Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1907, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
Irri?ioo Suit of Kama Aeaimt Colond
if Diimkaad.
incflawer EUU Ifar Renew Iu Esit Wkei
it Em t, Case.
Governmrat Vay Determine Iqaitable
DlfU on of Intottat Stream.
It Has Attracted I'nasaal Attention
Beeaaae of th Importurr
of the leaves la.
WASHINGTON. May U.-Th omewhat ;
(WilUUi llftC VI "IW VI IVMUSBB tl 1 ! ' " L
th state of Colorado, by which the former
ought to have the latter enjoined from
diverting the waters of the Arkansas river
for Irrigation purposes, or permitting- Its
citizens to do so. was dismissed by the
supreme court of. the Untied States today.
The announcement of the court's decision
was made by Justice Brewer, who said that
the dismissal was without prejudice to the
tight of Kansas to serve Its petition when
ever It can be shown that that state Is
being substantially Injured. The Interven-
Ing petition of the United States also was
The case baa beer on the court docket
sine 1901, when Kansas first lodsjed its bill
of complaint. In that document It was al
leged that the numerous Irrigation ditches
In Colorado had caused such a great a
permanent dlmnunltion of the volume nf
the water as to rtnder a onc navag&bl
stream almost totally dry. to great dimin
ish the power for manufacturing purposes;
to lower to the extent of abrut five feet
the surfuoe of the underflow of the stream
and to entirely cut off the supply of water
for Irrigation In western Kansas. The loss
was reported to be Incalculable. Kansas
asked for an Injunction to be directed espe
cially against future appropriations, and to
recognize the principle of priority of right
on the part of the Kansas ditches organ
ized before ditches In Colorado. The com
mon law doctrine relative to reparian
right was a strong; dependence of the com
plaining state and it was strenuously urged
I that under that right the waters of the
river could not ba converted to distant
lands as is done under such extensive sys
tems of Irrigation as prevail along the Ar
kansas In Colorado. Colorado, on the other
hand, contended for its right to the exclu
sive control of the waters within its own
boundary, refused to acknowledge the nav
igability of the Arkansas at any time,
pleaded .the practice of diversion under lr-rlgLtl-m
law the world over, dwelt upon
the Immerse Interests that have ac emu
lated unquestioned by Kansas and urged
tAit through seepage much of the trrlga-
:Jn water finds its way back Into the body
e ,the streal.i. The United Slates was rep
1 sented in the hearing in the case as an
ntervanor. Almost a year was spent In
Auking. testimony. Three hi
I witnesses 'e heard. . No
hundred and fifty
Jot only the two
JL1 stites snd the national governmsnt. but
many private corporations were heard in
connection with the suit. Much general
Interest was aroused because of the large
Ir.t.vests at stake and of the general prin
ciples Involved. It was recognised as the
first .Teat IrrlgatVti legal content. Justice
Prewe'a opinion concludes as follows:
Burning up our conclusions, we are of
the opinion that the contention of Colo
rado cannot be sustained: that the appro
priation of the waters of the Arkansas by
Calorado for purposes of Irrigation has
diminished the flow of water Into the state
of Kansas; that the result of that appro
prfMion has been the reclamation of large
areas in Colorado, transforming thousands
of seres into fertile fields and rendering
profitable their occupation and cultivation
when otherwise they would have continued
barren and unoccupied: that while the
effect of such diminution has been of per-
CeptlDie injury lo in Armnui vauvy in j
Kansas, particuiarry inose portions closest
to the Colorado line, yet to the great body
of the valley, it has worked Utile detri
ment, and regarding the interests of both
states and the rights of each to receive
benefits through irrigation In any manner
from ths waters of this stream, we are
not satisfied that Kansas has made out
a oaae entitling It to a decree. At tho
same time It is obvious that If the deple
tion of the waters of the liver by Colorado
continues to Increase there will come a
time when Kansas may Justly say that
here la no longer an equitable division
of benefits and may rightfully call for re
lief against the action of Colorado, Its cor
porations and citizens. In appropriating
the water of the Arkansas for Irrigation
Dlantlaaal Wfthont Prejadlc.
The decree which therefore will be en
tered. will be th dismissal of th petl -
tlon for Interrenor without prejudio to
th right of th United State to take uca
action a It nau aoem neoeaaary to pre
serve or Improve the navigability of th
river. The decree will also dismiss th
hill of th state of Kansas a against all
Um defendants, without prejudio to the
right of the. plaintiff to Institute new
proceedings whenever It .hall appear that
In the depie -
through a material lncrei
tlon of th water of th Arkansas by I Glean of Aberdeen, presiding. The open
Colorado, lu corporation or clUsen. the i arvlo. was conducted by Rev. C. K.
substantial interest, of Kansas ar being Bolberg of Chicago, and very fine mueio
Injured to the extent of destroying the I furnished by choirs from August
equltabl. apportionment of benefits b- college. Canton and the local high school.
tween the two state resulting from th
. la, of ths river. Each party will pay It.
i V Sosta.
f '..
t . reaeral Powers Involved.
I f With refemno to th power of th gov-
eminent In Interstate controversies In-
- volvlng Irrigation questions, the opinion
VimM I rim ft fftfl rlarrttm n.u.IJ A a W - a I
p wuiu aaa raciuveu tui ;
Jl not bn 'anted to th federal au
' "lliorltie.
"Whll," h said, "arid land ar to b
found roaialy. If not only. In th newer
state yet th power of th national at member of the State Board of Agrt
govarnment within th. limit, of thoa culture, and John F Rakrr of Hermosa.
.lata ax th same (no greater and no member of the SUdier' Homo board to fl!l
less) than those within the limit of th I the vacancy caused by th resignation of
original thirteen, and It would be Strang ! John D. Patton. Th first of June Repre
If, la the abeac of Ooflnlte grant of ! aaotativ John Blbelhetmsr will take th
poaar, th national government could enter
th territory of th state along th At
lantlo and leglalat In respect to Improv
ing by Irrigation o rotherwlaa th land
within their border. Nor do w under
(aiaod that hlthsrto corigres has acted In
dlsraaard to this limitation.
"It ks usalea to pursu th inquiry fur
' i la thi direction. It I enough fur th
Continued oa gsouod Pag.)
Tneadny, May 14, lOT.
1907 MAY 1907
UN MO TV I WtO ran rai T
X "f 12 34
5 6 7 8 9 10 II
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31
west, rain or snow In earn portion Tuesday;
warmer In northeast portion. Wednesday
fair and warmer.
day, possibly snow In extreme west portion:
inu r id. v In central and eit -virtions.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
... 49
... 19
... M
... M
... 5i
6 a. m....
a. m....
7 a. m....
g a. m....
t a. m....
10 a. m....
11 a, m....
1 p. m.
t p. m.
t p. m.
4 p. m.
6 p. m.
p. m
1 P- m a
s' p.
Chicago wheat market rises 4 cents on
unfavorable reports from Nebraska, Mani
toba and Russia. High mark for the De
cember option Is J1.01. Fag- 1
One tentative Juror waa selected at the
session of the Haywood trial Monday
afternoon. Faff. B
Three hundredth anniversary of the
landing of the first settlers at Jamestown
is appropriately celebrated. General Ku
rokl reviews warships In the l.aibor.
rag- 11
. Chairman Dick of Ohio republican ex
ecutive committee withdraws call for con
ference of leaders at Columbus tomorrow.
He says the purpose of the meeting Is
misunderstood and misrepresented end In
present state of feeling It could accom
plish nothing. Fags B
The nearly completed steamer City of
Cleveland was destroyed by fire at De
troit. It was designed to be the finest
vessel afloat on fresh water. The loss Is
about $700,000. Fare 1
Four persons are injured and number
of houses unroofed by storm at Kansas
City. Kan. Fag- 8
State Railway commission is preparing
to request railroads for names and ad
dresses of nil people to whom transpor
tation has been Issued at less than 1 cents
per mile actual cash. May dividend of
the temporary school fund to be approxi
mately 400,000. Page 8
W. It. Copple, a prosperous farmer, and
his wife, on the reservation near Pender
are murdered by their hired man. who
makes his escape. Robbery evidently the
motive for the crime. Par 1
Mrs. Gertrude Keith of Norfolk Is killed
by lightning at Crofton. Pag 3
Supreme court of the United State
dismisses the case of Kansas against
Colorado Involving right to take water
from Arkansas river. It holds that. Kansas
has failed to show material damage, and
state is given leave to renew suit in cane
any should ensue. Tha decision of . the
Nebraska curt In the case of Yatu
against the t'tlca bank was upheld. The
court also decided that the eight-hour law
of 1892 does not apply to mechanics and
laborers employed on dredges In rivers
and harbors improvements. Fafe X
Arguments regarding compulsory pur
chase by city of water works plant heard
before Judge Munger in the United Sutea
circuit court. Fag- 11
Austin W. Tldd, a Tammanylte of New
Tork, predicts Mayor Dahlman for chair
man of national democratic committee,
with Bryan and McClellan as candidates.
rag-e s
Five-story addition to be built to Hen
shaw hotel on present site of One Minute
restaurant at 1611 Farnam street.
Fag T
Grain men of Omaha return from trip
to Kansas and report serious Injury to
winter wheat by green bugs and drouth.
Fag 8
Walter A. Waggoner of Buenos Ay re
and Capetown visiting his father, Ab
Waggoner, city license inspector, and tells
I of South African conditions. Faff
Society Notes Masquerade party at
Country club and dinner given by Captain
and Mrs. Thomas Swob. Pag- 8
Representatives of Russian movement
for liberty address Omaha meeting, pre
sided over by Governor Sheldon, and tell
of the mighty struggle for liberty now
going on in that country. Far 1
Denna Ken is the only winning favor
ite at Belmont park. lf 4
Overturns Honse, Lamp tarts Fire
ad Two People Are Barned
t Death.
PARKER. & D., May 11 A tornado over
turned a farm house south nf K.r. let
, la.h, A Um whl . hurnin. ....
flr to u,a 4 clothe and burned to death
1 tha wife and young son of Ole Sanaat.aA.
The husband and father waa Seriously In
Bonth Dakota Lather Lena-n.
TANKTON, B. D., May 13 (Special.)
Th Luther leairu of this state convened
here Sunday morning in a three-day con-
! vention. with the state president. Rev. I.
j ,'",'""n' an aaores of
i 'lcm bV Hon John Holman, th. state
i president mad his annual addreaa. The
1 delegates, who number over 100. ara rrcxn
who number over 100, ar from
M .
j Tuday w
: Md fc vsr,
j arranged f
ection of thl state. Monday and
ill b devoted to th convention.
very interesting prograro ha been
for th event.
nth Dakota Appointments.
PIERRE. & D.. May IX. Opecial Tele
gram. ) Governor Crawford today appointed
F C Robinson at Oroton aa the fifth anil
I position of bookkeeper In the state and'
Itor cfBca, In piac of Theron O. Brown,
Hold Conaecratlon lervtcc.
RICHMOND. Va.. May IX Th consecra
tion service of th restored Bruton Parish
church at Williamsburg. Va.. war held
yesterday. Bishop Randolph of th dloceoa
of Southern Virginia 4flnlaUng. Brutoo
church wa establtaried in lb&l. th pnwunt
bulidlnsT baJng rtad la 1714
Representatives of Popular keTement in
Easiia Addreaa Croala Audienoe.
Popalace Is Aroased and Will Sot Be
Denied, Thoaau a Generation of
Patriots May Be Martyra
to the Oaosc.
"Liberty and land Is the cry that Is now
resounding the breadth and depth of Ru
sla." Such Is the message that Is brou'
to Omaha by the distinguished Rusr'
Alexls Aladjan, members of the firs'
slan durna, and Nicholas Tchaykoy' ,0
addressed a largely' attended
the First Congregational chu. lday
evening, which was presided oveV Gov
ernor Sheldon of Nebraska.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor
. ame. C. Dahlman, who said:
v r. hm .,Vili-M to do honor to two
llstlngulshed foreigners and learn from :fJ
Vh .it.mtlim tn Russia from the vlew-v
J.oint of men actually In the field. We a,
.ii ni in hHve with us our ols
: L.7.,iAi ; the t,vernr o' ,
braska. Governor Sheldon, who has I .iy "Tell my wife that I am all right," mur
cmsented to leave his arduous duties at i mprpd Ellenbogen to the physician. "Give
Lincoln to preside at this meeting. hpr my mo knQw how h- ,g ..
Governor Sheldon said: Mf9 e,,,,,,, In retllrn , , meRga
I am very much pleased to be here to- '. -nlKht
to preside over so larne and Intelll- ot love to her husband with the assurance
gent an audience Is here assembled, that she was all right! Before the phy
There Is always a warm place In my heart BlrUn 1,5 cmrry another message both
for the people of Omaha and I am glad
of any occasion thst culls me to Omaha had passed away.
and especially as at this time when we are Dr. Ware was compelled to use drlft
. H-or i,. atnrv of Russln from such , j m. ... it., .vt. -
Bble speakers and distinguished patriot as bandages
Mr. Aladjan and Mr. Tchaykovsky. I re- the train for bandages.
member hearing as a boy a Pollen speaker I 8. E. Thornton, the head of a large psrty
once say that no true man was ashamed cf Shrlners from Meridian, Miss., who
&XYtniontftt'Pt& came through from I. Angeles on the
for the betterment of your people in your second section of the wrecked Shrlners
own land the greatest honor is due. more, gpedai, ts at a hotel here. He I a rail-
iKaVtK ror'libVrtVfRu'r.Ia road man of many years' experience, and
from afar. Gentlemen. I welcome you to Is not satisfied that the disaster was caused
Nebraska in tho name of the people of Ne- by a defective switch.
braska and am proud of this honor. According to his statement, the sleeper
Tell, of H.. . 'f, Mr were not badly affected by the wreck and
Governor Sheldon then Introduced Vr.l b
Aladjnn. Mr. Aladjan was given a cor- alrectlorif one of them ahea1 ot the
dial welcome as he stepped forward " , f nBlne Dut they d)1 not nap The gan
speak- He 1 a young man of P"lly Francisco member of the Mystic Shrine,
year and speaks English fluently, thougn conHlBt,ng of member, of islftm temple
with a slight Russian accent. At times , an(J theJp w(veg an(J daugnter8 who ere
during his address he was extremely elo- j m attendance at tn8 conclave of the order
quent and at all times deeply earnest He j )n ly)B Angeles, returned here yesterday
said In part: land were the first to arrive since the fear-
From all my heart I thank you for this , ful tratn wreck at Honda,
welcome, and It rejoices me that I am per- The trm)n wh,ch carrled the ghriners of1h.t rtSml -oomed to death in the wreck left Von
tutlonal and civil liberty that my people Angeles ten minutes after the Islam temple
are irbw making and have been making spe.ial. By some unaccountable working
FVhZ nofbV0 ;f fat. the first trjiln. containing the party
groups In this last half century, and Is j that arrived yesterday passed safely, at a
finally combined together In one general j mne a minute clip, over the very spot at
cause and has st last wrenched from the 1 whloh foIlowin( tra)n wa, wrecked.
aTonSreta 8AN OBISP. - M"'
ourselves In one mighty effort for the unknown woman who wa fatally injured
liberty of 15o.00n,ono perle- H was In W6 1 th, wr,clt of the Southern Pacific Shrln-
t vVs from every quarter of our mighty l""n na-iurnay ai nonoa. was tooay
emt're assembled to do we hardly knew identified as Mrs. E. Kahler of Reading,
what ' We had no previous experience In . Pa.
legislative work and had to find a com- No more ,jea.thg havs occurred among the
mon ground upon which to make our fight ... .
for freedom We had to contend with the injured ner.
traditions of centuries In that the Russian SANTA BARBARA, Cal., May 18. The
people had never known how to frame, an j funeral train to carry the bodies of the
answer to a crown speech , We were there ( v1ctmB of the Honda wreck to their former
weVnt Wmm 'worr'ande ! home, in the east will leave Banta Barbara
days in the house, and then presented our ' a roon as the lnqtfst is finished this after
answer to the crown. Our address was not ;'noon- ;
exactly concllUtory. but our demands were j Be( jno and wtern Ehrlner. ai)
to tthlnk of!7" thalr friend, will leave her. thi. afternoon
Many of Beat People in Prison. j on a special train, one coach of which will
The condition throughout Russia were be fitted up a a funeral car and will carry
not unlike those that prevailed at the close ; the bodies of twenty-one desd. The train
of your civil war. But with you 1 It was wl, procfe(j over th9 northern route via
a spirit of conciliation. Some of the best iv.(, a r.. t ,. ohlano tha
and brightest of our peop'. who had been , Ban Francisco. At Ban Luis Obispo in
laboring in this cause for years, were in eleven bodies there will be taken on board
Siberia 80,000 men and women had bei-n ' Bnd tne shrlners who are In that cltv and
torn from their homes in the dead of nig tit ;. b, f , , , ls0 g0 ea8t thlB
rneoVhern n."' somt 8S.i I train. The total dead I. th.rty-two.
nriaon. merely because they sought libera- I
tlon for their fellowmen. The prisons were
crowded and the best of our people wer
rusting somewhere in Siberia or prison.
Freedom of conscience, speech and press
were denied us. We said to the autocracy,
If vou "&o not rive us what we aak, w.
will take It." We objected to martial law j
in time of peace. There were two kind.
of court-martial mercenary and drum
head. It mattered but little by which one
you were tried, for you would be shot
tt, TC.nnltlnn nf mir neonle. our neas-
antry. Is beyond your comprehension. The
great mass of the Russian people eat meat
but about five times a year, and bread is
not always cn th etables of our farmers.
Every five years Russia is beset by famine,
We expect to lose L5o0,lX of our people
within the year by starvation. There Is
no help for It. Privation and poverty and
starvation compels in a great many in-
stances the sal of 16 and 17-year-old girls
by their parents Oh yes: there are men
In Russia who bu. these girls. With the
poverty and self-denial of year and gen-
poverty and self-denial of years snd gen-
eratlons. with the recurrence of famine
every live years, it ta almost impossible
for our peasant people to accumulate anv-
thing. The ta. tax. tax consumes all the
surplus. 80. with the most rigid economy.
and It cannot be more so than it is now, it
will take from ten to forty years for the
averaire peasant Russian to accumulate
Damn Come to Stay.
Who hs the state? The peasantry, which
comprises feu per cent of the population of
Rufcsla, is the state. We pay the crown a
sa.ary of fci,u0u,uu per year. That la quite
enough. There is but one way to meet an
emoryency, and that Is tha national way,
and v.e will meet it mat way. we can say
t othe crown, you must come to us; you
must give us a constitution and a ministry
must giv us a constitution and a ministry
hat cun wnrii with -nrt for n. Th r.,u.
ernment has recotrndied the fact that the
liua vino lu nia7. i uiRHiivru inn
first Duma, c-f which I wa a membnr, and
allowed us to elect a second one. which is
now in session. But the precaution was
taken by the government that only such
r-u'? .2ed" . tc.on1.VuInBi "
rw-i..nt malorltv to do Hs bidiilnf. It miut
have a Duma that will do It bidding. I
J.ZJir "L??
the party of the soil. At the first Duma
there were llii rut m bur of the extreme left,
now there Is ever an. but they all are not
permitted to serve. I am one of those who
is nut permitted to serve, though I was
elected to this second iHima. The reuaon is
apparent. But we have to flrhl rn. Our
sons and daughters will have to die. You
cannot conceive the- dread and terror of
the situation, you can merely look on from
afar. I believe that if this second Duma la
arbitrarily dissolved Russia will appeal to
the force of arm. as a last res rt. The
national spirit la aroused. The report to
arms is tiio Anal resort of a despal
ring na-
'lch Jf ,1e
tlon. We conte here to ask you whl
u-1 1 1 (rui b 1 a Km y-s Sft pnvammanl ar(. . p. 1
oppresses our people or a peepi who auf-
fer, ariCrifice and die. Remember, my peo-
pie. many of whom fought for you in your
great cause for liberty. Can you not at
least give them your moral support in this
great struggle for eonsUlutb ual liberty.
Governor Sheldon then introduced Mr.
Tchaykovsky, saying:
I feel that I know rrmre of Russian now
than I have ever known before In hearing
Mr. Aladjan. I can apjirwciate the d.lema
of the tirst Duma of which ha wa a mem
ber, in that they had so much to do In
five days and did It, toe. I see here in this
audience sotiie few men who have l--n
members of the Nebraska legislature, and
they wiil bear with ma in the suggestion
that w had no end of trouble In acoorn
plltfhiiaf anythinjr la sixty days.
Maaaca Ret Intelligent.
Mr. Tchaykovsky Is a distinguished look
ing man of probahly HO years, who bear a
strong resemlMMnc to the picture of Count
Leo Tolstoi. Ha lata be! in America
about four years and w th head of the
Russian movement In America. He said:
Th knowledge that moat American have
of Ru .la and Kiuwlan affair daus bark
to about twenty years ago. when Jar.
(Continued on Second Pag
Death of Bride and Groom, Each
ending- Measase of Lore
to Other.
SAN FRANCISCO. May 11 Three trains
bearing Shrlners arrived yesterday from
the scene of the wreck. An excursion
train containing twenty-five Shrlners which
had been but a few miles behind the
wrecked train, arrived last night. The
train was switched around the wreck and
the pr'sengers agree In the statement that
it v most deplorable sight they ever
-P". are of Cincinnati, who was the
physician to reach the scene, arrived
.-'nlght and told a graphic story of the
. rrible scenes that he witnessed. The
rnost pathetic Incident was the death of a
bride and groom at almost the same In-1
stant, each believing that the other still
lived. L. i' Ellenbogen and his bride
were memti of the excursion party and
were th-r . from the coach on opposite
sides .e track as It reeled over on the
gr Both were mortally Injured, but
iv .ed consciousness and exhibited re
.kaMe bravery. The wife's first thought
yas for ner husbend and the husband's
. ... ..
"l tnougni was tor nis wire.
I 1 ir 1 1 ni 1 nwiw int. vniw
Aa-ed Man File. Motion Aa-alnat Way
He Was T Ided of
Divorce Salt.
Colonel Jame. H. Pratt filed a motion In
j d)gtr1ct court ,ate yesterday afternoon at
i tacking the service upon him In the dl
the dl-
. vorce suit recently filed by his wife, Julia
i Montgomery Pratt. Service was had by
tl " -m...i. .t.Hr, h.
1 puDiicauon ...
i waa a nonresident of th state and the
. motlon alleges that this was untrue; that
; ,.,.. nf rualaa eountv at
he waa a resident or Uougia county at
j the time and for a long time previous to
. the filing of the suit. He also attacks
, h tltlon. affidavit and notice on the
, 7 , , . .w . ., ,.,
' technical ground they are not ufflclent.
tecnnicai grounoa uir, '
! Margaret Louise Pratt Olson and Harriett
. Bene Masee, who are defendants In the
1 . , . ,.
I utt- n"ve flIed Prat! motion, to
1 quash the service upon them.
' MUnnAT OKltLltlto ntoUIYlt:
Seventy-Five Depntlea Protect Work
men Who Sernred Desired
fliT.T T.AWir. CITY. Mar 1A The nlant of
the American Smelting and Refining com-
- , . .nhii.K .kik
; v"r 1 -
4r.wn u.t week, throwinsr 1 300 men out of
work, resumed operations this morning
: work, resumed operations this morning
i under protection of .eventy-flve depuUe..
Ther was no disorder, however, and a ma-
torlty of the men who struck for higher
I v.r4t v
mH thnaa who wanted ta work
! " .7. -,.K th.m t,.. t thi, r..
-. ln.HM nf ahnut 10 ner rnt nffrixt
, h th Mn,nan- out prevloualy rejected by
th. strera
Charlen BnraestnU f Catena; Ao
cnaed of lecsrtag Lara 9am
f Money from Woman.
ZURICH, Switaerland. May 11 Charles
Barnstall of Chicago has been arrested
j here upon th demand of the German au-
! thoritiea, charged with fraud. It 1. alleged
that Barnstall obtained $1.J60 last month
from a lady of Munich, Bavaria, to whom
he y, betrothed. After obtaining the
. . .., .,., .k.
money. It ta alleged, Barnstall absconded.
He had ll.2b) In his possession when taken
into custody.
CHICAGO. May 11. Ths name "Charles : of vast Importance to th business inter
Barnstair" does not appear In the Chicago ests of Snoksne, Wash., was held today at
directory. j the offices of Jame J. Hill between high
I officials of the Hill and Harrlman systems.
Crisis In France Threatened hy He
fnsal of Honse to 8a sport
PARIS. May IS. In the Chamber of Dep
uUe todny, during the debate on the gov.
ernment' policy toward labor, Education
Minister Brtand announced that If the
house did not support th aovernment'a
disciplinary measures th ministers would
nt retain their portfolio.
Ths debate waa adjotumad until torn rrow
when the government wul a for a vote
of cootldenc.
Frotperoni Farmer and Hia "Ve Killed bj
an Imp'oa.
Mardercr Finally Moant. Male Be-loan-Inn;
to Ills Victims, Rides
Away and Mas Sot Since
Been Been.
FENDER. Neb., May M. Special Tele
gram.) One of the most brutal crimes In
the history of Thurston county was com
mitted four miles east of Rosalie, at the
farm of W. L. Copple, where Copple and
his wife, Eva, were the victims. About 1
a. m. the children of the family, seven In
number, were awakened by gunshots. The
eldest, Blanche, a girl of 13. heard her
father scream and say, "Fred, you have
killed me." At this moment her mother
waa aroused and ran ot t. when she, too,
was heard to scream out and say, "Oh,
my children."
Fred Burke, the hired man. wh had
been In the employ of Copple since Febru
ary, hada risen from his bed, and In some
way attracted the attention of Copple out
side, where he shot him In the abdomen
and twice In the head. Fearing that the
mother would get away, he likewise fired
three shots at her. Not satisfied with this,
he clubbed them until their skulls were
pounded Into a pulp, after which he went
Into the house, where the seven children
were crying, and with threats made them
go to sleep, telling them there were burg
lars outside and that their parents were out
watching them.
What the Children Tell.
At the coroner's Inquest toduy. Summer,
a boy 10 years old. who slept In the same
bed with Burke, told that when Burke re
tired he looked at his watch and mur
mured that he wished his father was dead.
He wa awakened, but through fear did
not leave his room. Blanche, a 13-year-old
girl, arose from her bed and attempted to
follow her mother out, but was threatened
If she came out. At 5 a, m. the children
arose, went outside and there found the
father and mother lying upon the ground,
dead, tho hogs eating away at their pros
trate form. The nose and one ear were
already eaten from the face of the father
and the whole top of the mother's head was
gone. At this revolting sight the little ones
herded the hoss away, while the older girl
attended the wants of the youngest pair
of twins, 4 months old. Tom Headley, a
neighbor, came upon the scene, where seven
Innocent children were in sorrow.
The motive of this crime evidently was
robbery, as Ocpple was known to carry
considerable, money upon his person. A
few days previous to this tragedy Copple
had sold a carload of cattle, receiving some
money and a draft for 1900. "There was
some money In the house In a . bureau
drawer, and this wa missing this morning.
The draft and 12.60 was found. A shotgun
which waa used Is also missing. Burke sad
dled a mule belonging: to Copple and ha
evaded his pursuer so far. If captured a
lynching will doubtless be the culmination
of this tragwdy. Ooppl was a well-to-do
and prosperous farmer living upon. the
reservation, wfaar he had many friends.
In Mo Harry to Leave.
LTONS, Neb.. May 11 (Special Tele-
, , M - ,k m,..!..
waa committed at the home of Walter directed to prepare affidavits showing the
Coppl. who is known a Bud Copple. on creation of tha $20,000,000 surplus of the
th reservation about ten miles north of United States Leother company, which Is
Lyon. Monday morning. At about t I the real bone of contention. The defend
o'clock, as the evidence which has been j ant company admits that 7.00O.00O of the
gathered shows. Bud Copple was called or j surplus represents tha earnings of the
aroused in some way from the outside and. 1 United States Leather company, but clalma
getting out of bed and putting on his ! that the remaining 113.0OO.O0O comes from
hoes, went outside, where he wss shot i the reappraisement of land in Pennsyl
down In his track Just outside the door, j vanla acquired through the subsidiary coni
the charge, which was fired from a shot- , pahle.
gun, going through his body and Into the j James R Plum, treasurer of both of the
door. After he had fallen to the ground j companies concerned In the action, was
he wa shot through the head, the charge questioned on the stand a to the receiving
g-olng through his head and into the of the subsidiary companies Into the
ground. A the circumstances Indicate, United States Leather company and as to
Mrs. Copple, on hesring the shots, rushed whether or not the United States company
! to the door and was hit on the head with
a piece of a ball bat and knocked back
Into a small kitchen, from which she was
. 1 . . 1 , V. V. ...
araggea 10 tne ouisiuc, whhb ic wa
beaten to death with the bell bat and left
lying on th ground.
Girl Met Mnrderer.
The oldest girl, who Is 13 year, of age,
on hearing the noise, rushed to th door
and was met by the hired man. Fred
ourae, wn i""
and quieting her by telling her that there
were burglar on the outside and that her
father and mother were watching for them.
He then helped her feed the little twin
babies who were crying, and then sat down
by a window with a shotgun across hi
knees and tried to get the girl to take the
babies to bed, but she would not go, as the
babies were still crying. He waited until
about 4 o'clock. Just about daybreak, then
went outside, locking the doors behind
him, and the little girt saw him ride over
the hill westward on one of her father's
i mules. She then tried to get outside and
last man red to break the lock on the
, - . ..,..,.
I door and went out. where sn discovered
! her father and mother on the ground In
, her rather ana moiner to w.o imuua ...
i front of the doorway, .urrounded by the
hogs, which were running loose snd which
had eaten part of Mrs. Copple' head. The
' little girl drove off the hogs and cajled the
' rest of the children and told them to watch
and keen the hogs OTT WhHS BTW OUlKea
the cow In order to feed the babUs. after
! which she went to the neighbor, and
cured help and th entire neighborhood
wss aroused snd parties were organised to
pursue the fleeing murderer.
Mr. and Mrs. Copple leave behind them
even little children, the oldest of whom
Is IS year of age. This Is on of the
worst crimes ever committed In this sec
tion of the country and no trace of th
murderer ha yet been found.
! .
; rrcl;ht Conference Between Henda
J - mil and Harrlman
ST. PAUL May 11. A freight conference
been contended for by the Jobbing and
mercantile Interests of Spokane for many
Th explanation of the conference I
found In two words Soo Line.
For years the freight rates from St. Paul
and other western points to Spokane have
been computed on the basis of shipments
j going first to Seattle and then returning
to Spokane. This waa In ths Interest 'of the
Jobbing interest of Seattle. Recently the
goo line entered Spukane by a roundabout
j line and this ba disturbed the situation,
which remained unchanged until tLs boo
i entered th field. ,
an Frnnrlsro Traction I.lnea Are Be
Ins; Forced Ahead by De
mands of PnMle.
SAN FRANCISCO. May U.-The success
which attended the efforts of the officials
of the United Railways to run their cars
yesterday has prompted them to enlargo
the service bxlsy. In addition to the or'r- j
atlon of the Sutter, Turk and Eddy street
cars, the Valencia and Mission street lines
will be placed In service and also In the
western addition, starting In at 8 o'clock
this morning and running until 7 o'clock
at night. A number of special policemen
have been ordered to report for duty today
to assist the regular force In maintaining
The board of supervisors will now Insist
that the railroads must operate their lines
In the interest of the public, threatening
that If this is not done at once the munici
pality will Itself restore the traffic.
The company says that It now has
enouph men to run Its entire system and
large numbers of men sre arriving dally
from the east. Besides these msny old em
ployes have. It is said, applied for rein
statement and hsve been taken on.
It Is hoped that the telephone strike will
be ended shortly, possibly today. In the
other strikes, no chanire Is reported.
Street cars were run this morning through
the city to the ferry at the foot of Market
street. No disturbance occurred on the
early runs.
Tho United Railroads will put many more
cars on during the day.
West Ylra-lnla i: press on Toledo
Ohio Centrul Ditched at
Traro, O.
COLUMBUS, O., May IS. Dashing I
through an open switch at Truro station,
twelve miles southwest of Columbus, today
the West Virginia express on the Ohio
Central road, which left Columbus at 8:15
a. m., was derailed and one man, who was
walking along the side of the track, was j
killed and a number of trainmen were
more or less injured. Most of the pas
sengers escaped with a few bruises. Mike
Martin, the engineer, who was pinned un
der the engine, wl.l die as will also Dan
Martin, the fireman, and an unknown
woman. A special coach carrying mem
bers of the Red Men going to Marietta
was the only one not derailed, but a
number of the members of the order were
slightly Injured. The coaches and the
baggage car were smashed to pieces. The j
JOHN DAVIS of Truro Station.
Fatally Injured:
Mike Martin, engineer; legs and arms
horribly scalded. Internal injuries.
Fireman Duniel Martin, cheek bone
smashed, arm broken and Internal Injuries.
Mrs. Chris Harris, skull crushed.
Seven other were more or less seriously
Injured. i
Hearing; la Bolt to Enjoin Pro
posed Mercer I A (rain
Taken t'p.
NEW TORK. M.y lS-The hearing In
the suit to enjoin the proposed merger of
the United State Leather company with
the Central Leather company was resumed
1 today. The defendant company had been
j owned all of the stock of the subsidiary
companies, most or wnicn were iumier
. concerns. As to the ownership of the stock
I A 1n K n a AA malllV (n
the wltnes answered In the amrmative in
every case,
Ohio Firm Declares that Express
Company Discriminates
Aa-alnat It.
WASHINGTON, May li.A complaint
wa. filed with the Interstate Commerce
commission today against the Adams Ex
press company alleging excessive rates and
discrimination. The complainant Is the
firm of McLaughlin Brother, of Columbus,
O., engaged In the importation, shipment
snd sale of horses. It Is alleged the de
fendant charge, the firm $H0 a par for the
shipment of horses from New Tork to Kan
sas City, with a stop-over prtv -ge at Co
lumbus, while the rat for ah.pment of
horses from New Tork to Kansas City di
rect Is only 1450 a car. The allegation Is
that the stop-over rat. 1. unjust and ex-
cessive, both to Kam
Paul Minn., where th
i branch establishment.
both to Kansas City and to BL
the complainant has a
Th commission ts
I asked to fix a fair and suitable rate with
stop-over privilege.
Railway Camp Cnnae
CHARLOTTE, N. C. May 13 -As a reouJt
of the premature cxplor.lon of "Camp Zh"
on the Southwestern railway, near MarVni,
N. C, last Saturday evening" fourteen men
are dead, eight bodies having been recov
ered. Foreman Kldd body wa badly
mangled. i
At the same camp Sunday afternoon belated short.
Walking Boss Kldd and Charles Hale went I He pons from the British grain market
to quiet "Jim" and William Anderson, who Indicated panicky conditions because of th
are said to have been drinking, when An- ! fioomy advlcss from Russia and other con
deraon fired and killed Kidd. Following I tlnenul countries. There was a wild rush
this Hale killed Anderson. Hale and five ! execute order for both the long and
others are under arrest at Marion charged
larion chanted
wl'.h murder.
Disowned Blr Insist, on Clvlaa- Con
arat alatloas t Opera
Mabelle Gilman ha d eel axed that D. C
Oilman, living In this city. Is not her father,
he sera the following telegram to her to
day: "Accept a father" blessing for bspplnes
and a lung married life. LI up to Chris
tum Science."
Th message waa addressed to W. El
Corey and Mabeila Gliinan. Hotel Gotham,
w Tork,
December CptVm Sises Abore Tbia Stark
on Lhicaco Board of Trade.
Broken Loaded with Br j inr Orders from
All Faru of (Vjuntr.
Cpsnine Baloa bhow Spread af About
Cue CeoU
Baylns; Movement la line I.ara-eJr;
to Infavorable Reports from
Aebraska, Manitoba and
CHICAGO, May 13. lu the most sensa
tional opening in the history of the Chi
cago Board of Trade, wheal today shot
past the tl mark. Heavy realizing sale
pushed the price backward somewhat, but
at the close the market was strong, and.
according to tho majority of speculator
on the board, the demand upon which the
late advance has been mads is still un
satisfied. The net advance for wheat today was 4
cents for July and September options and
4V cents for the JJecember. From the low
point of Monday of last week, July wheat
hud advanced 13 cents, September ha
"P K cents and in the December
option the high point of today was 16V
cents above the low price of last Monday.
It was a certainty that a strong bulge
would lake place in the wheat market at
the opening Country orders have been
pouring in seemingly In an endless stream
and In obedience to them, brokers stood
ready to buy millions of bushels at the
market. Shorts were In a hlghiy nervous
condition and mere eager to cover. Tha
result was that as soon as the gong
founded there was a terrific roar of voice
all anxious to buy and nothing to sell. The
market was too big and broad to be fol
lowed with any certainty and broker
filled orders frequently 7 cents awav from
the point at which they had hoped to buy.
Tne confusion was so great that for a few
transacted, the brokers fighting and strug
gling In the effort to gethold of wheat
from anybody or at any price. The July
options sold, as soon us figures could ba
registered out of the confusion, anywher
between 93 and 94 cents, which wns 114 to
l ?H cents higher than the close of Satur
day. September opened at 95 to 99c, which
was up IS to 1H cents above the closing
of Saturday. December had a wider rangw
than either of the other options and th
opening quotations ranged at all figure
between 96H cents and $1.01. This price wa
1V& to 8 cents above the final quotations ot
Advance Temporarily Checked.
The rush of buying order seemed to com
from almost every city in the United
States which waa situated along a telegraph
wire. They came from Winnipeg and front
Loulsinana and from .11 points on the Pa
cific and Atlantic seaboards. Th profes
sional traders were of the opinion that
the opening wa a little too vigorous. A
soon as trado steadied a trifle millions of
bushels wer thrown upon the market In
realising sales and the advance for a time
was checked. The buying orders, however,
still poured In and the market soared up
again. Again the long wheat came out and
brought about a reaction, and again th
country buyers forced it up. The situation
was too strong for any man or any clique
of men to stop. The country at large
seemed determined to buy wheat at
whatever price It could be had. There were
po claims in any direction that the market
was being manipulated. The general opin
ion seemed to be that the advance waa
based on natural conditions which are cer
tain to curtail in large degree the world's
coming crop of wheat. Tha advices from
all parts of the west and northwest con
firmed all previous reports of damage by
weather and Insects, while the telegram
from the Canadian northwest claimed ther
was no possibility of reseedlng In that dis
trict and every day of delay meant the los
of thousands Of acres that might otherwise
bav been sown to wheat
Cablegrams reported th markets at Liv
erpool and Budapest to be In a highly ex
cited condition, with prices advancing
strongly. Liverpool waa declared to b
Affected by gloomy reports from Russia and
It was the belief of many prominent com
mission men that. Europe will be forced
to buy heavily in the American market
and that the American market. Instead of
being able lo meet this demand, will ba
scarcely strong enough to supply auosl
wheat as Is needed for home consumption
! Such prominent traders as William H. Bart-
lett and Jame A. Patten declared that th
condttlona warranted the sensational ad
vance In prices, declaring that the wheat
problem for this year win be a difficult
one for European buyer to solve. Among; '
smaller trader prediction wer mads that
before the present advance ha stopped July
wheat will go certainly over H.X and pos
sibly H.50.
j Rlaa Reflected In Mew Tork.
NEW TORK. May tf. "Dollar wheat" on
the Chicago Board of Trad today waa
reflected In a violent advance on the Pro
duce exchange here, where trading assumed
tremendous proportions. July wheat opened
at fl.Olt&l.tSlk. an advance of 4c over "at
urday'a close. September opened at fl OKJ
LOSS, an advance of 4c. December Jumped
from 11.04 to Sl.OCAt at tho opening, having
closed Saturday at 11.01 V. In the first hour
of trading it Is estimated Z.000,0 bushel
were bought and sold in tho pit. Sever
losses are nald to have been sustained by
! hrt accounts at the opening here, ther
having been a heavy accumulation of buy
ing orders over Sunday. Flucuatlons were
violent and In some Instances a cent apait.
The local trader vigorously presm d their
advantage. Heavy realising on the ad
vance did not appear to check the upward
movement, but after the first hour th
market became quieter.
The pit fairly boiled with sxcltement In
the first hour. The execution of each
heavy buying order with a resultant ad
vance lu prices caused wild demonstra
tion. During the afternoon there tame a pause
In outside buying and prices fell off from
1 to 6Va points from the extreme hl-h fig
ure in th early advance. The decline
waa materially avststed by selling, which
began soon after prices began to ra h K d
ut th quotation la Euro