SUMMER'S DALVTIF.ST AITARIX NOW IN READINESS ON SECOND floor m;w STOKE pRETTY PRESSES FOIl GIRLS AM) MISSES IN I CHILDREN'S DEIT.. 2nd FLOOR NEW 8TOHK S D J CM xF i) ' ? " f j M 5 0 n si I M i M n H M li M The New Summer Models MILLINERY Fashion insists on the large hat, posed on the back of the head, for correct Bummer weer. Brandeis is showing the first charm ing models. y Our Special $10 Trimmed Hat Monday we will show for the first time a new summer effect, a white lace hat, trimmed most artistically with American beauty roses, plumes and ribbons; an exact dupli- $ , cate of our newest French imported model; on saJe Monday, at ., ,We mention specially tbe new Gibson girl Bailors, In burnt straw and huge ribbon bow also black tailors the price ..$10 BRANDEIS FAMOUS 9S HATS. We Import tbe materials direct from Paris for tbe making of these hats. You may choose from many stunning styles, Monday, at S5 While Dresses for Graduation Confirmation WEDDING DRESSES. PARTY DRESSES, ETC. Monday we will show for the first time an exquisitely dainty array of white S&$!r Prices range 9.98 up to 39 dresses for women and misses. These are summer's most charming new crea- ffj' tions in sheer Swisses and lawns, plain and dotted nets, lingerie and silk, they Tj"- show the very newest style features for 1907. "We specially mention the beauti- t lJ? -. v. ful new ideas in Princess and 2 piece effects. fcUr ' Wamen's Silk Dresses These are all new designs for 1907, light, summery affairs that will be Immediately popular this season erery model 1b new and altogether charming si uiuu4?a .$25 Silk Jumper Suits Nothing could be more modish than these silk Jump er suits, smartly made, prettily trim- mm Q f med, up-to-date In every feature, I vL 74 mm r at Lingerie Dresses Very dressy effects, simply made with fire tucks and pleats or more elaborately fashioned with m f f wide lace Insertions, embroidered panels, fa 31 all new designs Salts New Airlvala In "Fashionsear Tailored for Woman All are handsome effects, per fectly tailored and showing the height of refinement in every graceful line materials and fabrics are of the highest grade new models for late spring and summer at vva-.o AVI laid $25 Misses' and Children's White Dresses Made of white lawns, white Swisses, white nets, etc. all the newest girlish effects very prettily trim med and suitable for every dress; r a oe summer occasion, special OC m Womens White Sergo Jackets Serviceable every summer evening give a smart touch to' the summer dress very becoming ef fects In Price Chaps and Etons : 750 1185 and box coats range of i to It prices 9 Covert and Broad Cloth Jackets We've lust received the newest things from New York very stylish and well tailored f3$ ''ISO all correct in point or lasnion 10 mttmm priwn ru . The Newest Model SUMMER. WAISTS 1 Brandeis always shows the most cnarmmg waist effects at moderate prices for Mon day wo show nearly 50 new styles of stun ning summer Bhirt waists, in lingerie ef fects, the newest lace and embroidery trim med waists, etc., every new fea- 1 T(l ture, long or short sleoves, JZf worth up to $2.50, special at STUNNING SILK WAISTS 50 These waists are many of them samples Include a wide variety of styles thin, dainty silk fabrtci you would declare they were worth $7.60 to $10 in our waist section Monaaj EXQUISITE LINGERIE WAISTS We are showing the newest effects in the sheerest fabrics and newest styles for 1807. EXTRA SPECIAL 92 WAISTS AT 8c These waists are mostly In fine white fabrics lace .or embroidery trimmed more than f"Q 20 pretty styles, OC fOT4BBBBBBBflB4BaBlBflBB4BBBB4B EXTRAORDINARY SALE TTTT jLT For Spring 1 1 J Vf 1 Q yj) and Summer H Si iiungs, Drowns ana g 49c I 30,000 yards of the newest Spring Silks at about half their actual value right at the time when silks are the rage. Our 16th St. Silk Display window has been greatly admired. Beautiful Dress Foulards, Fanoy Silk Suitings, browns and leather shades, In chiffon finished dress taffetas, plaid silks, shadow checked silks, Pekin stripes, etc., worth $1.00 a yard, on bargain square, per yard. . . . Extreme Novelties in Rajahs a Burmahs, Punjada, fancy crash suitings f j 1 2 5 with coin dots, 36-in. to 24-in. wide CJI&ndi a Those Handsome 24-inch Tuscan Silks J In the extreme leather shades and new browns, Cl marines, champagnes, white and black, at, yard C 5 m White Japanese Silks The only house Importing direct from Japan, saving you at least one-third. ao-lnoh, per yard 17Kt 7-lnoh, per yard 39 te-lnoh, per yard 47 Genuine Black Peau de Crepe, never retailed under $1.00 yard, at, yard Dlack Silks Finest grades ot Dress Taffetas, having the right kind of finish. The kind now In such demand. 20-inch, per yard 45$ 22-inch, per yard.; 57 27-lnch, per yard 784 80-lnch, per yard 05 PoiltiTly worth 78o to $1.35. 69c IMPOHTANT SPECIAL SALE I DRESS GOODS 1 We have too many fine Dress Goods and prefer to clear i uiem quickly at a Dig reduction in price. In Main Dress Goods Department 75o Cream Silk Finished Mohairs, per yard 29o 50o Novelty Wool Suitings, yard 25c $1.00 42-inch all wool Tailor Suitings, yard 40c $1.25 42-inch imported Tailor Suitings, yard. ; 69c $1.50 45 to 54-in. Panamas, Serges, wool taffetas. French Poplins, yard .'...89c $1.75 44-inch Lupin's Black Voiles $1 00 $2 DRESS GOODS AT 98c- Strictly all wool Tailor Suitings, mostly 48 to 54 inches, every new weave and new colorings, worth f O up to $2.00 yard, at, yard jOC Darj&in Dreai Goods Dept. Main aisle In rear, Henriettas, Poplins, fancy suitings, French challles, etc., per yard Black Dreat Goods French Serges, Panamas, French Voiles, Herringbone stripes and shadow checks, former price 89o to $1.76. at, per ysrd aUOlO $1 'T. :25c to 49c DRESS GOODS IN CASEMENT New Sprlnc Chock and Strips O 4 SulTlnra Vard 4S 48c Sultlncs, yard 44-inoh all wool Tailor Suit In sa. yard 40 Inch Silk Finished Sicilians. OOn yard stxJKj 44-Inch Black Drn Qooda, at, flfls yard la, 49c and tJV On tui tt wall aasortad Dan- 1 Krt ah moth. --- v 8prlng and Summer Dress Goods, ranging In widths from 36 Inches to 54 Inches, at M their regular Talue, per yard 28c39c49c69c LACE CURTAINS fl.00 Swiss Cu.talns, extra, fine, at, pair CO $1.50 Lace Curtains, 64 in. wide, white and Arabian, pr....08 18.60 Cable Net Curtains go at v' 91.08 f 5 Swiss Tambour and Irish Point Curtains, pair... $2.08 Imported Curtain Swiss. 40 In. wide, worth SOo, at, yard 19 Irish Point Door Panels, 86x48, worth 60o, at, . : 294 Artloom Table Corers. at, ea OS 4 Artloom Couch Covers, 7.50 val- .uea, at, pair $4.50 Rope Portieres, worth IS special, at $3.08 Window 8badee made to order in any site. LINENS Manufacturer's Sample Bed Npreads, both In Marseilles and satin Marseilles, white and colored, hemmed or fringed, square or cut corners most amasing bargains ever offered in omana ctually worth up to 5 each, at Fine Bleached Pattern Table Clothsall pure linen and would De good values at $4.60, Monday, at. each 1010 and 1154 hamatttched draw work acarfs and squaraa, COc values, at, aaoh fi&o 10c Jap hamatltchad Linen Doyllea, Bo 258 acarfa, auara and center place at. aaoh loo 10c large a ls blaaobed Turkim Towela, aach 10o Frlnyed linen Napktna, larje tise, worth T He at, each ao 1 quality (rlngred Table Cloths either ail white or with red border, ee 8o 1.98 rn Table and would 2.50 rOlol hTl rsn 30 nt 3 1 iuil ill1 bi SAY r a JL 1 UZ3 Hoor That Thousands Arc Waiting for LINOLEUM. Oil Cloth and Straw Matting One-Half' tho Actual Cost to Manufacture ring the Measurements of Your Room It is one of the most extraordinary cash purchases we ever made. Everyone knows that when Brandeis advertises a big sale it will be really a BIG SALE and .this is to be the biggest sale of its kind ever heM by any store west of New York big gest stock, biggest floor space, biggest bargains. WE DEVOTE PRACTICALLY OUR ENTIRE 3rd FLOOR, NEW STORE, TO THIS GREAT SALE A FLOOR SPACE ALMOST AS BIG AS THE FLOOR OF THE AUDITORIUM SIXTY CLEE3ECS TO WAIT ON YOU No crowding, np delays in being waited on, no disappointments. The windows have given an idea of the unusual bargains. The stocks are gigantic. A sale no woman can af ford to miss. All new, desirable goods. ALL THE MEDIUM AN D HIGH GRADE LINOLEUMS IN 3 DIG LOTS All the linoleum that usually sells up to GOo a sq. yard, in this sale at square yard All the linoleum, 4 yards wide, that always sells at $1.00 sq yd in thii sale, sq. yd. . Al the linoleum that usually sells at 75o a sq. yard, in this square yard. T 1 3 Cl FLC3 ILLT1H1 M two big lots All the Floor Oilcloth that is worth 35o sq. yard and 1 and lVfe yard widths at, square yard.' All the Floor Oilcloth, in all widths, that always sell at 45c square yard, at, square yard Inlaid Linoleum Thousands have admired these beautiful patterns in our windows very fine inlaid linoleums, wortb $1.50 a square yard, in one lot at square yd ALL THE STRAW MATTING AT 9c-15c-25c YARD irchase we secured this fine grade fflP'.iiP1 fe.. ...yG-llrJG'elG In this wonderful purchase we secured this fine grade 6traw matting at a 50c a yard, but we Straw Matting Rugs, 80c These matting rugs art 36x72-ln. size, worth 11.01 sale special, at, each . . . . 39c Btraw Matting Rugs, $1.60 Slis 6x9 ft. floe bed room rug and is worth 13 while they last, special, at 1.69 Cottage Carpet at 10c Yard Yard wide and rererslble, lengths 6 to 20 yards, worth 86c yard for bed rooms, kitchens, porohes, etc.. at, yard . . . 10c GRADUATION SWTS FOR YOUNG MEN Every young man wants to look his best in neat, well made clothes on Commencement Day. Brandeis shows a specially fine selection of correct blacks and blues suitable for the occasion. THE RENWI0K SYSTEM Our well known line of men's and young men's clothes an elegance that tells of fine tailoring and meritorious all woolen fabrics Every style is new and correct the Price8jJJ JJ -Jq j)25 MADE-TO-ORDER CLOTHES FOR GRADUATION Made by the best tailors and cut and fitted to your exact measure. Select from a range of excellent blue and black materials on our second r o C floor-old store at.... $&0 K(LL 1 H S MONDAY SPECIAL BARGAIN DAY IN 5 ! EMBROIDERIES I1 h NEW PATTERNS WIDE EFFECTS 2 These are the most elegant effects in Swiss, Nainsook J 5 and Cambric that were selected abroad personally by our 2 own foreign buyer. Patterns are very elaborate in 18-in. w flouncings, 18-in. corset cover embroideries and 27-in. skirt- 5 ings the values are up to 75c a yard in three great lots at, per yard f H5c-25c-39c! u 25c Embroideries at 5c and 10c Yard These dainty effects are in narrow edgings and in me dium width edgings and insertings a number are in match sets, some are double edge and the 1 TV lot includes fine ribbon headings ADu 11 U DC ' values are up to 25c, a yard. . . Many New Styles in Fancy Wash Lace&J You will be delighted with the new patterns in Vals. Tor- chons and Point de Paris, such pretty effects and such fine m quality laces usually bring up to 15o a yard sale Monday, at -at special' "f: 5c5c-7c r ARD S 23c i 50c ALLOVER LACES at 29c YARD Also fine Allover Nets, worth as high as 50c a yard many styles, exceptionally good bar gains at, yard t Hand Drawn Work Collars These collars are worth 25c each and are fine Mexican hand drawn work effects special Mon- yl day, at, each. ... 2C Silk Braids Bargain square filled with fine Silk Braids, plain and fancy effects, black and colors always bring 25o a yard a special Mon-1 A WW H H day, at, yard . BBB4BBBB1IBUBBB1BBBBB1BBBBBBBI LEATHER BAGS, PURSES" BELTS 10-lnoh genuine horn back Alligator Bags, leather lined, worth up to $12.50 at.. .$5 Solid leather Wrist Bags, with three fit ting 954 Solid leather Bags 2 handles, lined with moirs silk, with change purse. . .05 We sell the famous An- thouy Bags and Belts, special In belts, 49 Genuine Seal Hand Purses, worth $2.00, 08c Men's Purses, Card Cases, Wallets and Trarellng Cases, spe cial prices. New Chamois Belts, hand oarved buckles, t.. 81.25 and 82 Latest fads la Ladles' Belts, at 254 to 810 Jet Beaded Belts, worth up to 2.60, at 504 SPECIAL BARGAINS Vf FIXE SIIKEH WHITE MATERIALS for GRADUATION GOWNS, ETC. Chlfton Organdie, 68 Inches wide at. yard 094 Chiffon Organdie at, yard. . -59 Mull Chiffon, 48 Inches wide, at yard, 39c, 45o, 50o and. . . -754 French Lawn, 46 Inches wide, at, yard, 29c, 35c and G04 Persian Lawn, 32 Inches wide at, yard. 12 He up to 504 All our 10c India Llnon will be sold Monday at, yard 5 In Our New Basement WALL PAPER Our 5c papers In regular combina tions at, roll 3H4 Our 8c Papers In blanks aci gilts, full combination, roll -54 Our 12 Ho Qllt Papers, at roll, 84 Varnished tiles as low as roll 15 Two-tone papers, up-to-date effects at, roll .184 Two-tone Papers, of specially fins grade at, roll 354 Special; Papers, at roll 1M, ttHc Wall Paper Cleaner, 2 cans 254 Paste that sticks, pke. 15c, Zoo IN THE NEW BASEMENT GREATEST BARGAINS - SEASON 25c Egyptian Tissues at 6 c Yard Stripes, checks and plaids in corded Egyptian Tissues sells erery where at 25c ff 1 yard waist and JL. dress lengths, at, II vard 5C Specially fine lot of Persian lawns, lnaia Llnon and Lingerie lawns, at, yard 10. Regular ICo Batistes, In dots, stripes, checks, shadow plaids, floral and all new designs for summer remnants, at, yard , . . , Plain black and colored Lawns s7flC . aU yard I only. . . , n A A U.y ft Q. ! ' "ill I J 4nr 2 a . - I Mil TKsi isavsaassacnBED