TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY HKB: MAY 12, 1007. SOCIETY IN RESTLESS MOOD XVh'oDVi Fa, in tni? Week w th Vart7 of flairs. SUMMER CLUBS C.M'tKi Or' ATTRACTION Katlvaal Vigilance loiumltlee Aetlv 1b taiuimluH for 1'rotecflon ul Voanii Wotneu Outline of UriaalMllua't Wsrk, Lave Blladoeas. tlii' vuhl I had derictlve Sight tin lliai Kuiiiim r uu , I cuu.ii noi a-e ner nat s white Or tn.ii uii iuu was aiay. Thjnk: Gray and whiti-. for lover's eyes Vi. tvrrylhing I viewed biusinug iihc lue inuiiiing skits Ail. uii wag roerme huU! i h Luvebllnd. The Social Calendar. MOM MY-Mr. nnd Mrs. diaries Voorhees. WgOm club; lr. Howard iieidrige, lou dy ferldgii ciub; Mrs. K Vwi, ioikU c1-jU; Mr. Harold iieynulds, umucr lor lira. Jack Moore of Bioux. city. TLKSDAY child having Inmuutc, annual rliiHn; beta- soviet)-, box parly ul Hm- WOOtl. WKDJSESDAY-Mra. D. W. Dickinson. K. K. K, club; C. K. Wel.rr, KounUe i'lace lu ii (iron club; Mrs. lierger, Le Veta eluh, in Y. Y. club dance ai ireigntou In.tlru'a ball. THUKSDAl-Mrs. F. E. Young, West Far- ' nam Kensington club; Miss Kvelyn Berg man. A. O. T. Howling club; Young Woven i Harmony club, dunce at Cham bers; Mrs Norman itothtKilx and Mrs. H. Xojibld. card party for Mrs. Sum bchiank of k ail well, okl. SATUiiPAV-Mla Gold Murphy, after noon rarty for Miss Lillian Bushman. Spring In all lta glory la here at last and every one seems bent on spending just ts much time In the country as possible. LJfe at the clubs stems to have blossomed out Uke the trees and a delightful In formality Is In the very atmosphere. It is a most alluring time with the fields of wild flowers that one finds Just outside the city limits and Is suggestive of fresh ness, warmth and a wholesome newness. So It Is that society welcomes the' Jolly hand that slaps the winter formality In chaos- and gives spring its Inning. The past week socially has been far from dull. The most memorable events were the wed ding of Miss Marlon Hughes and Mr. George Redlck, the buffet luncheon given by Mrs.' Harry Burkley on Tuesday end Wednesday and the debutante luncheon given by Mrs. Harry P. Whltmore for Miss Franeea Wessels. The arrival of Mr. and Mrs. ' Jenness and Miss Jenness of De troit, Mich., to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Yost brought forth dlnn-rs, luncheons and theater Invitations which will be continued this week. The arrival of Mrs. Jacobs Friday to be the guest of Colonel and Mrs. S. S Curtis for a week will greatly aid In keeping things lively, and then, the clubs with all of tholr at tractions make a dull time impossible. The Country club was not crowded Sat urday evening either at the dinner or the dance that followed. In honor of Captain and Mrs. Leonard Wlldman, Mr. A. B. Warren entertained the following ut Hin. ner: Captain and Mrs. Wlldman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Btuart of Council Bluffs. Miss Daisy Donne, Miss Belle Dewey and Cap tain Donne. With Mr. and Mrs. William Sears Fop pletoci were Mlsa Flora Webster, Miss Ella Mae Brown, Mr. Stockton Heth and Mr. Earl Gannett, Mr. and Mrs. John V. Kennedy enter tained In honor of their guest, Mr. Logan f New Zealand. Covers were laid for Mr. Logan, Mr. and Mra. George Prltchctt, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Learned. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Henry W Tatss, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cowln and Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy. Mlsa Louise Peck had as her guests Miss Elsie Funkhouser, Miss Bess Cong don, Miss Bishop, Mr. Paul Gallagher, Mr. Frank Tollard and Mr. Robert Dinning. Mr. and Mra F. H. Davis and Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Porter Peck. Mr. and Mrs. John French, Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Brady, Mr. and Mra. 'Victor Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Barkalow. Mr. and Mrs. M. T Barlow had Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Dewel. Mr and Mrs. John Wilbur and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Love. Smaller dinners were given by Mr. Harry Tukey, Mr. A. McClure, Mr. and Mrs A. P. Oulou and Mr. Hosford. The dance at the Field club was largely attended Saturday evening, but the din ner that preceded It was but scantily at tended. With Mr. and Mrs. B. T. White were Mr. J. B. Bhean, and Mr Roberts of Bt. Taul, Minn., and Miss Gwendoline White. Mr. and Mra Julius Kessler hsd Mrs N. J. Kessier. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Lane had a family Prty. Mr C W. Partrlge had four guests, and Mr. Will Chambers, four guests. ' - aortal Chlt-Cliat. Mr. and Mra Morris McKay have taken A house at 57 South Twenty-eighth street. Mc and Mrs. William I. Klerstead hsve moved to their new home at 4802 Florence boulevard. Mrs. Philip Dodge has takfn the resi dence of Mrs. George Patterson until Oc tober, whlls Mrs. Patterson Is In Europe. The wedding of Miss Whitney and Mr. Philip Dodge will be solemnltsd Tuesday! June It at high noon at Brookline, Mrss. Mr. and Mra Charles F. Shaw announce the angagement of their daughter, Miss Leila, to Mr. Richard J. Skankcy. The wedding will take place In June Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Burns are antl-l- Ice Cream Barrels Filled With Three Flavors of Ice Cream lf you fiy "'e of Un. Huff's little nairela of i,e !U-V4ii:j vrian you wi i s- 'j now why . ' ! .i..f-.". ' : tj r e r r v n n d rnoi'oiate. ini-h froien when you jurchaso It at th counter. The lltrla h.,nl. . . . ... . that It will keep the lw rem l irdj) luHff iium t.n a r.vi nav. m I nereseary to put It on IVo, vou en take It to your home or oini-e. Icen and eat It later at your convenience. Quart slae, sufficient for six or ilrt persons 40 j Pint slse, sufrU-ioat for three or four persons 8jj BALDUFF 1518 Farnam Table 4'Hote Blaaei Today. Served from 11 K. to g:3o r. M. rlo lOz. 'i iiair rntlng a very delightful European trip. Tliy expert to sail from New Tnrk on June S fur Cherbourg, Franc, and latr Will so to Dublin; Ireland, to attend ttwe wed. lire; of a relative. Later th"V will JHn a pnrty nrd mako a conrhlng tour through En-.rhmd. Mr. Burns will return home In AtKuet, but Mra. Bums will remain until fall. romlasr Events. Mrs. iserger will be hostvss Wednesday at the meeting of the Le Veta club. The Child Saving institute will hold Its nnual reception Tuesday afternoon. The K. IC K. club will meet Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. D. W. Dickinson. Mr. and Mis Charles Voorhees will en tertain tl.e Wghum club Monday evening. Mrs. L. Veat will be hostess Monday aft- ern on at the meeting of the Floroda club. The Monday bridge club will be enter - tn:n d this week by Mrs. Howard H. keh'rige. The Kountsa Flace Luncheon club will be cnUrtalBed Wednesday evening by Mrs. C. K. teller. Mrs. F. E. Young will be hostess Thurs day at the meeting of the West Farnam Kensington club. Mts. Harold Reynolds will ehtertsln Mon day evening at dinner In honor of Mrs. Jack Moore of Sioux City. The A. O. T. Bowling club will be en tertained Thursday afternoon by Miss Eve lyn Bergman at the Metropolitan club. The Y. Y. club will give a May party xvAnaMA( v vnlnr nt PrIxhtnn Inatitut hall. This will be their last dance for this season. The 8. T. N. club will meet with Mr.. Carl 8. Griffith, 2318 Spencer street. Sat- urdsy afternoon to enjoy an afternoon at ki.h . f The honorary members of the Beta so ; ciety will give a box party Tuesday even j :g at the Burwood to the members, j chnporonrd by Mrs. Howard Colon. Miss Golda Murphy will entertain Satur j day afternoon In honor of Miss Lillian Buslimsn, whose marriage to Mr. Alex ander Stuart will take place In June. Mrs. Norman Rothhols and Mrs. R. Ko pald have issued Invitations for a large ! card party to bo given Thursday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Sam Schlank of Black well, Okl. Pleasures Past. In honor of Mrs Krlr.g of Yankton, 8. D, Mr. and Mrs. ArthUr Gross gave an J Orpheum party Saturday evening. They I had eight guests. ! ' Dr. and Mra. H. N. McClanahan and MIhs 'Katheilne McClanahan gave a delightful I card party Saturday evening in honor of the senior class of the Omaha Medical college. The house was decorated with apple blossoms. High five was the game played at twelve tables. Mr. C. E. 8pens, Mr. Alex Jeffrey and Mr. A. H. Merchant entertained at dinner Wednesday evening at the Omaha club in honor of a number of friends. Those pres ent were Mr. Harry Cartan, Cdlonel 6 harp, Mr. F. A. Nash. Mr. C. E. Yost, Mr. Ed ward Porter Peck, Mr. Dickinson, Mr. N. B. Updike, Mr. H. L. Cummlngs. Mr. E. M. Fairfield, Mr. Dickinson, Mr. M. C. Peters and Mr. Luther Drake. Mrs. George H. Kelly ; entertained the Saturday night club last week. Four tables j were placed for the game and those prenent were Mr. and Mrs. J. Foster, Mr. and airs. F. E. Peurce, Mr. and Mrs. John Eyler, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Robldoux, Mr. and Mrs. Evert Smith, Mr. and Mra. W. II. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Will Palmatler, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ochiltree and Mr. and Mrs. Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Murray will entertain the next meeting of the club, which will be held In two weeks and will be the last for ths season. The women of the German coffee were entertained Thursday afternoon by Mrs, Elizabeth RJtter. The afternoon was spent In playing games, after which a luncheon waa served. The prises for the games were won by Mrs. Store and Mrs. Specht, Those present were: Mrs. Anna Btoecker, Mrs. Tennle Schnitx, Mrs. Hattle Epeneter, Mrs. Sophie Baumer. Mrs. Lena Bpecht, Mrs. Dora Tepke, Mrs. Lang, Mrs. Emma Jobst, Mrs. B. Richards, Mrs. Nettle Beck man, Mrs. Anna Brhafer. Mrs. Minnie Btors, Mrs. Anna Fruehauf and Mrs. Annie Teb blns. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scrtbner entertained the lost meeting of the Harmony club Sat urday evening, when seven tables were placed for tho card game. Those rresent were Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Pollard, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ewlng, Mr. and Mra. Robert Dinning, Mr. and Mrs. McCoy, Mr. and Mrs. John Robblns, Mr. and Mrs. W. I Belby, Mr. and Mrs. F. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Benson, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dale. Judge and Mrs. W H. Munfer, Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Bholesk Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Van Court. Mr. and Mrs. Ben White Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Wood. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. E. Bates and Mr. and Mrs. Scrlbner. The women of the German Coffee club celebrated their twenty-fourth anniversary Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Baumer. The parlor and reception hall were fragrant with carnations an Ameri can beauties, the same flowers making a pretty centerpiece for the refreshment table. The afternoon wa spent Informally. Those present were Mrs. Bealcr, Mra. Turtle. Mrs. Baumer, Mrs. Reekman, Mra. Fruehauf, Mrs. Epeneter, Mrs. Jobst, Mrs. Lang, Mrs. Rich, Mrs. Rltter. Mrs Sohafer, Mrs. Stori. Mra Anna Btoecker, Mrs. Sennits, Mrs. Stebbene, Mra. Tepke and Mrs. Bpecht. Come and Oo Gossip. Mrs. F. B. Southard Is visiting friends In Denver, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. C. Keoyon returned home Friday from an eastern trip. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Barr have as their gucat Mr. Leicester Barr of Chicago. .ars. H. T. Leinist is expected home Mon duy from a week s visit In St. Louis. Mrs. Don J. Adams and baby have re- tumed from a visit in Superior, Neb. Mrs. Bainuei bt-niana or uiacaweii. um, i . n . . . .... . A. f is visiting ner moiner, airs. . ropuia. . Mr. Harry Cartan and Mr. John 8. Brady I will ;.ave today for a trip to California. Mrs. A. L. Mohler has returma honu ! ! afiur spending the winter In the south Mrs. t. B. Preston has retuined from 'ruse Christian, where she spent the winter. I Mia. W. A. PixU-y is in Chicago, the ! Ki t of Jill Blanche Van Cjurt Schneider. ! M.: Gertrude' lllckey of Chicago Is the i ku' st of Mls Su lla Murphy for a few cuya. Tho Missis Bennett of Toronto, Car. a da, ( are the gjtets of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Mar. I liott. Mis. Kltln cf Pittsburg, who was the iit of Mrs. J. Luhrasn, has reiuruoj home. Miss MilUrd ar- ! Senator MIHarJ and I rived heme Saturday from an exlendei trip ahr.'Rd. : I Mrs. V. H. Munger retu-ned Tuesday . j from a stay of several weeks at Kacel- J s'or t-prlngi. i j Mrs. Ruymond C. Helm of Duluth Is I visiting her parents. Mr. anl Mrs. John, B iwamit-y. Mr. and Mrs. CharUs T. Kountse are expected home the early part of the week from New York. Mrs. :c;.iinioc. ua. jraDfr ,n1 j rank j jt la persistently rumored that ths Oer Fabr of Canton. O.. are the guests of 1 msn contractors Intend to negotiate dl Mrs. Milton Barlow. j rK.tly with the niaghsen for the construe- Mre. M. D. BaKr and son Frederick are j tlon at Tangier of a large breakwater, the guests of Mrs. Baker's parents. Mr. ( wnlch woul(1 i contrary to tha Alerlraa and Mrs. F. O. Vriau. ; .Captain D. F. Keller, formerly stationed ' I at Fort Crook, spent several days of last j I week wltu Omaha, friends. Ue has ra- signed his position In the army and Intends to engage in the sheep business In Idaho. Dr. H. N. McClanahan leaves May 28 for the meeting of the American Medical aaso elation at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Royal D. Miller and email son are spending a few days in Des Moines, the guests of Mr. Miller's parents. Mrs. Charles D. Rich of Oreen Bsy, Wis., is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Brnd. bury and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Uich. Mr. Elmer Redlok, who came home to attend the wedding of his brother, re turned Friday to his school at Faribault, Minn. Mra. Robert Dosler baa returned from a two weeks' visit In Dunlap, la., where she wus called by the serious Illness of her father. Mr. nrd Mrs. E A. Cudahy and Josenii Cudahy have returned from Chlcaso where ! they were rnl'ed by the serious illness of John Cudahy. Captain and Mrs. Robert Hamilton are In San Francisco, where Captain Hamilton has rejoined Us regiment, the Twenty S"cond Infantry. Dr. and Mrs. 11. N. McClanahan and daughter. Miss Katherlne McClnmhan, ex pect to sail June 15 for Europe where they will spend six months. Mrs. J. Percy Flolshcl and small son, Wellor Flelshel, left Saturday evening for Tyler, Tex.; where they will spend six weeks visiting friends. Mlsa Elisabeth Congdon will leave Mon day for Sterling, 111., where she will be present at the wedding of her cousin, after wh,ch ,he wl11 vl,lt veral places In the east. and Mrs. Frank Templeton of Seattle, wh" Lav be'n h quests of Mr. mr'' t"v" ' ,rolon"a their visit owing to the Illness of their small daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Dwlght Swobe of San FYanclsco arrived today and will be with Mr. and Mrs T. J. Rogers. They will only spend one day In Omaha as Mr. Bwobo's business calls him to Chicago, but they may make a longer visit on their way home. CHANGE IN LAW0F DESCENT Provisions of Measure Passed by the Late Nebraska Legla latnre. Piotably no measure paased by the last legivlutuie is of more Interest to the wo mon of Nebraska' than the decedent bill, or the woman's property rights bill as It was more generally called. The bill was pasiicd at the Instance of the club women, but owing to some amendments tn the legislature the provisions of the new law are not generally understood and the fol loiv.n summary has been prepared by D. L. Johnson of Omaha, who drafted the bill, for the benefit of the tnanv women who have made Inquiry: The main purpose of the bill was to give the surviving husband or wife a fee In terest In the real estate of the other In stead of a life estate aa under the old law. Section I of Senate File 73, which" passed both houses of the lecrlslature end was signed by the governor, provides aa follows- (Descent where husband or wife survive) whon any person shall die, leaving a hus band or wife surviving, all the real estate of wblcl. the deceased was Beised of an estate of Inheritance at any time during the marriage, or In which the deceased was possessed of an Interest elthar legal or equitable at the time of his or her death, which has not been lawfully conveyed, by the husband and wife while residents of this state, or by the deceased while the husband or wife was a non-reaident of this state, which has not been sold under execution or judicial sale, and which has not been lawfully devised, shall descend eubjeut to his or her debts and the rlghU of homestead. In the manner following: First. One-fourth part to the husband or wife if the survivor is not the parent of all the children of the deceased and there be on or more children, or the Issue of one or more dec-en od children, surviving. Second One-third part to the husband or wile If the survivor Is the parent of all the children of the deceased and there be two or more children, or one child and the issue of one or more deceased chil dren, surviving. Third. Ons-half to the husband or wife if thj aurvlvor Is the parent of all the chil dren of the deceased and there be only one child, or the Issue of a deceased child, surviving. Fourth. One-half to the husband or -wife If there be no child, nor the issue of any deceased child nor children, surviving. Fifth. If the deceased leave relatives of his or her blood, the residue of the real estate of which ha or she shall die seised. In the cases above named, when not law fully devised, shall descend subject to the rights of homestead, in the same manner and to the same persons as hereinafter provided for the descent of real estate of deceased persons leaving no husband or wife surviving; and in the event the de ceased loave no relatives of his or her blood, the residue of the real estate herein provided for. shall also descend to the surviving husband or wife. Section 2. Provides for the descent of the real estate where no husband or wife sur vive and the same Is not necessary for t ie Fayment of debts and has not een law ully devised. Ths provisions oj this tac tion are the same as tho present law. ex cept that where there Is no Issue the estate descends to the father and mother equally, or to the survivor of them, and !iot to the father first and mothe afterward, as un der the present law. Section 1. Provides for the distribution of the personal property and Is practically the same aa the present law, except that the residue of the personal property after the allowances and debts have been paid, shall be distributed in the same propor tions and to the same persons as take the real estate. Section . Abolishes dower and curtesy. By section 6 It is provided how a mar ried man or woman may bar his or her Interest in the real estate of the other, and Is as follows: (Right to Inherit; how barred.) The right of a married man or woman to Inherit a part or all of the real estate of which his or hr spouse was seised of an estate of Inheritance at any time during the mar riage, mav be barred bv a conveyance ex ecuted by such husband -and wife while i residents of this Hate. and. if either such : husband or wife be not a resident of this state, by a deed of conveyance executed I either by both of snld parties or bv the one seized at the time of such conveyance; nnd arh rlxht to inhf r!t may also he barred by the sale of suc' real eu - - ; oer execution or other Judicial sale during the ilietlnie of the owner of the title. Section t. Provides for ante-nuptial con- I trort" ard is procllCftliy me same aa mo i present law. ... . i . m . . n u.. r. action lo t.iK? under I the ln.:t "will rrd tramment of the de- ranpn. i r it ium ij nd di,,,.,,,!,,,,. the Interest in the estate tr, .me as It mere nna nei-n no win. ; S;;..on V rrvHe then.e andhe , gi,a'n he within one year after the- la-nance j of le'er tent im.-nt.iry. and ""H be In wiltlr.R nnd lil a in me i nu-e oi mc cuuinjr court. WrRQCCAN TP'S DP IN DEMAND Gerruona Sail t Yl-ilnle Alweclrau Art In FrTort to Secure C.-"frnrt. I TANGIER. May 11. (Sneelsl I Sid Mo- hammed el Torres has contracted (rir tho drainage woiks and the construction of a boulevard with the firm of Reisrh-nh iui. whos" est!me amounts to f;-5.000. The! dlnloTrstic bodv hod adoDted the view thV these works could only be undertaken by adjudication. This also is relieved to be! ,, drly Indicated in the text of the! Algeclras act. In the French-German j agreement of September. IDOj. It a ss pro- vld(i that the contracts given to French! and Oerman firms should te of eiual ! lvalue. The Increase In the estimate of the' j l.arlche works destroys the balance to : tha advantage of Germany to the eatent uf nearly 60 per cent. . ,ct The ,ttltun-e or Dr. Rosen has caused! aatonl.hment and rearet la nr. ..i h.,l the Algeclras act has been put lo question I by German pretension ; Sailor Hats FOR Ladles We are the First to Show Sailor Hats This Season Knowing that they are to be extensively worn wo arc prepared to meet the demand. Black sailors will be very much in vogue, white ones will also lie worn. We offer you splendid -values in either kind at 69c 98c $1.48 i' U WORK UF THE CLUB WOMEN Woman's Christian Temprano Union Con duct Irititite at Cou.b, Cmaha, GRAND MEMORIAL TO SUSAN B. ANTHONY Omaha CInb Also Scene of Much Festivity Visitors, Brides and Debutantes Feted aael Dined. The Susan B. Anthony memorial fund of 100,000 haa been completely subscribed. The money is to be used for the promotion of the cause of woman suffrage, to which Miss Anthony gave her life. The movement was started a year ago last February, when the National Suffrage association met In Washington, D. C. At that time it was stated by officers of the association that If $12,000 annually for five years could be placed at their disposal over and above the present Income, more could be ac complished for woman suffrage than haa been gained In the last twenty years. The establishment of this fund was later de termined upon as a memorial to Miss Anthony, Miss Mary Carey Thomas, presi dent of Bryn Mawr college, and Miss Gar rett being among the most active In rais ing it. All subscriptions to the fund were made contingent to the raising of tha whole amount, ri0,000, on or before MayL 1907, and with the exception of the subscriptions of members of the committee and - two other persons, the entire fund was sub scribed during the first two months. The following subscription list arranged in. order of date will be of interest to many: ' Miss Garrett, Baltimore I t.BOO Mrs. Henry Villard, New York J.WO A Friend, New Ifork t.WO Mra. Kuseell Sage, New York 1.600 Mrs. tjulncy A. Shaw, Boston I. WO Mrs. Cooiiley Ward, Chicago 16"0 Mra. Henry M. Wilmarth, Chicago.... 1.600 Mrs. David P. Kimball, Boston t,60 Mrs. Russell Sage, New York (second subscription) im commit J Raxtol Philadelphia.... I. DO) 2,6") Mrs. Mary A. Burnham. Philadelphia 100 Mr. and Mrs. isaao iiouuer, j-ima- delphla Mr. and Mrs. William P. Henssey, Philadelphia Miss Emily Howland, Sherwood, N. Y. Mrs. Robert Abbe, New York Mrs. Frederick Nathan, New York... A Friend, Providence. R. I Miss Blla Mench, Philadelphia Dr. Anna P. Bharpless. Philadelphia.. Mrs. Elisabeth Smith Miller, Geneva N. Y Miss Anne Fitahugh Miller, Geneva, N. Y Mrs. William M. Ivlns, New York Mrs. I.ucretta L. Blankenburg, Phila 1.500 ,600 6O0 6.0 600 600 too BOO 6T0 600 60 ZO.000 delphia A Friend Total tSO.OOO By the conditions of the gift this SO,000 was to be paid over by the chairman and treasurer of the committee to the officers of the National American Woman Suffrage association on the first day of May, In five equal annual payments beginning May 1. 1907, for the next five years with In struction that $4,600 or about one-third of the amount shall be used each year to pay salaries to the devoted women who are giving their whole time to the equal suffrage cause, and that the remaining 7.600 shall be used at the discretion of the officers of the National American Woman Suffrage association to promote the cause of equal suffrage by every means In their power. Tempereace Institute. The Women's Christian Temperance union of Douglas county will eonduot temperance Institute at South Omaha Mon day and Tuesday of this week under the direction of Mrs. S. K Daily of Univer sity Place. The meetings will be held at the First Methodist church, the Insti tute to open Monday morning at I o'clock with devotional exercises. A Demorest medal contest will be a feature of Mon day's session. Tuesday's session will open at 9:45 a. m , the following program having been arranged: Devotional exercises, Mrs. D. Banner; "Local and Special Conditions of Work and What We Expect to Accomplish by this Institute," Mrs 8. K. Dolly: 10:16, "Tem perance In the Sunday School." Mrs. Cora Fellers: 10:45. general discussion. "How to Add to Membership and Activity of I.ocal I'nlons." Mrs. Adelaide Rood; noon tide hour of prsyer. Miss Lottie Schroeder; 1 p. m. devotional exercises, Mrs. N. Mc- KlttrKk; :30 P m.. ine loy anu ma Cigarette," E. K. Dennlson; 8 p. m., free parliament, "How May Christians Make AKgresK've Wiirfure Against the Saloon?" Dr Wheeler. Mrs. E B. Towle, W. R. Patrick, A G. Young; 8 p. m., devotional exercises. Rev. Kurl G. W. Hiller; address. Mrs. 6. K. Dally; offering; benediction. i i.e woi K of the national v g. lance com mittee, organised a few inunihs ago to l,ivk up the white slave tiarTlc In this cuui.tr), is already beginning to be felt, although the organisation Is still Imper fect. Working together In this committee aru n.en and women of national prominence In philanthropic and Christian work. Among them are M:ss Grace Dodge of New Yo k, president of the Young Women's Christian Association f the United States; Cardinal UiLbons. Bishop W.jN. McVickar of ITovldence, R. I., Rev. Anna Garlln Spencer and many others equally well known. Deialls concerning the methods of work to be conducted by the committee will not be made public, but the publlo Is as sured that they will be carried out Intelli gently and energetically as the personnel of tho committee suggests. It may be said in general, however, that the endeavor will be to search out the sources of the traffic and ascertain facts, with the hope that when tl.e data la In hand an effective rem edy may be found. On the other hand, the work will be largely preventive. The committee baa announced the following line of work: ! L To break up Uit Lntaroatlonai while j ! June the Month of Brides Let us furnish your Invitations. We have a large and varied stock and our facilities are of the best. We are competent to Judge of the excellence of every detail, because we have bad a practical training. Monograms and Initial Work Spciolty. High Class Cor respondence Papnra. Wedding Invitations. Announcements. Reception, At Home and Address Cards. Samples and Prices ' Bent on Request. THE IWOYER STATIONERY Big Drug Sale Monday !Sn Monday, May 13, will be one of these very busy days at our store, but all will be promptly waited upon for our clerical force now numbers 83. If you live at a distance from our store use the telephone and we will do the rest Rubber Goods Cut Prices Monday Good Bulb Syringe. Monday 20o t-qt. Fountain Syringe. .49c 8-qt. Water Bottle 60c Rubber Gloves, per pair 39c Atomizers, Monday 35c to 11.50 Bath Cabinets, $3.60 to $5.00 We are agents In Omaha for the famous REXALL Remedies, the most meritorious line of family medicines. Write for our Drug and Rubber Goods Catalogue. It will tell you more. Sherman (Si McConnell Drug Co. Corner 16th and Dodge Streets. Going to have another good drug store soon, corner 16th and Ilamey Gold Plates I have had marvelous success In fitting Gold Plates. I use pure gold, no alloy, and fit them per fectly, so you see I take no risk when I guarantee them. Painless Silver Fillings, 75c. MATTHEWS CBIOnfai VAZSX.E8S SE1TTXST Room 4, Bushman Blk., 16th and Douglas Sts. 'Phone Douglas 6711. Open Even ings until 9. 8undays, io to 3. ,IfTV'amo bjr attacking Its sources. c,:,-: . 1 " ui"ry to the United States government, and as an ally to sim ilar associations In foreign countries thus completing the organisation of the civilised i. To Stimulate tha foi-mtlnn r.t i. tlons In all our cities to warn and protect glr Is and women, and to Improve local con- 4. To co-operate with all associations whose work Is In harmony with ours, and conatltute for them a centar of Inform. n.. suggeailoa and assistance. 6. To Investigate lnatanrpa nt wi.nH..l. to girls snd women, to care for them and to i see that tha offanders are punished. Mra. Peuttle at Oakaloosu. Among the much anticipated numbers on I the program of the Iowa Federation blen. I nlal to be held st Oskaloosa thas week, will be a talk on "Club Study," by Mrs. Ella V. Peattle. former president of the Omaha Woman's club. Since leaving Omaha Mrs. Peattle has been on the staff of the Chicago Tribune and hss also completed several books, chiefly of shoit stories that have! aDDeared from time to time In various1 magaslnes. Mrs. Peattle Is an enthusiastic! club woman, being a member of the Fort nitrlitlv club of Chicago, tha I.vraum r.t London, the Chicago Woman's club and an: honorary member of the Omaha Woman's club. The decision of Mrs. Emma Y. Byers to' decline the offer of the St. Louis Young Women's Christian association snd -retain th general secretaryship of the local asso-1 elation ! heartily appreciated by all fa miliar with Mra. Byers work among the young women of Omaha. The Mothers' Circle of Lathrop arbool will, meet in the kindergarten room of the school Tuseday afternoon. May 14, at I o'clock. Superintendent Davidson will sd-; dress the women and an invitation has been extended to ail mothers Interested in the ' ' I-N - -) w v t V ?y CO. 1616 Farnam St. Patent Medicine And Toilet Goods Prices 26c Williams' Shaving Stick 12c 16c Williams' Jersey Cream Soap...7o 25c Bartender's Friend Polish. ...14c 25c Lyons Tooth Powder.. 14c 10c Magic Skin Soap .6c 50c Gossom's Kidney Pills 2 So 60c Pozzonl's Complexion Powder 25c 60c Madam Yale's Cream ,29o $1.00 Peptol, the flesh producer ... 89c 60c Peptol Tablet 45c $1.00 Adlposa for 89c 60c Payne's Kidney pills for.. ...25c 25c Tetlow's Eiderdown Powder for 9o Big bottle Household Ammonia. .. ,6c Big bottle Witch Hasel . ...15o 25o Perfumed Talcum, Monday, 8. . 25o 22 brands 10c Cigars at, each 5c Vlmalt, best malt extract, dos. $1.40 26c Putzlne, the great Wall Paper Cleaner, package 12c liJIMII II I .JlB o I rms n Jiiiesx The newest and best styles of low shoes for women are being shown in Soroals In all the pop ular leathers. They are on sale In all the leading cities of this country and Europe. , We are exclusive Sorosls agents for Omaha and vicinity. We fit many feet that have been misfitted heretofore with shoes that are not made in the different shapes in which Sorols come. Sorosis Shoe Store 203 Soulh 15tlt Slreel HUH MI1C0X. ManaiFr -n-Tm .? MTQQ TIT A VrnTTf nnnniTn,.. TEACIES OF SINGING 17311111 ItlK BIOIJITIFO. Studio B48 rtimti Bnlldlna". Talaphone, Harasy aa7. SCHOOLS .D COLLKGIiS. 'roivneil (Jail iG.rntrilo .. in full th. entrant "Vu "ot tho l.nlversily of Nebraska or "t lowJ are admitted without esaiulnation to lor year of advance coui.e. t'artlUcata Jn coll. preparatory courie adm !2 Inlversity of Kt,raaka. l.ivei.uJ WUcon.lu and Univer.ity t f Chicaao Exceptional n.lvantases In Music Art Ji Ijomestlo Hvltucm Well .quired Jfmuf slum and outdoor sports. Htudent," red sympath.tlcaliy by wo.uen of j.r'i': prictlcal xperlenc with arirla In .i Fl.hly Important formative L"t fourteen ud teniy-oi.a yeara of aaLr ud for Ulusualed Xj Uvvk. f IP 161 1 HnwKitl SlrtH l. Is a thoroughly American Cafe, with a diilnty Jupaneae nanio pronounced Koeko Fan a as In father and means "Little I Chrysanthemum." j It is the home of the exquisite, where tea and coffee of the best hrards tire pro perly brewed; whore sandwiches, salads, pastries and cakes arc speclully prepared all food being home cooked. It Is not only a quiet retreat for the nmtlnee put ron; a rest rc.m for the weary shopper, but a refuge for the busy business people who want their noon day luncheon as near like "Home" as It can be made. Every thing Is done under Mrs. Van Brunt's per sonal supervision and she's lust anxious as you are that It shall he "Just right." Table d'Hoie Dinner AT Ine ru i. n t SUNDAY: 11:30 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. 1508-10 Howard Street Music by Moullon's Orchestra. WROTH'S New Bixr and Chili PcLrlor VBXICAH cam COW oasbtx and XTAXZAJT SrAOKETTX A SPECIAL! Y Special Attention la Olven to Orders Sent Oat WB aUAJLAJTTSS nOKPT AHZ TO- xjtb ramos OPEH AXJb HIOHT Bl B. 14th St. Donglaa 4449 Ziaoles' Chili arlor Upstairs 1516 Dodge St Table d'Hotc Dinner, 40c and 50c, Sunday TABLE D'HOTE DINNER TOBAY AT me CALUMET Why bother about setting up a sunder dinner at home. Get on the car and come aown town ana enjoy our special menu iwi iuv U.J. The PaxtonCafe XiABOSBT AJTD MOST ZXtABOK ATJB LBT OMAHA Will Berre Table d'Hotc Sunday BTOOaT AXTD BVHUXbTO ONE MINUTE RESTAURANT GOING OUT OF BUSINESS After May 15th, 1907, wo discontinue' business at our present location 1511 Farnam St. Our entire stock of restau rant fixtures for sale. JNO. HALPINK, SR., Prop. 1 UONDEirS. EXCLUSIVE HAH STOKE SflTCHEu"B8,tt.yn?"lr ll-ln. 11.60 24-ln. 1 00 Jfl-ln IS 1IU 20-ln. $8 00 12 -in $4 0 28-ln. ltf. 00 We alko ha e a ioiii plete stock of Imported natural wavy l.alr to match all lengths and Shade. VB AtAfSUHAC TUKti Wig a and Toupees for men. Indies' Wl;a, J'tinirja dours, Puffs, Guru Wa.vv Hwltnllna I lair Or. TM nami.nts. Pf.rfuniMa a ml ls Alaiilcure Supplies. Hair Dressing-, Marcel 5F ' Wavlnj .fj HChfro; iff, Facial in d Treatment. IrnnnHv . ,.l U.nl. 4Stttl." eurlna for both Ladles' i.n !' and a-ntlemfln. Appointments by phone, !us;lis 233 mua ULixa, avis rsrnuu uirwi tsm Don't Blame the Doctor If you had your prescriptions tilled with drugs that are not fresh. Al ways get the best when getting a prescription fllled. We pride our self on accurucy and purity of drugs, in accuracy as we have eight registered prescription clerks. On purity, for we Import direct from tho chemical man ufacturers. For promptness, for wo have a largo force of messenger boys to call for and deliver all medicine free of charge. Beaton Drug Co. 15th and Farnam Lovers of Music Are cordially invited to attend a n cltal given by Dr. and Mrg. jiarto.,, and their pupils ou next Monday own ing. May 13th, at 8:15, at the lp.,-,1. ler & Mueller Auditorium, 1313. Fur nam street. Admission Free. Mrs. M.S. Pierce Shampooing", Halrdresslag and Massag-lag. atanlcurtag for both ladla and aronUoueo. Make appointment hy phone. lo jj ASS BX BCIUlUffia. i r. i r A 4