Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1907, Page 12, Image 12
TITE-OMAHA DAILY BEE: TIITJRSDAY, MAY 23, 1907. if II.. i wVAUh - Cardea Tools Old Store, Sec llic Great Painting, 'The Village Blacksmith" On Free Exhibition 3rd floor. New Store .ir .i d o M i i i L Store Very Dainty and Summery Art Ihe&e Lingerie Dresses' 6 VVe will show about 20 all new styles in these pretty 1907 effects Thurs day. Made of the soft French mulls in light blue, light pink and whito -dainty sheer fabrics, smartly lace and embroidery trimmed J)8 an extra special on our M second floor, new store .... " sYou Hay Choose from 150 of Oar S15-I20 Women's Tailored Suits at $10. NOne of these light weight tailored suits la always stylish and always ser- m n Tlcable all the newest Ideas n 1 1 1 are here .very well tailored. . . . r women Worth vp 's Ready-to-Wear Skirts, Tj 50 to $3.00 In Our Basement at .... 11 Made In side pleated styles new mixed and plain cloths good Tallies to make Thursday a bargain day In the basement -very Pretty New Effects Now fer First Time SHIRT WAISTS Plain white or figured summer fabrics neatly and daintily made with lace in sertions, tucks and embroidered panels would regularly sell up to $1.50, at 69c -1 98c All New Ideas Summer Favorites WASH JACKET SUITSJUMPER SUITS and DRESSY SUMMER SUITS You can't imagine how dainty and attractive the new summer things are until you've seen these suits; made according to the very latest styles and right up-to-date in every feature.. You really1 should look at these brand new ones. THURSDAY IS CHOCOLATE DAY at "SWEET LAND" 40c Chocolates 20c Per Pound. LONG LISLE GLOVES In the wanted colors, all new lots and worth regularly $1.00 a pair, well known brands at 39c-69c 80O SHOBT OLOTIS Silk finished mercerized lisle, In blacks, browns and navies, 2- 1 e clasps, at, pair...'' LONG SILK GLOVES Fine silk in black, white and colors, all full length silk taffe ta gloves, in browns and tans, at, pair $L49 MILLINERY SALE Women's Spring Hats, worth $8.50, at $3.98 One lot is prettily trimmed with daisies, the new drop shapes also stylish new hats, trimmed with wreaths of flowers and rib- jr Q Q bons, as well as tailored hats, worth up to $8.50, at. . UNTRIMMED HATS A big variety of untrimmed shapes all the popular shapes, variety of col ors -worth up to $2.50, on main floor, economy millinery depart- Q ment, at JrQ In Basement Trimmed Hais at 49c These hats are mostly in braids and chiffons, trimmed with flowers, ribbons, etc., worth up to $3-50 jry. on bargain square in basement at, oL jVO each i r v SHOES FOR THE JUNE BRIDE All June Brides ought to be winsome and attractive. Let us help? w have anticipated many wed- rlfnm for next month, and accord- I Inelv have rathered In this sea son's stock an assortment embrac ing all that Is new In slippers and low shoes. Our line . of bridal and other fancy slippers is so great that we know we can match most any town, despite the delicate shading or material. WOMEN'S SLIPPERS AND LOW SHOES RAXGIXQ IS PRICE FROM $2 to $6 Sole agents for GOLD PLATED MONOGRAMS used on Pumps, Buckles and Low Cut Oxfords. Drexel Shoe Co. 1119 Farnam St. Know that your home whiskey is pure "PURE FOOD" Is Inspected and guaranteed by the United States Government to be as represented a pure straight whiskey no blends, no components, no substitu tions. It you want a good pure whiskey for home and medi cinal use buy our Pure Food Whiskey. You not only have our word, but that of the gov ernment that It's pure. $1.00 Per Full Quart Hiller Liquor Co., 1309 Farnam St. Prompt deliveries. Phone Doug 1241 Hlller's Whiskies, per full quart, 80c, $1.00 and $1.25. California Wines, per quart. 36c, 50c and 76c """Hw Suspensories and all kinds of Rubber Goods Trust, 91.00 to $5.00 each. Suspensories 23c to fl.50 each with or without leg straps. Write for Rubber Goods Catologue. Sherman G. LTlcConncll Drue Co. Cor. i6tn ana Doags atresia, omaha, NEB Tai Oxfords FOR. MEN . SWELLEST $4 Walk-Over STYLES All the Rage! Walk-Over Shoe Store lttl FA1IUM SHEET ED. S. THOMPSON. The Walk-Over Man. 3 OMAHA WKATHKR FORECAST 'Cloudy and Cooler. m The Wedding Days r here. Hho.ld you twelve one or more Invitations, select the gift at our store NMhlng- nicer than our cut alas, sterling- silver beautiful deslgus and moderate price. i Spend a few minutes tn our store. Look for the came. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1SK Douglas Street. () JAPANESE MATTING CAS ES One Hundred Special CASES. In a light handaonie 24-ln. sUe, with binding and corners steel. An attractive and servlcable case, just the thing to take on your vacation trip. A regular $3.00 value. Special 1 Jrt , .euTU rr cr Ui while they last at We carry a complete stock of Trunks, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases and Sample Cases. Repair work a specialty. OMAHA TKTOK FACTORY, 1209 Farnam Street LAST CHANCE MAY 25TII! to ge a dollar bottle of WAHOO TONIC vvu If vou have failed to act the rebate card come to anyone of our FOUR STOKES and get the card which we will till In for you and give you the regular dollar else of this medicine for 26a. TALK AHOl'T CUT PRICES that will neip a"1 rn? t mi m k m ARE KROM INDIANA Just now. Did you see what Uncle Bam did to the drug tru.t In INDIANA? PUT TUB WHOLE HUNCH OUT OK 1HSINKS8. IMd we not tell you It was all wrong? Did we not get the same decision here In Oood Old Nebraska through Attorney General Prowtt The trust patent medicine fellows are already pulling down their contracts. just watch for the fun now. Schaefer's Cu Drug Stores Omaha Cor. Mth and Douglas Slat Itth and Chicago Hs. South Omaha N. W Cor. Ith and N St. OooneU SUoJXe Ith Ave. and Main Bts. ' . The druggists who don't have to sub- Mlt ute. UH-samaf sjscmoB vauscm OoaurarK. , ar mUk rm s. The Twentieth Century Farmer Exhibition and Sale of Water Colors WATER COI-OR8 by GILBERT S ETHER, pupil of Frits Thaulow; NEIL . MITCH ELta, one of America's forrnxit marine palntn, and GEORGE E. CO LBV, an American painter of western country menes. This exhibition and sale of original water color ronslM of water color scene of snow and Ice, rich ocean views and woodland scenes of silvery blrrhea. Come to thl exhibit and sale -whether yon Intend to pnrcliaKe or njot It's an art treat. Exhibition and sale starts Thursday. 2nd Floor. r i u r 2d Flsor REMNANTH11IRM f f 2d lloor HAVE VOU SEEN The Crystal Room? Libbey in All New Designs Mount Washington ldBDlyr"y Bergen in Fern and Whirl NAPPIES, BOWLS, V. X3. EVERY PIECE L rilE WHEEL. NO k BLANKS NO CHIP- iAI.I. PKnn,'fT. HANDLED VASES, ETC. I CUT ON THE PRESSED BLAN1 FED GOODS ALL PERFECT. Pleased to Show Goods Whether Yon Buy or Not. New pieces on our 1 5.00 table this week SUGARS and CREAMS BOWLS. VASES, COMPORTS, JUGS, DECANTERS, ICE TUBS $7.00 and $8.00 Values for 522 Two Grand Suit Specials $39.50 Silk Suits and Dresses Two-piece and Princess (styles black, navy, russet brown, champagne and coin Bpots, In all colors $1950 $29.50 Women's Chic Tailor-Made Suits Prince Chap, Pony,. Eton and Three-Button Cutaway styles all this season's most-up-to-date cloths; every shade and mixture, Including the popular russet brown and the sta- pie black Mi7 Ml M $10.00 Covert and Fancy Mixture Coats-Styles are Pony. Prince Chap. Eton and Three- IZ Q button Cutaway ..... vPsJ $1621 $12.50 Panama Dress Skirts Plain and fancy striped and checked Panamas ten distinct styles of the most ap proved fashion. Dress Goods ANOTHER ROUSING SALE OF NEW DRESS GOODS THURS DAY IS A GREAT BARGAIN DAY IN DRESS GOODS. Another 6ale of Those Fine Im ported Wool Suitings 44 and 54-ln. wide, that we sold for $1 and $1.25; very newest styles, beautiful light or dark goods checks, stripes or overplalds; never again will you buy such goods, at, yard . : 35 Remnants of Dress Goods Ele gant lot of fine wool suitings, lengths from 6 to 15 yards Just as you. want them; worth 60c yard, at 19 60c Beautiful All Wool Challls Ba tiste A fabric which Is much better than the old-fashioned challlea; every thread wool, some embroidered effects,' pretty de signs for dresses, house gowns, ktmonas etc, rlghuy weight for summer, on sale, yard ... . . 23 91.00 Black Panama 60-ln. wide, best quality, yard ....... .40 Flannel Section 10 pieces Elegant White Wool Flannel, . very good, heavy qual ity, on sale, yard 10 8 pieces grey wool Flannel; this quality Is used for man's shirts, boys' suits, women's skirts, etc.. yard 230 Dennett's Candies Ctnm hiin1re1 Knit flftr nound. PEACH DROPS, found ........So Two Dounds kUlt. IS I JIJV.II J kMIW wwi... I Entire Surplus Stock of Max Goodman & Co $12.50 to 513 Spring Suits, $7.50 and $w.oo I THB RELIABLE STCRE $'2.50 to $1 Spring Suits J $7.50 and $W.OO High-Class Tailored Garments AT ABOUT HALF ACTUAL WORTH A continuance of our Great May Clearance Salo, which insures the most re markable cash eavinps. It's a delight to show thene values, for we know theU to be simply unmatchablo at our special sale prices. THURSDAY GREATEST BAR GAIN EVENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE Linen H White Goods Section Remnants of India Llnon, worth up to 12 He; remnants of Nain sook, worth up to 15c; Remnants of Long Cloth, worth m up to 18c if Thursday, yard w Bennett's Big Grocery Always in the 'X.ead In rreeh. Vow Tabla Products at rrloes. Bennutt's Ooldn Coffee, lb.... !6o And Thirty Green Trailing Stamps. Ten. U. F. Japan, Oolong, Gunpow der, Kngllah HreaKrasi, 10 J.u And Thlriv Green Tradlnv Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Pure Pepper, t4-lt. can iuc And Five Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Baking powder, lb. ! 24c And Twenty Green Tradln Rtamp.. Japan Kl e, 2 lbs. .iKfOxxwri And TenBn Trad1"8 Krl I Potato Chip Special tuu crisp, -m. pkg .10c U-ltv nka- Sc Franro-Amerlcan Potted Beef, can r And Five Green Trading KtantDS. Red Cross Cream, large can luo And Ten Green Trading Stamp.. Diamond S preserves, assorted, large jars 2c And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Batsvla Corn Starch, lb. pkg 8o And rive Green Trading Stamps. Granulated Sugar, 21 pounds. ... 1.00 And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Batavla Macaroni, lb. ikg i:Vic And Ten Green Tra'llng Stamps. Marshall's Kippered Herring, can.tOo And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Ers-o-See, Toasted Corn Flake.. I pkgs 5J Special Eatraet Offer Bennett s Capitol vanilla, lemon, banana, plne- apple, ra.pberry, red rosu, straw berry, white rose, wlntergreen, al mond., bottle 14c And Thirty Green Trading Stamp. Bcnnrtt s Bargain Laundry Soap. bars 5o Large quantity Call (urn la Santa Clara Prunes, worth It fee lb to $20.00 Suits at, choice $2C00 and $30.00 Suits at $35.00 and $40.00 Suits at $40.00 and $50.00 Suits at .... Voile Skirts, In extra large sites, $10.00 $12.50 $17.50 $25.00 almost unlimited assortment and splendid values; on sale Thursday at $15. $12.50, $10 and .-$8.00 $5.00 Walking Skirts $2.08 $6.00 Silk Jumpers at $2.98 $0.00 Plaid Coats, $2.98 A line of nobby plaid coats. In the popular box style, trimmed with com bination colors; on sale at $2.08 $10.00 Silk and Covert Coats on sale, at, choice, $4.D5 Over 100 garments in the lot, Including silks, coverts and fancy plaids, In Eton, Pony, box and tight fitting styles; worth to $10.00, at, choice $4.95 $2.00 Lawn and Lingerie Waists 05c $2.00 Long Kimonos at 95V We are sole agents for the Celebrated Home made WrapMrs, Kimonos and Nurses' Drcsse best values shown. Carpet Department Specials Window Shades, 36-ln. wide, 7 ft. long, water colorB, each 35 Window Shades, 3C-ln. wide, 7 ft. long, best oil opaque, each 45c Hassocks, regular $1.00 values. 59 Ingrain Rugs, traveling men's samples. In all patterns, each 19c China and Jap Mattings from our great N purchase, at, yard, 25c, 15c. .12c 35c Granite Carpets, 3C-ln. wide, sals price, yard SSsJ $1.75, Velvet Rugs, size 27x54, on sal at $1.15 $8.00 Art Squares, extra superior qual. lty; size 9x12, at $5.98 $5.00 Pro-Brussels Art Squares, slza 6x9, sale price $3.98 National Carpet Sweepers, roller bear lng, nickel trimmed, at ....$2.50 Extra Specials for Thursday 8:30 Till 9 a. m. We will sell extra heavy unbleached muslin, yard wide, regular 8 Vic goods, for, yard. .4c 9:80 Till 10:30 We will nell one case of Table Damask, highly mercerized, fine patterns; not over six yards to a customer, at, yard 23 C From 10:30 Till 11:30 We will sell 200 Linen Table Cloths, 2 yards, 2 and 3 yards long; regular pattern cloths, all made up; worth up to $5 each; not over three to a customer, at, each 54 From 1 Till 2 p. m. We will sell Apron Gingham, in brown, blue and greens; regular 7c quality, fast colors, small checks, at, yard. - 3 From 2:30 Till 3:30 p. m. We will sell 50 dozen Towels, extra largo anJ extra heavy; regular 19c gooda; not over four towels to a customer, at, each 7HJ From 4 Till 5 p. m. We will soil on case of Cumberland A A bleached - Muslin, abot,t the same grade as the Fruit of the Loom; regular 10 Via goods; not over 10 yards to a cns ' tomer, at, yard tj Several other specials during tbe day. No peddlers or dealers sold at thes$ prices. For other extra specials see our dallj bulletin on tho 10th st. side. , Risf f j".ffA Qnori it GIo Th lire Uiy Vlllww aSJSt.WICII teSUftt IIIUIJUUJ'. W It will pay you to lay in a supply at these prices. This salo Is for ono day only. To Introduce our famous blends Into the homes of everybody. We buy direct and sell direct to the consumer. 1,000 pounds Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, that retails everywhere for 25c per lb. our price, for this sale, per lb 16c 1,000 Fancy Maracalbo Blend, that retails everywhere for 28c per pound; our price this sale 17 He 1,000 pounds Fancy Porto Rico Blend, that retails everywhere for 30c per pound; our price, this sale 20c 1,000 pounds Ankola Blend, that retails everywhere for tSc; our price, this sale only 26c 1,000 pounds Fancy O. G, Mocha and Java Blend that retails everywhere for 40c to 60c per pound; our price for this sale, per pound 36c Or 3 pounds for 11. 00 Trait and Tegstabla Price Greatest Market in the West. Fresh Spinach, per peck ..B 4 bunches Fresh Pin Plant So E bunches Fresh Radishes So S bunches Fresh Onions ..60 Large Cucumbers, each ....Ed Fresh Peas, per quart Eq Fancy Late Red Crnnhorrles, Qt ,6a 2 Heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce ...60 2 bunches Fresh Asparagus ..6a Fancy Wax Beans, per pound ........60 2 bunches Fresh Parsley .60 Large bunches FreLh Carrots, Turnips op Beets, per bunch 6a 96 else Fancy Highland Navel Oranges, the Blie that retails everywhere for 6O0 dozen; our price, this sale, per sen S5. 1 Ser use 1M HhYDENS' E1ESI Move your factory to Omaha. Cheap power means bigger profits. Investigate. Omaha Electric Light & Power Co., Tel. Douglas 1002. Y. M. C. A. Bldg. v asm s aa sssk n a- A m SSA A f A. id Yaara "1 DR. UKAUyUKY, VOnilSI, Isoattad tiita si a dma as sk AU1U1 Slun. 17S8 1804) PAR NAM ST., OMAHA. Extracting SS porcelain PlOs. .(1 up Crowns 2JS0 op Brldg. Wsrk.ta.fiO up riates $2.00 op Prods Dsaglss 17S0 We make a spedattgl .'J off metal ana reonsi platen. Palnieesj woim. all operaXkn. guaranteed 10 PrrTfT.VTi firf tort in Hot Weather Demands Ice We are all ready and equipped every way to give you prompt and efficient service. We handle natural ice ana manufacture DISTILLED WATER ICE RELIABLE DENTISTRY None but first class work dons at Tuft's. Our equipment Is the best, and every dentist is a skilled workman. Gold Crowns, 22k ...t&AO'A Bridge Work, per tooth '. $5.00 TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS HIT Douslas btrwit. 1IOXTCHT WEIGHT ACCOMMODATING DKIVKKS 'Phone and Our Wagon Will Call. DISTILLED WATED DELlVEUKD IX CASES OH BOTTLES Omaha. Ice Cold Storage Co. 15th and Howard. Phone IKMig. 453, Inn i-i iimI:':1' w A ssr