TITO OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 32, 1907. 8 REAL ESTATE CTPT PROPEBTT FOR HAf.B (Continued.) J. H. DUMONT & SON HOMES Ideal homo (or orne one. t3.710 New t-room modern houM on 43d. near Farnam. Just completed. 1SA fltrlrtly modem new hnuae: 4 bed roomn, tiled bth Unace (or addi tional rooms In attkj. Uvlna room, 14x29, with mantel, grate, beamed celling and paneled walla. Beamed celling and Side board In dining room; quarter sawed oak flnleh and floor flrat story; south and aaat (ront oorner; choloa location. This Is an exceptionally fine home, and tha price la right, too $2.600 -room modern cottage, with mall barn, lot Ifxlfia feet, permanent walks, rented at M per month, posses sion on. reuaonable notice, IS.fiSO 8 rooms, practically new, all mod ern, one- block (rem car, easy walking distance, corner lot. 61:x67 feet, paved Street, permanent walks. t2. 800 ear h h re new, modem, t-room houses, lots S4xl esoh, alley In rear, within easy walking distance of , U. P. hops; 1500 cash, balance monthly. tttfo U-room house, ene Mock from Vin ton BL car line; rented (or $30. n.000 A-room modem house, full lot, choice location, Dundee Place. $8,7SO-Almost new -room strictly mod cm - house, finished In hard wood first torys (ull lot, with paved street and per manent walks; close lo the Catholic cathe dral. Price Just reduced (rom $6,000. f Z.000 7-roem strictly modern house In Bern Is Park district two-story H block from street car (ifjOo 07x3EO feet with 5-room cottage, on 80th Bt car line, all modern except water; good well; practically new; easy terms. $1,800 each two t-room houses, near Kountse Park, modern except fiirnaoe; per manent walka; rent, $20 per month each. J. II. DUMONT & SON, . WALKING DISTANCE 8-room cottage near 20th and Caatellar, thoroughly well built. Price, (1.6U0. C. O. CARLBERO, til N. Y. Life Bldg. (19)- SUBURBAN ACRES, IN FLORENCE HEIGHTS. Thla desirable property Is located about even blocks northwest end o( Florence street oar line,-and Is divided Into tracts of (rom three to ten acres, at price range 1ng (rom $1:40 to $3"0 per acre, according to location. Florence Heights Is an ideal plaoe for a suburban home, and commands a rnagnlflclont view of the river and sur rounding country, affords Its citizens the advantage of the 6 cents street car fare to and from Omaha, also electric light, tele phone service to Omaha without extra charge, excellent school, nine grades, and free delivery of goods from Florenoe stores. Call at our office and receive a plat show ing plan and detailed Information regard ing thla property, as several very desirable sights are still unsold. lok this over this afternoon and while there Inspect the grounds of "Roeemere" the country home of Hon. Thomas D. Crane, located at the north end of this tract You will be sur prised at the beautiful view afforded from this commanding position. GKOROK A CO.. 1601 Farnam. I (IB) 631 11 KEJW modern cottage home of 6 rooms, on Manderson, near 27th street; has every modern convenience except furnace; full lot and south front; owner removing from city and must sell. Call for price and number F. D. WEAD. 1624 Douglas St 09)- $9.W-8urrNy located heme on Famam hou with hard wonjMJinl.h; modern Pt. hill: hardo4 finish, hook rune, built very r-speot; on H " B J1,1 'Mian's? FORCED SALE Large lot . in High School. Call for price & number F. D. 1524 GET IN LINE Tou should have dona so years ago and you would own a home today. Tell us just what you want and we will fit you out. We have homes, all si its and prloes. and any kind of terms a man could ask. $1.000-4-room cottage, lot 80x180. $1,100 t-room cottage, lot 80x130. 81.100-o-room cottage. 91B g. 17th St it Htft-i-ranm cott. isth and Bnrln Rt 11.210 t-room cottage, 16th and Kim. tl.s.0 t-room cottage, cor. 17th and Oak. $l.Jti0 rooms, Tth and Dorcas. 81.8U0 f rooms, l$th and M. South Omaha. $1,100 4 rooms, fins location, good repair. Vacant kts at your own prloe. JACKSON CO. till Frederick St 'Phone Ash 48333 aa- WEST FARNAM HOME FOR $4,500.00. ' On (1st Ave, near Dodge Bt, T rooms, all modern, ex cellent repair, full basement, good laundry, i tied rooms on second floor, located oa full lot. tOxlls feet GEOBOB CO., Exclusive Agents. 101 Vfernam Bt fete, May M UL QZ)-4JX1X REAL ESTATE citt rHOPK.RT x fob sale. (Continued.) INVESTMENTS n ya a kinrk of three room brick W.owo New flat, near o8tefnce; rooms une'iJrs and rooms down; u rents $930 per year. $10,000 Double -room brick house and full comer lot. on Farnam St. close In. Room (or another double house. This property Is paying well now, snd can be made to pay an exceptionally high rate. $7.50i Choice south (ront lot, and prao ,i,..ii r. Lmnm house, with finished attic, modern in every rwii"ti, r.i uw, c hill; rented (or one year (or $780. 10.GoivPun corner lot two blocks from nostofrlce; I old houses, bringing $46 rent exceptionally good location (or natts. MSSO-Corner lot. . on car line. paved street, permanent walks. 6-room house, modern except furnsce, rented for one year (or $140 This Is the last one led of (our, the other three have been sol. VACANT $7.000 Three full lots, south front, comer, on Farnam BL choice location (or a home. and hill; east very sTBO Full lot three blocka from Farnam car, on grade, permanent walk, sewer, gaa and water In street- $60040x110. 41st Ave., price reduced (rom (WO. near Davenport; $1,300 Very choice Bemls Park district; exceptionally good neighborhood, (.VO each two fine lota, east of. Fort Omaha, cloae to Florence car line. $366 Another Rood let In same vicinity. I These three lots are priced at less than they are worth. $300 to $500 each Five lots. 86x112, alley In rear, two blocks from car, handy to Omaha and South Omaha; just the place to build cottage homes. $200 each Two choice lota near Country club. If sold tea-ether $375 for both. 8e our advertisements In the News and World Herald of this date. 905 - 6 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. (19)- 18th and Chicago Sts. ll-room all modern aouth front brick flat lot 22x132; would rent for $60 per month; now occupied by owner; elegant location for rooming house. Price, $6,000 I $2,2o0 cash. B E M I S 'Phone Douglas 685. Paxton Block. tlSJ- MODERN COTTAGE t-room cottage near 84th and Parker; thor oughly well built: large lot. Price, $2,600. If you wish a desirable home, see this. C. Q. CARLBERtl, 811 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19- NEAR COUNTRY CLUB Ten acres and large 10-room house, barn and chicken houses, fruit and orchard; high and sightly, one mile north of Coun try club; a beautiful country home. Owner died and estate must be closed up; price, $6,500. Five, ten and fifteen acres; beautiful acre tracts for homes and gardens, all on main road and accessible to Benson car. N. P. DODGE ,& CO., 1714 FARNAM. (19) MJ98 U FOR SALE Near High school, one 10 and one 6-room house and full lot on paved street. Address tr ssa, care Bee. OB)-4I667 III house; full vicinity of WEAD, Douglas St. 1 (15) The Most Sightly Location in Omaha for a Home. Three very large K. front building sites oa N. 88th Bt. north and aouth of California Bt., suitable for high-class residences; paved street, good car service, fine view which can never be obetruoted; exceptionally good neighborhood. Prloea and full particulare on request. We also have a special bargain hk block west of S8la on California St, 49x128 .' wttn Permanent walk and alley In rear, onlv u iuuiq uuni 101 across ins street advertised in our bargain list last Sunday la son. J. II. DUMONT & SON, 805-4 N. T. Ufa Bldg. SIX-ROOM COTTAGE FOR $2000.00 8fi08 Decatur St. city water, gaa, toilet good aouth front lot 80xl2 feet house In excel lent repair; very desirable hvnie. handy to car Una Don't bother tenant, but come an4 see us about It GEOROs A CO.. 1801 FARNAM ST Exclusive Agents. X C)-M13t 11 8-ROOM bouse and full lot for sale or trade jor wiuuiw mtiM clooe tn; near car Uue. Inquire owaes, U k. 2U St lilt UA 1 m I REAL ESTATE CITT PROPK.RTY FOR ALB (Continued.) Bargains in Homes FOR QUICK SALE I L300 Ruts a T-roora cottage, with lot eoxbo (eet. en the corner o( Sth and Charles. The property rents (or $150 per annum. I 1,800 Buys the -room modem honse and sood barn In rear, with 60-foot lot. at 2R24 Hamilton. This -property rents (or $216 per annum. 1,260-. hmts the B-room cottage si r. 19th Bt., being only blocks from the pnetomce ana rents ior kiv per annum. $ XOOO Buys the 8-room, two-etnry frame dwelling at 417 N. 19th St., renting for. $440 per annum. Thla properly Is only $Va blocka from the post- office. I 1710 Buys an 8-room modem house at 619 8. 2th St. This property la al most Immediately opposite All Raints' church, within a few min utes" walk of the heart of the city It rents fer $330 per annum. 1 IMO rhivs the -room. fully modem frame dwelllna- at 1644 N. lth Bt. Thla uronertv has a 60-foet lot. .frnrdinr amnio ' room fer another house and Is only a few blocks "north of Cuming, renting for $360 per annum. t l,00O-Buys an l-reom, fully modem house at f4 B. Kith Ave., renting for $30 per annum This houso was newlv erected about two years ago and la In a handsome, growing district; would make an attractive home. $ 8,500 Buya and t-room, fully modern, attractive house, with good bam. at 3016 Chicago. This hou was built for a homestead by the orig inal owner and Is a bargain at the price asked. This property rents for $390 per annum. t 1.500 Buys two a-room, fully modem awe 1 nra at lsO4-lf0B ueoma Ave., renting for $720 per annum. These houses ceuld not be erected today for less than $7,500 to $8,000. $ J.000 Buvs 80X106 feet on the northwest corner of 24th and Bpencer (vacant), suitable for business Drenerty. This Is the cheapest comer to be found on Z4th St south or Manaerson. $ 4,600 Buya the 8-room, house at 107 Wirt fully modem Thla house cost something over $6,000. $ 1,600 Buys the a-room, fully modern house at 2116 Wirt The house alone cost the original owner something over 17,500, 1 7,600 Buys the lot. 78x133 feet on the southeast comer of 17th and Cali fornia, competent to take care of a terrace of elsrht houses, or quite suitable today for a business block. $10,000 Buys 88x132 feet on the southwest oorner of 19th and Cass, Improved with 8 semi-modern cottages, bring ing In a total rental of JwiO per an num. f 8,000 Buys the 8-room, fully modern house at 210 Poppleton, renting for $390 per annum. ( t 2,600 Buys the very attractive property at ZRW N. lth Ft., consisting or a lot 60x140 feet with fine large trees and a 7-room semi-modern cottage. $ 6,000-Buys the property at 2314 8. loth St, consisting of a larpe, fully mod em dwelling, with 1S2 feet of front age, Immediately opposite the Bt Joseph hospital. t 8,600 Buys the two 2-story, frame, fully modern dwellings at ZTis-znx spen cer St, renting for $483 per annum. These houses alone cost tha original owner $6,000. Apply to W. B. Meikle j 206 Ramije BIOr. (19 REMARKABLE OFFER I have just bought twelve elerent lots en Bionao ft., between atb and 27th Bts., at a ridiculously low price (rom eastern holders, who have held them (or at least thirty years and now cut loose, therefore can make extremely (avorable prloes and lerma to nome aeeKera, Arrangements have been made to fill to grade. Tree will be planted. Permanent walks will be laid. Water mains will be extended. Sewer and gas now In street. Perfect title, abstract with each lot. All taxes paid. 6 leta-$xl26, facing north, $500 each. I lota SXxlJO, racing aouth,, fso each. I lots Sx 100. facing south. $S60 each. 1 lot 87x116, facing west 8500. ; uorner 40xlf, too. EASY PAYMETTS uooi x x ivtiiiii j. o $50 CASH; BALANCE $10 PER MONTH. This la your opportunity to aooulre i splendid lot close fn. within easy walking distance at a extremely low prloe and on terms tnat is sure to piease you. WILL BUILI TO SUIT. Easy terms and small payments. C. G. Carl berg $11 N. T. Ufa Bldg. 09)- VACANT LOTS $2,80060x800, fronting on two streets, ltanimm Park district: will divide. $3,000 7xlt, 2$th and Jackson; good fiat site. $1.000 Karh. for two lota, 44x185, east front, Bancroft St $1,000 Northwest corner 88th and Charlea. $ 750 South front on Seward, near 83d. $ 760 Southeast corner $lst and Charles, 100x127. " t BOO Northwest oorner 86th and Blondo, 500 Foutli front on Cedar, near 4th. $ 260 South front on Francis, near 2d. Lots soutn ana sajoining Miner Psrk $1C0 to $J00 each Jo down and $6 per month. BEMIS 'Phone Douglas 68S. Paxton Block. (19)- Dundee $7B0 60x136. on water main, on grade, trees. cement waia, sireei grauoa. ass bdouc this. Selby . 440 . Board of Trade Bldg. 0 CHOICE RENTAL PROP ERTY I $4.000 Fine city lot oa Isard St., near Z2d; granite paving In atreet and alley; four cottagea that are always rented, three have had the same ton anta for over ten years; rents are lience low, but now bring In $44 per month; you can easily get moi Only takes $2,000 down and balance can remain at ( per cent. Isard St. will ultimately be trackage and lota will double In value. N. P. DODGE & CO. 1714 FARNA-M 8T. REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTT FOR 8 ALB (Continued. DUNEEE LOTS For Sale $500 TO $750 ONE BLOCK FROM CAR LINE $50 DOWN Balance on Terms R. C. PETERS & CO., 220 S. 17th St, Bee Bldg. 18) "MRS. NEWLYWED" HERE'S WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A beautiful little home of six rooms, en tirely modern; has nice square reception nan, oomoinauon i ront ana oacg stairway, parlor, dining room, good kitchen, pantry and tin closet on first floor, two nice sleeping rooms with large closets and bath room on second floor, woodwork on first floor Is stained, shellacked. WAXED and polished. This is the latest and very best interior finish; floors are stained and var nished; has best of modern open plumbing and is wired for electric lights and piped for gaa and furnace; has combination fix tures: basement la of fine, hard brick, has concrete Moor with cement tep; lot is 60x124 feet. This house la really complete and reaay 10 move into; must oe soia mis wee. This is on 22d Bt. fronting west, between Manderson and Laird. 2 blocks from car. on nice street of homes. One of our sales men will be on premises between 2 and 4 p. m. today. (Jo out and loek at this and act nulcklv. Price 2.foO. terms easy. Office open Monday evenings until 1p.m. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St Bee Bldg. QUICK SALE SNAPS. T-room house. Lincoln Boulevard, Bemls Park, entirelv modern. $5,000. 7-room house, Hanscom Place, modern, 13 :HO Twe brick stores and living rooms. Orchard Hill. Income. 40. Price 53.8W. Four 6-room. new modern cottage, on S. 13th Bt. Rent. $18. tnoe iz,uw. 4U sections. Kimball Co.. $6. worth $10. 20 acres 1 mile (rom city hall, Cheyenne, Wvn. between oitv and Fort Kusseil. Ideal summer garden, or work as brick yard and make fortune, 6,wu. 200 acres. Ideal stock form. Wright Co., Mo, Over $2,0u0 Improvements and personal property. Price complete, W..UO. alone worth It TRADES 40 acres. Maoon. Mo. Improve' ed, Price $3,000. aana or South Equity, $1,400, lor clear umai OniAha. lots. 160 acres. Antelope Co. well improved. $40, acre. Kqulty $4,2) ror umana resi fjfnm rtroDertv. Lands In eastern Colorado, $3.76 per acre. Lands In South and North Dakota. Income property In prosperous towna for sale or trade. FIDELITY REAL ESTATE & TRUST CO. M4 Bee liiag. 09) M664 14 t FIELD CLUB LOTS FOR SALE ON 35TII AVE. -ON 36TH ST. . Between "Woolworth and Pop pleton Ave. $850, $950, $1,000, $1,100 and $1,"250 TEN HOUSES NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION R. C. PETERS & CO. 220 S. 17th St., Bee Bldg. d) WHY Kot pay on a place of vour own. tn.toi or paying ror the pli mXnelforyouria2fA oi paying ior me place or your land lord. room house, new, all and make terms reasonable. It you want a home or a lot to build one on, see Sears, Boom 621 N. Y. Ll(e. 'Phono Red 8S7. (19) M5M 13 For Sale $350 Cottage, 12x28 (eet, 4 rooms. This Is a well built cottage located at 1516 Jonea St., and must be moved off the premises. Apply to Guy Liggett, 1514 Jonea St. i2x YOUR OWN TERMS 1812-14-1$ Harney St., a two-story brick and frame building covering the lot com monly known as Oermania hall or Bijou theater. This property Is In excellent con dition and has had $10,000 spent upon It within the past year. Present Income is $115 per month outside of the theater, which can be rented for $76 per week. We consider this a very cheap property at $J5,000 as the vacant lot Immediately back of the building, fronting on Farnam St sold for that figure a year ago. This prop-c.-ty is adapted for many purposes and is steadily Increasing In value. Tou can buy it on your own terms. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 FARNAM ST. SUBURBAN BARGAIN" Large house, barn, chicken yards, abundance of bearing fruit Hus band died recently; widow can't han . die the fruit and poultry alone and must sell. Will take small home In Omaha as part payment J. II. DUMONT & SON, 06-906 N. T. Life. (19)- THREE 40-foot lots east of SOth street on Meredith Ave., nicely elevatej and rraly to improve; win sell all or separately at ( each. T. D. WEAD. 1634 Douglas 8t 09)- FOR BALE By owner, aeven-room, mod ern house, good aa new; barn, fruit and shade trees; lot large enough for another house; only V block from car; price re- ' duoed to (i,i, Uli Corby SL CAr-M434 UK REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTT FOR SAI.R (Continued.) OUR SPECIAL SNAP Thla property wight to sell Iteelf, for we have never had such a Mat Income for the price to efTer since we began business. We won't give the address aa It annoys the tenants. It la a oorner property between Leav enworth and Farnam, and fronts 160 feet on na atreet and 64 on another, all paved and paid for; some of It la unimproved, but there are seven atorea, all rented, and 83 rooms on c ootid floor that are wen rented. There ia another two-story building an the alley. Total Income Is $183 a month, or $2,196 a year, and the new owner could raise the rents. Taxes and repairs are low and we ought to ask $18,000 for this property, but it la yours for $34,000, nd on easy terms. Let us show you this property, If you have $4,000 or $6,000 to pay down. We will take the rents as security for the rest N. P. DODGE & CO. 1714 Farnam St. 0) DOWN TOWN CORNER LOT Northwest comer 20th and Harney Sis.; 6$ feet on 80th SL and feet on Harney. Easily worth the price. $12,000 R. C. Peters & Co. 220 & 17th (Boa Bldg.). 09)- BEAUTTFUL BEMIS PARK RESIDENCE An opportunity Is offered to the party desiring a choice home In the property at 3609 Hawthorne Ave.; owner leav ing tha city and offers to sell his beautiful home at cost; lot . is 82x176, lays fine, in the high est point of Bemls park; ce--ment driveways, walks, paved street. House has been built leas than two years, is modern and up-to-date in all Its ap pointments, has eight large rooms, hall a and closets; splendid bath, equipped with shower; also toilet room on first floor; largo attlo; house . newly painted. Downstairs Is finished tn oak. walls decorated, natural finish upstairs, combination fixtures; the yard la very pretty, having fruit snd shade tree a shrubbery, etc.. includ ing fifteen natural forest elm 'trees. - If yon are looking for a choice home do not fall to aee this property; owner lives on the premises and will gladly show property. Price, $10,000. R. II. LANDERYOU Board of Trade Bldg. Telephone Douglas 216L 0 Si- low A FARM 16 miles of Council Bluffs; Una, high bottom land; good improvements: cioj io mil road; cheapest Kooa inxra in uu vicinu; tr tier af.re. li. G. AlcGee, 14 Pearl 6 Council Bluffs. CU TirUx FOR SALE CHEAP Neat new cottage home, one diock irom car line. Appiy ii owner. 4011 Charles Bt fW-Wl li FOR SALE By owner, 8-rootn alt modern house; south side. Bargain tor casn. Aa dress, M 318, Bee. (1 12 12x BRICK church, corner 27th and Seward til., 32x60, two-story, lot 88xS&. Can be made over into 4 apartments. Price, $LtoA A. c. Hush, 'mono llarney U9 AU86 Ui east corner 21st and California St.; two first-class brick flats and room fur three more. Otto Lanse. owner. BM1 Burt 1st (19) ittf Lix 8007 N. 24th. nine-room modsrn house. In fine shaDe; cheap. Inquire 2615 N. Isth, UK) M 178 lix FRAME HOUSE TO BE MOVED. Slxe, 2x4, two stories, modern, located at N. E. Corner Mh and Ieavenworth Sts. Must be moved St once. Apply Milton Kogers & Sons Co., 14th and Farnam Sta UJ MlM $1300.00 4314 Maple, 8 roo.ns. well and cistern, two lots, 66x100 each, cherry and plum trees, small fruit Can make terms. TUHKE'LL & CO.. 16 PATTERSON BLDG. (lj-MU8 U $1900.00 2618 Parker, two bouses on ons lot, one 8 and the other 4 rooms, items ior xm.bu, Easy terma TUKKLLX. & CO., 1 PATTERSON BLDO. (19)-M44k U n EAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. U)-1K Ahetrnts of vtie? QUlc .rvlc- 'Phone AUbllotis jor prices, fiutirantee Ab stract Co., Patterson liik. 'Fhi'ne Red ZHl. U'j)-M70 Mil FOR BALE Two modern houses and large barn, one block north of Hanscuin park; paved street, east front, lot 76x160, east ern owner will sell at a bargain. THOMAS BKENNAN, Room 1 N. I. L, bldg. 10 rooms, modern, en one-half acre, close In, psved street. (4.2UO. T rooms, modern. 36th and Farnam, 86,000. Vacant lot. led and Chicago. FENGEK. 628 N. T. Life. (19)M377 (l.SuO DANDT 6-room cottage near Man derson and 23d; part mudc;ti; lot 6TxlM; fruit; one block from car. Bee us quick. 'Phone Doug. 663S. O. M. Underfill! A Co., 334) N. 24lh. U Mis) 81 FOR SALE House. ( rooms.' modern ex cept furnace. io07 Cuming bt Price, (2. M. fcany terma JOHN F. FLACsT. Ciif Serin ltilA ss4 Douglas. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKBTV FOR SAI.R. (Continued.) SOUTH OMAILV ACRES 8300 to $400 Acre lota In the city of South Omaha, near Mel las' addition, at 40th and Monroe and Jackson Bts; KO-Acre lots, Just outside of the city, on the Sarpy county line; easy terms. $1.20 acres In Sarpy county, on tha county line; rich ground, with run ning aprtng water; easy ferms. 81,600-4 acres on West Q St. east of the brick school. 8AM0 House and 10 acres, Just north of school between V and L Sta N. P. DODGE & CO., . 1714 FARNAM ST. (II) M39 11 IF TOU are thinking of building It will pay you to aee the VN est em Home Build ers, rooms 22 and 23,- Neb. Nat Bank Bldg., for prices and terms. 0) M45 ALL MODERN house, 8 living rooms, laun dry; also vacant lot, 60x142; aeMraDie lo cation. Inquire 2701 Woolworth Ave. U M47 13x oath Omaha Real Estate. HAVE the most complete list of property In South Omaha and vicinity. If you are looking for an investment don't fall to see me. I have the "goods." II. M. CHRISTIE, 2420 N St., South Qmaha, Neb. (1)- I'OR PALE Three-story brick block, price 'J ).'.: Income t'J.OOO.ner annum. 6-r.x,m cottage, 4"Ui and P Sis., $1,650. 6-room cottage, 84th and U Bts.. $1,060. 6 -"colli cottage, 8uth and V Sts., ti.loO. 1J lots on 39th, near q St.. on eary terms. P. C. CALDWELL, N Bt, Boulh Omaha, Neb. (19g74 12 t REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LANDS FOR SALE. Csasas, Canadian Lands For Sale. Eight sections first class winter wheat land. eight miles from town with three large coal mines, output about 3,000 tons per day, and 400 or 600 Inhabitants. Juat be ginning to settle up. Land is black loam with yellow clay aubsoll, nice smooth, level land, no rocks. Good terms to par ties who can handle chunk. Address, J. 1L Evers. Chinook. Mont (20) 2J6 J Colorado. HOMESTE1AD8 Good farming land near rauroaa. Bernard uumiand, 14 Clayton Bik., .Denver, coio. (ao) M&Z7 MJTx M sections, Lincoln Co., Cole., near Wild Horse, on U. P., $Z per a. under value if taaen at ones, box (, uoon capias, is. taj j0 u Iowa. S3 ACRES land t miles from Council Bluffs P. O. $75 per acre; 18 acres of this land Is In cultivation and la aotually worth 200 per acre. The balance Is rough, but good pasture. Terms easy. PAUL JBOUQUET 637 Paxton Block, Omaha. (30 481 12x Big Farm for Sale in Fremont County, Iowa 983 Acres 533 acres in Cultivation l 450 acres in Pasture Good Fences, five ells, Four Wind mills, Corn Cribs Three Dwellings, Four Barns, and Other Im provements. lYz miles from railroad. For particulars write to H. W. BINDER & CO. No. 5 Pearl St. Council Bluffs, Iowa. (i 638 ACRES smooth, geod land 6H miles from Plsgah, la.; good Improvements (47.60 per acre. This farm Is worth 876 per acre. , PAUL BOUQUET 637 Paxton Block, Omaha. ( 12x Kaa WANTED Agents to represent as In the sale of our Kansas lands. Write for par ticulars. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha. Neb. (20 M430 Mexico. MEXICAN timber lend. Two hundred and sixteen thousand acres; Durange. Six hundred million feet pine, besides other timber; mineral rights Included; 76 cents per acre. Gold. Build body only. Charles k. Alullaly, San Antonio. Tex. (-)4 12x Nebraska. A BIG "BARGAIN We offer for quick sale a fine farm. 640 aores, In Custer county, Nebraska, about seven miles frem Broken Bow, the county seat a good railroad town, on the H & M. Larger portion Is smeot level plow lund, rl'h soil; small house, barn snd windmill. No better corn land In this state. Will make a fine stock and grain farm, or can be divided Into several smaller farms. Price, only 824.00 per acre: (10 per acre ran run from 1 to 6 years at 8 per oent If you want a bargain, write me at once, HICKS REAL ESTATH CO., 43 Hoard of Trade Bids. 0)-707 13 IF YOU want lwik at this: a good real estate bargain A snap if taken at ence; one of the lest unimproved farms of lo seres In Thursten Co, Neb., 10 miles southeast of Walthlu; all unaer cultiva tion. Lock Box M, Decatur, Neb. (A0-6U 11 A GOOD farm, well Improved, 30 miles west of Omaha, for sale on easy terma, 8 per cent interest. If taken In next 80 day. Address Y 244, Hee. (20) 46 NEBRASKA prairie land; I ewa and offer for sale 1W acres, Klmsall ceunly. (0; half cash, balance four equal annual p.y meuts; perfect title, box 7tA, Houston, Tex. Wtt 4S 12x FINE STOCK FARM FOR SALE. 640 acres, situated In Iiawson Co., Neb., 4 miles from town, 140 acres In cultivation. balance In Dasture. fenced and cross fenced, two good wells and windmills and auDoly cistern: nearly all frm land in PUtte valley, pasture rolll:.' and covered with buffalo crass, some alfalfa: new 2 story house. Aji 3 : new barn. 30x48, all painted and In good shape. This Is the Lest stock farm In this bart of the state and can be bought at a bargain If sold quick. Address D. U. PvUtaett. Overton, txeb g-ea U . REAL ESTATE FAItM ASO RAC1I LAMU FOR IAI.B H ebraak C a 1 1 a me. C J. CANAN. 701 N. T. U BLDa. OMAHA,, Mr. Investor, or speculator, lnvet!gai thla. Highly Improved Douglas county farm le miles from Omaha, for sale on easy terms or exchange for Improved city residence property; jo acres of fine rruit, aiworiT, and bearing well; 39 acrsa of alfalfa, 20 acres of blue grass, considerable umoxny snd blue grass, fine open pasture and tim ber, walnut and ash; the house Is the best finished In the stte ana you wiu winni after Investigating It; three rooms, nau anj kitchen on Orst floor, frve rooms and batlj on 2d floor, wall BiUshed; servante" and ether roonia on 81 floor; complete W'JT system, hot Snd cold; parlor 13x14. flnlshetj In polished bird seye maple, all hand-carve paneled walnaootlng; parquetry floors; ele gant open flresisce and mantel, library 17g l. nnishea in poiisneo out wainsriuui .v high; oak panel oelllnr, all In English Psnt work and parquetry floors; hall finished In, oak, elegant stslrway and parquetry floors double doors, French plate glass panels! dining room 16x23, wainscoting 3 ft high In wii4 cherry, built in onina oioseta, open English fireplace, parquetry floorsj good large kitchen with double pentrya. ranm and hot water tanks; double oeiiar, water and aewer system; ooncrete walks! fine cistern, large tee house, pump station, outside closets, fine cottage for tennant chicken house, heg house with sheds anil yards, large barn 40x00 with basement ana attached sheds, feed mills, two windmills, pumps, tanks, hsy forks It Is hard to de scribe this beautiful property. The houss command a position that affords fine views! of the eurrnundtng emintry, and It will be) sold or exchanged regardlesa of Ita value. The owner has other business more lmporw nt. It Is well stocked with cattle, horses snd hogs, all up-to-date machinery, run ning water the year around. The above will be sold at an Inviting price. It Is now up to you te grasn an oDoortunltv when presented. It Is a stock farm, hog farm or a grain farm, and all the luxuries and com forts or a oity nome. i will sell or ex change this farm with all the Improve ments, whlon cost alone over 830.OO1 foe less than prevailing land values and give vou ail tne tune you warn at c per eent. Whenever you read my artvertlsemnnts you can depend there Is true value bsok ot them. C. J. CANAN, 701 N. X. L. ULDU., OMAHA. (SO) NEBRASKA LAND Will never be cheaper than now, i You can't fall to make money on any of the following bargains. Will sell on easy terms; 6 on deferred payment. West half sec. 13-13-62 Cheyenne county only 81,600. ' 160 aores In sec 33-8-28 Frontier Co.. for 11,000. Southwest quarter Co., only 8800. sea 24-8-3S, Dundy; 160 acres in sees. 17 and 10, Tp. 26, Rang 9, Uolt Co., 8S00. 160 aores In sec, cheap at 880O. 4-24-11. Wheeler Co,j STOCK FARM . 830 acres with the finest arrangements In the way of barns hog houses, water works, alfalfa, corn and pasture land, fins shade, on railroad 20 miles from Omaha, for the raising and feeding of stock of an N kind. Only 373 per sore. Also about 700 acres of fins bottom land, 120 acres alfalfa, and the balance In corn, pasture and groves, (90. These two farms taken together make si fine plant for stock raising. If you want to get Into the stock business on a larger i scale than you now are, here Is yous chance. Will show tha plaos any day. i L. D. Spalding, 'Phono Doug. 230. ' Omaha Natl Bank Bide (20)- Lincoln County Farm On the U. P. main line, 4 miles from city of North Platte, Vi mil to loading track. 92 acres, about 80 acres cultivated, 32 acres in alfalfa. Good 4-room house, 1 car barn for 20 cows, horse barn for about 6 horses, with granary, cattle shed, hog house, chicken house, good wa ter and plenty of it Land fenced and under irrigation ditch. Several hundred grow ing trees. Well located on main road. Good opportunity for live; man. Price $3,000. Terms easy. 160 Acres adjoining above, no improve ments except fence. Also under ditch. Price $25 per acre. 0. C. 0LSEN, S. E. 16th and Dodge Sts., Main Floor, Qmaha. (to) United States Land Co. Ileadquarters for Western Land and Land Everywhere. Our specialty is Box Butte Co., Neb. where we have choice, level, black farm land at $8.0 to $15.00 PER ACRE. Crops -as certain as in Iowa farmers in this county MORE PROSPEROUS than in Iowa. An investment in this hard can be doubled qiuckly. BUY NOW. United States LandCo. Neville Block. ' Telephone Douglas S005.