Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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aftiriny ami eeiay9 lay
tii aid
and will continue until lots are all sold.
Your opportunity to start a home of your own
$10.00 Cash and $10.00 a Month
.1 ru-ELm
Northwest Corner 30th and Ames Ave. 160 Lots to Select From.
Prices from $200 fo $500 ia each addition Lots on 30th street a trifle higher. Discount for Cash.
Paved streets all the way down town. '
20 minutes ride to 14th and Faraam.
Large airy cars, 5-minute service,
Monmouth Park School in addition
Cement sidewalks in front of nearly all lots.
City water, sewer, electric light, telephone.
These additions, like onr other additions, in a year or two wia
be bralt up with fine atrtactive homes. We have reserved a num
ber of lots on whch we will build modern houses, several already
under way.
These lots will advance in value the same as lots on Fowler
avenue and Templeton street.
We have built up Sulphur Springs and Bluffs View additions
in the last three years.
It's easy to save after you get a start, your savings will grow
in real estate.
"Jew large fortunes can now be made in any part of the
world, except from one cause, the rise in value of real estate."
(From Andrew "Carnegie's Book, "The Empire of Business.)
Don't fail to come out early on Saturday and bring your
friends. No lots reserved. We will sell only to responsible parties.
Salesmen on the ground Saturday from 7 a. m. to 7. p. m.
Don't delay. A number of people have already selected the
lot they are going to buy on Saturday. Why not go out and look
them over the lots are numbered.
Buy one of these lots and build, or let us build you a house.
1704 FARNAM STREET. Branch Office 31st and Ames,
V Vi
ris-ocbra Gib Clotee Eeiaoa with After,
icon ltd Ets:ic Xttti&C.
Pew luU Dlaaere at Field CI ah, fcat
Sethia Data Ou BfiMl War
laid Kamrr KnttM
Bta la.
Owlng to th back-ward season that poa
Jar midweek gathtrlig kaova for sev
eral muoci paat as "LadJ Aax baa
not yet boas resumed at tb Country club year. There bare bea Wednesday
luncheons, however, but this week tba
dub calendar was tlar.k. It baa been an
(.ou'MknS by tha tnc4-eiaert that laile
day will cot b regularly resumed until
lb weather Is warmer.
Tba Wednesday even -nc tabic d'bot din
ner at the Field club Is steadily growing
La popularity aa tb warmer weather ap
j. roach e. Thos a bo w!U entertain at d. a
itr this evening are: air. CaoUL. who will
La re etht guests; Mr. E. V. Lewis.
tww.'ve; Mr. R. R. Ralney, four; Mr. J. T
Frederick, tour; Mr. J C Smith, twelve;
It. H blister, four; Vt Brt'in. seven; Mr.
F. Laker, tour; Mr. X. B. UpJ-ke, twelve,
and Mr. W. H. BucholE. tune.
Mr, a. J. Ir.crf n was haste of the
largest affair of tba doj- at tb dub,
s"ii--ig a lucchvn of scxietn covers. The
iav..le was bright villi yellow and wh!t
dliU- and the plat cards were door
sted to match. Following luncheon the
ar.ern.n was spent at bridge,
Mrs. t km fee Eatertalaa.
Mr. a.vl Mrs 1. E- 6'-afer entertained
the tTrt:: irifetin- of th Florodora, club
Tueadijr. Three ub,M wer placed for
ike r" a-i u.e jinx wre woo by Mr.
and Mrs. Mx t rkenroad- Mrs. U B.
burdlca aul Mr A. J .lea. Mrs. M Mr
Cana and Mra 6 f f s er were rjests of
tha dub. Tt meratrs preaect were: Mr.
sad Mra. M. Brtr.r.d. Mr. and Mrs.
W.U I rbicU Mr and Mr A. Jstaa. Mr.
sxtd Mra Lu fc-rijc k and Mr. arid Mra
Shafer. Tte text meeur.g of tha cJub
a-Ul b Jurx t at the .crr.e of Mr. and Mrs.
Mra. J. E- Siimr was hostess Monday
st lt last aft err. jo n nR-t:r of the Floro
dora cub for K.j aeaon. Ts prtsea
wtre won by Mra I- B. Vt acd Mra. Wll
Uaic I r-bai h. Tn iriw.t wt-re: Mra.
WUlisra McCacn. Mra Lishop. Mra Aiea
Jaiea. Mra. WUiiiia t'rbacb. Mrs Shafer.
Miss Oraca Shafer. Mra. Msx Borkecroad
and Mra. L. B. Vest. Tba club will meet
aev&ln La September. !
CsapllsaeatarT Gavtsx-rlasra.
Mrs. J. B. CowfUl s"re a de-Utrhtfnl bat '
tcfonnal Juncbecs Wedoady In ban or of '
Mra. H- M. McOasahaa aad Misa bts
erine McClanahan- Covers were latd for
Mrs. McCianahan. Mias McClacahao. Mra
O. W. Herrey. Mlas Clara Hervey and Mrs.
. OowgiU.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Barrey entertained
at dinner Tueaday eren!nf in honor of Dr.
and Mra li- M. McClanahan and Mlaa
McOanahaa. Tba table waa attract; re an lsscsemae centerr-Mce cf ilii c
Corers ware Laid for eixbC
atrial Gases.
Mlsa Edith BuUer TO lea re ia a few
Cays for Lincoln, where she will be one of
tba brfctaamalds at the Beonett-Jullan wei-d-'cg
Mlas Oatre Punka of Lincoln is to
be tba other bridesmaid. Mra. Vera Bedfe.
ctstar of tho brtde, win ha matron of honor
and Mr. Thorp of Chicago w-ffl act as
best man.
Mlas Mayro Hutchinson, who baa bees
QU'te ill for the past two week, is maeh
Mrs. C. C. George wiU emtertatn at ranch
eon Thureday at the Cera n try dub in honor
of ber g-net. Mra. Roone of New Tork.
Mrs. Jjn Wall work win give a lonchaoa
of twenty covers Thursdsy at tha Field
Mrs. E B. Fems wl'.l be hostess Thurs
day afternoon at the meeting of the Corr-ls
club st her home, DC". I Corby atret.
Peraoaal Iteatiaa.
Mr. Jcacrh Hsyden and his ciao. Miss
Lucille Harden, who hare bean enjoying
a trip through Mexico, tare started for
home and will reach Orraha the latter
part ( f the wwt.
Mrs. B. B. Baldwin, who baa been rutt
ing friends in Omaha, baa rervmed to her
home la ETkhorn.
Mra. Lawrence X. GuOd of Kansas City
arrived Saturday to ha the rueat of Mr.
and Mra. John Guild at KCT California
street for two weeks.
Mr. and Mra Dwlght Swobe spent Tuea
day and TCeneeday inornings la Omaha,
when thy left for California.
Word has bee received fro so Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. Cadahy announc-lr-g that their
daughter. Mias Jean, is much better and
will be able to start bom with them Fri
sy. Mra. E. W. Kaah baa returned from tu
buqoe, la., where she was called by the
n'.neaa of Mr. George Meyer, who is now
greatly improved-
Core!! c&a Eoit Eoa Ci U ik
Tert f -c
Preaideat f Alaaaaav Aaselatlas At
trlbatew Owtfcrewk t To Mark
Psaes- Ellaabrtk Cr taa
la Crm4Bbtr Talks-
Prereatloa af Owelty I Aaisaala.
Miss Msud Oar, an Ens-r.,h lrr
irg in RaxVio. oa the Rlriera. near
Gyia. Italy, has fCgK'aed a ariety for
the prerertton of cruelty to animals no
where inc-r neld than In Ita'y. where
croltr to hora Is pro-erbia' M.s
Clsrk's lnepactor emj.ays an iit-t'vr.
tk cases to court and secures cor. rv-
f J)tA) fn T r lcu- ttu rp asd tear tbc tbru and lonri
JL- &0 Utjl LlLtjCl tbti .hake tba whole body. Yo Dee.
f rtruiar mt4icine, a doctor raeictDC, fot
a conzh. AU roar doctor out Arersl
-XMTf f cctorsJ lor tteso acrere Caaca.
If the male students of CorneTl urj
vemtty who. the other day, in the fur.neas
of their sprlr-rtlme pride started whst
they were pleased to can a formal
oampalgn agarnst the ooeda. fancied they
wera going to have an easy walkover
they may as well be making np their
manly minds to be disappointed. The
roeda. alumnae and undergraduate, art
grdng to fight- afoot, a-borse .and a-auto-mobile
ent f-ght for tha prlvfleces
which are already thelra. but for that
partlculsr pririleg that has heretofore
been denied them.
For the purpose of galnlr-g that oer'e4.
snd therefor highly prtaed. privilege, the
members of the Cc men Almrs associa
tion are at idectical moment on th
rtill butt fcr a girl. Not Just any aort of
girt, tut a very select and belligerent speci
men of the rcus girl with s. seetMt.g
deiermlnaUoo to ber heart to tU"!T
medicine, th ectlr course. In that par-
.ticulsr branch cf Ccrrell nr.fverrlry n
I srt-jst. rring and toeing tn th efty cf
New Tork, tn th state of th aam r.ame.
I To b eonvlDced of th seriousness cf the
sttnstioa or has to talk to a few of
' the many coed Cornell graduates cow in
New Tork.
Wksit Mtsa B la tea tald.
Tbc fneling against th coed's is always
there, we always felt it. bot is the worst
that has ever hsppeoad." The speaker was
Mis Nora Btantoa Blatrfc. a granddaughter
of Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Mlas Btatch
took ber degree as civil engineer at CoraeH
and is now ia tba araptoy of tha Americaa
Brtf'ce compary and th City Board of
Water supply.
1 waa tba only girl tn tba eglnaertng
claaa, and th feahneT against roe was so
perreptlU that at f-rat it made me ur-corr-fortsbla"
ate went on. Tonally I thought
the matter over and decided that tn
troubl lay within myself; that I waa Jnst
th sort of girl that men didn't like to
bar around. I was actually ronritarad
that the objection waa to me personally
and that another girl would be well re
ceived. "I expected to and tn same conAutoe la
th offlc wben I went to work. Macb to
my surprise conditions wer entirely dif
ferent. "Wan my work keep m rcbbtr.g
elbows with mea as cloaely as I rrer cd
at coUeg. I bar aever bad th alxhteat
dcooneay to eorcplaln ot Now. U.e dif
ferenc can't be within myself. I can't
bare changed so much in two yvara
1 attnout it all to lb position taken
ty tba Gsa at U. L4 (4 work, wU
let it be known thst I came there with
their sanction.
"It the men In command at Cornell sin
cerely favored coeducation, believed in it
as Ezra Cornell intended that all men oc
cupying the chairs should dD. the litti
undergraduate wouldn't take the position
they do and the coeds would hare aa
easier life. At k-aat that Is th solution
I hsr arrived at. and I have given the
subject considerable thought-
"lon't you think ft a peculisr condrUoa
of affairs that one of the prc.fessnrs cf a
university should get cp at a meeting of
uDdreraduaua In a dnr.kir.g salcon ana
put himself cn record as being against the
very stone on which the unlrersity was
founded? Well, that is what on profeaeor
"What was said and done by th boys
can bs excT,ed on account of their youth,
but when it to a man as old as th-a
professor and with his experlenoe. that
won t do. And to us who know conditions
in Ithaca it seems particularly remark
a Me
I "Now that cm profes3r has put him-
atlf on record, I do wish a few of ths
I other pro feasors and President Schurmaa
would come out and show their colors.
While President 6c pretends to be
In faror of coeducation, I knew ther are
maty girls who are sincere tn their be
lief that his favor is cot more than luke
warm. "It is pretty generally believed by th
girls thst conditions In Sage, tn coed
dormitory, would be vastly improved If
Prwdent Schurmaa took more interest in
'In Ithaca we hare coeducation; and if
fg-htir.g will keep it for us we will con
tinue to hsve it In spite of this wonderful
campaign which the male students bare
lanned: but here m New Tork at th
medical college w d:-n't get our rights.
W are now locking for a girl who win
be willing to make a Urt case of It.
"We wart a girl who is willing to fight.
Ot course we will fght thlnd her and.
we believe, get her in. but we can da
nothing without th girl.
Ton see th money for Cornell make
It a coeducational Institution without limit
to any particular college or branch. A
girl medical student wishing to enter
Cornell Medical college has to take her
first two years up at Ithaca. Th mea
medical students take them here la New
Tork. Now, we believe that hat is not
coeducation and we want a girl who Is
willing to help u fight for what w be
lieve to be our rights under U.e will of
Eara Cornell. "
Prise Wlaaer Owlalon.
Tt Mary Merrltt Craw-ford, th girl who
recently won in com petition an appoint
ment as house physician In tbs Williams
burg hospital, was as outspoken as Mia
"The claim that the coeds are account
able for corrupt politic at Cornell is
absolutely ftlse." said t-r. Crawford- "It
opinion, and I don't really think It is
worth firing very serious con si deration.'
Ask tkat Te-raas of D I rarer Be Kodl
aed t plve Ber Thl
Alleging she has cot been permitted to
see ber young son for a long time and has
been refused information regarding him.
Mra. Dency E. Stephens has asked for a
modification of her decree, of divorce from
James K. Stephens, chief operator at the
Union Pacific, and wants the custody of
the boy given to ber.
The decree was granted about two years
ago. Mrs. Stephens ears It wss the agree
ment before the divorce was granted that
is tb same Interchange thst is prarticed ; the boy be placed la care of Samuel E.
i everywhere and I have bad men from j Kler and wife cf Lincoln, mutual fiienda
boys' colWee tell me that the conditions j She now says he has been taken by Mr.
I wer the same If not worse with them, j Stephens, who has rerr.srrted. and is kept
i There 1 a certain type of man wbo is at- away from her. She says when th boy
! ways ready to lsy th blsm on another a,ick a short time ao sne was refused
! and when tt , happen that a woman Is sX information as to bow he was getting
i around ther select ber. along.
I "Tte point thet rr.akea this 1 t oat- also allfs tt wss agreed that the
I break cf an alwsys evident, ever present rroperty in Lincoln, worth HOC, shouifl be
I prejudice notlcesWe is the fact thst It Uvea to the child, and she says she
j was p'.snned for some time. Th speakers 1 a deed in blar.k to the boy. In her
were hinted week beforehand to address ! the nam of her former
husband has been ir.sertea in tn oexsi ano
she wests it set aside and declared null.
Eic Trolltj Vill E Ssa Crer Ltrrt)
tern TtU Csmsiet.
. OsMka, Caaactl BlaVa, BU.
Tie, Fleresr sss Besses Ara
a th Uii at
Beclnntng June L. th Omaha Council
Bluffs Street Railway company will oper
ate a aight-aeeing car from Omaha to
South Omaha. Benson. Florence and Coun
cil Eluffa. The arrangements are now fog
two trips, on in th forenoon and oao
in the afternoon of each week day. TbO
morning trip win start at t: from Fif
teenth and Famam streets and go to Boutk
Cunaha. returning' over the new Twenty.
fourth street line to Leavenworth street.
The car will then b run to the west slda
cf Ilsremm park and thence orer to Coun
cil Bluffs and back io Cuiht. wnca it
will be run to Nineteenth and Cumins
streets, giving a view of all th retail dis
trict of the city, and thence back to Six.
teenth and Famam strevta.
For the afternoon trip the car will tearw
She also clslms her dower interest la ths j g.xteenth and Famam streets at I o'clock
Blga-est A 4. Blaarst Bale,
Blsrarst Store,
Watch for Brandis" ad in Fridsy even
ing papers, announcing a gigantic UVX
! the boys on the subject.
1 "It seems to me an occorrenc that every
! xirl rraduate cf Cornell should consider
l and very serlouslv. Those men wouldn t VVT- Dera tT ' 1 and go to Weat Farnara street and retura
i hav. dared to bold a meeting for the I Sjtun rlr D week- r the Walnut HlH Bn aa
i , ItT M touniry ciuo. neturmng rroca
th Country club, a run will be mad to
Florence and return to Fifteenth and Far
tam streets.
One ft th larger ear from th Council
i-.-uffs lis will b fitted especially for
this service and a lecturer w-Jl lemnpuiy
the car on ail tnjs to point out tha plaors
of Interest along th routa. Each tris la
expected to consume about thre hours
and to cover between thirty-Se and forty
miiea A photographer will tak the pio
ture of the people as they start and will
bar the photos resdy far deilrery cpoa
the return from th trip.
One of the new home manufactured ear
for the Msnaws line made Its initial J-
avowed purpose of expelling Jews or eren
negroes. But the coeds it seem Cat w
are set start to ret all the kicks and
criticism that is going
"They can't turn us cut. that is on con
solation, snd as feir aegregattna; the sexes
that would bs coeducation with a ven-
( geanco, now wouldn't It? They should
! learn the meaning of th word and they
i might )o fcnd out s-vtwthirg about th
' conditions r.amed in th charier.
"Put what I don't understand tn the
! hole thing is why men who dm't car
j to be In th aam classes with girls will
go to Cornell. Just look at the-colleges
In th east where a man can go and never
! get a g'lropae cf a girt in claaa
' "It they don't want to compete with us from 1.1m for a win-. ber of year, has ap- c,r
richt ts oi
for marks then let them go sotaewbtr
Alaaae President Talks.
Mlas Elisabeth Meaerole Rhode, presl
i dent of the Cornell alumna and secretary
far Avpelatwieat af fs
at Maaared Tkaa
aaad Delia rs.
A fight is on in county ccurt ever the ap
pointment of a g-ur3:an for Ker.ry F. Rik.
whose wealth is estimated st CXiUOl Mrs.
Mattie M Mackey. daughter of Mr Re'.k.
but who has been men or leas est ranged , pearanoe on tb streets cf Omaha
It attracted a second look from an
piled for appointment as guardian. Charles . u jt made th trip through th ejty, for
PattelJe. attorney for Mr. Reik. is reacting I it ts s modern car and a thing of beauty.
No matter what the death cer
tificate say, the fundamental
cause of one-half the deaths re
corded is cortiption. Cure
yourself of the habit by eating
1? PUCiS !
! which is made from the whole
pain of the w heat berry. u
10 cents a package,
f tv&r tr til irtibri
New Tork. has been out of college ten
yesrs and seemed Inclined to excuse th '
j talkstlv male undergraduates on th score
of youth
I "No. I shouldn't make tr aam ex cues
! for th professor." Miss Rhode sdmttted
"1 must that I think it wss pecu
j liar position for a professor in a coeduca
; college to take, (.
I "Of couie I don't know very much about
: the ltnmed'ate circumstance. t-Jt I fancy
: th-ey had all taken too much punch. I saw
j from the papers that it was at a class
feed Men will lose the'.r heads under
aiKh conditions, you know, and perhaps
that was tb reason that the profess-:- ex
pressed such an aversion to U.e coeda'
"C'h. yes, there was a mere pronounced
feeling against th grls ! I waa in
college. It was worse tnn than now,
but nothtr cf this sort ever beptened. At
least a pr. feaa'.r r.cver took part la da-Dc-unclr
g coedocatinc 1B drinkirg aaloon.
The charter Is for cr-educatlon. you
know. Ther Is no dang-er cf that be'.r
"Now, if Anfirew D. Whtl wer to com
out arid give as his opiruja that coeduca
tion was a failure, then it might b worth
whlla With the young students and thM
paruc lax prtlssic tt U s tbatur ol
tii appofctment cf Mr. Markey and asks
t trie court 10 apirmx some cr- prrwoa. mr.
1 Relk was recently stricken with paralysis
and since then las been at Mrs Markers
the Intermunlclpal Resesrch society of , Sftrth T,enty.crth mn ,
tranaact buslneaa.
Mr. Relk and bis
is aald lo be unable ic
The trouble between
daughter is aald to date bark to the divorce
cf Mr. and Mrs Relk several years agrv
Manufactured In the local shops at Twao
ty-eventh and Lake streets. It is d'.fferenS
In pattern from any car which has yet
appeared la Omaha and was prosxranoed
easily th prettiest car rrer seen cm tba
streets. It is an open ear without runntnc
boarda. wtth the same entrance a caoas4
car, with an a'.sie down th center of tb
car. It has seats for fifty-sax peopW.
A PJJ&m M53
of the tafteriDg and danger in atora for Lor, rcbt tLe expcctAnt motLo
of a.11 pletaant anticipttioiis of the coming erent, and cat orer ber s
hadow cf gloom which canoot be tbakeo off. Tbocaanda of womea
bave found that the use f Mother' Friend during prep-nancy ret,
confine-merit of all pain and danger, and insure safety to lite of mother
and child. This scientific lininjcat ia a god -send to all women at tha
time of their most critical trial. Not only doe Mother's Frieod.
carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but its o4)
gently prepares the system for the coming erent, pre recti "morning:
sickness," and other d- t
ixo per bottle. Book
containing valuable iciormation f rc.
Ths) aVWUla1 tsaatau AtlwU.U.