THE OMATIA DAILY BEEt THURSDAY, MAY 23. 1D07. 9 1 Vr r 1 OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) Untarnished Room a. FOT'R housekeeping rooms; ni children. 1320 Emmet St. Phone Red 4M7. (It) Oil tlx TKREB pleasant roomi and bath, mod ?rn; eultabls for light housekeeping 2'.'34 N. 2Mb. St. (16)-813 26 NICEST furnished suite, or unfurnished. In tha Merrtam annex, 2Cth and Iodga. Tel. Douglas 86. (l!i-M43l 28x $nB.0ft room, second floor, 18th and Har ney. $6.0- rooma, 27th and fit. Mary a A. $3.00 1 room, 27th and Ft. Mary's Ava. N. P. DOIXJD A CO.. 1714 Farnam fit. (If.) M4M 25 lloa.ekeeptns; Rooma. WO nicely furnished rooms Tor light housekeeping, privaie lamny. 510 n. ua (15)-M4 FOR RENT Three-room modern flat, 291$ Douglas ground floor; rent reasonable. Globe Lirai and Investment Co., 182 Far nam Bt. (U)-MJa TWO portly furnished basement room for housekeeping, water In kitchen, nowly papered, good light, reaaonable. 2404 Capitol Ava. (16) M178 2&X THREE rooma, bath. Urge cloaet, hall: choice location, facing park, $16. 1907 tlnkrrr BL ' (16) Mi43 S9 FOUR modern rooma. near park, furnlahed or unfurnished. 1609 8. 28th Bt. (15-M443 a POUR or Ave modern housekeeping rooms; location; wiuaiug aisianc. kai lurt Bt. (16) M4OT JWX IHREB elegant furnlahed rooms, all mod ern; light Housekeeping. 1S14 N. 19th. (16) M546 2S Apartments and Flats. FOR RENT Lower flat 1139 No. lTth. til B. Hawver, 1614 Emmet St. 05 M336 2 Hsasci and Cottacss, OMAHA Van A Storage Co. pack, more, stora H. H. goods; storehouse 11-20-24 N. 19th, Office 1M1 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1661 . (16)-li7 UUUOXiO & Petera A Co.. Bee Bldg. (16) Us HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. W-m WH DO expert piano movie f at lowest 6 rices. Tel. Douglas ISA. Bchmoller A lueller Piano Co, 1811-1813 Farnam. (16)-16 BEE us wntn shipping household goods te large cities west; we can save you money. EXPRESSMEN DELIVERY CO., Ill N. 1U Bu Tel. Douglas 1185. (16) 12 FOR RENT Eight-room house, 614 N. 82d Bt.i all modern: with barn: rant reason . able. Apply at 607 N. 1Mb Bt 06) C98 NEARLY READY. New brick house Just west of All Saints' church at 26th and Dewey Ave. Hot , water heat hard wood finish, hard Wood, waxed floors and everything the very beet Will decorate to suit tenant Workmen there any week day will show you In side. They are the most up-to-date houses on the market to rent We make leases to begin June L Easy walking distance and the very choicest location. Better look at them and see us at once two leased this week. HARRRIRON MORTON, 913 N. Y. Life. Tel. Doug. 314. (lZ-H304 26 BEST 8-room, all modern house for 123. Hanscom park. See this. Key at 409 So. 10th. (lfi)-M464 26 TT-VTTQTTCI in all parts of tha city. Tha UUU&JltO a F. Davia Co., Bes Bldg. (16J-1S1 FOR RENT Large stora room, J8th and Vinton BU. C. M. Bach man n, 437 Pai ton block. (li 830 IX ROOMS, 1120 Burt Bt, 216.00. In rooms. 2807 Seward St., $16.00. ur rooms. 22d near Cuming, $16.00. . ... CHRIS BOYER. 224 and Cuming Sts. " 1 (16)-88T t ROOMS, modern, 2627 Charles, $25; newly papered. Tel. Doug. 671. B, H, Roblson. U6 ai FOUR ROOMS, half flat front, third floor, 18th and Nicholas Sts.. $10. BEMIS. Pax ton Blk. 'Phone Doug. 686. (16) M708 WE MOVE PIANOS Maggard Van and Storage Co. Tel. Douglas 1441 Office 1713 Webster St (16)-180 7 ROOMS, new, all modern. ZX2 N. 19th, $30. Key at No. 2260. Clival NEW, modern exoept furnace, 6-room cot tage. WA N. 20th St., $23. 8107 Davenport St, modern, 8 rooma, $36. 662 B, 2ftth St., 6 rooms, modern, $30. RINGWALT BROS, Barker Blk. 06)-M391 -ROOM, high-grade dwelling to lease on or two years: possession June 1. W. U BELBY, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 1510. (16) M5m T ROOMS, all modern and completely fur- nisriM; farnam aismct, s.10. t rooms, mod., 3d floor apartment N. EL cor. 18th and Nicholas, $20. Btore room. 1103 N. ISth Bt, $20. BEMI8, ' Thona Douglas 635. Pax ton Block. 06) M468 HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. Bplnndld new house of 8 rooms, strictly modern In every detsll at 821 Park Ave, for rent at $17.60. Be quick If you want Payne, Bostwlck & Co, 8Q1 N. Y. Ufe. (16)-4S1 22 STrtlCTLY modern -room cottage, close In. oak finish, nearly new. '1'hone ixig laa 2770. 06 486 HANBCOM PARK DISTRICT. Splendid new house of 8 rooms, atrlctly modern in every oeiau at n Park Ave, for runt at $47.60. Be quick If you want It Payne, Bostwlck 4k Co, 1 N. Y. Ufe. (15) MM 23 FOR RENT. 24 Emmet 8-room all modern, barn, fine yard, JU. lli 6. 2xth Ave, 6-room, dty water, $18. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Douglas 2161 0-M51i 36 1X)UR ROOMS, gas bath. 2316 N. 20th 8t (16) M43 26s 1MB UNION Outfitting company, 1316-1' Bt., will fumlah 8 rooms com t'lfte for $tA60, terms 14 monthly. See. us ix-iore buying. (lb) MMUJe 7 rooms, modern exopi best, 85th and 17 . .. li avm w Tt liKELL - CO., Room 18 Patterson Blk. li mow n Balldlacs. mi HARNEY ST. 8 floors and basement 83x120 fret; suitable for wholesale. Me- -u invastment CO, V Dodge St (U)-4M T'V RKNTV-Deak room In Be office, city hall building. it N. 26th Bt, South Apply to manager. (16) 184 TI1B entire building now occupied by the Dally News. 44x80 feet 8 stories and base RT5 McCu luveatment Co, 16u4 Dodg Bt (H) . OIBeea. OFFICES For Rent in The Bee Building Room Si sli 14x2; baa vault Room 6-1, aise 7Vilt Hourn site ltxUV Room hM, slw tHx22. hmim P.Atl 111. .il 8;i?VlS "ld, f ; f "P1 t present; will be avnUbls June 1. This If a One suite of offices. Hera Is an opportunity building Janitor aervlce and ele.trto lights free. Apply Business Offli-e of Bee. tXH HL1NT-lria office v.m X! i Onun ink. $12 per month. Apply to rw. vui'i! aarui. tail lOt 1 1 (16)-44 OFFERED FOR RENT Offices Coatlaned. FOR RENT 8TQRKB AND OFFICES IN RAMOB BUILDING. APPLY TO W. R. HOM AN, 1617 FARNAM BT. TEL. DOUOLAS Wi Q6) M8S8 SECOND floor, TO feet long, on Farnam St., well lighted. Inquire at 214 S. 131 h Pt. (16 M300 27x Korea. FOR RENT The best located corner store In Omaha. Farnam and lth fits.. Hoard of Trade Bldg. Bee p. H. Phllbln, Bchllts Hotel. (15-167 FOR RENT One-hlf store, First floor, Farnam St., 22x120, also all aecond floor, 44x120. between 11th and 12th Bt. Freight and passenger elevator. Tba Putman Co., 604 N. Y. Ufa. (14) 826 110.00. 4202 Hamilton Bt., storeroom, brick Dutldlng. R. C. PETERS A CO. (16) 667 on "rat tr ...... . - N. P. DODOE A CO., 1714 Farnam St. . . . . OFFERED FOR SALE FcBOtllgt. ANCHOR and Iron fenolng; wire fencing 6o par foot 206 N. 17th BL 1L Red 814, (13) 170 Farnltare. ID-HAND furniture bought and sold; busi ness on the sou are. Rosenberg Co, for merly with Chicago Furniture Co., 108 S. 14th. D. boKS. -(16) M818 Jel6 ANTIQUE jardlnleree, candle sticks, ma hogany furniture; exchange for clothes. 19U1 a 10th Bt A. Klser. 08) M814 Jel6 Pianos, Organs, Musical Instruments. Piano Buyers' Attention! Notice the following bargains in our ex change department: Walnut Case Upright 8 60.00 New England Uprlaht 100.00 Kimball Cnrlirht Hmtowravl rk 11K.00 Chlcaerlng (good oondlUun) $126.00 Smith A Barnes. Onk care 150.00 ew rork Sample Piano 175.00 C. Fisher. Burl Walnut Case 2TIO.U0 Ivera A Pond (largest style) 226.00 TERMS TO BUTT. Stain way, Vote, Emerson and other square pianos, $2 $, $46 and up. Mason & Hamlin, Kimball, Eatey and other organs, ii, iio, raj ana up. We rent new pianos from $3 upward; also move,- store, tune ana repair instruments of all makes. Terms to suit tha convenience) of purchaser. SCILMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. 1811 and 1818 Farnam Bt Tel. Doug. 1626 (16) 718 PIANO Square, $10; 60 cents weekly. Per- ueia ion r arnara ou (16) M1S4 FOR SALE Good Emerson upright piano. at a saennce, Appiy isua Hamilton. (IS) 171 8200 DISCOUNT on Knabe Upright styla F, in penect conaiuon, usea oniy tnree months and taken In trade. MATTHEWS PIANO CO, 1618-16 Harney Bt, Omaha. Neb. (16)-828 FOR BALE at a bargain, 1 Bohmer square piano. Appiy imoay anernoon wr i'u. clflo Bt 06) 404 28 Pool and Billiard Tables. FOR BALE New and secondhand billiard ana pool taoios. we lead tha world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Bruna-wlck-Balke-Collendar, 407 S. 10th Bt. (16) MSS1 . Typewriters aad Hewlna; Maohlnea. "PRICE?" TALK! LISTEN! MO buys a No. 3 Fox Typewriter, good as new. $35 buys a No. 6 Remington, good as new. $25 buys a Smith-Premier, good as new. $40 buys a No. 8 Oliver, good as new. $25 buys a No. 2 Sun Visible, new. $36 buys a No. 4 Densmore, good as new. $80 buyB a No. 7 BUckensderfer, prac tically new. These machines all In stock now and rebuilt in our shop. Guaranteed for one year. Rent one for a month, then you will know what you are buying. RENTAL $250 PER MONTH SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK. X CHANGE TYPEWRITER COMPANY, 124 FARNAM Bt, Omaha, Neb, Doug. 2K74. (16) 472 22 ONE Remington typewriter. No. 6, In good condition, for safe cheap. Call at Bee Office. (18)-28x FOX typewriter, nearly new; cost $106 Ore months ago: also typewriter stand; $f0 buys both. 641 Paxton block. (16) 417 23 TYPEWRITERS Best bargains in Omaha, $3.60 to $60; call and aee our line, Omaha Typewriter Exchange, 641 Paxton Blk. ( MJ JeS $36 BUYB a 'Remington typewriter, in fair shape. 641 Paxton block. (16) 418 28 Mlaeellms Besley Letter Cabinet Made of walnut and having two indexed filing esses; an ornamental and useful of fice fixture, at a bargain. Bee Wrlsht, at The Bee business office, (1(1838 OAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Special low prices during May and June to reduoe stock; order now; goods delivered when ready. BURGESS & GRANDEN CO. Telephone Douglas 681. 818 B. 16th St O) M178. BIG BALE two-piece suits ' to order, $23. MoCarthy-Wllson Tailoring Co, 304 8. 16th Bt (13)-M444 Ja21 FOR 8AIJ2 Cheap, large grocery ice box. Apply 2216 Military Ave. (16)-M3 28 MILLET BE ED A. W. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. !() 17 FOR BALE First-class store fixtures, showcases, eta Globe Lend and Invest mnt Cv, 1SU Faruam bt. Omaha, Neb. UD-M41 FEW bargains in Id-hand soda fountalna; monthly payments. Derlght 181$ Farnm. (ItWTS BEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight pali on $10 lota. Myers-Diiloa Drug Co, Omaha. (l) 176 BHERWIN WILLIAMS CO, best mixed paiut fchsrmaa tt MeCunncll Drug C'u. "Every a.d put in The Bee made me a deal" WRITES ONE MAN Boo want ads will do tho samo f or you. OFFERED FOR SALE Miscellaneous Continued. HOME-MADE ORAPE WINE, 10 YEARS OLD, $1 PER GALLON. CACKLE V BROS, OPPOSITE P. O. (16)-811 Julylt AWNINGS; they're not expensive. Call Doug. fcS3 and our representative a 111 cull. Omaha Tent and Awning Co. (.lfti 172 RAPT?. Almost new, size 22xlSxl6fr-$fi6; oariJ weleht 1.400 lbs. Mills O.untr Abstract Co, Olenwood, la. (18) M596 25 KINPMNO.FOR SALE at $1.00 ppr load. Inquire of Mr. Jardlne at 9th nnd Jones Streets. (16 LARGE, nearly new Ice box, reasonable. U10 Bt Mary's, second floor. (16)-817 23x HALL'S safes, new, td-hand. 1818 Farnam. (18) lit CIC PI APT Tires 25e and up. E. E. Lau-UU-VA1H rence, 2708 Leavenworth St. (16) raO Mil GROCER'S loe box; cheap. 107 N. 12th. C16)-770 Junel BILLARD table. 4 balls and cues; every thing complete cheap. 'Phone Harney 2077. 517 30X FOR SALE 30-syrup soda fountain. In gool condition: mahonany canopy top, onyx trimmed body. Call ot nddrens Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 15th nnd PouKlas, Omaha. (16 M728 Jel4 CHAINLESS bicycle with coester brake, nearly new, bargain; also two elrctrlo fans, four large Welsbaoh Gas lumps and Remington typewriter. 8U8 No. 16th St. (IB) 4 UX I . TWO medium slae refrigerators for sale. Alamlto Sunltary Dairy Co, 1812 Farnnm. (16) 46S 24 FOR BALE Twin baby carriage, rhrnp. Call at 2554 Harney stroot. (16) M.W 2 PATENTS LARSON CO. Book free. Bee Bldg. (17)-180 D O. BARNELL, patent attorney and ma chine designer. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. (17) 6 n Jel2 PERSONAL CITY BTEAM LAUNDRY Shirts pressed, cot Ironed. 2U 8. 11th Bt Tel. Doug. 264. (18) 1S1 BYRINQES, rubber goods, by mall: cut rices. Bend for fre catalogue. Myers illlon Drug Co, Omaha. (18) 18 MINERAL WATER BATHS. Turner Rest and Water Cure, Colfax, la. (18) M396 Je9x r A flMTT'TTP treatment and bath. Mme. MAUiNJllIBmUh N. Ulh 2i floor. (1B 186 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no deten tion from business. QUICK CURE RUP TURE" CO, over 8. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas. Omaha. (1&)-M668 M31 PLEATING BunSrS"B' Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink, log only 6c per yard. Bend for price list and samples. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO, 10 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1931 (16) 188 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing: In fact, anything you do not need, we collect repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th Bt, for corft of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4136 and wagon will call. (18) 611 OMAHA Stammerers' Bldg. Institute. Ramge (1S)-182 CAUTION STEINWAY PIANOS. Beware of bogus Instruments offered as genuine STEINWAY PIANOS. A fine stock of new and used STEINWAY pianos at very low prices may be found at the Bchmoller A Mueller Piano Co, 1313 Farnam St, and they are the only authorised representa tives In Nebraska. OS) M 063 FOR anything in the sewing machine line Xo to P. E. Flodman & Co, 1614 Cupitol ve. (18) 718 Jel3 BEWTNG machines rented, any make, 76o per week or $2 per month. Second-hand machines for sale, $6 and up. Nebraska Cycle Co, 16tb and ilarney. (18)-1S4 ANYONE suffering from cancer will do well by writing me. After suffering four years from cancer I have been cured. I am not a doctor, but will tell you where to get tha cure, Roy Maxwell, 10?2 N. 40ih Bt, Omaha, Neb. u) ftiiM 2:x BRIGHT boy baby for adoption. Address H 424. cars Bee. (18) 350 22x PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King. 10 N. 24tU .Bt. Tel. Don, s.,.,9. r i ... (18)-S54 MA B8AGE Swedish movement. Room 24, 618 Broadway, Council Blurts, la. (18) MSVS THE ELITE, newly established massage and bath parlors; expert lady operator solicits select patronage. 1204 Farnam St., second floor. (18) iil 26x 81,000 for whereabouts Grace TnKsart 1112 Jackson. (18) M458 23 x MIDDLE aged widower, now In city, wishes to go to farming, desires to cor- respona wnn a respectatiie lady 26 to 49, Address Y 16, care Dally Boe. (18)-M5U 23x REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALER. RUSSELL A M'KITRICK CO, 432 Ramge. (19)-&0 W. H. TURRELL, 18 Patterson Blk. Doug. 1128. (1)-681 BOARB. 621 N. Y. Life. Tsl. Red W7. (l)-683 PAYNE 1NV. CO, 1st nr. N. Y. L. Doug. 178L OS)-6SJ ALFRED C. KENNEDY, 2 First Natl bank bldg. 'Phone Doug. 728. (19) 840 GEORGE A COMPANY, 1801 Fern am. Tel. Douglas 758. (lt-712 R. C PETERS CO, Bee Bldg. (19-T18 1 W. BUNNELL A CO, Doug. as 6148. N. Y Life. (19)-& BERK A A CO, 838 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. 7497, - 1) 4 CITY PROPERTY rOR SALB. You want to buy a deairably located modern cottage, don't youT How would one of these ' 7-rm, all modern houses, Nos. 2206, 2307, 22u N. ISth Bt suit . youT They sre not ths built-to-sell kind they are built to live in. The street is paved, permanent sidewalks are in, there are a number of fine trees on each lot The palce Is $2,600 each, $7,600 for the three. They rent for $913 a year. Look them over, they are certainly cheap at the price we name. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor N. T. Life Bldg, Tel. Doug. 1TSL 08) 862-23 BENSON HOME rooms, two lots, east front, electric Mirrit. rlo. to car line, 130 Weir avenue, I ! Knay terms. TUItRtLL A CQ.. Room 16 Patterson Blk tltfj- 642 U srec REAL ESTATE CITY PROrKRTl FOR BALIS (Continued.) Wait for our big sale of lots Satur day, May 25th Collier Place and Monmouth Park, 30th and Ames Ave. Prices $2D0 to $500; $10 cash and $l0per month water, sewer cement walks. HASTINGS & HAYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. Bee Building (19) 479-23 A. P. TUKEY & SON t DESIRABLE HOMES DOWN TOWN. The 5 or 6 cottage homes we are offering near 22d and Pacific and Pierce streets are worth tjie price we are asking for them. Their-each have city water, gas, toilet and sewer . connection and most of the houses are in very good con dition. Indeed. They are onlT two or three blocks from the Leavenworth car line and a block and a half from the new 24th St car line. We have houses of 8, 4 and 6 rooma each and the prices range from $1,160 to $1,476. There are build ing and loan mortgages on most of these houses, so that a small cash payment and bal ance monthly la all that would , be required. Taxes are all paid and abstracts showing complete title will be furnished with each house. One man who has lived in the neighbor hood for 23 years says he can walk from his home to 16th and Farnam In 16 minutes. They are certainly very acces sible and we can please you on terms. A. P. TUKEY & SON, 444-446 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Douglas 2181. (19) 470 23 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 WHERE CAN YOU INVEST THIS SUM TO A3 GOOD ADVANTAGE? Here's the plan: Beleot one of those beautiful lota in Hal cyon Heights, the finest and ' most sightly locution for a fu ture home or Investment, only two blocks south business cen ter of Benson and Military avenue car line; pay $36 cash end the balance $6 or $10, or such amount as you can spare monthly, and In a short time you have an investment better thon a bank account, tor it can't get away from you, and I the lot Is rupldly Increasing In value. You are therefore In . position to obtain a loan to build a home, or at any time sell the lot at a good profit. All this you can do on a $ft Investment. Over 40 lota, $2M) to $560. Bee us today, or 'phone Douglas 8C7 and we'll take you out to aee the lots at any time. RUSSELL & M'KITRICK CO,. 432-34 Ramge Bldg. 10th and Harney Sts. (19) 480 2 Big Bargain Two of the finest lots In the center of the West Farnam residence district, on 88th avenue, just south of Dodge, for $3,876 each. KICKS REAL ESTATE CO, (19)-M3G4 23 4 HOME BARGAINS CLIFTON HILL A fine, 6-room, partly modern house; parlor and reception hall finished In oak, large oak mantel; 60-foot lot, with nice shade and fruit trees; an Ideal little home. Only two Diocks to car. Price right FACING KOUNTZ PARK Eltfht-room, modern, except furnace, rooms all Targs and airy; lull bo-foot lot, permanent walk. House could not be duplicated today for $3,0uu. Price, $2,760; one-third cash, Bal ance monthly. POPPLETON AVENUE Facing south, near car line, new house of T rooms and reception hull, finest open plumbing, oe mented cellar, fine steel furnuce. A BAR GAIN at $3,210; $1,6U caah. balance same as rent. HANSCOM PARK Nearly new house of 4 rooms and reception hsll, hot water heat and A No. 1 open plumbing; built by the owner for a home: everything first class; corner lot faring the park, has abundance of sliude. Ask for price. WRIGHT & LASBURY, 'Phone Douglas '162. M South 16th St (19)-M4&3 Si LOT SNAP Northeast corner, 100x131 ft, with water and sewer. This is a fine piece of ground, only two blocks to good car line. Tha price Is $Im0 and the property cannot be duplicated anywhere in Omaha for twloe the amount. Why not buy two lots for what you ordinarily have to pay for one. II. R. STRINGER. 1114 Jackson St. Phone Douglas TSX. (19)-U4X 23 6 ROOMS, modern, east front, lot 62x132, 27 Ui Bt, near All Balnts' church; $3,t6. about half cash. P. W. Bterbower. bee Bld 419) M4W 24 j REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. (Continued. FIELD CLUB LOTS FOR SALE ON 35TII AVE. s ON 36TII ST. Between Woolworth and Pop pleton Ave. $850, $950, $1,000, $1,100 and $1,250. TEN HOUSES NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION. R .C. PETERS & CO. 220 S. 17th St., Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 898. (l)M-628-22 DOWN TOWN CORNER LOT Northwest corner 20th and Harney Sts.; 66 feet on Otn bt. and 96 feet on Harney. Make us an offer. Eastern owner asking $12,000 R.C. Peters & Co. 220 B. 17th (Bee Bldg.) Tel. Douglas 898. (19) M629-23 DUNDEE LOTS For Sale $500 TO $750 ONE BLOCK FROM CAR LINE $50 DOWN Balance on Terms R. C. PETERS & CO. 220 S. 17th St., Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 898.' (18)M-610-!$ NEW SUB-DIVISION CHOICE LOT8 ON EAST TERMS 8B0 Three choice building lota, west fronts, on North 19th Boulevard, and 3 choice lota, east fronts, on 18th street, about 100 feet north of Bur dette street Conrenlent to 8herman are. or Dodge street car lines. GARVIN BROS. 1604 Farnam St. (19)-M4418$ Vacant Ground Northwest corner Sth arid Franklin, 180 feet on Franklin Bt. (paved), 64 feet on 26th St Can be divided Into four building lota facing south. 12.200 R. C. PETERS & CO., 230 South 17th (Bee Bldg.) Telephone Douglas 898. (1)-M631 n ON WALNUT HILL Fine home, all modern, 8-r. good barn, elegant hit with shrubbery kept by the owner in good condition New wire fence, paving all paid; only two blocks from ear, $3,760. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. T. Life. Tel. Doug. 2161 0) ' CORNER LOT BARGAIN Northeast corner 28th and Franklin Sts , trntl27 fret, rnvlng, cement walk, sewer, gaa, water, $776. W. T. GRAHAM, Bee Bldg. (19,-425 23 Fine House Orchard Hill Near 8Mh and Charles Srs.. t rooms, strictly modern, fine condition, splendid home at a bargain, $8 TU. W. T. UHAUA-t, fiee Bldg. Cuv a REAL ESTATE CITY ritorF.RTV FOH S4I.R (Continued.) SOMETHING NEW KOUNTZE RESERVE NOW ON THE MARKET This is the most beautiful piece of ground offered for sale In Omaha. It lies just like the Ri-serve at 3th and Farnam, which was put on sale several years nuo and owned by the Kountios. The prices there were on tho average, f.n1" a lot. while the prices we are olTcrlng the new Reserve are from $900 to $1,0J0 excepting corners a trifle higher. Tills ground Is located between 19th nnd 20th and Spencer and Emmet; both Spen- ter and Brnmet are paved. lots on jothrop will bu offered for sale later on. Remember there were only 12 lota on the market. 6 already sold. Don't neglect to no TODAY or TOMOR ROW and make your selection, as this Is a rare opportunity to got such choice lots at such low prices. These lots will surely be worth double before long. Hastings & Heydeni Sole Agents. 1704 Farnam St., Bee Building. (19)-M627 23 WEST DODGE ST. ACRES 22 acres, known as tho David Reed homestead, on the south side of Dodge St., Joining the fine houses now being built In that locality. Place has house, barn, etc.; also a fine grove of 6 or 8 acres. Price, $17,0X0.00. 40 acres, fronting south on Leavenworth St., Joining Elm wood park. Fine grove and old bouse and outbuildings. Price, $14,000.00. 40 acres, on north side of Dodge St.; very desirable; no Improvements. Price, $17,000.00. 137 acres, on south sldo of Dodge Bt., Just &H miles west of the postoffloe. There are two fair houses and sets of build ings on this land; also about ten acres of old, large trees. There are several high, sightly building locations, making this land one of the most doslrablo and cheapest on west Dodge Bt. Price, $W.0O per acre. 80 acres, Just seven mllea west Of postofflce, having one half mile east frontage on roadway. Land is on a ridge and commands a fine view in all directions. Price, $150 per Small acre tracts a short dis tance west of the village of Dundee. GEORGE CO.. 1601 Farnam DESIRABLE NORTH SIDE HOME CHEAP $3,300.00 8 rooms, I full stories, all modern, well built, in 1st class condition throughout; also good barn with room for two bug gies and two horses, cement walks, full a. front lot 60x132 feet, paved street, good neighborhood , convenient to two car lines. Low price for quick sale on account owner leaving city. Where can you buy as good a home for the money? Investi gate at once. Terms. GEORGE A CO., 1901 Farnam Street. 'Phone Douglas 768. (19)-M52S 24 210 FEET FRONTAGE In the West Farnam district we have 210 feet of ground on a iour aua uuciuu foot terrace, south front with sewer, water and gaa in the street, one block from the Farnam car line, fine place to build five good houses, either for rent or Investment. This gTound Is going to be sold cheap. Don't fall to see us at once PAYNE, BOSTWICK CO., 6th Floor N. Y. Life. (19) M524 24 26fl4 Cuming, 6 rooms, $2,000. 1H36 fl. 16th Bt., 6 rooms, now, $2,400. Two brick fiats, $900 rental, $f,000. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. (19)-M491 26 INVESTMENT trrd to beat. Two houses, one lot. paved street, now rented for $24 60. will sell for $1,900. Easy terms, 2519 Parker. TURRELL 4. CO., Room IS Patterson Blk. (is) it a OWNER MUST SELL s-rnnm house, modem except furnace. cement cellar, nice home. Owner leaving town; part of family aireaay gone, i ins property will be sold cheap. Owners price was $3,000 you set your price, then come and see us, and we will do the rest. fce.O Ohio. TURRELL A CO., Room 16 Patterson Blk. THE KERR ABSTRACT CO.'S AB STRACTS U TiiLta are me Barest. You are protected by a $10,000 bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a law suit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1814 Harney. Tel. Douglas 6487. (IV)-- FOR BALE Artistic residence In Chicago; solidly bunt; nign-ciass neignrjornooa; convenient to business center. Price, $a0.000; easy terms. Sheldon A Sheldon, 89 Randolph street, Chicago. (19) M4S8 23x FOR QUICK SALE In the West Farnam district, an 8-room, strictly modern nouse, Duiit oy owner for a home, paved street, fine shade, everything flrat-claas, price reduced from 88,000 to $7,600, Immediate possession. Let us show it to you today. PAYNE, BOSTWICK A CO., 8th Floor. N. Y. Life. (19)-M523 83 DUY ONE TODAY LOOK AT IT TOMORROW We mean a wagon. It looks now as if a boat would be more desirable than a wagon, but it isn't always go ing to be like this. There are going to be sunshiny days when you and the wife and the children will want to drive out and get the open air and enjoy the pleasure that comes from a spin over the thoroughfares and boulevards. YOU'LL NEVER BUY A WAGON ANY CHEAPER THAN WE WILL SELL YOU ONE TODAY. If the wagon or the auto needs repairs, bring it in. We are here to do the business. DRUlV.rj.ONDS REAL ESTATE city riiorKiirv ton (Continued.) BARGAINS IN LOTS AND HOUSES ON VERY EASY TERMS R-Rivim cottnge on n.vrth west comer 22d nnd Tierce St. Writer, irns and sewer, hot water heat, clone In and a bar train, be s'ire to see It. Etisy tern.s, $1,75. P Room cottage north of above, wnter. gn and sewr, another chance to get good home on easy terms. $l,vJa. New 6-r'-vom cottsgo. 28" Buggies St. Just completed, mixlrrn except furnace, a choice cottage lumie, cmnnt walks and celler, combination fixtures, $2.3t. Two lots, southwest comer 3-M and (Vrby Hts., 60x13" each, each, water, sewer and gas, permnnent walks. Both for $X. Ixt and half, east front, 4th nnd Hlmebaush Ave., water and sewer on street, a very choice lot near car, $T'?6. One acre, SMh and Redlck Ave., with small house, $400. Two lia 32d and Vinton Sts, Northwest corner, street car to run In front of lots, street to be paved this fall, owner wants money and offers to sell very chvap, $775. Another cottage. 6 rooms, 4548 Seward Kt.. lnrge lot, fruit and shade trees, owner leav ing the cltv and offers to sell on terms of $2o down, balance same as rent, $l,foo. R. II. LANDERYOU, 442 Board of Trade. Tel. Douglas 2161. Residence 1J'91".1' SOME SPECULATIONS 117 S. Sflth St., house, 7 rooms, modern. paved M ,. Near 2th and Franklin Sts., two modern houses, 8 rooms each, larva lot, all for $3.0'0. Large double house, I rooms each, on Emmet St., near 2oth, $4,000. 8515 Howard St., T rooms, conveniences, $2.8SO. W Ixicust St., 6 rooms, modern, $2,260. 2228 Mlnml St.. 7 rooms, modern, HTM. Vacant lot 60x127 feet, 2sth and Fronklla Bts., $775. W. T. GRAHAM, Bee Bldg. (19) 424 23 A lictronto of t'lle: Quick service. 'Phone Yl)hirat-13 (or ,jr0eg. Guarantee Ab stract Co., Patterson Blk. 'Phone Red :1M7. (191-M670 M31 T 2558 SAIILER, $1,100 6 rooms, partly modern, south front lot, t blocks from car, we can sell this for $3o0 cash and monthly payments on balance Why Pay Rent! HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. (19)-478 22 $2,500 For that beautiful, modern cottage homo, located at the southwest corner of 42d and Hamilton fits., Just completed. It i a perfect little gem, decorated throughout with expensive and beautiful patterns, fine combination fixtures; especially planned and arranged for convenience, 6 living rooms besides bsth and hall, must be seen to be appreciated. We would be delighted to show It to vou todey. PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO.. BIXTH FLOOR, N. Y. LIFE. (19) 4K2 21 FOR BALE Five-acre tract of land In Ben son, three blocks from car, suitable for platting or for Improvement; an oppor tunity for some one. Address, G 423, Bee. (19) 8S4x FOR BALK Two modern houses and large barn, one block north of Hanscom park; paved street, east front, lot 76x160. Last rn owner will sell at a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1 N. Y. L. Bldg. (19)-4I NICE five-room cottage, brand new, hard pine finish, electric light;, well, etc., $1,460; easy terms. J. Kendls & Son, 641 Paxton block. ; (13) 419 28 IF YOU are thinking of building It will pay you to see the Western Home Build ers, rooms 22 and 23. Neb. Nat. Bank Bldg.. for prices and terms. (19)-MS4S $2,200 Home in Orchard Hill 8831 Parker St., 7 rooms, partly modern, city water and gas, full 2-story house, good barn, lot 60x130 feet. Only $1,0(X cash, balance monthly. OEORGE A CO., 16ul Farnam St. (19) M450 21 ON CLIFTON IHLL 7-rooms, modern except fur nace, mantel ar.d (rrate. on cor ner lot facing south, 1 block from car. Owner says submit best offer. This must be sold. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. Y. Life. Tel. Doug. 21B1 (19)-M51 S LIST your property with the Westers Home Builders, rms. 22-28 Nebraska Natl, Bank Bldg. (110-714 REAL EBTATE TITLE-TRUST prt C11AS. E. WILLlAMHON.Praa. K-y-f (19)-180 FOR BALE House. 6 rooms, modern ex cept furnace, 2807 Cuming Bt. Price, $2,800. Easy terms. JOHN f. FLACK. City Savings Bank, 16th and Douglaa ' (19) 119 REAL ESTATE PAHM A HI) RANCH LANDS FOR L Colorado. HOMESTEADS Qoed farming land near railroad. Bernard Qlllllland, 14 Clayton Blk., Denver, Colo. (20)-M627 M87x Iowa. FEW Iowa farms very cheap If sold write "owner," conger, is. (20) M94 2tX 10th and Harney..