missiaa, tb.
destruotion ef which is reaorted at Berlin.
No information of the trouble at Lea
Cbow, however, has been recetved frora
any of their stations.
Baeaiaa Goveraasewt la Makrlaia: Every
EaTwrt te ktti IMIeMt
Aaralaat Aarttavtora
ST. PH I URS BVlaG. May g. Siiarcbea cf
tb. Wlf-trur of socii denjscratle deputies
re bow of almost dally occurrence her.
Th authorities nave due to several
branrbe. of th. aortal Democratic revolu- j
tioa wbkrb has beea conduct in a prop- j
aranaa. . Members of the secret polios i
yestrrday visited tb apartments of rwpnty
Prikodke, const tat tonal democrat of
TcTierT tfwft. aad found donmrsats aboarmx
that A raUraod tnea's OTgntrtkra la mak
la; prepare tioti for another (arxiral traaa
aortauoa strike. A sooa aa tbe tnvestl-
ratiea k eoronkete tb public prosecutor j
will demand tba suepenstoa of M Pri-,
koikc, w bo la a railroad workman, la or- ;
. r ki- ...
!'b 1 J .eJ"
60m bsv arrived at HelsmAfors to pre- 1
par. for tb. return of the other deputies
to Russia by way of Finland. They found j
that taw FVinlsa polioa. -ander lnotractiuris !
from tb Senate, were every, here demand- '
tug tb. passport of tboa bound for tbe
Russian tromier. mak It,: the reparation of
trie ooputjea most dJBcult. .
rikUVUnb llbiu I d
Tory rw Pir.aa. Present to Follow to Ceaavtewy of Mont 1 remuneratlv. ta Nebraska It is remunrm-1
raraaw. i Ura to Kaneaa If the railroad d not CHETENXE. "Wyo, May S. Ouster pro
eoatest the Nebraaka law, the board wUl ; ctf:i.a- bev beea filed ta the district
PARIS May r -Th. funeral oervioea 10 U"J rAl 00 th court today by mrtnet Attorney Miillen
over to. bodv of tb lata Theodore Tiltua Tourul U-1 U" by to aaist the Westtra Vraon Tele-rspb 00m-
U.k par" toay la tb llttl chapel of 0011 a law. tacitly aimit that tb. rat. Pt because of its failure to file it art Kief
tb. Amerkaa church oa th Ru do Berri " remune-alive. The reuat for the or- "f incrporaticm to tLia sral. The com
aad were very pathetic Leas than thirty &" n l' Aahbauh. attorney Pany bases its refusal a the around that
perss wer. present, principally snember, tur railroad 1-oard. who la authority 1 carrrin lnterstaxe business and It
of tb Amer.cax oroony tocladm- tbe each- ' t;,r statemrat that a determined effort esu.b!ishmK la this stat prsoeded th en-
eas da 1 R,.t hefoucaaid and her mother aa. to oecur. l-cent passenyer I acuaent tb law.
Mra Mttcbell. wu of former Senator ' "" tar Kansaa Cnder the Kansas ( ft vrDK'nD I TT1 C IT nvn.o
MlUbel of Oreaoa. rr. Gottdrtch. the pas- aTAiut tb ra-lroed tard can order the . UU itnftUn UHLt Id DTING
. Bk . j L. a ' w-a. Y1 tv.a A si nf Vaaa ar? a la f ra na ka w 1 w vr a
Tb en1c waa very aim pie, conaisrir
f a prayer k-.c ai readlhi of the oflkw
fur tbe eead acco? iin to tb Eptsoopal
rtte. Only t o carriayes followed tb body
to ths Muct Parnaaa oemetery. wber th
(rntermeot oocurred. Ti body probably
will not b. taken to the Tnitad Stataa, but
will b retaoved later ta Berbiaoa.
. . aii
r m-mmn 1 ainnlbolaa. Mont Tb latter la aarriaooel
Battsl Japavaooo Aid Aa4at . j by neaaouanara, atAff, band and troop
atsAbsaa. j A. B. C aad D. Biad cavalry, and tbey
LABORS. Briiisb India. May rr. Tboa j will proceed to ree Momoa, la AaaiBal
Who fcave beea attribotiac th. nnreat ta boioo k by far th larvae fort ta the
India ta th rkctory of th J ansae, over : Called States ta pomt of are, ooccpriaiAa'
tbe Eueatacs fiad cocfiTmauoa of their ' r,au arraa Tb awfldiaai ar of tb.
kelirf ta ownunenta found ta tb. poaatis ' xaeat anooern and wp-t dst. typos of tbetr
rna of a Hitda lawyer and a comt aa loa ' kinds.
arrested bar ka connectioa with the re- Fort Keora, tbe other abandoned post,
tt not st Rawalpindi Th duevmerts is locatad several miles froni Miles Oty,
abow tl aea takes into custijy Moot, la area tt is awxt to Fort Aaalanl
wr oa tttr way te Tokio ta soj.tat boin ta sis. ocBpriaxn( rr.fJt aoraa Its
Japaoea ftervaauona ta behalf of a aa-1 tw truoaa of tba Sixth cavalry an ar-
ti ravaA aaiaot ikrrQak ratta.
TM4r. Mar Oft. JW.
1907 MAY 1907
aa mom ! ww rea rw bat
? I 2 3 M
5 6 7 8 9 10 II
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31
rORBTAPT FOR NEbRA.FKA-Par-.lT j a, l " !L "1r cicae oharvaat. Th n aouht many of U.. aen.ra fcaa pracUcai fut . con-trucca cf tl r,w Jral baillli.s a:
dcuiy ax.d wWnr Td.r . bc-r. and W ataa Uit t! farm cf a crvmozxr Erwrlan and H armor-' lb trurk .-6la cut of buajxa. Tb , Co:urr.bu. cpon ih rrcuaa ay
&ZT"l 'owT-Tdar M, HtLf C7?JZ Ha r.a-n It a-a. la rro aarty a-t la aUa. d It 1. vrat today a-iU b or,, of U,
arfd a;7 Wrta&V JTrW. J "J . aattCT t,f tft. v,c WKra that U 1 bliv lh, Lmu - rut utlU -T Un. hcE a ill m,ulr th ptnrt
lr. m porttrm :
1 ir.rrai.or at virn.:i ymxrm . 1
Iw H cmr
k a n
it TTJ
? A. ra
k a. ra
a. m
)" a tr.
U a m
U ta
1 c ra......
m : j ro
.... C I p. an
4f- 4 j . m.
....;. k m
4k t m.
.... Fl ' p. ra
.... i k t. ro .....
k jk. m
.... M
.... k
. . . . 1 1
Arrar.i-mta Lav ln, mad for a ; "a aeraJ cf Mra McK;ny at Can- j Th lT cour.rU toalftrt made arra4te
ton Maty ocable peojl win attend. I n'"''L for a 8c ra pi to b at-rt to tb
afcta x KrKitilT horaa. apread ajpririate mlii
Tnal of Juif HkJ-kTJ barlck at ' u"- t'1 u' ".cord, dadoed to attend lb
lr.t-i on th charr of murdrln; Ctx. I Puberal aid adjourned out ef rerpect to
aafa ' ti)e rnemory of Mra. McKonley. TTi city
l-ockoot oontlntiea at Rork i7.rtr.f and )
nsiaera tad optratora prerkare for oonteat. j
Vara I t
OovernneDt order Tacatloa of Forta ,
Kenrh and AaatnnibolDa. Mort, Para 1
I v.. Tork aioek xrrket aell off frora i
j tp j polnta oa beery liquidation, due to
advance la wheat and cotton. Wheat oa 1
Chlcajro Board of Trade mad. tw hiph j
record for July and romtr. T 1
Ppeclal venire at Bola 1 exhanated and t
court ed.loura antli Friday. Five more I
mea win probably be needed to complete j
the Jury. Judge Wood order another rpe- i
dal vealr. of alx-ty-one men. T
Kana Railroad corr.mlnrion will order
reduction of railroad far. to I oect a
tall. If the Nebraaka atatut. 1 cpbeld.
rtfl 1 i
Henry Kneia llvln: northeart ct Nor
folk ahot hi -brother and thea kUk bim
alf. raa a
Mra. Robert Craft cf Norfolk, awak-
ened ty burriar tryirif tp cbierofonn j
her. frtshteDed them away and aavea :
II. OM .he had la the bouae, Btra .
B.-!ie of two boy drowned sear Ah-
j land at Ctrtetmaa time ar. fouxJ la th ,
j-,., nver
Vmon Pacific and Burling, repreaent-
atlrea ar.tar before RtAt Board of Aa-
and make atraauou. protect
arala.t tb. propoaed lncraaae la the aa-
Mumrat of tboa. line. aafa 1
Rebellloa and rtot oocar la China. Ger
maa Bilaaloa at LJen Chow' beln ce
atroyed. All civil and military offload at
Woarkonc ar aaeaaalnateq. Ia4ra 1
Froat Sundajr tilrbt 1 reported to have
done considerable d&raar. to -etatkoa.
rr l
ft. Joaeph". horpltaj as tbof l ar
atirVwItSi tb. street raiiVay affidal.
for property at Tenth aad Ioroaa
on which to erect aa addstlosi
, Na bras band wCl bo taken aa
merclal lavasioa of lb. creat wrttwest by
th Omaha tKwtera, who waa more sub
staatial advertisement- " ftft T
Slower train, wfclcb tb railroad ar j
puttlr-c Into effect will be a benefit to :
Omaha, Bar j
la Woman's World -Ample entertain- j
neat planned for tb. week at tb cluba j
Para 1
3. T. Marcbaad. formerly attorney for
tb latemat. Commerce commlsnea. now
with th. Rock Hland. aay. prejudice
acainst rauroao naa oraappeareu
la tb. mlnda of th. arltaior and derua-
a'sTA BaO XI
Friserta. a Hamburj Ily from tb.
Keen, stables, won the Lauretta stake
at Belmont Park. Bara 4
Result of tb. ball a-aroea:
a Omaha va. I. Moines i.
t lAnooin va Iienver .
I Sioux City va. Pueblo I
J Cincinnati va Cblcaro J
X St. L-uis va PlttOurf 6.
I Ijoulrvtll. va. Toledo 1.
ft. Paul vs. Milwaukee J.
1 Columhu. va ItiCiauiiKiT. i.
t Minneapolis va Knai Cln 1
Lin stock mark eta T4T
Grsla mark eta. BA4T
ptoi-k. and boada rno
Vi ftptt r I n r i.i 1 I . r.
llWU-Utrtl TAfit in
! "" r4er -H.
Ilea If trkratka tarale te
TOPEKA. Kan, May r. It l annoanoed
officiary that if th railroads contest th
, f-oent passenrer tar. law to N.braaka and
, the statin. 1 rpheld by tbe court the
. 1 Kansas Board of Railroad Com raise kmer.
viu w vu aaa a mmcuoi oj u
paasena-er fares in th state ta 2 cents I
J a mile, oa th around that If tbe rate la
' provided the resrltln rate is retcunerauv
10 t" Ttm&M-
Free"" orn mt ar Denatrtsaent
'i Away troaa Kraak
anal AaetaalkMatae.
ST. PArU May C Aa order recelred
today frean the War ae(runcit announces
. . . t H Wn . . M . .
; ua wwwwiiii. v. v. Uifl M
to tba Pi nippkasA
Cixtoa Frirt-dt Till View ti Body Tkii
YJeroo frcx S ta S C't'wL
"" I bo are suspected of corr-pliciy la th
Pmll( BwtI Win Be Ac murder of Rev. Father KJprr, tb Ar
paslea ky -r repartee iMt. Wilson meniaa priest, who body was found 16
a4 b&rrli-4Ttrr HrrW
Hill Att.aa.
otticr p-cl of ar-ta. aill maka It auca
It a Acirre at l.irt. Lata tail "mtri
It aaa oatM-inlD to hanfe ' a (aar
nirj:a for Ux funeraJ o .v .v""1"'
' r.rr.ain to t tm
of the doauied.
la from I to i o
tbrir leva f o' , tat thU
.tow. To abew
.lui. tbouaaada of
t iiie3uad la the
,0 to tii VJcfcLjiiiry a am
. Uirobc tLat
Beard of Bducauoa did lika-)ee. Bualneaa 1
" u;r,a-a w ecneacay an.ernc.on.
nraJ tribute in prof mum frora frkenda
111 maay atatea are arrivm.
A there 1 a detachment of ITnlted Ftate
rorular Infantry on fuard at th MrKln-
lfT reclt la "Weal Laa-n cemetery where
" Mr. MrK.nky will rert, until
tb National mauaolecta 1 completed, there
"" l ample ruard tor th protection of
tf' J'reaident at the tomb,
portton of thi detAchment can eaaily
available for aervio. at th. McKinley
not" If aurh action la tboufht neceeaary
to lnaor th aafety of the noted ruta
and keep bat k the expected crowd of on
lookera Th flair vti th. Stark count? court bona.
wher. the body of Preeldect McKlnley lay
ta itiata, waa today at half maat a a mark
of reaper to Mra McKlnley.
Flea, fee PmMewfe frfa.
WASHINGTON. May r. The prenldeait
and party will le&v tomorrow nlkTht for
Canton ta attend Mr. McKlnley- funeral.
The devtation of the trip to Canti) will not
Interfere with ar.y cf the auhaeqnent ached-
sh provided for In the vlalt to Indiatv-
apo!: and Lenam. on which tb. preaident
eWrrtarle. Root. Garfield and WOeoa wffl
a-,,r .v.. - -
ton. where tbrr will attend th funeral
Secretary Taft 1 confined to hi heme
today by a cold. Owlnj te hi n-a-e-mnnt
to addree the mnier oorventlon at
St. Lonl on Tharaday. aoeaaJtattn hi
lea ring- Wajrhmrton eoon after midnight
tomorrcw. 8er.r.ry Taft win not b able
to accompany Preaident Rooeeven and hi.
fellow reetxaen of tb carflaet to Canton
to attend tb. foneral.
jCmerw Artwada Dr. Wwtaeaa Fwaeral.
""F0 tatnwnee crowd
body bad rested sine, na aniTal, May S.
Is Calaa aad ktea r i .41 Over
AIlereA Artark T wwa Java la
TOKIO. Hit -Th 3aneae r.rea. 1.
m reDeTa,. m ari0 Trrrli . th.
! al1a npon 3MtmjtKt te ta m.
Cisco. But ft la not out of deference to
j Roosevelt and his rovernmcnt
and th. oonfldenoe repoaed rn them th.t
i public expression cf resentment is withheld.
: Even the roost conservatlv. and hopeful
fear that a repetition of a elmilar oorar-
rence may bare serious results upon tr.
: relations of both courtrlea. However, at
present tb firmest friendliness i st.n ex
pressed. It la coafideatly bojd that the
Weaning-loa aovarnraeat ha dcled to
take measure that a-ill prevent repetition
of assaults and attacks upon Japanese.
SAN FKACiBOU May 27. For a mur
i derouo assault committed by Japanese
axia wiiu anrvea oa norar iiaaell. a
j your dei.tist, and RandolpB .M erri weather.
aa aleotrician, at aa early hour thla morn-
j e.. police have taken M. Turimcna,
' Nisi Kelpiro arid S Hamada three Japa- custodj-. They sr. held in
; custody perilling the outcome of the vkr-
tin irour.ta
Japanee. M-ved Randolph Merri- eather
to be Richard Merri weather, who was ar-
rosted a
i'.T awaujt ana battery
AiShanada Richard MorrlweatherA
k la awi far tfi.l w 1.... .-..i
, . . lutt
; .
VdrCCTCDVl Mk'inij hout nunwr-e.
I wniwii nuni UUO I Cfk
I r
nars Wyoaalaai Has Bo Riakl
ao Make tt lacorporaie ta
Ckief Baeewtlv of Arkanoa lu
Ukety to letem from At
tarlc of Moan Dtoaaee
POET EMTTH, Ark, May r. -Governor
John R. Little, who en Saturday night
suffered aa attack of heart failure at hi.
bom. at Greenwood, la believed to be dyina;
Robert McFariana who baa beea very
cloeely connected mb Governor Little tor
years, stated at 12 today that the for
mor a oonditum at Chat time wa very
eriUcal and that be eould not possibly sur.
If-md Oasrkala mt Teke
yfc.a. Caw r-
SAJT FRxjccoSCO. May r.-Delpiaa M
Ih Imaa baa beea Tia-ea ts dWfend Lou.
Giaas aad T. V. Halsey. two official of th
Pacific States Telephone and Totecrapb
soraaary kifflWol tor bribery. Bo made ti
i riMT i v ir 7- . i t haui i n w nni i -
street . "LI T iZL. W , - ; cortoa nuu vpeiatives aT cn-a or.ux : bureau tlJ k tb ooloest weather reeoroBU reolved By tb senate, th.
tm . v. bos- i -. i-.- .4iT-ni, nuv uaea w j w.nwi afmi s lj i es tb nimm riana, soutn- , c, vMitm oa May XT la seveary-coe ' reiwnistn-e tumrvrm f. tn.
. ! "WOBt Fleaaasjt. Ia May There waa ae eaat-m and westera Massachnserta Ames- ' ," the aeral rovramet
' . in- -. t... . . . ... ...... T- . suooeeful encjTa.nvf.rt ef th
tba ooto- nZrI ' ' . , " ;oro-y. siasa ; rrwnavae ana winer riacna . jOWA wA3JA la. May Z7. 'Ppenai . mearure. whkh have beea a
. - .... , vuLu. n.iriT uir rmwmra : m aonthera Kew Knnana. TM aortnr ... n... . trri m aa. I In. rnicnmiM Ht- orwi.t .
I i - . . J
1 . 1 tier cent. Etrlv aert month It is - 1
Maoy Deteeilve. at Wavk Seekta
Father nta.per.
NEW TORK. May E.-ftwn or detec
tive aad policameA wer scouring the city
tooay la as orl to locate tbe three men
I a trmk la a "West Thirty-aeventfc street
j tiwiwcit bona renerJsj" Every oettle
i merit In tht. and surro-ndtrig citiea of peo-
pie h.v anything la common with
Anmciuii wa eloseuv watched, and th
trunk ooatalcrn- tbe body iru found, i
They dlatppeared erreral daya art) and:
tb. officer btiien-e that Uy left for C:-
ruto. a-heno they came- Althouf arrrraJ
ihanriM v.- artTiod txi aoomat
lor tb murder, the polio roll bee- rob-
bery a a. tb. real moUre. Cm of tb. '
theone. that tb dead prt ab,ut ,
to anaw a oonantrarT to ae.B tb. fknr-
riaa thron., a-hkrh la declared t ha
been arratrea la thl ocmctry, -lth an al-! braka. Xahaaa, Mtnuaacta. tae 1-'"--lerefl
prlaoe of the Mood aa tb Veedto ta and northern Iowa with Lrfr froata
trvra. It k aakd that Father Kaper be-t tb. lak rerioa and Ohio .,(t.
ram. a ormfifl.t of on of the i The iewe temperature reported by th
and had determined to make a oompl; .
w, . . . . . i
ijui n jr ak.? aTSMkv 1
Pulrarian committee who are aeekinc
overthrow the tnHoeac of the Oreek la
Macedonia Tb. prVnflt. aooordlnc to thl
ttory. learned of the.r liertlty and thy
killed him In tear that he would expoe
their plana The police, however, not. trat
. ... 1
nave cameo naa oeen remcvea irom tne
clothln found la th trunk with th. body, j
It la known tb. pneat carried eonderat.l. ,
money of bl. own and that be aiao nauaTy j
bad a ccmaideraYJe amount which b. coW i
lected frota day to day to Lie round of tbe .
Armeniann Bel twiner t is uui city lor th
auppon of tbe pariah la Hobokea ta which
be wa temporarily attached
CHICAGO. May 17 Tbe New Tork deter-
tr- bureau today wired to tbe Chtcac 1
detective to aearch for V Ermorian, Paul
Sarkioiaa and John Marraeian. who ar
auepected by th Xew Tork avoir of betnc
Implicated la tbe murder ef Father Horan
Kaaper. aa Armenian prieat whoae mu
tilated body wa form d to a trunk yeater-
day to a New Tork tenement boua. Today
tb. Armenian aertkon ar. beln tliorouj-hly
aearched for th. men earned. Sarkloaa
and Marraeian formerly owned a rertaurant
at Wert Pullman. Th police ear tbey left i
U)"T'" weeaaro .enoea:an. an ar-, ano reneraity " without opp.jtlon. except a culet urr
menian. who on Februarr I iMi.r a : wntun in manr Plaoee la Kanaaa reach- ' . . . . . .
truck to hi friend to New Tork. the trunk '
closely aawrtnc the description of that
la which th. body of Father Keeper wa
todar aad then released '
today aad then released ,
General r.wirl Mneatrat la Waaree
AkTerts S3Xn Kew Emarlaaa
Cwttwa Warkm.
BCSTCN'. May XT. The rerteral upaai'fl
moremenf la tb- war-. t w Boirland
pected aa tncreas of per cent arffl be
a la many mUla to other manufactur-
... -
ttpward of aoC,(WB hand whea the ma- i
criaery is ruuy maanea.
Tfl TarrVkhll tie nTk4TTTr Kawsa vrrTiaaar aar
.... .
.".V" .A . rf Ta"-
ZZ .TJr.7.Z
i offer of a t per cent rncreane made by th. ,
manufacturers. Aside from tb) effect upon
the ,( peratlve to Lowell, the situ- j
tioa la that city 1. of ia'erest alsg because
ai'aj iu uaaa a aj is v'i ii n v"rk Air J .sralB uvr
mill to Maine and New Hampshire have
urn ally followed tbe lead of Low.n in
regard a waTea
i in iiiiir . 11 .... n i k. : i ..... i i .nnm . . . . i . .
lew Vessels Lan.rkrl en lakn May j
Make Tkteare latereertaa for
CLEA"ELANT. May 27. ta order to move
he 1 Otm.OOft (oni of ore acheduled frr ;
eaaan en the rreat lake the ahirrTiecta '
uurii. r -m
have to approximate .( totis '.'or each
month. Corrpared with last yem there ba
been a slight decrease ia thi. tTaffic thus
fsr rwirie" to the cold weather and late
opemr.y of naria-ttlom. With the exception
of coal the movement of freirril In cvneral
1. not as beery aa tt wa last jwr u thi
Thcr. t. no adecmat. meaaure 1 th port
to port commerce of the greet Hike Mex
la a position to know bellev. that th
freight handled last year aill t 'jicroaaed
by several millioB ton thl seikva.
For thi seaeoa seveaty-one .eas?ls ar
acheduled for launching, of which frty-
five ar bulk freirtorr Great later est at-
taches to these to marine circle, beraus. of
the Influence tbe increased tonnage ia ex-
lrtd to wield to freight ratea.
base Ifcat tla Ekasaaae of Pally B104
Ka Was Exitacwtakew ariib
ha beea heard to oon.piain tlAt hn . and arpetted to return to Omaha today.
ROCHESTER. N. T. May r -Fir. which ' rato plant wer fro arn. Cera is not 1
did at least CWi.M damare brtke out to the Lurl , parueie. and sir a heme are not I For aom yeara Mr. Carson, wbo bad
top floor of th. buildihg oc-uped by Oak ltJur4. jt eeir. t.hat all green stuff Is t maxy aOQuair.tanoes la Omaha and N
A Calhoun la Maia street, east, toiay. ; UMtti ater weather that tt dpes not braska. lad lea caahier cf tbe Tnion
Akhoug-h tl nr. wa conrnea te im
bwildlrr occupied ty Oak eV Calhoun and
tb. top floor and attic of th National
Clothing store, neveral neigh tKing bund-
lrg suffered from amok, and water. Tn
basement of th. Chamber of Cummerc
buildit w as filled wit water to a depth of '
four feet. Wster and smoke damaged the
Cock opera . house- j
C. F. Bletsaan ttraaAe r Port
Aasrlsv, Mlek aa Crew ta
Be.i wtik Dtatewlty.
T'ETP-DIT. May XI The steamer C T.
Bieimaa and its oonaort. ti.. barr Mc
Lahkaa. bound from rutatb ta Cleveland
wltb lroa ore, ran on a reef ta Lea Huroa.
a mO aad a haif off Port Austin, early to
day ia a beery saew-atsrm. Th Port A ust a
III. aaver. suooeeaea ra bnar ag astiore
It crew-, of both vessels s"er maaur.g
three tT4 to tbe aoea of tbe wrvk, the ! t.v-r t;, enure A'.haac d-visioa Friiay 'c wi" riv deyree. at Ljt.lgt unlwr
laat tnp be'ijx tnad this afternoon la a an! Saturday. ti. ao in exoelierst i 'M " v"t;c- IV a. tun Craalurd
CaAgarous sea. Ther. ar. bope of saving j condition tor grvwitg. With warm oaather ! vt t.c.'Ci:r-Uin. Nb H t tb eagre
tha otiit mar but tba barn. 1 thought to be j j cf ejectricel et 47 nee.r tag con jutf, u of thai
A kMai wrecA. j tOoattanoo oa Soouhd PagaJ J oourso
Licit Aooordxc m at-r I trail as J
Fatal Aaoorili-c ta Gurieitrv
T"kli-ty-Klkt Drirrn IVcrt leva a I
Ma Vriwk Initr Moralea
U Vbil Oatkt
jLnotbw bearj frrt jB-fraJ to thla a .
throughout th. OnAh territory. Tt
a-t.tber bureau rive, a little more bop?ul
r-ory for Una lmmediat. kocaJlty and raJia
It but' a lurht Iroat.
The terr. rrat ur at
Monday nwH a-at Ik. H.wtw, ire.- ,
r and In-ioa fre.n tenrature.
rep ot la tb. at At. a, d do a. far
aa tn. ivunu iroa nmf w ' .
ara reportd frora mary point throujehout
weather Bureau ar: 1 unii"".
Co) um-
bua. Atiburr.. C;
Fa'.rbury. XL and fct
Hartlartoa and Otkdal. H.
A tempf-r-
. . ... . .
trmr la rwwwled from wetrtera Iowa ana
killln '
nnrttward from Omaha, with a
front at Saoux City
it Saoux City
minimum 'temperatnre for the lart '
v, of May for fh laa? thtrty-aeven i
wa oa M.T a and C 1KC whea it ;
tec dkv
u r,i-' ,th .... mnmlTir !
waa r
rf anfl trf flar. U,,T xiM tr,
aed temperawr. to May. W.
u btrt frora the mini-
mam Hraof th. MtT r. ir,:.
, ,owrn temperature reported for thi.
einc th ewtabllahmetrt of th
weatrier boreo recoro lor to n uw
ad cf May for tblrty-errea yeara
Ea Itkrukis .rtkwe Mia
a a 41 Kaiau Revet i r tkc rla.
NOF-FOl-K. Neb.. May T.. .Sjcial.)
Froat came la thl eectloa with a -t-re ;
temperatur. today.
a ii-,T-r Kn Uir TT Norttweet
v ourl WUM vjBiled by a iinrnT-i t frost ,
frost last nltrat la north
In a
Aereea aocordinc to report re- '
j oelved at
, mornin'.
the weather bureau here thi
D- May r.-A8pecial
Tel ecram Fruit crowera fear that th
Tr. TTV bM
- -w -
frtt last Eirht- It Is eertala that early
a-berrtea are ruined. Plum and apples
have Atso Bunereo.
ST. JjOCIE. May 5. Today rr.arka tbe
eleventh anniversary of tb devastattng tor-
aad. that swept tbrob Bt. LotO. May r,
isa(, about 4 ' clock to the afternoon- The )
tamrjeratur. today reristered 42 deare and 1
ttcmfrasaK t tbe xtrrrrnment . .weather
iob last xiaBi.
BIOVX CITT. la.. My K.-rpilowlt two
j daj.,,. B;eaay rain U.e temperature bar.
) AromtA r decree today. Tonlcht It Is
' - and tb. weather bureau ba.
rif, nralcr of fror
May r ('Special V -
. ... . v.- rt here last nlcM.
"... n . '
ln ape,, icalltle. ic lormea. iti pnn- ,
cdpal damage waa to rardea truck. Cora j
ar.d potato, will- be set back, but not
Ibedly iamaircd It 1 not thovuebt to have
J been heavy eno-jfh -o Injur, fruit.
UjrffCOD. Neb,
May r. TSpecial V-
i . t. 4
I T,ere W" n,T L, a , V,
. 11 Infcoe xi-ic " arlaaow riaaa it
krlBed early avdea truck.
AVBVRN. Neb, May r. 'Sjclal i rts
tnnately there has beea no moisture la thi
locality elnc tb last anew. aom. three or
four weeks aro, and at the very let now
it sill be impossible to bav. more than
a half crop of wheat, and there must be
moisture In a vary short time to even do
K1TWARU. Neh.. stay tapeciai. e-a
v fri mv ailed here last niaht, but
li't of belated rams, 001a westner.
oold weatlier
Kay snow and frost all frulta aad crop
are O. K-
: with
silMk ."en, kij
llrt front cjcorrrei -sat n'.jrbt, bnt did no
, amar to -rvr:Jjrm to speak eiL
j FAFTLLaON. I-ea, May E. (Special. V
A heavy froot visited this section last
" nitrht
Gardes and early potatoes are
killed. j
iciall A "a hits friwl vjslted th. vicimty .
j Uis merning killing tomato plant and
( other tender eegetatina.
! HERMAN. Neb, May r. (Special k-
Last night this section of ttie tt was
J ni:t; by a heavy frost and there wa a
I r aay they cannot botloe that tber. has
I been az:y damagre due Only one man
, tBUrt tt la ,jlt uat.
jjjjs MOINES, la.. May 27. (Special.)
, The latest frost In Iowa occurred this
', coming when, aoeorfliiig to th cfficla! rec-
g here, the thermometer reg-istered K
degreea This was cold enough to produoe
a perceptible frost in maty j.laoe and
joe to tli aoor expced locatiMi.: but be
caue of tb. fsot, that the otid id not
' ecmtfntj. long there was little Injury to
Hani or vetauca. Tb. vegetable wert
I kr.Jured al'riitry. but th fruit ia sail not
to bsv ben Injured at all I'lrertor Bag -
let the low a tnnw auo crop aervio eo-
i throughout central Iowa and that there Is
BIG Rail
aeajrly Tkre loekee la Wyoaalaai Die,
triet o4 ike Barttas-roa.
t The B.rtmrusa rrcp aad aoB report fl
, the VTyomihg d:Btrc- for th. week end- !
, th. V toft.:i.s
. Wi.v . ahow. iAS. incbe. of rain Tell
! last autbt. Tbe trawherry crop particu- '7'"' l '" """'t RoteveJt be re- , newed crura aad after 1 o cla prtoe.
I lavlv eaffered. , elected for a 'wond elertlv" term a prea- j crarnbled away until nw ksw record.
' VAKttf CITT May r -There wa. ' iaert rf u Vnlted State. Th. resolution. for th. year were establish la .on. By
EELET. Nfc. May E.-partaLr-It MciC, Ty elected mayor, at.d they MF. " -.rZTL 1 " ZZt.
extremely .li bere yesterday , w.,1, . M u " Il0r.n.
U"t J U" Vif C,r M oor will wm 1yr a rnl. of loa llea to
a rremise of fMrtj weatrier. nreseht Xi.t rcldea key of th. city to the ..
law Lead ( la aMr-seel by Ik
tnltew ttetee Sapreaae
(Fr-m a Staff Correrpchdent.)
WASHINGTON. May r.- Special Tele
yam Tb 1 a lied Stsie supreta. oourt
.TV-ned eith con tocay th rut of lb
te a a SI!r.S Ltii ppact. j.k.r.'. ;3 in
rrrxiT, ajainpt Claud F. F'un.t-r. in rrror.
la u aujrw r-urt of Jcaa. Tl-i i a
eull to unr. brcuM tj- 0-lt-it&hi it
error, a no aj i-.t mriC In ooun. Iw ica
to utwt title to Jerry arrfa of ii3 :
wJ",4i"JTT "' ltl1lrm-
attentioa of R-nr-aDtaUTe-elecit Bryd. A
treeaary aarrant for ara today
mar.ed rnatrirt Attorney Ooaa of Omaha
to purrhas the arte for th nroewctlv
i rirw pubc buildir at Columbua The
- J," . " . " , 1 rlT.
' V Hm. rMnh
NflV "-1, '
loa thl w beink one of the member
of th. comra'tte appointed by Speaker ,
Cjm-.a to make th annual vtait of rn-
ajct)oa to Annapeit. Naval acaflerry. Tli
vio president and president aiac deeimate
a fck nurcber. Xmoiif tht .elected by !
tbe preaident aa "Will Owen Joneo. e31tor
of tb Netranka fMa-. Joarnal. Tr. board i
will meet at Annapoli Mtrnday. Jcne i. j
Irvln E. Merer ha bn appointed port-
TrJcir'T at Cam. Kv Paha county. Neb.. 1
uent. rel-r,ed. and ATitnie ,
" Frortler county. .
t'c F"",t" e. j
B,ur! , "1"' No 8 h" brderod - j
ii. . jl. uaeiiL. ree.arjetv arfl a:!i-nte .
tabUahed July If at Oxford. F-irna county, j
-.T-k... rrnini run' pecipie ana nv rammea. .nr irpcui vi unaff to tna wiicat crow
F.ural fre delrt erj- carrier appecnted : I fron. Profeaaional bear took quick
Nebraak Cambria., rout 4, Charle. G. ! advantar of th. aelllii tni ev the mova
BTrtnan carrier. Mary Bronar, atibatltute. ! mnl vi-..rf u. aal!tia-.;o Readlr. whlcb
Iowa Oaki-ill. rout . PTiitp A. Pratloa ' baa eea th leader In aeveral similar mie
carrier. Jeaee Carter Bubatftute- Soth r. , mem lately, wa one of th. earliest ta
kota Bruoe. rout I. Iver A. Moe earriet. ' Bjocuaib to th urceat UquidaLion. drop
Jerte jo ulietttule.
tate eeaat Paeaee eeolerlea f-arlac
H fcai4 Have aeeaad CleeTlvw
I-.TEINO. Mich.. May rr. Tb. atat aen-
Et tor,ht Paaaed a concurrent resolution j
and wert throurh
tin, TT" ..11... . V . . l 1
' . T
, a ui proper piece lor sucb
Whereaa Ft hie mip1J tA
; leaderal-ip. tli present preaioent of tn.
, Vrfuyl fry.ate. ha. become prtrtnli.enUy iflen-
, trfkefl wnh the san a,.d v,r,,rou advance-
uir-ru ui iw 01 poiiTicai. social ana
bumnea reform.
' w nerear J he work v -h b ha tinder-
, aforesaid line and u! which be is th moat
aOva.ited and din injrutabad exponent is a.
, m uiifmiabea: and.
; ?'Sri TL5 JJT J! 25
),nna or prefllllotiona, bar implicit confl-
tenoe in bis ability, W milttatt 1rtea-rtty
.XSS e"U,m-
boas of rep-
taest HM9v
and the
s-reat nob-
??ir!Z? !T
l n:lnlstration errk.d the nonjin.t ion and re-
leiecrion of Tl.eo'iore Rorevelt few a s-oond
. elective term in the presidency of tb
: rmted Statea.
I CkJef E.eeatlve of Will
Weleesse Sbeidoa aad Otater
Boeatera at -
EPOKANE. Wash.. Kay n. (Special
F. E. Goodall. presiflent of tb. Chamber
! of Commerce, ba Invited Albert E. Mead..
i vcVnnrm t met oorer.
' " -r
' nor Ehe;an Nebraaka and the party
of buBlnr( mn Omaha and Sooth
m-atei-n UjamiH ' " i o ciica v.Anaoian i-acinc waa down f
narie oi htisnuofi.
their arrival to Snokar,. th.:hcM. but U winter wheat cro, 1. aa
Omaha oa
momlnr of June It is eirec-ted bis er
oeliency will t acerrptnlj2 by hl staff,
formally t welcome the Nebraska "boost -
T T t-jrVt lv 1 T T S7.?
the Inland Empir of the Northwest. Tba
arbeduled to
BtK-kaae at 7 odocA ta tt.e morala, and
they will remain en tfl H o clock that even-
tn th. time hem naased at nwnucu
excursion, a luncheon and banquet and an j
j extraordinary session of tba Arabian order 1
.K icv.k4V. vkirk rr w
.v.. '.. ',
p R on of th. founder cf the
orgraaiaatloB, ha. Just been appoinU-d chief
. naitora
Man al to L-lve la (kanaka lasm
elf at Fmtaieovine,
While oa Tlatt
PAI?fE(TTLLE, O, May ST. Chert M
1 Carson, S year old. took hie life here
; last eight by ahooung blmseif at th.
'torn of his wether, Mra A, M Carsnn,
j darirg her absence- Carson bad bee HI
'where be lad boea ta tb cattle bustrteca
' He came bere oa a vtait a short tim a-o
Btock Tard. c-miany. but be res-fried thl.
position about eighteea monUis ago and
w ent west, a here be bad minis; Invest
merits. It was whii out west hi health
tiecam Impaired and b Buffered from
t7hoid fever. H. bad gronc to OhK t
vta:t bl. mother. H grieved considerably
over his poor health. I
rtaiakeo Law tkekaeJ aad ike
Otker Elevtrtcml Keflarer.
taa; Coarae.
BOSTON. Mass. Msy T (Special Te
gram Albert Mart's Bernhardt of Bhel
toa. Neb . is the sole repreaei.tat tv of t.l
-. ia th. grad jating ciaa ft th. Boston
Vaiverauy sulocl of La. which will re
ceive the 1 ,7. B degre. Jun a H. is ia
f" the only aesterner la th. cUsa.
SO'-TH BETHLEriEM. Pa, May .-
! iSpocial
tl staaerls
01 trie oonce wit . njeiji it 1... nertn . . .ev. . v . . v . i
EitLfT Trio far atet 3 CotWs Tulf,
IJrrert fellxt by VarterB . Ettra
Li H al r Emtj.
Jaly krUi at II (4 1-t a4 OeraiV.
at 1.4 f- Mrt. ( KUllav
rrata la Weal PrlwrlpaJ
KETW TCRK. May IT -Wit the jrlo.
of alien and cot toe booriurt upward lh
raJue of atotkk aa quoted oa tb New
Tork Stock exchai.e turned dowaward
under prltunt liquidation ayaui today
and .cored loa rahfir.j from F to I
point for tb. ieaiere Open!a weak. tb.
maract continued it di.acaard mad until
clolnc hour. wbn proit Ukun y
bear checked th mi'veraeDt and
uivyii-i auout reooveriea oi a noinL
or r
more la th. mort actlv rtocka
break In prlOM wa attr.buteS t
peralMent Uin:. much of which 1 eal4
to com. frora waatera bou. actuated k)y
pin: t point la the firm hour, t'nioa
Pacific. ,Canadiaa Paetfic. Amalramated
Oopper. SmeJUas. Southera Railway. BU
Paul aad Prooklva Ratid Tranatt were
wept lata th. wav. of ll(iu)datkiB and
throuf bout tb foreaooa reoorded Bteadlty
droppinc prioea. Temporary auppott af
forded to arrme ef tb. mort active Btocka
checked tb. oeelln. aeon after noon, tmt
aa enraft-ement of pnL.OM) raid for abta-
meat v Part, cave the bear trader, re-
polr.ta from Saturday a close. Readtac
Stneltint a. St. Paul and Ulmeia Central
1 .
raioa Pacific and Amalramated
I CcpptT SV
,.. , . . . .
l. ..... - ... ...
1 10 "lrlr m tb. ay ralliea pnoea
i fADX m nore. Amona tbe net loaaea for
the day wer. Amalgamated OtTper n.
. Rme'rin- 4 rnAi.n T. ai. at
1 Rm'an Canadian Pacific V PL Paul
piu jranan. .- l nn
clfic I and Southern Pacific
wtw1bta Bid are Dm ta rrmmt
Market Waa Xmt Terr Artlw,
CHICAGO. Mar 7. New his reenrlta for
j i th a-heat rr -kt
. v ' ' ' , "
j ooay. jmj aeuui- at a-. ww ana oeaber
. at KLflbW Beatasrar rmnVJ t t. mn
nilr S-Wa. ade last week. . JUHina;
j frsst wer rekorted from parte of the
I wheat belt f Kansas and heavy front.
I t .... x-- .-v.
were reneral cer KAnsas. Nebrask and
owa. .v wtta i new. is dhk prvea
XCIan " " "T
Drontb ta Resale sieeAf-e.
ST. PETEfteBt'RG. Mar T.. In the obb-
trai south era wheat district th. loaf ooa-
tiaued drouth today came to aa end. The
j whole Vols;a territory report abusdant
t rato aad there k promis. of fatr crop,
' particularly In tb doaen famine prortota.
' ' the southern district wa lea
i plentiful, th Dnelprr valley. PodcJia and
. , , . - . -
Bessarabia yet tine only tw. day of light
bowers. This Is enough to save th. apnii;
HUTT BL..' UIT Vig wii, a"" fm .HUUku mi
axm. Tit Odt m hrmx pit niLT&3 Xhm r-Wni Am Vk A 1A t Vie TrrTMr t TiaVt t tasr
' n be aaotber fall of rata,
to ptne-nirwaiw frtrft rial rl ITll'fS
rfttJUCJll Utd U.H UWIWU
'1 Overtakea by Sterna At Mout Verses
Bo and Party TkereaabJy
WASHINGTON. My 17. Tbe prosidea
ar,i! Mra Roosevelt, aooompanied by Cap-
n v, 1 wrZlX for an outrna o-
A srrer atorm cstwri't th. party cm tba
.hnnt wra vntlM enm Alexar.flrla.
Th. party remained under tree, vrnil tba
atorm subalded and although an were
Aeanabed the Tfooee&rd to Mount VernciB.
A badly ma-beax,rterod party at th
bead of which we. Preaadsint Brwewett.
got off a car of the Wesr-forton. Aa-
I andiia aad Mount Vernon Ejertrtc railway
' bere shortly before o'ekock this afternoon.
1 They bad iaee.nB a vTrlt to Mount Vernon,
part of tb. trip being- by horseback, and
' tad been caught tn a heavy bower. Aa
1 the result cf the otorra, tb roads were hi
fearful cwnJktlcm and aa tbe rider pro
rresaed tbey were p'iasted from bead to
foot with mad. The ether member of th
"! prty beside the presiflent were Mrs.
Roosevelt, Mia Ethel Roaeeveli, Post
master General Meyer and Captain F11
bugh Let, one of the president's military
m Aj rva rlMl-tfi of the antire viartv waa
flrrart)e4 T:i. tr mar., res;n. waa
a Tough ndmg-" or Tt.e rrty tc4
shelter ia a farm hove durtrr a part of
tb heavy ehoweT.
LJifle Pi e sweet of Any Aetiea by
lotted General Aoeewkly
Tkl. Tear.'
DENVER. Colo, May 27 -Tber. ba been
mi-h dUK ussion amcxig the meml-r ( tba
', V tilled prt lr-trr lah assxTibly. ciow ia sss
Si or, m this city, la ngard to the appoliit
li.g of a conference oorarnttt. t meet with
. repreeetitattve of other 11 ea'.Ttertan
churches for ti purpc1 of arrarigvm
ooiisolidatioa, but as yrt no official ax tioa
ha. lon taken and the Wader, of tb coa
fnrenot: do hot expect ary action durHig too
i preser.t sesemhly.
The n-aiUir cf estat lisl.:r,g s mutual 111
. Utsurejuo n;cy U le ji.t'ched ty tl
Ceiit-ral aM-r-Uy thought up a:. a ta
tiieaed triay. It a as reitrred to a 00m-
' mntee which -l report Al boat fenarai