m ' n n M H n M THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1007. i! .... c'"'r-:-,r- n rvnrrrrno I si Htit Siturday Huslln Itttrlgtr. tralors In Hit Old Store Btstm't Women's Collarettes C) - Silk Mfs and Boas at i'OWoo -. Tneeday we will Ball thousands of high class f sainDlea of the finest neckwoar ever brought to Omaha. These are all iMew xorK importers' Bamples and consist of silk ruffs, boas of silk chif fon and eilk maline, Bilk net collarettes, large lace cape collars, long lace Berthas and long chemi settes of all over lace and batiste. At About 1.4 Price, worth $2.50 up to $3 on two largo bargain squares, at. each 4 V Women's 50c Kimonos and Dressing Sacques. Prettily made of lawns, percales and dimities tn light and dark col ors, trimmed with wide plain bands, some with large Japanese sleeves big p bargain Tues- H lilT day, at, v and Children's Shoes i i ! u hi New Summer Silks, worth $1, at 49c Beautiful dress foulards, fancy silk suit ings browns, and leather shades, chiffon finish dress taffetas, plaid silks, f TK shadow checks, Pekin stripes, Itf worth $1 a yard, at, par yard. . . Mlsaea' and children's h es sre as Important as the shoe for fsther. mother or brower. We pride ourselves on the re cord we hare made with our child ren's and misses' shoes. They are made of plump kid and genuine Box Calf extension soles, button or lace. Children's sizes 8H to 11 $1.50 Mis sea' slses lift to 2 . . -82.00 Young women's sizes 2 to 6 at ...$3.50 A little higher than some, but a whole lot better. OMAHA WEATHER rXJKECAST: Tuesday: Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. I Three Specials nnew Basement Great assortment of checked and striped Egyptian tis sues in dress lengths 25c values, at, per fj 15c batiste at 3c yard Remnants of regular 16c sheer batiste many pieces to match all the wanted patterns f 1 for waists and dresses, l2f per yard One bargain square of various grades of white goods, includ ing 25c Persian lawns, mercerized waistings poplins and sheer Indian linons special Tues day, at, per yard We Make . Specialty of REFRIGERATORS We bU Mr. Hurd's, the great iefrl(:er- ator builder, latest Invention, the COLD STORAGE We cut the prices for caah or sell the $6.00 to $12.00 sizes at 12.00 per month The $15.00 to $22.00 sizes at S3. 04 per menth. The $25.00 to $32.00 sizes at $4.00 per month. .I i' , JrUIHSS mm 7ici OMAHA n49lllllB4l4IBIBiB4llB4l4l TALK OF MANY PLACES Walter Wamroner Beturni front - Aaeiioa and South Afrioa. South CHEYENNE COUNTY IS PR0SPIR0US Joseph OberfteMer Twite of Develop ncat of Western Vtbnitk-Bis Hera Bull la PlJtia" Suaa.r Beta. Walter A. Waggoner of Buenos Ay res and Capetown la yMtkif bis father, Ab. Waggoner, city license inspector, and may coclds to retarn to Nebraska to live. Since 1K1 air. Wat-sonar baa been engaged In live stock trade between South JLmerioe and Soutn Afrioa and only retired from tbe business when his health made It impera tive. Speaking of conditions In the anti podes Mr. Waggoner said: "During the war with the Boers 8outh Africa demanded large supplies of South American cattle and sheep for th support of the army, atid a large number of horses and mules were sold, but sine that time tbe market Is worthless. Credits are cur tailed to such an extent that on of tb largest landowners In the colony found it Impossible to borrow money from the Afri can Batnking Corporation bank to carry stock, although he ottered T per cent in terest. "South America, on the other hand, is booming. One has to keep his eyes open when he trades with the natives because they know every triok of the trade and practice all. One morning the owners of the 'eetanotas' as ranches are called In Ar gentina, awoke to find themselves million aires where they had bofore believed them selves to be In easy financial condition. Great Britain was buying their beef and mutton. Then foot and mouth disease broke out on an Argentina cattle ship and that trade was lost. Argentina placed an em bargo on cattle for some time, but that has been lifted and shipment Is resumed, Ger many and a number of continental countries accepting stock. "When the war between Japan and Russia began went to Toklo to get a contract for horses and mules, but the day before I reached there an Australian firm was given the business and I went back to South America, beoam 111 and was forced to oome 1 6G.&1 Lyons PERFECT 1. Hi 1 Cleanses and beautifies the tiotn tad purifies the breath, Heed by people of refinement jx over a quarter of a oentuxy. Convenient for tourists. MtMMCD ar Vl'l - 4? back to Nebraska as soon as I was able te travel. "The Argentine Republlo has a great fu ture. Cattle fattened only on alfalfa weigh 1,700 pounds, and the grazers are introduc ing Shorthorns and Hereford rapidly. The Taxas grade Is unknown on that market" Oberfelder on Western Nebraska. Joseph Oberfelder of Sidney arrives in the city yesterday and NwlU remain several days attending the blenlal session of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. Speaking of western Ne braska Colonel Oberfelder, who Is an en thusiast of that section of the state, says: "Talk about your country, ours beats anything on earth. Land values have more than Quadrupled In the past twelve months and thsy are still advancing. Rioh in soil and agriculture, Cheyenne county is well adapted to stock raising. The nutritious anuses are ox richest quality, corn U raised In ahondance. Wheat, rye. oats and barley have been sown In Immense acreage this year and the farmers have the utmost confidence in harvesting the biggest crops wis iul au are busy now planting oorn. "Most of tbe nationalities are represented in our fanning communities, there being German. Bohemian, Scandinavian and Irish settlements. In which there are good schools and churches. The homes are a model of neatness. Our summers are characterized by warm days and cool nights, the heat of the oey not attended by the usual de bilitating effects; our winters by an abund ance of sunshine and the general absence of snow and of severe and continued cold. Hardly a day passes but what from three to four carloads of immigrant movables, are unloaded at Sidney." 'Mr. Oberfelder went there daring the Black Hills days and hea resided there con. tlnuously since. Big Horn Basin Booming. D. Clem Deaver, superintendent of the landseekers' information bureau of the Burlington, has returned from the Big Horn Basin country, where he went with tbe first of tbe personally conducted excur sions at popular rates, which the Burling ton will run to that country during the summer months. ' He had prospective set tlers from Michigan, Ohio, Kansas and all western statea "These settlers are eh own the land and at no expense to themselves, for the local land agents are prepared at each town to show j ths buyers over the country," said Mr. Deaver. "The settlers are planting about 1.800 acres of sugar beets In the basin this year, which Is the first planted except as experiment. The new factory at Billings is prepared to care for all that are grown. All the towns In that section are growing, with banks and newspapers. The next ex cursion will be May tL" Rallwar Notes and Personals. WHUam Canada, special agent of the Union Pacific, is In Chicago. E. Ia Lomai, general passenger agent of the Union Pacific, loft Monday for Chi cago. George P. Bldwell, former general man ager of the Northwestern, bas gone Co Chicago. ( Frank Walters, general manager of the Northwestern, left Monday for a short trip to Chicago. William Murray, assistant general pas senger agxnt of the Union Pacific, has gone to Chicago. J. P. Caatlllon. trainmaster of the North western; g. M. Bradon, general superin tendent; L. N. Costley, superintendent of tbe Northwestern at Chajion; C. H. Rey nolds, superintendent of the Nortbwestarn at Norfolk, left Monday for Chicago. Do net take a substitute for Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy. It has no equal. K? 1M W MM ilSj THE Summer Quarterly of the Ladies' Home Journal Patterns At Pattern Booth, for Fifteen cents. It Includes a coupon good for 10c cash, applying on any pattern purchased up to September Int. It means a quarter's worth for a nickel 0 THE Grand Graduating Window-All White Contains everything In Misses' Wear for graduating cere monies. It particularly Indexes the hundreds of exceptional values which we are offering In ready-to-wear for mliwoa, which are to be found on first and sec ond floors Tuesday. TUESDAY'S BJRCflM BULLETIN LVLRY lUM A SPLENDID BARGAIN nn in rvn mi TNB RELIABLE STR8 MANY OTHER DELIGHTFUL BARGAINS Special Sale of Wash Suits . - . . a f A $5 and $6 Values $2.98 $10 and $12 vawes i?u A trrcat purchase of dainty "Wash Dresses and Shirt f.W aist Suits goes on sale Tuesday the most delightful bargains ever offered at this season. V, White and Colored Lawn i Beautiful White Dresses, in fine N opera batiste, mulls and Fersian 1 r 2d Floor 2d Flo.r Extra Special Suit Sale for Tuesday $29.50 .fid $25 Tailored 1 95 Suits for . e . . Etons, Prince Chap Suits, Tony Coat Suits and 3-button Cut away Suits all the new Spring and Summer Cloths, every color and shade, including the popu lar russet brown and champagne. A Bona Fide Suit Sale Tuesday, $29.50 and $25 Suits for , $16.95 Second Floor. The features of the oold storage are dry cold air, ice keeping; qualities, quality of white enamel, and glass trap. Some of the largest stores In Omaha sell the poorest Refrigerators by misrepresenta tion. It' the poor Refrigerator that makes Ice high, not the Ice dealers. The Stoetzel Stove Co. 714 South 16th Street ATHLETES TO KEEP IN GOOD TRIM MUST LOOK WELL TO THE CONDITION OF THE SKIN. TO THIS END THE BATH SHOULD BE TAKEN WITH . HAND SAPOLIO All Orocert mad DmgztatM ' HOTELS. CHICAGO BEACH HOTEL Amerlosn and luropesn Plan Finest Hotel on ths Cre&t Lakes On the edge of town, this Ideal Hotel, spacious, elegant, modern, orerlooks Lake Michigan Beach Vmmh iibmbv on two sides, while M mmm U .1 i , uiucu pans complete the beautiful surroundings. The city Is but 10 minutes ride from the nearby station. Many families make this their permanent home. There is always a cool breeie in warmest weather. 4501argeoutgide rooms, 350 private baths, 1000 feet of broad yeraada. The table !i always the best. TourlntsandtraosleatKtiesta find It a delightful place to stop ea route and re it. Address for handsomely Illustrated Booklet, gtvlng full particu lars, Manager, Chlcaao Beach Hotel, 3isi ciru. asa iaae boore, Uilcago. Are You Going to St. Louis? The Hotel Hamilton Is a delightful place In the Beet Resident Section and away from the noitte and smoke; yet wlthta easy acceas. Transient Rate: tl.00 ' JJ.OO per day. Euro pean Dan Special Hates by the week. VU for Booklet. Address W. K. WiI.WlAMSON. Manner. XaMbTOa HOTEL, 8T. IOVIS. Lace Section Oriental Net Top Laces in , white and butter, 4 to 9 in. wide, worth 15c yard, at. .7c Art Needlework 6-in. Lace Doylies, worth 5c each, at 3 for.... .5C RIBBONS " Black Satin Back Velvet Ribbon in all the most popular widths - 1- inch, 15c value, yard 7c 14 -inch, 19c value, yard 9c lV2-inch, 25o value, yard 12VaC 2- inch, 32c value, yard. 15c 214-inch, 37c value, yard 17c 2-inch, 40c value, yard 19c Notions Children's frilled Elastic Pln-on Supporters, in white, pink, sky, red, yellow and black, per pair 5 White Embroidered Mull Ties In 25 assorted patterns, worth 16o each, at 5 White and butter Venice Lace Tab Collars, worth 2 Be, for 7 1 -yard Chiffon Veils, worth 26c each, at 5 Bennett's Bi Grocery Coffee BoavteA Daily la Department In Tlew. of Customer. Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, 2-lb. can. ,..o And Thirty Oreen Tradins Stamp Basket Fired Japan Tea, per pound.. ...88 And Thirty Oreen Trading E tamps. Pepper, pure, e-round. -lb. can..... lo And Five Oreen Trading- B tamps. I Diamond 8 Preserves, large Jar... ...Zio I And Twenty Oreen Trading Stamps. I Peanut Butter, medium Jar suo And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Bayle's Yum Turn Pickles, pint bot. (50 And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Pears in syrap. can. .......... ... .. .16c I Ana Twenty urevn irauiui owi'". I Bate via Salmon. H-lb. can. ...... .12 H And Ten Ureen iraaing Buunps. Blood of Qrape Juice, pint bottle. .. .250 And Ten ureen iraami Diiuy. Blood of Orape Juice, quart bottle..... S0o And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Japan Rice, t pounds Aid Ten Oreen Trading Stampa PllUburys Vltos, per package. . . . . -"Ho And Ten Oreen Trading Stampa Pickles, assorted, three bottles...... 8o And Ten Oreen Trading Stampa Otnger Snaps, fresh, pound Corn, can Baked Beans, can Potted Meat, can ...So . . .60 ...40 ...to per pound . . . And Ten Oreen Trading Stampa . aTew Tort Tall Cream Cheese, Virginia Swiss Cheese, per pound .800 And Twenty Oreen Trading stamps. Bugar, twenty-one pounds 1.00 iraoing Biimpa ftranulated And Double Green Dresses and Shirt Waist Suits, all newest styles, regular $5.00 and $6.00 values, at...S2.98 lawns, charniinpf styles, $10.00 and $12.00 values, at. . .$7.50 $6.00 Coats at $3.95 Stylish Covert and Tlaid Coats, trimmed- in combination colors; sale price $3.9o lomen's $10.00 and $12.00 1 Women's Lawn Kimonos. rocr ' ular 50c values, 50 dozen to select from; Tuesday at, your choice , 12V&C Women's $10.00 and $12.00 Cravenettes, sample garments and broken lots; to close, Tues day .' .....$4.95 Hosiery, Glove and Underwear Specials Ladies' I2V2O Hose, in fast black and fancy colors; 4 pair for 25c Infants' 15c hose, in white, pinks or blues; at, pair 5c Ladies' Muslin Corset Covers, worth to BOc, trimmed with lace and ribbons; snap at.... 15 Ladies and Misses' Vests, all sizes, taped neck and sleeves, worth to 16c; choice Kg Headnuortrrs for Ixma Kllk Glove Our great stock includes every im aginable color In very best qualities and at less price than you expect to pay. Greater variety here than you'll find any place else in me west, we lmpor direct from the manufacturer. Long Silk Gloves. . ,08c, $1.80, $ 1.091 Short Silk Gloves. . . .15c, 2Rc, BOc tip Our Great While Goods and Linen Sale Will Continue Tuesday and Wednesday Everything advertised for Monday will be continued Tuesday and Wednes day. Be sure and attend these sales. ev TWO EXTRA SALES IX THE DOMESTIC ROOM, IX THE FORENOON, t. A Commencing at 8:80 A. M. and LaMlng Till :30 A. M. We will sell threa f cases of extra heavy Unbleached Muslin, regular 8e grade (not over 10 yards to a customor) at, a yard , 4Hf) Prom 10 Till 11 A. M. We will sell 82-lnch extra heavy German Blue Calico, regular 12 grade (not over 10 yards to a customer) at, a yard..;.. 5 IN THE AFTERNOON. Prom 2 Till 8 P. M. We will sell three cases of extra heavy Breached Mus lin, regular 10c quality (not over 10 yards to a customor) at:. GH From 8 Till 8:80 P. M. One case of Turkish Towels, good largo size each 2tt From 8:80 T1U 4 P. M. One case of extra heavy Turkish Towels, large sle, 15c grade at. each 3"4 From 4.30 Till 3 P. M. We will coll extra heavy bleached Towels. 20x40 Inches, regular 19c Towels at, eact 7H No dealers or peddlers sold at these rales. Pearl Button Sale A special purchase of Pearl Buttons suitable for shirt waists, underwear, children's dresses and fancy pearl trimming buttons. Loss Than Half Price. 6c Pearl Buttons, per doi., at. .1H 10c Pearl Buttons, per doz., at. .3H 12c Pearl Buttons, per doz., at. .3it 16c Pearl Buttons, per doz., at. . . . 20o Pearl Buttons, per doz., at. .7Ht 26c Pearl Buttons, per doz., at. .10 m HAYDENS' mi White Sale Specials for Tuesday 250 Embroid ered Lawn Waists, each . ,$1.19 50c Muslin Drawers for a.. "...23c $1.50 Children's Lawn Dresses for 98c $7.50 'Lawn Tub Suits, ..$4.95 $1.50 White Duck SkirtB for ......95c $1.00 Baby Caps, i- i: sample xuie, fc for 48c 1 ILLINOIS CENTRAL'S F Yf llRSinM Rfll I I7TIM 4d a W W CW A 1VUUJLf 1111 y April 28 to Not. 80. JAMESTOWN TERCENTENNIAL EXPOSITION 16-day ticket, $36.00. 60-day ticket, $43.95. Season ticket, $60.50. Mar 80 to June 8. - ATLANTIC CITY, N. J ..$34.00 Annual Meeting American Medical Association. May 12 to 16 and 19 and 20. COLUMBUS, OHIO .$20.00 General Assembly Presbyterian Church of America. July 4 and 8. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. f 3 1.15 Triennial Conclave Knights Templar. July 11 to 18. PHILADELPHIA, PA .'. $32.75 Annual Meeting Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. STEAMSHIP tickets to all points. Detailed information gladly furnished upon application at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam St., or write, SAMUEL NORTH, . District Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. I i til esW TAi U . wiMr I is rf I WKfMi 'ill Annoyan" IS,. is. w ta will be spared you If you 'phone 51 6f A 1 0 M I Douglaa 628 to call regularly. VA SJ I N H "1 f Tour wash will be done "The I I y ffl It P r 'I Good Old Way" which Includes -v mi washing, all starching, sil v a """i'Vv" . I drying and Ironing of sheets. Ml 11 1 1 ft iff fir ?icw c-e' towei- W H II 11 L I 1 1 I f Ik The rates ere verg rMison- fpaf l " If !' 1 I" H able cheeper than you can have II It done at home. Telephone now. J I The Model Laundry TO THE NEEDS Of erarT depositor Is the aim of this Bank at all times. Wo are busy, hut never too buoy to Raoelye your Deposits promptly. Make your Collections promptly. Deliver your Statement promptly and Bztend Financial Aid promptly. h'glneds with you under theso prompt conditions? Carltsl and Surplus $600,000.00 Undivided Profits .$472,248.00 Resources , $13,2rt,(H0.00 First National Dank OMAHA, NEB. w j uf ia u va w HEN alighting from a street car never pass behind it without making sure that a car is not approaching from the opposite direction. Failure in this precau tion may result in fatal injuries. : : : ASSIST US III AVOIDING ACCIDENTS Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Co. it ESa&aEE PAH1LESS EXTRACTING of teeth with V1TIXIZED AIR U abso lute In every case. We make It and Is always fresh, therefore causing no afUr effects. Try It the next time you want a tooth extracted. TAFTS DENTAL ROOMS U Pooslas Street. Office hours, 1-00 to e. m., 1! 00 to 1:30 p m. Telephone Harney 6t. OMAHA VETERINARY HOSPITAL SSIO Meaeai Street. Omaka, Neb. H. U Ramarclottl, D. V. B., Depaty Stats and City Veterinarian, Food Inapertor, Chief Surgeon. IX C Scott. U a, Uua sitai fcUlfseoo. Uit. UrtHtUUn I y yUllllUI, earn laoatlem IBM PAR MAM ST., OMAHA. rhs Oo(la. 17BB J BxtNkottnc Oo f we majta a specialty II Pvvcelalm Pitts. .$1 sp Crowns 9&M F Bridge Wrk.$a.BO p PUtes $a.oo v3 i v f metal and roofless) plats. Painless work la all operations. Work ' sTuaranteed 10 rears. (5 NAMING THE DAY Is tbe Important event of every young; man's life. This calls for a diamond ring and after while a plain ring. We'd like to sell both to you. Spend a few minutes In our store. VOOK FOR THE NAM EL S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1116 Douglas Street. Superfluous Hair Removed Shampooing. Hidr Pressing and Masssk ln lftr kvpt In wave with JUwley s Unique t'urlene. V.nlcurin for both Ladies snd Gentlemen. MRS. M. S. PIERCE 4BS BBS BtTIXSZJia. The Twentieth Century Farmer aUsckes tmm Pvmltwr Kavlaere. BAILEY MACII DENTISTS Thirsl Floor, Pxtort Block Hihcst Grade Dentistry. -PATENTS that PROTECT i H I tlOtt MM.fi. t c tt.a- i-; I