Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1907, Image 6
TTIE OMATIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. MAY 22, 1907. 'fire Omaha Daily DeI FOUNDED DT EDWARD BOSBWATER. VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR. Entered At Omaha postofflre aa second class matter. TERMS OF HITSOIIPTIOTJ. Dally Iko (without Hunday), one year. .MOO Dally Bee and Sunday one year S'JO Sunday life, one year EM Saturday Hee, orw year .. l.ou liKI.HT.HF.I) HT CARTUEJt Dally lie (Inclinling Sunday), per week. .15c trolly Hee. (without 8un!ny), per wek...loc Evening Bee (without Sunday), per wee. So Evening Bee (with Sunday), per week....l0e Address all complaints of Irregularities la delivery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha City Hall Building. Council Itinera IS Beott Street. ChlcaRO 1MO fnlty Building. Npw Vork lj"l Home Life Insurance Bldg. Washington Oil Fourteenth Street CORRES PON PENCE. Cntnmtinlrntlnrs relatlna to news and edl- , torlal matter should be addressed. Omaha Ue, Ulltonu Lwnanmeni. IlKMlTTANCfS. Remit by draft, express or postal order, nouoi.ia tn Th tiaa publishing (Vimtyvny. Only 2-cent stamps received In payment of mall accounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or1 eastern exchange, not aecemea. THE )iEE PLBLiaiUNQ COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Kioto nf Npliraaka. Dnurlaa County, as. Charles C. Rosewater, general manager of The Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn, says that the actual number or fun arm complete copies 01 nw wuxj. Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of April, VM, was aa follows: 1 33,670 1 34,090 1 34.110 4 34.390 1 34,330 34,330 T 31,400 I 34,380 t 34,480 10 34,500 11 34,410 It 33,730 It 39,300 14 33,400 It 34,890 II 34.830 IV WfiM 89,090 111 34,840 0 33,010 1 33,350 I 36,090 85,300 S4 1 83,430 36,470 S 30,340 7 38,630 It 34,600 II 39,510 10, 88,650 Total 1,038,410 Less unsold and returned copies. 8,864 Net total.... .' 1,09 8,544 Dally average 84,384 CHARL.E3 C. ROSEWATER, i Oeneral Manager. Buhsorlbed In my presence and sworn to before me this 30th day of April, 1907. (Seal) M. B. it UNGATE, Notary Public. WHES Ol'T OP TOWJf. Subscribers leaving the city tem porarily ahoald have The Bee mailed to them. Address will be changed aa often ata requested. Howard Gould does not like Kath erine Clemnions' acting as well as he did when he married her. "Senator Foraker la aa genial as a spring day," nays an Ohio paper. No tice how genial the spring days are this year? Mayor Busse formally announces that the lid will not be put on Chicago during his administration. The mayor knows Chicago. And now a Milwaukee man claims to have Invented a perpetual motion machine. Vet, some people insist that beer Is not Intoxicating. The Philadelphia Record objects to "efforts that are being made to wreck the democratic party," The objection comes several years too late. If the dog muzzle ordinance becomes lntertanglod with the initiative and referendum, nothing but the Pasteur treatment will save them both. A twelve-room school buldlng to cost $85,000, exclusive of the site, Is to be erected In Omaha. This figures down to a basis of 17,000 a room. French citizens are protesting against the adulteration of the native wines. The supply of French wines made in California roust be limited this year. The Hon. P. Crowe is on trial again, this time la Council Bluffs. It re mains to be seen whether Iowa Juries are any less sympathetic than Ne braska Juries. . Texas has passed a law prohibiting the practice of profanity over the tel ephone. The law seems useless, as no real Texan finds It necessary to practice the art of profanity. The minister who performed the Corey-Oilman marriage ceremony has apologized and returned the .fee. Everybody seems to have apologized except William and Mabelle. A bill requiring rich wives to sup port their husbands Is pending in the Wisconsin legislature. Wisconsin la welcome to any increased population t may secure by such Inducements. The Western Reserve university of Ohio has established a chair of polit ical science. The professor, of course, will devote nr.ost of his time to teach ing students who do not live in Ohio. Actress Julia Marlowe is reported to have provided the London sand wich men with motor cars, to rest their weary legs. London Is being In troduced to the American press agent. "When 1108 rolls round," says Col onel Watterson, "we shall be twelve years away from 1896." Colonel Bryan will find more than a mere statement of a mathematical result In that assertion. y S . The management of the Auditorium show Is to be congratulated on having cut out the moving pictures that were advertised as "the Thaw sensation." No unnecessary reminders of the Thaw filth are needed. Ex-Secretary Shaw tells the Cana dians it would be Improper for the United States to make a tarltTVeaty giving Oermany better terms than Great Britain. The United State has Just made a tariff agreement giving Germany better terms than France. That is the difference between a treaty and "an agreement," RAILWAY KARXlXaS A Kf TEA RS. Some prominent railway officials are still baring great difficulty In re conciling their views as to the future field for profitable railroading with the reports made from month to month on the transportation buslnesa of the country. Senior Vice President V. C. Brown of the New York Central system told the guests at the annual banquet of the Syracuse Chamber of Commerce not long ago that "the di verging lines of cost and compensation are approaching each other so rapidly. as to cause serious apprehension on the part of railway managers and in vestors. These conditions are enough to seriously check the Investment of money in new roads or in great im provement in existing roads which must be made with the least possible delay unless the development of the resources of the country and the ex tension of our trade, both domestic and export, are to receive a very ser ious check." Mr. Brown's statement might ap pear alarming, in the absence of dis proving facts. The increased earnings of the New York Central of which Mr. Brown la the senior vice president for the month of April . amounted to $1,352,175 over April 1906 and nearly two and three-fourth times as much as the increase shows for the first three months of the calendar year. Returns from the leading railroads for April show that any threatened set back noticeable In February and March business has been entirely overcome and all the roads have been doing a rec ord breaking business. The reports re ceived show an Increase in gross earn ings of 16 per cent, the largest re ported in any month except in Febru ary of last year, which' was a record breaker in American railroad history. The total increase In gross earnings of all railroads so far reporting their April operations amounts to $80,000, 600. It is Bignllcant, too, that this In crease in earnings Is not sectional, due to special conditions, but prevails throughout the country. The group Ikjiown as the Pacific roads showed In creased earnings of 26.6 per cent In April, the Southwestern group 21.9, the central-western group 16.6, the trunk lines 16 per cent and the north western lines 15.4, and the southern roads 0.8 per cent. Remembering that 1906 was at high water mark the condition of the Tallroad business this year may be Indicated by the fact that the earnlngB In 1907 thus far have shown increases over 1906 as follows: January, 2.4 per cent; February, 2 per cent; March, 8 per cent, and April, so far as reported, 16 per cent The Increase for the ten months from July 1 of last year amounts to $62,624,138 or 8.6 per cent over the banner year In American railroad history. Mr, Brown's figures, cited for' the Information of his hearers, also con tain Irrefutable proof that his fears for the future of railway business In this country , are unfounded. lie showed that for many years the trans portation facilities' of -the United States were constantly In advance of the agricultural, commercial and man ufacturing development, but during the last five to ten years the develop ment of these latter industries has been enormously rapid and the rail roads, despite their most strenuous efforts, are fully two years behind In their ability promptly to handle ,the traffic offered. If these great Indus tries continue to grow, according to present promise, the railway facilities will have to be doubted and even then be Inadequate to handle the country's business. In face of the facts, the fu ture holds no .great cause for alarm for railway managers or Investors ir respective of so-called "hostile legis lation." SAKE HABBATU OBSERVANCE. The Presbyterian general assembly has undertaken to Inaugurate a na tional crusade for Sabbath observance. It has adopted resolutions recommend ing the appointment of a committee to promote the movement by urging min isters to discourage funerals on the Sabbath, disapproving sports, excur sions and other secular uses of the Sab bath, urging omission of the Monday recitations In seminaries and colleges so as to aid students In observing the Sabbath, favoring the Saturday halt holiday for all workers and condemn ing Sunday newspapers. This ambitious program would ordi narily arouse suspicion that the church dignitaries are becoming fearful that secular attractions and distractions are playing irretrievable havoc with the consecration of the day to religious worship. There Is, however, a sane and, an Insane way of enforcing Sab bath observance and commanding re spect from even those who do not care to participate in church services. Com pulsory measures to make the Sabbath a day of idleness or to Interfere un necessarily with the conveniences of the ordinary life are not calculated to produce a religious temperament Peo ple may be persuaded to go to church, but seldom forced to go. If ministers want to discourage fu nerals on the Sabbath that Is their privilege, but Sabtfath funerals are usually attended, with leas disturbance to dally avocations and cannot be en tirely abolished. As to sports, excur sions and other Sabbath amusements. the question there Is not of the day, but of the wholesomeness of the diver sion. The cessation of Monday recita tions and exercises In seminaries and colleges would simply mean depriving the student of that much opportunity of education. The Saturday half holi day Is a good thing, as are all holidays, but no better because It comes on Sat urday. The condemnation of the Sun day newspaper Is the most far-fetched of all. because th work on the Sunday newspaper la done during the week preceding and very little after Satur day midnight, the Sunday work in the newspaper offices going toward the pro duction of the Monday morning Issue. The only wonder is that the Presby terian preachers did not also demand that the street cars stop running, that no automobiles or carriages be per mitted out of the garage or reposito ries on the Sabbath, that the trains be stopped on the railroads, that the tele graph offices be closed and every spe cies of unnecessary labor be proscribed. People who are disposed to give rea sonable observance to the Sabbath In a sensible way will apply the test Is It harmful? Does it interfere with the rights of those religiously inclined? rather than to put up the bars against everything except listening to sermons and attending Sunday Bchool. aiiiron schmit&s charges. San Francisco's mayor has made a most sensational charge, In asking for a new Judge to try the graft indict ments against him, by accusing the men who have pledged their wealth for a municipal purification campaign, out of which has come the indictment of nearly all of the city officials, the confession of Abe Ruef and the expose of a system of political corruption un equalled fn American history. SchmlU charges that Rudolph Spreckels and his associates In the bribery-graft prosecutions have exhausted the orlg lnal $100,000 raised for the purpose and have spent nearly $1,000,000 ad dltlonal, but that it is all being done as an Investment to further a scheme of Mr. Spreckels and his associates to capture the city government, vote themselves valuable franchises and reap millions of dollars of the public money. He alleges that Judge Dunne Is a party to the conspiracy. Mayor Schmltz's charges perhaps are natural and logical to a man of his calibre. Apparently it Is Impos sible for him to understand or appre elate motives that would Induce men, who have millions invested in a city, to spend large sums of money to bring about a wholesome condition of munic ipal affairs and make possible a prof itable return upon their investments. San Francisco doe3 not offer such in ducements now either to her citizens or those seeking homes and occupa tlons. The mayor's charges are suf ficient proof that the "What is there in it for me?" spirit has been domin ating men elected to public office In that city. The average citizen will be disposed to trust the future of the city to hands deserving credit for the graft-bribery prosecutions rathenthan leave It In hands that have made such prosecutions necessary. AMEHICA'S FOREIGN TRADE. Analysis In detail of the export trade for ten months ending with April must be encouraging to the' states men whose dreams for years has been the American conquest of foreign countries in the manufacturing field The nation's exports for April amounted to $157,454,631, an Increase of 9 per cent over the showing for April of last year. Of the exports for April, breadstuffs, provisions, animals, cotton and mineral oil combined ag gregated $75,648,898, or about 47 per cent, leaving manufacturers about 53 per cent of the export. For years the American exports have been largely composed of breadstuffs, cotton and other farm products, but the demand for domestic consumption has in creased so rapidly that there Is now a falling off in the exports of these products, in proportion to manufac tured goods. The total exports for the ten months ending with April were $1,608,355,030, a gain of 8 per cent over the 1906 record. The imports for ten montbB totaled $1,195,124,501, a gain of 17 per cent over last year. The difference leaves the United States a trade balance for the ten months of $413,230,529. Figures like these, usually dull and uninteresting, become significant In the light thrown on home conditions and the prevailing prosperity. Secre tary Wilson not long ago predicted that America would cease in a few years to be a wheat exporting country and, while the fulfillment of that pre diction is not to be rapid, it appears to be certain. The marvelous develop ment of the country, the steady In crease In population, the enlargement of manufacturing Industry, the general growth In all lines of activity is fur nishing a demand that promises event ually to absorb the entire product of the American farm. The emperor of Japan put thirty companies, with a capital stock of $350,000,000, out of business before breakfast the other morning. Just be cause he discovered that the stock of the companies 'was all water, barring the price of a few roller-top desks, and that their purpose was purely speculative. The Jap emperor would make a great attorney general in Pres ident Roosevelt's cabinet. It Is intimated that the lawyers for the poor devil who perpetrated the latest cold-blooded murder in Nebraska will set up a plea of Insanity for the de fendant. People hereabouts were under the Impression that it took about $10, 000,000 and the expert testimony of a score of high priced alleuUU to es tablish the existence of a brain storm. Governor Sheldon has consented to be the guest of honor on the Otnaha trade excursion to the Paget Sound country. That looks as If the governor were accustomed to draw bis majjof Nebraska so as to Include the city of Omaha. Omaha extends a cordial welcome to General Earl D. Thomas, In temporary command of the Department of the Missouri, with headquarters In this city. Omaha has Invariably succeeded In making the department officers feel at home while Btatloned here, so that when it comes time for their departure they leave with regret It Is to be hoped General Thomas will be no ex ception to this experience. The police board is pondering over the question whether social clubs that dispense liquor to members are sub ject to the provisions of the Slocumb law. The decision of the police board will answer the question whether a new crop of social clubs will be gar nered thlB season or "whether some with no other reason for existence will succumb to the bllght'of drouth. Why should our local democratic contemporary commiserate with the Hon. Ross Hammond? Did he not hold the high office of postmaster at Fremont until the emoluments became so burdensome that be sent In his resignation? Taft, Cannon. Fairbanks, Hughes, Cortelyou, Root, Shaw, Cummins, Bev erldge and LaFoIlette will hardly agree with Chief Forester Pinchot that the timber supply is seriously threatened, at least so far as next year Is concerned. , Dr. George Brown of Atlanta has discovered that cottonseed oil is a sure cure for tuberculosis. Some other market must be found for cot tonseed oil Blnce the pure food law prohibits Its use under the label, "Pure Olive Oil from Lucca, Italy." The Indicted public officers at Lin coln say It is all due to politics. If they can show clean skirts so much the better, bub politics is no excuse for official peculation, even though the grafters escape punishment A Bar sra In Rash. Philadelphia Ledger. The cheerful celerity with which the St. Paul paid a 120,000 fine for rebating- Indi cates that it considered It had a bargain. In Mlssonrl Only, St. Louts Republic. If the supreme court is correct In Its rul ing that a physician's fee cannot be baaed on the patient's wealth, the word ap pendicitis Is In grave danger of becoming obsolete. A Italr-nntslns; Escape. Baltimore American. The neohew of James Stillman In Omaha, who leaped through a window to get away from a drunken Indian, demanding a drink of whisky or a scalp, can congratulate him self on having literally a batr-ralslng es cape. Persuader at Pow-Wow, Brooklyn Eagle. Secretary Taft after his Ohio experiment ought to be able to speak with authority at the peace pow-wow of the Bloux and Chippewa Indiana. If he merely makes motions with his flats every redskin will understand him. Preparing; for Distant Pray. Springfield Republican. It la announced that President Roosevelt will leave Washington for Oyster Bay on June 12, and that he will take aa much rest as possible during the summer and dis courage "pilgrimages", by faithful politi cians. Rest and plenty, of It la what the president wants. It Is explained, as a pre paration for a "hard winter, with a new and untried congress on his hands." This sounds promising for plenty of excitement from . the moment the bell rltjgs next De cember. , Cumbersome Poatnwe Idea. San Francisco Chronicle. The utterly Impracticable character of the suggestion that the names of cities selling them be printed on postage stamp should be apparent to every one. There ought to be some easier way of determining the status of poatofftces than the one em bodied In this cumbersome Idea. The post office is a national rmii rm and It would he degrading to convert It Into a sort of pro motion bureau, as It would be by adopting this boomer's plan. Gaahlnsr Over n Grafter. Chicago Chronicle. If "Abe" Ruef tells the truth they must have some real Interesting citizens on the San Francisco grand Jury. "When I en tered the room," says Mr. Ruef, "everyone of the seventeen Jurors present rose and took me by the hand. When I finished my testimony every one of them got up and bade me good night with a hearty hand clasp." It must hava been a touching and edifying spectacle. At any rate. It will en lighten those people who have been pusxled to account for the extremely low tone of San Francisco cltlsenshlp. When a grand Jury gushes over a self-confessed "grafter" what can be expected of the unofficial cltl oenr LOOKIXQ BACKWARD. On Celebrated Year of World-Wide Crop Shortfure. New York Evening Post. "Nothing of the kind since 1881." la a common remark made by veterans In tha grain trade. If any one hints at simultan eous wheat crop shortage at home and abroad as a possible result of present con ditions. This makes the Question rather Interesting, Just what happened In 1&S1, why did It happen and what waa the result of ltT . Our own wheat crop of 1880 had 'far sur passed all precedent; at harvest, the gov ernment's "condition estimate" on our win ter wheat crop had been 99 and on spring wheat 100. In April, W81, winter wheat s conditio waa 88; by June It waa down to 74. Spring wheat started out finely, with a June condition of H but July was hardly under way when a scorching drouth spread over the whole country. Vegetation withered east and west,, even on the At- tlantlo coast meadows were brown and parched In August, and forest fires were raging throughout the United States. Con dition of spring wheat was 78 In August and 68 In September. Our total wheat yield decreased 117.000,000 bubhels from 1S80; i corn fell off t22,ouo.u bushels, cotton l.luu.UU) bales. Just before the harvest of IWl a devas tating rainfall occurred In England, France and Italy; between them the wheat crop decreased 77,0CO,000 bushels. The whole world's wheat crop decreased H7,0u0.000 bushels from 18M. And what was the se quel? In October wheat sold on the Chi cago board of Trade at $1 .i3 per bushel. Yet, despite this abnormally high price, the fact that the United States bad only 83,- 867.000 bushels of wheat to spare for ex port from tha crop, and only (.733.000 bar rels of flour, against 10.tt4.oOO bushels and T.871C00 barrels, respectively, the year be fore, cut down the value of wheut exports AJL,000 BITS OP WASHINGTON I JFK. Minor eene and Incidents Rketrhed on the Spot. Ita a poor law that bring nobody good. The ruling of the government on the proper labelling of whisky smote the blenders of boose hip and thigh, hut the makers of straight goods are In clover. Effete of the blenders to secure a modification of tho rule so tba.t mixed whisky might be labelled aa "something Just aa good" aa the real liquor have been unavailing. At torney Oenernl Bonaparte sticks to the typical labels first announced, as follows: 1. Semper Idem Whisky A pure, straight whlky mellowed hv age. 1 E riurthus rnu'm Whisky A Wend of pure, straight whlnklea, with all the merits of each. 3. Modern Improved Whisky A com- Found of pur grain dlMIHntos, mellow and ree from harmful impurities. 4. Something Bettor Than Whlskv An Imitation under the pure food law, free from fusel oil and other Impurities. Distillers of straight goods promptly took advantage of the affirmed ruling and boosted the price of booze bottled In bond from 20 to 26 per .cent There Is no reason for the Increase In price, other than the members of the straight whisky trust can get more than they could before the at torney general gave his opinion. The coat of production has not Increased, or If It has, it has not Increased at' a rate even remotely approximating the Increase upon the retail price. Postmaster Oeneral Meyer announces that the Mexican government haa con sented to make Investigations and to fur nish to this government. In concrete cases, evidence as to the value and output of properties lnv Mexico claimed by concerns that have been advertising mining and plantation holdings In such a way aa to obtain money through the malls under false pretenses'. The Poetofflce department had received many complaints as to these operations, but In order to enforce the statute pro hibiting such use of the malls It waa neces sary to have evidence as to the value of output of such properties, and this the United States government was unable to obtain. Postoffice Inspectors sent to Mexico reported that they could not get Informa tion on account of a Mexican law Im posing a penalty upon anyone making statements derogatory to the property or business of another. Jamea Rudolph Garfield, secretary of tho Interior, was standing by the side of his father In the Pennsylvania railroad sta tion on that fateful day in July, 18S1, when the assassin's bullet for the second time dealt death to a president of tho United States. The secretary was then only 17 years old-Just the age when the average tnlnd Is moat susceptible to Impressions. Close friends say that the horror of that hldeoua tragedy has never fully left Mr. Garfield's mind, and some of them believe that its effects account for the half-sad expression that always lingers In his face, even when he smiles or laughs. "TruBt busting" comes high and the tax payers foot tho bills. Durln the lat fn,,- years the government has mid noariv vm . 000 In fees for special counsel engaged In proaecuung trusts. These are some of the largest Items: Beef trust, 148.000: Standard mi i court), 145.000; Tobacco trust (under In vestigation). 142.000: Pr t,. eluded), J20.000; Harvestor trust (under in vestigation), 130.000: FrtliiM.r t.u.t i court), $16,000; coal and oil carrying rail roads (under Investigation). 110,000; Powder , trust (under Investigation), 17,000; Turpen- ittnA ...... . . . ....o umi imiuur investigation), T,000. Messrs. Kellogg and Morrison are paid $12,000 a year each for prosecuting trusts. Judge McReynolds, former assistant at torney general. Is paid $18,000 a year. Un der the Knox administration D. T. Watson of Pittsburg got $10,000 for one argument In the Northern Securities case. A new disease has made Its appearance In this country and la now going the rounds of the various cities. It Is a cross between the measles and scarlet fever, and for want of a better name experts of the medical profession have called It the "fourth dis ease," though why even they fall to ex plain. Passed Assistant Surgeon J. W. Bcherea chewHky of the Marine hospital service treats of the new disease at length In the latest issue of the Health Reports of the service. He says that the disease is much like scarlet fever, but differs from the lat ter In the length of Its period of Incuba tion, the mlldnoRS of Its Invasion, the benignity of Its course, the absence of com plications, the character and length of the period of "peeling," the brief duration of ita infectivlty, and in thai It J.c not con fer Immunity to other like diseases. The . new disease haa been reported by physicians from every section of the coun try and It has been observed In adults aa well as In children. . It clears up many puzzling points about scarlet fever and ex plains why persons have taken what looked like the genuine article for the second time when they should have been Immune. It Is comforting to know that while It Is ex tremely infectious It comes and goes faster and la attended with less danger of com plications than any of the eruptive ali ments. President Roosevelt's voice has a peculiar quality that flta It better to the free, un bounded air than to a hall, or even a room of ordinary dimensions. Its carrying power In the open air Is greater. It Is only when he raises It above the ordinary conversa tional tone that it does not convey his words with distinction to an unusual dis tance. In the open air It has not that harsh, rasping,, metallic sound with which It rings when he strains his vocal cords to send his words to the uttermost limits of a vast audience, or even when he con- Verses In office or parlor. When riding, either horseback or In a carriage, his voloe can be heard distinctly a considerable dis tanceprobably a greater distance than that of anybody else In Washington. PERSONAL NOTES. Miss Dolly Curtis, sister of Senator Cur tis, Is reckoned to be the best politician among the women In the capital city. She haa been Mr. Curtis' secretary for years. A Vassar college girl has succeeded In making a fence vault of four feet ten Inches. Alas, for the romantic, old-fashioned stile! .This up-to-date maiden has put It out of business completely. One stroke of lightning recently killed three mules In Georgia. It Is only fair to the mulds to say that the lightning sneaked up behind and struck without giving them a chance. A Pennsylvania man Is accused of strik ing his landlady with a boarding house steak. This would seem to put the prose cuting witness ln a peculiar position. If she says the steak waa tender It will be difficult to show that he hurt her. If she says It waa tough her boarding house will suffer. f James Rudolpr Garfield, tha youngest cabinet officer of modem times, haji just bud placed upon his willing shoulders, by order of the president, mora weighty re sponsibilities than those Intrusted to any other member of the ofRrlal household. With the exception of the Philippines, every territory and Insular possession of the coun try will hereafter be under the Jurisdiction of the Interior department, and all reports made and executive orders lastied for the territories and Islands to which Uncle Sm holds possession will bear tha nam of Secretary Garfield. "After all, there is nothing like DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER I have used it with satisfaction for neatly forty years No alum for me" ETHICS OF THE BEARD. Dr. Mary Wnlker'a Advice Falls on Heedless Ears. New York Sun. The Burlington Railroad company has refused to heed the following remonstrance from Dr. Mary D. Walker of Oswego, N. Y.: " "The order to remove the whlekers of conductors should be rescinded Immedi ately, aa such protection Is needed aa a sanitary measure. It Is the worst of orders, engendering lung troubles." Sympathy for the shaven conductors be cause they may be threatened with pneu monia la misplaced. A competent lung protector would be much more serviceable than a beard. As a sanitary measure the order to remove whiskers really commends Itself to the faculty. To take exceptions to the order we should seek other grounds than the. cllmatlo protection afforded. Beards by some are regarded as a badge of dignity, and the orientals revere them. There Is nothing quite as majestic as a grave, wholesome old man with a flowing patriarchal beard, especially In advertise ments of cereal foods. Tradition and the orthodoxy of more faiths than one could be cited In favor of the tieard. The oath by It was sacrosanct. In western countries the rise and fall of the beard In popular favor makes a voluminous literature. If the beard had always been treated with respect by Its wearers and nature had been allowed to take her course It would, not have fallen Into disrepute by the vvflgar name of whiskers. The Dundreary, Burn side and Galway cuts account for much of the hostility to hair on the face. There la a popular and excusable Impression that a man with an eccentric beard or too much beard has a screw loose or Is a crank or humbug. Populists and quacks notoriously run to beards. Nevertheless, a man has a constitutional right to grow a beard, though he may waive the right if he Is a railroad employe or a waiter. There Is ono excellent reason why railroad conductors should not wear full beards; It Is Illustrated by the knifing of Amasa. Joab took Amasa by the beard amicably. Inquired1 about his health and thnirt the sword under Amaaa's fifth rib. A conductor attlug aa a poilce officer on bis train Is greatly handicapped by a long beard. For this reason, and be cause a smooth face distinguishes Its con- ductors from grangers, musicians, artists j and retired lake captains, giving the train- . men an alert, brisk and on-time expression, the Burlington stands on Its order. BRIGHT AXD BREEZY. "Bike haa a new automobile." "What does It run by!' It doesn't run by anything. Ifa the ' slowest chugger you ever saw." Cleveland Plain-Dealer. "I am afraid the caar is going to his doom," said the Russian courier. "No," answered the court Jester, weeping afresh, "not to his doom; to his duna." Washington Star. Mrsi Knlcker Man Is Inconsistent. Mrs. ttocker Yes, he will sit In the bleachers at a ball game, but can't find a summer resort cool enough. New York Sun. The president has been tendered a golden pass admitting to all big base ball games. At first he hesitated about accepting it. "Does this cairy the privilege of roasting the umpire?" he asked, with some ooncern. Assured upon this point, he wavered no longer. Philadelphia Ledger. "Have you really broken your engage ment to him?" asked the first giddy girl. "Yes," replied the othey. "He wua no fun at ail. I simply couldn't make hlin The Wisest Way If Tou Cast Afford to Fay Cash for Every day people are learning that there Is do better way of saving money tTian by putting a certain amount each month into something that the family needs, but can't afford to buy outright. Mcffiey Vuat would otherwise go . for trivial and unnecessary things U In this way profitably Invested. The plan puts the desired article within the reach of any family, no matter what Its resources. The A. Hospe Company does not claim to have the only store In the city that gives you the opportunity to buy a Piano on partial payments, but It does cllm to have the fairest and best method. Ours Is the only store In which you can obtain the same prices for tljie buying as for a cash down Investment. We only require that you do for us what you would have to do for any bank from which you borrowed money pay us a small Interest on the money. Many people,' who Invest their money at a higher rate than the In- J A. HOSPE COe, 1513 Douglas Street Jealous, no matter how I trlod." Phila delphia Press. "Pop, what l a cataclysm?" "A violent and unusual disturbance Of sornn world syHtem, my son." "Then when they Just have a little scrap on the buck fence. Is It klttyclysmT" Baltimore American. ' "Too many cooks spoil the broth," said the pornon who quotes. "That maxim," answered Senator Sor ghum, "has hern revised. The current ver slon Is 'too many bonnes spoil the political pie.' " Washington Star. "Grandfather, how have you managed to retain your hnp.-fulneas and your faith In human nature?" "My dear, I avoid modern fiction, never go to see a Rorlt-ty drama, and read noth ing In tho newspapers thnt has a display head over It" Chicago Tribune. "Mr. Plmmons," asked the attorney for the defense, "are you acquainted with either of the pnitlt-s In thle case?" "Yea, sir," snld the man who was under going examination concerning his fitness to .act as a Juror. "I have known the defend ant ever since ho was a boy." I "Your honor, we ohleet to this man for cause." Chicago Tribune. OLD MELODIES. at Youth's Companion. Her thin white fingers wandered amo the yellowing kevs. Now with a weary slowueas, now with thai oia-ume ejtae; The tum-s were quaint and tender, Ilka ancient tales oft told. For they were songs of bygone years, an4 she was growing old. Tho children flocked about her; they lovtl to hear her play; For all was new mid sweet to them, and every song was griy. They were her heart's companions, for they could understand; IThe dear old music spoke to them be- ne.-itli her trembling hand. But we no lonprer children, between her days and theirs. Had danced to other measures, and thrilled to newer airs; Wa heard with smiles Indulgent, but wa were slow to praise. The simple tunes that brought to her the Joy of distant days. They broui?ht tho scent of springtime, the tap of dancing feet. The dream that blossomed In her heart when youth and love were sweet; Each cadenre had Its Btory, each plaintive soft refrain Awoke the chimes of memory, tha call of uuoo or pain. So with her thin white fingers she touched tho yellowing keys, And Pleased tho listening children with vld-tlme melodies; And we who smiled to hear them, re member now with tears The tones that will not sound again through all the silent years. QEKSa, Do you know there Is something pecul iar this spring about '4 C 1 W A Any Lanphor Hat Dealer will tell you ASK HIM. Is the Best Way a Piano Then Bay It by the Mouth terest we charge, buy thetr pianos of us on time and mako a considerable saving In so doing. VOU CAN'T IlKAT THE HOSFE PJjAN It saves you money. It Insures your Investment because you ara certain to get a good Piano at Hospe's. We in- v vltA vmi in rnma Hnim something about tha magnificent val ues wo are offering you In a fine Una of special sample Planoai very much under priced. If you have not the time you can safely send one of tha children, because they will get Just as much for the money as you could. Trading with the Hospe store gives you " a comfortable, satisfied feeling. This Is because we are absolutely one price and that price so low that we cannot and do not pay commissions. There fore, If anyone asks you to buy of the Hospe house you will know It Is from a pure motive. If you can't call, write at once. 1 atY