Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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    thk omaiia daily bee: Wednesday may 22, mo7.
nOHE W0TE550CIALG055ir
Orchard Hill Whist Cub Member! Enter
tained at Epccial Lotting.
Dr. end Mr. MrCIanahaa and Ml..
Mrtlanaban rineata at omer
ona Functions Previous
to Coins Abroad.
Dr. and Mrs. II. M. McClanahan and Miss
Kathcrloe McClanalian are honor guests at
some affair every day this wwk, previous
to their departure for Kurope. Tuesday
evening Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hervey will
give a dinner in their honor; Wednesday
Mrs. . II. Cowglll will entertain at
luncheon for Mrs. McClanahan and Miss
Mi-Clanahan; Wednesday evening Mr. and
Mrs. Kwing Brown give a dinner at the
Omaiia FWld club; Thursday evening Mr.
and Mrs. B. K. Enrlehart give a card
par7; Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. John
Campbell, a whist party and Saturday
afternoon a small party, including Mrs.
McClanahan and Miss Katherlne McClana
han wilt attend the matinee at Boyd's to
see Maude Adams In "Feter Pan." Tues
day 6t next week Miss McClanahan leaves
for La Salle to attend the graduating ex
ercises. . Mrs. McClanalian will join her two
days later, when they will meet Dr. Mc
Clanahan In New York and aft ,r several
brief visits In the east will sail June 38th
lor Europe, to be gone six month,
a Mlas WntiKh Honored.
For Miss Jessie Wuugh. whose marriage
to Mr.- Walter Mover will be solemniied
Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Cameron
gave a beautiful dinner Monday evening.
The table had for a centerpiece a largo
cluster of variegated tulips. The plate cards
wero designed In lilies of the valley and
a small boutonnlere of the same flower was
attached to the cards which marked the
places of MIhs Waugh, Mr. and Mrs. Mar
tin Waugh, Mrs. Moyer of Crawford. Neb.,
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Jennings of Kansas
City, Mr. Walter Moyer and Mr. and Mrs.
Cameron. Following the dinner Miss
Waugh was again honor guest at an even
ing' party given by Miss Alice GateA The
guests present were most of them class
mates of Miss Waugh. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. Cox. Mr. and
Mrs. Wlmatt Mr. and Mrs, Cham
bers, Miss Chambers, Miss Florence
Chambers. Miss Edith Word. Miss Anna
Covell. Miss Hale, Miss Jessie Waugh, Mr.
Walter Moyer, Mr. Love, Mr. Olsen, Mr.
Jlorner and Mr. Howard dates.
Orchard Hill Whist dnh.
. The regular meeting of the Orchard Hill
Whist club has ben abandoned for this
season, but the members of the club were
'delightfully entertained at a special meet
ing Monday evening by Mr. and Mrs. P. M.
Conk! 1 1. . Six tables were placed for the
frame and the high scores were made by
MA T. W. Kendall, Mra. Lester Hutchln
ao and Mrs. John Campbell- Those pres
ent jre Mr. and Mra Lester Hutchinson,
Mr. and Mrs. Herman FTlcke, Mr. and Mrs.
P. W. Kendall. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Con-
milium, m r. aim " ..,,,, ,.,
and Mrs. Peterson, Dr. and Mrs. H. M.
. r , i n w. A Um XT Xf Von
jnci.iaiiKiiaii, mi, ....a. .... .... . ,.
Horn, Mis Katherlne McClanahan, Miss
Meyers, Mlsa Eva Norton. Mr. Charles
Frlcke, Mr. Frank Palmer and Vr. and
Mrs. Conklln. October 26 was set for the
first meeting of the club next season, which
will be held at the home of Dr. and Mrs.
D. A.( Heddera. ,
Welding Annooneeraeata.
Invitations have been Issued for the
marriage of Miss Lillian Theresa Bush
man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
M. Bushman, to Mr. Alexander I,onard
etuart, which will be solemnised Wednes
day morning, June B, at o'clock, at St.
Pater" i church. The ceremony will be fol
lowed by a reception from S to 8 o'clock
at the home of the bride's parents, 709
Georgia, avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart will
be at home after July 1 In Walnut, la.
Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson announce
the engagement of. their daughter. Miss
Maude Belle, to Mr. Cyril T. Stevens.
Social Oosalp.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Carpenter are In
Washington, D. C, attending the North
em Baptist anniversary. Mr. Carpenter
baa been elected first vice president of
the American Baptist Mission union.
While In Washington they attended a re
ception given by President and Mra.
ftoosevelt and Mrs. Carpenter had a short
conversation with the president, and she
writes that ha paid a very flattering
fcompliment to Omaha.
The meeting of the Wghum club to have
been entertained Monday evening by Mr.
xmhyy x
and Mrs. Charles Voorheta. was post
poned until next Monday evening, as
Mr. and Mrs. Voorhees were unable to be
In the city.
Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Medders have taken
the home of Dr. and Mrs. II. M. Mc
Clanahan djrlng their absence In Europe.
They will taJie pomeralon of the house
about June and wi.l occupy It until De
cember 1.
Personal Mention.
Mr. and Mrs. Chorine Voxirhees left
Sunday evening for a few days' visit with
relatives In Mollne. III.
Mrs. Janet Vail of Chicago, formerly of
Omaha, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
R. E. McKelvey over Sunday.
Mra B. B. Baldwin of Elkhorn. Neb,,
spent the week with Omaha friends.
Miss Frances Cunningham of Grand Isl
and Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Howard
C'olllna-Kelly Wedding.
The wedding of Miss Marie Collins, niece
of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Rose, and Mr.
John Kelly of Blair was solemnised Tues
day morning at 10 o'clock at St. Peter's
church. Father McLaughlin officiated. No
attempts were made at decorating the
church with flowers, but palms were used
In profusion. The bridal party entered the
church to the strains of Mendelssohn's
wedding march. The bride wore a hand
some go-sway gown of golden brewn silk
trimmed In blue applique and real lare. A
large white leghorn hat was trimmed to
match and, with shoes of the same color,
made an effective costume. Miss Anna
Rose was maid of honor and was pret
tily gowned In pale blue silk inset with
lace. Her large picture hat was very be
coming, being white leghorn, with long,
drooplr.g plumes. Mr. Z. E. Kelly of Blair,
brother of the groom, acted as best man.
Tuesday afternoon a reception was held
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John M.
Rose from 1 to i. when the rooms were
tastefully decorated with palms, ferns and
cut flowers. The parlors were exclusively
In green and white, carnations and roses
being the flowers used. In the dining room
the polished table had a handsome cen
terpiece of cluny lace, on which was placed
clusters of red roses. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly
left the same evening for a southern trip.
On their return they will make their
home In Columbus, Neb. Among the out-of-town
guests present at the wedding
were: Mrs. T. J. Hypsham of Red Oak,
la.; Mr. and Mrs. Kelly of Blair, Misses
Elizabeth and Mary Kelly of Blair and
Miss Fannie Wilcox of St. Joseph, Mo.
There's an Art la lain a; It, It Seems,
and a Manufacturer Telia of It.
"When," said the washboard manufac
turer, "you hear of somebody who Is
breaking her back over a washtub you may
make up your mind that the person so do
ing does not know how to use a wash
board. "The washerwoman or professional laun
dress who uses a washboard regularly and
perhaps ten times as much doesn't break
her back over it half as much as does the
housewife or the young woman who for
economy's sake occasionally washes out a
few pieces, as a shirtwaist or two or a
few collars or handkerchiefs, and this for
the reason that the professional knows
how to use a washboard, while most am
ateurs do not.
"In rubbing clothes up and down the
board the amateur almost always bends
the body from the hips only, so bending
the back only, and even with not very
much washing to do rubbing In this way
may easily prove back-breaking. But now
note how the professional goes at it. With
every movement of the hands down the
board she bends her knees and no lowers
the whole upper body. Lowering It so the
weight of the body alone carrlos the hands
well down the washboard, with nothing
like so much bending of the back; pr. In
other words, by the bending of the knees
with every rub the strain of the rubbing is
taken oft largely from the back and dis
tributed over the whole body, and that is
fhe whole secret of how to .use a wash
board without breaking one's back over It"
Popular Accessories.
Fads In accessories are perhaps most pro
nounced and most transient of anything
that women wear, but they have at least
the advantage of being different. The lorg
nette, for Instance, Is no longer "correct,"
or even used unless It Is necessary, and In
Its place as an affectation has come the
malsette shade, quite as inane and with
equal possibilities for bejewelllng. It Is a
little green silk shade with a lorgnette
handle and used to shade the eyes at the
races, the theater or almost any other
placo where Its devotees have occasion to
go. Fashion Is crasv about it and It Is be
ing gotten up la marvelously Intricate
Tortoise shell Is being made Into all sorts
of things buckles, combs, hatpins, clasps,
hairpins and even for mountings for bags
netts, and was
im- ':-?vJ
s- ? W X
and purses. "Blond" tortoise shell etched
with gold Is used for some of the most
costly and beautiful card cases and other
like trifles.
Amasonlte Is a translucent green stone of
which fashion makes much Just now. It Is
popularly mounted on a platinum chain and
worn over white blouses. Its vivid though
soft rreen contributing Just enough and
the right Sort of color for the desirable
effect. Rose quarts is used in the same way
and aqua marine In pale blue and green,
once worn in old-faahloneQ brooches to
fasten down lace and other soft collars. Is
popular to the extent of being the rage. It
also Is used for pendant beads and like
Modern Solomon on Hoase Cleantnc.
A Chicago man who Is on to bis Job
discourses on the perplexities of the sea
son in this wise way:
My son, consider now the woman that
cleaneth house.
She arise th in the morning and her hus
band vleweth her with larm. for she
glrdeth her hair In a knot like unto a
I doughnut.
And she attlrcth herself In a skirt that
I hath neither front nor back, but looketh
like unto a piano cover. ,
And she putteth on a waist which she
hath cherished even from the days when
they wore big sleeves.
And she putteth upon her feet shoes like
unto them that are worn by the minstrels.
And she sayeth unto her husband:
"Verily, this house Is a fright, and I am
going to put things to rights." -
And her husband layeth down the paper,
for the murder news cannot thrill him,
neither doth he care for presidential booms.
For he knoweth that nothing can hap
pen out In the big world like unto what
will happen unto his house this day.
And he goeth away unto his business and
cometh not home until It Is evening; yea,
until It is dark.
And he flndeth a colored man even then
beating rugs In the side yard with his golf
sticks, the which have been broken one
by one.
And his cignr Jar hath been emptied of
cigars and made to hold tacks.
And they have taken his sweater to wash
windows with.
So that he spralneth his back lifting the
piano and smasheth his thumb between the
wall and a book shelf, and folleth over
against the staircase when he taketh an
armful of chairs upstairs and spralneth
his wrist.
And she sayeth that If he talks to her
that way again she will go home to her
Is It not so, even as we have whacked
It from the typewriter with the swaybacked
space bar?
Richest Woman In Diplomatic Corps.
Mrs. Creel, wife of th new ambassador
from Mexico, Is called the richest woman
In the diplomatic corps at Washington.
Several years ago her husband gave her
titles to many gold prospects In the state
of Chihuahua, which have recently de
veloped. Her income Is enormous.
Good Crop la Nebraska Not Assured
Without More of Both of
Two- things are very much needed for a
good wheat crop, according to the crop
and soil report of the Burlington for the
Nebraska district for the week ending
last Saturday. These are moisture nnd
warmer weather. The same applies to
spring wheat as to winter wheat. Suffi
cient moisture and warm wuthup
I bring the crops out all right.
weather and soil conditions have been
such that It has been possible to keep pro.
paring the ground for corn and planting.
Probably two-thirds of all the corn acre
age has been planted and the other one
third probably will be planted during the
week ending May 25. Corn Is out of the
ground on the Wymore division.
Potatoes are planted, but making little
progress, while sugar beets are In fairly
good condition, but late and. like all other
vegetation, making vrry little headway.
Stock la In good condition and there still
seems to be little hope for small fruit.
Rain has again fallen In the wheat belt
and the Burlington reports showed show
ers at McCook Monday night and a good
rain extending from Cambridge to Eckley.
N. B. Updike says wheat Is In a strong
position and that If the Nebraska farmers
will hold their old wheat thirty days
longer In his opinion they will be able to
market same for II per bushel
If you have anything to trade advertise
it in the For Exchange columns of The
Bee Want Ad page.
Made from native roots and herbs, is
Mrs. Sadie Abbott, of Jeannett,
Pear JKrt. HnMkim ; " I suffered tererely with pain rrery month, and also a psln
in my left side. My doctor prescribed for m but did me do good i a friend advised Lydia K.
linkham's Vegetable Compound and I wrote you in regard to my condition. I followed your
advice and am a perfectly well woman. The pains have all disappeared, and I cannot recom
mend your medicine too highly."
Sir. Lena Kagel. of 1 1 7 Morgan St, Buffalo, X.Y, writes j
Dear irs. PiaAJtom : " I was completely worn out and on the vertre of neraras prostration. My
ached all the time, I had dreadful periods of pain, waa
always wek and
Lydia E. Pinkbam's
Omaha Boyi InTolnd Givs Clear t&tement
f tbe General M xnp.
Saya Facalty Offered to Readmit All
Boys bat Himself If They Woald
Apologise, bat They
The six Omaha boys who left Blees Mil
itary academy Saturday because one of the
boys was expelled, as they thought un
justly, wish to correct the Impression which
has gone out by press dispatches of the
trouble. The six Omaha boys are J. Ralph
Bailey, Oscar Krug, Charles E. Meta, Clar
ence Slhbemson, Arthur S tori, and Crosby
Arthur Etors. son of Gotlleb Eton, was
one of the second lieutenants and in giving
the boys' side of the controversy said:
"A week ago Saturday two senior cap
tains and two second lieutenants overslept
at reveille. The usual punishment for a
cadet officer was to receive two hours' ar
rest, but Instead they reduced these four
men and placed them under arrest for a
week. They took their punishment all
right without any complaint until Satur
day noon a week later when the assistant
commandant reported me for disorder and
Insubordination at drill. When I told them
this report was not true and wanted a
change to show my side of the case they
refused to give me this chance. They sent
me to my room and snld they would dis
miss me from the scademy. An attempt
was mode to get me away from school
while the cadets were at supper but the
porters did not have my trunk down In
time and aftsr the cadets enme from sup
per they refused to allow any to say good by
to me. Fifty-two of the boys went out
In front of the building and said they
would say goodby anyway. An extra for
mation was sounded to order all cadets In
side of the building, but they refused to
go. They said they would all quit right
there. They marched Into town because
the authorities refused to give them their
clothes and stayed at the hotel all night.
Proposition la Rejected.
"The mayor of Macon came to us with
this proposition: "Lt me and any three
other of our leading business men go out
to the school and hear the case from both
sides and whatever we say shall be taken
as final, whether all go or all stay.' The
authorities refused to listen to this and
the cadets refused to give In. Sunday
afternoon they would not allow the cadets
to get their trunks, so they got a lawyer,
who said he would file twenty suits against
them In the morning If they did not. They
let us have our trunks. The fifty-two
boys then left. One member of the faculty
said goodbye to one of the boys and he
was Instantly dismissed from the faculty
and when he was dismissed three of the
Other members and the matron resigned
their positions.
"There was nothing to the fraternity
matter, as there Is but one fraternity there
and It Is but ten strong. It was secret
and the authorities did not know who was
In It
"The faculty offered to let all. the boys
but me return if they would apologize, but
the fifty left, giving as their reason that
the faculty would not give me a hearing
of my side of the case."
la Speech at Commercial Club He
Says Colamhaa Plan Is Not
F. A. Nash of the Omaha Electric Light
and Power company delivered an address
Tuesday afternoon at the Commercial club
jto members of the executive committee of
I the club and the members of the committee
' from the Real Estate exchange appointed to
J Inquire Into the power situation In Omaha.
' Mr. Nash said the plan for a great hydro
I electric power company was not feasible,
I that the power question, as far as Omaha
! was concerned,' was settled and that the
agitation of the question was only inimical
to the best'- Interests of the city.
"Here's one of our papers coming out
with double-column spread-head stories and
editorials advertising that Omaha is labor
ing under the liability of expensive power,
and I am going to spend my energy, time
and money counteracting such an erroneous
impression," said Mr. Nash.
"Omaha hasn't been under any disability
as to the cost of steam coal for the pro
duction of power, as the public has been
led to believe. The water power project at
Columbus Isn't feasible, for power Is being
sold cheaper here now than such a water
power company could hope to sell It. It
Is a fact that one of the largest manu
facturers of the city Is getting electrical
power for less than 110 per year per horse
power. The power question Is simply a ques
tion of coal cost. We are today selling power
cheaper than they are at St. Paul, Minne
apolis and other cities, with the possible
The Suffering and Pain Endured By flany Work
ing Women is Almost Beyond Belief.
THERE are thousands of American women whose duties call them out in all
winds and weathers, many of whom sit with wet feet or stand all day, thus
weakening and undermining their health. Women, however, for the most
part, spend their lives at home, and these women are willing and ambitious that their
homes shall be kept neat and pretty, their children well-dressed and tidy, and do their
own cooking, sweeping and dusting, and often washing, ironing and sewing for the
entire family. Both of these classes call for our sympathy.
Truly the work of such a woman is M never done," and is it any wonder that she breaks
down at the end of a few years, the back begins to ache, there is a displacement, inflammation
or ulceration of certain organs, and the struggle to continue her duties are pitiful.
n j fflogaateMiife gtsgqftg &mmm.
the exact medicine a woman needs whose strength is overtaxed. It keeps the
Pa writes i
snhject to flu of crying and extreme nervous-
Vegetable Compound completely cured
exception of St. Joseph and this question
Isn't given ony consideration by manufac
turers who are thinking of locating in the
city, for the city Isn't under any disabil
ity In this respect.
"It hurts the community. Omaha has the
reputation all over the country of being
Under this power disability, but conditions
have changed In the last twenty years
and power Is comparatively cheap In
"What I want you gentlemen to do is to
Investigate the subject thoroughly and'l
think you will find that Omaha Is well
provided In the matter of power at reason
able cost, but If you should find otherwise
the condition must be remedied. I can as
sure you of my henrty co-operatlfln to set
tle this power question once and for all.
for Its needless agitation Is causing the city
Irreparable damage."
Will Open Restaurant on Sixteenth
Street After Making; Some
Costly Alterations.
Tolf Hanson, proprietor of the Calumet
restaurant, has leased the two-story build
ing at SlS'South Sixteenth street, now occu
pied by Oustave E. Shukert, the furrier,
for ten years from April 1, 1!, at an an
nual rental of 10,2u0 and will establish a
new restaurant on the premises when pos
session is obtained and after improvements
representing an Investment of t-3,000 have
been made.
Mr. Ehukert recently bought the Ramge
building at Fifteenth and Harney streets
and will occupy the first floor storeroom In
that building.
The lease made to Mr. Hanson for the
Shukert building represents the high-water
mark for rentals ever reached In Omaha,
os It will cost Mr. Hanson about per
square foot each year, excluding the cost
of the extensive Improvements.
It is the intention of Mr. Hanson to re
model the entire Shukert building and make
it one of the. handsomest cafes In the west.
The upper floor will be elaborately deco
rated and used for women's dining rooms
and banquet rooms, while the lower floor
will be used for general restaurant pur
poses on an elaborate 'scale.
The building Is 44x99 feet and is situated
In the most desirable part of the city for
restaurant purposes. .
Anonncementa of the Theaters.
The Parlor theater Is giving the patrons
of this little play house a rare treat this
week by securing the famous "Dahlman's
Cowboy quartet." They are putting cn a
sketch entitled "Life of a Cowboy," which
calls forth many encores, both afternoon
and evening performances.
The musical De Fays are artists in their
line and are able to get music out of most
anything and have many novelties and
close with an Impersonation of the Guns
Nelson light and also playing a popular
selection at the same time.
Miss Pearl Gibson, formerly of the Sav
age Opera company of New York, has a
wonderfully rich voice, as well as some
very pretty gowns, which come direct from
Those enjoying the moving pictures
should not miss seeing "Daniel Boone,"
which Is Instructive as well as entertaining,
as It gives a description of the pioneer
days during the early time of the red
Representative J. W. Armstrong of Au
burn Is In the city.
H. F. Carter, Union Pactfl reprejentatlve
at St. Paul, was In Omaha Tuesday.
Squire Frank Currie and Constable
Charley Fulley of Gordon have hit town.
E. C. Thvm of Carthage. J. L. Mcintosh
of Sidney and W. T. Squires of Silver
Creek are at tbe Hcnshaw. I
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Haney have been '
called to Peoria, 111., by the serious illness :
of an aunt of Mrs. Haney.
Mr. J. Culklns of New York is In the
city on business. Mr. Culklna is Hayden
Bros. Mew xork reaioeni Duyer.
O. T. Vermillion of Alma, C. A. McCoy I
of Norton. Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Strother
of Columbus. A. JU McDonald of Kab.
are at the Murray.
Ed Evans, former councilman from the
big Sixth, has come Into Omaha from his
country residence out in the state looking
"finer than a fiddle."
D. F. McFar and of Holyoke, Charles H.
Mermann of Falls City, V F. Huff, J. H.
Gilbert, W. J. I'llman. John Steinautr, G.
Sonierhaulder and 8. Frey of Htelnhauer
are at the Millard.
Miss Marion Forgan of Chicago, with a
party of friends, passed through Omaha
Tuesday, returning home aftr a trip
through Japan and other oriental countries.
The party was met at the train by Phillip
T. Miiistrom of Pi u, Belgium, Mrs.
Conrad Hollenbeck of Fremont, Mrs. Frank
Hoilenbeck of Hasting?, E. A. Barnett of
Lincoln, M. E. Wallace of Los Angeles,
A. O. Jillson of Waterloo and W. 8. Clapp
of Kearney are at the Paxton.
H. Sandhan of McCook, T. 8. Wright
of Scotts Bluff, J. W. Reece. H. C. Suttler
of Norfolk. H. C. Peters of Hardy, H. W.
Harper of Valentine, E. J. Steldl of Crete,
A. P. Schneider of Creighton, J. H. Tomp
kins of Aberdeen and A. Backer of Goth
enburg art at the Merchants.
W. T. Canada, special agent of the
I'nion Pacific, has returned from Milwau
kee, where he attended the meeting of
the National Association of Railroad Spe
cial Agents. The session lasted three
days. It was decided to hold the next an
nual meeting at Lexington, Ky., on tbe
second Tuesday of June. IMS.
3al WM111
Mrs. Pinkham's Invitation to Women.
Women suffering from any form of feminine illness are invited to promptly commu.
nicate with Mrs. Hnkham, at Lynn, Mass. Out of her vat volume of experience, Mrs.
l'inkham probably has the very knowledge that will help your case. Her advice u free
and always helpful.
made from Native I toots and Herbs, compiles with all condi
tions of tbe new Pure Food and Druir Law.
.lit Afc 0
i&lpF THE .
Katarno Is made under the origi
nal formula of Pcruna. Dr. Hurt
man has sold the original prescrip
tion under which Peruna was nian
nfactured, to the Katarno Com
pany. Millions of families have been
users of the original Peruna for
many years. They have become
convinced of its great value as a
household reiuery. They can con
tinue to secure the original Peruna
by inquiring for Katarno, manu
factured by the Katarno Company,
20 Vosey St., Xew York City.
15th and Douglas Sts.; 16th and
Chicago 8ts.
, N. W. Cor. 24th and N St.
5th Ave. and Main 8U
Don't experiment
Tlim kind tbat don't wear off
For Old or New Floors, Furniture
and Woodwork.
Wears like Cement Dries over
night with Brilliant Gloss. Contains
no Japan or Shellac. Write at once
for Free Booklet, Color Card and
List of Dealers.
Trial Can rree (send 10c to pay
postage). Enough for a Chair, Table
or Kitchen Cabinet.
Address i
"nooa-BBnrn" oo at. iioais, mo.
old la Omaha by
Orchard At Wilhelm Carpet Co.
feminine system in a strong and healthy
h'SifM'f t3!r
No m.m or woman run he successful or
happy It they lack energy. If they grt
up in the morn
ing dreading
the day's work
shend they will
accomplish very
little. A great
many people
are this way.
The cause Is
lack of vitality.
Vitality or en
ergy Is the
power to go and
keep on golog
without becom
ing more than
MR A. U. LA'l LJllsi.
healthily tired.
It cornea from a perfectly working sys
tem Just as power comes from a perfectly
working engine. If you lack this power
something Is out of order. Ten to one
It's your stomach.
Take two bottles of Cooper's New !!
tvvery. It will get the stomach In shape,
See If energy and ambition don't come
bark before two bottles are gone.
This letter is from a man who tried It t
"After suffering for some time from
stomach trouble, loss of appetite, head
ache and a kind of 'all tuckered out" feel
ing I decided to try Cooper's New Iils
covery." "I used to get up In the morning with
my tongue coated and sick at my stom
ach. I would feel as though It was al
most Impossible to drag myself to work.
Lots of times I hnd dlisy spells and back
aches. After I used several bottles all
these symptoms began to disappear and
soon I began to feel like my old self
again. Now I feel like a new man. It is
a pleasure to work, for I always feel like
It. I eat well, and sleep well and am sure
I will have no further trouble with my
stomach." A. U. Latubys, 1CT Porter
St., Detroit. Mich.
It is estimated that nearly half a mil
lion bottles of the famous Cooper medi
cines were sold during Mr. Cooper's recent
demonstatlon In Chicago. We are agents.
Cor. lftth and Fariumi Sis.
Is the most satisfactory. E-Z
band washing machines avoid
all rubblng preserve the tex
ture and remove the dirt by
suction. We are equipped to
handle large quantities at min
imum cost. Whether shirts,
collars, .cuffs or family wash we
guarantee satisfaction at mint
mum rates. Our twenty-five
years of experience are your to
command. Package received
and delivered at your door.
The Mdel Laundry
'Phone Douglas 6': 8.
Keep Clean-
COc, 73c, f 1.00 per gallon
California PortB, Sherries, Musca
tels, Cntawbaa 5c, 60c, 75c per
8 year old Bourbon or Rye Whis
key $3.00 per gallon.
121 North 10th Street.
'Phone Douglas 1148.
Spdtlf n6 permanently cured by INDIAN 8ALVB,
the (ret eit rrrmdy ever d'scorered for ULXXlD
CER. PIMPLK6, etc.
INDIAN SALVE la purely vMCtsble, noo-polaoo-oua,
and can be taken Internally aa wail aa ap.
pii4 avtstrnally.
Lon i wax your ttiu and t&Qay fipan minting
wlio worihlea Imitations. Your money refunded
If do not effrct a cure.
On tale at all drugittata, or will be aent oodar
plain et-Alcd wrapper upon receipt of $1.00.
rppC A sample boa, Jiiat enough to con Tinea
I ntfc you of the treat merit of INDIAN BALVE.
will be sent to you free upon receipt of 10c. which
para for tha coat of mailing We will also aend
you our booklet cn funeral dlaaaa, and iestlmo
KJ Getee Ato., Iirooklyn. N. Y.
Schaefer Cut Price Druggist,
16th Bvnd Dougl St. Omaha, Kelt.
M.M.B UCt.Wnhir.rten D C. Estsb. j
mi turn