THE OMATf A SUNDAY BEE: MAY VJ, mw. REAL ESTATE CITT PHOPKBTT FOR ALB (Continued. OTrclnno Park" This is an acre proposition consisting of 550 acres of the most beautiful land in Douglas County, one mile West of Benson car line; cut into 2V2 to 20 acres tracts, with fine drives, set with two rows of trees on each side. It is absolutely pretty. ' There is a fine view for miles in every direction. Every lot has a beautiful building site, and you ought to see it to appreciate what this will be in a few years, especially. REMEMBER, that suburban acres, like these, close to a growing city, are dead sure to advance. Taxes are nominal. People with means who can keep an automobile can as easily live in the country as in the crowded City. Buy a few acres, set it out to fruit and trees and in five years it will beorth $1000 per acre. Our prices are from $175 to $375 per acre for the very cream of the earth. We will show this any day with automobiles and the ride, alone, through the ground, is worth your time, and we will pay for the gasoline. Keystone Park Land Company Payne Investment Co. 1st floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1781. GARVIN BROS. IIOUSES $550 ON EASY PAYMENTS 6127 N. 17th St., four-room cottage, newly painted and repaired rents $8 4 per year. $850 ON EASY PAYMENTS 1208 Emmet St., good five-room brick cottage, lot 50x123 ft. $1,2503005-3007 Franklin St, 2 cottages, city water, full lot BAR GAIN. $1,400 ON EASY TERMS 2815 Plnkney St., first time offered, twto Btory house, newly shingled, painted and papered, seven rooms, city water, sink, sewer and gas, with corner lot 40x123 ft Investigate. $1,900 PART ON TERMS 2616 N. 15th, good cottage, five rooms, por celain bath, gas, sewer, closet, etc.; rents $17 per month. $2,750 ON EASY PAYMENTS Want offer N. W. corner 28th and Franklin, three houses renting for $30, with lot 60x127; space for another cottage; paving tax all paid. 13.500 NEAR HANSCOM PARKl rt uu in ui , in-1 1 1 j wen Mow hAiiaA i fAAvn a awdii rprpn lar. cement street walk. A BARGAIN. INVESTIGATE. INVESTMENTS $16,000 Rents $2,160, six modern flats In good location, west pan oi cuy. A BARGAIN. INVESTIGATE. $10,000 Rents $1,200, corner 24th, near Dodge. WORTHY OF IN VESTIGATION. VACANT RIPE FOR SUBDIVISION. 501x297 feet, at end of Ames Ave. car line, fronts Ames Ave., 36th and 16th Ave. Look at this ground and call at our office for particulars. 108x165 ft, choice for bricks or apartment, and walking distance, three fronts, Harney, Dewey Ave. and 27th street. Want offer. $3,000 80 feet, close In. near 21st and St. Mary's Ave., fine location for bricks. $1,000 EO-foot corner lot, near 25th and Mason. NEW SUBDIVISION $860 Six choice building lots. VERY EASY TERMS. Three of these lots front west on 19th boulevard. Just north of Burdette, and three east fronts on 18th St. GARVIN BROS.. 1604 Farnam St. BIG BARGAIN Near Mth and Maple Sts : rooms, mod ern, furnace, etc.: $2,700; fully worth $3,800; Urge lot, south front. " C. G. CARLBERO. Ill New York Life Bldg. SMALL ACRES N. W. OF BENSON We. axe sole agents for 20 acre tract of ground close to Military road, which la well suited for truck garden pur pones or fruit farm. W esn divide this Into 6, H or 15 rrea. Price ts $180 per acre If nold in 6-acre tracts; If sold In 10 acres cr more, $150 per acre. Thia U the cheapen acre property near Benson. For fur ther particulars see GEORGE & CO., 1001 Farnam St. OI) CHOICE LOTS $CK0 for fine lot near EM and Laird Bt.; must be sold. 4JM for rholce southeaat corner front lot. ,1ft paved St.. brick walk, one block. to 30th -t. car; $100 caah and $10 per month. $ for choice south front lot 60x133 feet, two reet aoove graae; s cash ana V per month; investigate. J. W. RASP CO. Douglas 1653. 436 Paxton Blk. (19)- $500 DUNDEE LOT Only two blocks from car line, nice f.fty fnot south front lot. good location, we si's sure ths la the best value offered In lMm hti. Tli's price Is only good for a few ' ,V ' HASTJNC3 HEJTDEN. 17U4 Farnam St. 09-r$ 18 ALL MODCTS house, $ living rooms, laundry; also vacant lot. 60x1 U; deatrabls location. Inquire $;01 Woolworth ave. tU)-MA4 3vx REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR 8r.K (Continued.) D. V. Sholes Company. 110 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Douglas 49, 10 HOME SITES $3,000-00x300, fronting on two streets, Han- Bcom i-ara ana car une. Itouo each for 2 lots. 4-1X1S5. eut front, 10th and Bancroft. ll.OuO North went corner 85th and Charles. 1750 South front on Seward, near 83d. $750 Southeast oorner Slat and Charles, 100x1 27 4. $500 Northwest corner 86th and Blondo, 60x112. $500 South front on Cedar, near 4th. $260 South front on Frances, near 2d. Lots south and adjoining Miller Park, $100 to fzuu each, o down and o per month. BEMIS Phone Douglas 68S. Paxton Block. (19; NEAR KOUNTZE HOME l-room house, located near B. M. deui i, on eroi.ent street, ail modern, lot (0x134, east front, paved street, specials all paid $3,400. Can you equal it anywhere? til New York Ufa Bldg-. (19)- W. G. SHRLVER 103 New York Life Bldg. If you want a splendid Investment, let me snow you toe following properties: Three S-story and basement brick terraces, strictly modern, brings in 10 per cent: Park Ave. and Paclno Ht. $13,000 Three-story and basement brick hotel. eiiuairy located. - , . , $10,000 Two houses- on 9th. near Pierce, rents ' ,u.' sj . $ 3,000 Bix-room cottage, corner tn and Parker, modern except furnace, paved , street,' permanent sidewalk. mi liar, oXl). s $ $.100 juignt-roora house, modern except lurnace. large bain, on alley. $ 2,100 New 4-room cottage, modern except itirnac-e, N. 19th tit. boulevard. $ 3,000 Dix-room cottage, needs repairs, 80th and Webster. $ (00 Two cottages on itn St., near Pacific both for $ 2,800 oeven-room oweiung, nam, 40-foot lot, weet front, . 26th, near Spencer, monthly payments If required, small puyinent tiown. $ 800 Seven-room brick house, near 84th and Calwe'l. K3-foot lot, east front. $ 1,800 VAL'ANf fKUfKKTY. 90-foot east front on 31st Ave. and Pa cific, finest kite for brick Hats in the city, paved street and permanent a ewaiKS. . $ 5,000 40 feet on Mth and Patrick Ave., per ' KPnt walks. $ 460 r-uu tot on win, near Harney, sewer and water on lot, one of the finest " nt on in city for home. $ 2,000 Full lot on 33d, near Farnam, west n unt. $ 2,000 Corner on Sbth and Decatur, 60x127 ft. $ 360 run tot on zist ana Charles, room for l wo uousea. I son Full lot. 2Mh, near Woolworth. $ (00 Two full lots near 29th and Dupont. i ime, room (or four cottages. $ 700 I have a number of homes in Kountze Place, Bemls Park and Hanscom Place districts for sale cheap and on reasonable terms. (19) 273 19 TAKE Corner lot on boulevard; east front; north of Kounts Place $650. Lot 18, block 1, Brenoan Place, $750. This is the last time I can give you these prices. SEARS, Room 621 N. T. Life. Red 987. (19) 3124 Seward, splendid 6-room house, modem except furnace, built by owner for home, oorner lot. 0x130. This property Is very desirably located, being only two blocks from Bemls Park. Must be sold at once. $2,250. Sea us early Monday morning. A snap. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., K. Y. Life Bldg. (19)- $4o00 8-Room Kountze Place Home In a choice location, on pared street, fine terrace lot, close to 20th St. boul evard; has 4 large bedrooms ad bath on second floor and four large rooms and reception hall on first floor. Be sure to look this up at once. Office open until 9 p. m. Monday even ings. Hastings & Heyden 1704 Farnam St. (19)- BEAUT1FUL KETSTONE PARK for acreage hemes. See It, sura, any. after noon. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. AND D. V. SHOLES COMPANY. o- I HAVE suburban acra property, only 2H miles from pustofnee. A buainess man cannot afford to live f or 1 miles from Mi oince, at least until the lnlerurbaa railways arc built. Largest list of aero property In Omaha. Investigate before buying. Choice city propel ty aad farm land. List with mo for quick sale. ACREAGE SPECIALIST. S. ARION LEWIS 34 Now York Ufa. 'Phono Hamer tsi. UJ-ifl lax REAL ESTATE citt PRurmn v fow-S alb (Continued.) CLOSE IN BARGAINS IIS, 000 Corner lot at 14th and Davenport, opposite new Northwestern termi nals, 132 feet east front, 66 feet north front. f ,G0O 44 feet north front on Davenport near tfth EL $15,000 Large trackage lot fronting on Douglas snd Ninth Sts., opposite M. E. Smith A Co.'s new building; 132 feet of trackage. Greatest track age bargain I'.i Omaha. I $ 1 000 44 feet on Farnam near Powell Oarage. Cheapest ground esst of 24th St., south front on Farnam. $ 4,000 8-room house,, 1318 Capitol Ave., and lot 33x132, opposite market nouse. This ground alone Is worth the money. If you want a bargain see us about this at ones. $10,000 Fine trackage lot on Tenth St., near Douglas, on Dodge car line ana Council BlufTs line. 132 feet of Northwestern trackage, 66 feet front Wi also have some vacant ground on Nineteenth St., between Farnam and Harney Bts.. nnd a large improved prop erty on Harney St., near Eighteenth St.; which we believe Is ths greatest snap for Increase of value. N. P. DODGE & CO. 1714 Farnam St 09)- SIX LOTS 45X130 EACH Fronting on three streets, with good house and barn, in fair snape. locatea mar jpmi and Manderstm Sts. These lots are ele gant home sites ant we can either divide to suit or sell In one block. Price $3,500, $1,750 cash. BEMIS Phono Douglas 6S5. Paxton BV-ck. (19) MODERN COTTAGE 6-room cottage, near tth and Parker; thoroughly well built; Urge lot. Price, $2,510. if you wish a desirable home, see this. C. 0. CARLBERO, $11 New York Ufa Bldg. (19)- SUBURBAN ACRES IN FLORENCE HEIGHTS This deelrabls property Is lo cated about 7 blocks northwest of the end of Florence street car line, and Is divided Into tracts of from t to 10 acres, at prices ranging from $240 to $300 per acre, according to location. Florence Heights la an ideal place for a suburban home, and commands a magnificent view of the river and surrounding country, affords its citizens the advantage of the 6-cent street car faro to and from Omaha, also electric light, telephone service to Omaha without extra charge; excellent schocl, nine grades and free delivery of goods from Florence stores. Call at our office and receive a plat showing detailed tnforma Con regarding this property, as several very desirable sights are still unsold. Look this over this afternoon, and while there Inspect the grounds of Rosemere, the country home of Hon. Thomas D. Crane, located at the north end of this tract You will be surprised at tho beautiful view afforded from, this commanding position. GEORGE & CO., 1001 Farnam St. 09) NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE Located near 2eth and Rug-glee, accessible from two car lines, hus large hall, bath room, pantry and clogets, lot 60x112. This house Is well built and Is a bargain at $2,400. JiwO caah. BEMIS Phone Douglas 685. Paxton Bl'cck. (19) NEW CATHEDRAL $4,260 for good 9-room house, modem, oak fnlsh, corner lot near 40th and Cuming Bt $1,hu0 for (0x150 foot south front on Burt St., near 40th St., a bargain. If you want to buy, see Hasp. If you want to sell, see Rasp. If you want Are Insurance, see Rasp. J. WT. RASP CO. Douglas 1653. 43S Paxton Blk. (19)- 40 acres near Florence. This Is a well located 40-acres tract, three miles north of Florence and near the Calhoun road, which Is now being acadamlzed. It Is surrounded by beautiful country homes and up-to-date fruit farms. It is well planted with young bearing fruit trees, consisting with 400 apple trees, 200 cherry trees and 200 plumb. All well selected and thrifty. One acre of grapea and one acre of raspberries, straw berries, etc. Improvements are ample and In fine condition. The price on this Is $6,000. We think that there Is nothing In tho neighborhood that compares with it at the price. Possession within a reasonable time. R. C. Peters & Co. t 8. I7th St, Boo Bldg. (20) A Home or An Investment Practically new 1 storv T room modern house, H block from Harney car line. Rented $28 per month. Possession on one month's notice. House could not be replaced for leas than $2,500. We re authorised to offer this for the next few days only for $2,900. J. II. DUMONT & SON 906-6 N. Y. Ufa Bldg 09) TEN Largo city lots at 42d and Fort Bts $1,000; 10 per cent off for caah. C. C CARLBERO. til Now York Life Bldg. (19)- 4112 FARNAM . A two-story 7-room modern house, de sirably located, with the finest of plumb ing and furnace, cement walks, paved street, tax fully paid; Just the thing fer a nice homo. Owner says sell at oaoe; price 15,00ft. Aaaxesa IX LA. Beo. REAL ESTATE CITT PROPF.RTY FOR SALE. (Continued.) LAST CHANCE PRICE CUT FROM $4.M0 TO $3.72;. A dandy 7-room, all modern house at 2010 N. 2'th ft. Built 2 yenrs. Klne lot and hade. Paved street. Look through this house and come in Monday. 10-room house, Hanscom Park district, all modern in every way. A fine home. Paed street. All specials paid. f-room house on Dode St., modern In every way, oak finish throughout. A model home. 7- roon cotttige on N. roth St., strictly modern and exceptionally well built, nearly new. All specials In and p;d for. Two 5-room cottages, S. liith St., facing east. Nice large lot, with room for two more cottages. A good investment. 8- room. 2-story house on Ersktne St., In fine repair. New furnace. Cement cel. lar and walks. A beautiful lot, with fine shade and fruit. A great bargain at $2,6W. B-room cottage, new, S. 22d St. Bricked cellar. Permanent walks. 1H blocks to car. Could finish 3 more rooms upstairs. 8-room, new, full 2-story housi on 32.1 St., all modern except heat. Faces east, well rul t, snd a line lot, V blocK lroni car. Half cash. 8 new 6-room cottages on N. ISth St., all modern excert heat. Well built. Will be reauy for occupancy in about 10 days. Reasonable terms. 6-room. modern cottage on Corby St. H block to car. A nice, neat place. In good repair. 6-room cottage on N. 19th St., near car line. C-rixm cottage on S. 17th St. Oas, city water and cistern. 1 blocks to car. A bargain. 4-room cottage op Patrick Ave. and barn. 243u. 'ull-slze cellar, f ine cistern, uas In kitchen. Terms to suit purchaser. 6-room cottage on N. 28th Ave. A dandy lot, with shade. U s priced below value $1,000. NOLAND & GRAHAM Phone Red 1180. 1614 Harney St UW 7 19 INVESTMENT Three houaes and double flat, now renting for HUi per month, all In tlrat class condi tion and well lucaled, near 17th and Wil liam Sts. Owner la us of selling Una pioi-eity and would like to have an otter. Price $ll.ou. BEMIS Phone Douglas &&. Paxton Brock. (19) GOOD HOMES CHEAP tl.SoO for rood 7-room house, full enat front lot near 2th Ave. and Fort St. j $1,4(0 for good C-room house 2 years old, j barn, lot 50x133, near 24th and Gust St. , $l,9(i0 for neat 4-room cottago partly mod-j ern, corner lot, near 34th and Parker St. , $1,20 for good 8-room house, barn, lot 60x133. near bith and Fort St. Fur quick sale list your property with the J. W. RASP CO. Douglas 1653. 43S Paxton Blk. 09)- FOR SALE On account of absence of owner from the city, we can offer for sale a very handsome residence, located on one of the finest streets In the West Farnam district, at a very low price. It was built by the owner for a perma nent home, new and up to date In every respect, and is one of tho best arranged and most complete moderate Blzed houses In this city. Has eleven rooms, parlor, library, dining room, kitchen, pantr'ea. etc., also large central hall, on first floor. Four large bed rooms and one smaller one, bath, closets, etc., on second floor. Two nice bed rooms, storage room and closets on third floor. Fine cellar, bricked and 1 cemented. Elegant electric light and gas 'fixtures. Handsomo mantels. Hicks Real Estate Co. 439 Board of Trads Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1169. (19) REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. Nice lot, 4-room cottage, fruit, barn, chicken yard. Near 26th and Lake. Only $1,900. Easy terma Large modern tiouae, near 40th and Burt $4,000. 6-room cottage, near 9th and Pierce. $2,500. Best Income property in the city for the money; pays 18 per cent on $14,000, snd in a locality where values are bound to In crease. Buy acres In Keystone park. From $175 up. Will give you our service free. No trouble to show property. S. HAWVk'R, 1614 Emmet. 'Phono Doug. Efi4. I (19) 332 19 Make An Offer Eight rooms, partly modem, located at 1610 California St.; 66x132 feet BEST INVESTMENT PROP ERTY IN CITY. Payne Bostwick & Co. 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19) BARGAINS. Southwest corner Mth and Dodge, 44x66 feel, 3-story and basement. brick-$23,buu. Five brick stores, $1,51 renta -$12,500. brick flats. $1,440 rental-$12.0u0. $ brick flats, $M0 rental $7.7oO. , Near High School, $MO rental $7,000. ( stores and flats, $'.KW rental $l,500. Southeast corner 12th and Mason, 132x132 $6,000. Near P. O., 7-room house $4,500. 44x132 feet, near 17th and Cnicago $4,000. $416 Cuming. 6x150 feet $3,700. 114 Grace. 66x69 leet-$3,200. 2615 Rees. $2J8 rental $2. 4w. , 215 N. 13th St., 3UXIW feet $2,400. I 604 Cuming, 6 rooms $2,000. 1 2731 Davenport. 7 rooms $2,000. ' 37th and Marcy, 7t'xll2 feet $l.fK. 33x142, south front, close in $1,350. 60x127, east front. .1110 Franklin ; 10 acres, southwest, improved $3,800. (19)-275 19 8-ROOM RESIDENCE, new and modern, on Hh. south of St.; this house is exceptionally well built by contractor for hia own home. $3.oU. Full let. with 2 eotta;es; on Wllllsm St. near Uth St. Peduced for quick Bale from $.1,000 to $2,900. Near lOtli and Bani r ft C6-foot lot, cement wall: and steps, plentv shnde trees and shrubbery, snd 6-room house; $,500. 20 acres, 3 miles north of Florence; well Improved and with growing crop: for sale, $3,trt. Wt have over 60 buyers for property from $1,000 to $2,urt, in any pirt of town. Liat your bargains with us for quick sUe. BFRKA & CO.. Phone Doug. 747. 938 N. Y. Ufa. (19)-306 19 A GOOD BUY. $3,000 buys the t-etory, I-room, modern house, with large lot, at 519 S. 26th St.. lust opposite All Saints chuicb. A bargain. Apply to W. n. MIKI.E, 205 Ramge. (19)-M2CJ 2 . WE WANT AN OFFER ON t-room house at 1624 Ohio St., city water and cistern In yard, south front, close to car and within walking dlatance. Owner bai been aaklng $1,800, see this today, then come and see ua, don't bother tenants. TURRELL 4k CO., 16 Patterson Bldg. (19) 906 1$ TRACK ATI Fl FOR RK1 V I Southwest comer lath and Williams Sts. on U. P. tracks. Addreaa O 3hj. care of Bee. tU;-20 ID REAL ESTATE CITT PROPKBTY FOR SALS tContUiued ) Acre Of Ground 130 foot South front on Cal ifornia and ,130 foot North on Wobstor, just West of 30th Stroct, with two houses and room for several more. Income from the two houses will pay nearly 10$ on cost. Trice $5000.00. Reed Brothers 1710 Farnam. 19 The Home of W. V. Morse One of ths most pleasantly situated homes in Omaha, with larite sunnv rooms and all modern conveniences except trlc lights. Four mantels nnd grates; steam heat; two porcelain baths; full base ment with stationary laundry tuba; large barn which can be converted nt small ex pense Into an Income producer; corner lot with large trees and shrubs; paved streets and permanent walks. This property Is only $1,500 feet from postofflce, 2H minutes by enr to business center; close to high school; Just the place to live while educat ing children. Only reason for selling, house too large for owner's present fam ily. Purchaser can, If desired, buy furni ture and take Immediate possession. Long time and low Interest on lnrge part of pur chase price. Wn.L BK SOLD AT A SAC RIFICE. In ten years the ground alone will be worth mors than present price. J. H. Dumont & Son 905-6 N. T. Life Bldg. (19) REMARKABLE OFFER 6 lots 36x126, facing north, $500 each. 2 lots xino, facing south, $RM each. S lots JWxl.lO, facing south,. $."'60 each. 1 lot 37x116, facing west, $500. Corner-40xl00. $700. EAi' PATMENTS-$50 CASH; BAL ANCE $10 PER MONTH. This Is your opportunity to acquire a splendid lot close In, within walking dis tance, at an extremely low price and on terms that are sure to please you. Above prices Include permanent sidewalks and lots filled to grade. C. G. CARLBERG. 911 Now York Life Bldg. 09)- FOR SALE One of the best resi dence lots in West Far nam St. District $2,000 CASH Address C 419, Bee (19) M303 19 A MODEL 7-room house and one acre of ground, all In fruit, bearing; one block from Florence car line. 3039 Curtis Ave, Address M. A. Stephens, General Deliv ery, council tflufls, la. (19) 324 19x 6-room, 1 -story house near 2 5th and Spencer, modern except furnace; good order; lot 36x132; only $2,200. 6-room new house, with second story unfinished, modern except fur nace, near 20th and Miami, lot 4 Or 122; $2,500. W. H. GATES, 617 N. Y. Life. 'Phone D. 1294. (19) 863 II ALL MODERN COTTAGE FOR $2,200 This cottage has 6 rooms, good furnace, bath, located on Bristol St., near 24th Bt. car line.; south frout lot, 60x148 ft.; good lawn and fine shade trees. Don't fall to ask us about this. Where can you buy a neater little home on paved street near car line, for less money? GLORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St, (19;-M761 19 13 ON YOUR MONEY $6,600 buys the two 2-story, fully modern frame dwellings at 509 and 611 North lhlh St. snu cottage In rear, renting for $7 pei annum. The estate own ing this propei ty haa enjoyed a net return of 13 per cent during the last live yeurs. W. B. MEIKLE. 205 Ramgo Blk. (19)-M9.H II BARQAIN Look at 42T1 Hanrey; large l-room modern h-uae, with bath, hull pantry and flute ta; all new plumbing; Just pointed inside and out, and re-paperrd; large 60-foot lot, ter raced; line lawn; possession given at once; part on time. C. H. ECKERY. 2229 Locust fctt. n9)-29$ 1H MAY O90T) BARGAINS. New flat near poatoflue s.f!x. New, rooms. Just ready; terms $3,000. Five acres, vineyard, West lodge I!, no Ten acres, fruit; choice; West Do Jge I3.&A 33-ft lot, Capitol Ave., near high achool I'lUO. Nice lot Boyd 6t, sewer, ras. water $X0. Corner, Florence, close In $2W. a 8. SiifcPAB-D. Jus N. Y. LIFE. U9J-96I $0s REAL ESTATE city rnorKRTV for sai,b (Continued-) A COUNTRY HOME. Are you InteretedT Then do rxit fall to arive out ana see Kevston in re; Satur day and Similar or any other day. Payne Investment Co., AND D. V. Slides Company. (19)- DON'T LOOK AT THIS And then go away, but let us show you a well built 6-room house at 2M4 Caldwell, modern execept heat, nice largo room s:uth front., fine, lot 60x127, paved street, elegant neighborhood, grape, arbor and cherry trees, see us at once for price. TLRRELL & CO., 16 Patterson Bldg. (19)-30S II HERE IS A BARGAIN I rooms, thoroughly modern, lot 60x160, barn, fruit and shade, iron fence In front close to oar, south front, very cheap at $2,660. National Investment oCmpany Douglas Block. 'Phono Douglas ttm. 09) 271 19 IT IS YOURS East front coxy 4-room house: partly mod ern; cellar; barn; small fruit of every kind; garden growing; beautiful view for miles; only one-half block to beat car service in city, within 15 minutes of Omaha or half that of South Omaha business centers. Only $1,376; terms easy. Cish only, $1,S625. Inquire on premises, 832 N. 12th St., South Omaha. Get off Benson car st J St. (19 M93 1(X 10 NET INVESTMENT In new brick flats, within easy walking dis tance, in West Farnam district; buildings are leased to tenants for 1 and I years and have nevpr been vacant. If you want the best in Omaha, csll In at once. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1704 Farnam St (.! MSW is 15 LOTS 16 lots U-mtle southwest of Forest Lawn cemetery, 25x126, smooth, nice laying lots. Selby, 440 Board of Trads Bldg. UiJ mut is SILAS BOBBINS K nnm M.facrA ....... 1 r nc.a Ihrmtffh. out and In excellent condition; lot 60x120 feet; small orchard, containing much fruit of all kinds; good barn; nice yard; lot lays nice; cose to Dodge St. ,car line; owner leaving city, must sell st once. Price only $1,300. Silas Bobbins, Frenzer Block 091-233 19 LIST your property with the Westers Home Builders, rms. 22-23 Nebraska Natl, Bank Bldg. (19)-714 p EAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST IN CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON.Prs. V--r I (191-190 FOR SALE House, I rooms, modern ex cept furnace, 2607 Cuming St. Price, $2,300. Easy terms. JOHN If. FLACK. City Savings Bank, 16lh and Douglas. (19) lf THIS WILL GO QUICK. 6-room cottage on west Maple St., well and cistern, fruit, two lots, each 5(rxlo0, south front, $660, will handle this, will be glad to show It. TURRELL & CO., 16 Patterson Bldg. (19)-904 II FOR SALE Only $900, full south-front lot on Farnam, near 43d, on grade; plenty of shade. Call Douglas 602. (19) M916 19 A Vicfr-nrifa of title; quick service. 'Phons aubllatia for prlceg Guarantee Ab stract Co., Patterson Blk. 'Phone Red 2947. GO M670 1131 FOR SALE Two good lots at list and Lake Sts.; $300 each: paving and other taxes all paid. The O. F. Davla Co. (19)-M682 U VERY desirable l-room house In new cathedral district and near car line, with full lot for sale or trade for smaller house close In. Inquire owner, 413 N. 25th St 19)-M77 19x REAL ESTATE f ARM AMD RANCH LANDS FOR gLE Canada. Canadian Lands For Sale. Eight sections first class winter wheat land, eight miles from town with three large coal mines, output about 2,000 tons per day, snd 400 or 600 Inhabitants, just be ginning to settle up. Lend la black loam with yellow clay subsoil, nice smooth, level land, no rocks. Good terms to par ties who can handle chunk. Address, J. H. Eevers, Chinook, Mont. (2u 2 J6 AN OPPORTUNITY FOR PROFIT AND PLEASURE. Invest In Saskatchewan wheat lands! Wheat j-leld last seaaon, 26 bushels to the acre. Increase In land values curtain as sunrise. Big profits aaaured to farmer or Investor. 4o0 acres on bank of Fishing lake, Saskatchewan. Gently undulating prairie. Magnificent wheat farm and spleu did Ashing, shooting and sailing. Tho Grand Trunk Pacific, Canada's new Trans continental railway, now being constructed, will run right paat this property. $12.60 per acre $3 caxh, bulance in three annual pay ments. WM. PEARSON CO., Ltd., 32810 Northern Bank Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. (20) Colorado. i HOME8TEADS Good farming, land near railroad. Bernard GUlilland, 14 Clayton Blk.. Denver, Cola (20)-M527 Mrs FOR SALE 40 acres, Delta County, Colo rado., $2,000 ; 41 acres Conejos County, Colorado, $410. water rights; 4 lots, Mor gan Colo., $i0; $20 acres Bourbon County, Kansas, $9,600; 160 seres, Hitchcock County, Nebraska. $2,000. J. I. Case T. M. Co.. Racine. Wis. (20)-MSU 22 4,480 ACRES, deeded land, 40 miles east of Denver, Colo., at $4.60 per acre. Also other bargains. Write for particulars. Charles B. Wilson, Mondamln, la. (20)-M201 20x COIXNI8T8. ATTENTION! My specialty, Colorado lands for colonisa tion purposes. In 6.000 to 76,000-ocre tracts. $6 to $20; good Irrigated lands. 6.000 to H" OUO-ucre tracts. $16 to $40 per acre. I. V. RKASONER LAND CO., CI Richard Block, Lincoln. Neb. (30)-M137 il Iowa. FEW Iowa farms very cheap If sold soon. Write "Owner," Conger, Is. (20) M934 24X WANTED Ajrents to represent us In ths rale of our Kansas lands. Write for par ticulars. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha. Nen. () M420 Mia rt. MISSOURI BARGAINS. 80 acres, about 70 in cultivation, fine valley farm, fine orchard, about 20 acrea, all bearing best of fruit; t-room house, well and cistern st house, springs In field; fronts state road, near school, 1H miles from St. James $l.Boo. Have other nloe farms for sale at bargain prlcea. Write for circular. Victor William Reits Realty Co., St. Jainea, Mo. (20) 143 lix HOWELL CO, MO. 160 seres. $1,000; 40 acres cleared. 1 good public roads R F. D., lays well, good strong soil, 1 miles to 'Frisco R. R. town. Hinds & Hudson, liutton Valley. Mo. (30)-lia lSx Nebra ska. FAPM FOR BALE 640 acres, Kimball Co., Neb.. $6.60. Two-acre orchard, with good house, near South Omaha $2.6o0. P. C. CALDWELL. South Omaha. (20)-2M U FOR SALE OR TRADE For general merchandise, 640 acres Im. proved relinquishment; improvements coat $.'.000; land rolling; sandy soil; 100 acres In corn; 20 acres hog tight fence; 26 miles north of North Platte, Neb; 4 mllea IT. P. R. H. staked survey; 4 miles geuerttl store; h mile school. This place raided SOO bu. corn last year; good water; have other business. For quick sale, $l.ttu0. Harry O. 1 Jimb, Ringgold, Mo pheieoo County, Neb, (2wj MifTJ 19 REAL ESTATE FARM AD R ASCII 1.AMX FOR M R Nebraska Ton t tan ed. rrnt.ic pale At the farm, e nV Sc. 1 Town. IS, Tt 10; tl nt, 8-r. 17, Town. 1,-,, ( n, situated 1 mile east and 1VJ mll.-s sou'tt of Valley and S mil south nnd I ml es west of W aterloo, KrMny. May 24, 07. at he farm, nt 1 o'clock p. m. aluirp. (Joo.i barn and good houses on both eighties; water In pasture; an Ideal atork farm, and could be made one nf the finest f irms In the weat for cattle feeding. UoikI farm land. Object of selling is. as me l in herltanre property and must be sold t' apportion and settle up the ratat of Anm E Hmwn, decpaar-d. Terma, cash. For further Information call on or address John L Yeager, Valley. Neb. (20I-MS63 tlx IMPROVED farms n eastern Nebrsaa S:trpv and Douglas counties. P. J. Ov -r-ton, Gretna, Neb. (2n)-M87l A GOOD farm, well Improved, W miles west of Omaha, for sale on eaay terms. 6 pe? cent Interest, If taken In next 3'1 tin ye. Addreee Y 944. Bee. (-n-49i Sooth Dakota. FOR PALE-Douhle-trall ranch. Chief Pit ting Bull Creek valley. Rosebud: trlHiigles Dallas, OrpRory; richest sell (two crops easy), flneat water, Arcadlun climate; pror-abln routs Great Northern, near Northwestern. Mrs. Fsnny Royca Drowne, Sluuz Falls, 8, D., Minnehaha Co. (20)-U4 19k Texas. THE LANDOF SUNSHINE Have some rare bargains In beautiful Brazoa valley; It Can not be surpaaaed; the flneat part of Texas. Can raise alfalfa, corn, cotton, sugar cane and rice; flno fruit country; plenty of water. My offer Is a snap; hitter Investigate it; $16 to $20 per acre, worth double. Cheap rallroadl rates 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month. For particulars address ROUT. C. DRUF9DOW, 109 N. Y. L. Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. 20)-M85T 10,000 Acres in the Tan-Handlo In Bailey County, Texas. Wo guarantee this entire tract to ho perfect In every respect, there ts no finer land In the Ian-Handle. Land adjoining; this tract Is retailing at $11 to $14 per acre, by fall It will all retail at $16 Wo will price half of this tract at a flgurs which will clear you from $6 to $rt pe acre by retailing It. Address G. A. Gea man, Oskaloosa, la. (20) MS74 jell TEXAS LANDS We have exclusive control of some Texas; lands on which the price will be advanced within sixty days. Anything can be grown on. this land that can be grown here, be sides cotton nnd semi-tropical fruits. It Is near the gulf coast, thus Insuring mild winters - and uniform cllmnte. Next ex curslon date, Tuesday, May 21. Faro to Mexico and return, $2260. We run a pri vate car and serve meals. Don't fall to. see us If Interested In Texas hind. Texas Land and Immigration Co 644 Bea Bldg. (20) M2S6 a Wyoming. The Big Horn Basin WYOMING Irrigated farms, deeded, at $35 per acra. Perpetual water. Never falling crops. Abundant production. Fine homes. Easy payment Get these while you can and sea them pay for themselves three times oven Our excursion over Burlington route Maj( 21 $20 round trip. Go now. . Stewart-Leavenworth Co. 619 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phono Douglas 6350. . . Omaha, Neb, (20) 256 19 Mlacellaaeoaa, OVER 100 Improved farms, come snaps, close to St. Paul. Send for Real Ksuta Bulletin, giving prices and locations, Akerman, Londstroin, Minn. (20) MS04 22x GOLDEN OPPORTUNITIES IN LANDS. If you aro looking for two-gains In cheap lands, wo bavo thousands of acres In wesi orn Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming and North Dakota. Prices range from W to M per aero. . We juso have hundreds of well Improved farms In eastern and southwestern Ne braska (rich, block soil) that we can sell for $16 to $u0 per acre. If you are thinking of buying land, write for our complete lints. Kelly Land and Investment Co., 220 N ylUe Blk.,Omaha. W.!rM-'60i1? REAL ESTATE LOANS $1,000,000 TO, LOAN on business and real deuce property In Omaha; lowest rates; bo delay. Thomas Brcnnan, Room 1 N . Y. Life. ilitm WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith 4k Co., 1420 Farnam St. 122)-193 MONEY TO LOAN Pay no Investment Co. (22)-lM PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1620 DougC (22) 19d LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O'KEEFB R. E. CO., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. (22)-M7fci MONEY TO LOAN GET OUR RATE8 AND TERMS BE- FORK ARRANGING FOR A LOAN OH OMAHA HEAL ESTATE. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARfs'AM. (22)-977 19 $500 TO $50,000 TO LOAN at lowest rates; no delay. GARVIN BROS.. 1V4 FARNAM. (22)-197 BUILDING loans on residence propert; per cent. W. B. Melkle, lUmge Block. 122) US LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. (22J 19 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & Co. (22)-20l LOANS on Improved city property, W. H. Thomas, 606 First National Bank Bldg. (22) 191 LOW rates. Private money. $Sflt) and up. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. (22)- REAL ESTATE WANTED WE have buyers for houses and Invest menta. If you will sell at a bargain, Hat your property with us. Garvin Bros., 16o Farnam. (23 H7I J (Copy of an adv. In a Wellington, New Zea land, .dally, just received. It la gvod here, too. ) TO PROPERTY OWNERS We Invite owners to forward to us a PHOTO of their properties. In many cases) it Is of great asnlstance In Inducing buy era to Inspect, and facilitates a Bale REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST (to., CHAfi. E. WILLIAMSON. PUEH1DENT. 1301 Farnam Bt (23) WANTED TO BUY CASH paid for ld books. Crano-Foye Co lli 8. 14th. 'Phone Douglaa im. (2t-261 WANTED Pair city-broke horses; must be sound and 'gentle, weighing about l.OuO pounds each, mate color and age. Ad dreaa E-321, Bee. (25 Mtttf fci WANTED, TO BUY A furnlahed fiat, T o 6 luoma; spot cash. Tel. Douglas 771. Joa Lerlne. 14) 26 II OMAHA WARRANTS. We want to buy $!0,0n0 aewer and sidewalks. REAL ESTATE TITLE TKUBT CO., CHAS. K W1IXIAMBON. PREaiDEiNTV i mi r axuara ri WANTED TO RENT FOUR to six rooms, second floor; modtrni new building preferred. A(1dres V $64, Bee. (20)-Mu8S tvx I OR 4 unfurnished housekeeping rooms, eloae In, no children; give particulars Address F Ci, Beo. (pfv-UXl tLM