Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1907, Image 1

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    Omaha Daily Bee
JAPAN IN TORKE.Vtoiary of the bee
Mikads ii 8ikine to Eitbllifh Eiplomatlo
Eolations with Saltan.
Jspin Wishes Fall Equality with Europeas.
VTi h to Dtcrsase Instead cf Increase
Ostside It finance.
Plan of Japan la Clearly to Increase
Political litnmrr Instead of
Ex trad lu a; Trade Rela-ttona.
palerrs by wtilrh Japan Is seeking to estab
. Ilsh diplomatic relation with Turkey and
the location of a Japanese ambassador at
Constantinople have encountered a rather
serious stumbling block. Japan wlshra to
be treated on the mmc. footing aa the
great powers of Europe with respect to
the "capitulation" by which Turkey gives
foreign powers certain supervision ovpr
Ita Internal affairs. Including schools, mis
sions, consular courts, etc. Tho forte Is
v ISrinly opposed to conceding these to
"k Japan, aa all the efforts of Turkey within
recent years have been aimed at Ihe re
striction and ultimate abolition of these
privileges to foreign powers.
,The efforts of Japan to establish diplo
matic relations with Turkey date back to
the period preceding tho Russo-Japanece
aar and were renewed Inter at different
Intervals. In November last year a fresh
attempt was made during the presence in
Constantinople of two Japanese staff
officers, who were occupied In a tour of
Itudy In Turkey, one of whom subse
quently proceeded to Bagdad. These offi
cers were tbe bearers of a large number
of decorations for Turkish offlcluls. It Is
stated In official circles that the pour
parlers are still going on. although re
ticence la observed , regarding the place
where the negotiations are being con
ducted. On the surface there are no Indications
that any of the European powers are
actively opposing the establishment nf a
Japanese embassy at Constantinople. There
la no official opposition at least, but It Is
by no means Improbable that certain
powers would find It In their Interest to
intrigue against the project. It Is only
necessary to recall the difficulties the
American ambassador. Mr. Leishman, had
to overcome to secure recognition of Ms
elevated rank. It la obvious that the
presence of a Japanese diplomatic repre
sentative would naturally tend to
strengthen tho position of the British
.ambassador In view of the Anglo-Japanese,
vXalllnnoe. This probability might account
IF (or the unfavorable attitude which han
H been blnted at on the . part of certain
It is believed here that Prince Fushlml,
at present on a vls(t to Europe, will come
to Constantinople and use bis personal
Influence to bring about a settlement. The
Turkish government Is disposed to view
very favorably Japan's desire to open
diplomatic Intercourse with Turkey, except
for Japanese pretensions to have the same
right with the great powers of Europe.
In Turkish circles It la felt the object
cf Japan Is not so much to develop trad
ing relations with Turkey aa political,
having to do with Turkey's position as
lelghbor to Russia. Another reason -which
nakea the aultun personally Inclined to
relooma closer relations with the far
astern empire Is the hope that Moham
medan missionary propaganda In that
country may be encouraged and developed.
Mot Satisfactory to France.
PARIS, May 12. The announcement of
the approaching nomination of a Japanese
ambassador to Constantinople, thus
strongly enforcing the diplomatic repre
sentation of Japan In Europe, Is entirely
satisfactory to France, whose relations
with Jupan are moat friendly.
Wife ( President of t. Louis Globe.
Democrat Dlea of Bclf-Inflleted
BT. LOUIS, May 11 Mrs. Agnes Barlow
JloUser, wife of Daniel M. Houser, presi
dent of the Globe Printing company, pub
lishing the Globe-Democrat, died tonight
from the effects of a self-inflicted bullet
wound In the right temple. Mrs. Hbtmer
was found this evening by her husband
on tiia return from an automobile ride with
his two sons, Duncan and Douglas. He
was Informed by servants that Ma wife
was In her room breathing heavily and
evidently ill. Mr. Houaer entered the room
and found bis wife on the bed with a
revolver In her hand. She was unconscious,
but breathing faintly. Physicians were
quickly summoned, but medical attention
as without avail. She died after linger
ing In unconsciousness for several hours.
Mrs. Houaer had been In a nervous state
for the laat three or four months. Mem
bers of tbe family are at a loss to assign
a reason for ber act. Worry and mental
strain In participating in the charity carni
val given Friday are the only possible
causes they can assign. There was noth
ing to Indicate whether death was acci
dental or premeditated. ' It la not known
where she secured the revolver.
T. C. Webster Taken front Train at
Kansas City April 9 U (till
KANSAS CITY, Mo., May 1-T. C. Wob
rr, who was takan from an eastbound
truln here on April 1, unconscious, and re
mo. d to the city hospital, has slept con
stantly for the last forty dayn and Is still
asleep. Physicians say he la Bofferiiur from
acute melancholia
Webster Is ears old. He was travel
ing from Horseshoe Bend, Ida., to Gaines
ville, Ga. He became delirious on the trip
from Denver to Kansas Cl'y and was un
conscious wbsn be reached here. Since
that time be has been aroused sufficiently
to take nourishment, but at no time baa
be beun thoroughly awaka None of his
relatives or friends bsve visited him since
lis was taken to the hoaptta'..
Knrokl tr for JnnMstown.
WASHINGTON. May 12. After spending
the day sliiUelug. General Uiron Kurokl,
with the Chllaan and Chines visitors, left
I tonlgbt on the steamer Newport News for
j KlhImul e lalt Lbs Jsmsn umu twiga
Monday, May 13, 1007.
V" May 1907
ti rut WIB MU Ml T
X V T I 2 3-4
5 6 7 8 9 10 II
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31
and cooler Monday; Tuesday, fair, warmer
in portion.
cooler Monday afternoon or night, hlijli
northwest to went winds; Tuesday, fair,
cooler In east portion.
Hour. Deg. Hour. Dog.
& a. m tii 1 p. m M
6 a. m tU 2 p. m K
7 a. m G4 3 p. m i
8 a. in 63 4 p. in 87
9 a. m 73 ." p. m 87
10 a. m 7 Bp. m (W
11 a. m W 7 p. m M
U u 82 8 p. m SO
9 p. m 74
Thirty-one persons were killed by
wreck of Shrlners' train near Hondo, Cal.
The accident was due to a broken switch.
rage 1
Senator Foraker Issues a statement In
which he says he has made no deal v.ith
Taffs friends and suggests that question
of endorsement go over until next year,
when he will ask for a primary tied Ion.
Page 1
Fruit crop In southern and south
western states killed by recent frost. Loss
to gardeners on early vegetables is also
heavy. Page 9
Trial of W. D. Haywood will be re
sumed today. More rumors are In circu
lation of attempts to kill Harry Orchard
before he can testify. Page 1
Governor Sheldon gives no sign of be
ing ready to shake the plum trees and
oflice seekers are leavlag the capital.
Page 3
Three girls are Injured by explosion of
gasoline in laundry at McCook. Page 3
W. J. Bryan makes principal address at
dedication of new Young Men's Chris
tian association building at Beatrice.
Page 3
Iowa vinegar makers are strenuously
objecting to new law which prevents use
of coloring matter. Officials say opposi
tion Is due to fact that it is Impossible
to sell the Imitation article for pure
cider vinegar. Page 6
Avoca citizens file complaint with State
Railroad commission against Rock , Isl
and railroad, alleging unsatisfactory pas
senger service. Page 0
Council Bluffs city council will con
sider water ordinance schedule at Its
session tonight. Page 6
Former Senator Millard on return from
abroad expresses belief Secretary Taf t
is logical successor to President Roose
velt, lag 1
Harrlman makes enormous Increase In
his rolling stock and transportation fa
cilities on the Colon and Southern Pa
cific roads to meet the demand for more
cars b ytha constantly increasing traffic.
. .... . - . Page 3
Scores of base ball games: .
13 Omaha vs. Pueblo 7.
10 Lincoln vs. Sioux City fl.
10 Denver vs. Des Moines fl.
2 Washington vs. St. Louis 0.
10 Chicago vs. Phlludelphla-iJ.
Minneapolis vs. Louisville i.
6 St. Paul vs. Indianapolis 5.
5 Kansas City vs. Columbus 4.
13 Toledo vs. Milwaukee .
Prlnee Edward of Walea Passes Ex
amination at Osborne aa
Other Candidates.
LONDON, May. 12. (Special.) One of. the
happiest boys in England la Prlnee Qiward
of Wales, heir presumptive to the throne of
Great Britain. He haa just been fitted for
his kit aa a naval cadet at Osborne.
Ilia royal highness la revelling In the
prospect at being a sailor. His father la
axllng and abetting him In his love for the
sea, and it la probable that he win sigh
with regret when he haa to take his chest
ashore and become a soldier. For Inas
much aa he la In direct line to the throne,
a soldier and not a sailor must lie event
uaily become.
The prince of Walea la instating upon
the same routine Cor his con aa that cus
tomarily followed by candidates entered
for Osborne. ' Prince Edward had to under
go the "viva voce" examination, which the
new regulation Impose on all, wouldbe
naval officers and he came out of the ordeal
very well.
Captnla Groaraa Says Maxima Were
Concealed ana Trouble Might
Have Followed.
NAIROBI. May li (Special.) It is now
reported that the prosecution for unlawful
assembly of the four principal opponents
of the government. In addition to Captain,
Grogan, who flogged the natives, was the
result of the government's panic by a hoax
upon a public official.
Before the trial an effort was being made
on behalf of the police to "pump" Captain
Orogan In the club. In Jest he said that
there were four Maxims concealed In the
town and that the Europeans were armed,
adding that If the police had tnterfcrred
with the flogging bloodanod would have
resulted. Tbe police accordingly really be
lieved that there existed a great conspiracy
for the overthrow of the government.
What tbe colonists regard as the Ill
advised imprisonment of the Europeans by
the government has bad a bad effect upon
the native.
Two Bam at Orand Island.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., May U (Spe
oiai.) ijurly Saturday morning fire was
discovered In a barn belonging to a Mr.
Laraun. The building- in which the fire
ortgluatod contained a horse, and this was
Incinerated, together with all the other
contain. The fire soon spread to another
bam, that ot John Herman, and from there
tou In the rear buildings of the residences
Of Smil Cords and Frank Lechner, tbe
buildings all being along the alley. Tbe
arrival of the fire department saved tbe
horoue In the vicinity from taking fire. The
total kiea will approximate about S2.0UO, with
vwr little Insurance. The origin la un
known. Mananeld Sails for Europe.
NEW YORK, May 11 Richard Mans
field, wlu some time sro was c-mi-l!.i
by UltnrM t stjandon his tneaxrliiL),
sailed fur Euruve on the etnauiwr iMliuie
apoii today. ll wad mtiiX to be iuuUi Uu
fev4 ait kaaiUj-
Senator Bays 411 Questions of "Endorsement
Should Go Over Until Hext Year.
Kext Wednesday's Conference, He
Avers, Is Without Authority to
Speak for Republicans
of Ohio.
WASHINGTON, May 12.-Senator Foraker
of Ohio tonight Issued a statement on the j
Ohio situation In reply to Representative
Burton, saying that so far as he (Mr. For
aker) was concerned, no effort whatever has
been made to make a deal, bargain or a
compromise with anybody about anything;
that the statement Issued by George B. Cox
of Cincinnati was not in Mr. Foraker's In
terest or with his assent, but he thought
Mr. Cox was striving tor party harmony
and he (Mr. Foraker) was willing to ac
cept the results If the convention should
act favorably on Mr. Cox's recommenda
tions. The senator says all questions of
endorsement and nomination should be de
ferred until the next state convention and
he . will not regard as binding any action
taken meanwhile by any Individual or com
mittee not authorized to settle these ques
tions for Ohio republicans.
Tho senator reiterates that he will re
quest that the call for the next state con
vention provide that the delegates be
elected from the various counties at prim a r-
Text of Statement.
The statement follows:
In answer to the statement in today's
papers given out at Cleveland by Mr. Bur
ton, Senator Foraker said:
Mr. Burton's statement Is likely to create
a false impression. So far as I am con
cerned, no effort whatever has been made
to make a dual or a bargain, or a con
promlse with anybody about anything. The
statement put out by Mr. Cox was his own,
and he made it on his own motion, and
certainly not in my interest nor with my
approval. At tbe same time I thought he
was striving for party harmony and that
hi purpose was a laudable one and I was
willing to accept the result If the conven
tion should act favorably on his recom
mendations, not because I was ineJuded in
his plan of compromise, but because I was
willing to conform to anything reasonable
that party good might seem to require.
I think it the first duty of any man who
believes in republican principles and
aspires to represent them to contribute all
he can to party union, strength and vic
tory. In saying what I did in response to
Mr. Cox's recommendations, I went as far,
however, as I can go, consistently with
self respect. It would have been very
gratifying to me if all strife ajid conten
tion could be avoided, not on my own ac
count, but for party good; but Inasmuch
as that seems impossible Judging by what
I learn from the newspapers and otherwise
as to the attitude of the friends of Secre
tary Tuft. I think it due to my friends and
to the whole body of republican voters In
the state to announce that all questions of
endorsement and nomination should in my
opinion be deferred until the next state
convention can act upon them. That is the
only body that has power to authoritatively
speak on such subjects. I shall not. there
fore, regard aa binding upon me or upon
any of my friends any action that may be
iRKen in me meanwnue ny any niuimuai
or any committee or committees not speclfl-
cull AiihnHAi1 to aettle these auestlonS
taken in the meanwhile ny any maiviauai
call authorized to settle these questions
for the repuoiicans or unio. ine rejection
of the suggestions looking to an adjustment
of differences has the effect, so far as I am
concerned, of restoring the situation we
were In before Mr. Cox's statement was is
sued. After the November elections are out
of the way, I shall, accordingly- as here
tofore anounoed. request the state central
committee In issuing its call for the next
tale convention to orovlde that the dele
gates shall be elected from the various
counties at primaries duly held under the
statute In such case applicable to the end " -
that the voters themselves may have an j man hod been run over and his mangled,
opportunity to determine as they should almost lifeless body entangled in the ma
what is to be done as to all matters in hl t , . ,.
.kih h. m at ihut tima b interested, chlnery. But no sign or a man was round
I take advantage of this opportunity to
say that all nominations and endorsements
that can be properly and authoritatively
made only by the state conventions should
be left for that body to deal with. Efforts
to settle them In advance by unofficial.
Individual announcement or committee
action, no matter , how well Intended, us
ually do more harm than good. The party
will be stronger and can act more In
telligently if we will always wait for Its i
duly chosen representatives to speak on
such questions and then loyally abide the
action so taken.
I make this last statement because the
newspaper announcement that a call has
.'"Ue I?,r,.,l"e 'l
county chairmen and the republican mem
hers of congress to be held In Columbus.
May IB, at Is proposed to confer
about the political situation in Ohio and
possibly take some action with reference
My public duties make It Impossible for
me to attend if I desired to do so, but
without meaning to be disrespectful, de
spite the foot that such a meeting would
have no authority to bind any one on
such matters, I would not attend if I
Taffs Friends Stand Pat.
CLEVELAND, O., May 12. No political
gathering held In this city in many months
has excited so much interest as that of
the Joint meeting of the republican state
centra and state executive committees to
be held at Columbus on Wednesday of
this week, for the purpose of reconciling
political Interests.
The friends of Secretary of War William
H Taft led by Arthur I. Voris of Colum
bus, , and Congressman Theodore E. Bur
ton of Cleveland, according to authorised
statements of those In the confidence ot
the Taft organization will. Insist on an
unqualified endorsement by the committee
of Secretary Taft aa Ohio's choice for
the presidency and will stubbornly oppose
the linking of that endorsement with the
prospective contests for either United
States senator or governor.
Congressman Theodore F. Burton, who
left here tonight for St. Loulu, where he
Is to deliver an address tomorrow, posi
tively declined to make a statement as
to his position In connection with the
senatorshlp. Close political friends of
Mr. Burton say it will probably be sev
eral weeks before a formal announcement
as to whether he will become a candidate !
against Senator Foraker' will be made.
Federal Officials Begin Investigation
of Land Frands la Colorado
DENVER. Colo., May 11 A federal grand
Jury, tbe first to be called In Denver In
years, will meet In this city next Wednes
day. The work of this Jury will be the in
vestigation of land frauds In Colorado for
tbe last six years by means of which the
lumber and coal lands have passed Into
the hands of Individuals and syndicates.
Government officials here admit that they
exepct tbe developments to be of greater
uiiijui umivq loan iijum ok nny grana jury
Investigation In the west, with the poanlble
exception of the exposures of land and tim
ber frauds made In Oregon several years
Tbe greatest secrecy Is being maintained
aa to the namea of the wlnessea summoned.
It Is known, however, that twenty-nine citi
zens of St. Louis have been subpoenaed to
gether with a number from Milwaukee, and
enough has leaked out rt show that the
officials expect to Implicate a number of
wealthy eastern syndicates and pools. It
Is stated on good authority that few Colo
rado citizens will be Involved In the lr
vestlgaOoa either M Kjtuonniri tit prtaUittUa.
later of Former Kansas Senator
Throws "Idellnht on Event that
Made History.
KAN3AS CITY. May 15. -Mrs. Nina
Whlmple of Kansas City. Knn., a slMer
of Edmund G. Ross, former 1'ntted States
senator from Kansas, who died at Albu
querque, N. M., Wednesday last. In an
Interview yesterday, threw a few side
lights on the view taken by ber brother
on voting against tho Impeachment of
President Johnson, it was Senator Ross1
vote that raved President .hjhnson from
Impeachment and for this act he was
ensured severely
by his Kansas con-
iwrs. WTilmple Is 75 years old. a pioneer
Kan.'ns woman, who came went In 15.
She probably was more closely nssociated
with her brother than nny other person
and to her alone ho appears to have con
fided the motives that prompted his atti
tude in the Johnson episode.
"Through his life," said Mrs. Whlmple.
"Senator Ross had every phase of dis
honor meted out to him. He had been
burned in ail the fires of persecution and
public reproach.
"I remember well the time of this great
trial, when an ordinary man would have
sold out and made himself comfortably
rich for life, but when he let the oppor
tunity slip by and chose rather the scorn
and abuse of his countrymen.
"He said once, prior to the trial, that
someone had approached some of his
friends in a cautious way In hopes of dis
covering his price. The senator said little
about what he might have made out of
giving In at the last moment until late
years, when he intimated to me that It
was In the neighborhood of $200,000.
"He was an extremely reticent man
about matters relating to himself. This
was the great trouble about the President
Johnson affair. No one knew Just what
he was going to do.
"A few days before tho great trial ho
told me that he was digging hie political
grave. 'I am looking Into It now,' he
said, 'and in a little while It will bo a
reality; but I am right, right!'
"He never seemed to me to regret the
attitude he took on that occasion, al
though years of actual! want followed,
years during which there was no friendly
voice of encouragement or cheer. Every
constituent he had In Kansas turned fa
natically against him."
Mrs. Whlmple concluded:
"He will be vindicated, and then the
world will know just how much he was a
patriot and a true man In times when such
were hard to find In Kansas."
Man Stealing; Ride on Alton Train
Has a Narrow Escape front
ST. LOUIS, Mo., May It As the Chicago
& Alton Limited pulled out of ST. Louis
. .oLnuaj uanii uui chitou
.jj at rcap ot tne enKjne-B tender, and
!. .
tne position no took nearly caused his aeatn
by drowning. The train was well under
wy when the tramp fell Into the opening
of the engine's water tank. 'His cries for
help were unheard and Jse was suffeted
about the tank In the m ling water by the
surging of the train. At Alton, the first
stop, faint cries for help were heard. The
train crew and a policeman investigated
i , . .- ,j h h tfciHn
j and yet the faint cries were audible. Fin
ally the fireman discovered the hatchway
j of tnJ water tank openi ana peered In. The
. , ... , .
trying to keep his head above the eurfnon.
and was almost exhausted. He was pulled
out and laid on the ground, half strangled
and partially unconscious. The trainmen
worked with him for some time before he
was revived. When told there was enly
four feet of water In the tank, the tramp
said he was so frightened he believed It
deeper and had used all his strength in
trying to keep afloat. Then the train pulled
out and the tramp wandered away without
giving his name. ,
Christening; of Fntnre Kins; of Spain
Postponed Official Reeord of
Birth Made.
MADRID. May 12. At 11 o'clock this
morning the ceremony of placing the name
of the newly born prince of the Austuriaa
on the municipal birth register took place
before the minister of Justice, the first
notary of the kingdom. The prince re
ceived the name Alfonso Plo Crlstlno
The christening, which was originally
fixed for next Tuesday, has been postponed
to a date not yet fixed, the king wishing
to make the ceremony as Imposing as possi
ble. According to Senor Cana!egas Mendex, the
leader of the monarchial democrats. King
Edward telegraphed asking to be godfteher
of the Infant, but a reply was sent regret
ting that this was Impossible, Inasmuch
Five Persons Instantly Killed In
Explosion at Huston,
RUSTON. La., May 12. Unknown persons
set off a charge of some high exploelve
here under the house of Samuel Cook, a
nero. early teday, blowing the house to
pieces and killing Cook and four other ne
groes sleeping In a front ' room. Cook's
body ws blown about eighty feet away
into the fork of a tree. The body of a
woman was blown 100 feet or more Into
the air, falling through the branches of a
high tree and snapping the wires. of a tele
graph line before It finally struck the
ground. The entire town was shaken by
" , , , , . . "
tho explosion. There Is no clue to the per-
Party Visits Wheat Fields In Vicinity
of Hutchinson Sunday
HUTCHINSON, Kan.. May 12 A special
1 train
of Omaha
grain dealers passed
through Hutchinson over the Rock Island " n unpreceaeniea.y low ngure, ine aver
westbound at noon. The train went as'i bln" lhan 1 anna p" Pund'
far as Bucklhi and returned through w. ' turned out 16.5uO.00rt pounds of bark
east bound at 7:40 tonight. The train was
stopped at various points on, the route to
permit personal Inspection of the wheat
fields. The excursionists will reach Omaha
tomorrow morning.
Mob Wrecks tarllat Club.
MADRID. May llA mob of republicans
today wrecked the Carllst club and the
oflice of the Carllbt newspaper at Victoria,
There was lively street fighting. The
rioters were dispersed by Uis civil guard
after a short tussle
Bebraskan Believes Secretary of War
Logical Candidate for President
Former Senator Calls on President
Roosevelt and Tnft aa lie Comes
Home from Knrope and
"Taft seems to be the logical candidate
for the presidential nomination," said for
mer Senator Joseph li. Millard Sunday
morning upon bis return from a three
months' trip through southern Europe and
northern Africa. Mr. Mll.ard stopped in
Washington for a few days on his return
to this country, and called upon president
Roosevelt as well as Secretary Taft. He
was accompanied on his trip by Miss
Millard. "The only way we have of tell
ing whether the president would be a can
didate for a third term la to take bis word
for it." ,
Senator Millard looks hearty and brown,
having epent about two-thirds of his trip
on the water. He says his health Is good
and he enjoyed his trip Immensely. Re
turning to the president, the senator
"He haa said he will not be a candidate
for the third term and we should take his
word for It and look about for another can
didate, At this stage Taft seems to be In
the lead, and with peace In Ohio, which
now seems assured, he should be the man
to carry the standards of the party. There
are surely plenty of good men, so Roose
velt would not have to be forced If he
did not want It.
"Around Washington the Impression
seemed to prevail pretty strongly that
everything was patched up in Ohio and
that Taft was to have the presidential del
egation and Foraker was to have a chance
at the senatorial toga. I think Taft would
be a successful candidate.
Bast lias Fears.
"In New York there seems to be some
unrost and some business men claim to
fear the strenuous efforts of the president
against the corporate Inerests might pre
cipitate hard times. The west, however,
does not seem -to share In that opinion,
for we in the west are strictly an agri
cultural community and, given good crops,
we can let the other people do the worry
ing." Senator Millard visited Egypt and, as he
said, "went .far beck of the Roman civil
ization, for we went BOO miles up the Nile,
which is about 4.000 years beyond Rome
In civilization. Returning we visited Na
ples, Rome, Genoa, Nice and Paris, but
did not go Into northern Europe at all.
"Egypt Is about to lose a man who has
been of Inestimable value to that country
Lord Cromer Is about to leave and all are
regretting It, as he has been administering
the government under the suzerainty of
Great Britain for many years. He was
Instrumental In starting' great Internal lm
provementa, wRIch are still going on, and
tho people feel Indebted to him for his
part In the building up. of that ancient
country. Irrigation. Including the Assouan
dam, has done much to better the condi
tion of the people and they can roap such
larger 'returns from the Tend.
"Egypt Is better governed than formerly
and the people are much more contented
and happy. The winter season was Just
beginning to wane at Alexandria and
Cairo and the hotels were still crowded
and I met many Americans. The 8ue
canal was most Interesting, but I did not
give the attention to detail I might hove
done had I . still been chairman of the
committee on oceanU, canals."
Mr. Millard says he has come home to
devote his attention to the banking busi
ness and says he feels as he looks, "that
ho might live to be 100 years old."
Twenty Lines Operated Dnrlns; Part
of Sanday with Comparatively
Little Disorder.
BAN FRANCISCO, May 18. Fifty street
cars were operated today from 10 o'clock
In the morning until S o'clock in the even
ing over two of the twenty-odd lines com
posing the United Railroads system. For
the first time since the commencement of
the strike last Sunday cars were run to
day to the ferries. About 20,000 passengers,
a majority of them women, patronized the
There was very little disorder during the
day In comparison with the five days pre
vious. Thousands of persons evidently re
garded the published Injunctions and pri
vate warnings and remained Indoor for
the Sunday crowds were much smaller than
usual. Unquestionably .the firm stand taken
by Governor 'Gillett when he announced
through this morning's press that he would
Judge the San Francisco situation by the
acts of the people and would not hesitate
a moment to call out the militia If rioting
8hou)(i t continued had a sobering effect
on trouble makers whose acts of violence
made the history of the past week a dis
graceful and bloody oceeslon.
Five hundred police guarded the streets
through which the fifty cars were run, but
they had little to do. Isolated Instances of
misconduct on the part of Individual police
men were noted, but on the whole the five
seventh of the entire force of the depart
ment gave adequate protection to the two
lines that were In operation.
Java Said te Have Produced More
Genuine Bark Than la
SINGAPORE, May 12. (Speclal.)-Reports
received from various sections of Java are
to the effect that Java baa not only taken
. I. v "
to flooding the country with rheap sugar
. . .. . . , ... " "
I cane, but It has serious y Interfered with
the production of the genuine article of
cinchona bark.
It la said that the latest advices show
that Java produces nine-tenths of the
world's supply of cinchona bark and that,
during, the last three or four years the
Island has increased its output out of pro
portion to the demand, with the result that
the figures quoted for the bark have fallen
In 1906, but last year the exports declined
by 1,000,000 pounds. Only the richest kind
of cinchona Is cultivated.
Forelan Trade Grows.
WASHINGTON. May 12. That the trade
of the United States with Germany and
France will probably reach l7Ou,0u0,0UO In
the I'm aJ year ending June 30 next is pre
dicted in a statement iaaued today by the
bureau of statistics. This Is an Increase
of fl28,0UG,du over the previous year. About
i UirewIvurUtS vt. this ys sit fsrcrnwijc.
Former Mars the Tleasnre Which the
Latter llrlnna to F.naer Winter.
Dnnnd Omaha.
Mercury nt a maximum of S7 nnfl wind
ftt thirty-two miles an hour was Omaha's
portion for Sunday.
People did not object to the mercury,
for It wa Indeed n genuine plcrsure to
foel the warm, soothing solace of H sum
mer's sun once more nfter this long, chill
blast of winter. Rut that wind!
The weather man says he cnuitht tho
wind coming up from the southwest at
a thlrty-two-mlle clip, hut he didn't say
anything about how great the velocity was
In other directions. There are persons In
Omaha ready to swear It was 1S2 miles.
At any rate It was the windiest wind
Omaha hns felt for many a moon. The
wind set In early and blow constantly
throughout the day; no letup, no respite,
not even a rest for meals. At times It
seemed more like a vigorous young hurri
cane than Just merely a wind.
The wind changed an otherwise beauti
ful Sabbath Into a dsy of flying dirt and
discomfort, created havoc among pedes
trians and did damage to signs, plate gUM
windows and billboards. Chiirchscrs were
greeted In the morning with a hot wave
resembling a summer day during a drouth,
but everybody, particularly Ihe . women
with unwleldly skirts, found walking a
most difficult and uncertain task. The
worst feature of the windstorm, however,
was the clouds of sand and dirt from tho
unsprlnkled streets, which filled eyes, ears,
nose nnd mouth, settled on the clothing,
cut and begrimed the face and compelled
people to keep doors and windows closed.
Along Leavenworth street the wind tore
blllbonrds from their fastenings and
dashed them to the street. The same thing
occurred on Douglas street and other parts
of the city. Two large signs on Douglns
street were caught with ropes aa they
were on the point of being released from
the last fastenings to hold, and lowered
while awnings In a number of places were
destroyed. A plate glass window at Nine
teenth and Farnam streets was caved In
early In the day. The piles of sand heaped
up for blocks where trenches have been
dug for tho new telephone company lines
and other work afforded an Inexhaustible
supply of sand along certain streets and
made life miserable for persons passing
that way.
Nebraska's Lone DeleKnte to Prague
Turners' Tonrney Gets Fine
A rousing sendnff was given Frank J.
Rlha Sunday at the, Tel Jed Sokol hall, on
South Thirteenth street. Mr. Riha will
leave soon as the sole representative of the
wcHtern turners ln,the International con
tests which will be held at Prague, Bo
hemia. Turners will go from all over the
world to this tournament and the western
members have great hopes In Mr. Rlha
carrying off some of the prizes.
Turners from Omaha, South Omaha and
Plattsmouth Joined Sunday afternoon and
evening In making the occasion of his de
parture a most memorable one. Mayor
Pahlman sped the athlete on his way with
one of hhr characteristic speeches and gave
him an official Introduction to the tourna
ment with the seal of the city of Omaha
The program was long and most Inter
esting and was well received by the large
gathering which had turned out to assist
In the festivities. The program consisted
of dumb bell exercises by the turner
girls and vocal numbers by the turners'
auxiliaries; a club drill by the Plattsmouth
women turners and a flag drill by the South j
Omaha women turners; a parallel bar drill
by the South Omaha turners and a parallel
bar drill by the Plattsmouth turners; side
horse drill by the Omaha turners and hori
zontal bar drill by the South Side German
turners; a dumb bell drill by the Omaha
turners and a wand drill by the Omaha
Juvenile turners; a parallel bar drill by the
Junior turners and side horse drill by the
Plattsmouth turners; vaulting table drill
by the Omaha turners and parallel bar
drills by the South Omaha and Omaha
Far-IteachlnsT Conspiracy to Kill the
Csnr Darlnar Easter Holi
days Foiled.
LONDON. May 12,-The Dally Tele
graph's St. Petersburg correspondent re
ports the accidental discovery and foiling
of the greatest terrorists plot since the
great Decembrist conspiracy eighty-two
years ago. The correspondent says be
has the sensational story from two reliable
According to these versions no fewer than
eighty consDlrators resolved, a eounle of
months ago, to assassinate Emperor Nich
olas, and plans were finally fixed for car
rying out the deed during Easter. The
plotters included reserve officers and other
officers and civilians whose loyalty hlth-
; erto had been undoubted. A large number
J of plotters, the correspondent says, was
l necessitated by the elaborate precautions
adopted nowadays to protect Imperial per
sonages. The plan was, the correspondent says,
to approach Tsarskoe-Seloe In distinct
groups and then execute a sudden and
during attack on the palace. The first
group, consisting of thirty-four men, ar
rived on the Run 'lan Goodfrlday, when
from some means suspicion against them
was aroused, the thirty-four of them were
arrested at Tsarskoe-Selo and documents 1
found In their possession led to the ap
prehension of the other members of the
band in St. Petersburg.
Local Chapter Makes an Appropria
tion for Flowers at Camp
The May meeting of the local chapter of
Daughters of the Confederacy was held at
the home of Mr. and Mra Samuel Gosney,
South Omaha, Thursday evening,' with
; twenty-five members present. Mrs. O. 8.
I Bradley presided over the business meeting,
. during which an aproprlatlon was made for
I the purchase of flowers for Memorial day
at Camp Chase. A number of entertaining
musical pieces and talks were then given.
Miss Mary Glover, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. C. R. Glover, giving two violin solos;
MlbS Goaney a very pretty solo, and Mrs.
F. H. Maxwell concluded the study of Sid
ney Banter, with whose family she Is con
nected. Grand Duke Mrholaa Married.
as Pope Plus already bad been named.
YALTA, May U.-Grand Duke Nicholas
Klcholalevltch was maxrlud hare today to
Prlaoans Ajiaatieka (XJistttfttsn
Nnmber of Viotims of Wreck of Blriners1
Train Greatly lnorra?ecL
Twentj-CD9 Eodies at facta Barbara and
Tan at Ban Lnis Obiipo.
Train is Eannine at Fifty Uiles an Horn
When Derailed.
many Scalded or burned to death
Dlnlna- Car, Which Was Filled with
People from Reading. Pa.,
Lands on Top of
SANTA BARBARA, Cnl., May It-While
hurrying northward over the coast l'no
of the Southern Pacific railroad yesterday
afternoon, homeward bound, after a week
of fraternizing and fiesta In Los Angeles,
14& Shrlners of Iamalla temple of tluffnlo
and Rajah temple of Reading, with their
fnmilles and friends, wero hurled Into
the midst of death when their special
train, running fifty miles an hour, struck
a defective switch at Honda, a lonely sta
tion on the sand wastes of the I'aclllu
beach, derailing the train, smashing the
oooches Into Minders, killing thirty-five
almost Instantly and Injuring more than a
score of others. The bodies of twenty-five
lie In the morgues of Santa Barbara this
afternoon and ten more are at San Luis
Obispo. The Injured, many of whom are
terribly hurt and will probably die, am in
two sanlturiums at Sun Luis Obispo.
Following is a list of the dead now in
the Santa Barbara inorgocs:
Dead at Santa Barbara, twenty-one, us
J. DOUGLAS HIFPLia Reading. Pa.
II. K. Olltleman, Reading, Pa.
A. L. ROTH, Readinx. Po.
GILBERT S'i'EiKKEt Rending, Pa.
W. D. WAiMON, Buffalo, N. Y.
J. W. CUTLER, Binghamton, N. Y.
CHARLES M. LOWING, Pullman con
ductor, Buffalo, N, Y.
C W. AUSTIN. New York, agent for Mc
Caim'H Tourist company, New York. ,
CHARLES S. HKNRY, 1elm.non, Pa
JOHN LACBY, negro dining car waiter.
R. W. SWEliNKK, negro dintng car
AlltS. JOHN W. CUTLER, Binghaniton,
N. Y.
MRS, HENRY J. FISH BR, Cleveland.
MRS. HRl'MilACH, Reading.
At San Luis Obispo, ten:
H. 8. SNYDER. Reading.
MRS. S. S. 6NVDER, Reading.
THOMAS J. PRUNI.Al'eii, Reading.
MI&9 ST( Reading.
L N. ELLENUOGEN, AJlentowr Pa.
MRS. L. N. ELLEJiOUEN, Allcutown,
HOWARD MOYFR, Hazleton, Pa.
A.LONZO B. ROGERS, Sfa, Paul, Pullman
conductor. - - .
Mrs. Mary C. Ivlns. Reading, Pa,
List oi Injured.
Injured at San Luis Obispo:
8. A. Bickford. brakeman, of San Fran
cisco; fatally injured.
R. Fountain, brakemnn, missing last
night, was brought to this city this morn
lng. Ht back Is Injured and the lawer
part of his body paralyzed. Fountain
crawled 100 yards to ag the second section
following, and later was picked up and
conveyed to this city this morning.
W. 11. Boyd, Reading, l'u., badly scalded.
Martin L. Henry, Khamokln, Pa., injured
spine and severely scalded.
it. R. Ie, Orwiijf burg, Ia., face lacer
ated, loth hips cut and fractured leg,
J. Logan, Buffalo, N. Y., leg featured and
three ribs br ken.
H. A. Ilartzell, Ewston, Pa,, severely
scalded and fractured leg.
Charles McKlniio, Binghamton, N. Y.,
bac. kinjured. '
Mrs. McKlnney, , severely bruised about
the body.
Mrs. Fred Grummond, Binghamton, N. Y.,
ankle broken.
A. W. Roppole, Bennls Point, N. Y., se
verely brulHed about meek.
Engineer Champlain. badly scalded.
Fireman Gieen Thompson, face, arms and
Internal Injuries.
Mra Hendel and daughter, Helen, Read
ing, Pa., not serious. . ...
J. Guivln Hoffedllg, Reading, Pa., left log
fractured, scalp wound.
Train Wna Hunnlnw Fnst.
The wreck occurred exactly at 1:35, one
hour and forty-five minutes after the con
clave visitors forming a merry party, had
spent all the morning slght-Beelng In Santa
Barbara. The statement that the train
was making a terrific speed when It
struck the defective track la borne out by
the fact that It covered the sixty-one miles
of curves and crooked track between here
! and Honda in exactly 100 minutes,
There was no warning of the Impending
calamity. The special plunged upon the
i defective, switch
und in an Instant the
big locomotive, baggage car, diner and
Pullman coupled with It were hurled to
gether In a huge heap of wreckage. The
engine shot forward on the broken track,
tearing up the rails and ties and twisting
the huge Iron spans Into fishhooks. The
baggage car half burled Itself In the sand
on the right side of the locomotive. It
was smashed almost to kindling wood.
The dining car, In which were thirty
two people eating their noonday meal,
leaped Into the air and was thrown di
rectly on top of the demolished locomo
tive. Nearly every person In this coach
was Instantly killed. Scores were tcalded
by steam escaping from disconnected pipes
In "the kitchen of the diner.
Debris Takes Fire,
The tciror ami turmoll'of the scene was
lndescriiablo. Many of those who es
caped Instant death by the first Impact
were crushed by the rear coaches hurled
upon the wreckage. Others pinioned In thu
debris were rooited alive. The wreckage
caught fire from the coalB of the engine,
but was extinguished In a few minutes by
the passengers who escain-d Injury.
Engineer Frank Champ ain was pitched
wltn his cab twenty-five feet beyond the
engine and got up and ran three-quarters
of a mile, seeking help, before ha discov
ered that his arm was broken and that he
was severely scalded. A man standing be
hind his wife In tho baggage car was
hurled through a huge rent in the roof
and alighted In soft, yielding sand, almost
uninjured. The woman was forced through
tlte floors and wrerUrr to lift tons
of baggage to get ber body out.
Dlatuu Room u llealit Trap,
But the unfortunates who occupied every
seat In the dining car were caught In. a
veritable death trap. Only two of tho nine
of the crew of tlu dl.ier are nuu;fertJ
among the dead. The remainder, thoimh
cooped up In the narrow kitchen and pan
try, sustained b'jt n few cuts und l.rulie-a.
A last call for luncheon hd Juat auun led
a few minuted before the dl i: :'.er.
Rajuh temple of Ite.idli.g ocrupkd the l ist
car on the train and were the last otkj
Jjka w MVMi 14 ife dlonr JXit t 4