Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1907, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. XXXVI N0.291.
Eonthtrn Paoifii Caart Ejer Wm Trick
Near Loc Amrelea.
Yei .lulled Ware Stealing? Hide Under
tht Eac.ra4-9 Car.
Biih Spread Toward Ed of TreitU by
Eaary Wire.
laithrn Puclfle Will Pny flO.OOO for
Arrest und Conviction of the
Pfnma Rnponlblt for
tho Trwk.
LOS ANGELES. Cal.. May -2 Private
detectives employed by the Southern Pa
cific and deputies from the sheriff's office
In thla city Joined In the search for the
men who are believed to have caused thla
morning's disastroua wreck on the Coast
line when five cura of the Coast line lim
ited plunged over the edge of a trestle
near West Glendale, ten mllea north of
hls city. The llHt of dead la believed to
be complete with the finding of the bodlee
of Jumea Victor, of whose antecedents
nothing la known, ana T. J. McMahon. a
Santa Barbara electrician, who waa
enmhed beneath the baggage car while
steul'nsi a tide, Vic tor In believed to have
met death under the same condltlonB, but
hta body waa not discovered until the car
was pnrttally raided from the dry tx-d of
the Arroyo ?ou. The injured number
Ma of the Injured.
Among th- Injured were the following:
T. II. Young, Onkl'tnd, porter; cut about
head; hip e'lslociitcd.
Mrn. shidley. Iys Ancciea, Injured In
ternally, will ppbahlv ilie.
Mn. Kiwi' Fetterman, Cleveland, O. arm
bm':en. huerationa of s-alp and head, in
ternal Inlurtes; will probably die.
Ma F-rn opdvke, Pittsburg, Pa.; ln-Jur.-ii
Internaliy; scalp cut.
A. C. Young, M.irshnll, Mo.; cut about
head and fc arm broken.
W. S. Stltt. I'g Angeles, scalp cut. In
ternal Injurlea.
William M'-CIare, I.oa Anpeles, cheek
badly cut. knee cap broken.
W'lllnm love, Pullman porter, face cut,
Injured Infernally, will probably die.
C. H. Robblns, I.oa Angeles, head cut.
N. E. Jacoba. Los Angeles, shoulder
broken, right arm cut.
V. F. Miller, Xenlu. O.; cut about face;
badly bruised.
P. H. liaker. Portland, Ore.; cut about
bead and face, hip dislocated.
F. H Shanley, dining car conductor;
San Francisco, acalp wound and laccratl'na
of face.
Een Doxon. Oakland, dining car waiter,
cut and bruised.
Ed Wilcox, Oakland, second cook, cut
and ' ised.
R. Wood. Oaklund; dining car waiter;
cut and bruised.
Find Coos of Disaster.
Two Pullmans snd the observation car
Za.C&Jll VIA 14JX I. -. J. lit 1(111 trUOIlVU IOU
dnmsgnd several of the ears and It was
In the grinding crush that the passengers :
were hurt.
With the aid of lanterns the trt.tnme-1
msde an examination of the track In order j
to determine If possible tho reason of the I
derailment. T'nder the first coach which re
mained on the track were round the loos
ened rails with the wires securely fastened
through the bolt holes and the ends unit
ing In a single strand that led Into the
brush on the hillside.
Fhyslclnns In charge of the dosen or
more persons who sustained serious In
juries ton'xht report that all the lnlured
will eventually recover.
A reward of S10.T0 offered by the South
ern Pacific compuny for the conviction
oi the person or persons responsible for
the wreck has enlisted many officers and
detectives In the search for the miscreants.
W re-U ffmr Cincinnati.
5IA,T3VTI.I.E, Ky May 3. Chesapeake
A Ohio train No. 2. which left Cincinnati
for the east at noon today, was wrecked
s.ven mllea west of this city. The track
buckled, throwing the observation car from
the track. It ran along the ties about a
hundred feet, then went over the banks,
about tlfty fet high.
There were IS passengers In the car and
all were Injured. IS of them seriously, one
dying here.
The dead:
MRS. MARY HALBET, wife of Judge
W. T. Halsey, Milwaukee. Wis.
The fatally Injur 1:
Mrs. Lsarrie of St. Louis, both legs and
arm broken.
Among tho seriously In lured are:
Judge W. T. Halsey of Milwaukee and
K. Allen, Rockford, III., head cut.
Jaly Advanced to 91.02 3-4, septets. -her
144 1-3 aad Doeeoa
her Reaches fl.OS 3-eX
CHICAGO. May 22. Ths wheat martlet
aet a new high record for the crop today.
July advanced to fl.0f; September tu
tU-Wt and December to The
was a closely packed mass of excliel
brokers and the volume of business vaa
large. Continued absence of rxtti i Kan
sas, coupled with an advance tt Liverpool
were factors In the higher prices
The close found prices practically un
changed from yesterday, but feeling was
nurvous. Prices fluctuated violently through
out the session.
NEW YORK. May 21 Violent fluctua
tions characterised today's wheat market.
Within a cent or two range the move
muni waa more erratic than at any time
ln the lust two weeks. On one upward
swing new high levels Were established.
July touching flay,.
The market closed, however, practically
unchanged from last night. Conflicting
crop advices snd a tendency toward pro
tesalonai control of the market explained
the rapid changes.
Daniaare to wtiehhoord Canned ky
hort Ctrcnltlng Car rent
Qolrkly Repaired.
SA.V FRANCISCO. May r.-More street
cars were run today on the tracits of the
L'atted Railroads than on any day since
the carmen s strike began. Three addi
tional lines, those running on Polk and
Larkta. Folsora street and Bryant street
were operated today. No serious trouble
1 s bona reported.
Some damage was done late last night
to the electric switch boards la the car
house at Turk and Fillmore streets, the
currant being short circuited by the throw
ing ef a wire or chain over the live wires
nearby, but repairs were affected befura
tho Axni car ao started thla auonUng.
Thursday, Mir 2.T. lrT.
1907 MAY 1807
ua rut wto mil r' t
'f 5 I I 2 34
5 6 7 8 9 10 II
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31 $
and cooler Thursday. Friday fair.
day, cooler In writ portion. Friday showers,
except fair in northwest portion, cooler In
central and southeast portions.
... 74
... i
... "H I
Temperature at omalia yterday
Hour. Deg.
1 p. m...
& a. m i7
a a. m w 2 p. m...
7 a. m 6X it p. m...
8 a. ru 7!l 4 p. m...
a. m 74 5 p. m...
li a. m TH ( p. m "2
U a. m 79 7 p. m 79
U m &l 8 p. m 74
a p. m 74
Southern Pacific coast flyer derailed by
train wreckera near Loa Angelea. One
man was killed and twenty-five persons
Injured, three of them fatally. The rail
road company offers a reward of 110,001
for arreat and conviction of persons re
sponsible. Paga 1
National A s-r.elatlon of Manufacturers
pas iea a resolution In favor of an early
revision of the tariff and negotiation of
more reciprocity treaties. It also decides
to raiao a fund of (1,300,000 for a cam
paign of education. Page 1
Officers at Boise are scouring the coun
try for men for the new venire of Jurors.
Tag 1
President Roosevelt returns to Wash
ington. Paga 1
Wheat makes a new high record on
"change. July advancing to 11.0'V.. Sep- I
tember to H.041 and December to i
J1.05H- Paga 1 i
New York senate and assembly pass the
public utilities bill fathered by Governor
Hughes. Fag's 1
Kentucky supreme court renders deci
sion that makui complete change In
county aud city officers of Louisville
Page X
Presbyterian general assembly unani
mously adopts a resolution endorulng the
work of the Antl-Salonn league and tho
permanent temperance committee Is In
structed not to Interfere with or embark
upon political work. Pags 1
July wheat rises to $1.02 on the Chi
cago Diwird of Trade on higher prices In
Liverpool and lock of rains In weatern
states. Fags 1
Nicholas Murray Butler la elected pres
ident of the Lake Mohonk conference on
international arbitration. Fags 8
Ohio independent oil dealera complain
that rate from Cleveland to Omaha la ao
f high that they are unable to compete with
the lower grade oil from the Kanaaa field.
Faga 1
Group five of the Bankers' association
holds a convention at Kearney with about
ninety members present. Faga 3
Conaiflerable wire-pulling is being In- I
dulged ln over the appointment of a sue- j
cessor to T. J. Majors on the normal
board, but the governor Is silent. Local
politics ln Lancaster county warming up.
Some Interesting figures on corporation I
earnings and mileage of Nebraska roads
in their relation to the earnings of the
entire system. Faga 3
Rains are reported from several sec
tions of the state, ranging from one to
three Inches. Fags 1
Wife of young farmer near McCook is
brutally asaaulted by an unidentified man. i of tmrmrnt or the mter-church fe,leM
who makes his escape. Victim probably , t,on hff approved f(,r reference to the Inter
Wlll die. Fags 1 J ,.,, -n-,... o he held at New York In
Major McLaughlin concludes an agree
ment with the Shoshone- Indians whereby
the Wind River reservation la opened up
to oil and mineral prospectors. Faga I
Big trolley car for a.ght.eer. will be
run twice a day by street car company
over sightly llnea of Omaha, South Omaha
and Council Bluffs. Faga S
June ! I. fixed as the date of the Hunt-
ley land opening In Montana .and rail-
roads are anticipating a rush of land-
seeaers. -
Transvaal wins the Munhaaset stakes at
Fage 4
Reaulta of tho ball games:
3 Des Moines vs. Omaha 0.
7 Sioux City vs Denver 4.
"Lincoln va. Pueblo a.
7 Hiiladelplna vs. rMtisburg 4.
10 St. Louis va Boston 2.
2 Brooklyn vs. Cincinnati 1.
7-NfW Yvrk vs. Chicago 1.
6 IVtrolt vs. Philadelphia &.
3 Cleveland vs. Washington 2.
Indianapolis vs. Louisville-1
4 Columbus vs. Toledo 5.
5 St. Paul vs. Kansas City 5.
Faga 4
Live stock markets. Page 11
Grain markets. Fags U
Stocks and bunds. Fags 11
OTXXijrra of ocxajt iniiuiirf.
...... . . Potji4lll.
BU Leurant.
NEW VoHK....
' NKW VOKK....,
.ut I ... 1. . .
NKW T'Blt...
NKW ToRK....
UVEHPooL ...
Uf'SHlH-DI. ..
Jl Ht.vSTuWK
M.lNTRtAb ...
L m ens.
Carol) ta.
. ajMic
U :unt Tempi.
J4m mouth.
g. w. dor Grim,
BKlliT' L
sheriff Hodgla at Boise Having 9trn-,
none Time Finding Prospec
tive Jnrors
BOISE, Idaho. May ST By the use of
train, stage and horse and some active
hustling Sheriff Shad Hodgin and his depu -
tles msnaged today to round up a roa -
, . . .i m i ... 1...1 i i . . . .
II II 1 L 7 Ul lllO 1 1 1 1 J Olt-D UI1T11HH5V. Ill llt 1
' . 1 . . .v. . o
ou miim mm r.u., m uni 0..uucu.
berg murder esse, and they are no
pec ted to be on hand when the trial is
.. 1. . . ...
It ha. been decided th.t James II. Haw.
i. senior counsel for th. ..are will
mak. the opening statement. He and hi.
associates were in conference on the suh-J
lect today, and they also spent some time ,
considering the testimony to be offered
next week and tbe order tn which It will
be offered.
It has not yet been decided by the state
to cail. Steve Adams as a witness. He Is
on the Hat of the state's witnesses and
it wss for a time I. rmed certain that he
would be brought here, and. willing or
unwilling, be placed on the stand, but now
tho matter la In doubt and will probably
pot ba dotormlood until latex.
FrMbjUrian General Assembly Cidorief
Work of Anti-3a.ooa Lemma.
Ptriaaaral Committee oa Tmtmaw I
In.tmcted Jet Km bark. Cpoa
r Interfere with Polit
ical Work.
COLUMBUS, O.. May 22. Following two
hours of exciting debate, wtiich at time
became acrimonious, the Preabyterlan i
eral asaembly today adopted without
aenttng vote resolutions declaring
permanent committee on tempera- V .V
not embark upon or Interfere
work and Indorsing the At
Saloon leagues as a "safa. a.
fect'.ve organization In the advar. j of
temperance." The assembly pletigt .o the
league the fullest co-operation "consistent
with the conalltutlon of the church. '
In anticipation of a momentous fight on
the temperance question, every eommls- '
very eommls-'
the gallery of 1
1th spectators '
sioner was in ms seat ana
Memorial ball was filled with spectators
. Ti . 1 ..
of the committee on church polity and tern-
. , , . i.
perance. It became evident almost at the
" . .
outset that a majority of the commissioners
were bent upon settling the controversy
wnn ine Anii-oaiooti league, a program
which sought to defer action had been
mapped out by the committee on polity and
temperance, but the assembly temporarily
put thla aside, taking up the report of the
committee on temperance, which had been
directed by the assembly to define the du
tlea of the permanent committee on tem
perance and adopted the reaolutlons aa out
lined. Polllr rommlttrc Reports.
The report of the committee on church ,
polity was presented by Rev. Dr. Wlllism
P. Fulton of Philadelphia. An overture
from the aynod of Indian Territory asking
the assembly for a deliverance on the sub-
Ject of how the church might secure rep- j
resentatlon In noneccleslastlcal temperance j
organizations had been referred to this
committee. It reported a resolution that
while commending the achievements of the
Anti-Saloon learue.Women'a Christian Tem
perance union and like aocletles, the assem
bly reaffirms tbe policy of the chorrh to
avoid official representation In noneccleslas
tlcal bodies, but raises no objection to Its
members or ministers connecting themselves
with surh societies as Individuals.
Rev. F. O. Whltewells of Oklahoma Cltv
Immediately took the floor In opposition
to the report and made an Impapsloned
nlea In behalf of the work which be has
oeon uomg .n cooowo,. ,
snioon league lowamn securum v--
vision for prohibition In the constitution of
Oklahoma. He declared that he had
ppp J
threatened by the brewery Interests, whi
had told him that when the Presbyterian
General assembly met he would be "called
"l.1" . v a ,.,., . ,m
When threats had failed, he said, an,
.. K to v,v Mm off with
eontHh.,tlon. to his church. He nleaded !
with the assem
hands of the brewery In-
torch In
the hands
Tempe ranee Report Called Cp.
tt-i ari. nnnin.H n..t the
at ln5. comm(ttee on policy be !
pasf,M an(, th;t tne report of the stanc!lng j
commltto. on temperance be received, the
a.ffmblv acoulesced.
Rev. Dr. Kosker of Louisville, as chair
man of the latter committee, then re
ported that the committee had acted ad
versely on the overtures asking that the
Inter-church temperance federation move
ment be abandoned and that the basl
I The first part of the report adverse to
I the abandonment of the Inter-church Tem
' perance federation was adopted, but the
! second part, deferring the definition of tho
I duties of the coi:iuiii tee uii temperance
, ntmA a .torm of pToteM,. Rev. i!r.
ple aeclared there would be no further de-
lay, that the question at Isaue would be
j decided now. 8houts of approval greeted
I thl. declaration.
, At thl. point Dr. W. O. Thompaon. pre.t -
dent of tne ohlo 8tate unlvenllty, came
j...iiiu u.i Micni"u.u.c K-auiuw.iii. uui -
i ring tUa permanent temperance commit-
tee frnm any participation ln political af -
faira and which was subsequently adopted,
In reply to questions, he said he would
not object to an endorsement of the antl -
saloon league, and Rev. Dr. Semple there -
upon offered an amendment endorsing tho
From that time until 5:10 when a vote
on the resolutions was taken the tim
was occupied with exciting debate, dur
ing which the moderator frequently found
it necessary to rap for order. j
Report on Sabonth schools
The report of the Board of Publication
and Sabbath School Work, made today to
the general assembly, allowed that the
veui ti;At ' 1 : . ( hMn a vwar . f it..
velopment and progre.a. th. profit, of the , ar Euene 8chml,I ,on ,,hI 'l f
business being con.lderably in excesa of extorting money from local French rea
those of the previous years. The contribu- , taurants. with the connivance and help of
it . . .v.- . ... . , AK...hun, T?nef were chosen todav. The
llUTis lu LutJ miMionary worn oaa Deen
greater and more missionaries snd colpor-
teurs employed, and more churches had
grown out of the Sabbath schools organ-
ised by the missionaries than ln any pre-
ceding year.
The board had at work 133 Sabbath school
missionaries and thirty col.iorteurs, lalior
ing within the bounds of tnlrty synods and
115 They organised T22 new
Sabbath aclioola and revived Zfl, Into which
had been gathered 3.11,1 utF.eera and teach
ers and SO.ukit scholars. The mlsslonariea ,
also encouraged and otherwise aided 2,17 j
The year had been one of aggressive ef-
fort ln behalf of the people of the foreign
The contributions were JCivrs mora than
the previous year and the expenditures la-
creased practically all of which was
Juaed for missionary work,
l ceipts were JlHS.dfti.
The total re-
1 Forelarn M Union a.
' Thai ren.iirt of tie T) of CVraTii. Tufi
I ---- --i w. - - - .
I .ion. .h..w. that th. Pre.hvr-etan eh.
- - - .
has twenly-eeven nilsalons in sixteen dif.
! feraxii lands. In the last year the board
sent out forty-nine new missionaries, of
ve are medical miaslonariea
I The board now has under Us car. U6
educational uist'.tutlona The
schools of all grades from th. primary up
to the university. It has 115 hospitals and
dispensaries. Last year the physicians con
nected with the board, together with their
native aaaistanta, treated 4X.101 patients.
The total number of scholars ln the
schools is M.1K4 and ths total number of
1 conversions on confession of faith ln ths
various churches of the missions was
U.U4. The board has ICS stations, outstauone, suit American missionaries.
native workers, including ordained
(Continued aa BofkiBd Paa4
Wind River Reservation la to Bo
to Oil aad Iwiaeral
(Fmm a Staff Correspondent )
WASHINGTON. May r.-tSpeclal Tele
gram.) Major Jami-i McLaughlin, chief
inspector of the Indian bureau, arrived
n Washington today from the Osage eoun-
try In Oklahoma and a!a upon Wind River
reservation In Wyoming. He baa be-n
negot at ng with the Sliosl on. s on t e Wind
river .Tor a concession which will permit
whl en to enter the reservation to pros
ry a view of locating oil fielda.
.rfr1 conanlrrable (low of oil has
ed at Dallas. Wyo. At Dallas,
.v" auehlln aaya. there are thirteen
actlvo operation. In fact, the nwi"
resent so strong that at thla capacity j
X barrels la burned every week be-
suae, there are no facilities to get the
i product out of the country and It must
' ba destroyed by fire, because to turn It
loose would pollute certain streams, the
waters of which are used by cttisens of tbe I
vicinity for domestic purposes.
On the Wind river reservation yiere Is j
every Indication oil may be struck and it
Wa fr th! P,:rPos of gaining consent of i
6hosnone" to allov prospecting chat j
Ma lor McLaughlin has recently been
'among these Indians. He returns to
i T , . . , . . ..,,
I Washington with a report that his mission
1 . . . , . . . ... ,,
has been aucceasfuL The Shoshone chief-
carg thp,r w.
ervatlo for or Mhw mlntras and win
agree to lease to a prospector any claim
i "or strike" lie may make for a terra of
I years under such rules and regulations to
j safeguard their Interests aa the se-retary
! of the Interior may prescribe. Dallas la
! situated about nine miles east of Land. r
; and JuHt about that dUtance outside of
j the Wind river Indian reservation.
The secretary of the Interior has exe
cuted a contract with McGuffey & Flood
I of Cody for constructing and completing
1J5 mlp(1
m11( of j,
of the Garland canal and 5.4
laterals on the Shoshone Irrigation
project in Wyoming on their bid of l1.2S4.
Nebraska postmasters appointed: Devero,
Garfield county, John Buhlke vice H. D.
Cass, resigned; SchilL Sheridan county,
Hanna Blair vice E. G. Hahn. resigned.
HEGEMAN'S plea not guilty
President of Metropolitan Life Iaeor
anct Company Will
Fight Case.
j NEW YORK. May a John R. Hege
i man, president of the Metropolitan Life
Insurance company, appeared In the ciira
' inal branch of the aupreme court today
and pleaded not guilty to the ten lndlct-
I ments returned against him yesterday.
charfrinjr perjury and forgery. Bail waa
. .. , .v ,.,,.. 1
J .
lOl IJUl jr. . WC 1 1 IOI II ... j
I Mr. Hegeman s plea was maae witn ine ;
j reservation that he may withdraw It by!
' June 1 and make such other motions as !
his counsel would then see fit. His coun-
1 Lancey Mitchell, then applied for 1
permission io inspect ine mrnuies ot unir. r
JurT returned the Indictments.
consent to the Inspection .n Tte- of tf.e ,
I precedent established ln the ferkins insur
ance case. Justice Greenbaum said that
', ln -1ew of the consent of the district at-
he did 1
torney he would not Interfere.
not wnt to S" reconl as either con-
ntlng to or denying such a motion.
ew Decision of kentaeky Conrt Will '
C.ose Political Tphesval 1.
Soother. City. ,
FRANKFORT. Ky.. May C The court I
; of appeals today announced Its decision ha
the contested city and county election
, rases from Louisville and Jeffraon county,
upholding tho contention of the fuslonlsts
w,.n voM th. r..
mm .i.-i i i i . . j - - - - - -
versing the decision of the Jefferson clr-
cult court.
The court rules that Governor Beckham
j,," t0 m the Taeanc1 by ap
tTVS and an election for all city
I ' , . eaii. i. n(tr , ne,t
: w -ry,. a,iaon of the court la
! "I
, Thft opln)on dwlare, the election methods
: ,;i,T isvllle as outrageous and the use
of ti,a ponce at poling reaves Is charac-
v,- an rer.uiuive tn r- .itien
' s wouJ be the use of state troopa and
i not to be tolerated ln future elections,
The campaign methods of both fuslonlsts
' and democrats are denounced, and so Is
: the ue of over 1100, 'XX campaign funds In
the contest,
Three Probationary Jnrors Secured
as Resolt of Flrat Day's
SAN FRANCISCO. May 21 Three of the
first twelve probationary Jurors for the
trial, subject to peremptory challenge, of
... .
Ht of the remaining talesmen being prac-
tlcally exhauated. Judge Dunne Issued an
1 order for a new ventre of twenty. The
scene of the trial will be removed tomorrow
' morn'ng to thy Bush street synagogue. Tel-
egraph and telephone wires have been run
Into the building and some of the newa-
paper reports of tne trial will be sent
direct from the vestry room, which has
been set aside for the use of Judge Dunns
as chambers. It is thought that the trial
will last about six weeks.
i Eseeatlvo Barty Returns to- Washlnc-
I ton After Six Days1 Vacation
la Virginia,
WASHINGTON. May 22. -The president
and Mrs. Roosevelt, who have been en-
Joying a ix days' vacation at Pine Knot,
, , . . r. ,....!. ..
' '' country home of Mrs. Roosevelt, ar-
, , nll-.fc ,,, I
Archie Roosevelt, Aaalstsnt Secretary Latta
and Secret Service Officer Sloan were also
tbe party. The trip was mad. without
P-' Incident.
Portland, Hick.., Man Waylaid
Sack of llve Taken froaa
Ills Porooa.
PORTLAND, Mich.. May S Edward
Manning, aged tW years, proprietor of a
restaurant here was murdered last night
ntle on his way homo. He was shot ln
ths back. Robbery waa evidently the mo
tive of th. crime, aa a large sack of sii-
yar whuJx b nauai'x. carrlod, la mt.
Chio Indrpeodent DealenGnen Hearioc in
Rate from Cleveland to Mlaauarl
River la 40 1.2 ( nil. While Rate
from Kaaaae to Omaha la
13 teate.
WASHINGTON. May a.-Frelght ratea
on petroleum and Ita products from Ohio
and Pennaylranla to St. Paul, Omaha, Sioux
- "' ""
J' of hearing today before the Interstate
Commerce commlaslon.
The complaint doea not hinge upon pref- . rpp,, rmm varioua points In this ter
erential rates given to the Standard Oil I rit,,rr
WlUMXIIjr, LUI 11 IB ttUIIlllLfU lliui uic ictbiB
are uniform. The complaint is that the
tariffs In force are excessive and unreason,
Frank E. Fretter, secretary of the Na
tlonal Refining company of Cleveland, the
""'" m.i..., ...i .
principal witness for the complainant, t
National Petroleum associatlin. complain
of the rate from Ohio polnta to Omaha, !
hlch he aald waa the aum of the local ;
ratea through Chicago, or 404 centa per 100
Witness explained that the western field
mu ontroiiH hsr tho Mtnndnrrt Oil com- t
pany from lis Kansas territory. "In going i
with our products Into this territory monop- ;
.......... k- c,.i,.i ..i.h t, p-retter !
"the excessive rate which we are charged
will show you how we are held up by the j
Disease Cleveland-Omaha Bate. j
On cross-examination Attorney Dawes of j
the Burlington lino, asked Mr. Fretter how
he waa Injured by the Cleveland-Omaha j
rate of s-S cents. He said that the Stand- ,
ard people had a rate of 13 centa a hundred
pounds from the Kansas field Into Omalia
and they could not compete with that.
"Hasn't the geographical poaitlon of the
Standard ln Kanaaa something to do with
Its lower rate?" asked Mr. Daws.
"Yes," replied tbe witness, "but our rate
Is excessively high and we are seeking a
fair rate ln order to ba better able to com
pete with the Standard."
Mr. Fretter explained further that tho
eastern oil was of s higher grade than that
produced ln the Kansas field and that he
received a higher price (or It ln competi
tion with the Kansas oil.
"How much higher?"
"Three or four cents a gallon."
According to calculations made by wtt- and meadow pasture will be greatly ben
ness and counsel, a difference of 4 centa a : eilted.
gallon would make a difference In price SCHTTLER, Neb., May H (Special
0f about 4 centa a hundred pounds.
v... ... iv,f In I
lMlo HI. ,T-U(-. V ' " ' ' " ' 1
pronurtT suggesTeo Ainrn-i A-n
"We've got to get It back, or bust." re-
aponded Mr. Fretter.
Mr. Fretter thought a rair rare inm
Cleveland to Omaha would be 2H ewits
v ,.
"Tn other worda you want to ahlp oil
with the producers In the Kansas fields.
aald Dawes.
"Yes, thst Is ft," replied the witness.
Mr. Dawes Indicated that such an adjust-
ment ot rates would not be polt'n-
Railroads Defend Ratea.
George H. Crosby, freight traffic man
ager of the Burlington railroad was called ,
by the defendants to testify as to the '
I statement that oil Is being shipped by the :
Standard Oil Co. In barrels from Whiting,
- t0 8t- Paul '" Mlnnapoll points.
He said that aa far aa he knew no ahlp- I
menU of tnat k)nj WPre being made, al-
though acme might be made to Duluth. j
He declared that the Standard Oil com-
pany never had made any request of his
. road to change rates on oil.
Frank P. Eyeman, assistant
fraht ant of the Chicago North-
Tl f") .i .... u.. ,.! ,Z.
. wesierri nmu, l : j .1 mo iinn innim
j about 7t.(in0 barrels of oil from Chicago
to St. Paul during 1 and thst auhstan. i '
i tially all of It was shipped by the Stan- j
I " any H
i . oU T from
i , t - .
regarded the 2n-
Chlcago to St. Paul
i v. ' ,t
.mahL.V rtnab e' a" U w"
rate from Chlcaeo to
aVoording to his Information, no barge'
! Z,, of oil went Tnto the St. kZ :
j territory.
: ' .... x. c ..u
I that the Standard Oil company never had
i asked for a reduction of the rate from
Chicago to St. Paul.
The hearing will be continued tomorrow.
Report oo Hnrrlman Inquiry.
It la not the Intention of the Interstate :
Commerce commtaeion to await the reault j
of the proceedinga to compel E. H. Harri- j
I man to answer certain inqulriee that were
) put to him in the New York investigation ,
before taking action on the general sub-,
Ject of the investigation.
In the opinion of members of the com- j
mission It may be a year or more before
a final decision can be reached regarding
the refusal of Mr. Hurriman to answer
questions. The proceedings will be m-
stituted in New York the latter part of
tiiis monui or ine nrsi oi m.i muuin. n
Is expected tnat it uie court upnoiua tne
. .... . .,,
! commission. Mr. Harrlman will carry the
! case to higher courts. Should the lower
court's decision be adverse to the com -
mission, ri is yrooame uuu n wu. carry
mo mailer up uiuiuuu u - naui m mo
commlaalon is Involved.
Sew Tori senate Puts Measuro
Through by Voto of 41 to
Gooe to Assembly.
ALBANY, M. T-, May 22.-The senats
this afternoon passed the so-called public
u tdlM bilTby VToTe of Meaner te
democratic senators.
Th. bill waa sent at once to tbe assem-
hlv for concurrence ln ths amendments.
, u u xsected that the bill will be sent
' tndjht for executive approval.
, A Mtia iater the assembly voted on th
i 2.111m
bill is one of Governor Hughes'
measures. It creates commissions, tbe
members of which shall be appointed by
the governor with powers to supervise and
regulate the operation of public corpora
tions both ln the city and state of New
York, and st-parats bodies for each.
In the city of New T ark the commission
supersedes the old rapid transit commis
sion, appointment to which was by the
mayor, and for the reason that ln this re
spert It touches the New York City govern
ment It must before it becomes a Isw be
' submitted for the mayor a approval. It la
, anticipated that Mayor McOellan will
1 withhold his approval, but aa only a ma
' Jority vote Is required to pass
a measure
over th mayor's veto, and as It Is In all
respects an admin IstratUsa tUIL tt cannot
fail ta twtroma avian
Froaa One Three laches Reaorted
to Castrra Part of the
Rain amounting to frvm one to three
Inches In different locaMt'es feci last night
generally over Nebraska. Reports Indicate
the precipitation was not local, but ex
tended over a wide territory. It was very
welcome, as crops were suffering for mois
ture and damage from tho continued dry
rp"' was feared.
The atmosphere preceding the rain was
hot, humid and calm. The rain was ac
companied by some thunder and lightning
I and a little wind.
Reports received by vthe T'nlon Pacific
Indicate the rain extended at least as far
west as Grand Island, as far south as
Beatrice and as far north as Norfolk.
From an hour to two hours' down yon r was
LINCOLN. Neb.. May 22. A heavv rain
fell In Lincoln and southeast Nebraska to
n'ght. According to Burlington railroad
reports it wna general for the eastern half
of the state. On the Bllllnga. Mont., line
It was heavy aa far northwest as Ravenna,
wth a fn of an Inch at Grand Island, on
the Denver line there was a heavv fall as
far west aa nrleana and Moldrege ana ,
light showers prevailed at Oxford and Mc-
Cook. Along the Blue river in Hewaro.
York and Hamilton counties the storm
amounted to a downpour. Three Inches
'' it Ttlca. At Seward the Burlington
tracks sre partly covered with water.
Wind did some damnure at Ruby.
SIOT.-X CITY. Ia.. My 2 -Reports re
ceived at the Northwestern railway offices
In thla city Indicate that no rain fell along
Its llnea In northwestern Iowa today ex
cept In Sac county, where there were good
showers this afternoon. There are strong
Indications of rain tonight. Practically the
Pnly moisture In this section since early
)a,t fu n ,wn ln tn rnrrn or gnoW.
I'TICA, Neb., May 2. (Special Tele
gram.) It commenced to rain here at 5
o'clock this afternoon and about three
Inches fell. This la the first rain of the
aeaaon and the cropa needed It badly.
Everybody predicts good crops now.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. May Special
Telegram.) The long drouth was broken
by a good rain tonight. Most of the corn
has Just been planted In thecounty. It Is
Immense for wheat. The rainfall was
about an Inch and was general for the
CLAP. ICS Neb.. May a -( Special Tele
gram.) Showera tonight broke the aome
what protracted period of dry weather In
this vicinity. Wheat, oata. corn, alfalfa
Telegram.) The long period of dry weather
v,. .
broken tonight hv . Mot
' "
uimii noies m a crop was re port en tnia
year, as small grain was beginning to dry
very fast, but the rain which fell tonight
win again mam an grain grow.
Head Crashed and Otherwise Injnred
ky Vnidentlfled Assailant
Who Escapes.
M'COOK, Neb.. May 2. (Special Tele
gram.) The moat dastardly crime ln the
history of Red Willow county was com
mitted about eight miles north of this city
on Red Willow creek, about 2 o'clock this
afternoon, by an unidentified man making
a murderous assault on Mrs. Claude
Spauldlng, wife of a young farmer and
stockman. No one waa at home at the
time but the woman and her 3-year-old
daughter, the husband being up In Fron-
tier county on buslncsa,
The crime waa discovered by a young
brother of the woman and doctors and offi-
cera were aummoned from McCook to the
scene. mobi .m uu1B u.
' 'ng the farm. The room ln which the crime
.... - ,
waa committed bore every algn of a des-
perate struggle, the assntlant using a large
steel wrdge and a hammer. The woman s
tkull was fractured and other terrible
wounds were caused about the head. Up
to this time she has not regained conscious-
; nrss and the probabilities of her recovery
are regarded a. small.
The who,e COU"try terribly arouHl
and ,h "reat and identification of the man
would place him ln Jeopardy of his life.
The man Is described as dark and of good
size and he wore overalls. Armed men
are covering the entire country about the
farm, It being considered that the assassin
would cling to the shelter of the creek
until night and then attempt to make his
escape to the railroad.
strong; Opposition Develops to Con
solidation with Colored Branch
of tho 4 horch.
NORFOLK. Va. May 22. -The first day s
session of the North American Baptist con-
: ventlon held at the Jamestown exposition
j today revealed a strong sentiment against
a religious connolldation of the southern.
northern ana national conventions, tne
latter being the negro church. But a gen
- .
eral consolidation for concerted work la
' favored.
' There are 5.000 persons attending tho con-
: yentlon. contrary to original plana, two
. sessions were neia. At uie nrsi, wr.icn
began at 2 o'clock ln the afternoon, the
principal address wss msde by Edwin WU-
Hum Stevens of Missouri, the prealdent of
the convention. At the evening session,
I Andrew Jackson Montague, former gov -
ernor of Virginia, delivered the formal
address of welcome.
A concerted action developed to bring
to America In 1910 the World's Baptist al-
I llance, which met in London In IS. On!
! thalf f ''1lPh,- Invitation to
l clt to the;
alliance uiruugn ina .-lunu American con-:
ventlon. Foreign and homo missionary ' "Any comprehensive scheme of leglala
work and the progress being made ln It ! lon ahould give to the railways the light
were the subjects of several short ad-' to forc snd maintain traffic aaaortatlong
dresses. t nd to discuss and agree upon competitive)
Rev. C E. Morris, representing the Na- ! rte" "
tlonal Baptist convention, declared one-1 ,,,, ....-k
third of th. neroe. In th. United State. : MILWAUKEE WILL PUSH WORK
are Baptists, with 16.000 churches. 15.0H)
preachers and 1300,0(0 communicants.
ea and Woodworkers Aro Given
aa Advnneo of Tea
Per Cent.
DENVER Colo.. May 22.-A conference
today resulted ln calling off the mill men
and wood workers' strike. The strikers
are given an Increase of 10 per cent ill
wagea with a minimum of 3k centa per
Lour. A nine-hour day Is also agreed to.
Tile carpenters, who went out in sympathy.
will return to wvis. tomorrow wlUi U.e mill
Mannfactartn Jik Chan?a is Tariff and
afora Eeo procity Treaties,
Convention Vufi to Baiw $1,500,000 foj
a Campiica cf Education.
Commistioner Capital Issues hen's!
Bo faormeed.
la nt Possible to Fix Rates i
that a t.lven Per feat Shall Bo
Retaraed to Share Holders
Other (iaeatloaa.
NEW YORK. May 22.-The National Aa
sociatlon of Manufacturers of the United
states went on record today aa In favor
c( revision of the tariff at the earlleas
opportunity and the negotiation of mora
reciprocity treaties.
A lively debate preceded this vote upon
the report of the committee on tariff and
reciprocity. The committee based Ita
recommendations on a poll of the 3,000
members of the association. Of the total
numlier replying oo per cent d.i-iaro fog
Immediate revision while 3) per cent ea
pressed a "handa off" aentlment. Eight
per cent believed that the time for re
vision had not arrived and the other IX
per cent expressed Indifference.
The mass of reaolutlona adopted by UM
association on this, the closing day of ita
convention. Included indoraement of tho
open shop, Industrial education, the tro
provement of the consular service, corns,
mendatlon of the national river and harbog
congress, urging the president to withhold,
his approvsl of the new German agree
ment until testimony can be obtained re
garding Ita possible effects upon domestla
labor and Industry, and opposition to all
Illegal combinations, either of capital oC
Campnlarn of Education.
This last resolution was given added
force by the convention's declared de
termination to raise Sl.&C.OOO to carry out
a campaign of education concerning dicta
torial combinations. Of thla Prealdent Van,
Cleve said:
"We shall endeavor to assist In educat
ing the public In Industrial righteousness.
We shall be Just as ready to oppose un
lawful seta by combinations of capital aa
those of combinations of labor. We aro
opposed to all forms of Industrial oppres
sion. And, If anylmdy undertakes to com
pel any one to submit to such oppression
we shall endavor to assist the party so
assailed. We shall ln particular endeavor
to auataln public officials who try to en
force the laws."
The association re-elected James W. Van
Cleve of St. Louts, president, and F. H
BMI'.man of New York, treasurer. Tho
convention closed tonight with a banquet.
Pronty oa Railroads.
Charles Prouty. me.nber of the Interstate
Commerce commission, addressing the Na
tlonal Manufacturers' association today,
saUl the government should exercise noma
direct control over the capital accounts ot
the railroads and that It Is probable In
terstate railways ahould be valued by tho
I government. Mr. Prouty aald:
j "Government regulation is Itself on trial,
Regulation must be sufficiently strong to
' choke the cry for national operation. Z
j am not asking that additional powers ba
conferred upon the Interstate Commerco
commission. We must create a department
- u, urlM .
that part of railway regulation which.
. properly administrative and executive.
,,, , . ,
"The railway companies should not bd
! deprtv-d rt their property by reduction in
! their rates until they have been given a
j fair hearing before some disinter ted
tribunal, but tbs duty of beginning a com-
plaint rests upon the government and
I ahould not be cast upon private Individual
"It 1. probable that Interstate railway,
, ahould be valued by th. national govrn-
"The government should exercise sorno
: direct control over the capital accounts,
j It la not possible to fix rates so that
j given per cent will be returned to the)
stockholders. Mr. Harrlman'e operations In
Chicago A. Alton did not directly affect
i rates upon that railroad system, but they
did create a condition which Is for all time)
a perpetual Inducement to the Imposition
of unjust charges.
Vested Interests Saerod.
"What has been done cannot ba
rected. All that has become a vested Inter
est would be both unjust and unwise to
dlaturb. but with restwet to the futuro nro
' . Mltln . th wk
J Mr Harrlman by dealings like thoaa In
Chicago s Alton, enriches himself to tho
eltent of many millions he has not created
that money; he has merely transferred It
from the possession of someone else tie
"Railroad securities ought to bo favorite
investment for the savings of the small
and great alike. It Is not a feeling of
j apprehension that the people will confiscate
, any railroada which prevents permanent ln-
vestment ln railroad storks, but rather uo
' certainty aa to the future of those stocks.
; When it once becomes certain that no rail-
' road stock or bond can be Issued without
1 the consent of the government and that
, every dollar which comes from their sale
: shall be legitimately Invested ln the prop-
I erty, and when no Interstate railroad can
i tuy a dollar ln the stock of any railroad
without the consent of the government.
railroad securities will be much more llkelf
to assume their proper pla- in public con.
E.rllng Ttnlnn
Enter Butte by First
of January. !
MILES CITY. Mont.. Msy 21-Preoidont
Earllng and parry, on a trip of Inspection
of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul ex.
i tension, srrived hers last night. President
I Carting, upon being aaked whether tho
' report that the road Intended to ebandon
1 its extension plsns for the present was cor
rect, replied that by January 1 next trains
will be runnng on the new extension ta
1 The party Intends tr inspect every rafta
1 of the route and prei,are the way tar thf
construction to bo pushed mom nillaU
from both, andsv, "