THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE 5 MAY 19, 1907. ".-- 'U ,i r..'.Tt'Xj'-'t- wir an iiBMMiMiiMi 'h Mini miin nr-in -n r 1 " -lJT"-i tmavmmtmMt iii mi-. ,iUt a1 1U) Iw M) ft 11 rite soism' jjUjg : ill ' J So Fluffy took her place at her appointed telephone 'Ah, well" said Fluffy Ruffles, as she sat at home atone. "There's one thing that I haven't tried, and that's the telephone. And soon achieved the regulation telephonic drone.' If I wear my plainest dresses and brush straight every curl I'm sure that I can be a simple little 'Hello Girl.'" Of course it wasn't Fluffy s Fault that, sitting at her desk. With a nickel plated headband she was very picturesque. And though the work was tedious, she said" I do believe . ' nd whe young men saw her they were not to blame at all At ast I'm free fi-nm hnthor thn.h-W A l rf-ro ve ' wetauws meyu wan ner leisure io asK ner ror tneir can. W i, I rmi, i J 1 I l"V V l IL 77 l J 11 I 111 ylri jr 1 ButPIufFy was embarrassed ; she didn't like to see A line of waiting customers when other desks were free. And though she hurried all she could it rattled" her, she knew : And the more she blushed and flustered the prettier she grew. 5. When Fluffy looked so haughty the men would go away But through another telephone they'd call her up to say . They hoped she would accept an invitation out to dine. ' Oh, dear, thought FhjfFy in despair, "again I must resign 6. So she gave up the telephone, for very well she knew 'Twas not the sort of work that she was qualified to do. "But it does seem poor Fluffy thought " there's nothing left at all." - (COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY THE NEW YQKK HEitALD