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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1907)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1907. It OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) 8, 4 AND 5 rooms, modern. CI 6 P 221 St. (j-iMu 22x Jf-iifR housekeeping rooms; no children. J Emmet St. I'hone Hed 4"47. J (15)-B11 22x THREE pleasant rnomi and bath, mod ern, suitable for light housekeeping T'ii N. 25th 8t. (i; 313 25 NICELY furnished unites, or unfurnished. In the Men-lam annex, 25th and Dorire. Tel. Douglas so. 0-Mi31 x Fnrnlsned Houses and Flats. SEVEN ROOMS, all modern and completely f urnlsheil, eleaant location. $55. 4 rooms, . l-tjr water, completely furnished, ISl't N. V 6tri St., BL-MiS, Paxton IJik Phone n Douglas 6S. (lii M7o4 Houses and Cottages. OMAHA Van Storage Ca park, mors, tor H. H. goods; storehouse U-tO-24 N. lilh. Ofllca loll Farnam. Tel. Doug. ISfifc (i) L7 liUUOiO c. inters Co., Bee Bid (161-1& HOUSES, lnauranca. Ringwalt, Barker Big. (iil-lfii WE DO expert piano moving at lowaat S rices. Tel. Douglas KJ5. Schmoller it ueller Piano Co., 13)1-1313 Farnam. (15) 158 BEE ua wnn shipping household good tt lsrge cities west; we can anve you money, EXPRESSMEN DEUVEKI CO, 211 N. lath St. Tel. Douglas U85. (10)-163 rOR RENT Eight-room house. 614 N. 22d St.: all modern; wl'h barn; rent reason able. - Apply at 607 N. 19tli St. U5 M3S8 NEARLY READY. New brick house Just west of All Salnta" church at 2tfth and Dewey Ave. Hot water heat, hard wood finish, hard wood, waxed floora and everything the very best. Will decorate to suit tenant. Workmen there any week Any will show you In Blde. They are tho most up-to-date houaca on the market to rent. We nuke leases to begin June 1. Easy walking distance and the very cholceat location. Better look at them and see ua at once two leasea mis weea. HARRRISON ft MORTON. 913 N. Y. Life. Tel. Doug. 314 (1S)-M304 26 PEST 8-room, all modem house for $23. Hanscom park. See this. Key at 4o So. 10th. (16) M4&4 26 ITDTTtJP'Q all Prta of the city. Tha oo-m FOR RENT Large store room, 19th and Vinton Bta. C. M. Bachmann, 477 Pa. ton block. (Is) 460 BIX ROOMS. SI 20 Burt St., 116 00. Bis room a. if&07 Seward St., $15.00. Four room a, 22d near Cuming. JIB. 00, CHRIS BOYER, 22d and Cuming Sts. (15) KT 8 ROOMS, modern, 3527 Charlea, $26; newly papered. Tel. Doug. 673. li. H. Roblson. U5)-218 FOUR ROOMS, half flat, front, third floor. 18th and Nicholas fits., $10. BEMIS. Pax ton Blk. 'Phono Doug. 685. (15) M70g WE MOVB PIANOS Maggard Van and Frorace Co. TeL Dounlaa Hint Ofllca 17U Webatar St. (15)-lfc) VERY desirable house In Tha Norwood, 3322 Harney St. Moat modern and up-lo-data house In Omaha. REJCHENBERO BROS.. 101S N. Y. Ufa or 'Pbona Harney T41. U5) 78 21 1 ROOMS, new. all modern. 2 N. 19th, . (90. Key at No. C60. (15)-Jsl NEW, modern except furnace, 6-room cot tage, 1564 N. 80th St., $23. 8187 Davenport St., modern, 8 rooms, $35. (63 B. 28th St., 6 rooms, modern, $;0. RJ.NOWALT BROS Barker Blk. (16 MSS1 M. high-grad dwelling to lease one two years; possession June L W. L. SELBY, Board of Trade Bid-. 'Phone Doug. 1510. (16) M3h8 ROOM apartment on td floor In one of the beet apartment bouses In Omaha. Heat, janitor rervlee, water furnished, laundry, $48. Hastings Ac Heyden, 1704 Fanuun St. 1 06) 408 Q J ROOMS, all modern and completely fur nlahed; arnam district, $66. I rooma, mod., 3d floor apartment, X. E. cor. 18th and Nlcholaa. $30. Store room. 1103 N. 18th St., $30. E ELM IS, "Phone Douglas tsi. Paxton Block. (16) M4fi3 Buildings. ITI J HARNEY ST. 3 floors and basement, 33x120 feet; suitable for wholesale. Mo Cague Investment Co., 1608 Dodge St. OS) 494 FOR RENT-Deak room In Bee offloe, city - hall building. 41T N. rth Bt, South Omaha. Apply to manager. 115) 134 THE entire building now occupied by the . Dally News, 44x80 feat, 3 stories and base, ment. MoCogue Investment Co., 1AJ4 Dodge Bt (16) 403 OtHaea. FOR RENT 'STORES AND . OFFICES IN RAMQE BUILDTNO. APPLY TO W. R. HOMAN, I6M FAliNAM BT. TEL. DOUGLAS W4, . Oi)-M6M For Rent in The Bee Building Room C3. else H'ix2; has vault. Room 6-1. sua 7Vxla. Kooin 6n7, size lixli. " , . Roum 6-D, aiiH) hx.2. houra &4o, an 11x10. Room 3 and are occupied at present; will be available June 1. This la a tine eulte of offices. Here la an opportunity to rent spare In a well appointed utrlce building. Janitor eervlre and eleitrlo ltgUia free. Apply Bualneaa Otlk-e of Bee . (15)- M7.T 1ECOND floor, 70 feet long, on Farnam St.. well lightvd. Inquire at 34 S. 1.1th St. (15)-M60 r.x lores. TOR RENT The best located corner store '1 t'"1'". Farnan. and tiith Sta.. Hoard cf TraJe BMB. Bra P. H. Philbin. Schllts - UL (ii)-lS7 FOR RENT-One-hilf store. Flrat floor. 1- arnam St . L"Jxi20, ft;o all aecond Door. 4 ! 'n lltli and Bt Freight S!;1 A,tt;!"1'7 'levator. The Putman C. i-'4 J t IJfe. (16) -Sit 'T0?! H'""l'ton St.. storeroom, brick I tTLHS ft CO. la) 607 HEN you write to advertisers remember IL "" but n extra stroke or two of iti ad to Th. r " UCt U'at ,OU ,aW i 0FJFERED FOR SALE Fear tag. 1NCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fenclns , 6c per foot. N. IJUi h!E. T,? t3 tU 170 1 rwrallare. TJ-HAN'd furniture bought and sold- bual nas on the aouare. Roaentwrg Co' fur. "'V1' "lth Chicago Furniture Co., 4 a Ulh-P j"- (16)-M18 Jeli ' 1NTIQUE Jardlnlerea candle sticks rrX (16)-M814 JtUx Orsaas, Maaleal Inatennt els. PIANO-Square. $10: c.nU weekly. Per- ln-ij Plana Co.. loll Farnam St. (i6)-Ul64 VH SALF.-Cood 1.(toii upright plaaoT kt Mnmvlce, i.ij,., Ui3 Hainlliun. OFFERED FOR SALE Planes, Orsrana, Mistral laatrameata. (Continued.) Piano Buyers' Attention! Notice the following bargains In our x- rhnug department: Walnut Case Upright $ 60 00 New England Upriaht loo 00 Kimball I rrlght, Rosewood Case 115 00 l hlrkerlng (g.Kd cordiUon) $125.00 Smith A iJarnes, Onk esse 130.00 New York Sample 1'lano 175 00 J. ( Fisher. Purl Walnut Case ) a9 Ivere & Pond (largest style) 2:6.00 TERMS TO sriT. Stelnwoy, Vose. Emerson and other square pianos, tit, ir. $(S and up Mason A H-vnihn, Klmhall. Eetey and other organs, no. iia, yj) anel up We rent new pianos from $3 upward; also move, store, tune and repair Inatrumente of all mnkes Terms to ault the convn1eno6 of purchftwf. SCHMOLLER & MUELLEK PIAXO CO. 1311 and 1312 Farnam 6t Tel. Doug. K,:6 (16 71S $: DISCOUNT on Knabe Upright style F, In perfect condition, used only three months and txk'n In trade. MATTHEWS PIANO CO.. 1513-15 Hanuy St., Omaha, Neb. (16) 823 FOR SALE at a bargain. 1 Sohmer aqua re piano. Apply Friday afternoon ZIS Pa cific St (IS) 404 23 Pool and Billiard Tables. FOR BALE New and secondhand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Bruna. wIck-Balke-Collendar, 407 S. 10th St. (16) MS81 Typewriters and 9 err In a- Machines. ONE Remington typewriter. No. 6. In good condition, for sale cheap. Call at Bae Office. (16-2x FOX typewriter, nearly new; cost $!16 five montha ago; also typewriter stand; $50 buys both. 541 Paxton block. (16) 417 23 TYPEWRITERS Best bargains In Omaha, $3.60 to $00; call and see our line, Omaha, Typewriter Exchange, 641 Paxton Blk. (16)-M319 JeS $20 BUYS a Remington typewriter. In fair shape. 641 Paxton block. (16 41 23 Miscellaneous. Besley Letter Cabinet Made of walnut and having two Indexed filing cases; an ornamental and useful of flee fixture, at a bargain. See Wright, at The Bee bualneas office. (It) 333 GAS, ELECTRIC COMBINATION FIXTURES Special low prices during; May and June to reduce stock; order now; goods delivered when ready. BURGESS & ORANDEN CO. Telephone. Douglaa 681. 813 S. 15th St. (16) MJ78. BIO SALE two-piece sulfa to order, $23. McCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co., S04 S. 16th St (16) M446 Je21 FOR SALE Cheap, large grocery ice box. Apply 2215 Military Ave, (16) M393 23 MILLET SEED A. W. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. (16 17 FOR SALE First-class atore fixtures, showcaaes. etc Globe Land and Invest ment Co.. 1&23 Farnam Bt, Omaha, Neb. (16) M41 FEW bargains In 2d-hand soda fountains; monthly payments. Derlght, 1818 Farnm 06) 173 BEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight patC on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. 06) 176 BHERWIN WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed point. Sherman 4c McConncll Drug Co. (16) 176 HOME-MADE GRAPE WINE. 19 YEARS OLD. $1 PER GALLON. CACKLE X BROS., OPPOSITE P. O. aO-S41 JulylS AWNINGS; they're not expensive. Call Doug. k3 and our representative will call. Omaha Tent and Awning Co. (ltD 172 RAFF, Almost new, size 22xlRxl $68; V5-"-L J-' weight 1.400 lbs. Mills County Abstract Co., Olenwood. Ia. (16) M5W 26 KINDIJNO FOR SALE at $1.00 per load. Inquire of Mr. Jardlne at 9th and Jones streets. (16) MS22 LARGE, nearly new Ice box, reasonable. 1810 St Mary's, second floor. C16)-8T7 t3x HALL'S Saxes, new. td-hand. 1&18 Farnam. O) 174 flO-CART Tlr" B "4 "P- E. E. Lao VJV '-''"- rence. 2701 Leavenworth St. (16) BM) M2B GROCER'S Ice box; cheap. 107 N. 12th. 08) 770 Junel BILLARD table, 4 balls and cues; every, thing complete cheap. 'Phone Harney 77- U)-617 30x FOR SALE-JO-syrup sods, fountain. In good iiiu ii inn, msn'iesny canopy ?op. fiiy trimmed body, call or address Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 15th snd Douglas. Omaha. 0 M728 Jel4 tHAINLESS bicycle with coaster brake nearly new. bargain; alao two electric fana. four large Welsbarh Gas lamps and Remington typewriter. 308 No. 16th St. (16)-uJ 22x WOOD for sale from plank sidewalk, at 3177 Davenport St., 120x4 ft. Make me a price. Conrad Young. 1518 Dodge St (16) M267 FOR SALE At a bargain, roll top dsk and revolving chair, aa good aa n w. Ia qnlre 1330 S. 27th St, (16i SQO 21x PATENTS LARSON & CO.-Book free. Bee Bldg. (17) 180 D. O. BARNELL, patent attorney and ma chine designer. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. U7)-tn Jel3 WANTED Good patenta. up-to-date ones, to sWl; 10 per cent commisHion; no com mission or money of any kind until patent Is diapoeed of. Send blue print and sped ncatlona, alao pontage fur return of aame. J. J. Kuhau, Lidderdale, la. (17-M439 22x PERSONAL CITY STEAM UAUNDRY Shirts pressed. . i i on a it,), a, T.l fwt,,.. , ' i (!, lil SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; eut trices. Send (or free catalogue. Myers Ullon Drug Co.. Omah. (18 186 uiVRHAL WATER BATHS. Turner Rest j and Water Curs. Collar. Ia. j (18)-M3S6 Je9x ! f A f! WTTPtreatment and bath. Mmi iu..ui.i.v.glhi llg N. 2d floor. (18) 185 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no deten tion from busmen. QUICK CURE RUP. TUBE CO.. over S. W. Cor. Hth and Douglas, Omaha, UJu-Uut M31 PLEATING ALL KINDS. Buttons. Kuamng. Ere broidery. Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink ing only be per yard, bend for price list and samplea, GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. U Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1931 (15) 114 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-oft clothing: in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at lit N. 11th St.. for co.1t of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 41J6 aud wagon will call. (U 5U OMAHA Stammerers' Institute. Rami t Bldg. Oa)-l&! CAl'TION STEIN WAT PIANOS. Beware of rvoaua Instruments offered as genuine STK'IN WAY PIANOS A tine stock o4 new snd used STKINWAY pianos at very low prices may be found at the bchmoller A Mueller Piano Co.. 13 $ Farnam St., and ir.ry are the only authorised ro rv"". uiea ia Nebraska. t-$J-Mu51 I II Bee Want PERSONAL (Continued.) FOR anything 1n the sewing mnchlne line go to P. E. Tlodman Co., 1514 Capitol Ave. (18)-711 Jel3 SEW'INO machines rented, any make. 76c per week or $3 per month. Second-hand machlnea for sale. $5 and up. Nebraska Cycle Co., 16th and iiarnry. (18) 184 ANYONE Buffering from cancer will do well by writing me. After suffering four years from cancer I have been cured. I am not a doctor, but will tell yon where to get the cure. Roy Maxwell. 1022 N. 40th St. Omaha. Neb. (18I-M1K7 Six BRIGHT boy baby for adoption Address H 424, care Bee. (18) iM Z2x PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, ISM N. 24th St. Tel. Do'i Xnt. , flS)-854 MASSAGE Swedish movement. Room 24. 618 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Ia. (181 M398 TITF) ELITE, newly established massage snd bath parlors; expert lady operator solicits select patronage. 1204 Farnam St., second floor. '18) 421 25x $l.nn0 for whereabouts Grace Taga-art. 11 12 Jackson. ( 18) M4R8 3x REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. RUSSELL ft M'KITRICK CO.. 432 Ramge. (19) W W. H. TURRELL, It Patterson Blk. Doug. 1129. (IJ)-SSl SOARS. 621 N. Y. Life. Tel. Red 9K7. (1)-S83 PAYNE INV. CO.. 1st fir. N. Y. L. Doug. 17IO. 0) 583 ALFRED C. KENNEDY, 2ne First Natl bsnk bldg. 'Phone Doug. 723. (1 40 GEORGE COMPANY. 1001 Farnam. Tel. Douglaa 750. (1)-713 R, C. PETERS CO.. Bee Bldg. (19713 L. W. BUNNELL CO- 822 N. Y. Life. Douglas 614S. (19) 859 BERKA & CO.. 93S N. Y. I Tel. Doug. 7497. (19) 420 CITY PROPERTY rOR SALbU You want to buy a desirably located modern cottage, don't you? How would one of these 7-rm., all modern houses, Nos. 2206. 2307, 2209 N. 16th Bt. suit youf They are not the bullt-to-sell kind they are built to live In. The street Is paved, permanent sidewalks are In, there are a number of fine trees on each lot. The price Is $2,500 each. $7,600 for the three. They rent for $912 a year. Look ' them over, they are certainly cheap at the price we name. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg., Tel. Doug. 1781. 09)-:-3 NEW SUB-DIVISION CHOICE LOTS ON EASY TERMS 850 Three choice building lots, west fronts, on North 19th Boulevard', and 3 choice lots, east fronts, on 18th street, about 100 feet north of Bur dette street Convenient to Sherman ave. or Dodge street car lines. GARVIN BROS. 1604 Farnam St. (19)-M44123 4 HOME BARGAINS CLIFTON HILL A fine, 6-room, partly modern houae; parlor and reception hall finished In oak. large oak mantel; 60-foot jot with nice shade and fruit trees; an ideal little home. Only two blocks to car. Price right. FACING KOUNTZ PARK Eight-room, modern, except furnace, rooms all large and airy; full 6ofoot lot, permanent walk. House could not be duplicated today for $3,000. Price, $2,750; one-third cash, bal ance monthly. POPPLETON AVENUE Facing eouth, near car line, new houae of 7 rooma and reception hall, flneat open plumbing, ce mented cellar, fine steel furnace. A BAR GAIN at $3,250; $1,650 cash, balance same as rent. HANSCOM PARK Nearly new house cf 6 rooms and reception hall, hot water heat and A No. 1 open plumbing; built by the owner for a home; everything first class; corner lot facing the park, has abundance of shade. Ask for price. WRIGHT & LASBURY, 'Phone Douglas 152. 604 South PUh St. (19) M4i3 23 CORNER LOT BARGAIN Northeast corner 28th and Franklin Sta., (0x127 feet, paving, cement walk, sewer, gas, wa iter. $i6. W. T. GRAHAM, Bee Bldg. (1W 426 21 $2,200 Home in Orchard Hill SS31 Parker St., T rooms, partly modern, city water and gua, full 2-Htury house, good barn, lot &OJ.1JU feet. Only u.uuO cash, balance monthly. GEORGE CO., lool Farnam St. (19) M450 a NICE five-room cottage, brand new, hard pine finish, electric lighta, well, etc.. $1.4U; easy terms. J. Keiidi at Sou, 641 Paxton block. (19) 419 23 FOR SALE Two modern bouaeae and Urge barn, one block north of Hanacoin park; paved street, east front, lot TlixliOt Last in owner will eel! at a bargain. THOMAS BKENNAN. Room 1 N. Y. L, Bldtf. (U)-41 IF YOU are thinking of building It will pay you to see the Western Home Build ers, rooms 23 and 23. Neb. Nat. Bank Bldg., for prices and t erica. (1)-M645 Fine House Orchard Hill Nesr SMh snd Charles Sta, $ rooms, strictly modern, flue condition, splendid home at a bargain. $3,760. W. T. Li HA HAM. Bee Bldg. (U 423 21 LIST your property with the Westers Horns Builders, rnia. t!-23 Nebraska Natl Bunk Bldg. (19) 714 REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST r" fl C11AS. tt. WILLlAMSON.Praa. J (It) 1M FOR SALE Houae. rooms, modern ex cept furnace. iaOT Cuming tu Price, fScO. Easy terms. JOHN IT. FLACK. City Savin, Uuj and Dong lis. l Ad: will make: it easy for you to degin a. a ? Sue a m a r a e & m - . . . REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR SALE. (Continued. SOME SPECULATIONS 117 S. 3th St., house, T rooms, modern, paved St., $3.25n. Near snd Franklin Sta., two modern houreg, I rooms each, large lot, all for $3.00. Large double house, $ rooms each, on Emmet St., near 20th, 34.U00. JB15 Howard St., 7 rooms, conveniences, $2,330, li)t Locust St., t rooms, modern, $2.KA 2223 Miami St.. 7 rooms, modern. $.'.76'). Vitcant lot 6oxl27 feet, 2Sth and Franklin Sts., $. W. T. GRAHAM. Bee Bldg. (191424 23 Big Bargain Two of the fmest lots In the center of the West Farnam residence district, on .Vth avenue. Just south of Dodge, for $2,876 each. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO . (19)-M3i-4 23 WANT YOUR OFFER FOR S. W. Cor. Charles and 2th St. Ixt 63xl20, with cottage, 7 rooms and bath, permanent sidewalks, paved street, one block to 2tth St. car line. W. H. GRIFFITH, 2621 Chicago St. (19) M394 22x $G00 COTTAGE G1 N. 4nth Ave.. $ rooma, well and good cistern, In fair repair, large lot 100x155 ft. Ask , us about thlSj. GEORGE & CO., 1001 Farnam St. Sole Agents. (19) M4lf 23 HOUSE and lot. 71S North 23d street. South Omaha. John Johnson. North $2d. (19) M459 23 I NEED a larger house and will sell my home at a sacrifice If sold this month. House contains 6 good sized rooms, large cellar and, laundry rhom; city water and gas In house, sewer In street, good barn, chicken houae, shade and fruit trees. Lot 60x130. Paved street and permanent walk. Lot worth $850. Improvements cheap at $1,700, near 39th and Charles St. I only ask $2,000 for property and they will loan about $1,600 on property. For more Information address S 432 care Bee. C9)-M383 23 A Vict ro Ma of title; quick service. 'Phone auftliuus for prlccg Guarantee Ab stract Co., Patterson Blk. 'Phone Red ."947. (1 M670 M31 2521 AND 2523 CHICAGO ST. Six and eight room houses, 83 feet front age, paved street, permanent witlks, beau tiful lawns, close to High school and Crelghton college. Want offer. W. H. GRIFFITH, 2521 Chicago St. (18) M395 22x $4,200 FINE HOME New and finely constructed strictly modern ' 7-room, full t-story residence, located a few blocks west of high school, first floor quarter-sawed oak, second floor hard pine. This property will make a good home for some one and price is right About $1,500 cash needed. Address P 431. care Bee. (19)-M381 22 FOR SALTS Five-acre tract of land In Ben eon, three blocka from car, suitable for platting or for Improvement; an oppor tunity for some one. Address Y 4D3. care of Bee. (19) 834 REAL ESTATE FARM AKU RANCH LAXDS FOR SUE Colorado, HOMESTEADS Good farming land near railroad. Bernard GilllUand, 14 Clayton Blk., Denver, Colo. (20) M627 M.'.x FOR SALE 40 acres. Delta County, Colo rado., $2,000 ; 41 acree Conejoa County. Colorado, $410, water rlghta; 4 lota, Mor gan Colo., $; 33) acres Bourbon County, Kansas. $9,600; 160 acres, Hitchcock County, Nebraska, $2,000. J. I. Case T. M. Co., Racine. Wis. (20) MSuO 22 Canada. Canadian Lands For Sale. Eight sections first class winter wheat land? eight miles from town with three large coal mines, output about 2,000 tons per day, and 400 or 600 Inhabitants, Just be ginning to settle up. Iand Is black loans with yellow clay subsoil nice smooth, level land, no rocks. Good terms to par tUa iio can handle chunk. Address, J. H. Severs, Chinook, Mont. A)3ti JS Kansas. WANTED Agents to represent us In the sale of our Ksnsas lands. Write for par ticulars. Globe Land and Investment Co, Omaha, Neb. (2ut M420 Iowa. FEW Iowa farms very cheap If sold soon. Write "Owner," Conger, Is. (20) M994 24X Nebraska. PUBLIC SALE At the farm, e4 ne4. Sec. IS. Town. 15. R. 10; wH nw'. Sec. 17, Town. 15. R. 10, situated 1 mile east and 24 miles south of Valley and H mile south and 2 miles west of Waterloo. Friday, May 24. '07. at the farm, at 1 o'clock p. m. sharp. Good barn and good houses on both eighties; water in pasture; an Ideal stock farm, snd could be made one of the finest farms In the west for cattle feeding. Oood farm land. Object of selling Is. same Is In heritance property and must be .sold to apportion and settle up the estate of Annie E. Brown, deceased. Terms, cash. For further Information call on or address John L. Ycager, Valley, Neb. (20) MSS3 22x IMPROVED fsrms n eastern Nebraska; Sarpy and Douglas counties. B. J. Over ton. Grttr.o, Neb. (20)-M)f7S A GOOD farm, well Improved, 20 miles west of Omaha, for sale on easy tqfms. 5 pe" cent interest. If taken in next 34 days Address Y 244. Bee. (20) X Texas. THE LANDOF SUNSHINE Have some rare bargains In beautiful Brazos valley; it can not be surpassed; the finest part of Texas. Can raise alfalfa, corn, cotton, sugar cane snd rice; fine fruit country; plenty of water. My offer Is a snap; better anveatigate it: $15 to $2) per acre, worth double. Cheap railroad rates 1st snd 3rd Tuesdays of each month. For .particulars sddress ' ROB T. C. DHL r-SIXJW, M N. Y. L. Bldg.. Omaha, Net. 30) Mi 97 10,000 Acres in the Pan-Handle In Dalley County. Texas. We guarantee this entire tract to be perfect In every respect, there la no finer 1 n a In Ih, PftN.HanHU tjinil Adtnlnlniv this tract la retailing at $1 . to $14 per I ace, by ran it win an retail at io we will price half or ail cf this tract at a figure which will clear you from $5 to 86 per acre by retailing It. Address G. A. Ges man. Oskaloosa. Is. 120) M874 Jel4 I.ooa-ACRB improved rsnch, Kerr County, Texas., 16 miles northwest county seat, on railroad; fenced and cnss-fenced : four wires; three sets implements; numerous springs; lO acres level, balance rout:h' covered with valuable cedar, which could be floated down adjoining river to rail road; $160 per acre, subject to change without notice; iv per cent off to agents L, R. Qaynvr, Coon Rapids. Is. (30j-M44t a REAL ESTATE FARM AND KAKCH UM1I FOR SALB Mlscellaaeoaa. OVER 100 Improved farms, some annpa, close to 6t. Paul. Send for Real Katate Bulletin, giving prices and locations. Akerman, Londstrom, Minn. (-W-M""' Kx REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. (22)-lM PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1120 Doug. (22) Ifci $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and real, denes property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, Room 1 N . Y. Life. (Z2)-in WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith 4k Co., UM Farnam St U2-193 LOANS on Improved Orr.aha property. O'KEEFE K. E. CO.. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. (22)-M7S $100 TO $50,000 TO LOAN at lowest rates; no delay. GARVIN BROS.. 1604 FARNAM. (22)-l7 BUILDINO loans on residence propertr; per cent W. B. Melkle. Ramge Block. (22) m LOWEST RATES Bemls. Paxton Block. (72) 1W WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters A Co. (22)-200 LOANS on Improved city property W H. Thomas, 606 First National Bank Bldg. . (221199 BEAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED To buy, a nine or ten room res idence In West Farnam district. Give description and terms. Address N 429, Dee. sti Mass WANTED To buy. 6 or 7-room housn. mod ern. In first class repair, south of Farnam and between 2uth and 34th. Give particu lars. Addiesa B 435. Bee. WANTED TO BORROW $,.1-nON IMPROVED real estate, worth S'0 JJl"glve flrat mortgage. Addreas K-4-6. Bee. (24) X6 2tx WANTED TO BUY CASH paid for dd bonks. Crane-Foye Co. 313 S. 14tn. 'Phone Douglas 1321. (26)-l WANTED Good gentle horse for lady to drive; must be perfectly sound, weigh ing l,2u0 pounds. Call Douglas 1806. (25) 347 22 SECOND-HAND fiat top desk, must be cheap. 'Phone Red 7117. (25) 416 23 PARTY with $1,000 cash wishes to purchase best cottage this amount will buv. Ad dress J 409. Bee. (25) 4J5 27x WANTED TO RENT WANTED Good modern house with large yard and close In, to accommodate two responsible families. F 389, care Bee. (26)-31 21 WANTED to rent, June 1. for three months, small well furnished oottage or apartment, modern, clean, three adults, referencea. F. H. Burton, 23 Vine St., Denver, Colo. (26) M203 22x WANTED Modern Cottage with 6 rooms, cloae In and with good yard, at reaaon able rent. Will occupy June 1. Address E. 8S8, Bee. (26)-318 21 WANTED-To rent, about June 1. house, four or five rooms, with yard, near school; modern if possible. Beat of references. Address W 433. Bee. (26) M390 23x WANTED J4y lady having nice apartment within walking dlatance of ltlth St., would like to share same with married couple or two young Indloe. references given and re quired. Address K 410, care Bee. . (2ti)-405 27 WANTED SITUATION ".' i . l oiriiiunArntn; gooq - referencea. Address F, Omaha Bee, li otuii di council uiunrs, ia. iz,) sa POSITION WANTED-A young German printer wants a position on a German paper; experience about four and a half years; no bad habits. Address V 17, care Dee- (27) M 438 J2x EXPERIENCED grocery clerk. Address A. a. xuo, tCC. (1-7) M397 22x GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING quartermaster. Cheyenne. Wyoming, May, K 1Sj7. Sealed proposals, in tripli cate, will be received at this office until 11:30 a. m. mountain time June 15, 1907 at which time they will be opened In public or constructing plumbing, steam, heating! electric wiring and furnishing and Install ing electric lighting llxtuis in one hospital building at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming Specifications and blank forms of propos als may be obtained at this office, plans and specifications for the construction of the building above specified have been placed as follows: With chief quartermas ter, Department of Colorado, Denver; chief quartermaster, Drpartment of the Mis souri, Omaha. Nebraska, and chief quar termaster. Department, of the Lakes, Chi. cago, Illinois. Tha government reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or parts of bids. Envelopes containing proposals should be Indorsed "Proposals tor constructing, etc., new hospital building at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming," and ad- arevseu v. iv. nan. captain and quarter l master, U. 8. Army, In charge of construc I tlon, Cheyenne, Wyoming, j M22-23-24-25-J1S-14. I PROPOSAIJt FOR PACK MULES Chief vjuariermaster s nmce, Omaha, Nebraska, May 12. 19o7. Mealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received at this office, until 1 o'clock p. m., central standard time, June (, 1907, and then opened, In the presence of attending bidders, for two hundred (L"0i pack mule for Q. M. Department, for de livery at Omaha, Nebrasna, or other pron. inent railroad rinta. The animals to con form to Bieclficatlons for mules. United States reserves right to accept or reject any or all pmpcsals or any part thereof. Particulars and blanks for proposals will be furnished on application. Envelopes con talnlna p-oposals to be Indorsed "Proposals for Mules,'' and addressed to Major Thomas Cruse, Chief Quartermaster. S Mr-23-24-2S-JS-4 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO PUBLISHERS-BIDS WILL be received for publishing the Workman (the official paper of the order for Ne braska) up to 12 o'clock noon of May 28. Bidder must be a member of the order. Each bidder to furnish his own specifics, tlons. For further specifications apply to S. R. .Barton, Grand Island, Neb. All bids to tie filed with him. A. GALL'S HA, Lincoln, Neb., Sec'y. Finance Com. M21d3tM SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE celved at office of treasurer. Battle Moun tain Sanitarium, N. H. D. V. 8, Hut Springs. S. I , until It o'clock m , May 31 1!"7. and then opened, for furnishing and delivery of furniture, carpets, rangvs. etc., in accordance with Instructions and speci fhmtlons. entiles- of which, with blank firoposala and other Information, may be isd upon application to W. A. Tucker treasurer. M19-23-26 Office hours, $40 to 1:30 a. m.. 1--J0 to 3:30 p. m. Telephone Harney 639. OMAHA VETERINARY HOSPITAL SalO Masaa Street. Omaha. Neb. II. L Ramscdottl. D. V. 8 . Deputy State and City Veterinarian. Food Inspector, Chief Burgeon. D. C. Scott. D. V. .. Jlv p:tal SursefO 1 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Mary E. Wlllrtt to F. II Parsons. eT" feet of 14n feet lot li7, Olse s add $ 10 Laurence Mlnot to Met 'ague Invest ment company, feet lot l Elisabeth Place 1 Thomas P. Flmilay et al t Jrsse F. Noble, lots 16. 1 and 17, replat of block 10. Uemla Park 11.00 Arthur U Tlbhrr.s to Philip J. and Ottllie M. Tebhens, K2 fett lots 1 and 2. block . 1 Continental Trust com pan v to Janus F. Foster, lot 9. block 1. Vander eook Terrace 1 Carl SnndlMrg and wlte to T. F. Maloney. lot 17. block , Poppleton Park 60 Dundy Realty eom'nrv to John Murtagh. ar., lots 13, 14 and IS, Mock !' Dundee Place 1,950 Geoia-p Warren Smith to Harry Tavender. e56 feet lots 1. I and i. block 1, Smlthfleld 1.000 John Rnncka to Catherine Rancka, lot 4. block 1.13, South Omnha, and lot 1. Mock 1 Corrigan Place 1 Elisabeth Burgess and husband to Nlnn Hoffman, lot 2 and nlo feet lot 23. block 3. Reed s 8th a. Id 2.r,00 Llzsle Westertlrld and husband to Thomas I'hui. lot 10. Wester- field's add Mary A Khanahan to Catherine T. Shanahan. lot 6. block 10. S. E. Rogers' add C. C. Kendall to E. H. Howland. lot 4. block 3, Kendall a add Missouri Valley Land and Live Stock comiwny to Gust Carlson, lot 15, I4ndsay's add Henry B. Payne to Thomas F. Rhoy. lot m. Mayne's add Prudential Real Es'ate romnin' fa James F. Foster, lot 14. block L Lincoln Place. Robert R. Beard and wife to Thomas Swift, lots 1 and 2, block 2, Hillside add. No. 1 Edgar H. Scott and wife to Ralph I.. Shepard, lots 6 and 6, block 4, Klrkwood Henry Nestor and wife to Henrv M. Nestor, lot 27. A. Kountxe's add ... United Real Estate and Trust com pany to Io Uaroch, ne lot ewVfc lot 20, e4 lot 20 and eM. lot 21. Kountze'a 2d add ". Iasle France to Irving- Sullivan, WJO fet lot 4 and e30 fest lot 5, block N. Iowe's ald Igiuitiufl Wbltilcwics and wife to Frank Zlck. s4 lot 3, block 8, South Omaha Kathertne M. Ball to Ernest Sweet, n5o feet l.'.t 4, block 19IS. Omaha.... Charles L. Thomas to Curl J. Ijirson, lot 14, block 113. Florence Same to James L Johnson, lot 13, block 118, Florence Arthur L. Huston and wife to POO 1 175 2f1 1.100 1 1 Too 825 1.1"0 1.000 no 250 Charles R. Thompson, middle one third of lot 7. block 7, South Omaha 1.275 Edward 41. Van Ingen to O. B. Fhukert. wt lot 3 and all lot 4. block 18. Omaha 127,500 Eliza Patrick to Dundee Realtv com pany, a-" w-i swv4 is. 15-13.' 1 South Omaha National bank to Union Pacific railroad, lot 11, block 81, South Omaha, and other lots..,. 7,nno Total amount of transfers $159,375 RAILWAY TIME CARD CKIO STATION TESTII AJH1 MARCY. Union Paclne. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a -56 am a :1S pm The China and Japan Fast Mall a 4:15 pm a B:10 pm Colo. & Calif. Ex a 4:15 pm a 9 30 am California & Ore Ex. .a 4:25 pm a 6:1 pm Lok Anirclea Limited. .. .al2:55 pm a 1:85 pm Fajt Mall a $:10 pm a 6:00 pm Colorado Special a 7:45 am a 7:44 am North Platte Local a 8:10 am a 4 50 pm Beatrice Local b 1:10 pm bl2:45 pm Cblcago, Rock Island A Paclfle. EAST. Chicago Limited J:16 am a 7:10 am Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4 30 pm Chicago Mall a $:46 pm Iowa Local bl26 pm b :56 pra Chicago (Eastern Ex.).. a 6:06 pm a 1:35 pm Chicago (Iowa Lmtd.L.a 6:35 pm al2:25 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Lmtd..a 7:50 am a 1:05 am Colo. & Cal. Express... a 1:60 pm a 4:60 pm Okl. A Texas Express. .a 4:40 pm al2:06 pm Lincoln, Falrbury and Eellevue . a 8:60 pm al0:10 arr Dea Moines Local a 4:15 pm Wabash. St. Louis Express a 6:30 pro a 8:30 am St. Louis I.ocs.1 (from Council Bluffs a 1:56 am al0:90 pm Btanberry Local (from Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm bll:30am Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul. Chi & Colo. Special. ...a 7:66 am a 7:30 am California & Ors. Exp. .a 5:45 pin a 3:10 pm Overland Limited a 8:36 pm a 9:30 am Des Moines A Cedar Rapids Local b 6:45 am .bl1:00 pm Chicago A Northwestern. Cedar Rapids Pass a 7:05 am a 6:C6 pm Twin City Express a 7:60 am al0:00 pm Chicago Daylight a 5:00 am all:15 pm Chicago Local all :30 am a 3:45 pm Sioux City Local a 3:50 pm a 9 35 am Carroll Local a 4:32 pm a 9:.V am Sioux City I.ocal a a 4S nm Chicago Express a 5:50 pm a 7:30 am Fast Mall a 20 Dm Fast Mall Twin C'ty Limited... Overland Limited ... Norfolk-Bonesteel ... Llncoln-Chadron Deadwood-I.lncoln ... Casper-Shoshoni Hastings-Superior ... Fremont-Albion Los Angeles Limited Illinois Central. ...a 8:23 pm a h:30 am ..a 8:2. pm a 7:0f. am ..a 8:34 pm a 9:31 am ...a i to am ai(J:35 am ,..b 7-40 am ahV?5 am ..a 8:0t pm a 6:05 pm ..a :0fi pm a 5:0' pm ..b 3:O0 pm b 5:06 pm . .b :2 pm bl2:60 pm ..a 9:60 pm al2:3S pm Chicago Express .a 8'00 am a 8:45 pm Minn. c St. Paul ED...b k.uO am a 8:15 pm Chicago Limited , a 6 00 pm a 7:30 arm Mlnn.'at St. Paul Lmtd..a 8:30 pm a 7:30 am t bleago Great W eitisa. . Paul;lli.. s.30 pm 7:10 am St. Paul 4t Minneapolis.. 7.46 am 11:50 pm Chicago Limited 1:40 pm 9:00 am Chicago Express 7:45 am 11:50 pm Chicago Express 8:30 pm 3:80 pm Missouri Paclne. K. C. & St. L. Exp a :00 am a 6:45 am K. C. St. U Exp all:li pm a 6 35 pin Nebraska Local a 2:K pm all.tu am SlHLlXGTOJI KTATIO.I lOTH MASOl Darlington. Leave. Arrive ..a 4:10 pm a J.30 pm ..a 4:10 pm a IujO pm ..a 4:10 pm a $:3i pm ..all :10 pm a 7:10 am ..a 8:10 am a 7:45 pm ,.a 9:10 am a 7:46 pm a (:u6 am ,.b 2:00 pm al2Kn pm Denver & California. Black Hills Northwest 6peclal ... Northwest Express .. Nebraska Express ... Nebraska Lool , Lincoln Ixica, Lincoln Fast Mall.... Lincoln Local a pm r i. i:ronn s x-iaiisin in.D s:do pm 010:1$ am Plattsmouth a 7:60 pm a 8:10 am Uenver i-imiiea Bellevue & Paa Juno, .a 3:80 am 7:10 am l -M nin Chicago Ficlal ... ChlcaKO Exi ress .. .a 7:25 am a 7:26 pm .-:w p s;t& pm Chicago Flyer a 66 em 7:zb pm Iowa cal a 9:15 am alO M pm St. Louis Express... a 4:45 pm all.) am Kansas Clty-St. Joe al0:46 pin a 6:45 am Kansas Ctty-St. Joe a9:15 am a 6:10 pm Kansas Clty-9t. Joe a 4:46 pm Webster TATio-ioth a werster Chicago, tt. Paal, Minneapolis Omaha. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ,.h am b 9 10 pm Sioux City Pasenger...a 2:00 pm all:20am Emerann Local b 6:45 pm b 8:10 am r.merson icsi B M ta a im o 6:50 pm Miaaoarl Paclne. Local via Weeping Wat-r Falls City Local ....a 8:05 am a 8 80 pm ....a 8:50 pm all. 60 are Daily, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, e Sunday only, e Dally except Monday. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS P rench Line CompajnU Ciniralt Transatlantic eiSintic, RiginO Fast Leviathans JVrt yorK-Taru 6 "Day 4 LA PROVENCE, new twin eerew flver pssaen. ger elevator, gymoasium. roof cafe. This aud the other Twin Strew Mcaraers have daily newspsp ers. erchesfv wireless svstem and many other Innovation!, on board, both fur safety and comfort La Lorraine May 30 SLa Bretagae June I Ie Bavote Jane La Provence fane 13 X,a Lorraine Jans SO La Bavole Jane 87 ssracils-giira esartarm Kiim Iiiissx Ih wt saur nalfiir st cum ssco'is U nl Na,al oBVrs' sus-oC-wu Siscipiias. Com pa a rl ves:tbui4 uslna. UTr-r&rts, 1 boeis. mkv Maiiil cobssctlons ars aid tit ail yoiult sa IS CoutiDsat. for iiui, rsaarvstloas as tall Isforauttaa osll ea. lAkspboo. or to cbs following sgvuts: Harrr g. MoMaa, 1M1 Vinum SL ; J a. karasiss, Km 'imrn kl , Louis N'tes. ra.r ot 1st Nat l Bik. W O U:tm, 1111 Psrun acj W. aV itoca. 1m4 ittus su, Osxha, Nets BUSIEST SEASUN OF PAVING Mcrs Work Haired for This Tear Than Any Cue Eectntlj. ASPHALT ON FARNAM AND DCUGUS Improvement on Former Is F.speeted to tr Wlthla Tsvo Weeks Latter May Begta Aboot Same Time. If present plans carry Omaha will see more work on the streets In the buslneai eectlon of the city this year than for ev. eral years. The asphalt paving of Farnam street will b started within two weeka, I according to a statement from the city 1 engineer's ofllce. The projected Improve ment of Farnam street has caused prop erty owners on Douglaa street to start a movement for the repaying of that thor oughfare. A representative of a number of larg property owners was at the city engineer's office Tuesday morning and secured an estimate of the cost of charges contem plated. According to his statement the j plun Is to pave with asphalt sixty feet i oi ine street and to pave that portion be tween the asphalt and the curb with brick blocks, so thot the pavement will be pro tected from the ffet of horses, many of whom are left standing on hat street for hours. The general plan will be that used In tho rrpavlng of Sixteenth street. New curbs will be required and the total cost of the Improvement, which will be from Ninth street to Sixteenth street, will be sbout $8.30 per foot front. It Is the In tention of the promoters of the scheme to have this work done as soon as Farnam street has been completed. If it cannot be done at the same time. Property owners on Thirteenth street from Harney to Douglas are preparing for Blmllar work and hope to have the new paving In plnce before fall. CONNELL IS J0N HIS METTLE Health Commissioner Determined to Enforce Ijiws and Resents In alnaation of Graft. pptlence has ceased to be a virtue In the health department and the watchword Tuesday morning was "warrants for all who have failed to act on suggestions thst alleys and unsanitary places be cleaned." Speaking of thematter Health Commis sioner Connell said: "The health department Is resolved that the ordinances shall be observed. In ex ceptional cases we are willing to grant ell concessions In our power, but when property owners and tenants show no de sire to comply with the regulations they may expect to be called upon to explain In police court and Inspectors hnve orders to procrastinate no longer. Notices wilt be served In the "sual manner. The legal time will be permitted to elapse between notice and performance nnd the next notice will come from a policeman." The commissioner was especially n dlgnunt over the actlort of one property owner, who had intimated that an In spector was to be Influenced by "graft" "We will show them," he said, "that the only money which a property owner can spend In excess of that required for the removal of a nuisance Is what ho may pay In fines and costs In plice court, snd the sooner the people recognise this fact the sooner they will get out f trouble." DR. SENN ALSO TO BE HERE Famous Chlrago Physician, in Addi tion to Dr. Carroll, Attends State Medio Exercises. In addition to Dr. James Carroll of Wash ington, Dr. Nicholas Senn, the famous surgeon of Chlrago, will attend the com mencement exercises of the College of Med icine of the University of Nebraska Thurs day evening, at 8 o'clock, at the Congre gational church, Nineteenth and Davenport streets. Special clinics are to be held Thursday morning and the annual alumni luncheon and reception to seniors will be held Thursday afternoon at 1:30 at tho Chesapeake, 1510 Howard street, to be fol lowed by the annual business meeting of the alumni association. At the commencement exercises Rev. E. H. jenks will pnhnounee the Invocation and the administering of the Hlppocratlc oath and the presentation of the candidates will be performed by Dean Henry Baldwin Ward. The degrees will be conferred by Chancellor Elisha Benjamin Andrews. Prixea will be awarded by Dean Ward. The ervmniehretnent addrrsa will be delivered by Nicholas Senn. M. D.. of Chicago, who will speak on "The Choice of a Profession." An Informal reception will be given In the parlors of the. church for' the speaker, the alumni, the graduates and the Invited guests. A class of eighteen will receive degrees and the degree of Doctor of Laws will be conferred upon James Oarroll, MILLIONS TO PROTECT LIFE Immense Fortunes Expended by Har rlmnn to Snfesrunrd Passengers on Pacta Iloa!s. "The Union Pacific and Southern Paclflo ral roads have spent nearly $12,000,000 for the Installation of safety devices In tha last year and a half." said A. L. Mohler, vice president and general manager of the Union Pacific Tuesday morning. "Tha Southern Pacific alone expended for bloak signals. Interlocking plants, crossing bells and switch signals, $3.5u0,000 and for safety appliances on cars snd engines $4,500,000. The Union Pacific has spent In the same time $1.0(0,000 for automatic couplers, air brakes, train signals and electric signals and for safety apllances on the railroad system $2,000.0(0. "By the end of the present. year tha Union Pacific and Southern Pscifle will have 4,700 miles of track protected by auto matic electrical signals. In addition the Union Pacific Is making its surprise testa) on the trainmen to observe their obedience of slgnsls, the results of which have ma terially reduced the number of accidents. 'This Immense outlay and cost of main tenance does not add to the revenues of the company, but provides for the addi tional safety of the patrons and employes and conforms to the Inauguration of this class of expendlfures commenced three years ago snd prior to the public agita tion on the subject." OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CANADIAN PACIFJC "EMPRESS" Urt9 of the Atlantic Our express steamers. "Empress of Britain" and "Empress of Ireland" (14.64 tons i sail froth Uuebeo to Liverpool In six fays; two days on the majestic SL Lawrence snd only four days at sea. They possess svery knows device to en sure safety, speed, comfort, and luxury. a B. EsTJAxtTr7. Oea. AgU S2S U. OU4 west. Chioago, 111. SCANDIKAlA!s-A&!KICAIi LLM MAS Tea Twin-screw Passenger Uaaaers Direct to Norway. Sweden tai Denmark Wolsf from Mw York at awa. rsltsd SUitas Just CiHsllls Olsv Julr C V TIMfra Jims llll nlt'4 Iuim Jul? 11 Oictr II Jiiu MO T Tletaa... Julr Salooa. 7ti sad u(,are; sacouS uua. Xj4. A. a Jouusun te., 1 UruaUwai, M. X, U Kiaale SC. Chto