THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY, MAY 15. 1907. 11 OFFERED FCR RENT rJeweee mm 4 CmUmf J7"H FARNA-M. 11-r-wim mn(Wi brick house. t v siren 54. Knrr. 27H" Famem. . t US per month fir Farnam St.: 11 roonn. thocnjghty wotm and desirable In every way; on or t wo-yea r I toi port 7 GEORGE CO, 10TO Fsmam t. (16 M751 IS 277 Wirt St.. 4-roorn cottage. 111.4. t3 Franklin, 7-room cottage: modem ex cept furnece, 83 08. TTRILEIX CO-. W Patterson Bid. (15 M7 ) SPLENDID BRICK HOUSE. lot N. II t St., easy walking distance; room, wtth vrythln In the way of up-tn-date. strictly modern hnpr"rmfiu. This te ki and beautifully decorated threughout; the best rental house In ' Omaha f T (SO par month; quick pm. too. PA INC. BOSTWICK CO., 1 N. T Life. Q5-M:a u alia Intra. UU RAR.NET ST. I floor and basement, Mxi:o feet, suitable for wholesale. Mc Cague Investment Co., lout Dodge St. U5 1494 THE enrlr oulldfng no occupied' by the Daily New. 44XS0 feet, t narlti and base ment. McCague Investment Co.. 1 Lxxfie St. Mt ti HOTEL. TO RENT An unfurntehed hotel at Sheldon, la; fau 32 bedrooms and has been thoroughly repaired this spring; lo cation Is first class. Address W X. Strong Son. 8he4don. Ia. (lit M7C ZZx Ofllees. ROOM 4, Continental Block, and larre re cepti.wi room. very suitable for dentit s or doctors office; tower windows. Hobt. H. Bennett. Agent, Koom il. Contlnen'al Blk. (L5 17 rOR RENT STOTtES AND ; omcES IN HAM1K BUILDING APPLT TO W. R. HOMAV. 1517 FARNAM ST. TEU DuUGLAS 05)--M3 FOR RENT Peak room In Bea office, city hall building. !7 N. Sth St Sv.jth Omaha. Apply to manager. (15) 134 OFFICES For Rent in The Bee Building Room C3. size HiM; baa vault. Boom 6.1. ie TH15. Koom "'T. aie 1;i15. R.wic &J0,, else Room 5V. aire U4xl. Room 64s. alse ixJ and 2CxS: baa yault and good eouth and east light. Ronma 3 and are occupied t preeent; will be available Jane 1. This Is a fine aulte of office. Here la an opportunity to rent space In a well appointed pflice bulldlnir. Janitor service and electric lights free. , Apply Bustnesa Oiflre of B-m. tii FOR ""-KNT The best locata' corner store I Omaha, Farnam and leth Sts-, Boarl ot Vraua Bid. Sea P. H. Phllbin, Schlitx Hotel. ' (15l 167 FOR RENT One-hMf store. First floor, Farnam 8t . 2x130. also all second floor. 441J. between 11th and 12th St. Freight and paaaeager elaeator. Tue Putman Cii (04 N. T. Life. (li SZ tTORB BOOM. Pax ton Blk. 110a M. lth. e. Bemis. Ofi) tlA.Ov, Hamljton t., storeroom, brick building. R. C PETERS at CO. (li 7 OFFERED FOR SALE - . . Feaeiag. IAMCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing ftc par loot, w n. lrui bL Tel. Red K14. - oe iTo Fwewltwra. FOR SALE Fine Ink Majestic steel range, aolld oak bedroom suit, sideboard, book rasa and other furniture at complete s-roora cottage. Bargains. C. W. Pack word, 4CC Blncey at. (1 177 Ui VINE oak roller toft desk and chair: cheap. Room a, rrer Southwest Comer 14ta and Douglas Sts. C-) M"4 I7x PlaMaa, Orgaaa, MaefemI laatrmaaasita. PIANO Square. S10: centa weakly. Par Bald Ptano Col. UU Farnam St. . ' CO MH4 Piano Buyers' Attention! Notice the following bargain In our ex ' change department: Walnut Case Upright .... New England Upright . $ SO 09 .. ltv.oo .. 115. Ov tLimneu l prignc. Kosewoexir csaa. Chlr.karlna' (suud condlUool... fcmtta clarnaa, (Mi oeues. liu.00 Kew Tork Sample Piano 1 00 J. C. Ftehar. Burt Walnut Case u leers A Pond i larwet style U.H) TF.RJ.i TO SUIT. Itelnway, voe. rner9on aod other square pianos. SJB. 4i snd up. aiaaon A Hamlin. Ktmbail. Betey and other organs, flu, l:i. Ca and up. We rent new p4anos fran S3 upward; also move, store, tune and repair instruments of alt makes). Terms to auit the eoavwalenc ot purchaser. SCI1M0LLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. 1111 and lilt Farnam St. TeL Doug. U 71 BiijaVr K plana certlfloate. Address) O SS7. tl MM 1X FOR SALE Qood Emerson eprtght piano, at a aacjiAoe, Appy Mil Haiuiiioa. tl 171 t DISCOUNT oa Knabe Upright Myle F. In perfect condition, used only three months and taken In trade. MATTHoiWa PlA.NO CO lSlA.ia iiaruay Si., uitiaha. Neb. (la ta raw! mm BlUlar. Taklee. FOR SALE New end seeondhend bl'.lard and pool tatiies. We lewd tike world la cheap bar Bxteree: easy payments, brans-wtck-baike-Coliendar, en? S. luth St. (I) Man Typewriter Sewtaer Msehlat, TTPEWR ITERS Baet bar rains In Omaha, tabs to tuO; call and sea our line. Ketulea Typewr.ier Exchacga. Ml Paxton bik. (Ul-MlJ Jed ONE Remington typewriter. No. 1 In gwod mndltlon. Cor sale cheap. Call at Bee Ol&ce. UJ Csa WHEN yoe write ta advertisers, remember It takes but a few strokes of the pen to state that yo saw the "ad." In The Bee. -)0NT EXPERIMENT Buy One of Our Rebuilt Typewriters. tv Rebuilt N Remingtons JTT SO li'S) ReDuilt Nu. 1 Smith Premiers &. . Ketiuiit P-o. i Biiuin r-remiera su w .j Rebuilt No. 4 Wnwiores r: M I Rebuilt No. 4 Vaderwouds 47 i 1 KeOultt Nol S Oller 46 ,jn ' e Hehullt MickenaUerCerB Hi 'JO , M 4i Th. ebutlt Chu as' e . 9 1 are ruiar. er ly pricea. Na aeae navvawi j get Ail our rebuilt machshea guaranteed one a.i makes tented C J) per month. Bef.lstacutin guaranlaed. Xn-'t if: XiifeWiUTrH CO. Cj-M I 18 OFFERED FCR SALE Idntlnued J Mil OAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL tv furnish estimate. Tf you re going to build, wrrta for ntlor j BL'KGESvS-GUANnF.N; (HL ' CI S. ISth. 'Pbona Doug. t. Cr-178 HOME-MADE ":raPE WINK, in TEARS OLD. 81 FEH GALLON CACK.LK t BHOa.. OPPOSITE P. O (i 41 Jolyl FOR BALE First -cless store fixture. ihoc:iw. rtc Globe Land nd Invest ment C'. U22 Farnam St., Omaha. Ne. il Mil nw bargains In 2d-hand aoda fountains; monthly payments. Derlght. 18IS Farnm. (IS) 171 FOR SALE Men's and wnani'i ready-to-waar clothing, new atork Just rciM. Ona dollar mill be credited to your ac count on a purchase of tlO or mora If thla adrtleement la presented. Homa Credit Clothing Co.. 1530 Dodca. attum mis AWNINGS; they're not expenslra. Call Doo M and our repreeentauva erlll ca.L Omaha Tent and Awning Co. (lfc l?i Besley Letter Cabinet M1e of walnnt and havlnc two Indexed fl.ln cea; an ornamental and uerful of- Itra fixture, at a bargain. Sea Wrteht. al at The Bee buaine offlre. (1U za SEND ua ."! mail freiht paU on tlO Drug Co., Omaha. orders for drugs; lota. Mypra-DilT-a (14) 17 'SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. beat mixed ! paint. Sherman McCoonell Drug Co. (16) 17 ALMOST new safe; slate. rxlRxKPT rl Mills County Abstract Co., GlenwM. Ia. (!-- MhM 1 MILLET SEED A. W. Warner, n N. lth. 1V-17 nrV-P AT?T Tlrea 2Ec snd up. E. E. Lau- renca, 175 Leaeenwortb Pt. (1 S90 MJt GROCER'S lea box; cheap. 1C7 N. l?th. (Ith-m June! BILLARD table, 4 balls and cues; erery. thing complete cheap. Phone Harney J"77. u 517 Jux ELECTRIC runabnit In Ona condition Ad drena L 21(1, care Bee. (16) H 14x HALL'S safes, new. Id-hand. gu Farntim. - 1( 174 A S-HORSEPOWER Edleon electric motor, CM. Louis Fletcher. liiZ! Capitol Ave. 1 710 ENGINE and boiler; tl50 If taken quick. Omsha Box Co., East Omaha. 1 MT3 ax FOR SALE 3t-8yrup so.: a fountain. In fool J trimmed body. Call or mliire Scha'f s 1 Cut Price Drug Store. 15th snd Tmg!as, i Omaha. (! M73S Jel4 PATENTS LARSON CO. Book free. Bea Rldg. D O. BARN ELL, patent attorney and ma chine designer. Pajtton Bik. Tel. Red 7117. (17) 71 JelJ PERSONAL CITT STEAM LA UNDRT Shirts precwed. not Iron ad. til 8. II th St. Tel. Doug. 2o4. OS 11 8TRINGES. rubber goods, by mall: cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers btlloa Drug Cu.. Omaha. (li-lAi MINERAL. WATER BATHS. Turner Rest and Water Cure, Colfax. Ia. (18) M3S6 Je9x RUPTURE CURED No knife, uo deten tion from business. QUICK CURE RL'P TURB CO.. oer S. W. Cor. 14th snd Dotigaaav Omaha. UA Mos MSI PLEATING B4SrSr?fc Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink, log only be per yard. Send for price Ust and samples. GOLDMAN PLXATTNO CO,. 10 Doug. as block. Tel. Doug'-as 191. lis) Ul OMAHA Stammerers' . Institute. Ramge Bidg. U)-1J THE SALVATION ARMT solicits cast -off clothing: la fact, ' anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th SC. for of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'Pbona Doug. 413 and wagon will call. ll fill r a nVrTrrt,i"'" bath, him aLJ.UX4Al8mlt;u m N 2d floor. 1 lii SEWTNO machines ranted, any make. 7So per week or S2 per month. Second-hand machines for sale. IK and up. Nebraska Cycle Co., 1&U and aiarney. (U ls4 CA UTTON STEIXWA T PIANOS. Beware of bogus Instruments offered as genuine STEIN WAT PIANOS. A fine stock ot new and used STEINWAT pianos at very low prices may be found at ths Schmolier A Mueller Piano Co., 1311 Farnam St.. and they are the only authorized representa tives In Nebraska, (-8 MS&i HELEN Too are always susplcloua. That buttle contained the "Manloti Hlr Grower." Got It at E. R. Bruce A Co. Its a great big help to a tired head. "Baldy." ls-auj THE ELITE, newly established message and bath parlors. Expert lady oveietor aoiiciia select patronage. 1204 Furnani St. second doer. (It) 73 141 NICE young man that wants to have a good time would like to make the ae qiauntanca of a nice young and pretty fiirl. Address II 3U, care of Bee. (1-Mm Mx tt REWARD for return of umbrella to me at Nebraska Telephone office; It has my name engraved on band on its handle, d W. Lyman. (14171 14x FOR anvthlng In the sewing ma. -nine line go to P. E. Flodman A Co.. 1614 Capitol Ave. 718 Jell REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. RUSSELL. A M' KIT KICK CO.. 4X1 Rams. us W. H. TURRELL. 1 Patterson Blk. D ig. ua. i mi SEARS, ta N. T. Ufa. Tsi. Bed mf!. (l-6a PATNE INV. CO... 1st fir. N. T. L Doug. 1710. 1S) &l ALFRED C KENNEDT. First Nafl bank btda 'Phuea Doug. 7JX. (!- OEORQI 1031 Faruain. A COMPANY. Tel. Douglas 754. (l)-7ij R. C PETERS. Bee Bldg. (1) 7TJ CITT rtOrllTI OA IALA BEMIS PARK HOME 14AVW for Si: Lincoln boulevard, well constructed, 8 rooms, all mod ern, havtna splendid location on boulevard, fronting south; house has always been occupied by owner and never rented, and has only bean bum four er five years; bandy to two car lines; house s finished la oak on first floor, hard pine on sec- .. ond; tot is exceptionally large, being Ui!N ft.; also tt-tt. alley la rear; large shade trees and fine lawn; house Is now being, painted, other wise Is In floe repair. Terms rea sonable. For further particulars see GEORGE A CO.. lata Farnam St. . us Ms) is FOR SALE Near High srhMri. oae 10 and ens 4-room 4 fuil tot on paved street. Aidreee F 1j- care Bee. f If You Really Want Results REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY rfla SALE. CComlr.ied.) Home Bargains FACING K0UNTZE PARK Modem house, large, airy rooms, reception hall and mantel; One SO-ft. lot; houe alone could not be dupli cated for lees than ROW. This week, 82.750 H cash, balance monthly. FACING ILVNSCOM PARK New. modern bouse. large rooms, hot water heat, 50-ft- comer lot. paved street; built by present owner for home; everything fl rat -class; cheap. Ask for price. CLIFTON IHLL Large (-room, part modern cottage, oak floor In parlor and reception hall, oak mantel. 50-ft. lot. fine fruit and shade trees; two block from car; bargain; easy terms. DECATUR STREET Large T-room house; two more rooms can be finished upstairs; On barn, cistern. 7-ft. lot, close to car; cheap, CI1. Vacant AMES AVENUE and 3th St.. oa car line extension; lots 6-1125. high and sightly 830 up. Three lota, on paved street, one block to car; cheap. ' Three lots on 34th and Miami 8260 for alL Wright & Lasbury. TeL Douglas IE2. 604 8. 14th St. C3) M751 It The Pollock Block Farnam la the strategic street of the city. It la thought by many that some day 24th and Farnam will rival 16th and Farnara as a strategic business center. Logically, eventually 74th St. must be cut through from north to south snd the Mth St. ease run on this street to South Omaha. When this Is done property on Farnam near I4th will be worth more than double what It is today. We are today able ta offer what we think the most attractive Investment In the city, the Pollock block, rttuated on the north side of Farnam. 133 feet eaat of J4th St. Toe lot Is 88x12 feet (solid ground). Improved with 1 three-etory brick build ings (cost to duplicate today. 818,000); pres ent rental. 82.07 a year. This property combines a safe rental with sure growth. It la one of the few pieces that has not changed hands nor changed In price during the late movement on Farnara St. In May. 1900. we Offered 813,000 cash for this prop erty.' It was then, held at 8ZL.0JM. and we can now offer It for this sura. We know of nothing better nor as good for an In vestment and we recommend It without reserve. HARRISON & MORTON 709 14 STOP PATINO RENT. 4-room cottage. 3877 Wirt St.. well and fruit, lot ejxlK; part cash. 8&0. TURRELL A CO.. M Patterson Bldg. (19) MTwi 1ft ALL MODERN COTTAGE FOR $2,200 . Thla cottaga baa I rooms, good furnace, . bath, located on Bristol St., near 24th 8t car line.; south front lot, 80x148 ft.; good lawn and One shade trees. Don't fail to ask ua about this. Where cao you buy a neater little home oa pared street. Bear car line, for less money? GEORGE A CO- 1(01 Farnam St.. (13) M7S1 1 1 4 ACRES ONLY $2,900 t-roora house, barn, well and cistern, chicken bouse and yard. 1 acre of esparagua, j acre of grapes. V acre of blackberries, acre of red reiepbeme. acre of black raspberriea, V acre of strawberries, 13S cherry trees, 0 gooseberries, feji) currants, 10 pear trees, si) peach trees. Pie plant. Price. 8ZJ0O. The owner has left town on account of poor health and bis wife Is still on the place and will be until it Is sold. N. P. DODGE A CO . 1714 FARNAM ST.. BEE BLDG. (1 73 14 'MAKE YOUR OFFER ON THIS PROPERTY Was formerly advertised at 84.ju. anu ia .,rtu .n .1 -but owner needs the mooes SUd .u Sri iir it a vaiue. This house Is located at Brio N. JL'ln He; 7 nice Urge rooms and hal . ; fine bath room and plenty of cloaeta; entirely modem all through; roof Is pw luted with graphite, which ct nearly ia1 Would cost U " to build a house like this today. Now. get busy. Tou can look through the house any time and when you do you will begin to appreciate its Somebody geta a bar gain. 6OME nonn vtLUES IN LOTS. 1 Three on K ui SC near Ust; 4VX132: KM each, waika, peciaia and paving In and paid for. NOLAND & GRAHAM 'Phone Red UM. 1C4 Harney St . Id Floor. (1 Ml la MODERN COTTAGE All modern t-ronm cottage, very desirably located, on paved street, permanent walks, shsde trees. Wilt give terms. BENSON & CARMICILEL, ta Paxton Bik. 0) M744 n VERT desirable east front lot 10a 82d and Capitol. --x 3L- One wf li.m nesi bund- I tne: sites in Omaha, surrounded by moat 1 beautiful homes, price 84. -). Co.NMaL YOL NO. U.I Dodge S4. (Ill-711 M IF YOU are thinking of building tt will pay you to see tne Western Hjio Bui:a era. rooms -1 and 21. Neb. Nat. Baak buXgW 8v W1 And texsoa C.-Mm Boo REAL ESTATE cttt mormrr for salb. (Continued.) CHOICE DUNDEE HOMES 87,000 for new I-room, all modern bouse, 4"t California St. This prop erty Is located on 8 fine lota, hav ing 150 feet frontage on California SL and IS feet frontage on 4flh St. Lots are all level; have stone side walk on both sides. The house la strictly modern In every respect; has oak finish and oak floors on first floor, hot water beating plant, full cemented basement. 8 large rooms on first floor, 4 bed rooms on second floor, also large attic. There is nothing better for sale In Dundee than this property. We have the key at our office and will be glad to how you through at any time. If you should desire to purchase this house with 75 feet of frontage we can make you a price of 85.5(4. Thla property must be sold, so don't de lay. $4,200 for 4941 Davenport This house has 7 rooms and large reception ball, full two stories and is located on comer lot. S0xl ft. This house was built In 1? by the owner and la well constructed throughout, having double floors, quarter-sawed hard pine throughout, combination gas and electric fixtures, furnace beat, full cemented basement. One lawn and permanent sidewalk, only ne block to car line. GEORGE A CO.. 11 Farnara Bt, Exclusive Agenta. OS) M757 IS $3,'100 Modem 7-room house, hot water heat, Anely located, on comer and paved street, paving paid for. Will give terms- BENSON & CARMICHAEL, (42 Paxton Blk. (19 M745 17 FOR QUICK SALE. 8-roora cottage, near J4th and Gust; well, nice location, lot 50x131. 81. 40 TURRELL A CO., 18 Patterson Bldg. (IS) M787 1 $1,800 DOWN TO $1,500 The non-resident owner has written na tt sell 921 N. 2&th St. at once for spot cash. It has 8 rooms, renting for 818 per month: pared street: permanent walk; one-half block north of Cuming; St.; clear title with good abstract. This is a bargain for some one. PAYNE, BOSTWTCK A CO., tin Floor N. Y. Ufa. tl M693 li Stop. Look. Then Inquire Into this Bernlo Park bargain, lot ODxlBI. fronting on two streets. 4-room cottage, modem except heat, one-fourth block to car and ealy 82,ju. Owner going west, bene the price. BEMIS. 'Thine Doug. . Paxton Block. C8 710 LIST your property with - the Weaterg Home Builders, rms. E-3 Nebraska NU Bank Bldg. (IS) 714 -room crttage In Benson. In center of town, electric lights, cistern, pump in kitchen, city wster in street, t fine Iota each Btxlt- Cash. H.&0. TURRELL A CO.. 18 Patterson Bldg. O) M7W 1 -ROOM house; modem except heat: cist ern, shrubbery, aO-fuot lot. 4T.1 Harney. (19V MT30 17 SU DANDY 8-room cottage near Man- dren and aa; pan moarrn; 101 sixiet; fruit: one block from ear. See us quick. 'Phone Doug. bdS. O. M. Underbill A Co., SU) N. S4th. Or-Mao & West Farnarn Lots 81.M0 TO 81.100 EACH. On 41st St.. between Dodge and Daven rjort. W block from street car: sightly and just right for grade. The cheapeet good Iota on the bin. HARRISON & MORTON tU N. T. Ufa Tel. D. . (191 861 1 FOR SALE By owner, seven-room, mod em house, good as new; bam. fruit and shade trace; lot large enough for another bouse; only H block from car; price re duced to 83.V0. Mil corey st (19 M414 15s FRAME HOUSE TO BE MOVED. Slue. ZKX34. two stories, modem, located at N. E. Comer 20th and Leavenworth Eta Must be moved at once. Apply Milton Rogers A Sons Co- 14; h and Farnam Bls. tlJ M744 4244 PATRICK AVE Must be sold. Owner aaya submit best offer. Comer lot; 7-room house; modem exrent furnace; only half block from car line. 0'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2181. (I) M47 1 FOR SALE Two good lots at list and Laks Sta; 8AM each; paving and other taxes ail paid. The O. f. Davis Co. ( Is) MAI IS NOTICE Snap, comer lot ia Wast Farnam district. luuxl3 feet: asphalt pavement; price. 8S.00O. Address 4-2 A, lath St. Abstracts wick service. 'Phone street Co.. Patterson Bik. 'Phone Red x:. (l' MtfTO M31 U B FIRST. 8-room house, modem except furnace, near Betula Park, bandy to two car lines, barn, paved street, fins location; at a bargain. TL'hRiLL A CO., 18 Patterson Bldg. ll-MTiS I FOR KALE Two modem house sa and large barn, one block norm f ILtneoum nark; paved street, east front, lut TiiljU. LeeC ern owner will sell at a bars alii. THOMAa BHENNAN, Room 1 N. T. L. tUlg. GfV-844 FOR SALE House. (I room a modem ex cept furnace, xmfl Cuming fit. Price. 82.4J0. taiy term. JOHN F. FLACK. City Savings Urnk, lata and Douglas. US u REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CdAa. Aw WILLIAJaaOM.Proa CO U9 U FOR SALE 7 rooms, modern, 82.4&0. by owner at 34 N- T'.h Are (,i M4 !Tx REAL ESTATE f AM AID HAMH LAS US FOR SALaV. WANTED A rnts to represent as In the ale of eur k snsss lands Write for par ticulars, ciloba I - ' aad lAvaeimrnt Ci KeB, ifilt M2 1 1 USE Want Ads 9k a REAL ESTATE FARM AD 8HH LASD9 FOR SALE (Continued.) Casaas. Canadian Lands For Sale. Eight sections first class winter wheat lunl. eight miles from town wlt.t three large rial mines, output about t,W0 tons p-r day. snd 0 or fcv Inhabitants. )mt be ginning to settle up. Land Is black loam with jel'.ow clay subsol.. nice smooth, level land, no rocks Good terms to par ties who can handle chunk. Addra, J. IL Eevers. Chinook. Mont. C 9o Jt Colerada. HOMESTEAPS Good fsmtng lend near mllroad. Bernard GlUUland. 14 Clnvton Blk., Denver. Colo. (30) Mil? M-'Tx Itkraaka. A GOOD farm, well Improved. 3) miles west of Omaha, for sale on easy terms, s pr cent Interest, if taken In next davi Address T J44. Bee. CO) cm FOR SALE Ten sere fruit fsrm, adjoin ing Ashland, Neb. G. C. Reed Fort Crook. Neb. (JO) MS 15x IMPROVED farms m eastern Nebraska; Sarpy and Douglas counties. B J. Ovr ton. Gretna. Neb. () M78 Texas. TEXASLANDS. The Land of Sunshine. Have some good hargaine In beautiful Prasos Valley it cannot be surpassed. The finest p.irt of Txaa. The land is good for raisins; corn, cctton. rice, sugar cane fins fruit country plenty of wster. 815.00 to T 0 per sere cheap railroad rates next excursion May Ust- For par ticular address ROBT. C. DRUESEDOW. W N. Y. Life Bldg. I0)-M3nS REAL ESTATE LOANS 81.0n0.0n1) TO LOAN on business and resi dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brenoan. Room 1 N . T. Life. it) 1 WANTED City loans snd warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 1X30 Farnam 8t ca-m MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. (22) 14 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Weed. 1 Doug. tX2)-lA LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O'KEEFE R. E. CO., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. (22)-M73i 8309 TO 850.000 TO LOAN at lowest rates; no delay. GARVIN BROS.. 1004 FARNAM. (22) 197 BUILDING loans on residence property : 8 per cent. W. B. Melkle. Ramge Block. (22 19 LOWEST RATES Bemis, Paxton Block. CD ii WANTED City loans. R. C Peters A Co. (22) 200 LOANS on Improved city preperty W. H. Thomas. EOS First National Bank Bldg. WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpets, linole ums, office furniture, old c'.othes and shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, qui Its snd ail kinds of tools; or will buy the fur nlture of your house complete. Will buy antique or mahogany furniture. The high est prices raid. Call the tight man. Tel Douglas Xn. (25- S!Myl7 CASH paid for "Id bocks, Crane-Foye Co, 111 & 14th. 'Phone Douglas 132L OBW01 FEATHER BEDS WANTED SO cents per pound paid for old feather beds; send postal; will be in the city for one wees. Address T 91. care Bee. (2 M5u5 M15x WHEN you write to advertisers remember It takes but an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Bee. FOX TERRIER pup wsnted. Will cash. T. B. Lancaster. Slurrls. S. D. (2a) M234 17 MODERN 4-roma eottaxe In good location. Address M 294. car. Bee (25-413 15, WANTED TO BUT-Fox teirter. tan and white. l"2i No. S3d St. (251 7 15x WANTED TO RENT YOUNG business man wishes to secure, permanently, nlcHy furnished room In private family. Give full particulars rel ative to price, number In family, loca tion and street car service st once. Ad dress J-859, care Bee. (2Sy M725 lSx WANTED SITUATION POSmOII WANTED A young printer wants a poeitlon In a country office at once. No bad ha bite About seven years of experience. Address Y 114. care Bee. (ZD M3hl Mllx A YOUNG educated colored man. a veteri nary graduate, would like position with stockman to be of business and medical assistance: best of reference. John E. Shaw. 6747 Lafayette Ave., Chicseo m. (27) M320 lfx EXPERIENCED stenographer; good refer ences. Address F. Bee Office, 10 Peart SC. Council bluffs. (27) ilMm ii MAN wtth large experience as manager and superintendent in building and con tracting business wants position. Ad dress -. Bee. (27) M4j8 Ux WANTED Position dress P-148. Bea. heed miller. ' Ad (27) MIjI lax FOUR to six rooms, second floor: modem; new building preferred. Address F Iji, care Bee. i M&5 ?'x GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING quartmaster. Fort Crook. Neb., May 10, l'.. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, sub ject to the usual conditions, will be re ceived here until 10 o'clock a. m.. central standard time. May 27, lf'T. for building a porch, solarium snd making various re pairs. Including painting, varnishing, etc.. , at the post hospital. Fort Crook. Ken. Full Information will be furnished end plans and specifications may be seen at the office of tne constructing quartermaster. Fort Crook, Neb. Proposals to be marked "Proposals for Repairs to Hospital." and addressed to Captain R. R. Stugsriall. quartermaster. Tlrtieth Infantry, const rue? In a quarter master. M 12-11-14-15-i-M DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. United sStates Reclamation Service. Washington. D. C, May i. 1SU7. Saaled proios&la will be received at the office of the United States Reclamation Service. Mitchell. Nebraska, until 1 o clock p. on., June 28. 1SST7. for the construe lion, on the North Platte project, in the vicinity of Mitchell, Nebraska, of wooden and ateel bridges snd of concrete structures, In volving about 11. Iks) cubic yards of con crete, and for furnishing shout eV m pounds of structural snd reinforcing steel snd about eH.Pnu pounds of cast Iron head gates and operating devices therefar. Spe- ciUcatlona. form of proposal and plans may be obtained at the offiree of the United Statee Reclamation Service. Wash- Ington. u C.i Crawford. Nerrsska. or Mtchell Nebraska. JAMES RUDOLPH GlPFinn, Hernr Mv!viJ.--j OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CAN ADI AN PACIFIC "iMPREll" Lin of trie Atlantic Our express steamers, "Empreee of j tiniain ana cmpraes ox ireiarwi i;.s tons 1 sail from Quebec to Liverpool la six days, two days on the majestic St I .aw re nee and on.y four days at ses. They poaaess every known device to en sure safety, speed, corafurt, aod luxury. a R. bcxjamzw. ftu. Ark. mJm m. amr hues. ( sine gey LX REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Gottlieb Bodmer to Mary E. Hale, et al. lot 4, blotk 4, Kountxe Place 8 A' Jonn J. Hjin to ("amiel imUxxlt. lot 1 block 5. 1st add. to Fowler Place. South omaca J.ri o. Corby and wife to John R. Phippen, one-third kt 11, Hawea' add aW Francis p. Morcan and wife 10 Nathan Prodeky. east f-et lot &, block 4. E. V. Smith s sdd X.V0 Nathan H n to i-l'S M. Ttscburk. lot i, blur a 144. Omaha 8,000 Hans Vir'.ee and wife to Herman Wieee. e- 14-10-11 IS South Om.ttia I-nnl company to George BryU n lot 4. blo-k 4J. Souui Omaha J"0 L. P. Bvara. alminlstrator. to Christ A. Grover. lot i), bl.xk 8, C. E, Waynes let add.. Valley 85 Elizaoetn Kou'itae R-al Kt.ite com pany M Wallace H. Parnah. Kt V block 22, Kountse Place 1.0BO Joeeph K. Byrne and wife to William E. cbnlder. lots 8 snd . block 1. Logan Piace. South 1 roaha .XQ Lewis Rentfrow and wife to William T. EdKhill. et al, lot S. Waiwung ton Square iiO Marv L. Miller to Mary Buk.eki. luts a, and 7. block 1. Union Place 460 Henry L. Frank et al t Mary L. Mtlfer, same 228 Th'Tnaa Gillespie and wlf tt Dora Winter, lot It block 11. Id add. to Mount Douglas I. Paul Nelsen to John Corr. s lots Zl and 2. block I. S-ith Omana para .. 150 George 8. Collins and wife to Bernard Caraher. wU lot 4. block 7, Jeitr s add.. South Omaha L2&0 Hugh S. Thomas and wife U Charles . LAdd Thomas, lots 11 and 14. block 112. Florence 2 Henry F. Kloesen and wife to Wil liam Storms, lot I. block 70. Flor- enee !) The Cltv reT Omaha to Edward L. Cain. part lot 4. hi.x-k XX Omaha... K "Nathan Horn to F.lla M. Txsctiuck. part section 1S-15-U 1 Frank Laloutiek to James Mares, et al. s4j lot , block 6. Kountse s 4th aid 700 Continental Trust company to Anna C. r en nock, lots 4. S and . block 1 ard other lots. Bedford Place 1 Robert O. Fink, county treasurer, to same, lot X block 2, Bedford Place Same to Continental Trust companv, lots 4. 8 and K block 2. and other lots. Bedford Place Lacey J. Patterson and wife to C. T. Kenworthy. part lot 8. Griffin A Smith s add. Total RAILWAY TIME CARD OIO ITATIOI TK'TH AID MARCY. rale Paeiae. Leave. Overlsnd Limited a :5e am The Ch'na and Japan Fast Mall a 4:15 pm Colo. A tfallf. Ex a 415 pm California A Ore. Ex.. a 4 3 pm Los Anireles Limited alj us pm Fast Mall a :95 sm Arrive a 8.18 pm a 810 pm a 9:M pm a 810 pm 810 45 pm a 6-00 pm Colorado Special a 7:46 am a 7 44 sra North Platte Local a 8 10 am a 4 50 pm Beatrice Local b l.OS pm bl! 45 pm Cklnss, Reek: Island A Psrife. EAST. Chicago Limited a 1:15 am a 7:10 am Iowa Local a 710 am a 4 pm Chicago Mall Iowa Local bl!6 pm Chicago (Eastern Ex.).. a 5:05 pm Chicago (Iowa Lmtd ) a 4:36 pm WEJ5T Rocky Mountain LmtJ. a 7:20 am Colo. A Cal. ETpress...a l:5u pm a 8 45 pm b 9 55 pm a 1 38 pm al2 :25 pm a 1 "6 am a 4 50 pm Okl. A Texas Express .a 4.40 pm al2:iB pm Lincoln. Fairbury and Bellevue a 8:50 pra alO 10 are Des Moines Local a 4:15 pm Willik St, Louis Express a 8:10 pna a 8.30 am 8t. Louis Local (from Conncll Bluffs a 9:55 am alO.SO pm Stanberry Local (from Council Bluffs) b S.-00 pm bll St am Ckteasjo. Bllwaaaee et St. Fail. Chi. A Colo. Special a 7 56 am a 7:80 am California A Ore. Exp.. a 8:45 pm a 8:10 pin Overland Limited a 8:J& pm a 9:30 am Des Moinee A Cedar Rapids Local b 8 45 am bll:00 pm Cb.lew.a-e A art a west era. Cedar Rapids Pass a 7.116 sra a 5:06 pnt Twin City Expres 7 u sm ai pm l:'.v am till: IS pm Chicago Dsy light Chicago Local ... Bioux City Local . Carroll Local Sioux City Local., ail.20 am a 1:45 pm ....a l.fri pm a 9:35 am . : a 1:4 pro ..".'.a iii) pm a 7:30 am Chicago Express Fast Mad Fist Mail Twin C'tv Limited... Overlar.d Limited ... Norfolk-Bonesteel ... Lincoln-Chedron Deadwood-Llncoln ... Casper-Shoshonl Hastings-Superior ... Fremont-Aiblon Los Angeles Limited Illiaela CestraL a inw pm ...a ?3 pm a sm ,..a 8.28 pm a 7:' am ...a 8.3 pm a 9:21 am ...a 7 40 am alo.5 cm ...b 7:40 am slO 35 am a 5 08 pm ...a !:" pm a 8 (K pm ,..b 1 on pm b 8:06 pm ...b " pn bl2 5" pm ..a 50 pm a!2:35 pm Chicago Exp'eas .a 8 00 am a 1 45 pm M:nn. A Sr. Paul Exn...b l.'rJ am a 15 pm Chicago Limited a ) pm a 7:3.) am Minn. A Bt. Paul Lmtd. .a 8 JO pm a 7.31' am Ckleag Great Western. St. Paul A Minneapolis.. 8.30 pm 7:10 am 11:50 pm l id sm 11:50 pm 1:30 pm k- ""ul Jtmneiia.. 'o i ;:;;;; $u ! Chicago Express 3:J0 pm Mlseaart Paelsle. K. C. A St, L. Exp a : am a : am K. C. A St. I Exp.....aU:lo pm a 8 15 pm Nebraska Local a 2:uu put all:J am BIRL1.1GTOX TAT10.1 IOTH A JSASOX arliaSTtew. Leave. Arrive Denver A California.. ..a 4 10 pm a 8.30 pm Black Hills a 4.10 pm a 1J0 pm Northwest Special a 4.10 pm a 1 3u pm North west Express aUH) pra a 7:10 am Nebraska Express a 9:10 am a 7:45 pm Nebraatta Louel a 8:10 am a 7:45 pm Lincoln I -oca. t '4 nn Lincoln Fast Mail b J O pra tllnl pm Lincoln Local a 7:30 pm Ft. Crook A Plattsm th.b 1:50 pra bl0:2ft sm Plattsmouth a 70 pin a 8 10 am Tw-nver Limited a 7:10 am Bellevue A Pae June. .a 8:30 am al.5upm Chicago Special 25 am a 7 26 om Chicago Express) .... Chicago Flyer I wa Local Et. Louis Express Kansas Clty-St. Joe. ..a 1:45 pm a 1.55 pm ..a S: pin a 7:25 pm ..a 9 15 am slO Sl pm ..a 4 i pm all SD am . .al 4C pm a 4:45 am Kansas Clty-St Joe. .a is am a 4 10 pm Kansas City-St. Joe a 4 46 pra WEBSTER lTATIOa-15fh A WEHTEH Chleegw, St. 8asO. Ml a aeaawlls A Oaaaaa. Leave. A rrt ve. Twin City Passenger. ..b 4 sm b 910 pm S'oux City Pasenger...a Z: pm all a) am Emerson Local b 5:4ft pm b 9:10 am Emerson Local e 8:42 aid e (.50 pm Mlaaearl Paella, Local rut WeeplnA Wat a am a 10 pm Falls City Local a 3:50 pm all 50 are a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, e Sunday only, a Dally except Monday. OCEAN STEAMERS ITrertch Line Campagni Cinirolt TranatIantkrxi0 ftgititlc, Elcjant, Fsit Litlathu. As yorHParif 6 7ayj LA FROTEXCE. new twia screw fiver, passe. ger elevator, gymnaaiuai roof csie. This aod me other Twin aoew Siraaueri have daily newapap. era. orrbeat'-k. wireless svstetn and aianv 01 her inaovaiioai. oa board, butk far saiet y and comfort TOTWiB . 1L4 Geeoogm Im Piovainae Ia XMrraAae ..May 1 . Key IS . . to ay aA . . atey 34) ..Jane 1 La mroxm 'aae xSI'BC'llgxtra ersertarsa. gsprasa Basin 1m Mi saitrs wwseise mt at ,p wmr . d class rntsa 1 .. Slsval wttev sis s4-asj Sierisnae. Csanesrs koala, asers ail saiau s 1 t,E, ! caui,aei. Hr 9-m. samlsa a4 rail tnforwatloa sail as. leteteo. mt ante te ifes fuewelss ssvots: Harrr k. M mnm. ltl rsrnaoi at-. i. U kayselea. VMt rsraai at . Les s Nmss. csuo et Ul ku'l b-uk. W O Csr:taaa. I.l ftnua St. ; W. a. be,a. vat yarsoi at , Usii, a. WlLU-AUESim UXl MAS Tea T Nsrway. Swedea uid I5eaaari 11,11 Nv Tars at awrta. V Tf s llorar II s'usiue 1) H.lllf OI Mar a Jasa Bt . Jsir 4 Jaiy I Csnse stsisa .... Jusss'Hsuie ou C- t. Tlle Jae II I DKd iutas laiesa. 7S ess epwAroa 4. tk. Jstsi.s A ( a., t Bewsaway. At. CkMace SPOKASE PLANS FOR OMAHA 8 icni f I-Ntk-Cpi Fr-pvr lit T mi for fabjocti of Ak-r-FB. CITY will BE TURNtD 0VR TO BOOSTERS Ut Deist In tier fer the Se braaka Trade Kveegele When They lleaeh Thla Bast Hag City. SPOKANE, May IA (Special Telegram.) Trade missionaries of tne Omaha Com mercial club and affiliated bodies In that city snd South Omaha will receive an en thusiastic welcome when they visit Spokane on their sixteen-days' Junket through the northwest In June'. C. Herbert Moore, chairman of the ety , beautiful committee of the 1S'.'W club, j which is declared to be the most active j booster organisation In the Factftc states. . who has Just been elected mayor of ths I rlty. will present the gclden keys to Mayor I Dahlman the moment the visitors' special j train enters the heart of the Inland Empire, ' and on behalf of 97.01 men. women and children In the city, the chief executive of the municipality wtll bid them welcome and give them the freedom of Spokane. F. E. Goodall. president of the Spokane chamber of commerce: F. W. King, president of the 15O.0W club, and Dr. William H. Allen, Im perial peaanko of the Arabian Order of the Mysterious E-Nuk-Ops. and the heads of other civic snd commercial organisations will entertain the visitors during their say. Few Tklaas la Stare. "We are going to give the Jobbers and wholesalers of Omaha the time of their lives when they come over the Iron trail to the hu of the Spokane country." ssid L. G. Monroe, secretary of the Chsmher of Commerce, "and as soon as I receive word from Commissioner Guild of the Omaha Commercial club as to how long we will have the excursionists with us, arrange ments will be definitely decided upon for their entertainment- They probaly will re main a day and a night, in which event there will be a reception, a luncheon, auto mobile drives and smoke festival In the evening: while. If we can Induce tliem to rmsln two days ths program will be enlarged to take In trips to the Irrigated fruit snd garden districts In the Spokane valley and a visit to the famous les.l-atlver mines in the Coeur de'Alenes. also run Into the wheat belts and dairyink country near this city, and a dinner at the Indian Wigwam t Hayden Lake. In northern Idaho." R-Xak-Opa and Ak-sr-Bi. The Arabian E-Nsk-Ops. who ste to Spokane what the Knights of Ak-8r-Ben are to Omaha, will provide Joyous enter tainment for the faithful subjects of King Samson, the "high Jinks" taklnff place In Elks' temple, or the Silver GrllL wheve Simuel R. Stems, one of the thirteen j founders of the order. Is booked to appes I as chief Inquisitor. The order's emblem j Is an inverted horseshoe, and the figure I 11 whlrh uiso marks the anniversary of I Ak-Sar-Ben. Superstition will be cast to the winds, the guests entering resuvai hall through portals over which are sus pended Udders with thrice U rungs at 10:13 o'clock, when 18 heralds will an nounce their coming by as many trumpet blasts. Ths delegates will then be received by Imperial Peaanko Allen and twelve repre sentatives of st many business concerns and seated 13 at each of the dosen and one tables. Thirteen courses are to compos the menu, upon which Rev. James C. Kirk ham, who has 13 letters in his name, will ask blessing. Samuel Glasgow, general 1 manager of the Centennial Mills company. n letters making his name, will prealde . introduce the toetmnste. William H. Allen, also composed of IS letters, and there will be 13 toasts on the list, the time limit ranging from 13 seT-onds to 13 min ute. Tnlrteewa All the Way 'There are on the program eo many other things carryln the figures 11 and containing 13 letters." said John R. Brownell. who Is also of the elect, "that it would take too much space to describe them. However, we hsve now In training a herd of 13 cayuses and mavericks for th members of the South Omaha Live Stock exchange, also three-legged Jack-rabbits for the real estate dealers, and It may be mentioned that we are planning a ses sion, the like of which has never been seen Ir. the history of the E-Nak-Ops. W hope to make it worth the while for th Omaha delegation during the time Its mem bers are officially the guests of the city of Spokane." MOTHER AND GIRL REUNITED Aared Waaaaa aad Daaghter Are Ew abteA hy Charity la Ga Tesiether. Tom from her young daughter by th hand of the law. Mrs. M. Skylsr. a sol dier's widow, will now, after spending two weeks In mourning over the separation In the matron's department at the city JalL, be reunited with the only remaining member of ber family and the two pro vided with sufficient means by philan thropic persons to enable I hem to go te relatives in Missouri The sged woman came to Omaha from Kimball. Neb., where her husband died, on her way to her old home In Missouri with ber 14-year-old daughter, but a physician had taken most of her money and she reached this city penniless. To provide herself and her daughter wtth the neces sities of life she begged on the street and was arrested. The next day sbs was convicted in court and the Judge was told bow she had taken the young girl Into a low. cheap lodging house. She was given a sentence and the girl committed to the Detention home. Th parting between the two was pathetic and ua the girl was taken away the old mother pressed her face aga nst the ban over her window to get the last look. Each day the mother would cry to herself andl mourn for her daughter, until Matron Gib bona berime Interested In ner case and saw cured her story. Tha husband. It appears, fought tbrougw the civil war with tns Second California, but never would ask for a pension. When he died he left his wifs snd child wit nothing. Last month the two parked what household goods they had and shipped them to Lees Summit. Mo., to th husband of a dead daughter, who promised to take then! In, and tben started themselves. But a doctor who had attended tne husband and father presented so large a bill that they were only able to make their money carry them to Omaha. Here the mother bought a cheap room for the two and then went out on the street to beg. In order to get more money. Dean Batcher of Trinity cathedral wsa among those whose attention was calWd to the old woman and much through his rff irts will her happiness be brought about. The girl has already been tarn led to him and within a day or two It la expected tha reunited ones will be placed on train for the south. Efforts will also be made ti secure a pension for the widow. tea as ta Speak al Baaejeet. NEW TORK. May 14. Oecar S Straua. secretary "f corr. -rco and iatf;r: Pear Ad miral rt!irL-e. U)t iencal J Frank it 1 Bell and !-ntor J P Dolilver of l iwa. will st-4k at the bamiuet of the Natioral Asso ciation of Manufacturrres at the Wiidvurf Aaiuria on u,a night uf May 22 awat