THE OMATIA" DAILY BEEt SATURDAY, MAY 2r. 1907.' 20 Big Sale of Men's Suits Monday, May 27i Free Exhibition "The Village Blacksm illf Saturday, May 25i Famous $13,000 Painting Third floor. New Store ! RflOMEV. THE RELIABLE STORE ; , ii : i : i 1 , i See Brandeis' Big Double Page Ad Ii This Paper Pages 6 and 7 GREATEST SALE EVER HELD BY THE GREATEST STORE JHEWEST $100,000 Purchase from Eastern Manufacturers at 25 to 50 Less Than the Prices of a Month Ago Sale Begins Saturday LOOK FOR THE BIG AD if In Housefurnishing Department Basement, Old Store ALL DAY SATURDAY (See the Ai ii the Double Pe Ad.) EXTRA SPECIALS III IN OUR. CARPET DEPT., 3rd Floor. New Store Saturday the prices in our carpet and rug depart ment will be way down. Here are specials: "A $5.00 Axminster Kug A $3.50 Axminster Rug at $2.98 I at $1.79 Brussels Kugs, 9x12, Oriental and floral patterns, and worth $18.50, at $13.98 Wilton Velvet Rugs, 9x12 size, many patterns, worth $27.50, at $20.00 TROUBLE AT BLEES ACADEMY Anotber Version of Affair that Has Given School Vnoh Notoriety. SUPERINTENDENT BURNETT MAKES REPORT Story Told by Young Stors l Dented C.trsorlcnllr and a List of His OITcnsra Axalnst Ilclpllno Is Furnished. George It. .Burnett, superintendent and commandant of the Blees Military academy t Macon, Mo., writes . to The Bee a lengthy communication denying the prin cipal statements made by Arthur Stora, the Omaha cadet who was dismissed from the academy early In the week Com mandant Burnett says the four senior offi cers concerned In the affair wure mutinous nd that their conduct could not bo over looked, lie accuses young Btors of being especially obstreperous, and says he was On probation, having been reduced In rank. St the time the serious trouble occurred. On the morning of the outbreak Stors had been placed in close &rrest, and at the lunch hour was guilty of a violent out burst in the dining room, using profane and vulgar languuge. For this he was Incontinently expelled. . As to the dismissal of a member of th faculty for bidding the boys goodbye, tha Vommandant says all members of the fac ulty are still at the school. As to a hear ing for Htori. ho says, sjch was not pos sible, as the language used by the young man was not such as could be extenuated, and a 'hearing would have been a waste of time. The arbitration was brought about by a delegation of parents calling on the faculty, when the matter was laid before thq parents In Its proper light, and terms fixed on which all boys but Storx could b returned. Some forty of the boys have been taken back, the youngsr ones without apology, as It U believed they rers coerced Into acting as they did. Commandant Burnett says the school will be managed by the faculty and Its dis cipline maintained as long as It remains ftUasua at Co., LETTER SPECIALISTS. 11 Xsver Carried Any. ' While a party of lawyers was gathered arty of lawyers was at one of he Kingston hotels, the sub- lect o; Frasle U ut i t of securing a jury for the trial of iter and Williams came Up. Attorney ral Fletcher told a laukiiable story about tne ronmruciion piacea upon some of ths hlgh-suundlng words generally used In examining tho eligibility of Jurors In murder trials. In Monroe county sev eral years ago, the general stated he was engaged In this tssk. The Juror under ex amination was a backwoodsman, and the question was asked whether or not "he had Mrs. Winalow's Soothing Syrup Hu bs aw4 for 11XTT-FIV1 TEARS br HUXIO.NS at MOTHKKi lor thtlr CHILPHgN 1EBTH1NO. Hk PIKrKT SUI I'ESS. It BOOlHICl ( I'HIU). SOFT tluOl'US, ALXJkT ail riN; limits winu coul, ui i ts t,m4t tut P1AHRHOKA. IvIS It OniwUtl la vry pan ( tfc world. B Mr aod sak lur "Mr. viBalaw auoikiDs Srrsp." end Uk Mbtr kiss. TfBiji-fiT uls s bul. GiMriat4 hdr (kg Foo4 SO Dnisa 4 'it. J" Mtk. ltrK. Irrlal NuoUMT t. AN OM AND WVa TKifcO fcXMtfPT. PARKER' HAIR BALSAM Owsh sattaurksjl Us heat. v rmiis U ft r tor Orj Wsklk ta 11 V.M. rv-l- CM1 JP d ss-Si.SS i list? lekUiiUAV 8 ADJUSTABLE WINDOW SCREENS for 15c This is a good screen, with hard wood frame and good quality black Fi screen I fc worth 35c, I j ai 0 any conscientious scruples agralnst Inflicting the death sentence where the law and the I evidence wurianted It." The countryman a-riii Hi- I t' ana. snakin his nst at tue general, rep that 'who told Dim that mt'l ever ca rh-d a pair of them things had lied. was excused from service. -Nashville Bon ner. NATION'S WONDEBFUL GROWTH Statistics Issued by Department of Commerce nnii Labor Cover 'All Development. WASHINGTON, 'May 24.-A series of panoramic views of conditions In the United States from 1800 to the present time In area, population, production, com merce, money circulation, wealth. Inter communication, publication and education ire presented In a statistical abstract of the United States Just Issued by the De partment of Commerce and Labor. It is j a volume of 700 pages, with scarcely a line of text uiscussluii other than tha titles of the tables themselves. Beginning with ta bles as to area, it shows that In continental United States tho population to the square mile has grown from six and a half per sons In 1400 to nearly twenty-eight at the present time. The per capita circulation, which In 1800 was ". was in I"i6 KJ2.32. The per capita wealth, which In 1830 was $3o7, was in 1904 11,310. Bank deposits, for WjJilch no record Is available earlier than In 1875, were In that year a trifle over S2,0O0,0G0,Oft0 and In 1906 $12.26O,00O.OU0. In 1K20 tho do posits In savings banks amounted In round numbers to (1.000,000, while In 1906 they were W,260,QOO,000. with 8.027.1K! depositors. Imports of merchandise, which In 1800 amounted to $31,000,000, were In 1906 $1.26,000.000; while exports, which In 1800 were $71,000,000. were In 1906 $1,744,000,000. The publication also shows the Increases In cotton production from 126,556 bales in 1800 to 11,333,000 bales In 1906; In sugar production, which amounted to less than 14,000 tons In 1K25, to 682,414 tons In l'joe. and corn, the production of which In 1840 was 377,000.000 bushels, to 2.927.416.091 bushels In 1906. The value of manufacturing products has grown from $1,000,000,000 In 1850 to nearly $15,0u0,000,0u0 In ISMi. TO SELL STAMPS BY MACHINE Postoffle Department Will Make Test of Several Devices for This Purpose. WASHINGTON, Ma"y 24 Postmaster General Meyer has decided to have ex haustive tests made of several types of automatic stamp vending machines, adapted to receive 1-cent and -cent pieces for the purchase of 1-cent and S-cent stamps and postal cards. Two years ago experiments were made of such devices by the Postomce department. The committee of experts reported that the machines could not be utilized to tha advantage of the department. The postmaster general said today that he believed any measure that promoted the convenience of the public should be utilised whenever possible to do so without undue, cost. For the purpose of the testa the depart ment will locate the machines at various points In the country. The great dtlllcult In this country Is that there Is no coin which 1 the equivalent of the 2-cent stamp, and therefore It will be necessary to use two 1-cent stamps for letter postage. Two Killed on laterurbma. GRAND HA PI 1)8. Mich.. Msy 24 -Two men were killed in a colltlun between two esrs on the Hnml r.,.,.,4 n.. ft Muskegon Jnierurbau railroad near Mus- kegon 11114a MB Jg uinv Tailored by ALFRED BENJAMIN and SCHLOSS BROS., Formerly $25.00 and 28.00 . . . Th vary latest Brown and owners Worth up to $5, Large Variety, Special 1519 i j ujj.s.aB mmjm OMASA'S PUBB FOOD OBHTE1 Saturday's Specials It Roast Beef, Shoulder Cuts, per per U 5 l K 7Vio R M FreBh Pork Spare Ribs, per lb. .6VjO U .j California Hams, per lb ac Sj From 7 p. in. to 8 p. m. we will tell is .J 1 noil lhn Clinic Rcpf t nir II, N FISH R Fresh Caught Pickerel, per lb ..llo; I . p.Bk . . V- 1' -. . . ... Ik Fresh Cautfht .Trout, per lb .llo Specials for Saturday in y Fruit and Vegetable 8 Department i. $5 Roman Lettuce n Pineapples, each 20c and . . So i .100 .100 R .loo h .40o to 750 R ,..6c F? w Spinach, per pk Strawberries, tier box. luc and U New Potatoes, per pk S Florida Fresh Peaches. k,.! pie Newton per lb .' Pretzels per' lb ... Liquors ft $1.00 p . 65o U (Full V Week-End Liquor Sale 4f Paul Jones V size Whiskey, Regular jfc Monogram Maryland Whiskey, Qts) 91.00 is California Wine. Port or Sherry, per Gnl 51.50 f 1 For Saturday only we will give free M with ench purchase of our own lot- 55 tling wines anil liquors a BOc bottle , j or port or snerry 9 t : P5 17th and Douglas Sts. TU Douglas 647 Private Excuange connects all Depta. I ': r-'aeorocr5r.ccj-2K'S Choice Oxfords This store ha a dteplay of Spring Oxfords that will interest every woman In this community. It's going to be a great season for Low Cut Shoes. There's not a good style of Oxfords or Ties that we are not show lug In splen did variety. IT'S A BEAUTY SHOE SHOW rutent Kid, Corona Colt and all leather. Oxfords, rtibbon. Ties. Pumps, etc. Every dainty style. $3.00, $380, $4.00 to $3.00. FRY SHOE CO. Ill IHOEll 16th and Douglas Streets. C-PATI Oar J bw... mat PATENTS that PROTECT ITtb I n r tcu. iu. I titib. 13t8, I liiri,t,,wf, tli rMiul isi;t' Wmhmjrlan D C OLLECE8. DELLEVUE COLLEGE COLLKCiK CUMical, cicollftc pUiltopbai auurMt CALkMV Ao aocr4it4 bih tbool pi(Mbi-i Uti bitu r mar other coslr or JiiTrmli. VUKMAL SCHOOL KlemvatAry a4 4v&m4 ctur. CrtiActi artvaMC CONtivK VAlnH V JUmorf t BUsjQ, pUo Vut Wnhu, lorulton art. OMAHA CONMKcTioNis ElMCrte llo d4 Burltnr m rai.wftj. Fow Mu4ni iorsnitri iisaraite Clot Black Chaek Included. Tailors fl Price and 1521 DOUGLAS STREET. ICslo You To Invite your clients Into an office which Is not apace with the present times? You l,now your own feelings When obliged to go in an office building where you have to wait for the elevator and then cjuwd In wlthmore people than the elavator car can uccommodate, to be let off In a dark, unkempt hallway and have to hunt around la the dark for tho party wanted. The Bee Building Offers you space which Is In every way desirable. The balls are endless and well lighted, and the rooms are all plainly numbered, the even numbers outside and odd numbers on tho court. The elevators are roomy and run with regularity. If you are considering locating a new office or contem plate a move we would be pleased to have you call and let us ihow you around the building. Wo make no extra charge for electric light nor Janitor Borvico. Wl a The Bee Buiiditia Co. 2 Apply Business Office Bee. Saturday Is Ladies' Patent Colt Oxfords cut from $2.50 to. . . . .$2.00 Ladies' Patent Colt Oxfords cut from $3.00 to $2.50 Lndies' Patent Tip Oxfords, heavy or light soles, all styles, cut from $3.00 to $2.50 Also strong line of Ladies' Patent Tip Vici Oxfords, all solid $1.50 Men's Oxfords for Saturday at $2.50 and $3.50 T. B. N0RRIS, 1517 Doughs Street snwueyis.. isi rascraj ap i u.m swwpswcct.1 V tioeino I ffee jj Boy I '.ft Jfl.JI)MmT"ilM" i IB1IH"HI'HC( J. J nsiiiirnsiia'ii ' n i ir ' " 1 The "Good enough for the boy" idea la buying shoes is poor policy. The BEST in shoes is none too good for the boys. They give their shoes harder wear than a man does, and it is a waste of money to buy them poor shoes. If our kind of boys' shoes cost a trifle more than the ordinary klud, they are worth it, and we guaran tee every pair to be gatlrifactory. Hoys' slzi-s 2 to 5 ',i for Youths' sUea 1 to 2 for Little gents' sizes 10 'a to 13 4 2.50! 2.25 2.00 These are the "STEEL SHOD klud. Drexcl Shoe Co. Mi far mm SI. ajiTBrrr .aap yote $50 for lomt not as good. HA ft 14 5? Afford z If Oxford Day Last Chance, May 25th! to tret a dollar bottle of WAHOO TONIC FOH 2 be'. If you have failed to get the rebate card oome to anyone of our KOtJll STOKES and get the card which we will fill In for you and give you the regular dollar size of this medicine for 25o. TALK AUOUT CUT PKICE8 that will help some a 76 per cent cut Is a deep one. WE ARK FROM INDIANA Just now. Did you see what Vncle Sam did to the drug trust In INDIANA? I'l'T THE WHOLE ni-'NCH OCT OP m'SINKKS. Did we not tell you It was nil wrong? Did we nut get the same deelslon here In Oood Old Nebraska through Attorney General Prout7 The trust patent medicine fellows are already pulling down their contracts. Jut watch for the fun now. Schaefer's Cut KstorM Omaha Cor. 15th and Douglas Sts.; 16th and Chicago ts. Month Omaha N. W. Cor. 24th and N Sts. Council Bluffs 6th Ave. and Main Sts. The druggists who don't have to sub stitute. RELIABLE DENTISTRY None but first class work done at Taft's. Our equipment Is the best, and every dentist is a skilled workman. Gold Crowns, 22k $3.00 Bridge Work, per tooth $3.00 TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS till jjotuiUa blrML Office hours, :U to :J0 a. m., 12 w to Mil p. in. Telephone Harney M OMAHA VETERINARY HOSPITAL SfclO Mason Street. Omaha, Neb. II. I lurnacciottl, D. V. S , Deputy State ami Cliy Veterinarian. Food Inspector, Chief fiurg'on. li. C. scott. L. V. .. UvS- jkSkJ. n rfl w The Greatest Clothing Sales Week in Our Business Experience . Has been during the past week, and no wondor. for never before have wjs , been In a position to offer values of such undoubted bargain merit; howevcifjr we anticipate an even greater sale day Saturday. The Balance of the Max Goodman Stock together with a of Spring Suits splendid line of Suits will be placed on sale Af About Half Regular Retail Value Men's Suits In all newest spring styles, colors and ma terials, that would sell in a regular way up to $15; will go in this sale in one lot, at V '.-"'ji I . I mmm No matter where or when you buy line of styles or better values than A New Line of Two From the best known manufacturers In Saturday, every imaginable wanted style Special Sale of Boys' Wash Suit, on sale at 35!f to $2.50 Boys' Wool Suits, most complete assortment and best values at $1.05 $2.05 Ask to see our Hart, wool end all rlpht; you Scliaffner won't find m HAYDENS' Em Good Judges oi STO 714 South Sixteenth Street MICHIGAN. Do you notice that other dealers have quit advertising gasoline stoves? Do you know why? Because, they can't sell against the Michigan. No Intelligent woman will buy any other after she has seen the Michigan. Wo sell the $8.00 to $12.00 sizes at $2.00 per month, the $14.00 to $18.00 sizes at $3.00 per month, or a cut price for cash. This cut represents the burner of the Michigan. The burner is as largo in diameter as tho cover of a steel range. It is perfectly flat and covered with little cones. Each cone has two Jets and each Jet makes a clear, blue flame half an inch high. ' Any house wife can see the advantage in a burner like thlsvover any othut. It makca twice the heat and will cook a meal In half the time that any other will. w HEN alighting from a street car never pass behind it without making sure that a car is not approaching from the opposite direction. Failure in this precau tion may result in fatal injuries. : : : ASSIST US III AVOIDING ACCIDENTS Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Co. JAPANESE MATTING CASES We carry a complete stc-k of mi cuuipie iues. net air worn a OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 1209 Farnam Street. ej Bee Want Ads from our own regular 8 toes Men's Suits In Cheviots, Cassi meres, T h i b o t a, Serges, Plain, Fancy and unfinished "Worsteds, prodigal assortment of pat terns and all new est styles; values to $18.00 at you'll never find a more attractive here in this great sale. - Piece Outing Suits the land 1b shown and pattern at. . for the first time $7.50 to $20 & Marx hand tailored Suits, their equal nt the price. they're all Value Buy of Us TOVE CO. COLD STORAGE. Some of the most prominent citizens. of Omaha are buying the Cold Storage. No good Judge of a IlefrlKerator will look at a Cold Storage and then m 1 buy some other, vve cut the price If r casn, or sen tnem on sucn easy mentc that any family, it makes no dl Terence . ,w small their income Is, can enjoy one. it- . .'( ! ;i;' mwmm The following features have made Mr. Hund famous as a Refrigerator bulldnrj That Is why the prominent neonle who know his reputation buy the Cold storage. Parking of the walls. Cold, dry sir sys tem. Gluss trnp and white enameled. The Cold Btorngo Is Mr. Hund's In vention and was put on t lie market four years ngo. Its popularity Is proof thut the features are vastly superior to others. une tlundrt-d Six-rial CASES. In a light handsome 24-ln. slzo. wun Dinaing and corners steel. An attractive and servlcable case, Just the thing to take on your vocation trip. A regular $3.00 value. Special while they last at Trunks. Traveling Dags, Suit Cases specialty. selected Produce Results ti "f