TITO OMAHA LS SUNDAY BEE: MAY 12, 1007, ?:,UZ2LE CASESGET IN COURT ajlegs4 VlolatleaS ! Mrr'i IT el, satlm Art Breve tit Before Jmif Crawford. f" Merer ". what nextT Mayor Dahlman Ion learning that a dng woarlng a munlt road bitten Tom Hollister, lawyer, at Six jreenth and Wirt etrseta Batnrday afternoon. Mall Cantor Heed M bitten by a doff (chained at 161S Hickory street ( Proeeetitlons for falxura t conform with JMayor Dahlman's proclamation regarding it ha tnusillng of dog era entering tho regular business of the police court. City tFrosecutor Daniel Friday swore oat com tllnts against D. X Chrlstenson, lie North ffwsnty-fifth avenue; J. W. Griffith, B2S Cumlng street, and Thomas Rockafellow, tttll Franklin street, while another com plaint wa filed Saturday morning against w. W. Plerson. WOT Cecatur etreet. and a lease agalnet George Williams, Thirteenth Vnd Chicago atreets, u called before Judge Crawford and continued until Hon 4ay morning. The matter of tho Hereon dog waa the Ixnost serious reported. The complaint 'stated a 2-year-old child In a family named McGovtrn, living near the Plerson home, Waa badly bitten about the legs by the tooir and that the boy la In a critical con dition, not only from the wounds, but from hock of fright. No prosecution will . 6e 'made In the case, however. It la under stood, If Plerson will conaent to have the Wog killed. It waa not believed the dog Waa mad, but Chief of Police Donahue advised the family to have a doctor make careful examination. Several complalnta of unmuxxled dogs came from the vicinity of Twenty-fourth and Locust street, and a white bull dog yriB said to be frightening passers-by at Twenty-ninth and Leavenworth streets Friday night, growling at them, but of fering to do no further mischief. The animal was not muzzled. Dr. George L. Miller was In police court Saturday morning to witness the proceedings. Diamonds Mawhlnney A Ryan Co. Have Boot print It. 3 A"" $4 OXFORD XV AXi TH1 NEW STYLES Hade to Fit Tour Fset. BUST QVAXXTT. Walk-Over Shoe Store 1121 FARNAM STREET ED. B. THOMPSON, The Walk-Over Man. These Prices will give you a very good Idea of rvhat It will cost to have your cleaning and dying done by ua: lADXXr UST Dry Cleaning Dying and and Pressing Pressing .SO Plain Waists II. 00 .75 Silk Waists 1.00 .75 Plain Skirts 1.50 1.00 Platted Skirts 2.00 1.25 Skirt and Drop 2.00 1.00 Jackets (short) 1.60 1.00 4 Length, lined 2. GO 1.50 Length, unllned t.50 1.50.......... Cravenettea MEJTE X.XST Dry or Steam Clean- Cleaning, Dying Ing and Pressing 41.50.. .75.. .50.. .50. . and Pressing Suits 13-50 Coats 1.25 Vests 76 Pants 1.50 1.60..... Overcoats t.DO 1.00... Ulsters (heavy) 1.00 ,10 Gloves ' .10 Neckties - We guarantee our work first-class in very respect and give you prompt service. Wagons to all parts of tha city. Try us. The Pantorium 1513 Jones St. Tel. Douglas M3 Did You Lose the Chance To get some of the bargatna we of fered laat week. If so, don't lose the ones we offer today and next week: $3.00 Ladles' Whirling tipray Syr inge 11 75c Fountain Syringe, I pipes... 47o tbo Oraves' Tooth Powder Ho 850 Tooth Brush 17o 2o Dentlfoam 14a JE.O Hand brush 16c U'c Hand Rubber Comb 27o l.owney'a Candy, box 3o Villains' bhavlng Stick Vo New bargains every day. Watch our windows. HOWELL DRUG CO., Blgtenth and Capitol At. KNOXWEED Kills Dandelions and all noxious weeds. A bent spout can full roudy for use. clears the average lawn. At your dealera, tl.OO. If he does not handle It have him order it. OlilEI' AOmlCTTLTTjaAI, rkABMAODTIOAL CO, Omaha, Mob. WANTED! Thoroughly competent Buyer and Manager (or our Linens, White Goods, Wash Goods. Domestics, Blanket and Comforts. Stata references, age and salary expectations. Applications con fidential. Address, JL 1XTLX.SOX, Car of Tha May Co., St, Louis, Mo. BIG CUT PRICE SALE OF PHOTOGRAPHS Special for Today and Monday m y i i ii i ... ,,... . . , . , ii . i. r ' ;, " t.-; ; v . ; - ' . u .; .vl .- : . ' ' t V """" ' $3.00 Photos for, per doten. . . 75t 6.60 Cabinet Thotos, pr clos.R2.50 For tha next 60 days wa will maka any size photo for one-halt our reg ular price. $10 Photos for, per dot $5.00 $7 and $8 Photos for, per dos.jh3.50 $5 Photos for, per dot ipii.SO We will reproduce your Photo on neckties, handkerchiefs or sofa pillows. Also Bromide Enlargements at halt price. ! Examfnt Out Work Get Our Prttt$ Work of tfas Farts Studio. PARIS STUDIO CO., Open Sunday Phona Rod 4502 14th and Douglas St Order .-' a 11c iiiiwu -j t 1 Phono Center Order by phone 1 You know that if you want an attractive home that you must have attractive wall papers and that no matter how fine the paper is unless an expert does the hanging it will prove inartistic? IT Is a hobby of ours to sell paper of the latest shade and col oring, at the lowest price and to hang it so that none can detect the joint. is the time when spring is here to have it done. Don't wait. Our stock was never better. Never more complete, and we were never in a position to give you better service. SARI rOEWEY3AS3 109 S. 14th. Tel. Douglas 43 " Mn.iuiium in i I m ii Diimmlyii uiiil..! ,im " ' - -i n I i ill- i - A ST ORE PERFECTLY EQUIPPED Courtney's la so complete In every way so will conduct ed and stocked with such high character good that purchases made here are sura to give every satisfaction. i OUR PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE Enables us to reach you quickly with your orders. Our new suburban wagon facilitates the delivery of goods to Dundee, Council Bluffs, South Omaha and Florence. This wagonmakes Dundee every morning Council Bluffs Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons South Omaha Tuesday.and Friday afternoons Florence Wednesday afternoonsN COURTNEY'S IS CONDUCTED IN A STATE OF SANITARY PERFECTION All meats, fruits and vegetables are kept free from taint, free from dirt, free from dust of the street. BETTER THINGS TO EAT FOR LESS MONEY ASK ANYONE WHO BUYS HERE. Phont Douglaa 6i7. Private Exchange con nects all D partmenta. 17th and Douglas .i i Speca Clearance of Spring Suits $15 and $18 Hart, Schstfner Cr Marx Suits $20 and $25 Values No Job Lots No Styles I THE RELIABLE STRB All New Styles ' i and J Materials for Spring ALASKA REFRIGERA10RS Good enough for the finest home, and cheap enough for the poor men's home. The best food ,and ice-keepers wade, prices from $9.00 up. Splendid sizes at $12.50 and $15.00. Cash or payments. 7 HEATH & WILLIAM'S Paint for outside work. , Paint for inside work. Paint for porches. Paint for floors. Paint for chairs. Paint for window screens and Paint retailed at prices guaranteed equal to price made, prices from $9.00 up. houses. We sell more paint than all other North Omaha houses put together. John Hussie hardware Co. 2407 Cuming St. "If job buy lUJ-HussIe, It's right." ' vi'-' f$ hQf; Choice Oxfords This store baa a display of Spring Oxfords that will Interest every woman In this community. It's going to. be a great season for Low Cut Shoes. There's not a good style of Oxforda or Ties that we are not showing In splen did variety. IT'S it BEAUTY SHOE SHOW Patent Kid, Corona Colt and all leathers. Oxfords, Ribbon Ties, Pumps, etc. Every dainty style. $3.00. $3.00, $4.00 to $5.00. FRY SHOE CO. Ill IIOISI ' 16th and Douglas Streets. Offlcs hours, t oo to a. m.. 12:00 it . p. in. Telethons Harney U. OMAHA VETERINARY .HOSPITAL SSIO Maaaa Street. Oaaah. Nab. H. L. RamacrlottI, D. V. 8., Deputy Stat and City Veterinarian. Food lnipethr. Chief Surseon. V. C. Scott, D. V. JJ., Hce pilal Surgeon. DrcxcFs Ladies' High Grade Foolwear KB I Vfe are offering- s X.ailUs' Oboe higher la perfection and lower In pries than we ever thourht possible. We eell shoes sood shoes for wo men at other prk-ea. but thoso who are exacting and demand the Iext there Is for the money, we 4.fur to our Ladies' Digh Grade Shoes lor $3.50 Ten different styles to select from. All dainty and attractive In shape and ao constructed aa to oifor tho ut most comfort and style. We have them In all leathers turned or welt soles medium or ex treme Cuban heels, also Louie XIX heel styles mostly oxfords In pumps sailor ties blucher and two or three low buttons. They are by far the swellest and most dressy models In footwear ever brought to your attention worth more, but our price Is S.60. Drexel Shoe Co. .1419 Farnara St. iti'HOTrffB-'1Trlit,l,ll"B,t8a'-!BW'l'w iitiijiiiiiiiw.yy -PATENTS that PROTECT Miss 1C1 th.nrm D 0. t.ts. 18 X I oawpbill'i ion otnrrrma gets lmniion results without the cost of irrl cation on the dry land of the Semi-Arid West. No fad or theory; every claim dem onstrated and proven by years of experi ments and big orop yields. Sure crops end big cro(e where others failed. Salvation of the I'ry Country. Manual telle all item lit and easily within reach of every intelli- igenn larmrr. eena 10 crnts for Bti Culture Almanac and ask for free circulars which will splainaJl. Prcf. H. W Campbell. Uucoln. Neb. ILLINOIS CENTRAL'S EXCURSION BULLETIN April 80 to Nov. 80. JAMESTOWN TERCENTENNIAL EXPOSITION 16-day ticket, $35.00. CO-day ticket. $43.95. Season ticket, $50.50. ' May 80 to Jane 8. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J $34.00 Annual Meeting- American Medical Association. May 12 to 16 and 10 and 20. COLUMBUS, OHIO $20.60 General Assembly Presbyterian Church of America. July 4 and 6. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. . . . '. 31.15 Triennial Conclave Knights Templar. July 11 to 13. ' PHILADELPHIA, PA $32.75 Annual Meeting Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. STEAMSHIP tickets t,o all points. Detailed information gladly furnished upon application at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam St., or write, SAMUKL NORTH, District rasseuger Agent, Omaha, Neb. Think Twice Before You Buy And let that thought bo to see Haydcns' offerings first. You can buy Clothing at less price, but they will not show the quality and style and workmanship. There's not a flaw in these garments at $15 and $18. Style, workmanship and fit shows tho handwork of a master tailor. Sale all week. BESIDES THESE WE ARB SHOWING MANY OTHER SPECIAL CLOTHING i BARGAINS More showing of other special Suit bargains, at $10 and $12 Hoys' Long Pants Suits, worth to . $12.50, all latest styles and pat terns, at $6.50 and $7.50 Children's Knee Pants Suits, worth to $o; complete assort ment of styles $2.50 and $2.95 Greatest stock of Children's t Children's Wash Suiis in Omaha, all new goods H 1 A OOOS TOAST SXaESTEl TEI BUST BSB Always popular because It la pleas ant, refreshing and appetising'. aattar Brewlnf Co- Bo. Omaha, Fhoas Omaha Headquarters: HUGO F. BILX. 14th and rwiuxiiui Tl Ijouc Co. Bluff s Hoadauarters: ain St.. TeL SO. LEE MITCHEL.U. 101X Mi lj BLOOD POISON SpMdllr n prmnDtlr cur4 br INDIAN SALVH, th treatut remtiljr vr dtBcorrd for BlOOD POISON. GANmceNIC, POISONOUS BITES. CA-N-CEK, PliifLfS, etc. INDIAN SALVE U purelr vegeUbU, noa-polwn-ou. tat n b Ukts luUrullr ml 4 ap plied xurnalty. Don't waits your ttms and mosr MiMrlmcntlDi with wortblesa lmtutiou. Your mooajr rofuadvd 11 wo do not offeut s cure. On uli at all druggtata, or will bo seat sudor plain aoaled wrappor upon roeolpt of $1.00. CprCT A aamplo box. Juat onough to eonrlnco ,ou oi S( (rrat merit of I.tDIAN hauvb, will bo aont to you trro upon rerejpt of 10c, whleb paya for tbo eoat of mailing. Wa will a'.ao oood ynu our booklet on general dlaeaoea, and tcatlmo nlala. INDIAN SALVH HKMKIHK8 CO., loo.. 21 Oatea Ave., Brooklra, N. T. Schaefor Cut Price Druggiat. 16th and Dong-las Bts4 Omaha, Xb. BAILEY & MACH DENTISTS Third Floor, Pax'orv Clock Highest Grade Dentistry. WATCH FOB THE CARO MAN! Not the "a card man" but the Wahoo Kan who Is calling at every house In Omaha, South Omaha ana council taunt, with a rebate card eood for 75 cents. This oard and 26o gets a dollar bottle of Wahoo a remedy guaranteed undor the pure rood taw. This sale lasts only a short time and In order to get the medicine for Z5o you must have the card. The Wahoo man left some cards with us, so that peonle whom he ails to find. can call here for the card and get the meaicme, just tne name. Bay! Qo Aut Corns or Bttnlonat If so try Dr. woofter'a remedy and If not satisfied with results, come (fit your quarter. We have never seen a corn cure which has been so satisfactory and which has sold as this one has. Do you know we have our own messen gers and deliver anything we sell ab solutely izse and glad to do It?. S C.1tl6f6r S Ut Dn," Stores Omaha Cor. 15th and Douglas Bis.; 16th and Chicago Pts. Booth Omaha N. w Cor. 24th and N Sta. Council Bluffs 5th Ave. and Main 8ts. Ths druggists who don't have to sub stltute. TAFTI m PAKILESS EXTRACTING of teeth with VIT1LIZED AIR u abso lute In every case. VV make it and Is always fresh, therefore causing; no after effects. : Try it the next time you want a tooth extracted. TAFTS DENTAL ROOMS HIT Douglas Ctreei. Copjright 1907 bf Hart SciafTrjcr ts" Marx 35c to $1.50 M HKYDENS' SM BACK COMBS Set with Jade, Amethyst, Pearl and Rhinestone. Is the correct fashion. We have a variety of styles in Shell and Amber ? hades. Also the plain mountings In gold and gold filled. Prices range from 75c to V6.00. Spend a few minutes In our store. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1516 Douglas Street. TO and Return Thta la your opportu nity to maka the trip to San Francisco and Los Angeles at this remark ably low rata. Every Day to May 18 and Juno B to 15, 1987 round-itrlp ticket, wlfl be on sale at abort points. These tickets art good in either Pullman palaoe or tourist aleep lnt; oars and offer all the advantages ot tht Through Train Scrvlc vu Union Pacific For full information Inquire at crrr ticket office, 1324 Farnam 6t 'Phont Douglas IS4. (