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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1907)
TIIE OMAHA' TTOTDAT TTEE: MAY 12, 1007. s , ji m mm OMAHA HISTORY IN MAPS Cfficdal Boordt Show How ths City Ha Giowi xob the Wilierneu. EARLY RECORDS ARE OF THE HAZY 60RT First Settlers Ret Maea Give the Record in Habit, bet La tee -Importance Hne Correeted the Hrawt. Omaha hss had thirteen maps lit tta bls- tory and the aba and flow of tha move IfiLnient In real estats especially auburbaa YTealty is In a meaaura marked by tha requoncy with which these mapa have been changed. In tha beginning- of Omaha the map ahowed rather what the promo ters hoped than what what really existed, and for this reason aome of the things . which appear on tha earlier editions axe f lust In the later ones. The first map of Omaha, called tha A. D. Jonea map, was made la 1KA. It In cluded within Ita borders LI square mile. It covered ground from what Is now Sixth treat to Twentieth and tha atreeU In tha Immediate vicinity of Farnam. Tha aecond Jonas nap, made tha next year, when tha tewnslte company had been formed and tha members had joined lands In a emmon holding, was an aspiring showing ef five square antles, and with this tract tha town waa formally ilnoor po rated. Tha third map la known as tha Poppleton Byare map, made In U6T by tha lata A. J. Poppleton and "W. N. Byare, later founder of tha Rocky Mountain News at Denver. This map ahowed about six square miles and la roughly cave red by tha "orig inal townslte" part af current maps. The fourth map waa made by Poppleton A Dyers In 1868 and waa similar to tha earlier one, with the exception of tha ad dition of Grandview. Orandvlew waa really Omaha's Bret addition. Originally It waa a townslte adjoining Omaha an tha south. It waa laid out by Dr. A. B. Moore, and the federal land laws of tha day ara said to account for tha presence af two towns ' so closely In touch. First to Show Growth. The fifth map waa tha O. F. Davis map of ISM, and, with the exception of Orand vlew shows the first expansion of the city proper. From the original lines Pierce, Nicholas, First and Twenty-third streets the corporation boundary had expanded to Thirtieth on the west, the neighborhood of lilnney street on the north and Wool worth avenue on the south. Capitol addi tion, platted by O. F. Davla for John H. Kellum, appears for the first time on thla map. Thla addition waa laid out In "acreage property" and has been subdi vided since so that of the original plat little, remains. In preparing the plat Mr. Davts made no survey, as the owners did not consider the land worth the expendi ture of tha money, and the acouracy of the government survey was assumed, which was all right for acreage, but since the land has assumed a "front-foot" value there has been much question as to some lines, as tha first surveyor's figures do not always prove correct. Armstrong's addt snn. Nelson's addition and Millard Cald well's addition are ahown on thla map. The sixth map waa that by Byron Reed, dated 1870. On this appears Credit Foncler addiUon, platted In 1S67. .surveyed by Wil liam Cleburn, who Is now .living In Ken tucky, and West Omaha, platted the aame year. ' Omaha's corporation lines expanded between the date of tha Davla imap and t:AU 'of the Reed, tha boundaries on tha lifter being Pratt street on the north. hlrty-slxth street -on the west to a point uth of Center street, where tha line ran ast to Twertty-fourth, thence south to Xjoeurt and east to the river. This map shows Kountze & Ruth's addition tor tha nrst tlma, aouth of Howard street, west af Sixteenth. This addition was surveyed by N. J. Paul, now a banker at St. Paul, Neb. . The seventh map la known as tha "little" f i j J k ssBssB.' ft. V D.1ME YALE'S. ALMOND BLOSSOM Complexion Cream GREATEST . TOILET LUXURY ' MADE Cleanses, softens,, purifies, whit ens ' and beautifies the Gkin. 6oap and water ozj cleanse luperficially. , Mnie. Yale saysi A little Almond liloasoiii Complexion Cream should be applied aver time the (ace Mid bands are washed. It re tneves the) dust, soot, (rime, smut suid smudge from the Interstices . of the t.kln and makes the surface 1 smooth as velvet. T dally necessity at home and abroad; treasure when traveling by land and water. l'retect the ekn from cutting wind, burning rays of ttie sun and every injurious effect ef the element. Prevents and cures abnormal redness of the nose or any part of the face, also chapping, ehaflng. ivlrt ior. fver blisters and alt Ji 'tt ion of the skin. It Is the greatest --klSwn specific for burns; taks the fire , T . V j ... 1 1 W fiM, IWinH, 1 heals and prevents soars and suppuration. JnllpenslUe for use of Infants and every rueml'or of the household. An exquisite oalural beautlfler. A grateful appllcittlea Sfter shaving, t'xoellent for inaasaee pur pose Wme. Tale a Almond Blossom Com plexion Crera Is now sold In two aUoa. AT 8PIX31AL TIUCES OP, 45c and 89c BCIIAEFER'S CUT PRICE . . DRUG STORES i Pmaha, Cor. Ifih and Chicago 61s. 16th and Douglas fits, and uto Sis.: South Omaha N. Cur. 1 4 10 and N flts.: 4,'uanuU Mm ft. flh Ave and Uui tit. AJTB TH1 BOSTON STORE J53yfl pr.PARTiirr rmls Tnep, Issued In 171 by Qeorge P. Bemla, who also made a map. from which this Is distinguished. In 1R82. Three maps slinw many seditions not In preceding ones. Mr. pemls slw made tha ninth map af th city In 13. which Indicates the ax ranslon of the town. If net af tha corpora tion lines, as many tracts unplstted on former snaps sra laid down as parts of the community. If not ef the corporation. Omaha, then had elsht and one-half squsra miles within Its boundaries. Maps of (ha Boom Days. Tha "Mayne" map of 1KS8, prepared by Ilnsewater Chrysler In 1WR. Is the tenth map af tba city. It shows tha anxiety of people to buy Omaha real estate, even though city taxes were not Included In the deal, as the "additions" far exceed the nrea ,f the corporation lines. This waa corrected In 1HST and the Roaewater Chrysler map of 1 exhibits Omaha as having come Into Its own, the cor poration lines having been placed In thetr present position and Omaha Including twenty-five square miles within Its bor ders. The twelfth map was Issued by Mnlr ft Oaylord In 1891 from drawings of Rose water Jb Chrysler and the thirteenth map by O. W. Craig In 1!X. In a plat book, but no map, was Issued. Tha first citizens of Omaha apparently had mora Interest In making tha town grow than In 'keeping a record ' af Its growth, hence there was more or less neg lect of efflolal records. Close record af land selling by metes and sounds was not deemed essential to the prosperity af tha holder, and for this reason perhaps no plat of tha original town was filed. The first plat filed In the afflcee of tha register of deeds was recorded March t, 1SS6. It shows the claim of tha Winter Quarter or Florence Town company. The first plat having t do with tha dtr of Omaha was filed March 23, lffifi. It Is tha Council Bluffs & Nebraska Ferry com pany's addition to Omaha 'City and cov ered a tract north ef We aster street, ana and one-half blocks, 'lying between tha lithographed plat of Omaha and tha plat of Jeffries' addition to Omaha City, but Mr. Jeffries evidently did not think his addition was worth itha recorder's faa and memery alone recalls It location. When Napoleon Was Ietst. On the second map tba northern Una cf the "original survey" la different from that shown at present, ae north of Izard street there were several blocks, now part of Horbach's addition, and rthe first oanaul of France thus missed becoming identified with the Gateway of tha West, as Na poleon street fell when' the original north ern boundary was reduoed. Antelope street, Fremont street and a number of others suffered the soma fata, while Spring street, then near the northern boundary, Is now found in tha neighborhood of South Omaha. While J. Sterling Morton was still to make "Arbor day" famous. Omaha pro moters were Impressed with the advan tages of parks, Washington square was at Sixteenth and Farnam streets and was later oocupled by a court house. Jefferson square was spared that fate, but "tha park" In the eastern part of town waa absorbed. Omnha's first addition "with a park" waa Hnnscom park, platted by A. J. Han scoin and James Megeath about 1871. The city was given the park on condition that It be Improved and a horse car line car ried "suburban residents" who desired to live around the shady grove. The first "parked" addition was Bemts park, laid out in J889. For some reason the park was forced, to await recognition of Its advantages, but tha Idea finally be came popular and In modified form has been adopted by .others. In Its expansion Omaha has absorbed two towns, the first being Orandvlew and the second one Saratoga. At the present time It presses upon the borders of four Bouth Omaha, Dundee, Benson and Florence. ENDLESS CHAIN NUISANCES Attempts to Stay tha Prosrreas fenaelesa Schauta Prove la effect ami. - Although the fraud has been exposed many times within ths last three yearsj tha prayer chain Incorrectly attributed to tha Protestant Episcopal bishop af Maasa. chusetts Is still In being, frightening some persons and bothering a good many. News paper appeals, personal letters and every other effort made by Bishop Lawrence to stay Ita progress have proved ineffectual The gullible and timorous religious publlo la sufficiently large to keep the letters go ing. 80 far no hops of money gain for anyone has seemed ta animate tha perpet uation of this senseless enterprise, and for that reason Its perslstanoe n all tha more Interesting. A somewhat similar, but far mora seri ous chain, or, as tha English term it, "snowball" leter, la causing great Injury to the Barnardo Homes, one of the no table charities of London. Soma tlma prior to Dr. Barnardo's death. In 1905, a Miss Robertson, betnsT sincerely Interested In the welfare of tils phllanthroplo work, sent out an appeal for aid without consulting tha management of tha homes. Tba erlg lnul letters contained tha usual request that copies be mailed to friends of tha recipients. In Its Orat form tha letter was not entirely unobjectionable, but since Dr. Barnardo's death tha phraseology has been changed, and now. In the words of tha managers at the homes, it Is "highly mis leading and actually doing harm." One of the allegatlona In tha letter now circu lating Is that tha homes must close their doors, which Is directly contrary to tha fact. 80 serious has been tha effect of thla chain letter that tha homes have been obliged to advertise to counteract It Re cently In the London Times tha council of the charity declares Ita desire to put the letter out of circulation entirely and aays It "will take It aa a favor If all readers of tha Times will aid In tha en deavor." While the missive has had wide circulation. Its results seem to have been scant, for the council says, "support Is urgently needed." Ths work of the homes Is very great, 8.000 boys and girls being cared for In them and tha dally food bill alena being 11,209. , The Barnardo letter waa not Inspired by malice or 111 will, but Ita originator hoped to accomplish much good by this agency. The prayer chain may have been the work of a Joker er of a religious enthusiast. It will be lntereatlng to watch tha progress of tha English effort to end a nuisance. Judging from the experience of Bishop Lawrence, It Is likely to be a long time before tha council of the' Barnardo Homes hears ths laat of Miss Robertson's well meant, but Ul advised attempt to fill tha treasury. New York Bun, CLETELASD DEPLORES HUES Ex-FmldeBt, fats Dr. Miller, Deprecate Eooialistis Teadensiet He Beet. ESPECIALLY REGRETS FIX OF HIS PARTY Venerable Ornahaa Rotaraa fresa Best wit It Wards ef Praise far Harrl eaua as ftee.eta.etor ef tha West. "I called on Mr. Cleveland at Ma office In New Tork City and we bad a long talk." said Dr. George L. Miller, who returned Fri day from the east "I found ths ex-presldent In fine condition physically and mentally, his aye bright, his mind clear, his con viction sturdy. He deeply deplores tha ex isting conditions and the socialistic ten dencies of the country. Especially he de piareo the conditions now .existing -In the democratic party. "Mr. Cleveland's pre-eminence Is attested everywhere; his opinions are sought by conservative men. While ha la reserved In his expressions there Is no mistaking the convictions faa holds regarding the existing agitations. He believes in the cure of evils and would go to tha root of them, but I believe I correctly Interpret Mr. Cleve land, when I say ha does not believe In agitations misleading many In the direction of dangerous policies for state and na tional government. "Ha talked particularly and without tha slightest suggestion from me, about the life and work of Edward Rosewater. He asked also about his sons. All this Indi cated, besides a marvelous memory, a broad sympathy, a sympathy that Is not bounded by political or mercenary lines. This great, big-breasted, big-hearted man unconsciously paid a fine tribute to his own character In the many kind words he spoke about Mr. ReseWater." Candidates for Preside-y. Regarding tha outlook for p.esldentlal Umber. Dr. Miller said: "Hughes Is undoubtedly a prominent figure and a promising man. I have not given the situation sufficient thought to endorse entirely the opinion of Henry Watterson that Hughes will be the next man nominated by the republicans. He Is strong, though, for two reasorts; first, he Is Independent, industrious and honest, and second, he Is supported by the president of the United States, both directly and indi rectly, "But there ls Taft who looms up a bkg figure polltloally as well as physically and I hardly see how Roosevelt can divide his time between the two. In many etales Fairbanks has a powerful following. "President Roosevelt now enjoys an al most universal popularity because of bis agitation against corporations. But I be lieve there Is an undertone and an under tow among conservative people and that when the Issue is tried snd men speak their sentiments there will be sheet-lightning all around the sky." Dr. Miller , doee not share the opinion ef B. H. Harrlman'a critics, but holds, on the other band, that hs has done more for the middle west than any other man ever did. "I care nothing for tha high rolling, spectacular - finance of Wall street," said Dr. Miller. "Mr, Harrlaian Is morally no worse than the men whom he beats In the battle there Is be? The man who wins In the Tltanto struggles ef Wall street Is as good as he who loses. But I know that no man since the white race settled on the western hemisphere has ever done even one-half as much as B. H. Harriman has dons In nine years for the material pros perity and development of the transmlsais slppl and Rooky mountain states. I stick to that proposition because It la baaed on Indisputable facts." ' " RACE FOR QUEEN OF THE MAY Contest Is Gettlagr Qeesl Already, with errerel Teiag Wesaea Raaalag Well. The contest for the selection of a "Queen of the Mar" te be crowned at "The Streets ef Paris" at the Auditorium Is In . full awing and numerous ballots ara being cast at tha different palling places. Miss Ethel Robertson to ths leader at present with 369 votes, as against the U rotes east for her nearest competitor. Miss Myrtle Moses. "The Streets of Parts" will open at the Auditorium for two weeks, beginning May M, and the promoters, who are the lead ing business men ef Omaha, have offered a prize of a diamond ring to be given to tha choice for tha "Queen of the May," who will be crowned with elaborate cere monies during ths second week of the carnival. The following Is the Hat of candidates for "queen" and their present standing In the competition: ' Ethel Robertson.. V, Emma Whltmore. 107 Myrtle Moses...... 212'Anna Weitxel S3 Susie Peck 214 Mlas Bovee V C IJllle Miller IK? Blanch Howland.. 1"'-' Edna Hunter 168 Tina Schmidt IM Winifred Lemon.. 142 Marie Butts Ul Minnie Roberts... Kosalln Hull Kmma Vorwall... Agnes Morgan.. n Roselln Dunn..... Hassan Nalr Ioebodded In Oak. After four two-Inch boards had been taken off an oak log at James Webb's sawmill, a walnut peg, an Inch In diame ter and a foot long, was found, which ' reached the heart of the big log, where. It ' Is e lima ted, It had been driven probably 1 aeveuty-tlva years ago. At the end of the pre; was a coll of black hair,- long audi kllken. ! Old people of the neighborhood are of the opinion that the coil of hair was placed there In accordance with a prevalent cus tom ef pioneer times. This custom pro vt led thai when a man and wife could not get along or agree. Instead of separating. I aa In these days, the neighbors cut a loi k of hair from the head of each. A hole waa then bored In a thrifty tree and tha locks of hair were driven to the heart by ; a naJnut bin. After that It waa haliv tho couple would live happily ever aJir.l TOTS INGENIOUS BEGGARS Three Little Boys Ask Money te Bnry DmI Bister and Are Trapped. "Lady, win yon give me a dime to help buy a ooffln to bury my little baby sister," asked a little boy at the door of a boarding house on Twenty-fifth and Dodge streets Saturday moraine The boy was accom panied by two other boys, one of whom was crying bitterly. "Cbms In, boys," said the woman and the trio "came lt" to wait until the money should be forthcoming. But the woman telephoned to Probation Officer Bernstein and In a few moments he was on the spot. Ths boys cried In real earnest when they found they were In the hands of ths law. They confessed that the dead baby sister existed only In thSAr resourceful minds and that the, money they were getting was meant to be used in the purchase of bails, bats and uniforms. The boys had a large sum in nickels, dimes and quartsra. Ths probation office has been en the watch for boys who have been operating in this manner. DELEGATES TO THE ASSEMBLY lx Mew Will Go fresa Omaha and VI elnlty te Presbyterian Oesuaell. Six men will represent the Presbyterian church In Omaha and vicinity at the gen eral assembly of the Presbyterian ohnrch In tho United States, which convenes at Columbus. O.. May 11 The session will eonsums about ten days The six msn are Rev. Dr. A. S. C. Clarke, pastor of the Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church, Omaha; Rev. B. P. Pearson. Lyons, Neb.; & H. Wosteraeld, Dundee; Prod Kocker of the First German Presbyterian church, Omaha; Rev. Dr. Samuel E. Jenkins, professor of theology In the Omaha seminary, and Rev. Dr. Ouy W. Wadsworth. president of Belis vue collage, Tho first four are sent by ths presbytery. Dr. Wadsworth will represent Bellevue college and Dr. Jenkins the The ological seminary. This will be the first general assembly In which the Cumber land branob. which united last year with the ether Presbyterians, meets with them. l " 'eoasiees-y "-! - fr'm'd Iffi o () o () o 0 o C) o o o o o o o o o o o C) o o o 0 o 0 C) 0 o o () () 0 o o o o o o C)t o o C) C) C) 0 o o o o o o o o o () o o () o Tho Peoples Storo Builders of Happy Homes f you would deal with the store whose goods and service are of a men it e snorts and service Are of a ITiniT HT A w A C- behooves you to trade st the Peoples Store. The Peoiilo Store s refutation t deallnss was not established In a dsy or month, but by years of if : Tkr. t for squ actual easiness wltn the peonl Their lileral methods are founded, not merely on paper, but by aubstantlnl transac tions covering a period of 20 years. The patrons of the Peoples Ktore know befot .) that whatever they buy here la absolutely guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or no ... e,r Prl''" have always been low, consistent with the character of the merchan dise offered. If you wish to furnish your home complete or only want a single piece, let tho Peoples Store fill your want. Three Rooms Furnished Complete $71.50 0"r three-room outfits do not merely consist of furniture and rugs. -but Include every thing necessary to furnish a home complete. Our outfits Include window shmles, draperies, bedding of all kinds, all the necessnry cooking utensils and kitchen f urnlalilngs, crockery. giassnare, silverware, and. In f act. everyth Ing you will need with w hich to start house- Buyers of our outfits are not obliged to go elsewhere to complete the furnishings of their homes, ns everything is included down to the smallest detail. Also the furniture, rugs, draperies and furnishings sre all of a hlph class, and should not be confused with some outfits of Inferior grades that are offered elsewhere. We have always made a specialty of rnmplcte home outfits, snd have now lowered the price to J71.B0 for three rooms and reduce the cash payment to 7.00, and $5.00 per month f terwaids. We Guarantee That These Outfits Will Cost Ton $100 Xlsswhsre. tour and five-room outfits at proportionate pricea and terms. TRU5T THI PECPU MA. VssannUaabjBBni'a 1 a . - m j a. T K 3L. r 1.1 1 1.X tad yr if'-' China Closets (Exactly like cut). A Peo ples Store special doMgn. made of the finest quartered oak, grooved shelves for plates, bent glass ends of double strength, highly pol- isnea. A moat valued addi tion to any dining room. Special price... 1.0 Cash, 3. 00 Monthly. 12.50 All Goods Marked in l'laln Figures, lour credit is Good. Extension Tables i I'lii', una 5.50 (Exactly like cut). Made of thoroughly sea soned stock, well finished and extra well made; Sl7.e of top 42x42, and extends to 6 feet. These tables we secured at a very special price, and Intend to give our many cus tomers the benefit of our ex ceptional opportunity, special price Terms! fljOO Cash, $1.00 Monthly. . We are sole agents for Hey wood Bros, and Wakefield Oo Carts, Gurney R e f rlgerators, Elwell Kitchen Cabinets, Direct Action (Ul Ranges, Insur ance Gasoline stoves, Alwln Fulton and Rapid Folding Go-Carts. the collapsible kind, special price. All eon. plaints frlvea at. teatlon. y'-icwMHiy.'iiiiyiriiiJw.'M-i TbJIl You Sil 1 Neeu ll" Gas V Ti Range? A Teddy Bear free with every Oo-Cart evsr $0. If so, bs sure and get a Direct Action. It is ths bost res range made; has all ths good features of every other gas range and many that tha others lack. Has broiler above oven. There are no heavy plates in ths oven to boat tea or fifteen minutes before baking. The oven ta ready, to use as soon as lighted. Every part is removable and olsanabla, making It most sanitary. Has a sub-bnrnsr for wanning; purposes. Consumes mors oxygon of the air than any other gas range, hence reduces your gas bill. Ths Direct Action is guaranteed to cut your gas bill one-third. Ton pay your gas bill twelve times a year, you buy a gas range onoe is twelve years. Bs surs you get a Direct Action. Direct Action gas ranges are an Investment, not an expense. Sold on easy terms of f 1.75 cash; $2.00 monthly. fl Buy Yonr Outfit Mere t Low Price. G6g Peoples Store Special Fold ing and Reclining Go-Carta (Exactly like cut). The handle rods and gearing are of steel, enameled green, rub ber tired, steel wheels, the back and dash can be artjueted to any posi tion, fold compactly, offered at the special price ox 2.90 jxTeru"VeTryyysorsrsrs Jsjy'irvrs-rnr'yysr''sryv The Peoples Store Special Morris Chairs Made of solid oak, upholstered in gen uine chase leather,' neatly A f -carved, highly polished: , ' fl I "1 . n I o nrln. .... mr r - r - ..... $Oo pax week. 31111 tell Refrigerators The Gurney Refrig erator, for which we are aola agents, is guaranteed, not only by us, but by the manufacturer to be absolutely the best re-, frigerator on the mar ket today. It has seven distinct walls, has mineral wool filling, and Is an actual ice saver. This week wo offer a special re frigerator, at 60e per week. 6.50 OGQQCQCOOCGOOGOC () () C) C) () () Mb. C ) o () () () C) C) o o o C) () () o () o () o () o () C) C) () ()' () o C) () () f V o AT a. r i v J o o o o o ha. Crockery Special ) or Bets, It pieces, fancy docorated f .regular $1.00 values, y J o o () o () C) () () C) C) its r - r r r r - r r-yrr-xrrrf-rr-irr . , li , k ' 1 Kt II ill. M si Aw II -ft aw 2& J n. A t M . k t Af VJL il JfV 4. J . st i SB Ns-pX Mm? mT mr -" mm Carpets, Rugs and Draperies Dig Special Sale All This Week Tiger Brussels Room Size Rugs asxn3i4 tv 1 1 1 1 rj 3.50 7.50 Ingrain Carpets, strictly all wool, regular 76c grade, C4 special 7,ape.stry Carpets, very heavy qu al ly, many designs, regular A9 $1.00 grade, special Axmlntater Carpets, very choice and extra beavy weight, regu- ths lie act. lnr 11. B0. at. vard Matting, good quality. Just thing lor summer use, bo vrmlfL enaciai this week.. Oilcloth for kitchen, good grade, special, per square "t yard Linoleum, henvy grade, will give good service, worth $1.00, r9f special, per square yard These rugs are made of genuine tapestry Brussels carpeting of a strong, durable quality that will give excellent wear and held Its color to ths very last. Tha new spring patterns are delightfully pretty and these rugs for style, beauty and quality cannot be equaled ills where for less than 118.60. The size is axil reet and the special price is $14.50 Terms t $l.BO cash) $3.00 pas month. Laco Curtains Nottingham Curtains, handsome designs and excellent value. f Q worth l.i5, pair t-"5 Nottingham Curtains, 60 Inches wide, very beautiful patterns and extra fine quality, worth f A $3.00. pair tmtJ Beautiful Carded Arabian Cur tains, full siie, worth f Xtk 3.00. a pair Rope Portlers, fine quality, full size, your choice ef col- 71 ors, worth $3.00, at a. Iron Beds (Exactly like cut.) A new bed made In fancy scroll design, full bent posts of seamless tubing and very heavy chill work; have four coats of baked white enamel and can be had In full or three-quarter aize; special sale price ............ Peoples Store Oak Dressers (Exactly j like cut). Made of solid oak, high ly .polished, ,lnrKe, r o o in y drawers, French beveled mirror of oblong are solid brass, work manship, price, special sale 8.50 $l cash; $a.oo monthly. 7t7i''!tl "Jn"'r '"sasnii JIT""1 WE TRUST THE PEOPLE rREE0-M,?i:l-,rREE A 88-plece Geld Coin Initial Dinner Set. with your Initial In gold, given away ab solutely free with every cash or credit purchase of $100, or sold to you outright for $t.76, on the extremely easy terms of $1.00 cash and $1.00 per month. If you buy $100 worth during 190T we will give you a set free and credit your accounts with all amounts that you have paid. Pinner Beta, ware, anecl Dinner Sets, 100 pieces, handsomely dec orated, fancy border, spray or floral de signs, regular $16.00 q (A values, special ' Toilet Sets, 6 pieces, decorated ware. - regular $3.60 values, ") Special SfiiJ Uasollne Stoves, a 1-burner, low, 1 AO guaranteed, worth $4.60, special. , 16ia 'FARNAM eSTOFCTSs OMAHA CHE PEOPLES FURNITURE AND CARPET CO, Established 1887. We sell goods oat of town on very easy payments. Write for our special catalogue) of Rrfrigrratom, flo. C arta. Kltf hen Cahl neta and Gas Range Kes or Herald. Ma&$-um at Cfe, USITCA UJ9CLaUiI3T& HARRIMAN SUSTAINS LOSS Fgdfio Line laTo Two of Wont Operatin: Month in March and ApriL LITTLE WORK THIS YEAR KRUTTSCHNITT Oenble-Trneklns; In Nebraska and VYyemlac Will Be Dene, bat ho laaprovesaonts hot Aete sJly Keecssnry. Harriman Pacific lines had two of their worst oDeratlng months in March and AprlL The principal causes of ths trouble were removed during April, but the effect will bo felt on a narrowing seals fur a couple of weeks to come. Trafflo is rapidly resuming Its normal basis. ' Julius Kruttschnltt, director of ualnten anoe and operation, aays little new work Is being undertaken this year that can bo avoided, but that double-tracking will be pushed in Nebraska and Wyoming, espe cially In Nebraska. Tbere are 176 miles of double-tracking authorised for 11. Last year about luu miles were put through In various suctions, principally around tho ooal mines of Wyoming. Much extension work la projected In ths far west, but lit tle will bo done until conditiuua rtututfo, according to tho Wall direct Journal. Appropriations of this year and last in clude 2,7dt miles of road to be equipped with eutonhttlc block signal, which will bring the total mileage so equipped to t.Tia) and Include the four main, Hues of tho system. While It Is less than one-third of the entire mileage, it represents fully two thirds of ths traffic. The latest proposition to lengthen time scheduaes across tbs continent Includes tha from twentv-seven and a half hours to thirty-two; from Chicago to Missouri rlvsr, from sixteen and a half hours to twenty.; average of through limited eastbound coast trains, from slxty-slns and a half to seventy-one and one-fourth hours. Through limited westbound trains will bo changed very little. No final agreement has been reached on new schedules, but the man agers are giving' the matter earnest atten tion. Cltras Fruit Movement. This season's California movement of citrus fruit will total sbout I0,0U carloads. of which Harriman lines. Including ths San Pedro, get $0 per cent, Atchison getting 40 per oent. Lsst season's movement Is expected to reach 40,000 cars, as many new orchards will be bearing. The movement begins in November and lasts until June, reaching Its climax In February. . This year tha movement was delayed five or six wVeks and the railroad are In their fourth week of the big rush. The deciduous fruit move ment begins about the end of the other movement and averages nearly one-third aa much, last season being t.OuO cars. As tha fruit Industry of California grows ths deciduous tonnage becomes relatively less. Traffic managers have great faith In the new grafting processes whereby oranges are cultivated successfully the year round. They say many of the best varieties are thus obtained In months that formerly wars -out of seeson. Tha shipping period Is gradually extending and ultimately will cover the twelve months of ths year. Balled Ip by Highballs. A Sunday "highball," a signal of the New Haven road.' caused the worst railroad tangls at New Haven, Conn., that the New Haven officials have had to straighten out for years. An engineer who was scheduled to take out the t:06 accommodation train for Hart ford hitched by mistake on to the Shore line accommodation for Providence, which wag sOioJulsd to leave at t.U. WUa Con ductor Beebe, who was In charge of the Shore Use train, gave him the "highball," the sign to go ahead, the engineer started off. When he got to Cedarbtll be found that he was on the wrong track and stopped his train. Conductor Beebe Insisted thht he go on with the train, but the engineer refused, saying that hs had never been over that routs, and, unhitching his en gine and leaving the train stalled, he put back te the Union station for his own train. It took an hour to straighten out things and get both trains under way. JEALOUSY AT GOLDEN HORN mailer Powers Object te Betas For gotten ta Hew Peal . with Turkey. CONST ANTI NO J?TJC. May ll.-i(flpecuU.) A certain amount ef jealousy has arisen amongst ths diplomats belonging to ths smaller powers In Constantinople over the question of raising the customs duties from I to 11 per cent The great powers havs been carrying on the negotiations and settled the whole question to suit themselves, but they have quite Ignored tbs smaller powers as having any rights to be heard In the matter at all. As a matter of fact the terms tho powers are making are applicable te all nations, snd there will be no difference In the treat ment of any nation, and they will all benefit by tha reforms, but the smaller ones felt themselves slighted and consid ered that (hey had a right to be consulted. They therefore delegated the Dutch charge d'affaires to lay their grievances before the German ambassador, who Is ths dean, and ask that they should give their con sent la the final note to the porte accept ing raising of the custoir a Baron liar schall von Bloberatein did not fall In with thaif vWws ea4 riXased, Xhaa the piled to Sir Nicholas O'Conor, who found they had a reason to compVln and who undertook to arrange the matter. Russia, and France quickly agreed to the Insertion of a clause In ths nots to the effect that the consent of the smaller powers had beoa obtained. However, the national complica tions growing out of this unique conditio of affairs have net ae yet been settled. One Mayer Would Resign. TEKATER1NOSLAV, Russia, May Tha mayor of this olty, M. A leu. having reoelved a second warning that hs has been, sentenced to death by the reactionary or ganutatlon on account ef bis liberal oplo ions, has determined to resign. 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