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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1907)
THE CWAITA SU3TDAY BEE: MAY 2fi, 1007. il STATE COMMISSION BALES . Objects to Application of OosttruotiTO Uiletro in Appwtioninc Larnliigs. tint struck th wire nd Cohn received a hock which laatantly killed him. Th only mack .that cfculd b found on him. wna In the palm of ona hand, which had beon burned. The deceased waa the malnstar of a blind father and crippled mother. The funeral waa hold yesterday at Cottonwood. CHANCELLOR ANDREWS AT DEDROI 1904 and waa brought by Mra. Chleboun, who claimed that disrespectful remarks had been made by the defendanta concern ing her conduct. Newa of Nebraakaw UTICA The achoola are closed on account or smallpox. M1L.FORD The senior class of the State university visited the Soldiers' Home on Friday. , 8EWAJU-The synod of the Evangelical church la In session here with a large at tendance. SCHUYLER The Wells-Abbott A Nel man Milling Co. has commenced rebuilding and enlarging Its office. SCHUYLER Honorable Otto Zuelow, deputy oil Inspector of this district, com menced his work of Inspecting all Friday. SCHl'YLER-Prof.. E. B. Sherman of Columbus will speak at the spec Lai meeting of the Commercial club Monday evening. . BEATRICE Rev. U. O. Brown of this city delivered the baccalaureate address before the graduating class at Odell Friday night. MILPORD Mr, Hassell, an old veteran at the Soldiers' Home, died at the home hospital. He had been an inmate for ten years. PLATTSMOUTH Philip Rouse won the medal in the content given last evening by the Women's Christian Temperance union. WEST POINT The regular annual con vention of the Cuming County I'lstrlct School Officers' association will be held In West Point on June L . . ELWOOD Elwood's base ball team Is organised and ready to meet all comers. At a game Tuesday they shut Stockvllle out by the score of 6 to 0. ELWOOD Graduating exercises are to be held at Elwood Friday evening. May ii. 3. W. Hilton, A. M.. or Lincoln haa been secured to deliver an address. ' SCHUYLER O. Vanhousen, sheriff, has appointed M. Vanhousen as his deputy to succeed Adam Kemule, who haa accepted the position of chief of police. ELWOOD County Clerk W. T. Nott la quarantined at hla home with small pox. This la the only case In town not withstanding the report of more. NEBRASKA CITY The graduating ex ercises of the eighth grade of the Julian and Rock Creek preoinot schools were held last evening at Julian. There were eight graduates. REPUBLICAN Miss Ada Castor, a soprano singer of Lincoln, and Budd Gil lespie, also of Lincoln, gave a musical en tertainment In the Methodist Episcopal church her. NEBRASKA CITY The residence of Mra. W. K. Ames waa destroyed by fire yesterday, caused by the explosion of a faaolin stove. Loss,, about fi.ituO, with 610 Insurance. , ELWOOD Miss Alice .Trobee, a young woman, who had grown ' to womanhood here, died Wednesday morning of consump tion, from whluh aha- had suffered tor the last three years. NEBRASKA CITT In county court in a case Involving a statutory charge, the plaintiff being Miss Ake Heliuertch and the defendant John- t'aaoera, both . resi dents of near . Talin&ge, the preliminary nntiuuiw waa bald and the dofeudant was bound over to district court In the sum of $1,000. Both belong to good fam ilies. SIDNEY Colonel Robert 8. Oberfelder, accompanied by his nephew, Arthur, left this evening for New York, whence they sail for a three months' trip to Europe visiting all principal cities ou Uie poniineni. NORTH PLATTE The commencement exercises of the high school were held last evening. Thre were eight boys and four teen young women is the class. Dr. J. A. Beattle of Cotner university delivered the address. SCHUYLER Rev. Mr. McKee of the Methodist church and Mrs. McKee left for Montreal, Canada, to visit their old home and will be gone until July 1. Services will continue without Interruption during the pastor's absence. BEATRICE The slaughter-house of Ooble Uros., located In the southwest part of the city, was destroyed by fire yester day morning. Loss, 6o0, with fiuO In surance. The blase was caused by a tank of lard catching fire. BEATRICE The University of Nebraska battalion of cadets will go Into camp on the Chautauqua grounds In this city next Tuesday for Ave days. The advance guard will reach Beatrice Monday morning and prepare for the main body, SCHUYLER B. F. Blots of Clarkson has been appointed deputy county clerk by County Clerk Shonk and his bond has been approved by the commissioners. He takes the place of George Qless, who left for the south some time ago. UTICA Henry R. Cole died at hla home from blood poisoning after a week Illness, lie was not quite 90 years old. He leaves a wife and three children. The funeral was held . from the Presbyterian church. Rev. Mr. Loriiner officiating. ELWOOD The house on the farm of R. 8. Trumbull of Mlnden, located southeast of town and occupied by his brother, Austin, was struck by lightning during the storm Thursday evening and waa burned together with th entire contents. , NORTH PLATTE At a meeting of the members of the Young Men's Chriataln association base ball team Wednesday evening F. R. Elliott was unanimously elected captain. They will probably play the Grand Island team next week. . BEATRICE The Woman Relief corps held a meeting yesterday and completed arrangements for memorial day. Mrs. Mary Hagey was elected treasurer, and reports from the del, gates who attended the reunion at Fremont were submitted. BTROMSBURO A reception for the members and subscribers of the local Young Men's Christian association waa given at the banquet hall last evening In honor of having completed th budget for the coming year. V. E. Wilson waa toast master. NEBRASKA CITY The electric storm of Thursday night killed several head of cattle for Henry Walla, living tour miles south of this rlty, and It also put th tel ephone and telegraph companies out of commission. Nearly an Inch and a half of witter fell. NORTH PLATTB-Yesterday . afternoon Dick Wood, who la employed In the Union Paclflo shops, met with a very severe ac cident. In using th air lift t pull up a pair of wheels th hook holding the lift brok and th heavy machine fell and t truck Mr. Wood In th side and braised U lac. Ha waa Uka to his hotua en a stretcher and the doctor summoned. He sustained some Injury to his spine, but It Is not thought that he Is seriously hurt at this time. SCHUYLER Rev. Charles A. Arnold, formerly pastor of the Presbyterian church here, who recently returned from his trip through Europe, Egypt and the Holy Land, will give a lecture at the church Friday evening, June 17, entitled. ' Pebbles From Marty Shores." WEST POINT Sheriff Malchow went out to the Bancroft neighborhood this week and brought in Martha Schock, who Is charged with Insanity. John Voch of Bis marck township waa alao arrested on the same charge. Both cases are now before the Insanity board. BEATRICE Word has been received here that Watson Pickrell, a former resi dent of Beatrice, Is conducting one of the largest ostrich ranches in the country near Phoenix, Aria. Mr. Pickrell, has about 2,0u0 of these birds and sells the plumes at from 15 to $36 each. NORTH PLATTE The senior class of the North Platte High school rendered tholr class play. "A Craxy Idea," before a large audience at the opera house Wednea day evening. Vincent Hascall, Esther Antonldes, William Waltemath and Claudo Selby took the leading parts. PAPILLION Saturday was gala day for Papallion, with tlugs and bunting displayed on every house. The Plattdeutschea vereln had the town. Their large platform In the grove waa crowded, and marching with bands of music and the general turnout of the citizens made It a gala day. BEATRICE Misa Mattle Bonebrlght of Cortland found a pocketbook containing $&0u which belonged to Mr. King, who travels out of Omaha for the E. E. Bruce Drug company. The pocketbook waa later returned to Mr. King, who presented the young woman with $5 as a reward for her honesty. WATERLOO C. J. Smyth of Omaha de livered the address to the graduating class of the Waterloo High school Friday even- i Ing Ht the opera house. A class of nine f raduated from the tenth grade. Folio w ng the commencement exercises the an-" nual banquet of the high school alumni was held, plates being laid or 112. STROMSnURO The Memorial sermon will be delivered by H. N. . 1'oston, the pastor of the American Methodist Epis copal church. In honor of the local Grand Army of the Republic and all old soldiers at 11 a. m. today, and the Memorial ad dress on Decoration day will be delivered by Rev. Luther P. Ludden of Lincoln. WEST POINT The newly elected officers of Jordan lodge, No. 2t of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, are as follows: Worshipful master, James C. Elliott; senior warden, Peter Poellett; junior warden, A. L. Krause; secretary, W. C. Smith; treasurer, J. B. Tharp. Arrangements are being made for a public Installation, to be held In June. bH ELTON The rain, which began fall ing Wednesday evening, continued at In tervals during Thursday and Friday night. On account of the rapid lis of grain the last week many farmers have hauled to market thousands of bushels of wheat, corn and oats, and at fancy prices, and as a consequence their bank accounts are swelled many thousands of dollars. 8H ELTON The alumni recently organ ised and composed of former graduate of th bheltoa High sohool, WuK evening gave a banquet to th graduating class of this year In th high school rooms. Plates wero laid for forty. George W. Smith la presi dent of the organisation and Miss Edna Gardner secretary. E. J. McDermott acted as toastmaater. GENOA J. M. Kennedy dropped dead In the back yard of his residence about 0 o'clock Saturday morning, the cause of his death being heart trouble. The de ceased was born In 8arva. County Down, Ireland. 71 years ago. He came to the United State In WU and to Nebraska In ltfTs. Ha ih on of th first county com missioners elected In Nance county and had always bean prominent In politics. His brother, Crawford Kennedy of Lincoln, waa visiting him at the time of his death. NEBRASKA CITY Thomas N. Whit made a bill of sal and turned over hi stock of groceries to the local wholesale houses, to whom he was Indebted to nearly the amount of $1,700. There are a few other creditors. Too liberal credit Is th reason of the failure. Mr. Whit was on of our oldest merchants. H la (Continued on Fifth Pag.) CIL COMPANY PK0TESTS ON FREIGHT PATE Corsxratloas IfotlSed Thar Most File Article la This 8t If They Expert to Transact Bas in es Here. rnlf LINCOLN. May 28. Specll.-Whn 'CsTerlng no suggestion how to apportion ,rthe earnings and cost of operating a rall M road to th various states for th purpose of ' making up the valu of th various ' roads. Chairman Wlnnett of th Stat Hallway commission has written a letter . to the Interstate Commerce commission protesting; against the "constructive mile age" mentioned In the letter by. th Inter state commission. This constructive mlla ge, It was' explained In th letter, waa allowing one state more mileage than It really had because of the extra cost of construction or cost of maintenance and operation. Dr. ' Wlnnett figures that It Would be all right to s-lv railroads an added value In state where construction costs mora than In other state, but when It comes to earnings, ha la opposed to the constructive mileage. H la of th opinion that Nebraska should lost none of tbe earnings to which It Is entitled because of Its mileage, to help some other state whose railroads run through a mountainous coun try. In a prairie state like Nebraska, he ngures tn trains can haul much more tonnage at tha same coat and that that more than makes up for ' the extra cost of roads In a state full of mountains and Mils. He auggesta that tha constructive mileage be eliminated When It comes to apportioning the earnings of railroads on Interstate business. Protest on OH Rates. Art Informal protest waa received from the Marshall Oil company today by the commission over the high freight rat on OIL It was told to the commission that owing to the high rates, this company haa only three distributing points In th state Omaha. IJncoln and Hasting. Th local ratea are so high that this company can- . not compete with th Standard OU com pany, which uses wagons which run to most of th small towns. Mast Vile Incorporation Paper. Unless someone bring a suit to test the .matter tha supposed "joker" In the King bill providing for the appointment of an agent by foreign corporations doing bust- Sees In the state upon whom service may be had will not allow these companies to do business h?re without filing their arti cle of Incorporation. A. Walte, deputy secretary of state, notified a number of for eign companies this morning that if they contemplated doing bualness In Nebraska they must first file their articles of In corporation as well as tha name of an agent. - Kaley Goea to Europe. Colonel Charles Kaley of Red Cloud was In Lincoln today on his way to Ohio to visit relatives. June 18, accompanied , by his two sisters, he will make a tour of Europe to rest up before hla annual visit to Washington next winter. . Plavn of Assessment Halt. Tha State Board of Assessment la still . figuring on a plan of assessment whoh can be applied to all railroads and do Justice to both the people and the corporations, a plan that can be explained and thoroughly un derstood, but so far the satisfactory method was . not been discovered. Various plana ave Men worneq out,, dui none 01 mem haa yot satisfied any of the members and ' therefore It may be som tlm before the Anal mmmmmmmn Is m.lA RsnrstSJ-V Dfltl. net of, th board and Henry Seymour of tha auditor's office have about completed tha work, of certifying out the value of tbe car companies to the various counties. These companies this year were assessed at $140,005, and last year at $111.0(55. Insist OH Was Doctored. Four barrels of oil shipped from Kansas to Weeping Water have been rejected by the oil department because th oil failed to come up to the test of ill degrees. Each Of the barrels tested 107 degrees by the In spection of D. W. Hoyt, deputy under Former Oil Inspector Church, and when the oil waa returned to Kansas the shippers tested It 107 degrees and then said It had '' been doctored before shipment by some bus iness enemy. The oil waa shipped by the Uncle Sam Oil company. ' Federal Court Adjourn. Federal court adjourned yesterday after noon, with tha report of the Jury In the KoelUr-Burllngton railroad damage eult Fred Koeller was Injured by a hydraulto niaohln In the Havelock shop, losing an ' eye. Ha brought suit for $16,000 and the jury lost night brought In a verdict for $878 for the plaintiff. The defendant com pany bad pleaded contributory negligence on the part of Koeller. The next term of fe-Jen 1 court at Lincoln will be In October. 1 X essences' Company Sard. , .Jury In tha district court haa returned a' Jerdlot for $60 In favor of W. A. Abbott, - who sued the American District Telegraph company for damages caused by the failure to deliver a parcel of medicine In time, causing serious results to tha patient. It Waa stated that Abbott had purchased soma medicine of a certain kind and entrusted tt to a messenger boy to deliver to his father, who suffers from a peculiar malady Which requites special treatment. The med icine waa delivered at the wrong place, he asserted, and the sufferer had a relapse because Of th non-receipt of the medicine. He sued for $00 damages. Typographical I'aloa Memorial. Lincoln Typographical union No. JOt Will hold Ita annual memorial exercises at the First Christian church. Fourteenth and M streets, Sunday afternoon at i:15. William J. Bryan will deliver the memorial address. The general public, especially members of trade union and their fam ilies, are Invited to attend these ceremonies. At the conclusion of the church services the members of the union and of Capital auxiliary will take a special car at Four teenth and O streets and go to Wyuka cent aury, where decoration service will be held on the burial lot owned by the Typo graphical union. At the cemetery Richard U Metcalfe will speak, his subject being The Invisible Playmate." ' Bryaa to Talk: la Kansas. ...... ww . . j .,, lunjrur m UIISIU, .v .ii., j and chairman of the democratic state eeri tral comtntttee of Kansas, who haa been ' visiting W. J. Bryan at hi home here, to- fday second. Mr. Bryan' consent to attend tha annual banquet of Kansas democrats at Tops. K will mak th principal ad-Ireaa. Graduating; Exerelse of Hlah Schools la Nebraska Town. HEBRON. Neb.. May SR.-8DeclaL-The twenty-third annual commencement exer cise of the Hebron High school were held In th opera house Friday evening. E. Benjamin Andrews, chancellor of the Uni versity of Nebraska, delivered an Impres sive address on "Educational Privileges." I which waa well received. Dr. Andrews pre sented the diploma. Mln Grace B. Cooley won the class honors and received the free scholarship to the-University of Nebraska. STERLINO, Neb.. May 26. (Special.) Commencement exercises of the high school sr held at Trier's onera house Friday evening. At the conclusion of appropriate exercises a class of three girl and two boys received their diplomas. SUTTON. Neb.. May 26. (Special.) Com mencement exercises of the high school were held Friday evening. The: graduating class numbered ten. The baccalaureate was preached by Rev. T. E. Taggert of Mich igan, who has been called to th pulpit of the Sutton Congregational church, All the teachers bav been elected to fill their places for the ensuing year. The number of pupils Is Increasing so fast that It will be neoessary to add two departments. HOLDREGE, Neb.. May JR. ( Special. The graduating exercises of the Holdrege High school were held in the opera house Thursday evening. Rev. I. F. Roach of Lincoln gave the commencement oration, his subject being "Higher Education a Duty." There were sixteen graduates, five boys and eleven girls, most of whom have made arrangements to pursue their 'studies tn higher achoola of learning. Superintend ent 6. H. Thompson, who has been here the last three years, will be succeeded by Superintendent C. W. McMlchael of Arapa hoe. Mr. Thompson will leave for New York, where he haa received a scholarship In Columbia university and he will prepare himself for work along higher lines of ed ucation. HERMAN, Neb.. May 26. (Special.) The graduating claae of the Herman High school gave th . clas play, "The Merchant of Venice," Friday night to a packed house. The roads were bad. it having rained nearly all day. Lloyd Burdlc. as Bhylock, Charles Cameron, as Bassanlo, and Grace Kepler, aa Portia, were all that could be expected. The play will be repeated during the com- CI IAD RON Neb.. May 25. (Special.) Commencement exercises of th eigmn grade of the Chadron publlo schools were held Thursday evening, In charge of Prof. O H. Williams. The diploma were pre sented by Superintendent C. N. Walton. ' imvmr w.h Mar 25. (Special Tele gram.) The commencement exerolsea of the Sidney High school took place this evening at ToWn'a opera house. The aud -torlum was packed to Its capacity. The di plomas were presented to the sradua.bse by J U Mcintosh, president of the Board of Education. This was one of the atrong est graduating classea that has ever left the Sidney High achool.-their averages be ing close to the 100 mark. CLARKS, Neb.. May . (Special.) Fri day evening tha senior class of the high achool presented lta class 'play, entitled Trlxle. or the Wliard of Fogg Island, to a large audience. Next Friday evening the commencement exercises will be held and A. R. Des Jardlena of Pawnee City will address the graduates., ' ' Wave Btrlhee Oakland. OAKLAND. Neb.. May tt.-(8pecla!.-Mayor Humelstrora haa Issued a proclama tion ordering all slot machine removed by Monday morning and all stores closed on Sunday with lb exception of drug stores. Which may open for th sale of medio) it only. Meat market may open until l a. m. and hotel and restaurants open for th serving of meals only. Cvha Killed by Lightning. NORTH PLATTE. Neb., May $f.-(8p-clal.) On Tuesday evening, . on th J. W. Pays ranch, near - Cottonwood, William Cohn waa klrled by 1 an electrical shock. Cohn waa returning from the Held, and In opeobuf a gate, partly mad of wire, light- IHOWER9 AND DIG CROPS Wheat Ball and Calamity Howler vtA rilsi Aa-alnat Them. WEST POINT. Neb.. May 26. (Special.) Coplou. rains have fallen for the tasi mr day to the great benefit of air growing crop, especially of wheat and oats aad pastures. The condition of the crops gen erally la much better than waa anticipated, practically no serious damage having been done. With a favorable season Cuming county will secure tha average crop. Corn Is sprouting freely and showa a gocd. thrifty stand. STERLING. Neb., May 25. (Special.) This section of the county has not received Its share of the coploua tains that have been so general in other parts of the state. The precipitation here has been less than one-quarter of an Inch, nevertheless crops are In good condition, the warm weather having forced vegetation forward rapidly. Many fruit trees are budding the second time and there will be a fair crop of ap ples, some peaches, currants and gooseber ries. Strawberries will yield a pretty full crop. CHADRON, Neb.. May 26. (Special.) Forty-eight houra of steady rain haa thor oughly aoaked any ground that was left dry from last week'e snows. The range la now In first claas condition. REPUBLICAN CITY. Neb., May 25. (Special Telegram.) The long drouth waa broken, last night by a good rain, the first for a long time. Most of the corn Is planted. Alfalfa and wheat has not been doing well: but these rains will be of great benefit and Insure a good, fair crop of wheat. DOLLAR WHEAT DELEGATES American Society of Banlty to Hold Convention la Omaha In June. HABTINGS, Neb.. May fS. (Special Tele gram.) A special convention of the Amer ican Society of Equity was held here today to elect delegate to th national convention of th Grain Grower" association in Omaha Jun t, and 7. The Omaha meeting will be held In the Interest of the campaign for dollar wheat. Th convention here was at tended by numerous representatives of th society from over th tate. State Organ iser Wendle of Illinois spoke to the gath ering concerning the progress of the fight for dollar wheat. These delegates were chosen: J. S. Kennedy. J. L. Blue. Ed Hubbard, George Berger, George F. Mil burn. W. O. Duncan. O. A. Harris, John Franklin, F. O. Halberg. William Kruger, B. M. Elder, John Mulatt, Charles Burchell, O. W. O'Dell and 8. A. Smith. Child Eat Polaon for Candy. UTICA. Neb.. May 26.-(8pedal.) LKtle James Allen, aged t years, while playing in his mother's bedroom found some antl septlo tablets In a boa In her dresser. Thinking they were candy he awallowed two of them. Mra. Allen then came Into the room, and seeing what the child had done Immediately picked him up and rushed him to her husband's drug store, where Dr. F. B. McConoughey attended to him with a tomach pump. H relieved the child of th suffering and he Is getting along nicely. The poison which th tablets contained Is one of the worst known, and had not Mr. Allen discovered him when she did he would almost certainly have been dead within an hour. One Dnllar Damages fer (lander. SCHUYLER, Neb., May J5. (Special.) The May term of district court commenced this week, Judje Hollenbeck presiding. Th first Important case which came up was tha Cbleboun-Krikao slanded suit of Clarkson, which started Monday and con tinued until today, when the Jury Drought In a verdict awarding $1 damage to the ylalntlff. Tha principal of tha suit were Mr. and Mra. James Chleboun and Mr. and Mra. Krlkao. and there were many witnesses, all from Clarkson. The case data back to R6HZWD & WILHELM qiq-16.18 SOUTH 16TII STREET. For quality, for variety, for lowncss in price you'll find this store ever ready with a complete assortment. A personal inspection will ho convincing proof that wo not only have the largest and hest selected stock, but that our prices will favorably compare with those asked for many goods of inferior grades (Earpets ar tim vjsw - - , - Sn- At Visit our Carpet Department before buying your spring carpet. Here you will find the best selec tions from the best known manufacturers. The patterns have been chosen with geat care and we guarantee the durability of every yard. Axminsters, per yard ..$1.20 Wilton Velvets, yard... $1.25 Quaker Axminster, yd. $1.35 Ingrain Carpets We are showing the largest and most complete line of Ingrains in the west. Our standard Heavyweight looks like Body Brussels on the floor. A yard, 75o to 82c Porch Rugs Now'b the time to make your selection, before the large assortment is broken and picked over. American Grass Rugs ' Made from the Minnesota wire grass, with fringe on the ends. Oood color combinations, quite effective and Inexpensive. They come in almost any size. A few prices: 1- Cx3 Grass Rug 4f 1-10x4 Grass Rug 59 2- 3x5 GraBS Rug 85 3x6 Grass Rug SI. 35 4x7 Grass Rug 83.00 6x9 Grass Rug 84.50 8x10 Grass Rug $7.00 9x12 Grass Rug $8.50 Mourzouk Rugs Imported direct from Calcutta. Made from the beat India fiber with purely vegetable dyes, giving the Incomparable Oriental Colorings. These are very strong, and will out-wear any porch rug made. 3x6 Mourzouk Rug 83.05 4x7 Mourzouk Rug 80.50 6x9 Mourzouk Rug 812,00 8x10 Mourzouk Rug 817.00 7-6x12 Mourzouk Rug $10.50 9x12 Mourzouk Rug $24.50 Mattings We import our Mattings our selves. By so doing, save you the jobber's profit. A large variety of designs and colorings now on dis play. China Mattings, yard, up from 10c Japanese Mattings, up from 25c Summer Furniture 1 Now on display a most complete as sortment of Porch and Lawn Furniture of all kinds. The new and novel aa well as the staple and substantial. All moderately priced. Mission Clock (Like cut) Quartered oak, weathered finish; 17 inches wide, 72 inches high. Strikes every half-hour. A good bargain at ...... $11.25 Box Spring Mattress Special THE OSTERMOOlt Upholstered Spiral Spring for metal beds, cov ered with best quality ticking with Oatermoor hand laid folt on top. Comes In full or size. Regular price $22.00, special for three days, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, each ,T. . .$17.50 Kitchen Cabinets The Hoosier quality. Saves time and labor. The most complete . kitchen cabinet made. Call and see full line. $21.00 up. Refrigerators We're agents for the Herrtck high grade, perfect dry air circulation, solid oak refrigerators. Let us show you Its special advantages. White enamel, spruce and opal glass lined. Up from $14.00 Mission Rocker (Like cut) Constructed of solid oak, weathered finish; has up holstered seat in Spanish leather, each.... ..$7.50 Vts '') :-Ll t. Torch Swing (like cut). 6 feet long. weathered oak, complete with chain. strong and 'durable. This is a very bolted swing, price. $17.00 Other Porch Swings at $5.60, $6.60, up. Insurance Gasoline Stove Is the only Gasoline Stove that ab solutely precludes accidents. Up from $9.50 Detroit Jewel Gas Ranges All Detroit Jewels are constructed .on the same principle that has made this the most popular range with the gas using public. Built of the very best materials by the most skilful mechanics obtain able. Made to last a life time and to save your gas bills. 46 different sizes and styles. Up from $15 CURTAIN MATERIALS So many. Curtains are being made to order now that curtain goods, by the yard, is of as great importance as the ready made ones. Anticipating this, we bought early, and now give you the advantage of prices made before the advance on all cotton fabrics. Buffet We are Just In receipt of a large shipment of these pretty dining room pieces, all popularly priced. Buffet (like cut), select quarter-sawed golden oak, highly polished, has pretty carving large French bevel mirror, top 22x45 Inches, cupboard base Is fitted with latticed glass doors. Special, eaehv $20.50 36-inch Curtain Swiss, in dots of all sizes, per yard He 42-inch Curtain Swiss, in figures, dots and stripes, per yard.'. :'. .'. .19c 48-inch Curtain Swiss, imported patterns, slightly soiled on edges, regular 50o' values, special, per yard. .274c 45-inch Bobinet, white or Arabian, per yard 20c 48-inch Fancy Nets, in 15 styles, white and Arabian, "xer yard 25c 54-lnch Bobinet, white ivory and Ara bian colors, French triple thread net, per yard..... ....50c 42-inch Madras, white or ecru, new pat terns, serviceable for summer curtains because it washes well, per yard. . .35c 48-inch Madras, light and dark colors, stained glass effect,' regular $1.50 goods. Special ..05c 50-inch Fancy Nets, white, ivory and brege color. Per yard. 05c Pantasote We are western agents for Pantasote, the best substitute for leather made. It will not croch, peal or burn. 36 inches wide, per yard .$1.00 54 inches wide, per yard $1.50 Black, dark green, maroon and tan. Guimp, nails and buttons to match. Window Shades us measure your house, make and hang your shades. We give you the best material, best workmanship and prices as low as consistent with first class' goods. Library Table (like cut), pretty colonial design, has wide swell legs with under shelf, made 6t best quarter-sawed oak, golden or weathered finish, or of birch mahogany with genuine mahogany top and rim, has large drawer, top Is 27x 41 Inches. Each fjjy qq Sole agents for FOR MEN ONLY TWO-PIECE SUITS $22.5 Every garment cut and made In Omahathe only way to insure our patrons faultless fitting and well made garments. Big selection of blue serges, brown serges, gray worsteds and cheviots Why Wear lll-Fitting Hand-Me-Downs When These Prices Prevail HERZ0G TAILORING CO. 1415 Douglas St., Omaha 1230 0 Street, Lincoln D. H. Beck, Mgr.