HIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY i), 1007. 3 f tar- i i TlIE CMA1U SirNDAY BEE. OMAHA. BTJNDAT. MAT 1. JUDGMENTS y-vMAIIA'S bss? brU team l more f flan Jiist.fyina; tl' iv-n.l"'r or 1 I ls suppcrtprs. It u exfectre' V- to tak a hlah pl.-(v In !.. 1.1. , but tli most mnnlne had haidlf expected to W la'l:n an arly In th; eason. That F" Horra'.' hn artured a lively bum-It of yjunftiTi l generally conrfdul ami rtie flln around the cir cuit is that th- ti-am th.it wins th pen nt has to wkoii with Omaha. At this 4 no, the Rcurk family baa taken the measure tt eich of the other tea;na n-C'-pt ! Molmo. and the result la s-itls-fnf-tory. IVa Moines will be enoountfi l tomorrow ifMnoon for the first t!me nni the s-rirj will hnv a very marked rft.-ct on in cany -aenn u p- mn . ;m iitpiutie f h-ive not as yet shown mnca class and 1 can acnrcely be placed It would ba an- ulaa this early to declare them out of the rM-ntna;. but now thnt real base ball weather la at hand thlr true form may i.nn be determlm-d. Each of tha fame n:nv be expected to Improve In Ita plHy until mldseason la re:ichrd, and If the Omaha players but reasonably Improve as they go on. the tom ia sure to be & factor in the race to the end, and Its chanc.a for wlnnlnaj first place eeem better than thuee of any competitor Maprnate Rourke deems lilmaclf fortunate In harlna; the aervlrea of ao competent a Held captain aa Franek ai d expresses hlmeelf aa wrll satlafled with tho proapect. Tbe, local Intcreat la much sMmulated by the fine allowing the team '.mi made, and Omaha, already looked aa tha mslnatay of the Western league, will make even a better ahowlna; than vr aa to patronage. . lamentable lack of ititiust In axhletlcs 1 ; vails at the oinuha iiifu school, it ia . .Heartening. If not wo.ae, that ff school . Ctv.an a.xe, ahoulu ooiy aecora six ...ntB in au inteiscliolatic fl-id meet. wner h. mcutxA from a town vuljutx totai of pi u lnticn Is hardly more thi n tlia enrolled at i -r.ilaiica at tbe Onidhd school wins in'.- meet Ou the same uay the Omaha iiigh school baae bail uaiu played a cm l. ai game of bs bull. rul a cx.rk.ng tfood gaxne, and only almut six pupils were pres ent to watch it. This ta net what la should be. While the end and aim of school work la not athletlca, the development uf the body la aa Important as tnat of the mind, and Is generally so recognised. At the higher schools gymnasium work Is com pulsory, ajid It ought iv be la the lower. Omaha baa no gymruwilum at 1 this high school, but this oug-ht not to operate to prevent the du,elopment of a good track team. Aa it la the drill la tue only feat me of physical development that Is Insisted on by the high school authorities. Tbe boys complain tluu. they get no support from the faculty In their efforts; It is notorious that the faculty at no time pave any attention to tbe gamea when they are played, beyond exercising supervision, and a general atmos phere of Indifference seems to ha-ve en veloped: athletics at the schorl In general. This condition should be remedied. In order that Omaha may have a high school team 'that is worthy of the greU Institution It represents. The material la there and the boys axe willing enough If only given an opportunity. More attention- to athleetca will not injure the standing of the school from a scholast'a point of view, end might help It In eom other ways. the National league the fight has sl- rrry sMtled down to w xorg ana tui- cjo, with the general aenumeni in xavor f Chlcag-o. New Tork has been very ctunate up to date In Its playing, it imi me. tr.e weaaer mum 01 me wu . nd has thus bad every chance to get a 3 commanding lead. Chicago has held on ; . . " " " with remarkable determination, and under ! """ of French gray, the handicap of having played most of Its J rlplnga. the panels being games away from home haa kept so closs ,hown ln mor Pronounced shade of to the Giants that New Tork could not "tei Tr'- Th car ulPtd for long afford to lose a game. Only that hard- ' oiatance touring and will figure ln its luck game at Brooklyn aeparatee the two. Initial tour on a trip to Colorado and re and when the Olanta and the Cuba meet u". st New York during the week the real , J- A. McNauThton, who last year drove test of the seaaon up to date will be had. two-cylinder Rambler, has bought the Supporters of Chicago, who are numerous . four-cylinder Rambler of forty-five-horse In thtse parts, hive outcome of the clash. no fear as to the ear Is one of the distinct novelties In color It seems singular that state like Ne- ' m Omaha, being finished In the beau hraaka, where so much money Is Invested ' ttful hada of beech nut brown, with ln breeding fine horses, should be without black and gold trimmings and full leather a renreentattve race meet, DUt sucn is , the caae. Much tentative talk la Indulged at various times about the feasibility of Instituting a meeting at Omaha, but it htm not gotten beyotvt tha talk stage as rot The track at the old State fair grounds was pronounce! In Its time one of the fastest In the country. The ex penditure of a little money and some time would rehabilitate this track, and a little energy properly directed ought to land Oman with, a ra meeting that would rank among the beat. The June meeting of the Big Nine con ference Is waited with aome interest. Min nesota, haa practically defied tha conference by voting to continue relations with Ne braska In spite of the Utter defection, and this with Michigan's stand wl)l put the authority of the bedy squarely at Is sue. If the conference recedes from some of Ha expieaslona. the organisation may be preserved, but If It stands on Ita announced conclusions. Its disruption seems Imminent. 'Stub" Toman went back to Loe Angeles with the yam that he had not had a fair trial by Denver, and ta looking for sym pathy on that score. As a matter of fact. Toman had a fair trial when he was al lowed to go by Omaha several seasons ago. He didn't look especially good then, and has given no evidence of Improvement Ince. The roan-eating ball player seems to be all but tamed. Even Mug-jay McOraw aad Kid Flberfold are ln the game quite reg. ularly thia season Only Jack Do vie ap pear, to be able to kick hard enough to get Suspended, but Jack la an exception even to base ball rulea. Omaha will be ut home tomorrow to meet TVe Moines for the Irat time thia season. "The game la an important one and should be watched by aa Met a crowd s tbe grounda will accommodate. It has been a long time since Kansas Ctty had IU oa , g table. Its .t for the George's pride. .City had IU name at the top of tbe stacd- present experience la a real staying powers of . Cousin Ltrbnardt has proven at Cleveland that hi. Memphis record was not a mistake. His showing In the Western league has been forgotten In bla present triumph. Maybe Pat Ragan Isn't something of a batter as well ss a pitcher. Team ball ta what wine games, and that to what Omaha la playing. Deaver baa mere respect tbaaj ever tbe Omaha bKters. for T snake) a handsome Reader; do ant be? A.a4 Brooklyn won another game. IN THE WORLD OF ALIOS Van? Htw tad FcwsrM Cars An Daily Ccminc Inro This City' RACES ARE TH! RAGE OF THE DAY '" Dealers Are rhamstesj Their Blta with F.as;eraeaa fat rtiaaeet ta Rata Somr- r. Many of the now fast and powerful auto car are .in it .,-,-,.. . n,t -Ith 1 the rnmjnr of the warm went her the owners and deilcra are simply ehnmpins on the blta to art out and race some one. Several Impromptu races have proved en- I tlrl unsatisfactory and aome real racca j are now incubatlna Omaha hnj a real ; nrtmir course for holding- these races ine old rvvle Kiriwt rnimA has been the acene ! . . . . ! of many a contest in days gone by, both j with autnmoMlea and with bicycles. 1 Road races which attracted half the town to 'hat couree were held when the bicycle , . . , . . . was the whole thing, and now that the 1 nntomohiTe is rorgirg to tne rrom 11 nas 1 taken up the course and races are being bof ked for that long stretch of macaj r mixed road. The course Is a hair ralsr, for it hns hills.' up and down, and sharp turns, which test tha nerve of the chauf feurs. It really require nerve aa well as akill to take aome of tha curves on the Podge street course, f6r a tumble on one of these curves would mean serious spill. Challenges raj the Air. Chsllenges are avtlng back aaJ forth, some made on wind and aome with finan cial backing, and, It Is announced, before long the auto public will have a chanee to see a real race, or two or three. On this course the skill of the driver Is con sidered about aa much ns the speed of the car, and speed alone does not count, for the hills must be considered and a hlll cllmblng car has some advantage. It Is said, however, that some of these new powerful cars can take the htlls about as easy as they ran spin along the level roads. Some of the new cars which srrlved dur ing the week are attracrtng all kinds of attention. The little 's sold by the Kim ball company are arriving and more are on the road. The first to arrive was a red little 6 belonging te E. A- Cudahy. The new one" was a beauty, betng white enamoled and belonging to J. A. MeShane. It forces a second look aa It glldee around tbe streets of Omaha. Word has been received that Frank Parmelee's car haa been shipped and the Indian takes dally trips to the freight depot to see If any word has been received. He will meet hla new pet at Council Bluffs. C. W. H'llI has all the owners looking at him with" envious eyes as he scoots around Omaha In his new fifty-horse power Pope Toledo runabout. While Mr. Hull says they can't force him Into the racing game, the very looks of tbe car shows he has oni that could give them aJl soma and then not have to take the dust. Real es tate dealers are still buying cars and the man who wtrhes to look at a lot can also have a apin In on automobile. Meai aad Machines. Tbe well known automobile expert and race driver, Otto Nestman, of Boston, has ; accepted the position of bead mechanician of the R, R. Kimball garage. Nestman la well known both In this country and In Burope. He holds several hard earned records, both world's and American. The forty-horse power Rambler, received last week by Mrs. Lillian Maul, and her son, John Q. Jacobs, was put Into com- 1 mission Immediately upon Its arrival and lias attracted no end of attention since. . ... , . m , , , , V , jFWTur which ,ur. luii nas ueea snowing on the streets the last two weeks. The '"k- C.4orgu H. Lee received his nsw four cylinder Rambler last week, which la an exact' counterpart of the one delivered to ,vMrs. Maui ana Mr. jacoDs. Mr. Lee, who drove a Rambler of less horse-nower Iaat year, will enjoy bis machine to the full, having residence near Florence, which mesne a spin back and forth to business on the boulevard each day. A two-cyilnder Rambler touring car was sold to D. L. Harrington of Ogalalla Iaat week, the same being driven overland home. Other touring ears were purchased by A. W. Downing of Corning, la., and C. J. Reynolds of Rogers, delivery being made overland In each case. The Knox automobile 'bus ordered last week for E.-R. Peaae has arrived and will be tsted out this week. Another carload of fmir-cjllnder Buk-Vs haa Just reached Omaha. These cars are all sold and will be delivered at oace. Another car Is expected to arrive this week. H. E. Fredrickson T-M received one of the new Thomns forties, which l sttraet ng eonalderab'e attention on tbe str"era. Mr. Fredrlrkson has challenged all comers for a rf.ra AetoaaoMIe te. Steven care were destroyed 'n a reeent fee which ewept away several St. Loals firsees. June probably will be "elected as the -date for the annual hill climbing contest of the Cleveland club. Woe than tfl tVC (VTA haa been nsM Th felted Ptne- In duties on Imported cars within the lost five years. The bill requiring all vehicles to carry Mghts at night seems likely to be passed by tha Connecticut legislature "Taxi-cab" la the notewiwthv abbrevia tion of taximeter vehicles applied by Lon doners to their nay auto service. The formation of Michigan Btnte aaso (intlon ensures the annual elub trips be tween "Detroit and Grand Rapids. The Boston A Maine railroad hns built fifty box cars peclilly designed for the exclusive use of automobile ahlpners. -The Riding and -Driving club of Balti more, recently organised, haa extended lis membership to owners of automobiles. New York will be ahout the onVy big city tn tbe countrv wit hoot some sort of an automobile com petition on Memorial dav. Michigan, the banner atate In the auto mobile Industry, will produce B OK) cars thia year. 1S.W ef which will be built at DetrcH. Aute motora are utilised for pumping water, turning farm machinery anl run ning printinst presses even In India and parts of Australia. The total mlieaee of mads completed, now uotler coiuract or awaJttng contract in New York state aggregates in stupen dous total of ta.ns. On thousand new signboard, are to be erected along popular touring routes In the old llay state bv the Massachusetts Automobile association. Altoona. Pa., restricts motorists to th same speed aa bicyclists and horaetnen, sit ir lie per hour, and fines offender, against tii ordinance f rum lf to f'Ja. A good lubricant for a cbtln Is s molten mixture of tallow and grsphltn. Clean tio eheln with gaeoline and dry it thoroughly before applying the lubricant Kc York state bai attained tbe dls t.ni ua at fcviuT rvsviatared wore auto. moblf"" ao far this var tTinn were man fectured In thta country In - I J. O. Cassia tt. t"wi ff the late railroad pr:rtcnt who la in !nnrton, a III mike an auto tour thronah Tnaland. followed by a lonr one throtiah the ronlln.nt. The first outdoor automobile and motor tournament In New inland will be held t r-r the Pprlnafleld iMaxe.) Automobile) club from Mar & lo June 1. Inclusive. ' The year", appropriation for food roe. in Nw York state will ba about S3.0no.oo. , Of the fn..vio.iioo appronrlated la-at year, how- ever, J,0i0,0O haa not yet been utilised. t . w . nrone and carta, are required to carry lamp after dnrk, and violations of tha law In this respect ara proacaited raidly. Amona: freak automobile bllla Introduced In the New York learteiatur la one requir ing the equipment of all automobile, with fenders for the protection of nedeatriana. To give them enough spare tlma to make rden and ralae r-hl kens aa a aide line i the rural free delivery carriers err carriers of Shelby- vllic. Ind., will use motor cars Instead of borsea. The first annual exhibition of commer cial vehicles will be haul at Chlcacro under the auspices of the National Association of Automobile Manufacturera, November JO to December 7. Salesmen who have toured that section declHre that motoring soon will have a vogue In the aouthmet even more pro nounced then In the btg cltlea of tha east and middle west. Tha Colorado Automobile club and tha AuiomoOHa club of Rutland. VI., en en really are atate borlles. have been admitted membership In the American Aotorao one association, A police regulation that will prohibit per sons under It years of age from operating automobiles In. the District of Columbia la being contemplated by the Board of Auto mobile commlaaiaonera. Hitching automobile to their apparatua th firemen of Northwest. Ia.. drove twenty miles to Kenaett. and saved th town from destruction by fir after $100,000 damage had been done. An association haa been formed at Bos ton to proceed against county constables or any officers who make Illegal arrests. The system Is to be extended to other states In New England. Automobiles should soon be supplanting sledges and doga ln the far north, for at Alberta, Canada, nine cars are now surprising-tbe natlvee. and at Medicine Hat eight are ln commisslaon. Inatead ef requiring the railroad to switch cars to and from the various sid ings which lead to Its factory, one well known manufacturer is using a five-ton motor truck to move them. Extra chain links should be carried to repair tlre-chaln gripe when they wear through, as a broken cross-chain will dig and scratch Into tha mud guard every time tbe wheel turns over. , The Maryland state organisation has de. elded to maintain a legal bureau, whereby motorists who are apprehended by the po lice will be protected by counsel, who will be stationed In almost every town. A peculiar virtue that a vanadium alloy Imparts to steel is that of noncrysta.liza tlon. Chrome nickel steel will crystailse, but vanadium steel will not. and yet the latter has 4 higher tenstoaai strength. Emery paper ahould never be uaed about a car. Fine nnd paper will do nearly aa good work, and the particles of emery fre quently lodge where they will cause short circuits which are always unexplainable. Recent testa at Syracuse university have shown that the armored wood sill Is only 67 per cent as strong aa the laminated wood sill, and that the latter Is about 130 per cent stronger than tbe all steel sill. A tour to Allan tic City ln June Is being considered by the member, of the Albany, N. Y.. Automobile club. It is planned to leave Aloany about June ixi and mug the trip by way of New York and Aebury Park. Ine pastor of k Columbus, lnd., church. while noldlng a revival, borrowed the use of every automobile ln town to carry ban- ners aaveriiaing ma services, inus utilising "devil wagona" to tight his satantc majeety. Among the Americans motoring In Italy are Mr. and Mrs. Douglaa Robinson, brother-in-law and sister ot the president; Mrs. Mark Hans, widow of the late senator from Ohio, and Senator Aldrlch of Rhode Island. Although he had paid for the damage done to a carriage his automobile had struck, Louis Oliver, a widely-known Mas sachusetts motorist, was sent to Jail for two months by a Judge at Worcester, that state. The Belgian expedition which shortly will endeavor to tlnd the south pole will carry two motor care for uae on Edward VII. Land and Victoria Land, the most southern countries tn the world aa far aa known. By charging at a low Tate for several hours once a month after the battery la fully charged the sulphate on the plates will disappear. previitlng their dlatntrrgre tlon and greatly enhancing the life of the battery. Of 489 cars registered with the New Tork secretary of state during a recent week, but twenty-eight were Imported machines. About the same proportion of foreign to do mestlo ears has prevailed since the first of the year. It Is not very difficult to understand why automobillng Is a sovereign remedy for brain fag and nervous Ills. A man can not tool a big car along the road properly and worry about buainee affairs at the same time. Under the new automobile law signed by Governor Folk of Missouri, the new state license Is IS, and motorists who havs paid a ti county license are wondering whether they will be allowed 13 rebate on paying the state fee. Springs and their shackles need lubrlesy tion occasionally, as well as other parts. Some makers provide for the Joints oil cups, but once in a while a heavy lubricant should be smeared between the leave of the springs with a knife. In steam cars keep the oll-vanorlsing tubes clean and the pump glands screwed tight enough to prevent leakage, but not enough to cause any endue friction on the plungers, and the generator snd Ks at tendant parts will give ne tremble. Berlin firemen are experimenting with an electric combination Are engine, hook and ladder truck, life-saving machine with nets and searchlight wagon, powerful enough to carry a company of fire fighter, at a .peed of forty miles an hour. Following the example of the other Bay state organisations, the Massachusetts State Automobile aasoclatlon haa offered a reward of SW for the arrest and conviction of any driver who Injures a person and then speeda away to avoid the conse quences. The recent adaptation of vanadium steel to the automobile Industry recalls that the Tuns mode of that material which the apanese uaed In the war with Russia did not suffer from ernainn, while the ordinary steel guns of the Russians suffered severely from that cause. Ths fifty-mile endurance run of the motorists of Worcester. Maes., will be novel in marur v?aya Ths course has been laid out on the hills tnat surround the city and every rvrtnt where a car Is liable to come to grief Is within eay trolUylng distance ot the nearr or tne ery. The, attempt ef Cleve'end motnrlsta to prove their etty an automobile center bv .' advertising the coming hill-climb of the Cleveland Automobile club as far aurpaae Ing the Dead HUl-ellmb at Worceatar. : Mul, seems succeaaful. for entries are coming In from ail section, of the country. It Is not often that an automobile can ' turn a complete somersault, land rlo-ht side up with the engine running and than get out of a hole fifteen feet deep with Its 1 own power, but such was the thrilling ex- I perieoce that Ed Nobl of Knkomo. Ind , had with a powerful touring car near Bos ton recently. iv-a u 1 can give July delivery on a limited number of Pierce Great -Arrow Cars 1800 FARNAM STREET, DAVIS CCP TO AUSTRALASIA Aatip dim Kich Feared in tbt Ccm'nc lntnationa!a . N.W TURN 6IYIN TO TENNIS EVENT ' . - . . UI - ' Traaa with Doharty Mlaa- St Dees Not Appear Formid able Anaerteaaa Mast Be at Beet to Wla. Ia the Davis International lawn tennis trophy Hkely to leave England after the challenge matches the latter part of July? That la a question that the English experts are considering very seriously the believe that the chances nf fenders are slim. Whether It will be Aus- tralasia or the United Statea which will be the winner Is not sure ln the minds of I "' whlch l!" a r'ot A" th British player, and followers of the ! "mln ,ht Brookes the champion game. The trend of their thought Is. how- , ""'P n1 then had to meet H. L. Doherty evens, that If the Doherty are not going to play which seems new to be the case one or the other of the visiting teams Is going to have the fortunate combination. 1 Americana srenerallv believe that If aur ' team passes the Australians In the pre- itm!nr ti. to Ke slaved on Jul in i nd M that thev will defeat the Enalieh in the challenge matches set for July m, H and 23. The English seem to believe that the colonials are the players to be feared, so the matter reduces Itself to this, that the play of tbe Australians is the crox. In that vtaw tbe Americana coincide, so that from either angle the Australians have to be watched. aataeee of Knalaad aad Anatralltt. The three countries represented this year are those named above. The English team wll be chosen from B. H. Smith. F. L. Rlseley, M. J. O. Ritchie. H. Roper Barrett, . F. and H. L. Doherty. The Auetra- laslan nomination Includes the names of Norman Brookes, their csptaln: A. F. wilding. L. O. S. Poldevln and O. O. Sharp. Bears C. Wright and Karl H. Behr are the only certainties for the American team at the present writing. The Ameri can International committee may add some other player or players, as opportunity offers. It does not appear likely at this time that R. D. Little will be able, to go abroad this year. However, the Americans have plenty of time to name other players, aa the tlma for announcing teams still Is some weeks distant. ' Of tha retirement of the Dohertya and the ' resultant condition of the English pros ; pects, a writer In the Sportsman of Lon ' don. under the head of "English Su premacy: Is It In Jeopardy?" says: 'The pity of h Is that out of the myriads of lawn tennis players tn England and the hundred or so who will enter the lists at Wimbledon there Is no legitimate successor ; to the great Laurie Doherty. As I have , stated, nothing Is certain yet, but from I what I can gather the probability la that I H. L will this year give the championships rest, but be persuaded on patriotic ' grounds to play In the internationals. Eaglaaa's Chanee Slight. This does not appear to be truly the case, however, and so he continue to sum up the chances by talking of tha other players nominated: "To add to the uncertainty of England's prospects against so formi dable a pair aa Brookea and Wilding this la, assuming the latter beat the Americans In the preliminary round It may be said that both Smith and Rlseley have shown a disposition to eschew serious in the claims ef business, but Rlseley still la troubled with hla arm, and that In Itself might be a handicap. I happen to know, however, that th members of the Lawn Tennis associ ation have made nnanlmeui appeal to Smith and Rlseley to reconsider matters on purely patriotic grounds .and that Rlseley at least has promised to do so. "Assuming that R. F. Doherty does not play and that H-' L. does play th team to take my fancy would be H. L. Doherty. F. L. Rlseley and Roper Barrett. How good a player the last named Is may not be oommon knowledge, although It ought to be. It may be remembered that he con stituted one of the England team that played ln the first match for the Dwlght Davis cup. That was tn 1900. at Longwood. where his callesgues were- A. W. Gore and H. D. Black, America, who proved vic torious, was then represented by M.- D. Whitman. D. F. Davis and H. Ward. I doubt not that Roper Barrett, if he were asked to be ln readiness for the Inter nationals, would be able to devote more time to the game and come to be seriously We announce) that we bay two Stoddard-Da vton cars which we ran dellTr about July 1st. Can tret no more thia sen son, but are ready to take orders for 1608 model, delivery, beginning aa early ao September. Closing out our demonstrators and Second Hand Machines at ridiculous prices: Pope Toledo, 1905 model $1S00 Ppe Toledo, 1903 model SI. 750 Thomas Flyer, 1905 model 91.700 Reo Tonrlng Car, 1905 model S700 i Reo Touring Car, 1906 model. . , White Steamer, 1904 model Maxwell Runabout, nearly Ford 4-cyIinder Runabout, Mason Touring Car, new Stevens-Dnryea Runabout Warerly Electric Runabout -$500 These cars hare all been overhauled and are In good condition. Delight Automobile Company 1818 Farnam. mmm Mm "OAKLEY sea reckoned wfth. I am Inclined to think the H. L. IXkAnerty and F. U Riseley would with sufficient practice together make an Ideal pair ln the doubles. "Strong ss he Is with Smith. Rlseley would b better still with a superb tac tician such as Doherty. for to say the least Smith, despite his success with Riaeley when the Doherty brothers were beaten at Wimbledon, la alarmingly unorthodox ard uncertain. It would be a great thing to see H. L. Doherty end Riseley paired but there are penple who say that such a thing will never be." treaatti rf the jta!laa. ' Then of th Australians he erits by sav ing: "Assuming that If. L. Doherty doe not defenl the championship Norman Brookes would only have to repeat his form of I9o5 to attain the honor he then so nearly won. He was Invincible In the ail- now and rovers' competition, and Wilding, who re f the de- '"tly paid a flying visit home to collect i ca"" ,n ,no :i'',, f' enampionemrs. ! ' ht Brookes la playing better than In the International, what an attraction It would be." Naturally enough I O. S. Poldevln. on of those nominated for the Austra'nslan team, might be expected to view th : rhancee of th Antipodean with favor. Writing to the London Express he goea the situation generally He seems to believe that the results of the preliminary tie depends upon BeoJs Wright. That Is considered true here, too, and much also la considered to depend upon the form shown by Karl Behr. Mr.- Poldevln, says In rrt: "The avowed retirement of the Doherty brothers has awakened the poaslblllty and even the probability of a chinve of hold era, and the consensus seems to favor tht Idee, that England la gotng to lose the trophy thts year. The probability Is that 1 America snd Australia wHl. as last year, J dispute the right to challenge England, 1 The compoaltlon of both teams is already known, and as It may safely he assumed that all the players will be at their best, speculation as to the result Is even at this stage possible." Mr. Poldevln then proceeds tn speculate on the basis of certs In players whom he names aa the American team. It Is not the certain rlgh now the these will be Amtrican players. America rhnmplnna "The American team," he continues, "comprlaea Beals Wrlcht. Raymond Little and Karll Behr. while the Australasian nominations Include Norman Brookes. A F. Wilding, Oi O. Sham and L. O. S. PMdven. Australasia will, of course, relv upon Brookes and Wilding; In both alnvlea and doublea. one or other ef the remaining nominesa playing only In case of emer gency. Great thinrs ar anticipated from the Australian pair. Already their vic tory la widely prophealed In lawn tenn's clrclea. but my own View l not nearly so aanruln In the first place, we d- not know for certain how the American, will elect to be represented In the singles Only two of the three nominesa citn compete. "Much will depend on the form of Beals Wright. Last year, though a member of the American team, he was unable to play. It will be recalled tbat as a result nf an unfortunate accident Just before leaving America he had the Index finger of his right hand amputated on his arrival ln England. Owing to this incident people fancy that he will not ayaln reach the high standard to which he attained a couple of seasons back. They take Beals Wright's recent form on the Rlveria. where he was beaten two love sets by Ritchie, as cor roborative of this view. But we must not be deceived Into, taking his form there any more seriously than he himself apparently took hla matches. - For myeelf I see no reason why he should not return to ths magnificent form he displayed tn England ln W). and which later won him the American championship. "He Is a left-handed player, so that the loss of a finger on his right hand cannot Interfere In the least with Ms actual handling of his racket,, and besides he belong, to that sturdy, plucky class of men whom nothing leas than the loss of playing arm would stop, having once made up his mind to playing well. I expect to find him la his very best form again, and cannot forget that he twice beat Brookes when they met ln Tr006, once before and once after the Auatrallan's great triumph at Wimbledon. "Brookes Is reported to be playing a stronger game than ever; Wilding, who recently had three weeks' play with him before leaving for Melbourne, regards him $600 850 9600 $550 p , . new , demonstrator "J51250 S650 SsCsiZZsji!! 1Z OMAHA. NED. ee aa the flnet player ever seer. If rumor Tks trtrlv. that tn ttnlt n game of it with the New Zealander Brookes owe,! fifteen, then surely he must he one of the fltneat ver. for w know something of H'ilillng s quality. All the same, one Is prepared to find Wright always one of the toughest opponents for Brookes. Like the latter, he is left-handed, and. cu-louslv enough, the ancle of break of Ms American service la precisely that which Brookes (lis- mmmm 111w.nu mjwin 1 umt psmi 1 jii 1 11 1 111 ia m nisi 1 1 m 'siiw g ' mmimi mi 1 jo.lwan ii,i &La mi Miiiiimh m mm,i-jLti ' n 40 H. P. 4 Cylinders. Price, $2,500 The vltAt requirements of a large Tonrinif Car ur jrrvnt power and staunch construct iun. . . THoee featured predominate tn model 25, anil the result in a car of positive reliability regardless) of road condition!. In It Is carried to the highest development every point that makes The Car of Steady Service. The Rambler One lUork Knt of Postofflre R.R.KEMBALL Authorized Territory of Stevens-Duryea, Oldsmobile. Corbin "Air Cooled", Stanley Steamer and Babcock Electric AUTOMOBILES These are America's leading makes, and comprise the record holders for speed, reliability and hill climbing in gasoline. "Both Water and Air Cooled", Steam and Electric lines. Send for list of high class second hand cars of all above makes. Call at the KIMBALL GARAGE 2026-2028 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb., And see the new Models. S3K9E Ms Is THOMAS FORTY RUNABOU i The happiest combination of elegance, power and speed ever shown in Omaha. Type of Motor 4 Cylinder, 4 Cycle vertical Horse Power ,0 Bore and Stroke ix5 inches Carburetor Automat io Form of Control Spark and Throttle on top oi wheel Drive Bevel Gear Steering Gear Worm and nut type. Also Agent BUICK WOODS ELECTRIC PEERLESS H. E. Fredrickson 1502 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Douglas 2161. Trusses and We sell Suspensories and all kinds of Rubber Goods TruaM-a, $1.00 to $3.00 each. bunjM'nourie 2-V to $1.50 eatb with or without leg straps. Write for Rubber Goods Catalogue. Sherman Cl tTlcConncll Drue Co. Cor. 18th and Dodgs Streets, OMAHA, NEQ. like, most of aM. herce he cool.! fot make any headway with Wright's service games when lnut they rnet. "Anierlrun rU'yers rs a rule do much better on tlielr seeiu-d visit In this country: therefote we are Justified l:i expecting an Improvement in Ijttlea iran. tins seae-m.'' So It seen-a pretty well dei i.lc.l that Aus tralasl.t has the c:ul. The AntipoileauS never appeared to be wre fortunate. Automobile Co. e Co. v OMAHA, XEnJ" Agent for This the........... TIE Car Suspensories Trusses and