TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEEs WEDNESDAY. MAY 22, 1907. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL Office, 15 Scott MIOR MESTIO. Havl. drtip. Stockert sells carpets. Ed Roifor' Tony Faust beer. Fine engravings at LefTert's. Be Ochmlilt's cloKiint new photos. Stock inat tired, Thlnney, 'phone 2177J. Lewi Cutler, funeral director, 'phone ?7. Woodrlns fnilcrtaklng company. Tel. &!9. I'ETEltaKN & SCHOENINO SELL, RIUS Ilrtures for Rmd'intlon gifts. C. E. Alex ander, 333 Uroadway. Leaders In steel Vods for 12.50. I'eter en & Schoenlng. Refrigerator that cave Ire at V. W. Keller', 1U3 South Main street. DIAMONDS A8 AN INVESTMENT, TALK TO LEFFERT ABOUT IT, Wanted to buy, a Rood hard coal heater, address G., Itee office, 15 Scott street. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. V. Knleat left yesterday for a month' visit at Galveston. Tex. liefore you buy, ee u for wall paper nd picture framing. Council Iiluff Paint, 'Ml and i.lnpn Co., Merrlam Hlk. ril'DWEISKH BOTTLED BEER IS BEKVEU ONLY AT FIRST-CLASS BARS H. KD CAFES. I. ROSEN FELD CO., Agfjt. Hnrmony chapter. Order of the Eastern 8tar, will entertain Its member and friends Thursday evening at Masonic tem ple with a caxd party. OFFICE SPACE FOR KENT Only half block from Broadway, apposite Nebraska telephone building. Heal and Hht fur nished. Omaha Bee cilice. IB Scott street. The wonu'n ' of St. Paul Episcopal cburch will serve lunch and dinner today at the Hunter store for the Iwnetit rrf the Edmund win hoepltal. The meals furnished by the Episcopal women need no advertising- TU'-y are simply 'It" LIGHT LIVERY AND PI1AETONS. WE HAVE GOOD RELIABLE AND GENTLE HORSED FOR PEOPLE WHO DESIRE TO TAKE A DRIVE INTO THE COUN TRY. AND FAST DRIVING HORSES, IF YOU DESIRE THEM. GRAND I.IV1-RY, I. W. AND ELMER E. MINN1CK, PRO PRIETORS. . , A government recruiting station la to be established at the Dodge Light guards' armory. Jiuries Hayee, lormeny battalion sergeant major In the Thirtieth Infuntry, will be In charge. Colonel Savage of the Department of the Mtsseurl, who has been In charge of the recruiting station th Omaha, wa here making the necessary ar rangements. The receipts In the general fund of the Christian Home lnnt week were J-33.63, be ing -U.--3 above the current needs of the week and decreasing the deficiency In this fund to date to $151.74. The amount noeded In the contingent and Improvement rund for the remainder of l!w7 is fl3.J. The receipts In the manager's fund were 'C.60, being If.oO below the needs of the week and Increasing the deficiency to tji2.30 In this fund to date. Dr. Fannie L. Pett of Dow City, la.. hu written II. V. Battey, clerk of the dis trict court, warning him not U issue a marrlugo licence to her father, John Pett. nnd Mattie Lungren of Dentson. Ia. Dr. pett writes that she ho been appointed guardian of her father's person and estate utid that he Is 84 year of age, while i woman In the case Is about 26 years old only. Up to date Mr. Pett and Miss Lun gren have not made application here for a marriage license. Special. Something for everyday wear. We have a fine lot of ladle' shoes, dark tana, a little out of style, but the finest quality of vlci kid. Regular price, $3.50; now per pair, 9Sc. Duncan Shoo Co., 23 S. Main St. Lawn mower and refrigerators at Peter sen & Schoenlng. Lace curtains, Stocitert Carpet Co. Transfer of Contract Permitted. The supervisors of Pottawattamie and Harrison counties held a short Jo'lnt ses sion yesterday as a drainage board in this city. The transfer of the Great Western Dredging company's contract to Pollard, Goff & Co. was consented to. The time for completing the Boyer Cutoff ditches was extended to December 31. Extension of an other thirty days was granted on the Wil low creek and Allen creek ditches. Upholstering, mattresses made to order, old matresses made over, feather beds renovated, fenther mattresses madj and all kinds of upholstering a specialty. George W. Kline, Bell "phone 548; Ind. phons 710 Black. 19 South Main street. Bee the Eclipse ball bearing, self-sharpening lawn mowers at Petersen & Schoenlng. One Agent Wanted in Each Small Town TO SELL OUR ICE CREAM We guarantee our Ice Cream to be equal to Ice Cream manufac tured by other manufacturers, If you wish tbe beet Ice Cream at real low prices, write for particu lars. N. P. JORGENSEN B04 S. Main. Phone ai Council Bluffs, Ia. City Scavenger I haul dead animals, 11.00 per head. Garbage, ashes, manure and all rub blah; clean vaults and cesspools. All work done Is guaranteed. Calls promptly attended to. Ind. Phone 1229 T Bull Red 1S7I J. H. SHERLOCK 4 S. E ' Can cours Scrubs py) ft A. A. OLARSi & CO. L0AI1 MONEY 01 HaUSEHOLoVuRNfTURE Alii inf til aft, 'I BATurlfv a t nnA. fx 1 1 th ...... I j Twenty yera of No connection with Bot 'Ptoses S17. BLUFFS t. Tel. 43. MANUFACTURERS IN JUNE tate Association Meets at Grand Hotel on the 7th and 8th. NATIONAL PRESIDENT TO BEUVER ADDRESS Aside from the Business Sessions, Members Will Be Entertained at Manawa by the Com mercial Club. The complete program for the fifth an nual convention of tho Iowa State Manu facturers' nssoclatlon, to be held In Council Bluffs Friday and Saturday, June 7 and 8, has been announced. The sessions will be held In the ball room of the Grand hotel and headquarters will be at the same hotel. The convention will open Friday morning at 10:30 o'clock and will close with an afternoon session on Saturday. The even ing session of the opening day will be de voted to an address by J. W. Van Cleave of Bt. Louis, president of the National Manufacturers' association, , The Iowa State Manufacturers' associa tion wa organised August 25, 1903. and In corporated February 26, 1904. The Council BlufTs members of the association are: B. Children's Bons company, C. Hafer, Council Bluffs City Water Works company, Kimball Bros, company, Kretchmer Man ufacturing company. Keys Bros., Walker Manufacturing company, Sprague Foundry and Manufacturing company, J. G. Wood ward A Co., Alfalfa Meal company, Omaha & Council Bluffs Street (Railway company. Although the local arrangements have not been completed the visiting members will be entertained by the Commercial club and local manufacturers. It Is likely that the entertainment will take the form of a trip to Lake Manawa, where a banquet lunch con will be served. The following are the officers of the as sociation: President, Thomas B. Carson, Davenport; vice president, 8. W. Mercer, Iowa City; treasurer, V. E. Morrison, Fort Madison; secretary. A. C. Hutchins, Des Moines. Executive committee, Paul Arbenz, Ottum- wa, chairman; H. L. Wood, Des Moines; O. T. DennlHon. Mason City; George G. Hlgbee, Burlington; F. H. Keys. Council Bluffs: B. II. Kingsbury, Sioux City; J. M. McFadden, Dubuque: L. P. Allen, Clinton; B. J. Kicker, Grlnnell; W. C. LuTourrette, Cedar Rapids; W. J. fleald, Murshalltown ; F. H. Bereman. Newton: W. W. Marsh. Waterloo; K. O. Green, Fort Dodge; Dillon Turney, Fairfield. Proa ram of Meeting;. Tho progrum for the two days' meeting follows: Friday, June 7 Morning Besslon, 10:30, ad dress of welcome. Mayor Donald Macrae; response; president's annual address, Thomas B. Carson, Davenport; secretary's report for preceding year; appointment of committees; adjournment. Afternoon ses sion, 1:30, address, "Branch Agricultural and Manual Training Schools for Iowa," William Luuden, Fairfield; discussion. President McLean, Iowa City; general dis cuasion; address, "Legitimate Competition," W. K.- Lane, Des Moines; general discus Blon; adjournment. Evening session, 8. ad dress, president J. VV. Van Cleave of the National Manufacturers' association, St. Louis. Saturday, June 8 Morning session 9:30, "Annual Dues," Dillon Turney, Fairfield; (under this head wll cuine a report of a committee appointed February Zo last, to recommend some plan for graduating the amount of annual dues, of which Mr. Turney is chairman); followed by general discussion; "The Needs of the Iowa Man ufacturer at Our Annual State Fairs," by Secretary John C. Simpson of the Stute Agricultural association; general discus sion; "Our Opportunities and Duties Under the New Shipping and Kate Laws," O. T. Dennlson, Mason City; general , discussion by members und representatives of the Journment. Afternoon session, 1:), liusl ness session; election of officers; reports of committees; changes In bylaws, etc.; ad journment; followed by meeting of new ex ecutive committee. Office Space for Itent. Only half block from Broadway, oppo site Nebraska Telephone Building. Heat and light furnished. Omaha Bee office, IS Scott street. Buy the Jewel gas or gasoline stove. They are the safest. Petersen & Schoenlng. Marrlasre Licenses. Licenses to wed were issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age. Claude Blakely, Council Bluffs It Nettle Trick, Council Bluffs lii E. C. Oetscher, Omaha 21 Elizabeth Hoover, Omaha 19 Clyde McNair, Council BlufTs a Ethel Richards, Council BlufTs 20 Special Prices On earfrts, rugs, linoleum, oilcloth and, matting, window shades and lace curtains. D. W. Keller, 108 S. Main. Let me show you my line of go-carts. D. W. Keller, 103 South Main street. German Lutherans Incorporate. Articles of incorporation of "The Deutscho ICvangellsche St. Johannes Gemelnde in Council Bluffs, la.," were fjled for record yesterday. The incorporators, who are also trustees of the association, are B. J. H. Boysen, Detlef J. H. KroU, August Doy- Old Dutch Cleanser Large Sifting Top Cant 1$ At All Grocers, 10c Cudahy, Maker, Omaha, U. S. A. - -"TTTTTamirMssssTlr aucceMfui bunlne, Clark Vti rtf i- Co. JHO. . TX-rUST. Urt. sen. Christian F. Oerock, George Hertle and Helnrlch 8chnelder. The purpose and obVrt of the Incorpo ration are for the "maintenance and prop agation. In church and school, at home and abroad of the Christian doctrine as taught In the Holy scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and as laid down and ex pounded In the symbolical books of the Lutheran and Reformed churches, among which the principal and lending symlols are the Augsburg confession, Luther's cate chism and the Heidelberg catechism, so far as they agree, but In the differential points, freedom of conscience as understood and practised In the German Evangelical synod of North America, of which this society Is a member, shall obtain." Complete house and barn bills shipped anywhere. Freight prepaid. It costs you nothing to get our prices. Give us a chance and we will save you money. C. Hafer Lumber Co., Council Bluffs, la. Carpets, rugs, window sondes and lace curtains. D. W. Keller, 1"3 South Main St. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. ZoO. Night, L-69S. "SPAHE TIIE OLD HIGH SCHOOL" Board Defers Action at the Request of M. F. Rnhrer. The Board of Education last night at the request of M. F. Rohrer deferred sctlon In the matter of razing the old high school building. The bids which had been received for the purchase and removal of the build ing" were not opened and were ordered re turned. In asking the board to defer action In the matter Mr. Rohrer stated that it might be possible to jnit the building to some good use. He suggested the possibility of se curing a normal school to use it, and If this could be accomplished It would result probably In bringing some 500 or more students to the city. He said that there was a sentiment also against tearing down the building, which was one of the notable monuments of the city. The building, lie contended, was In good condition so far as the foundation and walls were concerned. While Mr. Rohrer alone appeared before the board last night, several protests against dismantling the old building have been made by the residents of that section of the city, who contend that it can be utilized for a ward school. They call at tention to the fact that in the near future a grade school will be needed in that part of the city. The finance committee repirted having during the last year not deducted from a teacher's pay, as had been the custom, where such teacher was absent, from duty owing to Illness or some other unavoidable cause not exceeding five days. The com mittee reported that such deductions could be made from the last month's salary. If the board did not see fit to Indorse Its action. The board, however. Indorsed the action Insofar as It related to this year. Member Schoedsaek, one of whose hobbles Is the beautifying with flowers of the school grounds, suggested the placing of heavy Iron ornamental flower urns on the steps of the high school and other school build ings. The expense, ho said, would be about $10 for ench vase and ha thought they would add greatly to the appearance of the buildings. Some of the members expressed the opinion that unless they were securely anchored they would not be per mitted to remain long In position. The children, they said, were given to mis chievous pranks and the board would likely wake up some morning, especially auout Hallowe'en time, to- find the coBtly urns or vases missing. Mr. Schoedsack did not believe that any pupil would be so mean as to tamper with the urns or the flowers In them. The board decided the experiment would be too costly a one and for the present, at least, there will be no urns at the high school or elsewhere to tempt tho mischievous child. In presenting his statistical report for the seventh month of school, ending April 26, Superintendent Clifford called particular attention to the few' cases of tardiness. His report follows: Entire enrollment, boys, 2.7G7; girls, 2,9Tifl; total, 5,717. Monthly enrollment, boys. 2,443; girls, 2,587: total, 6,030. Average dally at tendance, 4,fi46.tW. Per cent of attendance, 95.82. Number of cases of tardiness, 210. Number neither absent nor tardy, 2,8io. Free personal examination of the eye and sight is one of our ways of convincing the public that we are scientific opticians. Dr. W. W. Magarell, 10 Pearl street, Council Bluffs, Ia, Graduation gifts at O. Mauthe's, 228 West Broadway. LIGHTMQ CAl'SES TWO FIRES Store, Residence and Church mt Love land and Barn In Conntry. Fire, believed to have been caused by lightning, destroyed at z.m o'clock Tuesday morning the general merchandise store of E. N. Keeney,' his residence adjoining and the Methodist church in the town of Love land, twenty miles north of Council Bluffs. Flames broke out In the Keeney store Immediately following a terrific flash of lightning. In a few minutes the entire building was ablaze, and the residence, but ' six feet distance, was also soon a mass of flames. The rapidity with which the flames spread prevented any of the stock being saved from the store, but Mr. Keeney man aged, with the assistance of neighbors, to remove part of the furniture from the . house. The pulpit and organ were saved from the church. Mr. Keeney estimated his loss on the mer chandise stock of 86,000, and from $2,500 to 1 3,000 on the store and residence, with $4,500 Insurance. The loss on the Methodist church Is estimated at $2,000, with insurance of $0. Valiant work on tha part of a bucket brigade alone prevented the H. J. Moss store and the Ora Jones drug store from being consumed. The Jones store, which was across the street, caught fire, but the volunteer firemen soon had It extinguished. Lightning was also responsible for a costly fire on the Spetman homestead farm in the Plumer settlement, about nine miles : southeast of Council Bluffs about the same time Tuesday morning as the fire at Love I land. With the barn, which was destroyed, ' nine horses and a valuable colt were burned to death and a quantity of corn and oats and thirty tons of hay were destroyed. 1 C. L. Spetman, who Is living on the farm, i estimated his loss at about $6,000, being be tween $2,500 and 83,000 on the stork and $J,(X0 on the barn and contents, with but $1,300 Insurance. It Is believed all of the horses, with the exception of one, were stunned and thrown down by the terrific bolt of lightning. Bes office removed to 15 Scott street, op posite Nebraska Telephone building. Wanted Girls in candy factory. John G. Woodward & Co., the Candy Men, Council Bluffs, Ia. roanell Bluffs Roads Praised. "We think the roads entering Council Bluffs are excellent and we Intend to copy them at Nebraska City,'" said John W. Stelnhart, a prominent banker and mayor of Nebraska City, who with a party of twelve business men and officials of that City visited Council Bluffs yesterday for the purpose of viewing the work that has been dona by the supervisors of Pottawattamie county on ths roads In this vicinity. Ths party on arriving was met at the dvyot by sovwai tbtutubvrs ft ths oauuer clal club and escorted to ths club rooms, where an Informal talk on "Good Roads" was had. Colonel W. F. Baker of the Board of Supervisors explaining his sys tem of road-making. At noon the visitors were gueota of the Commercial club at luncheon at the Grand hotel, following which they were driven over the county road to Lake Manawa and over the road east of tha city by Park's mill. Mayor Stelnhart speaking for the party said they were most pleasantly surprised at the reception and entertainment given them by the Commercial club. "We merely expected to pay a visit to the city and look at the roads, but Instead we are met at the depot with carriages and automo biles, feted at luncheon and then driven about the city and over the adjacent roads In carriages kindly placed at our disposal," he said. In the party were Mayor Stelnhart, O. C. Morton of the News Publishing company and president of the city council; John Walker, Hreet commissioner; Henry Fast nau. county commissioner; F. E. Helvey of the Morton Printing company; A. P. Stafford, manager of the Great Western Cereal mills; M. Bauer, chief of the fire department and member of the city coun cil; E. K. Bradley, a wholesale grocer; A. M. Munn, civil engineer; O. -N. Nelson, member of the city council; E. A. Duff of the Duff Grain company; E. B. Gregg, dealer In automobiles, and Rev. J. W. Mer rill. Matting and linoleum. Co. Stockert Carpet Fine watches, 228 West Broadway. Mauthe. Orsranlae Council V. C. T. ATLANTIC, Ia.. May 21. (Special.) About twenty-five local traveling men-have organized tho only council of the United Commercial Travelers between Council Bluffs, and Des Moines at this place. Offi cers were elected, as follows: Past coun cilor, R. F. Maher; senior councilor, J. H. Simmons; Junior councilor, H. F. Hodge; secretary and treasurer, H. Flnkblne; con ductor. John Wallace; page, John 'Jones; executive committee, William De Mar, Will Jones, F. H. Townsend and Wilbur Camp bell. The order will be Instituted next Sat urday by Grand Chancellor C. P. Roper of Fort Dodge. Commercial men from Omaha, Council Bluffs, Des Moines and other cities will be In attendance. The ladles will serve a banquet In Odd Fellows' hall and the exercises will concludo with a grand ball. Eyes examined free; glasses fitted prop erly. O. Mauthe, IIS West Broadway. Petersen & Schoenlng sell matting. "I.lrt" for Webster City. WEBSTER CITT. Ia., May a. (Special,) Tho Christian Cltlsenshlp league of this city, which has for some time been con sidering the matter of Sunday clotting here, has at last completed all preliminary ar rangements, and beginning next Sunday the lid will be on so tight in Webster City that outside the filling! of druggists' prescriptions, nothing will be sold but meals. And even the hotels and res taurants, while they may serve meals, will be forbidden to sell cigars, candles, loe cream or soda fountain drinks. It seems probable that In the business district of the city there will not be a place of busi ness open outside the hotels and some of the restaurants. New patterns in rugs. Stockert Carpet Co. Odd Fellows at Kloas City. SIOUX CITT, Ia., May 21. The Iowa grand lodge of Patriarchs Militant, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows, opened here today With a large attendance from all parts of the state. The Daughters of Re beknh, a woman's auxiliary organisation, sIbo Is here for a three days' session. A street parade this afternoon, followed by various social functions this evening, were feature of the opening day. Iowa Bor Kills Himself. CRD ATI RAPIDS, Ia., May 21. (Special.) While hunting for eggs In the barn Mrs. Stuzek discovered the body of her son, Ed ward Stuzak, hanging from a rafter in the haymow. The hoy, who was wanted by the police for the theft of 8100 and was de spondent over his inability to break away from bad habits, went to his mother's home last night and committed suicide by hang ing himself. Bishop Morrison's Health Improve. BOONE. Is., May a. (Special.) Rev" eth M. Wilcox of this city has received word from Bishop Morrison, In Rome thnt ho will sail for this country May 28, In time to be here for the St. Katherlno's commencement at Davenport. BlBhop Mor rison is greatly Improved in health and has thoroughly enjoyed the tilp abivaJ. Iowa News Jtotes. . CRESTON The ladles composing the Union and Potter Post Relief corps of this city liuve Joined forces and are working to raise funds for the erection of a soldiers' memorial monument. ' CRESTON A new lodge is to be started among the Catholics of this city next Sun day, when a class of about fifty will be Initiated into the Knights of Columbus, the initiation being conducted by John Flem mlng of Burlington, the state deputy. IOWA FALLS Frfends and relatives In Hardin county are apprised of the recent mnrrluge of City Attorney John Lam precht of this city in British Columbia to Miss Luclle Renouf. The bridal couple will return to Iowa about June 1. CRESTON What promises to be a lively ice war has already ronmenred in this city between two rival Ice firms Rex & Co. and R. H. Hannah. The Rex com pany has a monopoly on the natural Ice supply and the R. H. Hannah company Is busy exploiting the advantages of artifi cial ice. SHENANDOAH Hamilton, Rankin (t Schwarts have secured the contract for ten blocks of paving at $1.8 per yard. The paving Is to be of Des Moines paving blocks. Contracts for a mile and a half of curbing and grading have also been let, part to the Sams firm and part to C. J. Beckwlth. DRY SKIN ot lacs: of sweat (aMeatoais) f k due to inactivity el the ft Seksceoui and Coil or Sweat Glands, shutting ot the mcto. tiooi which thould cooitandy anoint the kin. Pond's Extract Soap exactly meet lbs doctoci' orocn for tha trouble. The soap contains one el the beat ""fl"-" ever known lot the tkn, at k has the property oi pena bating the pores, moistening not only the surface but entenng to the way glands and carrying with a the Pood's Extract, aa aataepoe tonic which stimulates the torpid gUttd lo resume their aonnal duties. C Foe Dry Skin, bathe fntly with Fund's Extract Soap rub the Utha ia weU, h creamy whiteness indicates its purity. From Your Drutgttl Armour & Company , a . . awe Ufwms ITMa roaxTs Cztrsa Cos rv-;(V-. . I Pear HEARINGS ON JOINT RATES Boftdi Fropost Eighty Fsr Cent of ths Cum of ths Two Locals. DISTANCE TARIFF MAY BE APPLIED Point la Raised Roads Are In Some Instances Voluntarily Glvlns; This Rate and Cannot Complain If Ther Are Forced to do It. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE8 MOINES. May . (Special. )-The Iowa Railroad commission will tomorrow begin the hearings on the Joint rate schedule that it Is ordered to put In by the legislature but recently adjourned. The suggestion of the railroads Is thnt th, commission make the Joint rates SO per cent of the two locals. The state manu facturers have Joined In this suggestion and it is asserted that the Joint rntea thnt the commission put In some years ago was an 80 per cent rate. Those rntes were I knocked out by the supremo court because of the fact that the commission had failed to give the requisite number of days' notice as required by law. The personnel of the railroad commission has entirely changed since that time and there Is no guarantee thnt the present commission will fix on that basts. Attention of the railroad commission has been called to the fact that recently the Great Western has made a Joint rate with the Colfax A Northern for a Joint rate to Colfax. The Great Western meets the Colfax & Northern at Valeria, which Is six miles from Colfax. The orders of thi Great Western to its agents was to add six miles to the distance to Valeria. . That is, it was to use the Iowa distance tariff rate from the point of shipment to Colfax as though it was one eontlruous shipment over the Great Western. Furthermore, It Is claimed that In InteiVtnte rates the rail roads are now mutually making agree ments for Joint rates that are for a straight rate as though it was over one line. It is not Impossible that the railroad commis sion may declde.accordlngly. The difference in the rate is considerable on a loa-mlle shipment of 100 pounds firRt class freight. The rate for such a ship ment under the distance tariff for twenty five miles Is 17 cents and for seventy-five miles it is 22 cents, making a total of 89 cents under the present Iowa distance tariff for a shipment over two roads. The rail roads propose 80 per cent of this, or 11.3 cents for the Joint rate. But the rate on 100 pounds for 100 miles over one line is 21 cents and it Is asserted that the rail roads ore now in aome instances giving Just thnt rate on Joint shipments. It will be argued to the railroad commission that what the railroads do voluntarily should be considered a Just and fair rate. It Is furthermore argued that the railroads do not charge extra for shipments that have to be transferred from the main line to branch line trains and thot there Is no greater expense in transferring to another line entirely. It Is understood that the shippers of Shenandoah and Council Bluffs will be in Des Moines tomorrow to attend the hear ing and appear before tho railroad com mission. The nursery goods shipments from Shenandoah are very extensive and for that reason the Joint rate Is a matter of vital Interest to them. koTett at Commencement. Dr. Edgar Odell Lovett of Princeton uni versity will deliver the commencement ad dress at Drake university June 13. The commencement week will begin Juno 8. with the baccalaureate sermon by Dr, Medbury of the University Place church. Fined Two Hundred Dollars Each. John F. Wheatly and George H. Wlttlch of Keokuk who were Indicted in ths federal court for running a lottery pleaded guilty in court and today were sentenced to a Una of $2u0. Swift for Trial Tomorrow. Rev. John Swift, the Wintered minister charged with using the malls in an at tempt to blackmail a Wlnterset banker, will be tried In the federal court here to morrow. Swift was tried at a previous term of court and the Jury disagreed. For this trial he will have his wife and daugh ter testify to conversations with Banker Cornell, whom It Is alleged he tried to blackmail. Crops Are ImproTlnv In the weekly bulletin on the condition of the crops, John H. Sage of the crop and weather bureau says today that on the whole the conditions over the state are Improving and that farm operations are as far advanced as usual at this time of tho year. The temperature vaa 3 to 6 de grees below normal and the precipitation was light. About 80 to 90 per cent of the corn is now planted. Tribute to Conger. Expressing Him sympathy of tha state of Iowa a floral design was today ordered by telegraph at Los Angeles for the funeral of ex-Mlnlster Conger. Arrangements were made for a design six feet long by three feet wide, with the word "Iowa" in the center. A subscription was taken to raise tho money necessary and this was quickly done. Coat makers ana pants makers wanted at E. 8. Hicks', 13 Pearl street. Council Bluffs, Ia. houseful of bright new of a can or so ot. 7 a ZJ. . - Stains and Furnas. PucTi1 hardwood finisiTon tofutQod rout and durable. Hides Ready for instant use. Drita over night. Washable and wean. Easy to apply. The colon are beautiful and permanent Ask dealer for free sample and picture booklet, "What I did with Nukote.". Pratt &. Lambert ' Varnish Maker ' New York Buffalo Chicago -"msT-Mfr.Trja sold bp r MTIkS-DILLO PA.1SFT DEPT., 1416 Harasy Btrest. tf. M. IHIIM, Sitoa X.avBWortb Btrcat. OmiSSJDY'B milliUOT, Sti and X.ak Btrssts. U1T004 CHIKIUCT, S4tl aa4 Am Avsaaa. M. XAIbta. Bss, Hob. Xivium. tM.ti.ouXs i tv ais sotu (, result is obtained wherever there's a New Perfec tion Oil Stove in the kitchen. The blue flame produced by the NEW PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove gives quickest and best results. The New Perfection is different from any other oil stove. Cuts fuel expense in two. Made ia three si-tes, Every stove warranted. If not at your dealer's, write our nearest agency for descriptive circular. r and is the best and safest all-round house lamp made. Gives a clear steady light. Brass throughout and beauti fully nickeled. Equipped with the latest improved burner. Handsome simple satisfactory. Every lamp warranted. Write our nearest agency if you cannot get it from your dealer. STANDARD OH. COMPANY (IMOBPOUATED) i Slioe- is in every wsy distinctive ality tound onli nly in shoes workmanship. It it deservedly popular with those who seek the best j in fact it is rapidly becoming the inevit able choice of the critical purchaser. Sold at $3.60 $4.00 $5.00 in all styles If your dealer docs not carry the Packard Bhoo, write us for Catalogue and name of nearest dealer who does. M. A. 1'ACKAKD CO., Brockton, Mass. 'ALWAYS UP TO DATE, mi i m mil mum mi mmwiw muim miu -uj,u vnmmmemimriv'i'm I. a m, urn...... ,m ., n. m.vmt' Jamestown $3522 Round Trip Daily low rates to Norfolk, Va., and return for the Jamestown Exposition via the Burlington Route. Diverse routes east of Chicago at slightly higher rates, with stopovers and side trips to include New York, Boston and many other, eastern cities. Three first-class trains to Chicago daily leaving Omaha at 7:25 a. m., 3:45 p. m. and 8:05 p. m. -,-,;v...4 J. B. REYNOLDS, City Pass. Agent. l!ftlirjiTl1?tiT1 1502 Farnam Street, Omaha. Jl"wrl'"' Telephone Douglas 3580. I mm !!: ,:: Bee Want Ads JThc Geniiof Arabian' Nights' wasno'i housewife in making much ourof lkdeji a Wboi i did xvitb Nukote"A tellshow ' an ' American woman rconiurea?upiait wnoie looking urniture, polished floors, THE MODERN FINISH all 'spots and scratches. mmmvu Comfort The combination of hot meals and a cool kitchen has always seemed an impossi bility, vet this happv Jot - Men shoe. ft Kas an individu original in design f nd petted in EVERY PAIR MADE TO WEAR Produce Results eta-but floor lui u , ..,, J. l&xposition -'Jk Lt:i 1 T f f -V- - ; I w