MAT 12, 1907. 1 v. ! 1 V t sV 9 i H 7 REAL ESTATE . Farm au nArri ron silk WK ITAVFJ a large number of eastern Ne braska Improved farms for okI and ex- Change; also mini' choice city property. MC MKNKMY & IUKKU J Res Bids- Tel. Doug 512. FOR gALF-.0 acres. Kimball county. Ne- hraaka. Iiii per term. Bncli blo k, worth Mi.'", to trail for land. P. C. CAUtWHJ, 2517 N BL. South Omaha. Neb. (2m C73 12 FOR BAI.E Ten--acrs fruit farm, adjoin ing Ant. land. Neb. O. C. Reed Fort Crook. Neb. )-M& lax Ton 8AI LE Sherldsn county, Nebraska. J- graxlng land. I- 60 per acra. 1. I. r. M. Co.. Kaclne, Wis. acres gr Um T. t20)-M3S8 14 1MPROVK.I) farm In eastern Nebraska; Sorpy an1 Douglas counties. B. J. Over ton, Gretna. Neb. (30-M37s South Dakota. JOOn lffi-acre farm In ont f tics In South Dakota, $:. exchange. Well eiirroun V Address Owner, C 3u., can )OD lffi-acre farm In ont of beat court- Long time or iinded. Bargain. car Bee. ('MYVA 1U ICO acres IVz miles from Oelricha, South Dakota, on Elkhorn railroad. Land 6mooth and level, fine soil. "Will trade for improv ed city property. Ad dress L 327 care Bee. (to) m-iix Wianlai, FARMERS' CHANCE Home and Fortune .Combined In the newly opened country of fthe Big Horn Basin In Wyoming, Tjust available this season for the J first time. We are offering the ,T farmer who is seeklntr an ODPor- tunlty cf his lifetime 'the great chance of the year to seoure an ir rigated farm at one-third the price the same farm will bring In leas than five years. We have some thing like one hundred of these places (40 to 160 acres), the very best in that locality. Level, smooth and a deep, rich soli. Water never falling. These farms will produce enough in two sea sons (drouth, etc., of no conse quence), and Increase in value un 1111 their selling price. If one wanted to sell, will be something wonderful. Just the locality for wheat, oats, rye, alfalfa, potatoes, melons, sugar beets, fruit and vegetables. Right in the coal Olds, as well as abundance of wood for fuel. We offer both deeded and Carey lands. Deeded farms, $25 per acre, with per petual water; Carey lauds, $8 5.50 per acre, also Including water right. There is no Question about the statement that It is the oppor tunity of a lifetime to buy cheap and muke a fortune. We run excur sions over the Burlington route every two weeks, the next three being as follows: May 21, June 4 , and 1.. and that road makes the exceedingly low rate of $20 for the round trip from Omaha; $25 from Chicago. Send for book and circulars, and get readr to go up and see and be convinced. The Stewart Leavenworth Co. 519 N. T, Life Bldg.. Omaha, el. Douglas 6350. t29) Wyoming Grazing Lands About 14 miles from railroad. I In tracts of 2,000 to 4,500 acres. V $1.-0 and $1.C0 per acre. it cents per acre cash, balance on easy Iterms. fs "ftals land will scon be worth $2 per sere end Is the best Investment you can uiata for yourbeif or for your chK- arCOTTO SIEMSSEN & CO., $21-22 N. Y. Life. Tel. Doug. S5S. t20h- ' Tens. TEXAS LANDS. The Land of Sunshine. J Have soma good I arjains in beautiful Prjaos uluy ll lanci-t be suiitd. hiicst part cf 1xj. '. land u fKl f'jr rolling corn, ret ton. -ri. r. av-xjr tauv-tliia fruit coui.try-t'uty uf irr :;.w to Ij'Ow pr sere cheap railroad rai.a exru.aluu May SaU Fur ar-Uiu-ar aJJreas KOBT. C. DHUE-EDOW. N. X. L-Ls Bid. iiu)-UXi REAL ESTATE FARM AD ltAS.CH I.A1DS FOR HUI Texas TFTXAS farm lands; 1 8M itm farming lit l.) county, Turn, U r4 per e re. B.ilid body only. Thin thou.and seres fxrmlnir lend. Live ok county. T.x.i; K TO per ncrf ; aolld bodr only. Chaa. B. Mullaly, Ban Antonio. Tsx. CD m 12x TEXAS. We are selling land in the gulf coast tvun try at $JS per acta that will be worth i"0 wnhln a yesr. Ideal climate, plenty of limner ana wa rater, two and three crone year, chase If you are considering the pur of farm land, don t buy till you have seen us. Lsnd sold on easy cay menta. Bend for descriptive matter or go with u next excursion date. May 21. We ' run a private tar and aerve meal. Kara, i w. lrnwnvilh leian, and return TEXAS LAND AND IMMIGRATION CO., M Bee Bldg. (20) MM 14 Texas Lands Join our next excursion liaj n to FtIo, Tex., and buy aome of the 8 neat land to be found In the world. This land will double In value be fore twelve months, on croft pays for the land. Writ or call on GANGESTAD 401 Be Bldg, Omaha. (20) Mlseella neons. FARMS FOR ANYBODY ANYWHERE ANY PRICE No. 11 ISO-acre farm t miles from Pea body, Marlon Co., Kan., 90 acres under cul tivation, UO acres pasture, 10 acres meadow, V acres alfalfa, her Dasture t-room house. good barn, granary, chicken house, good well and clMem, farm all (eneed and croaa feneed. Good orchard. Price fc.OOO. No. 18 IrtO-scre farm 2H miles from E2 blng, Vi miles from Peabody, Bitler Co., Kan.; 115 acres in cultivation, 45 acres meadow; all can be cultivated; good house, barn. 2 granaries, hog house, chicken house, smoke house, 2 wells, windmill, tanks etc. Uxl orchard. It acres of alfalfs hog pas ture, all fenced and irosa-f enoed. Price Is.OOO. Incumbrance $2,600, at 6 per cent. Wont equity cash. No. 432 20-acrs farm 4 mile from Shen nlngton, Monr.w Co., Wis.; (to seres under cultivation, 17i acres of timber; all can be cultivated when cleared; good bulldlne-a, good well, etc. Price tS per acre Will ex chanco for other land or good Income prop erty not over 12,000. No. BOO liiO-acre farm adjoining town of Bonair. Howard Co.. Ia.: 125 acres under cultivation, 16 acres of grove, good build ings, g-ood well, windmill etc. Price tffl per acrs; Incumbrance h.lU0. Mli exenange equity for any valuable property, but pre fer merchandise, groceries or naraware. No. B09 JSC-acre farm I miles from Little Sioux. Harrison Co., Ia.;; 275 acres under cultivation, 45 acres of timothy, good build ings, good well, etc. Price 170 per acre: in cumbrance S13.40O Will exchange for small farm cloee to town or land In Oklahoma suitable for alfalfa or grain. No. Ell 240-acre farm 12 miles from North London. Marlon Co.. Missouri; DO acre un. der cultivation. 80 acres or timber, rooa house, barn, all necesaary outbuildings, good water supply, etc. Price 2j0 per acra No. L33 lfiO-acre farm B miles from Car penter, Beadle Co., South Pakota: ! a' res under cultivations all good, tillable, level land no bulldlnsrs Price tli Tier acre; In cumbrance $l,5o0. Want equity cash. No. fi?!i-S4n-aore farm 2 mtlee from Bur- well. Garfield Co.. Neb.: 70 acres under cul tivation, good, buildings, well, elo. fries 223 per acre. Want cash. i No. K2R 2-Bcrs farm S mile from Bur well, Garfield Co.. Neb.; 180 acres under cul tivation. ! sores of arrove. a-ood house large barn, machinery shed, granary, well and windmill. Price per acre; Incumbrance Jo.600. Want equity cash. No. 5!-a0-acrs farm miles from Carries, KevsPsha, Co., Neb.; TO acres under cul tivation, 10 acre of grove, good orchard, good house barn, etc. Pries 112.000. Will exchange for merchandise, hardware or smaller tract of land. No. 82 220-acro farm I miles from Ken nebec. Lvman Co.. frmth Dakota; 46 acres under cultivation, nearly all rolllnar. tlllabla land: no buidlngs. Price tit per sere; In cumbrance tuou, all cash except tl.OOO. We have hundreds of properties on our list w hich we will mall Ire of charge to any address. Globe Land & Investment Co. 1S22 Farnam St. (20)- "STRIKE WHEN THE IRON IS HOT" 18 AN OLD BATING. IT HOIXa GOOD TODAY. THEKE WILL NEVER AGAIN BE A TIME TO BUY LANDS SO CHEAP Afl NOW. REMEMBER THESE DATES TVTS-PAV8-MAI 21. JUNE 4 AND IS EX Cl RSiriNB TO LYMAN COUNTY, BOUTH DAKOTA: NEW COUNTRY. NEW TOVN, WONDERFUL DEVEIiFM ENT THH PAST YEAR. LANDS FROM S0O TO S-) 0 PER ACREv OR ON BAMJ& DATE" OO TO WlBKOOF.E. INDIAN TERRITORY. BEAUTIFUL OiiUNTRT. WtLL WATTTILD BY LIV ISO STREAMS, TIM HER. PPLKNUID BOII (JROW ALL K1NT9 OF CROPS. Ht'NrRKI3 fF PEOPLE GINO ON EVERY EXCURSION; (t'UNTRY FAST PETTL1NO UP, VERY BEST OF IMAM'S, I1I.ST CLIMATE. NLIVF-K EXCiSlVELY HT NOR VERY COI.D. ONLY II HOURS' PJDE FROM OMAHA. LANDS SFJ.l. BJSAXilLT AT $10.00 TO t0O PER Ji.C RJE. WHITE US AT ONCE TOD AY-FOR IT. LIUHATIII rAMt'MW.m. p-..i r n t-r AND OTHEJt INFORMATION IK'N T I"Kfa.T. IT WILL BUKiLY MAKES YOU i.rtf.ri mo nut. RAILROAD FARE.OVB FARE FOR Bdl Vn TRIP. H.1'14 II 00 nrrrlAL RF.PRRSRNTATIVES BOUTH DAKOTA AND INDIAN TIIOIITORY. NO Ci3T TO YOU Txt Sr.K THE ItNIS, IF YOU NOTIFY US IN ADVANCE OF YOUR OOINO A1V CHEAP WriSTEIUN NEBRASKA AND TlCAS LANDS. THE PUTNAM CO., 604 N. Y IJ H;.' CADET TAYLOR, PRE Vf. B. TAYLOR, e-EC (5P) GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCnNO qu 1 ttnaster. Fort Croit. Nsb.. May 10, laOV. Sealed proposals, in trlpni'a'.e. sub- le.-t l Hie usual conditions, wlil be rs eclved hers until 10 o clock a. m.. ccotrul M-ndard time. May 27, 1A7. for bulljiug- a port h, solarium ana m-ain4 various re- lMUra Int-Judlna painting. varn:st:ina. etc at the post hoapltal, Fort Crook. Ntb. Full infjrnt'.oa will furntthed mud plans and l.-io.'ails may b abo at the orhce of tne cunuractlitc quartern ater, sort Crook Neb. Prr.ioaais to le marked "Proposals for Repairs to Hoitl. and addrcaawl to Captain R- R Sli-glall. quartrinaatsr, TlMKta infantry, cwuairudmg quarter- luasier. Ui-l it-a m REAL ESTATE FARM ASD RA5CII L4D9 FOR t Kl.K Mlerel leasees Con tinned. Farm Bargains 220 acre. 6 miles southeast of Council Bluffs, US acres In cultivation, 1"0 mors acres can be cultivated, about 100 acres good timber. T-room house, good barn, com crib, granary, and other buildings, wind mill, two wells, very cheap. If per acre, eay terma to srres about six miles north, west from Omaha postoffice. Large orchard of all kinds of fruit, crapes and berries; about 10 acres timber; some alfalfa and timothy; two houses and all necessary buildings; plenty of water. This Is a fine fruit and grain farm; about two miles to street oar. Very cheap. Price tT.OuO. Wright & Lasbury Tel Douglas 1E3. 04 6. Kth St. (20) M5T1 ll REAL ESTATE LOANS tl.Ono.OCO TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; Do daisy. Thomas Brennan. Room 1 N .T. Life. (Xi-liri WANTED City loans end warranta. W. Farnam Bmitb Co., likiO Farnnm St ua 133 MONET TO LOAN Payne. Investment Co. P RIV ATE. MONET K. D. Wead. 1S20 Doug. (23)-lJ LOANS on Improved Omaha property. OKtEfE R. i.. CO., 1001 N. T. Life Bldg. (22)-M7j 1300 TO $30,000 TO LOAN at lowest rates; no deiay. GARVIN BROS.. lftH FARNAM. (22)-197 MONEY TO LOAN GET OUR RATES ANT TERMS BEv FORE ARRANGING Fi"R A LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE. GARVIN BROS., 1G04 FARNAM. (22) 640 12 BUILDINQ loans on residence property) 8 per cent. w. a. Melkle, Ramge Block. (Z2)-1S LOWEST RATES Bemla, Paxton Block, C?2) 1W WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters A Co. (22)-200 LOANS on Improved city property W. H. i nomas, sue f irst Mationai Bank Bldg. (22-ll WANTED To buy cigar store with estab lished trade; oowntown location preferred Address W 299. Bea (25) M448 13x REAL ESTATE WANTED OR 7-ROOM modern residence, Bemls park, Kountze Place or Hanscom park district, 23,000, cash. Address O 2f. care Bee. (23) M433 12 WE HAVE buyers for homes and Invest ments. If you will sell at a bargain and want quick sales, list your property with us. rv. r. jjoage ft t-o., ifi4 nsmsm t. 5e liiag. (23 630 12 WANTED To bur. modern, up-to-date cot taae In Bemls Park, at reasonable nrlce: 23,000 to K. sash, or better. If worth the money. Address C 353. care Bee. (23)-716 12 WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow, tl.600 on real estate property, situated 2207 Harney, at 1 per Ken 1 iniereau Aaaress a. zhk. care nee, (24)-M447 13 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To boy, second-hand furniture. cook and heatina stoves, carpets, linole ums, office furniture, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts snd all kinds of tools; or will buy the fur niture of your house complete. Will buy antique or mahogany furniture. The high est prices paid. Call t right man. Tel Douglas S971. (3)- 193 Myl7 CASH paid for .ld books. Crsnn-Foys Co, 212 8. 14th. 'Phone Douglas 1321. 125) 201 FEATHER BEDS WANTED W cents per pound paid for old feather beds; send postal; will be In the city for one wee. Address Y X cars Bee. (26 MU iilit FOX TERRIER pup wanted. Will pay cash. T. B. Lancaster, Bturgls, 8. D. (Za-M234 17x MODERN S-room cottage in good location. Address M 2!i4, care Bee (251413 15x WANTED, TO BUT For ensh. go d. pay ing drug stock In hustling Nehraska town. Address T 107. care Hoe. (20) M439 14x MODERN cottage. 1100 down, 25 per month; describe fully, state price and terms when answering. Address B 31, care Bee. (25) 16 12x WISH to purchase good, profitable busi ness Give aetalls; confidential. Address H 207, care Bee. (25) 50 12x WANTED TO BUY-Furnlture stock, 12.500 to 13, ; must be good. Address Y 102, care Bee. (2S-626 12 WANTED to buy, meat market In country town; give all Information In nrst letter. Address B-362. care Bee 2t) M710 1.x WANTED to buy. second-hand tent; must be In good condition. E. B. High. 2437 S. 20th St. (26) 701 12 x WANTED TO RENT A young gentleman wants a room In a strictly private family, where he can have two meals a day. Anyone having more than two such people about need not answer. Address O. C. Swingley, Millard hotel or telepuone Douglas H45. (36-MJ8J 12x WANTED By man. first class room, close in. Address P rJ7, care Bee. (2)-MJ 12x SMALL family want to rent or 10-room modern bouse In good location. Address M 211 Bes. (2hi-MJi 14 WANTED, TO RENT 8 to 10-room house. wiiii urn pi.irrreu; no cnunren. Ad dress P-SJ1. Bee. M6M iu WE ARE turning away good tenants every oay. um your vacant nouses with ua N. P. Dodge A Co.. 1714 Farnam gt l28- 12 WANTED -to t-room h.'uiie with yard. within walking distance of Union depot. Telephone Douglas A li) 6tS 12 WANTED, TO RENT A I or 8-room. mod ern apartment. Address K-343. rare Bee. ( M0S2 Hx WANTED SITUATION POSITION WANTED A young printer wants a position in a country office at once. No bad babita About seven yeurs of aaperienoa. Address Y 114. care Bee. C7)-M3S1 Mllm A YOUNO educated colored man. a veteri nary grsduate. would like position with s'.ockman to be of business and medical assistance; best of references. John . Shaw, 6747 Lafayette Avs., Chicago 111. (27)-M32t) lax EXPERIENCED steno?raphrr; good refer ences. Address F, Be Offloe. 10 I earl St, Council Bluffs. UT M248 la WHEN you write to advertisers remember It takes but an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Bea WANTEJ-Pos1tlon in dry, goods or gen eral mercbsndiae store by young man of T years' sxiierle-iu-e; good reference, fur nished. Address I 112. care Bee. (27)-684 llx WANTED Poeltlon in genera) store; 1 vear experience la general merchandise. Bret referencea. Addrtas Y 111 cars Bee. (27-6Sf Ux MAX with Urge experience as manager and superintendent In building and en tractlne buelnrse Wants pfis'tlon Ad drvas fc-lU, Bee. U-)-M0 Ux WANTED SITUATIONS .Continued.) CORPORATIONS wishing to do buelnees In Oklahoma can hare their bus'nese at tended to and "resident representation" for 110 a year. Brokers' Agency, Outhrle, Okl. (2T- TOfNCJ man. aed 21 years, desires posi tion colisctinsr. A hustler, and can fur nish first class referencea and bond. Ad dress V 237. care bee. (?: Ml IZX WANTFD Position as hesd miller. Ad dress F-ls. Bee. (J7) M92 1X RKAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mary E. Hsls et al. to Claude tu Combs, psrt tax 101 . iw nw sec. S4-16-12 1 " Joseph W. Teters to Trueman H. Harris, lots 1 ana X, diocb a. unum View Extension . Kate 1'eale to same, same Virginia Niles et si. to C. Oeorge Carlberg, lots 1, 4 anti a, Drncn : 101s t. srd 7. block 2; w50 ft lot 4, block t. Paj-ker s Add Alfred Holden Byles to Olive H Psrt rldrs. lot 22, block 12. West End ... Jossph E. Byrne and wife to Edward 2,500 C Leuneiai, lox a, diocs b, wain Omaha Robert O. Fink, county treasurer, to Phlllpp Handschuh. tarn lot 7. sec. 22-1G-13 Charles Flnley to Msry Bmlth, lot 12, block 11. t-ara roresi a Elmer 8. Dundy to Carleton B. 8hep- ard, wTl ft lot t and wri n nt oi T, block 19. Kountse Place tOO Kountxe Memorial church to John H. Harte, part lots 1 and 4, block a. West Omaha John Edward Marsh t al. to James A. Davis, lot , Diock 1, warms Add l. Mary E. Bridenbecker to James L. Walklnsbaw, nVi lot w, coniana Place 1750 Walter J. Green snd wife to John J. Krias, lot 9. block 1. Drexel's Sub.. 100 Wilson T. Graham to Henry F. Bwan- son. lot 61, sub block A. Reservoir Add & Total PS.227 The everlasting ques tlon. will it be a Carriage or a Buggy this summer for you? u We tave never put out a finer line of Vehicles nor so many of them at this season of the year. The man with a Swell Turnout will be in the swim this summer. There never wss a greater craze for swell equippages. We have always furnished the best ones that are driven in Omaha and we ship many of them out of town. One of our swellent broughams went to Sheridan last week, and we are getting orders for less Im posing turnouts all the time. We are giving a better price on Harness and Vehicles than any firm in town. Pon't take oar word come in and price the goods. We repair either the Carriage or the Auto. DRUHNOND'S ' Eighteenth and Harney. RAILWAY TIME CARD l!UOJ STAT10X-TESTH AXD MARCT. Calosx raslflo. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a t:6s am a 1:18 pro The China and Japan ' Past Mall a 4:15 pm a 1:10 pm Colo. & eatlf. Ex a 4:15 pm a 9:20 pm California A Ore. Ex.. .a 4:25 pm a 1:10 pm Los Angeles Limited.... al2:0C pm a!0:4t pin Fast Mall ...a B5 am a 1:00 pm ...a 7:46 am a 7:44 am Colorado Special ,. North Platte Local. Beatrice Local ...a 1:10 am a 4:60 pm . d m :ou pm du: pm Chli-aa-o, Rock lalaait 4t PaeiSe. EAST. Chicago Limited a 2:15 am a 7:10 am Iowa Local a 7:00 am a4:t0pm Chicago Mail a 2:46 pm Iowa Locnl bl2:06 pm b 2:65 pm Chicago (Eastern Ex.). .a 6:06 pm a 1:35 pm Chicago (Iowa Lmtd ). .a 6:35 pm al2:2S pm WEST. 1 Rocky Mountain Lmtd.. a 7:t0 am a 2:06 am Colo. A Cal. Express... a 1:60 pm a 4:60 pm Okl. & Texas Express. .a 4:40 pm al2:06 pin Lincoln. Falrbury and Belevue a 1:60 pm al0:10 an Chicago A Korthwesterm. Cedar Rapids Pass a 7:05 am a f :05 pm Twin City Express.. .a 7:60 am ald.Wi pm .a 1:00 am all :1s vtn Chicago Daylight .... Chicago Local Sioux City Local Carroll Local Sioux City Local Chicago Express Fast Mall Fa.Ht Mall Twin City Limited... Overland Limited ... Norfolk-Bonesteel ... Llncoln-Chsdron Deadwood-Llncoln ... Casper-Shoshonl Hastings-Superior ... Fremont-Albion Los Angeles Limited Wabash . .ail.CO am a 2:45 pm ..a S.M pm a t 35 am ...a 4:32 pm a I:n0 am a 2:45 pm ..a 6:60 pm a 7:30 am a 2.-00 pm ...a 8:22 pm a am ...a 8:28 pm a 7:05 am ...a 1:3 pm a 81 am ...a 7.4H am a 10 55 am ...b 7:40 am s!0 35 am ...a 2:00 pm a 6 06 pm ...a 2:00 pm a i:0i pm ...b 2:00 pm b 5:06 pm ...b f "2 pm bl2:&o pm ..a 1:60 pm al2:36 pm St. Louis Express .a :20 pm a 8:20 am St. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs a 1:66 am al0:20 pre Stanberry local (from Conncll Bluff:) b 1:00 pm b 11:30 am CUlraso, Milwaukee St. Pawl. Chi. A Colo. Special a 7:63 am a 7:20 am California A Ore. Exp.. a 1:46 pm a 2:10 pm Overland Limited ...f...a 1:36 pm a 2:30 am Dea Moines ft Cedar Eaplds Local b 1:45 am bll :00 pm Illlaels CsslrsL Chicago Express a 8 00 am a 8:48 pm Minn. A St. Paul Exp.. .b i.OO am a 1:16 pm Chicago Limited a f 00 pm a 7:30 sin Minn. St. Paul Lmtd. .a 1:30 pm a 2:30 am Chicago Great W esters 6t. Psul & Minneapolis.. 1.30 pm 7:10 am 11.60 pm sm 11 :53 pm 8:30 pm fct. Psul A Minneapolis 7 45 am 1 40 pm 7:46 am 2 .JO pm Chicago Limited Chicago Express Chicago Express ...... Miaseorl Pacta. K. C. St. L. Exp.. K. C. c at. L. Exp. Nebraska Loral ..a :00 am a t:S0 are ..all:15 pm a S:2S pin ..a 2:00 pm all 40 am a 4:16 pm Des Moines Local .1 BIRLIXGTOX STATIOK IOTH ex MASOX BarliBSrtow. Leave. Arrive ..a 4 if pm a l pm ..a 4:10 pm a I j0 pm Denver A California Ulack Hills Northwest Special ... a 4 10 pm a I iu pm all:!0 pm a 7:1' am ....a 2:14 am a 7:46 pm a 8.10 am a 7:46 pm a 66 am ....b 2:00 pm al2:01 pm a 7: Dm Northwest fc-x press Nebraska Exureas Nebiaa.a Liiwl .. Lincoln Loca. Lincoln Fust Mall. Lincoln Local Ft. Crook Flattsin'th.b 2:60 pm blO:28 am Plattsmouth a 7:60 pio a 8:10 am Ienver Limited a 7:10 sin Bellevue A Pac June .a 3 SO am a 1:60 pm Chicago r.peelal Chicago Erpiese .... Chicago Flyer Iwa Local St. Ixiuis Express Kansas Cltv-Pt. Joe. a 7:25 am a 7:26 pm a 2 45 pm a I 66 pm a 8 65 pm a 7 26 pm a I 15 am alO f.3 pm a 4:45 pm all :20 am al" 46 pm a :45 am Kanaas 'ltv-8l. Joe ul:15 am f .10 pm Kansas City-St. Joe a 4:46 pm WEBSTER STATIOS-ltUh A WEBSTER Chirac, St. Peel. Mlaaeaoolls Omaha. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ..b SX) sm b I 10 pm Eloux City Pasenger... 2:00 pm HI JOtm Knerson Local b I 46 pm h t 10 am Emerson Local ...o 8:46 am C I 50 pm Mlsaowrl PsclSe. Ixv al vta Weeping Wat r a 8:06 am a 8 20 pm Fail City Local ..a 8 64 pm sil:60 pn a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, s Sunday only, s Dally except Monday. Office hours, 8 -on to f SO a. m.. 12tt to 2 20 p m. Telephone Harney M. OMAHA VETERINARY HOSPITAL ZSIO Ma. ea Street, Oaaaha, Hea. II. L. RtmacclottI, D. V. S. Deputy Stat and City Veterinarian, Food Inspector. Chief Surgeon. I). C- Scott, D. V, O-. 11 piUkl Sarguoo. TRADE CONDITIONS IN OMAHA Uniform Reports from All JobWi f Con tinued Eetvy Trad, PRICES HOLD FIRM AND FEW ADVANCE Mere Faverafcls Weather mm Reaalt mmt laaleatloas far Barnaer Craps wf All Grata Caasa Geasrsl Rejolclaa;. Prosperous trade conditions enjoyed this spring by all large wholesale Jobbers of Omaha were continued In Increased volume during the last week and Jobbers uniformly report sales of gr'it quantity for the flrat part of May. Weather conditions have ctwsod to play an Important part In the trade, although they have had the effect of curtailing the number of visitors to are now enjoying their largest trade of the year snd are unable to lane even a few days off to mske a visit to the central Jobbing points. , Indications are for bumper crops In all grains throughout this state and It Is be lieved that the reports of damage to Kan sas crops have been greatly exaggerated. This means that the trade of the ersulng year will be of satisfactory volume, and even In excess of that of many previous years. Farmers are elated over crop pros pects snd are now buy tilling the soil and planting of all kinO, resulting In an In creased demand for harvesting machinery this fall, but dullness In some linos of trade during the present period of spring activity. Frost has damaged crops of small fntlts In msnv parts of the state, but this will hot materially afrct the local wholesale market, as little Nebraska fruits f-nd their way to this market In the ahape of canned goods, dealers aepenaing mostly n r mm nuuolles of these commodities from west ern or southern points, precipitation In the form of snow during the last ten dsys has msde the soil exceedingly receptive for spring cultivation and rspld rrowth snd firosperts are entertained tor anotnrr afge corn crop, insuring plenty of work for Nebraska canneries snd a good mar ket for the manufactured product In Omaha this summer, although s'ockg ars In good position at the present time. Congestion of trafno has caused much concern by dealers In some lines of trade, hut the principal complaint Is because of aeiayed shipments. tars are apparently more plentirul at the present time tnan at any time this sprlrg, but shipments from all eastern points are retarded because of the Inability cf railroad companies to han dle the Immense volume of freight toward the west. Hardware Jobbers report that shipments of goods from Chicago and Minneapolis are sometimes in transit for eight or ten days, when they should be transported In at least three or four days. This condition has caused hardship, both to the wholesale merchants and the consumers, who have been utterly unable to supply the domands of customers for many staple lines of goods. This Is an Indication that freight Is very badly congested on western roads, with little prospect of Improvement in con ditions. Hardware jobbers report thst wire cloth and poultry netting continue very scarce and with no Immediate Indications of relief In this resiied from eastern manufacturers. There is continued heavy demand for all lilies of sporting goods, golf, base ball, lawn tennis and firearms, such as has not been witnessed for many yeara, but the aernana ns been accommodated by nier cnanis nsvlng anticipated such conditions lam fall, wnen heavy stocks were laid In. and the predictions at that time have been more than Justified by the present trade. Business ot hardware Jobbers has been unusually heavy during the last week and collections are in good position. There have been sharp advances In prices on several small lines, but few changes In prices for the staple lines. Strap and key hinges advanced 10 per cent during the period under review. All varieties ot wojd stock advanced from 26 to 40 per cent and sheet sine advanced 60 cents per loO pounds. The general market tone Is Arm and other advances are anticipated. The business of Omaha Implement deal ers has been rather qulst during the last week, but this condition was expected, owing to the time of the year, as the sell ing; season has not advanced sufficiently to warrant the receipt of many second or ders. Corn planters have been In good de mand owing to the more favorable seeding weather experienced for some time pant and some few second orders have been re ceived from Nebraska dealers. Buggies are being sold In greater quantities than Is usual st this time of the year, but the wagon trade has been very dull and little Improvement Is hoped for In this line for several months. Weather conditions have not. apparently, affected the general trade in Implements ar.a recent snows have caused increased activity among farmers, which will result in later business of good character. Weather and general crop con ditions have more effect upon the imple ment trade than upon any other whole sale Jobbers, and optimistic opinions are generally entertained by local Jobbers as to tne tail ouainess. mere are prospects for much larger crops In Nebraska snd Kansas, which will result in increased de-j mand for harvesting machinery. Gi-neral prosperous conditions among farmers are quickly noticed by Implement Jobbers ow ing to an apparent disposition of farmers to Invest more heavily in expensive farm and vehicle trade will. It Is -believed, of brief machinery and vehicles when crops have , grocery Jobbers, sustamea a seveie i" been good. The present season is deemed a,t wednesdnv by the collapse of. a Pr more favorable In this respect and the dull- ; lon of their six-story wsrehouse at Ninth n... nn mnrin,.A In h V V The llinu tO bllild- he duration. and temporarily demorallied the buxlness lobbers report that there has been I of this large firm. A new eight-story ware nce In prices on any of the staplo ' bouse will be erected on the site of the ae rlng the last week, although the I moliehed hulldlng and the firm will t i i Shoe Jobbers no adva general tendency of the market is very firm ana small anvances In some lines are i activity or tne maraei w.n. . exceedingly probable within a few montha I Turpentine is down 2c lower tnan a A feature of the trade of local wholesale week ago. and oil (linseed) has advanced Arms is that the business during the month twice during the week, a rent at a time, of March was much greater in volume making it 2 cents hlsher. There is a S" a -than that during the April, or so far dur-1 demand for plate glass and glass or an ing the month of May. Retail merchants Vinds for bu ding rrrs. ,'aTa Stocked up heavily during the warm Is there a .call for arl .glass 1 Ir, 'Omaha on weather had last March and. as a result. I account of the activity In residence build V?.-.1' f0L'".Tmrv.J2n:!:"Jal!r".?,"l,nfhe'dn,r ma-Vet has shown Increased largest. The demand for oxfords con strong and a few second orders are received. The trsde in rubber goods is practically over for this sesson, snd it was not of large slie st any time during treme drouth prevailed for many weeks during the spring. Even with these un favorable weather conditions prevailing this spring ths trade in rubber lines wss much heavier than during; ths correspond ing period of 1W. Collections have been' H-.00 L.IYB STOClfc MARKRT v.r rmA mnA much Imnmvemen. In Hil.llULAUO ' respect Is shown since the first of May. Merchants are discounting their bills with their Initial orders and financial conditions are regarded as extremely favorable. Job bers are congratulating themselves on the large business dons this spring, even with unfavorable weather, and sometimes won der what the business would have been If the weather had been perfect. The fresh fruit and vegetable market has been very strong during the last week. with prices generally well sustained owing to the backward weather prevailing over Llllna over new" eo - modltles have made their appearance " the market for the first time this year and several articles of primarily winter sale have been closed out. Strawberries, which are still obtained in greatest quan tities from Arkansas, have been very scarce and not even In sufficient supply to accommodate the local demand. Prices will be slightly higher on berries and OCEAN STEAMSHIPS JiePin, CHINA. PHILIPPINES, HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA b? the Moral Mall Wmimh of the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Tt futert setwvKien to th Orient. Bixwrsi Mfi v tb " wt.rieja of tiiBft," U da., thdira. t VtUlOl Ue-r ed frtoh8ti. T " IfcitAU, ' " A Vi-t ' titsd "MiaatAsa!'' irurld mm Mocpt itilly cm9 trit. avrrriiLi om tm wtt Am pmrnmngtin nuijti ihm IbWrQISseileM tmlmm. from Vaimmmitv tn Yokohama. Kob SI2kaSBvl. feseaAftlMai. liOwAlf H" lUM. JtiiUUi. BimprtMa Castiia Mr Al Mobtewctt Jun IT AuiisiM Jipi EmprvM of Jpa Jutr I ICiuarwi ot ludia Juat ilrur July 21 I torn T&acoAVaY to Xuolmla uA BjAasj, ustrsvlia. Mir4 Mar MioiU July II Wraiisl Jtib I. Mior Aug. II lr rates. lAformatic o4 Itioraiura arply u Am 0. UUW, Um'l ArtwSUa Cktuk BU, LEGAL NOTICES TO ARCHITECTS. Submit piers snd speclrUatlone for m'dsrn school building, four rooms first floor, two rooms and one reception room sccna floor; basement for steam heating: build ing to be of brick acd not to cist over 81'.u00 complete. Oscar Juhnson, Secretary echuol Board. Shlcaiey. Neb. ni!2Jll lO ORAIUNQ CONTRACrrORS I NDER signed want rrmA graled at Holy Bepul cher cemetery, In this city. Call at,d eve prnlo at P. C. Unity , trtaurer of cem etery, Li 0 llth ot., city. Uii-lte WE have left 48,000 shares of VV our allotmcAt of 100,000 shares of Bertha, Consolidated Gold Mining Co., at 15 cents Notice No reicrvaJioiYS on the stock will be iven. but cept 10 payments on Cons. 25c stock, Abbott 204 Neville Dldg. vegetables of all kinds are very scarce with the possible exception of lettuce snd radishes. New potatoes are becoming more plentirul, coming principally from Texas and Louisiana, but old potatoes are higher In price and of poor quality. The first car of Cuban pineapples has ar rived ana the pines are 01 gooa quality. Florida grape fruit la out of the market, as Is Florida celery, but oranges of the navel varieties are In plentiful supply of the finest quality. Some blood oranges are on the market and fine Florida tomatoes are selling at lower prices than la usual at this time of the year. The sugar market has continued strong during the last week, but with no material change In prices. Raws are anciea princi pally by the acute Cubsn situation where many centrals have stopped operations on account of the continued drouth and re fined sugars tend toward hilrher prices since the sharp advance recentlv at Ban Francisco of 2oc per hundred. The Cali fornia advance wss due to strlnr.nt con ditions with regard to the local and Ha waiian crops and will not affect the terri tory east of Colorado, according to the opinions -of prominent sugar authorities. Backward spring weather ' hss affecteed the cheese market by retarding pasturage and prices are generally firmer. October stock is In great demand and dealers sn ticlpate slightly higher prices on the new stock. iiiju. . .,,,.iiv heavv for this ..irf f the vear and prices have held Jitrong for the beat., gradea. Canned gooos eno ibii. creaicr demand on the approach of warmer weather and canned meats are yery strong, with several slight sdvances in "rices. paxton uaiiaajner. mr (ng and stock will amount to about M.0M 1 1 . . r. .1- .rr,nniiiel the buKlness ! larger part than ever in the commercial ine con-e mu. - and Kreaates were freely bought by noma better grades, aitnougn m. v" " , ",u T and American buyers. During the four re still slightly wesker. Qan'" main g days ofttte sales 44 120 bales will poorer stock have been .""i"'' i be offered. Following are the sales I. d ened market .with the result that Stall: New South Wales, 1.800 bales; been some decline In prices, which wuia lode's d ; greasles. MSflsM; probably go evejj flower I r It were not for g tuo bales; scoured. IS 2dUlslJ5; the fact the Br1,1,7,,.i'r?me , ?S1 greasy. Mi 2d. Victoria. 1.700 bales; been a heavy speculative factor in the , uh it ,,. Bdftla4d. 1 usually The dnir market has shown in"eas-o S I sctivlty during the last week and a number , HnJ'of stanle articles have been advanced In od. is "ire Cod1ne advanced 25c per ounce; ods is ' . -r iLr ner pound vanilla a v.,. nr nnupd F?JL.r .3 "noe-l roIr SSc to W Tier pound: beans advanced from 25c to 60c per pound: - 1 .(..., mni advanced He per .""," ,.naer root advanced He per pound; cod liver oil Is a trifle ea-ler. while : ouinlre bi" been declined In price lc per !".!" ' t. 1. .. . whole, however, the 'market is very Aim. with prospects of fur I ther sdvances during the spring months. id Sheep Steady Hoss five Cattle mmi Cents Httrker. CTTTCAOO. May 1 2r0 hesd: market steady; beeves . 84 S45- cows, tl SOa-t 86; heifers. I2.wij6 o. bull's. tlVtt re Ives. 24.2T4 00; good to frlmi steers. 4- 46; poor to rnedlum. U f6 3; stockers and feeders. 22.8036 HOOB-Receipt-. 7 ( had : tjisirket 5c hiaher- 11ht. $4086: mixed. t4f82H. 1 Pln.' Jiii". t-u.. w...h if. lf,-a SO: Pigs. nesw. o.iin, htii - - ,1 . . ,M'fl45: fod to choice heavy, litw 1 1 tlS TV,!, V UHfun'e celpts, 1 son hesd: market steady; na ives. western. 24 60O.t0; yfarllnRS pi .-f7.. Umbs. t.0a 70; western. 86.&uSS 75. Dlicur City Live Stock Market. viK-eia PITY Msy 11 CATTLE R .NeCadVmarkert unchanged; choice export and dressed beef steers. IS 2f fair to good 84 : western fed st-rs t4X'aS60; stockers and feeders. uthem steers, 14 0-6.60, cows, 23 ntiva cows 22 76u6o0; native helfera. t376 bun.: Vs.m: Receipts for the week were 82 200 head HOGS-Recel.ts 6,000 head: market strong to 5c higher: top. 36.': bulk of sales. IS.46&S50; hesvy. t 4.,i6.46: Packers. Js 4 'Vfci; lights. 4Sa.62V: pigs. Xti ith Kerelr.t. for the week. 67.u9 head. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. """'j ma-rket nominally steadv; Ismbs. PI""", ewes and yesrltngs. 88 60S. 76; western fed yearlings Sa.tfc'al.OO; western fed sheep, 240U.0; fed ewes. t4.0U&S.0O Mew York Live Stork Market. NEW YORK, May 11.-BEEVE8- Re ceipts. 1.43u head, all consigned to slsugh terers and exporters; nothing doing: feel ing stesdy. Liverpool and London cables reported live cattle, steady: retrig.rator beef firm at c per lb.; exports. fJi cattle and 6 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 14 head; market fuel ing weak on expected heavy receipts Mon dsy; medium vesls sold at K.Cv: dressed calves In moderste supply end alout suady; city dressed veuia, aUSsc per lb.; country dressed. jr.. , , . lPxiB-Herelrts. 2.746 hesd, all for slaugh ters market noniinslly steady. SHEEP AND LA MHS-Receipts. 4 12 bead; market about steady; sheep, nominal; lambs, all clipped, 7-8wa1.75; no spring Utmbs offered. It. J.wsk IJve Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. May 11 CATTLE Receipts. Si head, market steady; natives. t o 26; eows and heifers. ti.bui'4.i6; lockers and feeders. S3 76tr4 SO. liutjd itevvlpta, i.M head, maiaet filOc 15 -cent will ax-Bertha, sixty days. L Eevard Omaha. Neb. higher; top, 26.62H; bulk of sales, 84 409 .47. SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts, none lambs, tS.26.flS. 66; yearlings, 26.0oy.&0. . Slaox City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, May U. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipt a, o head; mar ket steady; beeves, t4.6n4i6.75; cows, bulls and mixed, 13 .4oi&4.; cockers ana leeaers, j 63 gftM 00; calves and yearlings, t3.404i4.30. 1 rlUUS rteceipia, neao; maraev 99 higher, selling at ti.a.u; duik 01 saies, t8.36ws.27. Stock la Staht Receipts of live stock at the six principal Cuttle. H"gs. Sheep. ,. 81 8.3X0 463 ,. 200 6.010 ,. 20 6.0O ... . Si 4.3X2 .. t 3"0 .. 2u0 7.0u0 1.600 ,..UH 3J.3S3 LW3 South Omaha Sioux City ... Kansas City St. Joseph .... St. Louis Chicago Total Wool Market. LONDON. May 11 WOOL A good selec tion, consisting of 12.178 bales, was offered at the wool auction sales today. Competi tion was strong and prices remained firm. Fine cross breds were in active request Ronth lUd. West Australia. L2u0 balia, scoured. ,lldijrls6d; gressy, 7dS'ls Id. New Zealand, 6.104 bales; scoured, Is drls HVjd; greasy, l8dls2d. Cape of Good Hope and Natal, X0 bales; scoured. Is ldjjls 6d; greasy, fcid lilW-ll ST. LOUIS. May 11. WOOL Steady: medium grsdes combing and clothing, 2 J ilk-; light fine. 2i'u-21c; heavy nne, lfil7c; tub washed, Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Msy ll.-OOTTON-pot closed quiet; middling uplands. 11.90c; mid. dllng gulf, 12.16c; sales, 25 bales. LIVERPOOL, May 11. COTTON Spot In fair H.manil' ririres 3 nolnts higher: Ameri can middling fair. 7.86d; good rnldiiilng, 78!d: middling, 67M; low middling. 4d;. good ordinary, 6.idd; oriinsry, ui. i no sales of the day were 8,0 bales, of which 6'i0 were for speculation and export, and In cluded 7.200 American. Receipts, LOjO bales. including TW American. ST. IXUIfl. May 11. COTTON Steady; middling, llc; aales. 6V) bales; recelpis, 167 bales; shipments, 491 bales; stock, 27,147 Malcfl NEW ORLEANS, May 11 COTTON Spot market closed stesdy; sales, 425 bales; low ordinary, 6Tc. nominal; ordinary, 7c, nominal; low middling. l'Sc; middling. lll-16c; good middling, 12 8-lAc; middling fair. 131-16. Receipts, 2,009 bales; stock, 124,078 bales. Imr and Molasses. NEW YORK, Miy 11. SUGAR Raw Arm; fair refining, 2.27c; centrifugal, l test. 2 67e; molasses sugar. 2. 12c; refined. Arm; No. s. 4.60c; No, 7, 4.46c: So. . 4 40o; No. , 4.26c; No. 10, 4.25o; No. 11. 4.20c; No. 12. 4.16c: No. 12. 4 10c; No. 14. 4.06c; eonfectloners1 A. 6.20c; crusnod. t.60o; powdered. 6.00c; granulated, 4.80c; cubes, t.ltc. MijLASSES Steady; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice. 27&3tc. NEW ORLEANS. May 11. SUO.VR Steady; open kettle centrifugal. I i i 3 J ; centrifugal yellows, Td6 4c; seconds, 2veivc MOLAbSES Quiet; new syrup, 20 0 240. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. May 11. COFFEE Market for futures opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline of 10 points In response to dlsapDoln tins' French cables, with con tinued heavy recelpis and European selling. There was enough local buying to sustain prices around the opening figures and the market cloaed quiei. net unchanged to 10 points lower. Sales were reported of 10.600 bags. Including May at t.6oc; July at 6.4ucl September. 6 Jou6 36c; December, 6.2mo ana March, t.40r; spot coffee, quiet. No. 2 Rio, 6V; Santos Nu. 4, 7"c, mlid coffee, quist; Cordova, try Unc oils and Rosin. NEW YORK, May 11. OILS Cottonseed, strong; prime crude, f. o. b. mills, nominal, petroleum, steady; reAn"d New York, ta (w; Phllsdrlphla and Baltimore, t8.16; Phlla delphla and Baltimore In bulk. 64.70. Tur pentine, quiet. 87fr77ye. KOHiis firm; airaiiiea common to iwl NW: .. .. OIL. t ITT, pa., stay u-ititrtnimer. Firm. 3Vc. ROSIN Firm; quite: A. B. C. 84 27fl4 40; D. 84.45; E. 34 ; F. 3 i;i4.7:.; O, 84 7l4 Hu; H, M 72"a45, I. 14.76; K. ti 25; M. ti tvj t.85; W. O., It 0; W. VV.. ti 6"4iS 70. Whisky r rkl. PEORIA. May 11. WHISKY Market steady at 81 .24. 6T. LOUI3. May 11 -WHISKY-Markat steady on basis of 81 34 fr high wines. 4HiCAG. May 11. WHISKY Market steady at 11.29. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. May it SEEDS Clover, cash, 18 80; October, iftV'; December, 87 (; March, 17.10. Alalae, T.?u. Timothy. U. Forelsn Financial. PARIS. May 11 Prices on the Bourse today were heavier at the close. Kun.n4 imperial 4- closet al 7i36 and Russia) Unds of lis4 at t. )ERLIN. May 11. -Prices oo the Bourse ttalay were weaker on ye.terdy's New York advices with the threatened lockout In the building Uadcs, and Ui. rising yriie of gralo. Rontti Australia .mi nsies: sreasF. bwum