Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1907, Page 9, Image 9
THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: WEn.YESnAY. MAY 1P07. X-e jjn :' ( J LEAK AND PRODUCE MARKET 2l Btreictk Apparent tt tb Openics, witA tedr AdTt.BC. ST.MENT STILL HOLDS BULLISH V $Vavi Starta Omt traar, with (rt4 FUfctlB- Ui AaTsare mm ( IhIo Hoiim Bilg Heavily. OMAHA, May B. 1"7. Tt rervral market c.perilr,; showed srwxl fft-asrui and trie kdvarc a swady. V .Ui ?f.tlriuetl bad weatner rtprl Irm the ttuU) and outhresi sTicv tlie majority of Hits I fields itum)' and thin and heUirig at lean than two feet high. Sentiment SlUl hold bulllh market broadening, ow big to heavy buying order. wheat opened iron', with the crowd BxhUr the aclvarv and commiaalon house buying heavy. L-Amage r)ru continu t j corn In and field report arc ahom li.g very !...-. t, gtinripy and thin Maod In the aoutn st. July option ovn4 at 81c. bid and Cioavd at MSc. bid. Corn opened strong. In armpathy with Wheat; bulne fainy acttv. Kanni re-p-trr show corn mree weeks lata and bug working aa faat as It ntrn up. July tv.rn Opened at 4sc, hid, and closed at buc. bid. Data opened hlsrh at an advance, owing to report of very unseasonable weather west of the Mississippi river, where crop kre a-olng tetuhly backward. Buying or 6 en are heavy and holder are harrlng on (or further advancea. July cloned at .'V, bid. Primary wheat receipt were JWi.One bush all and shipment 8Ll,i'0 bushel, aralnat receipt of CfUi(i buhl and shipments of bushels laat year. Corn receipt were HW bushel and ihlpment of 4j.j(i0 buh ela. aa-alnat receipt! ot WiMKift buhel and htpn.ent of ML.rtiO bushels lsst year. Clearance were 1M.HO.' bushels of corn, (.04 bushel ot oat and wheat and flour Xiual to iaa,CiO bushels. Se&board report 16KI0 bushels of wheet and K WO bushel of corn for export. llraiistreeis s estimate total wheat de n ml of 2K.(i bushels, againpt a decrease Of I7(r.0N0 bushels last year. Corn decrease, t4ift,ni bushel and oat decrease K..OU0 usbel. Local rang of option; Article. Open: Hlgh.l Low. Close. Tea y. VTieatH I May... I fl B July.. Bept.. Corn May.. July.. 6ept.. July.. Sept.. 1 Hi 4 B 4 B, I 4M.BI 4;e,B I Bi B"Hri 6" B 4;Hb! 4r.B; Ml B 9"B WTfcA fl HI 4aii HA fc'HBi WB( 2VB 4CS frHR SB 4 B tVi B 4 A 4 B. UB 48 A 4fB 4M,b' 47,B 4f.',B 4mB 4r.'.B J7V.B1 STBl STB ( A asked. B bid. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. t hard, KWVte; No. t Iiard. dfcfiitc: No. 4 hard, 8-.4jKic; No. I prlng. KWqW(c. CXKN No J 4ti4Sc; No. 4. 41Vtc; no frade. 40&44C- No, t yellow, 4&g'4&c; No. while. w.jT'lo- OATS-No. mixed, VMJVc; No. t White, 44V:; No. 4 white. 43&44& KYE No. 2. 7c; No. a. e?c Carlvi Beeelstt. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chlcairi 1M 270 Minneapolis 171 ttnaha 19 48 41 LuJuth 274 CHICAGO GRAJK AD PROT1IIO"f rratirei af the TradlasT Cloalnat Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO. May n The price of leading Cereals advanced sharply today on the Board of Trade because of alarming re Xn conoemlng alleged serlou ilaniage to the arowlr.f crops by drouth, green bug and cold weather. All deliveries of wheat, with the exception of the July option, touched orw hlgli record marks. At the Close July wheat was ur 84?ivc, Septem ber showed a net g-ain of 4V.e and Decem ber a gain of lTc. July corn closed lHc biRner. i mta were up lfec nd provision frcm 16Si1TVo to 2Sc higher. in wheat market opened excited and fCKn, with prices rajigina- from "iS'Sc to Jt' hlfrher than yesterday filial ouota tjna. A tracing proTesed prloe oon- ued to ro hlrher. until all deliveries xnptlng the July option had sold at a -her price than previously recorded this ramn. Even the May delivery. In which there 1 little trading, advanced today to the dollar mark. September at on tlm H at SI 04 and Tecemher at tl.044. The highest point for the July option today waa fl (ft wblch Is Sc below the market last liaa. Cummlsalon bouses and hnn Wire earer bidder all day and the large part of the ellin; cam from holder. The market waa Influenced chiefly by crop new. Uie reports V day telng of a more serious nature than those previously received. Ad vices reRardina; th condition of the winter wheat crop of Nebraska and Kansas were especially nul'lao and tld of great damage by drouth and cold weather. In addition to the domestic damag report there were numerous unfavorable report from abroad, particularly from Hungary and southern Kuasla, where the crop is also suffering because of a lack of rain. Th market derived additional strength from a measaire from New Tork whicn claimed that Kurop purchased about t, bu of American wheat on paaa&fe today Cms reason for tbeee purchaaea. It la said, might be seen In a decrease of over l.WO.'iUi bu. In the European vislbl euptily as shown by Hrsd treets. Th market closed exceedlnrly vritng, with the continent-wide demand till apparently unsatisfied Julv evened 6V to KQc hlrher at Wx&WKSc, ad vanced to tLtfe and closed at li.OlS- Sep. tember opened V&c higher at fwsa"e. J united to S1.04 and closed at I1.SV. Ie cemlr opened aaWc hlgrher at B 101", advanced to fl 04S and clolsed at 11.04. Clearance of wheat and flour wer equal to li0.7mt bu. The world visible uptly, a shown by Bra 1 street a decreased E,tt hit- PrimarT rc-cflpt were i oio bo., compared wlU WC.uK' the same day a year ago. Minneapolis Iniluth and ChU rgro reported receirts of S car, a a4ralnt t. last week and 26 a year ag-o. Coouniealun hoiute and ch mterests War earer bidder for corn, which caused an advance of over lc per bu. In all de itvariea. The Btrwrta-Lh of wit eat was partly ftpaaatni for th aharp upturn, but con tinued email reoaipt and delayed eedlna; toauae of unfavorable weather, were more Potent Influence. Local receipt tomorrow War ewumaxed at only l7 car and thj eauaad additional bullish entlment daring th last half of the day. Trading- wa ex tremely activ the entire session. Th (uarket closed strong July opened a shad to ktOe lower at iTvhtJi.r. advanoed to HTto and closed at b-,ft Local re ceipt war 1M cars, wuk 27 of contract grade. Jli oat market shared In th general advance In prion, th September option belnc MDeclallv stroni. r.i,,n, - ....4 advance ot c compared with tb previous KZYwm 1 rum Kanaaa, Nebraska. WMtern, I. !TH. Prim timothy. t4 Vk Clover, c'T.:r. t rrade, 1:5 0 M HliAT-No S. Sf.cfiil.ri; No. I red. 7o II ' OATR-Ki t 4?VS4Hr; Na t white, Q No. I htt. 4a47Tc KTF-Nn. t. 0t BARLFT-ral- to choice malttn:. 79. 11.' itK'SH Phort nbs ifles (loosed Vi,: Ve pork, r-r bbl.. $16. TVS'. TV. jLsri t-r Iff"' lb., $! 7V. nwinwmr were tr.e receipt and hlp mer.ts of flour and T!n: " Rerelpta Shtriment. ri-'ur. bbl ono ff (n Wheat, bu J-," Corn, bu 14... "j JO'.' f'ats, bu Z.l. f. '0 Bye. bu d(ii ! Iiarley, bu ll.mi.i 53(iu i n the rroluce todav the tut- ter market wa steady; creamrl'w. lVd"c; dairifs. l'anc. trgs, easy, at mark, eases Included. lic. flrns, ic, prime firsts, j lSc Cheese, weak; 13i4ic SEW TORK GENERAL MARKET Cam la ed Hies. NEW TORK, May a.-FLOrR Re ceipts. ta.2fV7 bbls : export. 4.SJ7 bbla; mar ket stronger and h'rher, but dull; Min nesota patsnts, $1 Kiue idi Minnesota bak ers, H.ljrn.lo; winter patent $414-4 7S; winter straight, $3.86'84 Rye flour, strong; fair to good, KCMtgrt.X; cbolo to fancy. $4 a4.7&. CORNMliAXe-nrm; kiln dried, $J.OB0G JO. RVD-FIrm, No. $ we tern, 7Vc, c t t Buffalo WHEAT-Recetrts, tM.K bu. : export. 17.000 bu. : saJe. i !H.9 bu, future. Fpot market, steady; No. I red, trw. elevator, and $1 S f o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Iniluth, $1 4T f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard winter. $1 l'i f. o. h. afloat. After a quiet operjn:. wheat advanced enatlonally to new high levela The upturn wa accom panied by disfltrou damage report from sprlrg and Winter wheat belts and from Europe, promoting- renewed heavy outside speculation. Lte reejltlng broke prices a cent and they closed c to Vc net hlrher as follows- May. tl.r7S: July. $1.07H; Sep tember. 1 OTTi December, $1.. CViR.vR,.r(.)rt, Ki.TW bu ; exports. 5, P14 bu : sales. IR.ono bu.; futures, U.(tt bu. Ppot Market Arm; No. I. ISc. elevator, and IV f. oh. af!c.t; No. 1 white, 3c; No. 2 yellow, oc f. o. b. afloat. Th op tion market was strong and hlrher on bullish crop new, and with wheat closlng 1 lJL1 Vhr follow; May, 3Vc, 3uJj-JSe: rtember, &a. T-R,tlt. 117. K) bu.; export, R P10 bu. Spot market firmer: mixed oat X to nural white. to Jf lb., iTl v white. K to 40 lb, KiflWHc HOPS-etteady; state, common to choice, crop. 14tilfic; crop. 4'r-- Pacific Bcot.4clet: CentrlLl American. BVic; I-EATTTFR Qtllet : add. r?c. ,I!RiVISI",N-p'''f- "eady; family, 4 00 ft14S0; mess, tf Vfi ft t beef hams. V .; rckt. $U.wiri. 50; ntv extra India mes. K2.ij 23t on. ct meat, steady; plck- ISj.Lr1".'- plrkled ham. $12 00 fJTI 60. Iard. firm; western prime. $9 mij i 60; refined, firm; continent, $lt ffi; South America, $!(!,; compound. tS.Tfiih b Pork steady; family, $19 On- hort clear. tl".e& 18. 2f.: mess. $?7.7f1i.firt TALLOW Pteady; ctiy T2 per pkg ), 6,e: country, fpkg. free?, rhc.1 '":. RICE Firm: domestic, fair to extra, ir 6c; Japan, nominal, BCTTFIR eteady; treet price, extra creamery, 24V Official prices: Creamery, common to extra, &3c; held. lSfe-2c; state dairy, common to fancy. If0i4c: renovated common u extra, v&-2Ic; western factory common to firsts. Italic; western Imitation creamery, firsts. E(5-2Sc. CHK.ESE Steady ; new tt. full cream, colored, mall, lSc; white, best, 12Sc; large colored, best, llvi2:; email and large, fair to s-ood, lltjllVc. EGOS Pteady; state. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white. ISc; choice 1S4i1ic; brown snd mixed extra, ldc; first to extra flrst. lfa7Vc; western firsts. 163 1BV. Cffflrlal price, ISc; second. IbhtC POt'LTRT Lives, steady: spring; chick en. $(c; fowls, lie; turkeys, 14c; dressed, teady; chicken, 11c; turkeys, 1061114c; fowl. US14o. int. Lala Oearral Market. ST. LOUIS May TV. WHEAT Higher; No. I red. cash, iV7c; No. 1 bard. M (uic; July, ,Sc; beptember. WSc CORN Higher; track. No. t cash, 64ffl $6c; July, kv; September, Ule&rtc; No. Whit, OA i'S uir; track. No. J cash, HQ 44Vc; July, 44c; September, 40o; No. whit, 47a FLoCR Strong, red winter patent. $4 40 6-4.00; extr fancy and tralght. $i7u3-4.1B; clear, tiMvt.H0. 6EEI Timothy, $I.004 00. COKJSUEAL Weak. U.7U. B KAN Weak; acaed, east 6102. HAT Steady; timothy, prairie, $M.mi moo. IKON COT'l ON TIES iLOft, BAOGINO-lHsc. KKMr TWlNli 10c. PROVISIONS - Pork, hlrher; jobbing, $16. K6. Lard, higher; prime steam, $8.ft2s. in-y salt meals, steady; boxed, extra hoTta, $9.50; clear ribe, $k .60; abort clears Bacon, teady; boxed extra hori. $)07H; clear rib. $10.J7; short claar. 10. iV. POULTRY Weak; chickens, llUc; springa lS&-22c; turkey. He; duck, iuc geese, c. BCTTKR-Weak; creamery, H.3c. EOOS-Weak, Wma. Receipt. Shipments. !?ur-. 8,fluo 115.10 TJ hea. bu 14.000 jo , Corn, bu gg.oxo 137.000 b" ai,(0 g7,0UO track, $1.00 $ii.o:6-x.oci, cu - " a4R4f, r-urm tx, Jowa and nilnois clalmin- that tb crop In thoae teXas hn been seriously Inured ,7 ,rTO bvurs and oold, dry weather were chief cause of the advance. Conunla kouse and aborts weresthe principal Puyera. WfTerinrs ware ctteredr- Julv opea4 Zx, Tltrher t htlL. ad- r,e.tle7u,1 " V Local receipt wwre z7"(l car. Tradina- in provialon waa quiet, but the 7?.. m. tron. Th enatlonai ad- varM in rrmjn WM th main reason for Lit.!?,?", provisions, although a Re KT.T ln llv h"T helid to some extent. I? ''"" were m,1.rau purchaer I I Kansas City Grala a'ad Prnvisloas. , KANSAS CITY, May $1. WHEAT M sy, ,fle; July BV; September, Wc- caah. No. . t hard, 14f,c; No. $. gSdatoc; No. 2 red. ;$7c: No. $. tbuMc ! CORN-May. oiSc; July. 4c; Septem- ber, boc; cash, No. t mixed. b.QCic; No ' WV610' IS'' 1 wbil w,SJ'0i No- . ArLBSa- whlt l?&S'Sc; No. 1 mlxd. ) 1 A V RtMAvIv eKniSA I (r.,n h lit JV.H AA. , ..wu,, vmwium.w; Choice prairie. flO.Oimd RYE Steady; tt$r7uc. EOOS Steady; extra fancy. ISc; current recelpta Included,. nw case. U-c; eoond hand caees. lio; aoutbern, oaaea In cluded, 12i,c BUTTER Creamery, tic; packing, 16c. . . ' Receipt. Shipments. bU $4.M 4.000 Vorn- 'a Sfc.OU 12. (UK. Visible tapplr of Grata. . V1 T.ORJC M' a--XeclaI cable and telerraphle communication received br faradstreets show th following changes In available supplies a compared with previous account. Wheat. United States, east Rockies, in- ....... 1 nnea states in1 ,Cnada lncreed. MH.OuO bushela AAoat el. Total Ajnerican and Buruoean su-,rJ I decreaeed. 2,0 bushel. "W. torn, t nitej states and Canada. Am. Creased. 1.416.000 buaheU. Oau t'niied State and Canada, de creased, K.uuv buabela Mllwaakee Grala Market. MILWAUKEE. May fl. WHEA T No 1 northern. $1 unal.t. No. t northern, fca vc: July. $l.Wii. a RVEV-No. 1. iZitac. BXKLOSY-No. i 4&c; .ample. UQ IX3RN No. I cash. V . July. MW aaksd. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS lete VnkLe i Wtich Tetelrpg Ctofi u Eurprii to ruccial Coiatnity. OUTPOURING OF STOCKS IS UNEXPLAINED taloa PmclSe Cnavertible Bonds Dros t Polat Below Vk hlrh They Are Offered to Meek, bolder. wfs OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET the New Tork oper.lng quotatii o'n.i.,nled ty sei..r.M r.arkt ard caused a wenk rl lirperial f of ci at 1 ilv. 1AKJS Mir ii. TTH.Iira- on the Bourse I , !:..'l:ve a,Ivre y af- I Cktt'ig of All Klcc'l Stfadj, with Tfin fect'-d by t!.e New V.rk alrUes. Hunon . ,, " i-' 4 wore n t r)-j'ted. Rcsflan eserkilT tiCW. if 14 (,,,sl lit 4!;.'i I r-EKLJN. Mav IT - on the IV-urel tov were weaker, owing to the latnf ' rill I V TrAfiV d'-.iltle in,y and the l ined 1 ' ULLT ,lWr Statts. ' Japanese PRICES FOR HOGS ev Tork loiiej Market. NF.W V'RK. Mv H MONfTT On csU steady. " J'.'H !r cent. r.ilms; r'e. 2' pr cei't . c'oii ki It.i. Hi i'f r r--M tfT red at 14. X- c(--t 'I i:n- loar si kitIv firnur; s.x'.y Ciiv. ''i4 tr r't. r.ii'iy days. 4 per cer .x j:io-i.s. 4 per ci:t I'HiMK. Mi.KCANni.K 1APKR Cy$ I ' :.t F7KRLIN1"! KN'.m ANGT-Plichtlv easier i'h ar-t.1111 1'usmin in bankers' bl'!s at $4 xi'ii4. (.er;an.l and ;.t 4 i 4M for sixty '"ay Mils: posted rates. M M'i ar.d $4 corr,"-'T :a! b:i:. $4.s FILVFl-B-r. tw-c: Mexican doll.-irs. Mc. B' 'N'I'S G-overnmerit. f.rrn; railroad, ea."y. Closirs- quotations on bonds today were as l'inF V . tt serif . . " 0 0 41 CtTi .. io S rtfi 4o Bene t. N unl I Pheea aad Uakt la Good Desmaad I aad Desirable Klads Free ell- ers at Price Fatly steady I Willi lesterday. f r-f. la, do t'ltl'JD r t ret re. r .1' 1 "-14 I NEW TORK, May ft .-The cute weak ries whkh developed ln the t k n arkt t today canis a rather a surjrlse t.. ti.e flnanciaj community, notw Uhsiandli the yn.ptom of yle.dn.g jsteroav. The source of the extei.sive eellir.g c-1 slock wa mysterlou and the rnollvts which prompted the suoden after such a perl. hi of quiescence ln the market as that of last week was not clear, a no immediate oevelopment In conditions was known which would chsnge the situation so abruptly. Surmise Inclined to the Interpretation 'ha-t an aggressive bear party had te-en 01 can ned to attack the market. This Inter- i r & "id 4t. preiation of U.e oay a moitment was Is- 1 e ecnpnn vored by the recent return to the financial 1 a.sinci cj individuals who were credited wnh the leadership of the smashing cam paign against prices which culminated in the March panic and who have been ab sent on long vacation since these oc currence. The action of the market for some time past has reflected the entire lack of anv absorptive demand for securities. But oc casional tentative otierat l..r. on tt.e short jue iiie inaraei nave tx-en so little sue- 1 cessrui in aieiocismg lare ll'jmdation that a period of dullness and neglect for stocks waa anticipated rather than any active sell ing or buying. The more aggressive plar.s on the lar side have gained lrr.i;tus Inmi the violent movements ln the wheat murket. The leaders of the bull speculation in wheat undoubtedly play a large part in the bear movement ln stocks. Their is addi tions! Incentive for the bear movement in stocks from the renewal of anxiety over the conditions of capital supply, lick of support for some of the tcx ks whu ii are uaually most carefully a-uardeu aa-uinst de cline by Inside Interests is due Lo the fact of the lare commitments by those ! nanE. "cumies of the corn- Boston Storks and Bond. panles Stockholders tand committed lor rr.TV .v mv "1 n x. i . pern3ical installments of subscription on . 1 ' , ' t.'TV?11' loan- SV& per new issue which have Tt, ' ,ln' u'- $'.er cent, iifncal Cattle. livs. Sheep. . .IK.A'7 ..IS, Mi s.m. tkuii k,t.-4 6.MIV 14.AW $.7vlt ! HC.M7 11.7M 14.7.M li,.dl IS -l It i.- j U li.ta 1 4U 1'..4j6 a.Ub7 tlie recenii 1 re 4 . U V. 8 iff 4a, An Tntrco 41 4o , t'hlwin sn. ' do SJ. 4... Pal (ihlo 4 l Jl Prk. R. T Cfrlral of CJl do lt Inc 60 3d inr M Inr 'Tien a- Ohio 4s . . . VhUnf tt A. .. C . Fl Aw 11 .. C, R. 1. a r .. do pol .Sk Oil' A S. L. 4 f'clo. lnd 6a. ar. A ' ,.ln. M d 4 ' elo. a So. 4s ' U'JS l l R O. 4. ... I '1-1 men1 Pec. tt... Er p. 1 a. do sen. 4 Hmkn g Val. 4S Jsisn & .. liU. "Offered "Vn r 4 . . 'Vn Cemral 4. .. Kt- do isl Inc slinn A Ft U 4 l , K. I. a . do is K. R R of II c W V T C. I lt .. -. J C. is... K No PirlBc 4 o I""4 K W e 4 . . f o U rd 4t. JVtin. otiat. ia. so Reading t"n 4 . l"iw t. L 1. k e 47 n u a s r ; '- S I. L s W c . fv'- ctkiard A. U 44. 60 1'nciflr 41 "rt do ID a ct.? .... . f So. haitsay !t . Tia A r. K '"T . Si L A W 4 .M I'nion Pf.flr 4 ... . t s Pie-i id be . . t M'ltaiti n . :'' do deb. P . ("lHnlfri M4. 4S... .tn- w. A L. E 4a.... . l4 Wla. teuu-al 4s . .. VJ ... ...lOH ... . . 7 .. 1 ... r .... SI .... 4a r ... HH imh .... TH .... F.H ... K ... W ini 4a Tv 4a . rv- Cat tit Hog , Sheep Dec . 7 . ( iny-, 7kn .lie . K' S . 7 . H on attractive terms and they hav able resource to buy offerings o n eiocas in tne orn market. Some spec ulative buying of I nion 1-aclflc lately was based on the assumption that the st"k would be supported to facilitate the sue of the convertible bonds. Instead of that the bonds have declined to quotations le low the price offered to stock bidder and dssaprxrlnted speculators in tne stock have failed to find opportunity to realise a profit. Successive new offerings of securities are niade on such terms and offer such a rat of return as to afford greater attrac tions than existing securities, and thus to Indicate that even at the low priefs re cently prevailing, quotations are out of line with the level of attraction for Investment Such scanty developments today a offered any explanation of the weakness of the market had to do mostlv wnh rum,,r of still further bond and note Issues to be I rutted S expected, bom of these were ilenied. but . u without relieving the depression of the stocks cor.cerned. The heavy liquidation in I nited States Steel was accompanied ln such a rumor, which was repeatedly denied without relieving the stock from Us de pression. The lall ln I'nited Slates Steol had a pronounced sympathetic effect on the whole llt. Americal Smeltmnr. i'nion Pacific and Brooklyn Transit were other Influential centers of d'presnlon, as was Amalgamated Copper. The monev market wa unruffled and no action was taken toward exports of pold. It wa not until stock had weakened effectually that wheat became strong again . The fTe,vy liquida tion of tock which undoubted'- occurred seemed to be prompted by a gradual ac cumulation of influences for some time past rather than any event which ha oc curred Immediately. Short covering- cajsod ome wide rallies, but the market closed unsettled and feverish. Bona were feverish. Total sales. vaiue, i.i,4.wiu. I nited States s tered advanced per cent on call. Th following are the sates and quota vli me 4-cw lorn imock exchange "AtrN ad). 4.. do 4 Kn Central 4a Airtilacn do pfd T'ton A Altnr... .loclon A Maine... !e:n Elevated ... Fltrhbur I'd ... Mexican ( -ntral . . . N Y, N H AH Vnion Pacific Aru. Pntu Tulie Ar.'r p'uaiLr do iffl Am T A T Am Wotiolen do pfd Eiann Elec llln. .. Mara Eisotrtc do nfd )Aaia Gaa I ullfd FYult St V. 8 Bieel.. do vitd AflvMur AMouea Ania.pamated AlUiiLic Kid. "Atked. U lilt.gham . V. 1 al A Hecla... . 7 '-entenr, lal ... . Cipjr Kahf-e H . K Pa.y West Franklin .:15 OraiitT ls Use Rorale .1?" Irtaaa. Minlnr .. 1 M irb Iran .;(!' l !,!, .IMViOld HominioB . . 7 Onceola 121 Prrt QutncT ,12la Ffrnon . Tamarack I. TrmM y i nited Ctp;ir . . 1 V. F Mlnlnf... . H V B. Oil . W fUh Victoria . l'i W'lnotia . ST, w0ivenii . Kt Nonti Hurt . Fntie ( oalitlim i 4 Nrvada . 4 M tci.ell . k'i Cut A rliona .. . 11 Arizona Ccm. .. 17 Mil i 7n 1 le' )f I--V4 II M Ub 41 117 1 lie : 1 61 1" S"H ::::: P ifj- St H.H 1SV, f iSf 1 Receipt Were: Oioitau aloiiuay ciliiL-nu Tusa.y Two days this week. Same days last week ain uas i weeks ago., ii.lnu N"M dl $ weeks ago. .11. bM Same daj s 4 weeks agj..j..Xyi ba.i.e days laal ihe following tatir shvas of cattle, hotts aiij ttieep at Mouth Oman or tne year to uale, coinpared with last year; Wl. 1!. Inc. 44sro r.xM 7d,n K7'.33il i.'H.t.4 747. S7i f.7ofc 4s.Tb4 CATTLE OPOTATION. Oood to choice corn-U-d eteer $f.2,'a6 SE Oood to fair corn-fed steer 4 kyi Common to fair steers 4 -j4 i Good to ch oice fed cows 4j4 Fair to good oow and heifers $ 6c.4 at I Good to choice stockers A feeder.. j Fa:r to g.od stockers end feeder.. $.. 414.80 . ommon 10 iau- stockers Pulls, stag, etc j Veal ealve I RANGE OF FRiefcs. Cattle. $2.4i 7t t.7u4,'6.yu l.lj .50 l.r 25 $ e."iii.7 number ol cars , L'lvuiui 111 lousy iiy eacn roaa w a I Cattle Hogs. Sheep. H'r'a m at el, f M Wabash 1 Missouri Farlflc 6 Cnlun Pacific System. f4 C. & N. V. (eatti ... 14 C. At N. W. (WesU... 33 C, St. P., M. & O.. ST C. B. Al (j.ieast).... $ C, R k Q. twesl ... 62 C, R. LAP teast).. t C, R. I. P. (weft).. I Illinois Central I Chicatjo Great Wet. 14 Total receipt 31 The disputation cf the days receipts wa as follows, eack buyer purchasing the num ber of bead indioaied: Cattle Horn Sheen irani j acmng CO SfJtj tnt and Company I.3s3 i'.t liy Cmaha Kansas City Chicago St. Ixiuis .... Sioux City ... i be official I UMl lO , $ 3fviJ4 7! . 4o, . Ml Hogs. $ iK.vKo b fr 4I4, i0 .(vi'' C'V 6.H; 46 6 ;s of stock lr.- iMrin see.i.rc In t th- Chiotr I -rover cf ir: -Tt- f e was n .thp ? 1:1 to nco,jrhr- !.'-eral runs i-n ren. days of the w ,-. k howev-r, as much la-er w.u 1 en.ih'.e fa. ker rt 'rr--ia:e the tns'-ket and lower prices w ,d thn be In f rce ." W-ott r.s on w ooie.1 ItitTer- Co d to c -'-e larr.b. v3.vlrV. fair to (rood lumbf. I- - v h" Q'iK-tstt'T on sl-oep. stiwk: i7xd to rh- i-e limtis F '"j7 4i to cool i tf"i,fT (: rtimrm and c.r.l In h '. i -, r-' d to fh.ic y-M-'te-'s. ! ; r-1. $ 1 $t.. rood to cho-re vnr! in h.-m v $.r a .1 lf. fair to g,.. h1 ye-.r---i4-. If-r- tx. (r. -d to choice w-'h.-rs. $:, f, 1-. fair to r-.,d w;',ers. $J y vi :-, Tt-. a-.i to c'-'i r ees. $: i '.ft T"-; fair to g'-..d ewes. $4 TT. ; bucks and st-its. tSiJ, pre. ntative stik; No. in western ewe cull H western ewi-s 11 western ewe culls 3 western ewes St western ewes 14 ef tern ewes N western lamb culls 74 w-estern e es W western wether 11 western wor led ewes .... 1 western wethers rfi western wethers t" western wetters SS western lnmbs 11 wiwtern yiarlinir and la Ml western lambs !t western wooled lamb .. F2 western lambs IJ.1 western lambs 1H5 western lambs spring... fi western lambs Ar Ft PI 4 'i 1-7 15 . ! f. :." 113 f S5 M i Mi T'l 1"J F.1 l'i 5 To , X v 25 l 10 1? 10 6 T5 1 in 7 ' ,71 7 4 5! f a 7 S T ..St I 50 . K 7 2f. CHICAGO LIVE TOCK MAItKET aad I 1 41 t 14 5o $ 14 S6 4 1 4 I 1 4 l!tf IT Cattle and Hoc steady hee l,nita lllaher. nilCAOO, May !1 -CATTI.K Recelr ts. BlKiut i.i'tn head: niHrket steady; medium to Ust steirs $4 S-M45 5-; letfe-s $S r.,4 jr.; cows, tt rr.i; of'; calves.',!i; stockers nd feeders. $.';ikji; t.urs, it t Mi HO. Hi. GS Receipts, about -.S.'xi ln.d; mar ket steady; ch"1ce heavy shipping. $; t' 4:i: pat king. $;.i Si; ;j, : "butchers wi-'ftit 114-M',T.5. c .0.1 to prime mixed. $f. 3E.J 46; J.lrs. $5, fry 50. SHKr.F ANIi I.AM BP-Receipts, about ieixi head; market strong to nc hlrher; sheep. $4 r..10; yearllnss. $i.7&y.T5; lainb. $:...Vv 74. cl.i.e of f v e I" i- ts In s; .;, t.f sb -il - 1 ami ll-vteMM-i tl.,- 1 -s.'y cib-rik: l . "' -ti-1- r ;-i T - ir ii.4-jid ,ti -u a n' ' !..... .'. lt -it-Mlt lion UI the t. lut cf 1 .i 1 H;;..rt. 1 ci si 11 s-.e.i . . ml uii. !.m',h- -1 t In P"-t t lir. ;, w- r ri-Mticj ot p. -.a t4-S I-:, 'i line My n F m 1 v at ,'.4. 4.',, . September .'tt f. ,.. , lr,-i!t ,, e Mtrth at i ri 4-c n a 1 1 1 1 i,t ;. 5111. qj et, N .. 7 Re.. nc. N 1 4 eat t , . Miid. qunt. t(rui4, f,... OM 411 A WMOII MII. MIIIKI T. Coadltlon of Trade and notations nu staple aad t'aary rrndare. renwrr dor , ::ac lU'TTF-Il-I'atKirx ei nk l.V?l!ct choice to fat-y d ..:-y. ,(. r rv, iim.--:o L1VK l'l I.Tlil-Hnm. 11c; old rs: trs. ;-,'. t .rk. l- . nuiks. Hi, Vou:4 riH.neis. 67c, g.-ese, c 1 1.1 n S CAI.iroi.M i n t Kiiir.S Per box ol b"i t s lbs . t: ,vni 2 75. llM-Al'l'Ll .S Piorida. 42 sire, $5. pe- c:Mt. .10 sise, e4.w ptr crate. A" pt r crte STRAW 1-KRRIES - Arkansas, Cases, $:,. Ji u ' Tin '1'ICAI, FRVtTS L17M 'NS I.lrnoiuera. ni ;ie, sire. 7i,. other brands, oc l-ss t'RA N1JK8 Mediter-atH nn Sweets. l. I 17ti. ;-. I'.s and ' sues. tlV, S,, l.1... 1N, I '.! $."("; California Navels, extra lanrv, j I Tt.. -m. :.ti 3n Mes. $4 Si. fancy. IS, sute. ivo won; cnoice, large siss. per box tJ-f.uS mi. BANANAS Per me.1lunvs.ied K-4V! SC. Jun boes. $15 nii .'o. TIGS t aliform. bvilk.. te: Turkish, 14c; 4-crvn Turkislt. 1U ; 1 urkish. lc. liATl.'S Ka,laway. tc: sayeia 5c; s:ic $15. 14-quart bunch. -erown t-cro n hal-k-lb. Cudajay iatking Co.. 1 Armour Ac Co j Lxibmari dr Co V. I. Stephen Hill ic bun K. 1'. Uiii Huston A Co Hamilton d; Rothschild .. Klngan it Co Lh Wolf J. H. Bulla Mike Huggtrty : eoi itgan J. B. Ko.t Co T. H. lngtiraou Sullivan l'ros I'nr.ed J-iieshea Beef Co. Oilier buyers London Closlnar fitocka. LONr""N, May a. Closing- quotation on st oiks were as follows: LOW K2 54 02 U 8 "ii ..14 . in $ as 2 !4 1 2,i7 4.101 4,11'7 4.'7 1 "in. lt Kansas CHv I. lie Mock Market. KANSAS CITY, Miy n. CATTI.K Re ce'pts, !,( head. Including 4t head south ems; market steady to strong; cholne ex port and d'-siel beef steers C 5"': 77 : fair to gim.l. $4.f. -eif..4f : western fed steers. $4 2T.3 ft"; stockers and feeders. C south ern steers. $3.4.mi5 V: southern cows. !!.; native cows, i:5if,WtH.; native heifers. IS 2rni5.4v; bulls. eX4t.sVi4.4k: ciilves, $X77"'i 5.75. Ui-OP Rec ej,ts. i.W head; market strong to 5o hither: top PT: bulk of salts. t! 3f.i.- AT.; heavy, !i r c :Z ; i."krs. $; STa S.4f.; llcbts. V 4'i4. t ics. $5 fiir..0. FHFJEJ AND 1.A&1 iS Ree !nt ft nun head. itKirket steady to a shad- hlrher: ; lambs, $,,.5":.,tv.V"; ewes and yi arllfg. l.'JSn ; f, 75; western fed yeBrllngs. f". ly'.25; west ) ern fed shtr. $5.25'(jt;.5ti; stockers and feed- rs, es.tsiuo.oo. 160 1HS t. Lonls live lsrk market. ST. I.OUIK. May 71. C A TTL,T Receipts, . head, lncluiiirp !.. Texans; market steady: native fhipi'insr and export sie, rs. $.5 4"'""7fi Si ; dressed beef and butcher steers. W'.i ,, par regis- tt c . - . i .uruiaacn .Tit.Ti: P1"" n'1 nu wr bough: rV-0.!" $1S-H. lard wa un lMi.Tv i t $v ik J,d rtb wan ITvie high.V f KrrP' fnr "morrow: Whe.t. Jrjwun a. follow,: Arttclea-l Ota. Hlgh.j U.,, ) f.TFT 1 nr. 1 0! 1 Wheal X July 1 heat I I a-45S a. 1 ,01'; Com ) 1 May IUtrU juiy -v- txtp. tiai. May JulT Sept Ptrk July July Sept. Ill tie July &it. 1 f-4 1 U4V 4" 1 7S svcl : I 1 i rrtj i U I IT si IB I trj f J6 I 1 IU I I Hi, 1 S rrVi S. vw 1 Mi: I I CM. ' aa 5.n Mvaw anrs 4 I 47 iivv. 1 1 1 $4 I -i X 1 1 t Si 1 T 1.4 No t "rt firm; .t.d. rd hard interna $6Sn; winter patent $ji t'r.1'i'l. S2.UX45 spring terta OAmhi. Une4; baker. 11 ILL L.1A-S u. $ fiavA. Ii,, No. J AorUi- Hlaaaaaalla t'm I . aa-.a.. I MINNEAPOR19, Minn May a. WHEAT : No 1 bard. $1 :v,aa 5 ; No. 1 northern $1 i(n : No ! northern, H.4rs'a1.4j9v' ! No i northern. c$l j. 1 rlAl K-lrst patent. ti.i5.3tJO; seoond patent. T. Ij5 15; first wer, ti-SbaCTt-j SHonil ck-ara, $: 7TjS. ' j BRAN ln bulk. $l few ICS. ) PHILADELPHIA, May tl. BUTTER I Market quiet, extra western creamery 34 W E-3G8 Mirkef firm, He higher; went ern firsts cas.s free. 17c, at mark. : CHEF-SB Qjlet ; market steady; New (York full cream, old. UVSVc: aew i tilic. J Peoria Grala Market. PEORIA. May !1 CCiRN-Higtier; N'r. $ yehow ar d No. 4. He; no g-a.1- 414jn-o ' CiATS Firm; No. t wrte. 4atW;. No I white 4ic: No. 4 white 46c I K Y EVik hanged: No 1 aie WHloKT On th tiaais of tin Dalalh Grala Market. Pl I.tTH. Vf nn . May S-WHEAT-No 1 northern. $ . May. $1 (u,; July. $l"ty $1 V ' OAl"fr-Cr. trk. 44c: May. tic, L.lvrrvaMl Gralw aad Prortsloaa IJVFRPOOL. May C-HOP3-In Lo. don Pclflr coast quW-t. i 5s Holiday on ttie com eachang-a. Toleda eed Market. TH.rZ0. May B-f a ETCWr cash, ? VV''e'.w' 1JkJCA' - Alaj. I-ui. TuuuCiijr, $. JU Adams Kcpenaa Amalcanated Coppar .... Am. C. A F Am. C. A r. ptd Am. Cotton Oil Anv Cotton Oil pfd American Exprvaa Am. H A U ptd American lea freeurittea. . Am. Ltnaae Oil Am Unaaed Oil pfd Am. Locomollra Am. LoronioUvs pld Am. BAR Am 8 A R pfd Am. Suc&r Rrftnln Am. Toharnft pfd rtfa.... Anaconda kllult-i Co Atr.htnn Atcblaou pfd Atlaattc Coast Line Baltimora A Ohio Hal A Ohio pld Brook irn Rapid Tr CanadWa rarlflc Centrm.1 of New Jersey... Chaaapeaka A Ohio Chlraro Ot. W Chloasi" N. W C . It A fit. P Chicago T A T Ch.rago T. A T pfd C. C. C. A 8t L. Colorado F A I Celorado A o Cols. A So 1st pfd Colo A Bo. d pfd Consolidated Gaa Com Prt,durta rfg Com Prudacta pf fvi , L AW bearer A Rio Grandn... D A R. O. pfd PlatlllerV BecurlUea .... Ena Ena lat pfd Erla d pfd Osnenal Electric Illtnola Central IuUr-aticdia Pipes Int. Papr pfd Int. Pump Int. Pamp pfd Iowa Central . Iowa Caattral pfd Karaaa CUT 6u. K C Ro. Pfd Lmilsrllt A K Mriioaa Central Mtua A M L U . St. P At at . c r ass Miaaourl Pacific . St . K. A T st . A. A T. pM National Lead N at k. of at. pfd New Tark Central H T.. O. A W Norfolk A W Nortk Amerlosa Pacta stall Paanarleanla raapla'a ftaa P . COIK L. , Steal t C. Pfd Palinaaa Pauto Car.... lUadm haadtng lat pfd keadlri id pt4 keputilic tal Hatubllc Steal pfd Rik llaji Co Rock Ulan Co pfd ... t U A P td pfd... a Lau;a w St. U A W. pfd Sosthara Pacific ......... So. paciao pld o. ka'lvar . o kallwaf pfd ..... Tkmm C. A t T . St, U A W T . Bt L A W. pfd Cnlon Pattnc t'aioe Pacific pfd T Eipr r 1 kwitr t S Rublw . r g Rubber pfd V. ft gteai I' ft. aWl pfd V a. -Care. Ctemlcal Va-r iW, pfd .... Vtbuk W ahara pfd Waiia Farse Express .... Wsanlagtuxi Kiectrie .. w aalarn I'nion neaiini A L. E Wtaopbaia Centrml u falrl rfd Nortnarn Pacific Central Leal ner Central Lthsr pfd siuaa Sh-"0 Grass Nortbam frtd Int Miaropi l.taa Total aaiaa lur tha dar, als" . 11'4 urn . 1,CM) too .. l.hnj .. l suit .. 11(0 .. 1.4 ; .. :i 400 ..,(, !( .. 3.S .. i.kuo . . 16 4i . . It 100 .. I 'I0 .. I.O. .. 4.2'iO . . IS OliO k.l' 1.7110 Hlli. tow Close kti W-4 l'a 15 II 47 2t. f,t 115 l.i," M"4Vj lilts iifv, f . v lit ft" s : 1 ir. ti ix 460 a r: ti ConaolR. n-iimrr do account Anaconda I Alt tiiat.n I do pfd j Bait imnra A Ohio. Canadian Pacific .. I hoaapeaka A Ohio rnicaro ot w I C. M. A St. P.... I"? llsra l":iTar ft R. 0 1 do ptd .... Erie do lat pfd I do Ki p'd i Zllinola C'-entral ... LrftultriiJa A N.... St., K. A T tii, i-.K liar af at. pfd "0 (VJO "'eij 4 " 7.8"!. ' t' 10 fwo 1 tlMl 1. luu 400 4' UO X S.KI 1. 1' 4I0 "t" k.l too t.r. .. I p.i Lot. .. Itli' 4ij . . 11 VX) .. lt ai .. 1 .!" .. 1 Il1 . . 61 hiil s.r so .. t TiHI ll.l i'siiivX" . t " ' . ki . t"t l'l . $4.S."0 a-" . llt . S'tl PHI . 144. un . ..1J 1K . . E. e ' ii luO l . . l.k-'t ..." IK" I JO '" r-e r .. R '! .. 4V. ' .. 1 ( .. l.l. .. bam l.Kvl.TtJO aharaa. 7 : 4" o 'i'i 'lHa m" 1 f- ltK 2 2 r.s , ss HS ' 101 e n Kkta 171 i:r 3f 4 loia lt'S ira n: irt lf.ta 'ji-v "r4 2S" u i" in" T4 r ri ' 'tiii .... hi JF.i, Zt U M 7 Sf 1414a 14"' i:. is;. 1S ''H ,a 7.. M tl ni 'id" Vj Sviia t' riii r.i. l.4 14 H"4 4 4H-, V"l K. ir is. 714, 71 V t'-S 2 6S l..-4 It 12 lis l:? fciV ?'. Til, 7T-ta fH irf. 144, E"4 ll"t4 W it . t tt ad 1044k II" r." 't?'i m n 4C 4 W4 1B4, r. ii:i4 mt !. It It, l:4 51H lilt U'Zlt i ' r." tn, v - 1W i rr Si 1 -1 l"4ta -4w )- !-- 1 as V 14 ' "ii" rt, r :r is:! s tt ' F4 tl U4a "-V .llUa . 77 . eft . U.' . 6I4, . C . M . 1 . TS . ms .14.1, . i"4 . Si44 .1014, . It . M 10-iS N. T. Central a4 1-la Norfolk A W ... 1H do p;d ...SO Ontario A W . .. S7 Ptnliarlranla ...US Rand- alinea ...176 hndrtii .. liouthern Railway .11 do pfd ..131 rkiuthtirn Pacific .. .. 34-w I rum Pacific . . It do pfd .. 74 V. s. steel .. SiS do ptd .. 6 Waliaab .. M do pfd .143 apaman 4a ...... . .1 f-4, Cirand Trunk .. Xi- Btt-ady. St1d txr ounrs. The ratt cf dixcciurt in the oen market fdr short hills is m.i3 - per cent; for three month' bill, S-wSJ-H per cent, Kew York Mlnlaa Slock. NEW YORK, May 21. Closlnsr ouota.tlons on mining stocks were: A(arua Con, A lit e Itraeoa Brwitanck Con. Ccmatork Tunnel Ct.n ( al A a. Horn Silver Iron aiiver Ladvllle Con. . Total CAT! L.K Keceir ts I iitierai tins niurmiig. I supply of ui nuyers "1.193 13.Wl &M cf cattle were guile there hrlnii a blentil ul killer sufficient fur the needa ltie market did not show auy 10 Little Chief T H. '.0 Ontario oM . i Otih.r 1WI ) louial 11 . ts (Vavaga ttl ti.c- friena Neva 4a Si. I. -.5 Fmall Hopaa Jt. ,14n frtanaard x& 11 Treasary slatrroent. "WASHINGTON", May Ill-Today- state ment of the treasury balances in th gen ual fund, exclusive of the t. 'n.tmo gold reserve shows: Available i.sii balance. $i..oa0.34i; gold coin and bullion, $,47o. guid ceriilicatca, $i2.till,470. Bank Clearinsr. OMAHA. May r. Bank clearings for to day were $1,714,470.2 and for tne corre sponding date last year $1.M6,4S.H. Wool Market. IVSTON, Mas., May B.-WOt-Lr-Tbe wool market is howlns little signs of actirity and recent transactions have not been on a large scale. Australian stock figures as the most active feature, but lume ai.mesiic wik.Is iiave had a share ln the sales. Rectirts from the new clip are ttrt.wing heavier, premising to relieve the stagnation. Prices remain ateai4v f,.e sn, ! tically all grades. Lrf-acilng domtytic quo- taiions Toiiow; Mi.'S.iurl, combing, thre etprnhs blnod, StiSic, combing, quarter l.h.od, 3?i21c. TtiSF. scoured, fine, 17c; fine, S to S month, tviTTir; fine, full clean,' 57(n7.c. Calliornla. acoured basis northern' choice, 674; 66c; nortlrvrn. good, 4(i"c; mid til" count 1 y. ftjua-; soul hern. taiuac; fall, free, r77ii;-; full, defective. 4"ii4sV. OTegiiri! scoured basis, eastern. No 1 sample. 7(t,7:' eautrn. No. 1 cluiheiiig. -i3 7o( ; vallev. No' 1. t.i:;c. Terr:tcr-. staple scoured 'has!, fire. 7t.v7V; fine medium. 4.'j-7t-; medium ti'.Vjt.c. Territory, ordinary, scoured hasls', fine. t.ffj7'". fine medium. 6ViT7e; med um. liii.trtc. Ci.lora '.o at d New Mexlca, spring scoured A. OhjOic; No. 1, B'.nX- ST LOl"lS, Mo.. May 21 WOO!-eay medium gTai'.e, combing nd clothing Z"a'. ITHtc , lig-l.t fine. SiSJUtc; heavy fine, ls17c tub washed, S.tisXc. very material change. There eiemed to be a very fair demand for good beef s leer a and the market opened up fully steady on that kind. Sellers seemed to feel that they were entitled to a little stronger prices and were generally pricing their cattle hlxbc--. but it was a verv fin. ficult matter with the cumlier of cattle on saie to induce buyers to raise their bids above yesterday s figures. Now and then there wss a seller who thought that hi cattle old If anything a little strong, but It would not do to call the general market more than steady. , Cow and heifer were lri fair request and they, too, commanded fully steady prices. Rtocker and feeder were rather scarce, but on account of continued unfavorable weather the demand was comparatively light. o that there were plentv of cattle to supply the requirement of the market. The country Is naturally holding bark and waiting- for more promising weather before doing very much buying, gur-b cattle a did change hRnds brought steady price Representative sales: BEEF t?TEERS. Pr I n t 25 p 10 l to f so P S5 t Si 5 40 r. 40 p 45 1 ro s r.o 6 75 I 5 4 00 4 on 4 IS 4 4 n 4 r. 4 tf 4 K 4 So 4 40 4 4 (VI 4 bu 4 40 4 flu 4 65 4 7$ $4.i.fC af; steers under l.i lbs.. $4 stockers and feeders. $i.!a 1 4 V: cows and heifer. $2.('fi.t,; canre.-'s. $IWI.W; t'tills, $1 'ir.CffA TT.: calves. $r. nnn-no: Texas and In dian Fleers, $4.fJj'f..oti, cows and heifers, $:.,-.... 4 so. HCiS Receipt. IS.oHi heftd: market V low er: pipr Hnd ltphts, $7 2. r 4S : packers. " "'iiv.40; butchers and best heavy, $0.4oit (14'.. FHKEP AND LAM HP Receipts. J. Wi he.-id: niarket steady; native muttons, l tkt f'fj.-i: lamb. Sf.. (H 1. e culls and trucks, $4. 7f.n..4Hi; stockt rs. $.($, S. tt York Live Stork Maeliet. NEW TORK. May 3 BEEVES Re ceipts. 1.HC head; no trading; market feel ing steaxly. CALYEis Receipts, lffi head; market feel ing firm; common to prime veals sold at Sfi.isifrrT.S4; city dressed veals active and firm at4ic per It..; country dressed veaj firm an? active at l'c p-r lb. PHEEP ANI LAMPS Receipt. head: clipped sheep and ltvmb ln pood pr.slt1on and firm; spring lamb strong; common to choice clipped sheep sold at $4t2E per lm lbs.: no clipped lnmb of fered: Virginia spring lambs, $fi 75 each. HOGS Receipts, 2,0-1 head; feeling steady, at $, 1 ) 7e 24, Tt. 40 M y.- It. "4 41, 1 7 c: 4' 1 I.I. i:2 ' T?4, '' 2 1 Ui Hi ll M4, H kt i 44 S-ta 1:1 in i f. H K4 HI H4. Si 4, ill. 14 I ro 14S KH 10 1 12: n -w IS 1 1 No. A Pt. No At " R6 4 HI 10 licj 1!" n 4 SO tl IPS Hill 4 SO 8C l-2f 11 SSO 4 7t ; 1 IS 114 t 00 0 J--J ' lit!. 6 10 isnri S lift t 10 IS i" i ! fT 1M f 10 ss 14 ! IS . 1S41 E 18 1 II 1145 S 15 SO jKi ti lie t tr. us 1 4f in $ $ is 1 rl i:" S an a i4St t: I17t 6 . rows 45o l so 1 1 1010 J Ro t lnno S Mh J 45 I BH17 1 HO I 7S 1 ."u i 70 t TS 1 ft I W I SO I Kh4 1 M. 7!'4 !'ii S on (. ltd I !5 1022 , " s a ... ko ! m 1 so 1 low, I 4 Hi5 I Hi, I Jim I t Son I 40 j;io ! s :rs 1 so t in., ! l"r S 7S 10 pw i 1"W" S T5 1 j-,(i , 1 W0 S KG 34 pt. , I $ 1100 I if t U'i HEIFERS. 4 4"T t S I ftS S t (B I CO 4 40 4 sr.; 17 ' WLb. t ll'O I 4t 4 fl t 4t,S SS0 I lr,T(i , 1 7-vt s 77. 1 ! 1 r.ito 4 oi 1 j-), I 1 4 (l 1 1HIK1 I 1 4 IS CALVES. I IK 4 . 1 ! 1 14 S 8$ 1 jn ; i if s ss t it ! I H" I rvo 1 j7 1 140 b SO eTOCKEkS ANT) rEEDETtS I St. Joseph Live rk Mnrket. I ST. JtiPETH. May 21. CATTLE Re ceipts, head; market steady: natives. $4 2f.J.-.(i; cows and heifers, $2.2.Vfi..'i'; stockers ared feeders. $7t i!..i4 76. 1 H iGS Receipts. 12.017 head: market ftrong to fc higher; top, $ti.47; bulk of ale. rnc 4f.. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, R fi77 head; market steady; clipped lambs, $7.0i' 7.; clipped ewes. $:i.(K'nlj .lio. Moo tHy l ive Ntark Market. FIOT"X CITY. Mar 21 pclal. CAT TLE Receipts, l.'.ti head: market rteadv; beeves. $4 .Viiifi.TT.; cows, bulls and mixed $.1 4fi4.7f ; tocker snd feeder. $4.(i":;i4 calve and yearliniss. f.'t Ti 4 tfi HOS Receipts. t.vm head; market strcng. selling at $t;.:tc;.3r.; bulk of sale $&.rvt'4J.H. ' took In lEh. Receipts cf live stock nt the six prlnrlpp. wefierri niarat ,s yes-trriisv were as frclow I Metal JVtrket. i KJTW TORK. May a.-MTJTAL The London tin market showed comparatively litUe change compared with the closing prices of lant week, spot being 6 lower at Al.ip lit and future unclianAd at V1S l'i. Ix,4i.ily the rntrket wa quiet nd uri cbangej, spot unchanged, at $44 OOiJ-44 a. ; Co;per wa much lower ln London with 'spot closing at L101 lm Id: futures. li4i . J.L V " lr"m me last vantage or large receipt were not ln- quotation. Th local market wa dull and 1 dined to put on. Th result waa that the 1 I?,. -Ji J, l "'" with Lake quo,ed at ' m .st of the hog old about where they $-4 .5 r26.Sf!; electrolytic at $aT5at4TE; and did yesterday. Still If there was tnv caeung at t;2.Diu2S.i". Lead was uncharge! charge at all It wa on the side of sliFhtlv at $. te'6 ', In the local market, t ut ad- i stronger values The hulk of the hfVs 4 B5 4 4V. 4 30 4 so 4 t. 4 zr. 4 ti t Ro r. so 1 s.t I 7E IS I SO t 70 4 on S3 I (S t sjo 4 do 4 4- 0 S TS 11 u 4 ,, T 4 I SO S 4'4 4 em iu 4 r, It ! 4 0 HOGS There wa no fxea.t or lmrortara chanse in the hog market this morning The receipts were quite liberal and that fact tended to keep price In sbout the same notches a yesterday. Ptlll there was a feellj.; among sellers, that owing to conditions at other market point a they ought to have a little better price here and a strong effort wa made to force the marked urt but buyer having the a1- u.i-eu as a to a is 1 s (id in London. 'ia at i. 77. with a top at tt. 40 Filter was uncharged at 2 15 In the'v'hlle the trade wa not active there was London n arkt,t and et $6"j6i ln New Is f&lr movement and the moet of trie hots ti icwer in ine tnt in 1 rTu " ' iL,Je. w-ttsoa. York. Inn wa ; market at So pd for standard foundry . nd 1 for Cleveland warrant Loealie , the market is unchanged with No. 1 , foundry northern quoted at U6 50.17-36 71- No t foundry northern st $Ji -""irtii X; No 1 ! foundry southern at $J1 mii-'ti 60 ajid No ;2 foundry southern at $5 if'T. 10 ; ST. L-'"1'1S May t METAIS Lead, j QUlet, $5 spelter, quiet, o.Cfi. I etlos Market NEW TORK May H (XlTTON Spot closed quiet; middling upand. IZXc- Idl't suit li!r: sal.a. SX ties 1 NEW OHLE.4KS, La.. Mav COTTON i Market closed easy; low ordinary. 7 $-luc nominal; ordinary. $-H-c, norrUtial- gHid ordinary, 4,-. nominal: low- middlma- ! OTTCiN etpot Reprvaentatlve sales : The salea of tr,e day were ... 'ea ot which Iwle were f r sr oulat!,.n ' and -xr-.rt and 1-,( lud.-.l $ b-i.-s American . . " , - r , . i v 'it. s'."W ' Dale iiu nng naie An., ruan ST. LAil IS. Mj, May N iy"i, iiiiuiiiuia. 1. sales For-elats) KlaaAf-lal. LONr"iN. May n Money wa in gjil denial, d and fair supply ln the market to day. l'ic.'ur.l wer easy. The I'.ar.k of Et.eiand and the Indian goverr.meT.t se cured tne balk of the $oi.. ." In g.d avail able. Par only taking $Jfj. w. Trading on the Stock excr.atig ol-enetl dull an. r the 1 roeiita. 1 oat taU at'nca am i t holiday. nd the fact that the bad Wetr,er , I,,e",s- l-v hai. moca.ja.TIS bale. seemed likely to Interfere mnh trarhc I mmC .,-.... promiaed th selling cf ttome rifla A VFm- vm".' harp drop in th price ot rasper cued an j? f.T i" M'S -lv'R-fJ easing in copper share Anrencans starred ' I' ,rlr c certnfugal. Ht several txrlnt lower; th unfavorable eron. ?S 7"'lir . fAr. $12c: rertned, reprrt ami th railway hives -gstlon rJ- vl" - a j-" v - !' Xo- port being th chief facp.7 1 .:.. LS. W; rL.No- c No The lower levl brougt t la moderate ,r. 1 .. ... .. . ' . " , . 1JUP -. ? I.n tun prices si nuun w.003 al aiiout on No Ar. h Tr No. At So fr ts sw so is i. sr7 u 1 ri tt Sl ... It. fa x; . . 1 tl rt ... (U Tl 2.-.I ij 10 SIT so 4 If. th s,5 . . t sr. 7 fe4 to t rv, f : so 4 is 4i . 174 ti at 11 n "4 14H IT el y." an 4 25 ( I ... 4 SO 71 r!4 It il TS X ... 4 Ik. 4' 1,2 ... ( z!i tw " IS) TT. 2.-.0 ... t Yi S ft Sm 4 Tt til lit n W ... 4 ' C4 SMl to a Jt. U SO I S A. j i . ( : m rs so St. i4 st se 4 st ; i SV7 . . 4 SO I.S 142 ... I 244 , f Dae 40 4 t-4, 4f ... S T 41. Ili, 47 Si 4t tS-Z I " !'4 40 4 27-, 74 2i r , 74 Ik ... (r, 1 i:: its 10 t Mw TS 121 r ... f - 14 lfl 40 4 SO I si tor ... 4 -a-t rs tfw iv 4 to 1 TT 1.6 ... 4 - 4 e- ... I Sf 4 Sfl 4W t . 'jt I 44 ii . . 4 rt as jw iso a r . r SO 4 t. i SHEEP-Receipts of she, p were qui nuKierate ini rooming snd mong offer rga were only a few load of r di airiUne kliler. either aheep or la ai ir.e anie lime Uiere waa a verv ln,M..Ttrl .,..n,l.. ..i.,. . ,i rejuil, y at gufKi I'uly prices P- i iVfmv-. 1 7 Lain' ."i'i Anthony vet ber aoll al II. k'Cx: Nr.. mi loners 1 mold A tiSf: cut loaf i . r i m . t. . -, , - . . -, nulut parity. Later th. y.-el.u .f 4 j' $". Vi. evierdoy, un a cf !i A bunch of chi.lre l.ght up to a. i. tne l.igh j r ce tt t .-ally n.n fajr ei y The tl.e same as iH-.t.i at $7 .S. M-xicar,s s.ld (if t.'ie sa .fi o ix. a 1DA.1 Lunch of spring iajnbs old a kugh $.- Owing to tie fact there wa a. hM'.e r-a-Iy good stjfl on the market a., lei du tn.t show up arn tio well on paper The sheep market at this polr.t cor tlnues in a g.d healthy cundltlon kn,i ellers vtthoui eidptiiin r very Wei j.lea,d with th resists AX a lei a Pu.iii Uicy ar itiil caution Cattle. H'.FS Sh'-e. South Omaha 500 14 "v 8 T") 1 SU.UX City l.r.n'i a.ori ..." " j Kansas City 9. tuft 3" "r.flVt Pt. Joseph S.oc:: 12 0-7 J CT ' Pt. luls f .3"0 1 3,' rCi 2 .V4) Chlcnjo 2."' IS.0.11 lo.oi. j Total rXSKJ 77,017 25.3C7 Id Is. fc. new s-.uffed walnjt dale, box. $1.(10. C'1.I YEGETARLES POTATOES Table Mock. pr bu.. TV $1 (je. seed a:o"k. Ht-ui.ti0. NAVY KHANS Per bu.. No. L $l.Kt, Nu. k $i.w. NEW VEGETABLES. POTATO! .S-V 1-er lb. ASF'AKAUl S TiMll tm jr doi. bunches. PLANS New wax anl sirlr.g. per ham Iier. $4 o. 1EKTS. TTRNIPS AND CARUOTS-Per del. Vunc he. 4iiWic. CAHPAGE California. 8ic. CELERY Florida, 10-lb crate, $3 25. Clio ce, $iT5 1IE PI ANT-l'er lh , he. ONIONS Red or yellow, Colorado, per bu.. $i.t'. Texas tl,vr skin, per crat. about 4i lbs., J.t: how Texas, per crate. I aiiout ii, lb., $.iki. G-een onioi.s. jr dox. ! :.c I TOMATOES Floridn. fancy. 10-lb crate. si '.i1';! i it-; crieice. -.ntr. tb. LEAF LDTTLCL liothiiuse. per dox. hChdS. 4'k.i. CL CI MHERS-Por dox., $100. PARSLE 1" Hothouse, per doz, bunches, 40c. RAI'lSHIS-rer dox Itincle. lie; txira lurge bunches. 4'c ;r d . REEF CI TS. Rltis: No. 1. ii-; No 2. He; No. 8, f;-. Loin: No. 1, i;;-c; No. J. l.'c: No. s. 11V Plate: No. 1, i-V; No. Z ic; No. I. ic Chuck: No. 1, Cc; No. ir; No. 8. 5,c. Round. No. 1. s-c. No. 2, he; No. 2. 7c. t- i ci AK-Aj 1 an jlaied tiuii. In sackb, $u.til. prMntilMed bi-K, 1:, sacks. $,"..13. COPPEE Roasted. No. 1". ?"k: pr lh.: No. 3d. :ic per 11..; No. .. IK- $r lb.; Nu. Ju. liic per lb.; No. 21. ISc per lb. CHEESE Block f?isK, IK, llmbergcr, 14c; Yourig Arnericas. 17c. Nl'TtS t-aliforrjia walnuts. No. I, soft shell, l-c; No. 1, soft n-,i, p.c: UrarliA Inc ; pecans. IK41 c filberts. irc; pea nuts, raw. 7Vfcc; rttai?ted. ; t'alifornia al niot.ds. ITvc; cocoi.t.ut . $7i no pi r lufi. HU ES ANU TAl.l t iVwij:i.en snltr-d. No. 1. !'''c; No. 2. f.'sc; bull hldeR, f,r; gre-n hide. No. 1, 7c; No 2. (.c; horse., li.&tt 8..V; sht-tp I'fliN (rV"$!.2r. Tallow, No. i. 4V ; No 2. SVjC. Wool. i,it'j.c. CAN N El" GOODS-C orn, sturidar d, west ern, 6iifii4tc: Maine, $1 li. Tomatoes. fHm y. S-lh. cars. $1 4;., stiri lard. J-lh. can. $i,;m. Pineapples, grated. 2-11... tari lard. $2.?it 1 3m; sliced, $1 .7,'.ro'2.35 ; lancy Hawaiian, l'i il.s , $1.74. Gallon apple. $2 C Cali fornia apricots. $2.uu. Pears. $1.7Mi'2 Peache. $1.75ti2 40; L. C. peaches. $. OiK I F.O Alaska salmon, red. $1 ir.: fairy Chinook, flat, $2 1". fancy nockeve, f4t $; H5 Sardines quarter o'l $.1 25: three mustard, 12 76. S"ft potatoes $1. in;. 25 Sauer kraut. Mc. I'umpkin. 'w fi$1.0i. Wax beans. 2-1 b , Sticti; fl (i. rjma bean. 2-lb.. Tjctifl.S:.. Soaked peas. 2-lb 6oc; early June, fancv. $i.2fi 4f, FISH Pickerel. dressed. ic: pike! dressed, 12c: white fi'h dressed, winter caught, l.W15c; trout. 12(friFc; halibut. 1.1c salmon, luc; catfih. 15c; herring, dressed pan froxen, Cc; perch. i-rai(d and dres-d S.c; crapple. round, i'j'i.c; crapplc. li,rge' fancy, Ibc; black bass, 2J-: smelts, sweet and fine. l"c; ee'l, 1c: blue fish, 15c; red snapper, l.c: roe shad, per pair. 4t(2r.iic. frog let. S(fi4'ic ; lobsters, preen, per lb' 87c: lobster, boiled, per lb . 8c; mackerei' FpHnlHh, per lb.. KV : mackerel, native ij Cj2Sc tier lb.: fresh green turtle meat. J5e" th C1REP F3FH-Family white fish. per quarter bbl.. l' ibn.. $4 (: Ncrwav mack erel, Nn . r5 fKt; .v. 2. m "0; herring in r"f Itts each. Norway. 4k. $11 00 CALIFORNIA DRIED FR I 'ITS Prune are i.tmthit unsettled by freer ofTerinp fro.n t-cond hands, who raeern desirous of mivlrg stiirhes of lrrmedlstf. grdes Quo-tHtP-ns range from SHc for California fruit and from SH'fic for Orsaron. Penrhe br sllehtly et sler. w'th fnncy yellow quoted fit ll'H-c: fancy Mnlr. n4.1v pjlslr s are f.rm: lorse Muscatels are quoted at 83 K: s'fded rniKiriS. !4,611ri HAT Choice upland, per ton, $11.00; me diur.i. $ Mi; No. 1 1 nitmn, $S.50; off grade. $4 "ton". R-e strFis-. ?. BRAN Per lor.. n Of) CofTee Mnrket. NE1V TORK. May 21. COFTEE Market opened steady st unchanged prices to a de- Oil and Hoaln. NFTVV YORK. May 21 OI!-0vttonsee1, frm : prime crude, f. o b. ir.iMs. i'ir; v.uv !Aiif.-,c. Petroleum, firm; Phllndelnhln ami null .ir. trc, $'.;i: I'ria.e!phi ami p.mti more. ln bulk, $1.70. TurT.entine. t, tS'i (jrVr. "1L CITY, PA. May r OIL Credit huh ances. $1 7. : runs, 1M7.2W ; average 147T.1I' bbl.: shipments, lie; 450 bbls. ; aver age, ITOftif; m.Ik. SAVANNAH. Ga., Mav S3. TI'RPEN T1NF Firm. &iaC. Ri S1N rim. : A. R f nd C, $4 , n-t 4'.; P. 4 5o; E $4 77.: F. $4 v.; O. $4 V7'- H. $4.2V; I. $,..: K. $? 45; M. $5.50; N. -$5.&: , G.. $5.7o; W. W.. ft HO. M5U2a4l.waA i UPDIKE GRAIN COMPANY 1 Eil I. :j Koom iuu uee uuuaing. Tel. Douglas 2473 Members of All Principal Grain Exchange Ci af-Vt Tt "- a-a-. Ca1:m!aJ - J-f AV A AJfUOHli;Od UUlllillCU S-l a ICqlii You Afford To iovlLe jour client lcto an office vhlch Is not apace with the i.reaent tlmees? You know your own fc-elings wtien obliged to go in an office building where ycu have to wait for the elevator and then crowd in with more people than the elavator car can accommodate, to be let off in a dark, unktmjit hallway and have to hunt around in the dark for the i".v.y wanted. The Bee Building Offer you inace which 1b ln every way desirable. The halls are endk-ss and well lighted, and the rooms are all plainly numbtred, the even nuixibors outaide and odd cumbers on the court. The elevators are roomy ahd run with regularity. If you are considering locaiitg a new office or conunj plate a niovewe would be pleased to have you call and let us show you around the building. We n.ake no estra charge for electric light nor janitor berrlce. The Bee Building Co. Ajply Business Office Lee.