Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Ofllre, 18 crt
tn vis, tnn
Ftockert sells carpeta.
Ed Rogers' Tony Faust bo r
1m engravings at Lefftrt'a
fe Schmidts tlrcmt new photo.
Btock rastured. l'tnney, 'phone X1773.
Levis Cutler, funeral director, 'pi. on 17.
Woodrlng Undertaking company, Tel. fcV.
' leaders In steel rods for $i50. Peter
evn A Bchoenlng.
Refrigrrriti rs that save Ire at D. W.
Keller s. Iu3 South Miln street.
Pictures ami art novelties for graduation
gifts. Alexander a, 333 broadwtT.
Wanted to buy, a good hard coal heater.
Address O.. Hee office, 15 Scott street.
Bummer footwear. Oxfords of all kinds
i me lowest prices. Liunun Shoe Co.
- iu iiij I ne liee west
of Twelfth street. Apply Monday morning.
Before you buy. see us for wall paper
rid picture framing-. Council Muffs Paint.
Oil and Glass Co.. Merriam Bik.
bi'dweisek bottled beer 13
Mrs Mary Scanlan, formerly of this city
died Ian' Thursday at the home of her sleo
aoi, at Wheeling. W. Vs. g,le wal 7;
of age.
The Woman's guild of St. Paul's Epiacural
church will meet Monday afternoon at the
residence of Mrs. i. M. Au-erton, 31 1 W u-
A delegation of the Council Bluffs council.
rug Its of Columbus.-will g0 to Creston.
1ft.. this morning to assist In the Installa
tion of a new council there.
f 'rfLCE St'ACK FOR RENT Only half
block from Broadway, app-jaite Neoraska
telephone building. H-ai and light fur
Otshed. Omaha Bee cfflce. 15 Scott street.
John Alexander was arrested last evening,
charged with the theft about a n.unth ago
of a number of masjn's trowels, which he
I said to have sold at a second-hand store.
The fire department was called yesterdav
pTomlng to tue home of James Mdley, Ml
Third avenue, where an overheated flue
had set fare to liiS tar paper roof of a
The employes In the Pottawattamie
county court house have accepted a chal
lenge from the Douglas count v eniploves In
Omaha to play ball, tn contest to be waged
In Omaha June K.
The South Side Improvement club will
meet Monday night at No. 5 fire station
corner of Nineteenth avenue and Eighth
street, when the water works question will
be read and discussed.
,.An Information charging Mrs. Hubbard.
I.tfi Avenue A, with being mentally de
ranged, was filed last night bv one of the
woman s neighbors. A warrant for Mrs.
Hubbard's arrest was Issued.
The Woman's Christian association as
of lhe br n1 serving meals
at the Hunter sto-e this last week, netted
over fc.0. which will 4e devoted to the
equipment f the new Jennl Emundson
memorial hospital.
At the Invitation of Rev. H. W. Starr
Coocor,1la and ht, Albans' lodges, Knights
of Pythias will hold their annuVmemorl"
errlces this year at SL Paul s church.
Ihiv -i,? iha"cn 5i fixeJ but 11 Prob
ably will be Sunday, June 16.
Before getting your upholstering, mat
tress making, repairing and reflnishlng
done, get the prices of the Morgan L'phol
Uring company, 1 Broadway, next to
Alexander s art store. Telephone for qutck
orders. Bell. Independent, 370-reo
Th funeral of Earl, the Infant son of
sir. and Xfr T f iji.i . ... . . :
iui. .r - win oe neia
this afternoon at t o'clock from the rest-
Cl Ki. Th,rd and Interment
! ? ln Falrvlew cemetery. The services
will be conducted by Rev. Janus O'May of
tlm Broadway Methodist church.
George Miliedge and Bert Deeds, charged
with robbing Albert Welch, a farmer from
"Tama. Ia., vere discharged In police court
Tterday morning, the evidence being
deemed Insufficient to hold them. F H
Vosburgh. a r rented with needs and M'll-rls-e.
was given ten days, the sentence be
M suspended during good behavior.
Vohn Uuinn, the veteran depot master at
the I'nlon Pacific transfer, has been enjoy
JL Ing for the last few days a visit from his
ff brother. Thoroaa Qulnn of Fort Collins.
r toio.. whom he had not seen for many
f years and who. with his son. John. Is en
I route to Dublin. Ireland, to attend the Irish
i.otLi.jn mm viiMi at nis oiu nome. They
i I fr. .m V w -Vn.w Y .. .. .
" vi k vii . un
Upholstering, mattresses made to order,
old "na tresses made over, feather beds
renovated, feather mattresses mad and
all kinds of upholstering a specialty.
Ocorgs W. Kline. Bell phone M8; Ind.
phone 710 Black. 1J South Main street
Wanted, carriers to carry The Bee vest
of Twelfth street. Apply Monday morning.
One Agent Wanted in
Each Small Town
W'e f uarante our Ice Cream to j
t equal to len Cream nianufac-l
turcd br other manufacturers.
If you wish the ben Ice Cream all
real low prices, write for particu
lars. N. P. JOIENSEN
804 H. Slain. Phone 381
Council Bluffs, la.
City Scavenger
I haul dead animals, 11. ta per head.
Garbage, ashes, manure and ail rub
bish; clean vaults and cesspools. All
work don Is guaranteed.
Calls promptly st tended to.
IoJ. Pbon 1!29 Y Be?I Red 1ITI
Your Last
To select the article you want from those we offer at
less than half it's value. v
Leasts One Week Longer
The item you want may not as yet have been sold. Come
in and inquire.
Special lines of goods on sale suitable for wedding and
graduation presents.
Sterling Silver and Tlated Silver in endless variety.
8 A- A. CLARK & CO- 1
IflAn Mfinrv mi
And any Cliattrl ferurity at one-half th asuaj rates.
Twenty year of successful business.
Corner Main and Broadway, Over American Expre.
. Tel. 4S.
No CEoial tftoVatioa Hu Bn, Made by
the Coram m oa ai Tt
Statesaeat la Made that the Mesabers
of the Commission Are laanlmows
la the Coaelaslon Reached
hy that Body.
The Fire and Police commission will not
reinstate Robert W. Jones as chief of the
fire department of Council Bluffs. While
this has not been officially announced by
tha commission. It la known that tha three
members have so decided and, ln fact, on
of the members of the commission so stated
to a friend yesterday.
The commissioners held a meeting Friday
night after the hearing of the charges
against Jones was concluded. Tha meeting
was held behind closed doors and after It
the members declined to vouchsafe any in
formation as to what had transpired. The
commission has announced that It will meet
Monday, when Its decision ln the fire chief
matter will be made public.
One of the members of the commission,
when asked what conclusion had been
reached by the commission at Its meeting
Friday night said: "We don't see that the
situation has chanced at all. We were
entirely harmonious at the meeting last
evening. We were all agreed. (Beyond this
I can" sav nothing more at this tune. Our
decision will te made public ln due time."
The same member of the commission Is
responsible for the statement that Ctilef
Jones "lost his head" at the hearing while
under cross-examination, and "this was
one of the worst faults of the suspended
If you do not know what to buy some
thing here may tempt you.
Gentlemen's 12-sire. 20-year gold filled
case. Elgin movement, gold figures and
hands, only 1150.
Ladles" 0-sixs, handsome engraved, W-year
gold-filled case. Elgin movement, fancy dial
and gold hands, only JIS.M.
Fine snappy white diamond, full H-karat
set in 14-karat fancy Tiffany mounting,
only H5.09.
Toung man's heavy signet ring, plain or
fancy design, rose, roman or bright finish,
monogram free, as low as 13.75.
Pretty locket and chain, best quality,
gold filled, guaranteed to wear, mono
gramed free, as low as U 00.
beautiful lace pins In 14-karat solid gold,
enameled In natural flower tints, a dainty
gift for a young lady aa low as 12.00.
Ladies' bracelets, best quality, gold filled,
guaranteed, ln roman, rose or bright finish,
as low as $3.50. .
Effective collar pins in 14-karat aolld gold,
enameled ln light blue, pink, green, etc,
aa low aa tl 25 each.
Oenutne coral and amber beads, good
gold filled catchev. aa low as $2.00.
Artistic scarf pins m best quality gold
filled, many beautiful design as low as 75c.
Popular Jewelers. 409 Broadway.
Baaday Services.
First Presbyterian Church, Rer. Marcus
P. McClure. Minister At 10:10 a. m. spe
cial service In honor of the senior class
of the high school; sermon theme. "The
Place of Vision In Life. Mr. Barton will
sing "The Publican," by Van der Water.
Bible school at 12 m. Intermediate Chris
tian Endeavor. Hasel Wright, leader, at 4
p. m. At 7 p. m. Young People's society;
"The Progress of the Southern Moun
taineers," Miss Clara McAneney, leader.
At 8 p. m. soldiers' and sailors memorial
service, under the direction of the Men's
club. Addresses by Judge George Carson.
W. E. McConnell. Dr. A.'C. Brown and
M. P. McClure. All patriotic cltlzena are
Invited to be present. Jo Barton will
sing "The Pong of a Thousand Tears."
by Root, and Miss Grace Barr will render
"Recessional." (words by Kipling), D
Koren. St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Rev. 1L W.
Btarr, Rector Trinity Sunday, t a, m
holy communion. At 10:10 a. m. morning
praver, ante-communion and sermon. Sun
day school at 12 m. Evening prayer ami
sermon at S o'clock. Morning topic, "An
Account of the Recent Diocesan Convcn
ton. Evening topic, "Idolatry Ancient
and Modern."
First Christian Church. Rev. J. A. Mo
Kenzle, Pastor Bible school at :46 a.
m. Preaching services at 11 a. m. .and
I p. m. Morning sermon subject. "Envy."
Evening subject. "Great Commission."
Communion at noon and meeting of En
deavor society at T p. m.
First Congregational Church, Rev. Ottr-
I beta O. Smith, D. P.. Pastor Morning
services at 10:10 o'clock. Vespers at S p.
I ro. Morning sermon subject. "The Open
I Ing Words." Mid-week services Wednes
I day evening at I o'clock.
Broadway Methodist Church, Rev. James
O'May, Pastor Preaching servtce at 11:10
uoastts. cattle and
Liara Martaase i a
w v. r. wuistssa Bags.
a. m ; sermon by pastor, Sunday school
at noon and Epworth league meeting at
7 p. m. Memorial services of the Union
Veteran Legion at T:l) p. m.
First Church ft Christ, Scientist Ser
vices at 11 a, m. ln the auditorium of the
public library building, when the subject
will be "Ancient and Modern Necromancy,
or Mesmerism and Hypnotism." Sunday
school at 11:15 p. m. The regular mid
week testimonial meeting will be Wednes
day evening at o'clock. '
St. John's English Lutheran Church,
Rev. G. W. Pnyder, Pa.'tor Preaching
services at 10 4 5 a. m., when Rev. E. C.
Cook of Omaha, will occupy the pulpit
Sunday school will be at 1:10 a. m. and
young people's meeting at 7:15 p. m.
There will bs no evening service.
&! Eyes
Should be kept so weak eyes should be
protected and strengthened. We hava the
best optician west of Chicago, who will
make an examination of your eyes If he
prescribes glasses we guarantee that they
will benefit you or you pay nothing. Bet
ter consult him at once, Leffart'a, the care
ful optician. 4fl Broadway.
Special Services at First Consrreas
tlonal and Broadway Methodist.
Abe Lincoln post. Grand Army of the Re
public, and the encampment of the Vnlon
Veteran Legion will hold their annual, me
morial services today, the former at the
First Congregational church at 5 p. m. and
tha latter at the Broadway Methodist
church at 7:30 p. m.
The, following Is the order of the services
at the First Congregational church:
Organ Prelude War March Mendelssohn
Hymn Onward. Christian Soldiers
Call to worship and Psalm xxili
Quartet Ruck of Ages Dudley Buck
8olo O, Idvlne Redeemer. Gounod
Miss Lilian MacDonald.
Offertory Pilgrim Chorus Wagner
Ir. Otterbeln O. Smith.
Solo and Chorus Tarry With Me, O Mr
Savior Baldwin
Mr. George Slnfleld and choir.
Hymn America
Postlude March Militalr. Clark
At Broadway Methodist church the or
ation will be delivered by Hon. Charles M.
Hart and Colonel W. F. Baker will deliver
the eulogy on "The Women of the Civil
Coat makers ana pants makers wanted
at E. B. Hicks. 11 Pearl street. Council
Bluffs, la.
and linoleum. Stock ert Carpet
Are Bvlldlnsr Vw Railroad.
ATLANTIC la.. May 15. (Special )
The Atlantic Northern A Southern rail
road, which was started here last Novem
ber, la now a certainty, tha contract for
Its construction having been let to Messrs.
Roes and Judd last night. The total cost
of the road, which Is estimated at $205.
000. has been provided for, and the con
tract calls for the commencement of work
within forty days and Its completion be
fore December 1. Moat of the stock Is
owned by local parties, only about 175.000
being In bonds. The first eighteen miles
of the road that will be built by Decem
ber will run from Atlantic to Ktmballton
via Elkhorn. over what la known as the
Buck Creek route. This Is but tha com
mencement of tha work, as tha company
proposes to extend It on south to Vlllisca
and north to Manning, giving direct com
munication with four trunk lines of road.
The people of Atlantic ara proud of tha
work they havs accomplished. The or
ganisation of a company and tha build
ing of eighteen miles of railroad ln less
than a year la an undertaking tha. few
cities of this slse could accomplish.
S. M. Williamson, bicycles, sewing ma-
res, Edison phonographs, records. Re
Ing machines and bicycles a specialty.
17 South Main St, Council Bluffs.- la.
phones: Bell. Red 115?; Independent, 707
For the Gradastc.
ofve your young friends one of our at
tractive framed picture or a piece of our
new art pottery ln honor of their gradua
tion. Alexander's Art Store, 111 Broad
way. The ladlvidwal
Three-ram championship will begin May
27 and end t p. m, June L Mala tsirewt
Alley. Faxon.
That to have satisfactory glaesea, they
must be scientific In construction. Coma
here; we ara prepared for all difficult eaaca.
Dr. Magarell. optometrist, 10 Pearl street.
Real Estate TraBsfera,
These transfers were reported to The
Bee May 25, by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
Emma E. Luce to Mrs. Caroline E.
Purdum, lot Is, block . JefTerls sub.
to Council Bluffs, la., w. d. ll.OOd
Sheriff of Pottawattamie county to
William Patten. ne swi -7-44. a d 660
L. 8. Mann and wife to W. W. Palmer,
lot 1. block 1Z, Mullln's sub. to Coun
cil Bluffs. Ia.. w d. 440
L.. S Mann and wife to W. W. Palmer,
lot t. block 2u, Mullln's sub. to Coun
cil Bluffs, la., w d 100
Daniel Hayes and wife to William
Patten, ne" sefc -78-44. q e d 100
Five transfers, total i 14.460
Buy the Jewel gaa or gasoline stove.
They are the safest. Petersen A Echoeolng.
Fin watches. 228 Wast Broadway.
N. T. Plumbing Cv-TeL 50. Night, L-4W.
Marrlace Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday
to the following:
Name and residence. An.
I H. A. Oake. Council Bluffs 25
I Grace R. Hall. Council Bluffs 1
Christian Gohel. Mlneola. Ia
Paulina Chrtatofferson. Mtnden. Ia 17
New patterns In ruga. Stockert Carpet
Co, "
Wanted Girls ln candy, factory. John
O. Woodward te Co.. tha Candy Men.
Council Bluffs, la.
Let m show you my line of go-cart a D.
W. Keller, lot South Main street
Oaieo Spare (as Real.
Only half block from Broadway, oppo
site Nebraska Telephone Bulldlr.g. Hest
and light furnished. Omaha Be offlea, U
Scott street.
Armies far Passlaat Bad Cheek.
William Edmonds and George Laah wer
arrested by the ponce yesterday afternoon,
charged with paasing a worthless check
Cor ta on Charles Y. NlchoU. proprietor
of a aaloon at tut West Broadway. Th
check waa drawn on th Commercial Na
tional bank of this city, signed B. W. Marks
and made payable tn Edmonds, vho en
dorsed It. Later th pollc learned that
they had attempted to pas other checks
on W. R. Ramsey and G. U. Williamson
on South Main street.
tdmonds, who claims to b from Onawa.
Ia.. la a stranger to th aolic. but Laah
I La bca a reaiilcnl of th city for several
years and formerly drove for one of tha
Wanted, carriers to carry Tha Be west
of Twelfth street. Apply Monday morning.
Sam tor of Enjoyable Parties aI
f lab rasetlssi.
Miss Ethel Cook was trie guest of friends
In Lincoln. Neb.. Wednesday.
Hon. Thomas Bowman left last evening
for vsnous points In Montana.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Keller left Thursday
for a visit with relatives In Norfolk, Neb.
Henry Rlshton has returned from south
ern California where he has been for over
a year.
Miss Durand of St. Iymls. Mo . is the
guest of Miss Lucy Neumayer, tX Park
Miss Delia May Byers is home from a
visit with Hon. and Mr. H. W. Byers at
Miss Ruth Anderson has returned from a
two weeks' visit with friends at Corning
and Creston.
I Beers Rohrer Is her from Centervllle,
Ia.. to spend Sunday with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. M. F. Rohrer.
Miss Edna Orcutt enterialnod Informally
Saturday afternoon at a musical at her
home, 2.1 Oakland avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Knelst have cone to
Fort Worth end Galveston. Tex., where
they will remain a month.
Mrs. H. A. Woodbury and two children
left last evening for Chicago to visit her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Conklin.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hafer are expected
to arrive In the city tomorrow from Me,
ford. Ore., for a short visit with relatives.
Miss Margaret and Miss Helen Flickinger
are home from Palo Alto, Cal.. where tne
have been students at Leland Stanfjrd
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cutler will leave to
day for Chicago to attend the graduation
of their son, Morgan, from the Hahnenian
Medical college.
Miss Lucy Neumsyer entertained Inform
ally at her home, 2i Park avenue. Tuosdav
evening In honor of Miss Durand of Bt.
Louis, who Is her guest.
W. C. Dickey left Thursday Tor Mountain
Home, Idaho, where he will Mult for a sh.irt
time before he leaves for Caiiiornia. whore
he will spend several months.
Mr. F. C. Enslnn. formerly principal of
the high school In this city, was calling on
old friends here Friday, after whioii Jie re
turned to his home in Iowa City. ,
Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Lewis and daughter,
who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs
J. B. Walcutt, 2o3 East Broadway, returned
to their home at Ponca. Neb., Friday morn
ing. St. Paul's Guild was entertained Monday
afternoon at the home of Mra. George
Richmond. 331 Lawton Terrace. After the
regular business session a social hour was
Mrs. O. W. Crofts, wife of the former
pastor of the Congregational cliurch of
this city, now of West Point, Neb., is the
guest of Mrs. L V. Howard, 720 Madison
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Otto entertained at
dinner Wednesday evening at their home,
2i5 Ine street. In honor of G. H. Dunn of
Free port. 111., and W. E. Wells of New
York City. Covers were laid for ten.
Mrs. E. Schoone of Cincinnati. O.. Is the
guest of her parents. Mr. and Mra. L
Wurcham of Twenty-third street, on a six
weeks visit. She will then leave for
Seattle. Wash., where she will muki'her
future home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Filling and daughters
will be the guests this week of Mrs. Fil
llns' sister. Mrs. J. H. Carse enroute to
their home In Oakland. Cal.. from an ex
tended eastern trip. Mrs. Carse will spend
the summer ln California.
The Women of the Eastern-Star enter
tained at a most enjoyable card party
Thursday evening ln the Masonic hall, at
which about eighty guests were present.
The evening was spent at high five. Prises
were awarded to Mrs. Coffin of Omaha,
vho received the first women's prise and
Mr. Andrew McMlllen the men s first prise.
The members of the Book Lovers' club
were entertained Wednesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs, Jacob Sims, at Ridge
Lwn. This being the last meeting of tne
club this season, the afternoon was spent
at a serenade, representing the different
authors they studied during the last year.
Refreshmenta were served during the
The Economical Card club waa errter
tatned Friday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. F. B. Hahn. 115 East Washington
avenue. The afternoon was spent at high
nve, Mrs. Robert being awarded the first
prise, and Mrs. Taylor the consolation
prise. The club will be entertained June 7
at the home of Mrs. Spare, Fourth avenue
and Tenth street.
T'Ph regular monthly meeting of the
PJ,rUr" of tn American Revolution waa
held Thursday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. W . 8. Keellne, at her home on Glen
avenue. The annual election of officers
and a report from the members who at
tended the Continental Congress at Wash
ington. After the meeting refreshments
were served and a social hour enjoyed.
The Klatter KJub waa entertained Friday
afternoon at the home of W. S. Rlgdon j3
Glen avenue. Three tables were used at
cards. Miss Lillian Price being awarded the
prise for the highest score and Mra Her
bert Pinney the "twenty prise. Dainty
refreshments wer served at the close of
the game. The club will be entertained
or,-homa of MiM
The hlih
hol cadets entertained at a
most enjoyable hop Friday evening in th
beautlfulfy decorated In the high acftoot
colors, crimson .n,i ki,.
Lchestra furnished an excellent program of
twenty dances. There were iboSt flftv
Present, ,monff tne number '
several alumt Mrs. W. H. Dudley and
Mrs. August Bereehelrh were patroness.
The members of the Queen Esther' niu
ThursSLl ""fuTmusical
Z J u vmlV " he home of Miss
Helen Wallace, fl Bluff street Those tak"
Ing part In th program were: Mr Barton
Mr. Trank Badolett. Mr. iAnatrup. Mr
Lynn Brown. Miss Thatcher v xfr..
Schneider, Mrs. Robert Wallace and Miss
,r musical a social hour was
! enjoyed during
I Were served.
rhich dainty refreshments
George Williamson. Sis r,.ki.nri
Knrtlned lh mmbers of the
After luncheon the guests were tne par-
H.'rPrV".,1 am ot cVd' l -hieS Mr.
H.aIr7?,arle w" awarded the first prise,
- " wws KFcavuiuaV ML 1 fl rlarar lnn..k .
" "'m ryper tne second prire, Mrs.
hel ce"Leth,! con,"1A"n Prte h m
tinei luuk the gueet s prise Mm k'...
cfubMVX? P- p"Ko7ntne
wVnte2. .YuScTud ?J.Tff
A dancing party was given Thursday
MM Eale,ll11 he youni women
of the Western Iowa college in T.nnor of
the young men. The hall waa be.,i ifuui
decorat-rf 1- ,-. """Uiuuily
rLthll-lf dffted In a mass f
rttV"r "n ac'.?r
i-Tn..!"' P,unch bowl- Pr"Jl over by
two little girls In red and white. Whs ley's
orchestra furnished the long program T of
preeni. abUl '.hty cM
ofC?h'e .Lth m0,t "'""ful card parties
of the seasf.ii was given Thurs.lj,y evening
of St. Peters Catholic
On carpeta, ruga, linoleum, oilcloth and
matting, window shades and lacs curtains.
V. W. Kllr. 10 8 Main.
Be me removed to 15 Scott street, op
posite Nebraska Telephone building.
I-awn mowers and refrigerator at Peter
sen Schoenlng.
Graduatioa gifts at O. Maoth s. S3 Weat
Petersen Schoening sell matting.
Eya examine free; gmmmn fitted prop
erly. O. Mautha. U West B oadssy.
but ding "'i'olunihu. hall in the Brown
ruest. neJ Z"T cver thT hu"'lred
fl ro?rS2??.V uTh- Tn,n spent at
used oL.h,rh flT' taM"
usei. prises were awarded tn u .
iiiuri ii in inn i
Mr. rrh rr''-l the first Prla and 1
lation0,"! WlV3 "a ' rdd the Tonso? j
lation prise. Mr. Charles Pachell waa '
awarded th men s -n prtxe The mn ! I
consolation prise waa awaVded to llr. J oh ' !
MulqueeiL Dainty refreshments were i
'" " of the grvme hy the 1
.,:' "'"n of the church. The re- !
the 'V'.n,n w" P dancing.
me music nein m oo-.i ... w. . . I
B ...IIW uj Alias Mae i
Veto to Tiksn n Fuposition to Cianct
Form of City Government.
Seeoad Cavalry to Garrison Fort Des
Molars, Portloa at Troops to
March Overlaad to Their
Sew Post.
(From a Staff Correspondent )
DES MOINE3. May 25 -,Spec!al.)-Th
fight In Des Moines between suporters of
the new "Des Moines rian" of municipal
g'-'Vernment and the adherdt.ts of the old
ward alderman system, now In force, has
grown to such proportions as to be tha all
absorbing topic of conversation ln the
capital city. It is propesed to adopt a form
of government, appointing five commis
sioners to transact all tha affairs of t'.io
city ln place of th system how In force.
A great deal of opposition haa developed,
much of this from the labor classes who
assert that th new form of government Is
being backed only by th blue-stocking
Were the plan submitted to a vote of the
people today It Is confidently ssserted and
this too la admitted by Its promoters that
the new plan would fall of endorsement by
the poople. Put those In fsvor of it have
begun a systemstlc plan of education
which Is to be pushed forward to the day
of election when It Is hoped by them the
commission plan will triumph.
The greatest argument advanced by those
opposing the commission plan of govern
ment Is that It Is contrary to the constitu
tion and against all Ideas of government
promulgated by our forefathers that It Is
government without representation. That
all the commissioners could be appoint -d
from but one precinct.
Those favoring the measure assert that
politics should be divorced from municipal
government and that this Is the only ef
fective means of doing so; that the people
can be persuaded to get out and vote en
masse only when they believe there will be
some radical change In the form of ad
ministering government In the city,
second Cavalry Here.
Orders were Issued from the de
partment at Washington today Instruct
ing the Second cavalry to move from Ne
braska, Montana and Minnetota to Fort
Des Moines, there to take the place re
cently vacated by the Eleventh cavalry.
For years the Scond cavalry has been
on of the most conspicuous regiments of
the country. One of the officers whose
memory th regiment delights to honor
Is General Harney, who waa vlth tha reg
iment In the old dragoon days, vho was
for a time its colonel and whose tomo
at Arlington bears the remarkable recorl
of a man vho saw seventy years of ser
vice. Many distinguished confederate offi
cers, among them General Hardee, au
thor of "Hardee's Tactics," served before
the rebellion with the Second.
Among the officers of tffe regiment Is
First Lieutenant Clarence A. Scott, who
Is a son-in-law of Colonel William F.
Cody, best known as Buffalo Bill.
The two squadrons of the Second cav
alry now located ln Minnesota nd Ne
braska will march overland to the post
at Des Moines. The squadron coming
from Montana will travel by rail.
Body Foss4 la River.
Thomas Nevlns of Iowa City was mur
dered and robbed and his lifeless body
thrown Into the Mississippi river at Mus
catine, according to the belief of his
brother Samuel cf Iowa City, who has
gone to Muscatine to push tha Inquiry
Into the manner of his brother's death.
Nevlns' body vss found floating tn the
river, and th finger marks around his
throat Indicate that he had been choked
to death. He had drawn about $250 from
the bank shortly before he disappeared.
Hir brothers believe that the sight of a
"roll" flashed before th eyes of some
one prompted them to pursue and strangle
him. Th father of Nevlns waa burned
alive ln a fire which destroyed his home
ln Muscatine several weeks ago. At that
time It was believed by many that the
old man had been murdered and that his
home had been set aflra to conceal the
Elsaer Pratt, Llvlns; 5ear Iowa City
Shaots -William O'Connell.
IOWA CITT, Ia., May 25. Special Tele
gram.) William Connell, a farmer living
seven miles from Iowa City, was killed by
Elmer Pratt, a near neighbor, late last
night as the result of a family quarrel of
many years standing. Details of the affair
are lacking, as Pratt, who Immediately
gave himself up to Sheriff Rowland, re
fuses to make any statement other than
that a man must defend his home.
Connell had spent the day In Iowa City
and was returning home when be met
Pratt near the tatter's house. It Is sup
posed that the old quarrel broke out
again, as Pratt shot Connell vlth a shot
gun on the right side of the chest. Con
nell died before medical aid could be sum
moned. Pratt Is now lodged in the county Jail,
but It Is not expected the grand Jury will
act on the case at once. The trial will
probably be held at the September term.
Iowa Man Write Play.
DENTIN. Ia.. Mav 5 (Sperlst.V- For
the benefit of the firemen's Tmd local
talent gave a new play In the opera house
on Thursday evening. The rlv was wr'ften
In leisure hours hy I. W. Meyers, editor
of the Denlson Review. It portrays the
trials of a band of German emigrants wh
were sold worthless laad by shsrrers, who
swindled them out of their money, and of
the final triumph of the foreigners In gain
ing good homes. The plsy Is written In
Oerman-Amerlcan dialect and made a great
hit. The proceeds of the entertainment
amounted to tlSo. Mr. KahW. a young
attorney of this city and nephew of Hon.
C. F. Kahler. took the part of Hans Har
mon, which also Is the nam of the plsv.
L. M. G. Dlckerson of Omaha supervised
the presentation of the production.
Tw Deaf Mntea Marry.
GRINNELL, Ia.. Mav .-(Special!-A
wedding between two mutes took plsce
here yesterday, the ceremony being per
formed by a mute missionary of the Meth
odist church. Rev. Philip Hasenstab of Chi
cago. The contracting parties were Charles
Marlon Bharrer and Miss Ida May Bra
baker, both of Brooklyn. Ia. The service
was In the sign language and waa Inter
preted by those present who could hear by
Mrs; Hattle Hammond, at whne house the
ceremony took place. Both brld and
groom were educated at th Iowa School
for the Deaf at Council Bluffs.
See th Eclipse ball bearing, self-sharpening
lawn mowers at Petersen Sohoanlng
Carpeta. rugs, wmlow shades and lsee
urtaias. D. W. Keller. 1U3 South Main Su
Lac curtair.a, Stockert Carpet Cx
Two Aa-e4 Iowa Womea.
GRINNF.LL. " Ia.. May K.-Srrtal.
Orlnnell has long been noted for the large
number of old peopl living within its
borders and for th great age and activity
of soma of them. Mrs. Lucy H Verbrck
has Just passed her ninety-seventh birth
day wun a vigoriyiM nand and guod memory
low-priced movers ollcrcd
and are good value.
12-inch ,2,-J.".
14-lnch ijl2.Gr
lG-inch ; $2.1)5
We Are Agents for the Celebrated
Milton Rogers Eons Co.
Corner 14th and
1. ;, ',CSlwl
The R
membrane lining them. Thts treacherous and destructive disease in oit.n
primarily Induced through contracting a cold, or a series of colds, as a nat
ural sequence following exrosure when overheated, sudden climatic h:ns,
getting wet, cooling off too suddenly. Irritating or !U''h other causes
as materially w.-aken the general system The bronchial tubes branch off
from the trachea like a network and conduct the air to and from the lungs.
They are very delicate and easily affected
The starting point Is frequently a severe ooM in the heod. or repeated
colds, producing an Inflammation or diseased condition of the mucous mem
brane lining the nose or thrnt. commonly designated as a Catarrhal condi
tion. Poisonous secretions then aciumulate. which are not only absorbed,
affecting the Mood and nerves, but there Is also a constant dri v-lng of this
poisonous substance from the nose to throat, etc. hence It extends to the
bronchial tubes, frequently producing Anhma. then Into the limns, causing
acutfl lung disease, and finally into the lung tissue, terminating Into consump
tion. Through neglect and Inattention It gradually weakens the whole pul
monary' system, making it very susceptible to disease as It seldom ceases In
Its destructive course until it his Invaded the stomach, liver and kidneys, af
fecting the entire system. If the Inflammation extends into the lungs. It is
very apt to render them susceptible to the pneumonia germ, tending to make
th sufterer an easy prey to the ravages.
' If the disease Is allowed to prcgress until it has advanced to this stago
the sufferer then realises that he is in the clutches of one of the most de
structive diseases that pervades our land, spreading desolation, in Its incip
ient stages little pain or inconvenience Is experienced, and the sufferer Is
lulled into a senre of false security, postponing treatment day after day and
week after week. In the meantime allowing the disease to advance step by
step until It has securely fastened its tentacles upon-the system. If you are
affl cted with this disease you should not defer treatment unnecessarily and
pcsslhly throw away your chances of obtaining a cvrew, but call and consult
. us in time, while you have health within your grasp. It Is alwavs better to
be safe t.ian sorry when one's health Is concerned.
We treat men cnly, and aire promptly, safely and thor
DER DISEASES and all SPECIAL diseases and their com
plications. Frn Cansoltatloo mil Examination - ?,H l1: ltTr
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sta., Omaha, Neb.
and with fairly good bodily health. A. C.
Armstrong, who recently passed his eighty-
w t V. V.lrl I.J 1 aiidtrA In mln d ml wvrtv
and can pick up a newspaper and read the
! finest print as well aa ever. He haa a
' sister past 90 years of age who can do fine
j sewing without tn aid cf with as
niucu riocinrH ui iiiiLim as in uer
younger day.
Brlnor Roy Bark to Nebraska.
ATLANTIC Ia.. May Special.) An
exciting hunt ended her yesterdav after
noon about S o'clock, when ofTV ers who had
I been searching sine before noon for Clar
ence Walte, an lS-year-old boy, who had
made his escape f rom the sheriff of Dodire
county, Nebrarka, by Jumping from a
moving train, discovered the boy hiding
In a room ln the electric light house, not
fifty yards from where he was last seen.
When found he surrendered without re
sistance and was taken to th county Jail
here. He was taken back to Fremont by
th deputy sheriff today.
Ions !Teia Note.
STORM LAKE F. M. Schwarx. for twenty-nine
years a marble dealer In thts city,
died this afternoon after a long l!lnes. He
Goodrich Hose
LAWN MOWERS Cadet 12-in., $2.75; Cadet, H-in.,
$3.00; Cadet, 10-in., $.3.23.
Then we have Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Jr., ball
bearing, Continental and olhtrs. Also Caldwell l'ark Horse
Mowers in stock.
Hardware and Tools
Lawn mowers
(Sce Window INrdy.)
For Monday ?pm-!:1 wo offer our
"" anil "Now Spartan"
Lawn Mowers. The pears arc ftn
cut and In every rrsioot the iost
run easy, loave the pruss stnoothe
12-lnch ...
14-inth ...
16-Inch ...
Faniaiu Strt-cts.
y n.r . - A. - -r ?!
'-'f " .
. v-. . i
r..i , i ' -
y. . " ' -.; . - f . . -;
consists of an lnflrtmatlon,
arute or chronic, of the bron
chial tubes, producing a dlseas-
..l !.... (KA ............
n.'usjs i s nyfi
wss a local minister of the Methodist Epis
copal church.
ATLANTIC The work of ravln3 has
commenced In Atlantic. It will be In a
small way. but it is talked that it is tha
commencement of more paving for the city,
a strong s.-ntlment having developed to
hav Main street paved Its entire length.
IOWA CITY 8iir-rintendent II. E. Hlack
mar of the Iowa Falls public schiwis nas
been elected superintendent of the local
public schools. He succeeds Superintendent
A. V. Storm, who res!gn-d to Join tM
Ames faculty. Suirlnt.-tid-nt Ulackmar 1
a graduate of the I rivers. ly ot Iowa and
the Iowa Nonottl school.
Ml'SCATlN K W crry ing over the proph
esy of a clairvoyant, who told him three
men were plotting to take h' life. James
A. Chambers, a rich and prominent farmer
of Nichols, barrka.led l.lmcelf in his house,
loaded himself with artillery and threat
ened all who came near. He was enticed
Into town today and found insane, and will
be sent to the asylum at Mount f leasant.
The clairovurt 'r.uh-fed Mrn for IV'. .
IOWA CITY-lr. I. W. Littlg receive!
a telegram today announcing that Rev.
Father Francis V. Ntvcnt l is old school
mat, vho was dangerotiFly hurt at Auttn.
111., by an elevated railroad train, was con
scious and might recover. His sUull Is frac
tured and the dirt off the car wheel It
ground into the v und. Father Nugent is
not the Ixs Moines priest of the same
name, hut is well known throughout Iowa,
where he has preached In many Catholic
will save your gTass pro
viding it doesn't rain. AVe
are exclusive Omaha agents
for Goo&rich Hcse. The hest
hose for the money. The
Half Inch 5-ply is very pop
ular with the ladies. Easily
handled, never bursts.
lilt l I S T HI TO X , A in F.S I AX ,
ATien you b y Goodrich
IIoe you buv the best.
1011 Dodgo Street i