The Omaha Sunday Bee PART VI. WA1IT AD SECTION PAQE8 1 TO Always Read THE OMAHA DEE Best A". West VOL. XXXVI NO. 48. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY ID, 1907. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Want - ads Ad vertUemenla for Ihr wnat-ad tnlamna will be taken until 13 m. for Ihr rrrnlnt edition and until a. us. lar the mtirnlm and ndy edition. Cash must rromtaar all erdera for nrnat-ada and no advertisement will e aerepted Cor less thna lO reata for (ho II rat Inarrtlon. Katea apply to either The Dallr Bandar Bee. Always count al word to a line. Combinations of Initial or anmhera Count aa one word. rli RATE FOR WfT-AP. RCCILAR CLASSIFICATION One Inaertlon, per line, lO eenta. Two r more eonaerntlve Inaertlona, per line. eenta. Each Inaertlon made on odd daa. 10 eenta per line, 91. BO per !!. per month. PKCIAL CLAHSIFICATIO If r" advertisement la Inaerted ander any one of the rlaaalfleatlona lvn below. It will be rhararecl at the following rateai Oae Inaertlon, 4 eeata per llaei three to al eonaerntlre Inaertlona, 8 eenta per line each Inaertlon seven r more consecutive Inaertlona, S eeata per line eaeh Inaertlon. BO eenta per line per month. BABTF.R ASD EXCHANGE. BI'I5IKa CHASCS. HUM' WASTKO FEMALE. I1ELP WAITED MALE. Except Agents, Solicitors and llaleamea. OFFEBED FOR "AI.F.l Cows, Birds, Dob; a and Pets. Iloraea aad Vehlrlea. Poultry and Ess, rnrnllgrr, Planoa, Oraiaaa aad Maaleal In- atrnmeata. Typewriters and Sewing; Ma- ehlnea. OFFERED FOR BETTTl Fnrnlahed Ratmi. I'nfaralahed R noma. If oaaekeeplnB Roome. RoardlnaT and Booms. tVAJfTKD TO Bl'Y. WAHTKH TO HK1T SITUATIONS WAKTEa CASH RATES FOR HOTICE8. Death and Faaeral Notices, Carda of Thanka aad Lodge Notlcea. 7 eenta per line for one edition, morulas; or rvrnlnti A eenta a llae for eaeh ad oltloaal edition. Saadar, 1 eeata a line. No ad taken for leaa than 80 eeata. Want-ad for The Bee may be left at anr of the following: drug; stores one la "your corner drmrglat" they re all branch oftlre of The Bee and roar ad will be inaerted lust aa promptly and on the aame ratea aa at the mala 'la The Bee Building:, Seventeenth aad Farnata atreetai Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Beranck. 8. A., 102 8. 16th St. Bechts Pharmacy, 710 8. 16th St. Benson's Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Ilemis Park Pharmacy, 33U and Cum Inf. Blakc'i Pharmacy, 2816 Sherman Ave. Caushlln. C. R.. 6th and Pierce St. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 11 Military At. cronte, 'J. B., Slat Ave. and utrntm, Crlsaey Pharmacy, J4th and Lake. Ceimak, Km 11, 1364-S. 8. 13th Bt Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Ehler, F. H., 2S02 Leavenworth. .. Foster & Arnoldl. 813 N. 26th 8t. Freytag. John J., 1914 N. 2'th St Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy. 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and racino. Ureenongh, O. A., 105 S. 10th St. ureenougn. u. a., loin ana Micsory. Havden. Wm. C. 2SM Farnam fit. inicom rarn fnar., iwn b. zatn at Hoist Huff, J John. 624 North 16th Bt. A. I.. 2924 Leavenworth St. King-, H. H , 22S8 Farnam St. KounUe Place Pharmacy, 90 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Chas. E.. 1324 N. 24th St Peyton, L. K , J4th and Leavenworth. Bchaeter'a Cut Price Drug Store, 16th an J cnicago. Schaefer, August, 2631 N. lth St Schmidt. J. H., 24th and Cumins; 8ta. Storm Pharmacy. 16th and Martha Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming; Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Bts. Wlrth. O. H., 40th and Hamilton Sts. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have cesn issued: Name and Residence. Frank Fiala, Armour, 8. D.... Mary Zemltcka, South OmaJia John Smollnakl. South Omaha., Age .... 28 .... 13 ...... X2 Brsale Kuderna, South Omaha II Carl J. Borg, Omaha Anna Froden, Omaha James Q. Garrett South Omaha,... Mary 11. Tempest, South Omaha... J. B. ("rain. Meadow Grove, Neb.., Alice M. Craig-, Omaha BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Charles Hall, boy; John Madsen, Fifteenth and Brown streets, girl; J. F. Nixon. lfllS North Twenty-second, girl Archie Carr. 5769 South Twenty-eighth vlrl: Fred Carlson. 21 South Tweiity-n,nth girl; Oustave Heir, 20U1 North Thirteenth Street. txy. Dent ha Jerry Callahan, ared 46; John W. Hathaway, ene month; Settle C. Jack son- aged Si; Lawrence Jaeperaon, aed Mi staby Wallaoe, I days. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our many friends, also the employers of the National Biscuit oom- pany and the Paxton at Vltrllng Iron works lor the kindness and sympathy shown dur ing our late bereavement in the death of our father, John Hooney, also for the many beautiful floral offerings. WILLIAM ROONET. PATRICK ROONEY, DANIEL ROONEV. MRS. J. J. DELEHANTT. MRS. DR. CA8TKRLINB. ANNOUNCEMENTS THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. oOlce 4th and Leavsnworta 8u. Tel. Douglas 1X&1. U-lu$ B)N PAINTING I. U. Cole, 1302 Douglas. (11 UH SEEDS THAT GROW. THk. NEBRASKA SED CO. CITT SALESROOM. 1613 HOWAHD. (l-60 $0 VNLI8TED securttiee bought and sold. R. B. Kalin. broker, 3u4 Arllngon Ulrtf., Kansas City, Mo. (! 11 lx AUTOMOBILES for our list of second-hand automo biles. DERIGHT. 1S1J FARNAM. (2)-4U 1 RAM $:o0 " et nLLn auiomoo x-cvlliidep is ft n good condition; cost $l,4uo: wU take cesn. Mrs. C. B. Hot ion. 123 N. Sih (3i 4 Jel I ORIENTAL buckboard automobile for sale cueap, M. B. Kendis. &41 Paxton Block. (U-MwJS Is FOR SALE A Cameron Runabout auto, mobile; a bargain. Globe Land and In vestment Co.. lt! Faruani bl. )-MS3 WRITE for list of bargains In second-hand automobiles. Fredrickson, lis cp. Ave Cl)-!si4 Jel7 ' FOR SALE My Oldsmobtle light touring cur: nice shape snd full Kt lamps. Ad dress Y 13, care Omaha Bee. (It 1JS is 'BARTER AND EXCHANGE HAVE ajt A-f'o. 1 stock of merchandlae; want giMd (arm. Don t offer only g:lt edsed 1-sd W, A. lU4r'h, Mi Hee htii.. Omaha, Uj-lixJ h BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued. J BOMB good Omnha property to trade (or land or merchandise. Ill) 8. Bt. (3 M. Je V0 ACRES, ( miles from Bchell City. Ver non county. Mo.; SO acres under cultiva tion; gooa building; price, too per acre; Incumbrance 12.000; will exchange for gen eral merchandise. Globe I -and and Invest ment Co., l&Zi Farnam St., Omaha. (3J-106 GOOD Income property, clear, for vacant tors: warning distance. Peterson nrn., 624 Bee Bldg. () MKU EXCHANGES If you have city property. stocks oi gooas. rsrm iana or property oi any kind to exchange, write for our com- filete lift. We have properties snd Innds n sll perts of the country to exchange. Our lint Is free. Send for It at once. Globe Land and Investment Co., 18?2 Far nam St., Omaha, Neb. (3 10S TI1ADM! TRADES! If you have any thing that vou don't want and will trade It for somethlrg e!n. write us. We can match anything. Kelly Investment Co., 220 Neville Block. Omaha, Neb. (3)VM 1 FOR 8 AT E OR EXCHANGE The lln?st and beet bowling alley parlors in tne state; have heat furniture and fixtures; dolnjr good business the whole year; only alleys in thriving town of 35,000 popula tion; price, 12.000. What have you? Ad dress C. W. Hummer, Cedar Rapids, ta. (S)-MW9 20x WANT a gilt-edge farm for Omaha prop erty, nicely located; nne Investment, good Income, better than any farm. Party to move to N. T. at once: this Is his reason for selling. Ion't offer only No. 1 land, as all others will only be a waste or lime. W. A. Hlldreth, 510 Fee mag. (3) M9 It WILL EXCHANGE one year's mulo les sons on any Instrument tor Jod priming or advertising in any locality. Anoress A 100. Bee. (S)-MIOJ ONE male Angora goat weighs 200, wool In inches long, one or tne nest. a. a Rose. 6U3 S. 3d. (3 M792 18x FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Standard and registered stallion: woleha 1.600. Ad dress W 360, Bee. (3) MffiM lx 4S0 ACRES western Neb., for residence rjronertv. ahnut S2.00. 160 acres improved, 14.400, and cash, for cenerAl arrulr nr Tiardware. 18,000 drug stock, only one eastern Nebr town, sale oniv. H 6.000 milling plant and cash for farm lands. LirrH And smalt franta lninroved snd un improved to exchange ror any Kina oi merchandise. List your property wun me ana get a quick aeai. ED. H. TRUCKS, Beemer, Neb. () M899 23 EXCHANGE Highly Improved farm. 2S0 acres In crops, central Minnesota, a-ooa soil, gentlv rolling, no waste land, two living' Kprlngs, good large buildings, near postomce, school, creamery, etc. want stock, general merchandise. Postmaster, Dodge, Wis, S M190 21 FOR EXCHANGE Piano and simplex player. What have youT Address H na. line. u; Miw ax REAL ESTATE Real estate agents or others who have real estate tor exchange will please can or write us. We have eastern Nebraska lands for exchange or sale on yearly pay ments. M'MENEMY & RIKER 406 Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug-. 512. (3J-MZ47 19 FOR EXCHANGE Vacant lots for 6 or 6-room house; pity dlfrerenye In cssh. J. H. PARROTTE, PAXTON BLOCK. (8) 249 13 i. i I. ii i ii'ir - FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR OMAHA PROPERTY One section of good grass land In Lin coln county and quarter section of land near llolstein, Adams county, .Neb. Title BRATT & GOODMAN, North Platte. Neb. CD 23 U EXCHANGE MO.OOO-A block of brick flat buildings. houses, of 14 rooms each and I of rooms each, on corner 132x131 ft. close In; heated by steam from one plant Gross rental $6.t30 per year and tenants pay water rent. En tirely new first-class plumbing throughout the buildings. rrvery thing in Al. tip too shaoe. Taxes coal, fireman In winter and hauling garbage cost $1,690, leaving; S,240 net or over per cent on the value, improvements alone cost over IGO, 000 snd ground Is worth $13,000 to $30,000. Take about $20,000 In good, first-class farm, worth the money. $30,000 can run at $ per cent, balance caan. investigate this. D. V. Sholes Company 110 Board of Trade. Tel. Douglas 4$. (3) 269 20x M0 ACRES In Custer County. Nebraska, for $3 an acre; will take ens-half greod town property or vacant lots. HlK It c AT i-HTATE CO., 43S Board of Trade Bldg. (3) 60 NKW single and double cylinder gaso line engines; also special machinery, gigs, patterns, etc., to manufacture same, known as the McMullin Engine Works, Chicago, costing originally over $70,000 will exchange for clear improved prop erty : farm rreferred: $:iP.000 value; refer to Ldnasay Mros.. Minneapolis, who nan die the McMullin engines. Address Owner. R. 4. U0 La Sallo St., Chicago. CO 1 lx BOMB crear Improved Omaha property for suiiu raxm una. 160 acres Kern County. Colorado, level. miles from Wasco. $16 an acre, for clear imana property or Nebraska farm land, p. nawver. jut Emmet St (1 26 II BUSINESS CHANCES Bertha Consolidated will be a 100 per cent Investment Inside of ninety doya. If you buy now aj. 15 eenta. ABBOTT & BEVARD, 204 Neville Block. (4) WANTED Expei lenced business men to manage branch office. Salary $1,806 yearly and commission. Unquestionable references and Investment of $1000 re qulrfd. Caatorla Co., lai Wabash Ave., Chicago. (4) lit Ux RODMAN & CO.. d St. and Fifth Ave., Cambridge Bldg.. New York, will finance meritorious propositions where large cap ital is required in the United Slates or Canada; money loaned on securities; min ing, electric and steam railroads; manu facturing plants; correspondence invited. (4 146 Ux FREE Interesting descriptive story, "A Romance of the Cariboo British Colum bia Gold Fields," fully Illustrated, which every Investor should read. Address Cariboo, Box 96. Station M. S.. New York. (4)-471 19x OIL STOCK and leaaea In the nroven nil I i neicis or llllr.o : Tree lnrormntlon Hi Muddy Oil and Gas Co.. (Inc.), 1103 N. I Grand. St Louis. 4 ITS is ' IROWOllKS AND REPAIR SllOi. In Omaha, for aale at bt sacrifice, as owner hue to quit on account of poor health. P. rka & Co., SiS N. Y. Life. 'Phone Doug. 74ST7. (4)- 19 RESTAURANT for sale, lith St Apply at fc N. (4) M3S3 20 THRIVING wholesale and retail business offers limited number shares of Its atock at rer 10 run. cspuai 10 properly handle thtlr incieaamg business. Address D 371, care Bee. (4 214 19x $1,600 INVESTED brings Income on Invest ment and salary of $1.6u0 additional. Es- 1 tabtished business, investigate. Address E $41. Bee. ID 112 lx ABERDEEN. Wash "City of Payrolls." presents unequalled opportunities for manufacture of furniture. Wood alcohol snd pulp. Splendid sites. Free literature, j FOR BALE Restaurant 4o:ng good buat AberUeea. 4Mibec bl Conimeroe. I Bass. Address C-4J1 tars fi. . UWMUa 1 IU-M6 lXx BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) Bertha Consolidated Gold Mining Co. stock now 15 cents. Will be iS cents In a short ABBOTT & BEVAKI), 204 Neville Block. (4) Do You Wish to Make a Change! If you hsve a farm, home, business or property thst you want to sell or ex rhfinffe. write uh QLOBt; LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb. , (4)6i0 J 12 ROBERT C. DRC"EDOW A CO.. STOCK BROKERS, 80ft New York Life Bluff., Omaha, Neb. ()UJ FOR SALE! Fl rat-class Mncksmlth and wagon work business, wltn tools; 10 received for shoeing and 4 to 18 for ?t ting tires. Addrsss r ia. Bee. (4) 1"! MAN with J1.000 to Invest with servlrrs In legitimate good ryln esianiisnnii-in. AddYess O 34, care Bee. (4120 19x FOR SALE My stock of general merchan- dlae. In good condition, located in fnd ! liu. in.n mill either sell or lease tiuua- Ing; terms reasonable; wish to retire from business on account of falling health. For particulars call or write J. It. louns. LoUse Pole. Neb. (4)-M460 Mylx FOR SALE One of the best meat markets in council Biuns. itivctihii"-, v.. Letchford, 607 South Main street PHILLirS HOCeE for rent or sale. Steam heated, lighted wun gas. inraim block from Omaha. Illinois Central and Great Northern rnllroad depot Thlrty five roome. and doing a good business. Reason for selling. olng out of the busi ness. G. V. Francis, proprietor, Bloux Falls, 8. D. (4I-M902 22x LIVE STOCK business for sale, only one buyer In town; no competition; win bu cheap; renson for selling, other business Inquire Bank of Rogers, Neb4- MW)7 Ex WANTED to sell, general merchandise store, located at Smith center, rwan.. county seat town. 1.800 population, stock la clean and up-to-date. Invoice about $9,0f0. consisting of dry goods, shoes and groceries; best location for store in north western Kansas. Address Geo. A. Hamp ton. 61 N. 41.1 Ave.. Omaha. (l.fOO WILL purchase fine retail grocery selling l,2UU mommy. Aoarew r , .o Bee. (4)-20i 19x W. A. HILDRETH will sell your business quick. 510 Bee Bldg.. U. W. A. HILDRETH can sell your business quick. We have buyers waiung ior yuu with money. 610 Bee Bldg., Omaha Don't be afraid to buy Bertha Consolidate! stock at 16 cents. ABBOTT & BEVARD, 204 Neville Block. (4) STOCK COMPANIE8 INCORPORATED. filnolrs an A YiftTtAn. TUB MERCANTILE INCORPORATING COMPAJNI. 425-424 K. Y. Life building. (4) M94T FOR SALE Meat market In a town of $,000 population, call on or aoaress Johnson, Waiioo, Neb. (40 M93R 24x BUfUNESS chance, hotel property for sale, only hotel in rood town on aoo.imc. nod nshlng and hunting grounds: will sell for caVh. Frank Stick. Sr., Carlos. Minn. (4)-M939 24X I WANT a partner of some ability In new proposition in wnicn i can iw nuiuuu profits; about $9u0 required for the whole thing. I can furnish my half of the cash and will put my. ability against the beat of them. If you have $460 and ense enough to know a good thing when you see It let'a get together and Investi gate this. For Interview address D $30, care Bee. (4)-4J $4 EXCELLENT opening -In legitimate wholesale, retail or manufacturing- Duel ness for men with small capital; informa tion free; personal interviews preferred. Call or address W. A. Kerr. in. x, Life Bldg. (4-a07 1X BUSINESS openings In new crackerjaok Oklahoma town; free factory sites; free gas; coal shale In abundance; two rail road centering on situation; big opening for company to put In resort hotel; min eral water, soda and radium; boating, fishing, etc Chances for men and money to get quick action ahead of the big growth already begun. Smart-Bur nham Evans A Co., Kansaa City, Mo. 80S R. A. Long Bldg. (4) M$o 22x You are buying stock In a mine in the Bertha Consolidated at a prospect price. ABBOTT & BEVARD, 104 Neville Block. (4) MUSIC teachers' local locations bought sold. Periielu Piano Co., 1611 Farnura, Omaha. (4-MJ.6$ MODERN MONEY MAKING HOTELS, GOOD NEBRASKA TOWNS: PRlChib $l,iM0. $2,800 AND $4,000. WESTERN HO TEL BROKERS. 1324 FARNAM STREET. ROOM i. (4 M869 My23x $1,000 OR more to Invest In profitable busi ness. What have you? Address 8 We, care Bee. (4J-20S 19x I HAVE buyers for any business. See m quick. Hlldreth, 610 Bee Bldg- (4)- M3 PHOTOGAPH gallery for sale or trade for Omaha propeity or small business. Address A. J. van Hew. York, Neb. (4J-M391 Jelx WANTED A party to buy out a flrst-elass stock of furniture in the beat town on the Elkhorn valley: best of reasons for selling. V liner Furniture Co., Wlsner, Neb. (4-M9u0 DFvUQ stores for sale everywhere. F. "V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. L., Omaha, (4)-lU TO BUY or sell any business or real es tate, call on or write K. G. Gangeiitad, 40$ Bee Bldg. (4 fO WANTED Te trade for stock of goods; have a good farm. Address Y Hi Beak - (4J 1 Bertha Consolidated will be shipping ore by September 1, 1907, and will be paying dividends January t IK. ABBOTT & BEVARD, 204 Neville Block. (4) --. FOR SALE. 17-room lease $76. furniture $660. 12-room lease K6; furniture $360. 10-room lease $46; furniture $400. KENNY REAL 1JBTATH) A INVEST. CO. 4- 6TAJT mall order business. Make $2,000 to $5,0u0 yearly. My experience shows It can be done. I will Impart to you secrets of my profitable mail order business, my plan and original system, new, in which business I made a fortune. Haten A. liorton. Box 73, Tekonsha, MIoh. (4- 19x FOR TRADE Stock general dry goods, furnishing goods, notions, etc, big lines of spring asid summer goods, right up to date; most of stock dry goods; owner must have some cash to pay off out standing Indebtedness; will take balance In land. If you are In the market for merchandise, here Is chance for quick, liberal deal. C. W. Bomers. 600 Manhat tan Bldg., Bt. Paul, Minn. (4)-2Sl 19x A BARGAIN If taken soon. Interest In a drug and Jewelry business, with permit Box 2S1, Traer, la. (4 Mt 2x YOU can never sroflt by business chances unless you nave some money; small sav I Ings are the foundation of large fortunes; ! start a saving! account vlth J. L Bran- I dels A Bona. Bsnkers, lth and Douglas sua. Assets over ssuu.uvu. (t FOR BALE One of the best equipped blacksmith shops In Kansas; also small stuck of implements In connection. Call on or write A. J. Bur is. Admire, Kaa. (4 Mttl 22x BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) RICH GOLDFIELPS NORTH OF THE COBALT SILVER FIELDS THE RICHEST IN THE WORLD. DIVIDENDS OVER S.000 PER CENT. Cobalt Is undoubtedly the rlrhest silver flold In the world and Cobalt stocks hsve had enormous advanres. One stock has advanced from 40 rents to $195; others have had advances ranging from loo to 7(0 per pert. One stock has paid dividends of ever 9,000 per cent duilng the pact two years. But north of Cobalt was discovered lust year the Larder Lake OoldfleUls, which are now proving to be as rich, or richer, than anything else yet developed. Immense reefs hundreds of feet wide carry averages of from $J5 to hundreds of dollars free milling gold to the ton. snd ninny show visible gold, assays running over $7, 0100 to the ton showings equalling, if not surpassing, the richest gnldflelds of the world. The expenses of mining snd milling sho.ild not run over $2 60 per ton. Btamp mills are being Installed. Larder stocks are being subscribed for freely and some lnrge ad vances have already taken plnce. The rush has commenced and since the snow i!!s- appesred lateiv every oy naa recorneu further discoveries of value. TUB CANADA MINES, LIMITED. Is not a mining company, but, as past record proves, affords a safe snd responsible medium through which Information may be obtained nnd investments made by whlrh advantage may be taken of the wonderful mineral wealth now being opened up In Caneda. It Is directed by men well nnd favorably known to every one In Canada and managed by a practical mining man, one of the first in the Cobalt field and tho first to exploit the riches of the Larder Lake Goldflelds. Every single Issue of Stock that the Csnnda Mines hns placed has enjoved a legitimate public market nt a higher pHr-'-"" high as over 5W per cent. Correspondence Is solicited, and full particulars, maps, etc., sre free on request. CANADA MINES. LIMITED. 41-45 Ade laide Street East, Toronto, Canada. (4):r.n ix We are standlnK behind Bertha Consoli dated nnd know It a good buy at is cents. ABBOTT & BEVARD, 204 Neville Block. (4) Am In position to finance and put on work ing basis a goon mine or manuiaoiunng enterprise. Address W 3ii", care Bee. (4)-2-3 IPX WANTED Young man with $200 cash to manage brancn omce oi incorporated real ertate company; exceptional opportunity. Address K 87. care Omaha Bee. (4)-M717 to ntTY or sell any business -r real es t.tte quick write or see llildr. h, 610 Bee Bldg. . W OJ WANT a second-hand automobile; have some land to trade. Address Y 243. Bee. (4-497 BUSINESS CHANCE Invest $1 per week for 26 weeks or $25 cash and clear $2o0; absolute fafety guaranteed by all banks. Storeheat Mfg. Co., Los Anpeles. Cal. (4-M6l2 JlOx BITYER8 FURNISHED IN 48 HOU Re investment Dept. Western Ref. & Bond Ass n. Inc., Suite 721-722 N. Y. Life Bldg. 4)-684 PARTY with $5,000 to assume prominent Snsltlon with salary and interest in splen Id established wholesale Jewelry business In Omaha. Address A 368, care Bee. (4) 210 19x ONLY .hotel In good live Nebraska town of 1 too. ' New modern brick building, forty rooms. Everything first-class. Price $2,750. Hss cleared more than this yearly the last three years Rent reasonable. Peter- - eon Bros.. 82S Bee BItfr. (4) 897 I HAVE buyers for nny business. See me quick. Hlldreth. 610 Bee Bidg. (4) 786 DOCTOR $2,600 practice; only doctor In town; must be taken before' Monday. Mar JO; price, Jnst small stock of drugs ana fixtures, about f2'0. Don't write hut come at' once and Investigate. Collection 99 per cent. Dr. J. M. Greene, Manlev. Neb. . . (41-MS6S 19x A LIMITED number shares ' of preferred stock In one of Omaha's most enterpris ing business concerns. This will bear the most rigid Investigation. Address C 319, care Bee. (4)-M87 19 Ton will nerer have an omwrtunity to buy stock In a better mine than the Bertha Consolidated at 16 cents. ABBOTT & BEVARD, 204 Neville Block. (4) LEGITIMATE BUSINESS, $30.0OO-Let me show you how to make it earn you an In come of $5,000 a year, without much of your time. Address a so, care nee. (4) M3 26x FOR SALE Doctor's residence, office and drugs In Nebraska town of 6.i0, in one of best counties of state; collection, 95 all for $1,600; part on time if wanted, Address Y 100, care Bee. (4) M101 20 CAPITAL. Corporations organised and financed; mer itorious projects only; strictly commis sion basis. The H. J. FolU Co., Minne apolis, Minn. (4)-10S 19x FOR 8ALE-Drug store in southern Ne braska: good trade, good clean stock, cheap rent; one of the biggest snaps In the state For particulars, address Y 2, care Bee-. (4) Mioi Bx FOR SALE General stock of merchandise. all new within one year; good trade; fine country, In southern Nebraska; a snap. Address y I, care or Bee. (4) lus ax MEAT market for sale, or would take a good honest man as partner. Address A. H. H., Box 173, Central City. Neb. (4) Ml2o 25x HARDWARE stock for sale; clean, and will Invoice about $4,000; one other stock In town; doing good business; good rea son ror selling. Box IK, tiysses, Men. (t 128 19x PORTLAND (Ore.) hotel business for sale; on account of sickness: 68 rooms, main street, close by mills and factories, cheap rent; lease, furniture, fixtures and stock. $9,000: cash or terms: investigation so licited. Address K. R. H . 371 Hawthorne Ave., Portland. Ore. (4) 127 lx ONLY candy and Ice cream business, ,800 town; also two fountains, freezers, en sine, Hubbard even. A. Jaaeph. Le Mars, la. (4p 134 19x $10 000 BTOCK of good, clean general mer chandise for sale for cash only: located In town of $,0u0; best farming n eastern Nebraska. Address Y L care Bee (4I-M113 21 x A CHANCE TO MAKE A FORTUNE out of the Greatest Fuel Saver and heater Invented. For sale or exchange. Address J. A. McDanlel. Letts, Iowa. (4) ir YOU want a first-claas $4,000 hotel proposition communicate with Y 101. Bee. (i)-m 19 Bertha Consolidated will be selling at i to 60 cents within the next ninety days. Buy now at 16 cent. ABBOTT & BEVARD, 204 Neville Block. (4) WANTED Honest man with some capital to share In profitable legitimate business; state experience. Address E $71. care Bee. (4J &i lx TOR SALE Old established hardware busi ness In eastern Nebraska; stock will in voice about $4,600. Address Y 4, csre Bee. (4;-M37 21 WH HAVE a practical substitute for a wooden Sox for all kinds of goods. Get in the box manufacturing business. You can earn 60 per cent on Investment of $1)1.000. Advancing price ef lumber make wooden boxes prohibitory. Write us for full particulars. The Roberta Lumber Co., Minneapolis, Minn. 4 997 lx I DESIRE to purchase an Interest In good paying honorable business; no liquor or cigar business; give full particulars first Utter. Address B 169, care Bee. (4-212 19X BLACKSMITH business, tools and stock, for sale very cheap; leaving city on ac count of sickness. Address F. C. Robin awn, 71 Markst St. Halt Lake City. Utah. 1A4 ln la BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) PATENT KECUKED OR FEE RE TURNED illustrated g-ulde book and list of Inventions wanted, free to any ad dress. Patents secured by us advertised free In World's Progress; sample copy free. Evan's. Wllkena A Co., bto F St, Washington. D. C. (4) CAPITAL CAPITAL CAPITAL Parties promoting electric railways, elec tric lighting plants or other legitimate enterprises are requested to address W. A. KERR, Investment Bnnker, 404-5 N. V. Life Bldg., Omahs. (4)-211 19x We have Investigated thoroughly Bertha Consolidated, there fore we can recom mend It ABBOTT & BEVARD, 204 Neville Block. (4) LET me sell youi patent; booklet mailed free; 16 years' experience; patent sales exclusively. Call or write William E. Hoyt, Patent Sales Specialist, 3)6 Dun Bldg., New York. () MANAGER WANTED A n Ohio corpora tion manufacturing household necessity desires Nibraska manager; demonstration in leading department stores; office fur nished; three years' contract; salary $2,100 and commissions; (rood rpenlng for man of character and ability. Address Man ager, 617 Snowllake Bldg., Toledo, O. (4)- FOR SALE Our fine general merchandise business, at a bargain for ensh; strictly fine stock; Invoice about $l.Oio; annual cash sales $40,000. Will sell all or part on time if prcperiy secured. Fheedy A Reed, Mankato, Kan. 4) FOR SALE Lease and furniture finest equipped hotel In N. W. Iowa county sent, 4.000 population; only il nnd $-.b0 d.iv hotel In city; business to full capa city; full particulars on application. War ren Harman, Ceda;- itapiiis, la. (1I-MS.S3 18 Only a few more days remaining to buy Bertha Consolidated at 15 cents. Don't wait, but buy now. ABBOTT & BEVARD, 204 Neville Block. (4) AN INCOME for the family. Dividends that will please you. Illustrated report with 4 photos free. Addres International Lumber, Drexel Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. (0-192 lx A FORTUNE for the right man. A res taurant for sale; business established; will sell 'cheap if so d at Address Mrs. Ella Easter, Pond Creek, Okl. (4) FOR SALE Furniture, 2 flats, adlolnlng. 15 rooms each: paying business; sell one or both Immediately. Apply 107 B. 17th. i (4) -242 21x FOR SALE Cheap, furnishings and busi ness of 25-ronm boarding house; gooa location nnd house full of boarders. Tel. Webster 3564. (41 DX7 19x FOR SALE A well-established and profitable general merchandise business In a thrifty west ern Nebraska town. Will lease buildings to purchaser at low rental jfor term of years; owner old and wishes to retire. This Is a splendid opportunity. ERNEST SWEET, 613 N. Y. LIFE BLDG.. OMAHA. (4)238 19 PARTY with $1,0C0 to $2,000 to take Interest and traveling position in rcsponsioie in creasing wholesale business. Address C 370. care Bee. (4) 213 19x 8-ROOM rooming house for sale; steam heat: extra good location; owner leav inar citv. 16-ROOM rooming house for sale. Cheap rent; every room filled; owner retiring. Price $500. FOR SALE Rooming and boarding house, 12 rooms; 111 health reason for se.llng. See GANG EST AD 403 Bee Bldg. (4) 228 19 CAPITAL. If you need money to Increase your busi ness, write us, giving full particulars. Bonds and stocks sold on strictly com mission basis; nothing but good proposi tions considered; best commercial and bank references given. The William Hall Co., Hartford Bldg., Chicago, 111. (4)-159 19x CORPORATION, whose products are han dled by leading wholesale and retail dealers, wants competent sales msnager; $2.6il0 yearly and additional commission; unquestionable references and Investment required. Address Box 525, Madison, Wis. (4) 153 19x You can't make a mistake In buying Bertha Consolidated at 15 cents. ABBOTT & BEVARD, 204 Neville Block. (4) BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys. T. E. BRADY, Probate Att'y, 60 Bee Bldg. (6 Jeli. Chlrepodlat. DR. ROT, R. 2, 11X Farnam St Doug. uT7. Civil Engineers. M'EATHRON JAM1ESON. 304 N T. L. (W 111 L. G. HICKS, surveying. Trade. 423 I Board of (6) M314 J Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO.. succesor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. (5JUT Carpet Cleaning:. BEND your carpets to N A. Chrtstenson 4k Bon, &ui it. sum 01. i-none wen. lous. (6) 113 la. Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. (0) U4 CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Works. Mak ing over ana relaying carpets. Also rug weaving. 16th and Leav. Tel. Doug. 65U. (5 UA Deatlsta. BAILEY & MACH. id fl. Paxton. D. IMS. (5 819 Coatracters. P. J. CREEDON V SONS, general eon tractors. Office and factory. 4ith and Dodge. 'Phones. Har. HtSU and Red 10. (t)-M6j AUGUST KROFFT, building contractor. 111 N. 24th St., Fhone 105, South Omaha, (5j ,i Dreeaaaakla. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harnsy 1XA (5 8W Daa-ravlngr- KOTERA 4s CO., 16u6 Jackson. Doug. 2007. (tJ-119 nerlsta. HESS A SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (6)-12t U HENDERSON. 1619 Para. Tel. D. 126$, (5j-La J. H. BATH, 122 Harney. Tel Doug. $. it.) Li Faraaees. W. B. HE ATON American furnaces; tin work. U01 Farnam Bt Tel. DuutUi 32-J. (5)-M7i M22 Helels. THE SchlUa, European, 16th and Hsmey. )-M370 BT. JAM CS Katea, $1 ml $1,26 per day. 4U tL Ulh. U-Tii UA BUSINESS DIRECTORY tContinued.J Fara. FI'Rf cleaned, stored and repaired. O. R. Shukert, $13-316 8. 16th, practical furrlr. (o)-67i JU lloase Cleaning. JOHNPON cleans caipotn. washes windows, floors polished. Tel. Douglas 2399. t5)-4J M19 MER. Incorporating Co., 426 N. T. L. 45) 133 Jewelers and Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing, I & $ Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 4367. (Sj m M id 1,1 Ml'SIC INSTIU'CTIONS. ilr. Karl Petersen, voice culture, pure Italian method; concert er.gnirementa nnd stage practice for students; voices tried free. Piano and violin instructions by the most successful meth.Kls. Bpei'lol rates for out-of-the-clty students. Studio suite 4: and 43 Barker block. (5)-217 19x Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. U Tol. D. 1164. (6)-125 Dr. Bowser, over 1600 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370. (6) M4S0 M19 Photographers. B. TRUSS ELL, 11$ South 16th St (t)-687 FRENCH and artlstlo photographers. tlO B. 14th Bt (6)-791 M21 Printing:. JENNINGS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas . (o)-126 BEFORE placing your 190S calendar order, don't fall to see our elegant Imported line. Lyngstad &. Jorvc, printers, 16 & Cap. ave. (6)-127 600 BUSINESS cards, $1; 10.000 printed en velopes, good stock, for $10; other work St same rates. Get our estimates and see our samples of work. Call at room 32, V. B. Nat'l Bank Bldg., or 'phone DouKiaa 4503. (6)-394 My 17 THE ACORN PRESS. Printers of Quality. ' 1218 Harney. Tel. Doug. 991. (5I-M747 .Tel 4 HIG GRADE Imitation typewritten letters and Job printing;; no Job too laige or small. Anchor Publishing Co., 1822 Far nam St. Tel. Douglas 5562. (B)-M746 Je 600 RUSINESS cards, $1; 10.000 printed en velopes, good stock, for $10; other work at same rates. Get estimates and see our samples of work. Call at room 32, U. 8. Nat'l Bank Bldg., or "phone Doug las 4503. (6) M9(5 Jeli Plumbing; and Heating. T. F. BALFTC, plumbing, gas and eleetrlo fixtures. 1807 Howard. Tel. Doug. 743. (5) M705 JullO LYNCH BROS. -Repair work our specialty. 118 N 15th 8:. Tel. Douglas 1477. (6)-7t M28 Safes, Shatters, Etc. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. Q. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 10th Bt. (6)-275 Shoe Repairing. STANDARD Shoe Repair Co.. 1S04 Farnam. We do the work right; phone Douglas 7507 and we will call for your work. We sell polish, laces and shoe specialties. (5)-M2S6 Jel7 School Furniture. OMAHA School Supply Co., 1C21 Howard. (5J-MS17 Jeli Steve Storage. KTfiV"R,58TORED Hughes, Stove Rep. . works. Tel. Douglas 71. 15)-M752 Wall Paper Cleaning WORK guaranteed. Call Douglass 682$ (5) M407 DON'T fall to call me at Douglas 87 (5) M408 CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA, THE LEADING PALMIST and CLAIRVOYANT OF OMAHA Parlors 118 So. lfith St., Upstairs. Engagements by 'Phone Douslas 4506. In Spring. Summer and Winter Have Your Hand Read By MME. BUDDHA, THE SPECIALIST IN PALM ISTRY & OCCULT SCIENCES The lines In your hands are constantly changlnK by reason that we are In a a tutu , or changes, so to speak. I The hand reveals then chanees unit hv submitting your hands to MME. BUDDHA who will thoroughly explain all the Im- portant changes, if anv. and how to avoid ' or take advantage of any opportunities that 1 may be in sight If friends be true or false, , 4 -,. l . I,,, CKldlS, II. .VUU VI ill KHIUUI you, and HOW TO MEET IT! MME. BUDDHA Ranks foremost In her profession and gives abundance of satisfaction where others fail. All your questions answered by not ask ing a single question to aid her. When you will be successful, when you will make a change and when you shall change to your advantage and profit Tells when you will marry and whom you may for benefit to both. All Business Confidential And privacy strictly assured. Parlor 11$ Bo. ltiih St, upstairs. SEE SIGN ON WALK (6)-270 19 ATTENTION! 50c! 50c! 50c! 50c! 50c! To prove his wonderful power i ' rnulr' biak. t""i-. I ! will give special $3 readings for 60o to all i caning inis weea- lie gives run names. Tells how to be successful in sll wider- takings. Call soon. 1816 Dodge Bt 6j-234 19x ARMONDE LEAUX Powerful Clairvoyant 202 NORTH 18TII STRET (THE ELMS) ( M2W lx MADAME BUDDHA, The Leading Palmist of Omnha. Revelations of past and future described. Parlors 111 B. 16th St., Opp. Boston Store. (16) 1U EDUCATIONAL Spring Term Now Open. STUDENTS ADMITTED ANY DAY. BOOK KEEPING, BOYLES COIXEQE SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING, TELi-GKAPHY. ENGLISH. ELOCUTION, DAY AND NIGHT. Catalogue frae. It Ii. iiOVLES, Pres., OuiaEa, NU -M176 help Wanted female Agents and SaJraladlea. WANTKDWe want ft bright, energ-tlo woman to travel and'sHI our line of ladies' petticoats and childrens' drc?c Hi.d to appoint agents. Can cover Ne brurka and Iowa, fun easily mike $.1 per day. The Chlldrens' Out lilting Co . Jack son. Mien. (,1-MX.Ii 19 LAD1F8 may obtain permanent employ, mer.t selling hosiery nnd underwear direct to wearer; outfit free. Victoria Mills, Kansas City, Kan. (7i ACTIVE Indy manager In home territory, also assistant; $4 dally easy; $J6 free; state nationality, rellclon. Kngwnll. 241 Lakeside HIiIr., Chicago. (T)-l'iO li'x LADIES to travel, as saleswomen for Chl cngn manufacturer; Kood salary, ex penses; rapid promotion, permanent; ex perience unnecessary. Stale age. health, reference. A. Hollnday & Co.. 2H0 Clark, Chicago. (7) 105 1S HAIR discuses, face nnd scalp specialists, ladles nnd gentlemen everywhere In Douglas county, to call on Dr. Minerva James. 1707 Dodgn b't., and hove the "ManlovH Hair Grower" demonstrated. Good opening for lady manager In every town. James, 1707 Dodge St. (7)-OT.! lf-x WOMEN make bljr money selling our Sani tary B.its. "Just Out." Bell In every house. Write today for particulars and exclusive territory. Mfkrs., 12 Metro politan Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. (7)-132 l!)x Factory and Tradea. WANTED Girls to work In candy factory. The Voegele & Dinning Co., 1.116 Jones St (7) MSM HAND laundresses and Ironers, also girl to sew; good wages; sternly work. 2!)l Leavenworth. (7) 712 20 GIRLS WANTED Burgess Shirt Company, 2u24 Farnam 6t. (7) 129 WANTED Machine girls. Laundry, 211 S. 11th Bl. City Steam C7)-130 WANTE3 Woman to do halrdresslng, nwinli'urlng, etc.; must ne ftrst class. Prof. McKay, lO;' Fnmam. (7) M294 lx WANTEP-100 GIRLS TO MAKE SHIRTS, JACKETS AND OVERALLS; STEADY EMPLOYMENT AT GOOD PAY; DAY WAGES TO BEGINNERS. APPLY TO BYRNE II A MM Kit DRY GOODS CO., FACTORY', 9TH AND HOWARD STS. (7)-272 II Hontekeeping and Domestic. GIRL for general housework: family of two; good wages. 'Phone Harney 1284. (7J-S90 30x WANTED Mangle plrls; girl to mark and sort. Model Steam Laundry. (7)-MS72 22 WANTED Experienced girl as cook: good wages. N. K. corner 33d and Farnam. (7)-906 WANTED Girl for general housework. 1533 Park Ave. (7-435 WANTED Competent middle-aged woman to do housework in family with three children. Address Mrs. W. A. Dodds, Gillette, Wyo. (7)-MSM3 L4x SWEDISH housekeeper, $240 yeur; house tins $7 week. Canadian Office, 15th and 'Odge. (7) M753 WANTED Competent girl for housework: no washing; Email family. Cull nt 2130 S. S3d St. (7)-M86!) VJx WANTED A cook. Benson 178. Mrs. A. L. lteed. Tel. (7) 473 GIRL for general housework. 3.115 Burt St. (7)-M549 18X WANTED A cook. SG12 Farnam. (7)-C68 GIRL for housework. Douglas iSiO. 1207 S. 27th. 'Phone (7) MflS4 19x EXPERIENCED girl; small family. Mrs. W. J. Hynes, 3MI Harney. (7-717 20 LADIES Wo still want more help decor ating sofa pillows; experience unneces sary; big pay to ff'X'i workers: work taken home. Call mornings, 'Jill 8. 13th. (7) MS 18x WANTED Girl for general housework, 26u3 Pierce SU; small family; good wattes. (7j-S47 IS GIRL for general housework. 4167 Daven port St. (7) S6S Gir.C for general housework: small family, good wages. 4f'.'8 Chicago. Phone Harney 623. (7) St lax WANTED A fairly competent girl for gen eiul housework. Apply 1113 So. 33d St. (7i-91 22 WANTED A wonan cook; wages $35 per month. Logan lloufe. Fort Dodge, la. (7)-Mi)21 20 WANTED Experienced woman prtsser; Steady position for one ho understands the business. Tho I'untorium. (7) M924 19 WANTED Girl for chainhcrwork, one from country preferred: good character abso lutely required; ticket furnished. Per kins Hotel, David City, Neb. (9)-MU37 2ux WANTED Competent girl for general house work, good pay, 2214 F Bt., South Orouha. (7) MUSii 21 Mlscellanenns, STENOGRAPHERS, some experience. $35 to $45; stenographer, $3(1 to $V); b.w kkeepors, cashiers umi salesladies at once. Appli cants i f ability placed on short notice. Call or wrilo tor complete list of vacan cies. WLUTEKN REF. & BOND ASS N.. INC., . 721-72Z N. Y. Life Uuildlnt,-. (7)-219 19 vrir HAVE the following positions to be filled at once: 2 Stenographers, $00 to $06. 2 Stenographers, tM. I Stenographers, $45. 1 Blenographer, $1:0. 1 fcimitli-Piemler Billing Machine Operator. 1 Bookkeeper and 1 Assistant Hook keeper. Call or write. KEYSTONE SURETY & REF. AGT. (Incorporated), Phono DoukIus Bulla 4(4 Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb. (7)-2D7 It HATS trlmmeu oi remocvied. 25c to 7&o. Phone (evenings) Red wjb. iT Mi79 Mils M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1623 FM. (7) Uulo Jol3 WANTED, at onee, experienced girls t f carpets. Orchard & Wlihelm Cairel Co. (7 GIRL wsnted, Feekwith Co., 1419 Douglas St. Corey Printing 7-M748 OLD HATS RETF.IMMED. Hats and materials cleaned or dved. MlriS LEO LA PEPPER, 7u So. 2th St. (7) 45 19x TWO lady solicitors wanted immediately. 14 Farnain Bt. (V K-4'J lfrx WANTED At onee, several smart, neat girls not under 17; also two good experi enced girls for candy department. See timekeeper, Sd floor. The Bennett Com pany. (7) 910 19 I STENOGRAPHERS. ri5 to $i0; bookkeep ers, cashiers, and salesladies at once, (.'all or write for complete list of vacancies. WESTKKN REF. V BOND ASSN. (Ino.), 721-712 N. Y. Life Ll.lg. V (7-MKl IS GIRL or woman to take care of'studio In exchange for vocal or piano education, by prominent professor. 4J Linker block. ( an J WANTED Nursea to enter training school st Child's Having Institute, Ihni Ohio St. For particulars, communicate with K M. Slsson, Bupt (W)-M'jM K'X LADIES to make Sanitary Belts; material all cut ready to sew; $15 ir hundred; particulars stamped envelope. Banltury Co., Dept 71k, Chicago. (7) lol 1'JX WA NTED HUSTLING BOYS AND GIRLS TO EARN SPENDING MONEY AND VALUABLE- PRI-JWKNTS. WHITE TO IAY FOR I.lrtT OF PREMIUM PKV1RESM MANUFACTURING. AND SUPPLY COMPANY, BOX i4. CINTIM NATL OI11U Gt-mim